Communications World 1979

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RDITby the

zzzitt of

ne In On the
owntown, Across ry

t e Continent and
ound the World
'al Europe, Asia,
Africa and
South America on
pownTo Earth Antennasi.
The DXer's Receiver Guide

Equipment Tests
Dymek All -Wave Antenna
Bearcat 250 Scanner
Atronics Morse Code Reader

714 6 02003
Lab Test
Get, switched-on with -the
Elementary magazine for electronics
Electronics fans and hobbyists
For it gives you the complete, ground -floor
lowdown on a variety of important
Yourself electronics subjects. For example-
Understanding Transistors ... How
Radio Receivers Pull in Signals .

Cathode Ray Tubes Explained ... How

In case you're not all that familiar with Capacitors Work ... Using Magnetism
us, were not a publication for electrical in Electronics. And morel
engineers and other wizards. No way.
pressly for people who like to build their How to Build Your Own Transformer
own projects and gadgets-and maybe How to Select the Right Shortwave
get a little knee-deep in tape, solder and Receiver
wire clippings in the process. The Burgeoning World of Micro-
In fact, we have a sneaking suspicion Quickdraw Rickshaw-The Electric
that our readers like us because they Car that Really Gets Around
think we're just as bug-eyed and down- What's Really Wrong with FM
right crazy over great new project ideas Radio?
How to Power -Up Your Antique
as they are. And I guess they're right! Radio
E 'E thinks of you who dig electronics as The Vcmishin,g Vacuum Tube
How to Customize Your CB Antenna
the last of a special breed. It's more than Those Incredible TV Sets of the
just the "do-it-yourself" angle-it's also Future
the spirit of adventure. In this pre- Listening in on the Forgotten
packaged, deodorized world, building Continent
DXing Endangered Species
your own stereo system, shortwave Sandbagging-CB Fun Without a
receiver, darkroom timer or CB outfit is License EXCITING DISCOVERIES. What-
like constructing a fine-tuned little The World's Worst Hi-Fi Com- ever your particular interest in elec-
universe all your own. And when it all ponents tronics, you'll be entering a world of
works perfectly-it really takes you to discovery in the pages of ELEMENTARY
another world.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS is regularly $6.95 for 6 issues (one
knows the kinds of projects space flight with our computer analog year).
you like-and we bring 'em project. Build your own audio/visual But with this special introductory offer
to you by the truckload! darkroom timer. Restore your old car you can enjoy a full year for only $3.98.
Ever hanker to build a sharp -looking radio. Construct a see-through crystal
digital clock radio? Or to hook up an radio.
electronic game to your TV? Or an HOW -TO -DO -IT HELP. Tips and ORDER
easy -to -build photometer that makes pointers that add up to money saved. TODAY ok...**
perfect picture enlargements? Or a For example-tuning up your tape <,
space-age Lite-Com so you and the player ... all about radios ... whys and G ..*
family can talk to each other on a light
beam? We've got it all to get you
hows of turntables ... care and feeding oe
of speakers.
started. 10. NO-NONSENSE TESTS. The scoop c1i3 4
WHEN IT COMES TO REPAIRS on Pioneer's TP-900 FM stereo car radio .(0
E/E can save you time, trouble . . How well does GE's NiCad charger
. 0 1/4, ko
and a pile of money! pep up your pooped batteries? ...What's ,(7-' .*
your best bet in video games? Plus ci ..* ,A7:1\C)
Has your sound system gone blooey help in making buying decisions. reel 0+. ** -4.(e
'V e .e.,<1/40*
N' 0
just when the party's going great? Do ry:C. CN/
you shudder when your friendly neigh- Ico Oc rejS) 69
borhood electrician hands you the bill?
E/E can help.
Of course, we can't make you a master
<c, "0+
electrician overnight. But we can show <C *(
you the fundamentals of repair plus q* et 0 "<'
maintenance tips.
that's right! It's a regular feature. And
Editor -in -Chief
Julian S. Martin
Managing Editor
WI 14"
Alan H. Rose, K2RHK RLDINCHLTTINEG,STHiaciart.airi

Technical Editor
Gordon Sell, KBDA1464
Associate Editor CONTENTS 1979 EDITION
Lee Lensky, KAJR2410 The Golden Age of Shortwave Listening A Bonanza of
Communications Editor
Don Jensen Receivers The DXer's Glossary Shortwave Equipment
Citizens Band Editor Marketplace How to Choose the Right Rig Time Around
Kathi Martin, KGK3916 the World Antennas For the SWL Tuning In the 'Meter'
Editorial Assistant
Cynthia McClean, KBKF3780 Bands SWL or DXer? DX Clubs You Can Join Where
Workbench Editor To Send Those Reception Reports The History of White's
Hank Scott
Art Director
Radio Log Broadcast Band DXing Hear All 50 States on
Ralph Rubino Broadcast Band Stalking the Graveyard Frequencies
Associate Art Director When to Listen Mexico and Canada on BCB Tuning the
David Pindar
Assistant Art Director Latin American Splits AM Across the Oceans Off -The-
Michael Vessio Wall DX Slow Scan TV Working VHF/UHF Skip DXer's
Cover Art Director
Irving Bernstein Mailbag Books for DXers DXers from Around the Globe
Art Editor ... Starts on Page 11
Joe Groom
Art Assistants FEATURES
Celeste Barbera
Leslie Wallant Shortwave Supercharger 48
Advertising Manager C/W Tests the Dymek All -Wave Antenna 50
Ralph Vega
Advertising/Research Associate
Super BCB Booster 51
Jyll Holzman, KAKZ1490 C/W Tests the Atronics Morse Code Reader 56
Production Director
Carl Bartee
C/W Tests the Bearcat 250 Action Scanner 57
Production Manager Shortwave -Band Aids 59
Carole Dixon High Band Monitor 116
Production Assistant
Newsstand Circulation
Director U.S. AM Stations by Frequency 61
Don Gabree
U.S. AM Stations by Location 70
Subscription Circulation Director
Robert V. Enlow U.S. AM Stations by Call Letters 81
Subscription Circulation Manager U.S. FM Stations by Location 90
Eugene S. Slawson
U.S. FM Stations by Call Letters 99
Marketing Director
James C. Weakley U.S. TV Stations by Location 107
Canadian AM Stations by Frequency 110
President and Publisher Canadian AM Stations by Location 111
Joel Davis
Vice President and Canadian AM Stations by Call Letters 112
General Manager Canadian FM Stations by Location 113
Leonard F. Pinto
Vice President and Treasurer
Canadian FM Stations by Call Letters 113
Victor C. Stabile, KBP0681 Canadian TV Stations by Location 113
Worldwide Shortwave Stations 114
ally by Davis. Publications Editorial and
business offices: *:! CR2X10.1g4DiCA V DEPARTMENTS
YOT}C, ,N.Y. 10017. AkryeCising-offices: New
York; ,380 Lexin6ton Avenue, 212-557-9100;
Chicago, 520 N. Michigan Ave., 312-527-0330;
New Products 2 Literature Library 117
Los Angeles: J. E. Publishers' Rep., Co. 8732
Sunset Blvd., 213-659-3810.
Ask Hank, He Knows 8 Classified Ads 119
companied by return postage and will be.
handled with reasonable care; however, pub- Cover: Our favorite Small Planet-Earth-is shown on this issue's cover. It was taken by
lisher assumes no responsibility for return or NASA's ATS III (Applications Technology Satellite) which is in a stationary orbit 22,300
safety of manuscripts, artwork, or photo-'
graphs. All contributions shou!cl be addressedi. miles above the mouth of the Amazon River. Note the major weather front moving across
to the Editor -in -Chief, COMMUNICATIONS the central United States. Also shown is an artist's conception of a futuristic VLF to UHF
WORLD, 380 Lexington Avenue, New York,
N.Y. 10017. Copyright 1979 by Davis Publica- microprocessor scanner with multiple frequency readouts, time -zone computer, progamm-
tions, Inc. able frequency selection and a built-in cassette DX logger.



New Products
Hear The World
amplifier MODEL 150-299
Shortwave "DXing" is rapidly mush-
rooming in popularity amongst people
of all ages and in all walks of life. To fill
drawer and a peg board back for hang-
ing tcols; another section includes stand-
ard accessories-rollable machine cabi-
the need for an exceptionally stable and net, drawer case with 18 -drawer insert,
sensitive receiver capable of top per- work stool and an extra shelf. The two
formance, Yaesu Electronics Corporation sections are attached side -by -side so
has introduced its model FRG -7000. that all tools can be stored easily within
Table top in design, it offers stability, arms' reach. Machine cabinet and
sensitivity, selectivity and calibration ac- drawer case allow organization of tools
curacy rarely found in consumer re-
ceivers. The FRG -7000 will allow you to
explore the far corners of the world from
the comforts of the living room, with
digital accuracy, using all modes of re -
14 db gain - 10 to 1,000 MHz
International's inline amplifier
provides 14 db gain flat within 1
db over a range of 10 to 1,000
MHz. Impedance 50 ohms. Re-
quires 20 VDC @ 50 ma. For
increased gain additional am-
plifier may be added. Uses BNC
type terminals. ception, single sideband, AM (broadcast)
as well as code (CW). It provides com- CIRCLE 43 ON READER SERVICE COUPON
SPECIFICATIONS plete and continuous coverage of all
Range: 10 to 1,000 MHz frequencies from .25 kHz to 29.9 MHz. and other equipment, to avoid time-
Impedance: 50 ohms Sells for $599. For full details on consuming searches over the odd -sized
DC Input*: 20 VDC 50 ma technical specifications, write to Yaesu tables, drawers and shelves that com-
Gain**: 14 db Electronics Corporation, 15954 Downey prise most homeowners' tool storage
Flatness: 1 db (Ref. 500 MHz) Avenue, P.O. Box 498, Paramount, CA facilities. The two work units are each
Operating Temperature: -25 to 90723 or phone (213) 633-4007. 75 -in. high, 48 -in. across, and 24 -in.
deep. The shelves and workbenches can
easily be adjusted vertically on 2 -in. in-
Noise Figure: 9 db Economy Terminal Kit The mini -shop lists for
VSWR Output: 2.0 $413.00 with individual parts sold sepa-
Vaco's new economical terminal kit No.
Output capability for -60 db near 89950 comes with a molded tray with rately. Consult factory for price list. For
intermodulation distortion: 100 MV separate compartments for the Vaco further information, contact Penco Prod-
'Will operate 12 to 24 VDC with some loss ucts, Inc., Oaks, PA 19456.
in characteristics.
"May cascade for additional gain with
'consideration of noise and flatness.
Price $40.00 plus postage
Panasonic has introduced a walkie-talkie,
the Model RJ-78 which is a powerful,
49 MHz unit featuring two channel op -
Oklahoma City. Oklahoma 73102 1963 crimping tool and 18 each of 20
405 236-3741
of the most popular insulated terminal
styles. Included is a handy folder that
locates each terminal and explains the
uses of the crimping tool. Sells for
$35.00. Vaco products are found wher-
ever professional hand tools are sold.
Can't find a dealer? Then write to Vaco
Products Company, 1510 Skokie Blvd.,
Northbrook, IL 60062 or call (312) 564-

Mini -Shop
A new self-contained mini -shop that af- CIRCLE 63 ON READER SERVICE COUPON
fords organization and easy access to
tools is now available from Penco Prod- eration and built-in crystals. The RJ-78
ucts. Called "Shoperafter," the mini - walkie-talkie has a 21/4 -in. speaker which
Buy U. S. Savings Bonds shop can be used by home craftsmen, doubles as a microphone and comes
servicemen, and do-it-yourselfers. The complete with a carrying case, two
mini -shop is composed of two sections, crystals, three "A" 1.5 volt batteries
one section includes a work bench with and a convenient hand carrying strap.
Sells for $49.95 per pair. Available from ume and squelch. To match local tronics Corporation, 151 Ludlow St.,
electronics stores and Panasonic dealers frequency assignments the radio is avail- Yonkers, NY 10705.
nationwide. For further info, write to able in a choice of low band, high band
Panasonic, One Panasonic Way, Secau- or UHF versions. All models feature front Mini Frequency Counter
cus, NJ 07094. directed speakers and excellent sensi- Designed for 115V to 12V operation, the
Budget Scanner tivity for clear, local reception using the Davis 7208 UHF/VHF frequency count-
A new Bearcat scanning mom tor radio telescoping/fold-over antenna supplied. er is available factory -assembled or in
with a handy "touch action" on/off bar For use with other antennas, an external kit form for even greater savings, and
allows the user who hears a siren, for jack is provided. The radio operates from incorporates latest LSI technology. Fea-
instance, to simply touch the bar and standard 117 volts AC. The suggested
hear instantly what's happening. Named retail price is $79.95 less crystals. Details
the "Bearcat One -Four," the radio can are available from Bearcat dealers or by
be used to monitor police, fire, emer- writing to Electra Company, P.O. Box
gency, marine, weather and other ser- 29243, Cumberland, IN 46229.
vices for "while it's happening" infor- Top Sound
mation. The new Bearcat One =our also Makes sense to put the sound near your
features fast scanning action which can head so you can hear it! Superex VS -19
search its four channels in just 1/2 -sec- visor speaker fills the bill and provides WOW
ond. Illuminating LEDs are used to flash better sound than the mini -speaker cur - CIRCLE 56 ON READER SERVICE COUPON
the channel being received. Each chan-
nel is also provided with a lock -out tures of the Davis 7208 include large
switch for easy by-passing of any chan- 8 -digit LED display, push-button switch-
nel. Slide bar controls are used for vol- es, built-in prescaler, gate light, crystal
time base and automatic decimal point
placement. Available low-cost options
CIRCLE 79 ON READER are crystal oven, a Ni-Cad rechargeable
SERVICE COUPON battery feature for total portability, and
VHF -UHF preamp for direct
measurement of low level RF signals in
RF generators, receivers, etc. The Davis
CIRCLE 65 ON READER SERVICE COUPON 7208 has a frequency range from 10
Hz to 600 MHz, with 0.1 and 1.0 sec.
rently in your CB rig. The VS -19 con- gate time; resolution is 1 Hz with 1.0
tains two speakers in a nicely designed, sec. gate, and sensitivity is from 10 mV
plastic box that clips onto your cars sun at 60 MHz and 100 mV at 600 MHz.
visor. Comes with 8 -ft. of cable ter- Input impedance is 1 Megohm/20 pf to
minated into mini -plug that almost all 60 MHz, 50 Ohm above 60 MHz, and
CB transceivers match. Sells for $12.00. maximum safe input is 120V RMS to 10
Get the facts direct from Superex Elec- MHz, 2V RMS above 60 MHz. The 600

New From
DR33C Professional Receiver McKay Dymek
A full general coverage international difficult to receive SSB transmissions. aircraft in flight. and the latest breaking
receiver that delivers solid-state in- An original noise limiter effectively news from many world capitals.
strumentation sophisticated enough for combats interference from power lines DR33C options include CW and RTTY
the professional, yet easily operated by and automobiles on both AM and Mechanical Filters and Rackmount
any radio enthusiast. all at a price far SSB-CW reception. Hardware,
below what you'd expect to pay. Highly selective Collins Mechanical For more information write or
It's designed for extremely low distor- Filters are used for intederence-free re- call today. California
tion (1.5% at 90% modulation). ception even under difficult conditions. Toll Free 800/854-7769 800/472-1783
Quartz Crystal Phase Lock control The DR33C will tune you in to such McKay Dymek Company
makes tuning automatic. accurate (to contrasting international transmissions 111 S. College Ave Box 5000
within 100Hz). and drift -free; even on as foreign ships at sea. international Claremont. CA 91711


New aged in a handsome black cabinet, RT-
1125 has large VU meters, LED record

MHz kit, (7208K), costs $149.95, com-
indicator, individual bias and equaliza-
narrow gap
end -of -tape
servo controlled DC motor, mechanical
pause control, front panel inputs for

plete with all parts, drilled and plated stereo headphones and microphones
thru glass P.C. boards, cabinet, parts, and a digital tape counter. Wow and
hardware, plus assembly manual and flutter is 0.09 per cent WRMS, frequency
calibrating instructions. A factory -assem- response is 40-13,000 Hz, and Signal/
bled 600 MHz unit (7208A) costs Noise ratio is 56 dB. Suggested retail
$199.95 (plus $2.00 shipping), and is priceis $149.95. Get all the facts on
calibrated to specifications and guaran- the RT-1125 and other audio compo-
teed for one year. For further informa- nent products by writing to Sharp Elec-
tion, contact Davis Electronics, 636 tronic Corp., 10 Keystone Place, Para-
Sheridan Drive, Dept. 803, Tonawanda, mus, NJ 07652.

Digital Multimeter Scanner -Monitor Antenna ally, the counters can be used for events,
A low-cost accurate digital multimeter FINCO offers a new and different line of period and period averaging. Eight digit
by EICO, the EICO Model 272, is factory - Sanner-Monitor antennas called the SMA LED readout indicates the frequency
assembled to sell for $69.95. The Model line and an Aircraft Monitor AMA line. counted. A switchable attenuator on the
272 reads out up to 1000 Volts DC, up Reading up the SMA series of omni- 110 MHz input divides the input signal
to 600 Volts AC, up to 1000 milli - directional Scanner -Monitor antennas, is by one, ten or one hundred to facilitate
Amperes DC and AC, and up to 1 Meg - the model SMA-1 for operation in the Lo - measurement of large amplitude signals.
ohm resistance on three 0.3 -in. bright VHF 30- to 50 -MHz, Hi -VHF 148- to 174 - The time base switch selects the gate
LED digits. Overrange is indicated by a MHz, and UHF 450- to 512 -MHz fre- time and the resolution of the display.
flashing display. The zero setting is au- quencies. The unit operates as a l/2 -wave The 4120 and 4130 time bases are con-
tomatic and the polarity reading is also dipole in the Lo -VHF Band, as a 3/2 wave trolled by a TCXO (temperature compen-
automatic. The Model 272 is fully pro - dipole in the Hi -VHF Band, and as a "J" sated crystal oscillator) with a tempera-
CIRCLE 61 ON stub in the UHF Band. ($8.95). The ture stability of 1ppm and an aging
READER SERVICE model SMA-1K is identical to the SMA-1, rate of <5ppm/yr. (The 4110's crystal
COUPON but includes a kit with 65 -ft. of coaxial oscillator has temperature stability of
cable with a connector and weather boot lOppm and an aging rate of <10ppm
on one end. ($17.95). The model SMA- /yr.). The IM -4110 is priced at $189.95,
1WK is identical to the SMA-1, but in- the IM -4120 at $329.95 and the IM -4130
cludes 18 -ft. of coaxial cable with con - at $529.95. The counters are also avail-
able fully assembled and tested at
CIRCLE 67 slightly higher prices. For complete de-
SERVICE COUPON tails on these frequency counters and

other Heath instruments, write Heath

Company, Dept. 350-24, Benton Harbor,
MI 49022, for a free catalog.

Sun -Powered Marine Battery Charger

Solarex Corporation of Rockville, Mary-
land presents a new 7 -watt Solar Ener-
gizer-a marine battery charger that has
tested against overload and has 10- no moving parts and requires no fuel
Megohm input impedance. Battery sup- MODEL AMA -3
other than sunlight. The Solar Energizer
ply consists of four penlite cells (sup- MAST NOT OTCLUOTO
is invaluable to the boater who wants
plied) and there is a convenient built-in to conserve on -board fuel, since it al-
test point for checking the batteries. nector and weather boot on one end and lows operation of electrical equipment
For further details contact EICO Elec- a complete window mounting kit. without running the engine or draining
tronic Instrument Co., Inc., 108 New ($21.95). The aircraft monitor model the battery. It's perfect for sailboats and
South Road, Hicksville, NY 11801. AMA -3 is an omni-directional antenna CIRCLE 76 ON READER
Cassette Deck with tuned for the 108- to 138 -MHz aircraft SERVICE COUPON
Automatic Program frequencies. The unit operates as a 1/2 -
wave omni-directional ground plane.
RT-1125 front loading cassette deck ($20.95). For further information, write
from Sharp Electronics has a noise re- The Finney Company, 34 W. Interstate
duction system and the exclusive "Sharp Street, Bedford, OH 44146.
Eye" Automatic Program Search System

Trio Counters
Heath Company has introduced three
new frequency counter kits; the IM -4110,
the IM -4120 and the IM -4130. Input fre- yachts that have no auxiliary power-
quencies of the three counters are 5 Hz and therefore no generator-yet require
to 110 MHz, 5 Hz to 250 MHz (in two electricity to operate running lights, com-
ranges) and 5 Hz to 1 GHz (in three munication equipment, and other elec-
ranges) respectively. The new counters trical gear. Designed for use with 12 -
offer excellent accuracy and resolution volt systems, the Solar Energizer will
CIRCLE 72 ON READER SERVICE COUPON for a wide variety of counting jobs in- maintain your boat's battery at full
(APSS) which enables a user to skip to cluding: CB, AM and FM, hi-fi equipment, charge with power left over to, for ex-
the start of the next song or back to marine and aircraft radio, military appli- ample, operate an FM or CB transceiver,
the start of the present seection. Pack- cations, land mobile and more. Addition - remove thousands of gallons of water
with a bilge pump, or operate naviga- 175 MHz frequencies which includes the cording without manual switch -on. Stand-
tion lights for hours. It's maintenance CB band signals-transmitted or re- ard features include an electret con-
and pollution -free, silent, and fully auto- ceived. This Avanti base station antenna denser microphone and 50 mm dynamic
matic, charging your battery on sunny sells for $29.95. For information, write speaker. Side mounted Record, Stop and
or overcast days, at dockside or at sea. Avanti Research and Development, Inc., Pause buttons and 4 -way Feature Switch
Installation is simply one hole to drill, 340 Stewart Ave., Addison, IL 60101. (Cue, Review, Rewind and Fast Forward)
two wires to connect. Solar Energizer create a simple operational format. A
weighs four pounds and generates 0.6 120 Minute Microcassette host of accessories are available for sys-
amperes of current in full sunlight and The new Olympus Pearlcorder SD2 Micro - tem expansion including a sensitive tie -
up to 18 ampere -hours of energy per cassette recorder blends complete modu- clip microphone, external speaker with
week in an average United States loca- larity with 2 hour recording/playback built -in -amplifier and various adaptors.
tion. Sells for $349. For more 4forma- performance in one handsomely styled The basic Pear!corder SD2 set includes
tion, write to Solarex Corporation, 1335 12 ounce package. A special tape speed a voice actuator module and is available
Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD 20850. setting gives the pocket sized recorder from all Olympus dealers at only
120 minute capability with excellent fre- $279.95. For more information, write
Monitor and CB Skyhook or call Olympus Corp. of America, Tape
Avanti's Interceptor antenna, Model AV - Recorder Division, Four Nevada Drive,
601 is an unique CB antenna designed New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (516) 488-
for the monitor buff. The Model AV -601 3880.
pulls in signals throughout both the low
band and very high frequencies (VHF). 31/2 Digit DVOM
Lightweight, it installs easily on a mast. The new 31/2 digit Model 3300 digital
The AV -601 covers 25-50 MHz and 140 - VOM just introduced by the Triplett Corp.
features an extra -visible .3 -in. high digital
LED readout display with Polarity Indica-
tion, .5% accuracy and low -power ohms
readings. The five function, 22 range
Model 3300 offers complete portability
with precision measurement capability.
SERVICE COUPON complete with long life Ni-Cad batteries
quency response using just one Olympus and AC Adaptor Charger plus test probes
Microcassette. The SD2 is fully modular. with safety boots. The Triplett Model
Detachable AM and FM Tuner modules 3300 is a safety -conscious design with
are available to create complete enter- no exposed metal parts -and it includes a
tainment systems. Now the user can re- high energy 2A/600 V fuse for ample
cord favorite music, sports, talk shows, overload protection. A fused probe pro-
etc. Also available is a unique voice vides for both high energy and normal
actuator module for voice activated re- use circuit protection. Over -range is in -

Shortwave Receivers-Scanners
Your International Headquarters stocking all your SWL & BCL needs.

Yaesu FRG -7 Antenna Tuners

F RG-7000 PreAmps
FR 101S(D) Copper Wire
R300 E99 Insulators
R820 Coax Switches
McKay Dymek DR22 QSL Holders
DR33 Code Keys &
DR44 Oscillators
DR55 Code Tapes
Bearcat BC210 SAMS Books
BC220 Tab Books
BC250 AR RL Books We sell used gear on consignment and we take trade-ins.
4-6 Amateur Callbooks No sales tax on out-of-state orders.
Regency T16 K World Radio TV Free U.S.A. delivery on Orders over $100.
K500 24 Hour Clocks
Trap Dipoles
Due to the rapidly changing market, please
WRITE or PHONE for our latest LOW, LOW 2101 Pacheco Street
up-to-date PRICES and Product Sheets
or circle number below.
- Concord CA 94520
415 685-7388
Price & Availability Subject to Change



" a lot of antenna
in a little space"
dicated by a blinking display and a low
new Slinky dipole* with helical loading CIRCLE 45 ON
pulls in great DX with ease! battery warning is included. DC polarity
*parent No 3.858.220
is automatic with indication directly on Micro Duster COUPON
PL 259 ROPE MriVeigritrANOLO


W \el


providing controlled removal of dust,

lint, oxide particles, etc., without de-
F4 positing harmful contaminants. A sin-
TIC 4 INS VIEW gle, 15 oz. can of Micro -Duster produces
this miniature, ultra breed -band (0.5 thru 54 MHz) 000 thru 0
meter short-wave antenna operates at only ona-Int the else el
over 1800 one -second compressed -gas
conventional wire antennas, yet pulls In DX stations with
superior readability, because Its balanced design minimizes
bursts, or 25 to 30 minutes of continu-
reception of interference and man-made static portable, you ous dusting. Spraying in short bursts
can erect or store it in minutes small enough for you to fit it In
attic or apartment good Impedance -match without expensive until contaminants are dislodged is
tuners, because the special distributed helical loading provides
automatic Impedance -matching to 50 ohms you got a pair of recommended for most efficient utiliza-
special 4 -Inch dlo by 4 -Inch long cells containing 335 ft of
signal -grabbing conductor, baiun, 50 ft coax feedline (R0-
tion. The product comes with a 6 -in, ex-
58 Alt PL -259 coax connector, 100 ft nylon rope, complete
instruction manual, plus tuning charts in use by US Dept of
tension tube for pin -point applications.
State, US Army, radio schools, plus thousands of hams and the readout display. Full details on the Micro -Duster sells for $2.50 through
SWL's the world over.
new Model 3300 DVOM and its complete Chemtronics Distributors. For more in-
Money Back Guarantee line of accessories may be obtained at formation, including the location of local
TELETRON CORP. AVAILABLE AT ALL LEADING leading electronic distributors, or write distributors, contact Chemtronics, Inc.,
Box 84 to Triplett Corporation, Bluffton, OH 45 Hoffman Avenue, Hauppauge, NY
Kings Park, N.Y. 11754
Complete Kit #SWL-1
(ff. Y. residents add sales tax)
999i 45817 or call (419) 358-5015.

Low -Price, No -Crystal Scanner


Experimenter's VOM
town zip Regency's new Touch K100, a synthe- The 20,000 ohm/volt compact model
@CMS! Check melt wig et she UPS ow ruseg al order COO's SI Can
000000000 Qs 0 e.s tuts 4.9000049 es sized scanner, requires no crystals- 110 VOM introduced by B&K-Precision is
just simple touch entry of frequencies a 16 -range fuse -protected multimeter.
For more information contact Advertiser directly. For checking the low resistance of coil,
using the special pressure sensitive
panel. The K100 has 10 channels avail- transformer and motor windings, a 10 -
able for storing any of 15,757 possible ohm mid -scale range is featured. This
frequencies. It can also search within range offers better than one -ohm reso-
Epilepsy a band for unknown frequencies if the lution. Resistance ranges cover 0-1Kci,
100K0, and 1 megc2. Three DC current
It's not what you think. ranges (0.05mA, 25mA and 250mA) and
five DC voltage ranges (0-2.5V, 10V, 50V,
250V and 1000V) are featured. DC ac-
curacy is 3% at full scale. Five AC
ranges (0-10y, 50V, 250V, 500V and
1000V) provide "easy -reading" measure-
ments. The 110 is compact enough to
fit into most tool kits. Test leads and
Contact your local chapter of the
Epilepsy Foundation of America.
Or write Epilepsy, Washington, D.C. 20036. CIRCLE 70 ON READER SERVICE COUPON
Help light the candle of understanding.
Incorporating the former National Epilepsy League. user enters the upper and lower limits
of the search spectrum on the program CIRCLE 68 ON
panel. The listener may delay the re- READER SERVICE
sumption of the scan or search process COUPON
to hear a response to a call. Tapping
"Delay" will keep the scanner on the
frequency until he is ready to continue
scanning or searching. In addition to
SHORTWAVE CATALOG showing the operating frequency, the
/ K100 LED indicators indicate a power
failure, programming errors, all channel
lockouts, and status of the scan delay
function. List priced to sell at $269.
For additional information, write to Re- instructions are included; a carrying case
gency Electronics, Inc., 7707 Records is optional. The ohm meter requires a
St., Indianapolis, IN 46226. common "AA" battery. The B&K-Pre-
cision Model 110 is user priced at only
NEWEST EDITION -ONE -STOP SHOPPING FOR SWLS Portable Compressed -Air System $24.50 and is available for immediate
RECEIVERS special DX mods ANTENNAS Chemtronics Inc. recently introduced delivery at local distributors. Get all the
PRESELECTORS TUNERS CALIBRATORS Micro -Duster, a new product that per- facts direct from B&K-Precision, 6460 W.
CLOCKS HEADPHONES BOOKS* LOGS mits compressed -gas dusting of delicate Cortland Ave., Chicago, IL 60635.
instruments and assemblies. The prod-
Dept. CW , Box 239, Park Ridge NJ 07656 uct contains pure, moisture -free, non- Pocket -Sized Desoldering Tool
flammable and non-toxic filtered gas, The D5 Desoldering Tool is a highly ef-
fective desoldering wick in a specially gered scope is designed for broad use
engineered, refillable dispenser tool. in industry, hobby, laboratory and ser-
The D5 Desoldering Tool consists of a vice. The LBO -507 offers automatic nEw FROM aliMOV
1 -in. long, clear plastic cylinder which triggered circuitry to assure maximum
contains a visible supply of 5 feet of display stability with minimal adjust- 2nD DIM
desoldering wick. Braid is fed to the ments as well as a trigger sensitivity
work through a 21/2 -in. Teflon probe that over the entire operational range. It
extends from one end of the wick supply.
The heat -resistant Teflon probe allows
users to desolder with pin -point accu-

vied Ammo.
Haidetnen &
Jock C.





provides convenience of pushbutton

switch selection for every functional de-
mand; 10 mV/cm vertical sensitivity Large size -
81/2" x 101/2"
11 steps-in a 1-2-5 se-
calibrated in
quence up to 50 V/cm with variance
control; and a 17.5 nanosecond rise If you missed our sold -out first
time. Bandwidth is DC to 20 MHz. Sweep issue, we're real sorry!
speed for the LBO -507 is 0.5 uSec/cm,
racy and without burnt fingers, even in 18 steps in a 1-2-5 sequence up to 500 Here now is the Spring '79
high -density circuitry. Sells for $2.29. mS/cm with variable control. The LBO - issue -112 pages with lots of
More information is available at Chem- complete with low capacitance probe and illustrations, full of SF excite-
tronics distributors or directly from terminal adapter. Get the complete specs
Chemtronics Inc., Solder Products Divi- ment, adventure and fun -
507 is priced at less than $500 and is
sion, 45 Hoffman Avenue, Hauppauge, direct from Leader by writing to Leader The cover pic is reproduced in
NY 11787. Instruments Corp., 151 Dupont St., a full -color 10" x 16" poster. It
Plainview, NY 11803'. comes with every copy.
3 -Color Wire Dispenser
Remarkable new WD-30-TRI dispenser In -Line Preamp Chock-full of stories, this issue
from OK Machine and Tool holds 3 New Telco Products' computer -designed brings you, for example,
colors of wire and features a built-in preamplifiers boost receiver sensitivity "Starschool," the first col-
cutting and stripping mechanism. The with ultra low noise. Unique RF sniffer laboration by the noted SF
refillable dispenser holds 50 feet each circuit allows the preamplifier to sense writers and brothers, Joe and
of red, white and blue insulated. silver- when the transceiver is keyed, effectively Jack Haldeman. And "Keeper -
plated, solid copper wire. To operate switching the preamplifier off during the
the cut/strip mechanism, the wire is smith," a novelette by Randall
transmit mode. This feature allows the Garrett and Vicki Ann Heydron.
first drawn out to the desired length. preamplifier to be connected directly
Then a built-in plunger cuts the length into the coax line with no modification And a short story by Isaac
free from the roll while a gentle pull to the existing mobile system. Model Asimov himself, "How It
through the stripping blade removes the VHF 144 has 20 dB gain with less than Happened"!
insulation. Ideally suited for wire -wrap- 1.5 dB noise factor. Frequency range
ping, this unique dispenser is also handy 140-180 MHz with 5 MHz band width.
380 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Enclosed is $1.75 plus

CIRCLE 51 ON READER SERVICE COUPON 250 handling/shipping
(total of $2.00) for the
Spring 1979, issue #2, of
for many other wiring jobs. WD-30-TRI Name
is priced at $5.95, R-30-TRI 3 -color Sells for $49.95. Model UHF 450 has (please print)
refill is $3.95. Available from your local 10-12 dB gain with less than .6 dB noise Address
electronics distributor or O.K. Machine factor. Frequency range 400-512 MHz
and Tool Corporation, 3455 with 1 MHz band width. Sells for $59.95. City
Street, Bronx, NY 10475. For additional information, contact Telco
Products Corporation, 44 Sea Cliff Ave- State Zip
20 MHz Triggered Scope nue, Glen Cove, New York 11542 or call
The Leader LBO -507, a 20 MHz trig - (516) 759-0300.
-B. Q., Key Biscayne, FL
Got a question or a problem with a project-ask
Hank! Please remember that Hank's column Is The U.S. Government station WWV
limited to answering specific electronic project
questions that you send to him. Personal replies broadcasts on 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25
cannot be made. Sorry, he isn't offering a circuit MHz continuously night and day, except
design service. Write to:
for silent periods of approximately four
Hank Scott, Workshop Editor minutes beginning 45 minutes after each
hour. You can use these frequencies to
calibrate, your shortwave receiver dial.
380 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017 WWV gives time signals, but the method
He Knows! ,
and intervals vary from time to time. If
you want to set your LCD watch or cali-
Traveling Radio make long evenings go a little faster; at brate your signal generator, WWV is tops.
Can I take my Patrolman 3 AM/ VHF I times he can be serious or be filled with
UHF portable radio in the aircraft when humor. One night there was a break in the Maybe the Muffler
I go to Fort Worth, Texas? action so he humorously commented on I used a bumper -mount with a half -
-M.B., Phoenix, AZ what the radio officers would say. I re- wave stainless steel whip for the first time
member that an officer called in for a and the results were terrific-when the mo-
Yes, If you pack it in the luggage. Air canine unit, so the sergeant replied, "O.K., tor was off. With the motor on, I hear
lines forbid the use of radio and electronic we'll send in the puppy dogs to help you engine noises. This never happened when
devices on aircraft. They have the Federal out." The next minute he was serious. The I used a trunk -mounted coil -loaded an-
Marshals backing them up, so forget it. sergeant received an urgent call saying an tenna! Why?
However you can use the receiver in the officer was in trouble. One could hear the -1.S., Canby, OR
terminal and gate areas. tension in his voice. Listening to this type
of action makes my Pro -2001 scanner An automobile engine is a source of
A Cuban Mystery? more exciting. radio noise! The noise is radiated by the
I heard Radio Huayacocotla on 2400 -S.L., Clarendon Hills, IL rods and pipes connected to the engine
kHz but not enough to place it in a coun- block, and the exhaust pipe is normally
try. Sounded like a Cuban to me. Hank, Okay, that's a good report. I'd like to electrically insulated at the bumper end
can you help? hear from other scanner listeners about by a flexible hanger and thus becomes an
-S. T., Tulsa, OK their favorite stations. ideal "antenna" for noise radiation. If the
antenna is mounted directly above the ex-
It seems that everyone who hears a low - In the Mix haust pipe you have force fed a high level
in -the -noise station speaking Spanish has When I ' transmit on CB, my nearby of static into the transceiver. One cure is
hit on some exotic Cuban station. Sorry, AM radio picks up shortwave stations to by-pass the exhaust hanger with elec-
R. Huayacocotla is Mexican. It's a good such as Voice of America, Radio Moscow trically conducting braid to ground the
catch, anyway! and Canada International. What causes end of the exhaust system. Also make
this? sure that the bumper itself has a good
Gain is Getting -R.C., Martinsburg, WV ground.
I've been into shortwave listening a lit- Possibly your CB signal and shortwave
tle over a year. At the present I'm using a signal are mixing in the first RF stage of Canadians Make It Easy
Realistic DX -160 and two longwire anten- amplification in your receiver. Since the Hank, in case you didn't know, Radio
nas, one is 75 -ft. and the other 240 -ft. I Canada International QSL cards are sup-
also have an antenna switch. With the signals are strong, non-linear rectification
present antenna I pick up a station at may- occurs which is ideal for signal mixing. plied blank to SWLers. To obtain verifi-
be 5/S9 on the meter (on the 75 -ft. anten- The difference signal falls into the AM cation simply fill in the card, including
na) and then when I switch to the 240 -ft band range and your set responds to it. some brief details about the content of
The discussion is very general because the the broadcast heard. Mail the card to
antenna, the signal is 10 or 15 I S9. Does RCI in an envelope and if all the details
this mean the longer antenna has gain? exact technique for this to happen can be
-G.H., Ft. Smith, Ark. caused many ways. I suggest you look are correct, the card will be verified and
seriously into shortwave listening and buy returned to you. Cards with incorrect re-
a good SW receiver. ception details will not be returned. To get
Yes, when you compare one antenna your blank card and program guide, write
array to another in signal gathering ability, to Radio Canada International, P.O. Boxl
one would pull more signal than another Microprocessor Scanners
exhibiting something we call gain. I sug- Are those new scanners with built-in C.P 6000, Montreal, Canada H3C 3A8.
gest you try the RAK Listener 3 double microprocessors really worth the money -D.N., Walden, NY
dipole antenna. The results are surprising. they're selling at?
-L.M., So. Plainfield, NJ Thanks for the tip. I'd like to point out
Surplus Coax that the QSL card is for RCI and not
Can I use ordinary coax cable as a long Well, I've used two models, one from CBC Northern Service.
wire antenna? Electra and one from Radio Shack. Both
-D.J., Milford, Utah are great and well worth the money. It's Shortwave Problem
interesting to note that microprocessor About two months ago I sent for a QSL
Sure you can, but use your head! RG- scanners add new dimensions for the reply to Radio Havana, Cuba. I have not
58/U and RG-59/U coax can be strung action -band monitor or listener. The ability heard from them and I was wondering if
for 20 to 40 feet with no problem ex- to search for new channels you did not they send replies? Also, thank you for
cept for icy conditions. Be sure to connect know existed is remarkable. You can all the DX and SWL information.
the outside braid to the inner conductor. search, scan and/or monitor over 16,000 -G. P., Houston, TX
Remember, the weight of the coax will channels. Only yesterday, I discovered a
cause stretching, hence sagging. For long- monitor channel operated by a commuter Yes, Radio Havana Cuba, like most of
er runs go the traditional way. railroad. I know when the 8:03 will be the major shortwave broadcasting stations,
Scanner Fan
late. In fact, in discovering this frequency, will QSL listener reports. But sometimes
I purchased a crystal for my pocket scan- replies are delayed two or three months.
I'm an active scanner listener and I'd ner and I keep the conductor informed as
like you to know about one of my favorite Chances are you will have received your
dispatchers who is a dispatcher operating to why the train is late! reply by the time you read this. If not,
out of Police Headquarters in downtown perhaps your report was misplaced or lost,
Chicago. The frequency is 460.225 MHz, Best Tune There Is either in the mails or at the station. Try
Zone 3, Districts 13 and 14. The sergeant When can I hear WWV and at what another report. The address is Radio Ha-
usually works weeknights and he tries to frequencies? vana Cuba, Box 7062, Havana, Cuba. For
information of all aspects of DXing, check
out Don Jensen's DX Central column in A SPECIAL OFFER

Ups and Downs, Ins and Outs

I have a shortwave receiver that acts a
little funny. I don't know if it's normal
or not, but the signal keeps fading and
building up again. I have to keep turning
up the volume when it's weak; and down,
when it's strong. What's wrong?
-D.D., San Francisco, CA Masterpieces of Fiction
A little reading on basic shortwave
propagation will explain that shortwave
signals do fade in and out causing the
for only 0495
kind of reception you are experiencing. By special arrangement wtih DALE BOOKS, we are able to offer you this
Receivers have an AGC (that's Automatic unprecedented opportunity to purchase eleven Masterpieces of Fiction for
Gain Control) that works to prevent this only $4.95. The titles included are:
from occurring. Some sets can turn the
AGC off. See that the AGC (sometimes AUTHOR TITLE
called AVC) is turned on, if it is switch - Crane, Stephen THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE
able in your receiver. Extreme signal Dickens, Charles A TALE OF TWO CITIES
fading cannot be remedied by AGC and
you will continue to hear fading of sig- Dickens, Charles GREAT EXPECTATIONS
nals. That's what SWL is all about. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan THE HOUND OF
What the Hertz? Hawthorne, Nathaniel THE SCARLET LETTER
How can I use a frequency counter to Melville, Herman BILLY BUDD
indicate the frequency of the signal 1 am Shelley, Mary FRANKENSTEIN
tuned to on my shortwave receiver?
-W .B., Minneapolis, MN Stevenson, Robert Louis TREASURE ISLAND
First, determine the frequency of your HUCKLEBERRY FINN
IF stages. Pass a CW signal through it Twain, Mark THE ADVENTURES OF
and zero beat to a null on the audio. You'll
find that it's almost 455 KHz or whatever. TOM SAWYER
Next, couple the signal from the local os- Wells, H. G. THE TIME MACHINE
cillator via a gimmick capacitor to the These special DALE Classics come in the handy mass market paperback
connector and tune to a station. Zero beat format which has been universally accepted by schools, libraries and
the station to a null with the BFO on and
read the frequency counter. Subtract the leading bookstores throughout the country.
IF reading made earlier, and that is the All books will be shipped directly from the DALE printer and are in mint
frequency to which your receiver is tuned. condition. Merely fill out the coupon to insure hours of reading enjoyment
I suspect it would be easy to develop an of this very unique collection.
offset circuit that would subtract the IF
amount internally so that the counter TO: DALE BOOKS Classic Editions
would be indicating the frequency of the 380 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 CW-79
received signal.
D I enclose $4.95 for each group of 11 DALE Classics plus $1.55 for
Postage and Handling. (Total of $6.50 per order).
Lightning Struck We are sorry but Credit Orders will not be accepted.
Last night there was a thunderstorm in New York State residents add 8% sales tax.
my area. During the storm I was fooling
around with antenna wires, hooking them NAME
up various ways, when a bolt of lightning ADDRESS
hit the ground nearby. A strange thing CITY STATE 7IP
happened-my VHF -HI police monitor was
tuned to 154.83 MHz. For a few seconds
the radio pulled in a strong shortwave
signal, (I know it was shortwave because The frequency used is the frequency Inland Pirate
it was a time signal) and then it faded out. they're intended to be used at. You would- There is a gentleman in Lexington, KY
I left the wire hooked up and it happened n't use an audio signal to check out IF that broadcasts on the AM dial with a
a couple more times. After the storm, I transformers. Audio devices are usually power of 3 watts and he does not require
checked the radio and it was undamaged. averaged over the human voice range 300 a license. As I would like to do the same,
Could you explain what happened? to 3000 Hz. could you advise if this is legal? If so, is
-D.L., Ellington, CT there a company that makes an oscillator
So Sorry or transmitter for this?
Yes, you were trying to kill yourself! Hank, I love you. Can we get married? -A. B., Jeffersonville, IN
Aside from that, I really don't know. Can Enclosed is a stamped, self-addressed en-
any of our readers help out? velope.
-Ms T.W., Columbia, SC
As the old saying goes, "See you in
Frequency Asked I sure would like to answer your letter, Jail!" your friend in Kentucky will soon be
What frequency is used to determine the but the rules are simple. 01' Hank does there because he does need a license to
impedance of AC devices such as speakers, not reply directly by mail even when an own and operate an AM radio station. In
and audio and RF impedance matching envelope is supplied. Next time I'm in fact, he needs a license as an operator. I
transformers? Columbia, I'll wear a pink carnation in suggest you address all legal questions to
-M.H., Colorado City, AZ my lapel. Watch for me!! the FCC in order to get the facts!
Build the REAL THING -Yourself!
Get top mileage from your own craft skills

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for extended cruising or a party of with a conventional hull of the same in place over a wooden framework, weight engine of no more than 100
four on day trips. Plywood is used size. Hull is of plywood, covered with then resin is applied. No special build- hp for top performance. Construction
throughout, and the hull is designed resin and Dynel cloth. L.O.A., 16'; iig jigs or forms are needed. Foamed- is of marine plywood over hardwood
to get the most from modest power. beam, 4'8"; draft, centerboard down, ih-place polyurethane adds stiffness. frames. Decks are of mahogany -faced
L.O.A., 16'; beam, 5'9". $5.00 2'6"; sail area, 165 sq. ft. $5.00 L.O.A., 12'; beam, 3'. $5.00 plywood. L.O.A., 15'6" $5.00


Boat Builder, 380 Lexington Ave., N.Y., NY 10017
Enclosed is Please add 500 for postage and handling. Send me the Craft
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I below:
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City State Zip
DON'T LOOK NOW, FRIENDS, but we LIONS WORLD has been holding the Outlined against the sky stand the towers
may just be entering the Golden candle aloft and repeating, "keep the supporting the transmitting antennas of
Age of SWLing! faith, baby!" But, let's face it, SWLing West Germany's Deutsche Welle at the
"Oh yeah," you say skeptically, just wasn't going anywhere very fast! modern Wertachtal transmission station.
"what makes you think so?" But then, just a couple of years ago,
Well, I reply, I don't think you need things slowly began to change. The century!
a horoscope to read the signs. And world's communicators came to the Then there was a still not fully ex-
those signs for the hobby of shortwave realization that satellites weren't going plained phenomenon that burst upon
DXing seem to be pointing straight up! to take over from HF (high frequency) Japan just a couple of years ago. Sud-
You know, it wasn't too long ago radio; that there were many, many ap- denly, it seemed, a large proportion of
that things didn't look so rosy for plications where from an economic Japan's youth discovered shortwave
SWLs. Communications Cassandras standpoint, from a practical standpoint, listening! Japanese SWLs numbered in
were crying that the shortwaves were shortwave radio just couldn't be top- the several millions. They began tuning
on their way out, to be replaced by ped, at least not for the forseeable fu- the world's shortwave stations like
such things as worldwide satellite -to - ture. crazy, began seeking QSL cards con-
home television in the near future. DX As the World Administrative Radio firming their receptions. The growth of
listening seemed to be standing still( Conference - dubbed WARC '79 - the hobby in the oriental country was
particularly when viewed in compari- scheduled to be held in Geneva, Swit- almost cancerous in its development
son with the stampede to Citizens zerland later this year approached, it and speed. In retrospect, it probably
Band communications. The shortwave became increasingly evident that there was not a healthy way for the hobby to
receiver marketplace emptied out; it was a great interest among nations grow, and, in fact, the flame of interest
was darned hard for an SWL to find a large and small in shortwave commu- burned itself out rather quickly in
decent receiver at a price he could af- nications. WARC '79 will iron out the Japan.
ford. Longtime equipment manufac- basic shortwave frequency allocations But there was a very positive result
turers gave up on making SW rigs, and that will apply until at least the year for North American SWLs. The mas-
some just gave up, period. 2000! The way the broadcasting coun- sive Japanese electronic manufacturing
But SWLing wasn't dead. You were tries around the globe are already industry responded to the shortwave
out there. There were a lot of short- scrambling for position more than sug- listening boom by marketing all sorts
wave stations to be heard. And we gests that SW radio plays a large part and types of SW receivers at a variety
were here. For years, COMMUNICA- in their plans for the next quarter of a of popular prices.


the weak, obscure signals? Do you want
communicaTions WORLD or need portability? There are a num-
ber of other factors that would indi-
When the heat generated by the lis- Yes, it could indeed be the Golden vidualize the answer to the question
tening hobby cooled across the Pacific, Age of SWLing. which is best, not the least of which is,
the Japanese receiver makers quickly A Look at SW Receivers. A radio how much can I afford to spend?
turned their attention to the United receiver! Okay, I'd begin by saying the But even with receivers that are es-
States. Our own electronic phenome- obvious. The one absolute essential for sentially similar on most counts, in-
non, CB mania, had leveled off. Per- the shortwave listener is a radio! But cluding price, there is the personal fac-
haps SWLing's day had come. which radio should you buy? That is tor to consider. Some listeners will
And it seems that it has, but not the $64,000 question! prefer a SONY, others a Drake or
with the consuming frenzy of the Jap- It would be great if there was just Yaesu, still others a Panasonic or some
anese experience. Instead, we are see- one unchallanged answer to that key other brand name.
ing a steady upward movement in terms question. The listener's dilemma would So you're not going to get an answer
of SWL interest, a much more en- be solved. I could write one short sen- to the one big question here. Only you
couraging and healthy development! tence: "Buy a Hatchiyoshika RQ-999!" can make the decision as to which re-
Now the SW marketplace is loaded I could forget about writing the next ceiver is right for YOU. Hopefully,
with receivers for shortwave listeners; several pages of this magazine. All the however, there are some basic points
rigs at all prices. For the first time in competition would drop out of the mar- that you will consider in making your
years, the listener has a truly wide ket, the mythical RQ-999 could be choice of receiver, be you a beginning
choice of receivers he can afford. When cranked out of some Japanese factory listener or a veteran DXer.
was the last time you saw ads for an by the hundreds of thousands, lowering If you have some issues of COMMU-
honest -to -goodness shortwave receiver the price per unit to rock bottom. NICATIONS WORLD from, say, 1971 or
in a general interest news magazine Sounds like Henry Ford's automotive 1972, you'll note if you scan them to-
before. 1978? When did you last see a dream of the Century's early years. day, that I had some advice about se-
real SW radio-sold as such-in a Sears But like Henry's vision of a univer- lecting a shortwave receiver.
Roebuck catalogue? sal auto, this dream is doomed to fail- I advised the readers of seven or
It wasn't long ago that DXers plan- ure too. Not everyone wanted Ford's eight years ago to_ consider what I
ning to buy a new SW receiver crossed Model T, that came in any color you called the "Three S's" of shortwave re-
their fingers and hoped that one of the wanted, as long as you wanted basic ceiver performance: Stability, Sensitiv-
few communications receiver makers black! There were those who thought ity and Selectivity. I also noted that
would keep making sets long enough that a Pierce -Arrow had more pizazz, frequency readout, the business of tun-
for them to save up the hefty purchase or liked a Locomobile! ing to a frequency you wanted and
price. Now, because of a regular pa- So there is no answer to the ques- knowing with a good degree of certain-
rade of new and upgraded receiver tion, which receiver is best. It depends ty, that you were tuned to the spot you
models, the prospective buyer has to on who you are, what sort of listening desired, was an important quality. But
'give some thought to the question of you're into. Are you a program -listen- I also noted in those early editions of
whether the set he buys today will not, ing SWL who really enjoys a certain COMMUNICATIONS WORLD that accu-
in some respects, be obSolete a year set of regular shortwave stations? Are rate frequency readout was something
from now. you a dyed-in-the-wool DXer chasing that was too much to expect in a low
or moderately priced radio.
Well, friends, things have changed!
How they have changed!
Of the "Three S's", stability is no
longer a factor worth considering be-
cause virtually all shortwave receivers
are stable enough. Back in the days of
vacuum tube receivers, it took a re-
ceiver some time-a half hour or more
-to "warm up." During that warm up
period, most sets were thermally un-
stable, that is, they would drift in fre-
quency. It was constantly necessary to
repeak the tuning until the receiver
warmed up. Some receivers performed
better in this regard than did others and
it was a factor worth noting.
There are still a few tube type sets
around on the used receiver market,
but new rigs are solid state-transistor-
ized-and they don't require a warm-up
period. They generate no heat to cause
thermal instability. They don't for all
It was 30 years ago, in 1948, that the first English language edition of Radio Sweden's
practical purposes, drift.
SWL program, "Sweden Calling DX'ers" went on the air. This weekly program was directed The second "S" has also gone out
for nearly all of those three decades by Arne Skoog (right). When Arne stepped down, the the window, in most cases. Virtually all
fellow at left took his place as editor of the oldest continuing DX program. The voice SW receivers, except perhaps the very
you'll now hear when you tune this weekly program is that of George Wood. inexpensive, have good sensitivity.


A announcer, approximate FE Far Eastern QRM any interfering station or
abt about FF French, French speaking man-made static
AC alternating current FM frequency modulation QRN atmospheric interference or
addr address f/i fade in noise
AFC automatic frequency control f/o fade out QSB fading
AFRTS American Forces Radio TV freq frequency QSL verification
Service f/up follow-up (second reception QSP reply to
AGC automatic gain control report sent when initial QTH location
AM amplitude modulation report is unanswered) R radio
ANARC Association of North GC Great Circle rag magazine
American Radio Clubs GCP Great Circle Path rcd, rcvd received
ancr announcer GMT Greenwich Mean Time rcvr receiver
anmt announcement (Universal Time) re concerning
ann announcement gov government Re report
ant antenna GSTQ God Save the Queen (British Red. Rediffusion
approx approximate national anthem) Rel. religious
AP A Portuguesa (Portuguese gud good RF radio frequency
national anthem) har harmonic Rp return postage
AVC automatic volume control het heterodyne rpt report
BBC British Broadcasting Corp. hi expression of humor or RRI Radio Republik Indonesia
BC, Bc broadcasting laughter RTTY radioteletype
BCB broadcast band (540-1600 hg, HQ headquarters RVOG Radio Voice of the Gospel
kHz medium waves) hrd heard RX, rx receiver
BCC Broadcasting Corporation ID identification S unit of signal strength
of China IDed identified SASE self addressed envelope with
bcstr broadcaster IF intermediate frequency stamp affixed used for
BFO beat frequency oscillator info information replies
Br British IRC International Reply Coupon sched schedule(d)
CAm Central America(n) irreg irregular scope oscilloscope
CARACOL Cadena Radial Colombiana IS interval signal sez says
(radio network) ITU International shud should
CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Telecommunications Union sig signal
CE chief engineer JJ Japanese, Japanese -speaking SINPO signal reporting code
cfm confirm (verify, QSL) kc, kc/s kilocycles per second (same sked schedule
ck check as kHz) s/on sign on
cl close (sign off) kHz kilohertz s/off sign off
c/I call letters kw kilowatt Sp Spanish language
cland clandestine L language SS Spanish, Spanish-speaking
comcl commercial LA Latin America(n) stn station
condx conditions Igd logged Superhet superheterodyne receiver
CP Caixa Postal (post office box LV La Voz de (common Spanish Svc service
in Portugues) station identification, The SW, SW shortwave
cps cycles per second Voice of . .)
SWBC shortwave broadcast
Iv leve
SWL shortwave listener
general call requesting
contacts, used by hamsTC, t/ck
Swung shortwave listening

cycles per second mt/i
long wave, long wire antenna
meter band
MC, MC/s megacycles per second (same uo
time check
tune in
tune out
cw, CW continuous wave (Morse code) as MHz) tnx thanks
cx conditions ME Middle East(ern) tx transmitter
dB decibel (unit of sound MHz megahertz U DX utility (station) DX
measurement) mni many
unid unidentified
DC direct current MW medium wave unk unknown
de from MWBC medium wave broadcast urs yours
DF direction finding mx music V varies as to time or frequency
DSB double sideband NA North America(n) v/c verification card
DU Down Under (Australia, NAf North Africa(n) verie verification
New Zealand) Nac. nacional (Spanish for v/I verification letter
DX long distance reception national) vert vertical antenna
DXer one who listens for distant net network VFO variable frequency oscillator
stations nil nothing v/s person signing verification
Ea east nr near
vy very
EE English, English language nx news
WCNA West Coast North America
EN English language OM Old Man (a male) wk week, work, weak
Eng. engineer pgm program wrp weather report
equip equipment POD path of darkness wx weather
es and pop popular (music) xmsn transmission
exc except, excellent PP Potruguese, Portuguese - xmtr transmitter
exp experimental speaking xtal crystal
FB fine prop propagation YL girl or unmarried woman
FBIS Foreign Broadcast pse please z Zulu (or GMT) time
Information Service PTP point-to-point (type of utility 73 best regards, or more
official US monitoring transmission) generally, goodbye
agency) QRA address 88 love and kisses


communion ions WORLD foklP But don't let the LED's blind you to
the one critical "S" factor, selectivity,
and its importance.
Selectivity means being able to bring
LOCAL TIME VS. GREENWICH TIME in the wanted station but rejecting all,
or at least most signals on adjoining
Greenwich frequencies. When stations are packed
Mean Time EDT EST/CDT CST/MDT MST/PDT PST into a shortwave band like Norwegian
0000 8 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m.
sardines in a can, it takes a very selec-
0100 9 p.m. 8 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m. 5 p.m.
tive receiver to separate signals. Poor
0200 10 p.m. 9 p.m. 8 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m.
selectivity in a set means that in a
0300 11 p.m. 10 p.m. 9 p.m. 8 p.m. 7 p.m.
shortwave band, a few powerful signals
0400 Midnight 11 p.m. 10 p.m. 9 p.m. 8 p.m. will be audible and the rest of the
0500 1 a.m. Midnight 11 p.m. 10 p.m. 9 p.m.
band will be filled with a hash of inter-
0600 2 a.m. 1 a.m. Midnight 11 p.m. 10 p.m.
ference and unreadable programs.
0700 3 a.m. 2 a.m. 1 a.m. Midnight 11 p.m.
You can think of receiver selectivity
0800 4 a.m. 3 a.m. 2 a.m. 1 a.m. Midnight as a gate that passes a signal or signals.
0900 5 a.m. 4 a.m. 3 a.m. 2 a.m. 1 a.m.
Ideally, the gate will permit only one
1000 6 a.m. 5 a.m. 4 a.m. 3 a.m. 2 a.m. signal to pass through at a time. But in
1100 7 a.m. 6 a.m. 5 a.m. 4 a.m. 3 a.m. really crowded bands, this is rarely the
1200 8 a.m. 7 a.m. 6 a.m. 5 a.m. 4 a.m. case. The best you can hope for is that
1300 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 7 a.m. 6 a.m. 5 a.m.
1400 10 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 7 a.m. 6 a.m.
1500 11 a.m. 10 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 7 a.m. SHORTWAVE
1600 Noon 11 a.m. 10 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. EQUIPMENT
1700 1 p.m. Noon 11 a.m. 10 a.m. 9 a.m. MARKETPLACE
1800 2 p.m. 1 p.m. Noon 11 a.m. 10 a.m.
1900 3p.m. 2 p.m. 1 p.m. Noon 11 a.m. Barlow -Wadley, Radio International,
2000 4 p.m. 3 p.m. 2 p.m. 1 p.m. Noon P.O. Box 6053, Richardson, TX
2100 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 3 p.m. 2 p.m. 1 p.m. 75080
2200 6 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 3 p.m. 2 p.m. Collins Radio Group, Rockwell Inter-
2300 7 p.m. 6 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 3 p.m. national, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
R.L. Drake Company, 540 Richard St.,
Miamisburg, OH 45342
These days, if you spend $100 or more important reason that we are entering Gilfer Asssociates, Inc., P.O. Box
for a receiver that tunes the shortwave a Golden Age for shortwave listening! 239, Park Ridge, NJ 07656
frequencies, you're probably getting an For decades, actually since radio be- Lafayette Radio Electronics Corp.,
amazingly sensitive set. gan, the biggest problem for SW listen- 111 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, NY
Sensitivity is, of course, the ability ers was in knowing to which frequency 11791
of the receiver to detect weak radio they were tuned. If you wanted to tune McKay Dymek Company, P.O. Box
signals. a certain station, or if you tuned it 5000, 111 S. College Avenue,
The one "S" quality in a receiver that yesterday and wanted to return today, Claremont, CA 91711
remains important-critically important you had to be able to dial your re- National Radio Company, 89 Wash-
today-is selectivity, the ability of the ceiver to the right spot. And for dec- ington Street, Melrose, MA 02176
set to separate signals in the crowded ades that was a real skill that separated Normende, Sterling High Fidelity
SW bands of the late 1970s. the experienced from the beginner. Inc., 22-20 40th Avenue, Long Is-
land City, NY 11101
And of importance in choosing a Now, even the novice listener can tune
shortwave receiver is the type and ac- a set and know-on the button-the Panasonic, Matsushita Electric Corp.
of America, 1 Panasonic Way, Se-
curacy of the set's frequency readout. frequency to which he is tuned. That caucus, NJ 07094
Unlike the situation in 1971 and 1973, opens up a whole world of listening! Radio Shack, 2617 West 7th Street,
it is possible to get accurate readout of Reading Signals Right. Much of the Ft. Worth, TX 76107
frequencies in popularly priced receiv- guesswork is eliminated with accurate Radio West, 3417 Purer Road, Escon-
ers. That fact may well be the one most frequency readout. There are mechan- dido, CA 92025
ical type readout systems accurate to SONY Corp. of America, 9 West 57th
the nearest 5 or 10 kilohertz. More Street, New York, NY 10019
refined mechanical systems bring accu- Tandberg of America Inc., Labriola
racy down to about plus or minus 1 Court, Armonk, NY 10504
kilohertz. And now, sometimes at prices Teletron Data Corp., Box 84, Kings
below $200, there is the exotic, gor- Park, NY 11754
geous, fantastic electronic digital read- Trio-Kenwood Communications Inc.,
out, the little red LED numerals indi- 116 East Alondra, Gardenia, CA
cating the tuned frequency! 90248
Digital readout is great, the frosting Yaesu Musen USA, Inc., 15954
on the cake! And those little illuminat- Downey Avenue, P.O. Box 498,
ed numbers that detail the exact fre- Paramount, CA 90723
Allen Veeder, Moose Jaw, Sask., Canada, has
been DX'ing for a year with a National
quency will sell an awful lot of short-
wave receivers in the months and years


the gate is narrow enough to eliminate of the tuned frequency. call ,multi -band portables. Most of
much of the side channel interference If a receiver passes easily signals 8 these sets are made in the Orient-
without being too narrow to make the to 12 kHz wide, you may get a lot of Japan, Korea, Taiwan or Hong Kong.
desired radio signal unintelligible. But side -channel "splash" when the signal They are not manufactured or sold
to some degree or another, usually you want to hear, tuned in the center particularly for the shortwave fan.
you'll find some interfering stations of the passband, is not the strongest. However, many of them include at
crowding in from each side of the se- However, when you've tuned in a pow- least some of the short wave frequen-
lected frequency. The better the re- erful station with lots of wattage be- cies, such as between 4,000 and 12,000
ceiver does this job, the better recep- hind its signal, it will probably be kHz, along with the regular 540-1600
tion you will have of the more difficult- easily heard even if the passband is kHz AM radio band, FM and, often
to -hear rare DX stations. quite wide. So, you see, the weaker one or more of the VHF/UHF public
The intermediate frequency ampli- the desired signal, the more crowded service or police bands.
fier (IF) section of a receiver gives it the band, the more you need a selec- These sets will bring in some strong
selectivity. Receivers with double or tive receiver. SW signals, but they are, almost in-
even triple conversion, that is, with Some dealers who operate by mail variably, without accurate frequency
more than one IF section, do a better order, such as Gilfer Associates, Inc., readout-it's hard to know the frequen-
job with selectivity. Radio West and other firms, modify cy you're tuning-and the selectivity is
Filters of various types, crystal lat- some of the popular receivers on the mediocre.
tice, ceramic, mechanical, also improve market with new filters which pass four The beginner who finds he just can-
selectivity by their abilities to pass de- kilohertz wide signals (at 6 decibels not spend more than $100 for a re-
sired signals while rejecting those un- down), which improves selectivity ceiver may want to check out a pair of
wanted interfering ones on either side considerably for the more serious DX- Radio Shack offerings which do well
ing fan. in their price category.
The Receiver Market. As I said, the The DX40, priced at about $50,
prospective buyer of a shortwave re- covers a fairly large chunk of the
Would you like to see your photo in COM- ceiver today has a very nice choice in shortwave spectrum, 4 to 22 MHz, plus
MUNICATIONS WORLD? Okay, then, send us a
nice clear photo of you and your DXing equip- many different price ranges, with vari- AM and FM bands. It can operate from
ment. Any sharp photo will do, but we prefer ous options. 120 house current, or using four "C"
to see you at your rig. Along with the photo, Let's take a look at the marketplace, batteries. The receiver has tone and
please tell a little about you and your DXing grouping the various receivers into fine tuning controls and a built in whip
activities and interests. Also, please identify
the make and type of the receiver and other seven different categories, by price. antenna.
equipment shown in the photograph. Sorry, we In the under $100 category you will The DX60 receiver, also marketed
can't return photographs. find many receivers with many names, under the Realistic name by Radio
familiar and "house" brands, which I'll Shack, is similar to its little brother,


These are the major languages heard on shortwave and the countries in which they are the primary or a major language,

Arabic Jamaica Martinique Guinea, Equatorial

Algeria New Zealand Mauritania Honduras
Bahrain Nigeria New Caledonia Mexico
Egypt Philippines Reunion Is. Nicaragua
Iraq Seychelles Rwanda Panama
Jordan Singapore Senegal Paraguay
Kuwait United States Tahiti. Paru
Lebanon Windward Islands Upper Volta Philippines
Libya Zaire Spain
Morocco Chile
Afars and Isas
Qatar liortuguese Venezuela
Saudi Arabia Angola Uruguay
Southern Yemen Azores
Burundi German
Sudan Cape Verde Is.
Cambodia Germany, East
' Syria Brazil
Cameroun Germany, West
United Arab Emirates Guinea (Bissau)
Cent. Af. Rep. Austria
Zanzibar Portugal
Chad Switzerland
Comoro Is. Sao Tome
English Congo Spanish Chinese
Australia Dahomey (Benin) Argentina China
Barbados France Bolivia Hong Kong
Bermuda Gabon Canary Is. Singapore
Canada Guadeloupe Colombia Taiwan
Fiji Guiana, Fr. Costa Rica Swahili
Ghana Haiti Cuba Burundi
Gt. Britain Ivory Coast Dominican Rep. Kenya
Guyana Laos Ecuador Rwanda
Hong Kong Malagasy Rep. El Salvador Somali Rep.
India Mali Guatemala Tanzania


loop circuitry and separate megahertz
communicniions WORLD
s'4,141' 1111%
and kilohertz tuning dials that made
direct frequency readout by a solid
but includes expanded frequency cov-
erage, up to and including the 27 MHz THE INTERNATIONAL MORSE CODE
citizens band. It sells for about $70.
In the $100 to $200 price range ct, means zero, often written with the "slash" to distinguish it from the letter "0".
there are three popular receivers. Two Often transmitted instead as one long dash, equivalent in length to five dots.
of them are in the "new school" of
portables that came on the scene just
a couple of years ago. The receivers Y
are quite similar, the Panasonic RF2200
and the SONY ICF5900W. Because
B N - z
--- -
they offer direct frequency readout that
is quite accurate-a mechanical rather
D - 0
P 2 ----
E Q 3
than an electronic digital type-they are
a major improvement over the less ex-
pensive receivers mentioned previously.
--0 R
These two sets are priced "all over U 7
the block." One source lists the prices J 0 8
of the RF2200 and the ICF5900W at K 9
around $150. But, frankly, big city L X
discount outlets are selling them in the
under -$125 bracket. And I've
them available to members of certain
"buyers clubs" for not very much more
than $100! The advice here, if you

Period ---
-- ----- Wait Sign (AS) -----
Comma Double dash (Break)
favor either of these portable receivers,
Question mark Error (Erase sign)
is to shop around.
The third, and for years a very pop-
ular set, is the Radio Shack Realistic
DX160. It sells for around $170 and
Quotation mark
Fraction bar (slash)
End of message (AR)
End of transmission (SK)
is a communications receiver of the
Parenthesis - International Distress Signal (SOS)
older school, although it too is all solid
state. It is not a portable, though it will
also operate from 12 volts DC, as from Next we move into the intermediate mechanical means a reality. Nominally
an auto battery. It probably is superior price grouping, $200 to $400. Here is we see a price of around $280, but
to the portables in terms of selectivity, the range in which the marketplace has this has been discounted to around
but its frequency readout is "old seemingly exploded with new sets- $225 at times.
school" therefore it is tougher to pin- with more on the way according to At about $240 is the N ordmende
point frequencies. Its coverage is from reports. Globemaster portable, a German make
the long wave frequencies, 150-400 There is, first of all, the Barlow - that is in the classic design, probably
kHz, through the medium wave AM Wadley XCR30, a British -designed, more geared to the casual listener in-
band, to 30 MHz shortwave. It has South African built portable that start- terested in good tonal quality and a
been a favorite of SWLs for a number ed the new breed of accurate readout wide range of signals from longwave to
of years, and doubtless will remain so receivers in the early '70s. It was a FM, than in shortwave listening. How-
for quite some time. unique design when it came on the ever, some SWLs, especially in Europe,
scene, with its now famous Wadley use this set to advantage.


The fixed circuit point-to-point stations are assigned by the International Telecommunications
Union to a number of specific shortwave bands, some of which are shared with other types of
services. The following bands are, theoretically, reserved for fixed circuit communications:
(Frequencies in kHz)

4000-4063 9775-10000 15450.16460

5060-5450 10100-11175 17360-17700
5730-5950 11400-11700 18030-20000
6765-7000 11975-12330 21750-21850
7300-8195 13360-14000 22720-23200
9040-9500 14350-15000 24000-25000

Mark Dishotsky of Brooklyn, NY has been , And the following bands are shared with other types of radio services.
DX'ing for several years. He has progressed 4438-4650 25000-25600
from a SONY CRF-160 to a more modern
2105-2850 4750-5060 26100-28000
CRF-330K receiver with 33 -band coverage.
3155-3400 21850-22000 29700-30000
Here he is with his equipment. Mark seems
to have one of the city's better -equipped 3500-4000 23200-24000


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lessons also prepare you for this all-
A newer addition Yaesu's
communiamons WORLD
FRG7000, an upgraded version of the
Frog -Seven, but with electronic digital
There is the Kenwood R300, at tle more-due to inflationary trends- frequency readout for under $600.
about the same price, and the Lafay- or, possibly, quite a bit less. Shop with About $450 is where you'll find Pana-
ette BCR101, ditto, give or take a few care from a reliable dealer. sonic's communications set, the
bucks. Panasonic's RF2800 is an up- Also, the market is very volatile now. RF4800, an improved and non -port-
graded version of the RF2200. Its ma- Look for some significant changes in able upgrading of the RF2800, which
jor attraction is that it offers electronic coming months. There are, for instance, also has electronic digital readout.
digital readout, probably the least ex- rumors circulating that Panasonic will SONY falls in step with its ICF6800,
pensive set to offer this feature on the be upgrading some receivers, and boost- a more recent addition to the field with
market today. It is a portable set. ing prices, early in spring. And, un- much to recommend.
There are others in this price spec- doubtedly there will be other new re- Now if you're John J. Gotzlotz, in-
trum which ha've accurate mechanical ceivers going on the market that I dependently wealthy, or maybe if
type circuits and the Wadley circuit.
Ranging from about $275 to $350 they
are basically not portables (though FREQUENCY VS. WAVELENGTH
they can be carted around without too Many beginning SWLs are confused about the terms "frequency" and "wavelength." Both are
much difficulty) but rather, communi- ways of expressing the same essential information about where to tune for a station. Wave-
cations receivers. length (measured in meters) refers to the length of a particular radio wave. Frequency
(measured in kilohertz or Megahertz -1,000 kHz) describes the number of times per second
There is the very popular Yaesu that the wave "vibrates." These are the formulas for converting one to the other.
FRG7, nicknamed the Frog -Seven.
Drake offers its SSR1, dubbed Sir -One WAVELENGTH IN METERS =
by DXers. And there is a newer entry Frequency in kHz
in the market, Sanyo's RP8880.
Radio Shack has announced its new 300,000
receiver, called the Realistic DX300, Wavelength in meters
a communications type set with LED
electronic digital readout. It sounds in-
teresting, but at this writing none were
available in the Radio Shack stores. The haven't even heard of at this writing. you've carefully saved your dollars for
announced price is $379. Moving one notch upward we come a while to buy an ultra expensive DX
A word of caution about the prices to the high priced receivers, those cost- machine, here are some super -priced
mentioned herein . . there is great
. ing between $400 and $650. The list, rigs.
competition among manufacturers and not surprisingly, is smaller, but it is A California firm, Dymek, makes it
dealers, especially with those sets in growing in size. DR22 model to sell for about $900,
the price ranges already mentioned. So There are the expensive portables, and the DR33 at $1,500. SONY has a
there are all sorts of discounted prices the Nordmende Globetrotter 808 and mighty fancy many -band portable
I've seen at various times, from vari- the Tandberg TR2025, at about $600 called the CRF-320 that sells for about
ous dealers. So consider those prices each. One can say much the same for $1,700.
mentioned only ballpark figures; if you these models as for the Nordmende If that isn't rich enough for your
shop around you might find them a lit- Globemaster-only more so! blood, how about the over -$2,000 re-
ceivers? There are Panasonic's RF8000,
the Drake DSR2, National Radio's two
entries, the HR0500 and HR0600 se-
ries, Japan Radio Corporation's "mem-
ory tuning" receiver, NRD505, and a
pair by Collins Radio, the 51S1 and
the 651S1. The latter's price tops the
$10,000 mark!
If you are interested in more data
on these various receivers, see your
dealers, or write to the manufacturers
or sales representatives listed elsewhere
in this issue of CW.
Look around, shop around, try 'em
out to see for yourself which suits your
needs and wants. Then plunk your
money on the bar hombre, and take
that DX machine home with you!
Antennas and Such. Once you get
the set home, what then? Then its
time to consider the matter of anten-
Yes, the portable receivers mention-
ed above, almost without 'exception,
Their voices are probably much more familiar than their faces to mosFSWLs. Clayton and have built-in whip type antennas. And
Helen Howard produce the popular DX Partyline program heard over HCJB, Quito, Ecuador. surprisingly, they really do a remark -


able job in bringing in the signals. But "come over" from CBing, where 99 An example? McKay Dymek Co.
usually you'll find that, if it is possible percent of the operators buy com- has its model DA100, which may be an
for you to erect one where you live, an mercially made antennas rather than answer for the person cramped for an-
outdoor antenna will bring in more construct their own, the answer to your tenna space. It consists of an exterior
and better signals. And even those sets unspoken question is "yes, you can buy module, a weatherproof box with a
with their own whip antennas usually commercially made shortwave anten- 56 inch whip, mounted outside. The
have a terminal or plug for attaching nas." These usually are special purpose signal is delivered by coaxial cable to a
an external antenna or aerial. antennas designed for some particular power supply unit near your receiver.
For those ' of you who may have situation. And there is the Slinky dipole, an


To compute the time anywhere in the world, add (+) or subtract (-) the number of hours indicated to or from GMT. Figures in parentheses
indicate daylight savings time during the particular country's summer months.

Afghanistan +41/2 Gambia 0 Poland +1

Alaska Germany +1 Portugal +1
Juneau -8 Ghana 0
Qatar +4
Anchorage -10 Gilbert Is. +12
Aleutians -11 Great Britain +1 Reunion Is. +4
Albania +1 Greece +2 Rhodesia +2
Algeria 0 Guam +10 Rumania +2
Argentina Guatemala -6 Rwanda +2
Ascension Is. 0 Haiti -5 Ryukyu Is. +9
Australia Hawaii -10 Sabah (Malaysia) +8
Eastern +10 Holland +1 Sarawak (Malaysia) +8
Central +91/2 Honduras -5(-6) Senegal 0
Western +8 Hong Kong +8(+9) Seychelles +4
Austria +1 Hungary +1 Sierra Leone 0
Azores -1 Iceland -1(0)
Singapore +71/2
Bahamas -5 India
Solomon Is. +11
Bahrain +4 Indonesia
Somali Rep. +3
Belgium +1 South Africa +2
West +7 +1
Bermuda -4 Central +8 Spain
Bolivia -4 East +9
Sri Lanka
Botswana +2 Iran +31/2
Brazil Surinam -31/4
Iraq +3 +1
Eastern -3(-2) Israel +2 Sweden
Central -4(-3) Italy +1(+2) Syria
Western -5(-4) Ivory Coast 0
Brunei +8
Bulgaria +2
Japan +9 Tahiti
Jordan +2 Tanzania +3
Burundi +2 Kenya +3 Thailand +7
Korea +9 Togo 0
Cambodia +7 Kuwait +3 Tunisia +1
Cameroun +1 Turkey +2
Canada Laos +7
Atlantic -4(-3) Lebanon +2 Uganda +3
Eastern -5(-4) Liberia +33/4 Upper Volta
Central -6(-5) Libya +2 Uruguay -3
Mountain -7(-6) Luxembourg +1
Pacific -8(-7) Malagasy Rep. +3 Eastern - 5(-4)
Yukon -9(-8) Malawi +2 Central -6(-5)
Canary Is. Malaysia +71/2
Cape Verde Is. -2
Maldive Is. +51/2
Mountain -7(-6)
Cent. Afr. Rep. +1 Mali 0
Pacific -8(-7)
Chad +1 Mauritania 0
Chile -4 Mauritius +4 Moscow +3
China Martinique -4 Baku +4
West +6 Mexico -6 Sverdlovsk +5
East +8 Monaco +1 Tashkent +6
Colombia -5 Mongolia +8 Novosibirsk +7
Cook Is. -101/2 Morocco 0
Costa Rica -6 Mozambique +2 Irkutsk +8
Cuba -5 Yakutsk +9
Nepal +5.40 Khabarovsk +10
Cyprus +2 Neth. Antilles -4 Magadan +11
Czechoslovakia +1 New Caledonia +11 Petropavlovsk +12
Dahomey (Benin) +1 New Guinea +10 Anadyr +13
Denmark +1 New Hebrides +11
Ecuador -5 New Zealand +12 Vatican +1
Egypt +2(+3) Nicaragua -6 Venezuela -4
El Salvador -6 Niger +1 Vietnam +7
Ethiopia +3 Nigeria +1 Windward Is. -4
Norway +1 Yemen +3
Falkland Is. -4(-3) Pakistan +5 Yugoslavia +1
Fiji Is. +12
Panama -5 Zaire
Paraguay -4 West
France Peru -5 East
Gabon +1 Philippines +8 Zambia +2


'To prevent confusion with letters which sound
similar, especially under difficult reception condi-
shortwave listening, you'll need a few tions -such as A, .1, K or B, P and V -the military
antenna that looks like those spring has adopted an alphabetical word system. In use,
toys that walk down stairs. It is heli- easy -to -get components - some wire, for example, an Army communications station such
cally loaded, enabling the effective elec- copper or some other good electrical as AAE60 would usually announce as "Alfa -Alfa -
trical length to be as much as five conductor, solid or braided; some non- Echo -Six -Zero." Here is the standardized military
conductive glass or ceramic insulators; phonetic alphabet:
times the actual physical length of the
dipole. Thus, this antenna made by a length of insulated lead-in wire and a A = Alfa N = November
lightning arrestor. Your local hardware B = Bravo 0 = Oscar
Teletron Data Corp., is another favor- C = Charlie P = Papa
ite among those with limited outdoor or television store should have every- D = Delta Q = Quebec
space, or those who are seeking an thing you need. E = Echo R = Romeo
antenna which is portable -easily taken There are a lot of complicated theo- F -= Foxtrot S = Sierra
G= Golf T = Tango
down and put up. ries involved in antenna design, but you U = Uniform
H = Hotel
Gilfer Associates Inc., markets a can come up with a good, workable 1= India V = Victor
number of different antennas, includ- antenna even if you don't know a .1= Juliet W = Whiskey
ing the Datong Active Antenna. Com- standing wave from a seated sailor! K = Kilo 'X = X-ray
Lima Y = Yankee
pact, wideband, it is for the listener Frankly, it is an area of electronic ex- L
M = Mike Z =- Zulu
who needs an indoor antenna with perimentation where you just can't do
"gain," added signal strength. any real harm by being technically ig-
Gilfer also has other antennas and norant -assuming you follow the com- For starters, however, here are a few
couplers designed for shortwave recep- mon sense rules like not allowing your relatively simple wire antennas you can
tion. There is the RAK Listener 7, an antenna to cross over power lines, and build easily and with little cost.
outdoor active antenna which operates other bits of safety wisdom. Play Longwires. Technically, most simple
on a principal similar to the DA100 around with home-brew aerials, if you wire type antennas used by DX listen-
mentioned above. There is the RAK wish, until you find one that works for ers are not really longwire antennas -
Listener 1 for limited outdoor space ap- you. they aren't really long enough for such
plications, and the "Double Dipole" If you want to get involved in theo- a designation. Still, that's what most
RAK 3. ry, there are some books such as Ed- listeners call these random length wire
The antenna -any antenna -has an ward Noll's "SWL Antenna Constuc- antennas anyway. And probably more
important job to do. Its job is to re- tion Projects" (a Howard Sams Publi- SWLs use a so-called longwire than
ceive the electromagnetic energy trans- cation, available at many stores dealing any other type of antenna.
mitted by radio stations and deliver it in amateur radio products or major The receiving portion of this is usu-
to your receiver, where it can be book dealers) that can give you a ally called the flat top and may be of
changed into audio signals you can boost. any convenient length, usually at least
For the listener who likes to experi- VHF AND UHF FREQUENCIES USED BY FIREFIGHTERS
ment but doesn't have too much cash,
the antenna is a great place to start. CITY
154.28 154.43
For in its simplest form, the antenna San Francisco, CA
154.19 154.25 453.70 453.80
Seattle, WA
or aerial is a piece of wire, isolated 154.34
from the ground, attached at one end Portland, OR 154.25 154.28 460.525 460.550
to the receiver with the other end as 460.575
Columbus, OH 153.77 154.31
high above the earth as possible. 154.31 154.34
Salt Lake City, UT
To construct your own antenna for 154.43
Atlanta, GA 153.89 154.19 460.600 460.625
Denver, CO 153.77 154.31
Chicago, IL 153.83 153.95
154.01 154.13
Houston, TX 153.89 154.16
Little Rock, AR 153.95
Kansas City, MO 154.01 154.13 458.10 462.95
New Orleans, LA 154.235 154.37 453.15 460.575
460.600 460.625
Dallas, TX 153.89 154.07
Pittsburgh, PA 154.13 154.445
New York, NY 153.77 153,89 460.525 460.575
153.95 154.01 460.625 460.675
154.07 154.19
Los Angeles, CA 33.48 33.53 506.3125 506.6375
Cleveland, OH 153.89 153.93
Washington, DC 154.19 154.205
Sally Kase of Flushing, N.Y. is an avid 154.235
Baltimore, MD 154.07 154.31
CB'er, while her husband chases SW DX with 153.89 153.95
Philadelphia, PA
a Zenith Transoceanic. Sally also wonders 154.01
about the dearth of lady RF activists. OK, 154.145 154.23
Sally, Kase klosed.


0 The SINPO code is often used by SWLs in reporting conditions of reception to the major international broadcasters. The
chart below indicates the values, in terms of reception quality, assigned to each number in the code. A station with good
signal strength, moderate interference and atmospheric noise, slight propagational disturbances, or fading, and a good
overall signal quality, would be designated SINPO 54454.

Signal Strength Interference Atmospheric Noise Propagation disturbance Overall Merit

S N 0
5-Excellent 5-None 5-None 5-None 5-Excellent
4-Good 4-Slight 4-Slight 4-Slight 4-Good
3-Fair 3-Moderate 3-Moderate 3-Moderate 3-Fair
2-Poor 2-Severe 2-Severe 2-Severe 2-Poor
1-Barely audible 1-Extreme 1-Extreme 1-Extreme 1-Unusable

20 feet and not more than about 150 ed at the center. The reason for choos- The Windom will work on, other
feet. The length is very often deter- ing a "T" over an Inverted L is purely shortwave bands, but will get optimum
mined by existing supporting struc- practical. You may choose a "T" if results on the 31 meter SW band.
tures or the location of trees in your the available supporting points for the There is another type of wire an-
yard. An antenna tuner-of which there antenna, convenient high points around tenna that is popular with SWLs-the
are some commercial models available your home such as the house itself, a dipole or doublet. At first glance it
or which can be easily built from garage roof, a pole, a tower, a tree, are appears similar to the longwire Tan
plans often appearing in popular elec- located advantageously. You'll quickly tenna, but there is an essential differ-
tronic hobby magazines such as ELE- discover that the shape of your yard or ence.
MENTARY ELECTRONICS - may help the locations of trees suitable for sup- A dipole consists of two identical
"tune"' the random wire antenna for porting the aerial are often critical de- lengths of wire, separated from each
optimum performance on various fre- sign factors. other in the center by an insulator. It is
quencies. Similar to the T is the Windom an- fed by twin -wire lead-in, 75 ohm trans-
The antenna flat top should be as tenna. Unlike either of the previously mission line available at most ham ra-
high above the ground as possible and described antennas, the Windom works dio supply stores. One half of the twin -
should be insulated at both ends-not best on the particular frequency band lead is attached to each segment of the
touching any object which will short it for which it was designed. dipole. The other end of the lead-in is
to ground. Preferably it should be lo- Determine the center frequency of similarly split, with each wire connect-
cated away from such electrical inter- the band you tune most. If for exam- ed to one of the receiver's two antenna
ference as power lines and busy streets. ple, it is the 31 meter band, base your terminals. (Some receivers are not
Auto ignition systems cause electrical computations on a frequency some- equipped with two terminals to handle
noises in radios. where in the middle of the band, say a "balanced" antenna lead. Check your
Soldered at one end of the longwire 9,600 kilohertz (9.6 MHz). Use it in receiver before you take the time and
should be the lead-in, an insulated wire the following formula in which L effort of erecting a dipole.)
long enough to reach the receiver. The stands for the length of the Windom's Unlike the random length wire an-
reason for the lead-in's insulation is, as flat top portion: tenna, which operates reasonably well
with the flat top portion, to prevent 468 over a wide range of frequencies, a
the antenna from being shorted out. L- Freq. in MHz dipole is designed for optimum per-
The horizontal flat top, end -fed at The flat top's length should be 468 formance on a specific shortwave band.
right angles by the lead-in, looks like divided by 9.6, or about 4894 feet. If you plan on tuning a number of
an upside-down "L." As a result, this Forty-eigth feet, for all practical pur- shortwave bands regularly, you may
type of skywire is sometimes called an poses, is close enough-and easy to wish to construct several dipole anten-
Inverted L. work with. nas, one for each band. Furthermore,
Two other antennas are related to Install the Windom as you would a directionality is sbmewhat more impor-
the Inverted L. They are the T antenna T antenna, only attach the lead-in not tant with a dipole, which tends to best
and the Windom. at the midpoint of the flat -top, but at a receive those signals which approach
The "T" is really no different from point one-third of the way from the from right angles to its length.
the preceeding antenna, except instead end nearest your receiver, 16 feet in The formula for determining the
of being end -fed, the lead-in is attach- this case. length of the dipole's two top elements

Many Latin American stations use slogans, rather than call
letters, for identification. Some-particularly the Mexican
medium wave outlets-also refer to call letters, in full or A=ah G=heh N = EH-neh U = oo
in part. To help you identify these stations, here is the way B = beh H =AH-cheh 0 =oh V== veh
the Spanish spoken letters and numbers sound. C-=seh l=ee P = peh W= DOH-bleh-veh
D= deh J = HOH-tah Q=- koo X= EH-kees
00-noh 4 = KWAT-roh 8= OH-choh E= --eh K=kah R =--- EH-reh Y= ee-gree-EH-gah
2 = dohs 5 = SING-koh 9= NWEH-bee F = EH-feh L= EH-leh S = EH-seh Z = SEH-tah
3 = tress 6 =-- seh-ees 0 = CEH-roh M = EH-meh T= teh
7 = syeh-teh


Band kHz
120 meter 2300-2500
is: Tuning Around. Many of you read- 90 meter 3200-3400
L (length of each element) = ers have been listening to shortwave 75 meter 3900-4000
programming for months or years. But 60 meter 4750-5060
234 5950-6200
49 meter
Freq. in MHz we know also that a large number of 41 meter 7100-7300
For a 31 meter dipole,again let's use you have just become interested in
31 meter 9500-9775
the 9.6 MHz figure. Plug the number SWLing, and are reading your first is- 25 meter 11700-11975
into the formula and: 234 4divided by sue of CW. 19 meter 15100-15450
9.6 = approximately 24 feet. And for those of you in that sizable 16 meter 17700-17900
category, the next question, after you 13 meter 21450-21750
An improved version of the doublet 11 meter 25600-26100
is the folded dipole. The overall length have your receiver and antenna set up
of the flat top portion is computed is "where should I tune and what can
using the same formula as for the I hear?" viet, Chinese and North Korean sta-
Windom: Most, but not all shortwave broad- tions that operated in significant num-
468 casting stations, can be found in a bers outside the established bands. And,
L= Freq. in MHz dozen different frequency bands in the yes, there also were some Latin Amer-
At the midpoint of the standard 300 shortwave spectrum, which by DXer ican outlets that, it seems, didn't worry
ohm television lead-in wire, used in this definition runs from just above the AM too much about where they operated.
case to construct the flat top portion, medium wave band to the point where But in the past couple of years, more
one (and only one) of the two wires the very high frequencies (VHF) begin of the large western stations chose to
should be cut. Another length of 300 -about 1,605 to 30,000 kilohertz. operate on some out -of -band frequen-
ohm TV lead should be used for the Each of these bands is only a couple cies on shortwave. Their decisions may
antenna lead-in, one wire attached to of hundred kilohertz wide. On one hand have been made to escape heavy inter-
each side of the "cut" in the flat top. it is an advantage to have all, or most ference within the SW bands. Some,
The two wires of the flat top should of the stations grouped together in however, saw it as a ploy to dramatize
be connected at each end. bands where you can readily find them. a need for more broadcasting space
Again, as with the simple dipole, a But that situation presents a major dis- when an international frequency con-
receiver which can handle a balanced advantage too. With several thousand ference considers frequency allocations
lead-in, with two antenna terminal con- SW broadcasting stations around the later this year.
nectors, is required. world packed into these relatively small Starting at the top end of the short-
The folded dipole has an additional frequency bands, interference is a real waves, the first two shortwave broad-
advantage to the builder. In most cases problem. casting bands are the 11 Meter (25,-
the standard 300 -ohm TV wire is easier Not all broadcasters operate in the 600 to 26,100 kiloherzt) and the 13
to locate than is 75 ohm. internationally recognized SWBC bands. Meter Band (21,450 to 21,750 kHz).
Yet another basic shortwave antenna For many years it was mostly the So- There still is a real lack of activity
is the vertical. It is particularly useful
where horizontal space is at a premium. WHERE TO DX FOR WHAT
A pipe, insulated from ground, may There are three very broad categories of stations. There are the broadcast stations, which air
make a suitable vertical antenna. The progams of infomation, entertainment and music to general audiences. Then there are the
radio amateurs, hobbyists who operate in two-way communication on the shortwave and higher
classic "whip" is essentially a vertical. frequencies. Everything else falls into a grab bag called utility communications, which cover
Here's a tip for apartment dwellers: the whole range of services from longwave ship -to -shore to aeronautical VHF signals, point-
A temporary vertical antenna can be to-point transatlantic phone calls to radioteleprinters, to name but a few types.
created by dropping a length of insulat- Type of DX kHz Type of DX
ed wire from your window, letting it
Below 540 Utility, broadcast 10000-11700 Utility
hang down several stories-at least until Broadcast 11700-11975 Broadcast
the landlord or the tenants below get 1605-1800 Utility 11975-14000 Utility
curious! 1800-2065 Amateur, utility 14000-14350 Amateur
2065-2300 Utility 14350-15100 Utility
2300-2500 Broadcast, utility 15100-15450 Broadcast
2500-3200 Utility 15450-17700 Utility
3200-3400 Broadcast, utility 17700-17900 Broadcast
3400-3500 Utility 17900-21000 Utility
3500-3900 Amateur, utility 21000-21450 Amateur
3900-4000 Amateur, Broadcast, utility 21450-21750 Broadcast
4000-4750 Utility 21750-25600 Utility
4750-5060 Broadcast 25600-26100 Broadcast
5060-5950 Utility 26100-26960 Utility
5950-6200 Broadcast 26960-27230 Amatetir, CB
6200-7000 Utility 27230-28000 Utility
7000-7100 Amateur 28000-29700 Amateur
7100-7300 Amateur, broadcast 29700-30000 Utility
7300-9500 Utility Above 30000 Utility, amateur,
P. Kana of Atlanta, GA has been a DX'er 9500-9775 Broadcast broadcast (TV, FM)
for 20 years. He's QSL'ed the Congo and 9775-10000 Broadcast, utility
the Windward Islands' Radio Grenada.


on the highest band, 11 Meters. But as ed, collectively, the Tropical Bands. you're more apt to hear programs in
the number of sunspots -the violent These are the 60 Meter Band (4,750 to Spanish, Portuguese, French and the
eruptions on the surface of the sun 5,060 kHz), the 75 Meter Band (3,900 languages of Africa and Asia.
that have a very real effect on high to 4,000 kHz), the 90 Meter Band These Tropical Bands are almost ex-
frequency reception -increases in the (3,200 to 3,400 kHz), and the 120 clusively nightime listening spots. On
next year or so, look for radio -activity Meter Band (2,300 to 2,495 kHz). such low shortwave frequencies, the

way up there. These bands get their joint name path between the station and the listen-
Thirteen meters is turning up some because most of the signals you'll hear er should be mostly in darkness. These
broadcasting activity, and like "11," it on these frequencies come from domes- bands will "open" up a couple of hours
will continue to pick up as the sunspot tic government or commercial SW sta- before the sun sets, for stations to the
maxima approaches during the current tions in the Tropical regions, where east -such as those from West Africa.
cycle. Even in the best of times, how- programs are aimed at home audiences, They will remain active through the
ever, these frequencies are for SWLing rather than listeners abroad. There is night hours and will hold up for sta-
during the daylight hours. some English language programming to tions to the west, in Asia and the
The next pair of SW bands included be heard on the Tropical Bands, but Pacific region, until shortly after dawn
the 16 Meter Band (17,700 to 17,900
kHz) and the 19 Meter Band (15,100 TUNING THE POINT-TO-POINT
to 15,450 kHz). Again, these are day-
light bands, the places to tune for the This is a selected list of fixed circuit PTP stations operating on shortwave frequencies.
major international broadcasters whose Country Station Ownership Freq. (KHz)
signals are reaching you mostly over a Afars & Issa PTT Service Radioelectrique 17,610 19,545
daylight path between station and lis- Albania Ministry of Communications 7,790, 7,850
Algeria Ministry of PT 7,885, 16,165
tener. You'll find a lot of broadcasting
activity on 19 Meters; somewhat less on Australia Australian Overseas Telecommunications 8,789.5, 10,420
Austria Austrian Post and Telegraph 6,787, 13,848
16 Meters. 4,825, 6,838
Bahamas Bahamas Govt. Telecommunications
When it comes to the biggie broad-
Barbados Cable and Wireless W. I. Ltd. 10,115, 16,072.5
casters, the large international stations Belgium Brussels Post, Telephone and Telegraph 7,927, 14,360
on shortwave, those located in Europe, Brazil EMBRATEL 11,670, 16,340
Africa and Asia especially, the two Burma Posts and Telegraph Dept. 20,460
bands most in use are the 25 Meter Cameroun Int. Telecom. of Cameroun 7,870, 15,832
Band (11,700 to 11,975 kHz) and the Canada Canadian Overseas Telecom. Corp. 12,265, 13,745
31 Meter Band (9,500 to 9,750 kHz). Canary Islands Compania Telefonos Nac. Espana 10,690, 13,560
Twenty-five meters is something of Central Af. Rep. France Cables et Radio 11,160, 15,530
a transitional band. Reception is possi- Ceylon Overseas Telecom. Service 9,050, 10,485
ble during your afternoon and evening Chad France Cables et Radio 11,608, 14,747
hours, both in daylight and darkness. Chile ENTEL 13,520, 15,640
Denmark Director General of Post & Telegraph 7,652, 11,460
During the evening hours in North
America, 31 meters is perhaps the best Ecuador Empressa Nac. de Telecommunicationes 15,610
Falkland Is. Cable and Wireless Ltd. 24,145
spot to look for English language trans- Gambia Cable and Wireless Ltd. 13,797
missions from many countries. Many Germany, West Deutsche Bundespost 10,850, 16,430
of these programs are directed spe- Guam RCA Global Communications 10,621
cifically to listeners in the United States Honduras Tropical Radio Telegraph 6,905, 11,190
and Canada. Hungary Minister of Posts 6,390
Next down the line are the 41 Meter Iraq Director Gen. of Postes, Telegraphs 18,898
Band (7,100 to 7,300 kHz) and the Italy Italia Cable 10,135, 16,395
49 Meter Band (5,950 to 6,200 kHz). Ivory Coast Soc. Telecom. Int. de la Cote d'Ivoire 12,115, 16,380
At least part of the 41 Meter Band is Jamaica Jamaica Int. Telecom. Ltd. 5,205, 9,396
Japan Kokusai Denshin Denwa Ltd. 10,660, 15,700
shared with 40 Meter amateur radio op-
erators in this hemisphere. This joint Kenya
East Af. External Telecom. Co. 10,730, 15,547
Kuwait PTT 7,699, 11,576
use of the frequencies can, and often Lebanon Societe Radio Orient 8,090, 13,445
does, create mutual interference. Liberia Liberian Telecomm. Adm. 10,730, 13,935
Forty-nine Meters is one of the most Martinique French Telecomm. Service 17,565
crowded bands in the shortwave spec- Mexico Mexican Post, Telephone, Telegraph 7,350
trum, since it is used by both the pow- Netherlands Netherlands' Post and Telecomm. 8,160, 14,500
erful international broadcasters and by New Zealand New Zealand Post Office 18,770, 20,725
countless local type shortwave radio Nicaragua Tropical Radio Telegraph 5,735
stations in Latin America, Africa and Pakistan Pakistan Telephone and Telegraph 20,936
elsewhere in the world. Rhodesia Rhodesian Post Office 18,690
Saudi Arabia Ministry of Communications 9,867, 11,417
While a few stations may be audible
for a while in the post -dawn period, Sierra Leone
France Cables et Radio 20,327
Sierra Leone Telecommunications 17,655
and late in the afternoon, these two South Africa South African Post Office 6,770, 9,048
shortwave bands produce the most sig- Spain Compania Telefonos Nac. Espana 10,120, 19,030
nals during nightime. From dusk to Sweden Swedish Telecommunications 16,052, 22,930
dawn, the bands, especially "49," come Switzerland Swiss Telephone and Telegraph 19,585
alive! U.S.S.R., Ministry of Communications 13,710, 16,325
The same thing is true of our last, Zambia Post Office Telecommunications 20,261
four shortwave bands, which are call-


entertaining shows to be heard on

communicanons WORLD shortwave stations. These persons find

their favorite SW programs and listen
to them regularly.
where you live. different than what we hear on our Generally speaking, these listeners
Sixty Meters is a very active band everyday AM radios. These listeners are called SWLs, shortwave listeners
during the evening hours; and 90 Me- find that there are some excellent and who find their main enjoyment in the
ters is onl' somewhat less active in
terms of the number of stations to be DX CLUBS YOU CAN JOIN
heard. These are the bands that veteran One of the best ways of learning all about DXing and keeping up to date on
DX listeners favor. But frankly, be- the changing world of DX is to join one or more of the fine DXing clubs.
cause of the limited English program- The following clubs are affiliated with the Association of North American
ming, weaker signals, heavier interfer- Radio Clubs (557 North Madison Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101). In addition
ence, they will present tougher listening to the 11 affiliated clubs in North America, which cover one or several
for newcomers to the listening hobby. aspects of the DX hobby, there are seven associate member clubs which are
Like "41" the 75 Meter Band is regional in nature, or serve some smaller or specialized interest.
shared in part with radio amateur op-
erators. This makes for interference ANARC MEMBER CLUBS
problems at times. This band doesn't American Shortwave Listeners Club (ASWLC). 16182 Ballad Lane, Hunting-
really have too many shortwave broad- ton Beach, CA 92649.
casting stations, but those that do use Founded in 1964. For beginners and advanced DXers. Covers shortwave
these frequencies tend to be exotic and utility or non -broadcast type DXing, including worldwide station data,
catches, Greenland and Pacific area sta- QSL news, time index, receiver reviews. Monthly offset news bulletin,
tions, for example. "SWL." Dues: $13 per year. Sample bulletin copy, $1.
The 120 Meter Band often seems Canadian International DX Radio Club (CIDX). 169 Grandview Ave., Winni-
just dead! Indeed, here on the lowest peg, Manitoba, R26 OL4, Canada.
Founded 1962. All bands, SW, MW, utilities, FM -TV, CB, amateur. Month-
of the shortwave broadcasting bands, ly mimeographed bulletin, CIDX Messenger. Dues: $9 first class mail,
there are not too many stations operat- $7.50 third class. Sample bulletin copy, 25 cents. U.S. members to
ing. And conditions are often not con- remit by international bank or money order, payable in Canadian funds.
ducive to long haul reception. But you International Radio Club of America (IRCA). P.O. Box 26254, San Francisco,
may find some Latin American (espe- CA 94126.
cially Brazilian and Guatemalan) sta- Founded in 1964. Medium wave broadcast band coverage only. Printed
tions operating here, as well as some newsletter, DX Monitor, published 34 times a year; weekly during winter
Asian. DX season. Worldwide roundup of medium wave information, special fea-
There are many thousands of people tures, U.S. and Canadian station data, flash tips. Dues: $12 per year.
out there in "radioland" who enjoy lis- Sample bulletin copy 50 cents.
tening to stations on these dozen SW National Radio Club (NRC). P.O. Box 118, Poquonock, CT 06064 (member-
broadcasting bands. ship center).
Founded in 1933. Covers medium wave BCB only. Printed magazine, DX
DXer or SWL? Initially; almost every- News, issued 30 times a year, weekly in season. Technical articles, full
one who tunes a shortwave receiver is coverage of international and domestic BCB logging and station infor-
intrigued and fascinated by the oppor- mation, receiver reviews, members musings/comments, data on test
tunity to hear a radio signal from some broadcasts. Dues: $15 per year. Sample bulletin copy is 50 cents. NRC
far-off spot, such as Australia or China club headquarters is at P.O. Box 32125, Louisville, KY 40232.
or South Africa. The "far -away" aspect Newark News Radio Club (NNRC). P.O. Box 539, Newark, NJ 07101.
does provide much of the "kick" in the Founded in 1927. Pioneer all -band DX club in North America, covering
listening hobby. But many listeners SW, MW, QSLs, utilities, FM, TV, CB, ham. Monthly printed bulletin,
quickly find themselves hooked on the NNRC Bulletin. Dues: $15 via first class mail; $12 via third class. Sam-
programs, often programming much ple bulletin copy, $1.
North American Shortwave Association (NASWA). P.O. Box 13, Liberty, IN
Founded in 1961. Covers shortwave broadcast exclusively. Detailed cov-
erage of shortwave with log reports, worldwide technical articles, DX hot
tips in mid -month Update flyer, QSL data, station information, etc.
Monthly printed magazine, Frendx. Dues: $13 per year. Sample bulletin
copy, $1.
Ontaiio DX Association (ODXA). Apt. 1910, 1202 York Mills Road, Don Mills,
Ontario M3A 1Y2, Canada.
Founded in 1974. Membership limited to DXers living in Ontario. Covers
SW and medium wave BCB only. Monthly mimeoed bulletin, DX Ontario.
Dues: Adults, $11 per year, students, $8 per year. Sample bulletin copy
50 cents.
Radio Communications Monitoring Association (RCMA). P.O. Box 4563,
Anaheim, CA 92803.
Founded in1975. Specialized radio club for DXers interested in listening
to non -skip, two-way communications in the VHF -UHF public service and
aircraft bands, including police, fire, marine, air, and weather bands.
Joy Cronin has a complaint. How come we Monthly printed bulletin, R.C.M.A. Dues: $6 per year. For sample bulletin
rarely show pics of female DX'ers? That's copy, send large size, self-addressed envelope with stamp affixed for
because you ladies haven't been sending reply.
them in! How about some distaff QSLs?


program content of the stations they ing new -and previously unlogged sta- fore.
hear. tions from as many countries of the These types are known as DXers-
There are others, however, who find world as they can. For these hobbyists, DX being an old radio term for "dis-
that their real thrills continue to be the attraction is less in the program con- tance." The DXer gets his kicks by try-
linked, at least in part, to the "far tent than in the challenge of bringing ing to hear the off -beat, difficult -to -tune
away, far out" aspect of listening. They in new and exotic stations, the continu- stations, the low powered outlets, re-
love the challenge of continually hear- ing quest for something not heard be- gardless of the programming. In fact,
these stations usually don't broadcast in
SpeeDX. P.O. Box E, Elsinore, CA 02330. English and often aren't heard well
Founded in 1971. Specializes in shortwave and utility DXing, technical enough to make the programs easily
topics, receiver and equipment reviews, log listings, station information, understood.
QSL data. Monthly offset printed magazine, SpeeDX, plus mid -month In reality, there's probably at least a
SpeeDX-GRAM. Dues: $12 per year. Sample bulletin copy, $1. little of the SWL and the DXer in ev-
United World Radio DX Club (WRDXC). P.O. Box 1075, Elizabethton, TN ery listener. It is the proportions that
37643. differ from individual to individual.
Founded in 1975. Covers shortwave, BCB MW, utilities, and amateur Curiously, most people when they
radio. Has two bulletins. United World DXtra (bi-monthly) and DX -o -Gram first discover the excitement of listening
(monthly). Dues include both publications: $10 per year. Sample copy,
$1. to shortwave, begin as DX fans. They
Worldwide TV -FM DX Association (WTFDA). P.O. Box 202, Whiting, IN 46394.
have initially little idea of what there is
Founded in 1967. North America's only UHF/VHF club specializing in to hear, when or where to hear it.
FM and TV DXing. Technical articles, U.S. and Canadian FM and TV logs So they tune around the shortwave
and data, QSL corner, photos of TV DX patterns, worldwide reports. dial, trying the various SW bands, but,
Monthly printed bulletin, UHF -VHF Digest. Dues: $11 per year. Sample generally, tuning at random. They find
copy, $1. something that is coming through loud
and clear, and in English, so they stop
ANARC ASSOCIATE CLUBS a while and listen. Then, later, they go
Association of Illinois DXers. P.O. Box 95073, Schaumburg, IL 60195. on to other stations they can hear, hunt-
Founded in 1976; formerly the Woodfield International DX Club. Regional ing for whatever catches their attention
club. Monthly bulletin, AIDX Journal. Dues: Chicago area, $2 per year; as they tune down the dial. Everything
elsewhere in Illinois, $3. Sample copy, send large sized self-addressed, is new and different at first.
stamped envelope. Then, in time, most newcomers to
Brooklyn DX Club (BDXC). c/o David Snyder, 1137 East 12th St., Brooklyn, the listening game veer in the other
N.Y. 11230. direction toward SWLing. They have,
Founded in 1975. Covers English language SW broadcasts. Monthly bul-
letin, E.L.B. Dues: local members, $3.50 per year, elsewhere in North by then, found various stations and dif-
America, $5. Sample copy, 50 cents. ferent types of programs. They have
Handicapped Aid Program (HAP). c/o Wayne A. Davis, 27 Cleveland Avenue, learned where and when to tune to find
Trenton, NJ 08609; Canadian Handicapped Aid Program (CHAP). c/o Bill a certain favorite program. They seek
Dulmage, Rt. 3, Colborne, Ontario KOK 1S0, Canada. out these programs they've come to
Assists handicapped DXers and membership open to those who are handi- enjoy.
capped or those who wish to help the handicapped help themselves. Send The armchair travel aspect appeals
large sized self-addressed envelope for further details. to many! By listening to shortwave ra-
Long Wave Club of America (LWCA). c/o W. R. Mclntonsh, P.O. Box 33188, dio it is possible to roam the globe
Grenada Hills, CA 91344. without ever leaving home-and at cut-
Founded in 1974. The only radio club in North America specializing in rate prices! SWLing is a terrific way to -
frequencies below the medium wave band, 550 kHz and lower in fre-
quency, plus the 1750 meter band. Technical topics, log listings, station experience the cultures, the customs,
data. Monthly newsletter, The Low -Down. Dues: $6 per year. Sample the music and the language of different
copy, send stamped, self-addressed envelope. nations.
Miami Valley DX Club (MVDXC). c/o Jack Wyatt, 170 Notre Dame Ave., Day- You can learn a language by short- .
ton, OH, 45404. wave. A number of overseas shortwave
Covers SW only. Founded in 1973. Monthly mimeographed bulletin, DX broadcasters have special language
World. Features propagation forecasts, technical and logging data, DX study courses and some will even send
news. Dues: $3 per year. Sample copy, 25 cents. you free text materials to go along
Minnesota DX Club (MDXC). '5212 Drew South, Minneapolis, MN 55410. with the broadcast lessons. Once you
Founded in 1973. Regional club, membership limited to DXers living in have picked up the basics this way, you
Minnesota. Covers SW and MW radio. Monthly newsletter, MDXC Mes- can polish your skills by tuning the
senger. Dues: $2 per year. Sample bulletin copy, send stamped, self- regular programs in that language.
addressed envelope.
Many high school and college language
University of Manitoba DX Club (UMDXC). Room 517, Box 131, University instructors recognize the value of lis-
Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2 Canada.
Founded in 1972. Regional club, membership limited to residents of tening to broadcasts in French, Span.
Manitoba and DXers attending the U. of M. No bulletins. For information ish, German or some other language
send self-addressed stamped envelope. and encourage their students to become
* * * * SWLs!
The Association of North American Radio Clubs (ANARC) is not itself a club, For some radio hobbyists, the ap-
and accepts no individual memberships. It is an umbrella organization of proach of listening for program con-
North American hobby radio clubs. However, individuals may subscribe to tent is exactly what they .want. They
the monthly ANARC Newsletter. Subscription: $2.50 per year in North need no more than to have a shortwave
America. receiver that will give them "ears" to a


They may not attract as many ad-
communiamons WORLD 1!"; herents, but each has its fanatical band
of supporters. Oh yes, indeedy! Here at
new and enjoyable world of listening - stinct for new stations. Nor is it nec- COMMUNICATIONS WORLD I get letters
listening different from anything they essary that they do. DXings is one as- from them, Like this one from a reader
can hear on their AM radio! pect of the hobby; SWLing is another. in Pennsylvania:
Others, however, decide that it is the The pure SWL may find it puzzling to "In the '30s, there were virtually no
challenge of the hunt that intrigues think that someone would want to listen all-nighters on the dial. Stations almost
them. And, inevitably, that means they to a station whose programs he can't never broadcast 1 am local time, and
will be listening for stations that broad- really understand. And the pure DXer, most, even in the big cities, signed off
cast in languages other than English. can't really understand. And the pure at midnight. This meant that virtually
For most listeners, they will never be- DXer, likewise, can't imagine why any- every frequency . . was clear from

come fluent in the foreign languages one would want to tune the same, fa- the East coast straight across to Cali-
they hear. At best they may learn miliar stations again and again. fornia, Oregon, Washington and British
enough of the languages, perhaps quite The Original DXing. In terms of Columbia, seven mornings a week!
a few different languages, to enable numbers of hobby listeners, there are "So by 2 am, EST, on a good morn-
them to identify the stations they are probably more shortwave fans than any it was not only possible to hear
hearing. Some program items, music other group. But in the "radio -active" West coasters on regular schedule, it
for instance, are universal, and there '70s, one of the fastest growing aspects was in reality run-of-the-mill reception.
is no language barrier. But when a of the listening hobby has been the With better equipment and more avail-
DXer pursues stations, regardless of monitoring of the VHF -UHF public able time it would have been possible
language, it is the quest for the new, service "action" bands! to hear (from the New York metro-
the unusual, the different, the rare, There are other forms of DXing politan area) 200 or more Western
rather than the programs themselves, though -remember, that's hunting for stations, in fact.
that is the major attraction! distant or hard -to -receive radio fre- "Most New York, Chicago, San
Not everyone has this hunter in - quency signals! Francisco and Los Angeles stations

WHERE TO SEND THOSE Egypt Radio Cairo, Engineering Dept., Box

1186, Cairo
RECEPTION REPORTS Radio Finland, External Service,
Afghanistan Radio Afghanistan, P.O. Box 544, Kabul Kesakuta 2, SF -00260 Helsinki
Albania Radio Tirana, Rua Ismail Quemal, Tirana France Radio France International, B.P. 9516,
Algeria Radiodiffusion-TV Algerienne, 21 Blvd. F-75016, Paris
des Martyrs, Algiers Germany (DDR) Radio Berlin International, Nalepastrasse
Angola Radio Nacional, C.P. 1329, Luanda 18-50, Berlin 116
Argentina Radiodifusora Argentina al Exterior, Germany (GFR) Deutsche Welle, P.O. Box 10 04 44,
Ayacucho 1556, 1112 Buenos Aires Cologne 5
Australia Radio Australia, Box 4286, GPO, 3001, Great Britain British Broadcasting Corp., Bush House,
Melbourne, Victoria Box 76, London WC2B 4PH
Austria Austrian Radio, Short Wave Service, Greece Voice of Greece, Box 19, 16 Mourouzi
A-1136, Vienna St., Aghia-Paraskev, Athens
Bangladesh Radio Bangladesh, 20 Green Rd., Dacca Guatemala TGNA, Radio Cultural, Aparatado 601,
5 Guatemala City
Belgium Radiodiffusion-TV Beige, P.O. Box 26, Haiti 4VEH, La Voz Evangelique, Boite Postale
1000 Brussels 1, Cap Haitian
Bolivia La Cruz del Sur, Cajon 1408, La Paz Guam Trans World Radio, P.O. Box CC, Agana,
Botswana Radio Botswana, P.O. Box 52, Gaberones Guam 96910
Bulgaria Radio Sofia, 4 Bd. Dragan Tsankov,
Sofia Honduras La Voz de Evangelica, HRVC, Apartado
Burma Burma Broadcasting Service, Prome 145-C, Tegucigalpa
Road, Kamayut P.O., Rangoon Hungary Radio Budapest, Brody Sando utca 5-7,
Byelorussian SSR Radio Minsk, 4 Krasnaya St., Minsk, 1800 Budapest
U.S.S.R. India All India Radio, P.O. Box 500, New Delhi
Canada CHU, National Research Council, K1A 11000
OS1 Ottawa, Ontario Israel ISRAEL Broadcasting Authority, P.O.
Radio Canada International, Box 6000, Box 1082, 91-000 Jerusalem
Montreal H3C 3A8, Quebec Italy Italian Radio & TV, Caselle Postalle
Chile Radio Nacional de Chile, Casilla 244V, 320, Rome
Santiago Ivory Coast Radiodiffusion-TV Ivorienne, Boite
China Radio Peking, Peking Postale 2261, Abidjan
Colombia Radio Nacional, Apto. Aereo 51-72, Japan Radio Japan, Nipon Hoso Kyokai,
Bogota Jinnan 2-2-1, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 100
Costa Rica TIFC, Faro del Caribe, Apartado 287, Korea (South) Korean Broadcasting Corp., P.O. Box
San Jose 150, Seoul
Cuba Radio Havana Cuba, P.O. Box 7026, Korea (North) Korean Central Broadcasting Committee,
Havana Pyongyang
Czechoslovakia Radio Prague, Prague 2 Kuwait Kuwait Broadcasting and TV, P.O. Box
Denmark Radio Denmark, TV-Byen, DK-2860 397, Kuwait
Soborg, Copenhagen Liberia ELWA, Box 192, Monrovia
Ecuador HCJB, La Voz de los Andes (Voice of the Lithuanian SSR Radio Vilnius, 49 Konarsky St., Vilnius
Andes), Casilla 691, Quito USSR


stayed on until 1 am," Cooper recalled. of that enthusiasm and excitement is
"After 1 am then, in the East, it was gone from BCB medium wave DXing.
easy to log Chicago and other Central Cooper would be the first to tell you
Standard Time zone stations. By 1 or 2 that! The thrills of tuning elusive sta-
am EST, things were open through to tions, .both U.S. and Canadian domes-
the Mountain Standard Time zone sta- tics as well as the foreign broadcasters,
tions and to some Pacific Standard are every bit as compelling in the late
Time zone stations. 1970s as they were in the '30s. And
"It was something like the network's there are far more target stations to try
coverage of New Year's Eve these days, for these days!
following the New Year westward. And As the DXing craze spread across
that was how it was so comparatively the country in the 1920s, listeners here
easy for those of us who were active in and listeners there began to get to- Now here's looking shack. Ronald
those exciting days to log and verify so gether locally to share their tuning ex- Robinson of Cedar Grove, N.J. has more than
many 3,000 milers. It worked in re- periences and pass along tips on what half of his 50 countries confirmed.
verse, of course, for the West coast to listen to and when. Before long there
DXer. He could (in the mornings) get were listeners' clubs growing up in
the East coast stations signing on, then various cities. In some cases, the "glue" Newark News Radio Club -marked its
an hour later, the Centrals and Moun- that stuck these club groups together 50th birthday!
tain zone stations, before any of his was a radio column in the local news- It was in 1933 that members of the
locals opened up. paper. There were clubs sponsored by Philadelphia Radio Club and the Trans-
"Ah yes, 'twas fun!" such papers as the Buffalo Evening continental Radio Club merged. And
Just by reading Cooper's comments, News and the Newark (NJ) News. then the Buffalo group plus several oth-
it is easy to get caught up in the excite- In 1977, the latter club -long since er listener organizations from the At-
ment of BCBing in that era. divorced from any ties with the news- lantic seaboard to the Middle West
But -and here's a flash for you -none paper but still retaining its name of the joined forces to form another major

Mexico Radio Mexico, XERMX, P.O. Box 20-620, Surinam Stichting Radio Omroep Suriname
Mexico DF (SRS), Box 271, Paramaribo
Mozambique Radio Mozambique, C.P. 594, Maputo Sweden Radio Sweden, S-105 10, Stockholm
Nepal Department of Broadcasting, Katmandu Switzerland Swiss Broadcasting Corp., Overseas
Netherlands Radio Nederland, Box 222, Hilversum Service, CH3000 Berne 16
Neth. Antilles Trans World Radio, Bonaire Syria Radio Damascus, Omayad Square,
Caledonia Radio Noumea Damascus
New Zealand Radio New Zealand, P.O. Box 2092, Tahiti Radio Tahiti, B.P. 125, Papeete
Wellington Tanzania Radio Tanzania, P.O. Box 1178, Dar es
Nigeria Voice of Nigeria, External Service, Salaam
P.M.B. 12504, Lagos Togo Radiodiffusion du Togo, Boite Postale
Norway Radio Norway, Bh. Bjornsons Plass 1, 434, Lome
Oslo Turkey Radio Ankara, Genel Mudurlugu, Mithat
Pakistan Radio Pakistan, World Service, P.O. Box Pasa Caddesi 37, Ankara
443, Karachi or 82-A Satellite Town, United States Armed Forces Radio & TV Service, Office
Rawalpindi of Information Washington D.C. 20305
Papua New Guinea National Broadcasting Commission, Box KGEI, Friendship Station, Redwood City,
1359, Boroko CA 94063
Peru Radio Nacional, Av. Petit Thouras 441, Voice of America, Public Information
Lima Office, Washington DC 20547
Philippines Far East Broadcasting Co., Box 2041, WINB, P.O. Box 88, Red Lion, PA 17356
Mani la WYFR, Family Radio, 290 Hegenberger
Philippines Broadcasting Service, 5th Road, Oakland, CA 94621
Floor, GSIS Bldg., Arroceros Street, Uruguay S.O.D.R.E., Servicio Oficial de Difusion
Manila Radioelectrica, Merceded 823,
Poland Radio Warsaw, P.O. Box 46, 00-950 Montevideo
Warsaw USSR Radio Moscow, Moscow
Portugal Radio Portugal, Rua do Quelhas 21, Radio Kiev, Radio Centre, 26 Krescha-
Lisbon tik, Kiev, Ukranian S.S.R.
Romania Radio Bucharest, P.O. Box 111, Radio Tashkent, 49 Khorezm St., Tash-
Bucharest kent, Uzbec S.S.R.
Saudi Arabia Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Vatican City Vatican Radio, Vatican
Saudi Arabia, Box 2476, Riyadh, Venezuela Radio Nacional, Apartado 3979,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Caracas DF
Senegal Radiodiffusion due Senegal, B.P. 1765, Vietnam Radio Hanoi, Voice of Vietnam, 58
Dakar Quan-Su Street, Hanoi
Seychelles Far East Broadcasting Association, P.O. Windward Islands Radio Grenada, P.O. Box 34, St.
Box 234, Victoria George's, Grenada
South Africa Radio RSA, P.O. Box 4559, Johannesburg Yemen Radio Sana, Sana
2000 Yugoslavia Radio Yugoslavia, External Broadcasting,
Spain Radio TV Espana, General Yague 1, Box 880, Belgrade
Madrid 20 Zaire La Voix du Zaire, B.P. 3171, Kinshasa
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp., P.O. Box Zambia Zambia Broadcasting Service, P.O. Box
574, Colombo 7 RW, 15, Lusaka


*rIP communianons WORLD F
kHz Call
club, the National Radio Club. tainment to expect. For example, if Algiers, Algeria 4632.5 7RA20
Though the officers, editors and even your mood calls for a symphony con- Helsinki, Finland OGX

the headquarters location have changed cert, What's On The Air tells you Paris, France FSB53
where to look for a symphony concert; Stockholm, Sweden SHX
over the decades, the National Radio Wiesbaden, Germany DHA33
Club continues as an active medium if your guests want to dance, it imme- West Wickham, England GMP
wave listeners' club some 46 years diately gives you a list of dance orches- Beirut, Lebanon 6792 ODW21
later. tras on the air at the time-in short, it Paris, France FSB54
These two clubs, Newark News Ra- itells you where to find exactly what you Tel Aviv, Israel 4XP40
Utrecht, Netherlands PDB2
dio Club and the National Radio Club, want exactly when you want it."
Brussels, Belgium 7532 ONA20
maintain a link with the past, bridging And the magazine also contained a Oslo, Norway LJP27
the years from the very early days of radio log, a list of stations, call letters, Paris, France FSB55
medium wave DXing to the present. locations, frequencies and powers. Rome, Italy lUV81
There are of course a number of hobby There were, over the years, many Vienna, Austria OEQ
Zurich, Switzerland HEP
clubs of more recent origin that also published radio logs. Probably the most
Lisbon, Portugal 9200 CS166
help to preserve the spirit of DXing's famous of the early magazine logs was Paris, France FSB56
past days. White's. Rabat, Morocco CNT
There were, from the early days, a Where White's Log Began. Longtime Altamont, Canada 10390 XJE57
number of publications to aid the MW BCB DXers well remember the White's Copenhagen, Denmark OWS4
Radio Logs of the past, slim volumes Madrid, Spain EEQ
listener. Virtually every major news- Paris, France FSB57
paper had a radio listening column at that appeared on the newsstand four Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PYZ2
least weekly, and some on a daily times a year. A little magazine packed Tunis, Tunisia 3VA

basis. with interesting data on radio stations, Ankara, Turkey 14817.5 TCC2
There were magazines also, Radio but with what must have been the Caracas, Venezuela YV23
Buenos Aires, Argentina AYA48
News, Radio Craft, All -Wave Radio, ugliest black -and -white cover in the his- Ottawa, Canada XJD48
with information for listeners. There tory of magazinedom! Bogota, Colombia 18380
were publications such as What's On While the other radio logs died, over Mexico City, Mexico
The Air, which began publication in the years, White's has gone on, as Paris, France FSB60
Teheran, Iran
1929. In its day, it provided readers COMMUNICATIONS WORLD readers know
with a guide to what to tune, where fully well. And the mediuni wave BCB Manila, Philippines
Paris, France
19360, --
to tune it and when. It was program listeners of 1979 will rely on White's
oriented and contained feature stories as much as their dads and grandads did
about some of the early radio stars and over a half century ago. quencies. Compiling such a list was es-
hit programs of the airwaves. A sort of How did White's Radio Log wind up pecially difficult before 1927, when
TV Guide for radio listeners, it de- as part of CW, the DXing magazine of legislation was passed in Congress to
scribed its offerings this way: the last quarter of the 20th century? control the fledgling broadcasting in-
"The hours you spend with your ra- It began in Providence, Rhode Is- dustry.
dio are really more important because land, long ago. Charles De Witt White For in those earliest days, any small
they constitute a very substantial part followed his father in his publishing businessman could-and many did-
of your entire leisure. What's On The business which specialized (long before open up his own broadcasting station
Air tells you with almost no effort on radio) in printing city directories, mu- without any licensing formality to ad-
your part what the big chains (today nicipal tax guides and street guides for vertise his wares or services. The owner
we'd,call them networks) and powerful various cities. of a hardware store or feed mill, a
nationally popular stations may be ex- When radio first began making an dentist or barber could build-or have
pected to offer at any moment. You impact on the American public, White built-a transmitter, select a frequency
not only learn what features are avail- quickly recognized an unmet need for and go on the air.
able, but also know what kind of enter an accurate list of stations and fre- It took a lot of research for such a
Channel Video/Audio Freq. (MHz) Channel Video/Audio Freq. (MHz)
2 55.250/59.750 7 175.250/179.750
3 61.250/65.750 8 - 181.250/185.750
4 67.250/71.750 9 187.250/191.750
5 77.250/81.750 10 193.250/197.750
6 83.250/87.750 11 199.250/203.750
12 205.250/209.750
13 211.250/215.750
The UHF TV channels begin at Channel 14 (471.250/475.750 MHz) and continue with
audio and video channels six megahertz apart up to Channel 83 (888.250/889.750 MHz).
Many other countries not only use different transmitting standards (positive or negative
video modulation, number of scanning lines, channel width, etc.), but also have a different
channel arrangement. In the United Kingdom there are 14 VHF TV channels running
from 45.000 MHz to 216.250 MHz. In much of Continental Europe there are 12 channels,
48.250 to 229.750 MHz. France has 11 channels from 52.400 to 201.700 MHz. Italy,
Russia, Morocco, Australia, New Zealand and 'Japan all have their own "channels" to
Greg Deuhs of St. Paul, MN does his add to the confusion. So if you plan to travel abroad, forget about taking your American
DX'ing with a Hallicrafters SX-100. He will made portable TV with you!
be joining the ham ranks in the near future.


This is a selected list of tower and approach control frequencies used by major airports in the U.S.
Airport and Location Tower Approach Airport andLocation Tower Approach
Albany County, NY 119.5 125.0 J. F. Kennedy International, NY 119.1 134.35
Albuquerque, NM 118.3 124.4 LaGuardia, NY 118.7 118.0
Amarillo, TX 118.3 121.15 Lakefront, LA 126.2 125.5
Andrews AFB, MD 118.4 119.3 Logan International, MA 119.1 126.5
Baltimore -Washington International, MD 119.4 125.9 Los Angeles International, CA 120.8 128.5
Charleston, SC 126.0 123.9 Memphis International, TN 119.7 125.8
Chicago -Midway, IL 118.7 119.35 Metro Oakland International, CA 126.0 135.4
Chicago -O'Hare International, IL 118.1 125.7 Miami International, FL 118.3 128.6
Cleveland -Hopkins, OH 120.9 124.0 Minneapolis -St. Paul, MN 118.7 126.95
Dallas -Ft. Worth, TX 126.55 125.8 Nashville Metro, TN 119.1 124.0
Dallas -Love Field, TX 118.5 124.5 Newark, NJ 118.3 127.6
Dekalb-Peachtree, GA 120.9 119.3 Philadelphia International, PA 118.5 135.1
Des Moines Muni, IA 118.3 124.9 Phoenix -Sky Harbor International, AR 120.9 124.1
Detroit Metro, MI 121.1 125.15 Sacramento Metro, CA 125.7 125.2
El Paso International, TX 118.3 121.3 Salt Lake City International, UT 119.2 128:0
Fulton County, GA 118.5 122.45 San Diego International, CA 118.3 128.0
Greater Buffalo International, NY 120.5 126.2 San Francisco International, CA 120.5 134.5
Greater Cincinnati, OH 118.3 119.7 Seattle -Tacoma International, WA 119.9 123.9
Greater Pittsburgh, PA 119.1 124.15 Tampa International, FL 119.5 126.4
Houston International, TX 118.1 123.8 Tucson International, AZ 118.3 125.1
Indianapolis Muni, IN 120.9 124.65 Will Rogers World, OK 139.9 124.2
Jacksonville International, FL 118.3 124.4 William B. Hartford -Atlanta Intl. GA 119.1 120.5

radio log book. But White correctly felt to start with. He was a direct descen- ed a major listing for either AM broad-
that his background in the field of pub- dant of Peregrine White, the first child casting stations, FM broadcasting sta-
lishing statistical information and mu- born on the Mayflower's crossing to tions or television stations, plus an ex-
nicipal directories would be helpful. the New World, and De Witt Clinton, panded listing of shortwave stations of
Initially the scope of the project was "father" of the Erie Canal. the world, updated for each issue.
limited. In 1924 he came out with his In time the radio log operation was The final change for White's came
first limited publication, The Rhode Is- successful enough that White sold his in 1971, when this magazine, COMMU-
land Radio Call Book. A short time city directory and street guide business. NICATIONS WORLD burst on the radio
later, he followed up with what he Later he moved from Providence to hobby scene. In response to many read-
called White's Triple List of Radio Bronxville, a New York City suburb. er requests, it was decided that it was
Broadcasting Stations. For decades this He continued to publish his log for 34 time to put the complete White's Radio
triple listing -by frequency, by call let- consecutive years. His publication al- Log back between the covers of a sin-
ters and by city- was the key to ready was 24 years old when this writ- gle issue of a magazine, back the way
White's success. That triple listing for- er, COMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S com- old Charles De Witt White had done
mat is retained today! munications editor, picked up his first for so many years. Since that time, the
In 1927, these publications were black- and white -covered issue in 1947. complete White's log has appeared in
merged and nation-wide coverage be- It was ten years later, April 6, 1957, each issue of COMMUNICATIONS WORLD.
gan. In ensuing years there were re- that White died at the age of 76. After So in the coming months as you
lated White publications, such as Spon- his death, his daughter, Mrs. W. R. check through the station listings in the
sored Radio Programs, Radio Announ- Washburn, sold all rights to the log to back of this issue of CW, remember
cer's Guide, Short Wave Schedule Science and Mechanics Publishing Co., the long tradition behind those useful
Guide and a special Canadian edition now Davis Publications, Inc. lists, the 61st volume of White's Radio
In the years before World War II, It was in 1958 that White's Radio Log!
the log would sometimes appear under Log appeared in Radio -TV Experi- From Then to Now. When you tune
the sponsorship of various products. In menter magazine, a bi-monthly that la- the 540 to 1600 kHz medium waves,
1929-31, it was called the Enna Jettick ter became Science and Electronics, the Broadcast Band (BCB) of AM ra-
Radio Log, sponsored by the shoe man- and which finally evolved into our sis- dio, the first observation likely will be,
ufacturer of the same name. Nearly a ter publication, Elementary Electronics. "Wow! What a lot of stations!"
decade later, 1938-39, it was called the In 1964, when R -TV Experimenter That's right! There are more than
General Electric Radio Log, promoting became a bi-monthly, the decision was 5,000 different stations on the air and
the "sensational 1939 receivers with made to split the log into three parts, they all occupy the same relatively
pushbutton tuning!" presenting a section in each issue. This small chunk of radio frequency spec-
But usually it was White's Radio Log meant that two complete White's Logs trum, just slightly more than one mega-
which,DX fans looked for on the news- were published each year in the six hertz of radio space. If you'd like to
stands. And its circulation went well magazine issues. make a comparison, consider this: Tele-
over the million copy mark. But as the log continued to grow in vision channels 2 through 6 occupy
Charles De Witt White made quite size, another change was necessitated. some 32 megahertz of radio spectrum!
a name for himself with his radio log. In 1969, White's Radio Log was pub- With all those signals shoehorned
But he had two distinguished names lished in six parts. Each issue contain- into a relatively small space, it means


national parks, which operate with even
communiamons WORLD less wattage on frequencies just above
1600 kHz (but which are still tunable
a lot of confusion and mutual inter- and Mexican stations as well as those at the high end of your radio dial).
- ference. This isn't a serious problem to in other western hemisphere nations, Mexican stations are allowed much
the casual AM radio listener who wants are located on frequencies 10 kilohertz higher transmitter powers, up to 150
to tune his favorite music, or catch a apart, in the range from 540 to 1600 kw. in some cases, though these are the
newscast from one of a handful of kHz. exceptions rather than the rule.
powerful local or regional stations, or In the U.S. and Canada, these BCB Not all medium wave frequencies are
on a low powered local station prac- transmitters range in power from about created equal! In fact, the 107 differ-
tically next door in his home town. 250 watts to 50 kilowatts, that is, 50,- ent frequency channels between 540
But the BCB DXer has a different 000 watts. There are some untended and 1600 kHz are divided into three
aim. He is setting out deliberately to Canadian relay transmitters that run different categories: clear, regional and
hear those distant and weaker stations. less power, as little as 20 watts. And local channels.
So right off the top, the DXer has co - there are, in recent years, some U.S. Clear Channels. Clear Channels are
channel interference problems -in short, highway and recreational information the easiest to tune of all the BCB fre-
noise! stations, including a number within our quencies. The reason this is true is
But let's think positively, not nega-
tively. Focus on the bright spots! Con- VERY LOW FREQUENCY DXING
sider how many potential targets there The very low frequencies 3 to 30 kHz are off the beaten track but there are some DXers who prowl
are, here and abroad, to try for in your these bottom bands. And there are some interesting things to be heard here, much of it in CW
logging. Morse code.
Many of these medium wave outlets kHz Station Location Type of transmission
Cutler, ME Navy VLF communications
aren't too hard to hear, even distant 14.1 NAA
Le Blanc, France Point-to-point
14.5 HWU
stations on the opposite sides of our 14.7 NEJ Seattle, WA Navy VLF communications
continent are audible. There are power- 16.0 GBR Rugby, England Time standard signals
ful stations in most of the major U.S. 18.6 NPG San Francisco, CA Navy VLF communications
19.6 Rugby, England Point-to-point
and Canadian cities that will be fairly 24.0
NBA Balboa, Canal Zone Navy RTTY, CW, time signals
simple catches at night on AM radio. 25.0 RWF USSR CW, time signals
However, there also are thousands 25.0 RCV USSR CW, time signals
of stations out there which will be 25.0 ROR USSR CW, time signals
difficult to nearly -impossible targets for
your tuning. These are the low power- 41.1. -

ed stations jam packed into crowded, VHF AND UHF FREQUENCIES USED BY POLICE DEPARTMENTS
interference -ridden frequencies. This is a selected list of frequencies assigned to police departments in major U.S. cities.
Just because they are North Ameri-
can stations, not stations across the Akron, OH VHF -High: 155.97, 156.15, VHF -High: 154.74, 15430,
Minneapolis, MN
ocean or on the opposite side of the 156.21 156.p3
world, don't get the notion that BCB UHF: 460.050, 460.375 New Orleans, LA VHF -High: 158.91
DXing is a snap. Just because you may Atlanta, GA VHF -High: 155.85, 156.21 UHF: 460.25, 460.100,
have picked up on your bedside radio UHF: 460.025, 460.075,, 460.200, 460.225, 460.475
460.150, 460.425
some night a station in Salt Lake City New York, NY UHF: 470.6375, 470.6625,
Baltimore, MD VHF -High: 155.79 470.6875, 470.7125,
or New Orleans. or Richmond, Vir- UHF: 495.1875 470.7375, 470.8125,
ginia, a thousand miles or more away, Cleveland, OH UHF: 460.125, 460.225, 470,8625, 470.8875,
don't think that logging all medium 460.275, 460.400, 470.9375, 470.9875
wave outlets is a cinch! Anything but! 460.450 Omaha, NB UHF: 460.100, 460.225,
Oh yes, your first hundred BCB AM Columbus, OH VHF -High: 154.65, 154.71, 460.375
catches will come quite easily -maybe 155.25, 155.55, 155.58 Philadelphia, PA VHF -High: 155.07, 155.625
UHF: 460.075, 460.125, UHF: 460.150, 460.250,
even a couple of hundred. After that, 460.200, 460.275, 460.350, 460.375
however, it gets progressively harder to 460.350, 460.400 Pittsburgh, PA VHF -High: 158.97
hear new, previously unheard stations. Dallas, TX VHF -High: 155.19, 155.26 UHF: 458.10, 458.40
By international agreements, you are UHF: 460.025, 460.075, Portland, OR VHF -High: 154.65, 155.97,
probably aware that U.S., Canadian 460.175 156.15, 158.91, 159.21
Denver, CO VHF -High: 156.03 UHF: 460.500
UHF: 460.425 St. Louis, MO VHF -High: 155.61, 159.03
Detroit, MI VHF -High: 155.85 JHF: 453.40
UHF: 460.275 Salt Lake City, UT VHF -High: 154.83, 154.875,
Houston, TX VHF -High: 154.86, 155.13, 155.01, 155.13
155.55 San Francisco, CA VHF -Low: 45.10, 45.14,
UHF: 460.025, 460.050, 45.46, 45.58
460.350 UHF: 460.125, 460.350,
Kansas City, MO VHF -High: 154.71, 155.64, 460.075
155.85, 156.09 Seattle, WA VHF -High: 155.25, 155.'64,
UHF: 453.10 155.97
Las Vegas, NV VHF -High: 155.55, 155.73 Washington, DC UHF: 460.100, 460.250,
Little Rock, AR VHF -High: 155.61 460.475
Los Angeles, CA VHF -High: 154.83, 159.03
Brian A. Rogers of Allen Pk., MI SWL's UHF: 453.100, 506.5875,
mainly for international news. He uses a 506.8125
Drake SW -4A and Realistic's DX -150A.


easily understood-limited interference. only a handful of channels assigned to each of these half dozen channels!
There are 60 different medium wave this group. In fact, there are just six- These stations may operate 24 hours
frequencies-over half the number in count 'em, six-local frequencies. They a day, with up to 1,000 watts during
the band-designated as clear channels are 1230, 1240, 1340, 1400, 1450 and the day; 250 watts at night. Many,
in North America. The term "clear," 1490 kHz. however, operate with 250 watts dur-
however, may not be exactly what it But about one fourth of all the li- ing their entire programming day.
seems. WOAI, San Antonio, Tex., 1200 censed AM BCB stations in the United No matter where you live in the
kHz, is the only station that stands States are assigned to these six fre- U.S. and Canada-with perhaps the ex-
alone on its frequency. Other clear quencies. That figures out to an aver- ception of some very remote western
channels are shared by a few stations, age of about 150 to 200 stations on areas-you should have reception from
although there is a primary, dominant
broadcaster within this select group on
each frequency. On most of the clear HOW TO HEAR ALL 50 STATES ON MEDIUM WAVE
channels, the primary station is in the Some veteran listeners may take exception to some of our choices, but here is
United States. On some of the clears, COMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S suggestions as how to log the 50 states on BCB.
however, the main station is in Canada,
Mexico, Cuba or the Bahamas. Freq. . Call
So several stations, at least, use each State (kHz) Channel Letters City kw
of the so-called clear channels, with the Alabama 850 Clear WYDE Birmingham 10*
Alaska 750 Clear KFQD Anchorage 50*
exception noted above. Arizona 620 Regional KTAR Phoenix 5
On 720 kHz, for example, WGN,
Arkansas 1090 Clear KAAY Little Rock 50
Chicago, is the primary outlet and can California 640 Clear KFI Los Angeles 50
be heard nationwide at night. But Colorado 850 Clear KOA Denver 50
KDWN in Las Vegas also uses the Connecticut 1080 Clear WTIC Hartford 50
frequency on a restricted basis. Outlets Delaware 1410 Regional WDOV Dover 5
in Alaska and Hawaii also use 720 Florida 560 Regional WQAM Miami 5
kHz. Georgia 750 Clear WSB Atlanta 50
One of the nation's pioneer stations, Hawaii 650 'Clear KORL Honolulu 10
WLW in Cincinnati operates on clear Idaho 1140 Clear KGEM Boise 10
channel 700 kHz. That frequency, how- Illinois 720 Clear WGN Chicago 50
ever, also is assigned to KBYR in An- Indiana 1190 Clear WOWO Ft. Wayne 50
chorage, Alaska, far enough- away to Iowa 1040 Clear WHO Des Moines 50
cause no mutual interference. Kansas 1250 Regional WREN Topeka 5
The second basic category of fre- Kentucky 840 c lear WHAS Louisville 50
quencies is the regional channel. While Louisiana 870 Clear WWL New Orleans 50
the clear channels are intended to pro- Maine 970 Regional WCSH Portland 5
vide interference protection for some Maryland 1090 Clear WBAL Baltimore 50
Massachusetts 1030 Clear WBZ Boston 50
powerful 50,000 watt AM stations that
can, at night, provide reception across Michigan 760 Clear WJR Detroit 50
Minnesota 830 Clear WCCO Minneapolis 50
wide areas of the country, the regional Mississippi 1550 Clear WOKJ Jackson 50
stations are intended to cover much Missouri 1120 Clear
smaller areas with minimal co -channel KMOX St. Louis 50
Montana 1370 Regional KXLF Butte 5
interference. Regional stations could Nebraska 1110 Clear KFAB Omaha 50
reach (on a regular basis with good, lis- Nevada 630 Regional KOH Reno 5
tening quality signals) listeners in a New Hampshire 1290 Regional WKNE Keene 5
number of adjacent counties, all of a New Jersey 930 Regional WPAT Paterson 5
state, or parts of several states. New Mexico 770 Clear KOB Albuquerque 50
There are 41 regional channels and New York 770 Clear WABC New York City 50
each of these frequencies is home to North Carolina 1110 Clear WBT Charlotte 50
some 25 to 50 different stations. To North Dakota 550 Regional KFYR Bismarck 5
minimize interference, regional stations Ohio 700 Clear WLW Cincinnati 50
are limited to 5,000 watts of power. Oklahoma 1520 Clear KOMA Oklahoma City 50
Many of them broadcast only during Oregon 1190 Clear KEX Portland 50
daylight hours, but since signals reach Pennsylvania 1020 Clear KDKA Pittsburgh 50
out much further at night, interference Rhode Island 630 Regional WPRO Providence 5
would be more likely to occur during South Carolina 1390 Regional WCSC Charleston 5
darkness hours. Also, directional an- South Dakota 570 Regional WNAX Yankton 5
Tennessee 650 Clear WSM Nashville 50
tenna patterns, to minimize interfer-
Texas 1200 Clear WOAI San Antonio 50
ence, are required. Similar hour and Utah 1160 Clear
antenna restrictions are imposed on the KSL Salt Lake City 50
Vermont 1000 Clear WHWB Rutland 1**
secondary stations on the clear chan- Virginia 1140 Clear WRVA Richmond
nels. 50
Washington 1510 Clear KGA Spokane 50
The third and final category of fre- West Virginia 1170 Clear WWVA Wheeling 50
quencies is the local channel. There Wisconsin 1070 Clear WTSO Madison 10
are, and this may come as a surprise Wyoming 1410 Regional KWYO Sheridan 1
considering there are so many low pow-
*=Reduced power at night **=Daylight operation only
ered local stations across the continent,


communicnnons WORLD Within the basic W and K rule, sta-
tions often can choose their own call
letters with Federal Communications
one or more local stations in your com- minutes, or many minutes, it might be Commission approval when they are
munity or nearby. Because you are lo- possible to pick out one signal and iden- licensed, providing the desired call let-
cated only a relatively short distance tify the program and station you're log- ters are not already assigned to another
from these local outlets, you can get ging. One night you may receive an in- station. Stations can change their calls
clear reception. At short range, the sig- telligible signal from a certain \station, too, with FCC okay, and this happens
nal is loud and clear. overpowering the but then never hear it again for years, frequently when the ownership of a
distant signals of other stations sharing no matter how often you tune the same station changes and the new owners are
the frequency. Perhaps you never real- channel. interested in altering the image or for-
ized that there are hundreds of other This unpredictable nature of the lo- mat of the station. New call letters tend
stations across North America using cal channels is a big attraction to many to break past images in the public
the same local frequencies. medium wave listeners. And some re- mind. Rarely, of course, will new own-
But try this. Tune to one of the six markably long -haul receptions of very ers change the calls of very successful
local frequencies on which you do not low powered stations is possible. stations, which makes good business
have a station in your immediate vicin- The National Radio Club's bullettin sense!
ity. During daylight hours, when me- periodically lists the "record" distances Image is very important to a radio
dium wave signals don't travel so far, chalked up by its members in receiving station. You'll find this increasingly ap-
you might find some other area's local stations on the graveyard local chan- parent as you begin to hear stations
outlet, maybe 100 or 200 miles away. nels. For instance, Californian Gene from other parts of the country, sta-
But chances are you'll hear a couple of Allen heard WXLI, Dublin, GA, at a tions you haven't normally listened to
stations-some other area's "locals"- distance of 2,330 miles on 1230 kHz. in the past.
mixing it up -on the channel. KPPC, Pasadena, CA, 1240 kHz, was And so call letters often are chosen
Then make the same test at night. logged 2,500 miles away in Massachu- to create a certain image for the station
Medium wave signals "reach out" across setts by Stan Morss, though this was in the minds of the intended audience.
the darkness for many hundreds or some years ago. Jerry Starr, an Ohioan WRKR, an AM/FM outlet in Ra-
even thousands of miles. Now, with no who is a professional broadcaster, re- cine, WI, is a "RocKeR," feautring the
station in your hometown dominating a ceived KLMX in Clayton, NM, 1450 rock sound. Many stations choose a
certain local frequency, you'll find total Hz, 1,235 miles away. And many grave- slogan that fits their call letters; others
bedlam. You will be receiving signals yard frequency stations are heard over choose a set of call letters that fits a
from dozens, scores, hundreds perhaps, distances of from 500 to 1,000 miles. predetermined promotional slogan.
of somebody else's "local" stations. BCB station reception over a thou- And, it seems, if you can pronounce
What does it sound like to receive a sand, several thousand miles is not at your call letters as a word-no matter
hundred different signals all on the all uncommon on the clear channels how hard the struggle to make it "fit"
same frequency at the same time? Nor- and even on regional frequencies, of -so much the better for the image
mally it is chaos, with no individual course. projection!
station's programming intelligible. On The AM broadcasting stations in Some stations seek an identification
the local channels, the half dozen of North America use call letters, you with their community. WACO, a call
them, predictable reception at night is know. This is usually not the case in used by a Waco, TX, station is the best
a virtual impossibility. These are the other parts of the world, where slogans possible example (and also it is a case
frequencies BCB DXers call the "grave- more commonly are used to identify of a west -of -the -Mississippi station with
yard." stations. a W call). Others include KBAD in
Still, among veteran medium wave Canadian broadcasters also use call Carlsbad, NM; KASL, Newcastle, WY;
DXers, the six graveyard frequencies letters. These calls begin with the letter KARK, Little Rock, Arkansas.
are the prime hunting grounds for BCB "C." In Mexico, the call letters are in Other calls, especially the older three -
signals. These frequencies are unpre- the "XE" series, although like other letter calls, originally had meanings that
dictable. Varying reception patterns, Latin American broadcasters, slogans in today are not so readily apparent.
propagational vagaries often will bring Spanish are often heard. WGN in Chicago, founded by the
in one or another, or yet another and In the United States, as almost ev- owner of the Chicago Tribune, un-
another of the stations above the level eryone knows, call letters begin with bashedly stood for World's Greatest
of the background "mess." For a few either the letters "W" or "K". As a Newspaper. And the widely heard Chi -
general rule, stations east of the Miss-
issippi use the W calls; those west of
the Big Muddy use K calls.
Exceptions to the normal W and K
divison are those stations which re-
ceived their call letters years ago, be-
fore this rule of thumb was fixed. Thus,
there are such anomalies as KDKA in
Pittsburgh, KYW, Philadelphia and
KFIZ, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, all east
of the Mississippi River. And such
John Gee, of Listowel, Ontario is a BCB
western stations as WOAI, San Anto-
MW listener. Proving that AM DX requires nio, TX, WFAA, Dallas and WDAY, John Bakelaar of listowel, Ontario is a GRS
no special equipment at the outset, John Fargo, ND, don't follow the general operator (Canadan CB) in addition to his DX
uses a simple table radio in his shack. rule. activities. He tunes MW AM and FM freqs.


