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Facultad de Ingenieras Fisicoqumicas

Escuela de Ingeniera Qumica
Escuela de Ingeniera Qumica


Prof. Arlex Chaves Guerrero

El trabajo debe ser presentado escrito a mano. Los problemas deben ser realizados
monstrando cada uno de los pasos de manera detallada. Las suposiciones realizadas
deben ser explicadas. El trabajo se realiza mximo dos personas y en hojas de examen.

1. Oil having a specific gravity of 0.9 is pumped as ilustrated in Fig 1 with a water jet
pump. The water volume flowrate is 1 m3/s. The water and oil mixture has a average
specific gravity of 0.95. Calculate the rate, in m3/s at which the pump moves oil.

Figura 1.

2. A 10 mm diameter jet of wter is deflected by a homogeneous rectangular block (15

mm by 200 mm by 100 mm) that weighs 6 N as shown in Fig 2. Determine the
minimum volumen flowrate needed to tip the block.
Figura 2.

3. Water is added to the tank shown in Fig. 3 through a vertical pipe to maintain a
constant (wter) level. The tank is placed on a horizontal plane wich has a frictionless
surface. Determine the horizontal force, F, required to hold the tank stationary. Neglect
all losses.

Figura 3.

4. Water flows as two free jets from the tee attached to the pipe shown in Fig 4. The exit
speed is 15 m/s. If viscous effects and gravity are negligible, determine the x and y
components of the forc that the pipe exerts on the tee.
Figura 4.

5. Oil (SG=0.9) flows downward through a vertical pipe contraction as shown in Fig. 5. If
the mercury manometer Reading, h, is 100 mm, determine the volumen flowrate for
frictionless flow. Is the actual flowrate more or less tan the frictionless value? Explain.

Figura 5.

6. A water jet pump has an area Aj=0.06 ft2 and jet velocity vj=90 fps, which entrains a
secondary stream of wter having a velocity vs=10 fps in a constant-area pipe of total
area A=0.6 ft2. At section 2, the wter is throughly mixed. Assuming one.dimensional
flow and neglecting Wall shear.

a) Find the average velocity of miex flow at section 2

b) Find the pressure rise (P2-P1), assuming the perssure of the jet and
secondary stream to be same at section 1.
Figura 6.

7. Oil (SG=0.88) flows in an inclined pipe at a rate of 5 ft 3/s as shown in Fig. 7. If the
differential Reading in the mercury manometer is 3 ft, calculate the power that the
pump suplies to the oil if head losses are negligible.

Figura 7.

8. An open tank car as shown travels to the right at a uniform velocity of 4.5 m/s. At the
instant shown the car passes under a jet of wter issuing from a stationary 0.1 m
diameter pipe with a velocity of 20 m/s. What forc is exerted on the tank by the wter
Figura 8.

9. Near the downstream end of a river spillway, a hydraulic jump often forms, as
illustrated if Fig. 9. The velocity of the cannel flow is reduced abruptly across the jump.
Using the conservation of mass and linear momentum principles, derive the following
expression for h2,
1 1 2 212 1

2 = + ( ) +
2 2
Theloss of available energy across the jump can also be determined if energy
conservation is considered. Derive the loss expression

(2 1 )3
41 2

Figura 9.

10. As shown in Fig, 10, at the entrance to a 3 ft wide cannel the velocity distribution is
uniform with a velocity V. Further downstream the velocity profile is given by
u=4y-2y2 is in ft/s and y is in ft. Determine the value of V.
Figura 10.

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