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♦ Questionnaires
♦ Interviews
♦ Document analysis
♦ Observation
♦ Focus groups



Open Question Open Question

Likert Scale Yes or No Multiple choices Ranking

Questionnaire is a document that contains collection of questions. The questions

contained in the questionnaire can be broadly divided into two which are open questions
and closed questions.

Responses for the closed questions should be limited and respondents have to select
responses from the limited responses given. This can be further categorized into many,
some of which are:

Yes or No questions.

E.g. do you use camera phone yes or no

♦ Multiple choice questions.

E.g. your monthly income,

Less then 10,000.00

10,000.00 to 20,000.00
20,000.00 to 30,000.00
30,000.00 to 50,000.00
50,000.00 to 80,000.00
Above 80,000.00
♦ Ranking questions respondents have to rank the responses.

E.g. Rank the following tourist sites based on your preference,

Archeological sites
Botanical sites
Natural sites

♦ Likert’s scale is applied to measure seriousness

or sensitiveness of the response.


Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree Or Agree

1 2 3 4 5

♦ Open questions, here the respondents can give any response they like and
responses are not limited

E.g. how do you feel about your job?

Questionnaires can be administered in two ways they are self administered and
interviewer administered.

Face to face meeting with two or more people (interviewee and interviewer) and
collecting information for a specific research purpose is called an interview. There are
two types of interview.

1. Structured interview, where same questions will be asked to all the respondents.
2. Unstructured interview, where different respondents will be asked different

Focus Groups:

Focus group technique is used to gather data relating to the feelings and opinions of a
group of people who where involved in a common situation.


Observation technique is used to collect data about respondents’ reaction towards

objects. Observation can be done in different ways.

1. Observing as an external observation, researcher will be observing the

respondents from the outside.
2. Participative observation, in this observation method researchers will participate
with the respondents and observe the events or responses. For example
observing the behavior of one particular political party members by participating
in their demonstration, rally or strikes.

Document Analysis:

In document analysis both official and unofficial documents are used. Official documents
consist of reports, publications, magazines, Databases...Etc. unofficial documents
consists of letters, diaries, notes, greeting cards…Etc. unofficial documents are used to
get in depth information on a particular issue.

Primary data and secondary data:

Primary data is collected for the purpose of particular research for the first time. E.g.
data coming through questionnaires, interviews, observation and focus groups will be
the primary data.
Secondary data is data collected from previous studies, researches, reports. E.g. annual
reports, magazines, research articles.

Data Analysis

Descriptive Inferential
Mean Correlation
Median Regression
Standard Deviation

After developing conceptualization data will be collected using different techniques. After
data collection it will be analyzed in order to get findings. In that sense there are two
basic methods of statistical data analysis available.

1. Descriptive analysis

Descriptive data analysis is used to analyze the individual variable it includes mean,
median and standard deviation.

2. Inferential analysis

This is used to analyze the relationship between two variables. For this purpose
correlation analysis will be used. This will show whether there is a positive relationship or
negative relationship between the variables. E.g. positive relationship between rewards
and job satisfaction. Negative relationship between strict supervision and job

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