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Experience Design

1. Understanding Statement
tarlight, Starbright. Through this piece,
Through this activity, students will learn to sing S
students will learn the difference between quarter and eighth note rhythms, while also exercising
their ability to match pitch, and identify melodies going up and down. This tune includes melody
that lies within a sixth. According to the Virginia Music Standards of learning, this means that
this song would fall into a grade two curriculum, because the melody has a range within a sixth
and exercises the students ability to understand pitches being high or low in relation to each
2. I can... Statements
a. I can understand the difference between high and low pitches
b. I can sing the melody of Starlight, Starbright
c. I can chant the rhythm of Starlight, Starbright
3. Materials
a. Visual aid to represent different pitches

4. National Core Arts Standards

2.2 The student will sing a repertoire of songs alone and with others, including
1. singing melodic patterns that move upward, downward, and stay the same;
2. singing melodies within the range of a sixth
3. increasing pitch accuracy while singing phrases and simple songs.

5. Detailed procedure
a. Sing the song
b. Chant the song
c. Teach the song through whole-part-whole
a. Teacher will sing the song as a whole
b. Teacher will divide the song, and teach the first line, asking the audience to
repeat on the second time
c. Teacher will sing the second half of the song, the audience will repeat back after

D. Teacher will introduce visual aid and sing the song once more, asking guiding questions
a. What do you notice about these bars?
b. How does this go with the song?
6. Assessment
Students are encouraged to send back a response video, singing the song. Although this
is more of an open ended assessment, this is the best way to encourage communication
between teacher and student. Building such a connection supports music education throughout
this social media age of interaction.
Students have the option to pause or rewind the video whenever they feel necessary.
This concept attributes to building more space into leading an experience. I adhere to a visual
modality as well, through the use of notation of the different colored notes. This indicates both
time and length of melody.

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