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communiamons WORLD Avit,
When To Listen. Distant reception
on the medium wave AM band, that is
reception beyond the "ground wave"
cago AM outlet, WLS, is said to have ership, though' mostly on FM and in signal area which extends from a few
signified the World's Largest Store, a metropolitan or college communities. dozen miles for the low powered locals
reference to early Sears -Roebuck own- Other specialty formats include Soul, to a few hundred miles for the 50 kilo-
ership. Rhythm and Blues, Jazz and the like. watt "biggies" (generally the daylight
A station's image, its distinctive iden- Then the format specialization be- reception range), is a night phenom-
tity, is more than call letters. came even more specialized as stations enon.
In a particular market in which it sought slightly different sounds from Distant reception is possible because
must compete with other broadcasters, their competitors. MoR split into such radio signals, transmitted from the
it is anxious to form a sound or pro- refinements as Adult Contemporary, broadcasting antenna in a straight line,
gramming image based on format. For- Contemporary and Mainstream MoR. are reflected back to earth from space ,
matting of programs has become a big Top 40 presentations became frag- at considerable distances from their
business, with consulting firms advising mented with some stations airing what point of origin. Ionized layers of gases
stations on how they should sound to became known as Adult Rock, Gold serve as the reflective "mirrors" high
capture a certain desired audience seg- Rock (only million -seller records, past above the earth. During the daylight
ment. and present), and Bubblegum Rock hours a certain ionized "belt" of gases
Years ago, all that didn't seem to (for pre- and early teen audiences). acts as a sponge, sopping up the radio
make much difference. Radio then was Some stations focused on Oldies. signals rather than allowing them to
largely network radio. Stations affiliat- Country and Western spawned spe- reach higher altitudes and other re-
ed with NBC, CBS, Mutual or what- cialized sound formats too: City and flective gaseous layers.
ever, carried network programs, drama, Western, a blend of traditional C&W After dark, however, the absorbing
comedy, quiz shows, soap operas, live with some from the pop charts by the layer vanishes. Then the medium wave
music and all the rest. The coming of likes of Elvis Presley and other artists signals travel from transmitting anten-
television nearly doomed radio and cer- whose attraction was broader than rural na, head out into space at the horizon,
tainly ended network programming as audiences. More recently the distinc- encounter the upper ionized layer and
it had existed. Networks survived but tion between Country and Pop is blur- bounce back earthward. Skywave sig-
mostly as news and feature services. red even more with nominally Country nals, as they're sometimes termed,
Radio stations became, essentially, play- artists such as Willie Nelson and Dolly come skipping back farther away from
ers of music, locally programmed disc Parton crossing easily to the Pop field. their originating point. So distant radio
jockey operations. In addition, something called Black reception is possible over paths of dark-
The "a -little -something -for -everyone" Progressive sprang from the old-line ness between transmitter and receiver.
station of the past gave way to special- Rhythm and Blues format. The hours from dusk to dawn are the
ization as the broadcasters struggled to Today it is tough even for students of best for BCB reception. And at sunrise
stay alive financially. Two basic for- broadcasting developments to put labels and sunset, when there are greater
mats developed: Top 40 (a jukebox on all the variations of programming changes occurring in the all important
formula, with only limited numbers of formats used by stations to try to es- gaseous reflective layers, top notch re-
very popular songs being played) and tablish their own distinctive program ception of distant AM stations is likely.
Middle of the Road (MoR), which identities. Winter reception is normally superi-
featured a softer, less rock -oriented But you can hear them all when you or to that in summer. For one thing,
popular sound. tune the medium wave frequencies winter nights are longer, there's more
Other formats developed, or in the from 540 to 1600 kHz. darkness time. Secondly, in the cold
cases of some specialized program for-
mats, had been there all along. The
latter included Country and Western, CUBA ON MEDIUM WAVE
ethnic radio, etc. Some stations went to
all news formats or talk shows, heavy All broadcasting in Cuba is under central governmental control, although there are vari-
ous national and regional networks, such as Radio Rebelde, Radio Liberacion, Radio Pro-
with interviews and call -ins. A handful greso, Reloj Nacional, Radio Revolution and more. La Voz de Cuba is a music, news and
of classical music stations found listen - commentary program aired for about five hours a day on many Cuban stations. This is
a list of the more powerful Cuban medium wavers.
kHz Call City kHz Call City
550 CMAN Pinar del Rio 760 CMCI Havana
570 CMHI Santa Clara 780 CMJN Camaguey
590 CMW San Antonio de las Vegas 790 CMCH Havana

600 CMKV San German 820 CMCA Havana.

630 CMHQ Santa Clara 840 CMH Santa Clara
640 CMQ Havana 870 CMDN Guantanamo

660 CMHG Santa Clara 880 CMAF Pinar del Rio

670 CMKP San Pedro de Cacocum 910 CMFA Camaguey
690 CMBC Havana 950 CMBF Havana

700 CMJT Ciego de Avila 980 CMCK Havana

720 CMGN Colon 1010 CMKM Holguin
Senor Jose Perez-Muros of San Juan, PR is a
730 CMKJ Holguin 1060 CMBQ Havan
50 year DX vet. During the past 30 years, he
has served as a newscaster for radio stations '-740 CMJL Camaguey 1220 CMGY Perico
WIAC and WKAQ, as well as TV 2 in San 1250 CMHS Caibarien


North Atlantic S. America (east) North Pacific Far East
2868 8854 2910 8847 2910 13264 2868 8868
2931 8889 3404.5 8872 5589 17909 2987 13288
2945 8910 5566.5 11327 8938 5624 13312
2987 13288 5581.5 13320 Central E. Pacific 5645 17965
5610 13328 5582 17916.5 3467 8930.5 8840
5624 13352 8845.5 5551.5 8931
5638 17966.5 5554 11299.5 Middle East
5673 S. America (west) 3404
5603 13304.5 8847
2889 8826
6679.5 13334.5 3446 10009
South Atlantic 4696 11343
8875 13336 5603 13336
2875 8882 6666
8879.5 6624
3432 10049 Europe
6597 13344 Central W. Pacific
Wright College undergrad Glen Robbins has 2910 8875 2896 8854
Africa (east)
quite a line-up in his shack. He favors his 6610 17946.5 3467 8930.5 2966 8959
4675 11303 3481
Hallicrafters S-120 above all the rest. 4689 8931 10025
Caribbean 5505 13296 5505
5554 8871 13280
2875 6561 6631 17909 6540
6568 11303 13336
months there are fewer electrical 2952 6568 6582 South East Asia 6561
storms, which are the prime source of 2966 8840 2987 8882
5484 8959 South Pacific 5673 10049 Africa (west)
atmospheric noise or static. 5568 10017 2945 8847 8837 13344 3411 8826
A particularly good time to hunt for 6540 11343 5638 13304 8868 17946.5 5519 13304
distant AM medium wave signals is on
Monday morning. That means, inevit-
ably, a loss of some sleeptime if you DXers Association (P.O. Box 5735, of a station's normal testing. These
wish to take advantage of this optimum Seattle, WA 98105), and explains just tests, lengthened and with more IDs-
tuning time. what his committee does: identifications - given, become DX
Many broadcasters that normally "As an avid DXer over the past few tests."
broadcast 24 hours a day take a two years, I have always enjoyed and valu- Ryan continues with his description
to six hour breather early Monday ed COMMUNICATIONS WORLD as a ref- of BCB special test transmission
mornings, usually after their local mid- erence source for my BCB DXing. I've "As for the duration of such tests,
night program. These stations leave the noted with interest all items on medium this varies with the station. Some run
air during those early morning hours to wave DXing, however, there is one only two or three minutes, others for
allow engineers to handle routine main- item of this facet of the hobby that has two or three hours. The norm is one
tenance work on the broadcasting facil- been ignored in the past. This is one of hour. Programming during a test varies
ities. the most interesting and special aspects with the station. Standard items are test
Needless to say, 24 -hour a day sta- of DX and is, in my opinion, what tones and identifications. Also pro-
tions cause problems for BCBers. These makes a DX club particularly valuable. grammed may be such things as Morse
are often the powerful big city stations I am speaking about Courtesy Program code IDs which may be easier to 'read'
on the so-called clear channels and the DX tests. if reception conditions are not favor-
somewhat less powerful regional chan- "These are tests that give many able, mentions of the DX clubs arrang-
nel stations, which dominate their fre- DXers a chance to hear stations they ing these tests, mentions of the names
quencies. But as noted earlier, there are otherwise would never receive," Eddie of DX listeners who have called in re-
other stations on the same frequencies, explains. "They account for many fine porting their reception. Recently one
other stations which can't be heard as loggings for DXers. The tests, arranged station, KTIL, 1590 kHz, Tillamook,
long as the dominant "biggies" are by DX clubs, are generally conducted OR, ran a test and aired phone calls re-
present. on Monday mornings when the major- ceived from listeners as far away as
Fortunately, Monday morning silent ity of radio stations in North America Toledo, OH.
periods leave certain' frequencies rela- sign off for maintenance, technical ad- "Daytime only stations are more re-
tively free of the common interfering justments or whatever. stricted. With these stations, their tests
stations. "There are generally three types of consist mostly of tones and identifica-
But, as noted earlier, some of these tests: (1) Those arranged specifically tions.
"other" stations on the clear and re- for a DX club and its members. These "Once a DX test program is ar-
gional frequencies are limited in their are becoming fewer and fewer in num- ranged, the DXer arranging it with the
broadcasting hours. Many are on dur- ber these days. Stations cannot afford station will inform the various hobby
ing the daytime only. They aren't the time or do not care to make the ef- clubs. The information about the pend-
scheduled to operate during the offbeat fort to go on the air specifically for a ing test broadcast is published in vari-
times like 2 to 4 a.m., Mondays! DX club. Also the FCC frowns on this ous DX club bulletins. Thousands of
So for the dyed-in-the-wool, the an- practice when it involves daytime -only listeners are thus alerted to be listening
swer is to find those special occasions broadcasters. (2) Those which are reg- for the special test on the stated morn-
-or if need be, try to create them- ularly scheduled frequency checks. Sta- ing, usually a Monday morning. This is
when these outlets will transmit on an tions routinely go on the air periodical- a valuable service provided by the
early Monday morning! ly, usually at definite and pre-set times, clubs and really is the only way a BCB
That brings us to a subject raised by to check the accuracy of their frequen- DXer will find out about these tests.
one of Our COMMUNICATIONS WORLD cy. (3) Proof -of -performance tests, pe- "Since many beginning BCB DXers
readers, Eddie Ryan. Eddie notes that riodic checks to make sure equipment and some veteran ones not affiliated
he is Courtesy Program Committee is operating within prescribed limits. with clubs have never heard of such
chairman for his club, the Golden West The latter two types of tests are part testing, it seems that some sort of de -


communiamons WORLD 4AIIP
sound pretty much alike, and for the
most part, are considered "domestics"
regardless of which side of the frontier
scription would be in order for the next Log in this issue of COMMUNICATIONS you live on.
issue Of COMMUNICATIONS WORLD." WORLD for other stations in the same The exception I mentioned is the
I agree, Eddie, and thanks for de- states, preferably those with higher group of Canadian stations that broad-
scribing for CW readers this interesting powered transmitters. cast exclusively in French. Beginning
aspect of medium wave BCB listening. A few concentrated weeks of listen- DXers on the broadcast band are often
Other clubs which actively arranged ,
ing should put as many as half of the puzzled to hear loud signals from
such special DX tests with AM stations 50 in your log book, I'll bet! Go to it. French-speaking stations on the medi-
are the National Radio Club, previ- But don't limit yourself to only one um wave AM dial. The French-speak-
ously mentioned, the International Ra- station from each state. How many dif- ing stations the novice listener will pick
dio Club of America and the Newark ferent stations can you bring in on the up at good signal levels will nearly
News Radio Club, also mentioned ear- BCB? Depending on the enthusiasm you always be Canadian broadcasters. These
lier. More information about these and bring to the hobby, that could be hun- stations program to the large French-
other clubs, and details on joining one dreds, yes, several thousand stations! speaking population of Canada in Que-
or more of them, will be found else- Most people, even those who never bec, principally, though not exclusively.
where in this issue. thought about listening to distant AM CBF in Montreal, 690 kHz; CHRC,
Tuning Targets. It is possible to hear broadcasting stations as a hobby activ- Quebec, 800 kHz; and CKVL, Verdun,
medium wave stations in all of the 50 ity, a least are aware that it is possible 850 kHz, all in Quebec province, are
states, but it is a tough trick to turn, to hear these stations from across the three French-speaking outlets running
and getting harder all the time. It isn't nation. There are plenty of non-DXers considerable transmitter power. There
as easy as it once was-but make no who have stumbled, in casually tuning are also some Canadian stations which
mistake about it, it was never a snap. their radios, across one or more of the are bi-lingual, using both French and
Today, for those living in the eastern powerhouse broadcasters elsewhere in English in their programs.
half of the nation, Alaska proves to be the U.S. There are a number of Spanish lan-
the real stickler; Westerners will almost But foreign stations on the AM me- guage stations as well that will be easily
certainly find several of the New Eng- dium wave band? Foreign stations? On heard when tuning the medium waves
land states extremely hard to hear. shortwave frequencies, yes. But on me- for the first time. Some of them will
With time and effort, however, most dium wave,-not likely! be Mexican.
conscientious BCBers should manage to But these folks are wrong . . just . However, perhaps the first Mexican
hear 45 to 48 states. plain wrong! It is perfectly possible to outlets you tune won't even sound a
Depending on where you live and hear foreign BCB stations, no matter bit Latin. For there are several stations,
the interference you face on certain where you live in North America. big, powerful stations just south of the
channels from stations located in your First of all, there's the obvious. If border that program in English, at
part of the country, your approach to you live in the U.S., Canada is foreign least at night, to American audiences.
hearing all states may differ from other territory to you. And if you're a Ca- These stations include XETRA, 690
DXers. Check GW's list, How To Hear nadian, the Stateside signals represent kHz in Tiajuana; XEROK, 800 kHz in
All 50 States On Medium Wave. But foreign stations. With one exception, Ciudad Juarez; XEPRS, 1090 kHz in
depending on your location, some may however, I'll quickly skip past the U.S.- Rosarito, and an old-timey station your
prove especially difficult to hear. If Canadian situation. The English-speak- Dad may have heard many years ago,
that's the case, check out White's Radio ing stations on both sides of the border XERF, 1570 kHz, Ciudad Acuna. The
latter runs a full 250 kilowatts of pow-
er, five times that of the strongest U.S.
or Canadian medium wave station.
Whether these border -area power-
houses program rock music, all news,
country and western, or whatever for-
mat, they'll sound like American sta-
tions when you tune them-all except
for the call letters, which begin with
the Mexican "XE" prefix.
XERF, by the way, is the rock sta-
tion that first brought fame to hirsute
disco jockey and rock personality,
Wolfman Jack. And if you're interested
in a bit of BCB history-fictionalized,
of course-you might watch your local
theater ads for a new film featuring the
Wolfman, a venture of a company call-
ed Howl Productions. The title:
"Shootout at ERF." Hmmmm!
Mexico, of course, is more than a
few Americanized border "shouters"
when it comes to AM radio. Most sta-
When this photo was taken several years ago, this antenna complex was owned by ETLF,
Radio Voice of the Gospel, a religious station at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The station has
tions are broadcasting in Spanish for
since been taken over by the revolutionary government, and now operates on SW as the
Mexican audiences. Many of these sta-
Radio Voice of Revolutionary Ethiopia.


For broadcast band listeners, here is a selected list of some of the more powerful Mexican medium -wave stations.

1030 XEQR R. Centro Mexico City

kHz Call Station City
1050 XEG R. Melodia Monterrey
540 XEWA L.V. de la America Latina San Luis Potosi 1090 XEPRS R. Melodia Rosarito
580 XEAV Canal 58 Guadalajara 1110 XERED R. Red Mexico City
590 XEPH R.590 Mexico City 1130 XEQD La Divertida Chihuahua
620 XENK R. 620 Mexico City 1140 XEMR La Nueva MR Monterrey
660 XERPM R. Uno Mexico City 1150 XEJP R. Varidades Mexico City
680 XELG LG, La Grande Leon 1170 XERV Arcelia
690 XETRA Xtra Music Tijuana 1190 XEWK L.V. de la America Latina Guadalajara
690 XEN R. Mundo Mexico City 1220 XEB R. Cuatro Mexico City
730 XEX L.V. de Mexico Mexico City 1260 XEL R. Capital Mexico City
790 XERC R. Exitos Mexico City 1290 XEDA R. Trece Mexico City
800 XEROK X-Rok-80 Ciudad Juarez 1310 XEBP R. Algeria Torreon
810 XEFW Voz e Imagen de Tampico Tampico 1370 XEMON Monterrey
830 XELA Buena Musica en Mexico Mexico City 1420 XEWE R. Irapuato Irapuato
860 XEUN R. Universidad Mexico City 1460 XELX R. Zitacuaro Zitacuaro
880 XETZ Canal 88 Tequila 1470 XESM R. Cinco Mexico City
900 XEW L.V. de la America Latina Mexico City 1500 XERH R. Seis Mexico City
940 XEQ La Q de Mexico Mexico City 1550 XEXB Jalapa
950 XEGM R. 95 Tijuana 1560 XEVIP R. VIP Mexico City
970 XEJ R. Mexicana Ciudad Juarez 1570 XERF Ciudad Acuna
980 XETU R. Tampico Tampico 1580 XEDM La Grande de Sonora Hermosillo
990 XET La T de Monterrey Monterrey 1590 XEKC Mexicali
1000 XEOY R. Mil Mexico City 1590 XEVOZ R. Voz Mexico City
1010 XEHL La Fabulosa HL Guatalajara 1590 XENMB Valladolid

tions, and especially the more powerful dian island of St. Kitts operates with more likely for North American listen-
ones, are often heard by U.S. and 20 kilowatts of power on 555 kHz, half ers to hear these foreign broadcasters.
Canadian DX listeners. These stations way between our "standard" frequen- With a very selective receiver, it is pos-
would probably include XEW, whose cies of 550 and 560 kHz. On 655 kHz sible to hear distant stations on "split"
slogan is La Voz de America Latina is YSS in El Salvador. A fairly recent frequencies while domestic stations-as
(The Voice of Latin America) on 900 addition to the Caribbean/Gulf area long as they are not too strong-are
kHz, and XEQ, 940 kHz, both in broadcasting scene on medium waves simultaneously operating on the North
Mexico City. is Radio Cayman on Grand Cayman American "Ten -Kilohertz" frequencies
Powerful Cuban medium wave out- Island, not far from JarNica. It uses on either side.
lets can be heard on 600, 670, 690 and two frequencies, both in the "cracks," Mention transatlantic or transpacific
720 kHz, and in many parts of the east- 1205 and 1555 kHz. DXing on the medium waves and non -
ern U.S., lesser powered Cuban signals BCB listeners call these in-between DX types will stare in disbelief.
are easily heard. frequencies "splits." They make it far "You don't mean you can tune in
There are a number of other stations
in the Central American and Caribbean
areas which are not too difficult to log
in North America.
We are most familiar with the ten
kilohertz spread in this hemisphere-
that is, we find our stations -neatly sep-
arated by 10 kHz. United States, Ca-
nadian, Mexican, Cuban and most sta-
tions in our part of the globe are found
on frequencies evenly divisible by ten;
540, 550, 560, and so on, up through
1570, 1580, 1590 and 1600 kHz.
This is not the case in other parts of
the world. And in parts of the western
hemisphere, as well as in Latin Amer-
ica and the West Indies, you'll find
some stations separated from others in
their area by 15 or 25 kHz. Needless
to say, if some stations are assigned on
the basis of such odd frequency sep-
arations, at least half of them are going La Voz de los Andes. That's Spanish for the Voice of the Andes, HCJB. This photo shows
to fall into the "cracks" between the HCJB's three powerful RCA 100kW transmitters at the Pifo, Ecuador transmitter facility.
North American 10 -kHz separations. In the background, engineer Jim Heck makes careful transmitter adjustments.
For example, ZIZ on the West In-


Somehow just listening was no longer
communicniions WORLD enough for me. I thought about ac-
quiring a teletype machine to read
RTTY traffic, or perhaps building a
In the center of the continent, both satellite converter or such.
transatlantic and transpacific DX is "Then about a year ago, I heard two
HEY CABBIE! possible, though it is not as common, ham operator discussing something I
or as well heard as on the coasts. wa-in't aware of, the sending of pictures
Again, this sort of overseas reception via radio-Slow-Scan Television (SSTV)
Freq. VHF Channel UHF Channel is generally the happy result of the use over shortwave radio. I could hear the
(MHz.) Number Number of "split" frequencies. In Europe and `sound' of the video signals as trans-
Africa, for instance, stations are sep- mitted by the hams, but I became curi-
152.270 1 arated by eight or nine kilohertz gaps, ous as to what the signals would look
152.300 2 which, of course, puts them in the like translated into video pictures. There
152.330 3 "holes" between the North American was only one way to find out-build a
152.360 4 channels. monitor."
152.390 5 But make no mistake about it, hear- Reader Cikas was bitten, it seems....
152.420 6
ing transoceanic signals is not just a "The more I read on the subject, the
152.450 7 matter of turning on your transistor easier it looked. A visit to a local ham
452.050 1
portable and, voila, there's the British operator's house, equipped with a work-
452.100 2 ing TV monitor, sold me. SSTV was
Broadcasting Corporation's Radio 1
452.150 3 program on 1214 kHz, or Radio Monte for me!
452.200 4
Carlo on 1466 kHz. It takes some tun- "The simplest circuit was an adaptor
452.250 5
ing experience and some reasonably to convert an oscilloscope and that's the
452.300 6
decent listening gear, a communications circuit I built. It takes five or six
452.350 7
type receiver (which some folks would months on the average-and other hams
452.400 8
confirmed this for me-to acquire all the
call a shortwave receiver, but as' you
can see, we're now talking about me- necessary parts and get the bugs worked
stations in Great Britain, or France, dium wave reception). Coastal listeners out. Then it is simply a matter of moni-
right on the AM band? Come on!" will have something of an advantage, toring the amateur radio shortwave
But it is possible, as the knowledge- but transoceanic BCB signals are pos- bands, from 80 to 10 meters, for in-
, able BCB fan knows, even probable sible nearly anywhere in North Amer- coming signals.
that some transoceanic signals will be ica! "The video signals can be taped (as
logged. If you live on the east coast, If you want some goals to shoot at, audio sounds) on any tape recorder,
your chances of hearing at least a few consider what these veteran medium even a $20 cassette unit, and can be
transatlantic stations are quite good, wave listeners have accomplished over played back again and again for video
but those in the heartland of the con- the years: display. It is also possible to photo-
tinent can also realize this. On the west Ben Dangerfield, Pennsylvania: 117 graph the pictures on the screen, even
coast, the Japanese, North Korean and different countries heard and confirmed with a Polaroid camera. And the re-
Chinese stations, as well as those sta- on the medium waves. Hilding Gustaf- ceiving equipment is minimal. I use the
tions in Asiatic Russia, are not at all son, an Illinois resident, has 105 coun- military surplus BC -348 with a 33 -foot
difficult to log on medium wave. tries tallied. Ron Schiller, Texas, counts longwire antenna. The video resolution
Easterners will be able to hear sig- 86 countries logged and Don Reynolds, is 120 lines.
nals from parts of Europe, North and California, 84. "A few words of caution, however.
West Africa. Westerners also may be Off -The -Wall DXing. Many DXers Slow Scan TV is not for everyone.
able to hear stations in Hawaii, Aus- love to listen to shortwave. And, as Costwise it is about the same as for a
tralia, New Zealand and other Pacific we've seen, there are medium wave BCB large portable TV and, depending on
Islands. fans as well. But there are some lesser the size of your parts lunkbox,' a large
known forms of DXing that have their amount of time may be required to
adherents as well. assemble the adaptor circuits. Anytime
Here at CW we enjoy hearing about you work with video, new headaches
your favorite aspect of the DX hobby. are bound to develop.
We enjoy hearing about it because we "But SSTV gives SWLing a whole
can pass them along to the rest of our new dimension," Al stresses. "There are
readers. a lot of circuit designs to choose from,
Some of our readers go in for the as well as a large selection of literature
really far-out aspects of the monitoring on the subject at various ham radio
hobby. One of these guys is Al Cikas parts stores or mail order dealers. Con-
of Springfield, IL. But I'll let Al tell struction is not for the beginner. Good
you all about it: building -practice is a must. But the re-
"I'm a shortwave listener and I have wards, I have found, are endless!"
been listening, off and on, for 16 years. Normally, in COMMUNICATIONS
After a few years of relative inactivity WORLD, I don't get into amateur radio
in the hobby, I rekindled my interest topics. For more about ham radio, see
about two years ago. I purchased a used our sister publication, AMATEUR RADIO
Many of Sylvester M. Hutton's 40 years of BC -348 receiver, a military surplus unit. TODAY, soon to be on the newsstands.
DX'ing have been spent listening to his 1941 "I quickly began DXing, but I felt But in Al's case we have an instance of
Philco 4 -band. He tunes BCB and SW. something was missing in the hobby. a technically -minded shortwave listener


over the north central states) can cause
chaos on the TV, with distant signals
interfering with regular local TV recep-
tion. But the average viewer's chaotic
situation was heaven to the TV DXer
who busily went about trying to identify
those signals that periodically became
identifiable during the tropo opening.
Another cause of distant TV recep-
tion is the so-called Sporadic -E Skip.
Above the weather, above the atmos-
phere, far above earth is the ionosphere.
Al Cikas, Springfield, IL is into an off -beat Here are a series of gaseous layers or
form of DXing, monitoring the video belts around the globe. These layers of
pictures of amateur radio slow -scan TV
(SSTV). (See text.) Al has constructed an
ionized gases are responsible for all dis-
adaptor (flat unit on desktop) to convert an A sample picture transmitted by a radio
tant reception on medium and short-
oscilloscope (left foreground) to receive amateur on 14,230 kHz in the 20 meter ham waves, regularly. On an irregular basis,
the video signals. band, as received by Al Cikas. they cause distant reception on the VHF
frequencies above 30 MHz.
Radio signals travel, like light waves,
straying from the beaten path and find- antenna rotor, so you can beam the an- in straight lines. But the earth is ball -
ing a whole new aspect to his DXing! tenna toward the distant station, or shaped. So when a transmitted radio
As he says, DXing the hams' SSTV away from local area interfering sta- frequency wave leaves an antenna it
signals is not for everyone. Not by a tions. And frankly, there is a lot of luck travels toward the horizon . and . .

long shot! But perhaps it is for you! involved in pulling in identifiable distant keeps going. As the earth's surface be-
Incidentally, our reader offers to TV signals. Often it is more a matter of low bends away, the radio signal con-
answer readers' inquiries about his TV being aware when favorable conditions tinues traveling in a straight line into
monitoring system. His address is Al occur and then making the most of space.
Cikas, 2112 Stonehenge, Springfield, IL them. Without the ionized layers circling
62707. Thanks, Al! Assuredly, it is not just a case of the earth "out there," there would be
DXing The Snow Bands. Amateur turning on the TV and deciding to tune no radio reception beyond perhaps a
radio's SSTV may require more tech- for a station in Denver or Miami. But few hundred miles, depending on the
nical know-how than you've got right distant TV reception relies on several transmitter power and antenna.
now. But there is a much simpler way well -documented natural phenomena. But as the radio signals travel out-
to get into TV DXing without any spe- Knowing how they "work" can help ward bound, before long they encounter
cial equipment or electronic expertise. you to be ready to DX television sig- one of the gaseous layers of the ionos-
I'm talking about hunting distant sig- nals when the conditions are optimum. phere. While the longer medium and
nals on the regular, everyday TV VHF One of those phenomena is known as shortwave frequency waves are easily
and UHF channels. tropospheric bending. It is a weather - refracted in passing through the layer
Maybe you've never given much related condition that affects signals on
thought to the possibility of DXing on both the VHF and UHF channels, mak-
the TV channels. If so, then this is yet ing reception over distances of from JAPANESE BCB
another unexplored area of the moni- about 300 to perhaps 1,000 miles pos- OUTLETS
toring hobby you might consider. There sible. Three hundred to five hundred
are a lot of enthusiasts out there who Japan has hundreds of medium
miles is perhaps the most common re- wave outlets, many of them very low
have been seeking the far off and far ception range via "tropo." Signals tend powered. Some operate synchronized
out TV signals for ten, twenty, even to be steady and have a slow fading transmitters-identical programs on the
thirty or more years, since television pattern. same frequency from different trans-
was in its infancy! Tropospheric bending of television mitters at various locations. Some sta-
Is TV DX, distant reception of TV signals back to earth, far from the tions, however, run as much as 500,000
signals, unusual? Not as unusual as you transmitting antenna, occurs when there watts. This is a selected list of those
might think. In fact, you may have al- Japanese medium wave outlets most
is a. temperature layer inversion in the likely to be heard on this side of the
ready received some distant signals just troposphere above the earth. The in- Pacific.
in the course of your regular television version causes a "signal pipeline" or
viewing. path that bends VHF and UHF fre- kHz Call Location kw
Sometimes the first hint is unusual quency signals, causing them to follow 670 JOBK Osaka 100
interference on your regular TV chan- the earth's curvature-rather than shoot- 700 JOFB Hiroshima 10
nels. You may observe, on one of your JOKD Kitami 10
ing off into space in a beeline at the 750* JOIB Sapporo 100
normally watched channels, black inter- horizon-and to be received far beyond 770* JOUB Akita 500
ference "bars" across the picture like normal video signal range. 830* JOBB Osaka 300
venetian blinds. Other times the distant Tropo can happen anytime during 840 JOQK Niigata 10
signal, from a station from hundreds of the year, when the weather is "right." 870* JOGB Kumamoto 500
miles away, perhaps a thousand or It is most common in late summer and 880 JOPK Shizouka 10
fifteen hundred miles away, will just early autumn, however. 890 JOHK Sendai 20
fade in with surprisingly strong, but 1210 JOOR Osaka 50
Some really extensive tropo "open- 1440 JOWF Sapporo 50
often unsteady signals. ings" (such as what occurred last Au-
It helps to have an exterior, good *Best bets for reception east of the
gust on all VHF channels for over a Rockies
quality antenna, preferably with an week when a weather pattern stalled


sible will also bring in distant FM radio
communiarrions WORLD signals.
It may even be easier to start out in
FM DXing than it is to begin monitor-
and come bouncing back toward earth, that can bring long distance TV recep- ing the snow bands for far away sta-
like a light wave reflected by a mirror, tion, though less frequently. tions. Regularly tune the FM band. Be-
only rarely does this happen on the The F2 ionospheric layer, like the E, come familiar with the "regulars,"
the higher frequencies. Normally, with can bring distant reception, though it those stations in your area that you re-
VHF signals, the ionized layer is not often does not extend as high in fre- ceive on a day -in, day -out basis. Check
"dense" enough to serve as a mirror quency as TV channel 2. But it can out the list of FMers in White's Radio
for the signals. Only sporadically does bring distant VHF public service low Log. Look for the more distant stations,
the layer of the ionosphere-known as band signals in the 30 to 50 MHz band. 100 to 200 miles away. Be alert for
the "E" layer-become ionized to the And some years ago, F2 reception made conditions such as tropospheric bending,
extent that it can bounce back distant it possible for an experimenter in Aus- and Es that will, on occasion, produce
VHF TV signals. Thus the name, Spor- tralia to receive both video and audio the really distant stations.
adic -E skip. signals from the BBC -TV in Great Bri- Dr. Bruce Elving, a Minnesotan who
Sporadic E skip (Es) can bring in tain. This, however, was on a frequency has logged more than 1,000 FM sta-
signals from up to 1,500 or more miles lower than our lowest-channel 2-more tions, has said, "FM DXing is much
away, but not less than about 500 or commonly affected by F2 skip. like fishing. You have to be around
600 miles. On rare occasions, double or Auroral activity-the Northern Lights when conditions -are favorable. Gener-
even triple "hops" make really long are the most visible example-can cause ally the best antenna and receiver will
haul receptions possible, such as from distant reception on TV channels by not work as well on the poorest day as
Central America or northern South providing "reflection" points similar to the poorest set on the best day!"
America. Es. Auroral propagation is usually char- In other words, for FM and TV DX
Es signal reception is very unpredict- acterized by wildly fluttering video pic- you've got to be there when it's hap-
able, but the prime season for this tures and garbled audio. Meteor show- penin', baby! And when it's happenin',
propagation phenomenon is late spring ers, even lightning, can provide "reflec- be there!
and early to mid summer. A second tive" points to bounce distant TV sig- Out of the Mailbox. Time now to
and minor Es reception season may be nals back toward earth. But these phe- read the mail to find out what you, the
noted in December or early January. nomena are of only minor imporatnce COMMUNICATIONS WORLD readers, are
Best chances for distant signals via Es to the TV DXer. doing and hearing. I look forward to
will be on the low VHF channels -2, 3 Frequency -wise, the FM broadcasting learn about you and your DXing in-
and 4, though channels 5 and 6 also band, 88 to 108 MHz, falls into the terests and experiences, consider your
can bring such skip signals as well. hole between TV channels 6 and 7. The comments and answer-if possible-your
Rarely, if ever, do Es extend above VHF aeronautical band and the high questions.
channels 7 or 8. band public service communications This may also be a good time to re-
Sporadic E skip and tropospheric also use the frequency space between mind you that I am always pleased to
bending account for most of the TV those two TV channels. So therefore, receive your photographs. Again, this
DX reception noted by hobbyists. But the same sort of natural factors that time you'll be seeing the faces of many
there are some other natural causes make distant VHF TV reception pos- CW readers plus their DXing gear in
these CW pages. You can join them in
the pages of a forthcoming issue of CW
if you send them in along with some
information about yourself and the
equipment shown in your DX "shack."
Send your letters to Don Jensen,
Communications Editor, COMMUNICA-
TIONS WORLD, Davis Publications, Inc.,
380 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY
The first letter out of the box is from
Peter G. Davies, St. Louis, MO, who
"I haven't been listening too long,
but the first shortwave station I heard,
and the one I hear most often, is HCJB,
the Voice of the Andes, in Quito, Ecua-
dor, South America. My grandfather,
who used to listen to shortwave years
ago, says he remembers HCJB from
before World War II. Can it really he
that old?"
Never doubt your granddad, Pete!
He's right on target. Actually, HCJB,
probably the best known and best heard
of the many shortwave Christian mis-
Video recording engineers monitor a taping session at Moscow's television center. If not sionary type stations, is not too far
for the sign in Russian, this might be a scene from any American studio. from being a half century old!


tion playing American pop music. The
Brazil; the frequency was near 12,120
Station Location Eastern North Ameirca Western North America kHz."
Central America year around, winter best year around, winter best There just isn't enough here to go on,
Caribbean area year around, winter best year around, winter best Bob. However, the BBC is the British
South America Broadcasting Corp. and is located, of
(Northern) year around, winter best year around, winter best
course, in Great Britain, not Brazil. The
(Southern) spring, summer, fall summer BBC does have several relay stations, in
Australia/New Zealand spring, fall spring
Singapore, Cyrus, etc., but not in South
fall fall, winter
If your reception was in the late
fall, winter winter
afternoon or early evening, you may
Africa (Northern) fall, winter winter have heard the BBC broadcasting to
(Southern) spring unlikely (not from) Brazil, in Portuguese., And
your frequency quote is very probably
The Voice of the Andes first went complex, HCJB broadcasts AM BCB An even tougher one is posed by
on the air on Christmas Day, 1931! and FM stereo to the local audiences Mark Henderson, Palmer, AK. Our
The first programs were broadcast in from transmitters on Mt. Pichincha, Alaskan reader writes that he heard a
Spanish, but since, HCJB has added a overlooking the Ecuadorian capital city station signing off at 0330 GMT, on
number of other language programs: of Quito. frequencies in both the 25 and 19 meter
Czech, English, French, German, Jap- When HCJB started out, 47 years bands.
anese, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, ago, its target area was South America. The station, Mark writes, announced,
Danish, Portuguese, the Indian. lan- Today the station looks for listeners in "We are on the air every Tuesday,
guage Quicha, Romanian, Russian and North America, Central America, Eu- Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, from
Spanish. rope, the Soviet Union, Japan and the 7 to 7:30 p.m. Summertime, or from 8
HCJB is part of the World Radio South Pacific as well. to 8:30 p.m. PST, winter time."
Missionary Fellowship, Inc. Each During 1977, the station received "The identification sounded like,
broadcasting day contains more than more than 110,000 letters, including "Radio Urehan, central de vittorio
65 program hours and around 160 36,000 from Japan, 28,000 from Span- board of the 48th bastian Republic of
transmitter hours. The station, in its ish-speaking listeners, 16,000 from Eng- the Wilkheim. Goodbye, listeners!"
Quito headquarters, has a radio chapel, lish-speaking persons and nearly 13,000 Sure you aren't pulling in the TV
eight other studios and nine control from German-speaking audiences. audio from "Battlestar Galactica,"
rooms, two of which are equipped for More than 2,900 persons, mostly DX- Mark? Seriously, though it's clear
stereo operation. A microwave relay ing fans, have joined the station's SWL you're going to sharpen up your ear for
system is used to send the programming club, Andes DXers International (AN-
to the transmitter and antenna site at DEX), since it began in 1974. Members
Pifo, Ecuador, about 15 miles away. range in age from 8 to 84. Along with
Perhaps by the time you read this, the club is HCJB's program, DX Party -
Pete, HCJB will be running its master line. Clayton and Helen Howard direct
control room with the aid of a com- the club as well as the DX program
puter -controlled, fully automated "Pro- and put out a monthly bulletin for
gram Automated Control System," ANDEX members. The program was
which will automatically pass and main- voted the most popular by HCJB's Eng-
tain a log of all programs broadcast. lis-speaking audience.
The station has eight transmitters, in- To operate the Voice of the Andes
cluding a standby medium wave station, and its auxiliary operations (which in-
at the Pifo center. There are 19 differ- clude two hospitals in Ecuador and mo-
ent transmitting antennas supported by blie medical care units) it takes about
28 towers, ranging in height from 80 to 430 missionaries, employees and sup-
240 feet. The transmitters have a com- porting personnel plus about 65 non-
bined power of nearly a half million residents, most of whom are in the U.S.
watts. The most powerful HCJB short- and Canada.
wave transmitters run 1000 kilowatts of So you see Peter, HCJB, the Voice
power each! of the Andes (Box 691) in Quito,
The station literally operates around Ecuador, has grown into quite a broad-
the clock, sometimes with as many as casting operation since your grandfather
three different broadcasts, in three dif- first tuned it. It is continuing to grow,
ferent languages, on the air at the same with its new 500 kilowatt transmitter
time on different transmitters and fre- expected on the air shortly.
quencies. Next, a couple of queries that fall
HCJB transmitting equipment is pow- into the "who did I hear" category. As
ered by electricity generated by the sta- these two cases demonstrates sometimes
tion's hydroelectric site at Papallacta, it is possible to help you identify your Bob Padula is one of the best known over-
which harnesses water power from the mysteries, and sometimes it isn't. seas listeners. An Austrailian telecommuni-
Andean lakes and rivers. First Bob Heitzman, Rutland VT, cations engineer, he is an editor of the
In addition to the Pifo transmitter asks about "a Portuguese -speaking sta- Austrailian Radio DX Club and an author.


frequencies enough to be entitled to the
communicnnons WORLD Alvfr
status of advanced beginner. I spend a
lot of my day listening!
"Here's a little about my background.
those "tough -to -get" IDs, from that bit East relay station and our previously I'm 15 and lived in Oakland, CA for
of gibberish I think what you actually mentioned HCJB. the Voice of the 13 years. I came to Germany about
had was Radio Yerevan, programming Andes in Quito, Ecuador. two years ago and became intersted in
for Armenians abroad, aired by various "Could you please send me the ad- SW. I then had a little electronics back-
stations in the Soviet Union. dresses of these stations?" Glenn asks. ground behind me and more clearly un-
And a couple that are a lot easier to "I want to send reception reports so I derstood what it was all about."
ID: can receive QSL card." Don's letter goes on:
Bill Bergadano, Staten Island, NY, I've already noted HCJB's box num- "I've logged Germany, Albania,
says, "At 0200 today I caught a station ber address. Radio Nederland's address Radio Peking, Radio Moscow, BBC, the
IDing as "Radio Marajenis." I believe is P.O. Box 222, Hilversum, Holland. VOA, the U.S.A.'s AFRTS, Hungary,
its announced location is Chile. The Radio RSA can be reached by writing France, Spain and other countries
frequency was around 11,920 kHz, with to P.O. Box 4559, Johannesburg 2000, around the world.
good reception. Programs were in Span- South Africa. And the BBC relay can "To go through a 24 -hour period
ish. By any chance do you have any be contacted via the home office of the would be very complex because there
idea of what I heard?" British Broadcasting Corp., Box 76, is so much to hear. The 49 meter band
Yep, Bill I do. It was the Radio Bush House, WC2B 4PH, London, Eng- seems very popular though.
Magellanes program broadcast by land, Great Britain. "I have found that the eastern Euro-
Radio Moscow to Chile. It is aired from But, Glenn, if you're going to send pean locations, such as Albania and
0200 to 0230 GMT in Spanish. As with reports to the stations you hear, you'll Czechoslovakia are easy catches during
all Radio Moscow programs, they may need a good address book with the ad- the late Greenwich times, 2100-0100."
actually be transmtited by stations any- dresses of the stations you hear on Thanks, Don for the capsule report
where in the USSR. And remember shortwave. There are two good ones: on your SWLing in Germany. And now
also that Moscow frequently changes World Radio TV Handbook: the so from the other side of the globe, an-
its frequencies. called DXer's bible, packed with all other letter:
Bill continues with a tip for BCB sorts of information including addres-
medium wavers: "For DXers who col- ses, but much more on frequencies,
lect station stickers, I've gotten a few schedules, leading personalities, pro-
from stations when receiving QSLs, in- gramming, etc., etc. It is a must for all
cluding WTMJ, 620 kHz, Milwaukee; serious SWLs! It is published annually
WTAQ, 1300 kHz, LaGrange, Illinois; in Denmark-though the text is, of
and WMOO, 1550 kHz, Mobile, AL." course, in English. At this writing the
John Stefanich, Bradley, IL, asks: cost of the 1979 issue was not avail-
"Have other listeners reported this sta- able. You may contact two North
tion? I heard a broadcast in English in American representatives listed in the
the 13 meter band. The announcer gave book: Gilfer Associates, Inc., P.O. Box
the time -9:27 p.m. local-and the sta- 239, Park Ridge, NJ 07656; or Glen
tion ID as Springbok Radio. The pro- Mueller, Billboard Publications, Inc.,
gram consisted of popular music and 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnati, OH
the listeners were supposed to identify 45124.
the numbers played. If the listener QSL Address Book: by Gerry Dex-
failed, a certain amount of Ruud or ter, which contains-as the name indi-
Rudd, their monitary unit, would be cates-the addresses of stations around
added to the jackpot. I'd like to see the world. There is also information on
your comments regarding this in your the "Art of Reporting" to get those
next issue of CW." verificaitons. It sells for $4.75, and may
Okay, John, here they are. You're be ordered from Gilfer Associates, Inc.
right on target with the identification. (see address above).
The station is Springbok Radio, which Quite a number of our COMMUNICA-
is a domestic shortwave commercial TIONS WORLD readers enjoy listening to
radio service in South Africa. The shortwave stations from overseas coun-
monitary unit of the Republic of South tries. But some of them also live
Africa, by the way, is the rand. abroad. I've found from past listener
Other listeners may have more luck response that many of you readers are
hearing this one on 11,935 kHz, where interested in what can be heard on the
it has been heard at various times-late shortwave bands when one actually lives
at night and early in the morning. "over there."
Speaking about South Africa, a short- And with a firsthand report,
wave outlet from that country which is heeeeeeeeere's. .
more commonly logged is Radio RSA "Don Clausen is my name and f live
in Johannesburg. And Glenn Bisgaard, in Germany. My father is an Army 1st
Fife Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada, has a Sgt.
question about Radio RSA, plus several "I've been SWLing or DXing for This multi -story building in downtown
others, including Radio Nederland, the some months now. I know the basic Montreal is the home of Radio Canada
British Broadcasting Corporation's Far tricks and have felt out the shortwave International, "Maison de Radio Canada."


"I am Dante T. Atendido, a COM- meter bands." ica there is_a great deal of interest for
MUNICATIONS WORLD reader from the Thanks, too, Dante. such a magazine. Over here in Ger-
Philippines. I am 18 and have been And now it is back to Germany again many there is no such German maga-
DXing for four months and have heard and a letter from Juergen Mangerich zine, only the publications of the radio
30 SW stations in 20 countries with my who is 20, a student, and living at clubs.
portable multi -band receiver with tele- Frankfurt -am -Main. Juergen says he "It was very interesting for me to
scoping antenna. lives in the fourth floor of a house on a learn that you deal with the several
"One of the DXing problems in our busy road and because of interference branches of DXing in the States. Most
country is where to buy a big fancy re- cannot DX during the daytime. But he astonishing for me was to learn that you
ceiver. Only portables with poor fre- still has received QSLs from 63 stations even monitor local services such as the
quency readout are available in the in 46 countries. police or fire departments on VHF fre-
radio stores. But I did see a used Halli- "Once I was on vacation in a little quencies. This is totally prohibited over
crafters S-120 in a junk store priced at villageabout 50 miles away from here. In general, the German laws deal-
550 pesos or $75. Frankfurt in the countryside. On a rela- ing with the reception of transmissions
"I've heard stations from other parts tively old receiver there, I happened to are much harsher than the American
of Asia, from Europe, Australia, Africa tune shortwave by accident and heard ones.
and North America. I am watching for the Voice of America very strongly. "Another point struck me. The fre-
South American stations, but because From that time I have been fascinated quencies you mentioned in past issues
of my unsophisticated receiver, I think by shortwave. of COMMUNICATIONS WORLD may be
receiving such stations will be real luck. "Today I am a member of the two out of date before your readers see
"Reception here in the Philippines is biggest DX clubs in Europe, the As- them. I think it would be of use to tell
better on the 16 meter band during day- soziation Deutschsprachiger DXer and readers that the broadcasting stations of
time to late evening. The 19, 25 and 31 the Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX, both of the world change their frequencies four
meter bands are best in the morning, which publish club bulletins, of course times a year. If the readers don't know
as the sun rises, until about 9 a.m. Sta- in the German language. this they may tune to frequencies you
tions are received well on 41, 49 and 60 "I think it is a good idea to publish list in CW, but won't find those sta-
meters during the night time, but I've such a magazine as COMMUNICATIONS tions."
never received stations on the 75 or 90 WORLD. I am sure that in North Amer - You're quite right of course, Juergen,
many of the powerful international
LATIN AMERICAN TELEVISION broadcasters do change frequencies on
Under the right conditions, described in the text, long distance television reception is a seasonal basis-and some change even
possible on the lower TV channels. This means Latin American TV reception is possible more frequently. I've tried to point out
in the southern part of the U.S. and reception of Cuban and Mexican stations can occur this fact many times, and again urge
in much of the rest of our country. Here are some possible targets for U.S. DXers. readers to check other frequencies in
Country Station Channel other bands if they fail to find stations
Barbados Caribbean Broadcasting Corp. 3
when and where I indicate they were
Costa Rica Co. Costarricense de Television 2
operating when this text was written.
Radio Television Tic-Tac 4
Generally there are more changes in
Cuba Television Nacional Canal
frequencies than there are in times and
Havana 2
program schedules. So usually you can
Ciego de Avila 2
find the station on another frequency, if
Santiago de Cuba 2 the channels have been altered after
Holguin 3 this manuscript has been completed.
Camaguey 4 However, I should also point out that
Santa Clara 5 domestic service stations in various
Havana 6 parts of the world change their fre-
Camaguey 6 quencies less often than do the big in-
Dominican Republic Radio Television Dominicana 4 ternational broadcasting stations.
Corp. Dominicana de Radio y TV 2 Normally I don't list reader addresses
El Salvador Canal Dos YSR-TV 2 in these pages. The pen pal operation is
Canal Quatro YSU-TV 4 a bit more than I can take on. How-
Guatemala Radio Television Guatemala 3 ever, Juergen indicates that he would
Mexico XHIA, Torrejon 2 like to hear from North American lis-
XEPM, Ciudad Juarez 2 teners, and since I believe many SWLs
XHCH, Chihuahua 2 over here would enjoy contacting a
XEW, Mexico City 2
German DXer to exchange listening ex-
XEFE, Nuevo Laredo
XHBE, Mexicali
periences, I'm making an exception.
XEFB, Monterrey 3
Our German reader's address is:
XEZ, Cerro del Zamorano 3
Juergen Mangerich, Breite Gasse I, D-
XHY, Merida 3
6000, Frankfurt -am -Main 1, Federal
XHTV, Mexico City 4 Republic of Germany.
XHBS, Ciudad Obregon 4 And, with that, it is time to close the
Nicaragua Televicentro de Nicaragua 2
mailbox for this issue, with the note
Puerto Rico Telemundo, WKAQ-TV 2
that I'm always happy to hear from
WIPM-TM 3 you, whether you live in the Philippines
WAPA-TV 4 or Germany, here in the U.S. or Can-
WORA-TV 5 ada, or any place in between.
Until next time, good DXing!


SOME BIG CHANGES are on the way for
the SWL, especially in the upper
shortwave bands from the 25 -meter
band on up to 30 MHz and beyond.
The Sun is now entering one of its
periods of increased sunspot activity
after a 20 -year period of relative calm.
This will make short range communica-
tions unreliable and long range DX an
everyday affair. Signals from stations
just down the road will be, literally, lost
in outer space, and wishy washy signals
from outer nowhere will come booming

Turn your old SW clunker into a high -band hot -rod.
into your listening post like they were make the difference between a very It will not only improye the gain of the
right next door. good DX catch and a record breaking shortwave receiver but will also im-
Under these conditions many old DX discovery. prove its selectivity and the image fre-
and some not -so -old shortwave If you decide you want a DX boost quency rejection. Simple, single conver-
receivers will need a bit of or you need to increase the versatility sion superhet SW sets have the annoy-
help when they try to work the high of your old set then you should build ing tendency of receiving spurious sig-
bands. Their circuits tend to get a little this Shortwave Supercharger. nals separated by twice the IF fre-
frazzled. As a matter of fact, almost This unit will boost selectively the quency from the desired signal. For
any SWL would appreciate a bit of a RF signal by 20-30 dB and it will com- example if you tune to 20 MHz you
signal boost now and then. It might just pensate for many deficiencies of your set. may also receive 20 + (2 X 0.455)
20.910 MHz (image frequency) signal
TO ANTENNA which will interfere with the 20 MHz
signal. In addition you will be able to
pull in many SW stations you didn't
even know existed. With 10- to 15 -feet
i 2pH TO RECEIVER of wire behind -your sofa as an antenna
(SHIELDED COAXIAL JAC you may receive stations as distant as
2200 pE
150 IC RI IC
Australia or mainland China.
I 11000 (BOTTOM VIEW) How does it work. The circuit is based
[48 10 237 SIB
on an inexpensive integrated circuit
ON manufactured by Motorola and its HEP
C2 C3 C5 R2
100.00 BI 3
subsidiary. Its innards consist of three
01I 07- OT o 9V transistors, a diode and four resistors
5 which together form an excellent auto-
6 matic gain controlled (AGC) radio
frequency amplifier. To build the circuit
with separate discrete components
B1 -9V transistor radio battery LED-Red LED indicator would cost a bundle and the result
C1-150-pF variable capacitor L1 --Miller 4502, 1.1-1.5-microhenry coil (for would not be as good. The incoming
C2, C3, C4, C5, C6--0.01 uF capacitor winding your own, see text), for antenna RF signal is coupled with a few turns
C7--2200-pF capacitor connection use 3 turns of wire wound of wire to the coil L1. The tuned paral-
R1 -1000 -ohm 1/4 -watt resistor tightly around the coil.
lel -resonant circuit consisting of Ll and
R2 -10,000 -ohm variable resistor S1-DPDT switch
IC-Motorola MC1550, REP 590 or REP C6091 Misc.-case, knobs, jacks for shielded cable Cl selects the wanted signal by rejecting
adjacent frequencies and feeds the sig-





Ilse this full-size circuit -board template

to build your Shortwave Supercharger. You OUTPUT
can find etching materials at a radio shop. TO RECEIVER
nal to pin I of the integrated cir- TO SIA
cuit. The amplified signal leaves the IC
on pin 6. The AGC input on pin 5 is
used to control the gain of the ampli-
fier when you turn potentiometer R2. TO TO
The light emitting diode indicates that END SIB
the circuit is on and that the battery is TAP OF B+
still alive. The DPDT switch S1 selects
between straight -through connection, This part's location overlay is twice the actual size in order to make the positioning
booster off and booster on. clearer. If you use a loop different than specified in the parts list you may want to
Construction. This is a radio frequen- modify the appropriate spacing on the printed circuit board. Don't forget to wrap the
cy project which requires a neat solder- L1 -to -antenna wire around the loop stick three times. You might install an integrated
ing job and short connections. However, circuit socket on the printed circuit board to simplify installation and repair.
if you do a half -decent job the super-
charger should fulfill your expectations. and AM tuning capacitor from any IC. Such cores can be purchased from
The author used point-to-point wiring pocket transistor radio. Instead of the many electronic surplus dealers.
on .a perf board. If you have some ex- coil mentioned in the parts list you Operation. Tune your receiver to the
perience with PC boards you might use might try to wind 15-20 turns of insu- desired frequency and then tune Cl till
the layout shown here. The Super- lated copper wire on a pencil. you can hear maximum signal or noise,
charger with the indicated component Mount the Shortwave Supercharger if no station is present. Returning your
values will cover approximately 10-30 inside a metal case which you can find receiver with the fine tuning knob
MHz. Using different values for L 1 or in most electronic supply stores. Use should require no readjustment of the
Cl will change this range, though the shielded cable between the supercharger supercharger. You can use R2 as your
ratio of minimum to maximum fre- and your receiver otherwise the con- volume control or leave it in some in-
quency will remain 1:3. Doubling the necting wire will behave like an an- termediate position and use the volume
capacitor or inductance value lowers tenna and some of the features of your control of the receiver. For strong sig-
the frequency by 1.41 and lowering supercharger will be lost. The final job nals you may want to turn R2 back to
either value increases the frequency by is to make a dial. You can calibrate it prevent overloading the receiver with
the same factor. If you want to substi- with your shortwave receiver -by tuning the corresponding increase in the back-
tute some parts, or wind your own coil Cl to optimum reception. ground noise.
or use a different capacitor, the circuit If you find that the circuit "whistles" Once you get it working, start dig-
is quite flexible in this respect. For ex- at certain frequencies (this may easily ing deeper into the higher shortwave
ample you may want to replace the happen if you do not use -a PC board or frequencies. There is a lot going on out
150 pF capacitor Cl used by the author your connections are too long), the there and with the increased sunspot
since this is often difficult to find. Use simplest cure is to thread a few small activity and a Shortwave Supercharger
instead the oscillator half of the stand - ferrite cores through pins 1 and 4 of the you can't go wrong.

The author's prototype,

shown here, used perf-
board and point-to-
point construction.
You may build your
Shortwave Supercharg-
er using this technique
or by making a printed
circuit board and sol-
dering on all the parts.
The author added a
small LED power indi-
cator to prevent dead
batteries if left on.


c/w checks out the...
This handy gadget will READER SERVICE

help you hear more from COUPON

your receiver and less

from your landlord.

MANY SHORT-WAVE LISTENERS and cable that brings the signal down from or received signal strength, because sig-
DXers find that the landlord's regula- the amplifier and which also carries the nal strength does not necessarily depend
tions often preclude the use of a decent DC power, an indoor control box that on the length of the wire used for the
receiving antenna. In many buildings, contains the power supply, an antenna receiving antenna. At some frequencies
nothing other than the landlord's master switch that selects either .the signal from 1000 feet might be ideal, at others it
TV antennas can be installed .on the the preamplifier or an auxiliary wire might prove a disaster because of mul-
roof; thisoften means the SW an- antenna, and an "output impedance tiple nodes.
tenna can be no more than a short matching" switch that provides output Rather than considering the DA100
whip mounted on a terrace, or window impedances of 50, 100, and 500 ohms. a substitute for 1000 feet of wire, it is
ledge, or a short length of wire hang- The switch can also be used as a 0, 10 best to consider it as the solution to
ing down from the window, whose re- and 20 dB attenuator if needed to com- difficult antenna installations such as
ception sensitivity varies as the wind pensate for strong stations. mentioned at the beginning of this
blows the wire towards and away from The operating frequency range of the article. For example, you cannot beat
the building. DA -100 is 50 kHz to 30 MHz. The the DA100 with any other "all band"
Features. One good answer to the internal amplifier provides approximate- window anfenna. Angled outward from
problem of no space for an antenna is ly 3 dB gain at 100 kHz falling to 0 dB the window the DA100 performs as
the Dymek DA -100 All Wave Receiv- at 1 MHz, again rising to approximately well as a "car radio" whip at the lower
ing Antenna, which is basically an auto- +11.2 dB at 20-25 MHz, and then fall- frequencies, and as an amplified whip
mobile type antenna mounted on a ing to +8 dB at 30 MHz. Between 100 at the higher frequencies. If you have
weatherproof box with an encapsulated kHz at 50 kHz the gain falls from +2 a terrace you can mount the weather-
transistorized amplifier inside the box. dB to -6 dB. proof box and antenna on the metal
The complete DA -100 system consists The DA100 system is touted as a re- railing (the further away from the
of the weatherproof housing, the auto- placement for a 1000 foot antenna. As building the better). If you can get the
type telescopic antenna that mounts on any SWL and DXer should know, antenna up on the roof, and find you're
the box, fifty feet of RG-58 coaxial length does not necessarily mean "gain," short of cable, you can simply add 50
ohm coaxial cable extensions, or use
AUX. ANTENNA one of the pre-fab coax extensions.
Fitting it in. The total antenna height
A standard UHF con- when extended is 4 -ft. 8 -in. The
nector is used for the weatherproof housing is a standard elec-
coax running to the trical "outdoor/weatherproof" box spe-
amplifier and phone cially modified with the antenna mount-
type jacks are used ing on top and a weatherproof coax
for both the output fitting on the bottom. The indoor con-
to the receiver and for trol box measured 9 -in. wide by 5 -in.
the auxiliary wire an-
tenna. 115 or 220 VAC high by 9 -in. deep.
The Dymek DA -100 system complete
with 50 feet of 50 ohm coaxial cables
OUTPUT TO INPUT FROM ANTENNA is priced at $135.00. For additional in-
RECEIVER AND AMPLIFIER formation circle No. 58 on the reader's
service coupon.


SUPER be used). If you cannot make your own
PC boards you can obtain a plated

BCB Booster
board (for easy soldering) from the
source indicated in the parts list.
AVoid component substitutions; Q1
and Q2 should be the specified types.
Though the booster might work with
some "general replacenient" transistors,
Make any broadcast receiver it might not work with others. Worse
a DX star with this yet, it might work only on very weak
signals while distorting strong signals.
sharp -tuning preamp. The specified components will pro-

vide distortion -free reception on signals
as strong as 80,000 uV. It will deliver
excellent performance with battery volt-
ap 0. age falling as low as 6 -volts.
The circuit board and a very short
connection to output jack J1 are the
only critical assemblies. You can make
mechanical modifications as long as
the general layout approximates the unit
shown in the photographs.
We suggest that the unit be assembled
in a plastic cabinet with an aluminum
front panel, though a full plastic cabi-
net can be used because the PC board
has a built-in hand -capacitance shield.
Maximum stability, however, is attained
through the use of a metal front panel
IMAGINE YOUR BROADCAST BAND RE- how both connections are used. because it reduces the possibility of
CEIVER jammed from end to end with Powered by a 2U6 type 9 -volt tran- feedback from booster's output to its
a solid wall of signals!.Flea's-whisper sistor radio battery the current drain is input.
stations, that normally can't be heard less than 2 mA and a standard battery Drilling the PC Board. All of the
with headphones, booming into your will last at least three -months, even component mounting holes except for
shack at S9. This is the kind .of recep- under heavy service. An activator or tuning capacitor Cl can be made with
tion you'll get with the Super BCB heavy duty battery can last a year or a #58, #59, or #60 bit. Capacitor Cl
Booster, a preamplifier specifically de- more. With such low power consump- requires a 5/16 -inch hole. If you don't
signed for BC DX'ers. , tion there's no reason to build an ex- have a 5/16 -inch bit use a 1/4 -inch drill
Whether you live in a concrete and ternal AC power supply for the Super and enlarge the hole very carefully with
steel tower, or out in the boondocks BCB Booster. a miniature round file. The corner
with enough space for a long-wire an- Construction. Although the circi'it holes, which are used for the mounting
tenna, the Super BCB Booster will dig appears simple, extreme care must be screws, should clear #4 or #6 screws-
out stations you've never heard before taken with the circuit board preparation which ever you prefer to use.
because its average gain is almost 42 since the high overall gain can cause The PC board is best assembled in
dB -7 S -units of extra sensitivity. instability if a single component, or the following manner: Install capacitor
The booster can function as an elec- printed circuit foil, is out of position. Cl first, then all the remaining compo-
tronic antenna with signals received only We suggest no attempt be made to use nents except Ql. Then push QI's leads
by loopstick antenna coil Ll, or as a point-to-point wiring. Use a PC board through the board and solder. Note that
preamplifier, with a "longwire" antenna that is an exact copy of the supplied Q1 is supplied with a shorting -clip
connected to binding post BP1. template (any PC board material can around all the leads. This clip must be
How It Works. The signal voltage ap-
pearing across tuned circuit L1/C1 is
fed to FET Ql, which provides approx-
imately20 dB gain on top of the L1/
Cl resonant "gain." Ql's output feeds
transistor Q2, an emitter -follower that Make a PC board that
provides a 10- to 15 -dB power gain, is an exact duplicate
and also a low impedance output for of this Template. Do
connection to the relatively low impe- not try to use point-
dance input of a communications re- to-point wiring since
ceiver. the high gains could
Though intended for direct connec- cause instability if
any parts or strips of
tion to a receiver's antenna input ter- foil were out of posi-
minals, the Super BCB Booster can tion. If you have any
also be used with "loop antenna radios" problem making yours
by connecting the booster's output to write to the address
a loopstick antenna (duplicate of L1) listed with the parts
positioned near the radio. We'll show for a finished board.


Booster the lead length should not exceed 15 -
If the booster will be used with a
transistor -type radio having a built-in
the coil. Position this coil on the radio's
case opposite the built-in loopstick an-
tenna and tape the coil in place.
Using The Super BCB Booster. Turn
left in position until assembly is com- loop antenna and no terminals, con- on both the receiver and booster and
pleted and the booster is ready for op- nect the free end of the output cable tune in the desired station or frequency.
eration. If the clip is removed a high to a loopstick antenna coil the exact Then adjust tuning capacitor Cl for
static voltage from the tip of the solder- duplicate of Ll. Remove the primary maximum signal strength or highest S -
ing iron, or a voltage generated through winding-the heavy outer winding of meter reading. As a general rule the
normal handling, might destroy Ql. plastic insulated wire wrapped around (Continued on page 118)
Place a paper or tape tag on or near
Q1 to remind you to pull off the short-
ing clip before applying power. The complete assem-
Double-check that the tab sticking bly-showing the rec-
ommended locations
out from Ql's case faces the nearest for BP1, S1 and J1.
edge of the PC board before soldering. Note that J1's ground
The round side (opposite the flat) of lug is used; there are
Q2 should face the same edge of the two connections to the
PC board. PC board-one for the
Note that Ll's primary and secondary ground terminal and
windings are independent though their one for the jack's cen-
ground connections are generally shorted ter conductor. Shielded
together by a wire jumper on the PC cable isn't needed;
board. If for some reason you prefer a just wrap the ground
wire around the con-
separate antenna system ground, open ductor a few times.
the shorting wire and install a "ground
binding post" on the panel.
After Ll is wired to the PC board it
can be secured with a few dabs of sili-
con rubber adhesive such as Silastic or
G.E.'s RTV.
Since stand-offs space the PC board
away from the panel to prevent shorts
between the foil(s) and the metal panel,
it will be impossible to add wiring after
the assembly is installed on the panel.
Install the wires for the connections to
BP1, J1, SW1 and the battery connector
before mounting the PC board. Insu-
lated #20 or #22 solid wire is sug-
gested. Mount the PC board to the WIRE JUMPER ON
panel using a 1/4 -inch spacer or stack PC BOARD ( SEE TEXT)
of washers between the panel and PC L2 (SEE TEXT)
board at each mounting screw. 02
After all wiring to the panel com- PL I
ponents is completed adjust Ll's slug so
it protrudes between 1/4- to 1 /2 -inch
from the top of the coil form-no SHIELDED

further tuning is needed. CABLE

Make up a connecting lead from PARTS LIST FOR SUPER BCB BOOSTER
shielded or coaxial cable to go from
output jack J1 to the receiver's antenna B1 -9 -volt battery (type 2U6 or equiv.) R1-1000 ohms, 1/2 -watt, 10% resistor
terminals. For least signal attenuation BP1-Insulated 5 -way binding post or equiv. R2, R3-4700 ohms, 1/2 -watt, 10% resistor
C1-365 pF miniature tuning capacitor (Poly- S1-SPST switch
varicon type) Misc.-Cabinet, PC board, hardware, etc. A
C2, C3, C4-0.05 uF disc capacitor rated 10 plated printed circuit board is available
VDC or higher. for $5 from the Electronic Hobby Shop. Box
11 -Phono jack 192, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11235. U.S. orders add
L1-Loopstick antenna (Radio Shack 270-1430 $2.00 for postage and handling: Canadian
or equiv.) orders add $3.50. No foreign orders, please.
L2-Same as Ll (Optional. See text.) New York State residents must add appro-
PL1-Phono plug (Optional for L2) priate sales tax for your area. Postal money
Qt-FET, RCA 40600 orders speed delivery; otherwise allow 6-8
Q2-NPN transistor, 2N3394 weeks for delivery.
Li is secured to the back of the PC board, after it has been wired, with a couple of drops
of silicon rubber adhesive. The coil can serve as an "electronic antenna," and a "long
wire antenna is needed only if you are after super -DX reception. To keep dust out of the
The tuning dial faceplate can be used as tuning capacitor's plates-and thereby avoiding snaps, crackles and pops when tuning-
is; just cut it out and paste it down. we suggest a model that is supplied with a plastic cover.


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c/w checks out the...
Copy those dots and dashes in the
blink of an eye!


If the sound of dandidandit-dandah- turn the calculator upside down. Sure

didah is more Greek than music to enough, it looked a little bit like the
your ears-if you'd have a better chance word "HELLO." But, when it comes
understanding an outraged Patagonian to displaying letters like W or Q even
peasant than the Morse Code-well, the trickiest calculator nut has to be
you could be missing out on a lot of left scratching his head.
fun. Some of the best DX around is The code reader uses an LED which C.T1101

yours for the tuning, if you can copy has been especially engineered for dis- ATRONICS

the dots and dashes of Mr. Morse. playing English letters A -Z as well as
Maybe you've tried to learn the code the numbers 1-10. The LED is a 16 -
and-for one reason or another-haven't segment device which uses the same
been successful. Or perhaps you do philosophy as a calculator's 7 -segment The front panel controls are adjusted by
know the code at five or even ten words LED. Individual segments art lit up means of LEDs above them. Practice will
per minute but you still wish you could and the eye sees the finished result. On enable you to quickly change the station.
listen in on the stations that send at a 7 -segment LED, the number 1 is
fifteen or even fifty words per minute. made up of two lit -up segments, one Also, there is absolutely no doubt
The Atronics Code Reader has come above the other on the right-hand edge if you are seeing a letter or a number.
to the rescue. One simple connection of the LED. Similar'ly, the number 8 Many 7 -segment "alphabets" make the
to your shack's receiver and you'll be is formed when all seven segments are lower case "b" do double duty as a
able to watch as the Morse Code is lit. As you can see, if you play around "6." Unfortunately, this can result in
visually decoded right before your eyes. with this idea, there's just not enough some confusion as to which is being
Alphanumerics. Each character ,of segments for many of our letters. displayed. The 16 -segment LED is able
the Code, as received, is displayed on The alphabet is easily accomplished to display a capital letter "B" besides
the code reader's 16 -segment LED. The with sixteen segments. Examine how the normal configuration of a "6."
code reader can visually display letters the letter W is formed by this type of Copying the Code. The Code Reader
of the alphabet just as clearly and pre- LED. The sides of the W are each is certainly .one of the easiest accesso-
cisely as you're used to seeing numbers formed by two segments above each ries to hook into a station's receiver.
displayed on a calculator. other, but the interior rise is formed All that is required is to connect the
At this point, you may be thinking by two segments that originate at op- reader in parallel .with your receiver's
that you've seen "letters" on a calcu- posite corners of the LED at 45 -degree speaker terminals. Many receivers even
lator and weren't all that impressed. angles to meet at a point. Other letters, have a SPKR OUT jack where this con-
Maybe a friend once told you to put such as B, D, X, etc., can be formed nection is already made. Once hooked
07734 on a calculator display and then in just such a fashion. up, operation is simple enough, but re-
quires some practice before you can
get the controls quickly adjusted when
you change stations.
There are two controls on the front
panel, level and speed. Each of the
controls-one on either side of the 16 -
segment LED-has a small LED above
it. The LED above the speed control
indicates the anticipated length of a
received Morse Code dot. The LED
which is above the level control indi-
cates "Mark': (ON) and "Space"
(OFF) conditions.
COMMA QUESTION WAIT INVALID Tune across the band until you are
receiving a good, clear signal. Adjust
The Atronics Code Reader is able to display not only the numbers 1-10, but the letters the speed control (which -is calibrated
from A -Z in a clear, concise style. It makes copying the morse code possible for those in words per minute) until the LED
with little experience, and enjoyable even for the pro. Circle number 119 for more info. (Continued on page 118)


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If card or coupon is missing, write
Heath Company, Dept. 205-490, Benton Harbor MI49022 MEI ME NMI EMI ME MEI Eli Mil MINI
c/w checks out the...
Copy those dots and dashes in the
blink of an eye!


[1 If the sound of dandidandit-dandah- turn the calculator upside down. Sure

didah is more Greek than music to enough, it looked a little bit like the
your ears-if you'd have a better chance word "HELLO." But, when it comes
understanding an outraged Patagonian to displaying letters like W or Q even
peasant than the Morse Code-well, the trickiest calculator nut has to be
you could be missing out on a lot of left scratching his head.
fun. Some of the best DX around is The code reader uses an LED which
yours for the tuning, if you can copy has been especially engineered for dis-
the dots and dashes of Mr. Morse. playing English letters A -Z as well as
Maybe you've tried to learn the code the numbers 1-10. The LED is a 16 -
and-for one reason or another-haven't segment device which uses the same
been successful. Or perhaps you do philosophy as a calculator's 7 -segment The front panel controls are adjusted by
know the code at five or even ten words LED. Individual segments are lit up means of LEDs above them. Practice will
per minute but you still wish you could and the eye sees the finished result. On enable you to quickly change the station.
listen in on the stations that send at a 7 -segment LED, the number 1 is
fifteen or even fifty words per minute. made up of two lit -up segments, one Also, there is absolutely no doubt
The Atronics Code Reader has come above the other on the right-hand edge if you are seeing a letter or a :lumber.
to the rescue. One simple connection of the LED. Similafly, the number 8 Many 7 -segment "alphabets" make the
to your shack's receiver and you'll be is formed when all seven segments are lower case "b" do double duty as a
able to watch as the Morse Code is lit. As you can see, if you play around "6." Unfortunately, this can result in
visually decoded right before your eyes. with this idea, there's just not enough some confusion as to which is being
Alphanumerics. Each character ,of segments for many of our letters. displayed. The 16 -segment I ED is able
the Code, as received, is displayed on The alphabet is easily accomplished to display a capital letter "B" besides
the code reader's 16 -segment LED. The with sixteen segments. Examine how the normal configuration of a "6."
code reader can visually display letters the letter W is formed by this type of Copying the Code. The Code Reader
of the alphabet just as clearly and pre- LED. The sides of the, W are each is certainly one of the easiest accesso-
cisely as you're used to seeing, numbers formed by two segments above each ries to hook into a station's receiver.
displayed on a calculator. other, but the interior rise is formed All that is required is to connect the
At this point, you may be thinking by two segments that originate at op- reader in parallel with your receiver's
that you've seen "letters" on a calcu- posite corners of the LED at 45 -degree speaker terminals. Many receivers even
lator and weren't all that impressed. angles to meet at a point. Other letters, have a SPKR OUT jack where this con-
Maybe a friend once told you to put such as B, D, X, etc., can be formed nection is already made. Once hooked
07734 on a calculator display and then in just such a fashion. up, operation is simple enough, but re-
quires some practice before you can
get the controls quickly adjusted when
you change stations.
There are two controls on the front
panel, level and speed. Each of the
controls-one on either side of the 16 -
segment LED-has a small LED above
it. The LED above the speed control
indicates the anticipated length of a
received Morse Code dot. The LED
which is above the level control indi-
cates "Mark" (ON) and "Space"
(OFF) conditions.
COMMA QUESTION WAIT INVALID Tune across the band until you are
receiving a good, clear signal. Adjust
The Atronics Code Reader is able to display not only the numbers 1-10, but the letters the speed control (which- is calibrated
from A -Z in a clear, concise style. It makes copying the morse code possible for those in words per minute) until the LED
with little experience, and enjoyable even for the pro. Circle number 119 for more info. (Continued on page 118)


c/w checks out the...

five -band scanner

This computerized scanner keeps track of radio traffic
without jamming your brains circuits
A SCANNER THAT THINKS FOR IT- tenna through a "Motorola" jack, or digital time clock indicating hours,
SELF is about the best way to describe a supplied telescopic whip that pro- minutes, and seconds .that is always on
the Bearcat 250 Five Band Scanning trudes through the top of the cabinet. even with the receiver turned off, or if
Receiver. No longer need the user The whip can be unscrewed when not the display is used to indicate fre-
know the precise frequency of a sta- needed. As with the antenna jack, the quency. Under any operating condition,
tion or service: the Bearcat will dis- whip antenna serves for reception on the time is displayed when the time
cover the station's frequency. No longer all bands. pushbutton is depressed. Pressing the
need you wonder which is the most All functions and frequencies are en- button a second time turns off the time
"popular" police, fire or public service tered through a keyboard having thirty display and restores whatever was in-
frequency: the Bearcat will keep a pushbuttons. An eleven character dicated prior to the clock display being
running total of transmissions on each L.E.D. display indicates frequency, turned on.
channel. And if all this isn't enough, time, and all programmed functions. 50 Channels. Next, is a 50 channel
the Bearcat can also scan a range of Heading the list of functions is a memory arranged in five switch se-
frequencies and electronically log each lected groups of 10 channels each. Any
frequency used without stopping for the group or combination of groups can
transmissions, individually program a INDICATORS CHANNEL FREQUENCY be selected for scanning. The selected
delay or lockout for any channel, and groups are indicated by small "dots"
even program automatic recorder con- at the top left of the L.E.D. display.
trol for specific channels. For example, Even with the power switch off the on-
if you are interested in recording only board computer remembers the last
the activity on say, channel 14, you group selection, and will resume scan-
can program the receiver so a re- ning the selected groups as soon as
corder starts only when a channel 14 PROGRAMMED power is turned on. The programming
signal is received, no other frequencies is such that you cannot turn off all
will be recorded. If you are interested PRIORITY INDICATOR groups. Attempting to place all groups
in recording what's happening on mul- on standby automatically activiates the
tiple channels, say Nos. 1, 3, 5, 18, and channel 1 through 10 group. The 1-10
22, you can likewise program the re- group can only be turned off (placed
corder to start only when signals are on standby) if another group(s) is
received on any of these. selected.
How is all this "magic" accomp- In addition to the 50 scan channels,
lished? Through use of an on -board the Bearcat 250 has a separate mem-
microprocessor (microcomputer) that ory for 64 frequencies. These 64 fre-
provides even more heretofore un- A typical display. Numerals 10 indicate
channel 10 is beng monitored. "D" indi- quencies are stored independent of the
imagined performance. But before we cates the 2 -second delay has been pro- 50 channel programming. If desired,
get too far ahead of ourselves, let's go grammed for the channel, meaning the any of the 64 .frequencies can be en-
back to the beginning and take a look scan will hold for at least 2 seconds tered as channel programming.
at the big picture. after the station goes off before scanning To "discover" unknown services or
The Bearcat 250 is housed in a cabi- is resumed. "L" means the channel has frequencies the receiver can be pro-
net measuring 103/4 -in. wide by 31/2 -in. been temporarily locked out of the scan- grammed to search any frequency
high by 8 -in. deep. It will operate off ning: it can be selected manually, but not range within a single band. The search
120 VAC or 13.8 VDC. Though it by scanning. Finally, the frequency read- can be programmed to stop each time
covers five bands -32-50 MHz, 146- out is 146.450 MHz. The five dots at the a station is detected so the user can
148 MHz, 148-174 MHz, 420-470 upper left, directly over and to the right
of the "10" indicate all five channel listen to the signal to see if it's a worth-
MHz, and 470.0125-512.0125 MHz, groups are switched on. A "P" showing while service to store in a main channel
the tuner sections are so arranged that before the "10" would indicate the pri- memory. Or, the scan can be used just
a single antenna input can be used. ority has been switched on. During scan to locate frequencies; instead of stop-
Provision is made for an external an - channel 1 will be scanned every 2 seconds. ping on the station until the transmis-

The Hardware. The front panel has
only two controls: one for volume/
power switch; the other for squelch.
Somewhat unusual, the squelch con-
sion is over, the search stores the "work- EXTERNAL
trol has a detented switch position at
ing" frequency in the 64 channel mem- TAPE JACK SPEAKER GROUND full CCW labeled auto, meaning auto-
ory. The user can then step through the matic squelch. It's a factory set squelch
memory one frequency at a time to de- level that appears to be "just about
termine which frequencies were active, right."
or can step and hold in order to moni- The rear apron has sockets for the
tor the signal. Again, any desired stored AC linecord, a DC power cord, the
frequency can be entered into one of antenna jack, a remote speaker, and a
the 50 scan channels. line level output for a recorder. Screw
At the touch of a button marked type binding terminals are used for the
priority, channel 1 can be programmed ANTENNA aux control.
as a priority channel so that regardless A gimbal bracket such as supplied
of the channel groups programmed for All connections are through rear apron with mobile CB transceivers is pro-
scanning, the receiver will scan channel connectors. The power source is auto- vided for mounting the Bearcat 250
1 for activity every two seconds. Any
matic: simply plug in the AC or DC power in a vehicle. Plugs in the side of the
frequency within the five bands can be cord. The aux switch terminals can be cabinet normally conceal the threaded
used to start a recorder and are specifi- eyelets for the mobile bracket's screws.
programmed into channel 1. With the cally programmed for one or more chan-
priority switch ofi, channel 1 functions neli as required by the user. Summing Up. The Bearcat 250,
as any other channel. priced at $399.95 complete with AC
If you're not certain which frequen- quencies in the store memory. Then the and DC power cords, mobile bracket,
cies are the "hot" ones in your area, antenna is connected and the search and telescopic antenna is one heck of a
you can get a count on the number of resumed. Now the search literally skips scanner. Overall performance is just
transmissions by simply pressing a but- over the birdie frequencies and the about typical for high performance
ton marked count. The indicated fre- only signals that will be "locked up" scanners such as previous Bearcats. The
quency on the display turns off and the during the search will be legitimate thing that makes the 250 stand head
number of transmissions on that par- signals. Of course, the birdie frequen- and shoulders above other scanners is
ticular channel is indicated. Each chan- cies are entered in the 64 channel store the on -board computer. Fact is, it does so
nel's counter can be individually erased memory, and by stepping through the much that it takes a thorough read-thru
so it starts from zero whenever desired. memory the user can get a "listing" of of the manual before you can even
Other channel counters are not affected both the birdie and signal frequencies. start to get maximum utilization of the
by a counter erase. Pressing count a You get the listing by pressing a special computer features. Best bet is
second time restores the frequency in- recall button; each press steps the tun- to stop into a local Bearcat dealer and
dication and the counter works "un- ing and display to the next frequency get a hands-on demonstration. (Make
seen." in store memory. To let you know you certain you get a salesperson who really
The signal on any channel can be have run through all the frequencies knows the 250 inside and out or you're
used to control an associated recorder discovered through the last search run, likely to miss one or more of the out-
(or other device) through the aux the display will blank after the last standing features in a store demo.)
function. Pressing the aux and E (for searched frequency, and then repeat For more information on the Bear -
enter) buttons programs any channel ("playback") from the lowest fre- cat 250, circle No. 79 on the reader's
for remote control through a closed quency. service coupon.
circuit providing up to 500 mA. As
soon as a signal breaks the squelch the
aux control circuit is closed. It is nor-
mally capable of handling the remote
start circuit of a portable cassette re-
corder. For a higher power control de-
vice, an intermediate relay or transistor
switch must be used. The aux function





is indicated by a small dot in the lower
right of the L.E.D. display.

111111 NMI a

Goodby Birdies. One of the prob-

lems with some digitally synthesized



scanners in the past has been "birdies",

unwanted signals generated by the


scanner's internal oscillators. The

search mode often picked up some of
these unwanted signals and locked the
scanning onto the birdie, because as Thirty pushbutton keys control all functions and the frequency selection. The five keys
in the left vertical row select channels in groups of 10: 1-10, 11-10, 21-30, etc. The
far as the receiver is concerned the receiver scans only the groups "punched up." Individual channels in each group can
birdie is a legitimate unmodulated car- be "locked out" by pressing the lockout key. The group scanning can be in any order:
rier. In the Bearcat 250, however, the for example, if the 10 and 40 keys are depressed the receiver will scan channels 1
user programs the birdies out first by through 10 and 31 through 40. An individual channel is manually selected by simply
disconnecting the antenna and making pressing the key corresponding to the channel number and then the manual key. Direct
one search pass, storing the birdie fre- selection of channel 15 would be selected by pressing keys: 1, 5, and manual.


ITLE1o1U 0

Become a "world -class" DXer by setting up your own

super -equipped, shortwave listening post.

YOUR NEW SHORTWAVE radio is all on the dial and, just as important, what
plugged in and hooked to the antenna time it is on the air.
outside your window and you're starting Where does the DXer get such a list?
to listen to the world. You've read a Unfortunately, your local newspaper
little about the sport of DXing-tuning doesn't carry shortwave program list-
in for long distance stations-and you ings. If you are a regular reader of A globe is a great aid for the SWL. It is
decide to give it a whirl. How can you Communications World you have prob- not as compact as a wall map but with a
pursue this hobby and get a flood of ably already been referred to Don Jen- flexible ruler you can measure distance
exotic QSL cards coming through the sen's excellent column in our sister without the distortion effects of a flat map.
mail? You have the main ingredients- publication Elementary Electronics. If you have trouble finding Ouagadougou
short wave set and antenna. But what These are great sources of information the first time you catch Radio Voltaique
else do you need? for the DXer but there are many addi- you might need a pocket atlas with a
Information Aids. You probably be- good gazetteer to find it in Upper Volta
tional sources that will also prove help- in West Africa. Make sure it's up-to-date.
gan your listening by simply tuning ful. Check your newsstand.
through the bands to see what stations The first source is a copy of the
you could stumble onto. In time, you World Radio TV Handbook. This 500 -
can catch a lot of stations this way. The page annual publication lists all known twice before sending one into a country
experienced DXer, however, has a bet- shortwave broadcasters of the world. It that seldom -replies. But you can get
ter way. He has an up-to-date list of lists them by country, by frequency and this kind of information from your
foreign station ,broadcasts-by country, by time of broadcast. It also has a shortwave club bulletin.
time and frequency. Thus he is able to wealth of other essential information. There are a number of shortwave
target his tuning so that every time he For example, it gives the mailing ad- clubs in the U.S. Some specialize in
turns on his set, he knows exactly what dresses of all theSe stations-a necessity various types of shortwave listening..
to look for. He may not always be suc- for your sending in your reception re- Others cover a variety of shortwave
cessful in getting the program he tunes ports. It is available at many electronic broadcasting. The largest in the U.S.
for but he knows where it can be found stores or by mail from Gilfer Associ- that caters exclusively to the foreign
ates, Inc., P.O. Box 239, Park Ridge, broadcast shortwave listener is the
N.J. 07656. North American Short Wave Associa-
Up -dating foreign station broadcast- tion, P.O. Box 13, Liberty, Indiana
ing times and frequencies once a year 47353.
is still not enough for the ardent DXer. Many DXers take the information
The rapidity with which stations change they get from these various sources and
their frequencies because of seasonal make up a target list. One way to do
propagation conditions and interference this is to use graph paper and list the
by other stations broadcasting on the countries you plan to try for down the
same or nearby frequencies, will amaze left hand side of the paper, alphabeti-
you. Therefore, the smart DXer joins a cally. Leave space between countries
Shortwave club and receives its, periodic because many will have more than one
bulletins. These will feature reports sent frequency that they broadcast from. List
in by members from all over the coun- the frequencies in the column to the
try, noting changes in frequencies and right of the country. Now go to the top
broadcasting times. of the page and list the time in twenty-
The same periodical will give you in- four numbers. Start at the left wih "00"
formation about QSL card receptions. and continue across the page with "01,"
Members report on how long it took to "02", etc. Finally, fill in the squares
The author tunes in a rare catch on his receive these from various countries and below to correspond to each country's
Drake SSR-1 shortwave receiver. Note the whether or not return postage was broadcasting time and frequency. Now
convenient layout of this listening post. needed. When you consider that it costs you have a practiCal, cross-reference
Everything is handy but the desktop re- 31 cents each time you mail an over- list to work from. You can approach it
mains uncluttered-a key to relaxed DXing. seas reception report, you may think from either the top (by time of day) or


a long way from hi-fi. There is, how-
ever, one listening aid that every short-
wave listener should have and that is a
I AIDS set of headphones.
Unless you live alone in a tent in the
by country (using the left-hand col- middle of a forest, the squeaks and
umn). noises from your shortwave set's
Time Conversion Aids. One of the speaker will not make you very popular
mysteries for the beginner in shortwave with the rest of the family. This will be
listening is the Greenwich Mean Time a very definite problem in the wee hours
(twenty-four hour) clock system. All of the morning or late at night when
program listings are given in such un- you're trying for some glamorous Afri-
familiar numerals as "2300 hours," can or Polynesian "catch."
"1300 hours," etc. It makes no sense at Headphones fulfill another need; they
all to go looking into a reference book blot out external noises and let your A tape recorder is one of the most valuable
every time you see or hear this kind of ears concentrate on your listening and DX aids-it will remember that long string
time announcement. Instead, make up tuning. The last thing you need is the of frequency changes that you couldn't
sound of a car's backfiring or the ring- copy fast _enough or will keep listening
a time equivalent chart and tack it up while you answer the phone or doorbell.
on the wall behind your receiver. Since ing of a doorbell when you're in the You can use a fancy reel-to-reel job or a
I want a morning -to -afternoon -to -night midst of tuning in that hard -to -get small cassette recorder like this Panasonic
listing, I start at the top with 1100 and foreign station. RQ-332. Make sure the recorder has a jack
put down 6 A.M. next to it, etc. When you purchase headphones, so you can patch in your receiver. This
As handy as the chart is, you will make sure you get the communications unit has a counter so you can easily go
find that a 24 -hour clock is also a vir- type. The hi-fi headphones, used to back to a catch by winding to the number.
tual necessity. You can make one your- listen to stereo music are not for short-
self by simply lettering in the "13" to wave listening. They will only empha- you simply can't write these numbers
"23" additional hour -numbers under size the squeaks and buzzes that you down fast enough. With a recorder,
the appropriate existing numbers on an don't want to hear. And since you will you can playback that portion of the
old kitchen clock. I used this arrange- be using them for many hours, make broadcast and write down the informa-
ment for a while but found that I al- sure they are comfortable. If you wear tion at your leisure. You will also find
ways had to hesitate and think a second glasses, you may want to check into a a recorder handy when you're busy
to determine whether the clock said special type of headphone that rests on taking down notes on a program's con-
0200 or 1400 hours. I finally broke your temples and has an adjustable tent for a QSL report and you are in-
down and purchased a regular 24 -hour tubular sound arm that goes into your terrupted by the telephone or doorbell.
digital clock at an electronics store. ear. In that case, you simply turn on your
Now when I sit down at my listening Recording Aids. One of the handiest recorder and finish your report later.
post and glance up at the clock on the items to have near your radio receiver If you don't have a tape recorder and
shelf, I'm completely converted to is a tape recorder. Some DXers use set out to purchase one, you might
G.M.T.-the World broadcaster's and tapes to send in QSL reports. Others consider an expensive reel-to-reel type,
DXer's universal time. record specific programs or portions of but I find an inexpensive portable cas-
Listening Aids. Your new shortwave them. A tape recorder is particularly sette recorder works fine for my needs.
radio probably has a built-in speaker useful in catching those "P.O. Box num- Geographic Aids. Part of the fun of
and you might wonder how much bet- bers" and addresses spoken over the air shortwave listening is to bring in those
ter the sound would be with a larger, by the foreign broadcaster. Also it is programs from the far corners of the
external unit. Unless your particular set a must if you are listening to a DX pro- World. Unless you have recently com-
has a very poor speaker, you won't see gram where a whole list of frequency pleted a modern geography course, you
much difference with the addition of an changes is being given out over the will need some reference material to
outside speaker. Shortwave reception is air. Unless you're a shorthand whiz, look up the locations of such obscure
countries as Brunei, Sierra Leone and
TARGET LIST Sri Lanka. A wall map will probably be
Country & Time G.M.T. your first purchase. This is useful and
Frequency 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
nice to have; when your set is bringing
Albania in a program, you can look up and
7065 marvel at the wonderful World of short-
7300 wave listening that brings you this
Algeria broadcaster from several thousand miles
9685 away. However, it still won't be quick
Angola or easy to find some of these obscure
3375 nations on the map. A better way is to
get a compact atlas that has a good
Argentina gazetteer to give you the page or map
reference for a particular location. I
find a "pocket book" size atlas the
Australia handiest to use. When you buy one, be
11705 sure it is a recently -published edition.
In places like Africa, new countries are
Every dedicated shortwave enthusiast should have a long target list - mark the being born every year.
frequency under the country and put an "X" under the time it signs on. (Continued on page 120)





Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

540-555.5 WWNC Asheville. N.C. 5000 WSOM Salem, Ohio 500d WPRO Providence, R.I. 5000
KVIP Redding, Calif. 1000 WKBN Youngstown, OH 5000r WFRM Coudersport, Pa. 1000d l(MAC San Antonio, Tex. 5000
WGTO Cypress Gardens, WNAX Yankton. S.Dak. 5000 WAEL Mayaguez, P.R. 1000 l(SXX Salt Lake City, Utah 1000d
Fla. 50000d WFAA Dallas -Ft. Worth TX 5000 WREC Memphis, Tenn. 5000 KGON Edmonds WA 5000
WDAK Columbus, Ga. 5000 KLUB Salt Lake City, Utah 5000 KROD El Paso, TX 5000 KZUN Opportunity, WA 1000d
KWMT Ft. Dodge, Iowa 5000d KVI Seattle. Wash. 5000 KERB Kermit, Tex. 1000d
KNOE Monroe, La. 5000 WMAM Marinette WI 250r I(TBB Tyler, Tex. 1000
WDMV Poeomoke City, Md. 500d WVAR Rid:wood, W.Va. 1000d 640-468.5
WLIX Islip, N.Y. 250d
WETC Wendell-Zebulon, N.C. 580-516.9 KFI Los Angeles, CA 50000
5000d WBIL Tuskegee AL 500d
610-491.5 WOl Ames, Iowa 5000d
WARO Canonsburg, Pa. 250d KYUK Bethel AK 5000d WSGN Birmingham AL 5000r
WHLO Akron, OH I000d
WYNN Florence, S.C. 250d K I K X Tucson AZ 5000r WNAD Norman, OK 1000d
KAVL Lancaster, CA 1000r
WDXN Clarksville, Tenn. 1000d KW Fresno. Calif. 5000 I(FRC San Francisco, CA 5000
KDLT Delta, UT
WRIC Richlands, Va.
1000d KUBC Montrose, Colo.
WDBO Orlando, Fla.
5000 WSNG Torrington, CT 1000 650-461.3
1000d 5000 WIOD Miami, Fla. 5000 KYAK Anchorage AK 50000r
WYLO Jackson, Wise. 250d WGAC Augusta, Ga. 5000 WHYM Pensacola, FL 500d
KFXD Nampa, Idaho 5000 WCEH Hawkinsville, Ga. 500d KORL Honolulu, HI 10000
WILL Urbana, III. KUAM Agana, GU WSM Nashville, Tenn. 50000
550-545.1 KSAC Manhattan, Kans.
5000 WRUS Russellville, KY.
K1 K K Pasadena, Texas 250d
KEN! Anchorage AK 5000 WIBW Topeka. Kans. 5000 KDAL Duluth, Minn. 5000
KOY Phoenix AZ
KAFY Bakersfield. Calif.
KALB Alexandria, La.
WTAG Worcester, Mass.
WDAF Kansas City, MO
KOJM Havre, Mont.
5000 660-454.3
KRAI Craig. Colo. 5000 WELO Tupelo. Miss. 1000 KCSR Chadron, Nebr. 1000d KFAR Fairbanks AK 1000D
WAY R Orange Park, Fla. 1000d KANA Anaconda, Mont. 1000d WGIR Manchester, N.H. 5000 KOWH Omaha, Neb. I000d
WGGA Gainesville, Ga. 5000 WAGR Lumberton. N.C. 500d KRKE Albuquerque, NM 5000
WNBC New York, N.Y. 50000
KMVI Wailuku, Hawaii 5000 WKSK W. Jefferson NC 500d WAYS Charlotte, N.C. 5000
WESC Greenville. S.C. 10000d
KFRM Salina, Kans. 5000d KCMX Ashland OR 1000 WTVN Columbus, Ohio 5000
KSKY Dallas. Tex. 10000d
WCBI Columbus, Miss. 1000 WHP Harrisburg, Pa. 5000 WIP Philadelphia, Pa. 5000
KSD St. Louis, Mo. 5000 WKAQ San Juan, P.R. 5000 KILT Houston, Tex. 5000 670-447.5
KBOW Butte MT 5000r KOBH Hot Springs, S.Dak. 500d I(VNU Logan, Utah 5000
WGR Buffalo, N.Y. 5000 WOFE Roekwood, Tenn. 1000d WSLC Roanoke VA 5000 KDLG Dillingham, AK 5000r
WDBM Statesville, N.C. 500d KDAV Lubbock. Tex. 500d WHPL Winchester, Va. 500 KPUA Hilo, HI 5000
KFYR Bismarck, N.Dak. 5000 WLES Lawrenceville. Va. 500d KONA Kennewick WA 5000 KBOI Boise, Idaho 50000
WKRC Cincinnati, Ohio 5000 WCHS Charleston. W.Va. 5000 WMAQ Chicago, Ill. 50000
KOAC Corvallis, Oreg. 5000 WKTY LaCrosse, Wls. 5000
WHLM Bloomsburg, Pa. 1000 590-508.2 620-483.6 680-440.9
WPAB Ponce, P.R. 5000 KTAR Phoenix AZ 5000
WGNG Pawtucket RI 1000 WRAG Carollton AL 1000d KNGS Hanford, Calif. 1000 KBRW Barrow,AK 10 000r
KCRS Midland, TX 5000r KHAR Anchorage AK 5000 KWSD Mt. Shasta, Calif. 1000d KNBR San Francisco, Cal. 50000
KTSA San Antonio, Tex. 5000 KBHS Hot Springs, AR 5000 KSTR Grand Junction, Colo. 5000d WWBA St. Petersburg, Fla. 1000d
WDEV Waterbury, Vt. 5000 K F X M San Bernardino, Cal. 1000 WSUN St. Petersburg, Fla. 5000 WRNG North Atlanta GA 25000
WSVA Harrisonburg, Va. 5000 KTHO South Lake Tahoe, CA 2500 WTRP LaGrange. Ga. 1000d WCTT Corbin, Ky. 1000
KARI Blaine, Wash. 5000 KCSJ Pueblo, Colo. 1000 KIPA Hilo, Hawaii 5000 WCBM Baltimore, Md. 10000
WSAU Wausau, Wis. 5000 WDLP Panama City, Fla. 1000 KWAL Wallace, Idaho 1000 W R KO Boston, Mass. 50000
WPLO Atlanta. Ge. 5000 KMNS Sioux City, Iowa 1000 WDBC Escanaba, Mich. 10000
560-535.4 KGMB Honolulu. Hawaii 5000 WTMT Louisville, Ky. 500d KFEQ St. Joseph, Mo. 5000
KID Idaho Falls, Idaho 5000 WLBZ Bangor, Maine 5000 KWKA Clovis. N.M. 5000
WOOF Dothan AL 5000d WRTH Wood River. IL tono WJDX Jackson, Miss. 5000 WINR Binghamton. N.Y. 1000
KVOK Kodiak AK 1000 WVLK Lexington, Ky 5000 WVNJ Newark, N.J. 5000 WNYR Rochester, N.Y. 250d
KBLU Yuma, AZ 1000 WEEI Boston, Mass. 5000 WHEN Syracuse, N.Y. 5000 WPTF Raleigh, N.C. 50000
ICSFO San Fran., Calif. 5000 WJMS Ironwood, Mich. 5000 WDNC Durham, N.C. 5000 WRGC Sylva, NC 1000r
KLZ Denver, Colo. 5000 WKZO Kalamazoo, Mich. 5000 KGW Portland, Oreg. 5000 W1SR Butler, Pa. 250d
WQAM Miami, Fla. 5000 KGLE Glendive, Mont. 500d WHJB Greensburg. PA 2500d WAPA San Juan. P.Rloo 1000
WIND Chicago, III. 5000 WOW Omaha, Nebr. 5000 WCAY Cayce. S.C. 500d WMPS Memphis, Tenn 10000
W M I K Middlesboro, Ky. 500d WROW Albany, N.Y. 5000 W RJZ Knoxville, TN K KYX San Antonio, TX 50000r
WGAN Portland, Maine 5000 WCAB Rutherfordton, N.C. 500d I(WFT Wichita Falls, Tex. 5000 KOMW Omak, WA 5000d
WFRB Frostburg, Md. 1000d WGTM Wilson, N.C. 5000 WVMT Burlington, Vt. 5000 WCAW Charleston, WV 50000r
WHYN Springfield, Mans. 5000 KUGN Eugene, Oreg. 5000 WWNR Beckley, W.Va. 1000
WHND Monroe, MI 500d WARM Scranton, Pa. 5000 WTM.1 Milwaukee, Win. 5000
WEBC Dulutn, Minn. 5000 WMBS Uniontown, PA 1000
KWTO Springfield, Mo. 5000 KLBJ Austin TX 5000r 690-434.5
K MON Great Falls, Mont. 5000 KSUB Cedar City, Utah 1000 630-475.9 WVOK Birmingham'AL 50000
WCKL Catskill, N.Y. 1000 WLVA Lynchburg, Va. 1000 WAVU Albertville, Ala. 1000d KEGS Flagstaff AZ 1000r
WGAI Elizabeth, N.C. 1000 KHQ Spokane, Wash. 5000 WJDB Thomasville AL 1000d KEVT Tucson AZ 250d
WFIL Philadelphia, Pa. 5000 KJNO Juneau AK 1000r KBBA Benton AR 250d
WIS Columbia, SC 5000 600-499.7 KVMA Magnolia AR 1000d KAP1 Pueblo, Colo. 250d
WHBQ Memphis, Tenn. 5000 KIDD Monterey, Calif. 1000 WADS Ansonia, Conn. 500d
KLVI Beaumont, Tex. 5000 WI RB Enterprise AL 1000d KHOW Denver, Colo. 5000 WAPE Jacksonville, Fla. 50000
KPQ Wenatchee, Wash. 5000 KCLS Flagstaff AZ 5000r WMAL Washington, D.C. 5000 KKUA Honolulu, Hawaii 10000
WJLS Beckley, W.Va. 5000 KING Independence, CA 500d WSAV Savannah, Ga. 5000 KBLI Blackfoot, Idaho I000d
ICSX0 Redding, CA 5000 WNEG Toccoa, Ga. 500d KGGF Coffeyville, Kans. 10000
570-526.0 KOGO San Diego, CA
KI1X Ft. Collins, CO
5000 KIDO Boise, Idaho 5000 WTIX New Orleans, La.
KTCR Minneapolis. Minn.
WAAX Gadsden AL
1000d WLAP Lexington, KY 5000 500d
5000r WICC Bridgeport, Conn. 1000 KTIB Thibodaux, La. 500d KSTL St. Louis, Mo, 1000d
KCNO Alturas, Cal. 5000d WSNY Jacksonville, FL KDWB Minneapolis. KEYR Tarrytown, Nebr. 1000d
KLAC Los Angeles, Calif. 5000 WMT Cedar Rapids, Iowa 5000 St. Paul MN 5000r KRCO Prineville, OR 1000d
WFSO Pinellas Park FL 500 WVOG New Orleans, La. 1000d KXOK St. Louis, Mo. 5000 WYIS Phoenixville PA
WACL Waycross, Ga. 5000 WFST Caribou, Maine 5000d KGVW Belgrade, Mont. 1000d KUSD Vermillion, S.Dak. 1000d
KATB Agana, GU 5000 WCAO Baltimore, Md. 5000 KOH Reno, NV 5000 KHEY El Paso, Tex. 10000
WKYX Paducah, Ky. 1000 WBDN Escanaba, MI I000d KLEA Lovington, N.Mex. 500d KPET Lamesa, Tex. 250
WGMS Bethesda, Md. 5000 WTAC Flint. Mich. 1000 WIRC Hickory, N.C. 1000d KZEY Tyler, Tex. 5000d
WVM1 Biloxi,MS 5000r KGEZ Kalispell, MT 1000 WMFD Wilmington, N.C. 1000 WZAP Bristol, Va. 10000d
KGRT Las Cruces, N.Mex. 5000d WCVP Murphy, N.C. I000d KWRO Coquille, OR 5000d WNNT Warsaw, Va. 250d
WMCA New York, N.Y. 5000 WSJS Winston-Salem, N.C. 5000 WEJL Scranton, Pa. 500d WELD Fisher, W.Va. 500d
WSYR Syracuse. N.Y. 5000 KSIB Jamestown, N.D. 5000 WQBS San Juan, P.R. 5000 WAGO Oshkosh, Wls. 250d

El Abbreviations used in this list: kHz-frequency in kilohertz; MHz-frequency in megahertz; W.P.-power in watts;
d-daytime operation only; r-reduced power at night; n- nighttime power; C.L. or Call-call letters or call sign;
Chan. or Ch.-TV channel number; t-educational TV station. Wavelength is given in meters. Listing indicates
stations on the air as of September 28, 1978.


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.' Call Location W.P.

700-428.3 WBBM Chicago, IL

WJAG Norfolk, Neb.
840-356.9 WNYN Canton, Ohio
WFRO Fremont, Ohio
KBYR Anchorage AK 1000r KGRL Reno, Nev. 500 WMOB Mobile AL 1000d WCPA Clearfield, Pa. 1000d
WLW Cincinnati. Ohio 50000 WCKB Dunn, N.C. 1000d00 WRYM New Britain, Conn. I000d WFLN Philadelphia, Pa. 1000d
WBBO Forest City, N.C. 1000d WHAS Louisville, Ky. 50000 W 1( X V Knoxville. Tenn. I000d
KSPI Stillwater, Okla. WVPO Stroudsburg, Pa. 250d WCOR Lebanon, Tenn. 500d
710-422.3 WAGS Arlington VA
1000d WXEW Yabucoa, PR 250d KALT Atlanta, Tex. 1000d
WKRG Mobile AL 1000r KIKR Conroe, TX 500d
KMPC Los Angeles, CA
KERE Denver 0
50(10 790-379.5 850-352.7 KFLP Floydada TX
KCLW Hamilton, Tex.
KFIA Carmichael, CA WTUG Tuscaloosa AL 1000d
WYDE Birmingham AL 10000r WODY Bassett. Va. 500d
WGBS Miami, Fla. 50000 KCAM Glennallen AK 5000
KICY Nome AK 5000 WKDW Staunton, VA 1000d
WUFF Eastman, Ga. 1000d KCEE Tucson AZ 5000r KGKO Benton AR 1000d KUEN Wenatchee. Wash. 1000d
WROM Rome, Ga. 1000d KOSY Texarkana AR 1000r KGOE Thousand Oaks, CA 500 WATK Antigo, Wis. 250c1
KEEL Shreveport, La. 50000 KXQR Clovis, CA 500d
KOA Denver. Colo. 60000
WEPA Eupora, MS 500d KHUM Eureka CA 5000d
WVFR Ridgefield, CT 1000d
WHB Kansas City, Mo. 10000 KABC Los Angeles, Calif. 5000
WRUF Gainesville, Fla. 5000
WEAT W. Palm Beach. Fla. 1000
WOR New York, N.Y. 50000 WLBE Leesburg, Fla. 5000 KJJJ Phoenix AZ 5000
WZOO Asheboro, N.C. 1000d WFUN Miami, Fla. 5000 WCUG Cuthbert. Ga. 500d KLCN Blytheville AR 5000d
WEGG Rose HIII, N.C. 250d WNWS South Miami FL KHLO Hilo, Hawaii 1000
KAMD Camden AR 5000r
WKJB Mayaguez, PR 5000r WPFA Pensacola, Fla. 1000d WI VS Crystal Lake. III. 500d
KMJC El Cajon, CA 1000
WQKI St. Mathews, SC I000d WQXI Atlanta, Ga. 5000 KNEW Oakland, Calif. 5000
WTPR Paris, Tenn. 250d WYNR Brunswick, Ga. 500d WHDH Boston, Mass. 50000
KOXR Oxnard, CA
KGNC Amarillo, Tex. 10000 WKBZ Muskegon, Mich. 1000 5000r
WGRA Cairo, Ga. 1000d
WWJC Duluth, Minn. KPOF Denver, Colo. 5000
KURV Edinburg, Tex. 250 KKON Kealekekua, Hawaii 5000 10000d
WRCQ New Britain, CT 5000
WQBX Blacksburg VA I0000d KSPD Boise, Idaho 1000d WMAG Forest, Miss. 10000d
WPLA Plant City FL 1000
KIRO Seattle, Wash. 50000 KBRV Soda Springs, Ida. 5000d KFUO Clayton, Mo. 5000d
W DSM Superior WI 10000 WKIX Raleigh, N.C. 10000 WGAF Valdosta, Ga. 5000
WRMS Beardstown, 111. 500d KBGN Caldwell, Ida. 1000d
KXXX Colby, KS WJW Cleveland, Ohio 10000
KRPT Anadarko, Okla. 1000 WAKO Lawrenceville, Ill. 500d
720-416.4 WAKY Louisville, Ky. 5000
WJAC Johnstown, Pa. 10000 WSUI Iowa City, Iowa 5000
WRUM Rumford, Me. I000d
WEEU Reading, Pa. 1000 KINA Salina, Kan. 500d
KOTZ Kotzebue AK 5000 WSGW Saginaw, Mich. 5000 WLCS Baton Rouge, La. 1000
KUAI Eleele, HI 50000 KGHL Billings, Mont. 5000 WABA Aquadilla, P.R. 500
WABI Bangor, Maine 5000
WGN Chicago, Ill. 5000 WWNY Watertown, N.Y. 1000 WIVK Knoxville, Tenn. 50000d
WFDF Flint, Mich. 5000
KDWN Las Vegas, NV 50000r WLSV Wellsville, N.Y. 1000d WUCR Sparta, TN 250d
KEYH Houston, TX 10000 WOK K Meridian, MS 5000r
WTNC Thomasville, N.C. 1000d KOYN Billings, Mont. 1000d
KFGO Fargo, N.D. WRAP Norfolk, Va. 5000
730-410.7 KWIL Albany, Oreg.
1000 KTAC Tacoma, Wash. 10000 KRIM Roswell, N.M.
WRKL New City, N.Y.
WJMW Athens AL 1000d WAEB Allentown, Pa. 1000 WLAS Jacksonville, NC 5000
KSUD West Memphis AR
WLOR Thomasville, Ga.
WP1C Sharon, Pa.
WEAN Providence, R.I.
860-348.6 KCJB Minot, N.D. 5000
WHRT Hartselle AL 250d
WBRJ Marietta, OH 5000d
KLOE Goodland, Kans. 1000d WWBD Bamberg -Denmark, WPFB Middletown, Ohlo 1000
WFMW Madisonville, Ky. 500d S.C. 1000d WAMI Opp AL 1000d KGLC Miami, Okla. 1000
WMTC Vancleve, Ky. 1000d WETS Johnson City TN 5000d KIFN Phoenix AZ 1000d KURY Brookings, Oreg. 1000d
KTRY Bastrop, La. 250d WMC Memphis, Tenn. 5000 KOSE Osceola AR 1000d
WAVL Apollo PA 5000d
WARB Covington, La. 250d KULF Houston, Tex. 5000 KWRF Warren AR 250d WGIal Scranton, Pa. 1000
WJTO Bath, Maine 1000d KFYO Lubbock, Tex. 5000 KTRB Modesto, Calif. 10000 WSBA York, Pa. 5000
WACE Chicopee, Mass. 5000d KUTA Blanding, Utah 1000d WAZE Clearwater, Fla. 500d WPRP Ponce, P.R. 5000
WVIC E. Lansing, Mich. 500d WSIG Mount Jackson, Va. 1000d WICK0 Cocoa, Fla. 1000 WNCG No. Charleston, S.C. 500d
KWRE Warrenton, Mo. 1000d WTAR Norfolk, Va. 5000 WERD Atlanta, Ga. 1000d WORD Spartanburg, S.C. 5000
KWOA Worthington, Minn. 1000d KGMI Bellingham, Wash. 5000 WDMG Douglas, Ga. 5000d WJCW Johnson City, Tenn. 5000
KURL Billings, Mont. 500d KJRB Spokane, Wash. 5000 WGOM Marion, Ind. 250d WEPG S. Pittsburgh, Tenn. 500d
KDAZ Albuquerque. N.M. 1000d WEAQ Eau Claire, Wis. 5000 KWPC Muscatine, Iowa 250d KNAF Fredericksburg, Tex. 1000d
WDOS Oneonta, N.Y. 1000d KOAM Pittsburg. KS 10000r KRIO MeAllen, TX 5000
WFMC Goldsboro, N.C. I000d WSON Henderson, Ky. 500d K1KM Sherman TX 1000
WOHS Shelby, N.C. 1000d 800-374.8 WAYE Baltimore, Md. 1000d 1 KALL Salt Lake City, UT 5000r
WJYM Bowling Green, OH 1000d WSBS Gt. Barrington, Mass. 250d WNHV White River Jet.. Vt.
KBOY Medford, Oreg. 1000d WHOS Decatur AL 1000d KNUJ New Ulm. Minn. 1000d I000d
WNAK Nanticoke, Pa. 1000d WMGY Montgomery AL 1000d KARS Belen, NM 250d WRNL Richmond, Va. 5000
WP1T Pittsburgh, Pa. 5000d KINY Juneau AK 5000 WFMO Fairmont, N.C. I000d WTOY Roanoke, Va. 1000d
WPAL Charleston, S.C. .1000d KAGH Crossett AR 250d WQXZ Taylorsville NC 250d KORD Pasco, Wash. 1000d
W LI L Lenoir, Tenn. 1000d KVOM Morrilton AR KSHA Medford, Oreg. 1000d KIX! Seattle, Wash. 1000
KKDA Grand Prairie. Tex. 500d K HIS Bakersfield, CA 250d WYJZ Pittsburgh, PA 1000d WHSM Hayward, Wis. 5000d
KSVN Ogden, Utah 1000d KBRN Brighton, Colo. 500d WTEL Philadelphia, Pa. 10000d WDOR Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 1000d
W PI K Alexandria, Va. 5000d WLAD Danbury, CT 1000d WUCR Sparta TN 1000d
WMNA Gretna, Va. I000d WRKV Rockville, Conn. 1000d WLBG Laurens, S.C. I000d
KULE Ephrata, Wash. 1000d WSST Largo FL
WSUZ Palatka, Fla.
250d l(FST Ft. Stockton, Tex. 250d 920-325.9
WJMT Merrill WI 1000d 1000d KPAN Hereford, Tex. 250d WKYD Andalusia, AL
WJAT Swainsboro, GA 1000d KSFA Nacogdoches, Tex. 1000d WWWR Russellville AL 1000d
KTWG Agana, Guam 10000 KONO San Antonio. Tex. 5000
740-405.2 WKZ1 Casey, Ill. KWHO Salt Lake City,
KSRM Soidotna, AK
KARN Little Rock AR
WBAM Montgomery AL 50000d KXIC Iowa City. Iowa 1205000dd Utah 1000d KLOC Ceres, Calif. 500d
KMEO Phoenix AZ I000d WKVE Cave City, KY 250d WEVA Emporia, Va. 1000d KDES Palm Springs, CA 5000r
KBRT Avalon, CA 10000d WSHO New Orleans, La. 1000d WOAY Oak Hill, W.Va. 1000d KVEC San Luis Obispo, Cal. 1000
KCBS San Francisco, Calif. 50000 WCCM Lawrence, Mass. I000d WNOV Milwaukee, Wis. 250d KLMR Lamar, Colo. 5000
KSSS Colorado Springs, COO. KQAD Luverne, Minn. 500d WTRS Dunnelion, Fla. 500d
WVAL Sauk Rapids MN 250r
KVFC Cortez, Cole.
1000 KREI Farmington, Mo. 1000d 870-344.6 WMEL Melbourne FL
WGST Atlanta, Ga.
WSBR -Boca Raton FL 1000 WTMR Camden, N.J. 5000d KIEV Glendale, CA 5000d WVOH Hazelhurst, Ga. 500d
W KM 1< Biountston, Fla. 1000d KQCV Oklahoma City 01( 250d KAIM Honolulu, Hawaii 5000 WGNU Granite City, Ill. 500d
WK1S Orlando, Fla. 5000 KPDQ Portland, Ore. 1000d WWL New Orleans, La. 50000 WMOK Metropolis, Ill. 1000d
l(YME Boise, Idaho 500d WCHA Chambersburg, Pa. 1000d WKAR E. Lansing. Mich. I0000d WBAA W. Lafayette, Ind. 5000
WVLN Olney, IL 250d WDSC Dillon, S.C. 1000d250d
WCHU Ithaca, N.Y. 5000d KYFR Shenandoah, IA 1000d
KBOE Oskaloosa, Iowa 250d WEAB Greer, S.C. WGTL Kannapolis NC 1000d WTCW Whitesburg, Ky. 5000d
WNOP Newport, Ky. 1000d WDEH Sweetwater, Tenn. 1000d WHOA San Juan, P.R. 5000 WBOX Bogaiusa, La. 1000d
WCAS Cambridge, Mass. 250d KODD Dumas, Tex. 250d KJIM Forth Worth, TX 250d KTOC Jonesboro, La. I000d
KBAD Carlsbad NM 1000r KBUH Brigham City, UT 500d WFLO Farmville, Va. I000d WPTX Lexington Park, Md, 5000
WGSM Huntington, N.Y. 5000d WSVS Crewe, Va. 5000d WMPL Hancock, Mich. 1000d
WMBL Morehead City. N.C. 1000d KQIN Burien, Wash. 5000d KDHL Faribault MN
WPAQ Mount Airy. N.C. 10000d WKEE Huntington, W.Va. 5000d 880-340.7 KWAD Wadena, Minn.
KRMG Tulsa, Okla. 50000 WDUX Waupacti, Wis. 5000d KRVN Lexington, NE 50000 KWK St. Louis, MO 5000r
WVCH Chester, Pa. 1000d WCBS New York, N.Y. 50000 KWYS W. Yellowstone, Mont. 1000
WIAC San Juan, P.Rico 10000 WRRZ Clinton, NC 1000d KORK Las Vegas, Nev. 5000
WBAW Barnwell, S.C. 1000d 810-370.2 WRFD Worthington. Ohio 5000d KOLO Reno, Nev. 5000d
WIRJ Humbolt, Tenn. 250d WJXL Jacksonville AL 50000 KQE0 Albuquerque, N.Mex. 1000
WBGY Tullahoma, TN 250d WTTM Trenton, N.J. 1000
KTR H Houston, Tex. 50000
KG 0 San Francisco, Calif.
KWSR Rifle, Colo.
890-336.9 WKRT Cortland, N.Y. 1000
KCMG Texarkana, Tex. 1000 WBLW Royston, Ga. 250c1 WLS Chicago, III. 50000 WGHQ Kingston, N.Y. 5000d
WBCI Williamsburg, Va. 500d WATI Indianapolis, Ind. 250d WHNC Henderson, N.C. 1000d WIRD Lake Placid, N.Y. 5000d
WRNR Martinsburg WV 1000d WEKG Jackson KY 1000 KBYE Okla. City, Okla. 1000d WBBB Burlington -Graham,
WBOO Baraboo, Wis. 250d WYRE Annapolis, Md. 250d N.C. 5000d
WSJC Magee, Miss. 50000 WPTL Canton, N.C. 500d
750-399.8 WJPW Rockford, Mich. 500d 900-333.1 WMNI Columbus, Ohio 1000
i(CMO Kansas City, Mo. 50000 WATV Birmingham AL 000d KGAL Lebanon, Oreg. 1000
KFQD Anchorage AK 50000r KAFE Santa Fe NM 5000d WGOK Mobile AL 000d WKVA Lewistown, Pa. 1000
WSB Atlanta, Ga. 50000 WGY Schenectady, N.Y. 50000 WOZK Ozark AL 000d WJAR Providence, R.I. 5000
WBMD Baltimore, Md. 1000d WI(BC N. Wilkesboro, NC 1000d I(FRB Fairbanks AK 0000 WTND Orangeburg, S.C. 1000d
KMMS Grand Island, Neb. I0000d WCEC Rocky Mount, N.C. 1000d '<HOZ Harrison AR 000d KKLS Rapid City, SD 5000d
WHEB Portsmouth, N.H. 1000d WEDO McKeesport, Pa. 1000d KBIF Fresno, Calif. 000d WLIV Livingston, Tenn. 1000d
KSEO Durant, Okla. 250d WI<VM San Juan, P.R. 50000 KGRB West Covina, CA 500d KELP El Paso, Tex. 1000
KXL Portland, Oreg. 50000d WQ1Z St. George, S.C. 5000d WJWL Georgetown, Del. 000d KYXX Odessa, TX 1000r
WPDX Clarksburg, W.Va. 1000d KBHB Sturgis, SD 5000d WSWN Belle Glade, Fla. 000d KTLW Texas City, Tex. 1000d
WMTS Murfreesboro, TN 5000d WMOP Ocala, Fla. 000d I(VEL Vernal, Utah 5000d
KBSN Crane TX KITN Olympia, WA 1000r
760-394.5 WPED Crozet, VA
WJTH Calhoun, GA
WBML Macon GA 250d KXLY Spokane, Wash. 5000
KFMB San Diego, Cal. 5000 WD MP Dodgeville. Wis. 1000d WEAS Savannah, Ga. 5000d WMMN Fairmont, W.Va. 5000
KGU Honolulu, Hawaii 10000 WJJQ Tomahawk, WI KSGL Wichita, KS WOKY Milwaukee. Wls. 10000
WJR Detroit, Mich. 50000 WFIA Louisville, Ky. 1000d
WCPS Tarboro, N.C.
WORA Mayaguez, P.R.
5000 820-365.6
WLSI Pikeville, Ky.
KREH Oakdale, La.
WI(XA Brunswick, ME 1000d WJBY Gadsden, AL 5000d
WAIT Chicago, Ill. 5000d
WLMD Laurel, Md. KTKN Ketchikan AK 5000r
770-389.4 WI KY Evansville, IN 250d
WATC Gaylord, Mich.
I000d KAPR Douglas, AZ 2500d
KUOM Minneapolis, Minn. 5000d WOSU Columbus, Ohlo 5000d
KTIS Minneapolis, Minn. 1000d KAFF Flagstaff AZ 5000d
WCAL Northfield, Minn. 5000d WRAP Ft. Worth, Tex. 50000
WD DT Greenville, Miss. 1000d KHJ Los Angeles, Calif. 50110
WEW St. Louis, Mo. 1000d KFAL Fulton, Mo. 1000d I(EWQ Paradise, CA 500d
KOB Albuquerque, N.Mex. 50000 l(JSI( Columbus, Nebr. 1(1UP Durango, Colo. 5000
WABC New York, N.Y. 50000 830-361.2 WBRV Boonville, N.Y.
1000d WTHD Milford, Del. 500d
KXA Seattle, Wash. 1000d KIKI Honolulu, Hawaii 10000 W KAJ Saratoga Springs, WHAN Haines City, Fla 500d
WCCO Minneapolis -St. Paul, N.Y, 250d WJAX Jacksonville, Fla. 5000
Minn. 50000 WKIK Granite Falls, N.C. 500d WKXY Sarasota. Fla. 1000
780-384.4 KBOA Kennett, Mo. 1000d WAYN Rockingham, N.C. 1000d WMGR Bainbridge, Ga. 5000
KNOM Nome AK 10000r WNYC New York, N.Y. 1000d WIAM Williamston. N.C. 1000d KSEI Pocatello, Idaho 5000


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

WTAD Quincy, III. 5000 WJAZ Albany, Ga. 5000(1 KVRN Sonora TX 1000d WSPT Stevens Pt., Wis. 1000d
WHON Centerville, Ind. 500d WRFC Athens, Ga. 5000 KSCV Richfield, Utah 5000d
WI(CT Bowling Green, Ky. 1000 KSRA Salmon, Idaho I000d WFHG Bristol, Va. 5000
WFMD Frederick, Md. 5000 WDLM E. Moline, III. 1000d WMEK Chase City. Va. 500d 1020-293.9
WREB Holyoke, Mass. 500d WSBT South Bend, Ind. 5000 KUTI Yakima, Wash. 5000d KTNQ Los Angeles, CA 5000
WSC1( Battle Creek, Mich. 5000 KMA Shenandoah, Iowa 5000 WHAW Weston. W.Va. 1000d WCIL Carbondale. 111. 1000d
KKIN Aitkin, Minn. 1000d WPRT Prestonsburg. 1(y. 5000d WCUB Manitowoc, Wis. 1000d WPEO Peoria, IL 10000d
WSLI Jackson. Miss. 5000 KROF Abbeville, La. 1000d WNBI Park Falls. Wis. 1000d KBCQ Roswell, NM 50000
KWOC Poplar Bluff, Mo. 5000 WBOC Salisbury, Md. 5000 WPRE Prairie du Chien, KDKA Pittsburgh, Pa. 50000
I(YSS Missoula, Mont. 5000d WFGL Fitchburg, Mass. 1000 Wis. 1000d
KOGA Ogallala, NE WHAK Rogers City, Mich. 5000(1
KCCC Carlsbad. N.M. 10500d00 KLTF Little Falls, Minn. 500d
990-302.8 1030-291.1
WWNH Rochester, N.H. 5000 WABG Greenwood, Miss. 1000
WBZ Boston, Mass. 50000
WPAT Paterson, N.J. 5000 I(FVS Cape Girardeau, Mo. 5000 WEIS Centre AL 250d I(CTA Corpus Christi, Tex. 50000d
WBEN Buffalo, N.Y. 5000 I(FLN Baker. Mont. 5000d WWWF Fayette AL 1000d KANC Anchorage, Al( 10 000
WIZR Johnstown, N.Y. 1000d I< N EB Scottsbluff -Gering, NE WTCB Flomaton AL 500d
WSOC Charlotte, N.C. 5000 1000r KTKT Tucson AZ 10000r
W050 San Juan, PR 10.000
WITN Washington, N.C. 5000 KWYK Farmington NM 5000d KTWO Casper, WY 50000
KKIS Pittsburg, Cant. 5000
WEOL Elyria, Ohio 1000 WEAV Plattsburg, N.Y. 5000 KTYD Santa Barbara, CA 1000d
WKY Oklahoma City, Okla. 5000
KAGI Grants Pass, Oreg. 5000
WFTC Kinston, N.C.
WWST Wooster, Ohio
KLIR Denver, Colo. 1000d 1040-288.3
WNTY Southington. Conn. 500d KPBC Dallas, TX 1000d
KSWB Seaside, Ore. 1000d I(GWA Enid. Okla. 1000 WHOO Orlando, Fla. 50000
WCNR Bloomsburg PA 1000 KLAD Klamath Falls OR 5000 WDWD Dawson, Ga. 1000d KHUH Honolulu, HI 10000
WEKO Cabo Rojo, PR 500 WHYL Carlisle. Pa. 5000d WGML Hinesville, Ga- 250d WHO Des Moines, Iowa 50000
KSDN Aberdeen, SD 5000r WKZA Kane, Pa. I000d WGUN Atlanta GA 50000d
WSEV Sevierville, Tenn. 5000d WATS Sayre. Pa. 1000d KPOI Honolulu HI 5000
I(DET Center, Tex. 1000d WBEU Beaufort, S.C. 1000d WCAZ Carthage. 111. 1000d 1050-285.5
KITE Terrell Hills, Tex. 5000 WBMC McMinnville, Tenn. 500d WITZ Jasper, Ind. 1000(1
WLLL Lynchburg, Va. 5000d KIMP Mt. Pleasant. Tex. 1000,1 WERK Muncie, Ind. 250d
WRFS Alexander City. Ala.
KBFW Bellingham, Wash. 5000d KG1(t. San Angelo, Tex. 5000 KAYL Storm Lake, Iowa 250d
WCRI Scottsboro AL
KOOT Yakima, Wash. 1000d KAYK Provo, UT KRSL Russell, Kans. 250d
KSO H Little Rock AR
WGNT Huntinton, W.Va. 5000 WFIR Roanoke, Va. 5000 WNNR New Orleans LA 250d 1(86V Big Bear Lake, CA 250d
K ROE Sheridan, Wyo. 1000d KALE Richland WA 5000 KRIH Rayville, La. 250d
KOFY San Mateo. Calif.
WLBL Auburndale, Wis. 5000d WTCH Shawano, Wis. 1005 WRNN Clare, MI 250d KWSO asco, Calif.
WABO Waynesboro, Miss. 1000d WJSB Crestview, Fla.
KRMO Monett, Mo. WCMG Jacksonville FL 5000(1
940-319.0 970-309.1 250d
WEEB Southern Pines, N.C. 5000d WHBO Tampa, Fla. 250(1
WBTE Windsor NC 1000 WAUG Augusta, Ga. 5000d
KMGX Tucson AZ 1000 WERH Hamilton, At. 5000d WMNZ Montezuma. Ga, 250d
KFRE Fresno, Calif. 50000 WTBF Troy AL 5000r WJEH Gallipolis, Ohio I000d WDZ Decatur, III.1000(1
WINE Brookfield, Conn. 1000d MAK Fairbanks AK 5000 WTIG Massillon, Ohio 250(1
WTCA Plymouth, Ind. 250d
WLQH Chiefland, Fla. 500d KVWM Show Low AZ 5000d KR KT Albany. Oreg. 250d
KUPK Garden City, Kan. 5000d
WINZ Miami, Fla. 50000 KNEA Jonesboro AR I000d WZ7D Philadelphia PA 50000
WNES Central City, Ky. 500d
WMAZ Macon, Ga. 50000 KUZZ Bakersville, CA 1000 WVSC Somerset. Pa. 5000d
KLPL Lake Providence, La. 250d
KAHN Waipahu, Hawaii 10000 KCHV Coachella, CA 5000r WPRA Mayaguez, P.R. 1000
KVPI Villa Platte. LA 250d
KM IX Mount Vernon, IL 5000d '<BEE Modesto. Calif. 1000
WLI(W Providence, R.I. 50000d
WMSG Oakland, Md. 500d
KIOA Des Moines IA 10000r l(FEL Pueblo, Colo. 1000d
WAIN Aiken, S.C. 1000d
WGAY Silver Spring MD 1000(1
WCND Shelbyville, Ky. 250d WOZN Jacksonville, Fla. 1000d
WNOX Knoxville, Tenn. 10000
WPAG Ann Arbor, Mich. 5000(1
WIDG St. Ignace, Mich. 5000d WFLA Tampa, FL 5000
KWAM Memphis. Tenn. 10000(1
KLOH Pipestone, Minn. 1000d
WJOR South Haven, Mich. 1000d WKLS Atlaota GA 5000d
I(TRM Beaumont, Tex. 1000
WACR Columbus, Miss. 1000d
WCPC Houston MS 50000 WVOP Vidalia. Ga. 5000d
KAML Kenedy-Karnes City, KM IS Portageville, Mo. 1000d
l(SMW Aurora, Mo. Tex. 250d
500d KPUA Hilo, Hawall 5000 KNIN Wichita Falls, Tex. 10000 KSIS Sedalia, Mo. IOOOd
KVSH Valentine, Nebr. 5000d KAYT Rupert, Idaho 1000d KDYL Tooele. Utah 1000d WBNC Conway, N.H. 1000d
WKYK Burnsville, NC I000ls WMAY Springfield. III. 1000
WNRV Narrows- WSCV Peterborough, N.H. 1000d
WFNC Fayetteville NC 50000r WAVE Louisville. Ky. 5000 Pearisburg, Va. 5000d WSEN Baldwinsville. N.Y. 1000d
WCIT Lima, Ohio 250d KSYL Alexandria. La. 1000
WANT Richmond. Va. 1000d WYBG Massena, N.Y. 1000(1
KGRL Bend, Oreg. 1000d WCSH Portland. Maine 5000 WNNO Wisconsin Dells, WI 500d WHN New York, N.Y.
KWRC Woodburn, Ore. 1000d WAMD Aberdeen. Md. 500 WFSC Franklin, N.C.
WESA Charleroi, Pa. 250d WFSO Soilthbridge. Mass. 1000d WLON Lincolnton, N.C.
WGRP Greenville, Pa.
WVLV Lebanon, PA
WUPY Ishpeming MI
WKHM Jackson. Mich.
1000-299.8 WWGP Sanford. N.C.
WZIP Cincinnati, Ohio
51 0:0:0: dE10

WIPR San Juan, P.R. 10000 I(QAQ Austin. Minn. 5000 WVOV Huntsville AL 10000d KCCO Lawton, Okla.
WECO Wartburg, TN I000d WRKN Brandon MI 1000d WQTY Montgomery AL 5000 KFM.1 Tulsa, Okla.
KIX2 Amarillo, Tex. 5000 KOOK Billies. Mont. 5000
I( M LO Vista, Cal. 1000d KORE Eugene, Ore.
KTON Belton, Tex. I000d KILT No. Platte, Nebr. 5000d
WRYZ Jupiter, FL 1000d WBUT Butler. Pa. 250(1

KADO Texarkana, TX 2500d I(VEG Las Vegas, Nev. 500d WYOK Soperton, GA 1000d WOKE Everett. Pa.
KBRE Cedar City, UT 10000d WWDJ Hackensack, NJ 5000 WCFL Chicago, III, 50000 WLYC Williamsport, Pa. 1000d
WNRG Grundy, Va. 5000d KOCE Espanola, N.M. I000d WREM Jenkins, KY. 1000d WCGB Pastille, P.R. 1000d
WE00 Smithfield, VA 1000 WEBR Buffalo, N.Y. 5000
WOOP Danville, KY WSMT Sparta, Tenn. 1000(1
WFAW Ft. Atkinson, Wis. 500d WCHN Norwich NY 1000d WLMS Leominster, Mass. 1000d KIXS Killeen TX 250d
WCSW Shell Lake, Wis. 1000d WRCS Ahoskie, N.C. 1000d WXTN Lexington. Miss. 5000d WJAL Conway, SC
WW IT Canton, NC 5000d
KOTD Plattsmouth, Neb. 250d KPXE Liberty, Tex.
WDAY Fargo, N.Dak. WRNJ Hackettstown, NJ 1000d KCAS Siaton, Tex.
950-315.6 WREO Ashtabula, Ohio
5000 WIQT Horseheads, N.Y. 1000d WGAT Gate City, Va.
WLSQ Montgomery, AL 1000 KAKG Tulsa, Okla. 1000 WI<BQ Garner, NC 1000d WBRG Lynchburg. Va. 1000d
KRXA Seward AK 1000 KYTE Portland, OR 5000 WSPF Hickory, N.C. 5000d WCMS Norfolk, Va. 5000d
KSRM Soldotna AK 5000 WOLF Bellefonte, PA 1000d
KKIM Albuquerque NM 10000(1 KBLE Seattle WA 5000(15000d

KXJK Forrest City AR 5000d WWSW Pittsburgh, Pa. 5000

WHTH Heath, Ohio 250d WADC Parkersburg, WV
KFSA Fort Smith AR 1000r WJMX Florence, S.C. 5000
WSUM Parma OH 5000d WOKI Eau Claire, Wis. 1000d
KAM Auburn, Calif. 5000d KIXL Austin, TX I000d KTOK Okla. City, Okla. 5000 WKAU Kaukauna, Wis. I000d
KIMN Denver, Cola. 5000 KBSN Crane, Tex. 1000d W100 Carlisle, Pa. 1000 250(1
WLOF Orlando, Fla. 5000 KNOK Ft. Worth, Tex. 1000d
WKYB Hemingway, S.C. 10000d WLIPKwv Douglas,Ktoa,
WGTA Summerville, Ga. 5000d WSTX Christiansted, V.I. 5000
WGOG Wahalla, S.C. I000d
l(STA Coleman, Tex. 250(1
WGOV Valdosta, Ga.
WYPR Danville, Va.
WANV Waynesboro, Va.
KG RI Henderson, Tex. 250d 1060-282.8
KLER Orofino, Ida. 1000 KREM Spokane, Wash. 5000 WKDE Altavista, Va. 1000d K K 1(0 Tempe AR 5000
WJPC Chicago, IL WRAR Tappahannock, Va. 500d KAYR Van Buren AR
1000d WWYO Pineville. W.Va. 1000d
WHWB Rutland, Vt. 1000d
WXLW Indianapolis, Ind. 5000d WHA Madison, Wis. 5000d WVWI Charlotte Amalie, V.I. 1000 KPAY Chico, Calif. 10000
KOEL Oe!wain. Ia. 5000 WA KX Superior, WI I000d !COMO Seattle. Wash. 50000
KLMO Longmont, Colo, 10000d
KJ RG Newton, Kans. 500d WRMF Titusville, FL 10000r
WYWY Barbourville, Ky. I000d 980-305.9 WXLX Milledgeville, GA 1000d
WAGM Presque Isle. Maine 5000 WKLF Clanton AL 1000d 1010-296.9 W I( NG Tallapoosa, GA 2500d
WXLN Potomac -Cabin John, KEW.1 Lake Havasu City AZ 500d KBGN Caldwell, ID 10000d
Md. 1000d I<XEG Phoenix AR 1000 WMCL McLeanshoro IL 2500d
KCAB Dardanelle AR 1000d KVNC Winslow, Ariz. 1000
WRYT Boston, Mass. 5000d IONS Eureka, Calif. 5000 I(LRA Little Rock AR 10000r W'RHL Rochelle. III. 250d
WWJ Detroit. Mich. 5000 I(EAP Fresno, Calif. 500d KC H.1 Delano, CA 5000r
WI KY Jamestown, Kv. 1000(1
KRSI St. Louis Park, Minn. 1000 l(FWB Los Angeles, Calif. 5000 1<CMJ Palm Springs, CA 1000r
WNOE New Orleans LA 50000r
WBKH Hattiesburg, Miss. 5000d !CCTV Salinas, Calif. 1000d KIQI San Francisco, CA 10000d
WGTR Natick, Mass. 1000d
KLIK Jefferson City, Mo. 5000 KGLN Glennwood Springs, WHFB Benton Harbor -
I(MTX Helena,MT 5000 I<CMP Brush CO 5000r St. Joseph, Mich. 5000d
Colo. 100d WCNU Crestview, Fla. 1000d
KN FT Bayard, NM 5000d WSUB Groton - WBIX Jacksonville Beach.
WBMB West Branch, MI 1000d
WI-1PN Hyde Park, NY 500d New London CN 1000d Fla. 10000,1
WKKQ Hibbing, MN 5000d
WBBF Rochester, N.Y. 1000 WRC Washington, D.C. 5000 WINO Tampa, Fla. 50000(1
KFIL Preston, Minn. 1000d
WIBX Utica, N.Y. 5000 WDVH Gainesville, Fla. 5000d WGUN Atlanta, GA WI(KQ Hibbing, MN 5000d
WPET Greensboro, N.C. 500d WTOT Marianna, Fla. 000d WCSI Columbus, Ind. 500d
WJLJ Tupelo, MS 250d
WLIT Steubenville, OH 1000d WBOP Pensacola. Fla. 000(1 KSMN Mason City, Iowa 1000d
KBUG Springfield MO 500d
KYES Roseburg. Oreg. 1000d WPIP Pompano Beach FL 000d KIND Independence, Kans. 250d KNLV Ord, Neb. 1000d
WNCC Barnesboro, Pa. 500d WKLY Hartwell, Ga. 000(1 WMJL Marion, Ky. 250d WQWX Mebane, NC 1000d
WPEN Philadelphia, Pa. 5000 WPGA Perry, Ga. 000d KOLA DeRidder, La. 1000d WMAP Monroe, N.C. 1000d
WBER Moncks Corner, S.C. 500d WRIP Rossville GA 500 WI(QT Garyville, La. 500d
WLAB St. Paulo NC 250d
WSPA Spartanburg. S.C. 5000 I(UPI Idaho Falls, Idaho 000d WSI 0 Baltimore, Md. 1000d WCOK Sparta, N.C. 250d
KWAT Watertown. S.Dak. 1000 KSGM Chester, III. 1000 WITL Lansing, Mich. 5000d WQI0 Canton, OH 5000d
WAGG Franklin, Tenn. 1000d W iTY Danville, III. 1000 WMIN Maplewood MN 250d KYW Philadelphia, Pa. 50000
KDSX Denison -Sherman, Tex. 500 KCIJ Shreveport, La. 250d WMOX Meridian, Miss. 10000 WALD Walterboro, S.C. 1000d
KPRC Houston, Tex. 5000 WCAP Lowell, Mass. 1000d KCHI Chillicothe. Mo. 250d I(GFX Pierre, SD 10,000d
KSEL Lubbock. Tex. 5000 WAOP Otsego, Mich. 1000d I(XEN Festus-St. Louis, WNPC Newport TN 1000d
WXGI Richmond, Va. 5000d WAYL Richfield, MN 5000 Mo. 500000 WPHC Waverly. Tenn. 1000d
KJR Seattle, Wash. 5000 WAPF McComb, Miss. I000d WCNL Newport, N.H. 250d KAMA El Paso, TX 10000(1
WERL Eagle River, Wis. 1000d WKOR Starksville, Miss. 1000d WINS New York, N.Y. 50000 KHYM Gilmer TX 10000d
WKAZ Charleston, W.Va. 5000 KMBZ Kansas City. Ma. 5000 WABZ Albermarle, N.C. 1000d KCLT Lockhart, TX 250(1
WILTS Sheboygan, Wis. 500d KVLV Fallon, Nev. 5000d WFGW Black Mountain, KRWT Winters TX 1000d
KMER Kemmerer, Wyo. 5000d KICA Clovis N. Mex. 1000 N.C. 50000d KRSP Salt Lake City, Utah 100000
KMIN Grants, N. Mex. 1000d WELS Kinston, N.C. 1000d
960-312.3 WTRY Troy, N.Y. 5000 W101 New Boston, Ohlo 1000d 1070-280.2
WKLM Wilmington. N.C. 50001 WTGC Lewisburg, PA
WERC Birmingham AL 5000
WAAA Win. -Salem, N.C. 1000d WHIN Gallatin, Tenn. 1000d WAPI Birmingham AL 50000r
WONE Dayton, Ohio 5000 WORM Savannah. Tenn. 250(1 KNX Los Angeles, Calif. 50000
KOOL Phoenix AZ 5000 WILK Wilkes-Barre. Pa 5000 I<DJW Amarillo, Tex. 5000 WANM Tallahassee, FL 10000d
I(AVR Apple Valley, Calif. 5000d WAZS Summerville, S.C. I000d KODA Houston TX 5000 WIBC Indianapolis, Ind. 50000
I(NEZ Lompoc, Calif- 500 WYCL York, S.C. 1000d K KII< Waco -Marlin, TX KILR Estherville, Iowa 250(1
KARL Oakland, Calif. 5000 KDSJ Deadwood, S.Dak. 1000 WELK Charlottesville, VA 1000r KFDI Wichita, Kans. 10000
WEL1 New Haven, Conn. 5000 WSIX Nashville, Tenn. 5000 WMEV Marion. Va. 1000d WSRG Elkton, KY
WGRO Lake City, Fla. 500d KFRD Rosenberg -Richmond, WPM H Portsmouth, VA 5000 KHMO Hannibal, Mo. 5000
WJCM Sebring. Fla. I000d Tex. 1000d WCST Berkeley Sprgs..W.Va. 250d KERR Poison, MT 25000r


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

0 W KM B Stirling, NJ WSLV Ardmore. Tenn. KNOI Pullman, WA WKMT Kings Mtn. N.C.
250d I000d 1000d 1000d
WKDR Plattesburg, N.Y. 5000d WUAT Pikesville, TN 250d KAYO Seattle. Wash. 5000 WREV Reidsville, NC. 1000d
WSCP Sandy Creek -Pulaski NY KDRY Alamo Heights, Tex. 1000d WABH Churchville, VA 1000d WENC Whiteville, N.C. 5000d
2500d WZAM Norfolk VA 50,000 WELC Welch. W.Va. 1000d I(DDR Oakes, ND 1000d
WNCT Greenville, N.0 10000 WYNE Appleton, Wise. 1000 WGAR Cleveland, Ohio 50000
WGOS Highpoint, NC 1000d WAYY Chippewa Falls WI 5000d WERT Van Wert, Ohio 250d
WKOK Sunbury, Penn. 10000 1120-267.7 KRMC Midwest City OK
WMIA Areclbo, P.R. 500 WUST Washington DC KBLY Gold Beach, Oreg. I000d
WHYZ Greenville. S.C. 50000d KMOX St. Louis, Mo.
1160-258.5 KCCS Salem OR 1000d
WFLI Lookout Mountain - WWOL Buffalo, N.Y. 1000d WJJD China, III. 5000011 WJUN Mexico, Pa. 1000d
Chattanooga, TN 50000r KPNW Eugene, OR 50000 WBQN Barceloneta PR 1000 WRIB Providence, R.I. 1000d
WDIA Memphis, Tenn. 50000 KCLE Cleburne, Tex. 250d KSL Salt Lake City, Utah 50000 WFWL Camden, Tenn. 250d
KWEL Midland, TX 1000d WVUV Leone, Am. Samoa 10000 WCPH Etowah, Tenn. 1000d
KOPY Alice, Tex. 1000 KZEE Weatherford TX 50011
9 KNNN Friona, Tex.
KENR Houston, Tex.
WINA Charlottesville, Va.
WCI R Beckley, W.Va.
WTSO Madison, Wise.
KRDU Dinuba, Calif.
KODO San Diego, Cal.
WPUL Bartow, Fla.
WCOV Montgomery AL
I(JNP North Pole AI(
l(CBQ San Diego, CA
I(LOK San Jose, CA
KVLL Woodville, Tex.

KASY Auburn, Wash.

WLSD Big Stone Gap, Va. I000d
WFAX Falls Church, Va. 5000d

W LBA Gainesville, GA 10000d KUAD Windsor, Colo.

