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FIRST EDITION MAY 2007 www.nanooze.



Welcome to Nanooze! the world that is too small to see and

making tiny things using nanotechnol-
technology is and what it might mean
to your future. Nanooze can be found
What is a nanooze (say nah-news)? ogy. Things like computer chips, the on the web at or
Nanooze is not a thing, Nanooze is a latest in fashion and even important just google nanooze. There is lots
place to hear about the latest exciting stuff like tennis rackets. Nanooze was more there including interviews with
stuff in science and technology. What created for kids, so inside you will find real scientists, the latest in science
kind of stuff? Mostly discoveries about interesting articles about what nano- and even games!

What is Nanotechnology?

To understand nanotechnology, first for something that requires special and shirts that keep stains away.
you should know its a big word for microscopes for them to see. Grab a Or sunscreens and medicines that
some mighty small stuff. In fact, ruler, and flip to the centimeter side. work better.
small as we know it doesnt even See how long 1 centimeter is? Now
come close to being small enough. imagine if you could fit 10 million NANOTECHNOLOGY COULD
points between 0 and 1. The space EVEN HELP CLEAN UP
Lets learn some things about the between two of those points is a
first part of the word. Nano comes nanometer. Do you only have inches POLLUTED WATER OR LAND.
from the Greek word for dwarf. To- on your ruler? Well, imagine 25 mil-
day, scientists use nano as a measure lion points crammed inside of one Of course, even scientists dont
inch. Dont try it. Just trust us! know everything about nanotechnol-
ogy. Students and teachers in colleges
So, now were talking tiny. Some- all over the world use those super-
thing smaller than a cell in your body. powerful microscopes and other
Way smaller than the head of a pin machines to learn how nanometer
or thinner than a hair on your head size things work. Like all chemicals
though people who know nano say and materials, they have to be sure
hairs can be very different so well they know what they are doing be-
stay away from that. Either way, its fore they use them. And they have to
definitely too small to see. be very careful that they are using
them right.
As for technology, you may know
that factories make big things like YOULL BE HEARING A LOT
cars. When it comes to nanotechnol- MORE ABOUT NANOTECH-
ogy, scientists work in factories, too.
But they are called fabrication facili- NOLOGY IN THE YEARS AHEAD.
ties, or fabs for short. This is where
the technology part comes in: scien- It might even be something youll
tists use machines that take things want to study in high school or col-
only nanometers big, move and mix lege. For now, Nanooze is here to
them with other ingredients, and turn help you learn a little bit about this
them into materials that help make super small world and have some
car parts stronger and lighter. Pants fun while youre at it.
How Big is a
A nanometer is a unit of measure, just like inches, feet
and miles. By definition a nanometer is one-billionth of
a meter. A meter is about 39 inches long. A billion is a
thousand times bigger than a million, as a number you
write it out as 1,000,000,000. That is a big number and
when you divide a meter into one billion pieces, well
that is very small. So small you cannot see something a
nanometer in size unless you use very powerful micro-
scopes like atomic force microscopes.

A nanometer is used to measure

things that are very small.
Atoms and molecules, the smallest pieces of everything
around us, are measured in nanometers. For example
a water molecule is less than one nanometer. A typical
germ is about 1,000 nanometers. We can measure even
larger things in nanometers, so a hair is about 100,000
nanometers wide. That is a lot of nanometers!

Shaquille ONeal, a very tall basketball player, is 2,160,000,000 nanometers tall!

Courtesy of IBM Microelectronics Division

Inside of your computer are tiny switches that are only
100 nanometers wide. About 1,000 of these switches
can fit across the width of a single hair. Modern com-
puters have about 100,000,000 switches packed inside,
stacked one on top of another. We use nanotechnology
to make these tiny switches.

