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Psalm 127:1

Unless the Lord builds the

Gifted With the Journey
house, they labor in vain Volume 5, Issue 1 - August 2017
who build it; unless
the Lord guards the city,
the watchman keeps Turning Over A New Leaf/A Fresh Start
awake in vain.
From the states we went through several other citiesone being
Reykjavik, Icelandthose were the cheapest tickets. So, to celebrate
our 3rd Anniversary we stayed two evenings before proceeding to
Prayer - Praises & Requests Kandern. We welcomed some friends for a short visit the week we Joshs Highlight
arrived back, as they were on their way back to the States. Then we
Im starting the first class of my
Praises really went full into resettlingregistering at the Rathaus
Masters this week! In many ways
* Its great to be back in Germany (government house), moving our things up from the keller (the open -
serving at Black Forest Academy!!! Im very excited about the process.
air basement), buying our car back, getting plants back, purchasing
* School starts, and the students return The classes look like they will be
groceries, etc. We really saw this month as setting up our ministry
this week!!! very good, and I hope to learn a
spacesour home, our offices, things at school, responsibilities. All
* Beginning band has a lot of interest! lot. At the same time, I have
of this is not complete, but weve made very good headway and we
* Were excited about the different ways finally been able to see the
we will hopefully be used by Him this are glad we returned when we did.
syllabus for my first class, and
year. One of our other responsibilities this month, that we volunteered
have a much deeper appreciation
Requests for, was helping two single ladies (first time BFA staff members) get
for the challenge ahead of me.
* Finishing touches - still putting some settled. It was good that we had redone the things for ourselves, just
Both exciting and intimidating,
things together..home/school/ to be refreshed, before we helped them do the same things. We
Im looking forward to how God
responsibilities and specific ministries. enjoyed hosting them, and hopefully making their transitions to
will use the knowledge I gain to
* Directionintentionality as we seek Germany, and living here, less stressful.
how to minister to students, Germans, further His work!
Its interesting when you return from a Home Missions Assignment,
colleagues, refugees.His guidance. particularly in the case of what you will be doing when you return.
* Initial set up of classes, outreaches, Youre just kindaout of the loop. Where you used to have a close
relationships, etc.
finger on the pulse, youve just kind of lost it a bit. So, some areas we
* That we would cooperate and submit Katies Highlight
joyfully to His sanctification process. had communicated to you in which we would be servingarent
needed or are full. Two of these are serving as: IMB missionary Its SO nice to be back!
support and as class sponsors. However, some things opened up that
Calendar We enjoyed seeing all of you last
we didnt know about either. For instance.our game night has year, being in the States and
August turned into a small group prayer and fellowship time, which is great! observing the Lords guidance and
29 New Student We still like games of course, but we thought this would better fit our faithfulness firsthand, but its so
Orientation & Parent/ That All May Know Him that we are trying to grid everything nice to be back. Our goal for this
Teacher Conferences through. This includes ourselves and other Christians, not that we first month back was to resettle. We
30 First Day of School dont already know Him, but we surely can still be cooperating with have done that - in our home, at
Volleyball Try-Outs His sanctification process to become more like Him. school - in offices, with people and
September Joshs IT role at the school is basically unchanged. He is still back into work roles.
5 Small Groups Begin planning to sing in the Kandern Mens Choir and lead a small group
Auditions for of HS boys as he begins his Masters. We both will be helping out We did purchase two new
EVERYTHING! some with the dorms occasionally. Katies role is Band Director, HS housemates, two parakeetswhom
11-15 Spiritual Emphasis Guitar Teacher and private lessons. we have named Kaito and Indigo.
Week Were excited to enjoy them and
Address: Hauptstrasse 54, 79400 Kandern, GERMANY Phone: 904-701-3129
Volleyball every weekend Website: the ministry spaces weve been
28 - Class Trips Begin E-Mails: working on this month, this year.

Local Culture Circle of Friends

Featured Pictures Below
The Germans in our town are lovely.
1 - Leaving States to Iceland A mother of a new student came up

to me this week and shared that she was
2 - Friends visiting, Neuschwanstein As we were helping a new staff
SO happy that her students would have the
3 - Josh entertaining our youngest member get settled, they were
opportunity to take music classes! Where
visitor to BFA yet :) purchasing a few things at a local
they have been serving, their children just
4 - Back in Germany, with friends Kandern store. The store owner was
never had that opportunity!
5 - BFAs newly constructed 5th SO appreciative that she gave our new

staff member one of her items for free
floor for the Middle School, Staff I answered, Thank you for telling me
and then proceeded, after she had paid,
picture and Opening Ceremony to carry the heaviest item out to the car that! Providing those opportunities is
one of the many reasons BFA is here.
for us. The store owner did this and

she is not a very tall or big ladyI
This put a smile on my
guess shes strong though.
face. :)
I hope she didnt hurt herself.
****Pictures are on the next page down. This is our new prayer calendar. We thought you might like to walk
and pray with us a little more specifically and be blessed by the answers as well. Please print or just use for
your own guidance or pray whatever you feel Spirit-led to pray for us. Enjoy!