WSNE Cumming, Ga.
1000d 1230-243.8
1080-277.6 WMGA Moultrie, Ga.
KLEI Kailua, Hawaii
10000 KOHO Honolulu, Hawaii
5000 WAUD Auburn AL 1000r
WKAC Athens AL 50000d WWCM Brazil. Ind. 500d WLBH Mattoon, IL 5000d WJBB Haleyville AL I000r
KANC Anchorage, AK 10000 KI<S1 Mt. Pleasant, IA 1000r KOK] Bayou Vista, LA 250d WBHP Huntsville AL I000r
KSCO Santa Cruz, Calif. 10000 KLEY Wellington. Kan, 250d KSTT Davenport, Iowa 1000 WHOD Jackson, AL I000r
WT1C Hartford, Conn. 50000 WKED Frankfort, KY WJMQ Norfolk, MA WN UZ Talladega AL 1000r
WVCG Coral Gables, Fla. 10000 KW K H Shreveport, La. 50000 WVLC Orleans, Mass. 1000d WTBC Tuscaloosa AL 1000r
WFIV Kissimmee, Fla. 5000d WCAR Detroit, Mich. 50000 KOWO Waseca, MN 1000 KIFW Sitka AK 250
WJOE Port St. Joe, Fla. I000d WDGY Minneapolis, Minn. 50000 KIAS Jackson MO 250d KSUN Bisbee, AZ 1000r
WBIE Marietta. Ga. 10000d WGUF Gulfport, MS 500 WCLN Clinton, NC I000d KAAA Kingman AZ 1000r
KIOE Honolulu, HI 5000d KBLR Bolivar, Mo. 250d KFNW Fagro ND 10000d KRIZ Phoenix AZ 1000r
KVNI Coeur d'Alene ID 10000 WNEW New York, N.Y. 50000 WHLW Lakewood, N.J. 5000d KATO Safford AZ 1000R
WPOI( Pontiac, Ill. 1000d WPYB Benson, N.C. 1000d WBRW Somerville NJ 500d
KING Winslow AZ 1000r
WNWI Valparaiso, IN WCBX Eden, N.C. KCON Conway AR 1000r
5000d 1000d WWLE Cornwall, N.Y. 1000d
KFPW Fort Smith AR I000r
KOAI( Red Oak. Iowa 250d WJTP Newland, NC 100011 WMVI MechanlevIlle, N.Y. 250d KBTM Jonesboro AR low
WKLO Louisville. Ky. 10000 WCTM Eaton OH 250d KV00 Tulsa, Okla. 50000 KCON Conway, Ark. 1000
WOAP Owosso, M ich. 1000d WASP Brownsville PA 5000d WLEO Ponce, P.R. 250 KGEE Bakersfield, CA 000r
WECP Carthage, Miss. 250d WEE() Waynesboro PA 1000d KPUG Bellingham, WA 10,000r KWTC Barstow, CA 000r
KYMN Northfield MN 1000d WAMG Gallatin TN 2500d WWVA Wheeling, W.Va. 50000 KIBS Bishop, CA 000r
KGCL East Prairie. Mo. 25011 WDTM Selmer, Tenn. 250d WLKE Waupun, Wis. 1000d
KX0 El Centro, CA 000r
KIEL Lebanon, MO 250d KWBY Edna TX 10000d K DAC Fort Bragg, CA 000r
WUFO Amherst, N.Y. 1000d KBGH Memphis, Tex. 1000d
1180-254.1 1(KTT Los Angeles CA 1000
WEWO Laurinburg, N.C. 5000d WRRL Rainelle, WV 1000d KPRL Paso Robles, CA 000r
WKGX Lenoir NC 1000d WISN Milwaukee. Wis. 50000 WLDS Jacksonville, III. I000d KRDG Redding CA 1000r
WWDR Murfreesboro, N.C. 1000d KOFI Kalispell, Mont. 50000 KWG Stockton, CA 000r
KNDK Langdon, N.D. 1000d
1140-263.0 WHAM Rochester, N.Y. 50000 KEXO Grand Junction. Colo. 1000
WMVR Sidney, 0. 250d KBRR Leadville, Colo. 1000
KWJJ Portland, Oreg. 50000 KRAK Sacramento. Calif. 50000
WEEP Pittsburgh, Pa. 50000d KVLI Lake Isabella CA 500d 1190-252.0 KDZA Pueblo, Colo.
KBCR Steamboat Springs, CO
WLEY Cayey, P.R. 250 KNAB Burlington, Colo. 1000d WAYD Ozark AL 1000d KGEK Sterling, Colo. 1000d
KRLD Dallas, Tex. 50000 WQBA Miami, Fla. 10000 KRDS Tolleson AZ 250 WINE Manchester, Conn. 1000
WKBY Chatham, Va. 1000d KGEM Boise, Idaho 10000 I(MCW Augusta, AR 500d WGGG Gainesville, Fla. 1000
WZTQ Hurricane, WV WSIV Pekin, Ill. 5000d KEZY Anaheim, CA 5000r WONN Lakeland. Fla. 1000
WAWK Kendallville, Ind. 250d KNBA Vallejo CA 1000d WMAF Madison FL 1000r
1090-275.1 KNEI Waukon, Iowa 1000d K AD E Boulder, CO 100011 WSBB New Smyrna Bch.,
WKCM Lewisport, KY WAVS Ft. Lauderdale FL 501/0d Florida 1000
KAAY Little Rock AR 50000 WKCM Hawesville KY 500d WH H L Pine Castle -Sky Lake FL WNVY Pensacola, Fla. 1000
KNCR Fortuna, Cal. 10000d WKWM Kentwood, MI 5000d 1000d WCNH Quincy, Fla. I000d
KAAT Denver CO 50000d KBIL Liberty, Mo. 500d WGKA Atlanta GA 5000d WINO West Palm Beach FL 1000r
WTBJ Monticello, FL 1000d I(CTE Southwest City, MO 250d WOWO Ft. Wayne, Ind. 50000 WB1A Augusta GA 1000r
W BA F Barnesville, GA 1000d WAKI( McComb, MS 500 WANN Annapolis, Md. 10000d WBLJ Dalton, Ga. 000
WCRA Effingham. III. 1000d KPWB Piedmont, Mo. 1000d WKOX Fram'oham, Mass. 1000d WXLI Dublin, Ga. 000
WGLC Mendota, 111. 250d KLUC Las Vegas. Nev. 10000d WXGR Bay St. Louis MS 5000d WFOM Marietta, Ga. 000
KHAI Honolulu, Hawall 5000 WCJW Warsaw, NY 1000d KHAD Desoto, MO 5000d WSOK Savannah, Ga. 000
WFWR Fort Wayne, Ind. 1000d WCLW Mansfield, Ohio 250d KWMB Wabasha, MN 1000d WAYX Waycross. Ga. 000
I(VDB Sioux Center. Iowa 500d KLPR Oklahoma City, Okla. 1000d KAYO Kansas city MO 1000d KBAR Burley, Idaho 000
KNWS Waterloo, Iowa 1000d WBZY New Castle, Pa. 5000d KPAR Albuquerque, N. M. 1000d KORT Grangeville, Ida. 000
WSLG Gonzales, LA 500d WQII San Juan, P.R. 10000 WLI B New York, NY 10000 KRXIC Rexburg, Idaho 000
WBAL Baltimore, Md. 50000 KS00 Sioux Falls, S.Dak. 10000 WSML Graham, N.C. WJBC Bloomington, III. 000
WILD Boston MA 5000d WIXC Fayetteville, TN 5000d WIXE Monroe, NC 1000d WQUA Moline, III. 000
WMUS Muskegon, Mich. 1000d KBUY Fort Worth, Tex. 50000 KEX Portland, Oreg. 50000 WHCO Sparta, IL 000
WI1D Garden City MI 500 KORC Mineral Wells, Tex. 250d WRAI Rio Piedras, P.R. 500 WJOB Hammond, Ind. 000
KEXS Excelsior Springs, WRVA Richmond, Va. 50000 WBMJ San Juan, P.R. 10000 WSAL Logansport, Ind. 000
Mo. 250d WJES Johnston SC 1000d Tell ity, Ind. 000
KBOZ Bozeman, MT
WKTE King. N.C.
1150-260.7 KOK K Huron, SD
KLIF Dallas, Tex.
W BOW Terre Haute, IN
KFJB Marshalltown, Iowa
WBZB Selma -Smithfield, NC WGEA Geneva AL 1000d WAMB Donelson, Tenn. 250d WHIR Danville, Ky. I000d
1000d WIRD Tuscaloosa AL 5000r WHMT Humboldt TN 500d WHOP Hopkinsville, Ky. 1000
KTGO Tioga. N.D. 250d KABN Long Island Ai( WANG Pineville KY moor
WKFI Wilmington, OH 1000d I(CKY Coolidge AZ 1000 KLIC Monroe, La. 1000
WBOZ San German, PR 250 KXLR North Little Rock AR 1200-249.9 WBOK New Orleans LA 1000r
WMTY Greenwood, SC 1000d 5000r WOA1 San Antonio, Tex. 50000 KSLO Opelousas, La. 1000
WKSP Kingstree, S.C. 500d KIIS Los Angeles CA 5000r WBME Belfast, Me. 250
WENR Englewood, Tenn. 1000d KBAI Morro Bay, CA 500d WADY Calais ME 1000r
WJ KM Hartsville, Tenn. 250d KPLS Santa Rosa, Calif. 5000 1210-247.8 WSJR Madawaska, Me. 1000
WGOC Kingsport TN 1000d I(W BZ Englewood, CO 5000d WITH Baltimore, Md. 100011
KACO Bellville, TX 250d WCNX Middletown, Conn. I000d KZ00 Honolulu, Hawaii 1000 WCMD Cumberland, MD
KKYN Plainview, TX 1000d WDEL Wilmington, Del. 5000 WILY Centralia, Ill. 1000d WMNB No. Adams, Mass. 1000d
KANN Ogden. Utah 1000d WNDB Daytona Bch., Fla. 1000 WKNX Saginaw, Mich. 10000d WESX Salem, Mass. 1000
KING Seattle, Wash. 50000 WTMP Tampa, Fla. 5000d WADE Wadesboro, N.C. 1000d WNEB Worcester. Mass. 1000
WISS Berlin. Wls. 500d WFPM Fort Valley, Ga. 1000d WAVI Dayton, Ohio 250d WCUZ Grand Rapids MI 1000
WJEM Valdosta, Ga. 1000d KGYN Guymon, Okla, 10000 W1KB Iron River. Mich. 1000d
WGGH Marion, ill. 5000d WCAU Philadelphia, Pa.
1100-272.6 W K K N Rockford, IL 1000d WHOY Salinas, PR
WMPC Lapeer. Mich. 1000
WS00 Sit. Ste. Marie, Mich. 1000
KFAX San Francisco CA 50000 KKUZ Burlington, Iowa 500d WSTR Sturgis. Mich. 1000
KREX Grand Junction, Colo. KWKY Des Moines, Iowa 1000 WKLI( Cloquet, Minn.
50000 KSAL Salina, Kans. 5000 1220-245.8 1000
KGHS Internat'l Falls, Minn. 250
WHLI Hempstead. N.Y. 10000d WMST Mt. Sterling, Ky. 500d WBUL Birmingham AL 1000d KYSM Mankato. Minn. 1000
WWWE Cleveland OH 50000 WLOC Munfordville, Ky. I000d WABF Fairhope AL I000d KMRS Morris, Minn. 1000
WGPA Bethlehem, Pa. 250d WJBO Baton Rouge, La. 5000 KTRF Thief RIv. Falls,
WSKW Skowhegan, ME 5000d KVSA McGehee AR 1000d
Minn. 1000
WACQ Boston, MA 5000d KLIP Fowler, Calif. 250d
KWNO Winona, Minn. 1000d
1110-270.1 WCEN Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 1000 KIBE Palo Alto, Cal. 5000d
WHIZ Bay Spring. MS 1000d
KASM Albany, Minn. 1000d KLIT Pomona CA 250d
WCMA Corinth. Miss. 1000
WBCA Bay Minette AL 10000d
KRMS Osage Beach, Mo. I000d KBNO Denver, CO 1000d
WBIB Centreville AL I000d KSTC Sterling, CO 1230 WHSY Hattiesburg, Miss. 1000
KGFL Clinton, AR KSEN Shelby, Mont. 5000
KUFF Albuquerque, NM 5000r WOMN New Haven CT 1000d WSSO Starkville, Miss. 1000
KAKA Dermott AR 10,000d WRUN Utica, N.Y. 5000 W KTZ Arlington FL 5000d WAZF Yazoo City, Miss. 1000
KIGI Pasadena, CA WBAG Burlington, N.C. 1000d WMJI( Kissimee, FL . I000d KODE Joplin, Mo. 1000
KPOP Roseville, Cal. 500 WGBR Goldsboro, N.C. 5000 WCMQ Miami, FL 1000d KLWT Lebanon, Mo. 1000
WQYK Tampa FL 10000d WCUE Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio WQSA Sarasota, FL 1000d KWIX Moberly, Mo. 1000d
WEBS Calhoun, Ga. 250d 1000d WCLB Camilla, Ga, 1000d KBMN Bozeman, MT 1000
WMB1 Chicago. III. 5000d WIMA Lima, Ohio 1000 WPLK Rockmart, Ga. 500d KHDN Hardin, Mont. 1000
W HYT Noblesville, IN 500d KNED McAlester, Okla. 1000 WSFT Thomaston, Ga. 250d KXL0 Lewistown, Mont. 1000
WKOZ Cadiz, Ky. 100011 KAGO Klamath Falls. Oreg, 5000 WLPO LaSalle, III. 1000d KLCB Libby, Mont. 1000
WCBR Richmond KY 2504 K KEY Portland, Ore. 5000d WKRS Waukegan, Ill. I000d I(TNC Falls City, NE 500r
KPAL Pineville, LA 500d WHON Huntingdon, Pa. 5000d WSLM Salem, Ind. 5000d !CHAS Hastings, Neb. 1000
WUPE Pittsfield, MA 1000d WYNS Lehighton, Pa. 1000d KJAN Atlantic, Iowa 250d KELY Ely, Nev. 250
WUNN Mason, MI 1000d W I(PA New Kensington, Pa. KOUR Independence, Iowa 250d KLAV Las Vegas, Nev. 1000
WJML Petoskey, Mich. 10000d I000d KCIFO Ottawa. Kans. 250d KCBN Reno, Nev. 1000
WI<RA Holly Springs, Miss. 1000d WOO( Orangeburg, S.C. 5000 WFKN Franklin, Ky. 250d WTSV Claremont. N.H. 1000
KFAB Omaha, Nebr. 50000 WTYC Rock HIII, S.C. 1000d WEC) Whitley City, KY 1000d WCMC Wildwood, N.J. 1000
KCIA Humble City, NM 1000d WSNW Seneca, S.C. I000d KBCL Shreveport, La. 250d I(PSA Alamogordo NM 1000
WVNH Salem, NH 5000d KIMM Rapid City, S.Dak. 5000d WLB1 Denham Springs, La. 250d KOTS Deming NM 1000
WSFW Seneca Falls, N.Y. 1000 WGOW Chattanooga, Tenn. 5000 WSME Sanford, Maine 1000d KYVA Gallup, N.Mex. 1000
WTBQ Warwick NY 250d WCRK Morristown, Tenn. 1000 WBCH Hastings, Mich. 250d l(FUN Las Vegas, N.M. 1000
WBT Charlotte, N.C. 50000 WTAW College Station TX 1000 WAV N Stillwater, M inn. 5000d KRSY Roswell, N.Mex. 1000
WELX Xenia, Ohio 250d KCCT Corpus Christi, Tex. 1000d WMDC Hazelhurst, Miss. 250d WNIA Cheektowaga, N.Y. 500
KEOR Atoka, Okla. 5000d KISO El Paso, TX 1000d KZYM Cape Girardeau. Mo. 250d WENY Elmira. N.Y. 1000
KBND Bend, Oreg. 10000 KVIL Highland Park, Tex. 1000d KBHM Branson, Mo. 1000d WIGS Gouverneur, N.Y. 1000
WJSM Martinsburg, Pa. 1000d KJBC Midland, Tex. 10000 KLPW Union. Mo. 1000d WHUC Hudson, N.Y. 1000
WNAR Norristown, PA. 50000d KSUZ Port Neches, TX 500d WLBI( Keene, N.H. 1000d WLFH Little Falls, N.Y. 1000
WVJP Caguas, P.R. 250 KOLJ Quanah, Tex. 500d WGNY Newburgh, N.Y. 5000d WFAS White Plains, N.Y. 1000
WHIM Providence. R.I. 1000d KQAM San Antonio, TX 1000d WSOQ N. Syracuse, N.Y. 1000d WSKY Asheville. N.C. 1000


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

W F AI Fayetteville, N.C. 000 WMFG Hibbing, Minn. 1000 WZZI Madisonville, TN 500d Mandan, ND 1000
WMFR High Point, N.C. 000 KPRM Park Rapids, Minn. 1000 KPRE Paris, Tex. 500d WILE Cambridge, Ohio 1000d
WISP Kinston, N.C. 000 WJON St. Cloud, Minn. 1000r KPAC Port Arthur. Tex. 5000 KWPR Claremore, Okla. 500d
WNNC Newton, N.C. 000 WMPA Aberdeen, MS 1000 KU ICA San Antonio TX 1000 KAJO Grants Pass. Oreg. 5000d
WCBT Roanoke Rap.. N.C. 000 WGRM Greenwood, Miss. 250 KIKZ Seminole, Tex. 1000d WLBR Lebanon PA 5000r
KD1X Dickinson, N.D. 000 WGCM Gulfport, Miss. 1000 WZZI Madisonville, TN WBHC Hampton, S.C. 1000d
WUBE Cincinnati. 0. 000 WMIS Natchez, Miss. 1000 KNEU Roosevelt UT KNWC Sioux Falls, S.Dak. 1000
WCOL Columbus, Ohio 000 KFMO Flat River, Mo. 1000 WDVA Danville, Va. 5000 WLIK Newport, Tenn. 5000
WIRO Ironton, Ohio 000 KWOS Jefferson City, Mo. 1000 WYSR Franklin, Va. 1000d KIOX Bay City. Tex. 1000
WCWA Toledo, 0. 000 KNEM Nevada, Mo. 250 WEER Warrenton, Va. 1000d KHEM Big Spring, Tex. 1000d
KADA Ada, Okla. 000 1(BMY Billings, Mont. 1000 l(WSU Pullman, Wash. 5000 KEPS Eagle Pass, Tex. 1000d
WBBZ Ponca City OK 000 KLTZ Glasgow, Mont. 1000 KYAC Seattle, WA 5000 KFJZ Fort Worth, Tex. 5000
KVAS Astoria, Ore. 000 KLYQ Hamilton, MT 1000r WEMP Milwaukee, Wls. 5000 WO KT Newport News, VA
KRNS Burns, Ore. 000 KBLL Helena, Mont. 1000 WHEO Stuart, Va. 1000d
K HON Coos Bay OR 000 KFOR Lincoln, Nebr. 1000 KCVL Colville. Wash. 5000d
I( RD R Gresham, Oreg. 000 KODY North Platte, Nebr. 1000 1260-238.0 1(8AM Longview. Wash. 500d
KYJC Medford, Oreg. 000 KELK Elko, Nev. 1000 WCRT Birmingham AL 5000d WRJC Mauston, WIs. 500d
KCIIK Lakeview, Ore. 000 WFTN Franklin, NH 1000r KSUN Bisbee AZ 250 KIML Gillette. Wyo. 5000
KTDO Toledo, Ore. 000 WSNJ Bridgeton N.J. 000 KPIN Casa Grande AZ 10004
WBVP Beaver Falls. Pa. 000 K H HA Carlsbad NM 000 KCCB Corning AR 1000d
WEEX Easton. Pa. 000 KCLV Clovis, N.Mex. 000 KBHC Nashville AR 500d 1280-234.2
WKBO Harrisburg. Pa. 000 WGBB Freeport, N.Y. 000 KGIL San Fernando, Calif. 5000
WCRO Johnstown. Pa. 000 WGVA Geneva, N.Y. 000 KYA San Francisco, Calif. 5000 WPID Piedmont AL 1000d
WBPZ Lock Haven. Pa. 000 WJTN Jamestown, N.Y. 500 KSNO Aspen, Colo. 5000d
WNPT Tuscaloosa AL 5000r
WTIV Titusville, Pa. 000 WVOS Liberty, N.Y. 000 WCRT Birmingham, Ala. 5000d KH EP Phoenix AZ I000d
WNIK Arecibo, P.R. 000 WNBZ Saranac Lake, N.Y. 000 WM MM Westport, Conn. 1000d
KNBY Newport AR 1000d
WERI Westerly. R.I. 000 WWWD Schnectady, NY WNRI( Newark, Del. 500d KFYV Arroyo Grande CA 1000
WAIM Anderson. S.C. 000 WATN Watertown, N.Y. 000 WWDC Washington, D.C. 5000 l<FRN Long Beach CA 1000
WN01( Columbia, S.C. 000 WPNF Brevard, N.C. 000 WFTW Ft. Walton Beach, FL KJOY Stockton, Calif. 1000
WOLS Florence, S.C. 000 WIST Charlotte, N.C. 000 2500d KTLK Denver, Colo. 5000
l(ISD Sioux Falls. S.Dak. 000 WJNC Jacksonville, N.C. 000 WWOK Miami, Fla. 5000 WSFD Seaford DE
WAI(I McMinnville. Tenn. 000 WPJL Raleigh NC 000 WWPF Palatka. Fla. 1000
WGTX De Funiak Springs,
WMLR Hohenwald, TN 1000r WWWC Wilkesboro, N.C. 500 WUFE Baxley. Ga. 5000d 5000d
KFAN Abilene TX 500d KDLR Devils Lake, N.Dak. 250 WBBI( Blakely, Ga. 1000d W EX I Jacksonville, FL
KS1X Corpus Christi. Tex. 1000 WBBW Youngstown, Ohio 1000 WTJH East Point, Ga. 5000d WIPC Lake Wales, Fla. 1000d
I( [ILK Del Rio, Tax. 250 WHIZ Zanesville. Ohio 1000 KTEE Idaho Falls. Ida. 5000d WYND Sarasota, Fla. 500d
KNUZ Houston, Tex. 1000 KVSO Ardmore OK 1000r KWEI Weiser, Ida. 1000d WIBB Macon, Ga. 5000d
KERV Kerrville. Tex. 1000 KADS Elk City, Okla. 000 WIBV Belleville, III. 5000 WMRO Aurora, IL I000r
KLVT Levelland, Tex. 1000 KBEL Idabel, Okla. 000 WNDE Indianapolis IN 5000 WGBF Evansville. Ind. 5000
l(EEE Nacogdoches, Tex. 1000 KOKL Okmulgee, Okla. 000 l(FGQ Boone, Iowa 1000d WIFE Indianapolis, IN
KOZA Odessa, Tex. 1000 KFLY Corvallis OR 1000r KWH K Hutchinson, Kans. 1000 KCOB Newton, Iowa 1000d
I(GRO Pampa, Tex. 1000 KTIX Pendleton, Oreg. 000 WAIL Baton Rouge, La. 1000d KSOK Arkansas City. Kans. 1000
iron, Seymour, TX 1000 KPRB Redmond, Ore. 000 WEZE Boston, Mass. 5000 WCPM Cumberland, KY 1000d
l(SST Sulphur Sores.. Tax. 1000 KQEN Roseburg, Ore. 000 WALM Albion, Mich. 1000 WIXI Lancaster. Ky. 1000d
KWTX Waco. Tex. 1000 WRTA Altoona, Pa. 000 WJBL Holland, Mich, 5000 WGSO New Orleans LA 5000
KPRQ Murray, UT 1000r WHUM Reading, Pa. 000 KROX Crookston, Minn. 1000 KWCL Oak Grove, La. 1000d
KOAL Price, Utah 1000 WSEW Selinsgrove. Pa. 000 1(DUZ Hutchinson, Minn. I000d WABK Gardiner. Me. 5000
WJOY Burlington, Vt. 1000 WBAX Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 000 WGVM Greenville, Miss. 5000d WEIM Fitchburg, MA 5000r
WBBI Abingdon. Va. 1000 WALO Humacao, P.R. 000 WNSL Laurel. Miss. 5000d WFYC Alma, Mich. 5000d
WOD1 Brookneal. Va. 1000 WWON Woonsocket, R.I. 000 WCSA Ripley, Miss. 500d WWTC Minneapolis. Minn. 5000
WXCF Clifton Forge VA 1000r WKDK Newberry, S.C. 000 KGBX Springfield, Me. 5000 KVOX Moorhead, Minn. 1000
WFVA Fredericksburg, Va. 1000 WDXY Sumter, S.C. 000 KIMB Kimball Nebr. 1000d KDI(D Clinton. Mo. 1000d
WNOR Norfolk. Va. 1000 KCCR Pierre, S.D. 000 WBUD Trenton, N.J. 5000 KYRO Potosi MO 500d
KOZ1 Chelan. Wash. 1000 WBEJ Elizabethton, Tenn. 000 KVSF Santa Fe, N.Mex. 1000 1(CN1 Broken Bow, Nebr. 1000d
KWYZ Everett, Wash. 1000 WEKR Fayetteville, Tenn. 000 WBNR Beacon, N.Y. 1000d KVOV Henderson-Las Vegas,
KSPO Spokane. Wash. 1000 WBIR Knoxville TN 1000r WNDR Syracuse, N.Y. 5000 NV 5000d
KREW Sunnyside. Wash. 1000 WKDA Nashville TN 1000r WGWR Asheboro, N.C. 5000 l(RZE Farmington, N.Mex. 5000d
WLOC Logan. W.Va. 1000 KSOX Raymondville, Tex. 1000 WCDJ Edenton, N.C. 1000d WADO New York, N.Y. 5000
WKYG Parkersburg WV 1000 WEDG Soddy, Tenn. 1000 WMGC Cleveland, OH 5000r WROC Rochester, N.Y. 5000
WHBY Appleton, Wls, 1000 WENK Union City, Tenn. 1000 WNXT Portsmouth, Ohio 5000 WSAT Salisbury. N.C. 1000
WCLO Janesville. Wis. 1000 KVLF Alpine, Tex. 1000 KWSH Wewoka-Seminole, WYAL Scotland Neck, N.C. 5000d
WXCO Wausau. Wis. 1000 I(XYL Brownwood TX 1000 Oklahoma 1000 WONW Defiance, Ohio 1000
KVOC Casper WY 1000r KTAM Bryan TX 1000 KMCM McMinnville, Oreg. 1000 WLMJ Jackson, Ohio 1000d
KOCA Kilgore. Tex. 1000 WLKK Erie, PA 5000 l(LCO Poteau, Okla. 1000d
KSOX Raymondville. Tex. 250 WPHB Philipsburg, Pa. 5000d KBDF Eugene, OR 5000
1240-241.8 10(0X Sweetwater, Tex. 1000 WISO Ponce. P.R. 1000 WBRX Berwick, Pa.
WHVR Hanover, Pa.
WEB1 Brewton AL 1000r WSKI Montpelier. Vt. 1000 W M U U Greenville. S.C. 5000d 5000
WPRN Butler AL 1000r WSSV Petersburg. Va. 1000 WJOT Lake City. S.C. 1000d WKST New Castle, Pa. 1000
WULA Eufula AL 1000r WROV Roanoke, Va. 1000 KWYR Winner, S.Dak. 5000d WCMN Arecibo. P.R. 5000
WBCF Florence, AL WTON Staunton, Va. 1000 WN00 Chatanooga TN 5000d WANS Anderson, S.C. 5000
WARF Jasper AL I000r KXLE Ellensburg, Wash. 1000 WMCH Church Hill, Tenn. 1000d WOAY Mullins, S.C. 5000d
IcrPR Globe AZ KGY Olympia, Wash. 1000 WDI(N Dickson, Tenn. 1000d WMCP Columbia, Tenn. 1000d
KBWA Williams, AZ WKOY Bluefield. W.Va. 1000 WCLC Jamestown, Tenn. 1000d
WDNT Dayton, Tenn. 1000d
I(VRC Arkadelphia, AR 250 WTIP Charleston, W.Va. 1000 KSPL Diboll, Tex. 1000d
KTTX Brenham, TX 1000d
KTLO Mountain Home AR 1000r WDNE Elkins, W.Va. 1000 KPSO Falfurrias, Tex 500d KLUE Longview. Tex. 1000d
KWAK Stuttgart AR 1000r WOMT Manitowoc. Wis. 1000 KIXY San Angelo TX 1000d KRAN Morton, Tex. 500d
KPOD Crescent City, CA 1000 WIBU Poynette, Wis. 1000 KTUE Tulia, Tex. 1000d KVWG Pearsall, Tex. 500d
KOAD Lemoore, CA I000r WOBT Rhinelander, Wis. 1000 KTAE Taylor, Tex. 1000d KW MS Salt Lake City, UT
KM BY Monterey, CA 1000r WJMC Rice Lake, Wis. 1000 WCHV Charlottesville, Va. 5000 WTTX Appomattox, VA 1000d
KPPC Pasadena, Calif. 100 KFBC Cheyenne, Wyo. 1000 WJJJ Christiansburg, Va. 1000d WYVE Wytheville, Va. 1000d
KLOA Rldgecrest, CA 1000r KEVA Evanston, Wyo. 1000 KWIQ Moses Lake, Wash. 1000d KMAS Shelton, Wash. 1000d
icnOY Sacramento CA KASL Newcastle, Wyo. 1000 WVVW Grafton, W.Va. 500d KUDY Spokane, Wash. 5000d
1000r KIT Yakima, Wash. 5000
[(BON San Bernadine, CA 1000r I(RAL Rawlins. Wyo. 1000 WXCE Amery, WI 5000(1
KTHE Thermopolis. Wyo. 1000 WWIS Black River Falls. WGLR Lancaster, WI 500d
KSON San Diego CA 1000r WNAM Neenah. Wis. 5000
KSMA San Marla. Calif. 250 Wis. 1000d
l(SU E Susanville, CA 1000r 1250-239.9 WEKZ Monroe, Wis. 1000d
KRDO Colo. Springs, Colo. 1000d WZOB Fort Payne AL 1000d WOCO Oconto, Wls.
KPOW Powell, Wyo.
KDGO Durango, Colo. 1000 WETU Wetumpka AL 5000d WSH F Sheffield, AL 1000d
KSLV Monte Vista, Colo. 1000 KSWW Wickenburg AZ 500d WMLS Sylacauga, AL 1000d
KCRT Trinidad, Colo. 250 KHIL Wilcox AZ 5000d 1270-236.1 !CCU B Tucson AZ 1000
WWCO Waterbury, Conn. 1000 l(FAY Fayetteville AR 1000d K 0 MS El Dorado AR 5000d
WBGC Chipley FL 1000r KALO Little Rock AR 1000r WGSV Guntersville AL 1000d KUOA Siloam Springs, AR 5000d
WLCO Eustis, Fia. 1000 KNCO Grass Valley CA WKSJ Prichard AL KHSL Chico, Calif. 5000
WINK Ft. Myers. Fla. 1000 KHOT Madera, Calif. 500d KOJI Holbrook AZ 5000d I(AZA Gilroy, Calif. 5000d
WMMB Melbourne, Fla. 1000 KTMS Santa Barbara. Calif. 1000 KADL Pine Bluff AR 5000d KMEN San Bernardino.
W FOY St. Augustine, Fla. 1000 KDH1 Twenty -Nine Palms, KBLC Lakeport CA 500d California 5000
WBHB Fitzgerald, Ga. 1000 California I000d KGOL Palm Desert, Cal. 1000d KKIO Santa Barbara, CA 500d
WDUN Gainesville, Ga. 1000 KMSL Ukiah, Calif. KCOK Tulare, Calif 5000 WCCC Hartford, Conn. 500d
WLAG LaGrange, Ga. 1000 WNER Live Oak, Fla. 1000d WNOG Naples, Fla. 500d WTUX Wilmington, Del. 1000d
WDDO Macon GA 10000 WDAE Tampa, Fla. 5000 WORL Orlando FL 5000d WTMC Ocala, Fla. 5000
WWNS Statesboro. Ga. 1000 WQDE Albany GA 1000d WTNT Tallahassee, Fla. 5000 WSCM Panama City Beach,
WPAX Thomasville. Ga. 250 WYTH Madison, Ga. 1000d WKRW Cartersville. Ga. 500d Florida 500d
WTWA Thomson, Ga. 1000 WIZZ Streator. III. 500d WHYD Columbus, Ga. 5000d WIRK W. Palm Bah., Fla. 5000
KFLI Mountain Home. Idaho 1000 WGL Ft. Wayne,. Ind. 1000 WJJC Commerce, Ga. 1000d WDEC Americus, Ga. 1000d
KMCL McCall, Ida. 500 WRAY Princeton, Ind. I000d KNDI Honolulu, Hawaii 5000 WC H K Canton. Ga. 1000d
KW] K Pocatello, Ida. 1000 KCFI Cedar Falls, Iowa 500d KTLC Twin Falls, ID 5000 WTOC Savannah, Ga. 5000
WCRW Chicago, IL 1000d K F K U Lawrence, Kans. 5000 WEIC Charleston, IL 1000 KSNN Pocatello, Idaho 1000d
WEDC Chicago, IL 000 WREN Topeka, Kans. 5000 WHBF Rock Island, III. 5000 W1RL Peoria, III. 5000
WSBC Chicago, III. 000 WNVL Nicholasville, Ky. 500d WCMR Elkhart IN 5000r WDGS New Albany 1 N 500d
WEBQ Harrisburg, III. 000 WLCK Scottsville, Ky. 500d WWCA Gary, Ind. 1000 KWLS Pratt KS 5000
WTAX Springfield, Ill. 000 WGUY Bangor, Maine 5000d WORX Madison, Ind. 1000d WCBL Benton, Ky. 5000d
WSDR Sterling, Ill. 500 WARE Ware, Mass. 1000 KSCB Liberal. Kane. 1000 KJ EF Jennings, La. 1000d
WHBU Anderson, Ind. 000 WXOX Bay City, Mich. 1000d WAIN Columbia, Ky. 1000d WHGR Houghton Lake. Mich. 5000
KWLC Decorah IA 1000r KBRF Fergus Falls, Minn. 1000 WFUL Fulton, Ky. 1000d WNIL Niles. Mich. 500d
KBIZ Ottumwa, Iowa 000 KCUE Red Wing, Minn. I000d KVCL Winnfield, La. 1000d WNRS Saline, Mieh. 500d
It lCD Spencer, Iowa 000 HNWY McComb, Miss. 5000 WCBC Cumberland, MD KBMO Benson, Minn. 500d
KIUL Garden City, Kans. 000 KBTC Houston, Mo. 1000d WSPR Springfield, Mass. 5000 WBLE Batesville. Miss. I000d
KAKE Wichita, Kans. 000 K I ICC Forsyth, MT 5000d WVOY Charlesvoix, MI 5000 WTYL Tylertown, Miss. 1000d
WINN Louisville, Ky. 000 WKBR Manchester, N.H. 5000 WXYZ Detroit, Mich. 5000 KALM Thayer, Mo. I000d
WFTM Maysville, Ky. 000 WMTR Morristown, N.J. 5000d KWEB Rochester, Minn. 5000 KGVO Missoula, Mont. 5000
WPI(E Pikeville, Ky. 000 WIPS Ticonderoga. N.Y. I000d WVOM luka, Miss. 1000d WKNE Keene. N.H. 5000
WSFC Somerset, Ky. 000 WFAG Farmville, N.C. 500d WLSM Louisville, Miss. 5000d KSRC Socorro, N.M. I000d
KASO Minden, La. 000 WKDX Hamlet, N.C. 1000d WMLC Monticello, Miss. I000d WGLI Babylon, N.Y. 5000
KANE New Iberia, La. 000 WBRM Marion, N.C. 1000d KUSN St. Joseph, Mo. 1000d WNBF Binghamton, N.Y. 5000
WCOU Lewiston, Maine 000 WCHO Washington Court KFBD Waynesville, Mo. 500d WHKY Hickory, N.C. 500
WM KR Millinocket, Me. 000 House, Ohio 500d KWRL Sparks -Reno NV 5000d WBBS Jacksonville, N.C. 1000d
WCEM Cambridge, Md. 000 WLEM Emporium, Pa. 1000d WTSN Dover, N.H. 5000 WEYE Sanford. N.C. 1000d
WJEJ Hagerstown MD 1000r WPEL Montrose, Pa. I000d WDVL Vineland, N.J. 500d WOMP Bellaire, Ohio 1000d
WHAT Greenfield, Mass. 000 WTAE Pittsburgh, Pa. 5000 KINN Alamogordo, N.M. 1000d WHIO Dayton, Ohio 5000
WOCB W. Yarmouth, Mass. 000 WNOW York, Pa. 250d WHLD Niagara Falls, N.Y. 5000d KUMA Pendleton, Oreg. 5000
WATT Cadillac, Mich. 000 WTMA Charleston, S.C. 5000 WDLA Walton. NY 5000d I(LIQ Portland OR 5000
WCBY Cheboygan, Mich. 000 WCKM Winnsboro, S.C. 500d WCGC Belmont, N.C. 1000 WFBG Altoona. Pa. 5000
WJPD Ishpeming, Mich. 000 WKBL Covington, Tenn. 1000d WMPM Smithfield, N.C. 5000d WICE Providence, R.I. 5000
WJIM Lansing. Mich. 000 KNEIJ Roosevelt. UT KWWB Bismarck - WOIN Lykens, PA 500


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

WFIG Sumter, S.C. 1000 WFAH Alliance, Ohio 1000d WFBC Greenville, S.C. 5000 WNCO Ashland, 0. 1000
WATO Oak Ridge, Tenn. 5000 KNPT Newport, Oreg. 5000 WAEW Crossville, Tenn. 1000d WO U B Athens, OH 500r
KWGH Big Lake. Tex. I000d WAYC Bedford PA 5000d WTRO Dyersburg. Tenn, 500d WIZE Springfield, Ohlo 1000
KIVY Crockett, Tex. 1000d WGSA Ephrata, Pa. 5000d K M I L Cameron, Tex. 500d WSTV Steubenville, Ohlo 1000
KRGV Weslaco, Tex. 5000 WNAE Warren. Pa, 5000 KSWA Graham, Tex. 500d KIHN Hugo, Okla. 1000
KTRN Wichita Falls, Tex. 5000 WDKD Kingstree, S.C. 5000d KINE Kingsville, Tex. 1000d KOCY Okla. City, Okla. 1000
WPVA Colonial Hgts., Va. 5000d WOOD Chattanooga, Tenn. 5000 KVICM Monahans, Tex. 5000 KTOW Sand Springs, Okla. 500
WAGE Leesburg, Va. 1000d WDXI Jackson, Tenn. 5000 KZAK Tyler, Tex. 1000d KLOO Corvallis, Ore, 1000
WNLB Rocky Mount, VA 1000d WENT Oneida, Tenn. 1000d WBTM Danville, Va. 5000 KWVR Enterprise, Oreg. 250
WVOW Logan, W.Va. 5000 KZIP Amarillo, Tex. 1000d WRAA Luray, Va, 1000d K1HR Hood River, Ore. 1000
KAPY Port Angeles. Wash. 1000d KAAM Dallas TX 5000 WOLD Marlon, Va. 1000d KBBR N. Bend, Ore. 1000
WZUU Milwaukee WI 1000d KOYL Odessa, Tex. 1000d WESR Tasley, Va. 5000d WCVI Connellsville, Pa. 1000
WCOW Sparta, Wis. 5000d KBUC San Antonio, Tex. 5000 KMBI Spokane, WA 5000d WSAJ Grove City, Pa. 100
KOWB Laramle. Wyo. 5000 WEEL Fairfax, Va. 5000 WETZ New Martinsville, WOYL Oil City, PA
WRRA Fredericksted, VI 500d WGH Newport News, Va. 5000 W.Va. 1000d WHAT Philadelphia, Pa. 000
KARY Prosser, Wash. 1000d WHBL Sheboygan, Wis. 5000 WRAW Reading, Pa. 000
WSLW White Sulphur Springs,WV KOVE Lander, Wyo. 5000 WTRN Tyrone, Pa. 000
1300-230.6 WIBA Madison, Wis. 5000 WBRE Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 000
WBSA Boaz, AL 1000d 1340-223.7 WWPA Williamsport, Pa. 000
WTLS Tallassee, AL 1000d 1320-227.1 WUNA Aguadilla, P.R. 250
WEZQ Winfield AL 1000d WKUL Cullman AL 1000r WOKE Charleston, S.C. 000
KHAC Window Rock AZ 1000r WENN Birmingham, AL 5000d WXOR Florence AL i000r WRHI Rock HIII, S.C. 000
KWCK Searcy, AR I000d WAGF Dothan, AL' 1000 WAMA Selma AL boor WSSC Sumter. S.C. 000
KROP Brawley, CA 1000r KAWC Yuma, AZ 500d WFEB Sylacauga AL 1000r KIJV Huron, SD 1000r
KYNO Fresno, Calif. 5000 KWHN Fort Smith AR 5000 KIKO Miami AZ 1000r KTOQ Rapid City, SD 1000
KMFB Mendocino, CA 5000d K RLW Walnut Ridge, AR 1000d KFBR Nogales AZ 250 WBAC Cleveland, Tenn, 1000
KWKW Pasadena. CA 5000r KHSJ Hemet, Calif. 500d KPGE Page AZ l000r WKRM Columbia, Tenn. 1000
KVOR Colorado Springs, Colo. KLAN Lemoore, Calif. 1000d KBTA Batesville AR 1000r WG RV Greeneville, Tenn, 1000
5000 KUDE Oceanside, Calif. 500 KIN G Hot Springs AR 1000r WICGN Knoxville, Tenn. 1000
WAVZ New Haven, Conn. 1000 1< G N R Sacramento CA 5000 KCAT Pine Bluff AR 1000r WLOK Memphis, Tenn. 1000
W MOD Cocoa Beach FL 5000 KAVI Rocky Ford, Colo. I000d KBRS Springdale, AR I000r WCDT Winchester, Tenn. 1000
WFFG Marathon, Fla. 500 WATR Waterbury, Conn. 5000 KATA Arcata CA 1000d KW KC Abilene, Tex. 1000
WSOL Tampa, Fla. 5000d WGMA Hollywood, Fla. 5000 KWXY Cathedral City, CA 1000r ICHLB Burnet TX 1000
WMTM Moultrie, Ga. 5000d WV0.1 Jacksonville, Fla. 5000 KMAK Fresno, Calif. 0000 KAND Corsicana, Tex. 1000
WNEA Newnan, Ga. 500d WAM Ft Venice. Fla. 500d !COOL Mojave, CA 500r KSET El Paso, Tex. 1000
WIMO Winder, Ga. 1000d WHIE Griffin, Ga. 5000d KSF E Neon le. . A 1000r KLBK Lubbock, Tex. 1000
KOZE Lewiston, Idaho 5000 WKAN Kankakee, III. 1000 KORV Oroville CA 1000r KRBA Lufkin, Tex. 1000
WTAQ La Grange, III. 5000 KNIA Knoxville, Iowa 500d KATY San Luis Obispo CA I005r KPDN Pampa, Tex. 1000
WFRX W. Frankfort, III. 1000d KMAQ Maquoketa, Iowa 500d KIST Santa Barbara CA 1000r KOLE Port Arthur, TX 1000r
WHLT Huntington, Ind. 500d KLWN Lawrence, Kans. 500d KOMY Watsonville, CA 1000r KTEO San Angelo, Tex. 1000
WAAC Terre Haute, Ind. 500d WBBT Bardstown, KY 1000d KDEN Denver, Colo. 1000 KVIC Victoria TX 250
KGLO Mason City, Iowa 5000 WCLU Covington, Ky. 500d KQ1L Grand Junction, Colo. 1000 KMTI Manti, VT
WBLG Lexington ICY 2500 WNGO Mayfield, Ky. 1000d KVRH Salida, Colo. 1000 WTW N St. Johnsbury, Vt. 1000
W1BR Baton Rouge, LA 50001s ICI KS Sulphur, LA 500 WYCB Washington DC 1000 WSTA Charlotte Amalie. V.I. 250
KFLO Shreveport, LA 500 K NCB Vivian, LA 5000d WNHC New Haven, Conn. 1000 KMTI Manti, UT 1000r
WFBR Baltimore, MD 5000 WICO Salisbury. Md. I000d WTAN Clearwater, FL 1000 WKEY Covington, Va. 1000
WCTN Potomac -Cabin John MD WARA Attleboro, Mass. 1000 WSLC Clermont FL 250d WHAP Hopewell, Va. 1000
WJDA Quincy, Mass. I000d WILS Lansing, Mich. 5000 WROD Daytona Bch Fla. 1000 W1 MA Orange, Va. 1000
WOOD Grand Rapids, Mieh. 5000 WDMJ Marquette MI 5000 WDSR Lake City, Fla. 1000 KAGT Anaeortes, Wash. 1000
WQPM Princeton, MN 1000d WRJW Picayune, Miss. 5000d WTYS Marianna, Fla. 1000 KOTY Kennewick, WA 1000
WRBC Jackson, Miss. 5000 WKPG Port Gibson, MS WPBR Palm Beach, FL 1000r KAPA Raymond, Wash. 1000
KMMO Marshall, Mo. 1000d WVLY Water Valley, Miss. 500d WSEB Sebring, Fla. 000 KWWW Wenatchee, WA 1000r
KBRL McCook, NE 5000d KOZY Grand Rapids MN 5000 WFSH Valparaiso, Fla. 000 WHAR Clarksburg, W.Va. 1000
KPTL Carson City, NV 5000r KXLW Clayton, MO 1000 WIGO Atlanta, Ga. 000 WEPM Martinsburg, W,Va. 1000
WPNH Plymouth, NH 1000d KOLT Scottsbluff, Nebr. 5000 WGAU Athens, Ga. 000 WMON Montgomery. W.Va. 1000
WTNJ Trenton NJ 5000d KRDD Roswell, NM 1000d WBBQ Augusta GA 1000r WXEE Welch, WV 1000
WOSC Fulton, N.Y. I000d WHHO Hornell NY 5000d WGAA Cedartown, Ga, 000 WLDY Ladysmith, Wis 1000
WXRL Lancaster, NY 1000d WAGY Forest City, N.C. 1000d WOICS Columbus, Ga. 000 WBCS Milwaukee WI 1000
WQBIC Rensselaer, NY 5000d WCOG Greensboro, N.C. 5000 WBBT Lyons, Ga. 000 KSGT Jackson, Wyo. 1000
WG RC Spring Valley, NY 5000d WKRK Murphy. N.C. 5000d WTI F Tifton, Ga. 000 KYCN Wheatland, Wyo. 250
WYNG Goldsboro, N.C. 1000d WEEW Washington, N.C. 500d KSKI Halley, Idaho 000 KWOR Worland, Wyo. 1000
WLNC Laurinburg, N.C. 500d KNOT Minot, ND 2500d (Al N Nampa, Idaho 000
WSYD Mt. Airy, N.C. 5000 WHOK Lancaster, Ohlo 1000d KACH Preston, ID 000
WERE Cleveland, Ohio 5000 WSOY Ill. 000 1350-222.1
WMVO Mt. Vernon, Ohio 500d KWOE Clinton, Okla. 1000d WI -1P1 Herrin IL 000 WELB Elba AL 1000d
KXXO Tulsa, OK 5000 KATR Eugene, Ore, I000d WJOL Joliet, III. 000 WGAD Gadsden AL 5000r
KACI The Dallas, Oreg. 1000d WKAP Allentown, Pa. 5000 WB1W Bedford. Ind. 000 WYLS York AL 5000d
KRVB Medford, OR 5000d WGET Gettysburg, Pa. 1000 WTRC Elkhart IN I 00r KLYD Bakersfield, Calif. 1000d
WWCH Clarion, Pa. 500d WKPQ Pittsburgh PA 5000 WLBC Muncie, Ind. 000 KCKC San Bernardino, CA 5000r
WHZN Hazleton, Pa, 1000d WSCR Scranton, Pa. 1000 KROS Clinton, Iowa 000 ICSRO Santa Rosa, Calif, 5000
WTIL Mayaguez, P.R. 1000 WUNO Rio Piedras, P.R. 5000 KCK N Kansas City, Kans, 000 KKAM Pueblo, Colo. 5000
WLOW Aiken, S.C. 500d WOIC Columbia, S.C. 5000 KSEK Pittsburg, Kans. 000 WNLK Norwalk, Conn. 1000
WCKI Greer, S.C. I000d KELO Sioux Falls, S.Dak, 5000 WCMI Ashland, Ky. 000 WINY Putnam, Conn. 1000d
WKSC Kershaw, S.C. 500d W KIN Kingsport, Tenn, 5000d WBGN Bowling Green, Ky. 000 WCWR Cocoa FL 1000
KOLY Mobridge, S.D. 5000d WMSR Manchester, Tenn. 5000d WKCB Hindman, ICY 000 WDCF Dade City, FL 1000r
WMTN Morristown, Tenn, 5000d KVMC Colo. City, Tex. 1000d
WNBS Murray, Ky. 1000 WCAI Ft. Myers, Fla. 1000d
WMAK Nashville, Tenn. 5000 KXYZ Houston. Tex. 5000
WEICY Richmond, Ky. 1000 WBSG Blackshear, Ga. 500d
KVET Austin, Tex. 5000 KCPX Salt Lake City, Utah 5000
KVOB Bastrop, La. WRWH Cleveland, Ga. I000d
WCVR Randolph. Vt, 1000d 1000
KKUB Brownfield, Tex, 1000d KRMD Shreveport, La, 1000 WAVC Warner Robins, Ga, 5000d
KLAR Laredo, Tex. 1000 WLGM Lynchburg, Va, 1009d
WFAU Augusta, Maine 1000 KTOH Lihue, Hawall 5000
KKAS Silsbee, Tex. 500d WEET Richmond, VA 5000d WDME Dover-Fexcroft, ME 1000 KRLC Lewistown, Ida. -
KSTU Logan, Utah 1000 WRRA Frederiksted, Vi WLVC Ft. Kent, ME 250 Clarkston, Wash 5000d
WKCY Harrisonburg, Va. 5000d KXRO Aberdeen WA 5000r WHOU Houlton, Maine 1000 WXCL Peoria, III. 1000
K MPS Seattle, WA 5000 KHIT Walla Walla, Wash. 1000d WGAW Gardner, Mass. 1000 WJBD Salem, III. 500d
WCLG Morgantown, W.Va. 1000d WFHR Wisconsin Rapids, WNBH New Bedford, Mass. 1000 WIOU Kokomo, Ind. 5000
WKLC St. Albans, W.Va, I000d Wis. 5000 KVRS Rock Springs, Wyo. 1000
WLOT Marinette WI I000d
WBRIC Pittsfield, Mass. 1000
KRNT Des Moines, Iowa 5000
1330-225.4 WLEW Bad Axe, Mich. 1000
KMAN Manhattan, Kans. 500d
1310-228.9 WLAV Grand Rapids, Mich. 1000 WLOU Louisville, Ky. 5000d
WROS Scottsboro AL 1000d WCSR Hillsdale, MI 1000
WSM B New Orleans, La. 5000
WHEP Foley AL 1000d KHYT Tucson AZ 500d WMTE Manistee, Mich. 1000
WJEB Gladwin, MI 1000d
WJAM Marion AL 5000d KVEE Conway AR 500d
WAGN Menominee, Mich. 1000
WHMI Howell, Mich. 500
ICQXE Mesa, AZ 5000r KLOM Lompoc, Cal. 1000d
WMBN Petoskey, Mich. 1000
KCHK New Prague, MN 5000d
KBOK Malvern AR 1000d KFAC Los Angeles, Calif. 5000
WEXL Royal Oak, Mich, 1000
KDIO Ortonville, Minn, 1000d
KIOT Barstow, Calif. 5000d KCBS Los Banos, Calif. 500d KVBR Brainerd, Minn. 1000
WCMP Pine City, Minn. I000d
KPOD Crescent City CA 1000 KCLM Redding, Cal. 5000d KDLM Detroit Lakes, Minn. 1000 WKCU Corinth, Miss. 1000
KDIA Oakland. Cal. 5000 WFTP Ft. Pierce, FL 1000r WEVE Eveleth, Minn. 1000
WKOZ Kosciusko, Miss. 5000d
KTKR Taft, Calif. 1000d WWAB Lakeland, Fla. I000d K ROC Rochester, Minn. 1000 KCHR Charleston, Mo. 1000d
KFKA Greeley, Colo. 5000d WFGS Milton FL KWLM Willmar, Minn. 1000
KBRX O'Neill, Nebr. I000d
WICH Norwich, Conn. 5000 WCVC Tallahasee, FL 5000d WJMB Brookhaven, Miss. 1000
WLNH Laoonia, N.H. 5000d
WKKX Deland FL 5000d WPPI Carrollton, GA 500d WAML Laurel, Miss. 1000
WHWH Princeton, N.J. 5000
WGKR Perry, Fla, 1000d WMLT Dublin, Ga. 5000 W KOZ Kosciusko, Miss. 1000d KABQ Albuquerque, N.M. 5000
WAUC Wauchula, Fla. 500d WEAW Evanston, Ill. 5000d KXEO Mexico, Mo. 000 WCBA Corning, N.Y. I000d
WXLL Decatur, GA 500d WHAM Monmouth, Ill. I000d KLID Poplar Bluff, Mo. 000
WRNY Rome, N.Y. 500d
WOKA Douglas, Ga. 1000d WRRR Rockford, Ill. 1000d KSMO Salem, Mo. 000 WBMS Black Mountain, N.C.
WBRO Waynesboro, Ga. 1000d WJPS Evansville, Ind. 5000 KICK Springfield, Mo. 000
WZZZ West Point, GA 1000d WTRE Greensburg IN 500d KCAP Helena, Mont. 000 WHIP Mooresville, N.C. 1000d
KNUI Makawai, Hawaii 1000 KWWL Waterloo, Iowa 5000 KPRK Livingston, Mont. 000
WLLY Wilson, N.C. 1000d
KLIX Twin Falls, Idaho 5000 KFH Wichita, Kans. 5000 KATL Miles City, Mont. 000 KBMR Bismarck ND 10000d
KDLS Perry, Iowa 500d WYGO Corbin, Ky. 5000d KYLT Missoula, Mont. 000 WSLR Akron, 0. 5000
KOKX Keokuk, la. Ion WMOR Morehead. Ky. 1000d KHUB Fremont, Nebr. 500 WCSM Celina, Ohio 500d
.vii FE Indianapolis, IN 5000r KVOL Lafayette. La. 5000 KGFW Kearney, Nebr. 000 WCHI Chillicothe, Ohio 1000d
KFLA Scott City. Kans. 500d WHET Waltham, MA 5000 KSID Sidney, Nebr. 000 KRHD Duncan, Okla. 250
WTTL Madisonville. Ky. 1000 WASA Havre de Grace MD 5000 KRAM Las Vegas, Nev. 000 KTLQ Tahlequah, Okla. 1000d
WDOC Prestonsburg, Ky. 5000d WTRX Flint, Mich. 5000 KBET Reno, Nev. 000 KDOV Ashland OR 1000d
KE7M Sulphur. LA 500d WRRD Minneapolis MN 5000 WDCR Hanover, N.H. 000 WZIX York, PA 5000
KUZN W. Monroe, La. 1000d WFTO Fulton MS 2500d W MI D Atlantic City, N.J. 000
WWBR Windher, Pa. I000d
WLOB Portland, Me. 5000 WJPR Greenville, Miss. 1000 KHAP Aztec, N.M. 000 WEGA Vega Baja, PR 500
WORC Worcester, Mass. 5000 WJ015 Meridian, MS 5000d MOT Taos, N.Mex. 250 WDAR Darlington, S.C. 1000d
WWKR Dearborn MI 5050 KU KU Willow Springs, Mo, 1000d KSIL Silver City, N.Mex 000 WRKM Carthage, Tenn. I000d
WCCW Traverse City. Mich. 5000d WTN1 Trenton, N.J. 5000d WMBO Auburn, N.Y. 000 KCAR Clarksville. Tex. 500d
KRBI St. Peter, Minn. 1000d KGAK Gallup, N.Mex. 5000 WENT Gloversville - KTX.I Jasper, Tex. 1000d
WXXX Hattiesburg, Miss. 1000d WEVD New York, N.Y. 5000 Johnston NY 1000r KCOR San Antonio. Tex. 5000
I(FSB Joplin, Mo. 5000 WPOW New York, N.Y, 5000 WKSN Jamestown, N.Y. 250 WBLT Bedford, Va, I000d
KEIN Great Falls MT 5000 WEBO Owego, NY 5000d WLVL Lockport, NY I000r WFLS Fredericksburg. Va. 1000d
WHAZ Troy, N.Y. WMSA Massena, N.Y. WNVA Norton. Va. 5000d
KGMT Fairbury, Nebr. 500d 1000 1000
WHNE Portsmouth, VA 5000d
WJLK Asbury Park. N.J. 1000 WKVO Havelock, N.C. 1000d WALL Middletown, N.Y. 1000
WCAM Camden, N.J. I000d WHOT Campbell OH 5000 WIRY Plattsburgh, N.Y. 1000 WPDR Portage, Wis. I000d
WCITK Parsippany, NJ WFIN Findlay, Ohio 1000d WJRI Lenoir, N.C. 1000
WVIP Mt. Kisco, N.Y. 5000d WICOV Wellston, Ohio 500d WTSB Lumberton, N.C. 1000
WTLB Utica, N.Y. 1000 WELW Willoughby, 0. 500d WCBQ Oxford NC 1000r
WISE Asheville, N.C. 5000 KUPL Portland, OR 5000 WOOW Greenville, N.C. 1000 WWWB Jasper AL 1000d
WHVN Charlotte NC 1000d WRIE Erie, Pa. 5000 WGNI Wilmington, N.C. 1000 WLIQ Mobile AL 5000d
WT1K Durham, N.C. 5000 WENA Penuelas, PR 500d WA I R W inston -Salem, N.C. 1000 WMFC Monroeville AL 1000d
KNOX Grand Forks. N.Dak. 5000 WLAT Conway. S.C. 5000 KXPO Grafton, ND 10001. WELR Roanoke AL 1000d


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

KRUX Glendale AZ 5000r WJWS South Hill, Va. 5000d WEAM Arlington, Va. 5000 WWSF 'Loretto, PA 1000
KLYR Clarksville AR 500d KWNC Quincy WA 1000d WWOD Lynchburg, Va. 5000 WKBI St. Marys, Pa. 1000
KFFA Helena AR 1000d WEIF Moundsville, WV 5000d WKLP Keyser, W.Va. 1000a WICK Scranton. Pa. 1000
KFIV Modesto. Cal. 5000 WCCN Neilisville, Is. 5000d KBLW Logan, VT 5000 WRAK Williamsport, Pa. 1000
'<ZIG! Ridgecrest, CA I000d KVWO Cheyenne, Wyo. I000d 1(680 Yakima. WA WVOZ Carolina, P.R. 500
KGB San Diego, CA 5000r WOOS Columbia, S.C. 1000
WDRC Hartford, Conn. 5000 WGTN Georgetown, S.C.
WCGL Jacksonville, FL 5000 1380-217.3 1400-214.2 WKDY Spartanburg. SC
WKAT Miami Beach. Fla. 5000 WRAB Arab, AL 1000d WMSL Decatur AL moor KBJM Lemmon, S.D. 1000
WZNG Winter Haven FL 1000d WGYV Greenville AL 1000d WXAL Demopolis, AL 1000r WJZM Clarksville. Tenn. 1000
WAZA Bainbridge. Ga. 1000d WVSA Vernon, AL 5000d WILD Fairfield AL 1000d WHUB Cookeville, Tenn. 1000
WLAW Lawrenceville, Ga. 1000d l(ZUL Parker AZ 2500d WFPA Fort Payne, AL 1000r WLSB Copperhill, Tenn. 1000
WMAC Metter, Ga. 500d KATO Safford, Ariz. 5000 WJHO Opelika AL 1000r WKPT Kingsport, Tenn. 1000
WIYN Rome, Ga. 500d I(DXE N. Little Rock, AR 1000d KSEW Sitka, Alaska 1000 WGAP Maryville. Tenn. 1000
WLBK DeKalb, Ill. I000d KKZZ Lancaster CA 1000d KCLF Clifton, Ariz. 250 WHAL Shelbyville, Tenn. 1000
WYER Mount Carmel, IL 500d KG MS Sacramento, Calif. 1000 KXIV Phoenix AZ 1000r WAAN Waynesboro TN 1000
WGFA Watseka, Ill. 1000d '(TOM Salinas, Cal. 5000 KTUC Tucson AZ 250 KRUN Ballinger, Tex. 1000
KHAK Cedar Rapids, Iowa I000d KFLI Walsenburg, Colo. 1000d KVOY Yuma AZ 1000r KBYG Big Spring, Tex. 1000
KBKB Fort Madison, IA 1000c1 WOWW Naugatuck. Conn. 5000 KELD El Dorado AR 1000r KUNO Corpus Christi, Tex. 1000
KSCJ Sioux City, Iowa 5000 WAMS Wilmington DE 5000 KCLA Pine Bluff AR 1000r KILE Galveston TX 1000
KBTO El Dorado, Kans. 500d WLIZ Lake Worth FL 1000d KWTO1 Wynne, AR 1000r KGVL Greenville. Tex. 1000
WFLW Monticello, Ky. 1000d WDAT Ormond Beach FL 5000r KRE Berkeley, CA I000r KEBE Jacksonville. Tex. 1000
KDXI Mansfield, La. 1000d WLCY St. Petersburg, Fla. 5000 KRCQ Indio, CA 1000r KIUN Pecos, Tex. 1000
KNIR New Iberia, La. 1000d WAOK Atlanta, Ga. 5000 KB1K Lompoc, CA 1000 KEYE Perryton. Tex. 1000
KTLD Tallulah, La. 500d WSIZ Ocilla, Ga. 5000d 1(QMS Redding CA 1000r KVOP Plainview, Tex. 1000
WEBB Baltimore, MD 1000r (POI Honolulu, Hawall 5000 KSLY San Luis Obispo, CA 1000r KDWT Stamford, Tex. 1000
WNSR Lynn, MA 1000d WBEL So. Beloit, III. 5000 KAAP Santa Paula, CA 1000r KTEM Temple, Tex. 1000
WKYO Caro, MI 1000 WMEE Ft. Wayne IN 5000 KTRT Truckee, CA 1000r KIES Texarkana, Tex. 1000
WKMI Kalamazoo, Mich. 5000 KCIM Carroll, Iowa 1000 K U K1 Ukiah, CA I000r KVOU Uvalde, TX 1000
KRWC Buffalo MN 500d KCII Washington, Iowa 500d KONG Visalia, CA 1000r KFTN Provo, UT
KI(B.1 Bemidji MN 5000 l(CNW Fairway, KS 5000 KRLN Canon City, Colo. 250 WDOT Burlington, Vt. 1000
KMRN Cameron MO 500d WMTA Central City, Ky. 500d KDTA Delta, Colo. 1000 WELK Charlottesville. Va. 1000
KLRS Mountain Grove, Mo. 1000d WW KY Winchester, Ky. 1000d KFTM Ft. Morgan, Colo. 250 WHHV Hillsville, Va. 1000
KICX McCook, Nebr. 1000d WYNK Baton Rouge, La. 500d KBZZ La Junta, Colo. 1000 WPCE Portsmouth, VA 1000r
WNNJ Newton, N.J. 1000d WKTJ Farmington, Me. 1000d K I ON L. Pueblo, CO WHLF So. Boston, Va. 1000
WWBZ Vineland. N.J. 1000 W PH M Port H uron, M ich. 5000 KPAG Pagosa Springs, CO I000r WINC Winchester, Va. 1000
KRRR Ruidose, NM 5000d WPLB GreenvIlle, Mich. 1000 WSTC Stamford, Conn. 1000 KEDO Longview, Wash. 1000
WKOP Binghamton. N.Y. 5000 KLIZ Brainerd. Minn, 5000 WILT Willimantic. Conn. 1000 KRSC Othella, Wash. 1000
WMNS Olean. N.Y. 1000d KAGE Winona. Minn. 1000 WFTL Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. 1000 KTNT Tacoma. Wash. 1000
WCHL Chapel Hill NC 5000d WDLT Indianola, Miss. 500d WPRY Perry, FL 1000r WBBN Clarksburg, WV 000r
KEYZ Williston, N.D. 5000 KUVR Holdredge, Neb. 500d WIRA Ft. Pierce, Fla. 1000 WRON Ronceverte, WV 000r
WSAI Cincinnati, Ohio 5000 WBBX Portsmouth. N.H. 1000 W N U E Ft.Walton Beach, Fla. 1000 WVRC Spencer, WV 000r
WVIN Bath, NY 500d WERD Jacksonville FL 1000 W KW I( Wheeling WV 000r
WWOW Conneaut, Ohio 500d WBNX New York, NY. 5000 WTRR Sanford, Fla. 1000 WBTH Williamson, WV 000r
KOHU Hermiston, OR 1000 WRAQ Asheville NC 5000 WPAS Zephyrhille. Fla. 1000 WATW Ashland, WI 000r
MAK Hillsboro, Oreg. 1000d WBIC New Bern NC 5000d WULF Alma, Ge. 1000 WJJK Eau Claire WI 1000
WIXZ McKeesport, Pa. 5000d WTOB Winston-Salem. N.C. 5000 WSGC Elberton, GA 1000r WDUZ Green Bay, WI 000r
WPPA Pottsville, Pa. 5000 WLRO Lorain, OH 500d WNEX Macon, Ga. 1000 WRJN Racine, WI 000r
WCHQ Camuy, PR 1000r WPI(0 Waverly, OH 1000d WCOH Newnan. Ga. 1000 WRDB Reedsburg, WI 000r
WELT. Easley, S.C. I000d KSWO Lawton, Okla. 1000 WSGA Savannah, Ga. 1000 WRIG Wausau, WI 000r
WLCM Lancaster, S.C. 1000d KM US Muskogee. Okla. 1000 KART Jerome, Ida. 1000 KATI Casper. WY 000r
WBLC Lenoir City, Tenn. 1000 KBCH Lincoln City OR 1000d KRPL Moscow. Ida. 1000 KO D 1 Cady. WY 000r
WNAH Nashville, Tenn. I000d KSRV Ontario, OR 5000r KIGO St. Anthony ID 1000
l<Q1Z Amarillo. TX 500d WACB Kittanning, Pa. 1000d KSPT Sandpoint, Idaho 1000 1410-212.6
KACT Andrews, Tex. I000d WMLP Milton. Pa. I000d WDWS Champaign. III. 1000
KBUK Baytown, TX 1000 WAYZ Waynesboro, Pa. 1000d WGIL Galesburg, III. 1000 WUNI Mobile AL 5000
K RYS Corpus Christi, Tex. 1000 WNRI Woonsocket. R.I. 1000d WROZ Evansville, Ind. 1000 WPXC Prattville Al. 5000r
KXOL Ft. Worth. Tex. 5000 WAGS Blshopville, S.C. I000d WBAT Marlon, Ind. 1000 WZZA Tuscumbla, AL 500d
WBOB Galax, Va. 1000d WGUS N. Augusta, S.C. 1000d KCOG Centerville, la. 500 KTUS Fort Smith AR 1000d
WHBG Harrisonburg, Va. 5000d KOTA Rapid City, S.Dak. 500d KVFD Fort Dodge, Iowa 1000 KERN Bakersfield, Calif. 1000
KR KO Everett, WA 5000u KFCB Redfield, SD 500d KVOE Emporia, Kans. 1000 KRML Carmel, Calif. 500d
KMO Tacoma, Wash. 5000 WYSH Clinton, TN I000d KAYS. Hays, Kans. 1000 KKOK Lompoc, Callt. 500d
WHIG Matewan, W.V. ' I000d WIZO Franklin, TN 5000d WCYN Cynthlana, KY. 500 KMYC Marysville, Calif. 5000
WMOV Ravenswood, Va. I000d WTNN Millington, TN 500d WIEL Elizabethtown, Ky. 1000 KCAL Redlands CA
WGEE Green Bay, WI 5000 I(1 ET Beaumont, TX 1000d WFTG London, Ky. 250 KCOL Ft. Collins, Colo. 1000
WISV Viroqua, Wis. 1000 KBWD Brownwood, TX I000d WFPR Hammond, La. 1000 WPOP Hartford. Conn. 5000
WMNE Menomonie, Wls. 1000d KTSM El Paso, TX 5000r KAOK Lake Charles, La. 1000 WDOV Dover. Del. 5000
KRKK Rock Springs, WY 1000 KM U L Muleshoe, TX 1000d KWLA Many, LA 1000r WMYR Fort Myers, Fla. 5000
KBOP Pleasanton, TX 1000d WRDO Augusta, Maine 1000 WZST Leesburg, Fla. 1000d
WSYB Rutland, VT 5000r WIDE Biddeford. Maine WONS Tallahassee, Fla, 5000d
1370-218.8 WLRV Lebanon, VA 500d WMCS Machias, Me.
1000 WGRI Griffin, Ga. I000d
WBYE Calera AL 1000d WTVR Richmond, Va. 5000 WWIN Baltimore, Md. 1000 WDAX McRae GA 1000
KAWN Heber Springs AR 1000d KRKO Everett, WA 5000 WALE Fall River, Mass. 1000 WLAQ Rome, GA 1000
KTPA Prescott AI< 1000d KEZE Spokane, WA 5000d WLLH Lowell, Mass. 1000 WRMN Elgin, Ili. 1000d
KWRM Corona, CA 5000d WMTD Hinton, W.Va. 1000d WHMP Northampton, Mass. 1000 WTI M Taylorville IL 1000
KPCO Quincy. Cal. 500d WKNR Battle Creek MI 000 WAZY Lafayette, Ind. 1000d
KEEN San Jose, Calif. 5000 WJBL Detroit, Mich. 000 KGRN Grinnell, Iowa 500d
KGEN Tulare, Calif. 1000d 1390-215.7 WHOF Houghton, MI 000 KLEM LeMars, Iowa I000d
WKMK Blountstown, Fla. 500d WQX0 Munising MI 000 KCLO Leavenworth, Kans. 5000d
WWKE Ocala, Fla, 5000d WHMA Anniston, AL 5000r WSAM Saginaw, Mich. 000 KEYN Wichita KS 5000
WCOA Pensacola, Fla. 5000 KDQN DeQueen AR 500d WSJM St. Joseph, Mich. 000 WLBJ Bowling Green, Ky. 5000
WAXE Vero Beach, Fla. 1000d KAMO Rogers. AR 1000d WTCM Traverse City, Mich. 000 WHLN Harlan, Ky. 5000d
WLOP Jesup, Ga. 5000 KGER Long Beach, Calif. 5000 KEYL Long Prairie, Minn. 000 (DEIS Alexandria, La. 1000d
WFDR Manchester, Ga. 1000d KCEY Turlock, Calif. 5000 KMHL Marshall. Minn. 000 WHAG Halfway, Md. 1000d
WLOV Washington, Ga. I000d KFML Denver, Colo. 5000d KEYL Long Prairie, MN 000 WOKW Brockton. Mass. 1000d
WPRC Lincoln, Ill. I000d WAPR Avon Park, Fla. I000d KEEY Minneapolis - WGRD Grand Rap., Mich. I000d
WTTS Bloomington, Ind. 5000 WAKA Gainesville FL 5000d St. Paul MN 1000r KLFD Litchfield, Minn. 500d
WLTH Gary, Ind. I000d WISK Americus, Ga. 5000d WHLB Virginia, Minn 1000 KRWB Roseau, Minn. 1000
KDTH Dubuque, Iowa 5000 WTNL Reidsville GA 500d WBI P Booneville, Miss. 1000 WDSK Cleveland, Miss. I000d
KGNO Dodge City, Kans. 5000 WVON Chicago, IL 5000 WMBC Columbus, Miss. 1000 WBKN Newton, Miss. 500d
KIKS Iola KS WFIW Fairfield, IL 1000d WNAG Grenada, Miss. 1000 KBCC Cuba, MO 1000d
WABD Fort Campbell KY 1000d WJCD Seymour, Ind. 1000d WFOR Hattiesburg, Miss. 1000 KAHL North Platte NE 5000
WGOH Grayson. Ky. 5000d KCLN Clinton, Iowa 1000d WJQS Jackson, Miss. 1000 WHTG Eatontown, N.J. 500d
WTKY Tompkinsville. Ky. 1000d KCBC Des Moines, Iowa 1000 KFRU Columbia, Mo. 1000 WDOE Dunkirk, N.Y. 1000
KAPB Marksville, La. I000d KNCK Concordia, Kans. 500d KJCF Festus, Mo. 1000 WELM Elmira. N.Y. 1000
WDEA Ellsworth, Me. 5000 WANY Albany, KY. 1000d KSIM Sikeston. Mo. 1000 WOTT Watertown NY 5000r
WMHI Braddocks Hts., Md. 500d WKIC Hazard, Ky. 5000d KITS Springfield MO 000 WEGO Concord, N.C. I000d
WZYQ Frederick, MD KFRA Franklin, La. 500d KDRG Deer Lodge MT 000 WSRC Durham, N.C. I000d
W KIK Leonardtown, M D 1000 WEGP Presque Isle, ME 5000 KXGN Glendive MT 000 WVCB Shaliotte. N.C. 500d
WWAM Cadillac MI 5000 KJPW Waynesboro, MO 1000d KARR Great Falls MT 000 KHOL Beulah, ND 1000d
WGHN Grand Haven, Mich. 500 WCAT Orange, Mass. I000d KBRB Ainsworth. Neb. 000 WING Dayton, Ohio 5000
KSUM Fairmont, MN 1000d WPLM Plymouth, Mass. 5000 KCOW Alliance, Nebr. 000 KPAM Portland OR 5000d
KDAN Minneapolis - WCER Charlotte, Mich. 5000d KLI N Lincoln. Neb. 000 WLSH Lansford, Pa. 5000d
St. Paul MN 5000d KAOHDIthMN 500d KM B I Henderson NV 1000r KQV Pittsburgh, Pa. 5000
WMGO Canton, Miss. 1000d KRFO Owatonna, Minn. 500d KWNA Winnemucca NV 1000 WPCC Clinton. S.C. I000d
KWRT Boonville, Mo. 1000d WROA Gulfport-Biloxl, MS 5000 WBRL Berlin NH 1000r WYMB Manning, S.C. I000d
KCRV Caruthersville, Mo. I000d WINK Meridian, MS 5000d WTSL Hanover, N.H. 1000 WTNR Kingston TN 500d
KXLF Butte, Mont. 5000 KJPW Waynesboro, Mo, 1000d WLTN Littleton, N.H. 1000 WCMT Martin, Tenn. 1000d
KAWL York, Nebr. 500d KENN Farmington, N.Mex. 5000 WASR Wolfeboro, NH 5000d KBUD Athens, Tex. 1000d
WFEA Manchester, N.H. 5000 KHOB Hobbs, N.Mex. 5000d KTRC Santa Fe, N.M. 1000 KBAN Bowie, Tex, 500d
WELV Ellenville, N.Y. 500d WEOK Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 5000 KCHS Truth or Consequences. KJCH Cleveland, TX 500
WALK Patchogue, N.Y. 500d WRIV Riverhead, N.Y. 1000d New Mexico 250 KXIT Dalhart, Tex. 500d
WSAY Rochester, N.Y. 5000 WFBL Syracuse, N.Y. 5000 KTNM Tueumcari, N.M. 000 K KYR Marshall, TX
WLTC Gastonia. N.C. 5000d WEED Rocky Mount NC 5000r WOND Pleasantville, N.J. 000 KRIG Odessa. Tex. 1000
WTAB Tabor City, N.C. 5000d WADA Shelby, N.C. 1000 WABY Albany, N.Y. 000 KBAL San Saba, Tex. 500d
KFJM Grand Forks, N.D. I000d WJRM Tray, N.C. 1000d WYSL Buffalo, N.Y. 000 KNAL Victoria, Tex. 500
WSPD Toledo, Ohio 5000 KKOA Minot ND 5000r WSLB Ogdensburg. N.Y. 000 WGGM Chester VA 5000d
KVYL Holdenville, Okla. 500d WTOO Bellefontalne, Ohio 500 WBMA Beaufort, N.C. 000 WRIS Roanoke, Va. 5000d
KAST Astoria. Oreg. 1000 WMPO Middleport- WGBG Greensboro, N.C. 000 WSCW South Charleston, WV
KF1R Sweet Home, Ore. 1000d Pomeroy, 0. 5000d WSHB Raeford, N.C. 000 WIZM La Crosse, WI 5000
WWCB Corry, PA I000d WFM.1 Youngstown, Ohio 5000 WSIC Statesville, N.C. 000 KWYO Sheridan WY 5000
WPAZ Pottstown, Pa. 1000d I(CRC Enid, Okla. 1000 WLSE Wallace, N.C. 000
W K MC Roaring Spring PA 5000d l(SLM Salem, Oreg. WHCC Waynesville, N.C.
WIVV Vieques. P.R. 5000 WLAN Lancaster, Pa.
5000 WSMY Weldon, N.C.
WKFD Wickford. R.I. 500d WRSC State College, PA 2500d KEY.' Jamestown. N.Dak. 000 WACT Tuscaloosa AL 5000d
WDEF Chattanooga, Tenn. 5000 WISA Isabella, P.R. 1000 WMAN Mansfield, Ohlo 000 KTAN Sierra Vista AZ 1000r
KSUM Fairmont. Tenn. 1000 WHPB Belton. S.C. 1000d WPAY Portsmouth, Ohio 000 KXOW Hot Springs AR 5000d
WDXE Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 1000d WCSC Charleston, S.C. 5000 KWON Bartlesville, Okla. 000 KPOC Pocahontas AR I000d
WRGS Rogersville. Tenn. 1000d KJAM Madison, S.D. 500d KTMC McAlester, Okla. 000 KSTN Stockton, Calif. 6000
!COKE Austin. Tex. 1000d WYXI Athens, Tenn 500d KNOR Norman, Okla. 000 WLIS Old Saybrook CT I000d
KFRO Longview, Tex. 1000 WTJS Jackson. Tenn. 5000 KNND Cottage Grove, Oreg. 000 WBRD Bradenton, FL 1000
KPOS Post. Tex. 1000d WMCT Mountain City TN 1000d KJDY John Day, Ore. 000 WDBF Delray Beach, Fla. 5000d
KSOP Salt Lake City, Utah 1000d KULP El Campo, Tex. 500d WEST Easton. Pa. 000 WAOC St. Augustine. Fla. 1000d
WBTN Bennington, Vt. 1000d KBEC Waxahachie, Tex. 500d WJET Erie. Pa. 000 WAVO Avondale Estates, Ga. 1000d
WHEE Martinsville. Va. 5000d KBLW Logan. UT 5000Is WFEC Harrisburg. Pa. 000 WRBL Columbus, Ga. 5000


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

WPEH Louisville, Ga. 1000d WRAJ Anna, IL 500d WNAT Natchez, MS 1000r WVOX New Rochelle, N.Y. 500d
WLET Toccoa, Ga. 5000d WRBA Normal IL 1000 WROB West Point, MS 1000r WWWG Rochester NY 5000
KCCN Honolulu, Hawaii 5000 WPRS Paris, IL 1000d KFTW FrederIcktown, Mo. 100(1 WA KS Funuay-Varina,
WINI Murphyshoro, IL 500u WGEM Quincy, Ill. 5000 WMBH Joplin, Mo. 1000 N.C. 1000d
WI MS Michigan City, Ind. 5000 WROIC Rockford, Ill. 5000 KIRX Kirksville, Mo. 1000 WAKS Fuquay Springs, NC 5000
WOC Davenport, Iowa 5000 WPGW Portland, IN 500d KOKO Warrensburg, Mo. 1000 WRKB Kannapolis. N.G. 500d
KJCK Junction City, Kans. 1000d KCHE Cherokee. Iowa 500d I(WPM West Plains, Mo. 1000 WMMH Marshall, N.C. 500d
KULY Ulysses, Kan. 1000 K EW I Topeka, KS 5000r I(XXL Bozeman, Mont. 1000 KLTC Dial ,so 1 ND 5000
WCTR Ashland, KY. 5000d WCDS Glasgow, Ky. 1000d 1(001 Great Falls MT 1000r WBNS Columbus, Ohio 5000
WHBN Harrodsburg, Ky. 1000d WBGR Paris KY 1000d KGRZ Missoula, MT 1000 WPVL Painesville, OH I000r
WVJS Owensboro, KY. 5000 W EZJ Williamsburg, KY 1000d KRBN Red Lodge, Mont. 1000 KROW Dallas, Oreg. 5000d
KPEL Lafayette. La. 1000 KMLB Monroe, LA 5000r KVC1( Wolf Point, Mont. 000 KCAN El Reno 0I( 500i1
WBSM New Bedford, Mass. 5000 WJBQ Westbrook -Portland, I(WBE Beatrice, Neb. 000 WMBA Ambridge, Pa. 500d
WBEC Pittsfield. Mass. 1000 ME 5000d KONE Reno, Nev. 000 WCMB Harrisburg, Pa, 5000
WAMM Flint, Mich. 500d WFTQ Worcester MA 5000 WKXL Concord. N.H. 000 WFAB Juncos, P.R. 500

3 WKPR Kalamazoo, Mich.

KTOE Mankato, Minn.
WSUH Oxford, Miss.
WQBC Vicksburg, Miss.
WIGG Wiggins, Miss.
WRDD Bay City MI
WDOW Dowagiac, MI
WCHB Inkster, MI
l(QRS Golden Valley, MN
WRBE Lucedale MS
WFPG Atlantic City, N.J.
WCTC New Brunswick, N.J.
KRZY Albuquerque, N.M.
KLMX Clayton, N.Mex.
WFBA San Sebastian, P.R.
WDOG Allendale, S.C.
WBCU Union, S.C.
WJAI( Jackson, TN
KOBE Las Cruces, N.M. 000 WEEN Lafayette, Tenn, I000d
KBTN Neosho, Mo. 500d WSEL Pontotoc, MS 1000d KENM Portales, N.Mex. 000 KBRZ Freeport, Tex. 500d
K000 Omaha, Nebr. 1000d WMVB Millville, N.J. 1000d WCLI Corning, N.Y. 000 KRME Hondo, Tex. 500d
WASR Wolfeboro NH 2500d WNYG Babylon NY WWSC Glens Falls NY 1000r KLLL Lubbock, Tex, 1000d
KSYX Santa Rosa, N.Mex. 1000d WJJL Niagara Falls, NY I000d WHDL Olean N. r, 000 WACO Waco, Tex, 1000
WALY Herkimer, N.Y. 1000d WSGO Oswego. N.Y. 1000d WKIP Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 000 WPRW Manassas, VA 5000
WACI( Newark, N.Y. 500d WBLA Elizabethtown, N.C. 1000d WKAL Rome, N.Y. 1000 WRAD Radford, Va. 5000
WLNA Peekskill, N.Y. 1000d WBUY Lexington, N.C. 5000 WATA Boone, N.C. 000 I(GAA Kirkland, WA 5000
WMYN Mayodan, N.C. 500d KI(XL Grand Forks ND 1000 WGNC Gastonia, N.C. 000 KMWX Yakima, Wash. 5000
WGAS S. Gastonia, N.C. 500d W H H H Warren, Ohio 5000 WIZS Henderson, N.C. 000 WBUC Buckhannon, W,Va. 5000d
WVOT Wilson, N.C. 1000 KMED Medford. Oreg. 5000 WHKP Hendersinville, N.C. 000 WRI(R Racine, WI 500d
WHK Cleveland, Ogle butni KODL The Dallas, OR 5000 WHIT New Bern, N.C. 000 WTMB Tomah WI 1000d
KTJS Hobart, Okla. I000d WCDL Carbondale, Pa. 5000d WEBS Spring Lake, N.C. 000
KYNG Coos Bay. Oreg. 1000d WNPV Lansdale, Pa. 500d I(GCA Rugby, N.D, 000
WCOJ Coatesville, Pa. 5000 WGCB Red Lion, Pa. 1000d WJER Dover -New Philadelphia 1470-204.0
WCED DuBois, Pa. 5000 WQ0K Greenville, S.C. 5000 Ohio 000 WBLO Evergreen AL 1000d
WEUC Ponce, P.R. 1000 WKHJ Holly Hill SC I000d WMOH Hamilton, Ohlo 000 AZM Sedona, AZ 5000d
WCRE Cheraw, S.C. 1000d WZYX Cowan, Tenn. 1000d WLEC Sandusky, Ohio 000 (DEW DeWitt, AR 500d
KABR Aberdeen, S.D. 1000d WHDM McKenzie, Tenn. 500d KWHW Altus, Okla. 000 (UTY Palmdale, Cal. 5000d
WEMB Erwin, Tenn. 5000d KPUR Amarillo, Tex. 5000 l(GFF Shawnee, Okla. 000 (NDE Sacramento, Calif. 5000
WKSR Pulaski, Tenn. 1000 KEYS Corpus Christi, TeX. 1000 KSIW Woodward. Okla. 000 (SIR Estes Park, CO I000d
KFYN Bonham, Tex. 250d I(DNT Denton, Tex. 5000 KEED Eugene, Ore. 000 RDZ Wray CO
KLFB Lubbock, Tex. 300d KGVL Greenville, Tex. 1000 KFLS Klamath Falls OR 100000r
KLUF Lufkin, Tex. 1000 I(ETX Livingston, Tex. 5000d WMMW Meriden, Conn. 1000d
I(LBM La Grande, Oreg. 0
WDCL Dunedin, FL 5000d
KGNB New Braunfels, Tex. 1000d WKLV Blackstone. Va. 5000d KBPS Portland, Ore. 000
KPEP San Angelo, Tex. 1000d WOHN Herndon, Va. 1000d WRBD Pompano Beach, Fla. 5000d
WWGO Erie, Pa. 000 WCWR Tarpon Springs FL 5000d
WWSR St. Albans, Vt. I000d KXXR Spokane, WA 5000d WFRA Franklin, Pa. 000 WBIT Adel, Ga. I000d
WKYY Amherst, VA 1000d WHIS Bluefield, W.Va. 5000 WDAD Indiana, Pa. 000
WODY Gloucester, Va. 1000d WAJR Morgantown. W.Va. 5000 WCLA Claxton, Ga. 1000
WPAM Pottsville, Pa. 000 WRGA Rome, Ga. 5000
WKCW Warrenton. Va. 5000d WNFL Green Bay. Wis. 5000 WMPT S. Wililamsport, Pa. 000 WMPP Chicago Heights, IL 1000d
KITI Centralia WA 1000 WMAJ State College, Pa. 000 5000
K111 Walla Walla, Wash.
WPLY Plymouth, WIs.
1450-206.8 WJPA Washington, Pa.
earns. P.R.
WHUT Andersen, Ind. 1000d
WDNG Anniston AL 1000r WKRI West Warwick RI 1000d KWSL Sioux City, IA 5000
WYAM Bessamer AL 1000r KWAY Waverly, Iowa 1000d
1430-209.7 WOIG Dothan AL 1000r
WQSN Charleston, S.C.
WCRS Greenwood SC
I(ARE Atchison. Kans. 1000
WRMG Red Bay AL 1000d WFIX Huntsville AL 1000r WMVB Myrtle Beach, S.C. 000
KLIB Liberal, Kans. 1000d
WFHK Pell City AL I000d WLAY Muscle Shoals AL 1000r ar sv e, S.C,000 WSAC Fort Knox, Ky. 1000d
KHBM Monticello AR 1000d I(LAM Cordova AK 250 I(BFS Belle Fourche, S.Dak.
KAMP El Centro, Calif 1000d KDAP Douglas, AZ 1000r I(YNT Yankton, S.D. 000
WBFC Stanton KY 1000d
KARM Fresno. Calif. 5000 KNOT Prescott AZ 1000r WLAR Athena, Tenn. 000 KTDL Farmersville, La. 1000d
KALI San Gabriel, Cal. 5000 KVSL Show Low AZ 1000r WMOC Chattanooga, Tenn. 000
l(LCL Lake Charles, LA 5000
KJAY Sacramento, Calif. 500d KOPO Tucson, AZ 1000r WDSG Dyersburg, Tenn. 000 WLA M Lewiston, Maine 5000
KNTA Santa Clara CA 1000 KENA Mena AR 1000r WSMG Greeneville, Tenn. 1000 WJDY Salisbury, Md. 5000d
KOSI Aurora, Colo. 5000 K1WH Camuen, Ark. 1000 WLAF LaFollette, Tenn. 000 WTTR Westminster, Md. 1000d
WQDI Homestead, FL 500d KYOR Blythe, CA 1000r WGNS Murfreesboro, Tenn. 000
WSRO Marlboro, MA 1000d
WQPD Lakeland FL 5000r !CAVA Burney, CA 1000r l(AYC Beaumont, Tex. 1000
WNBP Newburyport, Mass. 500d
WPCF Panama City, Fla. 5000 KOWN Escondido CA 1000r KBEN Carrizo Springs TX 1000r WI(MF Flint, Mich. 5000
WGFS Covington. Ga. 1000d l(PSI Palm Springs, CA 1000r l(CTI Gonzales, Tex. 250
WYYY Kalamazoo, Mlch. 500d
WRCD Dalton, Ga. 1000d KT1P Porterville, CA 1000r KMBL Junction, Tex. 1000
KTWN Anoka MN 1000d
WWGS Tifton. Ga. 5000 KEST San Francisco CA 1000r KCYL Lampasas, Tex. 1000
WCH1 Brookhaven, Miss. I000d
WQVQ Highland Park IL I(VML Sonora, CA 1000r KAMY McCamey, Tex. 250
WNAU New Albany, Miss. 500
WCMY Ottawa, III. 500d KVEN Ventura CA 5000 KM HT Marshall, Tex. 1000
KGHM Brookfield, Mo. 500d
KOBO Yuba City CA l(TCB Malden, Mo. I000d
WIRE Indianapolis, Ind. 5000 500r KNET Palestine, Tex. 1000
WTKO Ithaca NY 5000
KASI Ames, Iowa 1000d KGIW Alamosa, Colo. 000 l(SNY Snyder, Tex. 1000
WPDM Potsdam, N.Y. 1000d
KOYY El Dorado, KS 500d KYOU Greeley, Colo. 000 KURA Moab, Utah 1000
WVBS Burgaw, NC I000d
WLCB Buffalo, KY 500d WNAB Bridgeport, Conn. 000 KEYY Provo, UT 1000r WBIG Greensboro, N.C. 5000
WYMC Mayfield KY 1000 WILM Wilmington, Del. 000 1(1)XU St. George UT 1000r WPNC Plymouth, N.C. 1000d
KMRC Morgan City, La. 500d WOL Washington, D.C. 000 WSNO Barre, Vt. 1000
WTOE Spruce Pine, N.C. 1000d
WNAV Annapolis, Md. 5000 WWJB Brooksville, FL 1000 WTSA Brattleboro, Vt. 1000
WOHO Toledo, Ohio 1000
WTTT Amherst, Mass. 5000d WMFJ Daytona Beach, Fla. 000 WFTR Front Royal, VA 1000r KVLH Pauls Valley, Okla. 250d
WWEL Medford MA 5000d WOCN Miami, Fla. 000 WENZ Highland Springy s, KVIN Vinita, OK 500d
WION Ionia, Mich. 5000d WBSR Pensacola, Fla. 1000 a. !OH I( 0 U N Reedsport, Ore. 5000d
WBRB Mt. Clemens, Mich. 500d WSPB Sarasota, Fla. 000 WREL Lexington, VA 1000r WSAN Allentown. Pa. 5000
WLAU Laurel, Miss. 5000d WSTU Stuart, Fla. 1000 WMVA Martinsville, VA 1000r WFAR Farrell, Pa. 1000
KSOA Ava, Mo. 500d WTAL Tallahassee, Fla. 000 WFOG Suffolk, VA 1000r WRML Portage PA 500d
KAOL Carrollton, Mo. 500d WGPC Albany, Ga. 000 ICEIKW Aberdeen, WA 1000r WKCK Orocovis, PR
W1L St. Louis, Mo. 5000 W BH F Cartersville, Ga. 000 KCLX Colfax, WA 1000r WQXL Columbia. S.C. 5000d
KRGI Grand Island, Nebr. 5000 WCON Cornelia, Ga. 250 I(ONP Port Angeles, WA 250 WINN Georgetown. S.C. 1000d
WNJR Newark, N.J. 5000 WKEU Griffin, Ga. 000 KUPY Puyallup, WA 1000r WEAG Alcoa, Tenn. 1000d
WENE Endicott, N.Y. 5000 WMVG Milledgeville, Ga, 000 WPAR Parkersburg, WV I000r WVOL Berry Hill, Tenn. 5000
WMNS Morganton, N.C. 5000d WQQT Savannah GA 1000r KFIZ Fond du Lac, WI 1000r KRBC Abilene, Tex. 5000
WOOS Mt. Olive, N.C. 1000d WVLD Valdosta, Ga. 1000 WDLB Marshfield, WI 1000r KOHN Dimmitt, Tex. 500d
WRXO Roxboro, N.C. I000d KBFI Banners Ferry ID WRCO Richland Center, WI 1000r KW RD Henderson, Tex. 500d
I(TYN Minot, N.D. 5000d KVSI Montpelier, Ida. 1000 KBBS Buffalo WY 1000r KCNY San Marcos, Tex. 250d
WFOB Fostoria, Ohio 1000 l(YET Payette, Idaho 250 KVOW Riverton, WY 1000r WBTX Broadway-
WCLT Newark, Ohio 500d KEEP Twin Falls, Idaho 1000
Timberville VA 5000d
KALV Alva. Okla. 500 W 1(01 Kewanee, III. 500 WTZE Tazewell. VA 2500d
KELI Tulsa, Okla.
KGAY Salem, Oreg.
WFMT Chicago, IL
WCVS Springfield, Ill.
1460-205.4 I(ELA Centralia -Chehalis,
KBFI Bonners Ferry, IN W FM H Cullman, AL 5000r Wash. 5000d
WVAM Altoona, Pa. 5000 l(SEM Moses Lake, Wash. 5000
WNEL Caguas, P.R. 5000 WLYV Ft. Wayne, Ind. 500 WPNX Phenix City, AL 5000r
WBLR Batesburg, S.C. 5000d WXVW Jeffersonville, Ind. 1000 I(ZOT Marianna, AR 500d 1(APS Mount Vernon, Wash. 500d
WASK Lafayette, Ind. KCCL Paris, AR 500d WWHY Huntington, W.Va. 5000d
WATP Marion, S.C. I000d 1000
WBI(V West Bend, Wis. 1000d
WBUG Ridgeland, S.C. 1000d WAOV Vincennes, Ind. 1000 KTYM Inglewood, CA 5000d
KBRK Brookings, S.Dak. 1000d I(LWW Cedar Rapids, la. 250 KDON Salinas, CA 5000
WJBE Knoxville, Tenn. 1000d KY ET Payette Ida.250 KVRE Santa Rosa, CA 1000d
I(YSN Colorado Springs, CO 1000r
WOOS Madison TN 5000 KWBW Hutchinson, Kans. 000
WARI AbbebIlle, AL
WWEE Memphis, TN I000d WTCO Campbellsville, Ky. 000 WBAR Bartow, FL 1000d 1000d
KSTB Breckenridge, Tex. i000d WWXL Manchester, KY. 000 WZEP DeFuniak Springs, WBTS Bridgeport, AL 1000d
KEES Gladewater TX 5000d WPAD Paducah, Ky. 000 FL 1000d WLPH Irondale, AL 5000d
KCOH Houston, Tex. 1000d WLKS W. Liberty, Ky. 000 WPOQ Jacksonville, FL 5000 WABB Mobile AL 5000
l(LO Ogden, Utah 5000 l(SIG Crowley, La, 000 WDYX Buford, GA 5000d KPHX Phoenix, AZ 1000d
WKDH Ashland, VA 1000 KNOC Natchitoches, La. 000 WPNX Columbus, GA 5000r KTHS Berryville, AR 1000
WI(EX Blacksburg, Va. 1000d WWIW New Orleans, LA 000 WROY Carmi, IL 1000d KWUN Concord CA 500d
WD1C Clinch, Va. 1000d WLKN Lincoln, Me. 000 WIXN Dixon, IL I000d KRED Eureka CA 5000r
KBRC Mt. Vernon. Wash. 5000 WRI(D Rockland, ME 1000r WRTL Rantoul, IL 500d KYOS Merced. Calif. 5000
WEIR Weirton, W.Va. 1000 WXIV South Paris ME 1000r WI(AM Goshen, IN 1000r KWIZ Santa Ana, CA 5000r
WBEV Beaver Dam WI 1000 WTBO Cumberland, ma. 1000 WOCH North Vernon, IN I000d KSEE Santa Maria, Calif. 1000
WRDN Durand, Wi 1000d WTHU Thurmont, Md. 500 l(SO Des Moines, IA 5000 KPUB Pueblo, Colo. 1000d
WMAS Springfield, Mass. 1000 KKOY Chanute, KS 1000d WKND Windsor, Conn. 500d
1440-208.2 WATZ Alpena Township, WRVI( Mt. Vernon, KY 500d WAPG Arcadia FL 1000d
Michigan 1000 WX01( Baton Rouge, LA 5000r WGNE Panama City Beach,
WHHY Montgomery, AL 5000r WHTC Holland, Mich. 1000 KBSF Springhill, LA 1000d Fla. 500d
KSGR Scottsdale, AZ 5000d WMIQ Iron Mtn., Mich. 250 WEMD Easton MD IUUUr WVCF Windermere, Fla. IOOOd
I( HOG Fayetteville AR 1 0 00d WIBM Jackson, Mich. 1000 WBET Brockton, Mass. 5000 WYZE Atlanta, Ga. 5000d
KOKY Little Rock AR 5000d WI(LA Ludington, Mich. 1000 WBRN Big Rapids, Mich. 1000(11 WRDW Augusta, Ga. 5000
KVON apa, Cal. 5000 WNBY Newberry, Mich. 1000 WPON Pontiac, Mich. 1000 KOFE St. Maries ID 1000r
KPRO Riverside, Calif. 1000 WHLS Port Huron, Mich. 1000 KDWA Hastings, Minn. 1000d WGSB Geneva, Ill. 1000
KUHL Santa Maria CA 5000 KATE Albert Lea, MN 1000 KDMA Montevideo. Minn. 1000 WJBM Jerseyville, ill. 500d
WBIS Bristol, Conn. 500d XBUN Bemidji, MN 1000r WELZ Belzoni. Miss. 1000d WTHI Terre Haute, Ind. 5000
WAYK Lehigh Acres, Fla. 5000 KBMW Breckenridge, MN 1000r WCIS Moss Point, MS 500d WRSW Warsaw IN 1000r
WAJL Winter Park FL 5000 WELY Ely, MN 1000r KIRL St. Charles. Mo. 5000d KLEE Ottumwa, Iowa 500d
WWCC Bremen, Ga. I000d KCLD St. Cloud MN 1000r l(RNY Kearney, Nebr. 5000d KBEA Mission. Kan. 1000
WGIG Brunswick, Ga. 5000 WCJU Columbia, MS 1000r KENO Las Vegas NV 5000r KLEO Wichita, Kane. 5000
WVMG Cochran GA 1000d WJXN Jackson, MS 1000r WJJZ Mt. Holly, N.J. 5000d W KOA Hopkinsville, Ky. I000d
WRCG Columbus. GA WQIC Meridian, MS 1000r W01(0 Albany, N.Y. 5000 WNKY Neon. Ky. 1000d


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

WTLO Somerset, Ky. 1000d WWIL Wilmington, NC 1510-199.1 i(PCR Bowling Green, Mo. 1000d
KCKW Jena, La. 500d WEMJ Laconia, N.H. 1000 KMAM Butler, Mo. 500d
KANV Jonesville, La. 500d WUSS Atlantic City, NJ 1000r KACJ Greenwood, AR KECK Lincoln, Nebr. 5000d
KJOE Shreveport, La. 1000d KRSN Los Alamos, N.Mex. 000 KDKB Mesa, AZ 10000d W.IDM Elizabeth, N.J. 500d
WSAR Fall River, Mass. 5000 KRTN Raton, N.Mex. 000 KNSE Ontario CA 10000 WRBX Chapel Hill NC 10000d
WMAX Grand Rapids, Mich. 5000d WCSS Amsterdam, N.Y. 000 K1 RV Fresno, Cal, 500d WOBR Wanchese, N.C. 250d
WIGS Tawas City -E. Tawas. WBTA Batavia, N.Y. 500 KTIM San Rafael. Calif. I000d WCKY Cincinnati, Ohio 50000
Mich. 1000d WKNY Kingston, N.Y. 000 KD KO Littleton, Colo. 1000 KWOK Wagoner 01( 250d
WSDS Ypsilanti. Mich. 500d WICY Malone. N.Y. 000 WNLC New London, Conn. 10000 WBCW Jeanette PA
KAUS Austin, Minn. 1000 WDLC Port Jervis, N. Y. 000 WKAO Boynton Beach FL 1000 WHYP North East, Pa. 1000d
KEHG Fosston. Minn. 5000d WOLF Syracuse, N. Y. 000 WWBC Cocoa, Fla. 250d WVFC McConnellsburg PA
WECP Carthage, MS 250d WDUR Durham, NC 000 WMIB Marco Island FL 1000 WMBT Shenandoah PA 2500d
KPIA Ironton, MO 5000d WLOE Eden, N. C. 000 WINU Highland IL 10000 WUPR Utuado, P.R. I000d
KDRO Sedalia, Mo. 1000 W FLB Fayetteville. N.C. 000 WIRC Joliet, III. 500d WASC Spartanburg, S.C. 1000d
KGCX Sidney, Mont. 5000 WRNB New Bern, N.C. 000 WKAI Macomb, III. 1000d WJP1 Huntington, TN 1000d
KLMS Lincoln, Nebr. 1000 WRMT Rocky Mount. N. C. 000 WAYT Wabash, Ind. 250d KGTN Georgetown Tex. 1000d
KWEW Hobbs. N.Mex. 5000 WSTP Salisbury, N.C. 000 KIFG Iowa Falls, Iowa 1000d KAWS Hemphill TX
WLEA Hornell, N.Y. 1000d WSVM Valdese, N.C. 000 KANS Larned, Kan. I000d KGBT Harlingen, Tex. 50000
WJIT New York, NY WHSL Wilmington, N. C. 000 KAGY Port Sulphur LA 1000d KNBO New Boston, TX 1000d
WADR Remsen, N.Y. 5000d KNDC Hettinger, N.D. 000 WMEX Boston, Mass. 50000 KCLR Rails, Tex. 5000d
WWKO Fair Bluff, N.C. 1000d KOVC Valley City. N. Dak. 000 WJCO Jackson, Mich. WFIC Collinsville VA 1000d
WAME Charlotte, N.C. 5000 l(YNN Omaha, NE WLKM Three Rivers, Mich. 500 WPWC Quantico, VA 250d
WYRN Louisburg. N.C. 500d WBEX Chillicothe, Ohio 000 W KPO Prentiss, Miss. 1000d KRNK Cheyenne, WY 1000d
WMSJ Sylva, N.C. 5000d WJMO Cleveland Hghts., 0. 000 I(CCV Independence, Mo. I000d
WYDK Yadkinvllle, N.0 1000d WOHI E. Liverpool OH 1000 KEM M Marshfield Mo. 250d
WHBC Canton, Ohio 5000 WMOA Marietta, Ohio 000 KTTT Columbus, Nebr. 500d 1540-195.0
WCI N Cincinnati. Ohio 5000 WMRN Marion. Ohio 000 WRAN Dover, N.J. 10000
WCOX Camden, AL 1000d
WTRA Latrobe, Pa. 500d 1(01(C Guthrie, OK 500 WJIC Salem. N.J. 250d WANL Lineville AL 1000d
WDAS Philadelphia, Pa. 5000 l(BIX Muskogee, Okla. 000 WPUT Brewster, N. Y. I000d WRSM Sumiton AL 1000d
WISL Shamokin, Pa. 1000 KB KR Baker, Oreg. 000 WEAL Greensboro. N.C. 1000d KASA Phoenix, AZ I0000d
WSHP Shippensburg, Pa. 500d KRNR Roseburg, Oreg. 000 WEGG Rose Hill, NC KZRK Ozark, AR 500d
WNEL Caguas, P.R. 5000 KBZY Salem, Oreg. 000 WYRU Red Springs NC 1000 KMPG Hollister, Cal. 500
WMDD Fajardo, P.R. 5000 WESB Bradford, Pa. 000 WLGN Logan, Ohio 5000d K KAP Aptos-Capitola, CA 1000d
KSDR Waterton, S.D. 1000d WAIL Hazleton, Pa. 000 WLKR Norwalk, Ohlo 500d KPOL Los Angeles, CA 50000r
W1 EC Jefferson City, Tenn. 500d WJNL Johnstown PA 000 KBJS Sallisaw, Okla. 1000d WJGA Jackson GA 1000
WMQM Memphis, Tenn. 5000d WDDL Lancaster, PA WANT Annville-Cleona. Pa. 5000d
WJLE SmIthyllie, Tenn. I000d WPSL Monroeville, Penn. 250d WOGA Sylvester, Ge. 1000d
KBOX Dallas, Tex. 5000
WBCB Levittown. Pa. 000 KISA Honolulu HI 5000d
WMRF Lewiston. Pa. 000 WVAP Burnettown, S.C. 500d WSMI Litchfield, III. I000d
KLVL Pasadena, Tex. 1000 WMGW Meadville, Pa. 000 WCPL Pageland, SC
KAPE San Antonio, Tex. 500d WSJW Woodruff. S.C.
WBNL Boonville, Ind. 250d
KONI Spanish Fork, Utah 1000d
WNBT Wellsboro, Pa. 000 1090d WADM Decatur, Ind. 250d
WCFR Springfield, Vt. 5000d
WVOZ Carolina PR 1000 KMSD Millbank, SD 5000d WL01 LaPorte, Ind. 250d
WZBS Ponce PR 1000r WLAC Nashville, Tenn, 50000 WCBK Martinsville IN 500d
WBBL Richmond, Va. 5000 WGCD Chester. S.C. 1000 KAGC Bryan, TX 250d
WLEE Richmond, Va. 5000 KXEL Waterloo, Iowa 50000
WMRB Greenville, S.C. 1000 KCTX Childress, Tex 250d KNEX McPherson, Kans. 250d
WUEZ Salem VA 5000d WSDC Hartsville SC 250 KNAM Midland, Tex. 500d
KQLA Lakewood WA KLI(C Parsons, Kans. 250d
KORN Mitchell, S.Dak. 1000 K MOO Mineola, TX 500d WKCB Hindman KY 10000
KVAN Vancouver WA 1000 WOPI Bristol, Tenn. 1000 KYKR Port Arthur TX 5000d
WISM Madison, Wis. 5000 KCTO Columbia, La. I000d
WDXB Chattanooga, TN 1000d KROB Robstown, Tex. 500d KGLA Gretna LA 500d
1(BBS Buffalo, WY 1000
WCSV Crossville, TN 1000r KSTV Stephenville TX 500d
KRAE Cheyenne, Wyo. 1000d
WKVB Knoxville, TN WBLB Pulaski, VA 1000d WDON Wheaton MD 5000d
WJJM Lewisburg, Tenn. 1000 KAA R Mountlake Terrace, WSWG Greenwood, MS 1000d
1490-201.2 W DXL Lexington, Tenn. 1000 WA 250d WMLM St. Louis MI
KNOW Austin, Tex. 1000 KGA Spokane, Wash. 50000 KBXM Kennett, Mo. 1000d
WANA Anniston AL 250 KIBL Beeville TX 1000 WADI( Waukesha, Wls. 10000d WKXR Exeter. N.H. 10000
WAIF Decatur AL 1000r l(BST Big Spring, Tex. 1000 WPTR Albany, N.Y. 50000
WRLD Lanett AL 1000r KATY Borger TX WYRD East Syracuse, NY 1000d
WHBB Selma AL 1000r K BOX Dallas TX
5000r 1520-197.4 WKYK Burnsville, N.C. 1000d
KCUZ Clifton AZ 1000r KNEL Brady, Tex. 000 WAOA Opelika AL 5000d W RPL Charlotte, N.C. 10000
KYCA Prescott AZ 1000r
KW MC Del Rio, Tex. 1000 KACY Port Hueneme, CA 50000r' WIFM Elkins, N.C. 1000d
KAIR Tucson, AZ 1000r
KSAM Huntsville. Tex. 000 WTLN Apopka, Fla. 5000d WOOZ Whiteville NC 1000d
KXAR Hope AR 1000r KVOZ Laredo, Tex. 000 WIXX Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 1000d WBCO Bucyrus, Ohio 500d
KDRS Paragould AR 1000r
KZZN Littlefield, Tex. 000 WGNB Indian Rocks WNRE Circleville, OH 1000
KOTN Pine Bluff AR 1000r
KPLT Paris, Tex. 000 Beach, FL 1000d WABQ Cleveland, Ohio I000d
KARV Russellville AR 1000r
KDOK Tyler, Tex. 000 WEXY Oakland Park, Fla. 1000d WNIO Niles, Ohio 500d
(WAC Bakersfield CA 000r KVWC Vernon, Tex. 000 WXPQ Eatonton, Ga. I000d WBTC Uhrichsville, 0. 250d
(1CO Calexico, CA 000r KVOG Oden, Utah WRCP Philadelphia, Pa. 50000d
(RKC Ging City, CA 000r
000 WDGL Douglasville, Ga. 1000d
WARD Pittston, PA 1000d
(TOB Petaluma, CA 000r
W K VT Brattleboro, Vt. 000 WNMT Garden City, Ga. 1000d
WPME Punxsutawney, Pa. 5000d
WFAD Middlebury, Vt. 000 W H OW Clinton, Ill. 5000d
(BLF Red Bluff, CA 000r WYK R Wells River, VT 250n WLUV Loves Park, Ill. 500d WADK Newport, R.I. 1000d
<DB Santa Barbara CA 000r WIKE Newport, Vt. 1000 WKVI Knox IN 250d WTGF Pickens, SC
<OWL S. Lake Tahoe, CA 000r WCVA Culpeper, Va. 1000 WSVL Shelbyville, Ind. 1000 WBIN Benton, TN
<SYC Yreka CA 000r WWDE Hampton VA 1000 KSIB Creston, Iowa 1000d WJJT Jellico, TN 1000d
KBOL Boulder, Colo. 1000 WAYB Waynesboro, Va. 1000 W H IC Hardinsburg, KY 1000d WBRY Woodbury TN 500d
KGUC Gunnison, CO 1000 WYK R Wells River, VT 1000d WRSL Stanford, Ky. 500d KRXV Fort Worth, TX 50,000r
KIIQ Manitou Springs, CO 500 KBRO Bremerton, Wash. 1000 I(XICW Lafayette, La. 10000 KGBC Galveston, Tex. 1000
WGCH Greenwich. Conn. 1000 KVAC Forks, Wash. 1000 WVOB Bel Air, Md. 250d KEOA San Antonio TX 1000d
WTRL Bradenton, Fla. 1000 KLOG Kelso, Wash. 1000 WTRI Brunswick, Md. 500d iVICIE Richmond VA 10000d
WETO De Land, Fla. 1000 KENE Toppenish, Wash. 1000 W1(111 Muskegon fits., MI 10000d KZAAM Bellevue, WA 5000
WKEM lmmokalee, Fla. 1000 KTEL Walla Walla, Wash. 1000 WY FC Ypsilanti, MI 250d WICTM Hartford, Wls. 5000
WMBM Miami Beach, Fla. 1000 WXIT Charleston. W.Va. 1000 K KEE Rochester MN 10000d
WCI(C Milton, FL 1000r WQMA Marks, Miss.
WPXE Starke, Fla. 1000
WTCS Fairmont, W.Va.
WAEY Princeton WV
1000r WPGR Port Gibson, MS
WTTB Vero Beach, Fla. 1000
WSGB Sutton, W.Va. 1000 KM PL Sikeston, Mo. 5000 WAAY Huntsville AL 5000r
WSIR Winter Haven, FL 1000r WGEZ Beloit, Wis. 1000 WSLT Ocean City -Somers WMO 0 Mobile AL 50000d
WMOG Brunswick, Ga. 1000 WLCX LaCrosse Wls. 1000 Pt. N. J. 1000d KUAT Tucson AZ 50000d
W MJ M Cordele, Ga. 1000
WIGM Medford, Wis. 1000 KAMX Albuquerque, NM I000d KXEX Fresno, Calif. 500d
WRED Monroe, GA 1000r WYTL Oshkosh, WI 1000 WI(BW Buffalo, N.Y. 50000 KKHI San Fran., Calif. 10000
WSFB Quitman, Ga. 250 KOJO Laramie WY 500 WTH E M ineola. N.Y. I000d KQXI Arvada CO 10000d
WSNT Sandersville, Ga. 500 K UG R Green River, WY 1000r WDSL Mocksville NC 5000r W M LB West Hartford, CT 1000d
WSYL Sylvania, Ga. 1000
KRTR Thermopolis, Wyo. 250 WARR Warrenton NC I000d WRHC Coral Gables FL 10000
KCID Caldwell. Idaho 1000
KGOS Torrington, Wyo. 1000 KMAV Mayville ND 2500d WCCZ New Smyrna Beach
WKRO Cairo IL 1000r
WBNO Bryan, Ohio 500d FL 250d
WDAN Danville, Ill. 1000
WINW Canton, 0. 1000d WYOU Tampa. Fla. I0000d
WESL E. St. Louis IL 1000
WKNT Kent, 0. I000d WTHB Augusta, Ga. 5000d
WOPA Oak Park, III. 1000
1500-199.9 WGOR Toledo, OH 1000 WYNX Smyrna, Ga. 10000
WZOE Princeton, III. 1000
KOMA Okla. City, Okla. 50000 WJIL Jacksonville, III. 1000d
W,<BV Richmond, IN 1000d WVSM Rainsville AL 1000d KYXI Oregon City, Ore. 50000 WCSJ Morris, III. 250d
WNDU South Bend. Ind. 000 W KA X Russellville, AL 1000d WCHE West Chester, Pa. 250d WPDF Corydon, Ind. 250d
KBUR Burlington, Iowa 000 KGMR Jacksonville AR 1000d
WRAI San Juan, P. R. 10000 WCVL Crawfordsville, Ind. 250
WDBQ Dubuque, Iowa 000 KXRX San Jose, CA 10000r WTGR Myrtle Beaeh, SC 5000d WCTW New Castle, Ind. 250
KBAB Indianola, la. 500 WFIF Milford, Conn. 5000d W K M G Newberry, S. C. 1000d WNDI Sullivan, IN 250d
KRIB Mason City, la. 000 WTOP Washington. D.C. 50000 KCHF Sioux Falls SD 500d KIWA Sheldon, Iowa 500d
I(l(AN Phillipsburg, Kans. 1000 WK1Z Key West, Fla, 250 WBHT Brownsville, Tenn. 250d KEDD Dodge City, Kans. I000d
KTOP Topeka, Kan. 000 WGUL New Port Richey, Fla. 250d WIDD Elizabethton, Tenn. 1000d KNIC Winfield, Kan. 250d
WFKY Frankfort, Ky, 000 W 1AF Clarksville, GA 5000 WEXM Jamesville VA 5000 WGRK Greensburg KY 250d
WKAY Glasgow, KY. 000 WSEM Donalsonville, Ga. 1000d WIRY Irvine, Ky. 1000d
WOMI Owensboro, KY. 000 WDEN Macon, Ga. 1000d WMSK Morganfleld, Ky. 250d
WSI P Paintsville, Ky. 000 KUMU Honolulu, Hawaii 5000 1530-196.1 WLUX Baton Rouge, La. 5000d
WI KG Bogaiusa, La. 000 WGEN Geneseo IL 250d KOKA Shreveport, La. 10000
1(EUN Eunice, La. 000 WPM B Vandalia, III. 250 WAAO Andalusia AL 1000d WSER Elkton. Md. 10000
KJIN Houma, La. 000 WKZN Zion, IL 250d WHIY Moulton AL 1000r WNTN Newton, Mass. 10000d
KRUS Ruston, La. 000 WBRI Indianapolis. Ind. 5000d KXRQ Truman AR 250d WBZQ Greenville, MS
WPOR Portland. Maine 000 WAKE Valparaiso. Ind. 1000d KCAY Pine Bluff, Ark. 250d WSHN Fremont, Mich. 1000d
WTVL Waterville, Maine 000 WKXO Berea, KY KTMN Trumann, Ark. 250d W01(.1 Jackson, Miss. 50000
WARK Hagerstown, Md. 1000 l(WRG New Roads, La. 1000d KFBI( Sacramento, Calif. 50000 WSAO Senatobia, Miss. 5000d
WHAV Haverhill, Mass. 1000 WW1(0 Battle Creek, MI 1000d KRYT Colorado Sprin Colo. KGMO Cape Girardeau, Mo. 5000d
WMRC Milford, Mass. 1000 WDEE Detroit MI 50000r 1000d KKJO St. Joseph. Mo. 5000
WNUS West Springfield, MA KSTP St. Paul, Minn. 50000 W DJZ Bridgeport, Conn. 10000d KL.F.1 Springfield, MO 500d
WABJ Adrian, M ich. 1000 WBFN Quitman, Miss. I000d WENG Englewood, Fla. 1000 KICS Hastings, Neb. 500c1
WTIQ Manistique MI 1000r KDFN Daniphan, Mo. 1000d WCRJ Jacksonville, FL 50,000d KOBY Reno, Nev. 10000d
WMPX Midland, MI 1000 WKER Pompton Lakes, WTTI Dalton, Ga. 10000d WCGR Canandaigua, N.Y. 250d
WLRC Whitehall, Mich. 1000 N.J. I000d WTHO Thomson GA 1000 WBVM Utica, N.Y. 1000
KXRA Alexandria, Minn. IWO WG M F Watkins Glen. N.Y. 250d WKDC Elmhurst, IL 250 WPXY Greenville, N.C. I000d
KOZY Grand Rapids, Minn. 1000 WLWL Rockingham NC 500 KDSN Denison, Iowa 500d WYNA Raleigh, N.C. I000d
KLGR Redwd. Falls, Minn. 1000 WSMX Winston-Salem NC 10000d KQNK Norton KS 1000 WTYN Tryon, N.C. 1000d
WLOX Biloxi, Miss. 1000 WGFT Yougstown, OH 500 KWLA Many, La. 1000d WPGD Winston-Salem NC 1000d
WCLD Cleveland, Miss. 1000 WGIC Xenia, 0. 500d WPNO Auburn, ME 10000d KQWB West Fargo ND 5000d
WHOC Philadelphia, Miss. 1000 KOKN Pawhuska, OK 5000d WCTR Chestertown, MD 250d WDLR Delaware. Ohio 500d
WTUP Tupelo, Miss. 1000 WMNT Manati, P.R. 250 WTHM Lapeer, Mich. 5000d KMAD Madill, OK 250d
WJFL Vicksburg MS WEAC Gaffney, S. C. 10000 WYGR Wyoming, MI 500d KREK Sapulpa. Okla. 500d
KDMO Carthage. Mo. 1000 WDEB Jamestown, Tenn. I000d KYM N Northfield, Minn. 1000d WLOA Braddock, Pa. 10000
I(TTR Rolla, Mo. 1000 WTNE Trenton, Tenn. 250d WJRL Calhoun City. Miss. 250d WTTC Towanda, Pa. 500d
KDRO Sedalia, Mo. 1000d KBGG Merkel, TX 250d WYAZ Yazoo City, MS 250d WKFE Yaueo, P.R. 250
KDBM Dillon, Mont. 1000 I(XTO Sherman, Tex. 1000d WRPM Poplarville, Miss. 10000d WBSC BennetsvIlle, S.C. 10000
l(LNG Omaha, Nebr. 1000 I(ANI Wharton, Tex. 500 KSMM Shakopee, Minn. 500d KHBJ Canyon TX 1000d


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz

KWBC Navasota, Tex. 250d WI F F Auburn. Ind. 500d WRDI Hammonton NJ 1000d WABV Abbeville, S.C. I000d
WKYE Bristol, Tenn. 1000d WILO Frankfort, Ind. 250d WCRV Washington, N.J. 1000d WACA Camden, S.C. 1000d
WPTN Cookeville, Tenn. 250d WOBS New Albany, IN I000d KZIA Albuquerque NM 10000d WMSO Collierville TN 500d
WOK1 Oak Ridge TN 1000 KMCD Fairfield. Iowa 250d WYFA Patchogue, NY 1000d WJSO Jonesboro, Tenn. 5000d
WTBP Parsons. Tenn. 500d KQWC Webster City IA 250d WZKY Albemarle, N.C. 250d
WCHU Soddy Daisy, TN ICNDY Marysville, Kans. 250d WVKO Columbus, Ohlo 1000d WDBL Springfield, Tenn. 1000d
KCOM Comanche, Tex. 250d WKYR Burkesville, KY 1000d ICLTR Blackwell, Okla. 10004 KGAS Carthage, Tex. I000d
KRGO Granger, UT 10,0004 WLBQ Morgantown KY 250d WCLY Columbia, PA 5004 KERC Eastland, Tex. 500d
IC RGO Salt Lake City, UT 10000 WKKS Vanceburg, Ky. 250d WEND Ebensburg. Pa. 1000d KI NT El Paso. Tex. 1000d
WICBA Vinton, Va. 10000d WABL Amite, La. 500d WANG Waynesburg PA 500r KYOK Houston, Tex. 5000
WVAB Virginia Bch., Va. 5000d KLLA Leesville, La. 1000d WORG Orangeburg, S.C. 1000d KENO Lubbock, TX 1000
WXVA Charles Town, WV 5006d KMAR Winnsboro, La. 1000d WBBR Travelers Rest, S.C. 1000d ICBUS Menlo, Tex 500d
KOQT Bellingham, Wash. 1000d WTOW Towson, Md. 50004 WSKT Colonlal Village, KIKN Sinton TX 1000r
K GA R Vancouver, WA 10.000 WPEP Taunton. Mass. 1000d Tenn. 250d WGOE Richmond, Va. 5000d
WMIR Lake Geneva, Wis. 10004 WMLO Beverly, Mass. 500d WHHM Henderson, Tenn. KZOK Seattle, WA 5000d
WWOM Madison, WI 50004 WLDM Westfield MA 2500d WLIJ Shelbyville, TN 1000d WI XX New Richmond, W Is. 5000d
WEVR River Falls, Wis. 1000d WLQB Flint, MI 1000d WSKT Knoxville, Tenn. 5000d WSWW Platteville, Wls. 1000
WFUR Grand Rapids, MI 1000d KGAF Gainesville, Tax. 2504 WQTC Two Rivers, Wis, I000d
KUXL Golden Valley MN 2500d KILE Galveston, TX 1000 WAWA West Allis, Wls. I000d
1560-192.3 WHIZ Bay Springs MS 1000 KIRT Mission, TX 1000d
WAGC Centre. AL 1000d WONA Winona, Miss. 1000d KTLU Rusk, Tex. 500d
KDDA Dumas, AR 500d KLEX Lexington, Mo. 250d KWED Sequin, Tex. 10004 1600-187.5
KBIB Monette, AR 250d WKOL Amsterdam, N.Y. 1000d KBYP Shamrock, Tex. 250d W EU P Huntsville AL 5000
KPMC Bakersfield, Calif. 10000 WFLR Dundee, N.Y. 1000d KRZI Waeo TX 1000 WXVI Montgomery, AL 1000
KIQS Willows, Calif. 250d WBUZ Fredonla, N.Y. 250d WILA Danville, Va. 1000d KVIO Cottonwood AZ 1000d
WTAI Eau Gallia, Fla. 5000d WTKO Ithaca, N.Y. 1000 WPUV Pulaski, Va. 5000d KXEW Tucson, AZ 1000d
WYSE Inverness, FL 50004 WRCN Riverhead, NY 1000d WTTN Watertown. Wls. 1000d KCGS Marshall, AR 5000d
WLEJ Ellijay, GA WTLI( TaylorsvIlle, N.C. 500d KGST Fresno, Cal. 5000d
WKOG Gordon, Ga. 5000d WNCA Slier City, N.C. 1000d KWOW Pomona, CA 5000r
WBYS Canton, Ill. 2504 WGLX Gallon, OH 500 1590-188.7 KZON Santa Maria. Cal. 500d
WSHY Shelbyville, Ill. 500d WPTW Piqua, Ohio 2504 WATM Atmore, AL 5000d KUBA Yuba City, Calif. 5000
WUME Paoli IN 2504 WTCL Warren OH 500 WACD Alexander City, AL 1000d KLA K Lakewood, Colo. 5000
WRIN Rensselaer, Ind. 1000d KTAT Frederick, Okla. 250d
WVNA Tuscumbia, AL 5000r WKEN Dover, DE 1600
KRCB Council Bluffs, Iowa 10004 KOLS Pryor, Okla. 1000d
KYDE Pine Bluff, AR 1000d WJNJ Atlantic Beach, Fla. 1000
1,(01 Irwl City. IA WPG PA Danville, Penn. 1000d
KSPR Springdale AK 1000d WKWF Key West, Fla. 500
KABI Abilene KS 250d WBUX Doylestown, Pa. 5000d
KXEM McFarland CA 500d WPOM Riviera Beach FL 5000
WKDO Liberty, Ky. 2504 WQTW Latrobe. Pa. 1000d
KLIV San Jose, Cal. 5000 WOKB Winter Garden FL 5000
WFXY Middlesboro, ICY 10004 WFGN Gaffney, S.C. 250d
KBBQ Ventura -Oxnard, CA 5000 WACX Austell, Ga. 1000d
WDXR Paducah, Ky. 10000 WLSC Loris, S.C. 10004
KCIN VletorvIlle, Calif. 500d WNGA Nashville, Ga. 1000d
!CAIN Crowley, LA 10004 KURA Vermillion, S.D. 5004
WQQW Waterbury CT 5000 WQCIC Warner Robins GA 2500
WSDL Slidell LA I000d W H LP Centerville, Tenn. 1000d
WOWY Clewiston, Fla. 500d WCGO Chicago Hats., Ill. 1000d
WSMD La Plata. Md. I000d WCLE Cleveland, Tenn. 1000d
WRXB St. Perterside Beach W MCW Harvard, III. 500d
WBUK Portage MI 1000d WTRB Ripley, Tenn. 10004
WBTO Linton, Ind. 500d
WMIC Sandusky. Mich. 1000d KZOL Farwen. Tex. 250d
WELE S. Daytona, Fla. 10904 WARU Peru. Ind. 1000d
!CREW Blue Earth. Minn. 1000d KVLG La Grange. Tax. WALG Albany, Ga. 5000 KLGA Algona, IA 5000d
KOYX Joplin, MO 10000d KTER Terrell. Tex. 2504
WLFA Lafayette. Ga. 5000d 1(CRG Cedar Rapids, Iowa 5000
KLTI Macon, Mo. 250d WSWV Pennington Gap, Va. 1000d WXRS Swainsboro GA 2500d KMDO Ft. Scott, Kans. 500d
KTUI Sullivan, Mo. 10004 WYTI Rocky Mount. Va. 1000d
WTGA Thomaston. Ga. 5004 WSTL Eminence. Ky. 500d
WQXR New York, N.Y. 50000 WAPL Appleton, WI WLTD Evanston, IL 10004 WLLS Hartford KY 5004
WY7D Dobson NC 1000d WFBZ Minocqua WI WAIK Galesburg. 5000d l(FNV Ferriday, La. 1000d
WTRQ Warsaw, N.C. 12000d WNTS Indianapolis, IN 50004 KLEB Golden Meadow. La. 1000d
WBKC Chardon, Ohio 1000d 1580-189.2 WPCO Mt. Vernon, Ind. 500d WINX Rockville, Md. 1000
WTNS Coshocton, Ohio 1000d WEYY Talladega, AL 2500d KWBG Boone IA 10004 WUNR Brookline, Mass. 5000
WCNW Fairfield, 0. 5000d
KNIX Tempe, AZ WFIT Inez KY WIXY East Longmeadow MA 5000
WTOD Toledo, Ohio 6000d KPCA Marked Tree AR 260d WLBN Lebanon, Ky. 1000d WAAM Ann Arbor, MI 5000
KWCO Chickasha, Okla. 1000 KF 0 F Van Buren AR 1000d K KAY White Castle, LA WTRU Muskegon, Mich. 5000
KRBB Sallisaw, Okla. 250d K.WIP Merced, Cal. 1000d WIRO Glen Burnie, MD 500 KLLR Walker MN 1000d
WRSJ Bayamon, P.R. 5000 KDAY Santa Monica, Cal. 50000 W1SZ Glen Burnie, Md. 500 WKDL Clarksdale, Miss. 1000d
WCCP Clemson SC I000d KPIK Colorado Sprgs.. Cole. 5000d WETT Ocean City, Md. 1000 KATZ St. Louis, Mo. 5000
WAGL Lancaster SC 50000d WSBP Chattahoochee FL 5000d WTVB Coldwater, Mich. 5000 KTTN Trenton, Mo. 500d
K KAA Aberdeen, SD 5000 WSRF Fort Lauderdale, FL 10000r WGRY Grayling MI 1000d KNCY Nebraska City, Nebr. 500d
WWGM Nashville, Tenn. 10000d WGTW Mt. Dora, FL 5000d WSMA Marine City, Mich. 1000d ICRFS Superior, Nebr. 500d
WBOL Bolivar. Tenn. 250d WCCF Punta Gorda, Fla. 1000d KRAD E. Grand Forks, WWRL New York, N.Y. 5000
KCAD Abilene, Tex. 500d WCLS Columbus, Ga. 1000 Minn. I000d WMCR Oneida, N.Y. 1000d
)(EGG DaIngerlield, Tex. 1000d WKIG Glenville. Ga. 1000d WYIG Jackson MI 5000 WLNG Sag Harbor, N.Y. 500d
IC H BR Hillsboro, Tax. 250d WYYZ Jasper GA 260d KPRS Kansas City, Mo. 1000d WGIV Charlotte, N.C. 1000
ICGUL Port Lavaca, Tex. 500d WKUN Monroe, Ga. 10004 I(DEX Dexter, Mo. 1000d WIDU Fayetteville, N.C. 1000d
KGHO Hoquiam, Wash. 1000d WFVR Aurora IL 250d i(CLU Rolla, Mo. 1000d W H VL Hendersonville, N.C. 1000d
KD FL Sumner, Wash. 250d WDQN DuQuoln, Ill. 250d KCTH Wayne, Neb. 500d WFRC Reidsville, NC 1000
WFSP Kingwood, W.Va. I000d WBBA Pittsfield, III. 250d WSMN Nashua, N.H. 5000 KDAK Carrington, N.Dak. 500d
WGLB Port Washington, Wis. WCCR Urbana. ill. 250d WERA Plainfield, N.J. 500d WAQI Ashtabula, OH 10004
WCNB Connersville, Ind. 250d WAUB Auburn. N.Y. 500d WBLY Springfield, OH 1000d
WJVA South Bend, Ind. 1000d WWBI( Brockport NY 1000 WTTF Tiffin, Ohio 500d
1570-191.1 WAMW Washington, Ind. 250d WEHH Elmira Heights - KUSH Cushing, Okla. 1000d
WCRL Oneonta, AL 1000d KCHA Charles City, Iowa 500d Horseheads, N.Y. 5004 KASH Eugene, Oreg. 5000
WTOX Selma AL 5000d I(WNT Davenport, Iowa 500d WGGO Salamanca, N.Y. 5000d KOHI St. Helens, Ore. 1000d
KBRI Branklay, AR 250d KDSN Denison, Iowa 500d WBHN Bryson City, N.C. 500d WHOL Allentown, Pa. 500d
KBJT Fordyce, AR 250d WAXU Georgetown, Ky. 10000 WCSL Cherryville, N.C. 1000d WPDC Elizabethtown, Pa. 500
KSRB Hardy, AR 250d WMTL Leitchfield, Ky. 250d WVOE Chadbourn, N.C. 1000d WLUZ Bayamon, P.R. 1000
KCVR Lodi, Cal. 5000d WPKY Princeton, Ky. 250d WHPY Clayton NC 5000d WFIS Fountain inn, SC 1000d
ICHNY Riverside, CA 5000d KLUV Haynesville, La. 1000d WPXY Greenville NC 5000d WFNL North Augusta, SC 5004
ICXES Salinas, CA 250d KLOU Lake Charles, La. 1000 WGLD High Point NC WJZA Harriman TN 5000d
I(LGV Loveland, Colo. 1000d WPGC Morningside, MD 10000d WAKR Akron, Ohlo 5000 WKI31 Milan, Tenn. 10004
WTWB Auburndale, Fla. 5000d WRI31 St. Johns, Mich. 1000d WSRW Hillsboro, Ohio 600d KBBB Borger, TX 5000d
WYH I Fernandina Beach FL 1000d KDOM Windom, Minn. 250d KHEN Henryetta, Okla. 500d K BO R Brownsville, TX 1000
WGTW Mount Dora, FL 5000d WAMY Amory, Miss. 5000d KWEY Weatherford, Okla. 1000d KEWS Cuero TX 500d
WOi(C Okeechobee, Fla. 1000d WORV Hattiesburg, MS 1000d KTI L Tillamook. Ore. 5000 KWEL Midland, TX 1000d
WMES Ashburn, Ga. 1000d WESY Leland, Miss. 1000d WPLW Carnegie, PA 1000d KXVI McKinney, TX 1000
WGHC Clayton, Ga. 1000d WPMP Pascagoula - WCBG Chambersburg, Pa. 5000 KYAL McKinney, Tex. 5000a
WSSA College Park. Ga. 5000d Moss Point MS 5000d WalQ Chester, PA 1000r KOGT Orange, Tex. 1000
WGSR Millen, Ga. 250d KTG It Columbia, Mo. 250d WDHN Hanestiale PA 500d KLRK Centerville, UT 1000d
WOKZ Alton, 111. 1000d KESM El Dorado Springs, WM1M Mt. Carmel, PA 1000d WCPIC Chesapeake VA 5000d
WFRL Freeport IL 5000d Mn. 500d WXRF Guayama, P.R. 1000 WNST Milton. WV 50004
WBEE Harvey, Ill. 1000d KNIM Maryville, Mo. 250d WARY Warwick -E. Greenwich, WNEU Wheeling WV 5000d
WTAY Robinson, 250d KAMI Cozad, Neb. 1000d R.I. 1000d WCWC Ripon. Wis. 5000


Location Cal/ kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz

Abbeville AL WARI 1480 WCUE 1150 KKIM 1000 Alton, 111. WOKZ 1570
Abbeville, La. KROF 960 WHLO 640 Altoona, Pa. WFBG 1290
Abbeville, S.C. WABV 1590 WSLR 1350 KPAR 1190 WRTA 1240
Aberdeen, Md., WAMD 970 Alamogordo NM KPSA 1230 KQEO 920 WVAM 1430
Aberdeen, Miss. WMPA 1240 KINN 1270 KRZY 1450 Alturas, Calif. KCNO 570
Aberdeen, S.Dak. KSDN 930 Alamo Heights, Tex. KZIA 1580 Altus, Okla. KWHW 1450
KABR 420 KDRY 1110 Alcoa, Tenn. WEAG 1470 Alva, Okla. KALV 1430
KKAA 560 Alamosa Colo. KGIW 1450 Alexander City, Ala. Amarillo, Tex. KDJW 1010
Aberdeen, Wash. KBKW 450 Albany, Ga. WALG 1590 WRFS 1050 KPUR 1440
KXRO 320 WGPC 1450 WACD 1590 KGNC 710
Abilene, Tex. KRBC 470 WJAZ 960 Alexandria, La. KALB 580 KIXZ 940
KCAD 560 WADE 1250 KDBS 1410 KQIZ 1360
K EA N 230 Albany, Ky. WANY 1390 KSYL 970 KZIP 310
KW KC 340 Albany, Minn. KASM 1150 Alexandria, Minn. KXRA 1490 Ambridge, Pa. WMBA 460
Albany, N.Y. WABY 1400 Alexandria, VA WPIK 730 Americus, Ga. WD EC 290
Abilene, Kans. KABI 1560 WISK 390
Abingdon, Va. WBBI 1230 WOKO 1460 Algona, Iowa 1CLGA 1600
WPTR 1540 Alice, Tex. !COPY 1070 Amery, WI WXCE 260
Ada, Okla. KADA 1230 Ames, Iowa KASI 430
Adel, Ga. WBIT 1470 WROW 590 Allendale, S.C. WDOG 1460
WABJ 1490 Albany, Oreg. KWIL 790 Allentown. Pa. WHOL 1600 WOl 640
Adrian, M ith. Amherst, Mass. WTTT 430
Agana, GU KUAM 610 KR KT 990 WAEB 790
KATB 570 Albermarle N.C. WABZ 1010 WKAP 1320 Amherst, N.Y. WUFO 080
KTWG 800 WZKY 1500 WSAN 1470 Amherst VA WKYY 420
Aguadilla, P.R. WABA 850 Albert Lea, Minn. KATE 1450 Alliance, Nebr. KCOW 1400 Amite, La. WABL 570
WGRF 1340 Albertville, Ala.. WAVU 830 Alliance, Ohio WFAH 1510 Amory, Miss. WAMY 580
Ahoskie, N.C. WRCS 970 Albion. Mich. WALM 1260 Alma, Ga. WULF 1400 Amsterdam, N.Y. WKOL 570
WAKN 990 Albuquerque, N.M. KABQ 1350 Alma, Mich. WFYC 1280 WCSS 490
Aiken, S.C. Anaconda, Mont. KANA
WLAW 1300 KAMX 1520 Alpena Township, Mich, 580
Ainsworth, NE KBRB 1400 KU FF 1150 WATZ 1450 Anacortes, Wash. KAGT 340
Aitkin, Minn. K KIN 930 KRKE 610 Alpine, Tex. KVLF 1240 Anadarko, OK KRPT 850
Akron. Ohio WAKR 1590 KDAZ 730 Altavista. Va. WICDE 1000 Anaheim. Calif. K EZY 190


Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz
Anchorage AK KBYR 700 KOKE 1370 KGKO 850 Breckenridge, Minn.
KANC 1030 KVET 1300 Benton, Ky. WCBL 1290 Wahpeton, N.D. KBMW 1450
KFQD 750 Ava, Mo. KSOA 1430 Benton, TN WBIN 1540 Breckenridge, Tex. KSTB 1430
KEN' 550 Avalon, CA KBRT 740 Benton Harbor -St. Joseph M ich. Bremen, Ga. WWCC 1440
KHAR 590 Avondale Estates, Ga. W HF,B 1060 Bremerton, Wash. KBRO 1490
KYAK 650 WAVO 1420 Berea, KY WKXO 1500 Brenham, TX KTTX 1280
Andalusia, AL WKYD 920 Avon Park, FL WAPR 1390 Berkeley CA KRE 1400 Brevard, N.C. WPNF 1240
WAAO 530 Aztec, N. Mex. KHAP 1340 Berkeley Springs. W.Va. Brewster, N.Y. WPUT 1510
Anderson Ind. WHUT 470 Babylon, NY WNYG 1440 WCST 1010 Brewton AL WEBJ 1240
WHBU 240 WGLI 1290 Berlin, N.H. WBRL 1400 Bridgeport AL WBTS 1480
Anderson, S.C. WAI M 230 Bad Axe. Mich. WLEW 1340 Berlin Wis. WISS 1090 Bridgeport, Conn. WICC 600
WANS 280 Bainbridge. Ga. WMGR 930 Berry H111, Tenn. WVOL 1470 WDJZ 1530
Andrews, Texas KACT 360 WAZA 1360 Berryville, Ark. KTH13 1480 WNAB 1450
Annapolis, Md. WANN 190 Baker, Mont. KFLN 960 Berwick, Pa. WBRX 1280 Bridgetown, N.J. WSNJ 1240
WYRE 810 Baker, Oreg. KBKR 1490 Bessemer AL WYAM 1450 Brigham City, Utah KBUH 800
WNAV 430 Bakersfield, Calif. KAFY 550 Bethel AK KY U K 580 Brighton, Colo. KERN 800
Ann Arbor, Mleh. WAAM 1600 (BIS 970 Bethesda, Md. WGMS 570 Brinkley AR KBRI 1570
WPAG 050 KERN 1410 Bethlehem, Pa. WGPA 1100 Bristol, Conn. WBIS 1440
Anna, 111. WRAJAnniston 440 KGEE 1230 Beulah, ND KHOL 1410 Bristol, Tenn. WOPI 1490
AL WANA 490 KUZZ 800 Beverly, Mass. WMLO 1570 WKYE 1550
WDNG 450 KLYD 1350 Biddeford, Maine WIDE 1400 Bristol, Va. WZAP 690
WHMA 990 (WAG 1490 Big Bear Lake, CA KBBV 1050 WFHG 980
AnnvIlle-Cleona, Pa. KPMC 1560 Big Lake, Tex. KWGH 1290 Broadway-Timberville VA
WAHT 510 Baldwinsville, N.Y. WSEN 1050 Big Rapids, With. WBRN 1460 WBTX 1470
Anoka MN KTWN 470 Ballinger, Tex. KRUN 1400 Big Sprg., Tex. KBST 1490 Brockport NY WWBK 1590
Ansonia, Conn. WADS 690 Baltimore, Md. WBAL 1090 KHEM 1270 Brockton, Mass. WBET 1460
Antigo, Wis. WATK 900 WAYS 860 KBYG 1400 WOKW 1410
Apollo. Pa. WAVL 910 WBMD 750 Big Stone Gap, Va. WLSO 1220 Broken Bow. Nebr. KCNI 1280
Apopka, Fla. WTLN 520 WCAO 600 Biloxi, Miss. WLOX 1490 Bronson, Mo. KBHM 1220
Apple Valley, Cal. KAVR 960 WCBM 680 WVMI 570 Brookfield. Conn. WINE 940
Appleton, Wis. WRXA 570 WEBB 1360 Billings, Mont. KBMY 1240 Brookfield, Mo. KGHM 1470
WHBY 230 WFBR 1300 KGHL 790 Brookhaven, Miss. WCHJ 1470
WYNE 1150 WITH 1230 KOOK 970 WJMB 1340
Appomattox, VA WTTX 280 WSID 1010 KOYN 910 Brookings, Oreg. KURY 910
Aptos-Capitola CA 1< KAP 54 WWIN 1400 KURL 730 Brookings, S.Dak. KOOK 1430
Armadilla, P. R. WUNA 340 Bamberg -Denmark, S.C. Binghamton, N.Y. WINK 680 Brookline, Mass. WUNR 1600
Arab, AL WRAB 380 WWBD 700 WKOP 1360 Brookneal, Va. WODI 1230
Arcadia FL WAPG 480 Bangor, Maine WABI 910 WNBF 1290 Brooksville, Fla.
WGUY 12;,0 WWJB 1450
Arcata. Calif. KATA 340 Birmingham AL WAPI 1070 Brownfield, Tex. KKUB 1300
Ardmore, Okla. KVSO 240 WLBZ 620 WERC 960 Brownsville, Pa. WASP 1130
Ardmore Tenn. WSLV 110 Baraboo, Wis. WBOO 740 WCRT 1260 Brownsville, Tenn. WBHT 1520
Arecibo, P.R. WCMN 280 Barceloneta, PR WBQN 1160 WAQY 1220 Brownsville, Tex. KBOR 1600
WN1K 230 Bardstown, Ky. WBRT 1320 WENN 1320 Brownwood, Tex. KBWD 1380
WMIA Barbourville, Ky. WYWY 950 WATV 900 KXYL 1240
Arkadelphia AR KVRC 240070 Barnesboro, Pa. WNCC 950 WSGN 610 Brunswick, Ga. WGIG 1440
KDOV 350 Barnesville. Ga. WBAF 1090 WYDE 850 WMOG 1490
Arkan. City. Kans. KSOK Barnwell, S.C. WBAW 740 WVOK 690
280 Barre, Vt. WSNO 1450 Bisbee AZ KSUN 1230
WYNR 790
Arlington, Fla. WKTZ 220 Brunswick, ME WKXA 900
Arlington VA WAGS 780
Barrow, AK KBRW 880 Bishop, Calif. KIBS 1230 Brunswick, Md. WTRI 1520
WEAM 390
Barstow, Calif. KWTC 1230 Bishopville, S.C. WAGS 1380 Brush, CO KCMP 1010
Arroyo Grande CA KFYV 280 KIOT 1310 Bismarck, N.Dak. KFYR 550 Bryan, Ohio WBNO 1520
Artesia, N.M. KSVP 990 Bartlesville, Okla, KWON 1400 KBMR 1350 Bryan TX KTAM 1240
Arvada, Colo. KQXI Bartow, Fla. WBAR 1460 Bismarck -Mandan, ND
WPUL 1130 KAGC 1510
Ashburn, Ga. WMES 570 KWWB 1270 Bryson City, N.C. WBHN 1590
Asbury Park, N.J. WJLK Bassett, Va. WODY 900 Black Mountain, N.C.
Bastrop, La. KTRY 730 WBMS 1950 Buckhannon, W.Va. WBUC 1460
Asbury Park -Eatontown, NJ Bucyrus, Ohio WBCO 1540
WHTG 410 KVOB 1340 WFGW 1010 Buena Vista, VA WBNV 1270
Asheboro. N.C. WGWR Batavia, N.Y. WBTA 1490 Blank River Falls, Wig.
Batesburg, S.C. WBLR 1430 WWIS 1260 Buffalo -Hodgenville, KY
WICK, 710 Batesville AR WLCB 1430
Asheville. N.C. WISE 310 KBTA 1340 Blackfoot, Idaho KBLI 690 Buffalo MN KRWC 1360
WRAQ Batesville, Miss. WBLE 1290 Blacksburg, Va. WKEX 1430 Buffalo. N.Y.
Bath, Maine WJTO 730 WQBX 710 WBEN 930
230 Bath, NY WVIN 1380 Blackshear, Ga. WBSG 1350 WYSL 1400
WWNC 570
Baton Rouge, La. WEBB 970
Ashland, Ky. WCMI 340 WAIL 1260 Blackstone, Va. WKLV 1440 WG R 550
WTCR 420 WLUX 1550 Blackwell. Okla. KLTR 1580 W KBW 1520
Ashland. Ohio WNCO 340 WYN K 1380 Blaine, Wash. KARI 550 WWOL 1120
Ashland OR KCMX 580 WIBR 1300 Blakely, Ga. WBBK 1260 Buffalo, Wyo, KBBS 1450
KDOV 350 WJBO 1150 Blanding, Utah KUTA 790 Buford, GA WDYX 1469
Ashland, Va. WKDH 430 WLCS 910 Bloomington, Ill. WAG 1230 Burgaw NC WVBS 1470
Ashland, Wis. WATW 400
WXOK 1460 Bloomington, Ind. WTTS 1370 Burien, Wash. KQIN 800
Ashtabula. Ohio WAQI 600
Battle Creek MI WBCK 930 Bloomsburg, Pa. WCNR 930 Burkesville, KY WKYR 1570
WREO 97 WKNR 1400 WHLM 550 Burley, Idaho KBAR 1230
AZssitio7i,a.CocIro4. KSNO 260 WVOC 150l Blue Earth. Minn. KBEW 1560 Burlington, Colo. KNAB 1140
KAST 370
illaaftyityGIA WUFE 1280 Bluefield, W.Va. WHIS 1440 Burlington, Iowa KBUR 1490
KVAS 230 WRDD 1440 WKOY 1240 KKUZ 1150
Atchinson, Kans. KARE WXOX 1250 Blythe, Calif. KYOR 1450
470 Bay City, Tex. K1OX 1270 Blytheville AR KLCN 910 Burlington, N.C. WBBB 920
Athens, AL WKAC 080 Bay Minette AL WBAG 1150
Athens. Ga. WGAU WBCA 1110 Boaz, AL WBSA 1300
340 Bayamon, P.R. WLUZ 1600 Boca Raton. Fla. WSBR 740 Burlington -Graham, N.C.
WOOL 470
WRSJ 1560 Bogalusa, La. WBBB 920
WRFC 960 WI KC 1490 Burlington. Vt. WDOT 1400
Athens. Ohio Bayard, NM KNFT 950 WBOX 920
WOUB 340 Bayou Vista, LA KOK! 1170 Boise ID KBRJ 950 WJOY 1230
Athens, Tenn. WLAR 450 WVMT 620
WYXI 390
Bay St. Louis MS WXGR 1190 KBOI 670 Burnet TX KHLB 1340
Athens, Tex. KBUD Bay Springs. Miss. WHII 1570 KGEM 1140 Burnettown, S.C.
410 Baytown, TX KECK 1360 KIDD 630 WVAP 1510
Atlanta, Ga. WPLO 590 Beacon, N.Y. WBNR 1260 KSPD 790 Burney, Cal. KAVA 1450
WIGO 340 Beardstown. Ill. W R MS 790 Bolivar, Me. KBLR 1130 Burns, Oreg. KRNS 1230
WAOK 380 Beatrice, Nehr. KWBE 1450 Bolivar, Tenn. WBOL 1560 Burnsville, N.C. WKYK 1540
WERD 860 Beaufort, N.C. WBMA 1400 Bonham, Tex. KFYN 1420 Butler AL WPRN 1240
WGKA 190 Beaufort, S.C. WBEU 980 Bonners Ferry ID (BF! 1450 Butler, Mo. KMAM 1530
WGST 920 Beaumont. T. Boone. Iowa KWBG 1590 Butler, Pa. WBUT 1050
KLVI 560 WISR 680
WGUN 010 KAYC 1450 KFGQ 1260 Butte, Mont. KBOW 550
W K LS 970 KJET 1380 Boone, N.C. WATA 1450
WQXI 790 (TOM 990 Boonville, Ind. WBNL 1540 KXLF 1370
WSB 750 Booneville, Miss. WBIP 1400 Cabo Rojo, P.R. WEKO 930
Beaver Dam, Wis. WBEV 1430 Cadillac, Mich. WATT 1240
WYZF 1480 Beaver Falls, Pa. WBVP 1230 Boonville, Mo. KWRT 1370
Atlanta -Decatur, Ga. Beckley, W. Va. Boonville, N.Y. WBRV 900 WWAM 1370
WJLS 580 Cadiz, Ky. WKDZ 1110
WGUN 1010 WCIR 1070 Borger TX KQTY 1490 Caguas, P.R.
Atlanta, Tex. KALT 900 KBBB 1600 WNEL 1430
Atlantic, Iowa
WWNR 620 WVJP 1110
KJAN 1220 Bedford, Ind. WBIW 1340 Boston, Mass. WBZ 1030 Cairo,
Atlantic Beach, Fla. WJNJ 1600 Bedford PA WAYC 1310 WACQ 1150
Ga. WGRA 790
Atlantic City, N.J. WFPG 1450 WILD 1090
Cairo, III. WKRO 1490
Bedford. Va. WBLT 1350 Calais, Maine WQDY 1230
WUSS 1490 Beeville, Tex. KI BL 1490 WEZE 1260 Caldwell, ID
WMID 1340 WEE1 590 KBGN 1060
KACO 1090 KCID 1490
Atmore AL WATM 1590 Bel Alr, Md. WVOB 1520 WHDH 850 Calera AL
Atoka. Okla. KEOR 1110 Belen, N. Mex. KARS 860 WMEX 1510 WBYE 1370
Attleboro, Mass. WARA 1320 Belfast, Me. WRKO 680 Calexico, Call/. KICO 1490
WBME 1230 Calhoun, Ga. WEBS 1110
Auburn AL WAUD 1230 Belgrade, Mont. KGVW 630 WRYT 950
Auburn, Calif. KAHI 950 Bellaire, Ohio WOMP 1290 Boulder, Colo. KBOL 1490 WITH 900
Auburn, Ind. WIFF 1570 Bellefontaine, 0. KADE 1190 Calhoun City, Miss. WJRL 1530
Auburn, Me. WPNO 1530 Camas. Wash. KVAN 1480
Bellefonte, Pa. WOLF 970 Cambridge, MD WCEM 1240
Auburn. N.Y. WMBO 1340 Bell Fourche, S.Dak. KBFS 1450 Bowling,aGx1:een, Ky. VIBKACT 1140
WAUB 1590 Belle Glade, Fla. WSWN 900 WBGN 1340 Cambridge, Mass. WCAS 740
Auburn, Wash. KASY 1220 Belleville. Ill. WLBJ 1410 Cambridge, Ohio WILE 1270
WIBV 1260 Camden AL WCOX 1540
Auburndale, Fla. WTWB 1570 Bellevue, WA KZAM 1540 Bowling Green, Mo. KPCR 1530
Auburndale, Wis. WLBL 930 Bellingham, Wash. KPUG 1170 Bowl. Green, Ohio WMGS 730 Camden AR KAMD 910
Augusta AR KMCW 1190 KGMI 790 Boynton Beach FL WKAO 1510 KJWH 1450
WBIA 1230 Bozeman. Moot. Camden. N.J. WCAM 1310
KOQT 1550 KXXL 1450 WTMR 800
WGAC 580 103EW 930 KBMN 1230 Camden, S.C.
WRDW 1480 Beliville. TX KACO 1090 WACA 1590
KBOZ 1090 WPUB 1130
WTHB 1550 Belmont, N.C. WCGC 1270 Braddock, Pa. WLOA 1550 Camden, Tenn.
Augusta. Ga. WAUG 1050 Beloit, Wis. WGEZ 1490 Braddocks Heights, Md. WFWL 1220
WBBQ 1340 Cameron, MO KMRN 1360
WBEL 1380 WMH1 1370 Cameron, Tex. KMIL 1330
Augusta, Maine WRDO 1400 Belton, S.C. WHPB 1390 Bradenton, Fla. WTRL 1490
WFAU 1340 Belton, Tex. KTON 940 WBRD 1420 Camilla, Ga. WCLB 1220
Atuurroorra.: KOSI 1430 Belzoni, Miss. W ELZ 1460 Bradford, Pa. WESB 1490 Campbell, Ohio W HOT 1330
111. WMRO 1280 Bemidji, Minn. KBUN 1450 Brady, Tex. KNEL 1490 Campbellsville, Ky. WTCO 1450
WFVR 1580 KI(131 1360 Brainerd, Minn. KLIZ 1380 Camuy, P.R. WCHQ 1360
Aurora, Mo. KSWM 940 Bend, Oreg. KBN D 1110 KVBR 1340 Canadaigua, N.Y. WCGR 1550
Austell, Ga. WACX 1600 KGRL 940 Brandon, Miss. WRKN 970 Cannon City, Colo. KRLN 1400
Austin, Minn. KAUS 1480 Bennetsville, S.C. WBSC 1550 Branson, Mo. KBHM 1220 Canonsburg. Pa. WARD 540
KQAQ 970 Bennington, Vt. WBTN 1370 Brattleboro, Vt. WTSA 1450 Canton, Ga. WCHK 1290
Austin TX KNOW 1490 Benson, Minn. KBMO 1290 WKVT 1490 Canton. Ill. WBYS 1560
KIXL 970 Benson, N.C. WPYB 1130 Brawley. Calif. KROP 1300 Canton, Miss. WMGO 1370
KLBJ 590 Benton AR KBBA 690 Brazil, IN WWCM 1130 Canton, N.C. WWIT 870


Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz
WPTL 920 Chester, Pa. WQIQ 590 KVOR 1300 Cynthlana, Ky. WCYN 1400
Canton, 0. WHBC 1480 WVCH 740 KSSS 740 Dade City, Fla. WDCF 1350
W010 1060 Chester, S.C. WGCD 490 KYSN 1460 Daingerfleld, Tex. KEGG 1560
WINW 1520 Chester VA WGGM 410 KRYT 1530 Dalhart, Tex. KXIT 1410
WNYN 900 Chestertown MD WCTR 530 Columbia, Ky. WAIN 1270 Dallas, Oreg. KROW 1460
Canyon TX KHBJ 1550 Cheyenne, Wyo. KFBC 240 Columbia, La. KCTO 1540 Dallas, Tex. KRLD 1080
Cape Girardeau, Mo. KFVS 960 KRNK 530 Columbia, Miss. WCJU 1450 KPBC 1040
KZY M 1220 KRAE 480 Columbia, Mo. KFRU 1400 KSKY 660
KGMO 1550 KVWO 370 KTGR 1580 KLIF 1190
Carbondale, Ill. WCIL 1020 Chicago, III. WAIT 820 Columbia, Pa. WHEX 1580 WFAA 570
Carbondale, Pa. WCDL 1440 WBBM 780 Columbia, S.C. WOOS 1400 KBOX I49n
Caribou, Maine WFST 800 WCFL 1000 WIS 560 KAAM 1310
Carlisle, Pa. WHYL 960 WCRW 1240 WOIC 1320 DallasFt. Worth TX
WI00 1000 WEDC 1240 WNOK 1230 WFAA 570
Carlsbad NM KHHA 1240 WFMT 1450 WQXL 1470 Dalton, Ga. WBLJ 1230
KBAD 740 WGN 720 Columbia, Tenn. WMCP 1280
WRCD 1430
KCCC 930 WJPC 950 WKRM 1340 WTTI 1530
Carmel, Calif. KRML 1410 WIND 560 Columbus Ga. WDAK 540 Danbury, Conn. WLAD 800
Carmi, Ill. WROY 1460 WJJD 1160 WRBL 1420 Danville, III, WDAN 1490
Carmichael, CA KF IA 710 WLS 890 WRCG 1440 WITY 980
Carnegie, PA WPLW 1590 WMAQ 670 WHYD 1270 Danville, Ky. WHIR 1230
W KYO 1360 WMBI 1110 WCLS 1580 WOOP 1000
Carolina WVOZ 1490 WVON 1390 WOKS 1340 Danville, Pa. WPGM 1570
Carrington, N.Dak. WSBC 1240 WPNX 1460 Danville, Va. WBTM 1330
Carrizo Springs, Tex. Chicago Hats., Ill. WMPP 1470 Columbus, Ind. WCSI 1010 WYPR 970
KBEN 1450 WCGO 1600 Columbus, Miss. WACR 1050 WDVA 1250
Carroll, Iowa KCIM 1380 Chickasha, Okla. KWCO 1560 WCBI 550 WILA 1580
Carollton AL WRAG 590 Chico, Calif. K HSL 1290 WMBC 1400 Dardanelle AR KCAB 080
Carrollton, Ga. WLBB 1100 KPAY 1060 Columbus, Nebr. KJSK Darlington, S.C. WDAB 1350
WPPI 1330 Chicopee, Mass. WAGE 730 KTTT 1590010 Davenport, Iowa WOO 1420
Carrollton, Mo. KAOL 1430 Chielland, Fla. WLQH 940 Columbus, Ohio WBNS 1460 KWNT 1580
Carson City, Nev. KPTL 1300 Childress, Tex. KCTX 1510 WOOL 1230 KSTT 1170
Cartersville, Ga. WBHF 1450 Chillicothe, Mo. KCHI 1010 WMN1 920 Dawson, Ga. WDWD 990
WKRW 1270 Chillicothe, Ohlo WBEX 1490 WOSU 820
Carthage, Ill. WCAZ 990 WCHI 1350 WTVN 610 Dayton, Ohio WHIO 1290
Carthage, Mo. KDMO 1490 Chipley, Fla. WBGC 1240 WVKO 1580 WING 1410
Carthage, MS W ECP 1480 Chippewa Falls WI WAVY 1150 Colville, Wash. KCVL 1270 WONE 980
Carthage, Tenn. WRKM 1350 Christiansburg, Va. WJJJ 1260 Comanche, Tex. KCOM 1550 WAVI 1210
Carthage, Tex. KGAS 1590 Christiansted, V.I. WSTX 970 Commerce, Ga. W)JC 1270 Dayton, Tenn. WDNT 1280
Caruthersville, Mo. KCRV 1370 Church Hill, Tenn. WMCH 1260 Concord, Calif. KWUN 1480 Daytona Beach, Fla.
Casa Grande AZ KPIN 1260 Churchville, VA WABH 1150 Concord, N.H. WKXL 1450 WNDB 1150
Casey, Ill. WKZI 800 Cicero, Ill. WVON 1450 Concord, N.C. WEGO 1410 WMFJ 1450
Casper, Wyo. KTWO 1030 Cincinnati, Ohio WCKY 1530 Concordia, Kans. KNCK 1390 WROD 1340
KVOC 1230 WCIN 1480 Conneaut, Ohio WWOW 1360 Deadwood, S.Dak. KDS1 980
KATI 1400 WKRC 550 Connelisville, Pa. WCVI 1340 Dearborn MI WWKR 1310
Cathedral City, CA KWXY 1340 WLW 700 Connersville, Ind. WCNB 1580 Decatur AL WHOS 600
Catskill, N.Y. WCKL 560 WSA I 1360 Conroe, TX KIKR WAJ F 1490
Cave City. KY WKVE 800 WUBE 1230 Conway AR KCON 1923000 WMSL 1400
Cayce, S.C. WCAY 620 WZIP 1050 KVEE 1330 Decatur -Atlanta, Ga.
Cayey, P.R. WLEY 1080 Circleville OH WNRE 1540 Conway, N.H. WBNC 1050 WGUN 1010
Cedar City, Utah KSUB 590 Clanton AL WKLF 980 Conway, S.C. WLAT 1330 WXLL 1310
KBRE 940 Clare MI WRNN 990 WJXY 1050 Decatur, Ill. WDZ 1050
Cedar Falls, Iowa KCFI 1250 Claremont, N.H. WTSV 1230 Cookeville, Tenn. WHUB 1400 WSOY 1340
Cedar Rapids, Iowa KCRG 1600 Claremore, Okla. KWPR 1270 WPTN 1550 Decatur, Ind. WADM 1540
KLWW 1450 Clairon, Pa. WWCH 1300 Coolidge AZ KCKY 1150 KWLC 1240
WMT 600 Clarksburg, W. Va. WBOY 1400 Coos Bay OR KHSN 1230 Decorah, Iowa KWLC 1240
KHAK 1360 WHAR 1340 KYNG 1420 Deer Lodge, Mont. KDRG 1400
Cedartown, Ga. WGAA 1340 WPDX 750 Copper Hill, Tenn. WLSB 1400 Defiance, Ohio WONW 1280
Celina, Ohio WCSM 1350 Clarksdale, Miss. WKDL 1600 Coauille, Oreg. KWRO De Funiak Springs, Fla.
Center, Tex. KDET 930 Clarkston, WA KCLK 1430 Coral Gables, FL WR HC 1655030 WGTX 1280
Centerville, Iowa KCOG 1400 Clarksville AR KLYR 1360 WVCG 1080 WZEP 1460
Centerville, Ind. WHON 930 Clarksville, GA WIAF 1500 Corbin, Ky. WCTT 680 De Kalb, Ill. WLBK 1360
Centreville, Miss. WLBS 1580 Clarksville, Tenn. WJZM 1400 WYGO 1330 De Land. Ha. W ETO 1490
Centerville. Tenn. WHLP 1570 WDXN 540 Cordele, Ga. WMJM 1490 WKKX 1310
Centerville, UT K LR K 1600 Clarksville, Tex. KCAR 1350 Cordova AK KLAM 1450 Delano, Calif. KCHJ 1010
Central City, Ky. WNES 1050 Claxton, Ga. WCLA 1470 Corinth, Miss. WCMA 1230 Delaware, Ohio WDLE 1550
WMTA 1380 Clayton. Ga. WGHC 1570 WKCU 1350 Delray, Bch., Fla. WDBF 1420
Centralia, Ill. WILY 1210 Clayton, MO KADI 1320 Cornelia, Ga. WCON 1450 Del Rio, Tex. KDLK 1230
Centralia & Chehalis, Wash. KFUO 850 Corning AR KCCB 1260 KWMC 1490
KELA 1470 KXLW 1320 Corning, N.Y. WCBA 1350 Delta, Colo. KDTA 1400
KITI 1420 Clayton, N.Mex. KLMX 1450 WCLI 1450 Delta, UT KDLT 540
Centre AL WAGC 1560 Clayton NC WHPY 1590 Cornwall, N.Y. WWLE 1170 Deming, N.M. KOTS 1230
WEIS 990 Clearfield, Pa. WCPA 900 Corona, Cal. KWRM 1370 Demopolis AL WXAL 1400
Centreville AL WBIB 1110 Clearwater, Fla. WTAN 1340 Corpus Christi, TX (CIA 1030 Denham Sures., La. WLBI 1220
Ceres, Calif. KLOC 920 WAZE 860 KCCT 1150 Denison, Iowa KDSN 1530
Chadburn, N.C. WVOE 1590 Cleburne, Tex. KCLE 1120 KEYS 1440 Denison -Sherman, Tex.
Chadron, Nebr. KCSR 610
Clemson, S.C. WCCP 1560 KRYS 1360 KDSX 950
Chambersburg, Pa. WCHA 800 Clermont FL WSLC 1340 KSIX 1230 DenmarkBamberg, S.C.
WCBG 1590
Cleveland, Ga. WRWH 1350 KUNO 1400 WWBD 790
Champaign, Ill. WDWS 1400 Cleveland, Miss. WCLD 1490 Corry, PA WWCB 1370 Tea.KDNT 1440
Chanute, Kan. KKOY 1460 WDSK 1410 Corsicana, Tex. KAND 1340 Denver CO KAAT 1090
Chapel H111. N.C. WCHL 1360
Cleveland OH WWWE 1100 Cortez, Colo. KVFC 740 KDEN 1340
WRBX 1530
WMGC 1260 Cortland, N.Y. WKRT 920 KFML 1390
Chardon, 0. WBKC 1560
WERE 1900 Corvallis, Ore. KLOO 1340 (HOW 630
Charleroi, Pa. WESA 940 KFLY 1240 KIMN 950
Charles City, Iowa KCHA 1580 WGAR 1220 KOAC 550 KLIR 990
Charleston, Ill. WEIC 1270 WHK 1420 Corydon, Ind. WPDF 1550 KLZ 560
Charleston, Mo. KCHR 1350 WABQ 1540 Coshocton, Ohio WINS 1560 KERE 710
Charleston, S.C. WCSC 1390 WJW 850 Cottage Grove, Ore. KNND 1400 KOA 850
WOKE 1340 Cleveland, Tenn. WBAC 1340 Cottonwood AZ KVIO 1600 KPOF 910
WPAL 730 WCLE 1570 Coudersport, Pa. WFRM 600 KBNO 1220
WQSN 1450 Cleveland, TX KJCH 1410 Council Bluffs, Iowa KTLI( 1280
WTMA 1250 Cleve. Hghts., Ohio WJMO 1490 (ROB 1560 DeQueen AR KDQN 1390
Charleston, W.Va. WCAW 680 Clewiston, Fla. WOWY 1590 Courtenay, B.C. CFCP 1440 DeRidder, La. KDLA 1010
WCHS 580 Clifton AZ KCUZ 1490 Covington, Ga. WGFS 1430 Dermott, AR KAKA 1110
WXIT 490 Clifton Forge VA WXCF 1230 Covington, Ky. WCLU 1320 DeSoto, Mo. KHAD 1190
W KAZ 950 Clincho, Va. WDIC 1430 Covington, La , WARB 730 Des Moines, Iowa KCBC 1390
WTIP 240 Clinton, AR KGFL 1110 Covington, Tenn. WKBL 1250 KIOA 940
Charles Towns, WV Clinton, III. WHOW 1520 Covington, Va. WKEY 1340 KRNT 1350
WXVA 550 Clinton, Iowa KCLN 1390 Cowan, Tenn. WZYX 1440 KSO 1460
Charlesvoix, MI WVOY 270 KROS 1340 Cozad, Neb, KAM1 1580 KWKY 1150
Charlotte, Mich. WCER 390 Clinton, Mo. KDKD 1280 Craig, Colo. KRAI 550 WHO 1040
Charlotte, N.C. WBT 110 Clinton, NC WRRZ 880 Crane TX KBSN 810 Detroit, Mich. WCAR 1130
WAYS 610 WCLN 1170 Crawfordsville, Ind. WDEE 1500
WGIV 600 Clinton, Okla. KWOE 1320 WCVL 1550 WJLB 1400
WHVN 310 Clinton, S.C. WPCC 1410 Crescent CIty, Calif. KPLY 1240 WJR 760
WSOC 930 Clinton, Tenn. WYSH 1380 KPOD 1310 WWJ 950
WIST 240 Cloquet, Minn. WKLK 1230 Creston, Iowa KSIB 1520 WXYZ 1270
WAME 480 Clovis, CA KXQR 790 Crestview, Fla. WCNU 1010 Detroit Lakes, Minn.
WRPL 540 Clovis, N.Mex. KCLV 1240 WJSB 1050 KDLM 1340
Charlotte Amalie, V.I. KICA 980 Crewe, Va. WSVS 800 Devils Lake, N.Dak.
WVW1 000 KWKA 680 Crockett, Tex. KIVY 1290 KDLR 1240
WSTA 340 Coachella, Calif. KCHV 970 Crookston, Minn. KROX 1260 DeWitt AR KDEW 1470
Charlottesville, Va. WCHV 260 Coamo, P.R. WCPR 1450 Crossett AR KAGH 800 Dexter, Mo. KDEX 1590
WELK 010 Coatesville. Pa. WGOJ 1420 Crossville, Tenn. WAEW 1330 Diboll, Tex. KSPL 1260
WINA 070 Cochran, Ga. WVMG 1440 WCSV 1490 Dickinson, N.Dak. KD1X 1230
Chase City, Va. WMEK 980 Cocoa Beach FL WCW R 1350 Crowley, La. KSIG 1450 KLTC 1460
Chatham, Va. W KBY 080 WWBC 1510 KAJN 1560 Dickson, Tenn. WDKN 1260
Chattahoochee, Fla. WMOD 1300 Crozet, Va, WPED 810 Dillon, Mont. KDBM 1490
WSBP 580 Cody, Wyo. KODI 1400 Crystal Lake, Ill. WIVS 850 Dillingham, AK KDLG 670
Chattanooga, Tenn. WMOC 450 Coeur d'Alene 11) KVNI 1080 Cuba, MO KBCC 1410 Dillon, S.C. WDSC 800
WDEF 370 Coffeyville, Kans. KGGF 690 Cuero, TX KEWS 1600 Dimmitt, Tex. KDHN 470
WDOD 310 Colby, Kans. KXXX 790 Cullman AL WFMH 1460 Dinuba, Calif. KRDU 130
WDXB 490 Coldwater, Mich. WTVB 1590 WKUL 1340 Dixon, ill. W I XN 460
WGOW 150 Coleman, Tex. KSTA 1000 Culpeper, Va. WCVA 1490 Dobson NC WYZD 560
WN00 260 Colfax, Wash. KCLX 1450 Cumberland, Ky. WCPM 1280 Dodge City, Kans. KGNO 370
Cheboygan, Mlch. WCBY 240 College Park, GA WSSA 1570 Cumberland MD WCMD 1230 KEDD 550
Cheektowaga, N.Y. WNIA 230 College Station, Tex. WCBC 1270 Dodgeville, Wis. WDMP 810
Chehalis -Centralia, Wash. WTAW 1150 WTBO 1450 Donalsonville, Ga. WSEM 500
KITI 420 Collierville TN WMSO 1590 Cumming, GA WSNE 1170 Donaldsonville, La. WSLG 090
Chelan, Wash. KOZI 230 Collinsville, Va. WFIC 1530 Cushing, Okla. KUSH 1660 Donelson, Tenn. WAMB 190
Cheraw, S.C. WCRE 420 Colonial Heights, Va. Cuthbert, Ga. WCUG 850 Doniphans, Mo. (DEN 500
Cherryville, N.C. WCSL 590 WPVA 1290 Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio Dothan AL WAGE 320
Cherokee, Iowa KCHE 440 Colorado CIty, Tex. KVMC 1320 WCUE 1150 WDIG 450
Chesapeake, Va. WCPK 600 Colo. Sprgs., Colo. KRDO 1240 Cypress Gardens, Fla. WOOF 560
Chester. Ill. KSGM 980 KPIK 1580 WGTO 540 Douglas AZ KDAP 450


Location Cali kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz

KAPR 930 Endicott, N.Y. WENE 1430 Forrest City AR KX.11( 950 Gaylord, Mich. WATC 900
Douglas, Ga. WDMG 860 Englewood, CO KWBZ 1150 Forsyth, MT K 1 KC 1250 Geneseo IL WGEN 1500
WOKA 1310 Englewood, Fla. WENG 1530 Ft. Atkinson, Wls. WFAW 940 Geneva AL WGEA 1150
Douglas, Wyo. KWIV 1050 Englewood, Tenn. WENR 1090 Ft. Bragg, Calif. KDAC 1230 Geneva, Ill. WGSB 1480
Douglasville, Ga. WDGL 1520 Enid, Okla. KCRC 1390 Ft. Campbell, Ky. WABD 1370 Geneva, N.Y. WGVA 1240
Dover, Del. WDOV 1410 KGWA 960 Ft. Collins, Colo. KCOL 1410 Georgetown, Del. WJWL 900
WKEN 1600 Enterprise AL WIRB 600 KIIX 600 Georgetown, Ky. WAXU 1580
Dover, N.H. WTSN 1270 Enterprise, Oreg. KWVR 1340 Ft. Dodge, Iowa KVFD 1400 Georgetown, S.C. WGTN 1400
Dover, N.J. WRAN 1510 Ephrata, Pa. WGSA 1310 KWMT 540 WINH 1470
Dover-Foxeroft, ME WDME 1340 Ephrata, Wash. KULF 730 Ft. Kent. ME WLVC 1340 Georgetown, Tex. KGTN 1530
Dover -New Philadelphia, 0. Erie. Pa. WLKK 1260 Ft. Knox, Ky. WSAC 1470 Gettysburg, Pa. WGET 1320
WJER 1450 WJET 1400 Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. WFTL 1400 Gillette, Wyo. KIML 1270
Dowagiac, Mich. WDOW 1440 WRI E 1330 WIXX 1520 Gilmer TX KHYM 1080
Doylestown, Pa. WBUX 1570 WWGO 1450 WSRF 1580 Gilroy, Cal. KAZA 1290
Dublin, Ga. W M LT 1330 Erwin, Tenn. WEMB 1420 WAYS 1190 Gladewater, Tex. KEES 1430
WXLT 1230 Escanaba, Mich. WDBC 680 Ft. Madison, Iowa KXGI 1360 GladwIn, MI WJEB 1350
Du Bola, Pa. WCED 1420 Escanaba MI WBDN 600 Ft. Morgan, Colo. KFTM 1400 Glasgow, Ky. WKAY 1490
Dubuque, Iowa KDTH 1370 Escondido, Calif. KOWN 1450 Ft. Myers, Fla. WINK 1240 WCDS 1440
WDBQ 1490 Espanola, N. M. KDCE 970 WMYR 1410 Glasgow, Mont. KLTZ 1240
Duluth, Minn. KDAL 610 Estes Park, CO KSIR 1470 WCAI 1350 Glen Burnie, Md.
WEBC 560 Estherville, la. KILR 1070 Fort Payne AL WFPA 1400 Glendale AZ KRUX 1380
KAOH 1390 Etowah, Tenn. WCPH 1220 WZOB 1250 Glendale, Calif. KIEV 870
WWJC 850 Eufula AL WULA 1240 Ft. Pierce, FL WFTP 1330 Glendive, Mont. KXGN 1400
Dumas AR KDDA 1560 Eugene, Ore. KEED 1450 WI RA 1400 KGLE
Dumas, Tex. KDDD 800 KASH 1600 Ft. Scott, Kans. KMDO 1600 Glennallen AK KCAM 790
Duncan, Okla. KRHD 1350 KATR 1320 Fort Smith AR KFPW 1230 Glens Falls. N.Y. WBZA 1410
Dunedin FL WDCL 1470 KORE 1050 KFSA 950 WWSC 1450
Dundee, N.Y. WFLR 1570 KBDF 1280 KTCS 1410 Glenville, Ga. WKIG 1580
Dunnelion, Fla. WTRS 920 KPNW 1120 KWHN 1320 Glenwood Soros., Colo.
Dunkirk. N.Y. WDOE 1410 KUGN 590 Ft. Stockton, Tex. KFST 860 KGLN 980
Dunn, N.C. WCKB 70 Eunice, La. KEUN 1490 Ft. Valley, Ga. WFPM 1150 Globe, AZ KPPR 1240
Du Quoin, Ill. WDQN 1580 Eupora, MS WEPA 710 Ft. Walton Beath, Fla. Gloucester, Va. WDDY 1420
Durand, Win. WRDN 1430 Eureka, Calif. KINS 980 WNUE 1400 Gloversville -Johnston NY
Durango, Colo. KIUP 930 KHUM 790 WFTW 1260 WENT 1340
KDGO 1240 KRED 1480 Ft. Wayne, Ind. WEIL 1250 Gold Beach, Oreg. KBLY 1220
Durant, Okla. KSFO 750 Eustis, Fla. WLCO 1240 WFWR 1090 Golden Meadow, LA
Durham, N.C. WDNC 1410 Evanston, IIL WEAW 1330 WOWO 1190 KLEB 1600
WSRC 0 WLTD 1590 WLYV 1450 Golden Valley, Minn.
WDUR 1490 Evanston, Wyo. KEVA 1240 WMEE 1380 KQRS 1440
WTI K 1310 Evansville, Ind. WROZ 1400 Ft. Worth, Tex. KJIM 870 KUXL 1570
Dyersburg, Tenn. WDSG 1450 WGBF 1280 l(RXV 1540 Goldsboro, N.C. WFMC 730
WTRO 1330 WIKY 820 KFJZ 1270 WGBR 1150
Eagle Pass, Tex. KEPS 1270 WJPS 1330 KNOK 970 WYNG 1300
Eagle River, Wis. WERL 950 Eveleth, Minn. WEVE 1340 WBAP 820 Gonzales, LA WSLG 1090
Easley, S.C. WELP 1360 Everett, Pa. WSKE 1050 KXOL 1360 Gonzales, Texas KCT1 1450
E. Grand Forks, Minn. Everett, Wash. KRKO 1380 Fosston, Minn. KEHG 1480 Goodland, Kans. KLOE 790
Eastland. Tex.
KRAD 1590
KERC 1590
E. Lansing, Mich. WKAR 870
WVIC 730

Exeter, N.H.
KWYZ 1230

KEXS 1090
WKXR 1540
Fostoria, Ohio
Fowler, Calif.
WFOB 1430
Fountain Inn, S.C. WPM 1600
KLIP 1220
Framingham, Mass. WKOX 1190
Gordon, Ga.
Goshen, Ind.
Gouverneur, N.Y.
Grafton. ND
WKOG 1560
WKAM 1460
WIGS 1230
KXPO 1340
E. Liverpool, Ohio WOHI 1490 Frankfort, Ind. WILO 1570 Grafton, W.Va. WVVW 1260
East Longmeadow, Mass. Fairbanks AK KFAR 660 Frankfort. Ky. WFKY 1490 Graham, N.C. WSML 1190
WIXY 1600 KFRB 900 WKED 1130 Graham, Tex. KSWA 1330
Eastman, Ga. WUFF 710 KIAK 970 Franklin, Ky. WFKN 1220 Grand Forks, N.D. KFJM 1370
E. Moline, IL WDLM 960 Fair Bluff, N.C. WWKO 480 Franklin, La. KFRA 1390 KKXL 1440
E. Point, Ga. WTJH 260
Fairbury, Nebr. KGMT 310 Franklin, N.C. WFSC 1050 KNOX 1310
East Prairie, Mo. KGCL 080
Fairfax, Va. WEEL 310 Franklin, N.H. WFTN 1240 Grand Haven, Mich.
E. St. Louis IL WESL 490 Fairfield AL WJLD 400 Franklin, Pa. WFRA 1450 WGHN 1370
E. Syraeuse, NY WYRD 540 Fairfield. Ill WFIW 390 Franklin, Tenn. WAGG 950 Grand Island, Nebr.
Easton MD WEMD 460 Fairfield, Iowa KMCD 570 WIZO 1380 KMMJ 750
Easton, Pa. WEEX 230 Fairfield, 0. WCNW 560 Franklin, Va. WYSR 1250 KRGI 1430
Fairhope AL WABF 220
Franklinton, La. Grand Junction, Colo.
WEST 400 Fairmont, Minn. K SU M 370 WFCG 1110
Eaton, OH WCTM 130 Fairmont, N.C. WFMO 860 Frederick, Md. WFMD 930
Eatonton, Ga. WXPQ 520 WZYQ 1370 KEXO 1230
Eatontown, N.J. WHTG 410 Fairmont, W.Va. WMMN 920 Frederick, Okla. KTAT 1570 KSTR 620
Eau Claire, Wis. WEAQ 790 WTCS 1490 KQIL 1340
Fairway, Kan. KUDL 1380 Fredericksburg, Tex. Grand Prairie, Tex.
K 400 Fajardo P.R. WMDD 1480 KNAF 910 KKDA 730
WOKL 050 Falfurrias, Tex. KPSO 1260 Fredericksburg, VA WFAV 1230
Eau Gallic, FL WTAI 560 WFLS 1350 Grand Rapids, MI WMAX 1480
Ebensburg, Pa. WEND 580 Fallon, Nev. KVLV 980 Frederleksterl, VI WCUZ 1230
Fall River, Mass. WALE 1400 WRRA 1290 WFUR 1570
Eden, NC WCBX 130
WSAR 1480 Fredericktown, Mo.
WLOE 490 KFTW (450 WGRD 1410
Edenton, N.C. WCDJ 260 Falls Church, Va. WFAX 1220 Fredonia, N.Y. WBUZ 1570 WLAV 1340
Edinburg, Tex. KURV 710 Falls City, Nebr. KTNC 1230 Freeport. Ill. WFRL 1570 WOOD 1300
Edmonds, Wash. KGDN 830 Fargo, N.Dak. WDAY 970 Freeport, N.Y. WGBB 1240 Grand Rapids MN KOZY 1320
Edna, Tex. KWBY 1130 KFGO 790 Freeport, Tex. KBRZ 1460 Granger, UT KRGO 1550
Effingham, Ill. WCRA 1090 KFNW 1170 Freemont, Mich. WSHN 1550 Grangeville, Idaho KORT 1230
Elba AL WELB 1350 KQWB 1550 Fremont, Nebr. KHUB 1340 Granite City, Ill. WGNU 920
Elberton, Ga. WSGC 1400 Faribault, Minn. KDHL 920 Fremont, Ohlo WFRO 900 Granite Falls, N. C.
El Cajon, Calif. KDEO 910 FarmersvIlle, La. KTDL 1470 Fresno, Calif. KARM 1430 WKJK 900
El Campo, Tex. KULP 1390 Farmington, Me. WKTJ 1380 Grants, N.Mex. KMIN 980
Farmington, Mo. KREI 800 KBIF 900 Grants Pass, Oreg. KAGI 990
El Centro, Calif. KXO 1230 Farmington, N.M. KENN 1390 KIRV 15)0
KAMP 1430 KEAP 980 KAJO 1270
El Dorado AR KDMS 1290 KWYK 960 KXEX 1550 Grass Valley CA KNCO 1250
KELD 1400 KRZE 1280 KFRE 940 Grayling, MI WGRY 1590
El Dorado KS KOYY 1430 FarmvIlle, N.C. WFAG 1250 KGST 1600 Grayson, Ky. WOOH 1970
Eldorado Springs. Mo. Farmvllle, Va. WFLO 870 KMAX 1340 Gt. Barrington, Mass.
KESM 1580 Farrell, Pa. WFAR 1470 KM1 580 WSBS 860
Eleele, Kanal, Hawaii Farwell, Tex. KZOL 1570 KYNO 1300 Gt. Bend. Kans. KVGB 1590
KUAI 720 Fayette AL WWWF 990 Friona, Tex. KNNN 1070 Great Falls MT KEIN 1310
Elgin, Ill. WRMN 1410 Fayetteville AR KHOG 1440 Front Royal, Va. WFTR 1450 Kool 1450
Ellijay, GA WLEJ 1560 KFAY 1250 Frostburg, Md. WFRB 560 KMON 560
Elizabeth, N.J. WJDM 1530 Fayetteville, N.C. WFAI 1230 Fulton, Ky, KARR 1400
WFNC 940 WFUL 1270 Greeley, Colo.
Elizabeth City, N. C. Fulton, Miss. WFTO 1330 KFKA 1310
WCNC 1240 WFLB 1490 KYOU 1450
WGAI 560 WIDU 1600 Fulton, Mo. KFAL 900 Green Bay, WI WGEE 1360
Elizabethton, Tenn. WBEJ 1240 Fayetteville, Tenn. Fulton, N.Y. WOSC 1300 WDUZ 1400
WIDD 1520 WEKR 1245 Euq,lay-Varina, N.C, WNFL 1440
Elizabethtown, Ky. WIEL 1400 WIXC 1140 WAKS 1460
Elizabethtown, N.C. Fergus Falls, Minn. Gadsden AL WGAD 1350 Greeneville, Tenn. WGRV 1340
KBRF 1250 WJBY 930 WSMG 1450
WBLA 1440 WAAX 570 Greenfield, Mass. W HAI 1240
Elizabethtown, Pa. WPDC 1600 Fernandina Beach FL
Elk City, OK KADS 1240 WYHI 1570 Gaffney, S.C. WFGN 1570 Green Giver, WY KUGR 1490
Ferriday, La. KFNV 1600 W EAC 1500 Greensboro, N.C. WBIG 1470
Elkhart, Ind. WCMR 1270 Gainesville, Fla. WDVH 980 WCOG 1320
WTRC 1340 Festus, Mo. KJCF 1400
Elkins, N.C. WIFM 1540 Festus-St. Louis, Mo. WGGG 1230 WEAL 1510
Elkins, W.Va. WDNE 1240 KXEN 1010 WRUF 850 WGBG 1400
Elko, Nev. Findlay. Ohio WFIN 1330 WAKA 1390 WPET 950
KELK 1240 Gainesville, Ga. WGGA 550 Greensburg, Ind. WIRE 1330
Elkton, Md. WSER 1550 fisher, W.Va. WELD 690 WDUN 1240
Elkton, KY WSRG itchburg, Mass. WEIM 1280 Greensburg, KY WORK 1550
WFGL 960 WNRJ 1130 Greensburg, Pa. WHJB 620
Ellensburg, Wash. KXLE 1240 Gainesville, Tex. KGAF 1580 Greenville AL WGYV 1380
Ellenville, N.Y. WELV 1370 Fitzgerald, Ga. WBHB 1240
Flagstaff AZ KCLS 600 Galax. Va. WBOB 1360 Greenville, Mich. WPLB 1380
Ellijay, GA WEGB 1560 Galesburg, Ill. WGIL 1400 Greenville, Miss. WJPR 1330
Ellsworth, Me. WDEA 1370 KAFF 930 WAIK 1590
Elmhurst, IL WKDC 1530 KEOS 690 WDDT 900
Flat River, Mo. KFMO 1240 Galion, OH WGLX 1570 WGVM 1260
Elmira, N.Y. WELM 1410
Flint, Mich. Gallatin, Tenn. WHIN 1010 W BZQ 1550
WENY 1230 WFDF 910 WAMG 1130
Elmira Heights - WTRX 1330 Greenville, N.C. WNCT 1070
Horseheads, N.Y. WEHH 1590 WAMM 1420 Gallipolls, Ohio WJEH 990 WOOW 1340
WCZN 1570 Gallup, N. Mex. KGAK 1330 WPXY 1590
El Paso, TX KROD. 600 KYVA 1230 Greenville, Pa. WORP 940
KAMA 1060 WKMF 1470 KILE 1400
KELP 920 WTAC 800 Galveston TX Greenville, S.C. WESC 660
Flomaton AL WTCB 990 KGBC 1540 WFBC 1330
KHEY 690 Garden City, Ga. WMNT 1520 WHYZ 1070
KINT 1590 Florence AL WXOR 1340 KUIL 1240
WOWL 1240 Garden City, Kan. WMRB 1490
KISO 1150 KBUF 1050 WMTY 1090
KSET 1340 Florence, S.C. WJMX 970 Garden City, Mich. WIID 1090
KTSM 1380 WOLS 1230 WMUU 1260
El Reno OK WYNN 540 Gardiner, Me. WABK 1280 WQ0K 1440
KCAN 1460 Gardner, Mass. WGAW 1340 Greenville, TX KGVL 1400
Ely, Minn. WELY 1450 Floydada, Tex. KFLD 900
Ely, Nev. Foley AL WHEP 1310 Garner, N.C. WKBQ 1000 Greenwich. Conn. WGCH 1490
KELY 1230 Gary, Ind. WWCA 1270 Greenwood, AR KCAJ 1510
Elyria. Ohio WEOL 930 Fond du Lae, Wis. KFIZ 1450
Eminence, Ky. Fordyce AR KBJT 1570 WLTH 1370 Greenwood, Miss. WABD 960
VISTL 1600 Garyville, La. WKQT 1011) WGRM 1240
Emporia, Kane. KVOE 1400 Forest. MS WMAG 850
Forest City, N.C. WBBO 780 Gastonia, NC WGNC 1450 WSWG 1540
Emporia, Va. WEVA 860 WAGY 1320 WLTC 1370 Greenwood, S.C. WCRS 1450
Emporium, Pa. WLEM 1250 Forks. Wash. KVAC 1490 Gate City. Va. WGAT 1050 WMTY 1090


Location Coll kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz

WEAB 800 WSPF 1000 WGNB 1520 K M BZ 980

Greer, S.C. KPRS 1590
WCKI 1300 Highland, Ill. WINU 1510 ndlo, Calif. KREO 1400
Grenada, Miss. WNAG 1400 Highland Park IL WQVQ 1430 nglewood, Calif. KTYM 1460 WDAF 610
Gresham, Oreg. KRDR 1230 Highland Park, Tex. KVIL 1150 nez, KY WFJT (590 WHB 710
Gretna, La. KGLA 1540 Highland Springs, Va. nkster, Mieh. WCHB 1440 Kaukauna, Wis. WKAU 1050
Gretna VA WMNA 750 WENZ 1450 nternational Falls, Minn. Xealakekua, Hawall
Griffin, Ga. WKEU 1450 High Point, N.C. WMFR 1230 KGHS 1230 KKON 790
WHIE 1320 WGLD 1590 nverness, Fia. WYSE 1560 Kearney, Nebr. KGFW 340
WGRI 1410 WGOS 1070 ola, KS KI KS 1370 KRNY 460
Grinnell, Iowa KGRN 1410 Hillsboro, Ohio WSRW 1590 onia, MI WION 1430 Keene, N.H. WKNE 290
Groton -New London CT Hillsboro, Oreg. KUIK 1360 owa City. Iowa KXIC 800 WKBK 220
WSUB 980 Hilisuoro, Tex. KHBR 1560 KCJJ 1560 Kelso, Wash. KLOG 490
Grove City, Pa. WSAJ 1340 Hillsdale, Mich. WCSR 1340 owa Falls, la. KIFG 1510 Kemmerer, Wyo. K M ER 950
Grundy, Va. WNRG 940 Hillsville, Va. WHHV 1400 rondale AL WLPH 1480 Kendallville, Ind. WAWK 140
Guayama, P.R. WXRF 1590 Hilo, HI KPUA 870 ron Mtn., Mich. WMIQ 1450 Kenedy-Karnes City, Texas
Gulfport. MS WGUF 1130 KIPA 620 ron River, Mich. WI KB 1230 KAML 990
WGCM 1240 KHLO 850 ronton, Ohlo WIRO 1230 Kennett, Mo. KBOA 830
Gulfport -Biloxi, MS Hindman, KY WKCB 1340 ronton, MO KPIA 1480 KBXM 540
WROA 1390 Ga. KGML 990 ronwood. Mich. W.IMS 590 Kennewick, WA KOTY 34u
Gunnison, Colo. KG UC 1490 Hinton, W.Va. WMTD 1380 rvine, Ky. WIRY 1550 KONA 610
Guntersville AL WGSV 1270 Hobart, Okla. KTJS 1420 sabella, P.R. WISA 1390 (enosha, Wis. WL1P 050
Guthrie, Okla. KO KC 1490 Hobbs, N.Mex. KWEW 1480 shpeming, Mich. WJPD 1240 Cent, 0. WKNT 520
Guymon, Okla. KGYN 1210 KHOB 1390 WUPY 970 <entwood, MI WKWM 1140
Hackensack. NJ WWDJ 970 Hohenwald, TN WMLR 1230 slip, N.Y. WLIX 540 (eokuk, Iowa KOKX 310
Hackettstown, NJ WRNJ 10011 Holbrook AZ KDJI 1270 thaca, N.Y. WHCU 870 (ermit, Tex. KERB 600
Hagerstown, Md. WARK 1490 Holdenville, OK KVYL 1370 WTKO 470 (errville, Tex. KERV 230
WJEJ 1240 Holdredge, Nebr. KUVR 1380 uka. Miss. WVOM 270 <ershaw, S.C. WKSC 300
Hailey, Idaho KSKI 1340 Holland, Mich. WHTC 1450 ackson, AL WHOD 230 Ketchikan AK KTKN 930
Haines City, Fla. WHAN 930 WJBL 1260 ackson, Ga. WJGA 540 <ewanee, Ill. W K El 450
Haleyville AL WJBB 1230 Holly Hill SC WKHJ 1440 ackson, Ky. WEKG 810 (eyser, W.Va. WKLP 390
Halfway, Md. WHAG 1410 Hollister, Cal. KMPG 1540 ackson, Mich. WIBM 450 fey West, Fla. WKWF 600
Hamilton AL WERH 970 Hollywood, Fla. WGMA 1320 WKHM 970 WKIZ 500
Hamilton, MT KLYQ 1241 Holly Springs, Miss. W.ICO 510 <ilgore, Tex. KOCA 240
Hamilton, Ohio WMOH 1450 WKRA 1110 Jackson, Miss. WJDX 620 Killeen TX KIXS 050
Hamilton, Tex. KCLW 900 Holyoke, Mass. WREB 930 WIGS 400 Kimball, Nebr. K1MB 260
Hamlet, N. C. WKDX 1250 Homestead, FL WON 1430 WJXN 450 King, N.C. WKTE 090
Hammond. Ind. WJOB 1230 Homewood, Ala. WILD 1400 WOKJ 550 King City, Calif. KR KC 490
Hammond, La. WFPR 1400 Hondo, Tex. KRME 1460 WYIG 590 Kingman AZ KAAA 230
Hammonton NJ WRDI 1580 Honesdale PA WHPA 1590 WRBC 300 Kings Mountain, N.C.
Hampton, S.C. WBHC 1270 KAIM 670 WSLI 930 W l(MT 220
Honolulu, HI Kingsport, Tenn. WKIN 320
Hampton VA WWDE 1490 KISA 1540 Jackson MO KJAS 170
Hancock, Mich. WMPL 920 KCCN 1420 Jackson, Ohio WLMJ 280 WICPT 400
WDHN 1590 KGMB 590 Jackson, Tenn. WOXI 310 WGOC 090
Hanesdale PA WGHQ 920
Hanford, Calif. KNGS 620 KI00 1210 WQZQ 460
Hannibal, Mo. KHMO 1070 KIOE 1080 WTJS 390 WKNY 490
Hanover, N.H. WTSL 1400 KPOI 990 Jackson, Wis. WYLO 540 Kingston TN WTNR 410
WDCR 1540 KIKI 830 Jackson, Wyo. KSGT 340 Kingstree, S.C. WDKD 310
Hanover, Pa. WHVR 1280 KGU 760 Jacksonville AL WJXL 810 WKSP 090
Hardin, Mont. KHDN 1230 KHVH 1040 Jacksonville AR KGMR 500 Kingsville, Tex. KINE 330
Hardinsburg, Ky. WHIC 1520 KKUA 690 Jacksonville, Fla. 930 Kingwood, W.Va. WFSP 560
Hardy, AR KSRB 1570 KNDI 1270 WAPEWJAX 690 Kinston. N.C. WELS 010
Harlan, Ky. WHLN 1410 KOHO 1170 WV0.1 1320 WFTC 960
WFSR 1470 KOHL 850 WEXI 1280 WISP 230
KUMU 1500 WPDQ 1460 Kirkland, WA KGAA 460
Harlingen, Tex. KGBT 1530 Kirksville, Mo. KI RX 450
Harrisburg, Ill. WEBQ 1240 Hood River, Oreg. KIHR 1340 WCGL 1360
Hope AR KXAR 1490 WOZN 970 Kissimmee, Fla. WFIV 080
Harriman TN WJZA 1600 W MIS 220
Harrisburg, Pa. WFEC 1400 Hopewell, Va. WHAP 1340 WSNY 600 Kittanning. Pa. WACB 380
WCMB 1460 Hopkinsville, Ky. WHOP 1230 WCMG 050 Klamath Falls, Oreg.
WHP 580 WKOA 1480 WERD 1400 KAGO 150
WKS 1230 Hoquim, Wash. KGHO 1560 WCRJ 530 KFLS 450
Harrison AR KHOZ 900 Hornell NY WHHO 1320 Jacksonville, Ill. WJIL 550 KLAD 960
Harrisonburg, Va. WHBG 1360 WLEA 1480 WLDS 180 Knox, IN WKVI 520
WKCY 1300 Horseheads, N.Y. WIQT 1000 Jacksonville, N.C. WJNC 240 Knoxville, Iowa KNIA 320
WSVA 550 Hot Springs AR KBHS 590 WBBS 290 Knoxville, Tenn. WHIR 240
Harrodsburg, Ky. WHBN 1420 KXOW 1420 WLAS 910 WIVK 850
Hartford, Conn. WDRC 1360 KING 1340 Jacksonville, Tex. KEBE 400 WJBE 430
WCCC 1290 Hot Springs, S.Dak. Jacksonville Bch.. Fla. WETE 820
WPOP 1410 KOBH 580 WBIX 010
WKGN 340
WTIC 1080 Houghton, Mich. WHDF 1400 Jamestown, Ky. WJKY 060
WKXV 900
Hartford, Ky. WLLS 1600 Houghton Lake, Mich. Jamestown, N.Dak. KEY1 400
WNOX 990
Hartford, Wis. WTKM 1540 WHGR 1290 KSJB 600
WKVQ 490
Hartselle AL WHRT 860 Houlton, Maine WHOU 1340 Jamestown, N.Y. WJTN 240
WSKT 580
Hartsville, S.C. WHSC 1450 Houma, La. KJIN 1490 W KSN 340
Kodiak AK KVOK 560
WSDC 1490 Houston, Miss. WCPC 940 Jamestown, Tenn. WCLC 260 Kokomo. Ind. WIOU 350
Hartsville, Tenn. W1KM 1090 Houston, Mo. KBTC 1250 WDEB 500 Kosciusko, Miss. WKOZ 349
Hartwell, Ga. WKLY 980 Houston. Tex. KCOH 1430 Jamesville, VA WEXM 1520 Kotzebue AK KOTZ 720
Harvard, III. WMCW 1600 KENR 1070 Janesville. Wis. WCLO 230
Laconia, N.H. WLNH 350
Harvey, Ill. WBEE 1570 KEYH 850 Jasper AL WWWB 360 WEMJ 490
Hastings. Mich. WBCH 1220 KILT 610 WARF 240 La Crosse, WI WIZM 410
Hastings, Minn. KDWA 1460 KN UZ 1230 Jasper GA WYYZ 580 WLCX 490
Hastings, Nebr. KHAS 1230 KODA 1010 Jasper, Ind. WITZ 990 W KTY 580
KICS 1550 KPRC Jasper, Tex. KTXJ 350 Ladysmith, Wis. WLDY 340
Hattiesburg, Miss. WBKH 950 KULF 790 Jeanette PA WBCW 530 Lafayette, Ga. WLFA 590
WFOR 1400 KTRH 740 Jefferson City, Mo. KLIK 950
Lafayette, Ind. WASK 450
WHSY 1230 KXYZ 320 KWOS 240 WAZY 410
WORV 1580 KYOK 590 Jefferson City, Tenn. WBAA 920
WXXX 1310 Howell, Mich. WHMI 350 WJFC 480 Lafayette, La. KPEL 420
Havelock, N.C. WKVO 1330 Hugo, Okla. KIHN 340 Jeffersonville, Ind. WXVW 450 KVOL 330
Haverhill, Mass. WHAV 1490 Hudson, N.Y. WHUC 230 Mlle TN WJJT 540
KXKW 520
Havre, Mont. KOJM 610 Humacao, P.R. WALO 240 Jena, La. I(CKW 480 Lafayette, Tenn. WEEN 460
Havre de Grace, Md. Humble City, N.M. KCIA 110 Jenkins, KY WREM 000 LaFollette, Tenn. WLAF 450
WASA 1330 Humboldt, Tenn. WIB.1 740 Jennings, La. KJEF 290 LaGrande, Oreg. KLBM 450
Hawesville. KY WKCM 1140 WHMT 190 Jerome, Idaho KART 400 LaGrange, Ga. WLAG 240
Hawkinsville, Ga. WCEH 610 Huntingdon, Pa. WHUN 150 Jerseyville, Ill. WJBM 480 WTRP 620
Hays. Kans. KAYS 1400 Huntingdon, TN WJPJ 1530 Jesup, Ga. WLOP 370 LaGrange, Ill. WTAQ 300
Haynesville, La. KLUV 1580 Huntington, Ind. WHLT 300 John Day, Ore. KJDY 400 LaGrange, Tex. KVLG 570
Hayward, Wis. WHSM 910 Huntington, N.Y. WGSM 740 Johnson City, Tenn. Lalunta, Colo. KBZZ 400
Hazard, Ky. WKIC 1390 Huntington, W. Va. WJCW 910 Lake Charles, La. KLOU 580
Hazelhurst, Ga. WVOH 920 WKEE 800 WETB 790 KLCL 470
Hazelhurst, Miss. WMOC 1220 WGNT 930 Johnston SC WJES 1190 KAOK 400
HazeIton, Pa, WAIL 1490 WWHY 470 Johnstown, N.Y. WIZR 930
WHIN 1300 HunstvIlle AL WBHP 230 Johnstown, Pa. WJAC 850 Lake City, Fla. WDSR 1340
WHTH 1000 WEUP 600 WJNL 1490 WGRO 960
Heath, OH Lake City, S.C. WJOT
Heber Springs AR KAWW 1370 WFIX 450 WCRO 1230 1260
KFFA 1360 WAAY 550 Joliet, Iii. WJOL 1340 Lake Geneva. Wis. WMIR 1550
Helena AR WVOV 000 WJRC 1510 Lake Havasu City AZ
Helena, Mont. KCAP 1340
KBLL 1240 Huntsville, Tex. KSAM 490 Jonesboro AR KBTM 1230 KFWJ 980
KMTX 950 Huron, SD KIJV 340 KNEA 970 Lake Isabella CA KVLI 140
KHSJ 1320 KOKK 190 Jonesboro, La. KTOC 920 Lakeland FL WQPD 430
Hemet, Calif. WZTQ 080 Jonesboro, Tenn. WJSO 590 WONN 230
Hemingway, S.C. WKYB 1000 Hurricane, WV
Hemphill TX KAWS 1530 Hutchinson, Kans. KWBW 450 Jonesville, La. KANV 480 WWAS 330
Hempstead, N.Y. WHLI 1100 KWH K 260 Joplin. Mo. WMBH 450 Lake Placid, N.Y. WIRD 920
WSON 860 Hutchinson, Minn. KDUZ 260 KQYX 581 Lakeport, Cal. KBLC 270
Henderson, Ky. KFSB 310 Lake Providence, La. KLPL 050
Henderson. NV KBM1 1400 Hyde Park, NY WHPN 950
Henderson -Las Vegas, NV Idabel, Okla. KBEL 240 KODE 230 Lake Tahoe, Calif. KOWL 490
KVOV 1280 Idaho Falls, Idaho KID 590 Juncos. PR WFAB 460 Lakeview. Oreg. KQIK 230
WHNC 890 KTEE 2110 Junction, Tex. KMBL 450 Lake Wales, Fla. WIPC 280
Henderson, N.C. Junc. City, Kans. KICK 420 Lakewood, Colo. KLAK 600
WIZS 1450 KUPI 980
Henderson, Tenn. WHHM 1580 Immokaiee,FL WKEM 490 Juneau AK KINY 800 Lakewood, NJ WHLW 170
KGRI 1000 Independence. CA K I NC 600 KJNO 630 Lakewood WA KQLA 480
Henderson, Tex. Jupiter, FL WRYZ 1000 Lake Worth, Fla. WLIZ 380
KWRD 1470 Independence, la. KOUR 220
Independence, Kans. KIND 010 Kailua, HI KLEI 1130 Lamar, Colo. KLMR 920
Hendersonville. N.C. Kalamazoo, Mich. WKPR 1420 Lamesa. Tex. KPET 690
WHKP 1450 Independence. Mo. KCCV 510
WHVL 1600 Indiana, Pa. WDAD 450 WZ K 0 590 Lampasas, Tex. KCYL 450
Henryetta, Okla. KHEN 1590 Indianapolis, Ind, WATT 810 WKMI 1360 Lancaster, Calif. KAVL 810
KPAN 860 WBRI 500 WYYY 1470 KKZZ 380
Hereford. Tex. Kalispell MT KGEZ 600 Lancaster, Ky. WIXI 280
Herkimer, N.Y. WALY 1420 WNDE 260
KOHU 1360 WNTS 1590 KOFI 1180 Lancaster, N.Y. WXRL 300
Hermiston. OR WKZA 960 Lancaster, Ohio WHOK 320
Herndon, Va. WOHN 1440 WIBC 070 Kane, Pa.
WHPI 1340 WIFE 310 Kankakee, III. W KAN 1320 Lancaster, Pa. WGAL 490
Herrin IL WIRE 430 Kannapolis, N.C. WGTL 870 WLAN 390
Hettinger, N.Dak. KNDC 1490 WRKB 1460 Lancaster, PA WDDL
Hibbing, Minn. WMFG 1240 WXLW 950 490
WKKQ 1060 Indianola, Iowa KBAB 490 Kans. City, Kans. KCKN 1340 Lancaster, S.C. WLCM 360
Hickory, N.C. WHKY 1290 Indianola, Miss. WNLA 380 Kansas City, Mo. KCMO 810 WAGL 560
WIRC 630 Indian Rocks Beach, FL KAYQ 1190 Lancaster. WI WGLR 280


Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz

Lander, Wyo. KOVE 1330 Livingston, Mont. KPRK 340 Manistique, Mich. WTIQ 1490 Merced, Calif. KYOS 1480
Lanett AL WRLD 1490 Livingston, Tenn. WL 1 V 920 Manitou Springs, Colo.
Langdon, N.D. KNDX 1080 Livingston, Tex. KETX 440 KIIQ 1490 Meriden, Conn. WKMWMIWP 1457800
Lansdale, Pa. WNPV 1440 Lockhart, TX KCLT 060 Mariltowoe, Wis. WCUB 980 Meridian, Miss. WCOC 910
Lansford. Pa. WLSH 1410 Lock Haven, Pa. WBPZ 230 WOMT 1240 WDAL 1330
Lansing, Mieh. WILS 1320 Lockport, NY WLVL 1341 Mankato, Minn. KYSM 1230 WMOX 1010
W11 M 1240 Lodi. Calif. KCVR 570 KTOE 1420 WOKK 910
WITL 1010 Logan, 0. WLGN 510 Manning, S.C. WYMB 1410 WOIC 1450
Lapeer, Mich. WMPC 1230 Logan, Utah KBLW 390 Mansfield, La. KDX1 1360 WTN K 1390
WTHM 1530 KSTU 300 Mansfield. Ohio WMAN 1400 Markle, TX KBUS 1590
LaPlata, Md. WSMD 1560 KVNU 610 WCLW 1140 KBGG 1500
LaPorte. Ind. WL01 1540 Logan, VT KBLW 390 Manti, VT KMTI 1340 Merrill WI WJMT 730
Laramie WY KOJO 1490 Logan, W.Va. WLOG 230 Many, LA KWLA 1400 Mesa AZ KBUZ 1310
KOWB 1290 WVOW 290 Maplewood MN WMIN 1010 KDKB 1510
Laredo, Tex. KLAR 1300 Logansport, Ind. WSAL 230 Maquoketa, Iowa KMAQ 1320 Metropolis, Ill. WMOK 920
KVOZ 1490 Lompoc, Calif. KBIK 1400 Marathon, Fla. WFFG 1300 Metter, Ga. WMAC 1360
Largo, Fla. WSST 800 KLOM 330 Marco Island FL WMIB 1510 Mexia, TX KWFA 1500
Lamed, Kans. KANS 1510 KNEZ 960 Marianna AR KZOT 1460 Mexico, Mo. wKLENO 11232406
LaSalle, Ill. WLPO 1220 London, Ky. WFTG 400 Marianna. Fla. WTYS 1340 Mexico, Pa.
LasCruces, N.Mex. KOBE 1450 Long Beach CA K F RN 280 WTOT 980 Miami AZ K I KO 1340
KGRT 570 KGER 390 Marietta, Ga. WFOM 1230 Miami, Fla. WGBS 710
Las Vegas, Nev. KENO 1460 Longmont, Colo. KLMO 060 WBIE 1080 WIOD 810
KLAV 1230 Long Island AK KABN 150 Marietta, Ohio WMOA 1490 WFAB 990
KRAM 1340 Long Prairie, Minn. KEYL 400 WBRJ 910 WFUN 790
KLUC 1140 Longview, Tex. KFRO 370 Marine City, Mieh. WWO K 1260
KORK 920 KLUE 280 WSMA 590 WQAM 580
KNUU 970 Longview, Wash. KEDO 400 Marinette WI WMAM 570 WOBA 1140
KDWN 720 KBAM 270 WLOT 300 WOCN 1450
Las Vegas, N.Mex. KFUN 1230 Lookout Mountain- Marion AL WJAM 310
Latrobe, Pa. WQTW 1570 Chattanooga TN WFLI 1070 Marion, III. WGGH 150 WCMQ 1220
WTRA 1480 Lorain, OH WLRO 1380 Marion, Ind. WBAT 400 Miami, Okla. KGLC 910
Laurel, Md. WLMD 900 Loretto, Pa. WWSF 1400 WGOM 800 Miami Beach, Fla.
Laurel, Miss. WAML 1340 Loris, S.C. WLSC 1570 Marion, Ky. WMJL 010 WMBM 1490
WLAU 1430 Los Alamos, N.Mex. KRNS 1490 Marion, N.C. WBRM 250 WKAT 1360
WNSL 1260 Los Angeles, Calif. KABC 790 Marion, Ohio WMRN 490 Michigan City, Ind. WINS 1420
Laurens, S.C. WLBG 860 KFI 640 Marion. S.C. WATP 430 Middlebury, Vt. WFAD 1490
Laurinburg, N.C. WEWO 1080 K HJ 930 Marion, Va. WMEV 010 Middleport-Pomerny. Ohio
WLNC 1300 KFWB 980 WOLD 330 WMPO 1390
Lawrence, Kans. KFKU 1250 KKTT 1230 Marked Tree AR KPCA 580 Middlesboro, Ky. WMIK 560
KLWN 1320 KFAC 1330 Marks, Miss. WQMA 520 WFXY 1560
Lawrence, Mass. WCCM 800 KITS 1150 Marksville, La. KAPB 370 Middletown, Conn. WCNX 1150
Lawrenceburg, Tenn. KLAC 570 Marlboro, MA WSRO 470 Middletown, N.Y. WALL 1340
WOXE 1370 KMPC 710 Marquette, Mich. WOMJ 320 Middletown, Ohio WPFB 810
Lawrenceville, Ga. WLAW 1380 KNX 1070 Marshall, AR KCGS 600
Midland, MI WMPX 1490
Lawrenceville. 111. WAKO 910 KPOL 1540 Marshall, Minn. KMHL 400 Midland, Tex. KCBS 550
Lawrenceville, Va. WLES 580 KGBS 1020 Marshall, Mo. KMMO 300 KJEIG 1150
Lawton. Okla. KSWO 1380 Los Banos, Calif. KLBS 1330 Marshall, N.C. WMMH 480 KNAM 1510
KCCO 1050 Louisa, Ky. WVKY 1270 Marshall, Tex. KMHT 450 KWEL 1070
LeadvIlle, CO KBRR 1230 Louisburg, N.C. WYRN 1480 KKYR 410 Midwest City OK KRMC 1220
Leavenworth, Kans. KCLO 1410 Louisville, Ga. WPEH 1420 Marshalltown, Iowa KFJB 230 Milan, Tenn. W1(13.1 1600
Lebanon, Ky. WLBN 1590 Louisville, Ky. WAVE 970 Marshfield, Mo. KEMM 510 Milbank, SD KMSD 1510
Lebanon, MO KLWT 1230 WAKY 790 Marshfield, WI WDLB 450 Miles City, MT KATL 1340
KIEL 1080 WHAS 840 Martin, Tenn. WCMT 410 Milford, Conn. WFIF 1500
Lebanon, Oreg. KGAL 920 WKLO 1080 Martinsville, Ind. WCBK 540 Milford, Del. WIND 930
Lebanon, Pa. WLBR 1270 WINN 1240 Martinsburg, Pa. WJSM 110 Milford, Mass. WMRC 1490
WVLV 940 WFIA 900 Martinsburg, W.Va. WEPM 340 Millbank, SD KMSD 1510
Lebanon, Tenn. WCOR 900 WLOU 1350 WRNR 740 Milledgeville, Ga. WMVG 1450
Lebanon, VA WLRV 380 WTMT 620 Martinsville, Va. WHEE 970 WXLX 1060
Leesburg, Fla. WLBE 790 Louisville, Miss. WLSM 1270 WMVA 450 Millen, Ga. W GSR 1570
WZST 410 Loveland, Colo. KLOV 1570 Maryville, Mo. KNIM 580 Millington, Tenn. WTNN 1380
Leesburg, Va. WAGE 290 Loves Park., III. WLUV 1520 Maryville, Tenn. WGAP 400 Millinocket, Me. WMKR 1240
Leesville, La. KLLA 570 LovIngton, N.Mex. Calif. KMYC 410 Miliville NJ WMVB 1440
Lehigh Acres, Fla. WAY I< 440 Lowell, Mass. WCAP 980 Marysville, Kans. KNDY 570 Milton, FL WCKC 1490
Lehighton, Pa. WYNS 150 WLLH 1400 Mason, Mich. WUNN 110
Lubbock TX Mason City, Iowa WFGS 1330
Leitchfield, KY WMTL 580 KENO 1590 KGLO 300
Milton, Pa. WMLP 1380
Leland, Miss. WESY 580 KDAV 580 KRIB 490
Milton WV WNST 1600
LeMars, Iowa KLEM 410 KLBK 1340 KSMN 010
Milwaukee, Wls. WEMP 1250
Lemmon, S.D. KBJM 400 KLFB 1420 Massena, N.Y. WMSA 340 WBCS 1340
Lemoore, Calif. KLAN 320 KFYO 790 WYBG 050 WISN 1130
KOAD 240 KLLL 1460 Massillon, Ohio WTIG 990
WZUU 1290
Lenoir, N.C. WJRI 340 KSEL 950 Matewan, W.Va. WHIG 360 WNOV 860
WKGX 080 Mattoon, III. WLBH 170
Lenoir City, Tenn. WBLC 360 Lynn, MA WNSR 1360 Mauston, Wls. WRJC 270 WOKY 920
WLIL 730 Lueedale MS WRBE 1440 Mayaguez, P.R. WAEL 600 WTMJ 620
Leominster. Mass. WLMS 000 Ludington, Mich. WKLA 1450 WKJB 710 Minden, La, KASO 1240
Leonardtown, Md. WKIK 370 Lufkin, Tex. KRBA 1340 WORA 760 Mineola, N.Y. WTHE 1520
Leone, Am. Samoa WVUV 120
KLUF 1420 WPRA 990 Mineola, KM00 1510
Lumberton, N.C. WAGR 580 WTIL 1300 Mineral Wells, Tex. KORC 1140
Levelland, Tex. KLVT 230 WTSB 1340 Minneapolis -St. Paul MN
Levittown. Pa. WBCB 490 Luray, Va. WRAA 1330 Mayfield, KY WNGO 1320 WCCO 830
Lewisburg, PA WTGC 010 Luverne, Ala. WLVN 1080 WYMC 1430 KDWB 690
WYMC 430 Luverne, Minn. KQAD 800 Mayodan, N.C. WMYN 1420 WRRD 1330
Lewisburg, Tenn. WJJM 490 Lykens. PA WQIN 1290 Mayville, N.D. KMAV 1520 KEEY 1400
Lewisport, KY WKCM 140 Lynchburg, Va. WLVA 590 Maysville, Ky. WFTM 1240 WMKT 1370
Lewiston, Idaho KRLC 350 WLLL 930 McAlester, Okla. KTMC 1400 WOGY 1130
KOZE 300 WLGM 1320 KNED 1150 WWTC 1280
Lewiston, Maine WCOU 240 WWOD 1390 McAllen, Tex. KRIO 910 KTCR 690
WLAM 470 WBRG 1050 McCall, Ida. KMCL 1240 KTIS 900
Lewistown, Mont. KXLO 230 Lynn, Mass. WLYN 1360 MeCamey, Texas KAMY 1450 KUOM 770
Lewistown, Pa. WKVA 920 Lyons, Ga. WBBT 1340 McComb, Miss. WHNY 1250 KSTP 1500
WMRF 490 Machias, Me. WMCS 1400 WAKK 1140 Minocqua WI WFBZ 1570
Lexington, Ky. WLAP 830 Macomb, Ill. WKAI 1510 WAPF 980 Minot, ND KKOA 1390
WBLG 300 Macon GA WBML 900 McConnellsburg, PA KHRT 1320
WVLK 590 WCRY 900 WVFC 1530 KCJB 910
Lexington, Miss. WXTN 000 WDDO 1240 McCook, Nebr. KBRL 1300 KTYN 1430
Lexington, Mo. KLEX 570 WDEN 1500 KICX 1360 Mission, Kans. KBEA 1480
Lexington, Neb. KRVN 880 WIBB 1286 McFarland, Cal. KXEM 1590 Mission, Tex. KIRT 1580
Lexington, N.C. WBUY 440 WMAZ 940 McGehee AR KVSA 1220 Missoula, Mont. KGVO 1290
Lexington, Tenn. WDXL 490 WNEX 1400 McKeesport, Pa. WEDO 810 K G RZ 1450
Lexington, Va. WREL 450 Macon, Mo. KLT1 1560 WIXZ 1360 KYLT 1340
Lexington Pk., Md. WPTX 920 Madawaska, Me. WSJR 1230 McKenzie, Tenn. WHDM 1440 KYSS 930
Libby, Mont. KLCB 230 Madera, Calif. KHOT 1250 McKinney, Tex. KYAL 1600 Mitchell, S.Dak. KORN 1490
Liberal, Kans. KSCB 270 Madill, Okla. KMAD 1550 McLeansboro, IL WMCL 1060 Moab, Utah KURA 1450
KLIB 470 Madison FL WMAF 1230 McMinnville, Oreg. KMCM 1260 Moberly, Mo. KWIX 1230
Liberty, Ky. WKDO 560 Madison. Ga. WYTH 1250 McMinnville, Tenn. WBMC 960 Mobile AL WUNI 1410
Liberty. Mo. KBIL 140 Madison, Ind. WORX 1270 WAKI 1230 WABB 1480
Liberty, N.Y. WVOS 240 Madison, S.D. KJAM 1390 McPherson, Kans. KNEX 1540 WGOK 900
Liberty, Tex. KPXE 050 Madison TN WJRB 1430 McRae. Ga. WDAX 1410 WM00 1550
Lihue, Hawaii KTOH 350 Madison, Wis. WHA 970 Meadville, Pa. WMGW 1490 WMOB 840
Lima, Ohio WIMA 150 WIBA 1310 Mechanieville, N.Y. WMVI 1170 WKRG 710
WCIT 940 WISM 1480 Mebane NC WQWX 1060 WLIQ 1360
Lincoln, Ill. WPRC 370 WTSO 1070 Medford MA WWEL 1430 Mobridge, S.Dak. KOLY 1300
Lincoln, Me. WLKN 450 WMAD 1550 Medford, Oreg. KMED 1440 Mocksville, N.C. WDSL 1520
Lincoln, Nebr. KFOR 240 Madisonville, Ky. WFMW 730 KSHA 880 Modesto, Calif. KTRB 860
KLIN 400 WTTL 1310 KBOY 730 KBEE 970
KLMS 480 Madisonville, Tenn. WZZI 1250 KRVB 1300 KFIV 1360
KECK 530 Magee, Miss. WSJC 810 KYJC 1230 Mojave, Calif. KDOL 1340
Lincoln City OR KBCH 380 Magnolia AR KVMA 030 Medford, Wis. WIGM 1490 Mellon, III. WQUA 1230
Lincolnton, N.C. WLON 050 Makawal, Hawaii KNUI 1310 Melbourne, Fla. WMMB 1240 Monahans, Tex. KVKM 1330
Lineville, Ala. WANL 540 Maksville, N.C. WDSL 1520 WMEL 920 Moncks Corner, S. C.
Linton, Ind. WBTO 600 Maiden, Mo. KTCB 1470 Memphis. Tenn. WHBQ 580 WBER 950
Litchfield, Ili. WSM1 540 Malone, N.Y. WICY 1490 WWEE 1430 Monett. Mo. KRMO 990
Litchfield, Minn. KLFD 410 Malvern AR KBOK 1310 WMC 790 Monette AR KB1B 1560
Little Falls. Minn. KLTF 980 Manassas, Va. WPRW 1460 WDIA 1070 Monmouth, III. WRAM 1330
Little Falls, N.Y. WLFH 230 Manati, P.R. WMNT 1500 WMPS 680 Monroe, Ga. WMRE 1490
Littlefield, Tex. KZZN 490 Manchester. Conn. WINF 1230 WLOK 1340 WKUN 1580
Little Rook AR KARN 920 Manchester, Ga. WFDR 1370 WMQM 1480 WRED 1490
KALO 250 Manchester, Ky. WWXL 1450 WREC 600 Monroe. La. KMLB 1440
KLRA 010 Manchester, N.H. WFEA 1370 KWAM 990 KLIC 1230
KOKY 440 WGIR 810 Memphis. Tex. KBGH 1130 KNOE 540
KAAY 090 WKBR 1250 Mena AR KENA 1450 Monroe,oore: WHND 560
KSOH 050 Manchester, Tenn. WMSR 1920 Mendota, III. WGLC 1090 WIXE 1190
Littleton, Colo. KDKO 510 Manhattan, Kans. KSAC 580 Mendocino. CA KMFB 1300 WMAP 1060
Littleton, N. H. WLTN 400 KMAN 1350 Menominee, Mieh. WAGN 1940 ALls. WEKZ 1260
Live Oak. Fla. WNER 250 Manistee, Minh. WMTE 1340 Menomenle. Wis. WMNE 1380 MonroevilleMonroe.l WMFC 1360


Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz
Monroeville, Pa. WPSL 1510 Needles CA KSFE
1340 Northfield. Minn. WCAL 770 Pagosa Springs, CO
Monterey, Calif. KIDD 630 Neenah, Wis. WNAM1280 KYMN 1680 KPAG 1400

Montevideo, Minn. KDMA
Monte Vista, Colo. KSLV
Montezuma, Ga.
Montgomery AL
WBAM 740
Neilisville, Wis.
Neon, Ky.
Neosho, Mo.
Nevada, Mo.
New Albany, IN
WCCN 1370
WNKY 1480
KBTN 1420
KNEM 1240
WOGS 1570
N. Little Roek, AR KDXE 1380
KXLR 1150
North Platte, Nebr. KJLT 970
KAHL 1410
KODY 1240
Painesville, Ohio
Paintsville, Ky.
Palatka, Fla.
Palestine. Tex.
WPVL 1460
WSIP 1490
WWPF 1260
WSUZ 800
KNET 1450
WXVI 1600 WDGS 1290 North Pole AK KJNP 1170 Palm Beach FL WPBR 1340
WCOV 1170 New Albany, Miss. WNAU 1470 KRKM 600 Palm Spree., Cal. KCMJ 1010
WHHY 1440 Newark, Del. WNRK 1260 No. Syracuse, N.Y. WSOQ 1220 KBES 920
WMGY 800 Newark, N.J. WVNJ 620 N. Vernon, Ind. WOCH 1480 KPSI 1450
1430 No. Wilkesboro, N.C. Palmdale, Calif. KUTY 1470
Montgomery, W.Va. Newark, N.Y. WACK 1420 WKBC 810 Palm Desert, Cal. KGOL 1270
WMON 1340 Newark, Ohio WCLT 1430 Norton, Kans. KNBI 1530 Palo Alto Calif. KIBE 1220
Monticello AR KHBM 1430 New Bedford, Mass. W8SM 1420 Norton, Va. WNVA 1350 Pamona, Cal. KWOW 1600
Monticello, FL WTBJ 1090 WNBH 1340 Norwalk, Conn. WNLK 1350 Pampa, Tex. KPDN 1340

3 Monticello. Ky.
Montpelier, Ida.
WFLW 1360
Monticello, M iss. W M LC
Montpelier -Barre, Vt.
New Bern, N.C.

Newberry, Mleh.
WHIT 1450
WBIC 1380
WRNB 1490
WNBY 1450
Norwalk, 0.
Norwich, Conn.
Norwich, N.Y.
Oakdale, La.
Oakes ND
WLKR 1510
WICH 1310
WCHN 970
KREH 900
KODR 1220
KGRO 1230
Panama City Bch., Fla.
WGNE 1480
WSCM 1290
Panama City. Fla. WDLP 590
WSKI 1240 Newberry, S.C. WKDK 1240 KWCL 1280
Montrose, Colo. KUBC 580 WKMG 1520 Oak Grove, La, WPCF 1430
Montrose, Pa. WPEL 1250 New Boston, Ohlo WI01 1010 Oak Hill, W. Va. WOAY 860 Paoli IN WUME 1560
Mooresville, N.C. WHIP 1350 New Boston, Tex. KNBO 1530 Oakland, Cal. KNEW 910 Paradise, Cal. KEWQ 930
Moorhead, Minn. KVOX 1280 New Braunfels, Tex. KGNB 1420 KABL 960 Paragould AR KDRS 1490
Morehead. Ky. WMOR 1330 New Britain, CT WRCQ 910 KDIA 1310 Paris AR KCCL 1460
Morehead City, N.C. WRYM 840 Oakland, Md. W MSG 1050 Paris, Ill. WPRS 1440
WMBL 740 New Brunswick, N.J. Oakland Park, Fla. Paris KY WBGR 1440
Morgan City, La. KMRC 430 WCTC 450 WEXY 1520 Paris, Tenn. WTPR 710
Morganfleld, Ky. WMSK 550 Newburgh, N.Y. WGNY 220 Oak Park, 111. WOPA 1490 Paris, Tex. 1490
Morganton, N.C. WMNC 430 Newburyport, Maas. WNBY 470 Oak Ridge, Tann. WATO 1290 KPRE 1250
Morgantown, KY WLBQ 570 New Castle, Ind. WCTW 550 WOKI 1550 Parker, AZ KZUL 1380
Morgantown, W.Va. WAJR 440 New Castle, Pa. WBZY 140 Oberlin OH WOBL I320 Parkersburg, WV WADC 1050
WCLG 300 WKST 280 Ocala, Fla. WMOP 900 WPAR 1450
Morningside, MD WPGC 58 Newcastle, Wyo. KASL 240 WT MC 1290 WKYG 1230
Morrilton AR KVOM 800 New City, N.Y. WRKL WW KE 1370 Park Falls, Wis. WNBI 980
Morris, Ill. WCSJ 550 New Haven, Cann. WAVY 300910
Ocean City, Md. WETT 1590 Park Rapids, Minn.
Morris, Minn. KMRS 230 WELT 960 Ocean City, Somers Pt.,N.J. KPRM 1240
Morristown, N.J. WMTR 250 WN HC 340 WELT 1520 Parma OH WSUM 1000
Morristown, Tenn. WCRK 150 WO M N 220 Oceanside, Calif. KUDE 1320 Parsippany NJ WQTK 1310
WMTN 300 New Iberia, La. KANE 2z0 Ocilla, Ga. WSIZ 1380 Parsons, Kans. KLKC 1540
KNIR Oconto, Wis. WOCO 1260 Parsons. Tenn. WTBP 1550
Morro Bay, Calif. KBAI 150 360
Odessa TX KBZB 920 Pasadena, Cal. KPPC 1240
Morton, Tex. KRAN 280 New Kensington, Pa. KOZA 1230
Moscow, Idaho KRPL 400 WKPA 150 KIGI 1110
Newland, NC WJTP KOYL 1310 KW KW 1300
Moses Lake, Wash. KSEM 470 130
KRIG 1410 Pasadena, Tex. KLVL 1480
KWIQ 260 New London, Conn. WNLC 510
KOEL 950
New Martinsville, W.Va. Oelwein, Iowa KIKK 650
Moss Point MS WKKY 1460 W ETZ 330 Ogallala, Nebr. KOGA 930 Pascagoula -Moss Point, Miss.
Moulton, Ala. WHIY 1530 Newnan, Ga. WCOH 400 Ogden, Utah KLO 1430 WPMP 580
Moultrie, Ga. WMGA 1130 WNEA 300
KANN 1090 Paseo, Wash. KORD 910
WMTM 1300 New Orleans LA WGSO 280 KSVN 730 Paso Robles, Calif. KPRL 230
Moundsville, W.Va. WEIF 1370 WNNR 990
KVOG 1490 PastIllo, P.R. WCGB 050
Mountain City, Tenn. WBOK 230 Ogdensburg, N.Y. WSLB 1400 Patchogue, L.1., N.Y.
WMCT 1390 WNOE 060 Oil City, PA WOYL 1340 WALK 370
Mountain Grove, Mo. KLRS 1360 WSMB 350 Okeechobee, Fla. WOKC 1570 WYFA 580
Mountain Home AR KILO 1240 WWIW 450 Okla. City, Okla. KBYE 890 Paterson, N.J. WPAT 930
Mountain Home, Ida. WSHO 800
KLPR 1140 Pauls Valley, Okla. KVLH 470
KFLI 1240 WT1X 690 KOCY 1340 Pawhuska. OK KOKN 500
Mountlake Terr., WA WWL 870 KOMA 1520 Pawtueket RI WGNG 550
KAAR 1510 WVOG 600
KTOK 1000 Payette, Ida. KYET 450
Mt. Airy, N.C. WPAQ 740 WYLD KQCV 800 Pearsall, Tex. KVWG 280
WSYD 1300 Newport AR KNBY W KY 930 Pecos, Tex. KI UN 400
Mt. Carmel, Ill. WYER 1360 Newport, Ky. WNOP
740 Okmulgee, Okla. KOKL 1240 Peekskill, N.Y. WLNA 420
Mt. Carmel. Pa. WMIM 1590 Newport, N.H. WCNL 1010 Old Saybrook, Conn. WLIS 1420 Pekin, Ill. WSIV 140
Mt. Clemens, WO. Newport, Oreg. KNPT 1310 Olean, N.Y. WMNS 1360 Pell City AL WFHK 430
WBRB 1430 Newport, R.1, WADK 1540 WHDL 1450 Pendleton, Oreg. KTIX 240
Mt. Dora, FL WGTW 1560 Newport, Tenn. WLIK 1270
Olney, III. WVLN 740 KUMA 290
Mt. Holly, N.1. WJJZ 1460 W NPC 10611
Olympia, Wash. KGY 1240 Pennington Gap, Va.
Mt. Jackson, Va. WSIG 790 Newport, Vt. WIKE 1490
KITN 920 WSWV 570
Mt. Kisco, N.Y. WVIP 1310 Newport Nevis, Va. WGH 1310 Omaha, Neb. KYNN 1490 Pensacola, Fla. WBOP 980
Mt. Olive, N.C. WDJS 1430
Newport News, VA WOKT 1270
KFAB 1110 WBSR 450
Mt. Pleasant. IA KKSI 1130 WTID 1270
KOIL 1290 WHYM 610
Mt. Pleasant. Mich. WCEN 1150 K000 1420 WNVY 230
Mt. Pieasant, Tex. K1MP 960 Newport Richey, Fla. KOWH 660 WCOA 370
Mt. Shasta, Calif. KWSD 620 WGUL 1500 WOW 590 WPFA 790
Mt. Sterling, Ky. WMST 1150 New Prague. Mlnn. KCHK 1350 Omak. Wash. KOMW 680 Penuelas, PR WENA 330
Mt. Vernon, III. WMIX 940 New Richmond, Wis. Oneida, N.Y. WMCR 1600 Peoria, Ill. WXCL 350
Mt. Vernon, Ind. WPCO 1590 WIXK 1590 Oneida, Tenn. WBNT 1310 WMBD 470
Mt. Vernon, Ky. WRVK 1460 New Roads, La. KWRG 1500 O'Neill, Nebr. KBRX 1350 WI RL 290
Mt. Vernon, Ohio WMVO 1300 New Rochelle, N.Y. WVOX 1400 Oneonta AL WCRL 1570 WPEO 020
Mt. Vernon, Wash. KAPS 1470 New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Oneonta, N.Y. WDOS 730 WGKR 310
KBRC 1430 WSBB 1230 Ontario CA KNSE 1510 Perry FL
Muleshoe, Tex. KMUL 1380 WCCZ 1550 KSOM 1510 WPRY 400
Mullins, S.C. WJAY 1280 Newton, Iowa KCOB 1280 Ontario, Oreg. KSRV 1580 Perry, Ga. WPGA 980
Muncie, Ind. WLBC 1340 Newton, Kans. KJRG 950 Opelika AL WAOA 1520 Perry, Iowa KDLS 310
WERK 990 Newton, Mass. WHIN 1530 WJHO 1400 Perryton, Tex. KEYE 400
WIBC 1070 Newton, Miss. WBKN 1410 Opelousas, La. KSLO 1230 Peru. Ind. WARU 600
Munfordville, Ky. WLOC 1150 Newton, N.J. WNNJ 1360 Opp AL WAMI 860 Petaluma, Calif. KTOB 490
Munising MI WQXD 1400 Newtn, N.C. WNNS 1230 Opportunity, Wash. KZUN 630 Peterborough, N.H.
Murfreesboro, N. C. New Ulm, Minn. KNUJ 860 Orange, Mass. WCAT 1390 WSCV 050
WWDR 1080 New York, N.Y. WABC 770 Orange, Tex. KOGT 1600 Petersburg, Va. WSSV 240
Murfreesboro, Tenn. WGNS 1450 WADO 1280 Orange, Va. WJMA 1340 Potosi, Mo. KYRO 280
WMTS 810 WBNX 1380 Orangeburg, S.C. WD1X 1150 Petoskey, Mich. WMBN 340
Murphy, N.C. WCVP 600 WCBS 880 WORG 1580 WJML 110
WKRK 1320 WEVD 1330 WIND 920 Phenix City, Ala, WPNX 460
Murphysboro, III. WINI 1420 WHN 1050 Orange Park, Fla, WAYR 350 Philadelphia, Miss. WHOC 490
Murray, Ky. WNBS 1340 WJIT 1480 Ord, Neb, KNLV 1060 Philadelphia, Pa. KYW 060
Murray, Utah KPRQ 1230 WI NS 1010 Oregon City. Ora. KYXI 1520 WCAU 210
Muscatine, Iowa KWPC 860 WLI B 1190 Orlando, Fla. WDBO 580 WDAS 480
Muscle Shoals AL WLAY 1450 WMCA WHO 990 WFIL 560
Muskegon, Mich. WKBZ 850 WNBC 660 WORL 1270 WFLN 900
WTRU 1600 WN EW 1130 WLOF 950 WHAT 1340
WMUS 1090 WNYC 830 W KIS 740 WZZD 990
Muskegon Heights, Mich. WOR 710 Orleans, Mass. WVLC 1170 WIP 610
WKJR 1520 WPOW 330 Ormond Beath, Fla. WDAT 1380 WPEN 950
Muskogee, Okla. KBIX 1490 WQXR 560 Orocovis, PR WKCK 1470 WRCP 1540
KMUS 1380 WWRL 600 Ortifino, Idaho KLER 950 WTEL 860
Myrtle Beach, S.C. WMYB 1450 Niagara Falls, N.Y. WHLD 270 OrovIlle CA KORV 1340 Philipsburg, Pa. WPHB 1260
WTGR 1520 WJJL 440 Ortonville, Minn. KDIO 1350 Phillipsburg, KS KKAN 1490
Nacogdoches, Tex. KEEE 1230 NicholasvIlle, Ky. WNVL 250 Osage Bch., Mo. KRMS 1150 Phoenix AZ KIFN 860
KSFA 860 Niles, Mich. WNIL 290 Osceola AR KOSE 860 KASA 1540
Nampa, Idaho KFXD 580 Niles, Ohio WN 10 540 Oshkosh, WIa. WAGO 690 KXEG 1010
KAIN 1340 Noblesville. Ind. WHYT 110 WYTL 1490 KPHX 1480
Nanticoke, Pa. WNAK 730 Nogales AZ KFBR 3 Oskaloosa, Iowa KBOE 740 KHEP 1280
Napa, Calif. KVON 1440 Nome AK KICY 650 Oswego, N.Y. WSGO 1440 KMEO 740
Naples, Fla. WNOG 1270 KNOM 780 Othello, Waal. KRSC 1400 KOY 550
Narrows-Pearlsburg, Norfolk, MA WJMQ 1170 Otsego, Mich. WAOP 980 KOOL 960
Norfolk, Nebr. WJAG 780 Ottawa, III. WCMY 1430 KJJJ 910
Nashua, N.H. WOTW 900 Norfolk, Va. WTAR 790 Ottawa, Kana. KOFO 1220 KRIZ 1230
WSMN 1590 WCMS 1050 Ottumwa, Iowa KBIZ 1240 KTAR 620
Nashville AR KBHC 1260 WNOR 1230 KLEE 1480 KXI V 1400
Nashville, Ga. WNGA 1800 WRAP 850 Oviatonna, Minn. KRFO 1390 Phoenixville PA WYIS 690
Nashville, Tenn. WKDA 1240 WZAM 1110 Owego, N.Y. WEBO 1330 Picayune, Miss. WRJW 1320
WLAC 1510 Normal IL WRBA 1440 Owensboro, Ky. WOMI 1490 Pickens, SC WTGF 1540
WMAK 1300 Norman, Okla. WNAD 640 WVJS 1420 Piedmont AL WPID 1280
WNAH 1360 KNOR 1400 Owosso, Minh. WOAP 1080 Piedmont, Mo. KPWB 1140
WSIX 980 Norristown, Pa. WNAR 1110 Oxford, Miss. WSUH 1420 Pierre, S.D. KGFX 1060
WSM 650 N. Adams, Mass. WMNB 1230 Oxford NC WCBQ 1340 KCCR 1240
WWGM 1560 N, Atlanta. Ga. WRNG 680 Oxnard, Calif. KOXR 910 Pikeville, Ky. WLSI 900
Natchez, Miss. WMIS 1240 N. Augusta. S.C. WGUS 1380 Ozark AL WOZK 900' WPKE 1240
WNAT 1450 WFNL 1600 WAYD 1190 Pikesville, TN WUAT 1110
Natchitoches. La. KNOC 1450 N. Bend, Ore. KBBR 1340 Ozark AR KIRK 1540 Pine Bluff AR KCLA 1400
Natick, MA KGTR 1060 North Charleston, S.C. Paducah, Ky. WDXR 1560 KADL 1270
Naugatuck, Conn. WOWW 1380 WNCG 910 WKYX 570 KOTN 1490
Navasota, Tex. KWBC 1550 Northampton, Mass. WPAD 1450 KCAT 1340
Nebraska City, Nebr. WHMP 1400 Page AZ KPGE 1340 KYDE 1590
KNCY 1600 North East. Pa. WHYP 1530 Pageland, SC WCPL 1510 Pine Castle -Sky Lake FL


Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz

WHHL 1190 WEGP 1390 Ridgeerest, Cal. KLOA 1240 St. Joseph, Mo. KFEQ 680
Pine City. Minn. WCMP 1350 Preston, Idaho KPST 1340 KIM 1380 KKJO 1550
Pinellas Park, Fla. WFSO 570 Preston. Minn. KFIL 1060 Ridgefleid,CT WVFR 850 KUSN 1270
Pineville, Ky. WANO 1230 Prestonsburg, Ky. WPRT 980 Ridgeland, S.C. WBUG 1430 St. Louis MI WMLM 1540
Pineville, LA 1 WDOC 1310 Rifle, Colo. KWSR 810 St. Louis, Mo. KATZ 1600
Pineville. W.Va. WWYO 970 Price, Utah KOAL 1230 Rio Piedras, P.R. WUNO 1320 KMOX 1120
Pipestone, Minn. KLOH 1050 Prichard AL WKSJ 1270 Ripley, Miss. WSCA 1260 KSD 550
Piqua, Ohio WPTW 1570 Princeton, Ill. WZOE 1490 Ripley. Tenn. WTRB 1570 KTSL 690
Pittsburg, Calif. KKIS 990 Princeton, Ind. WRAY 1250 Ripon, Wis. WCWC 1600 KWIC 920
Pittsburg, Kans. KOAM 860 Princeton, Ky. WPKY 1580 River Falls, Wis. WEVR 1550 KXOK 630
KSEK 1340 Princeton, Minn. WQPM 1300 Riverhead, N.Y. WRIV 1990 WEW 770
Pittsburgh, Pa. KDKA 1020 Princeton, N.J. WHWH 1350 WRCN 1570 WIL 1430
KQV 1410 Princeton WV WAEY 1490 Riverside, CA KPRO 1440 KXEN 1010
WAMO 860 Prineville, Oreg. KRCO 890 KHNY 1570 St. Louis Park, Minn.
WKPQ 1320 Prosser, Wash. KARY 1310 KRSI 950
WPIT 730 Prichard AL W KS) 1270 Riverton. Wyo. KVOW 1450
WTAE 1251 Riviera Beach FL WPOM 1600 St. Marles ID KOFE 1480
Providence, R.I. WEAN 790 Roanoke AL WELR 1360 St. Mary's, Pa. WKBI 1400
WEEP 1080 WHIM 1110 St. Matthews, SC WQKI 710
WWSW 970 WICE 1290 Roanoke, Va. WFIR 960
Pittsfield, III. WBBA 1580 WJAR 920 WR1S 1410 St. Paul MN (see Minneapolis -
Pittsfield, Mass. WBEC 1420 WTOY 910 St. Paul MN)
WLKW 990 WROV 1240 St. Paula NC WLAB 1060
WBRK 1340 WPRO 830
WGRG 1110 WRIB 1220 WSLC 6I0 St. Peter, Minn. KRB1 1310
Pittston, PA WARD 1540 Provo, Utah KIXX 1400 Roanoke Rapids, N.C. St. Petersburg, Fla. WWBA 880
Plainfield, N.J. WERA 1590 KFTN 1400 WCBT 1230 WSUN 620
Plainview, Tex. KVOP 1400 KEYY 1450 Roaring Springs, Pa. WLCY 1380
KKYN 1090 KOVO 980 WKMC 1370 St. Peterside Beach, FL
Plant City, Fla. WPLA 910 KAYK 960 Robinson, 111. WTAY 1570 WRXB 1590
Platteville, Wis. WSWW 1590 Pryor. Okla. KOLS 1570 Robstown TX KROB 1510 Salamanca, N.Y. WGGO 1590
Plattsburg, N.Y. WEAV 980 Pueblo, Cola. Rochelle. III. WRHL 1060 Salem, Ill. WJBD 1350
KDZA 1230 Rochester, Minn. (ROC 1340
WIRY 1340 KAPI 890 Salem, Ind. WSLM 1220
WKDR 1070 KCSJ 690 KWEB 1270 Salem, Mass. WESX 1230
Plattsmouth, Neb. KOTD 1000 KFEL 970 KKEE 1520 Salem, Me. KSMO 1340
Pleasanton, Tex. KBOP 1380 K1DN 1400 Rochester, N.H. WWNH 930 Salem NH WVNH 1110
Pleasantville, N.J. WOND 1400 KPUB 1480 Rochester, N.Y. WBBF 950 Salem, N.J. WJIC 1510
Plymouth, Ind. WTCA 1050 Pulaski, Tenn. WKSR 1420 WHAM 1180 Salem, 0, WSOM 600
Plymouth, Mass. WPLM 1390 Pulaski, Va. WPUV 1680 WWWG 1469 Salem, Oreg. KSLM 1390
Plymouth, N.C. WPNC 1470 WBLB 1510 WNYH 680 KCCS 1220
Plymouth, N.H. WPNH 1300 Pullman, Wash. KWSU 1250 WSAY 1370 KBZY 1490
Plymouth, Wls. WPLY 1420 KPUL 1150 WROC 1280 KGAY 1480
Pocahontas AR KPOC 1420 Punta Gorda. Fla. WCCF 1580 Rockford, III. WROK 1440 Salem VA WUEZ 1480
Pocatello, Idaho KSE1 930 Punxsutawney, Pa. WPME 1540 WYFE 1150 Salida, Colo. KVRH 1340
KWIK 1240 Putnam, Conn. WINY 1350 WRRR 1330 Salina. Kans. KSAL 1150
KSNN 1290 Puyallup, WA KUPY 1450 Rockford, Mich. WJPW 810 KFRM 550
Pocomoke City, Md. WD M V 540 Quanah. Tex. Rock Hills, S.C. WRHI 1340 KINA 910
Poison, MT KERR 1070 Quantleo, VA WPWC 1530 WTYC 1150 Salinas. Calif. KDON 1460
Pomona. Calif. KWOW 1600 Quincy, Cal. KPCO 1370 Rockingham, N.C. WAYN 900 KTOM 1380
KLIT 1220 Quincy, Fla. WCN H 1230 WLWL 1500 KYWT 1570
Pompton, Lakes. N. J. Quincy, Ill. WGEM 1440 Rock Island, Ill. WHBF 1270 KCTY 980
WKER 1500 WTAD 930 Rockland, ME WRKD 1450 KXES 1570
Pompano Beach FL WPIP 980 Quincy, Mass. WJDA 1300 Rockmart, Ga. WPLK 1220 Salinas, P.R. WHOY 1210
WRBD 1470 Quincy, WA KWNC 1370 Rock Springs, WY KRKK 1360 Saline. Mich. WNRS 1290
Pones. City, Okla. WBBZ 1230 Quitman, Ga. WSFB 1490 Rockville, Conn. WRKV 800 Salisbury, Md. WBOC 960
Pones, P.R. WPRP 910 Quitman, Miss. WBFN 1500 Rockville, Md. WINX 1600 WICO 1320
WEUC 1420 Racine, WI WRKR 1460 Rockwood, Tenn. WOFE 580 WJDY 1470
WPAB 550 WRJN 1400 Rocky Ford, Colo. KAVI 1320 Salisbury, N.C. WSTP 1490
WLEO 1170 Radford, Va. WRAD 1460 Rooky Mount, N.C. WCEC 810 WSAT 1280
WISO 1260 Raeford, N.C. WSHB 1400 WEED 1390 Sallisaw, Okla. KBJS 1510
WZBS 1490 Rainelle, WV WRRL 1130 WRMT 1400 KRBB 1560
Pontiac, Ill. WPOK 1080 Rainsville AL WVSM 1500 Rocky Mount, Va. WYTI 1570 Salmon, Idaho KSRA 980
Pontiac, Mich. WPON 1490 Raleigh, N.C. WKIX 850 WNLB 1290 Salt Lake City, Utah
Pontotoc, Miss. WSEL 1440 WYNA 1550 Rogers AR KAMO 1390 KALL 910
Pooli, Ind. WVAK 1580 WPTF 680 WHAK KCPX 1320
Poplar Bluff, Mo. KWOC 930 WPJL 1240 Rogersville. Tenn. WRGS 1370 KLUB 570
KLI D 1340 Rails, Tex. KCLR 1530 Rolla, Mo. KCLU 1590 KNAK 1280
Poplarville, Miss. WRPM 1530 Rantoul, Ill. WRTL 1480 KTTR 1490 KRSP 1060
Portage MI WBUK 1560 Randolph VT WCVR 1320 Rome, Ga. WLAQ 1410 Salt Lake City, UT KRGO 1550
Portage PA WRML 1470 Rapid City, S.Dak. KOTA 1380 WIYN 1360 KSL 1160
Portage, Wis. WPDR 1350 KIMM 1150 WRGA 14,0 KSOP 1370
Portageville, Mo. KMIS 1050 KTOQ 1340 WHOM 710 KSXX 630
Portaies, N.Mex. KENM 1450 KKLS 920 Rome, N.Y. WKAL 1450 KWHO 860
Port Angeles, Wash. KAPY 1290 Raton, N.Mex. KRTN 1490 WRNY 1350 KWMS 1280
KONP 1450 Ravenswood, W.Va. WMOV 1960 Ronceverte, WV WRON 1400 San Angelo, Tex. KTE13 1340
Port Arthur TX KOLE 1340 Rawlins, Wyo. KRAL 1240 Roosevelt, UT KNEU 1250 KGKL 960
KPAC 1250 Raymond. Wash. KAPA 1340 Roseau, Minn. KRWB 1410 KPEP 1420
KYKR 1510 Raymondville, Tex. KSOX 1240 Roseburg, Oreg. KRNR 1490 KIXY 1260
Porterville, Calif. KTIP 1450 Rayville, La. KRIH 990 KQEN 1240 San Antonio, Tex. KAPE 1480
Port Gibson, MS WKPG 1320 Reading, Pa. WEEU 850 KRXL 1250 KKYX 680
WPGR 1520 WHUM 1240 KYES 950 KQAM 1150
Port Hueneme, Calif. KACY 1520 WRAW 1340 Rose Hill, N.C. WEGG 710 KBUC 1310
Port Huron, Mich. WHLS 1450 Red Bay AL WRMG 1430 Rosenberg, Tex. KFRD 980 KCOR 1350
WPHM 1380 Redding, Calif. KRDG 1230 Roseville, Cal. KPOP 1110 KEDA 1540
Port Jervis, N.Y. WDLC 1490 KCLM 1330 Roseville, Ga. WRIP 980 KUKA 1250
Port Lavaca, Tex. KGUL 1560 KQMS 1400 Roswell, N.Mex. KRSY 1230 KMAC 830
Portland, IN WPGW 1440 KSXO 600 KRDD 1320 KONO 880
Portland, Maine WCSH 970 -KVIP 540 KBIM 910 KTSA 550
WGAN 560 Red Bluff. Calif. KBLF 1490 KBCQ 1020 WOAI 1200
WLOB 1310 Redfield. SD KFCB 1380 Roxboro, N.C. WRXO 1430 San Bernardino, Calif.
WPOR 1490 Redlands, Calif. KCAL 1410 Royal Oak, Mieh. WEXL 1340 KCKC 1350
Portland, Oreg. KBPS 1450 Red Lion, Pa. WGCB 1440 Royston, Ga. WBLW 810 KFXM 590
KLIQ 1290 Red Lodge, Mont. KRBN 1450 Rugby, N.Dak. KGCA 1450 KBON 1240
KEX 1190 Redmond, Oreg. KPRB 1240 Ruidoso, NM KRRR 1360 KMEN 1290
KGW 820 Red Oak, Iowa KOAK 1080 Rumford, Me. WRUM 790 Sandersville, Ga. WSNT 1490
KKEY 1150 Red Springs, N.C. WYRU 1510 Rupert, Idaho KAYT 970 San Diego, Calif. KCBQ 1170
KOIN 970 Red Wing, Minn. KCUE 1250 Rushton, La. KRUS 1490 KFMB 760
KPAM 1410 Redwood Falls. MI. KLGR 1490 Rusk, Texas KTLU 1580 K000 600
KDPQ 800 Reedsburg, Wis. WRDB 1400 Russell. Kans. KRSL 990 KGB 1360
KUPL 1330 Reedsport, Ore. KDUN 1470 Russellville AL WWWR 920 KSON 1240
KWJJ 1080 Reidsville GA WTNL 1390 WKAX 1500 (800 1130
KXL 750 Reidsville, N.C. WFRC 1600 Russellville AR KARV 1490 San German, PR WBOZ 1090
Port Neches, TX KSUZ 1150 WREV 1220 Russellville, Ky. WRUS 610 Sandpoint, Idaho KSPT 1400
Port St. Joe. Fla. WJOE 1080 Remsen, N.Y. WADR 1480 Rutland, Vt. WHWB 1000 Sand Spring, Okla. KTOW 1340
Portsmouth, N.H. WBBX 1380 Reno, Nev. KOH 890 WSYB 1380 Sandusky, Mich. WMIC 1560
WHEB 750 KBET 138040 Rutherfordton, N.C. Sandusky, Ohio WLEC 1450
Portsmouth, Ohio WPAY 1400 KCRL 7 WCAB 590 Sandy Creek-Pulukl, NY
WNXT 1260 KOBY 1550 Sacramento CA KGNR 1320 WSCP 1070
Portsmouth. VA WPCE 1400 KOLO 920 KFBK 1530 San Fernando, Calif. KGIL 1260
WHNE 1350 KONE 1450 KGMS 1380 Sanford, Fla. WTRR 1400
WPMH 1010 KCBN 1230 KJAY 1430 WSFR 1300
Port Sulphur LA KAGY 1510 Rensselaer, IN WRIN 1580 KRAK 1140 Sanford. Me. WSME 1220
Port Washington. Win. Rensselaer, N.Y. WQBK 1300 KROY 1240 Sanford, N.C. W EYE 1290
WGLB 1560 Rexburg, Idaho KRXK 1230 KNDE 1470 WWGP 1050
Post, Tex. KPOS 1370 Rhinelander, Wis. WOBT 1240 Safford, Ada. KGLU 1480 San Francisco, CA KFRC 810
Poteau, Okla. KLCO 1280 Rice Lake, Wis. WJMC 1240 KATO 1230 KCBS 740
Potomac -Cabin John, Md. Ridgefield, CT WVFR 850 Sag Harbor, N.Y. WLNG 1800 KFAX 1100
WCTN 1300 Richfield MN WY00 980 Saginaw, Mich. WKNX 1210 KG0 810
Potosi, Mo. KYRO 1280 Richfleid, Utah KSVC 980 WSAM 1400 KNBR 680
Potsdam, N.Y. WPDM 1470 Richland, Wash. KALE 960 WSGW 790 KKHI 1550
Pottstown. Pa. WPAZ 1370 Richland Center, Wis. St. Albans. Vt. WWSR 1420 KIQI 1010
Pottsville, Pa. WPAM 1450 WRCO 1450 St. Albans, W.Va. WKLC 1300 KSFO 560
WPPA 1360 Richlands, Va. WRIC 640 St. Anthony, Ida. KIGO 1400 KEST 1450
Poughkeepsie, N.Y. WEOK 1390 Richmond, Ind. WKBV 1490 St. Augustine, Fla. WFOY 1240 KYA 1280
WKIP 1450 Richmond, Ky. WEKY 1340 WAOC 1420 San Gabriel, Cal. KALI 1430
Powell, Wyo. KPOW 1280 WCBR 1110 St. Charles, Mo. K1RL 1460 San German, P.R. WBOZ 1090
Poynette, Wia. WIBU 1240 Richmond, Vs. WANT 990 St. Cloud, MN KCLD 1450 Sanitobia, Miss. WSAO 1550
Praire du Chien, Wis. WBBL 1480 WJON 1240 San Jose, Calif. KLOK 1170
WPRE 980 WKIE 1540 St. George, S.C. WQIZ 810 KL1V 1590
Pratt KS KWLS 1290 WLEE 1480 St. George, LIT KDXU 1450 KEEN I37u
Prattville AL WPXC 1410 WEET 1320 St. Helens, Oreg. KOHI 1600 KXRX 1500
Prentiss, Miss. WKPO 1510 WGOE 1590 St. Ignace, Mich. WIDG 940 San Juan, P.R. WAPA 880
Prescott AZ KYCA 1490 WTVR 1380 St. Johns, Mich. WRBJ 1580 WBM1 1190
KENT 1340 WRNL 910 St. Johnsbury, Vt. WTWN 1340 WHOA 870
KNOT 1450 WRVA 1140 St. Joseph, Mich. WW1% 1400 WIAC 740
Prescott AR KTPA 1970 WXOI 950 St. Joseph -Benton Harbor, WIPR 940
Presque, Isle, Ms. WAGM 950 Richwood, W.Va. WVAR 600 Mieh. WHFB 1060 WQI 1 1140


Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz

WKAQ 580 Shippensburg, Pa. WSHP 1480 Stamford, Tex. KDWT 1400 WTGA 1590
WKVM 810
g WOSO 1030
WQBS 630
WRAI 1520
San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Show Low, AZ
Shreveport. La.
KVSL 1450
KVWM 970
KBCL 1220
KEEL 710
KOKA 1550
Stanford, Ky.
Stanton, KY
Starke, Fla.
Starkville, Miss.
WRSL 1520
WBFC 1470
WPXE 1490
WKOR 980
WSSO 1230
Thomasville AL
Thomasville, Ga.
Thomasville, N.C.
Thomson, Ga.
WJDB 630
WPAX 1240
WLDR 730
WTNC 790
WTWA 1240
KATY 1340 (JOE 1480 State College, Pa. WMAJ 1450 WTHO 1530
KSLY 1400 Kell 980 WRSC 1390 Thousand Oaks CA KGOE 850
KVEC 920 KRMD 1340 Statesboro, Ga. WWNS 1240 Three Rivera, Mieh.
San Marcos, TX KONY 1470 KWKH 1130 WPTB 850 WKLM 510
San Mateo, Calit. KOFY 1050 KFLO 1300 Statesville, N.C. WSIC 1400 Thurmont, Md. WTH U 450
San Rafael, CA KTIM 1510 Sidney, Mont. KGCX 1480 WDBM 550 Ticonderoga, N.Y. WIPS 250
San Saba, lex. KBAL 1410 Sidney, Nebr. KSID 1340 Staunton, Va. WTON 1240 Tiffin, Ohio WTTF 600
San Sebastian, P.R. Sidney, 0. WMVR 1080 WKDW 900 Tifton, Ga. WT1 F 340
WFBA 1460 Sierra Vista AZ KTAN 1420 Steamboat Springs, CO WWGS 430
KWIZ 1480
Santa Ana, Calif. Sikeston, Mo. KSIM 1400 230 Tillamook, Oreg. KTIL 590
Santa Barbara. Cal. (DB 1490 KMPL 1520 Stephenville, Tex. KSTV 510 Tloga, N.D. KTGO 090
KTYD 990 Slier City, N.C. WNCA 1570 Sterling, Colo. KSTC 230 Titusville, FL WRMF 060
KIST 1340 Siloam Springs AR KUOA 1290 Sterling, Ill. WSD R 240 Titusville, Pa. WTIV 230
KT MS 1250 Silsbee, Tex. K K AS 1300 Steubenville, Ohio WSTV 340 Toccoa, Ga. W LET 420
KKIO 1290 Silver City, N.Mex. KSIL 1340 WLIT 950 WNES 630
Santa Calra, CA KNTA 1430 Silver Spring MD WGAY 1050 Stevens Point. Wis. WXYQ 010 Toledo, Ohio WOHO 470
Santa Cruz, Calif. (500 1080 Simcoe, Ont. CFRS 1560 Stillwater, Minn. WAVN 220 WSPD 370
Sante Fe, N.Mex. KTRC 1400 Sinton, Tex. KIKN 1590 Stillwater, Okla. KSPI 780 WTOD 560
KAFE 10 Sioux Center, Iowa KVDB 1090 Stirling. NJ WI<MB 070 WCWA 230
KVSF 1260 Sioux City, Iowa KSCJ 1360 Stockton, Calif. (JOY 280 WGOR 520
Santa Maria, Cal. KUHL 1440 KMNS 620 KSTN 420
KSMA 1240 KWSL 1470 KWG 230 Toledo, Oreg. KTDO 1230
KSEE 1480 Sioux Falls, S.Dak. KISD 1230 Storm Lake, Iowa KAYL 990 Tolleson AZ KRDS 1190
KZON 1600 KCH F 1520 Streator, Ill. WIZZ 1250 Tomah, Wis. WTMB 1460
Santa Monica, Cal. KDAY 1580 KELO 1320 Stroudsburg, Pa. WVPO 840 Tomahawk WI WYYS 810
Santa Paula, CA KAAP 1400 KNWC 1270 Stuart, Fla. WSTU 1450 Thompkinsville, Ky. WTKY 1370
Santa Rosa, Calif. KSRO 1350 K800 1140 Stuart, Va. WHEO 1270 Tooele, Utah KDYL: 990
KVRE 1460 Sitka AK KIFW 1230 Sturgeon Bay, Wis. WDOR 910 Topeka, Kans. WIBW aao
KJAX 1150 (SEW 1400 Sturgis, Mich. WSTR 1230 KEWI 440
Santa Rosa, N.Mex. KSYX 1420 Skowhegan ME WSKW 1150 Sturgis, S.D. KBHB 810 WREN 250
Sapulpa, Okla. KREK 1550 Slaton, Tex. KCAS 1050 Stuttgart, AR KWAK 1240 KTOP 490
Saranae Lake, N.Y. WNBZ 1240 Slidell LA WSDL 1560 Suffolk, VA W FOG 1450 Toppenish, Wash. KENE 490
Sarasota, Fla. WKXY 930 Smithfield, N.C. WMPM 1270 Sullivan, Ind. WKQV 1550 Torrington CT WSNG 610
WQSA 1220 Smithfield, VA WE00 940 Sullivan, Mo. KT Ul 1560 Torrington, Wyo. KGOS 490
WSPB 1450 Smithville, Tenn. WILE 1480 Sulphur, LA KEZM 131 Towanda, Pa. WTTC 550
WYND 1280 Smyrna. Ga. WYNX 1550 Towson, MD WTOW 570
Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Sulphur Sprgs., Tex. KSST 1230 Travelers Rest, S.C.
Snyder. Tex. KSNY 1450 Sumiton AL WRSM 1540 WBBR 580
WKAJ 900 Socorro, N.Mex. KSRC 1290 Summerville, Ga. WGTA 950
Sauk Rapids, Minn. Soda Springs, Ida. KBRV 790 Traverse City, Mich. WTCM 400
WVAL 800 Summerville, S.C. WAZS 980 WCCW 310
Sault Ste. Marie. Mich.
Savannah GA
WS00 1230
WQQT 1450
Soddy -Daisy TN
Soldotna AK
Somerset. Ky.
WPJD 1550
KSRM 920
WSFC 1240
WTLO 1480
Sumner, Wash.
Sumter, S.C.
KDFL 560
WF1G 290
WDXY 240
WSSC 340
Trenton,NT. KTTN 600
WTNJ 300
WEAS 900 Somerset, Pa. WVSC 990 W KOK
WTT M 920
WSAV 630 Sunbury, Pa. 070 Trenton, Tenn. WINE 500
Somerville, N.J. WBRW 1170 Sunnyside, Wash. KREW 230 Trinidad, Colo. KCRT 240
WSGA 1400 Soddy, Tenn. WEDG 1240 Superior, Nebr. KRFS
WTOC 1290 Soddy -Daisy TN WPJD 1550
600 Troy AL WTBF 970
W130 K 1230 Superior, Wis. WDSM 710 Troy, N.Y. W H AZ 330
Sonora. Calif. KVML 1450 WAKX 970 WTRY 980
Savannah. Tenn. WORM 1010 Sonora, TX KVRN 980
Sayre, Pa. WATS 960 Susanville, Calif. KSUE 1240 Troy, N. C. WJRM 390
Soperton, GA WYOK 1000 Sutton, W.Va. WSGB 1400 Truckee, Cal. KTRT 400
Schenectady, N.Y. WGY 810 So. Beloit, Ill. WBEL 1380 Swainsboro, Ga. WJAT 800
WWWD 1240 Truman AR KXRQ 530
So. Bend, Ind. WNDLI 1490 W X RS 1590 Truth or Consequences,
Scotland Neck, N.C. WYAL 1280 WJVA 1580 KFIR 1370
Scott City, Kans. KFLA 1310 WSBT 960
Sweet Home, Ore. New Mexico KCHS 400
Scottsbluff, Nebr. KNEB 960 Sweetwater, Tenn. WDEH 800 Tryon, N.C. WTYN 550
Southwest City, MO KCTE 1140 Sweetwater, Tex. KXOX 1240 Tucson AZ KT UC 400
KOLT 1320 Southbridge, Mass. WESO 970 WFEB 1340
Scottsboro AL WCRI 1050 Sylacauga AL KXEW 600
WROS 1330 So, Boston, Va. WHLF 1400 WMLS 1290 KAI R 490
KDOT 1440 Southern Pines, N.C. WEEB 990 Sylva, NC WRGC 680 KCEE 790
Scottsdale AZ WSYL 1490 K I KX 580
Scottsville, Ky. WLCK 1250 South Charleston, WV Sylvania, Ga.
WARM 590 WSCW 1410 Sylvester, Ga. WOGA 1540 KCUB 1290
Scranton, Pa. Syracuse, N.Y. WHEN 620 KEVT 690
WEJL 630 8.13aytona, Fla. WELE 1590
WGBI 910 So. Gastonia, N.C. WGAS 1420 WFBL 1390 KMGX 940
WICK 1400 So. Haven, Mich. WJOR 940 WNDR 1260 KHYT 330
WSCR 1320 South Hill. Va. WJWS 1370 WOLF 1490 KTKT 990
Seaford, DE WSFD 1280 Southington, Conn. WNTY 990 W8Y R 570 KOPO 450
Searey, AR KWCK 1300 So. Knoxville, Tenn. WSKT 1580 Tabor City, N.C. WTAB 1370 K UAT 550
Seaside, Ore. KSWB 930 South Lake Tahoe, Cal. Tacoma, Wash. KM0 1360 Tueumcarl, N.Mex. KTNM 400
Seattle. Wash. KAYO 1150 KOWL 1490 KTAC 850 Tulare, Calif. KOOK 270
KIXI 910 KT HO 590 KTNT 1400 KGEN 370
KING 1090 South Miami FL WNWS 790 KV1 570 Tulia, Tex. KTUE 260
KIRO 710 South Paris, ME WXIV 1450 Taft, Calif. KTKR 1310 Tullahoma, TN WBGY 740
KJR 950 So. Pittsburg, Tenn. WEPG 910 Tahlequah, Okla. KTLQ 1350 Tulsa, Okla. KAKC 970
KMPS 1300 So. St. Paul, Minn. Tahoe Valley. Calif. KXXO 1300
KOMO 1000 KDWB 630 KTHO 590 KRMG 740
KZO K 1590 KDAN 1370 Talladega AL WEYY 1580 KEL1 1430
KYAC 1250 So. Williamsport. Pa. WNUZ 1230 KV00 170
KVI 570 WMPT 1450 Tallahassee, Fla. WMEN 1330 KFM.1 050
KXA 770 Spanish Fork, Utah KONI 1480 Tupelo, Miss. WELO 580
KBLE 1050 Sparks -Reno NV KWRL 1270 WAN M 1070 WJLJ 060
Sebring, Fla. WJCM' 960 Sparta, Ill. WHCO 1230 WTAL 1450 WT UP 490
WSEB 1340 Sparta, N.C. WCOK 1060 WTNT 1270 Turlock. Calif. KCEY 990
Sedalia, Mo. KDRO 1490 Sparta, Tenn. WSMT 1050 Tallapoosa, GA WING 1060 Tuscaloosa AL WJRD 150
KSIS 1050 WUCR 860 Tallassee AL WTLS 300 WACT 420
KAZM 1470 Sparta, Wis. WKLJ 990 Tallulah, La. KILO 360 WNPT 280
Sedan, AZ WCOW 1290 Tampa, Fla. WQYK 110 WTUG 790
Seguin. Tex. KWED 1580 WDAE WTBC 230
Selinsgrove, Pa. WSEW 1240 Spartanburg, SC WKDY 1400 250
WAMA 1340 WORD 910 WYOU 550 Tuseumbla AL WVNA 590
Selma AL WSPA 950 WFLA 970 WZZA 410
WHBB 1490 WHBO Tuskegee AL WBIL 580
WTQX 1570 WASC 1530 050
WBZB 1090 Spencer. Iowa KICD 1240 WINO 010 Twenty -Nine Palms. Calif.
Selma, N.C. Spencer, W.Va. WVRC 1400 WIMP 150 KDHI 1250
Selmer, Tenn. WDTM 1130 WSOL Twin Falls, Idaho KTLC 1270
Seminole, Tex. KIKZ 1250 Spokane, Wash. KGA 1510 300
WSAO 1550 KXXR 1440 Taos, N. Mex. KKIT 340 KLIX 1310
Senatohia, Miss. KSPO 1230 Tappahannoek, Va. WRAR 000 KEEP 1450
Seneca Falls, N,Y. WSFW 1110 KEZE 1380 Tarboro, N.C. WCPS 760 Two Rivers, Wis. WQTC 1590
Seneca Township, S.C. KHQ 590 Tarpon Springs FL WCWR 470 Tyler, Tex. KZAK 1330
WSNW 1150 Tasley, Va. WESR KOOK 1490
Sevierville, Tenn. WSEV 930 KJRB 790 330
KREM 970 Taunton, Mass. WPEP 570 KTBB 600
Seward, AK KRXA 950 KXLY 920 Tawas City, Mich. WIOS 480 KZ EY 690
Seymour, Ind. WJCD 1390 Taylor, Tex. KTAE Tylertown, Miss. WTYL 1290
Seymour, Tex. KSEY 1230 KMBI 1390 260
KUDY 1280 Taylorsville NC WQXZ 860 Tyrone, Pa. WTRN 1340
Shakopee, Minn. KSMM 1530 KBRS 1340 WTLK Uhrichsville, 0. WBTC 1540
Shallotte, N.C. WVCB 1410 Springdale AR 570
KSPR 1590 Taylorville. Ill. WTIM 410 Ukiah, Cal, KMSL 1250
Shamokin, Pa. WISL 1480 Springfield, Ill. WCVS 1450 Tazewell, Tenn. WNTT 250 KUKI 1400
Shamrock, Tex. KBYP 1580 WMAY 970 Tazewell, Va. WTZE 470 Ulysses, Kan. K ULY 1420
Sharon, Pa. WPIC 790 WTAX 1240 Tell City, Ind. WTCJ 230 Union, Mo. KLPW 1220
Shawano, Wis. WTCH 950 Springfield, Mass. WHYN 560 Tempe AZ KI<K0 060 Union, S.C. WBCU 1460
Shawnee, Okla. KGFF 1450 WMAS 1450 KNIX 580 Union City, Tenn. WENK 1240
Sheboygan, Wis. WHBL 1330 WSPR 1270 Temple. Texas KTEM 400 Uniontown, Pa. WMBS 590
WKTS 950 Springfield MO KBUG 1060 Terre Haute, Ind. WBOW 230 Urbana, Ill. WILL 580
Sheffield AL WSHF 1290 KGBX 1260 WAAC 300 WCCR 1580
Shelby, Mont. KSEN 1150 KICK 1340 WTHI 480 Utica, N.Y. WIBX 950
Shelby, N.C. WOHS 730 KLFJ 1550 Terrell, Tex. KTER 570 WBVM 1550
WADA 1390 KTTS 1400 Terrell Hills, Tex.KITE 930 WRUN 1150
Shelbyville, Ill. WSHY 1560 KWTO 560 Terrytown, Nebr. KEYR 690 WTLB 1310
Shelbyville, Ind. WSVL 1520 Springfield, Ohio WIZE 1340 Texarkana AR KOSY 790 Utuado, P.R. WUPR 1530
Shelbyville, Ky. WCND 940 WBLY 1600 KTFS 1400 Uvalde, Tex. KVOU 1400
Shelbyville, Tenn, WHAL 1400 Springfield -Eugene, Ore. Texarkana, Tex, KCMC 740 Valdese, N.C. WSVM 1490
WLIJ 1580 KEED 1450 'Texarkana, TX -AR KADO 940 Valdosta, Ga. WGOV 950
Sheldon. Iowa KIWA 1550 KORE 1050 Texas City, Tex. KTLW 920 WGAF 910
Shell Lake, Wis. WCSW 940 Springfield, Tenn. WDBL 1590 Thayer, Mo. KALM 290 WJEM 1150
Shelton, Wash. KMAS 1280 Springfield, Vt. WCFR 1480 The Dallas, OR KODL 440 WVLD 1450
Shenandoah, Iowa KMA 960 Springhill, La. KBSF 1460 KACI 300 Valentine, Nebr. KVSH 940
KFNF 920 Spring Lake, N.C. Thermopolis, Wyo. K RT R 490 Vallejo, Calif. KNBA 1190
Shenandoah, Pa. WMBT 1530 WFBS 1450 KTHE 240 Valley City, N.Dak. KOVC 1490
Sheridan, Wyo. KWYO 1410 Spring Valley, N.Y. Thief River Falls, Minn. Valparaiso, Fla. WFSH 1340
KROE 930 WGRC 1300 KTRF 230 Valparaiso, Ind. WAKE 1500
Sherman, TX KIKM 910 Spruce Pine, N.C. WTOE 1470 Thibodaux, La. KTI B 630 WNWI 1080
KXTO 1500 Stamford. Conn. WSTC 1400 Thomaston, Ga. WSFT 220 Van Buren AR KAYR 1060


Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz
KFDF 1580 WRC 980 West Jefferson, N.C.
Van Cleve, Ky. W MTO 730 WTOP 1500 WKSK 580 Winder, Ga. WIMO 1300
Vanceburg, Ky. WKICS 1570 WYCB 1340 W. Liberty, Ky. WLKS 1450 Windermere, Fla. WVCF 1480
Vancouver, Wash. KGAR 1550 Washington, Ga. WLOV 1370 West Memphis AR KSUD 730 Windom, Minn. KDOM 1580
KVAN 1480 Washington, Ind. WAMW 1580 W. Monroe, La. KUZN 1310 Window Rock AZ KHAC 1300
Vandalia, III. WPMB 1500 Washington, Iowa KCII 1380 W. Palm Beach. Fla. Windsor, Colo. KUAD 1170
Van Wert, Ohio WERT 1220 Washington, N.J. WCRV 1580 WEAT 850 Windsor, Conn. WKND 1480
Vega Bala, P.R. WEGA 1350 Washington, N.C. WEEW 1320 WJNO 230 Windsor, N.C. WBTE 990
Venice, Fla. WAMR 1320 WITN 930 WIRK 290 Winnemucca, Nev. KWNA 1400
Ventura, Calif. KVEN 1450 Washington, Pa. WJPA 1450 West Plains, Mo. KWPM 450 Winfield AL WEZQ 1300
Ventura -Oxnard, CA WKEG 1110 West Point, Ga. WBMK 310 Winfield, Kan. KNIC 1550
KBBQ 1590 Washington Court West Point, Miss. WROB 430 Winnfield. La. KVCL 1270
Vermillion, S.Dak. KUSD 690 House, Ohio WCHO 1250 Westport, Conn. WMMM 260 Winner, S.Dak. KWYR 1280
KVRA 1570 Waterbury, Conn. WATR 1320 West Springfield, MA Winnsboro, La. KMAR 1570
Vernal, Utah KVEL 920 Waterbury CN WQQW 1590 WNUS 490 Winnsboro, S.C. WCKM 1250
Vernon AL WVSA 1380 WWCO 1240 W. Yarmouth, Mass. Winona, Minn. KWNO 1230
Vernon, Tex. KVWC 1490 Waterbury, Vt. WDEV 550 WOCB 240 KAGE 1380
Vero Beach. Fla. WAXE 1370 Waterloo IA KLEU 850 W. Yellowstone, Mont. Winona, Miss. WONA 1570
WTTB 1490 KXEL 1540 KWYS 920 Winslow AZ KINO 1230
Vicksburg, Miss. WQBC 1420 KNWS 1090 Westerly, R.I. WERI 1230 Winston-Salem, N.C.
WJFL 1490 KWWL 1330 Westfield, Mass. WDEW 1570 WAAA 980
WVIM 1490 Watertown, N.Y. WATN 1240 Westminster, Md. WTTR 1470 WAIR 1340
Victoria, Tex. KNAL 1410 WOTT 1410 Weston, W.Va. WHAW 980 WPGD 1550
KV IC 1340 WWNY 790 West Warwick RI WKR1 1450 WS.113 GOO
Victorville, Calif. KC1N 1590 Watertown, S.Dak. KSDR 1480 Wetumka AL WETU 1250 WTOB 1380
Vidalia, Ga. WVOP 970 KWAT 950 Wewoka-Seminole, Okla. WSMX 1500
Vieques, P.R. WIVV 1370 Watertown, Wls. WTTN 1580 KWSH 1260 Winter Garden, Fla. WOKB 1600
Ville Platte, La. KVPI 1050 Water Valley, Miss. Wharton, Tex. KANI 1500 Winter Haven, Fla. WSIR 1490
Vincennes, Ind. WAOV 1450 WVLY 1320 Wheatland, Wyo. KYCN 1340 WZNG 1360
Vineland, N.J. WWBZ 1360 Waterville, Me. WTVL 1490 Wheaton, Md. WDON 1540 Winter Park, FL WNBE 1440
WDVL 1270 Watkins Glen, N.Y. Wheeling, W.Va. WHLL 1600 WNNO 990
Ylnita, Okla. KVIN 1470 WGMF 1500 WNEU 1600 Wisconsin Dells. WI
Vinton, Va. W KBA 1550 Watseka, Ill. W GFA 1360 WKWK 1400 Winters, TX KRWT 1060
Virginia. Minn. WHLB 1400 Watsonville, Calif. KOMY 1340 WWVA 1170 Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.
Virginia Beach, Va. Wauchula. Fla. WAUC 1310 White Castle. LA KKAY 1590 WFHR 1320
WVAB 1550 Waukegan, Ill. WKRS 1220 Whitehall. Mich. WLRC 1490 Wolfeboro, N.H. WASR 1420
Virouqua, Wis. WISV 1360 Waukesha, Wis. WAUK 1510 White Plains. N.Y. WFAS 1230 Wolf Pt., Mont. KVCK 1450
Visalia, Calif. KONG 1400 Waukon, la. KNEI 1140 White River June., Vt. Woodburn, Ore. KWRC 940
Vista, Cal. KMLO 1000 Waupaca, Wis. WDUX 800 WNHV 910 Woodbury TN WBRY 1540
Vivian, LA KNCB 1320 Waupun, Wis. WLKE 1170 Whitesburg, Ky. WTCW 820 Wood River, Ill. WRTH 590
Wabash, Ind. WAYT 1510 Wausau. WI WRIG 1400 White Sulphur Sprin,
gs Woodruff, S.C. WSJW 1510
Wabasha MN KWMB 1190 WSAU 550 WV WSLW 1310 Woodville, Tex. KVLL 1220
Waco, Tex. WACO 1460 WXCO 1230 Whiteville, N.C. WENC 1220 Woodward, Okla. KSIW 1450
KRZI 1580 Waverly. Iowa KWAY 1470 Whitley City. KY WEQO 1220 Woonsocket, R.I. WNRI 1380
KWTX 1230 Waverly, Ohio WPKO 1380 Wichita, Kans. KAKE 1240 WWON 1240
WacoMarlin, TX KKIK 1010 Waverly, Tenn. WPHC 1060 KEYN 1410 Wooster. Ohio WWST 960
Wadena, Minn. KWAD 920 Waxahachie, Tax. KBEC 1390 KSGL 900 Worcester, MA WNCR 1440
Wadesboro, N.C. WADE 1210 Waycross, Ga. WACL 570 KLEO 1480 WNEB 1230
Wagoner OK KWOK 1530 WAYX 1230 KFDI 1070 WORC 1310
Wailuku, Hawaii KMVI 550 Wayne, Neb. KTCH 1590 KFH 1330 WTAG 580
Waipahu, Hawaii KAHU 940 Waynesboro, Ga. WBRO 1310 Wichita Falls, Tex. KNIN 990 Worland, Wyo. KWOR 1340
Walhalla, S.C. WGOG 1000 Waynesboro, Miss, WABO 990 KTRN 1290 Worthington, Minn. KWOA 730
Walker, Minn. KLLR 1600 Waynesburg, Pa. WANB 1580 KWFT 620 Worthington, Ohio WRFD 880
Wallace, Idaho KWAL 620 WOOZ 1540 Wickenburg AZ KSWW 1250 Wray CO KRDZ 1470
Wallace, N.C. WLSE 1400 Waynesboro, Pa. WED) 1130 Wickford, R.I. WKFD 1370 Wynne AR KWYN 1400
Walla Walla, Wash. Waynesboro TN WAAN 1400 Wiggins, Miss. WIGG 1420 Wyoming MI WYGR 1530
KNIT 1320 Waynesboro, Va. WAYB 1490 Wildwood, N.J. WCMC 1230 Wytheville, Va. WYVE 1280
KUJ 1420 WANV 970 Wilkes-Barre. Pa. WBAX 1240 Xenia, 0. WELX 1110
KTEL 1490 Waynesville, Mo. KJPW 1390 WBRE 1340 WGIC 1500
Walnut Ridge AR KRLW 132 0 KFBD 1270 WILK 980 Yabucoa, PR WXEW 840
Walsenburg, Colo. KFLJ 1380 Waynesville, N.C. WHCC 1400 Wilkesboro, N.C. WWWC 1240 Yadkinville, N.C. WYDK 1480
Walterboro, S.C. WALD 1060 Weatherford, Okla. KWEY 1590 Williams, PA KBWA 1240 Yakima, Wash. KIT 1280
Waltham, MA WHET 1330 Weatherford TX KZEE 220 Williamsburg, Ky. WEZJ 1440 KMWX 1460
Walton, N.Y. WDLA 1270 Webster City IA KQWC 1570 Williamsburg, Va. WBCI 740 KBBO 1390
Wanchese, N.C. WOBR 1530 Weirton, W.Va. WEIR 430 Williamson, W.Va. WBTH 1400 KQOT 930
Ware, Mass. WARE 1250 Weiser, Idaho KWEI 260 Williamsport. Pa. WLYC 1050 KUTI 980
Warner Robbins, Ga. Welch, W.Va. WELC 150 WRAK 1400 Yankton, S.D. KYNT 1450
WQCK 16(10 WXEE 340 WWPA 1340 WNAX 570
WAVC 1350 Weldon, N.C. WSMY 400 Williamston, N.C. WIAM 900 Yauco, P.R. WKFE 1550
Warren AR KWRF 880 Wellington, Kan. KLEY 130 Willimantic, Conn. WILT 1400 Yazoo City, Miss. WAIF 1230
Warren. Ohio WHHH 1440 Wellsboro, Pa. WNBT 490 Williston, N.D. KEYZ 1360 WYAZ 1530
WTCL 1570 Wells River, VT WYK R 490 Willmar, Minn. KWLM 1340 York, Nebr. KAWL 1370
Warren. Pa. WNAE 1310 Wellston, Ohio WKOV 330 Willoughby, Ohio WELW 1330 York AL WYLS 1350
Warrensburg, Mo. KOKO 1450 Wellsville, N.Y. WLSV 790 Willow Springs, Mo. KU KU 1330 York, PA WZIX 1350
Warrenton, Mo. KWRE 730 Wematchee, WA KWWW 340 Willows, Calif. KIQS 1560 WNOW 1250
Warrenton, N.C. WARR 1520 Wendell-Zebulon, N.C. Wilinington, Del. WAMS 1380 WSBA 910
Warrenton, Va. WEER 1250 KMEL 340 WDEL 1150 York, S.C. WYCL 980
WKCW 1420 KUEN 900 WILM 1450 Youngstown, Ohio WBBW 1240
Warsaw IN WRSW 1480 WETC 540 WTUX 1290 WFM.1 1390
Warsaw NY WCJW 1140 Weslaco. Tex. KRGV 1290 Wilmington, N.C. WMFD 830 WGFT 1500
Warsaw. N.C. WTRQ 1560 West Allis, Wis. WAWA 1590 WHSL 1490 WKBN 570
Warsaw, Va. WNNT 890 W. Bend, Wis. WBKV 1470 WKLM 980 Ypsilanti, Mich. WSDS 1480
Wartburg, Tenn. WECO 940 West Branch MI WBMB 1060 WGNI 1340 WYFC 1520
Warwick NY WTBQ 1110 Westbrook -Portland ME Wilmington, OH WKFI 1090 Yreka. Calif. KSYC 1490
Warwick -E. Greenwich, R.I. WJBQ 1440 Wilson, N.C. WGTM 590 Yuba City, Calif. KUBA 1600
WARY 1590 West Chester, Pa. WCHE 1520 WLLY 1350 KOBO 1450
Waseca MN KOWO 1170 West Covina, Cal. KGRB 900 WVOT 1420 Yuma AZ KAWC 1320
Wasco, Calif. KWSO 1050 West Fargo ND KQWB 1550 Winchester, Ky. WWKY 1380 KVOY 1400
Washington, DC WFAN 1340 Westfield MA WLDM 1570 Winchester, Tenn. WCDT 1340 KBLU 560
Washington, D.C. WMAL 630 W. Frankfort, III. WFRX 1300 Winchester, Va. WINC 1400 Zanesville. Ohio WHIZ 1240
WOL 1450 W. Hartford, Conn. WHPL 610 ZephyrhIlls, Fla. WPAS 1400
WUST 1120 WWDC 1260 WMLB 1550 Windber, Pa. WWBR 1350 Zion. III. WZBN 1500


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz
KAAA Kingman AZ 1230 KAHI Auburn, Calif. 950 KANS Larned, Kan. 1510 KATR Eugene, Ore. 1320
I(AAM Dallas TX 1310 KAHL North Platte, NB 1410 KAOH Duluth, Munn. 139 0 KATY San Luis Obispo, Cal. 1340
KAAP Santa Paula, CA 1400 KAHU Waipahu, Hawaii 940 KAOK Lake Charles, La. 1400 I(ATZ St. Louis. MO 1600
KAAR Mountlake Tarr., WA 1510 KAI M Honolulu, Hawaii 870 KAOL Carrollton, Mo. 1430 I(AUS Austin, Minn. 1480
KAAT Denver CO 1090 KAIN Nampa, Ida. 1340 KAPA Raymond, Wash. 1340 KAVA Burney, Cal. 1450
KAAY Little Rock AR 1090 KAI R Tucson, Ariz. 1490 KAPB Marksville, La. 1370 KAVE Carlsbad, N.Mex. 1240
KABC Los Angeles, Calif. 790 KAJN Crowley, La. 1560 KAPE San Antonio. Tex. 1480 KAVI Rocky Ford, Colo. 1320
KAB1 Abilene, Kans. 560 KAJO Grants Pass, Oreg. 1270 ICAPI Pueblo, Colo. 690 KAVL Lancaster, Calif. 610
KABL Oakland, Calif. 960 KAKA Derrnott, AR 1110 KAPR Douglas AZ 930 KAVR Apple Valley, Calif. 960
KABN Long Island Al( 150 KAKC Tulsa, Okla. 970 I(APS Mt. Vernon, Wash. 1470 KAWC Yuma AZ 1320
KABQ Albuquerque, N.M. 350 KAKE Wichita, Kan. 1240 KAPY Port Angeles, Wash. 1290 KAWL York, Neb. 1370
KABR Aberdeen, S.Dak. 420 KALB Alexandria, La. 580 KARE Atchison, Kan. 14 70 (CAWS Hemphill TX 1530
KACH Preston, ID 340 KALE Richland, Wash. 960 KARI Blaine. Wash. 550 KAWW Heber Springs AR 1370
KAC1 The Dallas, Oreg. 300 KALI San Gabriel, Cal. 143 0 KARM Fresno, Calif. 1430 ICAYC Beaumont, Tex. 1450
KACJ Greenwood, AR 510 KALL Salt Lake City, Utah 910 KARN Little Rock AR 920 KAYG Lakewood, Wash. 1480
KACO Bellville, TX 090 KALM Thayer, Mo. 129 0 KARR Great Falls, Mont. 1400 KAYI( Provo, UT 960
KACT Andrews, Tex. 360 KALO Little Rock AR 1250 KARS Bolen, N.M. 860 (AYL Storm Lake, Iowa 990
KACY Port Hueneme, Calif. 520 KALT Atlanta, Tex. 900 KART Jerome, Idaho 1400 (AYO Seattle, Wash. 1 150
KADA Ada. Okla. 1230 KALV Alva, Okla. 1430 KARV Russellville AR 1490 (AYQ Kansas City, Mo. 1 190
KADE Boulder CO 190 KAMA El Paso TX 1060 KARY Prosser, Wash. 1210 (AYR Van Buren AR 1060
K A D I Clayton, MO 1320 KAMD Camden AR 910 KASA Phoenix AZ 1540 (AYS Hays, Kans. 1400
KADL Pine Bluff AR 270 KAMI Cozad. Neb. 1580 KASH Eugene, Ore. 1600 (AYT Rupert, Idaho 970
KADO Texarkana, TX -AR 940 KAML Kenedy-Karnes City, KASI Ames, Iowa 1430 KAZA Gilroy, Cal. 1290
KADS Elk City, Okla. 240 Tex. 990 KASL Newcastle, Wye. 1240 (AZM Sedona, AZ 1470
KAFE Sante Fe, N.M. 810 KAMO Rogers AR 1390 KASM Albany, Minn. 1150 (BAB Indianola, Iowa 1490
KAFF Flagstaff AZ 930 KAMP El Centro, Calif. 1430 ICASO Minden, La. 1370 BAD Carlsbad, N.M. 740
KAFY Bakersfield, Calif. 550 KAMX Alhuquerque NM 1520 !CAST Astoria. Ore. 1220 (BA1 Morro Bay, Calif. 1150
l(AGC Bryan, TX 1510 KAMY McCamey, Tex. 1450 l(ASY Auburn, Wash. 1240 (BAL San Saba, Tex. 14ID
KAGE Winona, Minn. 930 KANA Anaconda, Mont. 580 KATA Arcata CA 1340 (BAM Longview, Wash. 1270
KAGH Crossett AR 800 KANC Anchorage, Alaska 1030 KATB Agana, GU 570 BAN Bowie, Tex. 1410
KAGI Grants Pass, Oreg. 138 0 KAND Corsicana, Tex. 1340 KATE Albert Lea, Minn. 1450 (BAR Burley, Idaho 1230
KAGO Klamath Falls. Oreg. 1 150 KANE New Iberia, La. 1240 KATI Casper, Wyo. 1400 KBBA Benton AR 690
KAGT Anaeortes, Wash. 134 0 KANI Wharton, Tex. 1500 KATL Miles City, Mont. 1340 (BOB Borger, Tex. 1600
KAGY Port Sulphur LA 1510 KANN Ogden. Utah 1090 KATO Safford AZ 1250 (BBO Yakima, Wash. 1390


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz

KBBQ Ventura -Oxnard, i<CCO Lawton, Okla. KDOM Windom, Mlnn. KFLO Shreveport. LA
1050 1580 1300
CA 1590 KCCR Pierre, S. D. 1240 [(DON Salinas, Calif. 1460 KFLP Floydada TX 900
KBBR North Bend, Oreg. 1340 KCC8 Salem, OR 1220 KDOV Ashland OR 1350 KFLS Klamath Falls OR 1450
KBBS Buffalo. Wyo. 1450 KCCT Corpus Christi. Tex. 1150 KDQN DeQueen, AR 1390 KFLY Corvallis, Oreg. 1240
KBBV Big Bear Lake, CA 1050 KCCV Independence, Mo. 1510 KDRG Deer Lodge, Mont. 1400 KFMB San Diego, Cal. 760
KBCC Cuba, MO 1410 KCEE Tucson AZ 790 KDRO Sedalia, Mo. 1490 K EW Tulsa, Okla. 1050
KBCH Lincoln City OR 1380 KCEY Turlock, Cal. 1390 KDRS Paragould AR 1490 KFML Denver, Colo. 1390
KBCL Shreveport, La. 1220 KCFB Mendocino, CA 1300 KDRY Alamo Hta., Tex. 1110
KBCR Steamboat Springs, KCF1 Cedar Falls, Iowa 12 50 KDSI Deadwood, S. Dak. 980 KFMO Flat River, Me. 1240
CO 1230 KCGS Marshall, AR 1600 KDSN Denison, Ia. 1530
KFNV Ferriday, La. 1600
1(BCQ Roswell, NM 1020 KCHA Charles City, Iowa 1580 KDSX Denison -Sherman. KENW Fargo ND 1170
KBDF Eugene, OR 1200 KCHE Cherokee. Iowa 1440 Tex.
KYFR Shenandoah, IA 920
KBEA Mission, Kans. 148 0 KCHF Sioux Falls, S.D. 1520 KOTA Delta, Colo. 1400050
KBEC Waxahachie, Tex. 1390 KCH1 Chillicothe, Mo, 1010 I(DTH Dubuque, Iowa 1370
KBEE Modesto, Calif. KCHJ Delano, Calif. KDUN Reedsport, Ore. 1470 KFOR Lincoln, Nebr. 1240

970 1010
KBEL Idabel, Okla. 1240 KCH K New Prague, MN 1350 KDUZ Hutchinson, Minn. 1260 KFPW Fort Smith AR 1230
KBEN Carrizo Soros., Tex. 1450 KCHR Charleston, Mo. 1350 KOWA Hastings. Minn. 1480 KFQD Anchorage AK 750
KBET Reno, Nev. 1340 KCHS Truth or Consequences, KDWB Minneapolis - KFRA Franklin, LA 1390
<BEW Blue Earth, Minn 1560 New Mexico 1400 St. Paul MN 830 KERB Fairbanks AK 900
BFI Bonners Ferry ID 1450 l(CHV Coachella, Calif. 970 KDWN Las Vegas, NV 20 KFRC San Franelseo, Calif. 610
BFS Belle Fourche, S.Dak. 1450 KCIA Humble City, N.Mex. 1110 KDWT Stamford, Tex, 14700 KFRD Rosenberg -Richmond,
K C I D Caldwell, Idaho KDXE N. Little Rock, AR 1380 Tex. 980
BFW Bellingham, Wash. 930 1490
KDXI Mansfield, La. 1360 KFRE Fresno, Calif. 940
BGG Merkel, TX 1500 KCII Washington, Iowa 1380
<BGH Memphis, Tex. 1130 KC1J Shreveport, La. 980 KOXU St. George, UT 1450 KFRM Salina, Kan. 550
KCIM Carroll, Iowa KDYL Tooele, Utah 990 KFRN Long Beach CA 1280
<BGN Caldwell, ID 1060 1380
KDZA Pueblo, Cola KFRO Longview. Tex. 1370
(BHB Sturgis. S. D. 810 KCIN Victorville, Calif. 1590 1230
KBHC Nashville AR 1260 1(C.113 Minot, N.Dak. 910 KEAN Abilene TX 1230 KFRU Columbia, Mo. 1400
BHM Branson, Mn-12 20 KCJI Iowa City, IA 1560 KEAP Fresno, Calif. 980 KFSA Fort Smith AR 950
KBHS Hot Springs AR 590 KCKC San Bernardino, Cal. 1350 KEBE Jacksonville, Tex. 1400 KFSB Joplin, Mo. 1310
KCKN Kansas City, Kans. 1340 KECH Ketchikan, Alaska 620 KFST Ft. Stockton, Tex. 860
KBIB Monette AR 1560 KECK Lincoln, Neb. 1530 KFTM Ft. Morgan, Colo. 1400
1(B1F Fresno, Calif. 900 KCKW Jena, La. 1480
KCKY Coolidge AZ 1150 KEDA San Antonia, Tex. 1540 KFTN Provo, UT 1400
KB1K Lompoc, CA 1400
KEDD Dodge City, Kans. 1550 KFTW Frederlekstown, Mo. 1450
KBIL Liberty, Mo. 1140 KCLA Pine Bluff AR 1400
KCLD St. Cloud, NM 1450 KEDO Longview, Wash, 100 KFUN Las Vegas, N.Mex. 1230
KB1M Roswell, N.Mex. 910 KEED Eugene, Ore. 14450 KFUO Clayton, Mo. 850
KBIX Muskogee, Okla. 1490 KOLE Cleburne, Tex. 1120
KCLK Clarkston, Wash. 1430 KEEE Naeogdoehes, Tex. 123(1 KFVS Cape Girardeau, Mo. 960
KBJM Lemmon, S.D. 14 00 KEEL Shreveport, La. KFWB Los Angeles, Calif. 980
KBJS Sallisaw, Okla. 1510 1(CLM Redding, Cal. 1330
KCLN Clinton, Iowa 139 0 KEEN San lose, Calif. 1377010 KFWJ Lake Havasu City AZ 980
KB12 Ottuwa, Iowa 1240 KEEP Twin Falls, Idaho 1450 KFXD Nampa, Idaho 580
KBIT Fordyce AR 1570 KCLO Leavenworth, Kans. 1410
KCLR Rails. Tex. 1530 KEES Gladewater. Tex. 143 0 KFXM San Bernardino, Calif. 590
KBKB Fort Madison, IA 1360 KCLS Flagstaff AZ 600 KEEY Minneapolis - KFYN Bonham, Tex. 1420
KBKR Baker, Oreg. 1490 KCLT Lobkhart, TX 1060 St. Paul MN 1400 KEY Lubbock, Tex. 790
KBKW Aberdeen, Wash. 1450 KCLU Rolla, Me. 1590 KEGG Daingerfleld, Tex. 1560 KFYR Bismarck, N.Dak. 550
KBLC Lakeport, Cal. 1270 KCLV Clovis. N.Mex. 1240 KEHG Fosston, Minn. 1480 KGA Spokane, Wash, 1510
KBLE Seattle, Wash. 1050
KOLW Hamilton, Tex. 900 KEIN Great Falls MT 1310 KGAA Kirkland, WA 1460
KBLF Red Bluff, Calif. 1499
KCLX Colfax, Wash. 1450 KELA Centralia-Checkalls, KOAF Gainesville, Tex. 1580
KBLI Blackfoot, Idaho 690
KCMC Texarkana, Tex. 740 Wash. 1470 KGAK Gallup, N.Mex. 1330
KBLL Helena. Mont. 1240
KCMJ Palm Sprgs., Calif. 1010 KELD El Dorado AR 1400 KGAL Lebanon, Oreg. 920
KBLR Bolivar, Mo. 1130
KCMO Kansas City, Me. 810 KEL1 Tulsa, Okla. 1430 KGAR Vancouver, Wash. 1550
KBLU Yuma, Ariz. 560 KELK Elko, Nev. 1240 KGAS Carthage, Tex. 1590
KBLW Logan, Utah 1390 KCMP Brush, CO 1010
KGAY Salem, Oreg. 1430
KCMX Ashland OR 580 KELO Sioux Falls, S.Dak. 1320
KBLY Gold Beach, Oreg. 1220
KCNI Broken Bow, Nebr. 1280 KELP El Paso, Tex. 920 KGB San Diego, Calif. 1360
KBMI Henderson, Nev. 1400
KCNO Alturas, Calif. 570 KELT Ely, Nev. 1230 KGBC Galveston, Tex. 1 540
KBMN Bozeman, Mont. 1230 KEMM Marshfield, Mo. 1510 KGBX Springfield, Mo. 1260
KBMO Benson, Minn. 1290 KCNW Fairway, KS 1380
KGCA Rugby, N.D. 1450
KCNY San Marcos, Tex. 1470 KENA Mena AR 1450
1(6Mil Bismarck, N. D. 1350
1(COB Newton, Iowa KEND Lubbock TX 1590 KGCL East Prairie, Mo. 108 0
KBMW Wahpeton, N.D.- 1280
KCOG Centerville, Iowa 1400 KENE Toppenish, Wash. 1490 KGCX Sidney, Mont. 1480
Breckenridge, Minn. 1450 KENI Anchorage AK 550 KGDN Edmonds, Wash. 30
KBMY Billings, Mont. 1240 '<COB Houston, Tex. 1430
KGEE Bakersfield, Calif.
1(COK Tulare, Calif. 1270 KENM Portales, N.Mex. 1450 12630
KBND Bend, Oreg. 1110
KCOL Ft. Collins, Colo. 1410 KENN Farmington, N.M. 1390 K GEM Boise, Idaho 1140
KBNO Denver, CO 1220 KENO Las Vegas, Nev. 1460 KGEN Tulare, Calif. 1370
((BOA Kennett, Mo. 830 KCOM Comanehe, Tex. 1550
KGER Long Beach, Calif. 1390
KCON Conway AR 1230 KENR Houston, Tex. 1070
KBOE Oskaloosa. Iowa 740
KCOR San Antonio, Tex. KENT Prescott, Ariz. 1340 KGEZ Kalispell, Mont. 60
1(B01 Boise, ID 60 KCOW Alliance, Nebr.
1400 KEOR Atoka, Okla, 1690110 KGFF Shawnee, Okla. 1450
KBOK Malvern AR 13170
KCPX Salt Lake City, Utah 1320 KEOS Flagstaff AZ KGFL Clinton, AR 1110
KBOL Boulder, Colo. 149 0
KCRC Enid, Okla. 1390 KEPS Eagle Pass, Tex. 1270 KGFW Kearney, Nebr. 1340
KBON San Bernardino, Calif. 1240 KCRG Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1600 KERB Kermit, Tex. KGFX Pierre, S.D. 1060
KBOP Pleasanton, Tex. 13 80
KCIIL Reno, Nev. 780 KERC Eastland, Tax. 1569000 KGGF Cuffeyville, Kans. 690
KBOR Brownsville, Tex 1600
KCRS Midland, Tex. 550 KERE Denver CO 710 KGHL Billings, Mont. 790
KB OW Butte. Mont. 550
KCRT Trinidad, Colo. 1240 KERG Eugene, Oreg. 1280 '<CHM Brookfield, Mo. 1470
KBOX Dallas, TX 1490
KCRV Caruthersville, Mo, 1370 KERN Bakersfield, Calif. 1410 KGHO Hoquiam, Wash. 1580
KBOY Medford, Oreg. 730
KCSJ Pueblo, Colo. 590 KERR Poison, MT 1070 (<OHS International Falls.
KBOZ Bozeman. MT 1090
KCSR 'Chadron, Nebr. 610 KERV Kerrville, Tex. 1230 Minn. 1230
KBPS Portland, Oreg. 1450 KOTA Corpus Christi, Tex. 1030 KESM Eldorado Spring, Ma. 1580 KGIL San Fernando, Calif. 1260
KBRB Ainsworth, Neb. 1400
l(CTE Southwest City, MO 1140 KEST San Franciseo, Calif. 1450 KGIW Alamosa, Colo. 1450
KBRC Mt. Vernon, Wash. 14 20
'(CT! Gonzales, Tex. 1450 KETX Livingston, Tex. 14 40 KGKL San Angelo, Tex. 980
KBRE Cedar City, Utah 940
KCTO Columbia, La. 1540 KEUN Eunice, La. 1490 KGKO Benton AR 850
KBRF Fergus Falls, Minn. 1250
[CCTV Salinas, Calif. 980 KEVA Evanston, Wyo. 1240 KGLA Gretna. La. 1540
KBRI Brinkley AR 1570
KCTX Childress, Tex, 1510 KEVT Tucson AZ 690 KGLC Miami, Okla 910
KBRJ Boise ID 950 KCUB Tucson AZ 1290 KEW! Topeka, Kans. 1440 KGLE Glendive, Mont. 590
KBRK Brooklings, S.Dak. 1430 KCUE Red Wing, Minn. 1250 KEWQ Paradise. Cal. 930 1<GLM Avalon, Calif. 740
KBRL McCook, Nebr. 130 0
KCUZ Clifton AZ 1490 KEWS Cuero, TX 1600 KGLN Glenwood Stags., Colo. 980
KBRN Brighton, Colo. 800 KCVL Colville, Wash. 1270 Portland,KEX Oreg. 1 190 KGLO Mason City. Iowa 1300
KBRO Bremerton, Wash. 1490 KCVR Lodi, Calif. 1570 KEXO Grand June., Colo. 1230 KGLU Safford, Ariz. 1480
KBRR Leadville, Colo. 1230 KCYL Lampasas, Tex. 1450 KEXS Excelsior 8 rings, Mo. KGMB Honolulu, Hawaii 590
KBRS Springdale AR 1340
1<DAC Ft. Bragg, Calif. 1230 KEYE Perryton, Tex. 1400 KGM1 Bellingham, Wash. 790
KBRT Avalon, CA 740 KDAK Carrington, N.D. 1600 KEYH Houston, TX 850 KGMO Cape Girardeau, Mo. 1220
KBRV Soda Springs, Ida. 790 KDAL Duluth, Minn. 610 KEYJ Jamestown, N.Dak. 14 00 KGMR Jacksonville AR 1500
KBRW Barrow AK 680 KDAN Minneapolis - KEYL Long Pralrle, Minn. 1400 KGMS Sacramento, Calif. 1380
KBRX O'Neill, Nebr. 1350 St. Paul MN 1370 KEYN Wichita KS 1410 KGMT Fairbury, Nebr. 1310
KBRZ Freeport, Texas 1460 KDAP Douglas, AZ 1450 KEYR Tarrytown, Nebr. KGNB New Braunfels, Tex. 1420
1(BSF Springhill, La. 1460
KDAV Lubbock, Tex. 580 KEYS Corpus Christi, Tex. 1440 KGNC Amarillo, Tex. 710
KBSN Crane TX 810 KDAY Santa Monica, Calif. 1580 KEYY Provo, Utah 1450 KGNO Dodge City, Kans. 1370
KBST Big Spring, Tex. 1490 KDAZ Albuquerque, N.M. 730 KEYZ Williston, N.Dak. 1360 KGNR Sacramento CA 1320
KBTA Batesville AR 1340 KDB Santa Barbara, Calif. 149 0 KEZE Spokane, Wash. 1380 K G0 San Francisco, Calif. 610
KBTC Houston, Mo. 1250 KDBM Dillon, Mont. 1490 KEZM Sulphur, LA 1310 KGOE Thousand Oaks, Calif. 850
KBTM Jonesboro AR 1230 KDBS Alexandria, La. 1410 KEZY Anaheim, Calif. 1190
KBTN Neosho, Mo. 1420 KGOL Palm Desert, CA 1270
KDCE Espanola, N.M. 970 KFAB Omaha, NB 1110 KGOS Torrington, Wyo. 1490
KBUB Sparks, Nev. 1270 KDDA Dumas AR 1580 KFAC Los Angeles, Calif. 1330
KBUC San Antonio, Tex. 1310 KDDD Dumas. Tex. 800 KFAH Lakewood Center,
KGRB West Covina, Cal. NU
KBUD Athens, Tex. 1410 KDDR Oakes ND 1480
KGRI Henderson, Tex. 1000
12 20 Wash. KGRL Bend, Oreg. 940
KBUF Garden City, KS 1050 1<D EN Denver, Colo. 1340 KFAL Fulton, Mo. 900
KBUG Springfield MO 1060 KBES Palm Svgs., Calif. 920 NEAR Fairbanks AK 660
KGRN Grinnell, Iowa 1410
KBU H Brigham City, Utah 800 KDET Center, Tex. 930 KFAX San Francisco. Calf. KGRO Pampa, Tax. 1230
KBUK Baytown, TX 1360 KDEW DeWitt AR (470 KFAY Fayetteville AR 250100
KGRT Las Cruses, N.Mex. 570
KBUN Bemidji, Minn. 1450 KDEX Dexter, Mo. 1590 KGRZ Missoula, MT 1450
KFBC Cheyenne, Wyo. 240 KGST Fresno, Calif. 1600
1(BUR Burlington, Iowa 1490 KDFL Sumner, Wash. 1560 KFBD Waynesville, Mo. 270
KBUS Mexia, Tex. 1590 I(DEN Doniphan, Mo. KGTN Georgetown, Tex. 1530
1500 KFBK Sacramento, Calif. 530 KGU Honolulu, Hawaii 7 60
KBVM Lancaster. Calif. 1380 1(0 G 0 Durango, Colo. 1240 KFBR Nogales AZ 340
KBWA Williams, AZ 1240 KDHI Twenty-nine Palms, KFCB Redfield, S. Dak. 380 KGUC Gunnison, Colo. 1490
KBWD Brownwood, TX 1380 California 1250 KFDF Van Buren AR 380 KGUL Port Lava, Tex. 1560
KBXM Kennett, MO 1540 KOHL Faribault, MN 920 KFD1 Wichita, Kansas 1070 KGVL Greenville, Tex. 1400
KBYE Okla. City, Okla. 890 I(DHN Dimmitt, Tex. 1470 KFDR Grand Coulee, Wash. 1380 KGVO Missoula, Mont. 1290
i<BYG Big Springs, Tex. 1400 1<D1A Oakland. Calif. 1310 KGVW Belgrade, Mont. 630
KFEL Pueblo, Colo. 970 KGW Portland, Oreg. 620
KBYP Shamrock, Tex. 1580 KDIO Ortonville, Minn. 1350 KFEQ St. Joseph, Mo. 680
KBYR Anchorage AK 700 KDIX Dickinson, N.Dak. 123 0 KFFA Helena Ai 1360
KGWA Enid, Okla.
KBZY Salem, Oreg. 1490 KDJI Holbrook AZ 1270 KFGO Fargo, N.D. 790 KGY Olympia, Wash. 1294060

KBZI Lalunta, Colo. 1400 1(1)1W Amarillo, Tex. 1010 KFGQ Boone, Iowa 1260 KGYN Guymon, Okla. 1210
KCAB Dardanelle AR 980 I<0 KA Pittsburgh, Pa. 1020 KFH Wichita, Kans. 1330
KHAC Window Rock AZ 1300
KCAD Abilene, Tex. 1560 KDKB Mesa, AZ 1510 KFI Los Angeles, Calif. 640 KHAD DeSoto, Mo. 1190
KCAL Redlands, Calif. 14 10 KDKD Clinton, Mo. 1280 KFIA Carmichael, CA 710 KHAK Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1360
KCAM Glennallen AK 790 KDKO Littleton, Colo. 1510 KEIL Preston, Minn. 060
KHAL Homer, La. 1320
KCAN El Reno OK 1460 KOLA DeRidder, La. 1010 KFIR Sweet Home, Ore. 370
KHAP Aztec, N.M. 1340
KCAP Helena, Mont. 1340 KDLG Dillingham, AK 870 KHAR Anchorage AK 590
KFIV Modesto, Calif. 360 KHAS Hastings, Nebr. 1230
KCAR Clarksville, Tex. 1350 KDLK Del Rio, Tex. 1230 KFIZ Fond du Lae, Wis. 14 50 KHB.1 Canyon TX 1550
KCAS Slaton, Tex. 1050 KDLM Detroit Lakes, Minn. 1340 KFJB Marshalltown, Iowa 230
KCAT Pine Bluff AR 1340 KDLR Devils Lake, N.Dak. 1240 KHBM Monticello AR 1430
I(CBC Des Moines, Iowa 1390 KDLS Perry, Iowa 1310
KFJM Grand Forks, N.Dak. 370 KHBR Hillsboro, Tex. 1560
KCBN Reno, Nev. 1230 KDLT Delta. UT 540
KFJZ Ft. Worth, Tex 270 KHDN Hardin, Mont. 1230
KCBQ San Diego, Calif. 1170 KDMA Montevideo, Minn. 1460
KFKA Greeley, Colo. 310 KHEM Big Springs, Tex. 1270
KCBS San Fran.. Calif. 740 1( 0 MO Carthage. Me. 1490
KFKU Lawrence, Kans. 250 KHEN Henryetta, Okla. 930
KCCB Corning AR 1260 KDMS El Dorado AR 1290
KFLA Scott City, Kane. 310
KHEP Phoenix AZ 1280
KCCC Carlsbad. N.M. 930 KDNT Denton. Tex. 1440
KFLD Floydada, Tex. 900
KHEY El Paso. Tex. 159 0
KCCL Paris AR 1460 KDOK Tyler, Tex. 1490
KFLI Mountain Home, Ida. 1240
KH HA Carlsbad NM 1240
KCCN Honolulu, Hawaii 1420 KDOL Mojave, Calif. 1340 KFLJ Waisenburg, Colo. 960
K H IS Bakersfield. CA 800
KFLN Raker. Mont. 1380