Important things happen at the

nanometer scale.
We can think of the smell of freshly baked cookies and
that is something that happens on the nanometer scale.
The molecules that are released from the cookie when
it bakes are less than
a nanometer in size
and so they are car-
ried through the air to
our noses because they
are so small. Gravity
does not have much of
an effect on them and
so they float along.
They reach our noses
and when they are
very very close, less
than a nanometer away,
we can smell them.
Swing Your Racket
Like Vitas Gerulaitis
Nanotechnology is all about making materials that take
advantage of their unique properties at the nanometer scale.

So whats up with that? Carbon nano- Light meaning that you can swing them
tubes are tiny tubes of just carbon that really hard and it takes less energy to
are about two nanometers wide. But move them. Strong so that they dont
carbon nanotubes are break or even bend
fifty-times stronger too much. The ten-
than steel. That is be- nis racket company
cause all of the carbon Babolat is teaming up
atoms are bound to with another compa-
one another without ny, Nanoledge, that
any breaks. makes carbon nanofi-
bers and other nano-
Most stuff breaks meter scale materials
because of defects. to make cool tennis
If you take a wafer rackets. A long time
(silicon? Nah a vanilla ago, tennis rackets
one) it will break along were tennis rackets
a line of defects in the were made of wood
structure of the cook- and so they were
ie. Most times you heavy and slow. Now
cant see them but if you use a pow- using carbon nanotubes tennis rackets,
erful electron microscope then you golf clubs and other sports equipment
can see these little tiny defects. If the can be made better.
defects are all lined up, then that is a
problem because they can then form The real challenge is putting things like
a break when you apply a stress. Car- carbon nanotubes into the materials in
bon nanotubes free of defects are re- a way that they help make the equip-
ally strong. Right now scientists dont ment stronger and lighter. Scientists
know how to make really long carbon are studying these composites and dif-
nanotubes or how to best glue a lot of ferent ways of bonding the nanometer
them together. scale materials into them. You cant
make stuff completely out of carbon
YOU CAN DO ALL SORTS nanotubes because we cant make
carbon nanotubes too long (yet), and
OF USEFUL THINGS WITH unless you want to make a nanometer
CARBON NANOTUBES. sized golf club, you need other mate-
rials in the composite. But someday,
They are strong and they are also light. scientists will figure this out and use
Some kinds of sports equipment work carbon nanotubes to make something
better when they are strong and light. really cool, like an elevator to space.
Nanobots: The Reality
So you see on the Internet little ro- around and is blown by the wind. You width of a hair or about 100 nano-
bot things that swim around your can really control where it goes. You meters, it is really tough to move, es-
blood and kill germswhere can can catch it by using something like pecially in liquids. So to move along
I get some? Endust but then it just sticks there. and chase germs you need a lot of
That is because things like static power. To swim along, a nanobot
The little robot things are sometimes electricity are so powerful because would probably need a battery that
called nanobots and they seem like the dust is so small that the dust de- was about 1000 times bigger than it-
a cool idea. If you need to kill some fies gravity. self and even that is just a guess. Tiny
germs you just get some of these things likes germs can swim: nobody
nanobots and they swim around and The other big problem is something is really sure how they do it, but they
kill all of the bad germs. Nice idea, but called thermal motion. When things power themselves using biological
they do not really exist. They are sci- get really small, lets say 1/1,000th energy. That might be one way to
ence fiction but they do sound cool. the width of a hair they vibrate al- power a nanobot but it is going to
most uncontrollably. Probably you be really tough!
There are a lot of problems in making have seen this kind of vibration when
things really small and small enough you look at tiny stuff in water under Can we someday figure all this out
to zoom through narrow places like the microscope. It is called Brown- and make a nanobot? Sure. But we
in your blood stream. There are parts ian motion. All of this rattling around need to solve a lot of these problems
of your blood stream where the cap- makes it hard to keep little machines and then you might ask why would
illaries are only a thousand nanome- in one piece and so these nanobots we want to do it?
ters wide. That is really small. would probably shake apart.

Part of the problem is just controlling But the biggest problem is power.
where the nanobots go because they You want your nanobot to move.
are so tiny. Think about dust. It floats When something is 1/1000th the

All articles 2005 Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility

A project of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) and supported by the National Science Foundation.

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