Prayers for the Month of September

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Churches BFA School Ministry Marriage/ BFA Staff/ Evangelism Germany

Family Students
27 - Many of the 28 - Josh begins 29 - Katie is still 30 - Opening 31 - At this point 1 - Pray for our 2 - Pray that
Ministry Tasks for his Masters praying about how ceremony; families we have been landlady, Frau Christianityand
the year have classes in IT to be involved in saying goodbye back in Germany Feldheim, that the number of
already been Management the German for nowthe First for a month and a wed have a Jesus-followers
assigned or will be today community. Join Day of Classes at half. Pray for a chance to talk with will grow in
assigned soon, another band or Black Forest sense of her about God Germany.
pray for wisdom something else? Academy settledness as we
jump back in.

3 - Of the four 4 - Pray for the 5 - We want our 6 - Our marriage 7 - Pray for our 17 8 - Pray for two 9 - Pray that
churches in town, BFA students as home to be a would be healthy, seniors as they young ladies from Germany will
three of them they are adjusting place where God growing, and begin training at the town band, come up with
need a pastor. to their classes, is worshipped, focused on the colleges and Chiara and Steffie, workable solutions
Pray that God dorms, new honored, reflected. Lord. That our universities that I would have for the many
would bring teachers and new Please pray it relationship would around the globe. a door to talk with refugees they
pastors to fill the year would be sensed reflect Him. Pray that their them about God have taken in.
positions. by all who enter - hearts would be They are a very
for their guarded and that efficient culture
encouragement. they would adjust surely something
well. can be done.

10 - The church 11 - Pray for the 12 - We want our 13 - We have the 14 - Pray for our 15 - Pray for our 16 - Pray however
that most of the teachers, that we work offices to be desire for a family. new students at house mates,
BFA staff and would have insight a place where That the Lord BFA this year, that Heidi and the you feel led.for
students attend is with each growth happens - would grant that if they would feel Wittstock family,
seeking a pastor. studentseeing to be more like it is best, or give loved and that we would be any of the
Please pray for the intellectual and Christ. We have us contentment welcome. Pray lights for Jesus to
wisdom and spiritual needs invited Him into . or different that they would be them. Pray for categories.
direction as this wisdom with how our ministries. children, not our guided into finding opportunities.
search continues. to address them Please pray that own. their place, their Thank You for
He would work. gifting/fit here. praying for us!!!

17 - There are 18 - Pray for our 19 - We have 20 - Pray that we 21 - Pray for our 22 - For the men 23 - The German
several key administration as started an adult would have new staff. The first in the Mens Choir, Election of their
leaders in our they make many small group. balance. Pray that year is always the that Josh is in. Chancellor is
church who are decisions each Our goal is we would be hardest. You feel That he would tomorrow. Angela
left or are just day, that they becoming more keeping our like you are in have the Merkel has been
gone for the year. would have like Jesus, praying devotions daily some kind of time opportunity to serving in this
Pray that they direction and for each other and and eyes on the tunnel that is share about God position. Pray for
would be filled. sensitivity to Gods fellowship. Lord as their is turning. Transition with them. Gods choice to
leading. much to do. is just hard! preside in this.

24 - Both the 25 - Pray for our 26 - Katie is 27 - Pray that we 28 - We have 29 - Our students 30 - If you liked
nursery and dorm staff as they planning to start would keep That some students at BFA are not all this prayer
children's director lead large working as a All May Know who are hurting/ walking with the calendar or not -
are absent this families that coach with the Him, as the check confused with their Lord, or saved. let us know. We
year and need they would have girls volleyball point in grid in identitytheir Pray that their will do another
replacements. I the strength, team. Pray that which we run culture, their hearts would be one in November
(Katie) am praying energy, love to she would have everything parents work, open. Pray that and from then on if
about serving in give from God to opportunities to through. Will this their clothes/ they would accept enough people
this area at the kids each day. speak into the help others or us, hair..pray they Him as Savior & liked/were finding
church. girls lives. know the Lord? would find Him. Lord of their lives. it helpful. Thanks!
1 - Leaving States to Iceland

2 - Friends Visiting, Neuschwanstein

3 - Josh entertaining our youngest visitor to BFA

Josh was making a squirrel up in a tree (fast clicking) sound. Our youngest visitor had been enjoying being held.
The first picture was before Josh made the sound, or as he was beginning it. To me, the other three look like a
progression of: 1) What was that? 2) Oh dear, you have a problem and 3) What is in there anyway?
Hopefully you enjoy this progression as much as we did. :)

5 - Back in Germany, with German


6 - BFAs new floor, Staff & Opening

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