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz

KHIT Walla Walla, Wash. 1230 I(JSK Columbus, Nebr. 900 KMBL Junction, Tex. 1450 KOHI St. Helens. Ore. 1600
1( H1 Los Angeles, CA 930 1(1ST Joshua Tree, Cal. 1420 (MBY Monterey, Calif. 1240 KO HO Honolulu, Hawaii 1170
KHLB Burnett TX 1940 KJWH Camden AR 450 (MBZ Kansas City, Mo. 980 KOHU Hermiston, OR 1380
KHLO Hilo, Hawaii 1070 K KAA Aberdeen, SD 1560 <MCD Fairfield, Iowa 1570 (COIL Omaha, Nebr. 1290
KHMO Hannibal, Mo. 1320 KKAN Phillipsburg, Kans. 490 <MCL McCall, Ida. 1240 KOJM Havre. Mont. 610
ICH NY Riverside, CA 1570 (KAP Antos.Canitola, CA 540 (MCM McMinnville, Oreg. 1260 KOJO Laramie WY 1490
KHOB Hobbs, N.Mex. 1390 (KAS Silsbee, Tex. 130 0 MCW Augusta AR 1190 KOKA Shreveport. La. 1550
KHOG Fayetteville AR 1440 KAY White Castle, LA 590 <MDO Ft. Scott, Kans. 1600 KOKC Guthrie, Okla. 1490
KHOL Beulah, ND 1410 (1(13.1 Bemidji. MN 360 (MED Medford, Oreg. 1440 KOKE Austin, Tex. 1370
KHOT Madera, Calif. 1250 (KDA Grand Prairie, Tex. 730 MEN San Bernardino, Kr1KK Huron, SD 1190
KNOW Denver, Colo. 630 KEE Rochester, MN 520 Cal. 1290 KOKL Okmulgee, Okla, 1240
KHOZ Harrison AR 900 KKEY Portland, Ore. 150 KMEO Phoenix AZ 740 KOKN Pawhuska, OK 1500
KHQ Spokane, WA 590 (KHI San Francisco, Calif. 550 KMER Kemmerer, Wyo. 950 1(1) I( 0 Warrensburg. Mo. 1450
KHRT Minot, N. D. 1320 1(11( Waco -Marlin. TX 010 KMFB Mendocino, Cal. 1300 KOKX Keokuk. Iowa 1310
KHSJ Hemet, Calif. 1320 K KIM Albuquerque NM 000 KMGX Tucson, AZ 940 KOKY Little Rock AR 1440
KHSL Chico, Calif. 1290 KIN Aitkin, Minn. 930 KM HL Marshall, Minn. 1400 KOLE Port Arthur TX 1340
VHSN Coos Bay YR 1230 (1(10 Santa Barbara, CA 290 KIVIHT Marshall, Tex. 1450 KOLJ Quanah, Tex. 1150
KHUB Fremont, Nebr. 134 0 KIS Pittsburg. Calif. 990 KM1L Cameron, Tex. 1330 KOLO Reno Nev 920
I( H OM Eureka CA 790 KKIT Taos, N.Mex. 1340 KMIN Grants, N.M. 980 KOLS Pryor. Okla. 1570
KHVH Honolulu, Hawaii 1040 K010 St. Joseph. Mo. 1550 I< Ml0 El Cajon, CA 910 KOLT Scottsbluff, Nebr. 1320
KHYM Gilmer TX 1060 (I< KO. Tempe AR 1060 1<M IS Portageville, Mo. 1050 KOLY Mobridge, S.Dak. 1300
KHYT Tucson AZ 1330 KLS Rapid City, SO 920 KMJ Fresno, Calif, 580 KOMA Okla. City, Okla. 1520
KIAK Fairbanks, AK 970 KOA Minto, ND 1390 KMLB Monroe, La. 1440 KOMO Seattle. Wash. 1000
KIBE Palo Alto, Calif. 1220 (ICON Kealakekua, Hawall 790 KMLO Vista, Cal. 1000 KOMW Omak, Wash. 680
KIBL Beeville, Tex. 1490 <I<OY Chanute. Kan. 1460 KM 14.1 Grand Island, Nebr. 750 KOMY Watsonville, Calif. 1340
KIBS Bishop, Calif. 1230 KSI Mt. Pleasant, IA 1130 KMMO Marshall, Mo. 130 0 KONA Kennewick WA 610
KICA Clovis, N.M. 980 KTT Los Angeles CA 1230 KMNS Sioux City, Iowa 620 KONE Reno, Nev. 1450
KICD Spencer, Iowa 1240 KUA Honolulu, Hawaii 690 KM0 Tacoma, Wash, 1360 KONG Visalia, Calif. 1400
KICK Springfield, Mo. 1340 KUB Brownfield, Tex. 1300 KMON Great Falls, Mont. 560 KONI Spanish Fork, Utah 1480
KICO Calexico, Calif. 1490 KUZ Burlington, Iowa 1150 K MOO Mineola, TX 1510 KONO San Antonio, Tex. 860
KICS Hastings, Neb. 1550 KKXL Grand Forks ND 1440 KMOX St. Louis. Mo. 1230 KONP Port Angeles, Wash. 1450
KICX McCook, Neb. 1360 (KYN Plainview, TX 1090 1( M PC Los Angeles, Calif. 710 KONY San Marcos, TX 1470
KICY Nome AK 850 (KYR Marshall. TX 1410 KMPG Hollister, Cal. 1540 KOOK Billings, Mont. 970
KID Idaho Falls, Idaho 590 K KYX San Antonio 880 KMPL Sikeston, Mo. 1520 KOOL Phoenix AZ 960
KIDD Monterey, Calif. 630 K KZZ Lancaster CA 1380 I( MPS Seattle, WA 1300 KO 0 0 Omaha, Nebr. 1420
KIDN Pueblo, CO 1400 LAC Los Angeles, Calif. 570 I( MRC Morgan City, La. 1430 KOPO Tucson, Ariz. 1450
KIDO Boise, Idaho 630 KLAD Klamath Falls OR 960 KMRN Cameron, Mo. 1360 KOPY Alice, Tex. 1070
KIEV Glendale, Calif. 870 LAK Lakewood, Colo. 1600 K MRS Morris, Minn. 1230 KOQT Bellingham, Wash. 1550
KIFG Iowa Falls, la. 1510 LAM Cordova AK 1450 KMSD Milbank, SD 1510 KORC Mineral Wells, Tex. 1140
K4FN Phoenix AZ (LAN Lemoore, Calif. 1320 K MSL Uxiah, Cal. 1250 KORD Pasco, Wash. 910
KIFW Sitka Al( 1283060
LAR Laredo. Tex. 1300 0 ^^-ri Ma"i, UT 1340 KORE Springfield -Eugene,
KIG1 Pasadena, CA 1110 CLAY Las Vegas, Nev. 1230 14MTX Helena, MT 950 Ore. 1050
KIGO St. Anthony, Ida, 1400 (LBJ Austin TX 590 <MUL Muleshoe, Tex. 1380 KORK Las Vegas, Nev. 920
KIHN Hugo, Okla. 1340 LBK Lubbock, Tex. 1340 ( M US Muskogee, Okla. 1380 KORL Honolulu, Hawaii 650
KIIQ Manitou Springs, CO 1490 (LBM La Grande, Oreg. 1450 (MV1 Wailuku, Hawaii 550 KORN Mitchell, S.Dak. 1490
KITS Los -Angeles, Calif. 1150 LBS Los Banns, Calif. 1330 <MWX Yakima. Wash. 14 60 KORT Grangeville Idaho 230
KIIIX Ft. Collins, Colo. 600 LCB Libby, Mont. 123 0 <MYC Marysville, Calif. 14 10 KORV Oroville CA 340
KIJV Huron, S.D. 1340 <LCL Lake Charles, LA 1470 <NAB Burlington CO 1140 KOBE Osceola AR 860
K I KC Forsyth, MT 1250 KLCN Blytheville AR 910 (NA F Fredericksburg, Tex. 910 KOSI Aurora, Colo. 430
KI KI Honolulu, Hawaii 830 LCO Poteau, Okla. 1280 <NA K Salt Lake City, Utah 1280 KOSY Texarkana AR 790
KIKK Pasadena, Tex. 650 LEA Lovington, N.Mex. 630 <NAL Victoria, Tex. 1410 KOTA Rapid City. S.Dak. 380
1( M Sherman. TX 91 <LEB Golden Meadow, La. 1600 <NAM Midland. Tex. 1510 1<On) Plattsmouth, Neb. NO
KIKN Sinton, Tex. 15900 LEE Ottumwa, Iowa 1480 (NBA Vallejo, Calif. 1190 KOTN Pine Bluff AR 490
KIKO Miami AZ 1340 LEI Kallua, Hawaii 1130 (NOD New Boston, Tex. 1530 KOTS Deming, N.M. 230
KIKR Conroe, TX 900 KLEM LeMars, Iowa 1410 (NBR San Francisco, Cal. 680 KOTY Kennewick, WA 340
MKS Iola, KS 1370 KLEO Wichita, Kans. 1480 KNBY Newport AR 1280 KOTZ Kotzebue AK 720
KIKX Tucson AZ 580 I(LER Orohno, Idaho 950 (NCB Vivian, LA KOUR Independence, Iowa 1220
KI KZ Seminole, Tex. 1250 320
KLEU Waterloo IA 850 (NCI( Concordia, Kans. 390 KOVC Valley City, N.Dak. 1490
KILE Galveston, TX 1560 I(LEX Lexington, Mo. 1570 KOVE Lander, Wyo. 1330
KILR Estherville, Iowa 1070 KLEY Wellington, Kan. NCO Grass Valley CA 250
1 130
(NCY Nebraska City, Nebr. 600 KOVO Provo, Utah 960
KILT Houston, Tex. 610 I(LFB Lubbock, Tex. 1420 (NDC Hettinger, N.Dak. KOWB Laramie, Wyo. 1290
KIMB Kimball, Nebr. 1260 KLED Litchfield, Minn. 490
1410 (ND E Sacramento, Calif. 470 KOWH Omaha, Nebr. NO
K1 M L Gillette. Wyo. 1270 KLFJ Springfield MO 1550 KOWL South Lake Tahoe,
K1MM Rapid City, S.D. 1150 KLGA Algona, Iowa 1600
(ND1 Honolulu, Hawaii 1570
(N DI( Langdon, N.D. 270 Cal. 1490
KI MN Denver. Colo. 950 KLGR Redwood Falls, Minn. 1490 KOWN Escondido, Calif.
KI MP Mt. Pleasant. Tex. 960 LIB Liberal, Kans. 1470
(NDY Marysville, Kane. 080 1450
(N EA Jonesboro AR 970 KOWO Waseca MN 1170
KINA Salina, Kan. 910 (LIC Monroe, La. 1230
(NEB Scottsbluff, Nebr. I(OXR Oxnard, Calif. 910
I(INC Independence, CA 600 (LID Popular Bluff, Mo. 450
(NED McAlester, Okla. 970 KOY Phoenix AZ 550
KIND Independence. Kan. 010 (LI F Dallas, Tex. 1 190 KOYL Odessa, Tex, 1310
KINE Kingsville, Tex. 330 (LI I( Jefferson City, Mo. 950
(NEI Waukon, la. 1150
(LIN Lincoln, Nebr. (NEL Brady, Tex. 1140 KOYN Billings, Mont. 910
KING Seatttle, Wash. 090 1400
(NEM Nevada, Mo. 1490 KOYY El Dorado KS 1430
KINN Alamogordo, NM 270 (LIP Fowler, Calif. 1220
(NET Palestine, Tex. 1240 KOZA Odessa, Tex. 1230
KINO Winslow AZ 230 (L1Q Portland, Oreg. 1290 <NEU Roosevelt, UT 1250 KOZE Lewiston, Idaho 1300
K1NS Eureka, Calif. 980 (LIR Denver, Colo. 990 <NEW Oakland. Cal, 1(021 Chelan, Wash. 1230
KINT El Paso, Tex. 590 (LIT Pomona CA 1220 91D
(N EX McPherson, Kans. 1540 i(OZY Grand Rapids, MN 1320
KINY Juneau. AK 800 (LIV San Jose, Cal. 1590 <NEZ Lompoc, Calif. 960 KPAC Port Arthur, Tex. 1250
KIOA Des Moines, Iowa 940 (LIX Twin Falls, Idaho 1310
(NFT Bayard, N.M. 950 KPAG Pagosa Springs, CO 1400
1011E Honolulu. HI 1080 (LIZ Brainerd. Minn. 1380
<NGS Hanford, Calif. 620 KPAL Pineville, LA 1110
KIOT Barstow. Calif. 1310 (LKC Parsons, KS 1540
(NIA Knoxville, Iowa 1320 I(PAM Portland, OR 1410
KIOX Bay City. Tex. 1270 KLLA Leesville, La. 1570 (NIC Winfield. Kan. 1550 KPAN Hereford, Tex. 860
K1PA Hilo HI 620 (LLL Lubbock, Tex. 1460
(NIM Maryville, Mo. 1580 KPAR Albuquerque, N.M. 1190
KIQI San Francisco, CA 1010 CLLR Walker, Minn. 1600
(NIN Wichita Falls, Tex. 990 KPAT Sierra Vista AZ 1420
KIDS Willows, Calif. 1560 (LMO Longmont, Colo. 106 0
(N1R New Iberia, La. 1360 I(PAY Chico, Calif. 1060
KIRL St. Charles. Mo. 1460 (LM 0 Lamar, Colo. 920
(NIX Tempe. AZ KPBC Dallas, TX 1040
(LMS Lincoln, Nebr. 1480 1580
KIRO Seattle, Wash. 710 NLV Ord, Neb. 1060 KPCA Marked Tree AR 1680
KIRT Mission, Tex. 1580 KLMX Clayton, N.Mex. 1450
(NN I) Cottage Grove, Oreg. 1400 KPCO Quincy, Cal. 1370
K1 RV Fresno, Calif. 1510 (LO Ogden, Utah 1430
NNN Friona, Tex. 1070 l(PCR Bowling Green, Mo. 1530
KIRX Kirksville. Mo. 1450 (LOA Ridgecrest, Calif. 1240
(NOC Natchitoches, La. 1450 '<PON Pampa. Tex. 1340
KISA Honolulu, HI 1540 (LOC Ceres, Calif. 920 (NOE Monroe, La, 540 KPDQ Portland, Oreg. 800
010D Olson Falls. S.D. 1750 KLOE Goodland, Kans. 730
(NO1 Pullman, WA 1150 KPEL Lafayette, La. 1420
KISO El Paso. TX 1150 KLOG Kelso, Wash. 490
(41 OK Ft. Worth, Tex. 970 I(PEP San Angelo. Tex. 1420
KIST Santa Barbara, Calif. 134 0 KLOH Pipestone, Minn. 050
(NOM Nome AK 780 l(PET Lamesa, Tex. 690
KIT Yakima, Wash. 1<LO1< San Jose, CA 170 KPGE Page AZ 1340
KLOM Lompoc, Callf. (NOP N. Platte, Nebr. 1410
KITE T.rrell Hills. TPX. 930
KLOO Corvallis, Ore.
340 (NOR Norman, Okla. 1400 KPHX Phoenix, AZ 1480
KITI Chahalls-Centralia, (NOT Prescott AZ 1450 KPIA Ironton, MO 1480
Wash. 1420 KLOU Lake Charles, La. 580
(NOW Austin TX 1490 KPIK Colorado Sprgs., CO 1580
KITN Olympia, Wash. 920 KLOV Loveland, Colo. 1570
(NOX Grand Forks, N.Dak.1310 KPIN Casa Grande AZ 1260
KIUL Garden City, Kans. 1240 KLPL Lake Providence, La. 1050
(NPT Newport, Ore. 1310 l(PLT Paris, Tex. 1490
0 ilIN Pecos, TX 1400 KLPR Okla. City, Okla. 1140
(NSE Ontario CA 1510 KPLY Crescent City, Call?. 1241.1
1(1UP Durango, CO 930 KLPW Union, Mo. 1220
<NTA Santa Clara, CA 1430 I(PMC Bakersfield, Calif. 1560
KLRA Little Rock AR 10 10 <NU! Makawai, Hawaii 1310 l(PNW Eugene, Ore. 1120
KIVY Crockett, Tex. 1290 1<LR1( Centerville, UT 1600 (NUJ New Ulm, Minn. 860 KPHX Phoenix AZ 1480
KIWA Sheldon, Iowa 1550 KLRS Mountain Grove, Mo. 1360 KPOC Pocahontas AR 1420
KIXI Seattle, Wash. 910 KLTC Dickinson ND KNUU Las Vegas, NV 970
1460 <NUZ Houston, Tex. 1230 KPOD Crescent City CA 1310
K1XL Austin, TX 970 l(LTF Little Falls, Minn. 960 (NWC Sioux Falls. S.D. KPOF Denver, Colo. 910
KIXS Killeen TX 1050 KLTI Macon, Mo. 1560
1(13 01 Honolulu, HI 990
KIXX Provo. UT 1400 KNWS Waterloo, Iowa 109 0
I(LTR Blackwell, Okla. 1580 (NX Los Angeles, Calif. 1070 KPOL Los Angeles, Calif. 1540
K1XY San Angelo TX 1260 KLTZ Glasgow, Mont. 1240 KPOP Roseville, Cal. 1110
KIXZ Amarillo, Tex. 940 (OA Denver, Colo. 850
KLUB Salt Lake City, Utah 570 (OAC Corvallis, Oreg. 550 KPOS Post, Tex, 1370
KJAM Madison, S.Dak. 1390 KLUC Las Vegas, Nev. 1140 <OAD Lemoore, Calif. 1240 KPOW Powell, WM. 1260
KJAN Atlantic, Iowa 1220 KLUE Longview, Tex. 1280 KOAK Red Oak, la. 108 0 l(PPC Pasadena, Calif. 1240
KJAS Jackson MO 1170 KLUF Lufkin, Tex. 1420 COAL Price, Utah 1230 '<PPR Globe, AZ 1240
KJAX Santa Rosa, Calif. 1150 KLUV Haynesville, La. 1580 (OAM Pittsburg, Kans. 860 KPQ Wenatchee. Wash. 560
KJAY Sacramento, Calif. 1430 KLVI Beaumont, Tex. 560 (OR Albuquerque, N.Mex. 770 I(PRB Redmond, Oreg. 1240
KJBC Midland, Tex. 1150 KLVL Pasadena, Tex. 148 0 <OBE Las Cruces, N.Mex. 1450 I(PRC Houston, Tex, 950
KJCF Festus, Mo. 1400 KLVT Levelland, Tex. 1230 (OBH Hot Springs, S.Dak. 583 KPRE Paris, Tex. 1250
1(1CH Cleveland, TX 1410 KLWN Lawrence, Kans. 1320 (0 13 0 Yuha City, Cal. 1450 KPRK Livingston, Mont. 1340
KICK Junction City, Kna. 1420 KLWT Lebanon, Mo. 1230 (OBY Reno, Nev. 1550 l(PRL Paso Robles, CA 1230
KJDY John Day, Ore. 1400 KLWW Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1450 COCA Kilgore. Tex. 1240 l(PRM Park Rapids, Minn. 1240
KJEF Jennings, La. 1290 KLYD Bakersfield. Calif. 13 50 KOCY Oklahoma City, Okla. 1340 KPRO Riverside, Calif. 1440
I(JEL Lebanon MO 1080 I(LYQ Hamilton, MT 1240 (ODA Houston, Tex. 1010 KPRQ Murray, UT 1230
KJET Beaumont, Tex. 1380 KLYR Clarksville AR 1360 (ODE Joplin. Mo. 1230 KPRS Kansas City, Me. 1590
KJI M Ft Worth, Tex. 870 I<LZ Denver, CO 560 (ODI Cody, Wyo. 1400 l<PSA Alamogordo NM 1230
KJIN Houma, La. 1490 KMA Shenandoah, Iowa 960 KODL The Dallas, OR 1440 KPS1 Palm Springs, Calif. 1450
1<111 Phoenix AZ 910 I(MAC San Antonio, Tex. 630 (0 DY North Platte, Nebr. 1240 IPSO Falfurrias, Tex. 1260
KJLT North Platte, Nebr. 970 I(MAD Madill, Okla. 1550 KOEL Oelwein, Iowa 950 KPTL Carson City, Nev. 1300
KJNO Juneau AK KMAK Fresno, Calif. 134 0 KOFE St. Maries ID 1480 KPUA Hilo, HI 670
KJNP North Pole AK 1617030 IMAM Butler, Mo, 1530 I(OFI Kalispell, Mont. 1180 KPU9 Pueblo, Cole. 1480
KJOE Shreveport, La. 1480 KMAN Manhattan, Kans. 1350 KOFO Ottawa, Kans, 1220 KPUG Bellingham, Wash. 1170
KJOY Stockton. Calif. 1280 K MAO Maquoketa, Iowa 1320 KOFY San Mateo, Call?. 1050 KPUL Pullman, Wash. 1150
KJPW Waynesville, Mo. 1390 KMAR Winnsboro, La. 1570 KOLA Ogallala. Nebr. 930 KPWB Piedmont. Mo. 1140
I(JR Seattle, Wash. 950 KMAS Shelton, Wash. 1280 KOGO San Diego, Calif. 600 KPXE Liberty, Tex. 1050
I(JRB Spokane, Wash. 790 I(MAV Mayville, N.D. 1520 I(OGT Orange, Tex. 1600 KQAD Luverne, Minn. 800
I(JRG Newton. Kans. 950 KMBI Spokane, WA 1330 KO H Reno, Nev. 630 KQAM San Antonio. TX 1150


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz

1(QAQ Austin, Minn, 970 KSEI Pocatello, Idaho 930 KTMS Santa Barbara, Calif. 250 KVOV Henderson -Las Vegas,
KoCV Oklahoma City. OK 800 KSEK Pittsburg, Kans. 1340 KTNC Falls City, Nebr. 230 NV 280
KQD I Great Falls, MT 1450 KSEL Lubbock, Tex. 950 KTN M Tucumcari, N.Mex. 400 KVOW Riverton, Wyo. 450
KQEN Roseburg, Ore. 1240 KSEM Moses Lake, Wash. 1470 KTNQ Los Angeles, CA 020 KVOX Moorhead, Minn. 280
KQEO Albuquerque, N.Mex. 920 KSEN Shelby, Mont. 1150 KTNT Tacoma, Wash. 400 KVOY Yuma, Ariz. 400
KQIK Lakeview, Oreg. 1230 KSE0 Durant, Okla. 750 KTOB Petaluma, Cal. 490 KVOZ Laredo, Tex. 490
KO.IL Grand Junction, CO 1340 KSET El Paso, Tex. 1340 KTOC Jonesboro, La. 920 KVPI Ville Platte, La, 050
KQ1N Burien, WA 800 KSEW Sitka, Alaska 1400 KTOE Mankato, Minn. 420 KVRA Vermillion. S. D. 570
KQIZ Amarillo, TX 1360 KSEY Seymour, Tex. 1230 KTOH Lihue, Hawall 350 KVRC Arkadelphia AR 240
KOK I Bayou Vista, LA 1170 KSFA Nacogdoches, Tex. 860 KTOK Oklahoma City, Okla. 000 KVRE Santa Rosa, CA 460
KQLA Lakewood WA 1480 KSFE Needles CA 1340 KTOM Salinas, Cal. 380 KVRH Salida. Colo. 340
KQMS Redding, Calif. 1400 KSFO San Francisco, Calif. 560 KTON Belton, Tex. 940 KVRN Sonora, TX 980
(INK Norton, KS 1530 KSGL Wichita. KS 900 KTOP Topeka. Kens. 490 KVSA McGehee AR 220
KQOT Yakima, Wash. 930 KSGM Chester, III. 980 KTOQ Rapid City. SD 340 KVSF Sante Fe, N.Mex. 260
(ORS Golden Valley, Minn. 1440 KSGR Scottsdale, AZ 1440 KTOW Sand Spring, Okla. 340 KVSH Valentine, Nebr. 940
KQTY Borger TX 1490 KSGT Jackson, Wyo. 1340 KTPA Prescott AR 370 KVSI Montpelier, Ida. 450
QV Pittsburgh, Pa. 14 10 KSHA Medford, Ore. 860 KTRB Modesto, Calif. 860 KVSL Show Low AZ 450
(QWB West Fargo ND 1550 KSIB Creston, Iowa 1520 KTRC Santa Fe, N.Mex. 400 KVSO Ardmore, Okla. 240
KQWC Webster City IA 1570 KSID Sidney, Nebr, 1340 KTRF Thief River Falls, KVWC Vernon, Tex, 490
[(SIG Crowley, La. 14 50 Minn. 230 KVWG Pearsall, Tex. 280
<QXE Mesa, AZ 1310 KSIL Silver City, N.Mex. 1340 KTRH Houston, Tex. 740 KVWM Show Low AZ 970
(QX1 Arvada, Colo. 15 50
KSI M Sikeston, Mo, 1400 KTRM Beaumont, Tex. 990 KVWO Cheyenne, Wyo. 370
(QYX Joplin, Mo. 1560 KSIR Estes Park, CO 1470 KTRN Wichita Falls, Tex. 1290 KVYL Holdenville, Okla. 370
(RAD E. Grand Forks, Minn. 1590 KSIS Sedalia, Mo. 1050 KTRT Truckee, Cal. 1400 KWAC Bakersfield, Calif. 490
(RAE Cheyenne, Wyo. 1480 KSIW Woodward, Okla. 1450 KTRY Bastrop, La. 730 !MAD Wadena, MN 920
(RAI Craig, Colo. 550 KSI X Corpus Christi, Tex. 1230 KTSA San Antonio, Tex. 550 KWAK Stuttgart AR 240
(RAK Sacramento, Cal. 1140 KSJB Jamestown. N.Dak. 600 KTSM El Paso, Tex. 380 KWAL Wallace, ID 620
KRAL Rawlins, Wyo. 1240 KSKI Halley, Ida. 1340 KTTN Trenton, Mo. 600 KWAM Memphis, Tenn. 990
RAM Las Vegas, Nev. 13 40 KSKY Dallas, Tex, 660 KTTR Rolla, Mo. 490 KWAT Watertown, S.Dak. 950
(RAN Morton, Tex. 1280 KSL Salt Lake City, Utah 1160 KTTS Springfield, Mo. 400 KWAY Waverly, Iowa 470
RBA Lufkin, Tex. 1340
KSLM Salem, Oreg. 1390 KTTT Columbus, Nebr. 510 KWBB Wichita, Kane. 410
RBB Sallisaw, Okla. 1560 KSLO Opelousas, La. 1230 KTTX Brenham, TX 280 KWBC Navasota, Tex. 550
RBC Abilene, Tex. 1470 KSLV Monte Vista, Colo. 1240 KTUC Tucson AZ 400 KWBE Beatrice, Nebr. 450
RBI St. Peter, Minn. 1310 KSLY San Luis Obispo, Cal. 1400 KTUE Tulia, Tex. 260 KWBG Boone, Iowa 590
<RBN Red Lodge, Mont. 1450 KSMA Santa Maria, Calif. 1240 KTUI Sullivan, Mo. 560 KWBW Hutchinson, Kans. 450
(RCB Council Bluffs, la, 1560 KSMM Shakopee, Minn. 1530 KTWG Agana Guam 800 KWBY Edna, Tex. 130
(RCO Prineville, Oreg. 690 KSMN Mason City, Iowa 1010 1<TWN Anoka MN 470 KWBZ Englewood, CO 1150
KRCQ Indio, CA 1400
KSMO Salem, Mo. 1340 KTWO Casper, Wyo. 030 KWCK Searcy, AR 300
(ROD Roswell. N.Mex. 1320 KSNN Pocatello, Ida. 1290 KTX.I Jasper, Tex. 350 KWCL Oak Grove, La. 280
KRDG Redding, Calif. 1230 KSNO Aspen, Colo. 1260 KTXO Sherman. Tex. 500 KWCO Chickasha, Okla. 560
KRDO Colo. Springs, Colo. 1240 KSNY Snyder, Tex. 1450 KTYD Santa Barbara, CA 990 KWEB Rochester, Minn. 270
KR DR Gresham, Ore. 1230 KSO Des Moines, Iowa 14 60 KTYM Inglewood. Calif, 460 KWED Seguin, Tax. 580
KRDS Tolleson AZ 1190 I(SOA Ava, Mo. 1430 KTYN Minot, N.D. 430 KWEI Weiser, Idaho 260
KRDIJ Dinuba, Calif. 1130 KSO HLittle Rock, AR 1050 KUAD Windsor, CO 170 KW EL Midland, TX 070
l(RDZ Wray CO 1470 KSOK Arkansas City, Kans. 1280 KUAI Eleele, Kanal, Hawaii 720 KWEW Hobbs, N.Mex. 480
KRE Berkeley CA 1400 KSON San Diego, Calif. 1240 KUAM Agana, GU 610 KWEY Weatherford, Okla. 590
KRED Eureka CA 1480 KS00 Sioux Falls, S.Dak. 1140 KUAT Tucson AZ 1550 KWFT Wichita Falls, Tex. 620
KREH Oakdale, La. 900 KSOP Salt Lake City, Utah 1370 KUBA Yuba City, Calif. 1600 KWG Stockton, Calif. 230
KRE1 Farmington, Mo. 800 KSOX Raymondville, Tex. 1240 KUBC Montrose, Colo. 580 KWGH Big Lake, Tex. 290
KREK Sapulpa, Okla. 1550 KSPD Boise, Idaho 790 KUDE Oceanside, Calif. 1320 KWH K Hutchinson, Kans. 260
KREM Spokane, Wash. 970 KSPI Stillwater, Okla. 780 KUDY Spokane, Wash. 1280 KWHN Fort Smith AR 320
KREW Sunnyside, Wash. 1230 KSPL Diboll, Tex. 1260 KUEN Wenatchee, Wash. 900 KWHO Salt Lake City, Utah 860
KREX Grand Junction, Colo. 1100 KSPO Spokane. Wash. 1230 KUFE Agana, Guam 940 KWHW Altus, Okla, 450
KRFO Owatonna, Minn. 1390 KSPR Springdale AR 1590 KUFF Albuquerque, NM 1150 KW! K Pocatello, Idaho 240
(RFS Superior, Nebr. 1430 KSPT Sandpoint, Idaho 1400 KUGN Eugene, Oreg. 590 KWIL Albany, Oreg. 790
KRGI Grand Island, Neb. 1430 KSRA Salmon, Idaho 960 KUGR Green River, WY 1490 KWIP Merced, Calif. 580
(RGO Salt Lake City, UT 1550 KSRB Hardy, AR 1570 KUHL Santa Maria. Cal. 1440 KWIQ Moses Lake, Wash. 260
(RGV Weslasco. Tex. 1550 KSRC Socorro. N.Mex, 1290 KU I K Hillsboro, Oreg. 1360 KWIV Douglas, WY 050
(RHD Duncan, Okla. 1350 KSRM Soldotna AK 920 KUJ Walla Walla, Wash. 1420 KWIX Moberly, Mo. 230
(RIB Mason City, Iowa 1490 KSRO Santa Rosa, Calif. 13 50 KUKA San Antonio, Tex. 1250 KWIZ Santa Ana, Calif. 480
(RIG Odessa, Tex. 1410 KSRV Ontario, Oreg. 1380 KU KI Ukiah, Calif. 1400 KWJJ Portland, Oreg. 080
(RIH. Rayville, La. 990 KSSS Colorado Springs, Colo. 740 KU KU Willow Springs, Mo. 1330 KWK St. Louis, MO 920
(RIO McAllen, Tex 910 KSST Sulphur Springs, Tex. 1230 KULA Honolulu, Hawall 690 KWKA Clovis, NM 680
KRIZ Phoenix AZ 1230 KSTA Coleman, Tex. 1000 KULE Ephrata, Wash. 730 KWI(C Abilene, Tex, 1340
(FIKC King City. Calif. 1490 KSTB Breckenridge, Tex. 1430 KULF Houston, Tex. 790 KWKH Shreveport, La. 1130
KRKE Albuquerque, NM 610 KSTC Sterling, CO 1230 KULP El Campo, Tex. 1390 KW KW Pasadena, Calif. 1300
KRKK Rock Springs, WY 1360 KSTL St. Louis, Mo. 690 KULY Ulysses, Kan. 1420 KWKY Des Moines, Iowa 1150
KRKM North Pole, AK 600 KSTN Stockton, Calif. 1420 KUMA Pendleton, Oreg. 1290 KWLA Many, LA 1400
1<RI(0 Everett, Wash. 1380 KSTP St. Paul, Minn. 1500 KUMU Honolulu, Hawaii 1500 KWLC Decorah, Iowa 1240
KRKT Albany, Ore. 990 KSTR Grand Junction, Colo. 620 KUNO Corpus Christi, Tex. 1400 KWLM Willmar, Minn. 1340
KRLC Lewiston, Ida. KSTT Davenport, Iowa 1170 KU0A Siloam Springs AR 1290 KWLS Pratt ICS 1290
KSTV Stephenville, Tex. 1510 KUOM Minneapolis, Minn. 770 KWMB Wabasha, MN 1190
Clarkston, Wash. 1350 KW MC Del Rio. Tex. 1490
KRLD Dallas. Tex. 1080 KSUB Cedar City, Utah 590 KUPi Idaho Falls, ID 980
KRLN Canon City, Colo. 1400 KSUD West Memphis AR 730 KUPL Portland, OR 1330 KWMS Salt Lake City, UT 1280
KRLW Walnut Ridge AR 1320 KSUE Susanville, Calif. 1240 KUPY Puyallup, WA 1450 KWMT Ft. Dodge, Iowa 540
KRMC Midwest City OK 1220 KSUM Fairmont, Minn. 1370 KURA Moab. Utah 1450 KWNA Winnemueea, Nev. 1400
CR M D Shreveport, La. 1340 KSUN Bisbee AZ 1230 KURL Billings, Mont. 730 KWNC Quincy, WA 1370
(RME Hondo, Tex. 14 60 l(SUZ Port Neches. TX 1150 ICU RV Edinburg, Tex. 710 KWNO Winona, Minn. 1250
(RMG Tulsa, Okla. 740 KSVC Richfield, Utah 980 KU R Y Brookings, Oreg. 910 KWNT Davenport, lows 1580
(R ML Carmel, Calif. 1410 KSVN Ogden, Utah 730 KUSD Vermillion, S.Dak. 690 KWOA Worthington, Minn. 730
(RMO Monett. Mn. 990 KSVP Artesia, N.Mex. 990 KUSH Cushing, Okla. 1600 KWOC Poplar Bluff, Mo. 950
( R MS Osage Beach, Mo. 1150 KSWA Graham, Tex. 1330 KUSN St. Joseph, Mo. 1270 KWOE Clinton, Okla. 1320
<FINK Cheyenne, WY 1530 KSWB Seaside, Ors. 930 KUTA Blanding, Utah 790 KWOK Wagoner 01< 1530
(RNR Roseburg, Oreg. 1490 KSWM Aurora, Mo. 940 KUTI Yakima, Wash. 980 KWON Bartlesville, Okla. 1400
(RNS Burns, Oreg. 1230 KSWO Lawton, Okla. 1380 KUTY Palmdale, Calif. 470 KWOR Worland, Wyo. 1340
KRNT Des Moines, Iowa 13 50 KSWW Wickenburg AZ 1250 KUVR Holdredge, Nebr. 1380 KWOS Jefferson City, Mo. 1240
(RNY Kearney, Nebr. 1460 KSXO Redding, CA 600 KUXL Golden Valley, Minn. 570 KWOW Pomona, Calif. 1800
(ROB Robstown, Tex- 1510 KSXX Salt Lake City, Utah 630 KUZN W. Monroe, La. 310 KWPC Muscatine, Iowa 860
KROC Rochester, Minn. 1340 KSYC Yreka, Calif. 1490 KUZZ Bakersfield, CA 970 KWPM West Plains, Mo. 1450
<ROD El Paso, Tex. 600 KSYL Alexandria, La. 970 KVAC Forks, Wash. 490 KWPR Claremore, Okla. 1270
(ROE Sheridan, Wyo. 930 KSYX Santa Rosa, N.Mex. 1420 KVAN Vancouver, Wash. 480 KWRC Woodburn, Ore, 940
(ROF Abbeville, La. 960 KTAC Tacoma, Wash, 850 KVAS Astoria, Ore. 230 KWRD Henderson, Tex. 1470
CROP Brawley, Calif- 1300 KTAE Taylor. Tex. 1260 KVBR Brainerd, Minn. 340 KWRE Warrenton, Me. 730
(ROS Clinton, Iowa 1340 KTAM Bryan TX 1240 KVCI( Wolf Point. Mont. 450 KWRF Warren AR 860
(ROW Dallas, Ore. 1260 KTAN Sierra Vista AZ 1420 KVCL Winnfield, La. 270 KWRG New Roads, La. 1500
(ROX Crookston, Minn. 1460 KTAR Phoenix AZ 620 KVDB Sioux Center, Ia. 090 KWRM Corona, CA 1370
<ROY Sacramento, Calif. 1240 KTAT Frederick, Okla. 570 KV EC San Luis Obispo. Calif. 920 KWRO Coquille, Oreg. 630
(RPL Moscow, Idaho 1400 KTBB Tyler, Tex. 600 KVEE Conway AR 330 KWRT Boonville, Mo. 1370
(RPT Anadarko, Okla. 850 KTCB Malden, Mo. 470 KVEL Vernal, Utah 920 KWSD Mt. Shasta, Calif. 620
KRRR Ruidoso, NM 1380 KTCH Wayne, Neb. 590 KVEN Ventura, Calif. 450 KWSH Wewoka-Seminole,
KRSC Othello, Wash. 1400 KTCR Minneapolis, Minn. KVET Austin, Tex. 300 Oklahoma 1260
KRSI St. Louis Park, Minn. 950 KTCS Fort Smith AR 410690 KVFC Cortez, Colo. 740 KWSL Sioux City, IA 1470
KRSL Russell. Kans. 990 KTDL Farmersville, La. 470 KVFD Ft. Dodge, Iowa 400 KWSO Wasco, Calif. 1050
KRSN Los Alamos, N.Mex. 1490 KTDO Toledo, Oreg. 230 KVGB Great Bend, Kans. 590 KWSR Rifle, Colo. 810
KRSP Salt Lake City, Utah 060 KTEE Idaho Falls, Idaho 260 KVI Seattle, Wash. 570 KWSU Pullman, Wash. 1250
Roswell,KRSY N.Mex. 230 KTEL Walla Walla, Wash. 490 KVIC Victoria, Tex. 340 KWTC Barstow, Calif. 1230
KRTN Raton, N.Mex. 490 KTEM Temple, Tex. 400 KVIL Highland Park, Tex. 150 KWTO Springfield, Me. 560
KRTR Thermopolis. Wyo. 490 KTE0 San Angelo, Tex. 340 KVIN Vinita, OK 1470 KWTX Waco, Tex. 1230
KRUN Ballinger, Tex. 400 KTER Terrell, Tex. 570 I(VIO Cottonwood AZ 600 KWUN Concord, Cal. 1480
KRUS Ruston, La. 490 KTET Payette, Idaho 450 KVIP Redding, Calif. 540 KWVR Enterprise, Oreg. 1340
KRUX Glendale AZ 360 KTFS Texarkana. Tex. 400 KVKM Monahans, Tex. 330 I(WWB Bismarck -Mandan,
KVLF Alpine, Tex. 240 ND 1270
KRVN Lexington, Nab. 880
KTGO Tioga, N. D. 090 KWWL Waterloo, Iowa 1330
KRVB Medford, OR 1300 KVLG LaGrange, Tex. 570
KTGR Columbia, Mo. 580 KVLH Pauls Valley, Okla. 470 l(WWW Wematchee, WA 1340
KRWB Roseau, Mine. 1410
KTHE Thermopolis, Wyo. 240 KWXY Cathredal City CA 1340
KRWC Buffalo MN 1380
KTHO South Lake Tahoe, Cal 590
KVLI Lake Isabella, CA 140
KWYK Farmington, N.Mex. 960
KRWT Winters, TX 1060 KVLL Woodville, Tex. 220
KRXA Seward AK 950
KTHS Berryville, Ark. 480 KVLV Fallon, Nev. 980 1400
KTIB Thibodaux, La. 630 KVMA Magnolia AR 630 KWYO Sheridan, Wyo. 1410
KRXK Rexburg, Idaho 1230
KTIL Tillamook, Oreg. 590 KWYR Winner, S.Dak. 1260
KRXV Fort Worth, TX 1540 KVMC Colorado City, Tex. 1320
KRYS Corpus Christi, Tex. 1360
KTIM San Rafael, Calif. 510 KVML Sonora, Calif, 1450 KWYS W. Yellowstone, Mont. 920
KTIP Porterville, Calif. 450 KVNC Winslow, Ariz. 1010 KWYZ Everett, Wash. 1230
KRYT Colo Springs, Colo. 1530
KTIS Minneapolis, Minn. 900 KXA Seattle, Wash. 770
KRZE Farmington, N.M. 1280 KVN1 Coeur d'Alene ID 1080
KT1X Pendleton, Ore. 240 KVNU Logan, Utah 610 KXAR Hope AR 1490
KRZI Waco TX 1580 KT.IS Hobart, Okla. 420 KVOB Bastrop, La. 1340 1<XEG Phoenix AZ 1010
KRZY Albuquerque, N.M. 1450 KTKN Ketchikan AK 930 KXEL Waterloo, Iowa 1540
KSAC Manhattan, Kans. 580 KVOC Casper, Wyo. 1230
KSAL Salina, Kans. 1150 KTKR Taft, Calif. 310 KVOE Emporia, Kans. 1400 1(XEM McFarland, Cal. 1590
KSAM Huntsville, Tex. 1490
KTKT Tucson AZ 990 KVOG Ogden. Utah 1490 KXEN Festus-St. Louis, Mo. 1010
KSCB Liberal, Kans. 1270
l(TLC Twin Falls, ID 270 KVOK Kodiak AK 560 KXEO Mexico, Mo. 1340
KSC1 Sioux City, Iowa 1360 KTLD Tullulah, La. 360 KVOL Lafayette, La. 1330 KXES Salina, CA 1570
KSCO Santa Cruz, Calif. 1080
KTLK Denver, Colo. 280 KVOM Morrilton AR 800 KXEW Tucson AZ 1600
KSD St. Louis, Mo. 550
KTLO Mountain Home AR 240 KVON Napa, Calif. 1440 KXEX Fresno, Calif. 1550
KSDN Aberdeen, S.Dak. 930 KTLQ Tahlequah, Okla. 350 KV00 Tulsa, Okla. 1170 KXGN Glendive, Mont. 1400
l(SDO San Diego, Calif. 1130 KTLU Rusk, Tex. 580 KVOP Plainview, Tax. 1400 KXIC Iowa City, IA 800
KSDR Waterton, S.Dak, 1480 KTLW Texas City, Tex. 920 KVOR Colo. Springs, Colo. 1300 KXIT Dalhart. Tex. 1410
l(SEE Santa Maria, Calif. 148 0 KTMC McAlester, Okla. 400 KVOU Uvalde, Tex. 1400 KX1V Phoenix AZ 1400


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz

KXJK Forrest City AR 950 WAGO Oshkosh, Wls. 690 WBAA West Lafayette, Ind. 920 WBRW Somerville, N.J. 1170
KX KW Lafayette, La. 520 WAGR Lumberton, N.C. 580 WBAC Cleveland, Tenn, 1340 WBRX Berwick, PA 280
KXL Portland, Oreg. 750 WAGS Bishopville, S.C. 1380 WBAF Barnesville, Ga. 1090 WBRY Wodbury TN MO
KXLE Ellensburg, Wash. 240 WAGY Forest City, N.C. 1320 WBAG Burlington, N.C. 1150 WBSA Boaz, AL 300
KXLF Butte, Mont. 370 WAHT Annville-Cleona, Pa. 1510 WBAL Baltimore, Md. 1090 WBSC Bennetsvllle, S.C. 550
KXLO Lewiston, Mont. 230 WAIK Gainesburg, III. 1590 WBAM Montgomery AL 740 WBSG Blackshear, Ga. 350
KXLR North Little Rock WAIL Baton Rouge, La. 1260 WBAP Ft. Worth TX 820 WBSM New Bedford, Mass. 420
AR 150 WA 1 M Anderson, S.C. 1230 WBAR Bartow. Fla. 1460 WBSR Pensacola, Fla. 450
KXLW Clayton, MO 320 WAIN Columbia. Ky. 1270 WBAT Marion, Ind. 1400 WBT Charlotte, N.C. 110
KXLY Spokane, Wash. 920 WA 1 R WinstonSalem, N.C. 1340 WBAW Barnwell, S.C. 740 WBTA Batavia, N.Y. 490
KXO El Centro, Calif. 230 WAIT Chicago, III. 820 WBAX Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1240 WBTC Uhrichsville, 0. 540
KXOK St. Louis. Mo. 630 WAIF Decatur AL 1490 WBBA Pittsfield, III. 1580 WBTE Windsor, N.C. 898
KXOL Ft. Worth, Tex. 360 WAIL Winter Park, FL 1440 WBBB Burlington -Graham. WBTH Williamson, WV 400
KXOW Hot Springs AR 420 WAJR Morgantown, W.Va. 1440 N.C. 920 WBTM Danville, Va. 330
KXOX Sweetwater, Tex. 240 WAKA Gainesville FL 1390 WBBF Rochester, N.Y. 950 WBTN Bennington, Vt. 370
KXPO Grafton, ND 340 WAKE Valparaiso, Ind, 1500 WBBI Abingdon, Va. 230 WBTO Linton, Ind. 600
K XQR Clovis, CA 790 WAKI McMinnville, Tenn. 1230 WBBK Blakely, Ga. 280 WBTS Bridgeport, AL 480
KXRA Alexandria, Minn. 490 WAKI( McComb, MS 1140 WBBL Richmond, Va. 480 WBTX Broadway-TimbervIlle
KXRB Sioux Falls, S.D. 520 WAKN Aiken, S.C. 990 WBBM Chicago, III. 780 VA 470
KXRO Aberdeen, Wash. 320 WAKO Lawrenceville, Ill, 910 WBBN Clarksburg, WV 400 WBUC Buckhannon, W.Va. 460
KXRQ Truman AR 530 WAKR Akron, Ohio 1590 WBBO Forest City, N.C. 780 WBUD Trenton, N.J. 260
KXRX San Jose, Calif. 500 WA KS Fuguay Springs, NC 1460 WBBQ Augusta. Ga. 340 WBUG Ridgeland, S.C. 430
KXTO Sherman, Tex. 500 WAKX Superior WI 970 WBBR Travelers Rest, S.C. 580 WBUK Portage MI 560
KXVI McKinney, TX 600 WA KY Louisville, Ky. 790 WBBS Jacksonville, N.C. 290 WBUL Birmingham AL 220
KXXL Bozeman, Mont. 450 WALE Fall River, Mass. 400 WBBT Lyons, Ga. 340 WBUT Butler, Pa. 050
KXXO Tulsa, OK 300 WALG Albany, Ga. 590 WBBW Youngstown, Ohlo 240 WBUX Doylestown, Pa. 570
I<XXR Spokane. WA 440 WALK Patchogue, N.Y. 370 WBBX Portsmouth, N.H. 380 WBUY Lexington, N.C. 440
KXXX Colby, Kans. 790 WALL Middletown, N.Y. 340 WBBZ Pona City, Okla. 230 WBUZ Fredonia, N.Y. 570
I(XYL Brownwood TX 240 WALM Albion, Mich. 260 WBCA Bay Minette AL 110 WBVM Utica. N.Y. 550
KXYZ Houston, Tex. 320 WALO Humacao, P.R. 240 WBCB Levittown, Pa, 490 WBVP Beaver Falls, Pa. 230
KYA San Francisco, Calif. 260 WALY Herkimer, N.Y. 420 WBCF Florence, AL 240 WBYE Calera AL 370
KYAC Seattle, WA 1250 WAMA Selma AL 340 WRCG Columbus, GA 440 WBYS Canton. III. 560
KYCA Prescott AZ 490 WAMB Donelson, Tenn. 190 WBCH Hastings, Mleh. 220 WBZ Boston, Mass. 030
I(YCN Wheatland. Wyo. 340 WAMD Aberdeen, Md. 970 WBCI Williamsburg, Va. 740 WBZA Glens Falls, N.Y. 410
KYDE Pine Bluff, AR 590 WAMG Galatin, Tenn. 130 WBCK Battle Creek, Mich. 930 WBZB Selma, NC 090
KY ES Roseburg, Oreg. 950 WAMI Opp AL 880 WBCO Bucyrus, Ohio 1540 WBZQ Greenville. MS 550
KYET Payette, Idaho 450 WAML Laurel, Miss. 340 WBCS Milwaukee WI 1340 WBZY New Castle, Pa. 140
KYFR Shenandoah IA 920 WAMM Flint, Mleh. 420 WBCU Union, S.C. 1460 WCAB Rutherfordton, N.C. 590
KYJC Medford, Oreg. 230 WAMO Pittsburgh, Pa. 860 WBCW Jeanette PA. 1530 WCAI Fort Myers. Fla.
KYKR Port Arthur, TX 1510 WAMR Venice, Fla. 320 WBDN Escanaba, MI 600 WCAL Northfield, Minn.
KYLT Missoula, MT 340 WAMS Wilmington, Del. 380 WBEC Pittsfield, Mass. 1420 WCAM Camden, N.J.
KYME Boise, Idaho 740 WAMW Washington, Ind. 580 WBEE Harvey, III. 1570 WCAO Baltimore, Md. 3:
KYMN Northfield, MN

080 WAMY Amory, Miss. 580 WBEJ Elizabethton, Tenn. 1240 WCAP Lowell, Mass.
KYNG Coos Bay, Oreg. 420 WBEL So, Beloit, III. 1380 WCAR Detroit, Mleh. 1130
I(YNN Omaha, NE 490 WANA Anniston AL 490 WBEN Buffalo, N.Y. 930 WCAS Cambridge, Mass. 949009
KYNO Fresno, Calif. 300 WANB Waynesburg, Pa. 580 WBER Moncks Corner, S.C. 950 WCAT Orange, Mass.
KYNT Yankton, S.Dak. 450 WANL Lineville AL 540 WBET Brockton, Mass. 480 WCAU Philadelphia, Pa,
KYOK Houston, Tex. 590
WAN M Tallahassee, FL 070 WBEU Beaufort, S.C. 960 WCAW Charleston, WV 680
KYOR Blythe, Calif. 450
WANN Annapolis, Md. WBEV Beaver Dam, Wis. 430 WCAY Cayce, S.C.
KYOS Merced, Calif. 480
WANG Pineville, Ky. WBEX Chillicothe, Ohlo 490 WCAZ Carthage, III. 990
KYRO Potosi, Mo. 280
WANS Anderson, S.C.

1280 WBFC Stanton, KY 470 WCBA Corning, N.Y.

KYOU Greeley, Colo. 450
WANT Richmond, Va. 990 WBFD Bedford, Pa. 310 WCBC Cumberland, MD 12701622100

KYSM Mankato, Minn. 230

WANV Waynesboro, Va. 970 WBFN Quitman, Miss. 500 WCBG Chambersburg, Pa. 11123599500

KYSN Colorado Sprgs., Colo. 460

WANY Albany, Ky. 1390 WBGC Chipley, Fla. 240 WCBI Columbus, Miss. 550
KYSS Missoula, Mont. 930 WAOA Opelika AL 1520 WBGN Bowling Green, Ky. 340 WCBK Martinsville, Ind.
KYTE Portland, OR 970
WAOC St. Augustine, Fla. 1420 WBGR Paris KY 440 WCBL Benton, Ky.
KYUK Bethel AK 580 WAOK Atlanta, Ga. 1380 WBGY Tullahoma TN 740 WCBM Baltimore, Md.
KYVA Gallup, N.Mex. 230
WAOP Ostego, Mich. WBHB Fitzgerald, Ga. 240 WCBQ Oxford NC
KYW Philadelphia, Pa. 060 WAOV Vincennes, Ind. 14509 WBHC Hampton, S.C. 270 WCBR Richmond, Ky. 1110
KYXI Oregon City, Ore. 520
WAPA San Juan, P.R. WBHF Cartersville, Ga. WCBS New York, N.Y.
KYXX Odessa, TX
KZAK Tyler, Tex.
WAPE Jacksonville, Fla.
690 WBHM Birmingham, Ala.
550 WCBT Roanoke Rapids, NC
WCBX Eden, N.C.


KZAM Bellevue, WA WAPF McComb, Miss. 980 WBHN N. C. 590

WAPG Arcadia, FL 480 WBHP Huntsville AL 230 WCBY Cheboygan, Mich. 1124900
KZEE Weatherford TX 220 WAPI Birmingham AL 1070 WBHT Brownsville, Tenn. 520 WCCC Hartford, Conn.
KZEY Tyler, TX 690 WAPL Appleton, Wis. 570 WBIA Augusta, Ga. 230 WCCF Punta Gorda, Fla. 1580
I(ZIA Albuquerque NM 580 WAPR Avon Park, Fla. 390 WBIB Centreville AL 110 WCCM Lawrence, Mass. 800
KZIP Amarillo, Tex, 310 WAQI Ashtabula, Ohio 600 WBIC New Bern, NC 380 WCCN Neillsville, Wis. 1370
KZIQ Ridgecrest, CA 360 WARA Attleboro, Mass. 320 WBI E Marietta, Ga. 080 wnco Minneapolis -St. Paul,
KZNG Hot Springs AR 340 WARB Covington, La. 730 WBIG Greensboro, N.C. 470 0
KZOE Princeton, III. 490 WARD Pittston, PA 540 WBIL Tuskegee AL 580 WC
MC1ePn.Clemson, S.C. . 11560g
1(201( Seattle, WA 590 WARE Ware, Mass. 250 WBIN Benton, TN 540 WCCR Urbana, III.
KZOL Farwell, Tex. 570 WARF Jasper AL 240 WBIP Booneville, Miss. 400 WCCW Traverse City, Mleh. 1310
KZON Santa Maria, Cal. 600 WART Abbeville AL 480 WBI R Knoxville, Tenn. 240 WRR7. New Smyrna Reach, FL 1550
(ZOO Honolulu, Hawaii 210 WARK Hagerstown, Md. 490 WBIS Bristol, Conn. 440 WCDJ Edenton, N.C. 1260
KZOT Marianna AR 460 WARM Scranton, PA 590 WRIT Adel, Ga. 470 WCDL Carbondale, Pa. 1440
1(ZRK Ozark, AR 540 WARO Canonsburg, Pa. 540 WBIW Bedford, Ind. 340 WCDS Glasgow, Ky. 1440
KZUL Parker, AZ 380 WARR Warrenton, N.C. 520 WBIX Jacksonville Beach, WCDT Winchester, Tenn.
KZUN Opportunity, Wash. 630 WARU Peru, Ind. 600 Fla. 010 WCEC Rocky Mount, N.C. 810
KZYM Cape Girardeau. Mo. 220 WARY Warwick - WBJM Lemmon, S. D. 400 WCED DuBois, Pa.
KZZN Littlefield, Tex, 490 E. Greenwich, R.I. 590 WBKC Chardon, 0, 560 WCEH Hawkinsville, Ga.
WAAA Winston-Salem, N.C. 980 WASA Havre de Grace, Md. 330 WBKH Hattiesburg, Miss. 950 WCEM Cambridge, Md. 126410
WAAC Terre Haute, Ind. 1300 WASC Spartanburg, S.C. 530 WBKN Newton, Miss. 410 WCEN Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 1150
WAAM Ann Arbor. Mich. 1600 WASK Lafayette, Ind. 450 WBKV West Bend, Wis. 470 WCER Charlotte, Welt 1390
WAAN Waynesboro TN 1400 WASP Brownsville, Pa. 130 WBLA Elizabethtown, N.C. 440 WCFL Chicago, III. 1000
WAAO Andalusia AL 1530 WASR Wolfeboro, N.H. 420 WBLB Pulaskl VA 510 WCFR Springfield, Vt. 1480
WAAX Gadsden AL 570 WATA Boone, N.C. 450 WBLC Lenoir City, Tenn. 360 WCGB Pastille., P. R. 1050
WAAY Huntsville AL 1550 WATC Gaylord, Mich. 900 WBLE Batesville, Miss. 290 WCGC Belmont, N.C. 1270
WABA Aquadilla, P.RIco 850 WATT Indianapolis, Ind, 810 WBLF Bellefonte, Pa. 970 WCGL JacksonvIlle, FL
WABB Mobile AL 1480 WATK Antigo, Wis. 900 WBLG Lexington, Ky. 300 WCGO Chicago Hghts., III. 1600
WABC New York, N.Y. 770 WATM Atmore AL 590 WBLJ Dalton, Ga. 230 Welili Canandaigua, N.Y. 1550
WABD Ft. Campbell, Ky. 1570 WATN Watertown, N.Y. 240 WBLO Evergreen AL 470 WCHA Chambersburg, Pa. 800
WABF Fairhope AL 1220 WATO Oak Ridge, Tenn. 290 WBLR Batesburg, S.C. 430 WCHB Inkster, Mien. 1440
WABG Greenwood, Miss. 960 WATP Marion, S.C. 430 WBLT Bedford, Va. 350 W Westchester, Pa. 11351
WABH Churchville VA 150 WATR Waterbury, Conn. 320 WBLW Royston, Ga. 810 WCHI Chillicothe. Ohlo
WABI Bangor, Maine 910 WATS Sayre, Pa. 960 WBLY Springfield, Ohio 600 WCHJ Brookhaven, Miss. 1470
WABI Adrian, Mich. 490 WATT Cadillac, Mich. 240 WBMA Beaufort, N.C. 400 WCHK Canton, Ga. 1290
WABK Gardiner, Me. 1280 WATV Birmingham AL 900 WBMB West Branch, MI 080 WCHL Chapel Hill, N.C. 1360
WABL Amite, La. 570 WATW Ashland. WI 400 WBMC McMinnville, Tenn. 980 WCHN Norwleh, N.Y. 970
WABO Waynesboro, Miss. 990 WATZ Alpena, Mich. 450 WBMD Baltimore, Md. 750 WCHU Washington Court
WABQ Cleveland, Ohlo 540 WAUB Auburn, N.Y. 590 WBME Belfast, Me. 230 House, Ohio 250
WAGS Arlington VA 780 WAUC Wauchula, Fla. WBMJ San Juan, P. R. 190 WCHQ Camuy, P.R. 380
WABV Abbeville, S.C. 590 WAUD Auburn AL 123310 WBMK West Point, Ga. 310 WCHS Charleston, W.Va. 580
WADY Albany, N.Y. 400 WAUG Augusta. Ga. 050 WFML Macon, GA 900 WCHU Soddy Daisy, TN 550
WABZ Albemarle, N.C. 010 WAUK Waukesha, Wis. 510 WBMS Black Mountain, N.C. 350 WCHV Charlottesville. Va. 260
WACA Camden, S.C. 590 WAVC Warner Robins, Ga. 350 WBNC Conway, N.H. 050 WC I D Juncos, PR 460
WACB Kittanning, Pa. 380 WAVE Louisville, Ky. 970 WBNL Boonville, Ind. 540 WCIL Carbondale, III. 020
WACD Alexander City, AL 590 WAVI Dayton, Ohio 210 WBNO Bryan, Ohlo 520 WCIN Cincinnati. Ohlo 480
WAGE Chicopee, Mass. 730 WAVL Apollo, Pa. 910 WBNR Beacon, N.Y. 260 WCIR Beckley, W. Va. 070
WACI The Dalles, Ore. 300 WAVN Stillwater, Minn. 220 WBNS Columbus, Ohlo 480 WCIS Moss Point, MS 460
WACK Newark, N.Y. 420 WAVO Avondale Estates, Ga. 420 WBNT Oneida, Tenn. 310 WCIT Lima, Ohlo 940
WACL Waycross, Ga. 570 WAVS Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 190 WBNX New York, N.Y. 380 WCJU Columbia, Miss. 450
WACO Waco, Tex. 460 WAVU Albertville, Ala. 630 WBOB Galax, Va. 360 WCJW Warsaw NY 140
WACQ Boston, MA 150 WAVZ New Haven, Conn. 300 WBOC Salisbury, Md. 980 WCKB Dunn, N.C. 780
WACR Columbus, Miss. 050 WAWA West Allis, Wis. 590 WBOK New Orleans, La. 230 WCKC Milton, FL 490
WACT Tuscaloosa AL 420 WAWK Kendallville, Ind. 140 W BOL Bolivar, Tenn. 580 WCKI Greer, S.C. 300
WACX Austell, Ga. 600 WAXE Vero Beach, Fla. 370 WBOO Barahoo, WIs. 740 WCKL Catskill. N.Y. 560
WADA Shelby, N.C. 390 WAXU Georgetown, Ky. 580 WBOP Pensacola. Fla. 980 WCKM Winnsboro, S.C. 250
WADC Parkersburg, WV 050 WAYB Waynesboro, Va. 490 WBOW Terre Haute, Ind. 1230 WCKY Cincinnati. Ohlo 530
WADE Wadesboro, N.C. 210 WAYC Bedford PA 310 WBOX Bogalusa, La. 920 WCLA Claxton, Ga. 470
WADK Newport, R.I. 540 WAYD Ozark AL 1190 WBOZ San German, PR 1090 WCLB Camilla, Ga, 220
WADM Decatur, Ind. 540 WAVE Baltimore, Md. 860 WBPZ Loek Haven, Pa. 1230 WCLC Jamestown, Tenn. 260
WADO New York, N.Y. 280 WAYK Lehigh Acres, Fla. 1440 WBQN Barceloneta, PR 1160 WCLD Cleveland, MISs. 490
WADR Remsen, N. Y. 480 WAYL Richfield, MN 980 WBRB Mt. Clemens, Mich. 1430 WCLE Cleveland, Tenn. 570
WADS Ansonia, Conn. 690 WAYN Rockingham, N.C. 900 WBRD Bradenton, Fla. 1420 WCLG Morgantown, W.Va. 300
WAEB Allentown, Pa, 790 WAYR Orange Park, Fla. 550 WBRE Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1340 WCLI Corning, N.Y. 450
WAEL Mayaguez, P.Rico 600 WAYS Charlotte, N.C. 810 WBRG Lynchburg, Va. 1050 WCLN Clinton, NC 170
WAEW Crossville, Tenn. 1330 WAYT Wabash, Ind. 1510 WBRI Indianapolis. Ind. 1500 WCLO Janesville, Wis. 230
WAEY Princeton WV 1490 WAYX Waycross, Ga. 1230 WBRJ Marietta, OH 910 WCLS Columbus, Ga. 580
WA6C Centre AL 1560 WAVY Chippewa Fats WI 1150 WBRK Pittsfield, Mass. 1340 WCLT Newark, Ohlo 430
WAGE Leesburg, Va. 1290 WAYZ Waynesboro, Pa. WBRL Berlin, N.H. 1400 WCLU Covington, Ky. 320
WAGF Dothan AL 1320 WAZE Clearwater, Fla. WBRM Marion, N.C. 1250 WCLW Mansfield, 0. 140
WAGG Franklin, Tenn. 950 WAZL Hazelton, Pa. 11439800 WBRN Big Rapids. Mleh. 1460 WCLY Columbia, PA 580
WAGL Lancaster, S. C. 1560 WAZF Yazoo City, Miss. 1230 WBRT Bardstown, KY 1320 WCMA Corinth, Miss. 230
WAG M Presque Isle, Maine 950 WAZS Summerville, S. C. 980 WBRO Waynesboro, Ga. 1310 WOMB Harrisburg, Pa. 460
WAGN Menominee, Mich. 1340 WAZY Lafayette. Ind. 1410 WBRV Boonville, N.Y, 600 WCMC Wildwood, N.J. 230


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz

WCMD Cumberland, MD 230 WDLM E. Moline, Iii. 980 WENY Elmira, N.Y. 1230 WFSO Pinellas, Fla. 570
WCMG Jacksonville FL 050 WDLP Panama City, Fla. 590 WENZ Highland Springs, WFSP Kingwood, W. Va. 1560
WCM1 Ashland, Ky. 340 WDLT Indianola, Miss. 1380 Va. 1450 WFSR Harlan, KY 1470
WCMN Arecibo, P.R. 230 WDME DoverFozeroft, Me. 1340 WEOK Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 1390 WFST Caribou, Maine 600
WCMP Pine City, Minn. 350 WDMG Douglas, GA 860 WEOL Elyria, Ohlo 930 WFTC Kinston, N.C. 960
WCMQ Miami FL 1220 WDMJ Marquette, Mich. 1320 W. E00 Smithfield, VA 940 WFTG London, Ky. 1400
WCMR Elkhart, Ind. 270 WDMP Dodgeville, Wis. 810 WEPA Eupora, MS 710 wt. I L. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 1400
WCMS Norfolk, Va. 050 WDMV Pocomoke City, Md. 540 WEPG S. Pittsburgh, Tenn. 910 WFTM Maysville, Ky. 1240
WCMT Martin, Tenn, 410 WDNC Durham, N.C. 620 WEPM Martinsburg, W.Va. 1340 WFTN Franklin, N.H. 1240
WCMY Ottawa, Ill 430 WDNE Elkins, W.Va. 1240 WEQO Whitley City, KY 1220 WFTO Fulton, Miss. 1330
WCNB Connersville, Ind. 580 WDNG Anniston, AL 1450 WERH Plainfield, NJ 1590 WFTP Ft. Pierce, FL 1330
WCNC Elizabeth City, N.C. 240 WDNT Dayton, Tenn. 1280 WERC Birmingham AL 960 WFTQ Worcester MA 1440
WCND Shelbyville, Ky. 940 WDOC Prestonsburg, Ky. 1310 WERD Jacksonville. FL 140 0 WFTR Front Royal, Va. 1450
WCNH Quincy, Fla. 230 WDOD Chattanooga, Tenn. 1310 WERE Cleveland, Ohlo 1300 WFTW Ft. Walton Bush,
WCNL Newport, N. H. 010 WDOE Dunkirk, N.Y. 1410 WERH Hamilton, AL 970 Fla. 1280
WCNR Bloomsburg, Pa. 030 WDOG Allendale, S.C. 1450 WERI Westerly, R.i. 1230 WFUL Fulton, Ky. 1270
WCN 11 Crestview, Fla. 010 WDOL Athens, Ge. 1470 WERK Muncie, Ind. 990 WFUR Grand Rapids, MIA. 1570
WCNW Fairfield, 0. 580 WDON Wheaton, Md. 1540 WERL Eagle River, Wis. 950 WFVA Fredericksburg, Va. 1230
WCNX Middletown, Conn. 150 WDOR Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 910 WERT Van Wert, Ohio 1220 WFVR Aurora IL 1580
WCOA Pensacola, Fla. 370 WDOS Oneonta, N.Y. 730 WESA Charleroi, Pa. 640 WFWL Camden, Tenn. 1220
WCOC Meridian, Miss. 910 WDOV Dover, Del. 1410 WESB Bradford, Pa. 1490 WFWR Ft. Wayne, Ind. 1090
WCOG Greensboro, N.C. 320 WDOT Burlington, Vt. 1400 WESC Greenville, S.C. 660 WFXY Middlesboro, KY 1560
WCOH Newnan, Ga. 400 WDOW Dowaglac, MI 1440 WESL E. St. Louts IL 1490 WFYC Alma, Minh. 1280
WC0.1 Coatesville, Pa. 420 WDQN DuQuoin, Ill. 1580 WESO Southbridge, Mass. 970 WGAA Cedartown, Ga. 1340
WCOK Sparta, N.C. 060 WDRC Hartford, Conn. 1360 WESR Tasley, Va. 1330 WGAC Augusta, Ga. 580
WOOL Columbus, Ohlo 230 WDSC Dillon, S.C. 600 WEST Easton, Pa. 1400 WGAD Gadsden AL 1550
WCON Cornelia, Ga. 450 WDSG Dyersburg, Tenn. 1450 WESX Salem. Mass. 1230 WGAF Valdosta, Ga, 910
WCOR Lebanon, Tenn. 900 WDSK Cleveland, Miss. 1410 WESY Leland, Miss. 1580 WGAI Elizabeth City. N.C. 560
WCOS Columbia, S.C. 400 WDSL Mocksville, N. C. 1520 WETB Johnson City, Tenn. 790 WGAL Lancaster, Pa. 490
WCOU Lewiston, Maine 240 WDSM Superior, Wls. 710 WETC Wendell-Zebulon, N.C. 540 WGAN Portland, Maine 560
WCOV Montgomery AL 170 WDSR Lake City, Fla. 1940 WETO DeLand, Fla. 1490 WGAP Maryville, Tenn. 400
WCOW Sparta, Wis. 290 WDSU New Orleans. La. 1280 WETT Ocean City, Md. 1590 WGAR Cleveland, Ohlo 220
WCOX Camden AL 540 WDTM Selmer, Tenn. 1130 WETU Wetumpka AL 1250 WGAT Gate City, Va. 030
WCOY Columbia, Pa. 580 WDUN Gainesville, Ga. 1240 WETZ New Martinsville, WGAU Athens, Ga. 340
WCPA Clearfield, Pa. 900 WDUR Durham NC 1490 West Virginia 1330 WGAW Gardner, Mass. 340
WCPC Houston, Miss. 940 WOUX Waupaca, Wls. 600 WEUC Ponce, P.R. 1420 WGAY Silver Spring MD 030
WCPH Etowah, Tenn. 220 WD UZ Green Bay, WI 400 WEUP Huntsville AL 1600 WGBB Freeport, N.Y. 240
WCPK Chesapeake. Va. 600 WDVA Danville, Va. 250 WEVA Emporia, Va. 660 WGBF Evansville, Ind. 280
WCPL Pageland SC 510 WDVH Gainesville, Fla. 980 WEVD New York, N.Y. 1330 WGBG Greensboro, N.C. 400
WCPM Cumberland, Ky. 280 WDVL Vineland, N.J. 270 WEVE Eveleth, Minn. 1340 WGBI Scranton, Pa. 910
WCPR Coamo, P. R. 450 WDWD Dawson, Ga. 990 WEVR River Falls. Wls. 1550 WGBR Goldsboro, N. C. 150
WCPS Tarboro, N.C, 760 WOWS Champaign, Ill. 400 WEW St. Louis, Mo. 770 WGCB Red Llon, Pa. 440
WCRA Effingham, III. 090 SVDXS1 Chattanooga, Tenn. 490 WEWO Laurinhurg, N.C. 1080 WGCD Chester, S.C. 490
WORE Cheraw. S.C. 420 WDXE Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 370 W EXI Jacksonville, FL 1280 WGCH Greenwich, Conn. 490
WCRI Scottsboro AL 050 WDXI Jackson, Tenn. 310 WEXL Royal Oak, Mich. 1340 WGCM Gulfport, Miss. 240
WCRJ Jacksonville, FL 530 WDXL Lexington, Tenn. 490 WEXM Jamesville, VA 1520 WGEA Geneva AL 130
WCRK Morristown, Tenn. 150 WDXN Clarksville, Tenn. 840 WEXY Oakland Park, Fla. WGEE Green Bay, WI 360
WCRL Oneonta AL 670 WDXR Puducah, Ky. 560 WEYE Sanford, N.C. 1290 WGEM Quincy, III. 440
WCRO Johnstown, Pa. 230 WDXY Sumter, S.C. 240 WEYY Talladega, AL 1580 WGEN Genesee IL 500
WCRS Greenwood, S.C. 450 WDYX Buford, GA 460 WEZE Boston, Mass. 1260 WGET Gettysburg, Pa. 320
WCRT Birmingham AL 1260 WDZ Decatur, HI. 050 WEZJ Williamsburg, Ky. 1440 WGEZ Beloit, WIS. 490
WCRV Washington, N.J. 580 WEZQ Winfield AL 1300 WGFA Watseka, III. 360
WCRW Chicago, III. 240
WDZY Pine Castle -Sky Lake, WFAA Dallas -Ft. Worth TX 570 WGFS Covington, Ga. 430
WCSA Ripley, Mass. FL 1190 WFAB Juncos, PR 1460
260 WEAB Greer, S.C. 600 WGFT Youngstown, OH 500
WCSC Charleston, S.C. 390 WFAD Middlebury. Vt. 1490 WGGA Gainesville, Ga. 550
WCSH Portland, Maine 970 WGAC Gaffney, S. C. 1900 WFAG Farmville, N.C. 1250 WGGG Gainesville, Fla. 230
WCSI Columbus, Ind. 010
WEAti Mann, Tenn. 1470 WFAH Alliance, Ohio 1310 WGGH Marion, III. 150
WCSJ Morris, III. WEAL Greensboro, N.C. 1510
WEAM Arlington, Va. 1390 WFAI Fayetteville, N.C. 230 WGGM Chester VA 410
WCSL Cherryvllle, N. C. 590 WEAN Providence, R.I. 790 WFAN Washington, DC 340 WGGO Salamanca, N.Y. 590
WCSM Celina, Ohio 350
WEAQ Eau Claire, Wls. 790 WFAR Farrell. Pa. 470 WGH Newport News, Va. 310
WCSR Hillsdale. Mich. 340
WEAS Savannah, Ga. 900 WFAS White Plains, N.Y. 230 WGHC Clayton, Ga. 570
WCSS Amsterdam, N.Y. 490
WEAT W. Palm Beach, Fla. 850 WFAU Augusta, Me. 340 WGHN Grd. Haven, Mich. 370
WCST Berkeley Springs, WEAV Plattsburg, N.Y. 960 WFAW Ft. Atkinson, Wis. 940 WGHQ Kingston, N.Y. 920
W.Va. 010
WEAW Evanston, III. 1330 WFAX Falls Church, Va. 220 WGIC Xenia, 0. 500
WCSV Crossville, TN 490
WEBB Baltimore, MD 1360 WFBA San Sebastian, P.R. 460 WGIG Brunswick, Ga. 440
WCSW Shell Lake, Wls. 940
WEBC Duluth, Minn. 660 WFBC Greenville, S.C. 330 WGIL Galesburg, Ill. 400
WCTC New Brunswick, N.J. 450 WEB! Brewton AL 1240 WFBG Altoona, Pa. 290 WGI R Manchester, N.H. 610
WCTM Eaton, Ohlo 130
WEBO Owego, N.Y. 1330 WFBL Syracuse, N.Y. 390 WGIV Charlotte, N.C. 600
WCTN Potomac - WFBR Baltimore, MD 300 WGKA Atlanta, Ga. 190
Cabin John MD 300 WEBQ Harrisburg, III. 1240
WFBS Spring Lake, N. C. 450 WGKR Perry FL 310
WCTR Chestertown MD 530 WEBR Buffalo, N.Y. 970
WGL Fort Wayne, Ind.
WEBS Calhoun, Ga. 1110 WFBZ Minocgua WI 570 250
WCTT Corbin, Ky. 680
WELL Eau Claire, Wls. 1050 W FCM Winston-Salem, N. C. 550 WGLB Port Wash., Wk. 560
WCTW New Castle, Ind. 550 WFDF Flint, Mich. 910 WGLC Mendota, Ill, 090
WCUB Manitowoc Wis. 980 W ECO Wartburg, TN 940
WFDR Manchester, Ga. 370 WGLD High Point, NC 590
WCUE Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio I50 WECP Carthage, MS 1480
WGLR Lancaster, WI
WEDC Chicago, Ill. 1240 WFEA Manchester, N.H. 280
WCUG Cuthbert, Ga. 850
WEDG Soddy, Tenn. 1240 WFEB Sylacauga AL 340 WGLI Babylon, N.Y. 290
WCUZ Grand Rapids MI 1230
WEDO McKeesport, Pa. 810 WFEC Harrisburg, Pa. 400 WGLX Galion, OH 570
WCVA Culpeper, Va. 1490
WEEB Southern Pines, N.C. 990 WFFG Marathon, Fla. 300 WGMA Hollywood, Fla. 320
WCVC Tallahasee, FL (330 WFGL Fitchburg, Mass. 960 WGMF Watkins Glen, N.Y. 500
WCVI ConnellsvIlle, Pa. WEED Hooky Mount. N.C. 1390
WEED Waynesboro, Pa. 1130 WFGN Gaffney. S.C. 570 WGML Hinesville, Gr 990
WCVL Crawfordsville, Ind. 1550
WEEI Boston, Mass. 590 WFGS Milton FL 330 WGMS Bethesda, Md 570
WCVP Murphy, N.C. 800
WEEL Fairfax, Va. 1310 WFGW Black Mountains, WGN Chicago, Ill. 720
WCVR Randolph, Vt. 1520
WEEN Lafayette, Tenn. 1460 N.C. 010 WGNB Indian Rocks Beach,
WCVS SprIngfleld. III, 1450
WEEP Pittsburgh, Pa. 1080
WFHG Bristol, Va. 980 FL 1520
WCWA Toledo. 0. 1230
WEER Warrenton, Va. 1250 WFHK Pell City AL 430 WGNC Gastonia, N.0 1450
WCWC Ripon, Wis. 1600
WEET Richmond, VA 1920 WFHR Wis. Rapids, Wls. 320 WGNE Panama City
wrwR Cocoa Beach FL 1350
WEED Reading, Pa. 850 WFIA Louisville, Ky. 900 Beach, Fla. 1480
WCYN Cynthlana, Ky. 1400
WEEW Washington, N.C. 1320 WFIC Collinsville, Va. 530 WGNG Pawtucket RI 530
WOAD Indiana, Pa. 1450
WEEX Easton, Pa. 1230 WFIF Milford, Conn. 500 WGN I Wilmington, N.C. 1450
WDAE Tampa. Fla. 1250
WEGA Vega Baja, P. R. 1350 WFIG Sumter, S.C. 290 WGNS Murfreesboro, Tenn. 1450
WDAF Kansas City, Me, 610
WEGG Rose Hill, N.C. 710 WF1L Philadelphia, Pa. 560 WGNT Huntington, W.Va. 930
WDAK Clumbus, Ga. 540
WEGO Concord, N.C. 1410 WFIN Findlay, Ohio 330 WGN U Granite City, Ill. 920
WDAN Danville, Ill. 1490
WEGP Presque Isle, Maine 1390 WFIR Roanoke, Va. 960 WGNY Newburgh, N.Y. 1220
WDAR Darlington, S.C. 1350
WENN Elmira Heights - WFIS Fountain inn, S.C. 800 WGOC Kingsport, Tenn. 1090
WDAS Philadelphia, Pa. 1480 Horseheads, N.Y. 1590 WFIV Kissimmee, Fla. 080 WGOE Richmond, Va. 1590
WDAT Ormond Beach, Fin. 1380 WEIC Charleston, III. 1270 WF1W Fairfield, Ill. 390 WGOG Walhalla, S.C. 1000
WDAX McRae, Ga, 1410 WE1F Moundsville, W. Va. 1370 WFIX Huntsville AL 450 WGOH Grayson, Ky. 1370
WDAY Fargo, N. Dalt. 970 WEI M Fitchburg, Mass. 1280 WFJT Inez, KY 590 WGOK Mobile AL 900
WDBC Escanaba, Minh. 880 WEIR Weirton, W.Va. 1430 WFKN Franklin, Ky. 220 WGOM Marion, Ind. 860
WDBF Delray Beach, Flu. 1420 WEIS Centre AL 990 WFKY Frankfort, Ky. 490 WGOR Toledo, OH 1520
WDBL Springfield, Tenn. 1590 WEIL Scranton, Pa. 630 WFLA Tampa, Fla. 970 WOOS High Point, NC 1070
WDBM Statesville, N.C. 550 WEKG Jackson, Ky. 810 WFLB Fayetteville, N.C. 490 WGOV Valdosta, Ga. 660
WOOD Orlando, Fla. 580 WEKO Cabo Rojo, P.R. 930 WFLI Lookout Mountain - WGOW Chattanooga, TN 1150
WuDts Dubuque, Iowa 490 WEKR Fayetteville, Tenn. 1240 Chattanooga 070 WGPA Bethlehem, Pa. 1100
Wow. Dade City, Fla. 350 WEKY Richmond, Ky. 1340 WFLN Philadelphia, Pa. 900 WGPC, Albany, Ga. 1430
WOOL Dunedin FL 470 WEKZ Monroe, Wis. 1260 WFLO Farmville, Va, 870 WGR Buffalo, N.Y. 550
WDCR Hanover, N.H. 340 WELB Elba AL 1350 WFLR Dundee, N.Y. 1570 WGRA Cairo, Ga, 790
WDDL Lancaster, PA 490 WELC Welch, W.Va. 1150 WFLS Fredericksburg, Va. 1350 WGRC Spring Valley, NY 1300
WOOD Macon GA 240 WELD Fisher, W.Va, WFLW Monticello, Ky. 1360 WGRD Grand Rapids, Mich. 1410
WDDT Greenvile, Miss. 900 WELE S. Daytona, Fla. 1509090
WFMC Goldsboro, N.C. 730 WGRI Griffin, Ga. 1410
WODY Gloucester, Va. 420 WELT New Haven, Conn. 960 WFMD Frederick, Md. 930 WGRK Greensburg. KY 1550
WDEA Ellsworth, Me. 370 WELK Charlottesville, Va. 1010 WFMH Cullman, AL 1460 WGRM Greenwood, Miss. 1240
WDEB Jamestown, Tenn. 500 WELM Elmira, N.Y. 1410 WFMJ Youngstown, Ohlo 1390 WGRO Lake City, Fla. 960
WtsEt; Americus, Ga. 290 WELO Tupelo, Miss. 580 WFMO Fairmont, N.C. 860 WGRP Greenville, Pa. 940
WDEb Detroit, Mich. 500 WELP Easley, S.C. 1360 WFMW Madisonville, KY 730 WGRV Greeneville, Tenn. 1340
WDEF Chattanooga, Tenn. 370 WELR Roanoke AL 1360 WFMT Chicago, IL 1450 WGRY Grayling, Mich. 1590
WDEH Sweetwater, Tenn. 800 WELS Kinston, N.C. 1010 WFNC Fayetteville, N.C. 940 WGSA Ephrata, Pa. 1310
WDEL Wilmington, Del. 150 WELV EllenvIlle, N.Y. 1370 WFNL North Augusta, SC 1600 WGSB Geneva, III. 1480
WDEN Macon, Ga. 500 WELW Willoughby, 0. 1330 WFOB Fostoria, Ohio 1430 WGSM Huntington, NY 740
WDEV Waterbury, Vt. 550 WELX Xenia. 0. 1110 WFOG Suffolk, VA 1450 WGSO New Orleans LA 1280
WD GL Douglasville, Ga. 520 WELY Ely, MN 1450 WFOM Marietta, Ga. 1230 WGSR Millen, Ga. 1570
WDGS New Albany IN 290 WELZ Belzoni, Miss. 1460 WFOR Hattiesburg, Miss. 1400 WGST Atlanta, Ga. 920
WDGY Minneapolis, Minn. 130 WEMB Erwin, Tenn. 1420 WFOY St. Augustine, Fla. 1240 WGSV Guntersville AL 1270
WDHN Hanesdale PA 590 WEMD Easton, Md. 1480 WFPA Fort Payne AL 140 0 WGTA Summerville. Ga. 950
WDIA Memphis, Tenn. 070 WEMJ Laconia, N.H. 1490 WFPG Atlantic City. N.J. 1450 WGTL Kannapolis NC 870
WOIC Clinchco, Va. 430 WEMP Milwaukee, Wls. 1250 WFPM Fort Valley, Ga. 1150 WGTM Wilson, N.C. 590
WDIG Dothan AL 450 WENA Fermatas, PR 1330 WFPR Hammond, La. 1400 WGTN Georgetown, S.C. 1400
WDIX Orangeburg, S.C. 150 WENC Whiteville, N.C. 1220 WFRA Franklin, Pa. 1450 WGTO Cypress Gardens, Fla. 540
WDJS Mt. Olive, N.C. 430 WEND Ebensburg, Pa. 1580 WFRB Frostburg, Md. 560 WGTR Natick, Mass. 1060
WDJZ Bridgeport, Conn. 530 WENE Endicott, N.Y. 1430 WFRC Reidsville, N.C. 1600 WGTW Mt. Dora, FL 1580
WDKD Kingstree, S. C. 310 WENG Englewood, Fla. 1530 WFRL Freeport, III. 1570 WGTX DeFuniak Springs,
WDKN Dickson, Tenn. 260 WENK Union City. Tenn. 1240 WFIliti Coudersport, Pa. 600 Fla. 1260
WDLA Walton, N.Y. 270 WENN Birmingham. AL 1320 WFRO Fremont, Ohlo 900 WGUF Gulfport, MS 1130
WDLB Marshfield, WI 450 WENR Englewood, Tenn. 1090 WFRX West Frankfort. III, 1300 WGUL New Port Richey, Fla. 1500
WDLC Port Jervis. N.Y. 490 WENT Gloversville. WFSC Franklin, N.C. 1050 WGUN Atlanta GA 1010
WDLR Delaware. Ohlo 550 Johnston NY 1340 WFSH Valparaiso, Fla. 1340 WGUS North Augusta. S.C. 1380


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz

WGUY Bangor, Maine 1250 WHYN Springfield, Mass. 560 WJAK Jackson, TN 1460 WKBC N. Wilkesboro, N.C. 810
WGVA Geneva, N.Y, 1240 WHYP North East, Pa, 530 WJAM Marion AL 1310 WKBI St. Marys, Pa. 1400
WGVM Greenville, Miss. 1260 WHYT Noblesville, Ind. 110 WJAR Providence, R.I. 920 WKBJ Milan, Tenn. 1600
WGWC Selma, Ala. 1340 WHYZ Greenville, S. C. 070 WJAT Swainsboro, Ga. 800 WKBK Keene, N.H. 1220
WGWR Asheboro, N.C. 1280 WHZN Hazleton, Pa. 300 WJAX Jacksonville, Fla. 930 WKBL Covington, Tenn. 1250
WGY Schenectady, N.Y. 810 WIAC San Juan, P.R. 740 WJAY Mullins, S.C. 280 WKBN Youngstown, Ohio 570
WGYV Greenville AL 1380 WIAF Clarksville, GA 500 WJAZ Albany, Ga. 960 WKBO Harrisburg, Pa. 1230
WHA Madison, Wls. 970 WIAM Williamston, N.C. 900 WJBB Haleyville AL 230 WKBQ Garner, N.C. 1000
WHAG Halfway, Md. 1410 WIBA Madison, Wis. 310 WJBC Bloomington, Ill. 230 WKBR Manchester. N.H. 1250
WHAI Greenfield. Mass. 1240 WIBB Macon, Ga. 280 WJBD Salem, Ill. 350 WKBV Richmond, Ind. 1490
WHAK Rogers City. Mien. 960 WIBC Muncie, IN 070 WJBE Knoxville, Tenn. 430 WKBW Buffalo, N.Y. 1520
WHAL Shelbyville, Tenn, 1400 WIBM Jackson, Mich. 450 WJBL Holland, Mich. 260 WKBX Savannah, GA 630
WHAM Rochester, N.Y. 1180 WIBR Baton Rouge, La. 300 WJBM Jorseyville, III. 480 WKBY Chatham, Va. 1080
WHAN Haines City, Fla. 930 WIBU Poynette, Wis. 240 WJBO Baton Bougie, La. 150 WKBZ Muskegon, Mleh. 850
WHAP Hopewell, Va. 1340 WI BV Belleville, III. 260 WJBQ Westbrook -Portland. WKCB Hindman, KY 1340
WHAR Clarksburg, W.Va. 1340 WIBW Topeka, Kans. 500 ME 440 WKCK Orocovis, PR 1470
WHAS Louisville, Ky. 840 WIBX Utica, N.Y. 950 W.113Y Gadsden AL 930 WICCM Lewisport, KY 1140
WHAT Philadelphia, Pa. 1340 WICC Bridgeport, Conn. 600 WJCD Seymour, Ind. 390 WKCT Bowling Green, Ky. 930
WHAV Haverhill. Mass. 1490 WICE Providence, RI 1290 WJCM Sebring, Fla, 980 WI(CU Corinth, Miss. 1350
WHAW Weston. W.Va. 980 WICH Norwich; Conn. 1310 WJCO Jackson, Mich.. 510 WKCW Warrenton, Va. 1420
WHAZ Troy, N.Y. 1330 WICK Scranton, Pa. 1400 WJCW Johnson City, Tenn. 910 WKCY Harrisonburg. Va. 1300
WHB Kansas City, Mo. 710 WICO Salisbury, Md. 1320 WJDA Quincy, Mass. 3 WKDA Nashville, Tenn. 1240
WHBB Selma AL 1490 WICY Malone, N.Y. 1490
WJDB Thomasville AL 630 WKDC Elmhurst, IL 1530
WHBC Canton, Ohio 1480
WI DD Elizabethton, Tenn. 1520 WJDM Elizabeth, N.J. 1530 WKDE Altavista, Va. 1000
WHBF Rock Island, III. 1270
WIDE Biddeford, Maine 1400 WJDQ Meridian, MS 330 WKDH Ashland, VA 1430
WHBG Harrisonburg. Va. 1360
WI DG St. Ignace, Mieh. 940 W.IDX Jackson, Miss. 820 WKDK Newberry, S.C. 1240
WHBL Sheboygan, Wis. 1330
WIDU Fayetteville, N.C. 1600 WJDY Salisbury, Md. 470 WKDL Clarksdale, Miss. 1600
WHBN Harrodsburg, Ky. 1420 WIFE Indianapolis, IN 1310 WJEB Gladwin, MI 350 WKDO Liberty, Ky. 1580
WHBO Tampa, Fla. 1050
WIEL Elizabethtown. Ky. 1400 WJEH Gallipolis, Ohlo 990 WKDR Plattsburgh. N.Y. 1070
WHBQ Memphis, Tenn. 560
WIFF Auburn, Ind. 1570 WJEJ Hagerstown, Md. 240 WKDW Staunton, VA 900
WHBU Anderson, Ind. 1240
WIFM Elkin, N.C. 1540 WJEM Valdosta, Ga. 150 WKDX Hamlet, N. C. 1250
WHBY Appleton, Wls. 1230
WIGG Wiggins, Miss. 1420 WJER Dover -New WKDY Spartanburg, SC 1400
WHCC Waynesville, N.C. 1400
WIGM Medford, Wis. 1490 Philadelphia. 0. 450
WKDZ Cadiz, Ky. 1110
WHCO Sparta, III. 1230
WIGO Atlanta, Ga. 1340 WJES Johnston SC 190
WKED Frankfort, KY 1130
WHCU Ithaca, N.Y. 870
WIGS Gouverneur, N.Y. 1230 WJET Erie, Pa. 400
WKEE Huntington, W. Va. 800
WHDF Houghton, Mleh. 1400
WIID Garden City, Mich. 1090 WJFC Jefferson City, Tenn. 480
WKEG Washington, Pa. 1110
WHDH Boston, Mass. 850 WIKB Iron River, Mich. 1230 WJFL Vicksburg, MS 490
WKEI Kewanee, III. 1450
WHDL Olean, N.Y. 1450
WIKG Bogalusa, La, 1490 WJGA Jackson, Ga. WKEM Immokalee, FL 1490
WHDM McKenzie, Tenn. 1440
WIKE Newport, Vt. 1490 WJHO Opelika AL 400540
WKEN Dover, DE 1600
WHEB Portsmouth, N.H. 750
W1KY Evansville, Ind. 820 WJIC Salem, N. J. 510
WKER Pompton Lakes. N.J. 1500
WHEC Rochester, N.Y. 1460
WIL St. Louis, Mo. 1430 W11L Jacksonville, Ili. 550
WKEU Griffin, Ga. 1450
WHEE Martinsville. Va. 1370
WILA Danville, Va. 1580 W11 M Lansing, Mich. 240
WKEX Blacksburg, Va. 1430
WHEN Syracuse, N.Y. 620 WJ1T New York, NY 480
WHEO Stuart, Va. 1270 WILD Boston, Mass. 1090
WJJC Commerce, Ga. 270 WKEY Covington, Va. 1340
WHEP Foley AL 1310 WILE Cambridge, Ohio 1270
WJJD Chicago. III. 160 WKFD Wiekford, R.I. 1370
WHET Waltham, MA 1330 WILT Willimantic, Conn. 1400
Will Christiansburg, Va. 260 WKFE Yauco, P.R. 1550
WHFB Benton Harbor -St. WILK Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 980
WJJ K Eau Claire WI 400 WKFI Wilmington, OH 1090
Joseph, Mich. 1060 WILL Urbana, Ill. 580
WJJL Niagara Falls, N.Y. 440 WKGN Knoxville, Tenn. 1340
WHGR Houghton L., Mieh. 1290 WILM Wilmington, Del. 450
WJJ M Lewisburg, Tenn. 490 WICGX Lenoir, N.C. 1080
WHHH Warren. Ohlo 1440 WILO Frankfort, Ind. 570
WJJQ Tomahawk, WI 810 WKH.1 Holly Hill SC 1440
WHHL Pine Castle -Sky Lake, WILS Lansing, Mich. 320
WJJT Jellieo TN 540 WKHM Jackson, Mich. 970
1190 WILY Centralia, III. 210
WJJZ Mt. Holly. N. J. 460 WKIC Hazard. Ky. 1990
WHHM Henderson, Tenn. 580 WIMA Lima, Ohio 150
W11(M Hartsville, Tenn. W K I E Richmond VA 1540
WHHO Hornell, N.Y. 320 WI MO Winder, Ga. 300
WJKY Jamestown, Ky. 0800 WKIG Glenville, Ga. 1580
WHHT Lucedale, Miss. 440 W1MS Michigan City, Ind. 420
WJLB Detroit, Mich. 400 W K I K Leonardtown, Md. 1370
WHHV Hillsviile, Va. 400 WINA Charlottesville, Va. 070
WILD Fairfield AL 400 WKIN Kingsport, Tenn. 1320
WHHY Montgomery AL 440 WINC Winchester, Va. 400
WILE Smithville, Tenn. 480 WKIP Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 1450
WHIC Hardinsburg, Ky. 520 WIND Chicago, III. 500
WJLJ Tupelo MS 060 WKIS Orlando, Fla. 740
WHIE Griffin, Ga. 320 WINE Brookfield, Conn. WJLK Asbury Park, N.J. 310 WKIX Raleigh, N.C. 850
WHIZ Bay Springs, Miss. 570 WINF Manchester, Conn. 1230
WJLS Beckley, W.Va. 560 WKIZ Key West, Fla. 1500
WHIM Providence, R.I. 110 WING Dayton, Ohio 1410
WJMA Orange, Va. 340 WKJB Mayaguez, P.R. 710
WHIN Gallatin, Tenn. 010 WINH Georgetown, S. C. 1470 WKJK Granite Falls, N.C. 900
WHIO Dayton, Ohio 290 WINI Murphysboro, III. 1420 WJMB Brookhaven, Miss. 1340 WKJR Muskegon Heights,
WHIP Mooresville, N.C. 350 WINK Fort Myers, Fla. 1240 WJMC Rice Lake, Wis. 1240 Mich. 1520
WHIR Danville, Ky. 290 WINN Louisville, Ky. 1240 WJML Petoskey, Mich. 1110 W1(1(14 Rockford, IL 1150
WHIS Bluefield, W.Va. 440 WING Tampa, Fla. 1010 WJMO Cleveland Hghts., Ohio 1490 WI<KG Hibbing, MN 1060
WHIT New Bern, N.C. 450 WINR Binghamton, N.Y. 680 WJMQ Norfolk, MA 1170
WKKS Vanceburg, Ky. 1570
WHIY Moulton, Ala. 530 WINS New York, N. Y. 1010 WJMS Ironwood, Mich. 590 WKKX DeLand FL 1310
WHIZ Zanesville, Ohlo 240 WINU Highland, Ill. 1510 WJMT Merrill WI 730 WKLA Ludington, Mich. 1450
WHJB Greensburg, Pa. 620 WINW Canton, 0. 1520 WJMW Athens AL 730 WKLC St. Albans, W.Va. 1300
WHJC Matewan, W. Va. 360 WINX Rockville, Md. 1600 WJMX Florence, S.C. 970 WKLF Clanton AL 980
WHK Cleveland, Ohlo 420 WINY Putnam, Conn. 1350 WJNC Jacksonville, N.C. 1240 WKLK Cloquet, Minn. 1230
WH KP Hendersonville, N.C. 450 WINZ Miami, Fla. 940 WJNJ Atlantic Beach, Fla. 1600 WKLM Wilmington, N.C. 980
WHKY Hickory, N.C. 290 WIOD Miami, Fla. 610 WJNL Johnstown PA 1490 WKLO LouisvIlle, Ky. 1080
WHLB Virginia, Minn. 400 WIGI New Boston, Ohlo 1010 WJNO West Palm Beach WKLP Keyser. W. Va. 1390
WHLD Niagara Falls, N.Y. 270 WION Ionia, Mich. 1430 FL 1230
WKLS Atlanta GA 970
WHLF South Boston, Va. 400 WI00 Carlisle, Pa. 1000 WJNP North Pole AK 1170 WKLV Blackstone, Va. 1440
WHLI Hempstead, N.Y. 100 WIOS Tawas City -East WJOB Hammond, Ina. 1230
WKLY Hartwell, Ga. 980
WHLL Wheeling, W.Va. 600 Tawas, Mich. 1480 WJOE Port St. Joe, Fla. 1080
WKMB Stirling NJ 1070
WHLM Bloomsburg, Pa. 550 WIOU Kokomo, Ind. 1350 WJOL Joliet. III. 1340 WKMC Roaring Spring, Pa. 370
WHLN Harlan, Ky. 410 WIP Philadelphia, Pa. 610 WJON St. Cloud, Minn. 1240
WKMF Flint, Mich, 470
WHLO Akron, Ohio 640 WIPC Lake Wales, Fla. 1280 WJOR South Haven, Mich. 940 WKMG Newberry. S.C. 520
WHLP Centerville, Tenn. 570 WIPR San Juan, P.R. 940 WJOT Lake City, S.C. 1260
WKMI Kalamazoo. Mich. 360
WHLS Port Huron, Mich. 450 WIPS Ticonderoga, N.Y. 1250 WJOY Burlington, Vt. 1230
WKMT Kings Mtn., N.C. 220
WHLT Huntington, Ind. 300 WIQT Horseheads, N. Y. 1000 WJPA Washington, Pa, 1450 W KN D Windsor, Conn. 480
WHLW Lakewood, N.J. 170 WIRA Ft. Pierce, Fla. 1400 WJPC Chicago, IL 950 WKNE Keene, N.H. 290
WHMA Anniston AL 390 WIRB Enterprise AL 600 W)PD Ishpeming, Mich. 1240
WICNG Tallapoosa, GA 1060
WHMI Howell, Mich. 350 WIRC Hickory, N.C. 630 WJPJ Huntingdon, TN 1530 W KN R Battle Creek MI 400
WHMP Northampton, Mass. 400 WIRD Lake Placid. N.Y. 920 WJPR Greenville, Miss. 1330 WKNT Kent, Ohlo 520
WHMT Humboldt TN 190 WIRE Indianapolis, Ind. 430 WJPS Evansville, Ind. 1330
WKNX Saginaw, Mich. 210
WHN New York, N.Y. 050 WIRJ Humboldt, Tenn, 740 WJPW Rockford, Mich. 810 WKNY Kingston, N.Y. 490
WHNC Henderson, N.C. 690 WIRK W. Palm Beach, Fla. 290 WJQS Jackson, Miss. 1400 WKOA HopkinsvIlle, Ky. 480
WHNI) Monroe, MI 560 WIRL Peoria, III. 290 WJR Detroit, Mich. 760 WKOG Gordon, Ga. 580
WHNE Portsmouth, VA 1350 WI RO Ironton, Ohio 230 WJRB Madison TN 1430
WKOK Sunbury, Pa. 070
WHNY McComb, Miss. 1250 WIRY Irvine, Ky. 550 WJRC Joliet, III. 1510 WKOL Amsterdam, N.Y. 570
WHO Des Moines, Iowa 1040 WIRY Plattsburg, N.Y. 340 W.IRD Tuscaloosa AL 1150 WKOP Binghamton, N.Y. 360
WHOA San Juan, P.R. 870 WIS Columbia, S.C. 560 WJRI Lenoir, N.C. 1340 WKOR Starkville, Miss. 980
WHOC Philadelphia, Miss. 1490 WISA Isabella, P.R. 390 WJRL Calhoun City, Miss. 1530 W KOV Wellston. Ohio 330
WHOD Jackson, AL 1230 WISE Asheville, N.C. 310 WJRM Troy, N.C. 1390
WKOX Framingham, Mass. 190
WHOK Lancaster, Ohlo 1320 WISK Americus, Ga. 390 WJR0 Glen Burnie, MD 1590
WKOY Bluefield, W.Va. 240
WHOL Allentown, Pa. 1600 WISL Shamokin, Pa. 480 WJSB Crestview, Fla. 1050
WKOZ Kosciusko. Miss. 340
WHON Centerville. Ind. 930 WISM Madison, Wis. 480 WJSM Martinsburg. Ps. 1110
WKPA New Kensington, Pa. 150
WHOO Orlando, Fla. 890 WISN Milwaukee, Wis. 130 WISO Jonesboro, Tenn. 1590
WI<PG Port Gibson, MS 320
WHOP Hopkinsville, Ky. 1230 WISO Ponce, P.R. 260 WJST Jupiter, Fla. 1000
WKPO Prentiss, Miss. 510
WHOS Decatur AL 800 WISP Kinston, N.C. 230 WJTH Calhoun, GA 900
WKPQ Pittsburgh PA 1320
WHOT Campbell, Ohio 1330 WISR Butler. Pa. 680 WJTN Jamestown, N.Y. 1240
WKPR Kalamazoo, Mich. 420
WHOU Moulton, Maine 1340 WISS Berlin, Wis. 090 WJTO Bath, Me. 730 W KPT Kingsport, Tenn. 400
WHOW Clinton, IL 1520 WIST Charlotte, N.C. 240 WIT? Newland. NC 1130
WKQT Garyville, La. 1010
WHOY Salinas, P. R. 1210 WISV Virouqua, Wis. 360 WJUN Mexico, Pa. 1220 WKRA Holly Springs, Miss. 110
WHP Harrisburg, Pa. 580 WITH Baltimore, Md. 230 WJVA South Bend, Ind. 1580
WKRC Cinclnantl, Ohlo 550
WHPB Belton, S.C. 1390 WITL Lansing, Mich. 010 WJW Cleveland, Ohio 850 WKRG Mobile AL 710
WHPI Herrin IL 1340 WITN Washington, N.C. 930 WJWD Lebanon, PA 940 WKRI West Warwick RI 1450 e
WHPL Winchester,Va. 610 WITY Danville, Ill. 980 WJWL Georgetown, Del. 900 WKRK Murphy. N.C. 1320
WHPN Hyde Park, NY 950 WITZ Jasper, Ind. 990 WJWS South Hill, Va. 1370 WKRM Columbia, Tenn. 1340
WHPY Clayton NC 590 WIVK Knoxville, Tenn. 850 WIXL Jacksonville AL 810 WKRO Cairo, III. 1490
WHRT Hartselle AL 860 WIVS Crystal Lake, Ill. 850 WJXN Jackson, Miss, 1450 WI(RS Waukegan, III. 1220
WHSC Hartsville, S.C. 450 WIVV Vieques, P.R. 370 WJXY Conway, SC 1050 WKRT Cortland, N.Y. 920
WHSM Hayward, Wis. 910 WIXC Fayetteville, Tenn. 140 WJYM Bowling Green, OH 730 WKRW Cartersville, Ga. 1270
WHSY Hattiesburg, Miss. 230 WIXE Monroe, N.C. 190 WJZA Harriman TN 1600 WKRZ Oil City, Pa. 1340
WHTC Holland, Mich. 450 WIXI Lancaster, Ky. 280 WJZM Clarksville, Tenn. 1400 W KSC Kershaw, S.C. 1300
WHTG Eatontown, N.J. 410 WIXK New Richmond, Wis. 590 W KAI Macomb, III. 1510 W KSJ Prichard AL 1270
WHTH Heath, 0. 000 WIXN Dixon, 111. 460 WKAJ Saratoga Springs, NY 900 WKSK W. Jefferson NC 580
WHUB Cookeville, Tenn. 400 W1XX Fort Lauderdale. Fla. 520 WKAL Rome. N.Y. 1450 WKSN Jamestown, N.Y. 1340
WHUC Hudson, N.Y. 230 WIXY East Longmeadow, WKAM Goshen, Ind, 1460 WKSP Kingstree, S. C. 1090
WHUM Reading, Pa. 240 MA 600 WKAN Kankakee, Ill. 1320 WKSR Pulaski, Tenn. 1420
W H UN Huntingdon, Pa. 150 WIXZ McKeesport. Pa. 360 WKAO Boynton Beach FL 1510 WKST New Castle, Pa. 1280
WHUT Anderson, Ind. 470 WIYN Rome, Ga. 360 WKAP Allentown, Pa. 1320 WKTE King. N.C. 1090
WHVL Hendersonville, N.C. 600 WIZE Springfield, Ohlo 340 WKAQ San Juan. P.R. 580 WKTG Thomasville, Ga. 730
WJVN Charlotte NC 310 WIZM La Cross, WI 410 WKAR East Lansing, Mleh. 870 WKT.1 Farmington, Maine 1380
WHVR Hanover, Pa. 280 WIZO Franklin, Tenn, 380 WKAT Miami Beach. Fla. 1360 WKTS Sheboygan, Wia. 950
WHWB Rutland, Vt. 000 WIZR Johnstown, N. Y. 930 WKAU Kaukanna, Wis. 1050 W KTY LaCrosse, Wls. 580
WHWH Princeton, N.J. 350 WIZS Henderson, N.C. 450 W KAX Russellville AL 1500 WKTZ Arlington, Fla. 1220
WHYD Columbus, Ga. 270 WIZZ Streator, III. 250 WKAY Glasgow. Ky. 1490 WKUL Cullman AL 1340
Carlisle, Pa. 960 WJAC Johnstown, Pa. 850 WKAZ Charleston, W.Va. 950 WI<UN Monroe, Ga. 1580
WHYM Pensacola, FL 610 WJAG Norfolk. Nebr. 780 WKBA Vinton, Va. 1550 WKVA Lewistown, Pa. 020


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz

WIVE Cave City, KY 800 WLRC Whitehall, Mich. 1490 WMPC Lapeer, Mich, 230 WNVA Norton, Va. 1350
WKVI Knox, Ind. 1520 WLRO Lorain, Ohio 1380 WMPL Hancock, Mich. 920 WNVL Nicholasville, Ky. 1250
WKVM San Juan, P.R. 810 WLRV Lebanon, VA 1380 WMPM Smithfiefd, N.C. 270 WNVY Pensacola, Fla. 1230
WKVO Havelock, N.C. 1330 WLS Chicago, Ill. 890 WMPO Middleport-Pomeroy, WNWI Valparaiso, Ind. 1080
W KVQ Knoxville, TN 1490 WLSB Copper Hill, Tenn. 1400 Ohio 390 WNWS South Miami FL 790
W KVT Brattleboro. Vt. 1490 WLSC Loris, S.C. 1570 WMPP Chicago Heights, Ill. 470 WNXT Portsmouth, Ohio 1260
WKWF Key West. Fla. 1600 WLSD Big Stone Gap, Va. 1220 WMPS Memphis, Tenn. 680 WNYC New York, N.Y. 830
WKWK Wheeling. W.Va. 1400 WLSE Wallace. N.C. 1400 WMPT S. Williamsport, PA 450 WNYG Babylon, NY 1440
WKWM Kentwood, MI 1140 WLSH Lansford, Pa. 1410 WMPX Midland, MI 490 WNYN Canton. 0. 900
WKXA Brunswick. ME 900 WMQM Memphis, Tenn. 480 WNYR Rochester, N.Y. 680
WLS1 Pikeville, KY. 900 WMRB Greenville, S.C. 490 WOAI San Antonio, Tex. 1200
WKXL Concord, N.H. 1450 WLSM Louisville, Miss. 1270
WKXO Berea, KY 1500 WMRC Milford, Mass. 490 WOAP Owosso, Mich. 1080
WLSQ Montgomery, AL 950 WMRE Monroe, Ga. 490 WOAY Oak Hill, W.Va. 860
WKXR Exeter, N.H. 1540
WLSV Wellsville, N.Y. 790 WOBL Oberlin, 0.
WKXV Knoxville, Tenn. 900 WMRF Lewistown, Pa. 490 1570
WLTC ',Gastonia, N.C. 1370 WMRN Marion, Ohio 490 WOBR Wanchese, N.C. 1530
WKXY Sarasota, Fla. 930 WLTD Evanston, IL
WKY Oklahoma City, Okla. 930
1590 WMRO Aurora, Ill. 280 WOBS New Albany, IN 1570
WLTH Gary, Ind, 1370 WMSA Massena, N.Y. 340 WOBT Rhinelander, Wls.
3 WKYB Hemingway, S. C.
W KYD Andalusia. AL
W KYE Bristol. Tenn.
WKYG Parkersburg WV
WLTN Littleton, N. H.
WLUV Loves Park, Ill.
WLUX Baton Rouge, La.
WMSG Oakland, Md.
WMSI( Morganfield. Ky.
WMSL Decatur, AL
WOC Davenport, Iowa
WOCB W. Yarmouth, Mass.
WOCH North Vernon, Ind.
WKYK Burnsville, N. C. 1540
WLUZ Bayamon, P. R. 1600 WMSO Collierville TN 590 WOCN Miami, Fla. 1450
WLVA Lynchburg, Va. 590 WMSR Manchester, Tenn. 320 WOCO Oconto. Wis. 1260
WKYO Caro. Mich. 1360
WLVC Ft. Kent, ME 1340
WKYR Burkesville, KY 1570 WMST Mt. Sterling, KY. 150 WODI Brookneal, Va. 1230
WLVL Lockport, NY 1340 WMT Cedar Rapids, Iowa 800 WODY Bassett, Va. 900
WKYX Paducah, Ky. 570
WLVN Luverne, Ala. 1080
WKYY Amherst, VA 1420 WMTA Central City, KY. 380 WOFE Rockwood, Tenn. 580
WLW Cincinnati, Ohlo 700 WMTC Vanelave, KY. 730 WOGA Sylvester, Ga. 1540
WKZA Kane, Pa. 960 WLWL Rockingham. N.C. 1500
WKI1 Casey, 111. 800 WMTD Hinton, W. Va. 380 WOHI E. Liverpool, Ohlo 1490
WLWO (V.O.A.) WMTE Manistee, Mich. 340 WOHN Herndon, Va. 1440
WKZO Kalamazoo, Mich. 590 Marathon, Fla. 1180 WMTL Leitehfleld, Ky. 580 WOHO Toledo, Ohio 1470
WLAB St. Pauls NC 060 WLYC Williamsport, Pa. 1050 WMTM Moultrie, Ga. 300 WOHS Shelby, N.C. 730
WLAC Nashville, Tenn. 510
WMTN Morristown, Tenn. 300 WO1 Ames, Iowa 840
WLAD Danbury, Conn. 800 WLYV Ft. Wayne, Ind. 1450 WMTR Morristown, N.J. 250 WOIC Columbia, S.C. 320
WLAF LaFollette, Tenn. 450 WMAC Netter, Ga. 1360 WMTS Murfreesboro. Tenn. 810 W 010 Canton, 0. 060
WLAG La Grange, Ga. 240 WMAF Madison FL 1230 WMTY Greenwood SC 090 WOKA Douglas, Ga. 310
WLAM Lewiston, Maine 470 WMAG Forest, MI 860 WMUS Muskegon, MIA. 1090 WOKB Winter Garden, Fla. 600
WLAN Lancaster, Pa. 390 WMAJ State College, Pa, 1450 WMUU Greenville, S.C. 260 WOICC Okeechobee, Fla. 570
WLAP Lexington, KY. 630 WMAK Nashville, Tenn. 1300 WMVA Martinsville, Va. 450 WOKE Charleston, S.C. 340
WLAQ Rome, Ga. 410 WMAL Washington, D.C. 630 WMVB Millville, N.J. 440 WOKI Oak Ridge TN 550
WLAR Athens, Tenn. 450 WMAM Marinette, Wis. 570 W M V G Milledgeville, Ga. 450 WOKJ Jackson, Miss. 550
WLAS Jacksonville. N.C. 910 WMAN Mansfield, Ohio 1400 WMVI Mechanieville, N.Y.
WLAT Conway, S.C. 330 170 WORK Meridian, MS 910
WMAP Monroe, N.C. 1060 WMVO Mt. Vernon. Ohio 300 WO KL Eau Claire, Wis. 050
WLAU Laurel, Miss. 430 WMAQ Chicago, III. 670 WMVR Sidney, Ohio
WLAV Grand Rapids, Mich. 340 080 WOKO Albany, N.Y. 460
WMAS Springfield, Mass. 1450 WMYB Myrtle Beach, S.C. 450 WOKS Columbia, Ga. 340
WLAW Lawrenceville, Ga. 360 WMAX Grand Rapids, Mich. 1480
WLAY Muscle Shoals AL 450 WMYN Mayodan, N.C. 420 WORT Newport News, VA 270
WLBA Gainesville, GA 130
WMAY Springfield, III. 970 WMYR Ft. Myers, Fla. 410 WOKW Brockton. Mass. 410
WMAZ Macon, Ga. 940 WNAB Bridgeport, Conn. 450 WOKY Milwaukee. Wis. 920
WLBB Carrollton, Ga. 100 WMBA Ambridge, Pa. 1460 WNAD Norman, Okla.
WLBC Muncie, Ind. 340 WMBC Columbus, Miss. 1400
640 WOKZ Alton, III. 570
WLBE Leesburg, Fla. 790 WNAE Warren, Pa. 310 WOL Washington, D.C. 450
WLBG Laurens, S.C. 880
WMBD Peoria, Ill. 1470 WNAG Grenada, Miss. 400 WOLO Marion, Va. 330
WMBH Joplin, Mo. 1450 WNAH Nashville, Tenn. 360 WOLF Syracuse, N.Y. 490
WLBH Mattoon, III. 1170 WMBI Chicago, III. 1110
WLBI Denham Springs, La. 1220 WNAK Nanticoke, Pa. 730 WOLS Florence. S. C. 230
WMBL Morehead City, N.C. 740 WNAM Neenah, Wis. 280 WOMI Owensboro, Ky. 490
WLBJ Bowling Green, Ky. 1410 WMBM Miami Beach, Fla. 1490 220
WLBK DeKalb, III. IMO WNAR Norristown, Pa. 110 WOMN New Haven CT
WMBN Petoskey, Mich. 1340 WNAT Natchez, Miss. 450 WOMP Bellaire, Ohio 290
WLBL Auburndale, Wis. 930 WMBO Auburn, N.Y. 1340
WLBN Lebanon, Ky. 1590 WNAU New Albany, Miss. 470 WOMT Manitowoc, Wis. 240
WMBS Uniontown, Pa. WNAV Annapolis, Md, 430 WONA Winona, Miss. 570
WLRQ Morgantown, KY 1570 WMBT Shenandoah, Pa. 1530
WLBR Lebanon, Pa. 1270 WMC Memphis, Tenn. 790
WNAX Yankton, S.Dak. 570 WON D Pleasantville, N.J. 400
WLBS Centreville, Miss. 1580 WNBC New York, N.Y. 860 WONE Dayton, 0. 980
WMCA New York, N.Y. 570 WNBF Binghamton, N.Y. 290 WONN Lakeland, Fla. 230
WLBZ Bangor, Maine 820 WMCH Church Hill, Tenn. 1260
WLCB Buffalo-HodgenvIlle, WNBH New Bedford, Mass. 340 WONS Tallahassee. Fla. 410
WMCL MeLeansboro, Ill. 160 WN131 Park Falls, Wis. 980 WONW Defiance, Ohio 280
WMCP Columbia, Tenn. 12080
WNBP Newburyport, Mass. 470 WOOD Grand Rapids, Mich. 300
WLKCY K Scottsville, KY. WMCR Oneida, N.Y. 1600
WLCM Lancaster, S.C. 360 WMCS Machias, Me. 1400 WNBS Murray, Ky. 340 WOOF Dothan, AL 560
WLCN Laurensburg, N.C. 300 WMCT Mountain City, Tenn. 1390 WNBT Wellshoro, Pa. 490 WOOP Danville, KY 000
WLCO Eustis, Fla. 240 WNBY Newberry, Mich. 450 WOOW Greenville, N.C. 340
WMCW Harvard, Ill. 1600
WOOZ Whiteville, NC 540
WLCS Baton Rouge, La. 910 WMDC Hazelhurst, Miss. 1220 WNBZ Saranac Lake, N.Y. 240
WLCX LaCrosse, Wls. 490 WMDD Fajardo, P.R. 1480 WNCA Siler City, N.C. 570 WOPA Oak Park, IL 1490
WLCY St. Petersburg, Fla. 389 WMEE Ft. Wayne IN 1380 WNCC Barnesboro, Pa. 950 WOPI Bristol, Tenn. 490
WLDM Westfield MA 570 WMEK Chase City, Va. 980 WNCG N. Charleston, S.C. 910 WOR New York. N.Y. 710
WLDS Jacksonville, III. 180 WMEL Melbourne FL 920 WNCO Ashland, Ohio 340 WORA Mayaguez, P.R. 760
WLDY Ladysmith, Wis. 340 WNCT Greenville, N.C. 070 WORC Worcester, Mass. 1310
W MEN Tallahassee. Fla. 1330
WLEA Hornell, N.Y. 480 WMES Ashburn GA 1570 WNDB Daytona Beach, Fla. 150 WORD Spartanburg, S.C. 910
WLEE Richmond, Va. 480 WMEV Marion, Va. 1010 WNDE Indianapolis IN 260 WORG Orangeburg, S.C. 1580
WLEC Sandusky, Ohio 450 WMEX Boston. Mass. 1510 WNDI Sullivan, IN 550 WORL Orlando FL 1270
WLEJ Ellijay, GA 560 WMFC Monroeville AL 1360 WNDR Syracuse, N.Y. 260 WORM Savannah, Tenn. 1010
WLEM Emporium, Pa. 240 WMFD Wilmington, N.C. 630 WNDU South Bend, Ind. 490 WORV Hattiesburg, Miss. 1580
WLES Lawrenceville, Va. 580 WMFG Hibbing. Minn. 1240 WNEA Newnan, Ga. 300 WORX Madison, Ind. 1270
WLET Toccoa, Ga. 420 WMFJ Daytona Beach, Fla. 1450 WNEB Worcester, Mass. 230 WOSC Fulton, N.Y. 1300
WLEW Bad Axe, Mich. 340 WMFR High Point, N.C. 1230 WNEG Taccoa, Ga. 630 WOOD San Juan, PR 1030
WLEY Cayey, P.R. 080 WMGA Moultrie, Ga. 1130 WNEL Caguas, P. R. 430 WOSU Columbus, Ohio 820
WLFA Lafayette, Ga. 590 WMGC Cleveland, OH 1260 WNER Live Oak, Fla. 250 WOTT Watertown NY 1410
WLFH Little Falls, N.Y. 230 WMGO Canton, Miss. 1370 WN ES Central City, Ky. 050 WOUB Athens, Ohio 1340
WLGM Lynchburg, Va. 320 WMGR Bainbridge, Ga. 930 WNEU Wheeling, W. Va. 470 WOW Omaha, Nebr. 590
WLGN Logan, 0. 510 WMGW Meadville, Pa. 1800490 WNEW New York, N.Y. 130 WOWO Ft. Wayne, Ind. 1190
WLIB New York, N.Y. 190 WMGY Montgomery AL WNEX Macon, Ga, 400 WOWW Naugatuck, Conn. 1380
WLIJ Shelbyville. Tenn. 580 WMIA Arecibo, P. R. 1070 WNFL Green Bay, Wis. 440 WOWY Clewiston, Fla. 1590
WLIK Newport, Tenn. 270 WMIB Marco Island FL 1510 WNGA Nashville, Ga. 600 WOYL Oil City, PA 1340
WLIL Lenoir City, Tenn. 730 WMIC Sandusky, Mich. 1580 WNGO Mayfield, Ky. 320 WOZK Ozark AL 900
WLIP Kenosha, Wis. 050 WMID Atlantic City, N.J. 1340 WNHC New Haven, Conn. 340 WOZN Jacksonville, Fla. 970
WLIQ Mobile AL 1360 WMIK Middlesboro, Ky, 560 WPAB Ponce, P.R. 550
WLIS Old Saybrook, Conn. 420 WN HV White River Jet., Vt. 910 WPAD Paducah, Ky. 1450
WMIM Mt. Carmel, Pa. 1590 WNIA Cheektowaga, N.Y. 230 WPAG Ann Arbor, Mich. 1050
WLIT Steubenville OH 950 WMIN Maplewood, MN 1010 WNIK Arecibo, P.R. 230
WLIV Livingston, Tenn. 920 WMIQ Iron Mountain, Minh. 1450 WPAL Charleston, S.C. 730
WLIX Islip, N. Y. 540 WNIL Niles, Mich. 290 WPAM Pottsville, Pa. 1450
WMIR Lake Geneva, Wis. 1550
WPAQ Mount Airy, N.C.
WLIZ Lake Worth, Fla. 1380 WMIS Natchez, Miss. 1240 WNIO Niles, Ohio 1540 740
WLKE Wailoun, Wis. 1170 WMIX Mt. Vernon, Ill. 940 WNJR Newark, N.J. 1430 WPAR Parkersburg, W.Va. 1450
WLKI( Erie, PA 1260 WM11( Kissimmee, FL 1220 WNKY Neon, Ky, 1480 WPAS Zephyrhills, Fla. 1400
WLKM Three Rivers, IMO. 1510 WMJL Marion, Ky. 010 WNLB Rocky Mount, VA 1290 WPAT Paterson, N.J. 930
WLKN Lincoln, Me. 1450 WMJM Cordele, Ga. 490 WNLC Nen London, Conn. 1510 WPAX Thomasville, Ga. 1240
WLKR Norwalk, 0 1510 WMKR Millinocket, Me. 240 WNLK Norwalk, Conn. 1350 WPAY Portsmouth, Ohio 1400
WLKS W. Liberty, Ky. 1450 WMLB West Hartford, CT 550 WNMT Garden City, Ga. 1520 WPAZ Pottstown, Pa. 1376
WLKW Providence, R.I. 990 WMLC Monticello, Miss. 270 WNNC Newton, N.C. 1230 WPBR Palm Beach FL 1340
WLLH Lowell, Mass. 1400 WMLM St. Louis MI 540 WNNJ Newton, N.J. 1360 WPCC Clinton, S.C. 1410
WLLL Lynchburg, Va. 930 WMLO Beverly, Mass. 570 WNNO Wisconsin Dells, WI 990 WPCE Portsmouth, VA 1400
WLLN Olney, III. 740 WMLP Milton. Pa. 380 WNNR New Orleans LA 990 WPCF Panama City, Fla. 1430
WLLS Hartford, Ky. 600 WMLR Hohenwald, TN 230 WNNT Warsaw, Va. 890 WPCO Mt. Vernon, Ind. 1590
WLLY Wilson. N.C. 350 WMLS Sylacauga AL 290 WNOE New Orleans, La. 1060 WPDC Elizabethtown, Pa. 1600
WLMD Laurel. Md. 900 WMLT Dublin, Ga. 330 WNOG Naples, Fla. 1270 WPOF Corydon, Ind. 1550
WLMS Leominster, Mass. 000 WMMB Melbourne, Fla. 240 WNOK Columbia, S.C. 1230 WPDM Potsdam, N.Y. 1470
WLNC Laurinburg, N.C. 300 WMMH Marshall, N.C. 460 WN00 Chattanooga, Tenn. 1260 WPDQ Jacksonville, FL 1460
WLMJ Jackson, Ohio 280 WMMM Westport, Conn. 260 WNOP Newport, Ky. 740 WPDR Portage, Wls. 1350
WLNA Peekskill, N.Y. 420 WMMN Fairmont, W.Va. 920 WNOR Norfolk, Va. 1230 WPDX Clarksburg, W.Va. 750
WLNC Laurinburg, N.C. 300 WMMW Meriden, Conn. 470 WNOV Milwaukee, Wis. 860 WPED Crozet, Va, 810
WLNG Sag Harbor, N.Y. 600 WMNA Gretna. Va. 730 WNOW York, Pa. 1250 WPEH Louisylle, Ga. 1420
WLNH Laconia, N.H. 350 WNOX Knoxville. Tenn. 990 WPEL Montrose, Pa. 1250
WLOA Braddock, Pa. 550 WMNB No. Adams, Mass. 1230 WNPC Newport TN 1060 WPEN Philadelphia, Pa. 950
WLOB Portland, Maine 310 WMNC Morganton, N.C. 1430 WNPT Tuscaloosa AL 1280 WPEO Peoria, III. 1020
WLOC Munfordville, Ky. 150 WMNE Menomonie, Wis. 1360 WNPV Lansdale, Pa. 14-40 WPEP Taunton, Mass. 1570
WLOE Eden, NC 490 WMNI Columbus, Ohio 920 WNRE Circleville OH 1540 WPET Greensboro, N.C. 950
WLOF Orlando, Fla. 950 WMNS Olean, N.Y. 1360 WNRG Grundy, Va. 940 WPFA Pensacola, Fla. 790
WLOG Logan, W.Va. 230 WMNT Manati, P.R. 1500 WNRI Woonsocket, R.I. 1380 WPFB Middletown, Ohio 910
WL01 La Porte. Ind. 540 WMNZ Montezuma, Ga. 1050 WNRJ Gainesville, Ga. 1130 WPGA Perry, Ga. 980
WLOK Memphis, Tenn. 340 WMOA Marietta. Ohio 1490 WNRK Newark, Del. 1280 WPGC Morningside, MD 1580
WLON Lineointon, N.C. 050 WMOB Mobile AL 840 WNRS Saline, Mich. 1290 WPGD WinstonSalem NC 1550
WLOP Jesup, Ga. 370 WMOC Chattanooga, Tenn. 1450 WNRV Narrows-Pearisburg, WPGM Danville, Pa. 1570
WLOR Thomasville, Ga. 730 W MOD Cocoa Beach FL 1300 Va. 990 WPGR Port Gibson. MS 1520
WLOT Marinette, Wls. 300 WMOG Brunswick, Ga. 1490 WNSL Laurel, Miss. 1260 WPGW Portland, Ind. 1440
WLOU Louisville, Ky. 350 WMOH Hamilton, Ohio 1450 WNSR Lynn,MA 1360 WPHB Philipsburg, Pa. 1260
WLOV Washington, Ga. 370 WMOK Metropolis, Ill. 1320 WNST Milton WV 1600 WPHC Waverly, Tenn. 1060
WLOW Aiken, S.C. 300 WMON Montgomery, W.Va. 40 WNTN Newton, Mass. 1550 WPH M Port Huron, Mich. 1380
WLOX Biloxi, Miss. 490 WM00 Mobile, AL 1550900 WNTS Indianapolis, IN 1590 WPIC Sharon, Pa. 790
WLPH lrondale AL 480 WMOP Ocala, Fia. WNTT Tazewell, Tenn. 1250 WPID Piedmont AL 1280
WLPO LaSalle, III. 220 WMOR Morehead, KY 1330 WNTY Southington, Conn. 990 W P I K Alexandria, VA 730
WLPS Leighton, Pa. 150 WMOV Ravenswood, W.Va. 1360 WNUE Ft. Walton Bch., Fla. 1400 WPIP Pompano Beach FL 980
WLQB Flint, MI 570 WMOX Meridian, Miss. 1010 WNUS West Springfield, MA 1490 WPIT Pittsburgh, Pa. 730
WLQH Chieffand, Fla. 940 WMPA Aberdeen, Miss. 1240 WNUZ Talladega AL 1230 WPJL Raleigh NC 1240


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz
WPKE Pikeville, Ky. 240 WREV Reidsville, N.C. 1220 WSGO Oswego, N.Y. 1440 WTGA Thomaston, Ga. 590
WPKO Waverly, Ohio 380 WRFC Athens, Ga. 960 WSGW Saginaw, Mich. 790 WTBC Lewisburg, PA 010
WP KY Princeton. Ky. 580 WRFD Worthington, Ohio 880 WSHB Raeford, N.C. 1400 WTGF Pickens, SC 540
WPLA Plant City, Fla. 610 WRFS Alexander City, Ala. 1050 WSHF Sheffield AL 1290 WTGR Myrtle Beach, S.C. 520
WPLB Greenville, Mieh. 380 WRGA Rome, Ga. 1470 WSHN Fremont, Mich. 1550 WTHB Augusta, Ga. 550
WPLK Rockmart, Ga. 220 WRGC Sylva, NC 680 WSHO New Orleans, La. 800 WTHD Milford, Del. 930
WPLM Plymouth, Mass. 390 W R GS Rogersville, Tenn. 1370 WSHP Shippenburg, Pa. 1480 WTHE Mineola, N.Y. 520
WPLO Atlanta, Ga. 590 WRHC Coral Gables, FL 1550 WSHY Shelbyville, 111. 1560 WTHI Terre Haute, Ind.
WPLW Carnegie, PA 480
590 WRHI Rock Hill. S.C. 1340 WSIC Statesville, N.C. 1400 WTHM Lapeer, Mich. 530
WPLY Plymouth, Wis. 420 WRHL Rochelle, Ill. 1060 WSID Baltimore, Md. 1010 WTHO Thomson, GA 530
WPMB Vandalia, III. 500 WRIB Providence. R.I. 1220 WSI G Mount Jackson, Va. 790 WTHU Thurmont, Md. 450
WPME Punxsutawney, Pa. 540 WRIC Richlands, Va. 540 WSIP Paintsville, Ky. 1490
WPM H Portsmouth, VA 010 WTIC Hartford, Conn. 080
WRIE Erie, Pa. 1330 WSIR Winter Haven, Fla. 1490 WTID Newport News, Va. 270
WPMP Pascagoula, Miss. 580 W RIG Wausau, Wis. 1400 WSIV Pekin, III. 140 WTIF Tifton, Ga. 340
WPNC Plymouth, N.C. 470 W RI M Pahokee, Fla. 1250 WSIX Nashville, Tenn. 980 WTIG Massillon, Ohio 990
WPNF Brevard, N.C. 240 WRIN Rensselaer, Ind, 1560 WSIZ Ocilla, Ga.
WPNH Plymouth. N. H. 300 WRIP Roseville, Ga.
380 WTIK Durham, N.C. 310
WPNO Auburn, Me. 530
980 WSIC Magee, Miss. 81(1 WTIL Mayaguez, P.R. 300
WR1S Roanoke, Va. 1410 WSJM St. Joseph, Mich. 400 WTIM Taylorville, III. 410
WPNX Phenix City. AL 460 WRIV Riverhead, N.Y. 1390 WSJR Modawaska, Me. 230 WTIP Charleston. W.Va. 240
WPNX Columbus, GA 460 WRIC Maunston, Wis. 1270 WSJS Winston-Salem, N.C. 600 WTIQ Manistique, Mich. 490
WPOK Pontiac, III. 080 W RJN Racine. Wis. 1400 WSJW Woodruff, S.C. 510 WTIV Titusville, Pa. 230
WPOM Riviera Beach, FL 600 WRJW Picayune, Miss. 1320 WSKE Everett, Pa. 250 WTIX New Orleans, La. 690
WPON Pontiac, Mich. 460 WRJZ Knoxville, TN 620 WSI(l Montpelier -Barre, Vt. 40 WTJH East Point, Ga. 280
WPOP Hartford, Conn. 410 WRKB Kannapolis, N.C. 1460 WSI(T Knoxville, Tenn. 580 WTJS Jackson, Tenn. 390
WPOR Portland, Maine 490 WRK0 Rockland. Maine 1450 WSKW Skowhegan ME 159 WTKM Hartford, Wis. 540
WPOW New York. N.Y. 330 WRI(L New City. N. Y. 910 WSKY Asheville, N.C. 230
WPPA Pottsville, Pa. 360 WRKM Carthage, Tenn. 1350 WSLB Ogdensburg, N.Y. 400 WTKO Ithaca, N.Y. 1470
WPPC Penuelas, P.R. 330 WRI(N Brandon, Miss. 910 WSLC Roanoke VA 61(1
WT KY Tompkinsville, Ky. 1370
WPPI Carrollton, GA 330 WRK0 Boston, Mass. 680 WsLG Gonzales, LA 090 WTLB Utica, N.Y. 1310
WPRA Mayaguez, P.R. 990 WRKR Racine, WI 460 WSLI Jackson, M iss. 930 WTLK Taylorsville, N.C. 1570
WPRC Lincoln, IL 370 WRKV Rockville. Conn. 809 WSLM Salem, Ind. 220 WTLN Apopka. Fla. 1520
WPRE Prairie Du Chien, Wis. 980 WRLD Lanett Al. 490 WSLR Akron, Ohio 350 WTLO Somerset, Ky, 1480
WPRN Butler AL 240 WSLT Ocean City -Somers WTLS Tallassee AL 1300
WPRO Providence, R.I. 630 W HINE 1 itusvilie, FL 060 WTMA Charleston, S.C. 1250
WRING Red Bay AL 431) Pt., N.J. 520
WPRP Ponce, P.R. 910
WHML Portage PA WSLV Ardmore, Tenn. 110 WTMB Tomah WI 1460
WPRS Paris, III. 1440 470 WTMC Ocala, Fla. 1290
WRMN Elgin, 111. 410 WSLW White Sulphur
WPRT Prestonsburg, Ky. 960
WRMS Beardstown, III. Springs, WV 10 WTNE Trenton. TN 1500
WPRW Manassas, Va. 1460 790 WTNR Kingston TN 1410
W Hid f Rocky Mount, N.C. 490 WSM Nashville, Tenn. 650
WPRY Perry, FL 1400 WSMA Marine City, Mich. 90 WTMJ Milwaukee, Wls. 620
WPSL Monroeville, Pa. 1510 WRNB New Bern, N.C. 490 WTMP Tampa, Fla. 1150
WFING N. Atlanta, Ga. 680 WSMB New Orleans, La. 350
WPTB Statesboro, GA 850
WRNJ Hackettstown, NJ WSMD La Plata, Md. 580 WTMR Camden, N.J. 800
WPTF Raleigh, N.C. 680 000 WTMT Louisville, Ky. 620
WHNL Richmond, Va. 910 WSME Sanford, Maine 220
WPTL Canton, N.C. 920
W RUIN Clare, MI WSMG Greeneville, Tenn. 450 WTNC Thomasville, N.C. 790
WPTN Cookeville, Tenn. 990 WTND Orangeburg. S.C.
WRNR Martinsburg, WV 740 WSMI Litchfield, Ill. 540 920
WPTR Albany, N.Y. 1540 WSML Graham, N.C. WTNJ Trenton NJ 1300
WPTW Piqua, Ohio 1570 WRNY Rome, N.Y. 350 190
WTNK Meridian MS 1390
WROA Gulfport -Biloxi, MS 390 WSMN Nashua, NH 590
WPTX Lexington Pk., Md. 920 WSMT Sparta, Tenn. 050 WTNL Reidsville, GA 1390
WPUB Camden, S.C. 1130 WROB West Point, MS 450 WTNN Millington, TN 1380
WHOC Rochester, N.Y. 280 WSMX Winston-Salem NC 500
WPUL Bartow, Fla. 1130
WROD Daytona Beach, Fla. 340 WSMY Weldon, N.C. 400 WTNQ Miami, FL 710
WPUT Brewster, N.Y. 1510
WHO It Rockford, Ill. 440 WSNE Cumming, Ga. 170 1580
WPUV Pulaski. Va. 1580
WHOM Rome, GA 710 WSNG Torrington, CT 610 WTNT Tallahassee. Fla. 1270
WPVA Colonial Rights.. Va. 1290 WSNJ Bridgeton, N.J. 240 WTNW Chapel Hill, N.C. 1530
WPVL Painesville, Ohio WRON Ronceverte, WV 400 WTOB Winston-Salem, N.C.
1460 WHUS Scottsboro AL 330 WSNO Barre, Vt. 450 1380
WPWC Quantico, VA 1530 WROV Roanoke. Va. 240 WSNT Sandersville, Ga. 490 WTOC Savannah, Ga. 1290
WPM.: Prattville AL 1410
WROW Albany, N.Y. 590 WSNW Seneca, S. C. 150 WTOD Toledo, Ohio 1560
WPXE Starke, Fla. 1490 WHOY Carmi, III. 460 WSNY Jacksonville, FL 600 WTOE Spruce Pine, N.C. 1470
WPXY Greenville, N. C. 1550 WROZ Evansville, Ind. 400 WSOC Charlotte, N.C. 930 WTON Staunton, Va. 1240
WPY B Benson, N.C. 1130 WRPL Charlotte, N.C. 540 WS() K Savannah, Ga. 1230 WTOG Bellefontaine, 0. 1390
WQAM Miami, Fla. 560 WRPM Poplarville, Miss. 530 WSOL Tampa, Fla. 1300 WTOP Washington, D.C. 1500
WL1BA Miami, Fla. 1140
WRRA Fredericksted, VI 290 WSO M Salem, Ohlo 600 WTOT Marianna, Fla. 960
WQBC Vicksburg, Miss. 1420 WRRD Minneapolis MN 330 WSON Henderson, Ky. 1260
WTOW Towson, Md. 1570
WLIEIK Rensselaer, N.Y. 1390 WRRL Rainelle, WV WS00 Slt. Ste. Marie, Mich. 30 WTOY Roanoke Va. 910
130 WTPR Paris, Tenn. 710
WieldS San P.R. 630 W RR R Rockford, III. 330 WSOQ No. Syracuse, N.Y. 1220
WQBX Biacksuurg VA 710 WRRZ Clinton, N.C. WSOY Decatur, III. 1340 WTQX Selma AL 1570
880 WTRA Latrobe, Pa.
WICK Warner Robins, GA 1000 WRSC State College, Pa. 390 WSPA Spartanburg, S.C. 950 1480
W(WE Albany GA 1250 WRSJ Bayamon, P. R. 560 WSPB Sarasota, Fla. 1450 WTRB Ripley, Tenn. 1670
WQ01 Homestead, FL 1430 WROL Stanford, Ky. 520 WSPD Toledo, Ohlo 1370 WTRC Elkhart, Ind. 1340
WQIJV Calais, maine 1230 WRSM Sumiton AL 540 WSPF Hickory, N.C. 1000 WTRE Greensburg, Ind. 1330
WQIC Meridian, MS 1450 WRSW Warsaw IN 480 WSPR Springfield. Mass. 1270 WTR1 Brunswick, Md. 1520
WQII San Juan, P.R. 1140 WRTA Altoona, Pa. 240 WSRC Durham, N.C. 1410 WTRL Bradenton, Fla. 1490
WQIN Lykens, PA 1290 WRTH Wood River. III. 590 WSRF Fort Lauderdale, FL 1580 WTRN Tyrone, PA 1340
WLtiO Canton, OH 1060 WRTL Rantoul, III. WSRG Elkton, KY 1070 WTRO Dyersburg, Tenn. 1330
460 WTRP LaGrange, Ga. 620
WQIQ Chester, PA 1590 W R U F Gainesville, Fla. 850 WSRO Marlboro. MA 1470
WQIZ St. George, S.C. 810 WRUM Rumford. Maine 790 WSRW Hillsboro, Ohio 1590 WTRQ Warsaw, N.C. 1560
WLik.1 St. Matthews, SC 710 WRUN Utica, N.Y. 1150 WSSA College Park, Ga. 1570 WTRR Sanford, Fla. 1400
WQMA marks, Miss. 1520 WRUS Russellville, Ky. 610 WSSc Sumter. S.C. 1340 WTRS Dunnellon, Fla. 920
WQ0K Greenville, S.C. 1440 WRVA Richmond, Va. 1140 WSSO Starkville, Miss. 1230 WTRU Muskegon, Mieh. 1600
WQPD Lakeland FL 1430 WRVK Mt. Vernon, Ky. 1460 WSST Largo, Fla. 800 WTRX Flint, Mieh. 1330
WQPM Princeton, MN 1300 WRWD Augusta, Ga. 1480 WSSV Petersburg, Va. 1240 WTRY Troy, N.Y. 98
WQQT Savannah GA 1460 WRWH Cleveland, Ga. 1380 WSTC Stamford, Conn. 1400 WTSA Brattleboro, Vt. 1450
WQQW Waterbury CN 1590 WSTK Woodstock, Va. 1230 WTSB Lumberton, N.C. 1340
WHXB St. Peterside Beach, WSTL WTSL Hanover, NH 1400
WQSA Sarasota FL 1220 FL 1590 Eminence, Ky. 1600
WL1SN Charleston. S.C. 1450 WAX() Roxboro, N.C. 1430 WSTP Salisbury. N.C. 1490 WTSN Dover, N.H. 1270
WQTC Two Rivers, Wis. 1590 WRYM New Britain, Conn. 840 WSTR Sturgis, Mich. 1230 WTSO Madison, Wis. 1070
WQTK Parsippany. NJ 1310 WRYT Boston, Mass. 950 WSTU Stuart, Fla. 1459 WTSV Claremont, N.H. 1230
WQTW Latrobe, Pa. 1570 WRYZ Jupiter, FL 1000 WSTV Steubenville, Ohlo 1340 WTTB Vero Beach, Fla. 1490
WQUA Moline, III. WSTX Christlansted, V.I. 970 WTTC Towanda, Pa, 1550
1230 WSAC Fort Knox, KY. 470 WTTF Tiffin, Ohlo 1600
WQVQ Highland Park IL 1430 WSAF Sarasota, Fla. 220 WSUB Groton -
WQXO Munising, MI New London CT 90 WTTI Dalton, Ga. 1530
1400 WSAI Cincinnati, Ohlo 360
WSUH Oxford Miss. WTTL Madisonville. Ky. 1310
WQWX Mebane NC 1060 WSAJ Grove City, Pa. 340 14820
WTTM Trenton. N.J. 920
WQX1 Atlanta, Ga. 790 WSAL Logansport, Ind. 230 WSUI Iowa City, Iowa 910
WQXL Columbia, S.C. WSUM Parma OH 1000 WTTN Watertown, Wis. 1580
470 WSAM Saginaw, MI 400 WTTR Westminster. Md. 1470
WQXR New York, N.Y. 560 WSAN Allentown, Pa. 470 WSUN St. Petersburg, Fla. 620
WQXZ Taylorsville NC WSUZ Palatka, Fla. 800 WTTS Bloomington, Ind. 1370
860 WSAO Senatobia, Miss. 550 WTTT Amherst. Mass. 1430
WQYK Tampa, Fla. 110 WSAR Fall River, Mass. 480 WSVA Harrisonburg, Va. 550
WRAP Luray, Va. 330 WSAT Salisbury. N.C. 280 WSVL Shelbyville, Ind. 1520 WTTX Appomattox VA 1280
WSVM Valdese. N.C. WTUG Tuscaloosa AL 790
WRAB Arab AL 380 WSAU Wausau, Wis. 550 1490
WTUP Tupelo, MS 1490
WRAD Radford, Va. 460 WSAY Rochester, N.Y. 370 WSVS Crewe, Va. 800
WRAG Carrollton AL WSWN Belle Glade. Fla. 900 WTUU Toledo, OH 1520
590 WSB Atlanta, Ga. 750 WTUX Wilmington. Del. 1290
WRAI San Juan, P.R. 520 WSBA York, Pa. 910 WSWV Pennington Gap, Va. 570 WTVB Coldwater, Mich.
WSWW Platteville, Wis. 1590
WRAJ Anna, III. 440 WSBB New Smyrna Beach, 590
WTVL Waterville, Maine 1490
WRAK Williamsport, PA 400 Fla. 1230 WSYB Rutland, Vt. 380
WTVN Columbus, Ohio
WSYD Mt. Airy, N.C. 610
WHAM Monmouth, III. 330 WSBC Chicago, III. 1240 300
WTVR Richmond, Va. 1380
WRAN Dover, N.J. 510 WSBR Boca Raton, Fla. 740 WSYL Sylvania, Ga. 490
WTWA Thomson, Ga.
WSYR Syracuse, N.Y. 870 1240
WRAP Norfolk. Va. 850 WSBS Gt, Barrington, Mass. 860 WTWB Auburndale, Fla, 1570
WRAQ Asheville NC 380 WSBT South Bend, Ind. 960 WTAB Tabor City. N.C. 970
WTWN St. Johnsbury, Va.
WTAC Flint, Mich. 600 1340
WHAR Tappahannock. Va. 000 WSBP Chattahoochee, Fla. 580 WTYC Rock Hill, S.C. 1150
WRAW Reading, Pa. 340 WSCM Panama City Beach, WTAD Quincy, III. 930
WTAE Pittsburgh, Pa. 1250 WTYL Tylertown, Miss. 1290
WRAY Princeton, Ind, 250 Fla. 290 WTYN Tyron, N.C. 1550
WRBA Normal IL 440 WSCP Sandy Creek -Pulaski, WTAG Worcester, Mass. 580
W R BC Jackson, Miss. 070 WTAI Eau Gallia, Fla. 1580 WTYS Marianna, Fla. 1340
300 NY WTZE Tazewell, Va. 1470
WOOD Pompano Beach, Fla. 470 WSCR Scranton, Pa. 320 WTAL Tallahassee, Fla. 1450
WRBE Lucedale MS WSCV Peterborough, N.H. 050 WTAN Clearwater, Fla. 1340 WUAT Pikeville TN 1110
WTAQ LaGrange. III. 1300 WUBE Cincinnati, 0. 1230
WRBJ St. Johns, Mich. 590 WSCW South Charleston, WV 410 WUCR Sparta, TN 860
WRBX Chapel Hill NC 530 WSDC Hartsville SC 490 WTAR Norfolk. Va. 790
WTAW College Station, Tex. 1150 WUEZ Salem VA 1488
WRC Washington, D.C. 980 WSDL Slidell LA 560 WUFE Baxley, Ga.
WRCD Dalton, Ga. 430 WSDR Sterling, III. 240 WTAX Springfield. Ill. 1240 1260
WSDS Ypsilanti. Mich. WTAY Robinson. III. 1570 WUFF Eastman. Ga. 710
WRCN Riverhead, NY 570 480
WTBC Tuscaloosa AL 1230 WUFO Amherst, N.Y. 1080
WRCO Richland Center, WI 450 WSEB Sebring, Fla. 340 WULA Eufula AL
WRCP Philadelphia, Pa. 540 WSEL Pontotoc, Miss. 440 WTBF Troy AL 070 1240
WRCQ New Britain, CT WSEM Donalsonville, Ga. 500 WTBJ Monticello. FL 1090 WULF Alma, GA 1400
910 WUME Paoli IN
WRCS Aheskie, N.C. 970 WSEN Baldwinsville, N.Y. 050 WTBO Cumberland, Md. 1450 1560
WTBP Parsons, Tenn. 1550 WUMU Gainesville, Fla. 1390
WROB Reedsburg, WI 1400 WSER Elkton, Md. 550 WUNA Aquadilia, P. R.
WRDD Bay City MI 1440 WSEV Sevierville. Tenn. 930 WTBQ Warwick NY 1110 1340
WRDI Hammonton NJ WSEW Selinsgrove, PA 240 WTCA Plymouth, Ind. 1050 WUNI Mobile AL 1410
1580 WUNN Mason, Mich.
WRDN Durand, Wis. 1430 WSFB Quitman, Ga. 490 WTCB Flomaton AL 990. 1110
WRDO Augusta, Maine WSFC Somerset, Ky. 240 WTC H Shawano, Wis. 960 WUNO Rio Piedras. P.R. 1320
1400 WUNR Brookline, Mass. 1600
WRDW Augusta, GA 1480 WSFD Seaford, DE 280 WTC.1 Tell City. Ind. 1230
WREB Holyoke. Mass. 930 WSFR Sanford, Fla. 300
WUPE Pittsfield, MA 1110
WSFT Thomaston, Ga.
WTCL Warren, Ohio 1570 WUPR Utado, P.R. 1530
WREC Memphis, TN 600 220 WTCM Traverse City, Mich. 1400 WUPY Ishpeming MI 970
WRED Monroe, GA 1490 WSFW Seneca Falls, N.Y. 110
WTCO Campbellsville, Ky. 1450 WUSS Atlantic City, NJ 1490
WREL Lexington, Va. 1459 WSGA Savannah. Ga. 400 WTCR Ashland, Ky. 1420 WUST Washington DC 1120
WREM Jenkins, Ky. 1000 WSGB Sutton, W.Va. 490 WTCS Fairmount, W.Va. 1490 WVAB Virginia Bch., Va. 1550
WREN Topeka, KS 1250 WSGC Elberton, GA 400 WTCW Whitesburg, Ky. 920 WVAL Sauk Rapids, Minn. 800
WREO Ashtabula. Ohlo 970 WSGN Birmingham AL 610 WTEL Philadelphia. Pa. 860 WVAM Altoona, Pa. 1430


Q Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz

WVAP Burnettown, S.C. 1510 WWBD Bamberg -Denmark, WWVA Wheeling. W.Va. 170 WYLD New Orleans, La. 940
WVAR Richwood, W.Va. 600 S.C. 790 WWWB Jasper AL 360 WYLO Jackson, Wis.
WVBS Burgaw NC 1470 WWBK Brockport NY 590 WWWC Wilkesboro. N.C. 240 WYLS York AL 1535040

WVCB Shallotte, N.C. 1410 WWBR Windber, Pa. 350 WWWD Schnectady, NY 240 WYMB Manning, S.C. 1410
WVCF Windermere, Fla. 1480 WWBZ Vineland, N.J. 360 WWWE Cleveland, OH 100 WYMC Mayfield, KY 1430
WVCG Coral Gables, Fla. 1080 WWCA Gary. Ind, 270 WWWF Fayette AL 890 WYNA Raleigh. N. C. 1550
WVCH Chester. Pa. 740 WWCB Corry, PA 370 WWWG Rochester NY 460 WYND Sarasota, Fla. 1280
WVFC McConnellsburg, PA 1530 WWCC Bremen, Ga. 440 WWWR Russellville AL 920 WYNE Appleton, Wis. 1150
WVFR Ridgefield, CT 850 WWCH Clarion, Pa. 300 WWXL Manchester, Ky. 450 WYNG Goldsboro, N.C. 1300
WVGT Mt. Dora. Fla. 1580 WWCM Brazil, Ind. 130 WWYO Pineville, W.Va. 970 WYNK Baton Rouge, Le. 1380
WVIC E. Lansing, Mich. 730 WWCO Waterbury, Conn. 240 WXAL Demopolis, AL 400 WYNN Florence, S.C. 640
WVIN Bath, NY 1380 WWDC Washington, D.C. 260 WXCE Amery, WI 260 WYNR Brunswick, Ga.
WVIP Mt. Kisco, N.Y. 1310 WWDE Hampton VA 490 WXCF Clifton Forge VA 230 WYNS Leighton, Pa. 1715090

WVJP Caguas, P.R. 1110 WWDJ Hackensack, NJ 970 WXCL Peoria, Iii. 350 WYNX Smyrna, Ga. 1550
WVJS Owensboro, Ky. 1420 WWDR Murfreesboro, N. C. 080 WXCO Wausau, Wis. WYOK Soperton, GA 1000

WVKO Columbus, Ohio 1580 WWEE Memphis TN 430 WXEE Welch, WV 340 WYOU Tampa, Fla. 1550
WVKY Louisa, Ky. 1270 WWEL Medford MA 430
WXEW Yabucoa, PR 840 WYPR Danville. Va. 970
WVLC Orleans, Mass. 1170 WSLC Clermont FL 340 WYRD E. Syracuse, NY 1540
WWGM Nashville, Tenn. 560 WXGI Richmond, VA 950
WVLD Valdosta, Ga. 1450
WWGO Erie, Pa. 450 WXGR Bay St. Louis MS 1190 WYRE Annapolis, Md. 810
WVLK Lexington, Ky. 590
WWOP Sanford, N.C. 050 WXIT Charleston, W.Va. 1490 WYRN Louisburg, N.C. 1480
WVLN Olney, III. 740 WXIV South Paris, ME
WWGS Tifton, Ga. 430 1450 WYRU Red Springs, N.C. 1510
WVLV Lebanon, PA 940
WWHY Huntington, W.Va. 470 WXLI Dublin, Ga. 1230 WYSE Inverness, Fla. 1560
WVLY Water Valley, Miss. 1320
WWIL Wilmington, NC 490 WXLL Decatur, GA 1310 WYSH Clinton, Tenn. 1380
WVMG Cochran, Ga, 1440
WWIN Baltimore, Md. 400 WXLW Indianapolis, Ind. 950 WYSL Buffalo. N.Y. 1400
WVMI Biloxi, Miss. 570
WWIS Black River Falls, WXLX Milledgeville, GA 1060 WYSR Franklin, Va. 1250
WVMT Burlington. Vt. 820
Wls. WXOK Baton Rouge, La. 1460 WYTH Madison, Ge. 1250
WVNA Tuscumbla. AL 1590 260
WW1T Canton, N.C. 970 WXOX Bay City, Mich. 1250 WYTI Rocky Mount, Va. 1570
WVNH Salem, NH 1110
WWIW New Orleans, LA 450 WXOR Florence AL 1340 WYTL Oshkosh, WI 1490
WVNJ Newark, N.J. 820
WWJ Detroit, Mich. WXPQ Eatonton, Ga. 1520 WYVE Wytheville, Va. 1280
WVOB Bel Air, Md. 1520 950
1590 WWJB Brooksville, Fla. 450 WXTN Lexington, Miss. 1000 WYWY Barbourville, Ky. 950
WVOE Chadburn, N.C. WXRF Guayama, P.R. 1590
WVOG New Orleans, La. 600 WW.IC Duluth, Minn. 850
WXRL Lancaster, N.Y. 1300
WYXI Athens, Tenn. 1390
WVOH Hazelhurst, Ga. 920 WWKE Ocala, Fla. 370 WYYY Kalamazoo, Mieh. 1470
1320 WWKO Fair Bluff, N.C. 480 WXRS Swainsboro GA 1590 WYYZ Jasper GA 1590
WVOJ Jacksonville. Fla. WXVA Charles Town, W.Va. 1550
WVOK Birmingham AL 690 WWKR Dearborn MI 310 WYZD Dobson NC 1560
WWKQ Battle Creek, MI WXVI Montgomery, AL 1600 WYZE Atlanta, Ge. 1480
WVOL Berry Hill, Tenn. 1470 500
WXVW Jeffersonville, Ind. 1450
WVOM luka, MS 1270 WWKY Winchester, Ky. 380
WXXX Hattiesburg, Miss. 1310
WZAM Norfolk VA 1110
WVON Chicago, IL 1390 WWL New Orleans, La. 870
Point, WI
WZAP Bristol, Va. 690
WWLE Cornwall, N.Y. 170 WXYQ Stevens 1010 WZBN Zion IL 1500
WVOP Vidalia, Ga. 970
WXYZ Detroit, Mich. 1270
WVOS Liberty, N.Y. 1240 WWNH Rochester, NH 930
WYAL Scotland Neck, N.C. 1280
WZBS Ponce PR 1410
WVOT Wilson, N.C. 1420 WWNR Beckley, W.Va. 820
WYAM Bessemer AL 1450
WZEP DeFuniak Sprgs., Fla. 1460
WVOV Huntsville AL 1000 WWNS Statesboro, Ga. 1240
WVOW Logan, W.Va. 1290 WWNY Watertown, N.Y. 790 WYAZ Yazoo City, MS 1530 WZIP Cincinnati, Ohlo 1050
WVOX New Rochelle, N.Y. 1460 WWOD Lynchburg, Va. 1390 WYBG Massena, N.Y. 1050 WZIX York, PA 1350
WWOK Miami, Fla. 1260 WYCB Washington DC 1340 WZKY Albermarle, N.C. 1580
WVOY Chariesvoix, MI 1270 WYCL York. S.C. 980 WING Winter Haven FL 1360
WVOZ Carolina, P.R. 1400 WWOL Buffalo, N.Y. 1120
WYDE Birmingham AL
WVPO Stroudsburg, Pa. 840 WWON Woonsocket, R.I. 1240
850 WZOB Fort Payne AL 1250
WVRC Spencer, W. Va. 1400 WWOW Conneaut, Ohio 1360
WYDK Yadkinville, N.C. 1480 WZOE Princeton, III. 1490
WVSA Vernon AL 1380 WWPA Williamsport, Pa. 1340
WYER Mount Carmel, IL 1360 WZOO Asheboro, N.C. 710
WVSC Somerset, Pa. 990 WWPF Palatka, Fla. 1280 WYFA Patchogue, NY 1580 WZST Leesburg, Fla. 1410
WVSM Rainsville AL 1500 WWQM Madison, WI 1550 WYFC Ypsilanti, MI 1520 WZTQ Hurricane, WV 1080
WVUV Leone, Am. Samoa 1120 WWRL New York, N.Y. 1600 WYGu Corbin, Ky. 1330 WZUU Milwaukee WI 1200
WVVW Grafton, W.Va. 1260 WWSC Glens Falls, N.Y. 1450 WYGR Wyoming MI 1530 WZYQ Frederick, MD 1370
WVWI Charlotte Amalie. VI 1000 WWSF Loretto, Pa. 1400 WYHI Fernandina Beach FL 1570 WZYX Cowan, Tenn. 1440
WWAB Lakeland, Fla. 1330 WWSR St. Albans, Vt. 1420 WYIG Jackson MS 1590 WZZA Tuscumbla, AL 1410
WWAM Cadillac, Mich. 1370 WWST Wooster, Ohio 960 WYIS Phoenixville PA 690 WZZD Philadelphia PA 990
WWBA St. Petersburg, Fla. 680 WWSW Pittsburgh, Pa. 970 WYJZ Pittsburgh, PA 860 WZZI Madisonville, TN 1250
WWBC Cocoa. Fla. 1510 WWTC Minneapolis, Minn. 1280 WY K 11 Wells. River, VT 1490 WZZZ West Point, GA 1310


Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz

ALABAMA Muscle Shoals WLAY-FM 105.5 KMDX-FM 99.3

KFIN 107.9
KQOK 100.1
Oneonta WKLD 97.7 Phoenix 1(QYT 95,5
Abbeville WXLE 94.3 Opp WAMI-FM 102.3 KMEO-FM 96.9 Lake Village KLVA 95.9
Albertville WQSB 105.1 Ozark WOAB 104.9 KOOL-FM 94.5 Little Rock KARN-FM 103.7
Alexander City WRFS-FM 106.1 WAYD-FM 103.9 KMCR-FM 91.5 KLRE-FM 90.5
Andalusia WQHQ 98.1 Phenix City WEIZ 100.1 KN1X-FM 102.5
K LAZ- FM 98.5
Anniston WHMA-FM 100.5 Prattville WQIM 95.3 KBBC 98.7
KEZQ 94.1
Arab WCRQ-FM 92.7 Roanoke WELR-FM 95.3 KHEP-FM 101.5
10(XA 95.7
Athens WJOF 104.3 Scottsboro WCNA-FM 98.3 Prescott KEZH 98.3
Magnolia KFMV 107.9
Atmore WATM-FM 104.1 Selma WTUN 100.1 KNOT -FM 98.3
Mammoth Spring KAMS 95.1
Auburn WFRI 97.7 WALX 100.9 Scottsdale KDOT-FM Mena KSKB 101.7
100.7 Monticello KHBM-FM 93.5
WEGL 91.1 Sheffield WBTG 106.3 Show Low KVWM-FM 93.5
Stevenson WVSV 101.7 Mountain Home KTLO-FM 98.3
Ballinger KCWB 103.1 Sierra Vista KTAZ-FM 100.9 Nashville KNAS 105.5
Bay Minette WWSM 105.5 Sylacauga WMLS-FM 98.3 Sun City KWAO 106.3
Talladega WHTB 92.7 l(UPD-FM Newport KOKR 105.5
Birmingham WAP1-FM 94.5 Tempe 97.9 Nome K ICY 100.3
WBHM 90.3 Thomasville WJDB-FM 95.3 Tsaile KNCC 91.9
Troy WRES 105.7 Osceola KOSE-FM 98.1
WQEZ 96.5 WTSU 90.1
Tucson KUAT-FM 90.5 Paragould KHIG 104.9
WDJC 93.7 KFMM 99.5 Pine Bluff KADL-FM 94.9
WVOK 99.5
Tuscumbla WVNA-FM 100.3 KJYK 94.9
Tuscaloosa WUAL-FM 91.7 KOTN-FM 92.3
WENN-FM 107.7 ICCEE-FM 96.1 Pochontas KPOC-FM 103.9
W KXX 106.9 WACT-FM 105.5
KRQQ 93.7
Rogers A 0- M 94.3
WAN -FM 104.7 WTUG-FM 92.7 Salem KSAR-FM 95.9
WJSR 91.1 KWFM 92.9 Searcy KSER 99.3
Tuskegee WVNS 95.9 Willcox KWCX 98.3
WVSU-FM 91.1 Union Springs WQSI 100.9 Siloam Springs KMCK 105.7
Brewton WKNU 106.3 Wrangell Yuma KALJ 95.1 Springdale KCIZ 104.9
Carrollton WAQT
l(STK 101.7 KJOK 93.1
94.1 York WSLY 99.3 Texarkana KADO-FM 107.1
Clanton WEZZ 97.7 !COSY -FM 102.5
Cullman WFMH-FM 101.1 ARKANSAS Walnut Ridge ICCAC 106.3
WKLN 92.1 ALASKA Warren KWRF-FM 105.5
Decatur WDRM 102.1 Arkadelphia KSWH 91.1 Wynne KWYN-FM 92.7
WBQM 91.7 Anchorage KNIK-FM 105.5 KDEL-FM 100.9
WRSA 96.9 KI(LV 103.9 Ashdown KMLA 103.9 CALIFORNIA
Demopolis WNAN 106.3 KJZZ 102.1 Benton KAKI 107.1 Alameda KJAI 92.7
Dothan WOOF -FM 99.7 KGOT 101.3 KOOM 107.1 Anaheim KEZY-FM 95.9
WTVY-FM 95.5 KSKA 103 I Berryville ICSCC 107.1 Angwin KANG 89.9
Enterprise WIRB-FM 96.9 Fairbanks KUAC-FM 104.1 Blytheville KHLS 96.1 Apple Valley KAVR-FM 102.3
WKMX 106.7 Juneau KTOO 104.3 Brinkley KBRI-FM 102.3 Arcadia KMAX 107.1
Eufala WULA-FM 92.7 Kenai 1(90K 101.1 Camden KWEH 97.1 Arcata KXGO 93.5
Fairhope WMGP 92.1 Ketchi kan KRBD 105.9 Clarksville KLYR-FM 92.7 KAHS 91.5
Fayette WHKW 98.1 Kodiak KMXT 100.1 Conway KLICA 91.5 KHSU-FM 90.5
Florence WQLT 107.3 Nome KICY-FM 100.3 KHDX 89.1 Atascadero 1(190 104.5
Gadsden WQEN 103.7 North Pole KJNP 100.3 KVEE-FM 105.1 Auburn ICHYL 101.1
WEXP 91.5 Petersburg KFSK 100. Crossett KAGH-FM 104.9 Avalon KBIG-FM 104.3
Geneva WGEA-FM 93.5 Wrangell ICST1( 101.7 Dardanelle KWKK 102.3 Bakersfield KLYD-FM 94.1
Greensville WI(XN 95.9 De Queen KDQN-FM 92.7 KBBY 107.9
Guntersville WTWX 95.9 DeWitt KDEW-FM 96.7 KGFM 101.5
Hamilton WERH-FM 92.1 ARIZONA El Dorado ICRIL 99.3 KHIS-FM 96.5
Huntsville WA H R 99.1 KEZU 103.1 K KXX 107.9
WLRH 89.3 Apache Junction KSTM
107.1 Fayetteville KKEG 92.1 KZIN-FM 107.9
WNDA 95.1 KSMR-FM 106.6 KLIAF 88.9 Barstow KWTC-FM 94.3
WOCG 99.1 Batesville KGED 88.1 KNWA 103.9 Berkeley KPFA 94.1
Jackson WHOD-FM 104.9 Bisbee KBAZ 92.1 Forrest City KBFC 93.5 KALX 90.7
Jacksonville W LIS - FM 91.9 Bullhead City K R HS 102.3 Ft. Smith KISR 93.7 KPFB 89.3
Jasper WWWB-FM 102.5 Case Grande KBFE 105.5 KMAG 99.1 KRE-FM 102.9
Mobile WKRG-FM 99.9 KAXR 88.5 KTCS-FM 99.9 Big Bear Lake KTOT-FM 101.7
WABB 97.5 Douglas KAPR-FM 95.3 KXXI 100.9 Bishop KI0Q-FM 100.7
WBLX 92.9 Flagstaff KFLG 92.9 Harrison KHOZ-FM 102.9 Blythe KYOR-FM 100.3
WHIL-FM 91.3 KCTB-FM 93.9 Heber Springs KAWW-FM 96.7 Borrego Springs KBSH 88.9
WKSJ-FM 94.9 Glendale KXTC 92.3 Helena KCRI 103.1 Buena Park l(BPK 90.1
WLPR 96.1 Globe KIKO-FM 100.3 Hone KHPA 104.9 Camarillo KGAB 95.9
WTOII 90.5 Kingman KZZZ 82.7 Hot Springs KSPA 96.7 Carlsbad KKOS 95.9
Monroeville WMFC-FM 98.5 Lake Havasu City KBAS 95.9 KGUS 97.5 Carmel KLRB 101.7
Montgomery WFMI 98.9 Mesa KBUZ-FM 104.7 Hot Springs KXOW-FM 106.3 Cathedral City KWYX-FM 98.5
WREZ 103.3 KDKB-FM 93.3 Jacksonville KGMR-FM 100.3 Chico KCBM 93.7
WLWI 92.3 KIOG 104.7 Jonesboro KBTM-FM 101.9 KCHO 91.1
WHHY-FM 101.9 Nogales KAYN 98.3 KASU 91.9 KPAY-FM 95.1


Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz
Claremont KSPC 88.7 KFBK-FM 92.5 Castle Rock
Coachella KVIM 93.7 KMJD 92.1 WG9113-FM 103.5
KEBR 100.5 Colorado Springs KRCC 91.5 WGTB 90.1
Compton KJLH 102.3 KEWT 105.1 KEPC 90.5
Concord KVHS 91.1 KWOD 106.5 WMAL-FM 107.3
Crescent City KVXJ 90.1 KKFM 96.5 WMZQ 98.7
KROI 96.9 KSPZ 92.9 WKYS 93.9
Cupertino KKUP 91.5 KXOA 107.9 KILO
Davis KDVS 91.5 KZAP 98.5
93.9 WHUR 96.3
KYLO 105.5 KRDO-FM 95.1 WPFW-FM 89.3
KWOD 106.5 KINX 101.9
Delano KONO 98.5 St. Helena KVYN 99.3 KRYT-FM 101.9
Dlnuba KLTA 98.9 Salinas KDON 102.5 Craig KRAI-FM 93.7 FLORIDA
El Cajon KECR 93.3 KRAY-FM 103.9 Denver
El Centro KXO-FM 107.5 KADX 105.1 Apopka
KWYT-FM 100.7 KCFR 90.1 WTLN-FM 95.3
KEGH-FM 90.1 KAUG 90.9 KIMN-FM 98.5 Arcadia WOKD-FM 98.3
El Cerrito KECG 89.1 Salinas - Atlantic Beach W.INJ-FM 104.9
Escondido KOWN-FM 92.1 KLIR-FM 100.3 Belle Glade
Monterey KRSA-FM 100.7 KLZ-FM 106.7 WSWN-FM 93.5
Eureka KFMI 98.3 San Bernardino KVCR 91.9 Boca Raton WKQS 99.9
KPD.1 92.3 KHOW-FM 95.7
KOLA 99.9 KXKX 95.7 Boynton Beach WHRS 90.7
Fallbrook KAVO 107.1 KQLH 95.1 WRM B 89.3
Fremont KFMR 104.9 KOAQ 103.5
San Clemente KWVE 107.9 KOS1-FM 101.1 Bradenton WDUV 103.3
KOHL 89.3 San Diego KFMB-FM 100.7 KBPI 105.9 Cape Coral WRCC 103.9
Fresno KFRY 101.9 KFMB-FM 100.7 KVOD 99.5 Clearwater WOKF 95.7
KKDJ 105.9 KFSD-FM 94.1 KAZY 106.7 Clearwater -
KFIG 101.1 KITT 105.3 Durango KRSJ 101.5 St. Petersburg WQXM 97.9
KFCF 88.1 KGB -FM 101.5 KDUR 91.9 Clewiston WAFC 106.3
KFYE 93.7 KIFM 98.1 Ft. Collins KCSU-FM 90.9 Cocoa WEZY 99.3
KKNU 102.7 KBZT 94.9 KTCL 93.3 Cocoa Beach WCKS 101.1
KMJ-FM 97.9 KOZN-FM 103.7 KCOL-FM 107.9 WRKT 104.1
KPHD. 95.5 KEZL 102.9 Fort Morgan KBRU 101.7 Coral Gables WYOR 105.1
KYNO-FM 95.5 KPRI 106.5 Glenwood Springs WVUM 90.3
KVPR-FM 89.3 KPBS-FM 89.5 KCMK 90.5 Crestview
Garden Grove KG LS
92.7 WAAZ-FM 104.9
KORJ 94.3 KSDS 88.3 Grand Junction Crystal River WRY() 98.5
Gilroy KFAT 94.3 KREX-FM 92.3
KSON-FM 97.3 KQIX 93.1 Daytona Beach WDNJ 94.5
Glendale KUTE 101.9 KYXY, 96.5
Hanford KMSA 91.3 WQXQ 101.9
KKYS 107.5 San Fernando KGIL-FM 95.3 Greeley WMFJ-FM 101.9
KIOY 102.7 KUNC-FM 91.3
Healdsburg KJHP 92.9
San Francisco KALW 91.7 KGRE 92.3 WWLV 94.5
Hornet KHYE 105.5
KMPX 98.9 K F KZ 96.1 DeFunlak Springs WQUH 103.1
KDFC 102.1 Gunnison KWSB-FM 91.9 DeLand WELE-FM 105.9
Hollister KH1P 93.5 KCBS-FM 97.3 Ignacio Dunnelion WTRS-FM 102.3
Indio KCMS 103.1 KSUT 91.3
Inglewood KFOG 104.5 Lamar KLMR-FM 93.3 Fort Lauderdale WAFG 90.3
KACE 103.9 KMEL 106.1 WSDO 106.7
Irvine KUCI 89.9 La Junta KBLJ 92.1
Jackson KNGT 94.3 KI01 101.3 Lakewood KPPL 107.5 WAXY 105.9
La Canada KUNF 88.9
KYUU 99.5 Longmont KCDC 90.7 WLQY 101.7
Lake Arrowhead
KEAR 106.9 KLMO-FM 104.3 WSHE 103.3
KDIG 103.9 KPOD 89.3 Ft. Meyers WINK -FM 96.9
Lancaster KOTE 106.3 Loveland KLOV-FM 102.3
KQED-FM 88.5 Manitou Springs KIIQ-FM 102.7 WHEW 101.9
Livermore KKIQ 101.7 KSAN 94.9 W800 95.3
Lodi KWIN, 97.7 Montrose KUBG-FM 94.11 Ft. Pierce
KCVR Radio
KOIT 96.5 Morrison KWBI 91.1 WLQY 08.7
Lompoc KLPC-FM 92.7 KSFX 103.7 Norwalk WLYQ 95.9 WOVV 95.5
KUSF 90.3 Oak Creek
Ft. Walton Beach
KRQK 101.9 KABL-FM 98.1 KFMU 103.9 WFTW-FM 99.3
Long Beach KLON 88.1 KKHI-FM 95.7
Pueblo KPLV 98.9 WFTW-FM 103.7
KNOB 97.9 KYA-FM 93.3 KTSC-FM 89.5 Gainesville WRUF-FM 103.7
KPEN 97.7 San Jose KSJO 92.3 KCSJ-FM 97,9 %YOWL 105.5
KSUL 90.1 KBAY 100.3 KZLO 100.7 WGLY 98.3
Los Altos KFJC 89.7 KEZR 106.5 KPUB-FM 99.9 Green Cove Springs WKUE 92.7
KPEN 97.7 KOME 98.5 Rocky Ford KAVI-FM 95.9 Hialeah WCMQ-FM 92.1
Los Angeles KLOS 95.5 KSJS 90.7 Salida KVRH-FM 92.1 Holiday WHBS 106.3
KBCA 105.1 KLEL 89.3 Security KWYD 105.5 immokalle WLEQ 95.0
KFSG 96.3 San Luis Obispo KUNA 96.1 Steamboat Springs jaeksonville WJAX-F 91 95.1
KFAC-FM 92.3 KCPR 91.3 KBCR-FM 96.7 WFAM 91.1
KIQQ 100.3 KCBX-FM 90.1 Sterling KSTC-FM 96.7 WQ1K-FM 99.1
K HTZ 97.1 KZOZ 93.3 Telluride KOTO 91.7 W1VY-FM 102.9
KRTH 101.1 San Mateo KCSM 91.1 Vail KVMT 104.7 WJEE 107.5
KJOI 98.7 KSOL 107.9 Windsor KUAD-FM 99.1 WKTZ-FM 98.1
KIIS-FM 102.7 San Rafael KTIM-FM 100.9 WAIV 98.9
KMET 94.7 Santa Ana KWIZ-FM 96.7 WJCT-FM 89.9
KOST 103.5 Santa Barbara KCSB-FM 91.9 Jupiter WRYZ-FM 96.7
KPFK 90.7 KDB-FM 93.7 Bridgeport WEZN 99.9 Key West WFYN-FM 92.5
KPOL-FM 93.9 KBLS 99.9 WPKN 89.5 WVFK 95.5
KLVE 107.5 KRUZ 103.3 Brookfield WINE -FM 95.1 WIIS 107.1
KWST 105.9 Danbury WLAD-FM 98.3 La Belle WVHG
KXLU 88.9 KTMS-FM 97.3 92.1
Santa Clara KARA 105.7 WXCI 91.7 Lake City WNFQ 94.3
KBIG 104.3 KSCU Fairfield WSHU 91.1 Lakeland WVFM 94.1
KHOF 99.5 Santa Cruz WVOF 88.5
Los Banos KLBS-FM 95.9 KSCO-FM 99.1 WCIE-FM 91.3
Los Gatos KUSP 88.9 Groton WSUB-FM 105.5 Lakewood WCIE 91.3
KRVE 95.3 Guilford WGCT 90.5 Leesburg
Madera KUUL 92.1 KZSC 88.1 WLBE-FM 106.7
Mammoth Lakes KMMT 106.3 Santa Maria KXF M 99.1 Hamden WKCI 101.3 WHLY 106.7
Manteca KNBS 90.3 KSMA-FM 102.5 WQAQ 88.7 Lehigh Acres WSWF 107.1
Mariposa Santa Monica KCRW 89.9 Hartford WHCN-FM 105.9 Live Oak WQHL 98.1
K1.11313 96.3 WDRC-FM 102.9
Marysville KRFD 99.9 KSRF 103.1 Macclenny WBKF 92.1
Mendocino KMFB-FM 92.7 Santa Paula KAAP- F M 96.7 WCCC-FM 108.9 Marathon. FL WMUM 94.3
Merced KBDR 89.1 Santa Rosa KZST 100.1 WIOF 104.1 Marianna WJAQ 100.9
KMYT 97.5 KBBF 89.1 WJMJ 88.9 Melbourne WYRL 102.3
Mission Viejo KSBR KVREFM 91.5 WLVH 93.7 WTAI-FM 107.1
88.5 WQTQ 88.3
Modesto KBEE-FM 103.3 Seaside KZEN 107.1 WFIT 91.5
KBHI.FM 89.9 Shatter KQEZ 97.7 WRTC-FM 89.3 WFIT 91.1
KHOP 104-I Sonora KROG 92.7 WTIC-FM 98.5 Miami WTMI 93.1
KTHO 103.1 Hertford -Meriden WINO 96.9
I( D HS 90.5 WKSS 95.7
KFIV-FM 102.3 South Lake Tahoe KRLT 100.1 WOOS -FM 93.9
Mojave KDOL-FM 97.7 Stanford KZSU 90.1 Knt WKSB 90.9 WJOK 107.5
Monterey Stockton KUOP 91.3 Middletown WESU 88.1 WDNA 88.9
KLRB 101.7 WIHS 104.9
WAIA 97.3
Monte Rio KJAX 99.3 WMNR 68.1 WLYF 101.5
KRJB 97.7 New Britain WRCH-FM 100.5
Moraga KSMC 89.5 KSJC-FM 89.5 WMCU 89.7
KSTN-FM 107.3 W FCS 90.I WSDO 106.7
Mountain View KSFH 90.5 SusanvIlle KSUE-FM 92.7 New Canaan WSLX 91.9 WMJX 96.3
Mount Shasta KEDY 95.3 Thousand Oaks KCPB 91.1 New Haven WPLR 99.1 WLRN-FM 91.3
Nevada City KVMR 89.5 KNJO WYBC-FM 94.3
Newport Beach KOCM 103.1 92.7
New London
WEDR 99.1
Torrance KN HS 89.7 WTYD 100.9 Miami Beech WWWL 93.9
Northridge KCSN 88.5 Tray WCNI 91.5
Oceanside KJFM 102.1 KSRT 100.9
WOCN-FM 94.9
Ojai KOVA 105.5 Travis AFB KVIK 91.5 WNLK-FM 95.9 Milton WXBM-FM 102.3
Truckee KEZC 101.7 Norwich WCTY 97.7 Mt. Dora WORT -FM 107.7
Ontario KNIT 93.5 Tulare KBOS 94.9 Stamford WSTC-FM 98.7 Naples WNFM 94.5
Oroville KFAM 97.7 Storrs WHUS-FM 91.7
Oxnard KJUG 106.7 W NCX 97.7
KPMJ 104.7 Turlock KCSS 91.9 Wallingford WWEB 89.9 W.R1 ns 5
KDAR 98.3 KBDG 90.9 Waterbury WWYZ 92.5 NaplesFt. Meyers WCVU 94.5
Pacific Grove KOCN 104.9 WIOF 104.1
KAZU 90.3 KMIX 98.3 W. Hartford
New Port Richey WGUL-FM 105.5
TwentyNine Palms WWUH 91.3 Ocala WFUZ 93.7
Palm Desert KCMS 103.1 West Haven WNHU 88.7
Palm Springs KDES-FM 104.7 KQYN 95.7
Westport WMFQ 92.7
Ukiah KALF 103.3 WDJF 107.9 Okeechobee WLMC 103.1
KPSH-FM 88.3 KLIL 94.3 WWPT 90.3 Orlando WDBO-FM 92.3
Paradise KNVR 96.7 Wllllmantle WXLS 98.3
Pasadena Vacaville -Fairfield KUIC 95.3 WDIZ 100.5
KPCS 89.3 Ventura KBBY 95.1 WGAG-FM 89.3
Pebble Beach KSPB 91.5 Visalia
Patterson KOSO 93.1
KONG -FM 92.9 WKIS-FM 100.3
Paso Robles
Walnut KSAK 90.1 Bethany Beach WWTR-FM 95.9 WBJW 103.1
KPRA 94.3 Wainut Creek KDFM 92.1 Dover WDSD WFTU 89.9
Pismo Beach KPGA 95.3 94.7
Porterville K100 99.7
West Covina KBOB 98.3 Georgetown WSEA 99.5 Palatka WIYD-FM 99.8
Red Bluff W. Sacramento KWHS 91.7 Hockessin VIZZE 88.7 Palm Beach WJNO-FM 97.9
KBLF-FM 95.9 Woodland KSFM 102.5 Milford WAFL
Redding KVIP-FM 98.1 97.7 Panama CRY WPFM 107.9
Redondo Beach Yuba City KHEX 103.9 Newark WXDR 91.3 WGNE4111 98.5
KFOX 93.5
Rohoboth Beach
Redlands KCAL -FM 96.7 WLRB 92.7 WKGCFM 90.7
98.3 WPAP-FM 92.5
Ridgecrest KLOA-FM 105.5 91.7
Alamosa WJBR 99.5
Pensacola WAJB 107.3
KZIQ-FM 92.7 KASF 90.9 WMEZ 94.1
RIo Vista KRVH-FM 90.9 KALQ-FM 93.5 WSTW 93.7
Illerse Aspen WJIQ 100.7
KBBL 99.1 KSPN 97.7 WBOP-FM 101.5
KHNY-FM 92.7 Boulder KGNU
D. C. WPCS 89.3
KDUO 97.5 Plantation Key WXOS 100.3
KLLU 89.7 KBVL 94.7 Washington WASH 97.1 Pompano Beach WCKO 102.7
Roseville KPIP 93.5 Breckenridge KLGT 102.3 WAM U -FM 88.5 Port Charlotte WEEJ 100.1
Sacramento KCTC 96.1 Brookfield WRKI 95.1 WETA-FM 90.9 Port St. Joe WGCW 93.5
KXPR 88.9 Canon City KSTX 103.9 WGAY-FM 99.5 Punta Gorda WCCF-FM 92.7


Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz I Location Call MHz

Quincy WCNH-FM 101.7 Toccoa WLET-FM 106.1 Effingham WCRC-FM 95.7 WFIU 103.7
Riviera Beach WGMW 94.3 Valdosta WGOV-FM 92.9 Eldorado WKSI 102.3 WGTC 92.3
St. Augustine WFOY-FM 97.7 Vidalia WTCQ 97.7 Elgin WEPS 90.9 Bluffton WORD 100.1
St. Petersburg WKES 101.5 WVVS 89.9 WJKL 94.3 Boonville WBNL-FM 107.1
WQYK-FM 99.5 WAFT 01.1 Elmhurst WRSE-FM 88.7 Brazil WWCM-FM 97.7
WWBA-FM 107.3 WLGA-FM 95.9 Elmwood Perk WXFM 105.9 Carmel WHOE 9I.5
Sarasota WQSR 102.5 Warner Robins WRBN-FM 01.7 Eisah WTPC 89.7 Chesterton WDSO 89.1
WSPB-FM 108.3 Washington WLOVFM 00.1 Evanston WOJO 105.1 Clinton WAXI 104.9
WKZM 105.5 Waycross WACL-FM 03.3 WNUR 89.3 Columbia City WFDT 108.3
Sebring WSKP-FM 105.5 WLTE 02.5 Fairfield WFIW-FM 104.9 Columbus WCS1-FM 101.5
Starke WPXE-FM 106.3 Waynesboro WWGA 00.9 Flora WN01 103.9 WWWY 104.9
Stuart WMCF 92.7 W. Point WCJM 00.9 Flossmoor WHFH 88.5 Connersville WCNB-FM 100.3
Tallahassee WGLF 104.1 Freeport WFRLFM 98.5 Crawfordsville WNDY 106.3
WFSUFM 91.5 WAC1 92.1 WLFQ 103.9
WBGM-FM 98.9 HAWAII WVKC 90.5 Crown Paint WFLM 103.9

3 WLVW 94.9
WAMF 90.5
WOWD 101.9
WAMF 90.5
KKEA 97.9

WRSQ-FM 104.9
WDCB 90.9
WGRT 107.1
WADM-FM 92.7
WYEZ 100.7
WXAX 104.7
Tampa WJYW 100.7 KEK1 93.9
WGHS 88.5 WVPE 88.1
KQMQ 93.1 Glen Ellyn
WFLA-FM 93.3 KGMQ 93.1 WDCB 90.9 Elwood WBMP 101.7
WYNF 94.9 KHSS 97.5 Glenview WMWA 88.9 Evansville WI KY 104.1
WEZX 104.7 KHUI 93.9 Godfrey WLCA 99.9 WUEV 91.5
WMNF 88.5 Granite City WGNUFM 106.5 WPSR 90.7
WUSF 89.7 KTUH 90.3 WVHI 105.3
Kailua KKAI 96.3 Greenville WGRN 89.3
Titusville WRMF-FM 98.3 Harrisburg WEI3Q-FM 99.9 Fort Wayne WPTH 95.1
WPIO 89.9 Walluku KAOI 95.1
WDUK 99.3 WIPU 89.1
Walpahu KULA 92.5 Havana
Venice WAMR-FM 92.1 Highland Park WVVX-FM 103.1 WBCL 90.3
Vero Beach WAVW 105.5 Hinsdale WHSD 88.5 WCMX 101.7
WGYL 93.5 IDAHO Jacksonville WEA1 100.5 WLHI 88.3
West Palm Beach Jerseyville WJBM-FM 104.1 WMEF 97.3
WEAT-FM 104.5 Blackfoot KBLI-FM 97.7 Joliet WLLI-FM 96.7 WXKE-FM 103.9
WIRK-FM 107.9 Boise KBOI-FM 97.9 WAJP 93.5 WIFN 95.9
WNGS 92.1 KBBK-FM 92.3 Kankakee WBYG 99.9 WBCL 90.3
Winter Haven WHFL 97.5 KBSU 90.1 WKOC 88.3 Frankfort WILO-FM 99.7
Winter Park WPRK 91.5 KJOT 105.1 Kewanee WKEI-FM 92.1 Franklin WFCI 89.3
WLOQ 103.1 Burley KSAX 90. LaGrange WLTL 88.1 Gary WGVE 88.7
WPFL 68.9 Caldwell KBXL-FM 94.1 Lake Forest WMXM 88.9 Gaston W D HS 90.9
Emmett KMFE 101.7 Lansing WLNR-FM 106.3 Goshen WGCS 91.1
Idaho Falls KID -FM 98.1 WLPO-FM 99.3 WZOW 97.7
LawrencevIll WAKO.FM 103.1 Greencastle WGRE 91.7
KIBQ 91.9 Lincoln WLCC 88.9 WXTA 94.3
Albany WGPC-FM 104.5 Jerome KFMA 92.7 WLNX 91.1 WSMJ 99.5
WJ1Z 98.3 Greenfield
Lewiston KOZE-FM 96.7 WPRC 100.1 Greensburg WIRE -FM 107.3
WWCW 101.7 KLHS 89.1 WSM1-FM 106.1 WYCA 92.3
Americus WIPE 94.5 Litchfield Hammond
Moscow KUID 91.7 Lockport WLRA 88.1 Hartford City WWHC 104.9
WPUR 97.7 KUOI-FM 89.3 Loves Park WLUV-FM 96.7 Howe WHWE 89.7
Athens WNGC 95.5 KRPL-FM 103.9 WIUM 91.9 WBDC 100.9
WAGQ 104.7 Macomb Huntingburg
Nampa KFXD-FM 94.9 WKA1-FM 100.1 Huntington WVSH 91.9
W000 90.5 KUUZ 96.9 Marion WDDD 107.1 WHLT-FM 103.1
Atlanta WABE 90.1 Pocatello KBGL 88.7 WLKL 90.3 Indianapolis WAJC 104,5
WVEE 103.3 KSNN-FM 93.7 Mattoon WLBH-FM 96.9 WBDG 90.9
WZGC 92.9 KSIH 94.9 Mendota WGLC-FM 100.9 WJEL 89.1
WKLS-FM 96.' KRBU 104.9 Moline

WXLP 96.9 WEDM 91.1

WRAS 88.5 Rexburg KRIC 90.1 Monmouth WDRL 97.7 WICR 88.7
WREK 91.1 KADQ 94.3 Monticello WVLJ 105.5 WFBQ 04.7 ,
WCLK 91.9 Salmon KSRA-FM 92.7 Morris WCSJ-FM 104.7 WFMS 95.5
WSBFM 98.5 Sun Valley KSKI-FM 93.5 WTAZ 102.3 WXTZ 103.3
WLTA 99.7 Twin Falls KMTW 98.5 Morrison WMHS 90.7 WIAN 90.1
Augusta WAUG-FM 105.7 KEZJ 95.7 WTAZ 102.3 WNAP 93.1
WACG-FM 90.7 Morton
WBBQ-FM 104.3 Mt. Carmel WYER-FM 94.9 WRFT 91.5
89.1 WTLC-FM 105.7
WGUS-FM 102.3
WZZW 103.1
ILLINOIS Mt. Vernon WMIX-FM 94.1 Jasper W1TZFM 104.7
Murphysboro WTAO 104.9 Jeffersonville WQH1 95.7
Bainbridge WJAD 97.8 Alton WOKZ-FM 100.3 WONC Kendallville WAWK-FM 93.8
Blue Ridge WPPL 103.9 Anna WRAJ-FM 92.7 Naperville 89.1
WSBI-FM 100.7 Arlington Heights WWMM 92.7 Normal WGLT 89.1 Knox WKV1-FM 99.3
Brunswick WIHN 96.7 Kokomo WHSK 89.1
WYNR-FM 101.5 WFVH 88.3
WGLD-FM 102.7 WWKI 100.11
Buford WGCO 102.3 Aurora WKKD-FM 95.9 Oak Park
WEBI 105.5 WAUR 107.9 Olney WSEI 92.9 WZWZ 93.5
Camilla Ottawa WRKX 95.3 WKMO 93.5
Canton WCHK-FM 105.5 Barrington WBPR 88.5 WKXK 100.9 Lafayette WASK-FM 105.3
WBTR-FM 92.1 Beardstown WRMS-FM 94.3 Pana
Carrollton Paris WAGE 98.3 WAZY-FM 96.5
WWGC 89.3 Belleville WBCE 89.7
WRHS 88.1 WJJE 91.9
Chatsworth WQMT 99.3 Belvidere WKWL 104.9 Park Forest
WCLA-FM 107.1 WYBR-FM 104.9 Park Ridge WMTH 88.5 WXUS 92.7
Claxton Pekin WSIV-FM 93.3 La Porte WLOI-FM 96.7
Cochran WVMG-FM 98.7 Benton WQRX 106.3 WZRO 104.9 Lebanon WNON 100.9
Columbus WVOC 102.5 Bloomington WBNQ 101.5 W KM 93.3 Linton WBTO-FM 93.5
WHYD-FM 107.3 WESN 88.1 Peoria
Cahokla KRTE 89.5
WCBU 89.9 Logansport WSAL-FM 102.3
WFXE 104.9 WSWT 106.9 Lowell WLCL-FM 107.1
Cordele WFAV 98.3 Canton WBYS-FM 98.5 WWCT 105.7 Madison WORK -FM 96.7
Cornelia WCON-FM 99.3 Carbondale WSIU 91.9 Peru WIVQ 100.9 Marion WMRI 106.9
Dawson WDWD-FM 92.1 WCIL-FM 101.5 Pittsfield WBBA-FM 97.7 Martinsville WCBK-FM 102.3
Decatur WPCH 94.9 Carlinville WIB1 91.1 Plano WSPY 107.1 Michigan City WMCB-FM 95.9
Douglas WOKA-FM 92.1 Carmi WRUL 97.3 Pontiac WPOK-FM 103.1 Monticello WVTL 95.3
WDMG-FM 99.5 Centralia WRXX 95.3
Quincy WGEM-FM 105.1 Muncie WLBC-FM 104.1
Dublin WQZY 95.9 Champaign WDWS-FM 97.5 WWQC 90.3 WBST 92.1
WXLI-FM 92.7 WLRW 94.5 WIAGY 99.5 WWDS 90.5
Eastman WUFF-FM 92.1 WPCD 88.7 Rantoul WRTL-FM 95.3 WWHI 91.5
Elberton WWRK 92.1 Charleston WEIC-FM 92.1 River Grove WRRG 88.9 New Albany WNAS 88.1
Forsyth WFNE 97.1 Chicago WA EE 88.1 Robinson WTAY-FM 101.7 New Castle WMDH 102.5
Gainesville WWID 106.7 WBBM-FM 98.3 Bothell WRHL-FM 102.3 N. Manchester WBKE-FM 89.5
WFOX 97.1 WBEZ 91.5 Rockford WZOK 97.5 North Vernon WOCH-FM 108.1
WBCX 89.1 WBHI 88.5 WQFL 100.9 Notre Dame WSND-Fill 88.9
Glenville WKIG-FM 106.3 WCYC 88.7 Rock Island WHBF-FM 98.9
WKOG-FM 107.1 WZRD, 88.3 Paoli WUME-FM 95.3
Gordon W V1 K 88.5 Pendleton WEEM 91.7
Griffin WKEU-FM 97.7 WDAI 94.7 WJBD-FM 100.1
WCEH-FM 103.9 WMET 95.5 Salem Peru WARU-FM 98.3
HawkinsvIlle Savanna WCCI 100.1 Plainfield WART 98.3
Hazlehurst WVOH-FM 93.5 WEFM 99.5 Shelbyville WSHY-FM 104.9 WTCA-FM 94.3
WJGA-FM 92.1 WLUP 97.9 Plymouth
Jackson WCLR 101.9 Portland WPGW-FM 100.9
Jesup WIFO-FM 105.5 WL00 100.3 S. Beloit WRWC 103.1
WSOJ-FM 98.3 WJEZ 104.3 Princeton WRAY-FM 98.1
South Bend WW1 Y 100.5 Rensselaer WICK 97.7
La Grange WWCG 104.1 WKKC 89.3 Springfield WDBR 103.7
WPEH-FM 92.1 WG01 107.5 WPUM 90.5
Louisville WFMB 104.5 Richmond WQLK 96.1
Mason WCRY-FM 107.9 WFMT-FM 98.7 WVEM 101.9
WDEN-FM 109.3 WFMT 98.7 WECI 91.5
WFYR 109.5 WSSR 91.9 WRIA 101.3
WMAZ-FM 99.1 Sterling WVJM 94.3 Rochester WRO1 92.1
Manchester WFDR-FM 93.3 WKQX 101.1 Streator WLAX 97.7
WBIE 101.5 WMBI-FM 90.1 S Rockville WAXI 104.9
Marietta WNIB 97.1 Sullivan WSA K 106.3 Rushville WRCR 94.3
Metter WHCG 104.9 Summit WARG 88.9 WSLM-FM 98.9
Milledgeville WMVG-FM 102.3 WXRT 93.1 Taylorville WEEE 92.7 Salem
WXGC 88.9 WLAK 93.9 Scottsburg WMPI 100.9
WLUW 88.7 Tuscola WITT 93.5 Seymour WJUD 93.7
Moultrie WMTM-FM 93.9 Urbana WILL -FM 90.9 Shelbyville WSVL-FM 97.1
Newnan WCOH-FM 98.7 WUIC 88.1 WNW 107.1 WETL 91.9
WPGA-FM 100.9 WOUI 88.9 South Bend
Perry WKIO 103.9 WHME 103.1
Rockmart WZOT 107.1 Chillicothe WCLL 94.3 Vandalla WKRV 107.1 WNDU-FM 92.9
Rome WQTU 102.3 Clinton WHOW-FM 95.9 Watseka WGFA-FM 94.1
WROM.FM 97.7 Columbia WCBW 104.9 WRBR 103.9
Waukegan WEFA 102.3 WSBT-FM 101.5
Rossville WOWE 105.5 Crest Hill WCCQ 98.3 W. Frankfurt WFRX-FM 97.7 WTHI.FM
WSNT-FM 94.3 Crete WTAS 102.3 Terra Haute 99.9
Sandersville Wheaton WETN 88.1 WBOQ 107.5
Savannah WTOC-FM 94.1 Danville WMBJ 102.1 Winnebago WYFE-FM 95.3
WZAT 102.1 WIAI 99.1 WBOW 107.5
Winnetka WNTH 88.1 WPFR 102.7
WHCJ 88.5 Decatur WSOY-FM 102.9 Woodstock WSTK 105.5
WJMU 89.9 WVTS 100.7
WJCL-FM 96.5 Zion WKZN-FM 96.9 WISU 89.7
WEAS-FM 93.1 WDZQ 95.1 WAVV 95.9
Dekalb WNIO-FM 89.5 Veva
WSGF-FM 95.6 INDIANA Wabash WKUZ 95.9
WXLM 97.3 WDEK 92.5 WHFG 91.1
Smyrna WQXI-FM 94.1 Des Plalnes WYEN 106.7
Springfield WGEC 103.9 Dixon W1XN-FM 101.7 Anderson WLHN 97.9 Warsaw WRSW-FM 107.3
Downers Grove WDGC-FM 88.3 Angola WLKI 100.1 WAVV 99.9
Statesboro WMCD 100.1 WEAX 88.3 Washington WFML 106.5
WVGS 91.3 Dundee WVFV 103.9
DuQuoin WDQN-FM 95.9 Auburn WIFF-FM 105.5 W. Terre Haute WWVR 105.5
Swainsboro WJAT-FM 98.3 Aurora WSCH 99.9 Valparaiso WLJE 105.5
Thomasville WTUF 107.1 East Moline WEMO 101.3
WTHO-FM 101.7 WDLM-FM 89.3 Batesville WRB1 103.9 WVUR 89.5
Thomson Bedford WBIF 105.5 Vevey WAVV 95.9
Tifton WABRFM 90.5 E. St. Louis WMRY 101.1
WCUP 100.3 Edwardsville WS1E 88.7 Bloomington WBWB 96.7 Yennes WAOV-FM 96.7


Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz

WVUB 91.1 KHCC-FM 90.1 WP7F 101.7 WPOR-FM 101.9

Winchester WIUC 98.3 K HUT 102.9 Russellvl lie WAKQ 101.1 WGAN-FM 102.9
Independence KIND -FM 101.7 St. Matthews WNW' 103.1 WMEA 90.1
IOWA Iola KIOL 99.3 Scottsville WLCK-FM 99.3 WMGX 93.1
Junction City KJCK-FM 94.5 Somerset WSEK
96.7 Presque Isle WDHP 96.9
Algona KLGA-FM 92.7 Kansas City KUDL 98.1 WSCC 90.7 WUP1 91.1
KCKN-FM 94.1 Stanford WRSL-FM 95.9 WMEM-FM 106.1
Ames KCCQ 107.1 KANS-FM Stanton WSKV 104.9
WOI-FM 90.1 Lamed 96.7 Rockland WRKD-FM 93.5
Lawrence KANU 91.5 TnmpkinsvIlle WTKY-FM 02.I Rumford WRUM-FM 96.3
KLFM 104.1 KLWN-FM 105.9 Versailles W'MM 106.3
KPGY 91.9 Sanford WSME-FM 92.1
KJHK 90.7 Whiteshurg WXKQ 103.9 Scarborough WJBQ-FM 106.3
Ankeny KANY 106.3 Winchester
Atlantis KJAN-FM 103.7 Leavenworth KTRO 98.9 WKDJ 100.1 Skowhegan WTOS-FM 107.1
Boone KFGO-FM 99.9 Liberal K EIS 105.5 Springvale WNCY 91.1
KSLS 99.3 Waterville WTVL-FM 98.3
KWBG-FM 98.3 Lyons KLOQ 106.1 LOUISIANA WMHB 91.5
Burlington KBUR-FM 107.3 Manhattan KMKF 101.7 Westbrook WLDB-FM 100.9
KGRS 107.3 Marysville KNDY-FM 103.1 Abbeville KROF-FM 104.9
Carroll KCIM-FM 93.7 McPherson KNEX-FM 96.7 Alexandria KSLI 96.9
Cedar Falls KHKE 88.1 Newton KJRG-FM 92.3 KRRV 100.3 MARYLAND
KUNI 90.9 l(OEZ 92.3 l<Q1D 93.1
Cedar Rankle KHAK-FM 98.1 Oberlin KFNF 101.1 Bastrop KTRY-FM 94.3 Annapolis WNAV-FM 99.1
KCOE-FM 90.9 K.IBS 100.1 WFSI 107.9
KOJC 89.7 Ottawa KOFO-FM 95.7
Parsons KPPS-FM 91.1 Baton Rouge WFMF 102.5 Arnold WACC 89.9
KCCK-FM 88.3
Pittsburg KMR.1 96.9 WAFB-FM 98 I Baltimore WBJC 91.5
KWMR 88.9 Pratt KW LS -FM 93.1 WQXY-FM 100 7 WXYV 102.7
WMT-FM 96.5 Russell KRSL-FM 95.9 WYNK-FM 101 5 WEAA 88.9
KQCR 102.9 Salina KSKG 99.9 WBRH 90.1 WPOC 93.1
KTOF 104.5 KYEZ 93.7 Bayou Vista KUM-FM 95.3 WRBS 95.1
Centerville KMGO 98.7
Scott City KULL 94.5 Crowley KAJN 102 0 WBAL-FM 97.9
Charles City KCHA-FM 104.9 Topeka I(DVV 100.3 DeRldder KEAZ 101.7 WITH -FM 104.3
Cherokee KCHE-FM 102.3 KSWT 93.7 Donaldsonville KSMI-FM 104.9 WLIF 101.9
Clarinda KSW I 106.3 WIBW-FM 97.3 Ferriday KFNV-FM 93.5 WLPLFM 92.3
Clarion KRIT 96.9 KTPK 106.9 Franklin KFRA-FM 95.3 WMARFM 106.5
Clear Lake KZEV 103.1 Wlehlta KBRA 97.9 Grlden Meadow IMQ 94.3 WSPH 90.3
Clinton KSAY 96.1 KDSA 91.1 Grambling KGRM 91.3 Bel Air WHFC 68.1
KCLNFM 97.7 KARD-FM 107.3 Hammond WTGI 103.3 Bethesda WJMD 94.7
Council Bluffs KQKQ-F M 98.5 KEYN-FM 103.7 WFPR-FM 107.1 WHFS 102.3
Creston KITR 101.7 KFDL 101.3 KSLU 90.9 Bladensburg WPGC-FM 95.5
Davenport KIIK 103.7 KMUW 89.1 WHMD 107.1 Bradbury Heights WPGC 95.5
KALA 90.1 KICT 95.1 Houma KCIL 107.1 Braddock Heights
KWNT-FM 106.5 Winfield KSWC 1113.3 KHOM 104.1 WZYQ-FM 103.9
Decorah KLCD 89.5 Jena KJNA 99.3 Cambridge WCEM-FM 106.3
Denison KDSN-FM 107.1 Jennings ICJEF-FM 92.7 Catonsville WKTK 105.7
Des Moines KDPS 88.1 KENTUCKY Jonesboro KTOC-FM 104.9 Cumberland WISE 102.9
KDMI 97.3 Lafayette KRVS 98.3 WKGO 106.1
KLYF 100.3 Albany WANY-FM 106.3 KTDY 99.9 Easton WEMD-FM 96.7
KGGO 94.9 Ashland WAMX 93.7 WOEL-FM 88.3
KRNQ 102.5 Barbourville WYWY-FM 93.5 KSMB 94.5
Beattyviile WLJC 102.3 Lake Charles KLCL-FM 99.5 Emmitsburg WMTB-FM 89.9
KIOA-FM 93.3
KGRA 103.7 Frederick WFRE 99.9
KMGK 93.3 Beaver Darn WLLS-FM 106 3 WWCS 1089
Dubuque WDBQ-FM 105.3 Benton WCBL-FM 102.3 I<SNS 96.1
Bowling Green WLBJ-FM 96.7 Lake Providence KBED 92.7 Frostburg WFRB-FM 105.3
KFMD 92.9 La Place WCKW 92.3 Glen Burnie WBKZ 95.9
Emmetsburg KEMB 98.3 WDNS 98.3 Grasonville WAQA 103.1
Estherville KILR-FM 95.9 Brandenburg WMMG 93.5 Leesville KVVP 105.5
Cadiz WKDZ-FM 106.3 Mansfield KJVC 92.7 Hagerstown WWMD 104.7
Fairfield KBCT 95.9 Many KWLV 107.1 WWCS 106.9
Forest City KIOW 102.3 Campbellsville WTC0- F M 103.9
Carrollton WVCM 100.1 Marksville KAPB-FM 97.7 Halfway WQCM 96.7
Ft. Dodge KKEZ 94.5 Minden KASO-FM 95.3 Havre De Grace WHDG 103.7
KTGA 92.1 Catlettsburg WCAK 92.9 WMSG-FM 92.1
KICB 88.1 Central City WNES-FM 101.9 Monroe KMLB-FM 104.1
Columbia WAIN -FM 93.5 KNLU 88.7 LaPlata WXTR.FM 107.1
Fort Madison KBKB-FM 101.7 KNOE-FM 101.9 Lexington Park WMDM-FM 97.7
Grinnell KDIC 88.5 Corbin WCTT-FM 107.1
WYGO-FM 99.3 KREB 106.1 Ocean City W 1< HI 99.9
Hampton I(QHJN 104.9 Cythiana 98.7 Prince Frederick WMJS 92.7
Humboldt KHBT 97.7 WCYN-FM 102.3 WOLC 102.5
Danville WMGE 107.1 Natchitoches
h11treghainto2eys KDBH 97.7 Princess Anne
Independence KOUR-FM 95.3 Elizabethtown WQXE 106.3 KNWD 91.7 Salisbury WBOC-FM 104.7
Iowa City KSUI 91.7 New Iberia KDEA, WICO-FM 94.3
KRNA 93.5 Elkhorn City WECL 103.1 99.1
Tacoma Park WGTS-FM 91.9
KICG 100.7 Erlanger WHKK 100.9 New Orleans WBSN-FM 89.1
Falmouth Well(12 953 WBYU 95.7 Towson WCVT 89.7
Iowa Falls KIFG-FM 95.3
WQUE 93.3 Waldorf WSMD-FM 104.1
Keokuk K 1 Mt 95.3 Ft. Campbell WABD-FM 107.9 Westminster WTTR-FM 100.7
Knoxville KRLS 92.1 Ft. Knox WSAC-FM 105.5 WEZB 97.1
Frankfort WKYW 104.9 WNOE-FM 101.1 WHIlamsport WYII 95.9
KTAV 92.1 WCRH 90.5
LeMars KLEM-FM 99.5 Fulton WFUL-FM 99.7 WRNO 99.5
Maquoketa Georgetown WAXU-FM 103.1 WTUL 91.5 Worton WKHS 90.5
KMAQ-FM 95.3 WWNO 89.9
Marshalltown KFJB-FM 101.1 Glasgow WGGC 95.1
Mason City KLSS 106.1 WOVO 105.5 WWOZ 907 MASSACHUSETTS
Mount Pleasant KILL 105.9 Grayson WGOH-FM 102.3 WYLD-FM 98.5
Mt. Vernon KRNL-FM 89.7 WKCC 91.5 WWL-FM 101.9 Amherst WAHM 89.5
Muscatine Greensburg WGRK-FM 103.1 Oakdale KCWR 104.9 WFCR 88.5
KFMH 99.7 Oak Grove KDDI
Newton KLVN 95.9 Hardinsburg WH1C-FM 94.3 96.7 WMUA 91.1
Oelweln KOEL-FM 92.3 Harrodsburg' WHBN-FM 99.3 Opelousas KOGM 107.1 Andover WPAA 91.7
Oskaloosa KBOE-FM 104.9 Hartford WLLS-FM 106.3 Ruston KXKZ 107.1 Barnstable WQRC 99.9
KIGC 88.7 Hazard WSGS 101.5 KLPI 89.1 Boston WBUR 90.9
Ottumwa KLEE-FM 97.7 Henderson W1(1)Q 99.5 Shreveport KRMD-FM 101.1 WBCN 104.1
Pella KCUI 89.1 103.1 KEPT 96.5 WBZFM 106.7
KPLL 103.3 Hindman WKCB-FM 107.1 KMBQ. 93.7 WTTK 100.7
Perry KDLS-FM 104.9 Hodgenville WI<M0 106.3 KSCL 91.3 WEEI-FM 103.3
Sheldon KIWA-FM 105.3 HopkinsvIlle WHOP -FM 98.7 KROK 94.5 WERS 88.9
Sioux Center KDCR 91.3 WKOF 100.3 KCOZ 100.1 WCOZ 94.5
KVDB-FM 94.3 Jackson WJSN-FM 97.7 Slidell WVSL-FM 105.3 WJIB-FM 98.9
Sioux City KSEZ 97.9 Jamestown WJRS 104.9 Springhill KTKC 92.7 WRBB 91.7
KBCM 95.5 Jenkins WREM-FM 94.3 Sulphur KLQQ 100.9 WROR 98.5
K MSC 88.3 Leitchfield WMTL-FM 104.9 Thibodaux KTIB-FM 106.3 Boxford WBMT 88.3
KTFC 103.3 Lexington WBI(Y 91.3 KVFG 91.5 Bridgewater WBIM-FM 91.5
KWIT 90.3 WLAP-FM 94.5 Ville Platte KVPI-FM 93.5 Brockton WCAV 97.7
Spencer KICD-FM 107.7 WKOQ 98.1 W. Monroe KYEA 98.3 Brookline -Boston WBOS 92.9
Storm Lake KAYL-FM 101.5 WVLK-FM 92.9 Winnfield KVCL-FM 92.1 Cambridge WGBH-FM 89.7
Twin Lakes Liberty WKDO-FM 105.5 Winnsboro KCRF-FM 95.9 WHRB-FM 95.3
KTLB-FM 105.5 WTBS 88.1
Washington KCII-FM 95.3 London WFTG-FM 103.9
Louisville WFPK 91.9 Charlton WBPV 90.1
Waterloo KBBG
KNWS-FM 101.9
WFPL 89.3 MAINE Concord WIQH 88.3
KFMW 107.9 WFIA-FM 103.9 Dudley WNRC 91.1
WAMZ 97.5 Auburn WWAV 100.1 Danbury WDBY 91 7
KXEL-FM 105.7 WNNS 97.5 Augusta WFAU-FM 101.3 Easton WSHL-FM 91.3
Waukon KNEI-FM 103.9 WKLO-FM 99.7 Bangor WBGW 97.1 Falmouth WCIB 101.9
Waverly KWAR 89.1 WVEZ 106.9 WHSN 89.3 Fitchburg WFMP 104.5
KWAY-FM 99.3 WLRS 102.3 WPBC 92.9 Framingham WVBF 105.7
Webster City KQWC-FM 95.9 WMEH 90.9 WFSB 91.3
West Des Moines KWDM 88.9 WUOL-FM 90.5
WUOL 90.5 WWNO 89.9 Franklin WGAO 91.3
Madisonville W K TO 93.9 Bath WIGY 105.9 Gloucester WVCA-FM 104.9
AVSOF-FM 89.9 WMOS 91.5 Greenfield WHAI-FM 98.3
Manchester WWXL-FM 103.1 Biddeford WBSF 91.7 Haverhill WHAV-FM 92.5
KANSAS Mayfleld WXID 94.7 WIDEFM 94.3 Holliston WHHB 91.5
Maysville WFTM-FM 95.9 Brunswick WBOR 91,1 Holyoke WCCH 89.5
Abilene KAB1-FM 98.3 Middlesboro WMIK-FM 92.7 WBHS 91.9 Hyannis WCOD 106.1
Baldwin KNBU 88.9 Monticello WFLWFM 101.7 WCM E -FM 98.9 Lawrence WCCM-FM 93.7
Chanute KQSM 105.5 Morehead WMOR-FM 92.1 Calais WQDY-FM 92.7 Lowell WSSH 99.5
Clay Center KCLY 100.9 WMKY 90.3 Caribou WFST-FM 97.7 WJUL 91.5
Colby KXXX 100.3 Morganfleld WMSK-FM 95.3 Ellsworth WDEA-FM 95.7 Lynn WLYN 101.7
KTCC 91.9 Mt. Sterling WMST-FM 105.5 Farmington WUMF-FM 91.9 Marshfield WATD 95.9
Concordia KCKS 95.3 Munfordville WLOC-FM 102.3 WKTJ-FM 99.3 Maynard WAVM 91.7
KVCO 88.3 Murray WAWW 103.7 Ft. Kent WUFK 90.3 Medford WWEL-FM 107.9
Derby KDRB 95.9 WKMS-FM 91.3 Gardiner WABI(-FM 104.3 WM 0 91.5
Dodge City KGNO-FM 95.5 Owensboro WBKR 92.5 Gorham WMPG 91.1 Milton WMLN-FM 91.5
KINF 91.9 WSTO 96.1 Houlton WRNE 89.1 New Bedford -Fall River
KTTL 93.9 Paducah WPAD-FM 96.9 WHOU-FM 100.1 WJFD-FM 97.3
El Dorado KOYY-FM 99.3 WKYX-FM 93.3 Lewiston WCOU-FM 93.9 WMYS 98.1
Emporia KLRF 104.9 PaIntsville WSIP-FM 98.9 WRJR 91.5 Newbury WQLI 88.7
Garden City KBUF-FM 97.3 Paris WBGRFM 96.7 Lewiston -Auburn WBLM 107.5 Newton WZBC 90.3
Great Bend KW 91.9 Pikeville WKHR 92 I Lincoln WLKN-FM 99.3 N. Adams WMNB-FM 100.1
KVGB-FM 104.3 Pineville WTJM 106.3 Millinocket 97.7 WJJW 91.1
Hays KJLS 103.3 Prestonburg WDOC-FM 95.5 Monticello WXMN 89.5 N. Andover WMMC 90.5
Hiawatha KNZA 103.9 WPRT-FM 105.5 Norway WOXO 92.7 Northampton WHMP-FM 99.3
Hillsboro KHHS 88.1 Princeton WPKY-FM 104.9 Orono WMEB-FM 91.9 North Dartmouth WUSM 90.5
Hoisington KHOK 100.9 Providence wHRZ 97.7 Portageville K MIS -FM 106.3 Orleans WLOM 104.7
Hutchinson KSKU 102.1 Richmond WEKU-FM 88.9 Portland WDCS 97.9 Pittsfield WQRB 105.5


MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz
Location Call I

0 WUPE-FM 95.9
WBRK-FM 101.7
WTBR-FM 89.5
WHFI 94.1
WAX -FM 106.1
107.1 Northfield
WCAL-FM 89.3
KRLX 90.3
KRFO-FM 104.9 Aurora
KELE 100.1
Eik Plymouth WPLM-F M 99.1 Kalamazoo WMUK 102.1 K P PC 95.9
Ballwin KYMC 89.9
Rockland WRPS 91.5 WIDR 89.1 Park Rapids KPRM-FM 97.5 Bethany KAAN 95.9
Salem WMWM 91.7 WCAA 89.9 Penuot Lakes KTIC 100 I
Bolivar KLTB 108.3
Sandwich WSDH 91.7 WQLR 106.5 Pine City WCMP-FM 92.1 Boonville KDBX 99.3
Sheffield WBSL 91.7 Lansing WJIM-FM 97.5 Pipestone KLOH-FM 98.7 Bowling Green KPCR-FM 100.9
Southbridge WESO-FM 100.1 WILS-FM 101.7 KRSW-FM 91.7 Branson KIRK -FM 106.3
South Hadley WMHC 90.7 WITL-FM 100.7 Preston KF1L-FM 103.1 Buffalo KBFL 90.3
Springfield WHYNFM 93.1 Lapeer WTHM-FM 103.1 Princeton WQPM-FM 106.3 Butler KMOE 105.5
Pin WMAS-FM 94.7 Ludington WKLA-FM 106.3 Red Wing KCIIE-FM 105.5 Cahool KVVC-FM 106.3
WAIC 91.9 Maristee WRRK 97.7 Redwood Falls KLGR-FM 97.7 Canton KQCA 102.3
W AQY 102.1 Marquette WNMU-FM 90.1 Richfield WY00-FM 101.3 Cape Girardeau KGMO-PM 100.7
WSCB 88.9 WHWL 95.7 KDWB-FM 101.3 KFMP 102.9
3 Stockbridge
WTCC 90.7
WCWL 91.3
WRLM 93.3
WUUN 100.1
WELL -FM 104.9
WSVC 99.7
WRCI 93.5
Rochester KROC-FM 108.9
KNCV 101.7
KRI(P 89.9
KNXR 97.5
KAOL-FM 101.1
KOOK 104.9
KCRV 103.1

Tisbury WVOl-FM 95.9 Monroe WEJY 89.5 KOLM-FM 96.7 Chillicothe K C H 1- FM 103.9
Walpole WSRB 91.7 WVMO 98.3 KRCH 101.7 Clayton KFUO-FM 99.1
Waltham WBRS 91.7 Mount Clemens WBRB-FM 102.7 KHRU 88.1
WCRB 102.5 Mt. Pleasant WCMU-FM Rushford KLSE-FM 91.7
St. Cloud KCLD-FM 104.7 KWUR 90.3
Wellesley WILY 91.5 94.5
WWJO 98.1 Clinton KDKD-FM 95.3
West Barnstable WKKL 91.1 WMHW-FM 91.5 KFMX 104.1 Columbia KWWC-FM 90.5
Westfield WSKB 91.5 Munising WQXO-FM 98 3 St. Louis Park
WMUS-FM 106.9 KDXL 91.7 KBIA 91.3
Weston WRSB 88.3 Muskegon
St. Paul KJAB 91.7 KCOU 88.1
W. Yarmouth WOCB-FM 94.9 WOWQ-FM 104.5 KFMZ 98.3
WCFM 91.9 Muskegon Hts. WKJR-FM 101.7 St. Peter KRBI-FM 105.5
Wilfiamstown Sauk Centre KMSR 94.3 KTGR-FM 96.7
Winchester WHSR-FM 91.9 Newberry WNBY-FM 93.5 KOPN 89.5
Worcester WAAF 107.3 Niles WNIL-FM 95.9 Sauk Rapids WHMH-FM 101.7
WAOR 95.3 Thief River Falls KAVS 89.5 KCMQ 96.7
WICN 90.5 KOSN-FM 99.3 Crestwood KSHE 94.7
WSRS 96.1 Novi WOVI 89.5 Dexter KDEX-FM 102.3
WCUW 91.3 Oak Park WOPR 90.3 Virginia WIRN 107.1
Wadena KKWS 105.9 Doniphan KOEA 97.7
WCHC 89.1 Olivet WOCR 69.7 Eldon KLDN 92.7
Orchard Lake WBLD 89.3 Waseca KQDE-FM 92.1
WOAP-FM 103.9 Willmar KQIC 102.5 El Dorado Springs
Petoskey W.151L-FM 98.9 Windom KDOM-FM 94.3 KESM-FM 107.1
Winona KAGE-FM 95.3 Farmington KTJJ 97.1
Adrian WLEN 103.9 WMBM-FM 96.7 Ferguson KCFV 89.5
Plyrilouth WSDP 89.5 KQAL 88.5
WQTE 95.3 KSMR 90.9 Florissant I(SCF 97.1
WVAC 86.1 Port Huron WSAQ 107.1 Fulton KKCA 97.7
WSGRFM 91.3 Worthington KWOA-FM 95.1
Albion WUFN 96.7 Greenfield KRFG 93.5
Allendale WSRX 88.5 WORW 91.9 Hannibal KGRC 92.9
Alma WFYC-FM 104.9 Royal Oak WOAK 89.3 Harrisonville KI EE 100.7
Alpena WHSB 107.7 Saginaw WKCQ 08.1 Hillsboro KHKA 88.9
WATZ-FM 93.5 W1OG 106.3 Houston KSCM-FM 99.3
WCML-FM 91.7 WWWS 107.1 MISSISSIPPI Jefferson City KJFF 108.9
Ann Arbor WCBN 89.5 St. Johns WRB I -FM 92.1 KLUM-FM 88.9
WOUM 91.7 St. Joseph WIRX 107.1 Aberdeen WHAY 105.5 KJMO 100.1
WIQB 102.9 Sandusky wminFm 97.7 Amory WAFM 95.3 Joplin KOBC 91.3
WPAG-FM 107.1 Sault Ste. Marie WOMM 99.5 Batesville WBLE-FM 95.9 KSYN 92.5
Auburn Heights WAHS 89.5 WSUE-FM 101.3 Bay Springs WXIY 93.5 KPCG 102.5
Bad Axe WLEW-FM 92.1 Southfield WSHJ 88.3 Biloxi WQID 93.7 Kansas City KCEZ 94.9
Rattle Creek WKFR-FM 103.3 Spring Arbor WSAE 89.3 Booneville WBIP-FM 99.3 KBEQ 104.3
WDFP 95.3 Sturgis WSTR-FM 99.3 Brandon WRJH 97.7 KTSR 90.1
Bay City WHNN 96.1 Tawas City WDBI-FM 101.7 Brookhaven WM RQ 92.1 KCUR FM 89.3
WCHW-FM 91.3 Three Rivers WLKM-FM 95.9 Canton WWLM 101.7 KLJC 88.5
WGER-FM 102.5 Traverse City WLDR 101.9 Carthage WWYN 98.1 KMBR-FM 99.7
Benton Hrbr. WHFB-FM 99.9 Wfv"Arl-l-M 00.9 Centreville WZZB 104.9 KPRS 103.3
Berrien Springs WAUS 90.9 WCCW-FM 92.1 Clarksdale WAID 106.3 KXTR 96.5
Big Rapids WBRNFM 100.9 WTCM-F M 103 5 W.181 101.7 KWKI 93.3
Birmingham WMJC 94.7 Warren WPHS 91.5 Cleveland WPXI 92.7 KYYS 102.1
Bloomfield Hills WBFH 88.1 Waterford WTSD 88.1 WCLD-FM 103.9 Kennett KTMO 98.9
Boyne City WCLX 93.5 West Branch WBMI 105.5 Clinton WHIT 93.5 Kirksville KRXL 94.5
Cadillac WWTV-FM 92.9 Whitehall WLRQ 95.3 Coldwater WVIM-FM 95.3 Lebanon KIEL -FM 103.7
WITW 96.7 Ypsi'anti WEMU 88.1 Collins WKNZ 101.7 Lexington KBEK 106.3
Caro WIDL 104.9 Zeeland WIND 99.3 Columbia WFFF-FM 96.7 Liberty KWPB 91.9
Charlotte WCER-FM 92.7 Columbus WJWF 103.1 KFIX-FM 198.5
Cheboygan WCBY-FM 105.1 MINNESOTA WLNK 90.9 Mansfield KTRI-FM 95.9
Clare WRNN-FM 95.3 WACR-FM 103.9 Marshall KMFL-FM 102.9
Coldwater WNWN 98.5 Albert Lea KCPI 95.3 Corinth WALP 90.5 KNOS 91.7
Dearborn WNIC 100.3 Alexandria KXRA-FM 92.7 WKCU-FM 94.3 Maryville KXCV 90.8
Detroit WDET-FM 101.9 KCMT-FM 100.7 WADI 95.3 KNIM-FM 95.3
WBFG 98.7 Altkln KEZZ 94.3 Drew WDRU 95.3 Mexico KWWR-FM 95.7
WJZZ 105.9 Austin KAUS-FM 99.9 Ellisville WBSJ 102.3 Missoula K DXT-FM 93.3
WABX 99.5 KEDQ 90.7 Eupora WEXA 101.7 Moberly KRES 104.7
WDEE-FM 93.1 Anoka KTWN 107.9 Forest WQST 92.5 Monett KKBL 95.9
WDRQ 93.1 Bemidji KBSB 91.9 Fulton WFTA 101.7 Montgomery City KVCM 103.9
WDTR 90.9 KBHP 101.1 Greenville WBAQ 97.9 Mountain Grove K LRS- FM 92.7
WGPR 107.5 Benson KBMO-FM 93.5 WDMS 100.7 Osage Beach KRMS-FM 93.5
WLDM 95.5 Brainerd KLIZ-FM 95.7 Grenada WQXB 100.1 Overland KRSH 90.1
WMUZ 103.5 W.I Y 106.7 Gulfpert WGUF-FM 96.7 Parkvllle KGSP 90.3
WMZK 97.9 Breckenridge KKWB 104.9 WROA-FM 107.1 Point Lookout KSOZ 91.7
WJR-FM 96.3 Cambridge KABG 005.5 WTAM 102.3 Poplar Bluff KPBM-FM 94.5
WOMC 104.3 Cloquet WKLKFM 100.9 Hattiesburg WHYS -FM 104.5 KMMX 95.5
WARS -FM 105.1 Co!legeville KSJR-FM 90.1 WHER 103.7 KJ EZ 95.3
WWI -FM 97.1 KSJU 89.1 WMSU 91.1 Portageville KM1S-FM 106.3
WWWW 106.7 Crookston KCUMFM 91.7 Hazelhurst WMDC-FM 100.9 Rolla KCLU-FM 94.9
WRIF 101.1 Detroit Lakes KVLR 95.3 Holly Springs W K RA -FM 92.7 KMNR 89.7
WCAR-FM 92.3 Duluth KUMDFM 89.1 Houston WCPC-FM 93.3 KZNN 105.3
WDOWFM 97.9 WAKX-FM 98.9 Indianola WNLA-FM 105.5 WUMR 88.5
itranisIng WKAR. FM 90.5 WSCD-FM 92.9 luka WTIB 104.9 St. Charles KCLC 89.1
WFMK 99.1 KAOHFM 94.9 Jackson WZZQ 102.9 Ste. Genevieve KSGM-FM 105.7
WVIC-FM 94.9 WDTH 103.3 WVLS 91.5 St. Joseph KUSNFM 105.1
Elsie WOES 91.3 WGGR 105.1 WLIN 95.5 St. Louis KCFM 93.7
Escanaba WFNN 104.7 E. Grand Forks KRADFM 103.9 WKXI 94.7 KKSS 107.7
WKIY 97.1 Eveleth WVLA 100.1 WJSU 90.7 KADI 98
Farmington Hills WORB 90.3 Fairmont KFMC 106.5 WJMI 99.7 WIL-FM 92.3
Flint WFBE 95.1 Faribault KDHL-FM 95.9 WJFR 96.3 KO M R 89.3
WGMZ.FM 107.9 Fergus Falls KBRF-FM 103.3 Koscuisko WKOZ-FM 105.1 KLSR 89.7
WWCK 105.5 Forest Lake WLKX-FM 95.9 Laurel WNSL-FM 100.3 KMOX-FM 103.3
Fremont. WSHN-FM 100.1 Fosston KEHG-FM 107.1 Leland WBAD 94.3 KEZK 102.5
Gaylord WPOL 95.3 Golden Valley KQRS-FM 92.5 Louisville WLSM-FM 107.1 KLPH 89.9
WWRM 106.7 Grand Rapids KXGR 98.7 Magee WSJC-FM 107.5 KLSQ 98.1
Gladwin WGMM 103.1 KAXE-FM 91.7 McComb WCCA 94.1 KSsH
Grand Haven WFMG 92.1 WMLW 101.3 WIXO 105.7 KWMU 90.7
Grand Rapids WFUR-FM 102.9 Hibbing WMFG-FM 106.3 Meridian WDAL 101.3 Salem KSMO-F M 95.9
WCSG 91.3 Hutchinson KDUZFM 107.1 WALT 97.1 Sedalia KSIS.FM 92.1
WGRD-FM 97.9 International Falls KICC 91.5 Mississippi State WMSB 89.1 KCBW 92.1
WJFM 93.7 Litchfield KLFD-FM 95.3 Moss Point WKKY 104.9 Springfield KTTS-FM 94.7
WLAV-FM 96.9 Luverne KQAD-FM 93.7 Natchez -Vidalia WON? 95.1 KTXR 101.5
WYON 101.3 Mankato KMSU 90.5 New Albany WNAU-FM 103.3 KWFC 97.3
WOOD -FM 105.7 KEEZ-FM 99.1 Newton WGOT 106.3 KWTO-FM 98.7
WVGR 104.1 KYSM-FM 103.5 Ocean Springs WOSM 103.1 KSMU 91.1
KXGR 96.7 Marshall KMHL-FM 100.1 Oxford WOOR 97.5 Tarkio-Rockport WTRX 93.5
WZZR-FM 95.7 Minneapolis -St. Paul Pascagoula WPMO 99.1 Union I(LPW-FM 101.7
WEHB 106.3 KBEM-FM 88.5 WGUD 106.3 Warrensburg KCMW 90.9
Grayling WQON 100.1 WCCO-FM 102.9 Philadelphia WWSL 102.3 Waynesville KFBD-FM 97.7
Greenville WPLB-FM 107.3 WCTS-FM 100.7 Picayune W10.1 106.3 KYSD 102.3
Hancock WMPL-FM 93.5 KSTP-FM 94.5 Pontotoc WSEL-FM 96.7 West Plains KWPMFAI 93.9
Harrison WKKM 92.1 KEEY-FM 152.1 Poplarville WRPM-FM 107.9
Hastings WBCH-FM 100.1 KTIS-FM 98.5 Rolla KMNR 89.7
Highland Park WHPR 88.1 WLOL 99.5 Senatobia While 90.1 MONTANA
Hillsdale WCSR-FM 92.1 KNOF 95.3 Starkville WSMU-FM 106.3
Holland WIBL-FM 94.5 KTCR-FM 97.1 Tishomingo WTMO 88.9 Anaconda KGLM-FM 97.7
WHTC-FM 98.1 WAYL-FM 93.7 Tupelo WELD -FM 98.5 Belgrade KGVW-FM 96.7
Houghton WGGL-FM 91.1 KFAI 90.3 Tylertown WTYL-FM 97.9 Billings KURL-FM 97.1
Houghton Lake WIGS 98.5 KSJN 91.1 Vicksburg WQMV 98.7 KBMS 96.5
Howell WHMI-FM 93.5 Moorhead KIDA 99.9 WKYV-FM 106.7 KOOK -FM 102.9
Interlochen WIAA 88.3 KCCM-FM 91.1 Waynesboro WABO-FM 105.5 KYyA 93.3
Iron Mountain WJNR-FM 103.9 Moorhead KQWB-FM 98.7 Wesson WWCL 91.1 KEMC 91.7
Ironwood WIMI 99.7 Morris KUMM 89.7 West Point WKBB 100.9 K PER 88.9
WUPM KMRS-FM 107.5 Winona WONA-FM 96.7 Bozeman KGLT 90.1
Ishpeming WJPD-FM 92.3 New Ulm KNUJ-FM 93.1 Yazoo City WJNS-FM 92.1 Butte KOPR 94.1


Location Call MHz Location Call MHz I Location Call MHz Location Call MHz

2 Pe l. KMSMFal
WFMV-FM 106.3
WSNJ-FM 107.7
WKDN-FM 106.9
WNNN 101.7
WBNY 96.1
WADV 106.5
WDCX 99.5
WBFO 88.7
WBUF 92.9
WPXY 97.1
WRUR 88.5
WXXI-FM 91.5

Hamilton KLYQ-FM 95.9 Cape May WRIO-FM 101.7 WRED-FM 94.5 Rome WKAL-FM 95.9
. Hardin KRWS 95.3 Dover WDHA-FM 105.5 WGRQ 96.9 Sag Harbor WLNG-FM 92.1
Havre KPDX 92.5 E. Orange WFMU 91.1 WWOL-FM 104.1 St. Bonaventure WSBU 88.3
Helene KHTC 89.5 Eatontown WHTG-FM 106.3 WPHD 103.3 Saratoga Springs WSPN 91.1
KBLL-FM 92.1 Egg Harbor WRDR 104.9 Cananadaigua WFLC 93.5 WKAJ-FM 102.3
KCAR-Fo1 loa Flemington WCVH 90.5 Canton WSLU 96.7 Schenectady WGFM 99.5
Kalispell KSSR 98.5 Franklin WSUS 102.3 Cazenovia WITC 90.9 WRUC 90.9
Ksi 97.1 Franklin Lakes WRRH 88.7 Central Square WCSQ 89.3 WMHT-FM 89.1
Livingston KYBS 97.7 Glassboro WGLS-FM 89.7 Cherry Valley S./11V 101.9 Seneca Falls WSFW-FM 99.3
Lewistown KLCM-FM 95.9 Hackettstown WNTI 91.9 Clinton WHCL-FM 88.7 Sodus WSCS 89.5
Missoula KUFM 68.1 Hanover WHPH 90.3 Corning WCLI-FM 106.1 South Bristol WMIV 95.1
KYSS-FM 94.9 Highland Park WVHP-FM 90.3 WCEB 91.9 Southampton WWRJ 95.3
KYLT-FM 100.1 Lawre.ce Twin W LCR 89.7 Cortland WNOZ 99.9 Stony Brook WUSB 90.1
KDXT 93.3 Lineroft WBJB-FM 90.5 WSUC-FM 90.7 Syosset WKWZ 88.5
Plentywood KPWD 100.1 Long Branch WRLB 107.1 Depew WBLK-FM 93.7 Syracuse WAER 88.3
Seohey KCGM 93.7 Miliville WMVB-FM 97.3 De Rutter Twp. WOIV 105.1 WNTQ 93.1
Shelby KZIN-FM 96.3 Morristown WJSV 90.5 Dix Hills WHHJ 88.9 WMHR 102.9
Newark WFME 105.9 Dundee WFLR-FM 95.9 WONO 107.9
NEBRASKA WFME 94.7 EllenvIlle WELV-FM 99.3 WSYR-FM 94.5
WVNJ-FM 100.3 Elmira WECW 88.1 Trey W FLY 92.3
WBGO 89.3 WEHH-FM 94.3 WRPI 91.5
Alliance KFAH 92.1 New Brunswick WMGQ 98.3 WLVY 94.3
Auburn KAUB 105.5 WLEZ 92.7 WIBQ 98.7
Aurora KROA 103.1
Newton WIXL-FM 103.7 WOUR 96.9
WRSU-FM 89.1 Endleott WMRV 105.5 WZOW 107.3
Beatrice KWBE-FM 92.9 Ocean City WSLT-FM 106.5 Floral Park WSHS 90.3 Utica WKGW 104.3
Blair KDCV-FM 91.1 Paterson WPAT-FM 93.1 Fredonia WJQL-FM 88.9
Columbus KOXI 101.1 WIBQ 94.9
Bisrataway WVPH 90 3 Fulton WKFM 104.7 WOUR 96.9
KTLX 91.9 Pleasantville WGRF, 99.3 WBAU 90.3
KTTT-FM 93.5 WPNR-FM 90.7
Point Pleasant WADB 95.9 WHPC 90.3 WZOW 107.3
KTAP 103.9 Princeton WPRB 103.3 Geneseo WGSU 89.3
Crookston KIN1 96.1 Geneva WEDS -FM 89.7 WTLB-FM 107.3
Princeton Junction WWPH 90.9 Walton WDLAFM 92.1
Fremont KHUB-FM 105.5 Ship Bottom WJRZ 100.1 WECQ 101.7
Gordon Ksnz 95.5 Glens Falls WYLR-FM 95.9 Watertown WNCQ 97.5
South Orange WSOU 89.5 Waverly WAVR 102.3
Grand island KRGI-FM 96.5 Teaneck WFDU 89.1 WBZA-FM 107.1
Hastings KICS-FM 93.5 Wethersfield
Toms River WORM 92.7 WGF Township WBIV
88.1 Trenton WBIH 101.5 Gouverneur WLUF 92.7 White Plains WWYD 103.9-
Holdrege KUVR-FM 97.7 WI CR 097 Greece WGMC 90.1
Kearney KOVF-FM 91.9 WCHR 94.5 Hamilton WRCU-FM 90.1
Kearney-Holdrege WPST 97.5 Hammondsport WVIN-FM 98.3 NORTH CAROLINA
KRNY-FM 98.9 WTSR 91.3 Hempstead WIOK 98.3
Lexington KRVN-FM 93.1 Upper Montclair WMSC 105.5 WVHC 88.7 Ahoskle WRCSFM 99.3
Lincoln KBHL 95.3 Vineland WDVL-FM 92.1 Henrietta WRHR 90.5 Albemarle WABZ-FM 100.9
KFMQ 101.9 West Long Branch WMCX 88.1 WITR 89.7 Asheboro WCSE 92.3
KHAT 106.3 Wildwood WCMC-FM 100.7 Hornell WCKR 92.1 Asheville WLOS-FM 99.9
KLIN-FM 107.3 Zarephath WAWZ-FM 99.1 WHHO-FM 105 3 WUNF-FM 88.1
KRNU 90.3 Horseheads WQIX 100.9 WBMU-FM 91.3
KUCV 91.3 Houghton WJSL 90.3 Black Mountain WMIT 106.9
KFOR-FM 102.7 Hudson WHUC-FM 93.5 Boiling Springs WGWG 88.3
Nebraska City
KZUM 89.5
KO/CV-FM 97.7
NEW MEXICO Hyde Park WRVS 97.7 Boone WASU- FM 90.5
Ithaca WHCU-FM 97.3 Bridgeton WSFL 106.5
Norfolk WJAG-FM 106 7 Alamogordo KINN-FM 105.5 WICB 91.7 Buies Creek WCCE 90.1
Ogallala KOGo-FM 99.7 KXXI 94.3 WEIV 103.7 Burgaw-W ilmington W P.1C 99.9
Omaha KGOR 99.9 Albuquerque KANW 89.1 WVBR-FM 93.5 Burlington WPCM 101.1
KGBI-FM 100.7 KMYR 99.5 Jamestown WWSE 93.3 Burlington -Graham
K1OSFM 91.5 KDEF-FM 94.1 WHUG 101.7 WBAG-FM 93.9
K000 -FM 104.5 K LYT 88.3 Johnstown WIZR-FM 104.9 Chapel Hill WUNC 91.5
KVNO 90.7 KP1C 91.5 Kingston WBPM 94.3 WXYC 89.3
KFMX 92.3 KRST 92.3 Lake Ronkonkoma WSHF 91.9 Charlotte W BCY 107.9
O'Neill KBRXFM 92.7 KLYT-FM 88.3 Lake Success WTFM 103.5 WROQ 95.1
Scottsbulff KMOR 92.9 KFMG 107.9 Lancaster WSM H- FM 89.9 WSOC-FM 103.7
KNEE -FM 94.1 KHFM 96.3 Liberty WVOS-FM 95.9 WEZC 104.7
Seward KSRD 96.9 KPAR-FM 100 3 WFAE 90.9
Sidney KSIDFM 95.3 KOB-FM 93.3 Liverpool WCNY-FM 91.3 Clinton WRRZ-FM 107.1
Superior KRFS-FM 103.9 KUNM 90.1 Concord WPEG 97.9
Wayne KWSC 91.9
Loudonville WVCR-FM 89.1
Cullowhee W Well91.7
Artesia KSVP-FM 92.9 Manlius WAQX 95.3
KTCH-FM 104.9 Aztec KWYK 94.9 Middletown WALL -FM 92.7 Davidson WDAV 60.5
York KAWL-FM 104.9 Carlsbad KBAD-FM 92.1 Dunn WQTI 103.1
Montour Falls WXXY 104.9
Clovis KTQM-FM 99.9 Monticello WSUL 93.5 Durham WDCG 105.1
NEVADA KKQQ 99.1 WVLJ 105.5 WDBS 107.1
Deming KDEM 94.3 Mt. Kisco WRNW 107.1 WAFR 90.3
Rattle Mountain Espanola KBSO 102.3 WARY 88.5 Eden WEAF 94.5
KLME 88.1 FrIenton WBXB 100.1
Carson City KKBC 97.3 KRWN 92.9 WVIP-FM 106.3
KQNM 93.7 Newburgh WFMN 103.1 Elizabeth City WMYK 93.7
KNIS 94.7 Farmington KRWN 92.9 WRTN 93.5 Elkin WIFM-FM 100.9
Fallon KVLV-FM 99.3 New Rochelle
Henderson Gallup KOVO 94.5 New York WPLJ 95.5 Elon College WSOE 89.3
KCNA 94.1 Hobbs Fairmont WZYZ 100.9
KILA 05.5 KSCR 95.7 WBAI 99.5
Humble City KYKK 94.1 WCBS-FM 101.1 Farmington KRAZ 96.9
KXTZ 94.1 La Cruces KGRD Farmville WRQR 94.3
Las Vegas KORK-FM 97.1 103.9 WEVD-FM 97.9 Fayetteville WFSS 88.1
KFMS 101.9 KRWG 90.7 WFUV 90.7
KASK 103.1 WKTU 92.3 WQSM 98.1
KRUD 90.9 Las Vegas KEDP 91.1 WKCR-FM 89.9 Forest City WBBO-FM 93.3
KRGN 101.9 KFUN 100.9 Franklin WRFR 96.7
KLUC-FM 98.5 WBLS 107.5
Los Alamos KRSNFM 98.5 WNCN 104.3 Fuouay-Varina WA KS -FM 103.9
KENO -FM 92.3 Lovington KLEA-FM Gastonia W7X1 101.9
KCEP 88.1 101.7 WNEW-FM 102.7
Mesilla Park KOPE 104.9 WNYU-FM 89.1 Goldsboro WEAR 96.9
KUDO 93.1 Portales KENM-FM 95.3 WOKN 102.3
KNPR 89.5 WYNY 97.1
KENW-FM 89.5 WNWS 97.1 Greensboro WPET-FM 98.7
Reno KNEV 955 Ramah KTDB 89.7 WNYC-FM 93.9 WIIFS 90.7
KGLR 105.7 Roswell KBIM-FM 94.9 WQMG 97
KUNR 88.7 WNYE 91.5 I

KRSY-FM 97.1 WXLO 98.7 WUAG 89.9

KSRN 104.5 Sante Fe KAFE-FM 97.3 WNAA 90.5
KRNO 106.9 WPIX-FM 101.9
KSN M 95.5 WQXR-FM 96.3 Greenville WNCT-FM 107.7
Taos KKIT-FM 99.3 WRFM 105.1 Havelock W !CVO- FM 104.9
KTAS 101.7 WRVR 106.7 Henderson WXNC 92.5
NEW HAMPSHIRE rummer' KTNM-FM 92.7 Niagara Falls WHLDFM 98.5 Hendersonville WKIT 102.5
University Park KRWG 91.7 N. Syracuse WEZG, 100.9 Hickory WHKY-FM 102.9
Berlin WECM 106.1 Zuni KSH1 90.9 Norwich WCHN-FM 93.9 WXRC 95.7
Claremont WECM 106.1 lean _ High Point WHPE-FM 95.5
Concord WKXL-FM 102.3 neia WMFR-FM 99.5
WSPS 90.3 NEW YORK Oneonta
WSRK 103.9 WGLD-FM 100.3
Conway WBNC-FM 93.5 WRHO 89.5 WWIH 90.3
Dever -Portsmouth Albany WAMC 90.3 Jacksonville WRCM 92.1
WOKQ 97.5 WCDB 90.9 WONT 103.E
Durham WUNH 91.3 WONY 90.9 WXQR 105.5
Exeter WPEA 90.5 WRNA 1077 Ossining WOSS 90.5 Kannapolls WRKB-FM 99.7
WKXR-FM 107.1 WH PI 003.1 Oswego WRVO 89.9 Kinston WRNS 95.1
Hanover WFRD 99.3
WHSH 106.5 WQHS 101.7 WQDW 97.7
Henniker WNEC-FM 91.7
WROW-FM 95.5 WSGO-FM 105.5 W I(NS 90 .5
Laconia WLNH-FM 98.3 WWOM 100.9 Owego WEBO-FM 101.7 Laurinburg WSTS 96.5
Keene WNBX-FM 103.7 WBLI-FM 106.1 Patchogue WALK -FM 97.5 Lexington WLXN 94.1
WKNH 89.1 Alfred WALF 89.7 WBLI, WBLI Inc 106.1 Lumberton WTSB-FM 95.7
Manchester WZID 95.7 WETD 91.9 WPAC-FM 106.1 WJSK 102.3
KGIR-FM 101.1 Amsterdam WCSS-FM 97.7 Paul Smith's WPSA 89.1 Mars HIll WVMH-FM 90.5
Mount Washington Attica WBTF 101.7 Morehead City WMBL-FM 95.9
WHOM 94.9 Auburn WDWN 88.9 Peekskill WHUD 100.7 Morganton WQXX 92.1
Nashua WOTW-FM 108.3 Plainview WPOB 88.5
Newport WCNL-FM 101.7 WRLX 106.9 Plattsburg WEAV-FM 99.9 Moyock WAY 92.1
Peterborough WSLE 92.1 Babylon WBAB-FM 102.3 Port Jervis WDLC-FM 96.7 Murfreesboro WWDR-FM 98.3
Philippi WQAB 91.3 WHRW 90.5 Potsdam WTSC-FM 91.1 New Bern WRBK 101.9
Plymouth WPCR-FM 90.3 WAAL 99.1 WSNN 99.3 North Wilkesboro
WPNH.FM 100.1 WSKG-FM 89.3 WPDM-FM 99.3 WKBC-FM 97.3
Portsmouth WHEB-FM 100.3 Baldwinsville WSEN-FM 92.1 Poughkeepsie WSPK 104.7 P1,rnnuth 1.1/KLX 95.9
WBXL 90.5 WPDH 101.5 Raleigh WYYD 98.1
Binghamton WQYT 98.1 WKNC-FM 88.1
NEW JERSEY Brentwood WCTO 94.3
WVKR-FM 91.3
Rensselaer WQBK-FM 103.9 WQDR 94.7
WXBA 88.5 Riverhead WRCN-FM 103.0 WCPE 89.7
Asbury Park WJLK-FM 94.3 Briarcliff Manor, WRNW 107.1 Rochester WHFM 98.9 WRAL 101.5
Atlantie City WFPG-FM 96.9 Mt. Kim WNWZ 92.5 WSHA 88.9
WMGM 103.7 Brockfort WBKT 90.5 WMJQ 92.5 Reidsville WWMO 102.1
WAYV 95.1 Brooklyn WKRB 90.9 WCMF 96.5 Roanoke Rapids WPGT 90.1
Avalon WWOC 94.3 Brookville WGWP 88.1 WPTM 102.3
Blackwood WDBK 91.5 Buffalo WBEN-FM 102.5 WIRQ 90.9 Rockingham WRSH 91.1
WEZO 101


Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz

Rocky Mount W RSV 92.1 WWSU 88.5 KWOE-FM 106.9 Charleroi W ESA- FM 98.3
WFMA 100 7 De Graff WDEQ-FM 91.1 Duncan KRHD-FM 102.3 Chester WDNR 89.5
Roxboro WKPX 96.7 Delaware WSLN 91.1 Durant KSEO-FM 107.3 Clarion WCUC-FM 91.7
Shallotte WDZD 93.5 Delphos WDOH 107.1 KHIB 91.9 Clearfield WCPA-FM 93.5
Salisbury WRDX 106.5 Dover WJER-FM 101.7 Edmond KCFX 97.7 Danville WPGMFM 96.7
WNDN-FM 91.1 East Liverpool WELA 104.3 K CSC 90.1 DuBois WCED-FM 102.1
Sanford WFJA 105.5 Eaton WJAI 92.9 KOK F 90.9 WC BA 107.3
WDCC-FM 89.5 Elyria WBEA 107.3 Enid KNID 96.9 Easton WEST -FM 96.1
Shelby WOHS-FM 96.1 Fairfield W LV V 94.9 Eufaula KCES 102.3 WJRH 90.5
Southern Pines WIOZ 107.1 Findlay WHMQ 100.5 Goodwell KPSU 91.7 WQQQ 99.9
Statesville WFMX 105.7 WLFC 88.3 Henryetta KHEN-FM 99.5 Fast Stroudsberg W ESS 90.3
W000 96.9 Fostoria WFOB-FM 96.7 Idabel KWDG 96.7 Ebensburg WIYQ 99.1
Tabor City WKSM 104.9 Fremont WFRO-FM 99.1 Langston I(ALU 90.7 Elizahethtnwn W MS H FM 106.7
Tarboro WKTC 104.3 Gahanna WCVO 104.9 Lawton I(LAW 101.11 Elwood City, Pa. WFEM 92.1
Thomasville WTNC-FM 98.3 Gallon WQLX 102.3 KCCO-FM 98.1 Ephrata WIOV 105.1
Wallace WLSE-FM 94.3 Gallipolis WYPC 101.5 McAlester KNED-FM 101.3 Erie WLVU 99.9
Wanchese WOBR-FM 95.3 Gambier WKCO 91.9 Miami KGLC-FM 100.9 WQLN-FM 91.3
Warrenton WVSP 90.9 Georgetown W UR D 97.7 Muskogee KMMM-FM 106.9 WCCK 103.7
Washington WITNFM 93.3 Greenville WGVO 91.7 Norman KGOU 106.3 WERG 89.9
WhitevIlle WENC-FM 99.1 Hamilton WLWS 96.5 Nowata I(NFB 94.3 Franklin WVEN 99.3
Wilkesboro WSI F 90.1 WYCH 103.5 Oklahoma City KFJL 98.9 Freeland WACM 103.1
Williamston WSEC 103.7 WHSS 89.5 I( EBC 94.7 Gettysburg WGET-FM 107.7
Wilmington WPRV 93.9 Hillsboro WSRW-FM 106.7 KATT 100.5 WZBT 90.3
WAAV 102.7 Holland WPOS-FM 102.3 KZUE 102.7 Girard WGAE 88.3
WLOZ 91.3 Ironton WITO 107.1 KXXY 96.1
WMFD-FM 100.9 Jackson WLMJ 94.7 1(0FM 104.1 Greencastle -Waynesboro
WHSL 97.3 Jefferson WCVJ 90.9 KFNB 101.9 WKSL 94.3
WWIL 97.3 Jefferson Vil.-Twp. WLMB 88.9 KAEZ 107.7 Greensburg WOKUFM 107.1
Wilson WXYY 106.1 Johnstown WWWJ 103.1 KKNG 92.5 Greenville WGRP-FM 107.1
Winston-Salem WKZL 107.5 Kent W KSU -FM 89.7 Okmulgee ILLS 94.3 WTGP 88.1
WFDD-FM 88.5 WKNT-FM 100.1 Pawls Valley 1(G 01< 97.7 Grose City WEDA-FM 95.1
WSEZ 93.1 Kenton WKTN 95.3 Ponca City KLOR-FM 99.3 WSAJ-FM 89.5
WTQR 104.1 Kettering WVUD-FM 99.9 Poteau KLCO-FM 98.3 Harrisburg WHP-FM 97.3
WKET 89.5 KINB 1117.3 WMSP 94.9
NORTH DAKOTA WCXL 88.7 Pryor KKMA 104.5 WSFM 99.3
Lancaster WHOKFM 95.5 Sallisaw KRBB-FM 95.9 WTPA-FM 104.1
Lima WIMAFM 102.1 Sapulpa KXOJ-FM 100.9 Havertown WHHS 89.3
Beleourt KEYA 88.5 WLSR 104.9 Hazleton
Bismarck K YYY 92.9 Seminole ISLE 105.5 WVCD 97.9
WTGN 97.7 KBGC 89.9 Hershey WITF-FM 89.5
KQDY 94.5 Logan WLGN-FM 98.3 Shawnee
Devils Lake KDLR-FM 96.7 Stillwater KOSU-FM 91.7 Hollidaysburg W H PA 104.9
Loodon WSYX 106.3 KSPI-FM 93.9 Huntingdon W K V R- FM 91.7
Fargo KFNW-FM 97.9 Lorain WZLE 104.9 Huntington
WDAY-FM 93.7 KVRO 105.5 WRLR 106.3
Mansfield WVNO 106.1 Tahlequah I(EOK 101.7 Indiana WQMU 103.1
KDSU 91.9 WCLW-FM 105.3
Grand Forks KYTN 94.7 Tonkawa KAYE-FM 90.5 WIUPEM 91.3
Marietta WCMO 89.3 Tulsa KBEZ 92.9 Jenkintown WIBF-FM 103.9
92.9 WMRT 88.3 Johnstown
KFJM-FM 89.3 KRAV 96.5 WJAC-FM 95.5
Jamestown KSJ M 93
WMOA-FM 943 KWEN 95.5 WFMM 92.1
Marion WMRN-FM 106.9 l(MOD 97.5 WJNL-FM 96.5
Mandan KNDR 104.9 WDIF 94.3 Lancaster
Mayville KMAV-FM 101.7 Medina WDBN 94.9 KCFO 98.5 WFNM 88.7
Minot KCJB-FM 97.1 KT F X 103.3 WNCE 101.3
Miamisburg WFCJ 93.7 K WGS 89.5 WDAC 94.5
Weatherford KW EY- F M 97.3 96.9
Mlddleport WMPO-FM 92.1 KSIW-FM 93.5 WPTG 90.3
OHIO Middletown WPBF 105.9 Woodward
Milford-Mariemont WLYK 107.1 Lebanon WUFM 100.1
Lehman WPSI 89.1
Akron WAEZ 07.5 Morrow WLMH 88.1 OREGON Lewisburg WVBU-FM 90.5
WAPS 89.1 Mt. Vernon WMVO-FM 93.7
Lewistown WMRF-FM 95.9
WAUP 88.1 Napoleon WNDH 103.1 Albany KHPE 107.9 WLIU 88.7
Newark WCLT-FM 100.3 Lincoln University
WI(DD 96.5 KRKT-FM 99.9 Linesville WVCC 101.7
Alliance WFAHFM 92.5 WNKO 101.7 Ashland KSOR 90.1 Lock Haven WBPZ-FM 92.1
WRMU 91.1 New Concord WMCO 90.7 Bend KICE 100.7 Mansfield WNTE 89.5
Archbold WHFD 95.9 New Lexington WW1 M 106.3 KXIQ 94.1 WJSM-FM 92.7
New Philadelphia WNPQ 95.9 Martinsburg
Ashland WNCO-FM 101.3 Brookings KU RY- F M 95.3 McKean WMDI 102.3
WRDL 89.5 Norwalk WLI(R-FM 95.3 Central Point KCHC 91.7 Meadville WARC 90.3
Ashtabula WREO-FM 97.1 Oberlin WOBC 88.7 Corvallis KFLY-FM 101.5 WZPR 100.3
Athens WQUB-FM 91.3 Ottawa WPNM 106.3 KBVR 90.1 Mercer WWIZ 103.9
WXTQ 105.5 Oxford WMUB 88.5 KLOO-FM 106.1 Mercershurg W RCV 92.1
Bainbridge WKHFI 88.3 WOX Y 977 Coquille KW RO-FM 102.3 Mifflinburg WJJR 98.3
Batavia WCN E 88.7 Piqua WPTW-FM 95.7 Eagle Point KEPO 89.1 Millersville WIXQ 91.7
Bellaire WOMP-FM 100.9 Port Clinton WRWR-FM 94.5 Eugene KRVM 91.9 Milton WMLP 100.9
WBHR 88.7 Portsmouth WPAY-FM 104,1 KSND 93.1 Montrose WPEL-FM 96.5
Bellefontaine WTOO-F M 98.3 WNXTFM 99.3 I(FMY 97.9 Nanticoke WMJW 92.1
Bellevue WN RR 92.1 Reading WRC.1 89.3 KLCC 90.3 WNUF 100.7
Salem WSOM-FM 105.1 New Kensington
Berea WBWC 88.3 KPNW-FM 99.1 New Wilmington WICPS 88.9
Bowling Green WIC I Q 93.5 Sandusky WLEC-FM 102.7 KWAX 91.1 Norristown WVVE 91.7
WBGU 88.1 Sidney WMVRFM 105.5 KBMC 94.5 North East WHYP-FM 102.2
Bryan WBNO-FM 100.9 Springfield WBLYFM 102.9 KZEL-FM 96.1 Oil City WDJR _98.5
Bucyrus WBCO-FM 92.7 WEEC 100.7 Grants Pass KGPO 96.9 WRJS 98.5
Cambridge WILEFM 96.7 WUSO 89.1 KTEC 88.1 Palmyra WCTX 92.1
Canal Fulton WNWR 90.9 Streetsboro WSTB 91.5 Gresham KMHD 88.5 Philadelphia WCAU.F M 98.1
Canton WHBC-FM 94.1 Steubenville WRKY 103.5 Klamath Falls KAGM 98.5 WDAS-FM 105.3
WHLQ 106.9 Struthers WKTL 90.7 92.5 WSN I 104.5
WTOF 98.1 Sylvania WXEZ 165.5 La Grande KEOL 91.1 WIOQ 102.1
Castalia WGGN 97.7 Tiffin WTTF-FM 103.7 KLBM-FM 89.3 WDVR 101.1
Cedarville WCDR-FM 90.1 WHET 88.9 Lake Oswego K MJ K 106.7 WFLN-FM 95.7
Celina WKI 94.3 Toledo WSPD-FM 101.5 Lebanon KOMS 103.7 WUHY 999
WCSM-FM 96.7 WAMP 88.3 McM inneville KSLC 90.3 WIFI 92.5
Centerville WCWT-FM 89.5 WGTE- FM 91.3 Medford KBOY-FM 95.3 WMMR 933
Chillicothe WBEX-FM 93.3 WIOT 104.7 KTMT 93.7 WMGK 102.9
WFCB 94.3 WKLR 99.9 Milwaukee KQIV 106.7 WYSP 94.1
WCLL 94.3 WLQR 101.5 Newport KNPT-FM 102.5 WPWT 91.7
Cincinnati WLQA 98.9 WMHE 92.5 Ontario KX13Q-FM 96.1 WRTI 90.1
WUBE 105.1 University Heights WJCR 88.9 Pendleton KRBM 90.1 WUSL 98.9
WEBN 102.7 WUJC 88.7 KTAS 107.7 WKDU 91.7
WAKW 93.3 Upper Sandusky WYANFM 95.9 Portland KBOO 90.7 WWDB 96.0
WGUC 90.9 Urbana WCOM-FM 101.7 KINK 101.9
WUHS 01.7 WWSH 106.1
WKRQ 101.9 Van Wert
KJIB 99.5 WXPN 88.9
WSAI-FM 94.1 WERT-FM 98.9 KGON 92.3 Pittsburgh - K KA-F M 92.9
Wapakoneta WERM 92.1 KOAP-FM
WVXU-FM 91.7 Washington Court House
91.5 WRCT 88.3
WNSD 90.1 KYTE-FM 101.1 WAMO 105.9
WWEZ 92.5 WCHO-FM 105.5 KPDQ 93.7 WDVE 102.5
WNRE-FM 107.1 Waverly WIBO 100.1 KPAM-FM 97.1
Wellston WKOVFM 96.7 WEEP -FM 107.9
WAIF 88.3 West Carrollton WARP 88.1
KUPL 98.5 WXKX 96.1
WJVS 88.3 KQFM 100.3 WDUQ 90.5
Cleveland WBOE 90.3 West Chester WL HS 89.9 K R RC 89.3 WSHH 99.7
WCRF 103.3 Westerville WORN 91.5 KXL-FM 95.5
WBBY 103.9 W.101 93.7
WCLV 95.5 Roseburg KRSB 103.1 WPIT-FM 101.5
WCSB 89.3 Wilberforce WCSUFM 88.9 Salem KSKD 105.1 WQED-FM 89.3
Wilmington WKFI-FM (02.3 The Dalles KCIV 104.5
WDOK 102.1 Wooster WWST-FM 104.5 WPEZ 94.5
WQAL 104.1 WYDD 104.7
WGCL 98.5 WCWS 91.9 WYEP-FM 91.5
WWWM 105.7 Worthington -Columbus PENNSYLVANIA Pottsville WAVT-FM 101.9
WMMS 100.7 WNCI 97.9 Punxsutawney WPME-FM 105.5
WKSW 99.5 Xenia WDJX 103.9 WFMZ 100.7 Reading WRFY-FM 102.5
WBZI 95.3 Allentown
WDMT 107.9 Yellow Springs WYSO 91.5 WMUH 89.7 WXAC 91.3
WRUW-FM 91.1 Youngstown WKBN-FM 98.9 WXKW 164.1 Red Llon WGCB-FM 96.1
WZZP 106.5
WOOD 93.3 Altoona WV A M- F M 100.1 Ridgway WTMX 94.3
WZAK 93.1 WSRD 101.1 WFBG-FM 98.1 Scottsdale WLSW 103.9
Cleveland Heights WLYT 92.3 WYSU 88.5 Beaver Falls WWKS 106.7 Scranton WGBI-FM 101.3
Columbus WCBE 90.5 WGEV $8.3 WEZX 107.1
Zanesville WHIZ -FM 102.5 WAKM 100.9
WFAC 91.5 Bedford WVIA-FM 89.9
WBNS-FM 97.1 Bellwood WHGM 103.9 WVMW-FM 91.5
WLVQ 96.3 OKLAHOMA Bethlehem WZZO 95.1 WWDL-FM 104.9
WCOL-FM 92.3 WLVR-FM 91.3 SelIngsgrove WQSU 88.9
W RMZ 99.7 Bloomsburg WHLM-FM 106.5' Shamokin WISL-FM 95.3
WOSU-FM 89.7 Ada KTEN-FM 93.5 Boyertown WBYO 107.5 Sharon WYFM 102.9
WV KO F M 94.7 Altos KWHW-FM 93.5 Braddock WFFM 96.9 Sharpsville WFAR-FM 95.9
Conneaut WFIZ 105.5 Ardmore KKAJ 95.7 Butler WBUT-FM 97.7 Shippensburg WSYC-FM 88.7
Coshocton WTHSFM 99.3 KRRO 92.1 California WVCS 91.9 Somerset WVSC-FM 97.7
Dayton WHIO-FM 99.1 Bartlesville KYFM 100.1 Canton WKAD 100.1 South
WDPS 90.1 Bethany KIIL 104.9 Carbondale WCDL-FM 94.3 Williamsport WMPT-FM 99.3
WGXM 88.1 Bristow KREK 104.9 Carlisle WHYL-FM 102.3 Starylew WRHY 92.7
WTUE 104.7 Broken Arrow KGOW 92.1 WDCV-FM 88.3 State College WMAJ-FM 103.1
WDAO 107.7 Chlekasha KXXK 105.5 Central City WCCS 101.7 WDFM 91.1
WSMO 89.3 Clinton KCL1 95.3 Chambersburg WIKZ 95.1 WON K 08.7
Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz
State College -Bellefonte Sioux Falls KAUR 89.1 KFMN 99.3 KRLY 93.7
WTLR 89.9 KELO-FM 92.5 KORQ 100.7 KTRU 91.7
Stroudsburg WVPO-FM 93.5 KCFS 90.1 Alice KB1C 102.3 Huntsville KSAM-FM 101.7
Sunbury WQKX 94.1 KCHF-F M 93.5 KWKC-FM 105.1 KSHU 89.3
Swarthmore WSRN 91.5 KNWC-FM 96.5 KXMS 92.1 Jacksonville K001 106.5
Tamaqua WZTA 105.5 K PAT 97.3 Alvin KACC 91.3 Jasper KTXJ-FM 102.3
Telford WBMR 89.7 KIOV 104.7 AmarIllo KACV-FM 89.9 Keene KSUC 88.3
Towanda WTTC-FM 95.3 Spearfish KBHU-FM 89.1 KQIZ-FM 93.1 Kerrvile KPFM 94.3
Tyrone WGMR 101.1 Springfield KSTI-FM 88.5 KZIP 98.7 Kileen KIXS-FM 83.3
Union City WCTL 106.9 Sturgis K RCS 93.1 KGNC-FM 97.9 KNCTFM 91.3
Uniontown WPQR-FM 99.3 Vermillion KUSD-FM 89.9 KWAS 101.9 Kilgore K KTX 95.9
Warminster WCSD-FM 89.9 KVRF 102.3 KBUY 94.1 Kingsville KPUP 97.7
Warren WRRN 92.3 Watertown KDLO-FM 96.9 KFRN 98.7 KTA1 91.9
Washington WJPA-FM 95.3 KWAT-FM 96.1 Andrews KACT-FM 105.5 La Grange KMUZ 104.9
WJCR 88.3 l(IXX 96.1 Arlington KWJS 94.9 Lake Jackson KGOL 107.3
Waynesburg W A N B -F M 90.7 Winner KWYR-FM 93.7 Atlanta KPYN 99.3 Lamesa KCOT 1114.7
WAYZ-FM 101.5 Yankton KQHU 104.1 Austin KHFI-FM 98.3 Lampasas KLTD 99.3
Welishoro WGCR 97.7 KASE 100.7 Laredo KOYE 92.7
West Chester WLHS-FM 89.9 TENNESSEE KMFA 89.5 Livingston KETX-FM 92.1
Wilkes-Barre WBR E. F M 98.5 KOKE-FM 95.5 Longview KYKX 105.7
WCLH 90.7 Bolivar WVST 96.7 KLBI-FM 93.7 Lubbock KSEL-FM 93.7
WRKC 88.5 Bristol WFHG-FM 96.9 KAZ1 98.7 KTEZ 101.1
WYZZ 92.9 Brownsville WTBG 95.3 K UT -FM 00.7 KLBK-FM 94.5
Williamsport WILQ-FM 105.1 Camden WRJB 98.3 KMXX 102.3 KLLL-FM 98.3
WRLC 91.7 Carthage WRKM-FM 102.3 Ballinger 1(CWB 103.1 KLSD 91.1
WRAK 102.7 Centerville WIKA 96.7 Beaumont KAYD 97.5 KTXT-FM 91.9
York WQXA 105.7 Chattanooga WDOD-FM 96.5 KQXY 94.1 Lufkin KDEY 99.3
WVYC 88.1 WDYN 89.7 KALI) 95:1 KLUF-FM 105.1
WSBA-FM 103.3 WMBW 88.9 KVLU 91.3 Marlin KLMT 96.7
York -Hanover WYCR 98.5 WSKZ 106..5 KWIC 107.7 Marshall KBWC 91.1
WDEF-FM 92.3 Beeville 1(10F 104.9 KMHT-FM 103.9
RHODE ISLAND Cleveland WQLS 100.7 Belton
KCWW 104.9 McAllen KQXX 98.5
KVMV-FM 96.9
Clinton WYSH-FM 104.9 KTON-FM 106.3
Kingston WRIU 88.5 Collegedale WSMC 90.7 Big Spring KFNE 95.3 McKinney KAWB 95.3
Middletown WOTB 107.1 Columbia WKOM 101.7 Borger KBBB-FM 104.3 Midland KNFM 92.9
Portsmouth WJHD 90.7 Brady l(IXV 99.3 KWMJ 103.3
Cookeville WHUB-FM 98.3 Brenham KW HI -FM 108.3 KBAT 93.3
Providence WPJB-FM 105.1 WPTN-FM 94.3
WBRU 95.5 WTTU 88.5 Brownsville KDUV 100.3 Mineola 1(M00 -FM 96.7
WDOM 91.3 Covington WKBL-FM 93.5 KRIX 99.5 Mineral Wells KMWT 95.9
WHJY 94.1 Crossville WCSV-FM 99.3 Brownwood KLSN 99.3 Mount Pleasant KPXI 100.7
WLKW-FM 101.5 Dayton WNFM 104.9 KOXE 101.5 Muleshoe KMUL-FM 103.1
WPRO-FM 92.3 Dickson WTNQ 102.3 Nacogdoches KTBC 92.1
Smithfield WJMF 91.5 Dyersburg WASL 101.1 KSAU 90.1
Westerly WERI-FM 103.7 Elizabethton WIDD-FM 99.3 Bryan KORA-FM 98.8 KEFM 103.3
Woonsocket WWON-FM 106.3 Etowah WMCC 103.3 Burnet KHLB-FM 107.1 New Boston KNBO 95.9
New Braunfels KNBT 92.1
Fayetteville WYTM-FM 105.5 Canyon KWTS 91.1 Odessa KI(KK 99.1
Franklin WIZO-FM 100.1 Center KLCR 102.3
SOUTH CAROLINA Gallatin WVCP 88.3 Clear Lake City KMJQ 102.1
WWKK 104.5 Cleburne KFAD 94.9 KOYLFM 97.9
Aiken WLOW-FM 95.9 Germantown WEEF 94.3 Coleman KSTA-FM 107.1
WAKN-FM 99.3 College Station KAMU-FM 90.3 Orange KZOM 104.5
Greeneville WOFM 94.9 KIOC 106.1
Anderson W4/M-FM 101.1 Henderson WFHC-FM 91.5 Columbus KULM 98.3 Ozona K ROT 94.3
WANS-FM 107 3 Hendersonville WBYQ 92.1 Commerce KETR 88.9 Palestine KLIS 94.3
Bamberg WWBD-FM 92.7 Humboldt WIRJ-FM 102.3 Conroe KMCV 106.9 KHIM 98.3
Barnwell WBAW-FM 101.7 Huntingdon WPVG 100.9 Copperas Cove KQOV 103.1 Paris KACW 99.3
Batesburg WBLR-FM 92.1 Jackson WKIR 104.1 Corpus Christi KZFM 95.5 Pasadena KYND
Beaufort WBEU-FM 98.7 KIOU 92.5
Jamestown WDEB-FM 100.1 96.5 Plains KPLN-FM 90.7
WERV 89.9 Jefferson City WSBM 99.3 KEXX-FM 93.9
Camden WPUB-FM 94.3 Johnson City WQU1 101.5 Corsicana KCIR 107.9 Plainview KATX 97.3
Cayce WZLD 96.7 WETS 89.5 Crockett KIVY-FM 92.7 KWLD 91.5
Charleston WXTC 96.9 WKPT-F M 98.5 Dalhart KXIT-FM 95.9 Pleasanton KBOP-FM 98.3
Kingsport Port Arthur KYKR-FM 93.3
WEZL 103.5 Knoxville WBIR-FM 103.5 Dallas KKDA-FM 104.5
WSCI 89.3 WEZK 97.5 KOCD 802.9 KHYS 98.5
WPXI 95.1 W 1 V K -F M 107.7 KCBI 89.3 Port Lavaca KGUL-FM 95.9
Chester WCMJ 99.9 W KOS 91.1 KNUS 98.7 Prairie View KPVU 91.3
Clemson WSBF-FM 89.3 WUOT 91.9 KOAX 105.3 Robstown KROB-FM 99.9
Columbia WCOS-FM 97.9 Lawrenceburg WDXE-FM 95.9 KAF M 94.5 Rosenberg KFRD-FM 104.9
WNOK-FM 104.7 Lebanon WFMO 91.3 WFAA-FM 97.9 San Angelo KWLW 93.9
WMHK 89.7 WLCH 88.7 WRR-FM 101.1 KIXY-FM 94.7
WUSC-FM 91.9 WFMQ 88.9 KVTT 91.7 KSJT 97.5
WBCT 90.5 KMEZ 100.3 San Antonio KISS 99.5
WCOR-FM 107.3 KZZY 100.3
WUSC-FM 89.9 Lenoir City WLIL.FM 93.5 KDTX 102.9
WXRY-FM 93.5 Lewisburg WJJM-FM 94.3 KZAG 90.1 WOAI-FM 97.3
WLTR 91.3 Lexington WDXL-FM 99.3 KRSM 89.3 KITE -FM 104.5
Conway WLAT-FM 104.1 Livingston WLIV-FM 95.9 KERA-FM 90.1 KITY 92.9
Darlington WDAR-FM 105.5 Lobelville WTHJ 94.3 KCHU 90.9 KMFM 98.1
Dillon WDSC-FM 92.9 Manchester WMSR-FM 99.7 Del Rio KDLK-FM 94.3 KRTU 91.5
Due West WARP 91.7 Martin WCMT-FM 101.7 Denison -Sherman 1(1)50 101.7 KQXT 101.9
Easley WELP-FM 103.9 W UT M 90.3 KGCC 89.7 KSYM-FM 90.3
Florence WSTN 103.1 McKenzie WKTA 106.9 Denton KDNT-FM 106.1 KTFM 102.7
Gaffney WAGI-FM 105.3 McMinnville WHNR 103.9 KNTU 88.5 San Marcos KSCW 103.7
Georgetown WOMB 97.7 Memphis W H RI( 97.1 Di -Boll KSPL-FM 95.5 Seguin KWED-FM 105.9
WSHG 106.3 WMC-FM 99.7 Dumas KMRE 95.3 Sherman K1KM-FM 96.7
Greenville WEPR 90.1 WCBC 91.1 Eagle Pass KINL 92.7 Sinton KNCN 101.3
WESC-FM 92.5 W EVL 90.3 Edinburg KBFM 104.1 Sinton-Corpus Christi
WFBC-FM 93.7 WEZI 105.9 KESI 107.9 KOUL 103.3
WMUU-FM 94.5 WSWM 91.7 El Campo KULP-FM 96.9 Staten KJAK 92.7
Greenwood WCRS-FM 96.7 WLYX 89.3 El Paso KTEP 88.5 Sonora KVRN-FM 92.1
Hampton WJBW-FM 103.1 WMPS.(FM 97.1 KLAQ 95.5 Spearman KRDF-FM 98.3
Hilton Head Island WHHR 106.3 WQOX 68.5 KEZB 96.3 Stamford KDWI-FM 90.1
Hones Path WRIX-FM 103.1 WZXR 102.7 KINT-FM 97.5 Stephenville KWWM 98.3
Kingstree WWICI-FM 100.1 WQUD 104.5 KLOZ 102.1 Sweetwater KX0X-FM 96.7
Lake City WCFG-FM 100.1 WKNO-FM 91.1 KSET-FM 94.7 Temple . KPLE 104.9
Lancaster WPAJ-FM 107.1 KWAM-FM 801.1 KFIM 92.3 Terrell Hills KBUC 108.3
Laurens WGXL 100.5 Milan WKBJ-FM 92.3 KAMA-FM 93.1 Texarkana KTAL-FM 98.1
Manning WTME 92.1 Morristown WAZI 95.9 KPAS 93.9 Tyler KZAK-FM 93.1
Marion WATP-FM 94.3 Murfreesboro WMTS-FM 98.3 KTSM-FM 99.9 KROZ 92.1
W MOT 89.5 Fabens KLMF-FM 103.1 KNUE 101.5
Moncks Corner WTWF 105.5 Floresville Uvalde KYUF 95.3
Mullins WCIG 107.1 Nashville WZEZ 92.9 KWCB 94.3
Myrtle Beach WMYR-FM 92.1 WKDF 103.3 Fort Stockton KPJH 94.3 Vernon KVWC-FM 102.3
WKZQ 101.7 WKQB 105.9 Ft. Worth KSCS 96.3 Victoria KTXN-FM 98.7
N. Myrtle Beach WNMB 105.5 WKDA-FM 103.3 KESS 93.9 KCWM 95.1
N. Charleston WKTM 102.5 WPLN 90.3 KXOL 99.5 Waco INFO 95.5
Orangeburg WPJS 106.7 WNAZ-FM 88.9 KTXQ 102.1 KWTX-FM 97.5
WORG-FM 103.9 WRVU 91.1 KNOK-FM 107.5 KWBU 107.1
Pageland WCPL 102.3 92.9 Wichita Falls KLUR 99.9
Rock Hill WVPR 88.9 WSIX-FM 97.9 KFJZ-FM 97.1
St. George WPWR 95.9 WSM-FM 95.5 Fredericksburg KNAF-FM 101.1 KNTO 103.3
Seneca WBFM 98.1 Bak Ridge WATO-FM 94.3 Gainesville KGAF-FM 94.5 KBID 92.9
Spartanburg WSPA-FM 98.9 Oak Ridge -Knoxville Galveston KUFO 106.5 Beaver KBBD 90.1
Summerville WWWZ 93.5 WOK1-FM 100.3 Gatesville KMCS 98.3 Brigham City KBUH-FM 107.1
Sumter WFIGFM 101.3 Olive Hill WDNX 89.1 Georgetown KGTN-FM 96.7 Cedar City KGSU-FM 90.1
WMPR 88.1 Oneida WBNT-FM 105.5 Graham KWKQ 107.1 KBRE-FM 94.9
Surfside Beach -Garden City Paris WTPR-FM 105.5 Greenville KIKT 93.5 KSUB-FM 92.5
WYAK-FM 103.1 Pulaski WMGL 98.3 Harlingen KELT 94.5 Centerville KCGL 105.5
Walterboro WALD-FM 100.9 Red Bank WS1M 94.3 KIWW 96.1 Ephraim KEPH 89.5
West Columbia WSCQ 100.1 Savannah WORM -FM 101.7 Henderson KGRI-FM 100.1 Gunnison I(GVH 91.7
Sevierville WSEV-FM 102.1 Hereford KPAN-FM 106.3 Logan KBLW-FM 92.9
Sewanee WUTS-FM 91.5 Highland Park -Dallas KUSU-FM 91.5
SOUTH DAKOTA Shelbyville WTCV 93.1 KVIL-FM 103.7 KJI(J 94.5
Smithville WILE -FM 101.7 Hillsboro KHBR-FM 102.5 Mantl KSME 90.7
Aberdeen KASD 90.1 Soddy Daisy WZDQ 102.3 Houston KHCB-FM 105.7 Mt. Pleasant KMTP 91.1
KQAA 94.9 Sparta WSMT-FM 105.5 KAU M 96.5 Ogden KQPI) 101.9
KSDN-FM 94.1 Springfield WDBL-FM 94.3 KIKKFM 95.7 K DAB 101.1
Brookings KBRK-FM 94.3 Summertown WUTZ 88.3 KILT -FM 100.3 KWCR-FM 88.1
KESD 88.3 Sweetwater WDEH-FM 95.3 KFMK 97.9 KVFM 95.5
Huron KIJV-FM 92.1 Tullahoma WBGY-FM 93.3 KLOL-FM 101.1 Orem KOHS 90.1
Madison KJAM-FM 103.1 Union City WALR-FM 104.9 KODA-FM 99.1 KORM 107.1
Mitchell KMIT 102.3 Waverly WVRY 104.1 KPFT 90.1 Parowan KPWN 90.9
Mobridge KOLY-FM 99.5 KLEF 94.5 Pleasant Grove l(PGR 88.1
Rapid City K G G G- FM 100.3 KQUE 102.9 Price KARB 98.3
KVSR 97.9 TEXAS KRBE 104.1 Provo KBYU-FM 88.9
K KH.1 93.9 KTSU 90.9 KAYK-FM 100.3
KT EQ 88.1 Abilene l(EAN-FM 105.1 KUHF 88.7 KRMQ 94.9


Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz

Richfield KJMC 93.7 Salem WJLM 93.5 WPDX-FM 104.9 WSWW-FM 99.3
Roosevelt KUHS 90.9 South Boston WJLC-FM 97.5 WVHF-FM 92.7 Portage WPDR-FM 100.1
St. George KZEZ 93.5 South Hill WSHV 105.5 Elkins WCDE 90.3 Port Washington
KRDC-FM 90.1 Staunton WSGM 93.5 Fairmont WWFC 90.9 WGLB-FM 100.1
Salt Lake City KCPX-FM 98.7 Suffolk -Norfolk WFOG 92.9 WFGM 97.9 Prairie du Chien
KALL 94.1 Tappahannoek WRAR-FM 105.5 Fort Gay WFGH 90.7 WPREFM 94.3
KRSP-FM 103.5 Tasley WESR-FM 103.3 Huntington WEMM 107.9 Racine WRKR-FM 100.7
KSFI 100.3 Tazewell WTZE-FM 100.1 WMUL 88.1 WFNY 92.1
KSOP-FM 104.3 Warrenton WEER -FM 107.7 WHEZ 103.3 Reedsburg WRDB-FM 104.9
KUER 90.1 WQRA 94.3 WKEE-FM 100.5 4 Rhinelander WRHN 107.9
KWHO-FM 93.3 Warsaw WNNT-FM 100.9 WHPW 89.3 Rice Lake WJMC-FM 96.3
FTC KLUB-FM 97.1 Williamsburg WBCI 98.5 Keyser WKLP-FM 94.1 Richland Center WRCO-FM 100.9
Spanish Fork KON1-FM 106.3 WCWM 89.1 Logan WVOW-FM 101.9 Ripon WCWC-FM 95.9
Vernal KUIB 89.1 WMBG 98.5 Martinsburg WEPM-FM 97.5 WRPN 90.1
KVEL-FM 92.7 Winchester WRFL 92.5 Morgantown WAJR-FM 101.9 River Falls WEVR-FM 106.3

3 Barre
WORK 107.1
WEFG 102.5
WXRA 105.9
WYCS 91.5
WYVA-FM 94.1
Oak Hill
WCLG-FM 100.1
New Martinsville WKGI 103.9
WOAY-FM 94.1
WQAW 103.1
Sauk City
WHGC 94.3
WIBZ 99.3 WSHS 91.7
Bennington WXIL 95.1 Shell Lake WGMO 95.3
Brattleboro WKVT-FM 92.7 WASHINGTON Pennington Gap WSWV-FM 105.5 Sparta WCOW-FM 97.1
WTSA-FM 96.7
Philippi WQAB 91.3 Stevens Point WSPT 92.9
Burlington WQCR 98.9 Aberdeen KDUX-FM 104.7 Princetor. WAEY-FM 95-9 WSUS 89.9
WRUV 90.1 Auburn KGRG 88.9 Rainelle WRRL-FM 96.7 WWSP 89.9
WEZF 92.9 Bellevue KZAM-FM 92.5 WJGF
WIUV 91.3 Romney 91.5 Sturgeon Bay WDOR-FM 95.9
Castleton KASB 89.3 St. Albans WKLC-FM 105.1 Sun Prairie WYXE 92.1
Colchester WWPV-FM 88.7 KBCS 91.3 WITB-FM 91.1 Superior WSSU 91.3
East Montpelier WVEP 88.3 Salem
Bellingham KVGM 92.9 Shepherdstown WSHC 88.7 Suring WRVM 102.7
Johnson WJSC-FM 91.5 KISM 92.9 Welch WKJC 106.3 Tomah WTMB-FM 98.9
Lyndonville WWLR 91.7 KUGS 89.3 Weston WSSN 102.3 Two Rivers WQTCFM 102.3
Middlebury WRMC-FM 91.7 KERI 104.3 WKWK-FM 97.3 Viroqua WGBM 102.3
WCVM 100.9 Wheeling
Bremerton KBRO-FM 106.9 WCPI 98.7 Watertown WTTN-FM 94.1
WNCS 96.7
WNUB-FM 89.1
Cntra KELA-FM 102.9
KCED 91.3
WTRF 107.5 Waukesha WCCX 88.1
WGDR 91.1 WPHP 91.9 WMIL 106.1
Plainfield Cheney KEWC-FM 89.9 Williamson WXCC 98.5 Watipaca WDUX-FM 92.7
Putney WVUS 88.9 Clarkston KCLK-FM 94.1 Waupun WLKE-FM 99.3
Randolph Center WVTC 90.7 College Place KGTS 91.3 Wausau WDEZ 101.9
Rutland WHWB-FM 98.1 Edmonds KBIQ 105.3 WISCONSIN WHRM 91.9
WRUT 97.1 Ellensburg KXLE-FM 95.3 WIFC 95.5
St. Albans WWSR-FM 102.3 Hoquiam KGHO-FM 103.9 Antlgo WRLO-FM 104.9 Wauwatosa WEZW 103.7
Springfield WCFR-FM 93.5 Kennewick KONA-FM 105.3 Appleton WLFM 91.1 West Bend WBKV-FM 92.5
Stowe WMTF 91.5 Longview KLYK 105.5 WCXR-FM 105.7 Whitewater WSUW 91.7
WRFB 101.7 Lyndon KLYN-FM 106.5 Ashland WATW-FM 95.9 Wisconsin Dells WNNO-FM 107.1
White River Junction Mercer Island KMIH 90.1 Baraboo WLVE 94.9 Wise. Rapids WWRW 103.3
WNHV-FM 95.7 Moses Lake KWIQFM 100.3 Beaver Dam WXRO 95.3
Windsor WVPR 89.5 Mount Vernon KSVR 90.1 Beloit WBCR-FM 88.1
Noah Bay KRNB-FM 91.1 Berlin WISS 102.5 WYOMING
VIRGINIA Newport KUBS 90.5 Brute WHSA 89.9
Ocean Shores KDUX-FM 104.7 Burlington WBSD 89.1 'Casper KAWY 94.5
Olympla KAOS 89.3 Chilton WPNE-FM 89.3 Cheyenne KLEN 106.3
Abingdon WBBI-FM 92.7 Omak KOMW-FM 92.7 Chippewa Falls WCFW 105.5 KFBC-FM 97.9
Altavista WKDE-FM 105.5 Opportunity KZUN-FM 96.1 Colfax WHWC 88.5 Cody KY DZ 90.1
Appomattox WTTX 107.1 Pasco KOLU 90.1 Oelafleld WHAD 90.7 Ethete KIEA 89.7
Arlington WAVA 105.1 Prosser KACA 101.7 Dodgeville WDMP.FM 107.1 Gillette KOLL-FM 93.5
Ashland WIVE -FM 100.1 Providence WPJB-FM 105.1 Durand WRDNFM 95.9 Jackson KMTN 96.9
131g Stone Gap WLSD-FM 93.5 Pullman KQQQ 104.9 Eagle River WERL-FM 94.3 Lander KDLY 97.5
Blacksburg WVVV 104.9 Richland KORD-FM 102.7 Eau Claire WIAL 94.1 Laramie KLIWR 91.9
WUVT-FM 90.7 KXDO 106.3 WAXX 104.5 K1OZ 102.9
Blackstone WBBC 93.5 KXDD 106 3 WBIZ 100.7 Riverton KCWC 88.1
Charlottesville WQMC 95.3 Seattle KING -FM 98.1 WUEC 89.7 KTAK 93.5
WWWV 97.5 KEZX 98.9 Fond du Lac WFON 107.1 Rock Springs KQSW 96.5
WTJU 91.3 KCMU 90.5 Fort Atkinson WFAW-FM 107.3 Sheridan KROE 94.9
Chesapeake WFOS 90.5 KBLE-FM 93.3 Green Bay WIXX 101.1 KLWD 96.5
Chester WDYL 92.1 KVI-FM 101.5 WGBP-FM 90.1 Torrington KERM 98.3
Covington WICIO-FM 100.9 KSEA 100.7 WGBW 91.5
Crewe WSVS-FM 104.7 KISW 99.9 WDUZ-FM 98.3
Culpeper WCUL 103.1 KYYX 96.5 Hartford WTKM-FM 104.9 GUAM
Danville WAKG 103.5 KNHC 89.5 Hayward WRLS 92.1
Exmore WEXM-FM 107.5 IMPS -FM 94.1 Highland WHHI 91.3
Farmville WFLO-FM 95.7 KRAB 107.7
Agana KUAM-FM 93.9
Holmen WHLA 90.3 KSTO 95.5
Front Royal WFFV 89.5 KTW-F M 102.5 Janesville WJVL 99.9
Fredericksburg WFVA-FM 101.5 KUOW 94.9 Kaukauna WKAU-FM 104.9
WFLS-FM 93.3 KIXI-FM 95.7 Kenosha WLIP-FM 95.1
Galax WBOB-FM 98.1 KZOK-FM 102.5 WGTD 91.1 PUERTO RICO
Gate City WGAT-FM 104.9 Spokane KREM-FM 92.9 Kewaunee WAUN 92.7
Gretna WMNA-FM 103.3 KMBI-FM 107.9 La Crosse WLSU 88.9 Arecibo WCMN-FM 107.3
Grundy WNRG-FM 97.7 KDNC-FM 93.7 WSPL 95.9 WNIK-FM 106.5
Hampden -Sydney KEZE-FM 105.7 WIZM 93.3 Aguada WRFE 105.5
WWHS-FM 91.7 KICN 98.9 WLXR 10.5 Aguadilla WI VAFM 100.3
Hampton WWDE-FM 101.3 KSFC 91.1 Ladysmith WWIB 92.9 WTPM 92.9
WHOV 88.3 KXLY-FM 99.9 Madison WERN 88.7 Bayamon WRSJ-FM 100.7
Harrisonburg WEMC 91.7 KHO-FM 98.1 WIBA-FM 101.5 WEYA 94.7
WMRA 91.1 KWRS 90.3 WORT 89.7 WXYX 100.7
WQPO 100.7 Sunnyal de KREW-FM 96.7 WISM-FM 98.1 Caguas WV.IP-FM 103.3
Kilmarnock WKWI 101.7 Tacoma KPEC-FM 90.9 WZEE 104.1 Camuy WCHQ-FM 102.9
Lexington WLUR 91.5 KLAY.FM 106.1 WNWC 102.5 Carolina WOLA-FM 107.7
Luray WLCC 106.3 KPLU-FM 88.5 Manitowoc WKUB 92.1 Cidra WBRQ 97.7
Lynchburg WWOD-FM 100.1 KNBQ 97.3 Marinette WHMD 91.5 Corozal WORO 92.5
WGOL 98.3 KTOY 91.7 WLST 95.1 Fajardo WMDD-FM 94.7
Manassas WEZR 106.7 KBRD 103.9 Marshfield WDLB-FM 106.5 Guayama WXRF-FM 106.5
Marion WMEV-FM 93.9 KUPS 90.1 Mauston Write -FM 92.1 Hormigueros WGIT 92.1
WOLD -FM 102.3 Toppenish KENE-FM 92.7 Medford WIGM-FM 99.3 Isabela WKSA.FM 101.5
Martinsville WMVA-FM 96.3 Walla Walla KEX1 93.3 Menomonee WMFM 92.1 Luquillo WZOL 92.1
Mineola KMOO-FM 96.7 KSXT 97.1 Menomonee Falls WVSS 90.7 Manati WMLD 96.9
Newport News WGH-FM 97.3 KWCW 90.5 WZMF 98.3 Maricao WAEL-FM 96.1
Norfolk WMTI 91.5 Merrill WJMT-FM 93.5 Mayaguez WKJB-FM 99.1
WCMS-FM 100.5 Wenatchee KPCI-FM 102.1 Middleton WWQM-FM 106 3 WIOA 97.5
WNOR-FM 98.7 KIAM-FM 104.9 Milton WMDF 89.9 WOVE -FM 94.1
WQWI 102.9 Yakima KUEZ 106.3 Milwaukee WFMR 96.5 Ponce WZAR 101 9
WKEZ 95.7
KDNA 91.9 WZUU 95.7 WOQ1 93.3
WNSB 91.1 KFFM 107.3 WLPX 97.3 WIOC 105.1
WQRK 104.5 KIT -FM 94.5 WRIT -FM 102.9 Quebradlilas WREI 98.3
WHRO-FM 89.5 KYBO 98.3 WRCS-FM 102 9 San German WRPC 95.1
WXRI 105.3 WAWA -FM 102.1 San Juan WIPR-FM 91.3
WYFI 99.7 WQFM 93.3 WIAC-FM 102.5
Norton WNVA-FM 106.3 WEST VIRGINIA WKTI 94.5 WSRA 93.7
Orange WJ MA 96.1 WVCY 107.7 WKAQ-FM 104.7
Petersburg WPLZ 99.3 Beckley WBKW 99.5 WNUW 99.1 WKVM-FM 105.7
WPVAFM 95.3 WCIR-FM 103.7 WUWM 89.7 WPRM-FM 98.5
Portsmouth WN HS 88.7 WVPB 91.7 WYMS 88.9 WIOB 99.9
Pulaski WPUV-FM 107.1 Berkley Springs WCST-FM 93.5 Minocqua WWMH 95.9 WRTU 89.7
Radford WRAD-FM 101.7 Bethany 88.1 Monroe WEKZ-FM P3.7 Utuado WUPR-FM 104.1
WRRC 89.9 Bluefield WHAJ 104.5 Neenah -Menasha WEM I 100.1 Vieques WZVS-FM 98.9
Richlands WGTH 105.5 WBDY 106.3 WROE 94.3
Richmond WTVR-FM 98.1 Buckhannon WVPW 88.9 Neillsville WCCN-FM 107.5
WEZS 103.7 WVWC 89.9 New London WLIH-FM 93.5 VIRGIN ISLANDS
WRFK.FM 106.5 Charleston WARE 97.5 New Richmond WIXK-FM 107.1
WRVQ-FM 94.5 W BE8 96.1 Oconto WOCO-FM 107.1
WRXL 102.1 WKNA 98.5 Oshkosh WMKC 96.7 Charlotte Amalie WIGS 97.9
WDCE 90.1 WTIO 102.7 WRST-FM 90.3 WORN 101.1
Roanoke WLRJ 92.3 WVAF 99.9 WOSH 103.9 Christiansted WIV I.FM 99.5
WPVR 94.9 WVPN 88.5 WYTL 103.9 Frederl ksted WVIS 106.7
WSLQ 99.1 Charles Town WZFM 98.3 Park Falls WNBI-FM 98.3 St. Thomas Wall 88.9
WVWR-FM 89.1 Clarksburg WRGT-FM 106.5 Platteville WSUP 90.5 WCRN 101.1

0 Abbreviations used in this list: kHz -frequency in kilohertz; MHz -frequency in megahertz; W.P.-power in watts;
d -daytime operation only; r -reduced power at night; n- nighttime power; C.L. or Call -call letters or call sign;
Chan. or Ch. -TV channel number; t -educational TV station. Wavelength is given in meters. Listing indicates
stations on the air as of September 28, 1978.
Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz

KAAK Great Falls MT 98.9 KBFM Edinburg TX 104.1 KCPR San Luis Obispo, Cal. 91.3 KETR Commerce, TX 88.9
KAAN Bethany MO 95.9 KBGL Pocatello, Ida. 88.7 KCPX-FM Salt Lake City, UT KETX-FM Livingston. Tex. 92.1
KAAP-FM Santa Paula, CA 96.7 KBGN-FM Caldwell, Ida. 94.1 98.7 KEWB Redding, Cal. 104.3
KABG Cambridge, MN 105.5 KBHI-FM Modesto, CA 89.9 KCRF-FM Winnsboro, La. 95.9 KEWC-FM Cheney, Wash.
KABI-FM Abilene, Kan. 98.3 KBHL Lincoln, NE 95.3 KCRV Caruthersville, MO 103.1 KEWT Sacramento CA 105.1
KABL-FM San Francisco, CA 98.1 KBHP Bemidji MN 101.1 I(CRW Santa Monica, Calif. 89.9 KEXI Walla Walla WA 93.3
I(ACA Prosser, WA 101.7 KBHU-FM Spearfish, SD 89.1 KCSB-FM Santa Barbara, CA 91.9 KEXX-FM Corpus Christi TX 93.9
KAUC Alvin, TX 91.3 KBIA Columbia MO 91.3 I(CSC Edmond, Okla. 90.1 KEYA Belcourt, ND 88.5
KACE Inglewood, CA 103.9 KBIC Alice, TX 102.3 KCSD Chinle, AZ 89.1 KEYN-FM Wichita, Ken.
KACO St. Louis. Mo. 107.7 KB1D Wichita Falls, TX 92.9 KCSJ-FM Pueblo CO 97.9 KEZC Truckee, CA 101.7
KACT-FM Andrews TX 105.5 KBIG Los Angeles, CA 104.3 KCSM San Mateo CA 91.1 KEZE-FM Spokane. Wash. 105.7
KACV-FM Amarillo, TX 89.9 KBIM-FM Roswell, NM 94.9 KCSN Northridge CA 88.5 KEZH Prescott, AZ 98.3
KACW Paris, TX 99.3 KBIQ Edmonds, WA 105.3 KCSS Turlock. CA 91.9 KEZJ Twin Falls, ID 95.7
KADI St. Louis MO 96.3 KBJC Great en , KS KCS1.1-FM Ft. Collins, Colo. 90.9 KEZK St. Louis MO 102.5
KADL-FM Pine Bluff. AR 94.9 KBKB-FM Fort Madison, IA 101..7 KCSW San Marcos, TX 103.7 KEZL San Diego CA 102.9
KADO Texarkana AR 107.1 KBLE-FM Seattle, WA 93.3 KCTB-FM Flagstaff, AZ 93.9 KEZQ Little Rock AR 94.1
KADQ-FM Rexburg, ID 94.3 KI3LF-FM Red Bluff CA 95.9 KCTC Sacramento, Cal. 96.1 KEZR San Jose CA 106.5
KADX Denver, CO 105.1 KBLI-FM Blackfoot, ID 97.7 KCUE-FM Red Wing, MN 105.5 KEZS Liberal KS 105.5
KAEZ Oklahoma City, OK 107.7 KBLJ La Junta, CO 92.1 KCUI Pella, IA 89.1 KEZU El Dorado, AR 103.1
KAFE-FM Santa Fe, N. M. 97.3 KBLL-FM Helena MT 92.1 KCUM-FM Crookston MN 91.7 KEZX Seattle WA 98.9
KAFM Dallas TX 94.5 KBLS Santa Barbara CA 99.9 KCUR-FM Kansas City, Mo. 89.3 KEZY-FM Anaheim CA 95.9
KAGE-FM Winona, MN 95.3 KBLW-FM Logan, UT 92.9 KrwB Ballinger, TX 103.1 KEZZ Aitkin MN 94.3
KAGH-FM Crossett AR 104.9 KBMC Eugene, OR 94.5 KCWC Riverton, WY 98.1 KFAB Fayetteville, Ark.
KAGM Klamath Falls OR 98.5 KBMO-FM Benson, Minn. 93.5 I(CWM Victoria, TX 95.1 KFAC-FM Los Angeles, Calif.
KAHS Arcata CA 91.5 I(BMS Billings MT 96.5 KCWR Oakdale LA 104.9 KFAH Alliance, NE 92.1
KA1M-FM Honolulu, HI 95.5 KBOB West Covina, CA 98.3 KCWW Beeville, TX 104.9 KFAI Minneapolis, MN 90.3
KAJN Crowley LA 102.9 KBOE-FM Oskaloosa, IA 104.9 KCYS Richland. Wash. KFAM Ordville, CA 97.7
KAKI Benton AR 107.1 KE01-EM Boise, ID 97.9 KDAB Ogden, UT 101.1 KFAT Gilroy, CA 94.3
KALA Davenport, IA 90.1 KBOO Portland, OR 90.7 KDAR Oxnard, CA 98.3 KFBC-FM Cheyenne, Wyo. 97.9
I(ALF Ukiah, CA 103.3 KBOP-FM Pleasanton. TX 98.3 KDB-FM Santa Barbara CA 93.7 KFBD-FM Waynesville, Mo.
KALJ Yuma AZ 95.1 KBOS Tulare, CA 94.9 KDBH Natchitoches LA 97.7 K F 8 K- F M Sacramento, Cal. 92.5
KALL Salt Lake City UT 94.1 KBOY-FM Medford, OR 95.3 KDBM-FM Dillon MT 98.3 KFCF Fresno, CA 88.1
I(AYN Nogales AZ 98.3 KBPI Denver, CO 105.9 KDBX Boonville, MO 99.3 KFDI Wichita KS 101.3
KALQ-FM Alamosa, CO 93.5 KBPK Buena Park, Calif. 90.1 KDCR Sioux Center. Iowa 91.3 KFFM Yakima WA 107.3
KALS Kalispell, MT 97.1 KBR,A Wichita KS 97.9 KDCV-FM Blair NE 91.1 KFGQ-FM Boone, Ia. 99.3
KALU Langston, OK 90.7 KbRD Tacoma, WA 103.9 KDD1 Oak Grove, LA 96.7 KF1G Fresno, CA 101.1
KALW San Francisco, CA 91.7 KBRE-FM Cedar City, UT 94.9 KDEA New Iberia LA 99.1 KFIL-FM Preston, Minn. 103.1
KALX Berkeley, CA 90.7 KBRF-FM Fergus Falls, Minn. KDES-FM Palm Springs, CA 104.7 K FIM El Paso TX 92.3
KAMA-FM El Paso, TX 93.1 103.3 KDEF-FM Albuquerque, NM 94.1 KFIN Jonesboro, AR 107.9
KAMB Merced, CA 101.5 KBRG San Francisco. CA 105.3 K DEL -FM Arkadelphia, AR 100.9 KFIV-FM Modesto, CA 102.3
KAMO-FM Rogers AR 94.3 KBR I -FM Brinkley AR 102.3 KDEM Deming, NM 94.3 KFIX-FM Liberty MO 106.5
KAMS Mammoth Springs KBRK-FM Brookings. S.D. 94.3 KDEW-FM DeWitt AR 96.7 KFJB-FM Marshalltown, Ia.
AR 95.1 KBRO-FM Bremerton, WA 106.9 KDEX-FM Dexter, Me. 102.3 KFJC Los Altos, Cal.
KAMU-FM College Station, KBRU Fort Morgan, CO 101.7 KDEY Lufkin TX 99.3 KFJL Oklahoma City OK 98,9
TX 90.3 KBSH Borrego Springs CA 88.9 KDFC San Francisco CA 102.1 l<F1M-FM Grand Forks, ND 89.3
KANG Angwin, CA 89.9 KBRX-FM O'Neill. NE 92.7 KDFM Walnut Creek, CA 92.1 KFJZ-FM Fort Worth, TX 97.1
KANS-FM Lamed, KS 96.7 KBSB Bemidji, MN 91.9 K D H I -FM Twenty -Nine Palms, KFI(Z Greeley, CO 96.1
KANU Lawrence. KS 91.5 141350 Espanola, NM 102.3 Cal. KFLG Flagstaff, AZ 92.9
KANW Albuquerque, NM 89.1 KBSU Boise, ID 90.1 KDHL-FM Farihault, MN 95.9 KFLP. San Jose CA 108.5
I(ANY Ankeny, IA 106.3 KBTM-FM Jonesboro AR 101.9 KDHS Modesto, Cal. 90.3 KFLY-FM Corvallis OR 101.5
KAOH-FM Duluth. MN 94.9 KBUC Terrell Hills TX 108.3 KDIC Grinnell, IA 88.5 KFMA Jerome, Ida. 92.7
KAOI Wauluku, HI 95.1 KBUF-FM Garden City, KS 97.3 KDIG Lake Arrowhead CA 103.9 KFMB-FM San Diego, Calif.
KAOL-FM Carrolton, MO 101.1 KBUH-FM Brigham City UT KDKA-FM Pittsburgh, PA 92.9 KFMC Fairmount, MN 106.5
KAOS Olympia WA 89.3 107.1 KDKB-FM Mesa. AZ 93.3 KFMD Dubuque, la.
KAPB-FM Marksville, LA 97.7 KBUY-FM Amarillo, TX 94.1 KDICD-FM Clinton, MO 95.3 KFMG Albuquerque, NM 107.9
KAPR-FM Douglas, AZ 95.3 KBVL Boulder, Colo. 94.7 KDLK-FM Del Rio, Tex. KFMH Muscatine, IA 99.7
KAPX San Clemente, Cal. 107.9 KBVR Corvallis, OR 90.1 KDLO-FM Watertown, SD 96.9 KFMI Eureka, Cal. 96.3
KARA Santa Clara CA 105.7 1<BWC Marshall, TX 91.1 KDLR-FM Devils Lake, ND 96.7 K F M K Houston, Tex. (s)
KARB Price, UT 98.3 KBXL-FM Caldwell. Idaho 94.1 KDLS-FM Perry. Iowa 104.9 KFMM Tucson AZ 99.5
KARD-FM Wichita. Kans. 107.3 KBYU-FM Provo, UT 88.9 KDLY Lander, WY 97.5 KFMN Abilene, Tex.
KARN-FM Little Rock AR 103.7 KBZT San Diego CA 94.9 KDM1 Des Moines, Iowa KFMP Cape Girardeau, Mo. 102.9
KASB Bellevue, Wash. 89.3 KCAC Walnut Ridge, AR 106.3 K DNA Yakima WA 91.9 KFMQ Lincoln, NE 101.9
KASD Aberdeen, S.D. 90.1 KCAL -FM Redlands, CA 96.7 KONG -FM Spokane, WA 93.7 KFMR Fremont, Cal.
KASE Austin, Tex. 100.7 KCAP-FM Helena, MT 103.1 KDNO Delano, Cal. 98.5 KFMS Las Vegas, NV 101.9
KASF Alamosa, Colo. 90.9 '(CBI Dallas, TX 89.3 KDNT-FM Denton, TX 106.1 KFMU Oak Creek. CO 103.9
KASK Las Cruces, NM 103.1 KCBL-FM Greeley, Colo. 91.5 KDOL-FM Mojave, Cal. KFMV Magnolia AR 107.9
KASO-FM Minden, LA 95.3 KCBM Chico, Calif. 93.7 KDOM-FM Windom, MN 94.3 KFMW Waterloo IA 107.9
KASU Jonesboro AR 91.9 KCBS-FM San Francisco CA 97.3 KDON Salinas, CA 102.5 I(FMX St. Louis Park, MN 104.1
KATT Oklahoma City, OK 100.5 KCBW Sedalia, MO 92.1 KDOT-FM Scottsdale AZ 100.7 KFMY Eugene, Oreg,
KATX Plainview, TX 97.3 KCBX-FM San Luis Obispo, KDPS Des Moines, Iowa KFMZ Columbia. Mo. 98.3
KAUB Auburn, NE 105.5 CA 90.1 KDQN-FM De Queen AR 92.7 KFNB Oklahoma City, Okla.
l(AUD-FM Windsor. CO 99.1 KCCK-FM Cedar Rapids IA 88.3 KORB Derby, KS 95.9 KFNE Big Springs, Tex.
KAUG Salinas, CA 90.9 KCCM-FM Moorhead, Minn. 91.1 KDSA Wichita, KS 91.1 KFNF Oberlin, KS 101.1
KAU M Houston. Tex. 96.5 KCCO-FM Lawton, Okla. 98.1 KDSN-FM Denison, Iowa 107.1 KFN V -FM Ferriday, La. 93.5
KAUR Sioux Falls SD 89.1 KCCQ Ames, IA 107.1 KDSQ Denison -Sherman, TX 101.7 KFNW-FM Fargo, N.D.
KAUS-FM Austin. MN 99.9 KCDC Longmont, CO 90.7 KDSU Fargo, N.D. KFOG San Francisco, Calif.
KAVI-FM Rocky Ford, CO 95.9 ICED Centralia, WA 91.3 KDTX Dallas, TX 102.9 KFOR-FM Lincoln, NE 102.7
l(AVO Fallbrook, CA 107.1 KCEE-FM Tucson AZ 96.1 KDUO Riverside, Calif. KFOX Redondo Beach CA 93.5
KAVR-FM Apple Valley, Cal. KCEP Las Vegas, NV 88.1 KDUR Durango, CO 91.9 KFRA-FM Franklin, LA 95.3
102.3 ICES Eufaula, Okla. 102.3 KDUV Brownsville, TX 100.3 KFRY Fresno, CA 101.9
KAVS Thief River Falls, Minn. KCEZ Kansas City, MO 94.9 KDUX-FM Ocean Shores WA KFSD San Diego CA 94.1
89.5 KCFM St. Louis, MO 93.7 104.7 KFSG Los Angeles, Cal. 96.3
KAWB McKinney, Tex. 95.3 1(CF0 Tulsa, OK 98.5 KDUZ-FM Hutchinson, Minn. KFSH Hilo, HI 97.1
KAWL-FM York, NE 194.9 KCFR Denver, Colo. 90.1 107.1 KFSK Petersburg, AK 100.9
KAWW Heber Springs AR 96.7 KCFS Sioux Falls, S.D. 90.1 KDVS Davis, Cal. 91.5 KFUN Las Vegas NM 100.9
KAWY Casper, WY 94.5 KCFV Ferguson, Mo. 89.5 KDVV Topeka, KS 100.3 l(FUO-FM Clayton, Mo.
KAXE-FM Grand Rapids, MN KCFX Edmond OK 97.7 KOWT-FM Stamford, TX 90.1 KFXD-FM Nampa, ID 94.9
91.7 KCGL Centerville, UT 105.5 I(DXL St. Louis Park, MN 91.7 KFYE Fresno, CA 93.7
KAXR Flagstaff, AZ 88.5 KCGM Scobey, Mont. 95.7 I(DXT Missoula, MT 93.3 KGAB Camarillo, CA 95.9
KAYD Beaumont, Tex. 97.5 KCHA-FM Charles City, IA 104.9 K EA N. F M Abilene TX 105.1 KGAF-FM Gainesville, Tex.
KAYE-FM Tonkawa, OK 90.5 KCHC Central Point OR 91.7 K EAR San Francisco CA 106.9 KGB -FM San Diego CA 101.5
KAYK-FM Provo, UT 100.3 KCHE-FM Cherokee, IA 102.3 KEAZ DeRidder, LA 101.7 KGBI-FM Omaha, Neb. 100.7
KAYL-FM Storm Lake, Iowa 101.5 KCH F -FM Sioux Falls, S.D. 93.5 KEBC Oklahoma City, Okla. KGCC Denison, Tex. 89.7
KA LO Beaumont TX 95.1 KCHI-FM Chillicothe, MO 103.9 KEBR Sacramento, CA 100.5 KGED Batesville, AR 88.1
KAZI Austin. TX 88.7 KCHO Chico. Cal. 91.1 K ECG El Cerrito, CA 88.1 KGFM Bakersfield. Cal.
KAZU Pacific Grove, CA 90.3 KCHU Dallas, TX 90.9 l(ECR El Cajon. CA 93.3 KGGG-FM Rapid City, SD 100.3
KAZY Denver, CO 106.7 KCII-FM Washington. IA 95.3 K EDP Las Vegas, N.M. l(GGO Des Moines, IA 94.9
KBAS Lake Havasu City, AZ KCIL Houma, LA 107.1 KEDQ Austin MN 90.7 KGHO-FM Hoqulam, Wash.
95.9 KCIM-FM Carroll, Ia. 93.7 KEDY Mount Shasta, CA 95.3 KG1L-FM San Fernando, CA 95.3
KBAT Midland TX 93.3 KCIR Corsicana TX 107.9 KEEY-FM Minneapolis -St. Paul, KGLA Los Angeles, Calif.
KBAY San Jose, CA 100.3 KCIV The Dallas, Ore. 104.5 KEEZ-FM Mankato, MN 99.1 KGLC-FM Miami, OK 100.9
KBAZ Bisbee, AZ 92.1 KCIZ Springdale, AR 104.9 KEHG-FM Fosston, Minn. 107.1 KGLM-FM Anaconda MT 97.7
KBBB-FM Borger, TX 104.3 KCJB-FM Minot, ND 97.1 KEKI Honolulu, HI 93.9 KGLR Reno, Nev. 105.7
KBBC Phoenix, AZ 98.7 KCJH Stockton, CA 90.5 KELA-FM Centralia, Wash. KGLS Glenwood Springs, CO 92.7
KBBD Beaver, UT 90.1 KCKNFM Kansas City, 1<an. 94.1 KELE Aurora, MO 100.1 KGLT Bozeman. Mont.
KBBF Santa Rosa CA 89.1 KCI(S Concordia KS 95.3 KELO-FM Sioux Falls, SD 96.5 K G MI -FM Bellingham, Wash.
KBBG Waterloo IA 88.1 KCLC St. Charles. MO 89.1 KELT Harlingen, TX 94.5 KGMO-FM Cape Girardeau, Mo.
KBBK-FM Boise, ID 92.3 KCLD-FM St. Cloud, MN 104.7 KEMB Emmetsburg IA 98.3 100.7
KBBL Riverside, CA 99.1 KCLI Clinton OK 95.3 KEMC Billings MT 91.7 KGMR-FM Jacksonville AR 100.3
KBBY Ventura. Calif. 95.1 KCLK-FM Clarkston WA 94.1 KENA-FM Mena AR 101.7 KGNC-FM Amarillo, TX 97.9
KBCA Los Angeles, CA 105.1 KCLN-FM Clinton, Iowa 97.7 KENE-FM Toppenish, WA 92.7 KGNO-FM Dodge City, Kan.
KBCM Sioux City. IA 95.5 KCLU-FM Rolla, MO 94.3 l(ENM-FM Portales NM 95.3 I(GNU Boulder, CO 88.5
KBCO Boulder, CO 97.3 KCLY Clay Center KS 100.9 K ENO- FM Las Vegas, NV 92.3 KGOK Pauls Valley OK 97.7
KBCR-FM Steamboat Springs KCMIC Glenwood Springs, CO 90.5 KEN W -FM Portales NM 89.5 KGOL Lake Jackson, TX 107.3
CO 96.7 1(CMQ Columbia MO 96.7 KEOK Tahleguah, OK 101.7 KGON Portland, OR 92.3
KBCS Bellevue WA 91.3 '(CMS Indio -Palm Desert CA KEOL La Grande OR 91.1 KGOR Omaha, NE 99.9
KBCT Fairfield, IA 95.9 103.1 KEPC Colorado Springs CO 90.5 KGOT Anchorage, AK 101.3
KBDG Turlock, CA 90.9 KC MT -FM Alexandria, Minn. KEPH Ephraim, Utah 89.5 KGOU Norman. OK 106.3
KBDR Merged CA 89.1 100.7 KEPO Eagle Point, OR 89.1 KGOW Broken Arrow, OK 92.1
KBED Lake Providence, LA 92.7 KCMU Seattle WA 90.5 KEPT Shreveport, LA 96.5 KGRA Lake Charles, LA 103.7
KBEE-FM Modesto, CA 103.3 KCNM Carlsbad, N. M. KEQR Chica. Cal. KGRC Hannibal, Mo. 92.9
KBEK Lexington MO 106.3 KCNT Hastings, NE 88.1 KERA-FM Dallas, TX 90.1 KGRD Las Cruces, NM 103.9
KBEM-FM Minneapolis KCOE-FM Cedar Rapids IA 90.9 KERI Bellingham, Wash. KGRE Greeley, Colo.
MN 88.5 KCOL-FM Fort Collins, CO 107.9 KERM Torrington, WY 98.3 KGRG Auburn, WA 88.9
KBEQ Kansas City MO 104.3 [(COT Lamesa, TX 104.7 KESD Brookings, S.D. KGRI-FM Henderson, Tex.
KBEZ Tulsa, OK 92.9 KCOU Columbia, MO 88.1 KESI Edinburg, TX 107.9 KGRM Grumbling LA 91.3
KBFC Forrest City AR 93.5 KCOZ Shreveport, LA 100.1 KESM-FM El Dorado Springs, KGRS Burlington, IA 107.3
KBFE Casa Grande, AZ 105.5 KCPB Thousands Oaks CA 91.1 Mo. KGSP Parkyllle MO 90.3
KBFL Buffalo, MO 90.3 KCPI Albert Lea. MN 95.3 I(ESS Fort Worth, TX 93.9 KGSU-FM Cedar City UT 90.1


Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz

0 KGTN-FM Georgetown, TX
1<GUL-FM Port Lavaca, TX
96.7 KJAB St. Paul MN
KJAK Slaton. TX
91.7 KLUE-FM Longview, Tex.
KNTU Denton, Tex.
KNUE Tyler, Tex,

95.9 92.7 105.1 101.5
KGUS Hot Springs AR 97.5 KJAM-FM Madison, SD 103.1 KLUM-FM Jefferson CIty. Mo. KNUJ-FM New Ulm, Minn.
KGVH Gunnison, UT 91.7 KJAN-FM Atlantic, IA 103.7 88.9 KNUS Dallas. Tex.
KGVW-FM Belgrade, Mont. I(JAX Stockton, CA 99.3 KLUR Wichita Falls, Tex. KNUW Great Falls MT 94.5
KHAK-FM Cedar Rapids IA KJAZ Alameda, CA 92.7 KLVA Lake Village, AR 95.9 I(NVR Paradise, CA 96.7
98.1 '(IBS Bastrop, LA 100.1 KLVE Los Angeles, CA 107.5 KNWA Fayetteville AR 103.9
KHAT Lincoln NE 106.9 KJCK-FM Junction City, KS 94.5 KLVL Pasadena, Tex. KN W C. F M Sioux Falls, S.D.
KHAY Ventura CA 100.7 KJEF-FM Jennings, La. '<LYN Newton, IA 95.9 KNWD Natchitoches, LA 91.7
KHBM-FM Monticello AR 93.5 KJEL-FM Lebanon MO 103.7 KLVR Longview, WA 90.5 KNWS-FM Waterloo, Iowa
KHBR-FM Hillsboro, Tex. 102.5 KJ EZ Poplar Bluff MO 95.5 KLWD Sheridan. WY 96.5 KNX-FM Los Angeles, Calif.
KHBT Humboldt, Iowa 97.7 KJ FM Oceanside, CA 102.1 KLWN-FM Lawrence, Kan. KNXR Rochester, Minn.
aT KHCB-FM Houston, Tex.
KHCC-FM Hutchinson KS 90.1
105.7 KJHK Lawrence, KS
KJ HP Healdsburg CA
KLYD-FM Bakersfield, Cal. 94.1
KLYF Des Moines IA 100.3
KNZA Hiawatha, KS
KOAP Portland. Ore.
KHDX Conway AR 89.1 KJIB Portland, OR 99.5 KLYK Longview, Wash. 105.5 KOAQ Denver, CO 103.5

3 KH EN -FM Henryetta, Okla.

KHEP-FM Phoenix AZ
K HEX Yuba City. CA
KHFI-FM Austin, Tex.
KHFM Albuquerque. N.Mex.
KJIL Bethany, OK
I<JK.1 Logan UT
KJLH Compton, CA
K LYN-FM Lyndon, Wash.
XLYQ.FM Hamilton, MT
KLYR-FM Clarksville, AR
K L Y T Albuquerque, NM
KMAG Fort Smith AR
KOATFM Albuquerque, N.M.
KOAX Dallas, Tex.
KOB-FM Albuquerque. MN 93.3
KOBC Joplin, MO
KOCM Newport Beach, Cal.
KJMC Richfield UT 93.7 99.1
K H HS Hillsboro. KS 88.1 KJML Sacramento, CA KMAQ-FM Maquoketa, la. KOCN Pacific Grove, Cal. 104.9
KHIB Durant OK 91.9 KJMO Jefferson CIty, MO 100.1 KMAV-FM Mayville, ND 101.7 I(OCV Odessa, Tex.
KHIG Paragould AR 104.9 KJNA Jena, LA 99.3 KMAX Sierra Madre, Calif. KOCY-FM Oklahoma City, Okla.
I< HIM Palestine, TX 98.3 KJNP North Pole AK 100.3 KMB1-FM Spokane, WA 107.9 (CODA -FM Houston, Tex.
K HIP Hollister, CA 93.5 KJOI Los Angeles. Calif. 98.7 KMBQ Shreveport LA 93.7 KOEA Doniphan, MO 97.7
K HIS -FM Bakersfield, CA 96.5 KJOK Yuma AZ 93.1 KMBR-FM Kansas City, Mo. KOEL-FM Oelweln, IA 92.3
KH KA Hillsboro, Mo. 88.9 KJOT Boise, ID 105.1 I(MCI( Siloam Springs AR 105.7 KOEZ Newton, KS 92.3
I< H LB- FM Burnet TX 107.1 KIPW-FM Waynesville. Mo. 1<MCR.FM Phoenix AR 91.5 KOFA Yuma, Ariz. 91.5
KHLS Blytheville AR 96.1 KJRG-FM Newton, KS 92.3 !CMGS GatesvIlle, TX 98.3 KOFM Oklahoma City, Okla.
I<JSN Klamath Falls, OR 92.5 KMCV Conroe TX 106.9 KOFO.FM Ottawa, Kan.
KHNY-FM Riverside, CA 92.7
KJUG Tulare, CA K M DX -FM Parker AZ 99.3 KOGA-FM Ogallala NE 92.7
KHOB-FM Hobbs, N. M. 106.7
l(JVC Mansfield, LA 92.7 KMEL San Francisco, CA 106.1 KOGM Opelousas, LA 107.1
KHOF Los Angeles, Calif. KMEO-FM Phoenix AZ 88.9 KOHL Fremont, CA 89.3
KHOK Hoisington KS 100.9 1<JVG Mansfield, LA 92.7
KHOM Houma, LA 104.1 KJYK Tucson AZ 94.9 I(MET Los Angeles, Cal. KOHS Orem, UT 90.1
KHOO Waco TX 99.9 KJZZ Anchorage AK 102.1 KMEX Dallas, TX 100.3 KOIL-FM Omaha, Neb.
K KAI Kailua HI KMFA Austin, TX 89.5 KOIT San Francisco, CA 96.5
K HOP Modesto, CA 104.1 96.3
KMFB-FM Mendocino, Cal. KOJC Cedar Rapids, IA 89.7
KHOZ-FM Harrison AR 102.9 KKAJ Ardmore OK 95.7 KMFE Emmett ID 101.7 KOKE-FM Austin, Tex.
KHPA Hope, AR 104.9 KKBC Carson City, NV 97.3 KMFL-FM Marshall, Mo. 102.9 KOKF Edmond, OK 90.9
KHPC Brownwood, Tex. I(KBL Monett MO 95.9 KM FM San Antonio, Tex. (s) KOKR Newport, AR 105.5
KHPE Albany OR 107.9 KKCA Fulton, Mo. 97.7 KMFS Memphis. Tex. KOLL-FM Gillette, WY 93.5
KHQ-FM Spokane, Wash. KI<DA-FM Dallas, TX 104.5 KMGC Dallas, TX 102.9 KOLM-FM Rochester, Minn.
KHRU Clayton, Mo. 88.1 I( K DJ Fresno, CA 105.9 KOLU Paseo, WA
K HSJ-FM Hemet. Cal. 1<KDQ Grand Forks, ND 92.9
I<MGK Des Moines, IA 93.3 90.1
KHSS Honolulu, HI 97.5 KKEA Hilo, Hawaii KM GO Centerville, IA 98.7 KOLY-FM Mobrldge SD 99.3
97.9 I(MHD Gresham, OR 88.5 KOME San Jose, Calif. 98.5
KHSU-FM Arcata CA 90.5 KKEG Fayetteville AR 92.1 KOMR St. Louis, MO 89.3
KHTC Helena. Mont. 89.5 KKEZ Ft. Dodge, IA 94.5 KMHI Walluku 111 95.1
I<HTZ Los Angeles CA KM HT -FM Marshall, TX 103.9 KOMS Lebanon, OR 103.7
97.1 KKFM Colorado Springs, Colo. KMI H Mercer Island, Wash. 90.1 KOMW-FM Omak WA 92.7
KHUB-FM Fremont. NE 105.5 K KH1-FM San Francisco, Cal. KONG -FM Visalia, Calif.
KHUI Honolulu, HI 93.9. KKH.1 Rapid City, SD 93.9 K MIS -FM Portageville, MO 106.3
K H UT Hutchinson KS KKIQ Livermore. CA KMIT Mitchell, SD 102.3 KON1-FM Spanish Fork, Utah
102.9 101.7 K001 Jacksonville, Tex. 106.3
KHVR Bijou, Calif. K I( KK Odessa, TX 99.1 K MIX Turlick, CA 98.3
KHYE Hemet CA KKLP Pipestone, Minn. KMJ-FM Fresno, Calif. KOOK -FM Billings MT 102.9
105.5 98.7 KOOL-FM Phoenix AZ 94.5
KHYL Auburn, CA 101.1 I< KLV Anchorage, AK 103.9 KIM ri Castle Rock CO 92.1
KM.11( Lake Oswego, OR 106.7 KOOM Benton, Ark. 107.1
KHYS Port Arthur TX 98.5 I< I< M A Pryor, 0K 104.5 K000 -FM Omaha NE 104.5
KIAG Sterling CO 96.7 KKND Jamestown, N.D. 95.5 I<M1Q Clear Lake City, TX 102.1
KMKF Manhattan KS 101.7 KOOV Copperas Cove, TX 103.1
KIAM-FM Wenatchee. WA 104.9 KKNG Oklahoma City OK 92.5 KOPE Mesilla Park, NM 104.9
l(IBC Ogallala, NE 93.5 1<KOS Carlsbad, CA 95.9 KMLA Ashdown AR 103.9
KMMK Little Rock. Ark. KOPN Columbia, MO 89.5
KIBQ Idaho Falls, ID 91.9 KI<Gal Clovis NM 99.1 KOPR Butte MT 94.1
KISS -FM Bishop, Cal. KKSS St. Louis, MO 107.7 KMMM-FM Muskogee, Okla.
K KTX Kilgore, TX KMMT Mammoth Lakes CA 106.3 I<ORA-FM Bryan, TX 98.3
KICB Ft. Dodge. IA 88.1 95.9
KMNR Rolla, MO 89.7 K011.1 Garden Grove CA 04.3
K ICC International Falls, MN (I(XX Bakersfield, CA 107.9 KORK-FM Las Vegas, NV
91.5 KKWB Breckenridge, Minn. 104.9 KMOD Tulsa, Okla.
KICD-FM Spencer, Ia. (l(WS Wadena, Minn. KMOE Butler. MO 105.5 KORM Orem, UT 107.1
K10E Bend OR (I(YS Hanford. CA KMOO-FM Mineola, TX 96.7 KORQ Abilene, TX 100.7
100.7 107.5 KOSE-FM Osceola AR 98.1
KICG Iowa City, IA 100.7 (LAO El Paso TX 95.5 KMOR Scottsbluff NE 92.9
<LAW Lawton, Okla. KMOX-FM St. Louis, Mo. KOSI-FM Denver, Colo.
1(1CN Spokane, WA 98.9 KOSN-FM Thief River Falls, MN
KICR Cedar Rapids, IA 102.9 CLAY -FM Tacoma, Wash. IMPS -FM Seattle WA 94.1
KMPX San Francisco CA 98.9 99.3
KICS-FM Hastings, Neb. <LAZ-FM Little Rock AR 98.5 KOSO Patterson, Cal. 93.1
KICT Wichita KS 95.1 KLB1-FM Austin TX 93.7 KMRC-FM Morgan City, LA 96.7 KOST Los Angeles, Cal.
K ICY -FM Nome AI( 100.3 (LBK-FM Lubbock, Tex. KMRE Dumas, TX 95.3
KMRJ Pittsburg, KS 96.9 KOSU-FM StIllwater, Okla.
KID -FM Idaho Falls, Ida. (LBM-FM La Grande, OR 89.3 KOSY-FM Texarkana, Ark. 102.5
KIDA Moorhead, MN 99.9 <LBS-FM Los Banos CA 95.9 KM RS -FM Morris, MN 107.5
KOTE Lancaster, Calif. 108.3
KIEA Ethete, WY 89.7 (LCC Eugene, Ore. KMSA Grand Junction, CO 91.3
KOTN-FM Pine Bluff AR 92.3
KIEE Harrisonville, MO 100.7 <LCD Decorah, IA 89.5 '<MSC Sioux City IA 88.3
KOTO Telluride, CO
KMSM-FM Butte MT 91.5 91.7
KIFG-FM Iowa Falls, la. KLCL-FM Lake Charles, LA 99.5 KOUL Sinton-Corpus Christi
K1FM San Diego, CA 98.1 KLCM-FM Lewiston, MT 95.9 1< MSR Sauk Centre, MN 94.3
KMSU Mankato, Minn. 90.5 TX 103.3
KIGC Oskaloosa, IA 88.7 KLCO-FM Poteau, Okia. KOUR-FM Independence IA 95.3
KIIK Davenport IA 103.7 KLCR Center TX 102.3 KMTN Jackson, WY 96.9 KOVA Ojai CA 105.3
KI1Q-FM Manitou Springs, CO KLDN Eldon MO 92.7 KM?. Mt. Pleasant, UT 91.1
KOVF-FM Kearney, Neb. 91.3
102.7 KLEA-FM Lovington, N. M. KMTW Twin Falls, ID 96.5
KOVO Gallup NM 94.5
KITS -FM Los Angeles, CA 102.7 KLEE-FM Ottumwa, IA 97.7 KMUL-FM Muleshoe, TX 103.1
KMUW Wichita, KS 89.1 KOWN-FM Escondido, CA 92.1
KIJV-FM Huron, SD 92.1 KLEF Houston, Tex. KOXE Brownwood, TX 101.5
KIKK-FM Houston. Tex. 95.7 I(LEL San Jose, CA 89.3 l(MUZ La Grange TX 104.9
KMXT Kodiak, AK 100.1
KOYE Laredo, TX 92.7
K11(M-FM Sherman, TX 96.7 KLEN-FM Cheyenne, WY 106.3 KOXI Columbus NE 101.1
KIKO-FM Globe AZ 100.3 KLFD-FM Litchfield. Minn. 95.3 KMXX Austin, TX 102.3
KOYL-FM Odessa, TX 97.9
K I KT Greenville, TX 93.5 KLFM Ames, la. KMYO-FM Little Rock AR 95.7
KLGA-FM Algona. Iowa KMYR Albuquerque, NM 99.5 39.3
KILA Henderson, Nev. 95.5 92.7 KOZE-FM Lewiston, Idaho
KILJ Mount Pleasant, Iowa 105.5 KLGR-FM Redwood Falls, KMYT Merced, CA 97.5
KOZN-FM San Diego. CA 103.7
KILO Colorado Springs CO 93.9 MN 97.7 KNAF-FM Fredericksburg, Tex.
KILT -FM Houston, Tex. KLGS Los Gatos, Cal. 101.1 KPAK El Paso, Tex.
KIM1 Keokuk IA 95.3 KLGT Breckenridge, CO KPAM-FM Portland, Ore. 97.1
102.3 KNAS Nashville, AR 105.5 KPAN-FM Hereford. Tex. 106.3
KIMN-FM Denver. CO 98.5 KLHS Lewiston II) 89.1 I<N,"(1 Tacoma, WA 97.3 It PAR -FM Albuquerque, NM 100.3
KINB Poteau, Okla. 107.3 KLIL Ukiah, Cal. KNBS Manteca, CA 90.3 KPAS El Paso, TX
KIND -FM Independence, Kan. KL1N-FM Lincoln, Neb. 107.3 93.9
KLIR-FM Denver, Colo.
KNBT New Braunfels, Tex. 92.1 KPAT Sioux Fall SD 97.3
KINF Dodge City ICS 91.9 KNBU Baldwin, Kan. KPAY-EM Chico CA 95.1
KING -FM Seattle, Wash. KLIZ-FM Brainerd. Minn. 95.7 KNBY-FM Newport AR 105.5 KPBM-FM Poplar Bluff MO 94.5
KIN1 Crookston, NE 96.1 KLJC Kansas CIty, Mo. 89.5 KNCC Tsalle, AZ 91.9
KIN K Portland, Ore. KLLL-FM Lubbock, Tex. 98.3 i(PBS-FM San Diego, CA 89.5
KLLS Okmulgee, OK
KNIIN Sinton, TX 101.3 KPBX-FM Spokane WA 91.1
KINL Eagle Pass, Tex. 92.7 94.3 KNCT-FM Killeen, TX 91.3 KPCG Joplin, MO 102.5
KINN-FM Alamogordo NM 105.5 KLME Battle Mountain, NV 88.1 KNCV Rochester, MN 101.7 KPCR-FM Bowling Green, MO
KINT-FM El Paso, Tex. 97.5 I( LM F -FM Fabens TX 103.1 I(NCY-FM Nebraska CIty. NE
KLMO-FM Longmont, CA 100.9
KINX Colorado Springs, CO 101.9 104.3 97.7 '<PCS Pasadena, Cal. 89.8
K IOC .Orange, TX 106.1 KLMR-FM Lamar. CO 93.3 I(NDR Mandan, ND 104.9 KPDJ Eureka, CA 92.3
KIOG Mesa, AZ 104.7 KLMT Marlin, TX 96.7 KNOY-FM Marysville KS 103.1 l(PDQ-FM Portland, Ore. 93.7
KI01 San Francisco, Cal. 101.3 KLOA-FM Ridgecrest, Calif. KNEB-FM Scottsbluff, Neb. 94.1 KPEC-FM Tacoma WA 90.9
K10L Iola, KS 99.3 I(LOH-FM Pipestone, MN 98.7 KNED-FM McAlester, Okla. KPEN Los Altos, Cal. 97.7
KIO 0 Porterville, Calif. 99.7 KLOL Houston TX 101.1 KNEI-FM Waukon, Iowa 103.9 I(PFA Berkeley, Cal. 94.1
KI0Q-FM Bishop, CA 100.7 KLOM-FM Lompoc, Cat. 92.7 KNER Dallas, Tex. KPFB Berkeley, Calif.
KIOS-FM Omaha. Neb. 91.5 '<LON Long Beach, Calif. KNEV Reno. Nev. KPFK Los Angeles. Calif.
K IOW Forest City IA 102.3 KLOO-FM Corvallis, OR 106.1 KNEW -FM Scottsbluff, Nebr. KPFM Kerrville TX 94.3
KIOU Corpus Christi. Tex. KLOQ Lyons, KS 106.1 KNEX-FM McPherson KS 98.7 KPFT Houston TX 90.1
KIOV Sioux Falls, SD 104.7 KLOR-FM Ponca City. 01( 99.3 KNFB Nowata. Okla. KPGA Pismo Beach, CA 95.3
KIOY Hanford, CA 103.7 KLOS Los Angeles, Calif. 95.5 KNFM Midland, Tex. KPOR Pleasant Grove, UT 88.1
K102 Laramie, WY 102.9 KLOV-FM Loveland, Colo. INFO Waco TX 95.5 KPGY Ames, Iowa 91.9
1(1PC Albuquerque, NM 91.5 KLOZ El Paso TX 102.1 KNGT Jackson CA 94.3 KPIC Albuquerque, NM 91.5
KIQO Atascadero, CA 104.0 I< LPC-F M Lompoc, CA 92.7 KNHC Seattle, Wash. 89.5 KPIR Duluth MN 98.9
KIQQ Los Angeles CA 100.3 KLPH St. Louis MO 89.9 I<N HS Torrance, Cal. KPJH Ft. Stockton, TX 94.3
KIRK -FM Branson, MO 106.3 KLPI Ruston LA 89.1 KNID Enid, OK 96.9 I(PLE Temple, TX 104.9
KISM Bellingham, WA 92.9 KLPW-FM Union, Mo. 101.7 KNI K -FM Anchorage AK 105.5 l<PLL Pella, IA 103.3
KISR Fort Smith AR 93.7 It LQQ Sulphur, LA 100.9 KNIM-FM Maryville, MO 95.3 KPLN-FM Plains, TX 90.7
KISS San Antonio, TX 99.5 I(LRB Carmel -Monterey CA 101.7 KNIS Carson City, Nev. 94.7 KPLR-FM St. Louis, Mo.
KISW Seattle, Wash. 99.9 KLRE-FM Little Rock AR 90.5 KNIX-FM Phoenix. AZ 102.5 KPLU Tacoma, WA 88.5
KIT -FM Yakima, WA 94.5 KLRF Emporia, KS 104.9 KNJO Thousand Oaks, Calif. KPLV Pueblo CO 98.9
KITE -FM San Antonio, TX 104.5 KLRS-FM Mountain Grove, KNLU Monroe LA 88.7 KPMT Oxnard, Cal.
K1TR Creston, IA 101.7 MO 97.7 KNOB Long Beach, Cal. 97.9 KPNW-FM Eugene, Ore. 99.1
K ITT San Diego. CA 105.3 KLSD Lubbock TX 01.1 ksinF-FM Monroe. LA 101.9 KPOC-FM Pocahontas AR 103.9
KITY San Antonio, TX 92.9 KLSE-FM Rushford, MN 91.7 KNOF St. Paul, MN 95.5 l<POL-FM Los Angeles, Calif.
KIWA-FM Sheldon. IA 105.5 KLSN Brownwood TX 99.3 KNOT( -FM Ft. Worth, TX 107.5 KPOO San Francisco CA 89.5
KIWW Harlingen, TX 96.1 KLSR St. Louis MO 89.7 I(NOS Marshall. Mo. 91.7 KPOP-FM Roseville, Cal. 93.5
KIX1-FM Seattle, Wash. I(LSS Okmulgee, OK 94.3 KNOT -FM Prescott, AZ 98.3 KPPL Lakewood, CO 107.5
KIXS-FM Killeen TX 93.3 KLTB Bolivar, MO KNPR Las Vegas NV 89.5 KPPS-FM Parsons, KS 91.1
KI XV Brady TX 95.3 KLTD Lampasas, TX 99.3 KNPT-FM Newport, OR 102.5 KPQ-FM Wenatchee, Wash.
K1XX Watertown, SD 96.1 KLUB-FM Salt Lake City UT KNTF Ontario CA 93.5 I(PQX Havre, MT 92.5
KIXY-FM San Angelo TX 94.7 97.1 KNTO Witchita Falls TX 103.3 KPRA Paso Robles. Calif. 94.3


Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz

KPRI San Diego, CA 106.5 KRSL-FM Russell, KS KSXT Walla Walla, WA 97.1 KUTE Glendale, Cal. 101.9
KPRM-FM Park Rapids, MN KRSM Dallas, TX 89.3 KSYM-FM San Antonio, Tex. 90.3 KUUL Madera, CA 92.1
97.5 KRSN-FM Los Alamos, N.Mex. KSYN Joplin, Mo. K U UZ Nampa, 1D 96.9
KPRS Kansas City. MO 103.3 KRSP-FM Salt Lake City, Utah KTAK Riverton, WY 93.5 KUVR-FM Holdrege, Neb. 97.7
1(PSH-FM Palm Springs, CA 88.3 103.5 KTAL-FM Texarkana, Tex. 98.1 KUWR Laramie, Wyo. 91.9
I(PSR Los Altos, Cal. 91.5 KRST Albuquerque, N.M. KTAP Crete, NB 103.9 KVCL-FM Winnfield. La.
l(PSU Goodwell, 01( 91.7 KRSW-FM Pipestone MN 91.7 KTAR-FM Phoenix AZ 98.7 KVCM Montgomery City,
KPTL Carson City NE 97.3 KRSY-FM Roswell, NM 97.1 KTAS Pendleton OR 107.7 MO 103.9
KPUB-FM Pueblo, CO 99.9 KRTH Los Angeles CA 101.1 KTAV Knoxville IA 92.1 KVCO Concordia, KS 88.3
I(PVU Prairie View TX 91.3 KRTU San Antonio, TX 91.5 KTAZ-FM Sierra Vista, AZ 100.9 KVCR San Bernardino, Calif.
l(PWD Plentywood, MT 100.1 KRUD Las Vegas, NV 90.9 KTBC Nacogdoches TX 92 I KVDB-FM Sioux Center IA 94.3
KPX1 Mt. Pleasant, TX 100.7 KRUZ Santa Barbara. CA 103.3 KTCC Colby, KS 91.9 KVEE-FM Conway AR 105.1
l<PYN Atlanta TX 99.3 KRVE Los Gatos, CA 95.3 KTCH-FM Wayne, NE 104.9 KVEL-FM Vernal, UT 92.7
KQAA Aberdeen, SD 94.9 KRVH-FM Rio Vista CA 60.9 KTCL Fort Collins, CO 93.3 KVFG Thibodaux LA 91.5
KQAD-FM Luverne MN 93.7 I( RVM Eugene, OR 91.9 KTCR-FM Minneapolis, MN 97.1 KVFM Ogden, UT 95.5
KQAL Winona, MN 88.5 KRVN-FM Lexington, Neb. 93.1 KTCS-FM Fort Smith AR 99.9 KVFS Vacaville, Cal. 95.3
KCICA Canton, MO 102.3 KRVS Lafayette, La. 88.3 KTCU-FM Fort Worth, TX 88.7 KVG B -FM Great Bend, KS 104.3
1(QCR Cedar Rapids, IA 102.9 I< RWG Las Cruces, NM 90.7 KTDB Ramah NM 89.7 KVHS Concord. Cal. 91.1
KODE-FM Waseca MN 92.1 KRWN Farmington, NM 92.9 KTDY Lafayette, LA 99.9 KVI-FM Seattle, WA 101.5
KQDY Bismarck, ND 94.5 KRWS Hardin, MT 95.3 KTEC Klamath Falls. Ore. 88.1 KVIK Travis AFB CA 91.5
KQED-FM San Francisco, Cal. KRXL Kirksville, MO 94.5 KTEN-FM Ada, OK 93.3 KVIL-FM Highland Park -Dallas,
88.5 KSAB Liberty, MO 106.5 KTEP El Paso, Tex. 88.5 Tex.
1(QEZ Shatter, CA 97.7 KSAK Walnut CA 90-I KTEQ Rapid City, S.D. 88.1 KVIM Coachella, Calif. 93.7
KQFM Portland. OR 100.3 KSAM-FM Huntsville, Tex. KTEZ Lubbock, TX 101.1 KVIP-FM Redding CA 98.1
KQH.1 Hampton, IA 104.9 KSAN San Francisco, Cal. 94.9 KTFC Sioux City. Ia. KVLR Detroit Lakes, MN 95.3
KQHU Yankton SD 104.1 KSA 13-F M Salem AR 95.9 KTFM San Antonio TX 102.7 KVLU Beaumont TX 91.3
KQIC Willmar MN 102.5 KSAU Nacogdoches, TX 90.1 KTFX Tulsa 01( 103.3 KVLV-FM Fallon, Nev.
KCIID Alexandria LA 93.1 KSAX Burley ID 98.3 KTGA Fort Dodge, IA 92.1 KVMG-FM Cochran, Ga.
KDIP Odessa, TX 96.9 KSAY Clinton, IA 96.1 KTHO-FM Tahoe Valley, CA 103.1 KVMR Nevada City CA 89.5
KQIX Grand Junction CO 93.1 KSBR Mission Viejo, CA 88.5 KT1B-FM Thibodaux, La. KVMT Vail, CO 104.7
1(Q1Z-FM Amarillo, TX 93.1 KSBY-FM San Luis Obispo, Cal. 1(TIG Pequot Lakes MN 100.1 KVMV-FM McAllen, Tex. 98.9
1(01(1 -FM Bayou Vista. LA 95.3 I(SCC Berryville AR 107.1 KTI M -FM San Rafael, Calif. 100.9 KVNO Omaha, NE 90.7
1(01(0 -FM Council Bluffs, IA 1<SCF Florissant, MO 97.1 KTIS-FM Minneapolis, Minn. 1(VPG Fairfield, Iowa 89.5
98.5 1<SCL Shreveport, LA 91.3 KTJJ Farmington MO 97.1 KVPI-FM Ville Platte, La.
KQLH San Bernardino CA 95.1 KSCM-FM Houston, MO 99.3 KTKC Springhill, LA 92.7 KVPR-FM Fresno, CA 89.3
KQMQ Honolulu, HI 93.1 KSCO-FM Santa Cruz, CA 99.1 KTLB-FM Twin Lakes, IA 105.5 KVRE-FM Santa Rosa CA 91.5
KQNM Gallup, NM 93.7 KSCR Hobbs, NM 95.7 KILO -FM Mountain Home AR KVRF Vermillion, S.D.
K001( Kenai, AK 100.1 KSCS Ft. Woth TX 96.3 98.3 KVRH-FM Salida, Calif. 92.1
KQPD Ogden UT 101.9 KSCU Santa Clara CA 89.1 KTLQ-FM Tahlequah, Okla. KVRN-FM Sonora, TX 92.1
KQQQ Pullman, WA 104.9 KSDN-FM Aberdeen, SD 94.1 KTLX Columbus NE 91.9 KVRO Stillwater, Okla.
KQRS-FM Golden Valley, NM 92.5 KSDS San Diego, CA 88.8 KTMO Kennett MO 98.9 KVSR Rapid City. S.D. 97.9
1(QSM Chanute, KS 105.5 KSDZ Gordon NE 95.5 KTMS-FM Santa Barbara, Cal. KVTT Dallas, Tex.
1(QSW Rock Springs WY 96.5 KSEA Seattle, WA 100.7 KTMT Medford OR 93.7 KVVCFM Cabool, MO 108.3
KQUE Houston TX 102.9 KSEL-FM Lubbock, TX 93.7 KTNMFM Tucumeari, N.M. 92.7 KVVP Leesville, LA 105.5
KQWB-FM Moorhead, MN 98.7 KSEO-FM Durant, OK 107.1 KTOC-FM Jonesboro, La. KVWC-FM Vernon TX 102.3
KQWC-FM Webster City IA 95.9 KSER Searcy. AR 99.3 KTOF Cedar Rapids. Iowa 104.5 KVWM-FM Show Low AZ 93.5
KQXT San Antonio, Tex. 101.9 KSET-FM El Paso, Tex. 94.7 KTON-FM Belton, Tex. 106.3 KVXJ Crescent City, CA 90.1
KQXX McAllen, Tex. KSEZ Sioux City. IA 97.9 KTOO Juneau AK 104.3 KVYN St. Helena, CA 99.3
KQXY Beaumont, TX 94.1 KSIC Spokane WA 91.1 KTOT-FM Big Bear Lake, CA KWAO Sun CIty, AZ 106.3
KQYT Phoenix AZ 95.5 KSFH Mountain View CA 90.5 101.7 KWAR Waverly, IA - 89.1
KRAB Seattle, WA 107.7 KSFI Salt Lake City UT 100.3 KTOY Tacoma, Wash KWAS Amarillo, TX 101.9
KRAD-FM E. Grand Forks, MN KSFM Woodland CA 102.5 KTPK Topeka, KS 108.9 KWAT-FM Watertown, S.D. 96.1
103.9 KSFX San Francisco CA 103.7 1(1 QM -FM Clovis, N.M. l(WAV Monterey, CA 96.9
KRAI-FM Craig, CO 93.7 KSGM-FM Ste. Genevieve, MO KTRO Leavenworth KS 98.9 KWAX Eugene, OR 91.1
KRAV Tulsa, 01( 96.5 105.7 KTRU Houston, TX 91.7 KWBE-FM Beatrice, NE 92.9
KRAY-FM Salinas, CA 103.9 KSHE Crestwood, MO 94.7 KTRX Tarkio-Rockport MO 93.5 KWBG-FM Boone, IA 98.3
KRAZ Farmington, NM 96.9 KSH1 Zuni NM 90.9 KTRY-FM Bastrop, LA 94.3 KWBI Morrison, Colo. 91.1
KRBB-FM Sallisaw, Okla. 95.9 KSHU Huntsville TX 89.3 KTSC-FM Pueblo, Colo. 89.5 KWBU Waco, TX 107.1
l< R BD 1(etchikan, AI( 105.9 KSID-FM Sidney. NE 95.3 KTSM-FM El Paso, Tex. 99.9 KWCB Floresville, TX 94.3
.KRBE Houston, TX 104.1 KSIH Pocatello. ID 94.9 KTSR Kansas City, Mo. KWCR-FM Ogden. Utah
KRBI-FM St. Peter, MN 105.5 K51 W..I- in wuodward, OK 93.5 KTSU Houston TX 90.9 KWCW Walla Walla, Wash. 90.5
KRBM Pendleton, OR 90.9 KSJC-FM Stockton, Calif. 89.5 KTOT-F M Big Bear Lake CA 101.7 KWCX Willcox, AZ 98.3
KRBU Pocatello, ID 104.9 KS,M Jamestown, ND 93.3 KTTL Dodge City KS 93.9 KWDB-FM Richfield, MN 101.3
KRCC Colorado Springs, CO 91.5 KSJN Minneapolis. Minn. 91.1 KTTSFM Springfield, Mo. KWDG Idabel OK 96.7
KRCH Rochester, MN 101.7 KSJO San Jose, CA 92.3 KTUH Honolulu, HI 90.3 KWDM West Des Moines, IA 88.9
KRCS Sturgis, SD 93.1 KSJR-FM CollegevIlle, MN 90.1 KTW-FM Seattle, Wash. KWED-FM Seguin, Tex. 105.3
1< RCT Ozona, TX 94.3 KSJS San Jose, Cal. 90.7 KTWN-FM Anoka MN 107.9 KWEH Camden AR 97.1
K RCU Cape Girardeau, MO 90.9 KSJU Collegeville, MN 89.1 KTXJ-FM Jasper, TX 102.3 KWEN Tulsa OK 95.5
KRDC-FM St. George UT 90.1 KSKA Anchorage AK 103.1 KTXN-FM Victoria, Tex. 98.7 KWEY-FM Weatherford, OK 97.3
KRDF-FM Spearman TX 98.3 I<S1(1) Salem OR r(15 I KTWR Tacoma, Wash. KWEZ Monroe, LA 104.1
K R D 0 -FM Colorado SprIngs, Colo. KSKG Salina, Kan. 99.9 KTXR Springfield, Mo. 101.5 KWFC Springfield, MO 97.9
KRE-FM Berkeley CA 102.9 KSK1-FM Sun Valley, ID 93.5 l(TXQ Fort Worth TX 102.1 KWFM Tucson AZ 92.9
KREB Monroe, LA 106.1 KSKR Mena, AR 101.7 KTXT-FM Lubbock, Tex. KWFR-FM San Angelo, Tex.
KREK Bristow 01( 104.9 1o.0 hiuuininson, Kan. 102.1 KTYL Tyler, TX 93.1 KWGN-FM Abernathy, Tex.
KREM-FM Spokane, WA 92.9 KSLC McMinnville OR 90.3 KUAC-FM Fairbanks AK 104 I KWGS Tulsa, OK 89.5
I( RER Billings, MT 88.9 KSLE Seminole 01< 105.5 KUAD-FM Windsor, CO 99.1 KWHC Forrest City AR 102.3
1< RES Moberly, MO 104.7 l(SLH St. Louis, MO 91.5 KUAF Fayetteville AR 88.9 KWHI Brenham, TX 106.3
KREW-FM Sunnyside, WA 96.7 KSLI Alexandria, LA 96.9 KUAM-FM Agana GU 93.9 KW HO -FM Salt Lake City. Utah
KREX-FM Grand Junction, CO KSLQ St. Louis, MO 98.1 KUAT-FM Tucson. AZ 90.5 KWHP Edmund, Okla. 97.7
92.3 KSLS 1. ibe-al KS 91 3 KUBB Mariposa, CA 96.3 KW HS W. Sacramento, CA 91.7
KRFG Greenfield, MO 93.5 KSLU Hammond, LA 90.9 KIIRCFM Montrose, CO 94.1 KWHW-FM Altus OK 93.5
KRFO-FM Owatonna, MN 104.9 KsinA-FM Santa Maria, CA 102.5 KUBS Newport WA 80.5 KWIC Beaumont TX 107.7
I( R FS -FM Superior, NB 103.9 Kg mil Lafayette, LA 94.5 KUCA Conway, AR 91.5 KWIN Lodi CA 97.7
KRGI-TM Grand Island, NE 96.5 KSMC Moraga, CA 89.5 KUCR Riverside, Cal. KWID-FM Moses Lake. Wash.
KRGK Carthage. MO 104.9 Kbi.E Monti, UT 90.7 KUCV Lincoln, Neb. 100.3
KRHD-FM Dungan. OK 102.3 KSMI-FM Donaldsonville LA 104.9 KUDL Kansas City, ICS 98.1 KW IT Sioux City, IA 90.3
I(' HS Jiiiiiheall City. AZ 102.3 l(SMO-FM Salem MO 95.9 I(UDO Las Vegas, NV 93.1 KWIZ-FM Santa Ana, Calif.
K RH M Lake Havasu CIty NE 95.9 1<SMR Winona MN 90.9 KUDU-FM KWJS Arlington, TX 94.9
KRIC Rexburg ID 90.1 KSMU Springfield MO 91.1 Ventura -Oxnard, Calif. KWIC -FM Abilene, Tex.
KRIL El Dorado AR 99.3 KSND Eugene, OR 93.1 KUDY-FM Spokane. Wash. KWKI Kansas City, MO 93.3
KRIT Clarion. IA 98.9 KSN M Santa Fe, N.M. KUER Salt Lake City, Utah KWKK Dardanelle, AR 102.3
KR1X Brownsville TX 99.5 KSNR Gilroy CA 94.3 KU EZ Yakima, WA 106.3 KWKO Anchorage AK 102.1
KRJB Monte Rio, CA 97.7 KSNS Lake Charles, LA 96.1 Wil'M Missoula, MT 89.1 KWKQ Graham, TX 107.1
KRKE-FM Albuquerque, NM 94.1 KSOL San Mateo CA 107.9 KUFO Galveston, TX 106.5 KWLD Plainview, TX 91.5
KRKT-FM Albany, OR 99.9 KSON-FM San Diego, CA 97.3 KUGS Bellingham, WA 89.3 KWLS-FM Pratt KS 93.1
KRLS Knoxville IA 92.1 KSOP-FM Salt Lake City, KUHF Houston, Tex. KWLV Many, LA 107.1
Utah UHS Roosevelt, UT 90.9 KWLW San Angelo, Tex.
KRLT South Lake Tahoe. CA 100.1 KSOR Ashland, Ore. 90.1 KUIB Vernal UT 89.1 KWMJ Midland, TX 103.3
KRLX Northfield, MN 90.3
(SOZ Point Lookout, MO KUIC Vacaville, CA 95.3 KWMO St. Louis, Me. 90.7
KRLY Houston, TX 93.7 91.7
<SPA Hot Springs AR 96.7 KIIID Moscow, ID 91.7 KWMU St. Louis, Me. 90.7
KRMD-FM Shreveport LA 101.1 <SPB Pebble Eeach CA 91.5 KULA Waipahu HI 92.3 KWNT-FM Davenport, Ia
KRMQ Provo, UT 94.9 <SPC Claremont. Calif. KULL Scott City, KS 94.5 KWOA-FM Worthington, Minn
KR MS -FM Osage Beach, MO (SPI-FM Stillwater, Okla. KULM Columbus TX 98.3 KWOD Sacramento, CA 108.5
KRNA Iowa City, IA 93.5 (SPL-FM 010011, Tex. 95.5 KULP-FM El Campo. Tex. 96.9 KWPB Liberty, MO 91.9
Klich1B-FM Neah Bay, WA 90.1 KSPN Aspen, Colo. 97.7 KU MD -FM Duluth, Minn. KWPM-FM West Plains, MO 93.9
KRNL-FM Mt. Vernon, Ia. <SPZ Colorado Springs, CO 92.9 KUMM Morris MN 89.7 KWRF-FM Warren, AR 105.5
KRNO Reno, NV , 108.9 KSRA-FM Salmon ID 92.7 KUMU-FM Honolulu. HI 94.7 KWRO-FM Coquille OR 102.3
KFING Des Moines. IA 102.5 KSRD Seward, NB 96.9 KUNA San Luis Obispo CA 96.1 KWRS Spokane, WA 90.3
I( RN Y -FM Kearney-noldrege, KSRF Santa Monica. Calif. KUNC-FM Greeley, Colo. 91.3 KWSB-FM Gunnison, Colo.
Nebraska l(SRN Reno, Nev. KUNF La Canada, Cal. 88.9 KWSC Wayne NE 91.1
KROA Aurora, NE 103.1 KSRT Tracy, CA 100.9 KUN1 Cedar Falls, IA 90.9 KWSM Tulare CA 106.7
KROB-FM Robstown, TX 99.9 KSSR Kalispell, MT 98.5 KUNM Albuquerque, N.M. 90.1 KWST Los Angeles, Cal. 105.9
KROC-FM Rochester, MN 108.9 KS I A- F M Coleman, TX 107.1 KUNR Reno NV 88.7 KWTC-FM Barstow, CA 94.3
KROE-FM Sheridan WY 94.9 KSTC-FM Sterling, CO 96.7 KUOA-FM Siloam Springs AR KWTO-FM Springfield, MO 98.7
KROF-FM Abbeville, LA 104.9 KSTG Sikeston, MO 97.7 105.7 1:WTS Canyon TX 91.1
KROG Sonora CA 92.7 KST1 San Angelo, TX 97.5 KUOE El Paso, TX 95.5 KWTX-FM Waco. Tex. 97.5
1(1301 Sacramento, CA 96.9 KSTK Wrangell, AL KUOH Honolulu, Hawaii KWUR Clayton, MO 90.3
KROK Shreveport LA 94.5 KSTM Apache Junction AZ 107.1 KUOI-FM Moscow, Ida. 89.3 KWVE San Clemente CA 107.9
KR0(1-FM Pasadena, CA 106.7 KSTN-FM Stockton, Calif. 107.3 KUOP Stockton. Calif. KWWC-FM Columbia, Mo.
I< hOZ Tyler, TX 02.1 KSTO Agana GU 95.5 KUOR-FM Redlands, Cal. KWWM Stephenville, Tex. 98.3
KRPC Owatonna MN 90.5 KSTP-FM Minneapolis, Minn. KUOW Seattle, Wash. KWWR-FM Mexico, Mo.
KRPL-FM Moscow ID 103.9 KSTX Canon City, CO 103.9 KUPD-FM Tempe AZ 97.9 KWXY-FM Cathedral CIty,
KRPR Rochester, MN 89.9 KSUB-FM Cedar City, UT 92.5 KUPI-FM Idaho Falls, ID 99.1 Cal. 99.6
1(1301( Lompoc CA 100.9 KSUC Keene, TX 88.3
KUPL Portland OR 98.5 KWYD Security CO 105.5
K RQQ Tucson, AZ 93.7 KSUE-FM Susanville, CA 92.7 K UPS Tacoma, WA 90.1 KWYK Aztec, NM 94.9
KRRC Portland, Ore. 89.3 KSUI Iowa City, Iowa KURL-FM Billings, WO. KWYN-FM Wynne AR 92.2
KRRO Ardmore, 01( 92.1 KSUL Long Beach CA 90.1 KURY-FM Brookings, OR 95.3 KWYR-FM Winner, SD 93.7
KRRV Alexandria, LA 100.3 KSUT Ignacio, CO 91.3
K USC Los Angeles, Calif. KWYT-FM Salinas, CA 100.7
KRSA-FM Salinas -Monterey CA KSVP-FM Artesia, N.M. KUSD-FM Vermillion, S.Dak. KXBQ Ontario, OR 96.1
100.7 KSVR Mount Vernon WA 90.1 KUSF San Francisco CA 90.3 KXCV Maryville, Mo. 90.8
KRSB Roseburg, Ore. 103.1 KSWC Winfield, Kan KUSN-FM St. Joseph, Mo. KXDD Richland, WA 106.3
KRSH Overland, MO 90.1 KSWH Arkadelphia AR 91.1 KUSP Santa Cruz, CA 88.9 KXEL-FM Waterloo, Iowa
KRSI Minneapolis, Minn. KSW1 Clarinda, IA 106.3 KUSU-FM Logan, Utah KXFM Santa Maria, Cal.
KRSJ Durango, CO 101.5 KSWT Topeka KS 93.7 KUT-FM Austin, Tex. KXGO Arcata CA 93.8


Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz

KYGR Grand Rapids, MN 96.7 WAJP Joliet, Ill. WBHR Beilair, OH 88.7 WCER-FM Charlotte. Mich.
KXIQ Bend, OR 34.1 WAJR-FM Morgantown, W.Va. WBHS Brunswick ME 91.1 WCFM Williamstown, Mass.
KXIT-FM Dalhart, Tex. WAKG Danville VA 103.3 WBIE Marietta, GA 101.5 WCFR-FM Springfield. Vt. 93.5
KXJ K -FM Forrest City, Ark. WAKM Bedford, Pa. WBIF Bedford, IN 105.5 WCFW Chippewa Falls. Wis. 105.5
KXKX Denver, CO 95.7 WAKN-FM Aiken, S.C. W131M-FM Bridgewater MA 91.5 WCHC Worchester, MA 89.1
KXKZ Ruston, LA 107.1 WAKO-FM Lawrenceville, Ill. WBIP-FM Booneville, MS 99.3 WCHK-FM Canton, Ga.
KXLE-FM Ellensburg WA 95.3 WAKQ Russelville, KY 101.1 WBIR-FM Knoxville, Tenn. WCHN-FM Norwich, N.Y.
KXLU Los Angeles, Cal. 88.9 WBIV Wethersfield Township, WCHO-FM Washington Court
KXLY-FM Spokane, Wash. WAKS-FM Fuguay-Varina, N.Y. 107.7 House, 0.
KXMS Alice TX 92.1 NC 103.9 W BIZ Eau Claire WI 100.7 WCHQ-FM Camuy, P.R. 102.9
KXO-FM El Centro, CA 107.5 WAKW Cincinnati, OH WBJB Lineroft NJ 90.5 WCHR Trenton, N.J. 94.3
KXOA Sacramento, Calif. WAKX-FM Duluth. MN 98.9 WBJC Baltimore, Md. WCHW-FM Bay City MI 91.3
KXOJ Sapulpa, OK 100.9 WALD-FM Walterboro, S.C. 100.9 WBJH Trenton, N.J. WCIB Falmouth, Mass. 101.9
KXOL Fort Worth TX 99.5 WALF Alfred NY 69.7 WBJW Orlando, FL 105.1 WCIE-FM Lakeland, FL 91.3
KXOX-FM Sweetwater, TX 96.7 WALK -FM Patchogue, N.Y. WBKE-FM North Manchester. WCIG Mullins. SC 107.1
KXOW-FM Hot Springs, AR 106.3 WALL -FM Middletown, N.Y. Ind. 89.5 WCII-FM Washinaton. IA 95.3
KXPR Sacramento CA 88.9 WALM-FM Marshall, Mlch. WBI(F Macclenny FL 92.1 WCIL-FM Carbondale, III. 101.5
KXQR Fresno, Ca11!.(s) WALP Corinth. Miss. 90.5 WBKR Owensboro KY 92.5 WCIR-FM Beckley, W.Va. 103.7
KXRA-FM Alexandria. Minn. WALR-FM Union City, TN 104.9 WRI(T Brockport, NY 90.5 WCJM W. Point, Ga.
KXTC Glendale AZ 92.3 WALT Meridian, Miss. 97.1 WBKV-FM West Bend, Wis. WCKO Pompano Beach, FL 102.7
KXTR Kansas City, Mo. WALX Selma, AL 100.9 WBKW Beckley, W.Va. WCKR Hornell NY 92.1
KXTZ Henderson, NV 94.1 WAMC Albany, N.Y. WBKY Lexington, Ky. WCKS Cocoa Beach, Fla.
KXXA Little Rock, AR 95.7 WAMF Tallahassee, FL 90.5 WBKZ Glen Burnie, MD 95.9 WCKW La Place, La.
KXXI Ft. Smith, AR 100.9 WAMI.FM Opp AL 102.3 WBLD Orchard Lake, MI 89.3 WCLA-FM Claxton GA 107.1
KXXK Chickasha OK 105.5 WAMO Pittsburgh, PA 105.9 WBLE-FM Batesville, MS 95.9 WCLD-FM Cleveland MS 103.9
KXXX-FM Colby KA 1501 WAMP-FM Toledo, OH 88.3 WBLI Patchogue NY 106.1 WCLE-FM Cleveland. Tenn.
KXXY Oklahrlma City OK 94.1 WAMR-FM Venice, FL 92.1 WBLK-FM Buffalo, N.Y. WCLG-FM Morgantown,
KYA-FM San Francisco CA 93.3 WAMU-FM Washington, D.C. WBLM Lewiston -Auburn ME 107.5 WV 100.1
KYBO Yakima, WA 98.3 WAMX Ashland, KY 93.7 WBLR-FM Batesburg, S.C. WCLH Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 90.7
KYBS Livingston, MT 97.7 WAMZ Louisville, KY 97.5 WBLS New York NY 107.5 WCLI-FM Corning. NY 108.1
KYDZ Cody, WY 90.1 WANB-FM Waynesburg PA 90.7 WBLX Mobile AL 92.9 WOLK Atlanta, GA 91.9
KYEA West Monroe, La. 98.3 WANM Tallahassee, Fla. WBLY-FM Springfield. Ohio 102.9 WCLL Chillicothe, IL 94.3
KYEZ Salina, KS 93.7 WANS-FM Anderson, S.C. WBMI West Branch, MI 105.5 WCLO-FM Janesville, Wis.
KYFM Bartlesville, Okla. 100.1 WANY-FM Albany. Ky. WBMP Elwood, IN 101.7 WCLR Skokie, III. 101.9
KYKK Humble City NM 94.1 WAOR Niles, MI 95.3 WBMR Telford, pA 89.7 WCLT-FM Newark, Ohio
KYKR-FM Port Arthur, TX 93.3 WAOV-FM Vincennes, Ind. WBMT Boxford, MA 88.3 WCLV Cleveland, 0.
KYKX Longview, TX 105.7 WAPC-FM Riverhead, N.Y. WBMU-FM Asheville, NC. 91.3 WCLW-FM Mansfield. Ohio
KYLO Davis, CA 105.5 WAP1-FM Birmingham AL 94.5 WENS -FM Charlotte Amalie, V.I. WCLX Boyne City, MI 93.5
KYLT-FM Missoula, MT 100.1 WAPS Akron. Ohio WBNC-FM Conway, N.H. WCMC-FM WIldwood, N.J.
KYMC Ballwin MO 89.9 WAQA Grasonville MD 103.1 WBNL-FM Boonville. Ind. WCME-FM Brunswick, Maine
KYMS Santa Ana, Cal. WAQT Carrolton, AL 94.1 WBNO-FM Bryan, Ohio 100.9 WCMF-FM Rochester. N.Y.
KYND-FM Pasadena TX 92.3 WAQX Manlius NY 95.3 WBNQ Bloomington, Ill. WCMJ Chester, S.C. 99.9
KYNO-FM Fresno, CA 95.5 WAQY Springfield MA 102.1 WBNT-FM Oneida, Tenn. 105.3 WCML-FM Alpena, MI 91.7
KYOR-FM Blythe, CA 100.3 WARC Meadville, Pa. WBNY Buffalo, N.Y. WCMN-FM Arecibo, P.R.
KYSM-FM Mankato. Minn. WARG Summit, IL 88.9 WBOC-FM Salisbury. WI 104.7 WCMO Marietta, Ohio
KYSS-FM Missoula MT 94.9 WARP Due West. S.C. 91.7 WBOE Cleveland, Ohio WCMP-FM Pine City, MN 92.1
KYTE-FM Portland, OR 101.1 WART Plainfield, IN 98.3 WBOP-FM Pensacola, FL 101.5 WCMQ-FM Hialeah, FL 92.1
KYTN Grand Forks ND 94.7 WARD -FM Peru, Ind. WBOQ Terre Haute, IN 107.5 WCMS-FM Norfolk, Va.
KYUF Uvalde, TX 95.3 WARY Mt. Kisco NY 88.5 WBOR Brunswick, Maine WCMT-FM Martin, Tenn. 101.7
KYUU San Francisco, CA 99.5 WASH Washington, D.C. WBOS Brookline -Boston MA 92.9 WCMU-FM Mt. Pleasant, Mleh.
KYXY, San Diego CA 96.5 WASK-FM Lafayette, Ind. WBPM Kingston, NY 94.3 WCMX Ft. Wayne, Ind. 101.7
KYYA Billings MT 93.3 WASL Dyersburg, TN 101.1 WBPR Barrington, IL 88.5 WC N A- F M Scottsboro AL 98.3
KYYS Kansas City, MO 102.1 WASU-FM Boone NC 90.5 WBPV Charlton MA 90.1 WCNB-FM Connersville, Ind.
KYYX Seattle, WA 96.5 WATD Marshfield, MA 95.9 WBPZ-FM Lock Haven, Pa. WCN H -FM Quincy, Fla.
KYYY Bismarck ND 92.9 WATM-FM Atmore AL 104.1 WBQM Decatur, AL 91.7 WCNI New London CT 91.5
KYZM-FM Cape Girardeau, Me. WATO-FM Oak Ridge. Tenn. WBRB-FM Mt. Clemens, Mleh. WCNL-FM Newport. NH 101.7
102.9 WATP-FM Marion, S.C. 94.3 WBRE-FM WilkesBarra, Pc WCNYFM Liverpool NY 91.3
KZAG Dallas TX 90.1 WATW-FM Ashland, Wis. 95.9 WBRH Baton Rouge, LA 90.1 WCOD Hyannis, Masa, 101.1
KZAM-FM Bellevue. WA 92.5 WATZ.FM Alpena, Mich. 93.5 WBRK-FM Pittsfield, Mass. WCOHFM Newnan, Ga.
KZAP Sacramento, Cal. 98.5 WAUG-FM Augusta, Ga. WBRN-FM Big Rapids, Mich. WCOL-FM Columbus, Ohle
KZEL-FM Eugene. Ore. WAUN Kawaunee WI 92.7 WBRQ Cidra PR 97.7 WCOM-FM Urbana, 0.
KZEN Seaside CA 157.1 WAUP Akron, Ohio WBRS Waltham, Mass. WCON-FM Cornelia, Ga.
KIEV Clear Lake IA 103.1 WAUR Aurora, III, 107.9 WBRU Providence, RI 95.5 WCOS-FM Columbia, S.C.
KZEZ St. George UT 93.5 WAUS Berrien Springs, MI 90.9 WBSD Burlington, WI 89.1 WCOU-FM Lewiston, Maine
KZFM Corpus Christi. Tex. WAVA Arlington VA 105.1 WBSF Biddeford ME 91.7 WCOW-FM Sparta, Wis.
KZ1N-FM Shelby, MT 96.3 WAVM Maynard. MA 91.7 WBS.1 Ellisville MS 102.3 WCOZ Boston MA 94.5
KZIP Amarillo, TX 98.7 WAVR Waverly, NY 102.3 WBSL Sheffield MA 91.7 WCPA-FM Clearfield, Pa.
KZ1Q-FM Ridgecrest, CA 92.7
WAVV Vevay-Warsaw IN 95.9 WBSN-FM New Orleans LA 89.1 WCPC-FM Houston, Miss. 93.3
KILO Pueblo. CO 100.7
WAVW Vero Beach FL 105.5 WBST Muncie, IN 92.1 WCPE Raleigh. NC 89.7
KZNN Rolla MO 105.5 WAXI Rockville -Clinton IN 104.9 WBTF Attica, NY 101.7 WCPI Wheeling, WV 98.7
KZOK-FM Seattle, WA 102.5 WAWA -FM Milwaukee, Wis. WBTG Sheffield AL 106.3 WCPL-FM Pageland, SC 102.3
KZOM Orange TX 104.5 WAWK-FM Kendallville. Ind, WBTO-FM Linton, Ind. 93.5 WCRB Waltham, MA 102.5
K70Z San Luis Obispo, CA 93,3 WAWW Murray, Ky. WBTR-FM Carrollton. Ga. 92.1 WCRC Effingham, IL 95.7
KZSC Santa Cruz CA 86.1
WAWZFM Zarephath, N.J. WBUF Buffalo, N.Y. WCRD Bluffton, Ind.
KIST Santa Rosa, Calif. 100.1
WAXO Kenosha. Wis. WRUK Columbus, 0. 96.3 WCRF Cleveland, OH 103.3
KZSU Stanford, CA 90.1
WAXU-FM Georgetown KY 103.1 WBUR Boston, MA 90.9 WCRH Williamsport, MD 90.5
KZUE Oklahoma City, OK 102.7 WAXX Eau Claire WI 104.5 W BUT -FM Butler, PA 97.7 WCRN Charlotte Amalie, VI 101.1
K7IJM Lincoln NE 89.5
WAXY Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 105.9 WBWB Bloomington IN 96.7 WCRQ-FM Arab, AL 92.7
KZUN-FM Opportunity, Wash.
WAYD-FM Ozark AL 103.9 WBWC Berea, OH 88.3 WCRS-FM Greenwood, SC 96.7
KZZL Lemars, IA WAYL-FM Minneapolis, MN 93.7 WBXB Edenton. NC 100.1 WCRT Danville, IN 107.1
99.5 WAYV Atlantic City, NJ 95.1 WCRY-FM Macon GA
KZZO Golden Meadow. LA 94.3 WAYZ-FM Waynesboro, Pa.
WBXL Baldwinsville, NY 90.5 107.9
KZZY San Antonio, TX 100.3 WBYG Kankakee, IL 99.9 WCSB Cleveland, OH 89.3
KZZZ Kingman AZ WAZI Morristown TN $5.9 WBYM Bayamon, P.R. wC.919-FM Warminster, PA 89.0
92.7 WAZY-FM Lafayette, IN 96.5 WCSE Asheboro NC 92.3
WAAF Worcester, Mass. WBYO Boyertown, Pa.
WAAL Binghamton NY 91.1
WBAB-FM Babylon. N.Y. WBYS-FM Canton. III. 98.5 WCSG Grand Rapids, MI 91.3
WAAM-FM Parkersburg. W.Va. WBAD Leland MS 94.3 WBYQ Hendersonville TN 92.1 WCS1-FM Columbus, Ind.
WAAZFM Crestview. Fla. WBAG-FM Burlington -Graham, WBYU New Orleans, La. 95.7 WCSJ-FM Morris, IL 104.7
WABB-FM Mobile AL 17.5
N.C. 93.9 WBZ-FM Boston, Mass. WCSM-FM Celina. 0.
WABD-FM Ft. Campbell, Ky. WBAI New York, N.Y. WBZA-FM Glens Falls, NY 107.1 WCSQ Central Square, NY 89.3
WBAL-FM Baltimore. Md. WBZF Richmond, KY 101.7 WCSR-FM Hillsdale, Mieh. 92.1
WAGE Atlanta. Ga. WBAU Garden City NY 90.3 WBZI Xenia, 0. WCSS-FM Amsterdam, NY 97.7
WABF-FM Fairhope AL 12.1 WBAW-FM Barnwell, S.C. WCAA Kalamazoo MI 89.9 WCST-FM Berkley Springs,
WABKFM Gardiner ME 104.3
WtinIA-FM Pittsfield, Ill. WCAK Catlettsburg KY 92.9 W.Va.
WABO.FM Waynesboro MS 103.5 WBBC Blackstone, VA 93.5 WCAL-FM Northfield, Minn. WCSU-FM Wilberforee. 0.
WABR-FM Tifton, GA 611.8
WBBF Rochester, NY 92.5 WCAO-FM Baltimore, MD 102.7 WCSV-FM Crossville, Tenn. 99.3
WABX Detrnit. Mich. 99.3 WBBI-FM Abingdon, Va. WCAR-FM Detroit, MI 92.3 WCTL Union City PA 101.3
WABZ-FM Albemarle, N.C. WBBM-FM Chicago, Ill. WCAS Knoxville, Tenn. WCTM-FM Eaton, Ohlo 92.9
were. Ae-nld. MD 09 .5
WBBO-FM Forest City, N.C. WCAU-FM Philadelphia, PA 98.1 WCTO Brentwood, N.Y. 94.3
WACE Paris IL 86.3 WB13(1-FM Augusta, Ga. WCAV Brockton, MA 97.7 WCTS-FM Minneapolis -St. Paul,
WBBY Westerville, 0. 103.9 WCBC Memphis, Tenn. 91.1 MN 100.3
WACI Freeport, III. 92.1 WBCE Belleville, IL 89.7 WCBE Columhus, Ohio WCTT-FM Corbin, Ky.
WACL-F M Waycross, GA 103.3 WBCH-FM Hastings, Mich. 100.1 WCBK-FM Martinsville, Ind. WCTX Palmyra, Pa. 92.1
WACM Freeland, PA 103.1 WBC1 Williamsburg VA 96.5 102.3 WCTY Norwich, CT 97.7
WACRFM Columbus, MS 1103.9 WBCL Fort Wayne, IN 90.3 WCBL-FM Benton, Ky. WCUC-FM Clarion, PA 91.7
WACT-FM Tuscaloosa AL 105.5 WBCM-FM Bay City, Mich. WORN Ann Arbor MI 89.5 WCUF Akron, Ohlo
WADB Point Pleasant, N.J. 95.9 WBCN Boston, Mass. WCBS-FM New York, N.Y. WCUL Culpepper VA 103.1
WADI Corinth, MS 95.3 WBCO-FM Bucyrus, 0. WCBU Peoria IL 69.9 WCUP Tifton, GA 100.3
WADM-FM Decatur, Ind. WBCR-FM Beloit, Wls. WCBW Columbia, III. WCUW Worcester MA 91.3
WADV Buffalo, N.Y. 108.3 WBCS-FM Milwaukee WI 102.9 WCBYFM Cheboygan, Mich. 105.1 WCVH Flemington, NJ 90.5
WAEE Chicago IL 88.1 WBCT Columbia, SC 90.5 WCCA McComb. Miss. 94.1 WV I Jefferson OH 90.9
WAEL-FM Marino. P.R. 98,1 WBCX Gainesville, GA 89.1 WCCCFM Hartford, Conn. 108.9 WCVM Middlebury, VT 100.9
WAER Syracuse, N.Y. WBCY Charlotte NC 107.9 WCCE Bales Creek, NC 90.1
WAEY-FM Princeton WV 95.9 WBDC Huntingburg, IN 100.9 WCCF-FM Punts Gorda, Fla. WCVO Gahanna OH 104.9
WAEZ Akron OH 97.5 W1300 Indianapolis, Ind. 92.7 WCVT Towson, MD $9.7
WAFB-FM Baton Rouge, La. 98.1 WBDY Bluefield, WV 106.3 WCCH Holyoke. MA 89.5 WCVU Naples -Ft. Meyers, FL
WAFC Clewiston, FL 106.3 WBEA Elyria, 0. WCCI Savanna IL 100.1 94.5
WAFG Ft. Lauderdale FL 90.8 WBEN-FM Buffalo, NY 102.5 WCCK Erie, Pa. 103.7 WCWC-FM Ripon, WI 95.9
WAFL Milford DE 97.7 WOES Charleston WV 96.1 WCCM-FM Lawrence, Mass. WCWL Stockbridge, MA 91.3
WAFM Amory. MS 95.3 WBET-FM Brockton, Mass. WCCN-FM Neillsville Wis. WCWM Williamsburg, Va.
WAFR Durham, NC 90.8 WBEU-FM Beaufort, S.C. WCCO-FM Minneapolis. Minn. WCWP Brookville, N.Y.
WAFT Valdosta, GA 101.1 WBEX-FM Chillicothe, Ohio 102.9 WCWS Wooster, 0.
WAGI-FM Gaffney, SC 106.3 WBEZ Chicago, III. WCCQ Crest Hill, IL 98.3 WCWT-FM Centerville, Ohlo 89.5
WAGQ Athena, GA 104.7 WBFG Detroit, Mich. WCCS Central City PA 101.7 WCXL Kettering, OH 88.7
WAHM Amherst, Maas. 89.5 WBFH Bloomfield Hills, MI 88.1 WCCWFM Traverse City, Mich. WCXR-FM Appleton, WI 105.7
WAHR Huntsville AL 99.1 WBFM Seneca, S.C. WCCX Waukesha, WI 88.1 WCYC Chicago, III. 86.7
WAHS Auburn Heights, MI 89.5 WBFO Buffalo, NY 88.7 WCDB Albany, NY 90.9 WCYN-FM Cythiana, Ky. 102.3
WAIA Miami FL 117.8 WBGD Bricktown, NJ 91.9 WCDE Elkins, WV 90.3 WDAC Lancaster, Pa.
WAIC Springfield, Mass. WBGM-FM Tallahassee, Fla. W CD L. F M Carbondale, Pa. 94.3 WDA1 Chicago, III. 94.7
WAID Clarksdale, MS 106.3 WBGO Newark, N.J. WCDR-FM Cedarville. 0. WDAL Meridian, MS 101.3
WAIF Cincinnati, OH 88.3 WBGR-FM Paris KY 96.7 WCEAFM Immokalee FL 95.9 WDAO Dayton, OH 107.7
WAIM-FM Anderson SC 101.1 WBGU Bowling Green, OH 88.1 WCEB Corning, NY 91.9 WDAR-FM Darlington, S.C.
WAIN -FM Columbia, Ky. WBGW Bangor ME 97.1 WCEDFM Dubois, Pa. WDAS-FM Philadelphia, Pa.
WAIV Jacksonville, FL 96.9 WBGY-FM Tullahoma, TN 93.3 WCEH-FM Hawkinsville, Ga. WDAV Davidson NC 90.5
WAJB Pensacola, FL 107.3 WBHI Chicago IL 88.5 103.9 WDAYFM Fargo. N.D.
WAJC Indianapolis, Ind. WRHM Birmingham, AL 90.3 WCEN-FM Mt. Pleasant, Mich. wDBA Dubois. PA 107.3


Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz

WOBI-FM Tawas City MI 101.7 WEKZ-FM Monroe, Wis. WFMV-FM Blairstown NJ 108.3 WGUL-FM New Port RIchey,iF)i6
WDBJ-FM Roanoke, Va. WELA E. Liverpool, OH 104.3 W F MX Statesville, N.C.
WDBK Blackwood, NJ 91.5 WELD -FM Tupelo, Miss. WFMZ Allentown, Pa. WGUS-FM Augusta, Ga.
WDBL-FM Springfield, Tenn. WELE-FM DeLand, FL 105.9 WFNE Forsyth GA 97.1 WGVE Gary, Ind.
WDBM Medina, 0. WELL -FM Marshall, MI 104.9 WFNM Lancaster PA 88.7 WGVL Gainesville FL 105.5
WDBO-FM Orlando, Fla. WELO-FM Tupelo, Miss. 98.5 WFNN Escanaba, MI 104.7 WGVO Greenville, OH 91.7
WDBQ-FM Dubuque. Iowa WELP-FM Easley. S.C. WFNY Racine, Wis. WNW GWG Boiling Springs,
WDBR Springfield IL 103.7 WELR-FM Roanoke AL 95.3 WFOB-FM Fostoria, Ohlo 88.3
WDBS Durham, NC 107.1 WEMC Harrisonburg, Va. WFOG Suffolk -Norfolk, VA 92.9 WGXL Laurens, SC 100.5
WDBY Duxbury MA 91.7 WEMD-FM Easton, MD 98.7 WFON Fond du Lae, Wis. WGXM Dayton OH 88.1
WDCB Glen Ellyn, IL 90.9 WEMH-FM Cullman AL 101.1 W FOS Chesapeake, Va. WGYL Vero Beach, Fia. 95.5
WDCC-FM Sanford NC 89.5 WEMI Neenah -Menasha, WI 100.1 WFOX Gainsville, Ga. 97.1 WHAD Delafield, Wis.
WDCE Richmond, VA 90.1 WEMM Huntington, WV 107.9 WFOY-FM St. Augustine, Fla. WHA1-FM Greenfield, Mass.
WDCG Durham, NC 195.1 WEMO East Moline, IL 101.3 WFPG-FM Atlantic City. N.J. WHAJ Bluefield, WV 104.5
WDCR-FM Hanover. NH 99.3 WEMP-FM Milwaukee, Wls. 96.9 WHAV-FM Haverhill, Mass.
WDCS Portland, Me. 97.9 WEMU Ypsilanti, Mleh. WFPK Louisville, Ky. WHAY Aberdeen, MS 105.5
WDCV-FM Carlisle PA 88.3 WENN-FM Birmingham AL 107.7 WFPL Louisville, Ky, WHBB-FM Selma, Ala.
WDCX Buffalo, N.Y. WEOL-FM Elyria. Ohio WFPR-FM Hammond LA 107.1 WH BC -FM Canton, Ohio
WDDC Chicago, IL 89.3 WEOS-FM Geneva. N.Y. 89.7 WFRBFM Frostburg, Md. WHBF-FM Rock Island, III.
WDDD Marion. III. 107.1 WEPM-FM Martinsburg, W.Va. WFRD Hanover, NH 99.3 WHBS Holiday FL 106.3
WDDE Hamden, Conn. WEPR Greenville SC 90.1 WFRE-FM Fresno, Cal. WHCG Metter, GA 104.9
WDEA-FM Ellsworth, Me. WEPS Elgin, III. WFRI Auburn AL 97.7 WHCJ Savannah. GA 88.5
WDEB-FM Jamestown. Tenn. WEQR Goldsboro, N.C. WFRL-FM Freeport, IL 95.5 WHCL-FM Clinton, NY 88.7
WDEF-FM Chattanooga. Tenn. WERG Erie PA 89.9 WFRO-FM Fremont, Ohio WHCN Hartford. Conn.
92.3 WERH-FM Hamilton AL 92.1 WFRX-FM W. Frankfurt IL 97.7 WHCU-FM Ithaca, NY
WDEH-FM Sweetwater, Tenn. WERI-FM Westerly RI WFSB Framingham, MA 91.3 WHDG Havre De Grace MD 103.7
WDEN-FM Macon, Ga. 105.3 WERL-FM Eagle River, WI 94.3 WFSI Annapolis MD 107.9 WHEB-FM Portsmouth, NH 100.3
WDEK Dekalb, IL 92.5 WERM Wapakoneta. Ohio WFSS Fayetteville, NC 88.1 WHEI Tiffin OH 88.9
WDEQ-FM De Graff, Ohlo 91.1 WERN Madison, WI 88.7 WFST-FM Caribou, Maine WHEN -FM Syracuse, N.Y.
WDET-FM Detroit, Mich. WERS Boston. Mass. WFSU-FM Tallahassee, Fla. WHER Hattiesburg, MS 103.7
WDEZ Wausau WI 101.9 WERT-FM Van Wert, Ohio WFTA Fulton, MS 101.7 WHEZ Huntington, WV 103.3
WDFP Battle Creek, MI 95.3 WERV Beaufort SC 89.9 WFTG-FM London. Ky. 103.9 WHFB-FM Benton Harbor, MI
WDGC-FM Downers Grove. III. WESA-FM Charleroi PA 98.3 WFTM-FM Maysville, Ky. 99.9
88.3 WESC-FM Greenville. S.C. WFTU Orlando FL 89.9 WHFC Bel Air MD 88.1
WDHAFM Dover, N.J. WESN Bloomington IL 98.1 WFTW-FM Fort Walton Beach, WHFD Archbold, OH 95.5
WDHP Presque Isle ME 96.9 WESO-FM Southbridge, Mass. FL 99.3 WHFH Flossmoor, Ill.
WDHR Pikesville KY 92.1 100.1 WFUL-FM Fulton KY 99.7 WHFI Jackson, MI 94.1
WDHS Gaston, IN 90.9 WESP-FM Cambridge, MD 106.3 WFUR-FM Grand Rapids. Mica. WHFL Winter Haven, FL 97.5
WDIF Marlon. OH 94.3 WESR-FM Talley, Va. 103.3 WFUV New York, N.Y. WHFM Rochester, N.Y.
WDIZ Orlando, Fla. 100.3 WESS East Stroudsberg, PA 90.3 WFUZ Ocala FL 93.7 WHFS Bethesda, Md.
WDJC Birmingham AL 93.7 WEST -FM Easton, Pa. WFVA-FM Fredericksburg, Va. WHGC Bennington, VT 94.3
WDJF Westport, CT 107.9 WESU Middletown, Conn. 88.1 WFVH Arlington Heights, IL 88.3 WHGM Bellwood, Pa.
WDJK Atlanta. Ga. WETA-FM Washington, D.C. WFXE Columbus GA 104.9 WHHB Holliston, MA 91.5
WDJX Xenia,OH 103.9 WETD Alfred NY 01.3 WFYCFM Alma, Mich. WHHI Highland, Wis.
WDKX Rochester, NY 103.9 WETL South Bend, Ind, WFYN-FM Key West, Fla. WHHJ Dix Hills, NY 89.9
WDLA-FM Walton NY 92.1 WETN Wheaton, III. 88.1 WFYR Chicago IL 103.5 WHHO-FM Hornell, N. Y. 105.3
WDLB-FM Marshfield, Wls. WETS Johnson City TN 89.5 WGAE Girard, PA 88.3 WHHR Hilton Head SC 106.3
WDLC-FM Port Jervis. N.Y. 96.7 WEVD-FM New York, N.Y. WGAG-FM Orlando, FL 89.3 WH HS Havertown, Pa.
WOLM-FM East Moline, IL 89.3
WEVL Memphis, TN 90.3 WGAN-FM Portland, Me. WHHY-FM Mongomery AL 101.9
WDLT Cleveland MS 92.7 WEVRFM River Fails, Wis. 106.3 WGAO Franklin, MA 91.3 WHIO-FM Dayton, Ohio
WDMB-FM Statesville, N.C. WEXA Eupora MS 101.7 WGAR-FM Cleveland, Ohio WHIR -FM Danville, Ky. 107.1
WDMG-FM Douglas. GA 99.5 WEXM-FM Exmore, VA 107.5 WGATFM Gate City, Va. 104.9 WHIZ -FM Zanesville, Ohio
WDMP-FM Dodgeville, Wis. 107.1 WEXP Gadsden, AL 91.5 WGAY-FM Washington DC 09.5 WHJE Carmel, Ind. 91.3
WDMT Cleveland, OH 107.9
WEZB New Orleans LA 97.1 WOKE -FM Columbus, Ga. WHIT Clinton MS 93.5
WDNA Miami, FL 88.9 WEZC Charlotte NC 104.7 WGBH-FM Cambridge, Mass. WHJY Providence RI 94.1
WDNR Chester, PA 89.5 WEZF Burlington VT 92.9 WG8I-FM Scranton, Pa. WHKC Henderson, KY 103.1
WDNS Bowling Green KY 98.3
WEZG, N. Syracuse NY 100.9 WGBM Viroqua, WI 102.3 WHKK Erlanger, Ky. 100.9
WDNX Olive Hill TN 89.1
WEZI Memphis TN 105.9 WGBP-FM Green Bay, WI 90.1 W H KW Fayette, A L 98.1
WDOC-FM Prestonsburg, Ky. WEZK Knoxville, Tenn. WGBQ Galesburg, IL 92.7 WHKY-FM Hickory, N. C.
WOOD -FM Chattanooga, Tenn. WEZL Charleston, R.C. 103.5 WGBW Green Bay, WI 91.5 WHLA Holman, Wis.
WDOH Delphos OH 107.1
WEZN Bridgeport CT 99.9 WGCB-FM Red Lion. Pa. W HLD -F M Niagara Falls. N.Y.
WDOK Cleveland, 0. WEZO Rochester, NY WHLM-FM Bloomsburg, Pa.
WDOM Providence, R.I. WEIR Manassas, Va. WGCL Cleveland, Ohle WHLQ Canton OH 105.9
WDOR-FM Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 98.5
WEZW Wauwatosa, Wis. 103.7 WGCR-FM Wellsboro, Pa. 97.7 WHLT-FM Huntington, Ind.
WDOW-FM Dowaglae, Mich. 97.9 WEZX Scranton, PA 107.1 WGCS Goshen, Ind. WHLY Leesburg, FL 106.7
WDPS Dayton, OH 90.1
WEZY Cocoa FL 99.3 WGCW Port St. Joe, FL 93.5 WH MA -FM Anniston AL 100.5
WDQN-FM Du Quoin. III. 95.9
WEZY-FM Cocoa, FL WGDR Plainfield VT 91.1 WH MD Hammond, LA 107.1
WORC-FM Hartford. Conn. WEZZ Clanton AL 97.7 WGEAFM Geneva AL 93.5 WHME South Bend, Ind.
WDRL Monmouth, IL 97.7
WFAA-FM Dallas, Tex. WGEC Springfield, GA 103.9 WHMH-FM Sauk Rapids, MN
WDRM Decatur AL 102.1
WFAC Columbus, OH 01.5 WGEM-FM Quincy, 111.(s) 101..7
WDRQ Detroit. Mich. 93.1 WFAE Charlotte, NC 90.9 WGER-FM Bay City, Mich. 102.5 WHMI-FM Howell MI 93.5
WDRU Drew. Miss. 95.3 WFAH-FM Alliance, Ohlo WGET-FM Gettysburg, Pa. WHMT-FM Howell, MI 93.5
WDSC-FM Dillon, S.C. WFAM Jacksonville FL 91.1 WGEV Beaver Falls, Pa. W H MP -FM Northampton, MA 99.3
WDSD Dover, Dela. 94.7
WFAR-FM Sharpsville, PA 95.9 WGFG-FM Lake City SC 100.1 WHMQ Findlay, OH 100.5
W DSO Chesterton, IN 89.1
WFAU-FM Augusta, Maine WGFM Schenectady, N. Y. WHinT-FM Howell, MI 93.5
WDTH Duluth. Minn. 105.3 WFAW-FM Ft. Atkinson, WIa. WGFR Glen Falls, NY 91.9 WHNN Bay City MI 96.1
WDTR Detroit, Mich. 107.3 WGFS Greensboro, N. C. 90.7 WHNR McMinnville, Tenn. 103.9
WDUB Granville, Ohlo WFBC-FM Greenville, S.C. WGGC Glasgow, Ky. WHOD-FM Jackson AL 104.9
WDUK Havanna, III. 99.3 WFBE Flint, Mich WGGL-FM Houghton, Mich. W HO K -F M Lancaster, Ohio
WDUQ Pittsburgh, Pa. WFBG-FM Altoona, Pa. WGGN Castalla, OH 97.7 WHOM Mount Washington, NH
WDUV Bradenton FL 103.3 WFBQ Indianapolis IN 04.7 WGGO Buford, Gik. 102.5 94.9
WDUX-FM Waupaea, Wis. WFCB Chillicothe OH 94.3 WGGQ Waupin, WI 99.3 WHOO-FM Orlando, Fla.
WDUZ-FM Green Bay, Wis. WFCI Franklin, Ind. WGGR Duluth. Minn. 105.1 WHOP -FM Hopkinsville, KY.
WDVE Pittsburgh, Pa. 102.3 WFCJ Miamisburg, OH 93.7 WGH-FM Newport News, Va. WHOU-FM. Houlton, ME 100.1
WDVL-FM Vineland, N.J. 92.1 WFCR Amherst, Mass. WGHS Glen Ellyn, III. 68.5 WHOV Hampton, Va.
WDVR Philadelphia, Pa. WFCS New Britain CN 90.1 WGIL-FM Galesburg, Ill. WHOW-FM Clinton, IL 95.9
WDWD-FM Dawson, Ga. 92.1 WFDD-FM Winston-Salem, N.C. WGI R -F M Manchester NH 101.1 WHP-FM Harrisburg, Pa.
WDWN Auburn NY 88.9 WFDR-FM Manchester, Ga. WGIT Hormigueros, PR 92.1 WHPA Hollidaysburg PA 104.9
WOWS -FM Champaign, Ill. WFDS-FM Baltimore, Md. WEILB-FM Port Washington, Wis. WHPC Garden City NY 110.3
WDXE-FM Lawrenceburg, Tenn. WFDT Columbia City. Ind. 108.3 WGLC-FM Mendota, Ill. WHPE-FM High Point, N.C.
WDXL-FM Lexington, Tenn. WFDU Teaneek, N.J. 89.1 WGLD-FM High Point. NC 100.3 W.HPH Hanover, N.J.
WDYL Chester. Va. 92.1 WFEM Ellwood City, Pa. 92.1 WGLS-FM Glassboro, N. J. W HP K. F M Chicago, Ill.
WDYN Chattanooga, Tenn. 89.7 WFFF-FM Columbia. Miss. WGLT Normal, IL 89.1 WHPR Highland Park, MI 88.1
WDZD Shallotte, NC 93.5 WFFM Braddock, PA 96.9 WGLY Goulds, FL

98.3 WHPW Huntington, WV 89.3

WDZQ Decatur, IL 95.1 WFFV Front Royal VA 99.3 WGMB Georgetown, SC 97.7 WHRB-FM Cambridge, Mass.
WEAA Baltimore, MD 88.9 WFGH Fort Gay, WV 90.7 WGMC Greece NY 90.1 WHRK Memphis, TN 97.1
WEAF Eden, N.C. 94.6 WFHC-FM Henderson, Tenn. WGMM Gladwin MI 103.1 WHRL Albany, N.Y.
WEAS-FM Savannah, Ga. WFIA-FM Louisville KY 103.9 WGMO Shell Lake, Wi 95.3 WHRM Wausau, Wis.
WEAT-FM West Palm Beach. Fla. WFID Rio Piedras, P. R. WGMR Tyrone, PA 101.1 WHRS Boynton Beach, FL 90.7
WEAU-FM Eau Claire, Wis. WFIG Sumter, S.C. WGMS-FM Washington, D.C. WHRW Binghamton, N.Y.
WEAV-FM Plattsburgh, N.Y. WFGM Fairmont, WV 97.9 WGMW Riviera Beach, Fla. 94.3 WHRZ Providence, KY 97.7
WEAX Angola, IN 88.3 WFHG-FM Bristol, TN 96.9 WGMZ Flint MI 107.9 WliSA Bruin, Wis. 89.9
WEBF Olean. NY 95.7 WFIT Melbourne, FL 91.1 WGNA Albany, NY 107.7 WHSB Alpena, Mich.
WEBI Camilla. GA 105.5 WFIU Bloomington, Ind. WGNB St. Petersburg, Fla. WHSD Hinsdale, Ill. 88.5
WEBN Cincinnati OH 102.7 WFIW-FM Fairfield, III. WGNU-FM Granite City, Ill. WHSH Albany NY 106.5
WEBO-FM Owego NY 101.7 WFIZ Conneaut, 0. WGOH-FM Grayson, Ky. WHSK Kokomo, IN 89.1
WEBQ-FM Harrisburg, III. WFJA Sanford, NC 105.5 WGOL Lynchburg, VA 98.3 WHSN Bangor, ME 89.3
WECI Richmond, Ind. WFLA-FM Tampa, Fla. WGOS-FM Miami. Fla. WHSR-FM Winchester, Mass. 91.9
WECL Elkhorn City. KY 103.1 WFLC Canandaigua, NY 93.5 WGOT Newton, MS 106.3 WHSS Hamilton, OH 89.5
WECM Claremont NH 106.1 WFLM Crown Pt. IN 103.9 WGOV-FM Valdosta, Ga. WHSY-FM Hattiesburg, Miss.
WECQ Geneva, NY 101.7 WFLN-FM Philadelphia, Pa. WGPA-FM Bethlehem. Pa. WH''B Talladega AL 92.7
WECW Elmira. NY 88.1 WFLO-FM FarmvIlle, VA 95.7 WGPC-FM Albany, Ga. WHTC-FM Holland, Mich.
WEDA-FM Grove City. Pa. WFLR-FM Dundee, N.Y. 95.9 WGPR Detroit, MM. 107.5 WHTG-FM Eatontown, N.J. 106.3
WEDM Indianapolis. Ind. 91.1 WFLS-FM Fredericksburg, Va. WGPS Greensboro. N.C. WH CB -FM Cookeville, Tenn.
WEDR-FM Miami. Fla. 03.3 WORD -FM Grand Rapids, Mich. WHUC-FM Hudson, N.Y.
WEEC Springfield, 0. WFLT-FM Franklin, Tenn. 07.9 WHUD Peekskill NY 100.7
WEEE Taylorville, IL 92.7 WFLW-FM Monticello, Ky. WGRE G tie, Lad. WHUG Jamestown NY 101.7
WEEFGermantown, TN 94.3 WFLY Troy, N.Y. WGRF, Pleasantville NJ 99.5 WHUR Washington DC 98.3
WEE1-FM Boston, Mass. WFMA Rocky Mount, N.C. WORK -FM Greensburg, KY 103.1 WHUS-FM Storrs, Conn.
WEEJ Port Charlotte, FL 100.1 WFMB Springfield, Ill. WGRN Greenville, Ill. WHVS Hyde Park. NY 97.7
WEEM Pendleton IN 91.7 WFMD-FM Frederick, Mi. WGRP-FM Greenville, Pa. WHWB-FM Rutland, Vt. 98.1
WEEP -FM Pittsburgh, Pa. WFME Newark, NJ 94.7 WGRQ Buffalo NY 96.9 WHWC Colfax, Wis.
WEER -FM Warrenton, Va. WFMF Baton Rouge. LA 102.5 WGRT Danville, IN 107.1 WHWE Howe, Ind. 89.7
WEFA Waukegan, Ill. WFMG Grand Haven, MI 92.1 WGSU Genesco, N.Y. WHWL Marquette, MI 95.7
WEFG Winchester. Va. WFMI-FM Montgomery AL 98.9 WGTB-FM Washington, D.C. WHYD-FM Columbus, Ga. 107.3
WEFM Chicago, IL 99.3 WFML Washington, Ind. WGTC Bloomington, IN 92.3 WHYL-FM Carlisle, Pa.
WEGL-FM Auburn AL 01.1 WFMM Johnstown, PA 92.1 WGTD Kenosha, WI 91.1 WHYN-FM Springfield, Mass.
WEHB Grand Rapids, MI 106.3 WFMN Newburgh, N.Y. WGTE-FM Toledo, OH 91.3 WHYP-FM North East, Pa. 100.9
WEHH-FM Elmira. N. Y. WFMO Lebanon, Tenn. 91.3 WGTG Germantown, TN 94.3 WHYS -FM Hattiesburg, Miss.
WEIC-FM Charleston, III. WFMP Fitchburg, Mass. 104.5 WGTH Richlands, VA 105.5 104.5
WEIV Ithaca, N.Y. WFMQ Lebanon TN 89.7 WGTS-FM Takoma Park, Md. WIAA Interlochen, Mich. 88.3
WEIZ Phenix City, AL 100.1 WFMS Indianapolis, Ind. WGUC Cincinnati, Ohio WIAC-FM San Juan, P.R.
WEJY Monroe, MI 89.5 WFMT-FM Chicago, IL 98.7 WGUD Pascagoula, MS 106.3 WIAI Danville, III. 99.1
WEKU-FM Richmond, Ky. 68.9 WFMU East Orange, N.J. WGUF-FM Gulfport. MS 96.7 WIAL Eau Claire. Wis.
Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz
WIAN Indianapolis, IN 90.1 WJFM Grand Rapids, Mleh. WKLN Cullman AL 92.1 WLKX-F M Forest Lake MN 95

g WIBA-FM Madison. WI
WIBF-FM Jenkintown, Pa.
WIBG-FM Philadelphia, Pa.
WIBI Carlinville, IL
WIBM-FM Jackson, Mich.

WJFR Jackson, MS
WJGA Jackson, GA
WJGF Romney WV
WJHD Portsmouth RI
WJGS Houghton Lake, Mleh. 98.3
WKLR Toledo, 0,
WK LS -FM Atlanta GA
WKLX Plymouth NC
WKME Gardiner, ME
WLLI-FM Joliet, IL
WLLS-FM Hartford -Beaver
Dam KY
WLMB Jefferson -Village
Twp. OH

WIBO Waverly, Ohlo 100.9 WJHL-FM Johnson City, Tenn. W KM H -FM Dearborn, Minh. WLMC Okeechobee, Fla.
W1BQ Utica, NY 94.9 WAR Miami, Fla. 99.3 WKMO Hodgenville, KY 106.3 WLMH Morrow, Ohio 88.1
WIBS Charlotte Amalie. VI 97.9 WJIB-FM Boston MS 116.9 WKMS-FM Murray, Ky. 91.3 WLMJ Jackson OH 94.7
WIBW-FM Topeka, Kan. WJ1G-FM Tullahoma, Tenn. WKMX Enterprise, AL 106.7 WLNG-FM Sag Harbor, NY 92.1
WIBZ Parkersburg, WV 99.3 WJI M -FM Lansing, High. WKNH Keene, NH 89.1 WLNH-FM Laconia, N.H.
IF= WICB Ithaca, N.Y.
WICN Worcester, Mass.
W.1112 Pensacola, FL 100.7 WKNC-FM Raleigh NC 88.1 WLNK Columbus, MS 90.9
90.5 WJIV Cherry Valley. N.Y. WKNO-FM Memphis, TN 91.1 WLNO London, Ohio
WICO-FM Salisbury, Md, 94.3 W.11Z Albany. Ga. WKNS Kinston, NC 90.5 WLNR Lansing IL 106.3
WICR Indianapolis, IN 88.7 WJJE Lafayette IN WKNT-FM Kent, OH
3 WIDD-FM Ellzabethton, TN 99.3
WIDE -FM Biddeford ME
WIDR Kalamazoo, MI
WIFF-FM Auburn, Ind.
WJJR Mifflinburg, PA
WJJW North Adams MA
WJJY Brainerd MN
WJJM-FM Lewisburg, Tenn. 94.3
WKNU Brewton, AL
WKNZ Collins MS
WKOC Kankakee, IL
W KOF Hopkinsville, Ky.
WLNX Lincoln, IL
WLOB-FM Westbrook, ME
WLOC-FM Munfordville, Ky.
WLOI.FM La Porte, Ind.
WLOL Minneapolis MN

WJKL Elgin IL $4.9 WKOG-FM Gordon, GA 107.1 WLOM Orleans, MA 104.7
WIFI Philadelphia, Pa. WJLC-FM South Boston VA 97.5 WKOM Columbia TN 101.7 WL00 Chicago, IL
WIFN Franklin. Ind. 100.3
WILEFM Smithville, Tenn. 101.7 WKOV-FM Wellston, OH 96.7 WLOQ Winter Park, FL 103.1
WIFO-FM Jesup, GA 105.5 WILK-FM Asbury Park, N.J. WKOZ-FM Kosciusko, Miss. WLOS-FM Asheville, N.C.
WIGM-FM Medford, Wis. 99.3 99.9
WJIM Salem, VA 93.5 WKPS New Wilmington, PA 88.9 WLOW-FM Aiken SC 95.9
WIGY Bath, ME 105.9 WJLN Birmingham AL 104.7 WKPT-FM Kingsport, TN 98.5 WLOZ Wilmington, NC
WIHN Normal IL 96.7 91.3
WIHS Middletown, Conn.
WILY Moyock, NC 92.1 WICQB Nashville TN 105.9 WLPO-FM La Salle, Ill.
WJMA Orange VA 06.1 WKQD Henderson KY 92.5 WLPR Mobile AL 96.1
WIIU Chicago, IL 88.9 W.IMC-FM Rice Lake, Wis. WKQQ Lexington, KY 98.1 WLPX Milwaukee WI
WIIS Key West, FL I07.1 97.3
WJMD Bethesda, MD 94.7 WKQS Boca Raton FL 99.9 WLQA Cincinnati OH 98.5
W I KZ Chambersburg, PA 95.1 WJMF Smithfield, RI 91.5 WKQX Chicago. IL 101.1 WLQR Toledo, Ohio
WHSL Wilmington, NC 97.3 101.5
W1M1 Jackson, MS 99.7 WKRA-FM Holly Springs, MS WLQY Ft. Pierce, FL 98.7
WIKA Centerville, TN 96.7 WJMJ Hartford CN 88.9 92.7 WLRA Lockport IL 88.1
W I KI - F M Chester, Va. WJML-FM Petoskey, Mich. 98.9 WKRB Brooklyn NY 90.9
WI KY -FM Evansville, Ind. WLRB Rehoboth Beach, DE 92.7
WJMM Versailles, KY 106.3 WKRG-FM Mobile AL 99.9 WLRC-FM Whitehall MI 95.3
WIL-FM St. Louis, MO 92.3 WJMT-FM Merrill WI 93.5 WKRQ Cincinnati OH 101.9 WLRH Huntsville, AL 89.3
WILE -FM Cambridge, 0. WJMU Decatur, III. 89.9 WKRV Vandalla, IL 107.1 WLRJ Roanoke VA
WILL -FM Urbana, III. 92.3
WJNJ-FM Atlantic Beach, Fla. WKRX Roxboro, NC 96.7 WLRN-FM Miami FL 91.3
WILO-FM Frankfort, Ind. 104.9 W KSA-FM Isabela, PR 101.5 WLRQ Whitehall, MI
WILQ-FM Williamsport PA 105.1 95.3
WJNL-FM Johnstown PA 96.5 WKSI Eldorado, IL 102.3 WLRS Louisville, KY 102.3
WILS-FM Lansing, Mich. WJNO.FM Palm Beaeh FL 97.11 WKSJ-FM Mobile, AL 94.9 WLRW Champaign. Ill.
WI MA -FM Lima, Ohio WJNR Iron Mt. MI 103.9 WKSL Greencastle -
WIMI Ironwood, MI 99.7 WLSEI.FM Big Stone Gap VA 93.5
WJNS Yazoo City, MS 92.1 Waynesboro PA 94.3 WLSE-FM Wallace NC 94.3
WINK -FM Ft. Myers, Fla. WJOF Athena AL 104.3 WKSS Hartford -Meriden. CT 96.7 WLSM-FM Louisville, Miss.
WIOA Mayaguez, PR 97.5 W.101 Pittsburgh, PA 93.7 WKS11-FM Kent, Ohio WLSR Lima, Ohio
WIOB San Juan, PR 99.9 104.9
W10.1 Picayune MS 106.3 WKSW Cleveland, OH 99.5 WLST Marinette, WI 95.1
WIOC Ponce, PR 105.1 WJOK Miami FL 107.5 WKTA McKenzie, TN WLSU La Crosse, Wis.
WHRO-FM Norfolk VA 89.5
WJOXFM Jackson, MI 106.1 WKTC Tarboro, NC 110946:39 WLSW Scottdale, PA 10.3.9
WIOF Waterbury -Hartford WJPA-FM Washington, PA 95.3 W KTG Madisonville KY 93.9 WLTA Atlanta, GA 99.7
CT 104.1 WJPD Ishpeming MI 92.3 WKTI Milwaukee, WI 94.5 WLTE Waycross, GA 102.5
WIOG Saginaw, MI 108.3 WJLQ-FM Fredonia, NY 88.9 WKTJ-FM Farmington ME 99.3 WLTL La Grange, III. 88.1
WIOK Hempstead, NY 98.3 Will -FM Detroit. MI 96.9 WKTK Catonsville, MD 105.7 WLTR Columbia. SC 91.3
W1OQ Philadelphia, PA 102.1 WJRH Easton, PA 90.5 WKTL Struthers, OH 90.7 WLUF Governeur, NY 92.7
WIOT Toledo OH 104.7 WJRS Jamestown, KY 104.9 WKTM Charleston, SC 102.5 WLUP Chicago, IL
WIOV Ephrata, Pa. 97.9
105.1 WJRZ Ship Bottom, NJ 100.1 WKTN Kenton, Ohio 95.3 WLUR Lexington, Va.
WI02 Southern Pines NC 107.1 WJSC-FM Johnson VT 91.5 WKTR Millinocket ME 97.7 WLU V -FM Loves Park, III.
WIPE Americus GA 94.3 WISE Cumberland MD 102.9 WKTU New York, NY 92.3 WLUW Chicago, IL
WIPR-FM San Juan, PR 91.3 88.7
WJSK Lumberton, N. C. 102.3 WKTZ-FM Jacksonville, Fla. WLVE Baraboo, Wis. 94.9
WIPU Fort Wayne, IN 89.1 WJSL Houghton NY 963 WICUB Manitowoc, Wis. WLVH Hartford CT 93.7
W1QB Ann Arbor, MI 102.9 WJSM-FM Martinsburg, PA 92.7 A1KUE Green Cove Springs FL 92.7 WLVL Louisville, Ky.
WIQH Concord, Mass. 88.3 WJSN-FM Jackson, KY 97.7 WKUZ Wabash, Ind. 95.9 WLVQ Columbus, OH
WIQO-FM Covington VA 96.3
100.9 WJSU Jackson, MS 90.7 WKVI-FM Knox, Ind. 99.3 WLVR-FM Bethlehem PA 91.3
WIRB-FM Enterprise AL 96.9 WJSR Birmingham, AL 91.1 WKVM-FM San Juan, PR 105.7 WLVU Erie, PA 99.9
WIRKFM West Palm Beach, Fla. WJSV Morristown. N.1. 90.5 WKVO-FM Havelock, NC 104.9 WLVV Fairfield, OH 94.9
107.9 WJUL Lowell, MA WKVR-FM Huntingdon, PA 91.7
WIRN Virginia MN 107.1
91.5 WLVW Tallahassee FL 94.9
WJVM Sterling, IL 94.3 WKVT-FM Brattleboro, VT 92.7 WLVY Elmira. NY 94.3
WIRQ Rochester, NY 90.9 WJVS Cincinnati, OH 88.3 WKWI Kilmarnock, VA 101.7 WLWI Montgomery AL 92.3
WIRX St. Joseph, MI 107.1 WJWF Columbus MS 103.1 W K W K -FM Wheeling, W.Va. WLWS Hamilton, OH 96.5
WISM-FM Madison, Wis. WJYW Tampa, FL 100.7 WKWZ Syosset NY 65.5 WLXN Lexington, N.C.
W1SS-FM Berlin WI 102.3 94.1
WJZZ Detroit, MI 105.9 WKX1 Jackson, Miss. WLXR La Crosse, WI 104.9
WISU Terre Haute, Ind. WKAD Canton PA WKXK Pana, IL
WITAFM San Juan, P.R. 100.1 100.994.7 WLYF Miami, Fla. 101.5
WKXL-FM Concord. NH 102.3 WLYK Milford-
WITB-FM Salem, WV 91.1 WKAI-F91 MaComb, III. WKXN Greensville, AL Marlemont OH
WITC Cazenovia, NY 90.9 WKA.I.FM Saratoga SprInns, 107.1
WKXR-FM Exeter NH 1117.195.9 WLYN Lynn, MA 101.7
WITF-FM Hershey, Pa. 89.5 N.Y. 102.3 WKXX Birmingham, AL 106.9
WITH -FM Baltimore MD 104.3 WKAQ-FM San Juan, P.R. WLYQ Norwalk, CO 95.9
WKAR-FM E. Lansing, Mich. WKYN-FM San Juan. P. R. 99.9 WLYT Cleveland Heights OH 92.3
WITL-FM Lansing, Mich. WKYS Washington. DC 93.9 WLYX Memphis TN 89.3
WITO Ironton OH 107.1 WKAU-FM Kaukauna WI 104.0 WKYW Frankfort, Ky.
WITH Henrietta, NY 89.7 WKAY-FM Glasgow. Ky. WMAJ-FM State College, Pa.
WKYX-FM Paducah. Ky. WMAL-FM Washington,
WITT Tuscola, IL 93.5 WKBB West Point, MS 100.9 WKZL Winston-Salem. NC 107.5 D.C.
WITW Cadillac, MI 98.7 WKBC-FM N. Wilkesboro. N.C. WKZM Sarasota FL
WITZ-FM Jasper, Ind. WKBJ-FM Milan, Tenn. 106.5 WMAR-FM Baltimore, Md. 106.5
WK2N-FM Zion, IL 96.9 WMASFM Springfield, MA 94.7
WIUC Winchester. Ind. WKBL-FM Covington, Tenn. WKZQ Myrtle Beach SC 101.7
WIUJ St. Thomas, VI 88.9 WKBN-FM Youngstown, Ohl* WICZW Peoria IL 93.3 WMAZ-FM Macon, Ga.
WIUP-FM Indiana. Pa. 91.3 WKCB-FM Hindman, KY 107.1 WKZY-FM Escanaba, MI 97.1 WMBG Williamsburg. Va. 96.5
WIUS Christiansted, V.I. WKCC Grayson, KY 91.5 wLan-Fm Danbury, Conn. WMBI-FM Chicago, III.
WIUV Castleton, VT 91.3 WKCI Hamden CT 101.3 WLAK Chicago IL 93.1 WMBJ Danville, IL 102.1
WIVAFM Aguadilla, P.R. 100.3 WKCO Gambler OH 91.9 WLAN-FM Lancaster, Pa. WMBLFM Morehead City
WIVC Peoria, Ill. WKCQ Saginaw MI 98.1 WLAPFM Lexington, Ky. NC 95.9
WIVE -FM Ashland, Va. WKCR-FM New York, N.Y. WLAT-FM Conway, S.C. WMBN-FM Petoskey; Mich.
WIVI-FM CrIstiansted, WKCS Knoxville, Tenn. WLAV-FM Grand Rapids, Mich. WMBW Chattalooga TN 68.9
St. Croix, V.I. WKCU-FM Corinth, Miss. WLAX Streator, IL 97.7 WMC-FM Memphis, Tenn.
WIVKFM Knoxville, Tenn. WKDD Akron, OH 96.5 WLAY-FM Muscle Shoals AL WMCB-FM Michigan City, Ind.
WIVQ Peru, IL ' 100.9 WK DE -FM Altavista, VA 105.5 105.5 WMCC Etowah, TN 103.3
WIVY-FM Jacksonville. Fla. WKDF Nashville, TN 103.3 WLBC-FM Muncie, Ind. 104.1 WMCD Statesboro, Ga.
WIX K -FM New Richmond, WKDJ Winchester, KY 100.1 WLBE-FM Leesburg, Fla. 106.7 WMCF Stuart, Fla.
Wis. 107.1 WKDN-FM Camden, N.J. WLBH-FM Mattoon, III. WMCO New Concord, Ohio
WIXL-FM Newton, N. J. WKDO-FM Liberty, KY 105.5 WI RI -FM Bowling Green, Ky. WMCR-FM Oneida NY 108.3
WIXN-FM Dixon, Ill. WKDQ Henderson, KY 99.5 WLCA Godfrey, IL 89.9 WMCU Miami, Fla. 89.7
WIXO McComb MS 105.7 WKDU Philadelphia, PA 91.7 WLCC Luray, VA 106.3 WMCX W. Long Branch,
W IXQ Millersville, PA 91.7 WKDZ-FM Cadiz KY 108.3 WLCH Lebanon TN 88.7 NJ 88.1
WIXX Green Bay, WI 101.1 WKEE-FM Huntington, WV 100.5 WLCK-FM Scottsville, Ky. WMDC-FM Hazelhurst, MS 100.9
WIYD-FM Palatka FL 99.9 WKEI-FM Kewanee, Ill. WLCL-FM Lowell IN 107.1 WMDD-FM Fajardo, P.R.
WIYQ Ebensburg PA 99.1 WKES St. Petersburg FL 101.5 WLCR Lawrence Twp, NJ 89.7 WMDE Greensboro. N.C.
WIZM-FM La Crosse, WI 93.3 WKET Kettering. OH 89.5 WLDM Detroit, Mich. 95.9 WMDF Milton, WI 89.9
W1ZR-FM Johnstown, N.Y. 104.9 WKEUFM Griffin, Ga. WLDS-FM Jacksonville, Ill. WMDH New Castle IN 102.5
WJAC-FM Johnstown PA 95.5 WKEZ Norfolk, VA 95.7 WLDR Traverse City, Mich. 101.9 WMDI McKean, Pa. 102.3
WJAD Bainbridge. GA 97.3 WKFI-FM Wilmington OH 102.3 WLEC-FM Sandusky, Ohio WMDM-FM Lexington Park,
WJAG-FM Norfolk, NE 108.7 WKFM Fulton NY 104.7 WLFN Adrian, MI 103.9 MD 97.7
WJA1 Eaton, OH 92.9 WICFR-FM Battle Creek, MI 103.3 WLEQ Immokallee, FL 95.9 WMEA Portland ME 90.1
WJAQ Marianna, FL 100.9 WKGC-FM Panama City. FL 90.7 WLET-FM Toccoa, Ga. WMEB-FM Orono, Maine
WJAT-FM Swainsboro, Ga. WKGI New Martinsville WV 103.9 WLEW.FM Bad Axe, Mich. WMEF Ft. Wayne IN 97.3
WJAX-FM Jacksonville, Fla. WKGO Cumberland, Md. 106.1 WLFZ Elmira NY 92.7 WMEH Bangor, ME 90.9
WIAZ Albany, Ga. WKGW Utica, NY 104.3 WLFC Findlay OH 88.3 W MEM-FM Presque Isle,
WJBO-FM Salem IL 100.1 WKHR Bainbridge, OH 88.3 WLFM Appleton, WI 91.1 ME 106.1
WJBI Ciarksdale MS 101.7 WKHI Ocean City MD 99.9 WLFQ Crawfordsville, IN 108.9 WMET Chicago, IL 95.5
WJBK-FM Detroit. Mleh. WKHS Worton MD 90.5 WLGA-FM Valdosta GA 95.9 WMEV-FM Marion, Va.
WJBL-FM Holland. MM. WK1G-FM Glenville, GA 106.3 WLHI Fort Wayne, IN 88.3 WMEZ Pensacola FL 94.1
WJBM-FM Jerseyville, Ill. WKIO Urbana IL 103.9 WLHN Anderson IN 97.9 WMFC-FM Monroeville AL 99.s
WJBQ-FM Searborough, WK IQ Bowling Green, OH 93.5 WLHS-FM West Chester, PA 89.9 WMFD-FM Wilmington, N.C.
ME 106.3 WKIR Jackson, TN 104.1 WLIF Baltimore. Md. 101.9 100.9
WJBR Wilmington, Del. WKIT Hendersonville, NC 102.5 WLIH-FM New London, Wls. WMFG.FM Hibbing, Minn. 106.3
WJBW-FM Hampton, S.C. 103.1 WKJB-FM Mayaguez,.P. R. WLIL.FM Lenoir City, Tenn. WM FM Menomonie, WI 92.1
WJCC Angola, Ind. 100.1 WKJR-FM Muskegon Heights MI WLIN Jackson MS 95.5 WMFO Medford, Mass. 91.5
WJCD-FM Seymour, Ind. 101.7 WLIP-FM Kenosha, Wis. 95.1 WMFP Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
WJCK Rensselaer IN 97.7 WKKC Chicago,IL 89.3 WLIU Lincoln Univ., PA 88.7 WMFQ Ocala, FL 92.7
WJCL-FM Savannah GA 00.5 WKKD-FM Aurora, Ill. W L I V -F M Livingston. Tenn. WMFR-FM High Point, N.C.
WJCR Washington PA 88.3 WK K I Celina OH 94.3 WAG Beattyville, KY 102.3 WMGH Vevay, IN 95.9
WJCT-FM Jacksonville, FL 89.9 WKKL West Barnstable, MA 91.1 WLJE Valparaiso, IN WMGK Philadelphia, PA 102.9
WJDB-FM Thomasville AL 953 WKKM Harrison, MI 97.1 WLJS-FM Jacksonville, AL 95
191..59 WMGL Pulaski, Tenn. 98.3
WJEE Jacksonville, FL 107.3 WK KY Moss Point. MS 104.9 WLKI Angola, IN 100.1 W MGM Atlantic City, N.J.
WJEL Indianapolis, IN 89.1 WKLA-FM Ludington, Mleh. 106.3 WLKL Mattoon. IL 90.3 WMGP Fairhope AL 92.1
WJER-FM Dover, OH 101.7 WKLC-FM St. Albans, W.Va. WLKM-FM Three Rivers, MI 95.9 WMGQ New Brunswick, NJ 98.3
WJEZ Chicago, IL 104.3 WKLD Oneonta AL 97.7 WLKN-FM Lincoln, ME 99.3 WMGW-FM Meadville, Pa.
WJFD-FM New Bedford - WKLF-FM Clanton, Ala. WLKR-FM Norfolk, OH 95.3 WMGX Portland, ME 93.1
Fall River MA 97.3 WKLK-FM Minuet MN 100.8 Wl. KW -Fm Providence RI 101.5 WMHB Waterville ME 91.5


Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location Call
MHz Location MHz
WMHC South Hadley, Mass. WNIU-FM Dekalb, Ill. 89.5 , 92.5 WQLT Florence AL 107.3
WMHE Toledo, Ohio WNJC-FM Senatobia, Miss. 90.1 WPAT-FM Paterson, N.J. WQLX Galion, OH 102.3
WMHK Columbia, SC 89.7 WNKO Newark OH 101.7 WPAY-FM Portsmouth, Ohio WQMC Charlottesville, VA 95.3
WMHR Syracuse. N.Y. 102.9 WNKR Falmouth KY 95.3 WPFCFM Fanner, ME 92.9 WQMF Babylon, N.Y.
WMHS Morrison IL 90.7 WNLA-FM Indianola, Miss 105.5 WPBF Middletown, OH 105.9 WQMG Greensboro, N.C.
WMHT-FM Schnectady NY 89.1 WNMB N. Myrtle Beach SC 105.5 WPFin Champaign IL 88.7 WQMT Chatsworth, GA 99.3
WMHW-FM Mt. Pleasant MI 91.5 WNMC-FM Traverse City MI 90.9 WPCH Decatur GA 94.9 WQM U Indiana, Pa. 103.1
WMIC-FM Sandusky. Mien. WNMU-FM Marquette, MI 90.1 WPCR-FM Plymouth NH 90.3 WQMV Vicksburg, Miss.
WMI K -FM Middlesboro, Ky. 92.7 WNNN Canton, N.J. 101.7 WPCM Fu-lington NC 101.1 WQNZ Natchez -Vidalia MS 95.1
WMIL Waukesha, WI 106.1 WNNO-FM Wisconsin Dells, WPCS Pensacola, Fla. 89.3 WOOD Youngstown OH 93.3
WMIT Black Mountain, N.C. WI 107.1 WPDH Poughkeepsie NY 101.5 WQON Grayling, MI 100.1
WMIV S. Bristol, N.Y. WNNT-FM Warsaw, Va. W PO fi-F M Portage, Wis. WQOX Memphis TN 88.5
WMIXFM Mt. Vernon. III. WNOB Cleveland, Ohio WPDX-FM Clarksburg, WQPM-FM Princeton, MN 106.3
WMJC Birmingham. MI 94.7 WNOE-FM New Orleans, La. WV 104.9 WQPO Harrisonburg, VA 100.7
WM1M-FM Cordele, Ga. 98.3 101.1 WPEA Exeter NH 90.5 WQQQ Easton PA 99.9
WMJQ Rochester, NY 92.5 WNOF St. Paul. Minn. WPEG Concord. N.C. 97.9 WQRA Warrenton VA 94.3
WMJS Prince Frederick MD 92.7 WN01 Flora, IL 103.9 WPEH-FM Louisville, GA 92.1 WQRB Pittsfield, Mass.
WMJW Nanticoke PA 92.1 WNOK-FM High Point. N.C. WPEL-FM Montrose, Pa. WQRC Barnstable. MA 99.9
WMJX Miami, FL 96.3 WNON Lebanon, Ind. WPETFM Greensboro NC 98.7
WMKC Oshkosh, Wis. WNOR-FM Norfolk, Va. WQR H Wisconsin Dells WI 107.1
WPEZ Pittsburgh PA 94.5 WQRK Norfolk VA 104.5
WMKY Morehead. Ky. 90.3 WNOZ Cortland NY 99.9 WPF 1( Los Angeles, Cal.
WMLD Manati PR WNPQ New Philadelphia. Ohio WQRP West Carrollton, OH 88.1
96.9 WPFL Winter Park, FL 88.9 WARS -FM Detroit, Mich.
WMLN-FM Milton, MA 91.5 99.9 WPFM Panama City FL 107.9 WQRX Benton IL 106.3
WMLP-FM Milton, Pa. WNRC Dudley, MA 91.1 WPFR Terre Haute, Ind. 102.7
WMLS-FM Sylacauga AL WNRE Ciroleville, 0. 107.1 WQSB Albertville, Ala.
98.3 WPFW Washington, DC 89.3 WQSI Union Springs, AL 100.9
WMLW Grand Rapids, MN 101.3 WNRG-FM Grundy, Va. 'WPGA-FM Perry, Ga.
WMMC N. Andover MS WNRR Bellevue OH 92.1 WQSM Fayetteville, N.C. 98.1
WNSB Norfolk VA WPGC-FM Baldensburg, Md. 95.5 WQSR Sarasota FL 102.5
WMMG Bradenburg KY 93.5 91.1 WPG1 Pittsburgh, Pa. WQST Forest, Miss.
WMMR Philadelphia. Pa. WNSD Cincinnati OH 90.1 WPGM-FM Danville, Pa. 96.7
WMMS Cleveland, 0. WNSL-FM Laurel, Miss. WQSU Selingsgrove PA 88.9
100.7 WPGT Roanoke Rapids NC 90.1 WQTC-FM Two Rivers, Wis.
WMNA-FM Gretna, Va. WNTE Mansfield, Pa. 89.5 WPGU Urbana. III. WQTE Adrian, MI
WNTH Winnetka, III. 95.3
WMNB-FM North Adams, Mass. WPGW Portland IN 100.9 WQTI Dunn, N.C. 103.1
WMNF Tampa FL 88.5 'WNTI Hackettstown, N.J. WPHD Buffalo, NY 103.3 WQTQ Hartford CT
WMNR Monroe CN WNTQ Syracuse, NY 93.1
WNUB-FM Northfield, Vt. WPHP Wheeling, WV 91.9 WQTU Rome, GA 102.3
WMOA-FM Marietta. OH 94.3 WPHS Warren, Mich. WQUD Memphis, TN 104.5
WMOR-FM Morehead, Ky. 92.1 WNUF New Kensington PA 100.7 WP1C-FM Sharon, Pa.
WMOS Bath, ME WNUR Evanston, IL 89.3 WQUE New Orleans LA 93.3
WNUU St. Matthews ICY WPM Titusville, FL 89.9 WQUH DeFuniak Springs FL 103.1
WMOT Murfreesboro, Tenn. 89.5 103.1 WPIT-FM Pittsburgh, Pa. WQUT Johnson City, Tenn. 101.5
WMPG Gorham ME 91.1 WNVA-FM Norton. Va. 106.3 WPIX-FM New York, N.Y. WQWK State College, Pa.
WNWC Madison WI 96.7
WMPH Wilmington, Del. 91.7 102.5 WPJB-FM Providence, R.I. WQWQ-FM Muskegon, Mlch.
WMPI Scottsburg, Ind. WNWN Coldwater MI 98.5 WPJC Burgaw-Wilmington
WNWR Canal Fulton, OH 104.5
WMPL-FM Hancock, MI 93.5 90.9 NC 99.9 WQXA York PA 105.7
WMPO-FM Middleport OH 92.1 WNWY-FM Norway, Me, 105.5 WPJS Orangeburg, SC 106.7 WQXB Grenada MS 100.1
WMPR Sumter SC 88.1 WNXT-FM Portsmouth OH 99.3 WPI(N Bridgeport, Conn. 89.5 WQXE Elizabethtown, Ky. 106.3
WMPT-FM South Williamsport, WNYC-FM New York, N.Y. WPKY-FM Princeton, Ky. 104.9 WQXI-FM Smyrna, Ga.
Pa. 99. WNYE New York, N.Y. WPLB-FM Greenville, MI 107.3 WQXM Clearwater -
WMQT Ishpeming, MI 107.1 WNYN-FM Canton, 0. WPLC planation Key, Fla. St. Petersburg FL 97.9
WMRA Harrisonburg, Va. 91.1 WNYU-FM New York NY 89.1 WPLJ New York, N.Y. 95.5 WQXO-FM Munising MI 98.3
WMRF-FM Lewistown, Pa. WOAB Ozark AL 104.9 WPLM-FM Plymouth, Mass.
WMRI-FM Marion, Ind. WOAI-FM San Antonio, TX 97.3 WQXQ Daytona Beach, FL 101.9
WOAK Royal Oak, Mich. WPLN Nashville, Tenn. WQXR-FM New York, N.Y.
WMRN-FM Marion, Ohio WPLO-FM Atlanta, Ga. WQXX Morganton, NC 92.1
WMRQ Brookhaven, MS 62.1 WOAP-FM Owosso, Mich. WPLR New Haven, CT
WMRT Marietta, OH 88.3 WOAY-FM Oak Hill, W.Va. 99.1 WQXY-FM Baton Rouge, La.
WMRV Endicott, N.Y. WOBC Oberlin, 0. WPLZ Petersburg VA 99.3 WQY K -FM St. Petersburg, Fla.
105.5 WPMEFM Punxsutawney
WMRY E. St. Louis, Ill. WOBM Toms River, N.J. PA
WMSB Mississippi State, WOBN Westerville, Ohio 105.5 WQYT Binghamton, NY 98.1
MS WPMO Pascagoula, MS 99.1 WQZY Dublin, GA 95.9
89.1 WOBR-FM Wanchese NC 95.9 WPNE-FM Chilton WI
WMSC Upper Montclair, WOCB-FM W. Yarmouth, Mass. 89.3 WRAD-FM Radford, Va.
NJ 105.5 WOCG Huntsville, AL 90.1
WPNH-FM Plymouth, NH 100.1 WRAG-FM Carrollton. Ala.
WMSG-FM Oakland. Md. WOCH-FM North Vernon, Ind. WPNM Ottawa, OH 106.3 WRAJ-FM Anna, Ill.
WMSH-FM Elizabethtown, Pa. WOCN-FM Miami Beach, Fla. WPNR-FM Utica, NY 90.7 WRAK Williamsport PA 102.7
WMSK-FM Morganfleld, Ky. 94.9
WPOB Plainview NY 88.5 WRAL Raleigh, NC 101.5
WMSP Harrisburg, Pa. WOCO canto. Wis. 107.1
WPOC Baltimore, MD 93.1 WRAR-FM Tappahannock, Va.
WMSR-FM Manchester, Tenn. WOCR Olivet, MI 89.7
WPOK-FM Pontiac, III. 103.1 WRAS Atlanta, Ga. 88.5
W MST -FM Mt. Sterling, Ky. 105.5 WOEL-FM Elton, MD 88.3
WPOL Gaylord MI 95.3 WRAY-FM Princeton, Ind.
WMSU Hattiesburg MS 91.1 WOES Elsie, MI 91.3
WPOR-FM Portland, Me. WRBB Boston. Mass. 91.7
WMT-FM Cedar Rapids, Ia. 96.5 WOFM Greeneville. Tenn. WPOS-FM Holland. 0. WPFI Batesville, IN 103.9
WMTB Emmitsburg, MD 89.9 WOGM Bellefontaine, 0. WPPA-FM Pottsville, Pa. WRBJ-FM St. Johns, Mich.
98.3 WPPL Blue Ridge, Ga. 103.9 WRBK New Bern, NC
WMTF Stowe, VT 91.5 WOHS-FM Shelby, N.C. 101.9
WMTH Park Ridge, Ill. WOI-FM Ames, Iowa WPQR-FM Uniontown, Pa. 98.5 WRBN-FM Warner Robins, Ga.
WMTL-FM Leitchfield, Ky. WOIV De Ruyter Twp., NY 105.1 WPRB Princeton, N.J. 101.7
WMTMFM Moultrie, Ga. WOJO Evanston IL WPRC-FM Lincoln, III. 100.1 WRBR South Bend, Ind.
105.1 WPRE-FM Prairie du Chien, Wis.
WMTS-FM Murfreesboro, Tenn. WOKA-FM Douglas, GA 106.7
WRBS Baltimore. Md.
WM UA Amherst, Mass. WOKD Arcadia, FL 98.3
94.3 WRCC Cape Coral, FL 103.9
WMUB Oxford, Ohio WOKF Clearwater, FL
WPRK Winter Park, Fla. WR.3H-FM New Britain, Conn.
95.7 WPRM-FM San Juan, P.R. 98.5
WMUH Allentown, Pa. WOKI-EM Oak Ridge -Knoxville WPRO-FM Providence, R.I.
W MU K Kalamazoo, Mich. TN W RC IMidland, MI 93.5
WMUL Huntington, W.Va.
100.3 WPRS-FM Paris, Ill. WPCM Jacksonville, N.C.
WOKN Goldsboro NC 102.3 WPRT-FM Prestonburg, Ky. WRCN-FM Riverhead NY 103.9
WMUM Marathon, FL 94.3 WOKQ Dover -Portsmouth NH 97.5 WPSA Paul Smith's NY
WMUN Muncie, Ind. WOKU-FM Greensburg, Pa.
89.1 WRCO-FM Richland Center, WIS.
WMUU-FM Greenville, S. C. WPSI Lehman, PA 89.1 WRCR Rushville, Ind. 94.3
WOKZ-FM Alton, Ill. WPSR Evansville, Ind. WRFC -FM Ahoskie, N.C. 99.3
WMUZ Detroit, Mich. WOLA-FM Carolina, P.R. 107.7 WPST Trenton NJ
WMVA-FM Martinsville, Va. WOLC Princess Anne, MD
97.5 ' WRCT Pittsburgh, PA 88.3
WMVB-FM Millville, N.J. 102.5 WPTG Lancaster, PA 90.3 WRCV Mereershurg, PA 92.1
WOLD-FM Marion, Va. WPTH Fort Wayne, Ind. WPDB-FM Reedsburg, Wis. 104.9
WMVG-FM Milledgeville, Ga. WOMC Detroit, Mich. 104.3 WPTM Roanoke Rapids.
WMVO-FM Mt. Vernon, 0. 93.7 WOMP-FM Bellaire, Ohio WRDL Ashland, 0. 89.5
NC 102.3 WRDN-FM Durand WI 95.9
WMWA Glenview IL 88.9 WONA-FM Winona, MS 96.7 WPTN-FM Cookeville, Tenn.
WMWM Salem, MA 91.7 WONC Naperville, Ill. WROR Egg Harbor, N.J. 104.9
WMXM Lake Forest IL
89.1 WPTW-FM Piqua, Ohio WREI Quebradillas PR 98.3
88.9 WONO-FM Syracuse, N.Y. WPUB-FM Camden, SC 94.3 WREK Atlanta. Ga.
WMYB-FM Myrtle Beach, Fla. WONT Oneonta, NY 103.1 WPUM Rensselaer, IN
WMYK Elizabeth City NC 93.7 WONY Oneonta, NY
90.5 WREM-FM Jenkins, KY 94.3
90.9 WPUR Americus GA 97.7 WREOFM Ashtabula, Ohio
WMYR-FM Ft. Myers, Fla. WOOA Goulds, FL 98.3 WPUV-FM Pulaski, Va. WRES Troy, AL 105.7
WMYS New Bedford MA 98.1 WOOD -FM Grand Rapids, MI WPVA-FM Petersburg VA 95.3 WREZ Montgomery, AL
WMZQ Washington, DC 98.7 103.3
WNAA Greensboro, NC
105.7 WPVG Huntingdon, TN 100.9 WPFB Stowe, VT 101.7
90.5 WOOD Statesville, NC 96.9 WPWR St. George, S.C. 95.9 WPFE Armada, PR
WNAN Demopolis, AL 106.3 WOOF -FM Dothan AL 99.7 105.5
WNAP Indianapolis, Ind. WPWT Philadelphia, Pa. WRFG Atlanta GA 91.9
93.1 WOOR Oxford, Miss. 97.5 WPXE-FM Starke FL 106.3
WNAS New Albany, Ind. WOPA-FM Oak Park, Ill. WRFK-FM Richmond VA 106.5
WNAT-FM Natchez, Miss. WPXI Charleston SC 95.1 WRFL Winchester, VA 92.5
WOPR Oak Park, MI 90.3 WPXY Rochester, NY 97.9 WPFM New York, NY
WNAU-FM New Albany, MS 103.3 WOQI Ponce PR 93.3 105.1
WNAV-FM Annapolis, Md. WQAB Philippi, NH 91.3 WRFN Nashville TN 88.1
WORB Farmington Hills, MI 90.3 WQAL Cleveland. OH 104.1 WPFR Franklin NC
WNAZ-FM Nashville, Tenn. WORG-FM Orangeburg, SC 103.9 WQAQ Hamden CT 88.7
WNBD-FM Daytona Beach, Fla. WORJ-FM Mt. Dora, Fla. 107.7 WRFS-FM Alevander City, AL
WNBI-FM Park Falls, WI WQAW Parkersburg, WV 103.1 106.1
98.3 WORK Barre, VT 107.1 WORE Charleston, WV 97.5 W RFT Indianapolis, IN
WNBX-FM Keene, NH 103.7 91.5
WNBY-FM Newberry, MI 93.5
WORM -FM Savannah, Tenn.
WORO Corozal. P.R.
WORK -FM Rensselaer NY 103.9 Wririv River Falls, WI 88.7
92.5 WQBX Rensselear NY
WNCE Lancaster, PA 101.3 WORT Madison, WI 89.7
103.9 WRFY-FM Reading, PA 102.5
WNCI Worthington -Columbus. 0. WORW Port Huron MI WGIOW Kinston, NC 97.7 Wool Nc ales FL 93.5
91.9 WQCM Halfway, MD
WNCN New York, NY 104.3 WORX-FM Madison, Ind. WQCR Burlington VT
96.7 WRGT-FM Clarksburg WV 106.5
WNCO-FM Ashland OH 101.3 WOSH Oshkosh, WI 103.9
98.9 WRHL-FM Rochelle IL 102.3
WNCS Montpelier, VT WQCY Quincy, IL 99.5 WRHN Rhinelander, WI 107.9
96.7 WOSM Ocean Springs, Miss. 1113.1 WQDR Raleigh NC
WNCX Naples FL 97.7 WOSS Ossining, NY 90.3
94.7 WRH R Henrietta, NY 90.5
WNCY Springvale, Me. WOSU-FM Columbus, Ohio
WQDW Kinston, NC 97.7 WRNS Park Forest, IL 88.1
91.1 WQDY-FM Calais, ME
WNDA Huntsville AL 95.1 WOTB Middletown RI 107.1
92.7 WRHY Starvlew PA 92.7
WNDH Napolean OH 109.1 WOTT-FM Watertown, N. Y. 97.5
WQED-FM Pittsburgh PA 89.3 WRIA Richmond, IN 101.3
WNDN-FM Salisbury. NC 91.1 WOTW-FM Nashua, N.H. WQEN Gadsden, AL 103.7 WRIF Detroit. Mich. 101.1
WNDU-FM South Bend, Ind. WOUB-FM Athens, Ohio WQEZ Birmingham AL 96.5 WRIO-FM Cape May, N.J. 101.7
WNDY Crawfordsville, Ind. WOUI Chicago, IL 88.9
WQFL Rockford IL 100.9 WRIU Kingston RI 88.5
WNEC-FM Henniker, N.H. 91.7 WOUR Utica NY 96.9
WQFM Milwaukee, Wis. WRIX-FM Honeapath, SC 103.1
WNED-FM Buffalo, NY 94.5 WOVE Welch, W. Va. WQGL Butler, AL 93.5 WRJB Camden, TN 98.3
WNES-FM Central City, KY 101.9 WOVI Novi, MI WQHI Jeffersonville IN 95.7 WRJC-FM Mauston, WI 92.1
89.5 WQHL Live Oak FL 98.1
WNEW-FM New York. N.Y. WOVO Glasgow KY 105.5 WRJS Oil City, PA 98.5
WNEX-FM Macon, Ga. WOVV Ft. Pierce, Fla. WQHQ Andalusia, AL 98.1 WRJH Brandon, MS 97.7
WNFM Dayton, TN 104.9 WOWD Tallahassee FL WQHS Oswego NY 101.7 WRJR Lewiston, ME 91.5
101.9 WQHW Venice FL 92.1
WNFQ Lake City FL 94.3 WOWE Rossville, GA 105.5 WRKB-FM Kannapolis, NC 99.7
WNGC Athens, Ga. 95.5 WOWI Norfolk VA 102.9
WQID Biloxi, MS 93.7 WRKC Wilkes-Barre, PA 88.5
WNGS West Palm Beach FL WQI K -FM Jacksonville, Fla. WRKD-FM Rockland, ME 93.5
92.1 WOXO Norway ME 92.7 WQIM Prattville, AL 95.3
W N HS' Portsmouth VA 68.7 WOXY Oxford OH 97.7 WRKI Brookfield, CO 95.1
WNHU West Haven CT 88.7 WQ1X Horseheads, N.Y. 100.9 WRKM-FM Carthage, TN 102.3
WOYE-FM Mayaguez, P.R. WQKX Sunbury PA 94.1
WNHV-FM White River Junction, WPAA Andover, Mass. WR KR Racine, Wis. 100.7
Vt. WPAC-FM Patchogue, N.Y. WQLH West Point MS 100.9 WRIT Cocoa Beach FL 104.1
WNIB Chicago, Ill. WPAO-FM Paducah, Ky. WQLI Newbury MA 88.7 WRKX Ottawa, IL 95.3
WNIC Dearborn MI 100.3 WPAG-F M Ann Arbor, Mieh. 107.1
WOLK Richmond IN 96.1 WRKY Steubenville, OH 103.5
WNIK-FM Arecibo, P.R. WPAJ-FM Lancaster, SC WQLN-FM Erie PA 91.3 WRLB Long Branch, NJ 107.1
107.1 WQLR Kalazamoo MI 106.5
WNIL-FM Niles, Mich. 95.3 WPAP-1-M Panama City, Fla. WRLC Williamsport. PA 91.7
WQLS Cleveland, TN 100.7 WRLM Taunton. Mass. 93.3
Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz
Call Location MHz

WSHU Fairfield CT WTJM Pineville KY 106.3 WVGR Grand Rapids, Mich. 104.1

g WRLO.FM Antigo, WI 104.9 91.1

WRLR Huntingdon, PA 106.3 WSHV South Hill VA 105.5 WTJU Charlottesville, Va. WVGS Statesboro, GA 91.3
WRLS Haywood. Wis. 92.1 WSHY-FM Shelbyville, III. 104.9 WTKM-FM Hartford WI 104.9 WVHC Hempstead, N.Y.
WRLX Auburn NY 106.9 WSID-FM Baltimore, Md. WTKY-FM Tompkinsville, Ky. WVHF-FM Clarksburg, WV 92.7
WRMB Boynton Beach FL 89.3 WSIE Edwardsville, III. 88.7 92.1 WVHG La Belle FL 92.1
WRMC-FM Middlebury, VT 91.7 WSIF Wilkesboro, NC 90.1 WTLB-FM Utica, NY 107.3 WVHI Evansville, Ind.
WRMF-FM Titusville, Fla. 98.3 WSIM Red Bank TN 94.3 WTLC Indianapolis, Ind. WVHP-FM Highland Park NJ
WSIP-FM Paintsville, Ky. WTLN-FM Apopka, Fla. 95.3 90.3
WI/MS-FM Beardstown, IL 94.3 WVIA-FM Scranton PA 89.9
WRMU Alliance. Ohio 91.1 WSIU Carbondale, Ill. WTLR State College -Bellefonte
WRMZ Columbus OH 99.7 WSIV-FM Pekin, III. PA 89.9 WVIC-FM E. Lansing, Mich.
WRNE Moulton, ME 89.1 WSIX-FM Nashville, Tenn. WT MB-FM Tomah, WI 98.9 WV11< Rock Island IL 88.5
WRNN-FM Clare, MI 95.3 WSJC-FM Magee, Miss. WTME Manning SC 92.1 WVIM-FM Goldwater, MS 95.3
WRNO New Orleans, LA 99.5 WSJ 0 Hallandale, Fla. WTMI Miami, Fla. 93.1 WVIN-FM Hammondsport, NY
WRNS Kingston, NC 95.1 WSKB Westfield, MA 91.5 WTMO Tishomingo, Miss. 88.9 98.3
WSKG-FM Binghamton, NY 89.3 WTMX Ridgway, PA WVIP-FM Mount Kisco. N.Y.
3 WRNW Mt. Kisco NY 107.1 94.3
WSKP-FM Sebring FL 105.5 WTNC-FM Thomasville, N.C. WVIS Frederiksted VI 106.7
WROA-FM Gulfport, MS 107.1
WSKV Stanton, KY 104.9 WTNQ Dickson, TN 102.3 WVJC Mt. Carmel IL 89.1
WROE Neenah -Menasha WI 94.3 WVJP-FM Caguas, P.R.
W ROI Rochester, IN 92.1 WSKZ Chattanooga TN 106.5 WTNS-FM Coshocton, 0.
WSLE Peterborough NH 92.1 WTNT-FM Tallahassee, Fla. WV1S-FM Owensboro, Ky.
WROM-FM Rome, GA 97.7 WVICC-FM Galesburg, Ill.
WROQ Charlotte NC 95.1 WSLI-FM Jackson, Miss. WTOC-FM Savannah, Ga.
WSLM-FM Salem, Ind. WTOD-FM Toledo, Ohio WVKO-FM Columbus, OH 94.7
WROR Boston, Mass. 98.5
WSLN Delaware, Ohio WVI(B.FM Poughkeepsie, NY
WROW-FM Albany, NY 95.5 WTOF Canton, OH 98.1
WSLQ Roanoke VA 99.1 WTOH Mobile AL 90.5 91.3
WRPC San German, PR 95.1
WSLT-FM Ocean City NJ 106.3 WTOO-FM Bellefontaine, OH 98.3 WVLA Eveleth, MN 100.1
WRPI Troy, NY 91.5
WSLU Canton, N.Y. WTOS-FM Skowhegan ME 107.1 WVLC-FM Orleans, MA 104.7
WRPM-FM Poplarville, MS 107.9 WSLX New Canaan, CT 91.9 WTPA-FM Harrisburg, Pa. WVLJ Monticello. IL 105.5
WPPN-FM Ripon, WI 90.1
WSLY York, AL 99.3 WTPC Elsah, III. 89.7 WVLK-FM Lexington, Ky.
WRPS Rockland, MA 91.5
WSM-FM Nashville, Tenn. 95.5 WTPM Aguadilla, P.R. 92.9 WVLR Sauk City, Wis.
WRQR Farmville, NC 94.3
WSMC Collegedale, Tenn. WTPR-FM Paris. Tenn. WVLS Jackson. MS 91.5
WRR-FM Dallas, TX 101.1
WSME-FM Sanford, ME 92.1 WTQR Winston-Salem NC 104.1 WVMG-FM Cochran, Ga. 96.7
WRRC Radford VA 89.9
WTQX-FM Selma AL WVMH-FM Mars Hill, NC 90.5
WRRG River Grove, IL 88.9 WSMH-FM Lancaster, NY 89.9 100.9
WSM I -FM Litchfield, 106.1 WTRE-FM Greensburg, Ind. WVMO Monroe, Mich.
WRRH Franklin Lakes, NJ 88.7
WTRF Wheeling WV 107.5 WVMS Chattanooga, Tenn. 88.9
WRRK Manistee, MI 97.7 WSMJ Greenfield, Ind.
WSMM Sault Ste. Marie, MI 99.5 WTRS Dunnellon, Fla. 102.3 WVMV-FM Scranton, PA 91.5
WRRL.FM Rainelle, WV 96.7
WTHZ Springfield, MA WVMW-FM Scranton, PA 91.5
WRRN Warren, PA 92.3 WSMT-FM Sparta, TN 89.1
WVNA-FM Tuscumbia AL 100.3
WPRZ.FM Clinton, NC 107.1 WSMU-FM Starkville, MS 106.3 WTSA-FM Brattleboro, VT 96.7
WSND-FM Notre Dame, IN WTSB-FM Lumberton, N.C. WVNJ-FM Newark. N.J.
WRSA Decatur AL 96.9
WTSC-FM Potsdam, NY 91.1 WVNO-FM Mansfield, Ohio
WRSB Weston MA 88.3 WSNI Philadelphia PA 104.5
WRSEFM Elmhurst, IL 88.7 WSNI-FM Ridgeton, NJ 107.7 WTSD Waterford, Mich. WVNS Tuskegee, AL 95.9
W RSF M iamisburg. 0 H 89.9 WSNN Potsdam, NY 99.3 WTSR Trenton, NJ 91.3 WVOC Columbus GA 102.9
WRSH Rockingham NC 91.1 WSNT-FM Sandersville, GA 94.3 WTSU Troy, AL 90.1 WVOF Fairfield, CT 88.5
WRSJ-FM Bayamon, P.R. WSOC-FM Charotte, NC 103.7 WTTC-FM Towanda, Pa. WVOH-FM Hazlehurst, GA 93.5
WRSL-FM Stanford, KY 95.9 WSOE Elon College, NC 89.3 WTTF-FM Tiffin, Ohio WVOK-FM Birmingham, AL 99.5
WRSQ-FM Geneseo, IL 104.9 WSOF.FM Madisonville, KY 89.9 WTTI( Boston, MA 100.7 WVOR Rochester, N.Y.
WRST-FM Oshkosh WI 90.3 WS0J-FM Jesup, GA 98.3 WTT NF M Watertown, WI 94.1 WVOS-FM Liberty, N.Y.
WRSU-FM New Brunswick WSOM-FM Salem, Ohio WTTR-FM Westminster, Md. WVOW-FM Logan, W. Va. 101.9
NJ 89.1 WSOR Fort Myers, Fla. 95.3 WTTU Cookeville TN 88.5 WVPA-FM Windsor, VT 89.5
WRSV Rocky Mount, NC 92.1 WSOU S. Orange, N.J. WTTV-FM Bloomington, Ind. WVPB Beckley WV 91.7
WRSW-FM Warsaw, IN 107.3 WSOY-FM Decatur, Ill. WTTX-FM Appomattox, VA 107.1 WVPE Elkhart, IN 88.1
WRTC-FM Hartford, CT 89.3 WSPA-FM Spartanburg, S.C. WIDE Dayton OH 104.7 WVPH Piscataway, NJ 90.3
W RTE Cahokia, IL 89.5 WSPB-FM Sarasota. Fla. WTUF Thomasville OH 107.1 WVPN Charleston, WV 88.5
WRTU San Juan, PR 89.7 WSPD-FM Toledo, Ohio WTUG-FM Tuscaloosa AL 92.7 WVPO-FM Stroudsburg, Pa.
WRTC-FM Hartford, Conn. WSPH Baltimore MD 90.3 WTUL New Orleans LA 91.5 WVPR Rock Hill, SC 88.9
W RTI Philadelphia, PA 90.1 WSPK Poughkeepsie, NY 104.7 WTUN Selma AL 100.1 WVPW Buckhannon, WV 88.9
WRTL-FM Rantoul IL 95.3 WSPL La Crosse, WI 95.9 wTVL-FM Waterville. Me. WVRY Waverly,Tenn. 104.9
WRTM Blountstown, Fla. WSPN Saratoga Springs, WTVII-FM Richrnono, va. WVSC-FM Somerset, Pa.
WRTN New Rochelle, NY 93.5 NY 91.1 WTVY-FM Dothan AL 95.5 WVSH Huntington, Ind.
WRTV Blountstown, Fla. 102.3 WSPS Concord NH 90.3 WTWF Moncks Corner, SC 105.5 WVSL-FM Slidell, La. 105.3
90.9 WSPT Stevens Point, WI 92.9 WTWX Guntersville AL 95.9 WVSP Warrenton, NC 90.9
W RUC Schenectady, NY WTYD New London. Conn. WVSR Rapid City, S.D.
WRUF-FM Gainesville, Fla. WSPY Plano IL 107.1
WTYL-FM Tylertovin, Miss. 97.9
WRUL Carmi, IL 97.3 WSRA San Juan, PR 93.7 WVSS Menomonie, WI 90.7
WSRB Walpole, MA 91.7 WTZE-FM Tazewell, Va. WVST Bolivar, TN 98.7
WRUM-FM Rumford, 96.3 WUAG Greensboro, NC 89.9 WVSU-FM Birmingham AL 91.1
WRUR Rochester, N.Y. 88.5 WSRD Youngstown, OH 101.1
WUAL-FM Tuscaloosa AL 91.7
WRUT Rutland, VT 97.1 WSRF-FM Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. WVSV Stevenson, AL 101.7
WRUV Burlington, Vt. WSRK Oneonta, NY 103.9 WUAZ Henderson, Ky. 103.1 WVTC Randolph enter, Vt. 90.7
WRUW-FM Cleveland, 0. WSRN-FM Swarthmore PA 91.5 WUBE Cincinnati OH 105.1 WVTL Monticello, Ind.
WRVC Norfolk, Va. WUCB-FM Chicago, Ill. WVTS Terre Haute, Ind.
WSRS Worcester, Mass. W 1/0.1 University Heights, Ohio WVUB Vincennes, IN 91.1
WRVF River Falls. Wis. WSRW-FM Hillsboro, Ohio 88.9 WVUD-FM Kettering, Ohlo
WRVM Suring, Wis. WSRX Allendale, MI 88.5 W U EC Eau Claire, W I 89.7
WRVO Oswego, N.Y. 89.9 WSSH Lowell, Mass. 99.5 W V U M Coral Gables, Fla.
WRVP New York, N.Y. 102.3 WUEV Evansville, IN 91.5 WV U R Valparaiso, Ind.
WSSN Weston, WV WU F F -FM Eastman, GA 92.1 WVUS Putney VT 88.9
WRVQ Richmond VA 94.5 WSSR Springfield, IL 91.9
WRVU Nashville, TN 91.1 WSSU Superior, Wis.
WUFK Ft. Kent. ME 90.3 WVVE Norristown, PA 91.7
WRWC S. Beloit, Ill. 91.5 WUFM Lebanon, PA 100.1 WVVS Valdosta, GA 89.9
WSTB Streetsboro OH WU FN Albion, Mich. 96.7 WVVV Blacksburg. Va.
WRWR Port Clinton, Ohio WSTN Florence, S.C. 103.1
WUHS Urbana. 0. 91.7 WVVX-FM Highland Park IL
WRXL Richmond VA 102.1 WSTO Owensboro, Ky. WU HY Philadelphia PA 90.9 103.1
WRXX Centralia, IL 95.3 WSTP-FM Salisbury, N.C. W U IC Chicago, IL 88.1 WVWC Buckhannon, WV 89.9
WRY() Crystal River. FL 98.5 WSTR-FM Sturgis, Mich. W UJC University Hts., OH 88.7
WRYZ-FM Jupiter, FL 96.7 WSTS Laurinburg, N. C. 96.5 WVWR-FM Roanoke, VA 89.1
WSAC-FM Ft. Knox, Ky. WSTU-FM Stuart, Fla. WULA-FM Eufula AL 92.7 WVXU-FM Cincinnati, Ohio 91.7
WSAE Spring Arbor, Mich. WSTW Wilmington, Del. 93.7 WUME-FM Paoli IN 95.3 WVYC York, PA 88.1
WSAI-FM Cincinnati, OH 94.1 WSUB-FM Groton, Conn. 105.5 WUMF-FM Farmington ME 91.9 WWAD Middleton, WI 106.3
WSAJ-FM Grove City, Pa. 89.5 WSUC-FM Cortland, NY 90.7 WUMR Rolla MO 88.5 WWAV Auburn, ME 100.1
WSAK Sullivan IL 106.3 WSUE-FM Sault Ste. Marie WUNC Chanel Hill. N.C. WWBA-FM St. Petersburg, Fla.
WSAL-FM Logansport, Ind. 101.3 WUNF-FM Asheville, NC 88.1 107.3
MI WUNH Durham NH 91.3 WWBD-FM Bamberg, S.C.
WSAQ Port Huron, MI 107.1 WSUL Monticello, NY 93.5
WUOA Tuscaloosa AL 95.7
WSAU-FM Wausau. Wis. WSUP Platteville, WI 90.5 WWCG La Grange, GA- 104.1
WSB-FM Atlanta, Ga. 102.9 WUOG Athens GA 90.5 WWCK Flint MI 105.5
WSUS Franklin NJ WUOL Louisville, KY 90.5 WWCL Wesson, Miss. 91.1
WSBA-FM York, Pa. WSUW Whitewater, WI 91.7
WUOM Ann Arbor, Mich.
WSBF-FM Clemson, S.C. WSUX-FM Seaford DE 98.3 WWCM-FM Brazil IN 97.7
WSBI-FM Brunswick, GA 100.7 WSVC Midland, Mich. 99.7 WUOT Knoxville, TN 91.9 WWCS Hagerstown -Frederick
WSBM Jefferson City, TN 99.3 WUPE-FM Pittsfield, MA 95.9 MD 106.9
WSVL-FM Shelbyville, IN 97.1 WUPI Presque Isle ME 91.1 WWCT Peoria, IL. 105.7
WSBU St. Bonaventure, NY 88.3 WSVS-FM Crewe. VA 104.7
WUPM Ironwood, MI 106.9
WSCB Springfield, Mass. WSWF Lehigh Acres, FL 107.1 WWCU Cullowhee, NC 91.7
WSCC Somerset, KY 90.7 91.7 WUPY Lynn, Mass. WWCW Albany G.A 101.7
WSWM Memphis, TN WURD Georgetown, OH 97.7 WWDB Philadelphia. Pa. 96.5
WSCD-FM Duluth, MN 92.9 WSWN-FM Belle Glade, FL 93.5
WUSB Stony Brook, NY 90.1 WWDC-FM Washington, D.C.
WSCH Aurora, Ind. 99.3 WSWT Peoria IL 106.9
W USG- F M Columbia, SC
WSCI Charleston, SC 89.3 WSWV-FM Pennington Gap 91.9 WWDE-FM Hampton VA 101.3
WSCQ West Columbia, SC 100.1 105.5 WUSF Tampa, FL 88.7 WWDL-FM Scranton, Pa. 104.9
WV WUSL Philadelphia, PA 98.9 WWDS Muncie IN 90.5
WSCS Sodus, NY 89.5 WSWW-FM Platteville, Wis.
WSCT-FM Berkeley Springs. W.V. WSYC-FM Shippensburg, PA 86.7 WUSM N. Dartmouth, MA 90.5 WWEB Wallingford, CT 89.9
WSDH Sandwich, MA 91.7 WSYR-FM Syracuse, NY 94.5 WUSO Springfield, OH 89.1 WWEL-FM Medford MA 107.9
WSDO Ft. Lauderdale -Miami WUST-FM Bethesda, Md. WWEZ Cincinnati, Ohio 92.5
WSYX London, OH 106.3
WUTM Martin, TN 90.3 WWFC Fairmont WV 90.9
FL 106.7 WTAB-FM Tabor City, N.C. WUTS-F M Sewanee TN 91.5
WSDP Plymouth, MI 89.3 WTAI-FM Melbourne FL 107.1 WWGA Waynesboro, GA 190.9
WSEA Georgetown, Del. 93.5 104.9 WUTZ Summertown TN 88.3 WWGC Carrollton GA 89.3
WTAO Murphysboro IL WUUN Marquette. MI 100.1 WWGP-FM Sanford, N.C.
WSEC Williamston, NC 103.7 WTAS Crete, IL 102.3
WUVT-FM Blacksburg, Va. 90.7 WWHC Hartford City, Ind.
WSEF-FM Seneca Falls, N. Y. WTAW-FM College Station, Tex. WUWM Milwaukee, Wis. WWHI Muncie, IN 91.5
99.3 WTAY-FM Robinson, IL 101.7
WSEI Olney, III. 92.9 WVAC Adrian, Mich. WWHS-FM Hampden -Sydney VA
WTAZ Morton, IL 102.3
WVAF-F M Charleston, 91.7
WSEK Somerset. Ky. WTBG Brownsville, TN 95.3 W.Va.
WSEL-FM Pontotoc, Miss. WTBO-FM Cumberland. Md. WWI B Ladysmith WI 92.9
WSEN-FM Baldwinsville, N.Y. WVAMFM Altoona, Pa. WWID Gainesville, GA 108.7
WSEV-FM Sevierville, TN 102.1 WTBR-FM Pittsfield, MA 89.5 WVBC Bethany, W.Va. WWIH High Point, NC 90.3
WSEZ Winston-Salem. NC 93.1 WTBS Cambridge MA 88.1 WVBF Framingham, MA 105.7 WW1 -FM Detroit, Mieh.
WSFL Bridgeton, NC 106.5 WTCA-FM Plymouth, IN 94.3 WVBR-FM Ithaca, N.Y. WW1 M New Lexington, OH 106.3
WSFM Harrisburg, Pa. 99.3 WTCC Springfield, MA 90.7 WVBU-FM Lewisburg, PA 90.5 WWJO St. Cloud, MN 98.1
WSGF-FM Savannah GA 95.5 WTCH-FM Shawano, WI 100.1 WVCA-FM Gloucester, Mass. WWJR Sheboygan, WI 97.7
WSGH-FM Winston-Salem NC WTCM-FM Traverse City, Mich. WVCD Hazleton, Pa. 97.9 WWJY South Bend, IL 00.5
107.5 WTCO-FM Campbellsville, KY. WVCL-FM Winnfield, LA 92.1 WWKI Kokomo, Ind. 00.5
WSGM Staunton, Va. WTCQ Vidalia, GA 97.7 WVCM Carrollton, Ky. WWKK Gallatin TN 04.5
WSGO-FM Oswego NY 105.5 WTCV Shelbyville, TN 93.1 WVCP Gallatin TN 88.3 WWKS Beaver Falls, PA 06.7
WSGR-FM Port Huron, Mich. 91.3 WTFM Lake Success, NY 103.5 WVCR Loudenville, N.Y. WWKT-FM Kingstree, SC 00.1
WSGS Hazard. Ky. 101.1 WTGI Hammond, LA 103.3 WVCS California PA 91.9 WWLM Canton, MS 01.7
WSHA Raleigh, N.C. 88.9 WTGN Lima, 0. WVCY Milwaukee WI 107.7 WWLR Lyndonville, VT 91.7
WSHC Shepherdstown, WV 88.7 WTGP Greenville, PA 88.1 WVEC-FM Hampton, Va. WWLV Daytona Beach, FL 94.5
WSHE Ft. Lauderdale FL 103.5 WTHI-FM Terre Haute, IN 99.9 WVEE Atlanta, GA 103.3 WW M H M inocqua, WI 95.9
WSHG Georgetown SC 106.3 WTHJ Lobelville, TN 94.3 WVEM Springfield, III. WWMD Hagerstown, MD 104.7
WSHH Pittsburgh PA 99.7 WTHM-FM Lapeer, Mich. WVEN Franklin, Pa. 99.3 WWMM Arlington Heights IL 92.7
WSH1 Southfield, MI WTHO-FM Thomson, GA 101.7 WVEP East Montpelier VT 88.3 WWMO Reidsville, N.C.
WSHL-FM Easton, MA 91.3 WTIB luka, Miss. 104.9 WVEZ Louisville, KY 106.9
WW MS -FM Bryan. 0.
WSHN-FM Fremont, MI 100.1 WTIB-FM Salem, WV 91.1 WVFIC Key West, FL 95.5 WWNO New Orleans, La. 89.9
WSHR Lake Ronkonkoma, N.Y. WTIC-FM Hartford, Conn. WVFM Lakeland, Fla. WWOC Avalon, NJ 94.3
WSHS Sheboygan WI 91.7 WTIO Charleston. W. Va. WVFV Dundee. III_
Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz Call Location MHz

WWOD-FM Lynchburg, Vs. WXBA Brentwood, NY 138.5 WXYW Suffolk, Va.

