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Lesson Plan Template

MAED 3224
Subject: 3rd, Math Central Focus: Multiplication

Common Core Objective: Date taught: 10/20/17

3.OA.9 identify patterns and explain them using
properties of operations
3.OA.3 Use multiplication within 100 to solve word
problems involving equal groups.
Daily Lesson Objective:
Performance- The students will be able to solve a multiplication problem using patterns and different strategies.
Conditions- Independently
Criteria- Students should earn at least 8 out of 10 points on the exit ticket.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills needed: Students need to know what multiplication means. Have an idea about how
to skip count/ repeated addition. Standards: 3.OA.7, 3.OA.8, 3.OA.1, 3.OA.2

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

1. Engage Teacher has the class work in table groups to solve an 5 mins
opening question using whatever strategy they know best.
Students can use counters to solve or other manipulatives
if needed.Teacher asks: What would a picture for this
problem look like? What are other way we could solve
this problem besides just a picture?

Kate bought 5 bags of apples. Each bag had 8

apples. How many apples did Kate buy? (5
groups of 8, 5 x 8 = 40.)

Teacher asks the students so how did we solve this

problem? Teacher has some of the students explain their
work.Teacher has the class count by 5s together writing
the numbers on the board as they go along. Let's start
together 5,10,15,20,25.etc. So we call these numbers
multiples of 5. So let's count out to the 8th number in this
row and that is our answer for 5x8. So in order to solve
our problem we could've drawn a picture by making 5
groups of 8 or drawn an array but we also could've skip
counted by fives in order to find our answer.

2. Explore Teacher has the students turn and work in their table 15 min
(including solutions of major tasks) groups on solving this problem using skip counting and
multiples to solve it. Teacher tells the students to make
sure they write out their multiples/skip counting with each
problem and also draw a picture if needed. Teacher will
walk around and see each group's progress and guide the
students as needed.Teacher asks the students: Does
anyone notice any patterns with these numbers?
John has 2 boxes of chocolates. Each box has 8
pieces of chocolate. How many pieces of
chocolate does John have?(Solution: Writes out
the number sentence then writes out the multiples
of 2: 2,4,6,8,10,12,14, 16,18,24, the student
counts the multiples 1,2,3,4..etc until they reach
16 and that is answer to the questions.)
Sarah has 9 cases of brownies. Each case has 10
brownies in it. How many brownies does Sarah
have? (Solution:Writes out number sentence and
write out the multiples of 9: 9,18,27,36...etc. The
students count the multiples until they reach the
10th one.)
Alex has 5 bracelets, each bracelet has 12 beads.
How many beads does she have altogether?
(Solution: Write out number sentence 5x12 then
writes out the multiples of 5:
5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60. The student
counts the multiples 1,2,3,4,5,6 until they reach
the 12th one.)
Teacher gives the students time to write out the
multiples/skip counting on their paper with their problem
in order to find the answer. Teacher asks some of the
groups to briefly share how they solved it.
3. Explain Teacher explains to the students that there are different 15 min
patterns they can notice with the multiples that can help
them solve and check back over their work. Teacher asks
the students, So when we are skip counting for our first
problem by 5s what are the numbers we are saying
called? (Multiples). The numbers we are saying as we
skip count are called multiples and the answers we would
get when multiplying 5 by a number. For example 5, 10,
15, 20, If we count up the amount of numbers(Teacher
points to each number and counts) 1,2,3,4..etc. we could
see that 5x8 is 40. What other pattern do we notice about
our multiples of 5?(multiples end in a 5 or 0). We can
check back over our answer and look and see to make
sure our answer ends in a 5 or 0. For our problem about
John and his chocolates we can count by 2s. Teacher
writes out the multiples of 2 up to 24. Does anyone see
any patterns with the multiples of 2? Teacher allows the
students to answer. We can see that any multiple of 2 is
going to be an even number. So we can look back at the
answer we got and check to see if we have an even
number. Lets look at our problem so we would do 2x12
which would also be the same as doubling 12 or doing
12+12. For our last problem about Sarah, what are some
patterns we notice about the multiples of 9 and 10? For
this problem we do 9x10, we can list out the multiples of
9. Does anyone notice a pattern with these numbers?
With each of the multiples the ones place goes down by
1 and the tens place goes up by 1. For example 9x5
is(teacher points to the 45) 45 and 9x6 is 54. Also each
of the digits of the multiples of 9 add together to get 9.
For example the multiple 45, the 4+5= 9 and for the
multiple 63 the 6+3=9. Teacher writes out the multiples
of 10. For the ten we can see that each multiple ends in a
4. Elaborate/Extend For struggling students I will have them focus on one 5 min
pattern or just work on their skip counting for a similar
problem as the ones used in the lesson.
Jane has 5 bags of marshmallows. Each bag has 7
marshmallows. How many marshmallows does
Jane have?
For students who need to be challenged I will push them
to use their knowledge of a pattern to answer a question.
Ben says that 13, 26, 38, and 53 are all multiples
of 9. Do you agree or disagree? Use your
knowledge of patterns of 9 to solve this question.
5. Evaluate EXIT TICKET: Write out the skip counting/multiples for 5 min
(assessment methods) this problem, show your answer and explain the pattern
you used to check your answer.
Mrs. Terrell has 5 bags of candy. Each bag has 9
pieces of candy. How many pieces of candy does
she have?
Solution: 5x9=45
Skip counting:
Circle 40 or show that 40 is the answer
Pattern: multiples of 5 end in a 0 or could
be viewed as 9x5 which the pattern
would be 4+5=9, the ones place goes
down by 1 and the tens place goes up by

The students will earn 3 points for showing their

work/drawing a picture(conceptual understanding), 3
points for explaining the pattern they addressed in
explanation and writing a number sentence(problem
solving) and 4 points for the right answer(procedural
Materials/Technology: Math notebook, pencil, powerpoint with problems
BbUn8FGYhpe_XMg/edit?usp=sharing . Here is the lesson plan I based mine on.

Write out the skip counting/multiples for this problem, show your answer and explain the pattern
you used to check your answer.

1.Mrs. Terrell has 5 bags of candy. Each bag

has 9 pieces of candy. How many pieces of
candy does she have?


Show your work for how you solved the problem and draw a picture.

1. Kate was at the beach for 6 days and found 7 seashells every
day. How many seashells did Kate find on the beach trip?

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