WWOLFM Buffalo, N.Y. W)(13M-FM Milton. Fla. WYZZ Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
WWOM Albany NY 100.9 WXYX Bayamon, PR - 100.7 WZAK Cleveland, OH 93.1
WXCC Williamson, WV 96.5 WXYY Wilson. NC 108.1 WZAR Ponce. P.R.
WWON-FM Woonsocket, R.I. WXCI Danbury CT 101.9
WW00 Avalon, NJ 94.3
91.7 WYAK-FM Surfside Beach
WWOS Palm Beach, Fla.
WXDR Newark, DE 91.3 Garden City. SC 103.3 WZAT Savannah. GA 102.1
WXEZ Sylvania OH 105.5 WYAN-FM Upper Sandusky, WZBC Newton, MA 90.3
WWOZ New Orleans LA 90.7 WXFM Elmwood Park, IL
WWPH Princeton Junction, NJ 90.3 105.9 OH 95.9 WZBT Gettysburg, PA 90.3
WWPT Westport CN 90.3
WXGC Milledgeville. GA 88.9 WYBC-FM New Haven, CT 94.3 WZDC Soddy -Daisy, TN 102.3
WWPV-FM Colchester VT 88.7
WXID Mayfield, KY 94.7 WYBR Belvidere, IL 104.9 WZDQ Soddy -Daisy, TN 102.3
WWQC Quincy, IL 90.3
WX1L Parkersburg, WV 95.1 WYCA Hammond, Ind. WZEE Madison. WI 104.1
WXIS Erwin, Tenn. 103.9 WYCE Warwick, R.I. WZEP-FM DeFunialt,
WWQM-FM Middleton WI 106.3 WXIY Bay Springs, MS 93.5 WYCH Hamilton OH Springs, Fla.
WWRJ Southampton. NY 95.3 103.5
WWRK Elberton, GA 92.1
WXKE-FM Fort Wayne, IN 103.9 WYCR York -Hanover, Pa. WZEZ Nashville, TN 92.9
WXKQ Whitesburg, KY 103.9 WYCS Yorktown, Va. WZFM Charlestown, W.Va.
WWRM Gaylord, MI 106.7 WXKW Allentown, Pa. 104.1 WYDD Pittsburgh PA 104.7 WZGC Atlanta GA 92.9
WWSE Jamestown NY 93.3 WXKX Pittsburgh, PA
WWSH Philadelphia. Pa. 106.1
96.1 WYER-FM Mount Carmel, IL 94.9 WZID Manchester, NH 95.7
WWSL Philadelphia MS 102.3
WXLE Abbeville, AL 94.3 WYEN Des Plaines, III. 106.7 WZLD Cayce, SC 96.7
WWSM Bay Minette AL 105.5
WXLI-FM Dublin. Ga. WYEP-FM Pittsburgh PA 91.5 WZLE Lorain, OH 104.9
WXLM Savannah, Ga. 97.3 WYEZ Elkhart, IN 100.7 WZLY Wellesley, MA 91.5
WWSP Stevens Pt. WI 89.9 WX1.0 New York NY 98.7 WYFE-FM Winnebago IL WZMF Menomonee Falls, Wls.
WWSR St. Albans VT 102.5 95.5
WWST-FM Wooster. OH
WXLP Moline IL 96.9 WYFI Norfolk, Va. WIND Zeeland. Mieh. 99.3
104.5 WXLS Willimantic, CT WYFM Sharon PA
WWSU Dayton, OH 88.5 98.3 102.9 WZOK Rockford. IL 97.5
WXMN Monticello, ME 89.5 WYGO-FM Corbin. Ky. WZOL Luquillo, PR 92.1
WWTR-FM Bethany Beach, WXNC Henderson NC 92.5 WYII Williamsport MD 95.9 WZOT Rockmart. Ga. 107.1
DE 95.9 WXOS Plantation Key, Fla. WZOW Goshen, IN
WWTVFM Cadillac, Mich. 100.3 WYLD-FM New Orleans. LA 98.5 97.7
WWTV Corinth, Miss. WXPN Philadelphia, Pa. WYLR-FM Glens Falls NY 95.9 WZPR Meadville, Pa. 100.5
WXQR Jacksonville, N.C. 105.5 WYMS Milwaukee WI 88.9 WZRD Chicago, IL 88.3
WWUH W. Hartford CT 91.3 WXRA Woodbridge, Va. WYNF Tampa, FL 94.9 WZRO Pekin IL
WWVR W. Terre Haute, Ind. WXRC Hickory, NC 95.7 WY N K. F M Baton Rouge, La. 101.5 WZTA Tamaqua PA 105.5
WWWB-FM Jasper AL 102.5 WXRF-FM Guayama, P. R. WYNR-FM Brounwiek, Ga. WZUU-FM Milwaukee WI
WWW.1 Johnstown, OH 103.1 95.7
WXRI Norfolk, Va. WYNY New York, NY 97.1 WZVS-FM Vieques, PR 98.9
WWWL Miami Beach, FL 93.9 WXRO Beaver Dam, Wi 95.3 WYON Grand Rapids, Mich. WZWZ Kokomo, IN
WWWM Cleveland OH 105.7 93.5
WXRT Chicago, III. 93.1 WY00-FM Richfield. MN 101.5 WZXI Gastonia NC 101.9
WWWS Saginaw. Mieh. 107.1 WXRY-FM Columbia, S.C. 93.5 WYOR Coral Gables. Fla. WZXR Memphis, TN 102.7
WWWV Charlottesville, VA 97.5 WXTA Greencastle, Ind. WYPC Gallipolis, OH 101.5 WZYQ-FM Braddock Heights,
WWWW Detroit. Mich. WXTC Charleston SC 96.9 WYRL Melbourne, Fla. MD 103.9
WWWY Columbus. IN 104.9 WXTQ Athens, OH 105.5 WYSH-FM Clinton, TN 104.9 WZVZ Fairmont NC 100.9
WWWZ Summerville. SC 93.5 WXTR-FM LaPlata. MD 107.1 WYSO Yellow Springs OH 91.5 WZZB Centreville, MS 104.9
WWXL-FM Manchester. Ky. WXTZ Indianapolis IN 103.3 WYSP Philadelphia, PA 94.1 WZZE Hockessin. DE 88.7
WWYD White Plains, NY 103.9 WXUS-FM Lafayette. Ind. 92.7 WYSU Youngstown. 0. 88.5 WZZO Bethlehem PA 95.1
WWYN Carthage MS 98.1 WXXI-FM Rochester NY 91.5 WYVA-FM Yorktown, VA 94.1 WZZP Cleveland. OH 106.5
WWYZ Waterbury CT 92.5 WXXY Montour Falls NY 104.9 WYWY-FM Barbourville KY 93.5 WZZQ Jackson MS 102.9
WXAC Reading, Pa. WXYC Chapel Hill, NC 89.3 WYXE Sun Prairie, WI 92.1 WZZR-FM Grand Rapids, MI 95.7
WXAX Elkhart, Ind. WXYV Baltimore. MD 102.7 WYYD Raleigh NC 95.1 WZZW Augusta, GA 103.1


Location C.L. Chan. Location C.L. Chan. Location C.L. Chan. Location C.L. Chan.


Naples WEVU 26
Anniston KOVR 13 Ocala WOCA 51
WHMA-TV 40 Anaheim KGOF 56 Tijuana. Orlando WDBO-TV
Birmingham WBRC-TV Bakersfield KJTV 17 San Diego XETV
WAPI-TV 13 KBAK TV 29 Tulare KMPH 26 WSWB-TV 35
WBMG 42 Chico KHSL-TV 12 Visalia Palm Beach WPTV 5
Demopolis tWIIQ 41 Corona -Los (Fresno) KICU-TV 43
Dothan WTVY 4 Angeles
Panama City WMBB 13
WDHN 18 El Centro KECC-TV 9 COLORADO Pensacola
Dozier tWD1Q 2 El Centro - tWSRE 23
Florence WOWLTV 15 Mexicali XHBC-TV 3 Broomfield tKBDI-TV 12 Aberdeen KABY-TV 9
WFIO. 36 Pensacola.
Eureka KIEM-TV Colo. Springs - Mobile WEAR -TV
Huntsville -Decatur WAAY-TV 31 KVIQ-TV 6 Pueblo KKTV II Sarasota WXLT-TV 40
WAFF 48 tKEET 13 KRDO-TV 13 St. Petersburg.
Huntsville WHNT-TV 19 Fontana - Denver KWGN.TV 2 Tampa WTOG 44
TWHIQ 25 Los Angeles KTBN-TV 40 KOA-TV 4 Tallahassee tWFSU-TV 11
Louisville TWGIQ 43 Fresno KMJ-TV 24 tKRMA-TV
WALA-TV It KBTV Tallahassee.
KFSN-TV 30 9
Thomasville WCTV
tWEIQ 42 KJEO 47 Durango KREZ-TV 6 Tampa
Montgomery WSFA-TV 12 Guastl KBSA 46 Grand tWUSF-TV 16
WCOV-TV 20 Tampa -St.
Hanford KFTV 21 Junction KREX-TV 5 Petersburg
TWAIQ 26 Huntington Montrose KREY-TV 10 tWEDU 3
WKAB-TV 32 Beach tKOCE-TV 50 Pueblo KTSC 8 WFLA-TV 8
Mount Cheaha Los Angeles KNXT 2 Pueblo -Colo. WISP -TV 10
State Park tWC1Q 7 Springs KOAA-TV 3
Selma KNI3C 4 West Palm Beach WPEC
WSLA 8 KTLA 5 Sterling KTVS 3 12
Tuscaloosa WCFT.TV 33 KABC-TV 7
Bridgeport Albany WALB-TV 10
Anchorage KCOP 13 tWEDW 49 Athens TWGTV 8
KEN1-TV KWHY-TV 22 Hartford WFSB-TV 3 Atlanta
KIMO 13 TKI-CS 58 New Britain -Hartford WVIT 30
Bethel tKYUK-TV 4 Modesto KLOC-TV 19 New Haven - WANX 46
Fairbanks KFAR-TV 2 Monterey KMST 46 Hartford WTN H -TV 6 WXIA-TV 11
tKUAC-TV 9 Oakland -San tWEDY 65 WTCG 17
KTVF II Francisco KTVU 2 Norwich tWEDN 53 tWETV 30
Juneau KINY-TV 8 Oxnard KTIE 63 Waterbury WATR-TV 20 WXAT-TV 46
Augusta WJBF
KTOO-TV Palm Springs KMIR-TV 36
Sitka KIFWTV 13 1< ESQ-TV 42 WRDW-TV 12
Redding tKIXE-TV 9
Wilmington Chatsworth tWCLP-TV 18
ARIZONA Redding -Chico KRCR-TV 7 tWHYY-TV 12 Cothran
Sacramento KCRA-TV 3
Fayettesville Columbus WRBL-TV 3
Flagstaff KOAI 2 KMUV-TV 31 WTVM 9
Phoenix KTVK 3 Sacramento - COLUMBIA WYEA 38
KPHO-TV 5 Stockton KTXL 40 tWJSP-TV 28
tKAET 8 Washington WRC-TV 4 Dawson tWACS-TV 25
KXTV 10 WTTG 5 Macon WMAZ-TV 13
KOOL-TV It Salinas- WJLA-TV 7 WCWB-TV 41
KPAZ-TV 21 mantereY KSBW-TV 8 WDVM-TV 9 Pelham tWABW-TV 14
KTVW-TV 33 San Bernardino tKVCR-TV 24 WDCA-TV 20 Savannah WSAV-TV 3
Phoenix -Mesa KTAR-TV 12 KHOF-TV 30
Tucson KV0A-TV 4 tWETA-TV 26 WTOC-TV 11
tKUAT-TV 6 KSCI 18 Savannah -
KGUN-TV 9 San Diego KFMB-TV 8 FLORIDA Pembroke tWVAN-TV 9
KOLD-TV 13 KGTV 10 Waycross tWXGA-TV
Tucson Daytona Beaeh-
Nogales KZAZ II KCST 39
Yuma KYEL-TV 13 San Francisco
Ft. Lauderdale WKID 51
ARKANSAS KGO-TV 7 Fort Pierce - Hilo KGNID-TV 9
El Dorado - tKQEC 32 Vero Beach WTVX 34 KHAW-TV
Monroe. La. tKQED 9 Gainesville IWUFT 5 KHVO 13
KTVE 10 KEMO-TV 20 Honolulu KHON-TV 2
Fayetteville tKAFT 13 WCJB 20
Fayetteville - KTSF-TV 26 Jacksonville WJXT 4 KITV 4
Springdale KGTO-TV 96 KBH K -TV 44 tKHET
KTVP 29 WTLV 12 11

Fort Smith KDTV 60 WJKS-TV 17 KIKU-TV 13


HFPW-TV 4n KGSC-TV 36 WTV1 4 7

Jonesboro KAIT-TV 8 tKTEH 54 WHET 45 KMAU 12
1-KTEJ 19 San Luls WCKT 7
Little Rock OKETS 2 Obispo KSBY-TV 8
KARK-TV 4 San Mateo 1KCSM-TV 14
KATV 7 tWLRN-TV 17 Boise
Santa Barbara KEYT 3 WLTV 23 KBOI-TV 2
KTHV II Santa Maria KCOY-TV 12 WHFT 45 tKAID 4


Location C.L. Chan. Location C.L. Chan. Location C.L. Chan. Location C.L. Chan.


7 3
Idaho Falls - WHAS-TV II Appleton tKWCM-TV 10 Berlin I WEDB-TV 40
Pocatello KID -TV 3 tWKPC-TV 15 Alexandria KCMT 7 Durham ''WENH 11
Austin KAUS-TV 6 Hanover IWHED-TV 15
Lewiston KLEW-TV 3 WDRB-TV 41 tKAVT-TV 15 WNNE-TV 31
Moseow tKUID-TV 12 tWKIII.1 68
Duluth WDIO-TV 10 Keene tWEi(W-TV 52
Nampa KIVI 6 Madisonville tWKMA 35 KDAL-TV 3 Littleton tWLED-TV 49
Pocatello tKBGL-TV It Morehead tWKMR 38 WDSM-TV 6 Manchester WMUR-TV 9
KPVI 6 Murray tWICMU 21 WXPO-TV 50
Twin Falls KMVT 11 Newport WXIX-TV 19 tWDSE-TV 8
Owensboro tWKOH 31 Hibbing WIRT 13
Mankato KEYC-TV 12
O wanton TWKON 52 M inneapolls- NEW JERSEY
ILLINOIS Paducah WPSD-TX 6 St. Paul WCCO-TV 4 Camden tWN1S 23
Bluffs WJPT 14 tWI(PD 20 KMSP-TV 9 tWNJM 50
Pikeville tWKPI 22 Montclair

3 uarbondale
tWSI U -TV 8

tWKSO 29
St. Paul
St. Paul -
New Brunswick
New York-Newrik
tWNJB 58
tWNET 13
Alexandria KALB-TV 5 Trenton tWN.IT 52
WCFC-TV 38 Baton Rouge WBRZ 2 M inneapulta KTCA-TV 2 Wildwood WCMC-TV 40'
tWCME 20 WRBT 33
Houma KHMA II Albuquerque KOB-TV 4
WTTW II Lake Charles KPLC-TV 7 Biloxi WLOX-TV 13 KGGM-TV 13
Decatur WAND 17 Monroe -1.KLTM 13
Freeport - Monroe - Booneville tWMAE 12 Carlsbad KAVE-TV 8
Rockford WCEE-TV 23 W. Monroe KNOETV 8 Bode tWMAU 17 Clovis KFDW-TV 12
Harrisburg WSILTV 3
Monroe - Columbus WCB1-TV 4 Farmington KIVA-TV 12
Moline WQAD-TV 8 El Dorado, AR KTVE 10 Greenwood -tWMAO 23 Las Cruces tKRWG-TV 22
tWQPT 24 New Orleans WWL-TV 4 Greenwood - Portales tKENW 3
Olney tWUSI-TV 16 WDSU-TV 6 Greenville WABG-TV 11
Roswell KSWS-TV 8
Peoria WRAU-TV 19 tWYES-TV 12 Jackson WLBT 3
Quincy- WGEM-TV 10 Shreveport Laurel - Albany WTEN 10
Rockford WREX-TV 13 KSLATV 12 Hattiesburg WDAM-TV 7 Albany -Troy -
tKLTS 24 Meridian WTOK-TV II Schenectady WAST 13
Shreveport - ?WMAW 14 WRGB 6
Rock Island WHBF-TV 4 Texarkana KTAL-TV 8 tWMHT 17
Springfield WICS 20 WHTV 24
Urbana - Oxford tWMAV IS Binghamton WBJA-TV 34
Champaign tWILL-TV 12 MAINE State College tWMAB 2 WBNG-TV 12
Tupelo WTWV 9 WICZ-TV 40
Augusta WCBB 10 tWSI(G 40
Bloomington TWTIU 30 WV11-TV 7 MISSOURI WKBW-TV 7
Bloomington - +WMEG-TV 26 tWNED-TV 17
Indianapolis WTTV 4 Biddeford
Calais tWMED-TV 13 Caerardeau KFVS-TV 12 WUTV 29
Elkhart - Orono tWMEB-TV 12 Columbia KOMU-TV Carthage -
South Bend WSJV 28 Poland Spring WMTW-TV KCBJ-TV 17 Watertown WWNY-TV 7
Evansville WTVW 7 WCSH-TV Hannibal - Elmira WENY-TV 56
tWNIN 9 Portland
WFIE-TV 14 WGAN-TV 13 Quincy KHQA-TV 7 Elmira -
Preston Isle WAGM-TV Jefferson City KRCG 13 Corning WSYE-TV 18
WEHT 25 KODE-TV 12 Garden City tWLIW 21
Fort Wayne WANE -TV 15 tWMEMTV 10 Joplin
KTVJ 16 New York WCBS-TV 2
WFFT-TV 55 Kansas City WDAF-TV 4 WNBC-TV 4
Indianapolis tKCPT 19 WOR-TV 9
WISH -TV 8 Annapolis tWAPB 22 WPIX II
Baltimore WMAR-TV 2 KBMA-TV 41
WTHR 13 KY FC 50 WTVG 68
WHMB-TV 40 WJZ-TV 13 Kirksville -
Lafayette WLFI-TV 18 WBFF 45 Ottumwa KTVO 3 tWNYC 31
WTAF-TV 31 TWMPB 67 St. Joseph KQTV 2 New York -
Marion St. Louis KTVI Newark tWNET 13
Muncie tWIPB 49 Hagerstown WHAG-TV 23 2
South Bend KSD-TV 5 WNJU-TV 47
WH ME -TV 46 Salisbury WBOC-TV IS
tWCPB 28 tKETC 9 New York -
WSBT-TV 22 KPLR-TV II Paterson WXTV 41
tWNIT-TV 34 KDNL-TV 30 Norwood tWNPI-TV 18
Terre Haute WTWO 2 MASSACHUSETTS Sedalia KMOSTV 6 Plattsburgh WPTZ 5
WTHI-TV 10 Springfield KYTV 3 TWCFE-TV 57
WBAK-TV 38 Adams WCDC 19 KOLR-TV 10 Rochester WROC-TV 8
Vincennes tWVUT 22 Boston IWGBH-TV 2 KMTC 27 WHEC-TV 10
IOWA WNAC-TV 7 Schnectady-
Ames -Des WSBK-T V 48 Albany-Troy WRGB
Cedar Rapids- WQTV 68 KTVQ 2 Syracuse WSYR-TV 3
WMT-TV 2 WXNE-TV 25 Billings WTVH 5
Cambridge KULR-TV 8 WNYS-TV 9
Butte KXLF-TV 4
Council Bluffs tKBIN 32 Boston WLVI-TV 56 KTVM 8 WONH 43
Davenport WOC-TV I New Bedford WTEV-TV 6 Giendive KXGN-TV 5 tWCNY-TV 24
Dee Moines KCCI-TV 8 Springfield WWLP 22 Great Falls KRTV 3 Utica W KTV 2
WHO -TV 13 Springfield - Helena KTCM 12 Watertown tWNPE-TV 16
Dubuque KDUB-TV 40 Holyoke WHYN-TV 40 Kalispell KCFW-TV 9
Fort Dodge tKTIN 46 Worcester WSMW-TV 27
Iowa City tKIIN-TV 12 Miles City KYUS-TV 3
KIMT 3 Missoula tWUNF-TV 33
Mason City MICHIGAN KPAX-TV 8 Asheville
Red Oak tKHIN 36 Allen Park WXON 20 Chapel Hill TWUNC-TV 4
Sioux City KTIV 4 Alpena tWCM L -TV 6 Charlotte WBTV 3
KM EG 14 tWCM L -TV 6 Albion KCNA-TV 8 WCCB 18
Waterloo - Ann Arbor WRHT 31 Alliance TKTNE-TV 13 WRET-TV 36
Cedar Rapids KWWL-TV 7 Battle Creek WUHQ 41 Bassett tl(MNE-TV 7 tWTVI 42
Bay City-Sag- Grand island KGIN-TV II Columbia tWUND-TV 2
KANSAS inawFlint WNEM-TV 5 Hastings KHAS-TV 5 Concord TWUNG-TV 58
Cadillac - tKHNE-TV 29 Durham WPTF-TV 28
Ensign KTVC Traverse City WWTV 9 KWNB-TV 6 Durham -
Garden City KGLD II Hayes Center Raleigh WTVD II
Cheboygan WTOM-TV 4 Hay Springs KDUH-TV 4
KUPK-TV 13 Detroit WJBK-TV 2
Kearney. Greensboro WFMY-TV 2
Goodland KLOE-TV 10 WDIV 4 KHGI-TV 13 Greenville WNCT-TV 9
Great Bend KCKT 2 Hof dregs
Lexington tl(LNE-TV 3 tWUNK-TV 25
Hays KAYS-TV 7 WXON 20 Lincoln KOLN-TV 10 Hickory WH KY -TV 14
Hutchinson tKPTS 8 WKBD-TV 50 tKUON-TV 12 High Point
Hutchinson - tWTVS 56 McCook - Greensboro &
Wichita KTVH 12 WGPR-TV 62 Oberlin KOMC 8 Winston-
Pittsburg - East Lansing tWKARTV 23 Merriman tKRNE-TV 12 Salem WGHP-TV 8
Joplin KOAM-TV 7
Escanaba KJMNTV 3 Norfolk tKXNE-TV 19 WXII 12
Topeka tKTWU II Flint WJRT-TV 12 North Platte KNOP-TV 2 Jacksonville WLNS-TV 19
WIBW-TV 13 Grand Rapids WOTV 8 Omaha KMTV 3 Linville tWUNE-TV 17
KTSB 27 tWGVC 35 OKPNE-TV 9 New Bern WCTITV 12
Wichita KARD-TV 3 WZZM-TV 13 WOWT 6 Raleigh WLFL-TV 22
KAKE-TV 10 Jackson WWLD-TV 18 KETV 7 Raleigh -
Kalamazoo WKZO-TV 3 1KYNE-TV 28 Durham WRAL-TV 5
KENTUCKY Lansing WJ1M-TV Scottsbluff - Washington WITN-TV 7
WILX-TV 10 Gering KSTF 10 Wilmington WWAY 3
Ashland tWKAS 25 Marquette WLUC-TV Superior KSNB-TV 4 WECT 6
Bowling Green WBKO 13 tWNNU-TV 13 tWUNJ-TV 39
tWKGB 53 Mt. Pleasant tWCMU-TV 14 Winston-Salem tWUNL-TV 26
Covington tWCVN 54 Saginaw WEYI-TV 25 NEVADA WGNN-TV 45
Elizabethtown tW KIT 23 Sault Ste. Henderson KVVU 5
Hazard tWKHA 35 Marie WWUP-TV 10 Las Vegas KLAS-TV 8
tKLVX 10
WKYH-TV 57 WGTQ 8 Bismarck KFYR-TV 5
Lexington WLEX-TV 18 Traverse City WPBN-TV 7 KSHO-TV 13
tWKLE 48 University Ctr. KCRL-TV 4 Devils Lake WDAZ-TV 8
WTVO-TV 62 (Bay City) WUCM-TV 19 KOLO-TV 8 Dickinson KDIX-TV 2


Location C.L. Chan. Location C.L. Chan. Location C.L. Chan. Location C.L. Chan.

l<QC D -TV 7 WCAUTV 10 Beaumont KIFE1M-TV 6 Staunton tWYPT 31

Fargo WD AY -TV 6 WPHL-TV 17 KBMT 12
Fargo -Grand Philadelphia Big Spring KWAB-TV 4 Bellingham KVOS-TV 12
Forks KTHI -TV 1 1
(Burlington, Bryan KBTXTV 3 Kennewick KVEW 42
Grand Forks KGFE 2 N.J.) W KBS 46 College Station t KAMU-TV 15 Pasco-
Minot KMOT 10 Pittsburgh KD KA-TV 2 Corpus Christi KIII 3 Kennewick -
KX MC -TV 13 WTAE-TV 4 tKEDT 16 R le h I apt KEPR-TV 19
Valley City KHSD -TV II KRIS -TV 6 Pullman tKWSU-TV 10
(Fargo) KXJB-TV 4 WIIC-TV II KZTV 10 Richland -Pasco -
Williston KU MV -TV 8 tWQED 13 Dallas tKERA-TV 13 Kennewick KNDU 23
KX MD -TV II fWQEX 16 Dallas -Ft. Worth KDFW-TV 4 Seattle KOMO-TV 4
Akron WA K R -TV 23 El Paso KDBC-TV 4 tKCTS-TV 9
tWEAO 49 Sc \s:Barr e WN EP -TV 16 tl<COS 7 Spokane KR E M -TV 2
Alliance OWNEO-TV 45 WV 1A -TV 44 KVIA-TV 13
Athens tWOUB-TV 20 KHQTV
State College WTI E -TV 29 KCIK 14 t KSPS-TV
Cambridge tWOUC-TV 44 Wilkes-Barre El Paso - Tacoma KSTW II
Canton WJAN 17 & Scranton WBRE-TV 28 Juarez XEPMTV
Cincinnati WLWT 5 2 KCPQ-TV 13
Fort Worth - Yakima KNDO 23
W KRC-TV 12 Dallas W BAP -TV
WBT 164 KTVT 1 1
Cincinnati - Providence WJAR-TV 10 Laurlsitnorn KGBT-TV 4 tKYVE-TV 47
Newport, Ky. WX IX -TV 19 WPR 1 -TV 12 KPRC-TV 2
Cleveland WKYC-TV 3 tWSBE-TV 36 tKUHT 8
Providence KHOU-TV II
WCTF 19 Bedford) WTEV 0 KRIV-TV 26 Bluefield WHIS-TV
f WV1ZTV 25 KHTV 39 Charleston-
Laredo KGNS-TV 8 Huntington WCHS-TV 8

Columbus WC M H -TV
tWEBA-TV 14 Laredo (Nuevo Grandview IWSWP-TV 9
WBNS TV 10 Allendale Laredo) X EF E -TV 2
tWOSU-TV 34 Anderson WAIM-TV 40 Huntington tWMUL-TV 33
Longview K ICH 51 Huntington -
Dayton WDTN 2 Beaufort tW Lubbock tKTXT-TV 5

WHIO-TV 7 Charleston WCBD-TV 2 Charleston WSAZ-TV 3

WH 1 N -TV 13
WCSC-TV KLBK-TV 13 Morgantown tWWVU 24
Kettering tWPTD 16 5
KSEL-TV 28 Oak Hill -
Lima WLIO 35 t WITV 7
Lufkin KTRE-TV 9
t W BGU -TV 57 Columbia WIS-TV 10 McAllen
Beckley WOAY-TV 4
W LT X 19 K V E0 48 Parkersburg.
Lorain - Midland KDCD-TV 18 Marietta WTAP-TV 15
Cleveland WUAB 43 WOLO-TV 25 Midland &
tWRLK-TV 35 W eston-
Oxiord W PTO 14
Florence WBTW 13 Odessa KMID-TV 2 Clarksburg WDTV 5
Portsmouth WPBO -TV 42 Monahans KM 0M -TV 9 Wheeling -
Steubenville - tW.IPM -TV 33 Odessa KOSA-TV
Greenville tWNTV 29 7 Steubenville WTRF-TV 7
Wheeling WSTV-TV 9
WGGSTV 16 Port Arthur -
Toledo WTOLTV II Greenville -
Beaumont KJAC-TV 4
Spartanburg & San Angelo KACB-TV 3 WISCONSIN
W D H 0 -TV 24 KCTV 8
Asheville W F BC -TV 4 Colfax tW HWC-TV 28
t W GTE -TV 30 WSPA -TV San Antonio KMOL-TV 4 Eau Claire
Youngstown WF MJ-TV 21 7
W KBN -TV 27 WLOS-TV 13 Green Bay WBAY-TV 2
Myrtle Beach WGSE 43 KSAT-TV 12 WFRV-TV
Zanesville WHIZ -TV 18 Rock Hill tWNSC-TV 30 San Antonio - WLUK-TV II
Sumter tWRJAvTV 27 Austin t KLRN -TV 9
Sweetwater - tWPNE 38
Ada -Ardmore KT EN 10 Temple - WXOW-TV 19
Ardmore & Aberdeen KABY-TV Waco KCENTV tWHLA-TV 31
t KDSD -TV 16 Tyler - Madison WISC-TV 3
Sherman -
Denison KX 1 I 12 Brookings 8KESD-TV 8 Longview KLTV 7 W MTV 15
Cheyenne tIOVET 12 Deadwood - Victoria KXI X 19 tWHA-TV 21
Eufaula t1(0 ET 3 Lead KDSJ-TV 5 Waco KWTX-TV 10 WKOW-TV 27
Florence - Weslaco KRGV-TV 5 Milwaukee WTMJ-TV 4
Lawton WIT! -TV 8
(Wichita Watertown KDLO-TV 3 Wichita Falls KFDX-TV S
Falls) KSWO-TV 7 Lead KHSD -TV II KAUZ-TV 6 tWMVS 10
Oklahoma City 4
Lowry 1-KOSD-TV II WVTV 18
KWTV 9 Martin t K ZSD-TV 8
tKETA 13 Mitchell KXON-TV 5 tWMVT 38
Pierre tKTSD-TV to Ogden tKOET 9 Park Falls tWLEF.TV 36
fKOKH-TV 25 f KWCS-TV 18 Rhinelander
Sayre KV IG-TV 8 KPRY-TV 4
KTEW 2 Rapid City KOTA-TV 3 Provo t KBYKUTV-T I (Wausau) WAEO-TV 12
Tulsa KEVN-TV 7 Salt Lake City 2 Wausau WSAU-TV 7
Sioux Falls KELO-TV II tKUED 7
OREGON Vermillion t KUSD -TV 2
Bend Cheyenne KYCU -TV
Burlington WCAX-TV 3
Corvallis Chattanooga WRCB-TV 3 WVNY-TV 22 iverton-
Eugene KEZI -TV 9 WTVC 9 f W ETK 33 Thermopolis-
KVAL-TV 13 WDEF-TV 12 Rutland tWVER 28 Worland KW RB-TV 10
Klamath Falls KOTI 2 tWTCI 45 St. Johnsbury t WVTB 20 Rock Springs KTUX 13
Medford KOBI 5 WRIP-TV 61 Windsor TWVTA 41 Sheridan KSGW-TV 12
KSYS 8 Cookeville tWCTE 22
KTVL 10 Crossville WCPT-TV 55
Portland KATU 2 Jackson WBBJ-TV 7 VIRGINIA
KOIN -TV 6 Johnson City- Bristol - U.S. POSSESSIONS
KGW-TV 8 Bristol - Kingsport &
tKOAP-TV 10 Kingsport WJHL-TV II Johnson City WCYB-TV 5
KPTV 12 Kingsport WKPT-TV 19 Charlottesville WVIR-TV 29 GUAM
Roseburg KPIC 4 Knoxville WATETV 6 Fredericksburg WHFV 69
Salem KVDO-TV 3 WBIR-TV 10 Goldvein 8WNVT 53
Agana KUAM-TV 5
WTVK 26 Hampton - tKGTF 12
Memphis WR EC -TV
Allentown - 5 Harrisonburg WHSV-TV 3 Aguadilla-
Bethlehem WLTAVT-J-TTVV 89 tW K N 0 -TV 10 Lynchburg -
Altoona W 10 WHBQ-TV 13 Roanoke WLVA-TV 13 Mayaguez WOLE-TV 12
WOPC 38 WPTY-TV 24 Manassas WTK K 66 WVEO 44
tWPSXTV 3 Nashville tWDCN-TV 8 Caguas -
Clearfield Norfolk WTAR-TV 3 San Juan WKBM-TV II
Erie WICU-TV 12 WZTV 17 WTVZ 33
WJET-TV 24 WSM-TV 4 Norton tWSVN -TV 47 Mayaguez tWIPM -TV S
WSEE 35 WTVF 5 Portsmouth WYAH-TV 27 WORA-TV 5
tWQLN 54 WNGE 2 Ponce WR I K -TV 7
Portsmouth -
W PCB -TV 40 Sneedville tWSJKTV 2 Norfolk -New - WSUR-TV 9
Harrisburg W HP -TV 21 Port News WAVY -TV 10 San Juan WKAQ-TV 2
Hershey tW IT F -TV 33 Abilene KRBC-TV WWBT 12 tWIPR-TV
Johnstown WJAC -T V Amarillo KA M R 4 8WCVE-TV 23
Lancaster W GAL -TV a KF DA -TV 10 Richmond.
Lancaster - Austin KTBC-TV 7 Petersburg WX EX -TV Charlotte
Lebanon W LY H -7 V 15 t K LR U -TV 18 Roanoke WDBJ-TV Amalie W BNB -TV 10
Philadelphia KYW-TV 3 KTV V 36 WSLS-TV 107 Charlotte -
WPV1-TV 6 KV UE 24 tWBRA-TV 15 Amalie tWJTX-TV 12

El Abbreviations used in this list: kHz-frequency in kilohertz; MHz-frequency in megahertz; W.P.-power in watts;
d-daytime operation only; r-reduced power at night; n-nighttime power; C.L. or Call-call letters or call sign;
Chan. or Ch.-TV channel number; f-educational TV station. Wavelength is given in meters. Listing indicates
stations on the air as of September 28, 1978.


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

980-305.9 CJSA Ste-Agathe-des-monts,

540-555.5 710-422.3 Que. ,000
CBEF Windsor, Ont. 2,500 CHYR Leamington, Ont. 10,000 CBV Quebec, Que. 5,000 CJTT New Liskeard, Ont. ,000
CBK Regina, Sask. 50,000 CIPC Port -Cartier, Que. 1,000 CFPL London, Ont. 10,000 CKMP Midland, Ont. ,000
CBT Grand Falls, Nfld. 10.000 CJ RN Niagara Falls, Ont. 5,000 CHEX Peterborough, Ont. 10,000 CKQR Castlegar, B.C. ,000
CKVM Ville -Marie, Que. 10,000 CI(GIN Montreal, Que. 10,000 CKRN Rouyn, Que. ,000
CKVO Clarenville, Nfld. CK NW Vancouver/New
550-545.1 10,000
Westminster, B.C. 50,000
CKTI( Kitimat, B.C.
CKYR Grande Cache, Alta.
CFJC Kamloops. B.C. 10.000 CKRM Regina, Sask.
CFNB Fredericton, N.B. 50,000 730-410.7 10,000 VOAR St. John's, Nfld. 100
CHLN Trois-Rivieres, Que. 10,000 MR Blind River, Ont. 1,000
CHNO Sudbury, Ont. 10,000 CKAC Montreal, Que. 50,000 990-302.8 1240-241.8
CKPG Prince George, B.C. 10,000 CI(DM Dauphin, Man. 10,000 CBW Winnipeg, Man. CFEK Fernie, B.C. ,000
KARI Vancouver, B.C. (station CKGA Gander, Nfld. 1,000 CBY Corner Brook, Nfld. N:28S CFLM La Tuque, Que. ,000
in Blaine, WA 5,000 C I( LG Vancouver/North CURB Lan Etchemin. Due. .000
Vancouver, B.C. 50,000
1000-299.8 CJAF Cabano, Que. ,000
560-525.4 5,000 740-405.2 CI(BW Bridgewater, N.S. 10,000 CJAR The Pas. Man.
CJAV Port Alberni, B.C.
CFOS Owen Sound, Ont.
CHCM Marystown, Nfld. 10,000 CBL Toronto, Ont. 50,000 CJCS Stratford, Ont. 500
CHTK Prince Rupert. B.C. 1,000 CBX Edmonton, Alta. 50,000 1010-296.9 C.IMD Chi bougamau, Que. .000
CJKL Kirkland Lake, Ont. 5.000 CBR Calgary, Alta. 50,000 CJNH Bancroft, Ont. .000
CI<CN Sept-Iles. Que. 10,000 790-379.5 CFRB Toronto, Ont. 50,000 CJNS Meadow Lake, Sask. ,000
CKNL Fort St. John, B.C. 1,000 CJRW Summerside, P.E.I. 250
CFAN Newcastle, N.B. 5,000 CJWA Wawa, Ont.
CFCW Edmonton/Camrose, 1050-285.5 C I( BS St-Hyacinthe, Que.
570-526.0 Alta. 50,000
CFNW Port au Choix, Nfld. 1,000
CFGP Grande Prairie,
Alta. 10,000
CKBX 100 Mile House, B.C. .000
CFCB Corner Brook, Nfld. 1,000 CKGO Hope, B.C. .000
CFWH Whitehorse, Y.T. 1,000 CHIC Brampton. Ont. 5,000 CFYN Sault Ste. Marie, CKIM Baie Verte, Nfld. ,000
CHYM Kitchener. Ont. 10,000 CHIC Toronto, Ont. 5,000 Ont. 10,000 CKLS La Sarre, Que. ,000
CJEM Edmundston, N.B. 5,000 CKSO Sudbury, Ont. 50,000 CHUM Toronto, Ont. 50,000 CKM It Macl(enzie, B.C. .000
CKEK Cranbrook, B.C. 10,000 CJNB North Battleford, CK0 0 Oliver-Osoyoos, B.C. .000
CKSW Swift Current, Sask. 10,000
CKWL Williams Lake, B.C. 1,000
800-374.8 CKAL Vernon, B.C.
Sask. 10,000
CBQ Thunder Bay, Ont.
CFOB Fort Frances, Ont.
CKSB St. Boniface, Man. 10,000 1250-239.9
CKSB Winnipeg, Man. 10,000 CBGA Mafane, Que. 10,000
580-516.9 CHAR Moose Jaw, Sask.
CH RC Quebec. Que.
CHSM Steinbach, Man. 10,000
CFRA Ottawa, Ont. 50,000 CHWD Oakville, Ont. 10,000
CHLC Baie Comeau. Que. 5,000 ClAD Montreal, Que. 50,000 1060-282.8 CKOM Saskatoon, Sask. 10,000
CHLC Hauterive, Que. 5,000 CJBQ Belleville, Ont. 10,000 CFCN Calgary, Alta. 50,000
C1JC Langley/Vancouver, CJ RP Quebec, Que. 50,000
CJFX Antigonish, N.S.
CKAP Kapuskasing, Ont.
10,000 B.C. 10,000 1260-238.0
CKLW Windsor, Ont. CFRN Edmonton, Alta. 50,000
CKPR Thunder Bay, Ont.
CKUA Edmonton, Alta.
10,000 C1(0 K Penticton, B.C.
1070-280.2 CIHI Fredericton, N.B. 100,000
VOWR St. John's, Nfld. 5,000 CBA Moncton, N.B. 50,000
CKWW Windsor, Ont. 500 CFAX Victoria, B.C. 10,000
CKXR Salmon Arm, B.C. 10,000' CHOK Sarnia, Ont. 10,000 1270-263.1
CKY Winnipeg, Man. 50,000 810-370.2 CKST St. Albert, Alta. 10,000 CBOF Hull. Que.
CBOF Ottawa, Ont.
CHQR Calgary, Alta. 50,000
590-508.2 CJVA Caraquet, N.B. CFGT Alma, Que. 10,000
CFAR Flin Floe, Man. 10.000 CKJS Winnipeg, Man.
1080-277.6 CHAT Medicine Hat, Alta. 10,000
Cl(RD Red Deer, Alta. 10,000 CKSA Lloydminster, CHWK Chilliwack, B.C. 10,000
CFNL Fort Nelson, B.C. 250 Alta.-Sask. 10,000 CJCB Sydney, N.S. 10,000
CF7K Terrace, B.C. 1,000
CJTN Trenton, Ont. 1,000
CJCW Sussex, N.B. 500 860-348.6 1090-275.1
CI(EY Toronto, Ont. 100,000 CBH Halifax, N.S. 10,000
C K RS Jonquiere, Que. 10,000 CFNS Saskatoon, Sask. 10,000 CHEC Lethbridge, Alta.
CHRS Longueuil, Que.
VOCM St. John's, Nfld. 10.000 CFPR Prince Rupert, B.C. 10,000 CHQB Powell River, B.C. 1,000
CFVR Abbotsford, B.C. 10,000 CH RS Montreal, Que. 10,000 CH RB High River, Alta. 10,000
CH RS St -Jean, Que. 10,000 CUD Hamilton, Ont. 10,000
600-499.7 5,000
C1 BC Toronto, Ont.
CKVL Montreal, Que.
50,000 CI< KW Kitchener, Ont. 10,000 CI MS Montreal, Que. 50,000
CFCF Montreal. Que. CKVL Estevan, Sask. 10,000
CFCH North Bay, Ont. 10,000 Que. 50,000
CFCT Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T. 1,000 1110-272.6 CKCV Quebec, Que. 10,000
CFQC Saskatoon, Sask. 50,000
900-333.1 CBD Saint John, N.B.
CHQT Edmonton. Alta.
50,000 1290-232.4
CJOR Vancouver, B.C. CFBR Sudbury, Ont. 10,000
CI<CL Truro, N.S. 1,000 CHML Hamilton, Ont. 5,000
CItJD Sarnia, Ont. 10,000 CFRW Winnipeg, Man. 10,000
CJBR Rimouski, Que. 10,000 CH RM Matane, Que. 10.000
610-491.7 CJEN St -Jerome, Que. 1,000 1130-265.3 C.1131( London, Ont. 10,000
CHNC New Carlisle, Que. 10,000 CJVI Victoria, B.C. 10,000 CKWX Vancouver, B.C. 50,000
CH NL Kamloops/Clearwater, CI(131 Prince Albert, Sask. 10,000 1300-230.6
B.C. 25,000
C 1< DC Amherst, N.S.
CKDR Dryden, Ont.
1140-263.0 CBAF Moncton, N.B.
CJME Regina, Sask.
CHTM Thompson, Man. CBI Sydney, N.S. 10.000
CJAT Trail, B.C. 10,000 CKTS Sherbrooke, Que. 10,000
CJTR Trois-Rivieres. Que. 10,000
CI(VD Val D'Or, Que. 10,000
CKMG Maniwaki, Que.
CKML Mont -Laurier, Que.
CKXL Calgary, Alta. 10,000 1310-228.9
CFGM Toronto, Ont. 50,000
CKRW Whitehorse. Y.T. 1,000 910-329.5 1150-260.7 CHGB La Pocatiere, Que. 10,000
C1(76 St. Catharines, Ont. 10,000 C FSX Stephenville, Nfld. 500 CIOK St. Paul, Alta. 10,000
CKYL Peace River, Alta. 10,000 CHRL Roberval, Que. 10,000 CHPR Hawkeshury, Ont. 250
CHSJ Saint John, N.B. 10,000 CKOY Ottawa, Ont.
CKYQ Grand Bank, Nfld. 10,000 CJDV Drumheller, Alta. 5,000
CKLY Lindsay, Ont. 10,000 CJRC Hull, Que. 50,000
620-483.6 CJRC Ottawa, Ont.
CKIQ Kelowna, B.C.
CFGM Richmond Hill, Ont. 50,000
CFCL Timmins, Ont.
CF RP Forestville, Que.
10,000 920-326.9 CKOC Hamilton, Ont. 10,000 CHQM Vancouver, B.C. 50,000
1.000 CB0 Ottawa, Ont. 50,000 CKX Brandon, Man. 50,000 CJSO Sorel, Que. 10,000
CJC1 Prince George, B.C. 10,000 CFLS Levis, Que. 1,000 CKEC New Glasgow, N.S. 5,000
CI(C1( Regina. Sask. 10.000 CFLS Quebec, Que. 1,000 1170-256.3
CI(CM Grand Falls, Nfld. 10,000 CF RY Portage La Prairie,
Man. 10,000
CFIX Cornwall, Ont.
CKGY Red Deer, Alta.
CKKR Kindersley, Sask. 10,000
630-475.9 CJCH Halifax, N.S.
CICJ Woodstock, N.B.
10,000 CI(KR Rosetown, Sask. 10,000
CFBI( Huntsville, Ont. 1,000
1190-252.0 CKLD Thetford Mines,
C FCO Chatham, Ont. 10,000 CI(CQ Quesnel, B.C. 10,000 10,000
CKCY Sault Ste. Marie, CFSL Weyburn, Sask. 10,000 Que.
CFCY Charlotletown,North
River, P.E.I. 10,000 Ont. 10,000 CHTN Charlottetown,
CH ED Edmonton, Alta. 50,000 CKNX Wingham, Ont. 10,000 P.E.I.
CJ M R Mississauga, Ont.
CH LT Sherbrooke, Que. 10,000 CFBQ Parry Sound, Ont. 250
CJET Smiths Falls, Ont. 10,000 930-322.4 CFED Chapais, Que. 250
CJ LA Lachute, Que. 1,000 CFBC Saint John, N.B. 50,000 1210-247.8 CFGB Happy Valley, Nfld. 1,000
C1 NC Norway House, Man. 50 CJCA Edmonton, Alta. 50,000 CFFB Frobisher Bay, N.W.T. 250 CF KC Creston, B.C.
CKOV Kelowna, B.C. 5.000 CJYQ St. John's Nfld. 50,000 CFLC Churchill Falls, Nfld. 250
Cl(RC Winnipeg, Man. 10,000 CFLH Hearst, Ont. 1,000
CI(NS Espanola, Ont. 10,000 1220-245.8 CFLW Wabush, Nfld. 250
CHSC St. Catharines, Ont. 1,000 CFYK Yellowknife, N.W.T. 1,000
640-468.5 940-319.0 CJOC Lethbridge, Alta. 10,000 CHAD Amos, Que. 1,000
CBN St. John's, Nfld. 10,000 CBM Montreal, Que. 50,000 CJPR Crowsnest Pass, Alta./ CJAN Asbestos, Que. 1,000
CIVH Vanderhoof, B.C. 1,000 Crowsnest, B.C. 10,000 CJLS Yarmouth. N.S. 5,000
CJGX Yorkton, Sask. 10,000 CJRB Boissevain, Man. 10,000 CKBR Brooks, Alta. ,000
660-454.3 CJIB Vernon, B.C. 10,000 Cif( L Kenora, Ont. 1,000 CKCR Revelstoke, B.C. ,000
CHAK Inuvik, N.W.T. 1,000 CJSS Cornwall, Ont. 1,000 CKDK Woodstock, Ont. ,000
950-315.6 CI(CW Moncton/Cherryfield, CKGF Grand Forks, B.C. .000
670-447.5 N.B. 10,000 CI(NR Elliot Lake, Ont. ,000
CFAM Altoona, Man. 10,000 CI(DA Victoria, B.C. 50,000 CKVT Temiscaming. Que. ,000
CHYQ Musgravetown, CHER Sydney, N.S. 10,000 CKSM Shawinigan, Que. 10,000
Nfld. 10,000 CKBB Barrie, Ont. 10,000
CKNB Campbellton, N.B. 10,000
1230-243.8 1350-222.1
680-440.9 CFBV Smithers, B.C. 1,000
CFYQ Gander, Nfld. 1,000
CFDR Dartmouth, N.S. 50,000 960-312.3 CFGN Port-aux-Basques,
CHAL StPamphile, Que.
CHOV Pembroke, Ont.
CF7R Toronto, Ont. 25,000 CFAC Calgary, Alta. 5,000 Nfld. 250 CHIC Dawson Creek, B.C. 1,000
CH FA Edmonton, Alta. 10,000 CFTJ Cambridge, Ont. 1,000 CFLK Kapuskasing, Ont. 100 10,000
CIYQ Grand Falls, Nfld. 10,000 CHNS Halifax, N.S. CJ LM Joliette, Que.
10,000 CFLN Happy Valley, Nfld. 1,000 CKAD Middleton, N.S. 1,000
CJOB Winnipeg, Man. 50,000 Cl(WS Kingston, Ont. 10,000 CFPA Thunder Bay, Ont. 1,000 CKLB Oshawa, Ont. 10,000
CKGB Timmins, Ont. 10,000
CHFC Fort Churchill, Man. 250
970-309.1 CHVD Dolbeau, Que. 10,000
690-439.5 CBZ Fredericton, N.B. 10,000 CIYR Hinton, Alta.
CJLP Disraeli, Que.
1,000 CJVL Ste-Marie-Beauce,
CBF Montreal, Que. 50,000 CJYR Edson, Alta. 10,000
CBU Vancouver, B.C. 50,000 CI(CH Hull, Que. 10,000 CJNL Merritt, B.C. 1,000 Que.
CFRG Gravelhourg, Sask. 5,000 CI(CH Ottawa, Ont. 5,000 CJOK Fort McMurray, Alta. 1,000 CI(BC Bathurst, N.B. 10,000

The source of all Canadian station information is Matthews' List, published three times a year by Matthews' & Partners, Ltd., P.O. Box 1029, Pointe
Claire, Que., H9S-4H9. Price: $100 per year.


Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P. Call Location W.P.

1370-218.8 CJFX Port Hawkesbury,

N.B. 10,000 CKYR Jasper, Alta. 100 1500-199.9
CFLV VaHayfield, Que. 10,000 N.S. OKAY Duncan, B.C. 10,000
CFOK Westlock, Alta. 10.000
CHPQ Parksville, B.C, 1,000 CJOY Guelph, Ont. 10,000 1510-199.1
CJWW Saskatoon, Sask. 10,000 1420-211.1 CKRB St-Georges-de-Beauce, COOS Sherbrooke, Que. 10,000
ClatT Chicoutimi. Que. 10.000 Que. 10,000 CKOT Tillsonburg, Ont. 10,000
1380-217.3 CJVR Mellott, Sask. 10,000
CFDA VIctoriaville. Que. 10,000
CKDY Digby, N.S.
CKPT Peterborough. Ont.
1470-204.0 1540-195.0
CKLC Kingston. Ont. 10,000
CKTL Plessisville, Que. CHOW Welland, Ont. 1,000 CH IN Toronto. Ont. 50,000
CKPC Brantford, Ont. 10,000 1.000 CJVB Vancouver, B.C. 10,000
CHOO Ajax, Ont. 10.000 CKO Montreal, Que. 10.000
CH00 Toronto. Ont. 10,000 1430-209.7 CKPB Bagotville, Que. 1,000 1550-193.5
CKKC Nelson, B.C. 1,000 CKFH Toronto, Ont. 50,000 CBE Windsor, Ont. 10,000
1400-214.2 1440-208.2 CHRD Drummondville,
CFLO Burns Lake. B.C. 1,000 CFCP Courtenay. B.C. 1,000 Que. 10,000
CFYR Whiteeourt, Alta, 50 CFGO Ottawa, Ont. 50,000 CFOR Orillia, Ont. 10,000
CINL Princeton. B.C. CH LO St. Thomas/Landon,
CJFP Riviere-duLoup,
1,000 C.101 Wetaskiwin, Alta. 10,000 1490-201.2 Ont. 10,000
CFHG Heiberg, B.C. 40 CHUB Nanaimo, B.C. 10,000
CKCB CoRingwood, Ont.
Que. 10,000
1450-206.8 CFMR Fort Simpson, CKLM Laval, Que. 50,000
CKFL Lao Megantic, Que. 1,000 CBG Gander. Nfld. 1,000 NWT 50,000 CKLM Montreal, Que. 50,000
CKOB Renfrew, Ont. 250 CFAB Windsor. N.S. 250 CFPS Port Elgin, Ont. ,000 CKLQ Brandon, Man. 10,000
CK RV Drummondville, Que. 2.5 JO CFJR Brockville. Ont. 1.000 CFRC Kingston, Ont. 100 CKTA Taber, Alta. 5,000
CKSJ St-Jovite, Que. 1.000 CHAP Long Lae, Ont. 40 CFWB Campbell River. B.C. ,000
CHCL Medley, Alta. 40 CJMC Ste -Anne -des -Monts,
1410-212.6 CHEF Granby, Que.
CHMO Moosonme, Ont.
50 CJPR Blairmore, Alta.
Que. ,000
CFMB Montreal. Que. CJSN Shaunavon, Sask. CBJ Chicoutimi, Que. 50,000
10.000 CHRT StEleuthere. Que. 250 ,000
CFUN Vancouver. B.C. 50.000 CHUG Cobourg, Ont. 1,000 CKBM Montmagny. Que. .000
CKSL London, Ont.
CIGO Antigonish, N.S.
10,000 CHUC Port Hope. Ont. 1.000 CKEN Kenivi lie, N.S. ,000 1600-187.5
10.000 CJBM Causapseal, Que. 1.000 CKLR L'Annonciation, Que. 2,000 CH IB Chibougamau, Que. 40
CIGO Port Hawkesbury, Cif SP Summerlo-d. B.C. 1.000 CKMV Grand Falls, N.B. 1,000 CHNR Siincoe, Ont. 10,000


Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz
Abbotsford, B.C. CFVR 850 Espanola, Ona. CKNB 930
Ajax, Ont. CHOO 1390 Estevan, Sask. COOL 1280 Lachute, Que. CJLA 630 Portage La Prairie, Man.
Alma, Que. CFGT 1270
Lae Megantic, Que. CK FL 400 CFRY 920
Altoona. Man. CFAM 950 Ferule, B.C. CFEK 1240 Langley, B.C. CJJC 800 Port Alberni, B.C. CJAV 1240
Amherst, H.S. CI(DC 900 Flin Floe, Man, CFAR 590 L'AnnonciatIon, Que. CKLR 490 Portau Choix, Nfld. CFNW 790
Amos, Que. CHAD 340 Forestville, Que. CFRP 620 La Pocatiere, Que. CHGB 310 Port-aux-Basques, Nfld.
Antigonish, H.S. CIGO Fort Churchill, Man. CHFC 1239 In Sarre, Que. CKLS 240 CFGN 1230
410 La Tuque, Que. CFLM 240 Port -Cartier, Que. CIPC 710
CJFX 580 Fort Frances, Ont. CFOB 800
Asbestos, Que. WAN 340 Fort McMurray, Alta. WOK 1230 Laval, Que. CKLM 570 Port Elgin, Ont. CFPS 1490
Fort Nelson, B.C. CFNL 590 Leamington, Ont. CHYR 710 Port Hawkesbury, H.S.
Bagetville, Que. CKPB 470 Fort St. James, B.C. CIFJ Lethbridge, Alta. CH EC 1090 CIGO 1410
Bain Comeau, Que. CHLC 580 (satellite of Vanderhoof. CIVH) CJOC 1220 CJFX 1410
Bale Verte, Nfld. Fort St. John, 13,C. CKNL 560 Levis, Que. CF LS 920 Port Hope, Ont. CHUG 1450
CKIM 240 Lindsay, Ont. CKLY 910 Powell River, B.C. CHQB 1280
Bancroft, Ont. COMM 240 Fort Simpson, N.W.T.
Barrie, Ont. CKBB 950 CFMR 1490 Lloydminster, Alta./Sask. Prince Albert. Sask. CKBI 900
Bathurst, N.B. CKKC 360 Fraser Lake, B.C. ClF1- C KSA 080 Prince George, B.C. CJC1 620
Belleville, Ont. CJBQ 800 (satellite of Vanderhoof, CIVH) London, Ont. CFPL 980 CKPG 550
Blairmore, Alta. CJPR 490 Fredericton, N.B. CR2 970 CHLO 570 Prince Rupert, B.C. CFPR 860
Blind River, Ont. CONR 730 CFNB 550 C.113K 290 CHTK 560
Boissevain, Man. COBB 220 CIM1 1260 CKSL 410 Princeton, B.C. CINL 1400
Brampton, Ont. CHIC 790 Frobisher Bay, N.W.T. Long Lae, Ont. CHAP 450
Brandon, Man. CKLQ 570 CFFB 1210 Longueui I, Que. CH RS 090 Quebec, Que. CBV 980
CKX 150
CH RC 800
Brantford, Ont. CKPC 380 Gander, Nfld. CBG 1450 MacKenzie, B.C. CKMK 240 CFLS 920
Bridgewater, N.S. CKBW 000 CFYQ 1350 Maniwaki, Que. CKMG 610 CJRP 1060
Brockville. Ont. CFJR 450 CKGA 730 Marystown, Nfld. CHCM 560 CKCV 1280
Brooks, Alta. CKBB 340 Golden. B.C. CKGR Matane, Que. CBGA 259 Quesnel, B.G. CKCQ 920
Burns Lake, B.C. CFLD 400 (satellite of CHRM 290
Salmon Arm, CKXR) Meadow Lake, Sask. Cl NS 240 Red Deer, Alta. CKLY 1170
Cabano, Que. CJAF 240 Granby, Que. CHEF 1450 Medicine Hat, Alta. CHAT 270 CKRD 850
Calgary, Alta. C1311 010 Grand Bank, Nfld. CICYQ 810 Medley, Alta. CHCL 450 Regina, Sask. CBK 540
CFAC 960 Grand Falls, Nfld. COT 540 Meltort, Sask. CJVR 420 CJME 1300
CFCN 060 CIYQ 689 Merritt, B.C. CINL 230 CKCK 620
CHQR 810 CKCM 624 Middleton, N.S. CKAD 350 CKRM 980
CI(XL 140 CKMV 1499 Midland, Ont. CKMP 230 Renfrew, Ont. CKOB 1400
Campbell River, B.C. CFWB 40' Grand Forks, B.C. CKGF 1340 Mississauga, Ont. COMB 190 Revelstoke, B.C. CKCR 1340
Campbellton, N.B. CKNB 950 Grande Cache. Alta. CKYR 1230 Moncton, N.B. CBA 070 Richmond Hill, Ont. CFGM 1320
Cambridge, Ont. CFT.1 960 Grande Prairie. Alta. CFGP 1050 CBAF 300 Rimouski, Que. CJBR 900
Camrose, Alta. CFCW 790 Granisle, B.C. CHLD CKCW 220 RIviere-du-Loup, Que. CIFP 1400
Caraquet, N.B. CJVA 810 (satellite of Mont -Laurier, Que. CKML 610 Roberval, Que. CHRL 910
Castlegar, B.C. CKQR 1230 Prince George, C.161) Montmagny. Que. CKBM 490 Rosetown, Sask. CKKR 1330
Causapscal, Que. CJBM 1450 Gravelbourg, Sask. CFRG 690 Montreal, Que. COP 690 Rouyn, Que. CKRN 1230
Chapala, Que. CFED 1340 Guetph. Ont. CJOY 1460 CBM 949
CFCF 690 St. Albert, Alta. CKST 1070
Charlottetown, P.E.I. CFCY
Halifax, H.S. CBH 860 CFMB
1410 St. Anthony, Nfld.
St. Bonifime, Man.
CKSB 1050
Chatham, Ont. CFCO 630 CMOS 960 1090
Cherryfield, N.B. CKCW 1220 CJCH 9,0 CJAD 800 St. Catharines, Ont. CHSC 1220
Chi bougamau, Que. CH I B 1600 Hamilton, Ont. CHML 900 C.1 MS 1280 CKTB 610
CJMD 1240 CJJD 1280 CKAC 730 St -Eleuthera, Que. CH RT 1450
Chicoutimi, Que. CBS 1585 CKOC 1150 CKGM 980 St-Georges-de-Beauce, Que.
C.IMT 1420 Happy Valley, Nfld. CFGB 1340 CKLM 1570 CKBB 1460
Chilliwack, B.C. CHWK 1270 CFLN 1230 C1(0 1470 St-Hyacinthe, Que. CK BS 1240
Churchill Falls, Nfld. CFLC 1340 Hauterlve, Que. CHLC 580 CKVL E50 St -Jean, Que. CHRS 1090
ClarenvIlle, Nfld. Hawkesbury, Ont. CHPR 1150 Moose Jaw, Sask. CHAR 800 St -Jerome, Que. CJEN 900
CKVO 710 Moosenee, Ont, CHMO St. John's, Nfld. CBN
Clearwater, B.C. CHNL 810 Hazelton, B.C. CKBV 1450 640
Cobourg, Ont. (satellite of Smithers. CFBV) Musgravetown, Nfld. CHYQ 670 CJYQ 930
CHUC 1450 VOAR 1230
Collingwood, Ont. CKCB 1400 Hearst, Ont. CFL4 1340 Nanaimo, B.C. CHUB 1570
Corner Brook, Nfld. CBY 090 High River, Alta. CHRB 1280 Nelson, B.C. CKKC 1390 VOCM 590
CFCB 570 Hinton, Alta. CIYR 1230 New Carlisle, Que. CHNC 610 VOWR 800
Cornwall, Ont. CFIX 1170 Heiberg, B.C. CFHG 1490 Newcastle, N.B. CFAN 790 St-Jovite, Que. C KSJ 1400
COSS 1220
Hope, B.C. CKGO 1240 New Glasgow, H.S. CKEC 1320 St-Pamphile, Que. CHAL 1350
Courtenay, B.C. CFCP 1440 Houston, B.C. CHBV New Liskeard, Ont. CJTT 1230 St. Paul, Alta. CIOK 1310
Cranbrook, B.C. CKEK 570 (satellite of Smithers. CFBV) New Westminster, B.C. Ste -Agatha -des -Monts, Que.
Creston, B.C. CFKC 1340 Hull, Que. CBOF 1270 CKNW 980 CJSA 1230
Cross Lake, Man. CFNC CJRC 1150 Niagara Falls, Ont. CJRN 710 Ste -Anne -des -Monts, Que,
Crowsnest Pass, Alta./ CKCN 970 North Battleford, Sask. CJMC 1490
Crowsnest, B.C. CJPR 1220 Huntsville, Ont. CFBK 630 CJNB 1050 Ste-Marie-Beauce, Que.
North Bay. Ont. CFCH 600 CJVL 1360
Dartmouth, H.S. CFDR 680
Inuylk, N.W.T. CHAK 660 North River, P.E.I. CFCY 630 Saint John, N.B. CBD 1110
Dauphin, Man. CKDM 730 Norway House, Man. Cl NC 630 CFBC 930
Jasper, Alta. CKYR 1450 CHSJ 1150
Dawson Creek, B.C. CJOC 1350 Joliette, Que. CJLM 1350 Salmon Arm, B.C. CKXR 580
Digby, H.S. CKDY 1420 Oakville. Ont. CHWO 1250
Jonquiere. flue. CKRS 590 Oliver-Osoyoos, B.C. CK00 1240 Sarnia, Ont. CHOK 1070
Disraeli, Que. CJLP 1230 Brittle. Ont. CKJD 1110
Dolbeau, Quo. CFOR 1570
CHVD 1230 Kamloops, B.C. CFJC 550 Oshawa, Ont. CKLB 1350 Saskatoon, Sask. CFNS 860
Drumheller, Alta. CJDV 910 CHNL 610 Ottawa, Ont. C130 920 CFQC 600
Drummondville, Que. CHOP 1480 Kapuskasing, Ont. CFLK 230 CBOF 1270 CJWW 1370
CKRV 1400 CKAP 580 CFGO 1440 CKOM 1250
Dryden, Ont. CKDB 900 Kelowna, B.C. CKIQ 150 CFRA 580 Sault Ste. Mario, Ont.
Duncan, B.C. CKAY 1500 CKOV 630 CJRC 1150 CFYN 1050
Kenora, Ont. CJRL 220 CKC H 970 CKCY 929
Edmonton, Alta. COX 74(1 Kentville. N.B. CKEN 491 CKOY 1310 Sept-Iles, Que. CKCN 560
CFCW 790 Kindersley. Sask, CKKR 330 Owen Sound, Ont. CFOS 560 Shaunavon, Sask. CJSN 1490
CFRN 1260 Kingston, Ont. CF RC 490 Shawinigan, Que. CKSM 1220
CHEO 630 CK LC 380 Parksville, B.C. CHPQ 1370 Sherbrooke, Que. CHLT 630
C H FA 680 CKWS 960 Parry Sound, Ont. CFBQ 1340 CJRS 1510
CBOT 1110 Kirkland Lake, Ont. CJKL 560 Pout. River, Alta. CKYL 610 CKTS 900
CJCA 930 Kitchener, Ont. CHYM 570 Pembroke, Ont. GHOV 1350 Simcoe, Ont.
CKUA 580 CHNR 1600
Edmundston, N.B. CJEM 570
CK KW 1090 Penticton, B.C. CKOK 800 Smithers, B.C. CFBV 1230
Edson. Alta. CJYR
Kitimat. B.C. CKTK 1230 Peterborough, Ont. CHEX 980 Smiths Falls, Ont. C1 ET 630
970 CKPT
Elliot Lake. Ont. CKNB 1340 1420 Sorel, Que. CJSO 1320
Lae Etchemin, Que. CIRO 1240 Plessisville. Que. CKTL 1420 Steinbach, Man. CHSM 1250


Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz Location Call kHz

Stephenville, Nfld. CFSX 910 Tononto, Ont. CBL 740 CKLG 730 CKRW 610
Stratford, Ont. CJCS 1240 CFGM 1310 CKWX 1130 Williams Lake, B.0 CKWL 570
Sudbury, Ont. CFBR 900 CFRB 1010 (station in Blaine, WA) Windsor, Ont. CBE 1550
CHNO 550 CFTR 680 KARI 550 CBEF 540
CKSO 790 CHIC 790 Vanderhoof, B.C. CIVH 940 CFAB 1450
Summerland, B.C. CKSP 1450 CHIN 1540 Verdun. Que. CKVL 850 CKLW 800
Summerside, P.E.I. CJRW 1240 CHOO 1390 Vernon, B.C. CJIB 940 CKWW 580
Sussex, N.B. CJCW 590 CHUM 1050 CKAL 1050 Wingham, Ont. CKNX 920
Swift Current, Sask. CKSW 570 CJBC 860 Victoria, B.C. CFAX 1070 Winnipeg, Man. CBW 990
Sydney, N.S. CBI 1140 CKEY 590 CJVI 900 CFRW 1290
CHER 950 CKFH 1430 CKDA 1220 GJOB 680
CJCB 1270 Trail, B.C. CJAT 610 Victoriaville, Que. CFDA 1380 CKJS 810
Taber, Alta, CKTA 1570 Trenton, Ont. CJTN 1270 Villa -Marie, Que. CKVM 710 CKRC 630
Temiscaming, Que. CKVT 1340 Trois-Rivieres, Que. CHLN 550 CKSB 1050
Terrace, B.C. CFTK 590 GJTR 1140 Wabash, Nfld. CFLW 1340 CKY 580
Woodstock, N.B.
3 The Pas, Man. CZAR 1240 Truro, N.S. CKCL 600 Ward Creek, N.B. CJCW CJCJ 920
Thetford Mines, Que. CKLD 1330 Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T. CFCT 600 (satellite of Moncton, CKCW) CKDK 1340
Thompson, Man. CHTM 610 Val D'Or, Que. CKVD 900 Wawa, Ont. CJWA 240
Thunder Bay, Ont. CBQ 800 Valleyfield, Que. CFLV 1370 Welland, Ont. CHOW 470 Yarmouth, N.S. CJLS 1340
CFPA 1230 Vancouver, B.C. CBU 690 Westlock, Alta. CFOK 370 Yellowknife, N.W.T. CFYK 1340
CKPR 580 CFUN 1410 Wetaskiwin, Alta. C101 440 Yorkton, Sask. CJGX 940
Tillsonburg, Ont. CKOT 1510 CHQM 1320 Weyburn, Sask. CFSL 190
Timmins, Ont. CFCL 620 CJOR 600 Whitecourt, Alta. CFYR 400 100 Mile House, B.0
CKCB 680 CJVB 1470 Whitehorse, Y.T. CFWH 570 CKBX 1240


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Coll Location kHz Call Location kHz

CBA Moncton, N.B. 1070 CF RP Forestville, Que. 620 CIYQ Grand Falls, Nfld. 680 (satellite of Smithers, CFBV)
CBAF Moncton, N.B. 1300 CFRW Winnipeg, Man. 1290 CIYR Hinton, Alta. 1230 CKBW Bridgewater, N.S. 1000
CBD Saint John, N.B. 1110 CFRY Portage La Prairie, CJACI Montreal, Que. 800 CKBX 100 Mile House, B.C. 1240
CBE Windsor, Ont. 1550 Man. 920 CJAF Cabana, Que. 1240 CKCB Collingwood, Ont. 1400
CBEF Windsor, Ont. 540 CFSL Weyburn, Sask. 1190 CJAN Asbestos, Que. 1340 CKCH Hull, Que.-
CBF Montreal, Que. 690 CFSX Stephenville, Nfld. 910 CZAR The Pas, Man. 1240 Ottawa, Ont. 970
CBG Gander, Nfld. 1450 CFTJ Cambridge, Ont. 960 CJAT Trail, B.C. 610 CKCK Regina, Sask. 620
CBGA Matane, Que. 1250 CFTK Terrace, 0.1G. 590 CJAV Port Alberni, B.C. 1240 CKCL Truro, N.S. 600
CBH Halifax, N.S. 860 CFTR Toronto, Ont. 680 CJBC Toronto, Ont. 860 CKCM Grand Falls, Nfld. 620
CBI Sydney, N.S. 1140 CFUN Vancouver, B.C. 1410 CJBK London, Ont. 1290 CKCN Sept-Iles, Que. 560
CBS Chicoutimi, Que. 1580 CFVR Abbotsford, B.C. 850 CJ BM Causapscal, Que. 1450 CKCQ Quesnel, B.C. 920
CBK Regina, Sask. 540 CFWB Campbell River, B.C. 1490 CJBQ Belleville, Ont. 800 CI<CR Revelstoke, B.C. 1340
CBL Toronto, Ont. 740 CFWH Whitehorse, Y.T. 570 CJBR Rimouski, Que. 900 CI(CV Quebec, Que. 1280
CBM Montreal, Que. 940 CFYK Yellowknife, N.W.T. 1340 CJCA Edmonton,Alta. 930 CKCW Moncton -Cherryfield,
CBN St. John's, Nfld. 640 CFYN Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. 1050 CJCB Sydney, N.S. 1270 N.B. 1220
CBNA St. Anthony, Nfld. CFYQ Gander, Nfld. 1350 CJCH Halifax, N.S. 920 CKCY Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. 920
CBO Ottawa, Ont. 920 CFYR Whitecourt, Alta. 1400 CJCI Prince George, B.C. 620 CK DA Victoria, B.C. 1220
CBOF Hull, Que.-Ottawa, CHAB Moose Jaw, Sask. 800 CJCJ Woodstock, N.B. 920 CKDC Amherst, N.S. 900
Ont. 1270 CHAD Amos. Que. 1340 CJCS Stratford, Ont. 1240 CKDK Woodstock, Ont. 1340
CBQ Thunder Bay, Ont. 800 CHAK lnuvik, N.W.T. 660 CJCW Sussex, N.B. 590 CKDM Dauphin, Man. 730
CBR Calgary, Alta. 1010 CHAL St. Pamphile, Que. 1350 CJCW Ward Creek, N.B. CKDR Dryden, Ont. 900
CBT Grand Falls, Nfld. 540 CHAP Long Lac, Ont. 1450 (satellite of Moncton, CKCW) CKDY Digby, N.S. 1420
CBU Vancouver, B.C. 690 CHAT Medicine Hat, Alta. 1270 CJDC Dawson Creek, B.C. 1350 CKEC New Glasgow, N.S. 1320
CBV Quebec, Que. 980 CHBV Houston, B.C. Cl DV Drumheller, Alta. 910 CKEK Cranbrook, B.C. 570
CBW Winnipeg, Man. 990 (satellite of Smithers, CFBV) CJEM Edmundston, N.B. 570 CKEN Kentville, N.S. 1490
CBX Edmonton, Alta. 740 CHCL Medley, Alta. 1450 CJEN St -Jerome, Que. 900 CKEY Toronto,Ont. 590
CBY Corner Brook, Nfld. 990 CHCM Marystown, Nfld. 560 CJET Smiths Falls, Ont. 630 CKFH Toronto, Ont. 1430
CBZ Fredericton, N.B. 970 CHEC Lethbridge, Alta. 1090 CJFP Riviere-du-Loup, Que. 1400 CKFL Lac Megantic, Que. 1400
CFAB Windsor, N.S. 1450 CH ED Edmonton, Alta. 630 CJ FX Antigonish, 580 CKGA Gander, Nfld. 730
CFAC Calgary, Alta. 960 CHEF Granby, Que. 1450 CJFX Port Hawkesbury, N.S. 1410 CKGB Timmins, Ont. 680
CFAM Altoona, Man. 950 CHER Sydney, N.S. 950 CJGX Yorkton, Sask. 940 CKGF Grand Forks, B.C. 1340
CFAN Newcastle, N.B. 790 CHEX Peterborough, Ont. 980 CJIB Vernon, B.C. 940 CKGM Montreal, Que. 980
CFAR Flin Flon, Man. 590 CHFA Edmonton, Alta. 980 CM Langley -Vancouver, B.C. 800 CKGO Hope, B.C. 1240
CFAX Victoria, B.C. 1070 CH FC Fort Churchill, Man. 1230 CJJD Hamilton, Ont. 1280 CKGR Golden, B.C.
CFBC Saint John, N.B. 930 CHGB La Pocatiere, Que. 1310 CJKL Kirkland Lake, Ont. 560 (satellite of Salmon Arm,
CFBK Huntsville, Ont. 630 CHIB Chibougamau, Que. 1600 CAA Lachute, Que. 630 CKXR)
CFBQ Parry Sound, Ont. 1340 CHIC Brampton -Toronto, Ont. 790 CJ LM Joliette, Que. 1350 CKGY Red Deer, Alta. 170
CFBR Sudbury, Ont. 900 CHIN Toronto, Ont. 1540 CJLP Disraeli, Que. 1230 CKIM Babe Verte, Nfld. 240
CFBV Smithers, B.C. 1230 CHLC Hauterive-Baia Comeau, CJLS Yarmouth N.S. 1340 CKIQ Kelowna, B.C. 150
CFCB Corner Brook, Nfld. 570 Que. 580 Cl MC Ste -Anne -des -Monts, D Sarnia, Ont. 110
CFCF Montreal, Que. 600 CHLD Granisle, B.C. Que. 1490 CKJS Winnipeg, Man. 810
CFCH North Bay, Ont. 600 (satellite of Prince George, C.IMD Chibougamau, Que. 1240 CK KC Nelson, B.C. 390
CFCL Timmins, Ont. 620 CJCI) Cl M E Regina, Sask. 1300 CI<KR Rosetown-Kindersley,
CFCN Calgary, Alta. 1060 CHLN Trois-Rivieres, Que. CJMR Mississauga, Ont. 1190 Sask. 330
CFCO Chatham, Ont. 630 CHLO St. Thomas London, CJMS Montreal, Que. 1280 CK KW Kitchener, Ont. 090
CFCP Courtenay, B.C. 1440 Ont. 1570 CJMT Chicoutimi, Que. 1420 CKLB Oshawa, Ont. 350
CFCT Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T. 600 CHLT Sherbrooke, Que. 630 CJNB North Battleford, Sask. 1050 CKLC Kingston, Ont. 380
CFCW Edmonton-Camrose, CH M L Hamilton, Ont. 900 CJNC Norway House, Man. 630 CKLD Thetford Mines, Que. 330
Alta. 790 CHMO Moosonee, Ont. 1450 Cl N H Bancroft, Ont. 1240 CKLG Vancouver -North
CFCY Charlottetown - CHNC New Carlisle, Que. 610 CJNL Merritt, B.C. 1230 Vancouver, B.C. 730
North River, P.E.I. 630 CHNL Kamloops -Clearwater, CJNR Blind River, Ont. 730 CKLQ Brandon, Man. 1570
CFDA Victoriaville, Que. 380 610 CJNS Meadow Lake, Sask. 1240 CKLM Laval -Montreal, Que. 1570
CFDR Dartmouth, N.S. 680 CH NO Sudbury, Ont. 550 CJOB Winnipeg, Man. 680 CKLR L'Annonciation, Que. 1490
CFED Chapais, Oue. 340 CH NR Simcoe, Ont. 600 CJOC Lethbridge, Alta. 1220 CKLS La Sarre, Que. 1240
CFEK Fernie, B.C. 240 CHNS Halifax, N.S. 960 CAI Wetaskiwin, Alta. 1440 CKLW Windsor, Ont. 800
CFFB Frobisher Bay, N.W.T. CHOK Sarnia, Ont. 070 CJOK Fort McMurray, Alta. 1230 CKLY Lindsay, Ont. 910
210 CHOO Ajax -Toronto, Ont. 390 CJOR Vancouver, B.C. 600 CKM G Maniwaki, Que. 610
CFGB Happy Valley, Nfld. 340 CHOW Welland, Ont. 470 GJOY Guelph, Ont. 1460 CKM K MacKenzie, B.C. 1240
CFGM Richmond Hill, Ont. 320 CHPQ Parksville, B.C. 370 CJPR Blairmore, Alta. 1490 CKML Mont -Laurier, Que. 610
CFGM Toronto, Ont. 310 CHPR Hawkesbury, Ont. 150 CJPR Crowsnest Pass, Alta.- CKMP Midland, Ont. 1230
CFGN Port-aux-Basques, CHQB Powell River, B.C. 280 Crowsnest, B.C. 1220 CKMV Grand Falls, N.B. 1490
Nfld. 230 CHQM Vancouver, B.C. 320 CJRB Boissevain, Man. 1220 CKNB Campbellton, N.B. 950
CFGO Ottawa, Ont. 440 CHQR Calgary, Alta. 810 CJRC Hull, Que.- CKNL Fort St. John, B.C. 560
CFGP Grande Prairie, Alta. 050 CHAT Edmonton, Alta. 110 Ottawa, Ont. 1150 CI<NR Elliot Lake, Ont. 1340
CFGT Alma, Que. 270 CHRB High River, Alta. 280 CJRL Kenora, Ont. 1220 CKNS Espanola, Ont. 930
CFHG Heiberg, B.C. 490 CHRC Quebec, Que. 800 CJRN Niagara Falls, Ont. 710 CKNW Vancouver -New
CFIX Cornwall, Ont. 170 CH RD Drummondville, Que. 480 CJ RP Quebec, Que. 1060 Westminster, B.C. 980
CFJC Kamloops, B.C. 550 CHRL Roberval, Que. 910 CJ RS Sherbrooke, Que. 1510 CKNX Wingham, Ont. 920
CFJR Brockville, Ont. 450 CHRM Mantane, Que. 290 CJRW Summerside, P.E.I. 1240 CKO Montreal, Que. 1470
GFICC Creston, B.C. 340 CHRS Montreal-Longueuil- CJSA Ste -Agatha -des -Monts, CKOB Renfrew, Ont. 1400
CFLC Churchill Falls, Nfld. 340 St-lean, Que. 090 Que. 1230 CKOC Hamilton. Ont. 1150
CFLD Burns Lake, B.C. 400 CHRT St-Eleuthere, Que. 450 CJSL Estevan, Sask. 1280 CKOK Penticton, B.C. 800
CFLH Hearst, Ont. 340 CHSC St. Catharines, Ont. 220 CJSN Shaunavon, Sask. 1490 CKOM Saskatoon, Sask. 1250
CFLK Kapuskasing, Ont. 230 CHSJ Saint John, N.B. 150 MO Sorel, Que. 1320 Cl<00 Oliver-Osoyoos, B.C. 1240
CFLM La Tuque, Que. 240 CHSM Steinbach, Man. 250 CJSS Cornwall, Ont. 1220 CKOT Tillsonburg, Ont. 1510
CFLN Happy Valley, Nfld. 230 CHTK Prince Rupert, B.C. 560 CJTN Trenton Ont. 1270 CI(OV Kelowna, B.C. 630
GELS Quebec -Levis, Que. 920 CHTM Thompson, Man. 610 CJTR Trois-Rivieres, Que. 1140 CKOY Ottawa, Ont. 1310
CFLV Valleyfield, Que. 370 CHTN Charlottetown, P.E.I. 190 CJTT New Liskeard, Ont. 1230 CKPB Bagotville, Que. 1470
CFLW Wabash, Nfld. 340 CHUB Nanaimo, B.C. 570 CJVA Caraquet, N.B. 810 CKPC Brantford, Ont. 1380
CFMB Montreal, Que. 410 CH UC Cobourg-Port Hope, CJVB Vancouver, B.C. 1470 CKPG Prince George, B.C. 550
CFMR Fort Simpson. N.W.T. 400 Ont. 450 CJVI Victoria, B.C. 900 CI<PR Thunder Bay, Ont. 580
CFNB Fredericton, N.B. 550 CHUM Toronto, Ont. 050 CJVL Ste-Marie-Beauce, Que. CKPT Peterborough, Ont. 1420
CFNC Cross Lake, Man. CHVD Dolbeau, Que. 230 1360 CKQR Castlegar, B.C. 1230
CFNL Fort Nelson, B.C. 590. CHWK Chilliwack, B.C. 270 CJVR Melfort, Sask. 1420 CKRB StGeorges-de-
CFNS Saskatoon, Sask. 860 CHWO Oakville, Ont. 250 CJWA Wawa, Ont. 1240 Beauce, Que. 1460
CFNW Portau Choix, Nfld. 790 CHYM Kitchener, Ont. 570 CJWW Saskatoon, Sask. 1370 CKRC Winnipeg. Man. 630
CFOB Fort Frances, Ont. 800 CHYQ Musgravetown, Nfld. 670 CJYQ St. John's, Nfld. 930 CKRD Red Deer, Alta. 850
CFOK Westlock, Alta. 1370 CHYR Leamington, Ont. 710 MR Edson, Alta. 970 CKRM Regina, Sask. 980
CFOR Orillia, Ont. 1570 CIFJ Fort St. James, B.C. CKAC Montreal, Que. 730 GKRN Rouyn, Que. 1230
CFOS Owen Sound, Ont. 560 (satellite of Vanderhoof, CIVH) CKAD Middleton, N.S. 1350 CKRS Jonquiere, Que. 590
CFPA Thunder Bay, Ont. 1230 CIF L Fraser Lake, B.C. CKAL Vernon, B.C. 1050 CKRV Drummondville, Que. 1400
CFPL London, Ont. 980 (satellite of Vanderhoof, CIVH) CKAP Kapuskasing Ont. 580 CKRW Whitehorse, Y.T. 610
CFPR Prince Rupert, B.C. 860 CIGO Port Hawkesbury- CKAY Duncan B.C. 1500 CKSA Lloydminster,
CFPS Port Elgin, Ont. 1490 Antigonish, N.S. 1410 CKBB Barrie Ont. 950 Alta./Sask. 1080
CFQC Saskatoon, Sask. 600 CIHI Fredericton, N.B. 1260 CKBC Bathurst N.B. 1360 CKSB St. Boniface- Winnipeg,
CFRA Ottawa, Ont. 580 CINL Princeton, B.C. 1400 CKBI Prince Albert, Sask. 900 Man. 1050
CFRB Toronto, Ont. 1010 CIOI( St. Paul, Alta. 1310 CKBM Montmagny, Que. 1490 CKSJ St -invite, Qut. 1400
CFRC Kingston, Ont. 1490 CIPC Port Cartier, Que. 710 CKBR Brooks, Alta. 1340 CKSL London, Ont. 1410
CFRG Gravelbourg, Sask. 690 CIRB Lao Etchemin, Que. 1240 CKBS St-Hyacinthe, Que. 1240 CI(SM Shawinigan, Que. 1220
CFRN Edmonton. Alta. 1260 CIVH Vanderhoof, B.C. 940 CKBV Hazelton, B.C. CKSO Sudbury, Ont. 790


Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz Call Location kHz
CKSP Summerland, B.C. 1450 CKUA Edmonton, Alta. 580 CKWW Windsor, Ont. 580 CKYR Grande Cache, Alta. 1230
CKST St. Albert, Alta. 1070 CKVD Val D'Or, Que. 900 CKWX Vancouver, B.C. 1130 CKYR Jasper, Atla. 1450
CKSW Swift Current, Sask. 570 CKVL Verdun -Montreal, Que. 850 CKX Brandon, Man. 1150 KARI Vancouver, B.C. 550
CKTA Taber, Alta. 1570 CKVM Ville -Marie, Que. 710 CKXL Calgary, Alta. 1140 (station in Blaine, WA)
CKTB St. Catharines, Ont. 610 CKVO Clarenville, Nfld. 710 CKXR Salmon Arm, B.C. 580
CKTK Kitimat, B.C. 1230 CKVT Temiscaming, Que. 1340 CKY Winnipeg, Man. 580 VOAR St. John's, Nfld. 1230'
CKTL Plessisville, Que. 1420 CKWL Williams Lake, B.C. 570 CKYL Peace River, Alta. 610 VOCM St. John's, Nfld. 590
CKTS Sherbrooke, Que. 900 CKWS Kingston, Ont. 960 CKYQ Grand Bank, Nfld. 610 VOWR St. John's, Nfld. 800


Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz Location Call MHz

Baker Lake, N.W.T. Kamloops, B.C. CF FM -FM 98.3 CHEZ-FM 106.1 Smiths Falls, Ont.
CKQN-FM 99.3 (rebroadcasting stations CIM F -FM 94.9
Barrie, Ont. CHAY-FM 93.1 in Chase, Clearwater, CKBY-FM 105.3
CJET-FM 101.1
Belleville, Ont. CI G L- FM 97.1 Clinton, Merritt, Pritchard, CKCU-FM Sudbury, Ont. CBCS-FM 99.9
Big Trout Lake, Ont. and Savona, B.C.) CKO-FM 106.9 CBJS-FM 98.1
CFTL-FM 100.3 CHNL-FM 97.5 Peace River, Alta. CIGM-FM 92 7
Brampton, Ont. CFNY-FM 102.1 Kelowna, B.C. CJOV-FM 104.7 CKUA-FM 96.9
Sydney, N.S. CJCB-FM 94.9
Brandon, Man. C.IC111-FM' 96.1 Kentville, N.S. CKWN-FM 97.7 Penticton, B.C. CKOK-FM 97.1
Thunder Bay, Ont.
Brantford, Ont. CKPC-FM 92.1 Kingston, Ont. CFLY-FM 98.3 Peterborough, Ont. CJSD-FM 94.3
Burlington, Ont. CING-FM 107.9 CFMK-FM 96.3 CFMP-FM 101.5 Tillsonburg, Ont. CKOT-FM 101.3
Calgary, Alta. CBR-FM 102.1 CFRC-FM 91.9 CKQM-FM 105.1 Timmins, Ont. CFTI-FM 92.1
CHFM-FM 95.5 Kitchener, Ont. CFCA-FM 105.3 Povungnituk, Que.CKPV-FM Toronto, Ont. CBL-FM 94.1
CJAY-FM 92.1 CKGL-FM 96.7 Quebec, Que. CBV-FM 95.3 CFNY-FM 102.1
CKO-FM 103.1 CKWR-FM 98.7 CHOI-FM 98.1 CHFI-FM 98.1
CKUA-FM 93.7 La Pocatiere, Que. CKRL-FM 89.1 CHIN -FM 100.7
Charlottetown, P.E.I. CHGB-FM 102.9 Red Deer, Alta. CKRD-FM 98.9 CHUM -FM 104.5
CBC-FM 96.9 Laval, Que. CFGL-FM 105.7 Regina, Sask. CBKF-FM 96.9 CILQ-FM 107.1
Chibougamau, Que. Lethbridge, Alta. CFMQ-FM 92.1 CJRT-FM 91.1
Chicoutimi, Que.
CBJ-FM 100.9
- CHEC-FM 100.9 CKO-FM 94.5 CKFM-FM
CKUA-FM 99.3 Rimouski, Que. C.IBR-FM 101.5 Trois-Rivieres, Que.
CHUT-FM 967 London, Ont. CFPL-FM 95.9 Riviere-au-Renard, Que.
Cornwall, Ont. CFLG-FM 104.5 CKO-FM 97.5 C.IRE-FM 97.9
CFCQ-FM 93.9
Deer Lake, Nfld. Longueuil, Que. CIE L -F M 98.5 Rouyn, Que.
Truro, N.S. CKCL-FM 100.9
CIRC-FM 88.7 Vancouver, B.C. CBU-FM 105.7
CFDL-FM 97.9 Medicine Hat, Alta. St. Andrews, Nfld.
Edmonton, Alta. CFRN-FM 100.3 CKUA-FM 97.3 CFCV-FM 97.7
CBUF-FM 97.7
CJCA.FM 97.3 Moncton, N.B. CFQM-FM 103.9 St. Anthony, Nfld. CFM I -FM 101.1
CKO-FM 101.9 Montreal, Que. CBF-FM 100.7 CFNN-FM 97.9
CFRO-FM 102.7
CKUA-FM 94.9 CBM-FM 93.5 St. Catharines, Ont. CHQM-FM 103.5
Fredericton, N.B. CFGL-FM 105.7 CHSC-FM 105.7
CKLG-FM 99.3
CBZF-FM 101.5 CFQR-FM 92.5 C KT B -FM
CKO-FM 96.1
97.7 Verdun, Que. CK0I-FM 96.9
Gaspe, Que. CJRE-FM 97.9 CHOM-FM 97.7 St. John's, Nfld. CBN-FM 106.9
CJRG-FM CIEL-FM 98.5 Victoria, B.C. CF MS -FM 98.5
103.1 CHOZ-FM 93.9 Williams Lake, B.C.
Grand Manan, N.B. CINQ-FM 102.3 CKO-FM 101.9
CFZA-FM CITE -FM 107.3 Ste -Adele, Que. CIME-FM 99.5
CIFM-FM 97.5
Grande Prairie, Alta. CIFM-FM Windsor, Ont. CJOM-FM 88.7
95.9 Saint John, N.B. CBZF-FM CKLW-FM 93.9
CKUA-FM 100.9 CKMF-FM 94.3 CFBC-FM 98.9 Wingham, Ont. CKNX-FM
Guelph, Ont. CKLAFIM 106.: CKOI-FM 96.9 101.7
CKC-FM 99.7 Winnipeg, Man. CBW-FM 98.3
Green Lake, Sask. New Westminster, B.C. Saskatoon, Sask.
CHGL-FM CFMI-FM 101.1 CFMC-FM 103.9 CHIQ-FM 94.3
Halifax, N.S. CBH-FM 102.7 North Bay, Ont. CKAT-FM 93.7 CJUS-FM 89.7 CHMM-FM 97.5
CHFX-FM 101.9 Oshawa, Ont. CKQS-FM 94.9 Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. CITI-FM 92.1
Hamilton, Ont. CKDS-FM 95.3 Ottawa, Ont. CBO-FM 103.3 CHAS -FM 100.5
CJUM-FM 101.5
Hull, Que. CBOF-FM 102.5 C BO F F M 102.5 CJQM-FM 104.3 CKO-FM 99.1
CIMF-FM 94.9 CFMO-FM 100 Mile House, B.C.
93.9 Sherbrooke, Que. CITEFM 102.7 CIFM-FM


Call Location MHz Call Location MHr Call Location MHz Call Location MHz
CBCFM Charlottetown, CF MP -FM Peterborough, CHUTFM Chicoutimi, Que. 96.7 CKCL-FM Truro, N.S. 100.9
P.E.I. 98.9 Ont. 101.5 C1EL-FM Longueuil-Montreal, CI(CU-FM Ottawa, Ont. 93.1
CBCS-FM Sudbury, Ont. 99.9 CFMQ-FM Regina, Sask 92.1 Que. 98.5 CKDS-FM Hamilton, Ont. 95.3
CBF-FM Montreal, Que. 100.7 CFMS-FM Victoria, B.C. 98.5 CIFM-FM Williams Lake -I00 CKFM-FM Toronto, Ont. 99.9
CBH-FM Halifax, N.S. 102.7 CFNN-FM St. Anthony, Nfld. 97.9 Mile House, B.C. 97.5 CKGL-FM Kitchener, Ont. 96.7
CBJ-FM Chicoutimi, Que. 100.9 CFNY-FM Brampton - CIGL.FM Belleville, Ont. 97.1 CKLA-FM Guelph, Ont. 106.1
C13.1S-FM Sudbury, Ont. 98.1 Toronto, Ont. 102.1 CIGM-FM Sudbury, Ont. 92.7 CKLG-FM Vancouver, B.C. 99.3
CBKF-FM Regina, Sask. 96.9 CFPL-FM London, Ont. 95.9 CILQ-FM Toronto, Ont. 107.1 CKLW-FM Windsor, Ont. 93.9
CBL-FM Toronto, Ont. 94.1 CFQM-FM Moncton, N.B. 103.9 CIME-FM Ste -Adele, Que. 99.5 C K M F -F M Montreal, Que. 94.3
CBM-FM Montreal, Que 93.5 CFQR-FM Montreal, Que. 92.5 CIMF-FM Hull, Que.-Ottawa, CKNX-FM Wingham, Ont. 101.7
CBN-FM St. John's, Nfld. 106.9 CFRC-FM Kingston, Ont. 91.9 Ont. 94.9 CKO-FM-I Ottawa, Ont. 106.9
CBO-FM Ottawa, Ont. 103.3 CFRN-FM Edmonton, Alta. 100.3 CING-FM Burlington, Ont. 107.9 CKO-FM-2 Toronto, Ont. 99.1
CBO F -FM Hull, Que.- CFRO-FM Vancouver, B.C. 102.7 CINQ-FM Montreal, Que. 102.3 CKO-FM-3 London, Ont. 97.5
Ottawa, Ont. 102.5 CFTI-FM Timmins, Ont. 92.1 CIRC-FM Rouyn, Que. 88.7 C KO F M -4 Vancouver, B.C.
CBR-FM Calgary, Alta. CFTL-FM Big Trout Lake, 96.1
102.1 CITE -FM Montreal, Que. 107.3 C KO - F M-5 Calgary, Alta. 103.1
CBU-FM Vancouver, B.C. 105.7 Ont. 100.3 CITE -FM Sherbrooke, Que. 102.7
CBUF-FM Vancouver, B.C. 97.7 C HAS -FM Sault Ste. Marie, CITI-FM Winnipeg, Man. CKO-FM-6 Edmonton, Alta. 101.9
92.1 CKOKFM Penticton, B.C. 97.1
CBV-FM Quebec, Que. 95.3 Ont. 100.5 CJAY-FM Calgary, Alta. 92.1
CBW-FM Winnipeg, Man. 98.3 CHAY-FM Barrie, Ont. 93.1 CJBR-FM Rimouski, Que. CKOT-FM Tillsonburg, Ont. 101.3
CBZA-FM Grand Manan, N.B.
CBZF-FM Fredericton, N.B. 101.5
- CHEC-FM Lethbridge, Alta.
CHEZ-FM Ottawa, Ont.
CJCA-FM Edmonton, Alta.
CJCB-FM Sydney, N.S.
CKOI-FM Montreal -Verdun,
Que. 96.9
CBZF-FM Saint John, N.B.
CFBC-FM Saint John, N.B. 98.9
- CHFI-FM Toronto, Ont.
CH F M -F M Calgary, Alta.
C.ICM-FM brandon, Man.
CJET-FM Smiths Falls, Ont. 101.1
CKPCFM Brantford, Ont.
CKPV-FM Povungnituk, Que. -

CFCA-FM Kitchener, Ont. 105.3 CHFX-FM Halifax, N.S. 101.9 CJFM-,FM Montreal, Que. 95.9
CKQM-FM Peterborough,
CFCQ-FM Trois-Rivieres, CH G M La Pocatiere, Ont. 105.1
CJOM-FM Windsor, Ont. 88.7 CKQN-FM Baker Lake,
Que. 93.9 Que. 102.9 CJOV-FM Kelowna, B.C.
CFCV-FM St. Andrews, Nfld. 97.7
CFDL-FM Deer Lake, Nfld. 97.9
CHGL-FM Green Lake, Sask.
CH I B -F M Chibougamau, Que.
-- CJQM-FM Sault Ste. Marie,
104.7 N.W.T.
CKQS-FM Oshawa, Ont.
Ont. 104.3
CFFM-FM Kamloops, B.C. 98.3 CHIN -FM Toronto, Ont. 100.7 C.IRE-FM Gaspe -R iviere-au- CKRD-FM Red Deer, Alta. 98.9
CFGL-FM Laval -Montreal, CHIQ-FM Winnipeg, Man. 94.3 Renard, Que. 97.9
CKRL-FM Quebec, Que. 89.1
Que. 105.7 CHMM-FM Winnipeg, Man. 97.5 CJRG-FM Gaspe. Que. 103.1
CKTB-FM St. Catharines,
CFLG-FM Cornwall, Ont. 104.5 CHNL-FM Kamloops, B.C. 97.5 Ont. 97.7
GIRT -FM Toronto, Ont. 91.1 CKWN-FM Kentville, N.S. 97.7
CFLY-FM Kingston, Ont. 98.3 CHOI-FM Quebec, Que. 98.1 CJSD-FM Thunder Bay, Ont. 94.3
CFMC.FM Saskatoon, Sask. 103.9 CHOM-FM Montreal, Que. 97.7 CJUM-FM Winnipeg, Man. 101.5
CKWR-FM Kitchener, Ont. 98.7
CFMI-FM New Westminster - CHOZ-FM St. John's, Ntld. 93.9 CJUS-FM Saskatoon, Sask. 89.7
CKUA-FM Edmonton, Alta. 94.9
Vancouver, B.C. 101.1 CHQM-FM Vancouver, B.C. 103.5 CKAT-FM North Bay, Ont. (rebroadcasting stations in
93.7 Calgary, Grande Prairie,
CF MK -FM Kingston, Ont. 96.3 CHSC-FM St. Catnarines.Ont.105.7 CKBY-FM Ottawa, Ont. 105.3
CFMO-FM Ottawa. Ont. 93.9 CHUM -FM Toronto, Ont. 104.5 CKC-FM Saint John, N.B. Lethbridge, Medicine Hat,
99.7 and Peace River, Alta.)


Location Call Ch. Location Call Ch. Location Call Ch. Location Call Ch.
Barrie, Ont. CKVR-TV 3 Kitchener, Ont. CKCO-TV 13 Red inDaeeri.asiAlcta. CKRD-TV 6 Thunder Bay, Ont. CH FO -TV 4
Brandon, Man. CKX-TV 5 Labrador City, Nfld. CBNLT 13 CBKRT 9 CKPR-TV 2
Calgary, Alta. CBRT 9 Lethbridge, Alta. CJOC-TV 7 CKCK-TV 12 Timmins, Ont. CFCL-TV 6
CFAC-TV 2 Lloydminster, Alta. CITL-TV 4 Saint John, N.B. CHSJ-TV 4 Toronto, Ont. CBLT 5
Charlottetown, P.E.I. CBCT 13 London, Ont. CFPL-TV 10 St. John's, Nfld. CBNT 8 CICATV 19
Corner Brook, Nfld. CBYT 5 Medicine Hat, Alta. CHAT -TV 6 CJON-TV 6 CITY -TV 79
CJWN-TV IS Moncton, N.B. CKCW-TV 2 Saskatoon, Sask. CBKRT 11 CKGN-TV 22
Dawson Creek, B.C. CJDC-TV 5 Montreal, Que. CBMT CFQC-TV 8 Vancouver, B.C. CBUT 2
Edmonton. Alta. CBXFT II CFCF-TV 12 CHAN-TV 8
CBXT 5 Moose Jaw, Sask. CBKMT 9 Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. CKVU-TV 13
CFRN-TV 3 North Bay, Ont. CHNB-TV 10 CJICTV 2 KVOS-TV 12
CITV 13 CKNY-TV 6 CKCY-TV 5 Victoria, B.C. CHEK-TV 6
Goose Bay, Nfld. CFLA-TV 8 Ottawa, Ont. CBOT 4 Sherbrooke, Que. CHLT-TV 7 Whitehorse, Y.T. WHTV-TV 9
Grand Falls, Nfld. CJCN-TV 4 CJOH -TV 13 Sudbury, Ont. CKNC-TV 9 Windsor, Ont. CBET 9
Hamilton, Ont. CHCH-TV 11 Pembroke, Ont. CHRO-TV CKSO-TV 5 Wingham, Ont. CKNX-TV 8
Halifax, N.S. CBHT 3 Peterborough, Ont. CH EX -TV 12 Swift Current, Sask. CJFB-TV 5 Winnipeg, Man. CBWT 6
CJCH-TV 5 Prince Albert, Sask. CKBI-TV 5 Sydney, N.S. CB1T 5 CKND-TV 12
Kamloops, B.C. CFJC-TV 4 Prince George, B.C. CKPG-TV 2 CJCB-TV 4 CKYTV 7
Kelowna, B.C. CHBC-TV 2 Quebec, Que. CFCM-TV 4 Terrace, B.C. CFTK-TV 3 Yorkton, Sask. CICC-TV 10
Kingston, Ont. CKWS-TV II CKMI-TV 5 Thompson, Man. CESM-TV 2 CKOS-TV 5


kHz Call Name Location GMT kHz Call Name Location GMT

120 Meter Band -2300-2495 kHz 4885 HJIG Ondas del Meta Villavicencio, Colombia 0300
4885 R. Republik Indonesia Bukittinggi, Indonesia 1200
4890 National B.C. Boroko, Papua NG 1100
2340 R. West New Britain Kimbe, Papua N.G. 1100 .4895 R. Mozambique Maputo, Mozambique 0430
2360 TGBA R. Maya Huehuetenango, Guatemala 1130 4904 R. Nat. Tchadienne N'djamena, Chad 0530
2375 R. Chimbu Kundiawa, Papua N.G. 1130 4908 R. Pnom Penh Pnom Penh, Kampuchea 1400
2390 TGDF LV Atitlan Santiago, Guatemala 1130 4911 R. Zambia Lusaka, Zambia 0500
2390 XEJN R. Fluayacocotla Mexico City, Mexico 0130 4915 R. Macapa Macapa, Brazil 0830
2410 R. Eastern Highlands Goroka, Papua N.G. 1100 4915 Ghana B.C. Accra, Ghana 2230
2415 Wenzhou, China 1200 4915 Nanning, China 1300
2428 R. New Ireland Kavieng, Papua N.G. 1130 4920 Australian B.C. Brisbane, Australia 1200
2450 R. Western Highlands Mt. Hagen, Papua N.G. 1100 4925 Harbin, China 1330
2468 R. Northern District Popondetta, Papua N.G. 1100 4925 HJJU Em. Meridiano 70 Arcsuca, Colombia 0230
2475 Zhejiang, China 1200 4932 Nigerian B.C. Benin City, Nigeria 2230
2510 Korean B.C. Taegu, S. Korea 1230 4934 V. Kenya Nairobi, Kenya 0330
4940 RTV lvorienne Abidjan, Ivory Croast 2330
4940 HCXZ1 R. Nac. Ecuador Quito, Ecuador 1100
4945 HJDH R. Colosal Neiva, Colombia 0300
4946 V. Vietnam Hanoi, Vietnam 1330
90 Meter Band -3200-3400 kHz 4950 R. Malaysia Kuching, Sarawak 1400
4960 HCSE7 R. Federacion Sucua, Ecuador 1130
3204 Nigerian B.C. I badan, Nigeria 0530 4960 YVAO R. Sucre Cumana, Venezuela 0400
3205 R. Ribeiro Preto Ribeiro Preto, Brazil 0200 4965 HJAE R. Santa Fe Bogota, Colombia 0300
3210 R. Mozambique Maputo, Mozambique 0400 4970 YVLK R. Rumbos Caracas, Venezuela 0200
Ondas Panamericana El Vigia, Venezuela 1100 4975 OAX4H R. Pacifico Lima, Peru 0300
3215 YVZV
3215 South African B.C. Johannesburg, S. Africa 0400 4980 Ghana B.C. Accra, Ghana 0530
3220 R. Morobe Lae, Papua N.G. 1130 4985 R. Brasil Central Goiania, Brazil 0400
3223 R. Republik Indonesia Mataram, Indonesia 1230 4990 R. RSA Johannesburg, S. Africa 0400
Manilla, Brazil 4996 OAZ4C R. Andina Huancayo, Peru 0400
3235 R. Clube Manilla 0130
Ft. Collins, USA
3240 R. Republik Indonesia Ambon, Indonesia 1300 5000 WWV Nat. Bureau Standards 0500
0300 5000 WWVH Nat. Bureau Standards Hawaii 1200
3245 YVKI R. Libertador Caracas, Venezuela
South African B.C. Johannesburg, S. Africa 0300 5010 R. Garoua Garoua, Cameroons 0430
3250 Neiva, Colombia
3250 R. Republik Indonesia Banjarmasin, Indonesia 1230 5010 HJOX R. Surcolombiana 0530
5016 OAX7Z R. Juliaca Juliaca, Peru 0330
3260 HCOS4 LV Carrizal Calceta, Ecuador 0200
Mendi, Papua N.G. 5020 V005 Solomon Is. B.S. Honiara, Solomon Is. 0830
3275 R. Southern Highlands 1200
Maracaibo, Venezuela 0300 5030 R. Reloj Continent* Caracas, Venezuela 0300
3275 YVMC R. Mara
5047 R. Togo Lome, Togo 2200
3280 HCVN7 LV Napo Tana, Ecuador 0200 Singapore
3289 R. Madagascar Tananarive, Madagascar 0330 5052 R. Singapore 1400
Georgetown, Guyana 5055 TIFC Faro del Caribe Son Jose, Costa Rica 0230
3290 Guyana B.C. 0830
3300 TGNA R. Cultural Guatemala City, Guatemala 0300
3305 R. Western District Daru, Papua N.G. 1200
3306 Rhodesian B.C. Gwelo, Rhodesia 0330
3325 YVRA
Sierra Leone, B.S.
R. Manages
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Maturin, Venezuela
49 Meter Band -5950-6200 kHz
3325 HCHA2 Ondas Quevedenas Quevedo, Ecuador 0500
R. East Sepik
R. Republik Indonesia
Wewak, Papua N.G.
Pontianak, Indonesia
-- Guyana B.S.
R. Nacional
Georgetown, Guyana
Managua, Nicaragua
3346 Lusaka, Zambia 0400 5955 TIQ R. Casino Limon, Costa Rica
3360 TGVN
Zambia B.C.
Ghana B.C.
LV Nahuala
Accra, Ghana
Nahuala, Guatemala
-- R. Canada Int.
RTV Dominicana
Montreal, Canada
Sto. Domingo, Dominican Rep.
3365 R. Republik Indonesia Sorong, Indonesia 1300 5980 -OBX4M Sierra Leone B.S.
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Lima, Peru
Malawi B.C.
R. Barcelona
R. Zaracay
Blantyre, Malawi
Barcelona, Venezuela
Sto. Dgo. Colorados, Ecuador
Family R.
Johannesburg, S. Africa
Oakland, USA
Rhodesian B.C.
R. Republik Indonesia
Gwelo, Rhodesia
Manokwari, Indonesia
-- R. Australia
R. Inconfidencia
Melbourne, Australia
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
3504 R. PDK. Banyuwangi Banyuwangi, Indonesia 1230 6006 TIHB R. Reloj San Jose, Costa Rica 0500
6010 - V. America relay Tinang, Philippines
Merida, Venezuela
YVSB R. Los Andes
V. America relay
R. Victoria
Tangier, Morocco
Lima, Peru
75 Meter Band -3800-4000 kHz 6025 - II. Portugal Lisbon, Portugal 0530

3482 R. Padilla Padilla, Bolivia 0100

-- R. West
United Nations R.
Canadian B.C.
Calgary, Canada
New York, USA
Montreal, Canada
3810 HD2IOA Time Station Guayaquil, Ecuador 0800
6070 CFRX Toronto, Canada 0500
R. Manus
Far East Network
Lorengab, Papua N.G.
Tokyo, Japan
1200 6080
6080 CKFX
- REV Beige
Super Country
Brussels, Belgium
Vancouver, Canada
R. Vila
Tokyo, Japan
Vila, New Hebrides
0930 6090
- R. Luxembourg
Time station
Caracas, Venezuela
British B.C.
R. Republik Indonesia
London, England
Palu, Indonesia
1300 6105
-HJIA R. New Zealand
LV Llano
Wellington, Hew Zealand
Villavicencio, Colombia
3980 Springbok R. Johannesburg, S. Africa 0100
3985 Escuelas R. Populores Riobamba, Ecuador 0330 6120 LRX1 R. El Mundo Buenos Aires, Argentina 1000
6135 CE6I3 R. Universidad Concepcion, Chile 1115
R. Republik Indonesia
Deutsche Walla
Biak, Indonesia
Cologne, W. Germany
2330 6140
-- R. Melodia
Australian B.C.
Bogota, Colombia
Melbourne, Australia
3995 Huehuote, China 1200
LV Huila Neiva, Colombia

Austrian R.
Family R.
Vienna, Austria
Oakland, USA
6160 CKZU Canadian B.C. Vancouver, Canada 1230
60 Meter Band -4750-5060 kHz 6175 OAX7C R. Tawontinsuyu Cuzco, Peru 1030
6180 IOWA R. Nacional Guatemala City, Guatemala 1100
OAX7A R. Cuzco Cuzco, Peru
4750 --
HCWE1 R. Nac. Espejo
R. Lubumbashi
Quito, Ecuador
Lubumbashi, Zaire
6230 - R. Cairo Cairo, Egypt
4750 R. Bertoua Bertoua, Cameroon 0500
4765 Guayaquil, Ecuador 0300
R. Republik Indonesia
R. Bolivar
Medan, Indonesia
Ciu. Bolivar, Venez.
-- Em. Kennedy
RTV Gabonaise
Bogota, Colombia
Libreville, Gabon
41 Meter Band -7100-7300 kHz
4780 YVLA LV Carabobo Valencia, Venezuela 0200
4780 HRRZ R. Juticalpa Juticalpa, Honduras 1200 7065 R. Tirana Tirana, Albania 0000
4781 HCVP2 Em. Atalaya Guayaquil, Ecuador 1030 7105 British B.C. relay Ascension Is. 0500
4790 OAX8F R. Atlantida Iquitos, Peru 0300 7130 British B.C. London, Engand 0500
R. Republik Indonesia
R. Nueva America
Fak Fak, Indonesia
LaPaz, Bolivia
R. France Int.
Nigerian B.C.
Paris, France
Ilorin, Nigeria
4800 YVMO R. Lora Barquisimeto, Venez. 0300 7160 R. France Int. Paris, France 0430
4820 HRVC LV Evangelica Tegucigalpa, Honduras 0400 7160 R. Malaysia Kuching, Sarawak 1230
4825 TGMH R. Mam Cabrican, Guatemala 0230 7170 R. Senegal Dakar, Senegal 0630
4825 HIFA LV Fuerzas Armadas Sto. Domingo, Dominican Rep. 0200 7170 R. Noumea Noumea, New Caledonia 1000
4832 R. Reloj San Jose, Costa Rica 0330 7180 R. Singapore Singapore 1100

R. Nac. Boa Vista
R. Tezulutlan
Boa Vista, Brazil
Coban, Guatemala
Deutsche Wells
V. Nigeria
Cologne, W. Germany
Lagos, Nigeria
4840 YVOI R. Valera Valera, Venezuela 0330 7275 RTV Tunisienne Tunis, Tunisia 2200
4845 R. Bucaramanga Bucaramanga, Colombia 0300 7300 R. Tirana Tirana, Albania 0300
R. Republik Indonesia
Parimaribo, Surinam
Sorong, Indonesia
7500 VNG
R. Prague
Post Office time station
Prague, Czechoslovakia
Melbourne, Australia
4875 CP75 La Cruz del Sur La Paz, Bolivia 0130 7600 HD210A Time station Guayaquil, Ecuador 0130
4880 YVMS R. Universo Barquisimeto, Venez. 0200 8000 JG2AE Time station Tokyo, Japan 0800


kHz Call Name Location GMT kHz Call Name Location GMT

11920 RTV Ivorienne Abidjan, Ivory Coast 0700

31 Meter Band -9500-9775 kHz 11930 ELWA Sudan Interior Mission Monrovia, Liberia 0630
11935 Springbok R. Johannesburg, S. Africa 0630
11935 R. Portugal Lisbon, Portugal 0300
9022 R. Iran Teheran, Iran 0100 11940 R. Bucharest Bucharest, Romania 0400
9360 Spanish Foreign R. Madrid, Spain 0000 11940 R. Singapore Singapore 1500
9410 British B.C. London, England 0200 11945 R. Canada Int. Montreal, Canada 2100
9420 Korean Central B.S. Pyongyang, N. Korea 0930 11945 R. Peking Peking, China 1200
9435 Israel B. Authority Jerusalem, Israel 2230 11965 R. Korea
9475 R. Cairo Seoul, S. Korea 1130
Cairo, Egypt 0200 11965 R. Lebanon Beirut, Lebanon 0230
9500 People's Rev. B.S. Tripoli, Libya 42300 11975 R. Berlin Int. Berlin, E. Germany 0330
9505 HISD RTV Dominicans Sto. Domingo, Dominican Rep. 0000 12050 R. Kiev Kiev, USSR 0300
9505 R. Japan Tokyo, Japan 1400 12070 R. Moscow
9515 Moscow, USSR 2100
V. Turkey Ankara, Turkey 2130 12085 R. Kuwait Kuwait
9520 National B.C. 1800
Boroko, Papua N.G. 0700
9525 R. Havana Cuba Havana, Cuba 0600
9525 Polish R. Warsaw, Poland 0200
9530 KGEI V. Friendship San Francisco, USA 1100 19 Meter Band -15100-15450 kHz
9535 R. Canada Int. Montreal, Canada 0100

9545 Deutsche Welle relay Antigua, West Indies 0530
9545 Solomon Is. B.S. 15009 V. Vietnam Hanoi, Vietnam 1800
Honiara, Solomon Is. 0730 15045 R. Peking Peking, China .1800
9550 R. Nacional Santiago, Chile 1200
HCJB V. Andes
Trans World R.
Quito; Ecuador
Bonaire, Neth. Antilles
- B.S. Kingdom Saudi .Arabi
R. Iran
Israel B. Authority
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Teheran, Iran
Jerusalem, Israel
Granlands R.
British B.C. relay
Godthab, Greenland
Ascension Is.
-- Austrian R.
R. Prague
Vienna, Austria
Prague, Czechoslovakia
9585 R. Budapest Budapest, Hungary 0200 15115 V. Andes Quito, Ecuador 1400
R. Japan
R. Nederland relay
Tokyo, Japan
Bonaire, Neil. Antilles
15120 --
Nigerian B.C. Lagos, Nigeria
Warsaw, Poland
R. Peace and Progress
R. Norway
Moscow, USSR
Oslo, Norway
15130 -- Polish R.
V. Chile
R. New Zealand
Santiago, Chile
Wellington, New Zealand
R. Yugoslavia
Spanish Foreign R.
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Madrid, Spain
-- R. Sofia
R, France Int.
Sofia, Bulgaria
Paris, France
9645 TIFC
V. America relay
Faro del Caribe
Tinang, Philippines
San Jose, Costa Rica
15150 -- R. Peace and Progress Moscow, USSR 1200
R. Nationale
V. Greece
Conakry, Guinea Rep.
Athens, Greece
15165 - RTV Marocaine
R. Denmark
Rabat, Morocco
Copenhagen, Denmark
9660 VLQ9
R. Budapest
Australian B.C.
Budapest, Hungary
Brisbane, Australia
-- R. Norway
R. Tahiti
V. Chile
Oslo, Norway
Papeete, Tahiti
Santiago, Chile
YVKM R. Rumbas
R. Moscow
Caracas, Venezuela
Moscow USSR
15180 -- British B.C.
R. France Int.
London, England 2000
RTV Beige
Brussels, Belgium
Buenos Aires, Argentina
15190 -- V. Congoleise Rev.
Paris, France
Brazzaville, Congo Rep. 2130
Cyprus B.C.
R. Sweden
Nicosia, Cyprus
Stockholm, Sweden
-- Austrian R.
R. Finland
Vienna, Austria
Helsinki, Finland
Stockholm, Sweden
9705 XERMX
R. Rio Mar
R. Mexico
Manaus, Brazil
Mexico City, Mexico
-- R. Sweden
R. Budapest
RVT Tunisienne
Budapest, Hungary
Tunis, Tunisia
All India R.
R. Korea
New Delhi, India
Seoul, S. Korea
--- Israel' B. Authority
R. Bucharest
Jerusalem, Israel
Bucharest, Romania
9725 Swiss B.C. Berne, Switzerland 0330 15270 R. Peking Peking, China 1300
R. Singapore
R. Berlin Int.
Berlin, E. Germany
-- R. Bangladesh
R. France Int.
Dacca, Bangladesh
Paris, France
R. Uganda
R. Baghdad
Kampala, Uganda
Baghdad, Iraq
15300 -- Far East B.C. Manila, Philippines
Rome, Italy

Far East B.C.
Manila, Philippines
-- RAI
Uganda B.C.
R. Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria
9770 4VEH
V. Greece
Athens, Greece
Cap Hatien, Haiti
15335 -- R. Nacional
All India R.
Bogota, Colombia
Madras, India
R. Alma Ata
R. San'a
Alma Ala, USSR
San'a, Yemen Arab Rep.
15345 -- R. Kuwait Kuwait
R. Cairo
Israel B. Authority
Cairo, Egypt
Jerusalem, Israel
-- RT Luxembourg
R. Sweden
Rome, Italy
Stockholm, Sweden

9820 R. Peking Peking, China
1000 15400 R. Peace and Progress Moscow, USSR 1330
V. Vietnam Hanoi, Vietnam 15400 Caracas, Veneuela
1100 R. Nacional 0000
15425 -- R. Pakistan
Australia B.C.
Karachi, Pakistan
Perth, Australia
25 Meter Band -11700-11975 kHz 15425
-- R. Moscow
Sri Lanka B.C.
R. Tashkent
Moscow, USSR
Colombi, Sri Lanka
Tashkent, USSR
Korean Central B.S.
R. Cairo
Pyongyang, N. Korea
Cairo, Egypt
15485 - R. Cairo
Israel B. Authority
Cairo, Egypt
Jerusalem, Israel
Peking, China
Israel B. Authority
R. Pakistan
Jerusalem, Israel
Karachi, Pakistan
15790 - R. Peking
V. Malayan Revolution Clandestine
11695 R. Peking Peking, Chino 1130
11700 HILR R. Claris Ste. Domingo, Dominican Rep. 2200
11710 Trans World R. Bonaire, Neth. Antilles 0400
R. Noumea
Swiss B.C.
Noumea, New Caledonia 0700 16 Meter Band -17700-17900 kHz
Berne, Switzerland 0200
11720 R. Moscow Moscow, USSR 0100
11740 R. Australia Melbourne, Australia 0830 17635 R. Peking Peking, China 0000
11740 All India R. New Delhi, India 2200 17705 R. Peking Peking, China 0230
11745 R. RSA Johannesburg, S. Africa 2200 17708 R. Bangladesh Dacca, Bangladesh 1700
11755 Far East B. Associates Victoria, Seychelles 0330 17710 R. Budapest Budapest, Hungary 0200
11770 V. Nigeria Lagos, Nigeria 0600 17715 V. Chile Santiago, Chile 2200
11780 R. Nacional Brasilia, Brazil 0130 17715 Deutsche Welle Cologne, W. Germany 0930
11780 KTWR Trans World R. Agana, Guam 1030 17730 R. Iran Teheran, Iran 0500
11790 V. Indonesia Djakarta, Indonesia 1400 17755 V. Chile Santiago, Chile 1100
11800 HCJB V. Andes Quito, Ecuador 1200 17755 R. Japan Tokyo, Japan 0100
11800 R. Omdurman Omdurman, Sudan 0700 17770 RAI Rome, Italy 0230
11810 All India R. New Delhi, India 1430 17770 British B.C. London, England 1030
11815 Polish R. Warsaw, Poland 0300 17795 R. Australia Melbourne, Australia 0000
11820 R. Afghanistan Kabul, Afghanistan 1900 17805 Family R. Oakland, USA 0030
11835 R. Australia Melbourne, Australia 0930 17815 Austrian R. Vienna, Austria 0600
11835 4VEH R. 4VEH Cap Haitian, Haiti 1230 17825 R. Sofia Sofia, Bulgaria 1900
11835 Sri Lanka B.C. Colombo, Sri Lanka 1100 17830 R. Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan 0230
11840 Spanish Foreign R. Madrid, Spain 2200 17840 Vatican R. Vatican City 1115
11840 R. Moscow Moscow, USSR 0000 17855 KTWR Trans World R. Agana, Guam 0030
11845 Vatican R. Vatican City 0100 17870 R. Finland Helsinki, Finland 1430
11850 Deutsche Welle Cologne, W. Germany 0930
11850 R. Norway Oslo, Norway 2200
11855 B.S. Kingdom Saudi Arabi Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1930
11860 ELWA Sudan Interior Mission
11860 Far East B. Associates
Monrovia, Liberia
Victoria, Seychelles
13 Meter Band -21450-21750 kHz
11875 R. Japan Tokyo, Japan 0930
11880 R. Australia Melbourne, Australia 1100 21480 HCJB V. Andes Quito, Ecuador 1700
11890 R. Berlin Int. Berlin, E. Germany 0330 21500 Deutsche Welle Cologne, W. Germany 1030
11895 Austrian R. Vienna, Austria 0130 21560 RA I Rome, Italy 1700
11900 R. RSA Johannesburg, S. Africa 1400 21600 Deutsche Welle Cologne, W. Germany 1030
11905 R. Sweden Stockholm, Sweden 0030 21683 R. Bangladesh Dacca, Bangladesh 1230
11905 Deutsche Welle Cologne, W. Germany 0530 21730 R. Norway Oslo, Norway 1200
11910 R. Budapest Budapest, Hungary 0200
11910 Spanish Foreign R. Madrid, Spain 0800
11915 R. Gaucho Porto Alegre, Brazil 2230
(Continued on page 118)

Getting bored by the temp -humidity index? Slide an inexpensive weather monitor up or down for some exciting signal hunting!

BECAUSE they're priced so low, gen- any difference as long as the local oscil- holes at the mark and then install a
erally from $10 to $20, the lator is tunable. trimmer capacitor on the cabinet near
"weather monitor" has been a hot To change the weather monitor tun- the holes. Or, you don't have to secure
gift item for the electronics experiment- ing range, all you need do is connect a the trimmer if you feel you will ex-
er, so you probably have one, Tuning small external trimmer capacitor across periment with different capacitor values,
the weather station frequencies of the oscillator tuning capacitor-the fine but it will be difficult to tune the sta-
162.40 and/or 162.55 MHz, these tuning control. The value of capacitor tions with a "floating" trimmer. You
small, inexpensive radios are supposed will determine which frequencies are can't hand -hold the trimmer because
to keep you up to date on the latest tuned. Keep in mind that as you tune the capacitance from your hand will
weather conditions. But as you've prob- lower in frequency the sensitivity is affect the tuning adjustments.
ably discovered yourself, unless you're sharply reduced, particularly below Slip the wires from the fine tuning
a boat owner with need for tide and about 160 MHz. A capacitor with a control through the holes you've drilled
sea conditions, you get a more up-to- maximum value of 7 pF will get you in the, cabinet' and seat the circuit
date report from your local news sta- down to the police/fire frequencies. A board. Then reassemble the monitor.
tion-AM or FM. 60 pF maximum trimmer will get you Connect the wires protruding
Also, reception is probably not all about to the top of the FM band, but through the cabinet to the trimmer
that great. The recommended receiver tuning will be extremely critical and capacitor using the shortest possible
sensitivity for weather station reception sensitivity will be very low. leads (cut off the excess).
is 0.6 uV for a 50 -mile range, and A 60 pF trimmer will also get you That's the whole bit. Use an insulat-
these inexpensive weather receivers some of the TV sound carriers above ed alignment -type screwdriver to ad-
can't get anywhere near this kind of 162 MHz. How can you receive signals just the trimmer. You'll probably be
sensitivity.. above 162 MHz if the tuning range is able to tune a few TV stations immedi-
But there's no need to let an unused lowered? Simple. The harmonics of the ately. Tuning police/fire calls or any-
weather receiver sit on the shelf. For- local oscillator are used to receive the thing else will be more difficult because
tunately, very few models use crystal TV stations. For example, if you lower transmissions in these services are
control tuning, and they are easily con- the monitor's oscillator to, say, 100 short and fast. You can preset the tun-
verted to a police or fire monitor, or MHz, the oscillator's harmonic output ing by using a signal generator or a
even a sound channel receiver for the is also 200 MHz, and a very weak 300 well calibrated grid dip oscillator.
higher VHF TV stations. But remem- MHz. (The monitor's front end appears Remember, this is a fun project.
ber, there won't be any super -sensitiv- to pass the frequencies above the de- Don't hope for more than acceptable
ity. TV stations might be received some sign -range, 162 MHz, with greater sen- reception. But then who knows, you
30 or 40 miles from the transmitter, sitivity than lower frequencies.) might be able to tune your favorite TV
but you'll have to be within 2 miles or Tear It Down. To experiment you channel and keep track of the program
so of the average police or fire trans- must first get the circuit out of its while working in your shop.
mitter to pick them up. If you live near cabinet. Keep in mind these weather
an airport you might get coverage of monitors are inexpensive and designed
the aircraft frequencies above 108 to be assembled quickly by unskilled
MHz, but with sharply reduced sensi- workers. Don't go looking for tricky or
tivity. difficult assembly sub -systems. General-
The weather monitors are generally ly, one or two screws are all that's
similar in electronic design, though the
packaging might be anything from a
holding the cabinet together. If neces-
sary, unsolder the speaker wires, bat-
cube to a desk -top pen holder. The cir- tery wires and on -off switch wires, and
cuits are bare -minimum superhet re- remove the circuit board from the cab-
ceivers with a local oscillator tuned inet. Locate the trimmer capacitor used
over a limited range by a panel control. for the fine tuning and its two solder
Generally, there are two panel controls, terminals. Solder a 3 -in. length of solid,
one for volume and one for fine tuning. insulated wire to each terminal.
The fine tuning knob might have cali- Check how the board fits the cabinet
brations for both weather frequencies, and mark the outside of the cabinet Install a small trimmer on the cabinet at
or no calibration at all. It doesn't make a point just outside the internal trimmer.
nearest the fine tuning. Drill two small


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servicing. help you select equipment for your vacation, busi- kit, mobile LED clock, biorhythm clock, digit con-
305. A new 4 -page directional beam CB antenna ness travel, or normal day-to-day "bucking the version kit, and many others.
brochure is available from Shakespeare. Gives mob." 371. Your computer system needn't cost a fortune.
complete specs and polarization radiation patterns 332. If you want courses in assembling your own Southwest Technical Products offers their 6800
for their new fiberglass directional ,antennas. TV kits, National Schools has 10 from which to computer complete at $395 with features that cost
306. Antenna Specialists has a new 32 -page CB and choose. There is a plan for GIs. you extra with many other systems. Peripheral bar-
monitor antenna catalog, a new amateur antenna 333. Get the new free catalog from Howard W. gains are included here.
catalog, and a complete accessory catalog. Sams. It describes 100's of books for hobbyists 372. See how you can save with Olson's "Erector
and technicians -books on projects, basic elec- Kit" Computer System; also their factory wired ver-
M. Atlas calls their 210X and 215X the perfect am- sion which includes a 2 -volume Bell & Howell
ateur mobile rigs. Their 6 -page, full -color detailed tronics and related subjects.
335. The latest edition of the TAB BOOKS catalog instruction course. Send for information.
spec sheet tells all. Yours for the asking.
describes over 450 books on CB, electronics, broad- 373. ETCO has a Grand Opening Catalog which
308:Your guide to equipment for radio communi- anyone in the electronics field shouldn't miss. Full
cation is an informative product booklet offered by casting, do-it-yourself, hobby, radio, TV, hi-fi, and
CB and TV servicing. of all kinds of products from surplus and warehouse
R. L. Drake Co. Hams and SWLers alike should sales, they claim everyone is a bargain.
scan this 20 -page shopper's guide. 338. "Break Break," a booklet which came into 374. Radatron's Catalog 1006 lists many projects
309. Now you have your computer talk back to you existence at the request of hundreds of CBers, con- from a self-contained portable lab station for an
and like it. Speech circuit boards available from tains real life stories of incidents taking place on electricity -electronics course to many texts, lab
Telesensory provide audible 24 and 64 -word vocab- America's highways and byways. Compiled by the manuals, and applied activities.
ularies. Sorry, only male voice models available. Shakespeare Company, it is available on a first
come, first serve basis. 375. Compucolor Corp. has a personal computer
310. New and used personal computer machines, system with an 8 -color integral display, a type-
and peripherals you never dreamed existed, or 354. A government FCC License can help you writer -like keyboard, and a mass storage device.
were available are inNewman Computer
the qualify for a career in electronics. Send for Infor- Programs are ideal for checkbook and income tax
Exchange catalog. Get yours today. mation from Cleveland Institute of Electronics. figuring.
311. Midland Communications' line of base, mobile 355. New for CBers from Anixter-Mark is a colorful 376. Sparkomatic offers all the car sounds for the
and hand-held CB equipment, marine transceivers, 4 -page brochure detailing their line of base station "travelin' man" -speakers, amplification systems,
scanning monitors, plus a sampling of accessories and mobile antennas, including 6 models of the radios, speaker accessories along with CB anten-
are covered in a colorful 18 -page brochure. famous Mark Heliwhip. nas, all presented in 4 -color pics with descriptions.
312.' E.D.I. (Electronic Distributors, Inc.) carries 356. Now you can get the "Break -through Book" 377. We can't enumerate all the products in John
everything from semi -conductors to transformer/ with its 105 innovations in breadboarding and test- Meshna, Jr.'s catalog of surplus electronic parts:
relays to video cameras. In prices ranging from 190 ing. Continental Specialties. The break -through is power supplies; computer keyboards; kits for
to $500, products appear from over 125 electronic twofold -products and price! alarms, clocks, speakers; and more.
parts manufacturers. The catalog is updated 3 times 359. Electronics Book Club has literature on how to 378. Delta Electronics is a complete parts source
a year. get up to 3 electronics books (retailing at $58.70) for electronics experimenters. Discrete parts, mod-
313. Get all the facts on Progressive Edu-Kits Home for only 99 cents each . . . plus a sample Club News ules, boards, subassemblies and complete gadgets.
Radio Course. Build 20 radios and electronic cir- package. Get Delta's 120 -page catalog today.
cuits; parts, tools, and instructions included. 361. "Solving CB Noise Problems" is published by 379. There's everything in the area of musical
314. Cover the Ham bands from 80 to 10 -meters with Gold Line and tells you how to reduce the noise synthesizers for drums, strings, other instruments
one classy rig -Swan Electronics' 100-W 100 MX and get a clearer signal. In discussion and dia- and full orchestras, as well as audio gear, video
mobile transceiver. Get the details direct from gram you can find out about the kinds of noise, display modules, and a computer in PAIA Elec-
Swan. their sources, and the remedies. tronics' catalog.
315. Develop insight into future trends of micro- 362. B&F Enterprises' Truckload Sale catalog of- 380. If your projects call for transistors and FETS,
computers with SYM-1 by RNB Enterprises. Large fers 10% off all merchandise: (military or indus- linear and digital ICs, or special solid-state parts,
key pad, 1K static RAM, 6502 chip plus I/O for trial surplus) speaker kits, TV games, computer then look into Adva Electronics' mini -catalog for
cassette, TV, CRT, and teletype. terminals, tools, TV components, lenses, and more. rock bottom prices.
316. Get the Hustler brochure illustrating their corn -
plate line of CB and monitor radjo antennas. '1
318. GC Electronics offers an "Electronic Chemical COMMUNICATIONS WORLD 1979 Edition
Handbook" for engineers and technicians. It is a Box 1849, G.P.O.
"problem solver" with detailed descriptions, uses Void After May 18, 1979
and applications of 160 chemicals compiled for New York, NY 10001
electronic production and packaging. They are used Please arrange to have the literature whose numbers I have circled below sent to me as
for all types of electronic equipment.
soon as possible. I am enclosing 500 for each group of 10 to cover handling. (No stamps,
320. Edmund Scientific's new catalog contains over
4500 products that embrace many sciences and please.) Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
fields. 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 310
309 311 312
321. Cornell Electronics' "Imperial Thrift Tag Sale"
Catalog features TV and radio tubes. You can also 313 314 315 316 318 320 321 322 323 327 328 329
find almost anything in electronics. 330 331 332 333 335 338 354 355 356 359 361 362
322. Radio Shack's 1979 catalog colorfully illus-
trates their complete range of kit and wired prod- 364 365 366 367 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378
ucts for electronics enthusiasts -CB, ham, SWL, 379 380
hi-fi, experimenter kits, batteries, tools, tubes, wire,
cable, etc. 300 0 Enter my subscription to ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS for 9 issues at $5.97.
323. Lafayette Radio's 1979 catalog offers almost Check enclosed. Add $1.00 for Canada and all other countries. H9A242
everything in hi-fi, CB, ham and many electronic
parts. A product index will help you find anything
from auto equipment accessories to wire wrapping NAME (print clearly)
327. Avanti's new brochure compares the quality ADDRESS
difference between an Avanti Racer 27 base loaded
mobile antenna and a typical imported base loaded CITY STATE ZIP


cent of received signals that were copy - will turn the code reader into a code
Atronics CW Readout able by ear. Even a very weak (S-4) sender as well (for $29.00). If you'd
(Continued from page 56) station in Norway on 15 Meters was like hard copy of your listening activ-
able to be copied via the reader. ity then Atronics offers a Teletype In-
A very nice feature is that there is terface Module, for $85.00, which will
above it seems to be flashing off and a speed margin of 70% to 140%. This turn your teletype into a decoding
on at about the same rate, as the dots means, if you are copying one side of demon.
in the received morse code. Then, ad- a two-way code contact which is being For more information on the Atron-
just the lever control until the LED sent at 20 wpm, you do not have to ics Code Reader, write direct to the
above that control blinks on and off in readjust the settings-if the other fel- company at Bldg. E, Suite 1103, Can-
time with the received signal-on when- low is sending from 14 to 28 wpm. ada Business Center, 22600 Lambert
ever a dot or dash is sent, and off when There are also special characters St., El Toro, California 92630-or cir-
the station is between letters. used mainly in ham radio transmis- cle number 119 on the Reader Service
You should be seeing letters and/or sions, though some utilities also make Card.
numbers blinking on the 16 -segment use of them. These are AS (meaning
LED. At this point, it may be necessary wait and displayed as an arrow); BT
to readjust the controls to decode as (which stands for break between
best as conditions allow. A good signal, thoughts displayed as a dash); and AR
with no interference, and sent properly, (which means end of transmission and
can be decoded 100%. is displayed as a square).
QRN (which is shortwave slang for Roll Your Own? The Atronics Code
static interference) and QRM (mean- Reader is available as a kit for $149.00
ing man-made interference from an- or fully assembled as $225.00. The kit
other station) will both hurt operation version went together quite nicely.
of the code reader to some extent. If If you have a few Heathkits under
the QRN level is too high, bringing the your belt, and if you've dope any inte-
background noise up to or even peak- grated circuit PC board wiring, you
ing beyond the signal strength of the should be able to put the code reader
station to be decoded, it will be diffi- together in an evening. However, this
cult to get an accurate level. What can is a kit which requires much attention
really mess things is two or more sta- to detail. Every single step is not
tions both within the passband of your spelled out for you and/or illustrated.
receiver. Simply put, the poor code You receive two PC boards (the main
reader doesn't know who to listen to board and the readout board), all parts,
first. a schematic diagram, a component side
Even with the high QRN/QRM lev- diagram, and five pages of instructions.
els found on the ham radio bands, our Other options are available as ac- "Now are you convinced this
test facilities were able to utilize the cessories from Attonics. An electronic antenna is going up a bit too high?"
code reader in more than seventy per- keyer -module (that includes a speaker)

booster away from the strong signal's Under certain conditions the Super
BCB Booster frequency until the interference is re- BCB Booster will provide an additional
(Continued from page 52) duced or eliminated. While this might benefit which should not be construed
sacrifice some gain on the desired sta- as improper operation. Some inexpen-
direct signal pickup by Ll will be suf- tion, the loss will probably be slight. sive receivers are highly prone to "ma-
ficient. If greater sensitvity is needed It is possible for the booster's output rine band" image interference when sig-
connect 6 to 15 feet of wire to BP1. If to radiate back to its input (particularly nals at the high end of the broadcast
you connect a longwire antenna take when using a loopstick coupling coil). band are received. The booster, by pro-
note; the signal level out of the booster You'll knovy when this happens-the viding tuned preselection, suppresses or
can be so high as to overload the re- booster breaking into self-oscillation- eliminates these interference -causing
ceiver. if the receiver gets "blocked," or off - image signals while providing amplifica-
If there is a strong local station in frequency signals get tuned in and lost tion to broadcast signals. Don't assume
your area it's possible that the signal as Cl is adjusted. If this problem oc- the loss of image signal reception means
strength will be boosted to a level that curs, position the booster as far as pos- reduced sensitivity. Actually, the de-
swamps the receiver when listening to sible from the receiver and keep any sired signal will be getting full boost
a weak signal on the other end of the external antenna, if used, away from while the image interference is squash-
dial. If this happens simply detune the the receiver and booster's output cable. ed.


White's Radio Log ELWOOD, MN; Larry BROOKWELL, CA; Frank WHEELER, KS;
(Continued from page 115) Robert BERZOWSKI, Alta., Canada; Vladimir CUCURA Jr., PA;
REN, Man., Canada; Paul BROUILLETTE, MI; Jim DOYLE, WI;
Robert FRASER, MA; Stu KLEIN, FL; Gary FOWLER, Ont.,
LA; Paul CZENE, B.C., Canada; Thomas LEBRYK, NJ; John ER, FL; Greg BROWN, MI; Richard MILLER, WV; Kenneth
CLARK, AZ; Pete GRENIER, CA; Ernie BEHR, Ont., Canada; Noel BROWN, MI; Tim NOONAN, WI; John SILLINGS, NY;
CO; Rob HARRINGTON, CO; Jimi ATTWOOD, N.S., Canada; Joseph VARGO, MI; North American SW Association, P.O. Box
Robert ZILMER, WI; David COOK, CA; Brett SAYLOR, PA; Art 13, Liberty, IN 47353

. .
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COMMUNICATIONS WORLD -PUBLISHED ANNUALLY. The rate per word for Classified Ads is $1.00
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award and a record of your receptions
go backpacking ... go trailering Aids to DX and verifications will be a virtual neces-
go fishing ... go relaxing ... (Continued from page 60) sity for this.
In addition to a log, I find two other
go adventuring ... but record -keeping devices helpful. One is a
small looseleaf notebook, indexed by
don't go outdoors Record -Keeping Aids. Sooner or later the day of the week, to record specific
you will realize the necessity of keeping programs that I wish to tune in to regu-
again without track of at least some of the stations larly. I simply jot down the name of
you have heard and at what time of day the program, time and frequency and
CAMPING and frequencies you received them on. thus have a quick -reference source to
Thus the need of a log. Like station or my favorite listening.
1 family outdoor recreation magazine!
chures. Others are handy little folders The other record -keeping device you
and some are simply mimeographed will need is a place to keep station pro-
C THE MAGAZINE OF FAMILY OUTDOOR RECREATION lists. Your problem is to find some way grams. As you begin to receive verifica-
of keeping them in order and available tions from your QSL reports, you will
for ready -reference. After trying a num- begin to collect all kinds of literature
ber of things, I finally settled on a large about the stations, their full range of
81/2 by 11 -inch looseleaf binder. I have frequencies and their broadcasts. Some
it indexed by continents and place the of these are elaborate, full -color bro-
literature inside in various ways. Some I you find yourself having to cope with.
punch and, others I paste on a blank You may add some other electronic
page and a few I put into a page with gear, such as an antenna tuner or a
a pocket stapled to it. All are alpha- calibrator. Now you not only need more
betically placed, by continent. physical space but you have the addi-
Listening Post Aids. When you start tional wires to plug in. And then there's
your shortwave listening, you won't the tape recorder and headphones, and
need much space-a corner of the all the reference material mentioned
kitchen table or a shelf in the den. But above needs some place to be kept and
as you get more involved with DXing, yet handy to get at. Unless you or-
the more additional objects and devices ganize your listening post, you will sud-
target lists, every experienced DXer has denly find yourself in the midst of ter-
his own idea about the form -a log rific clutter.
should take. In fact, many DXers com- My set-up is a simple 51/2 -foot long
It's more than that. It's the =1 passport to bine their station or target list with a table, built in against the wall of my
America's favorite recreation . and the
. . log. Others, like myself, have a separate den. On top of the table is a 10" wide
whole wonderful world of outdoor fun for log to use as a permanent record. shelf, raised 10" above the table -top. I
you and your family. Why a record of what you have place my receiver on this shelf which
Discover for yourself new and exciting heard? First, if you are sending in QSL puts it at eye -level. A desk lamp also
places that get you away from day-to-day reports and hoping to get verifications sits up on the shelf and I have plenty
routine. CAMPING JOURNAL is crammed in return, the log tells you the date you of room to add any other electronic
like an overstuffed backpack with ideas sent the report in and gives you an idea equipment there also.
for more camping FUN. What to do. Where of whether the verification is overdue. Underneath the shelf, I have all the
to find it. What kind of gear to get and You may, as I have, used an old ad- room I need for my reference books,
how to keep it working right. dress and the log tips you off as to tape recorder, etc. I have lots of desk
A great magazine. Your kind. When you're when it is time to check up on your space in front of the shelf and also a
reading CAMPING JOURNAL you soon report. place to rest my elbows while tuning
realize we're staffed with stone -hard Another valuable thing about a log my receiver. Finally I have a multiple
camping fanatics. See for yourself how is in looking up the stations you have outlet panel to take the various elec-
much we can add to your favorite leisure - previously heard. Your log will tell you trical, plugs. I recommend the type that
time activity!
the time you heard them and which has a three-way plug and its own fuse.
ISM frequency came through for you at that One final suggestion. Put an executive
CAMPING JOURNAL, particular time of the year. Finally, if desk -type chair on your Christmas list
Box 2620, Greenwich, CT 06835 you -are a member of a SWL club, you and then you're set for many relaxed
may be trying to qualify for a DX hours of fun and DXing.
Send me 9 issues for ONLY $6.95
I enclose $6.95 Bill me $6.95
(Outside U.S.A. and possessions, $8.48)

State Zip
Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery of first copy.


CSC's done it again. and ether digital circuits. Repay of Specifications.
Broken i-'he price and perfor- dep-h sounders and fish spotters. Range: 20 Hz to 100 MHz, guaranteed
mance barriers with new MAX -100. Troubleshooting ultrasolic remote Gatetime: 1 sec Resolution: 1 Hz. Ac-
The multimdde, profes3ior_al porta- controls For these, and hundreds of curacy: 1 court + time base error. I ipu t
ble frequency counter that -gives you other pplications, you'll find it indis- Impedance: 1 M51/56 pE Coupling: AC. Sine
Wave Sensitivity: 30 mVRMS (1' 50 MHz. In-
more range,visibility,'acy and pe,nsa ternal Time Base Frequency: 3.579545 MHz
versatility than any com pa -able unit MAXimum visibility. MAX -100 crystal osc. Setahility: 3 ppm (11 25'C
at anywhere near its Idw, low price. features a big, bright 0.6'' multip'exed Temp -Stability: Better than'e 2 ppria,
MAXimum performance. a-digirLED display, with leadinc- 0-50"C. Max. Aging:10411/year Display:
eroblenking So you don't have to Eight .6" LED digi-s, anti -glare window. Lead -
MAX -100 is a cinch to use. It gives
.quint, or work up close. And, MAX's zero blanking: dame point appears betwaer
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to a guaranteed 100MHz, _Nith 8 - F1ia up tand is built-in
Overflow: s pals over 99,999,999 Hz,
digit accuracy. Fast readings with MAXimum flexibility. MAX -100 most significant (left hand) digit flashes, allow-
1/6 -sec. update and 1-seic sampling peratee from fourpower sources, for ing readings in excess of 100 MHz. Display
rate. Precise readings, derived from a lab or field. Internal alkaline or update: 1/6 -second plus 1 sec. gate time. Low
crystal -controlled time base with ",,liCaid batteries. 110 or 220V with Battery Indicator: Wheit,pdwer supply falls
3ppm accuracy. High-sersltivity below 6.6 VDC, all digits (last ft 1 Hz ra e
l-arger 'eliminator 12V with auto - Flashing display extends flattery life. Power: 6
readings from signals as low as 30 m le cigarette -lighter adapter' AA Alkaline or NiCad cells unternal), External:
mV, with diode overload ototection charger And external 72-10Vsupply. 110 or 220/VAC Elan inator/cha'ger, Auto cig a-
up to 200V peaks. rette lighter adapter 7 2-101/DC ext supply;,
Input sighals over 100MHz auto- MAXimum value. With all its
Bat. Charging: 12-14hr Size (HWO) : 1.75"x
matically flash the most significant 'mores 3 ye specs, you'd expect MAX 563"x 775"(445 x -4 30 x ' 969 cm
digit. And to indicate low -battery con- to lziost a lot more than a low 5134.95, Weight: Less tnam 1.5 lb. (.0.68 kg) w rbattene,s
dition and extend remaTing battery DinplEte with clip -lead cable and Accessories Included: Clip -lead inr ut cable
life, the entire, display flashes at 1Hz. policationstinstruction manual But manual.
MAXimum versatlity. Wherev- -ouch its accurate enough for lab
er and whenever you need accurate it's well within the rec. ch of hob-
-frequency readings, MAX can do the iists a ad CB-ers' budgets.
job. Use it with clip-leadlcable sup-
plied. Mini -whip antenna. Or low -loss NEED MORE INFORMA- Corporate Headquarteits.
Continental Specialties. Corporation
in -line tap with UHF connectors. For TION? CALL 203-624-3103 to 70 Fulton Terrace, Box 1942. New Haven. CT 06509
AM or FM; CB, ham, business radio crder cr for the name of your local 351 California St.. San. Ftanciscm CA=94104
415) 421-8872, TWX 910-372-792
and RIC transmitter or receiver align- ci 3u -or Prices slightly higher Europe, Africa, Mid.Eas: CSC UK lip.
ment. Monitoring audio and RF gen- coaside USA Shire Hill Industrial Estate, Units 1 and 2
Saffron Walden. Essex C8 11 3A2
erators. Chec<ing compute clocks Telephone SAFFRON ULM. N 21(1.82
Telex 817477
Canada Len Finkle. Ltd, Ontario
flew Bearcat 250. Bearcat's new, 250 is fully synthesized
ole advancement for punch -in programming. It searches,
scanning. stores, and recalls every bit of programming,
on a vast, 50 -channel spectrum.
Unbelievable? Read and

Micro processor
controlled. Brings in every
local frequency,
automatically, without a crystal.
50 CHANNELS. Scans up
to 50 channels in banks of 10 each.
Scans any combination of banks at
the touch of a button.
SEARCH/STORE. Seeks out and
stores up to 64 active local public service
frequencies automatically.
stored frequencies for simple entry into
scan program.
designated priority frequency on channel
1 every two seconds.
quartz crystal digital clock. Shows hours,
minutes, seconds.
5 -BAND COVERAGE. Low, high,
UHF, UHF -T. Plus 2 meter amateur ham
band, and other UHF frequencies.
COUNT. Transmissions on each
Selective Scan Delay.
Direct Channel
frequency counted automatically to Selection. Scan Speed LEADING THE WAY TO REAL EXCITEMENT.
determine which are most active. Control. Automatic Squelch.
SCAN/SEARCH LOCKOUT. A Track Tuning Circuitry. Front -
unique feature. Not only locks out Mounted Speaker. Decimal
channels while scanning, it also eliminates Display. Quality Construction.
unwanted frequencies while searching. AC/DC. UL listed. FCC Certified.

Copyright 1978. Masco Corporation of Indian -1


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