Reflection Eeeek

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In the beginning of the class, the teacher, Mr. Rodsak Sangkaew, taught the
students about what the history is, types of historical evidences, historical processes, and
even the ancient counting date. After that, we did our self-learning by doing a project
which was about the Thai ancient dynasties such as Tarmpornling, Srivichai, and
Haripunchai Dynasty etc., and we also presented it to our classmates so that they could
learn the lesson from us. Then, the teacher started giving lessons about Sukhothai
Dynasty. He taught us from the foundation of the dynasty to its economics, military, and
foreign relationships. In my opinion, I think that the lessons were so valuable because I
got to know many thing I did not know before. Furthermore, we also learnt about other
dynasty which was Ayutthaya Dynasty which was one of the most flourish regimes in
Thailand. Also, we also learnt about the geological facts, economics, and military, but
because Ayutthaya is very big and has complex society so that there were more a lot to
learn than Sukhothai.

From my perspective, I think I can apply my knowledge in various ways. First of

all, I can learn from the past, includes demeanor and events from ancient people, which
has affect in good and bad ways ,and these may continually have effect to present and
future time, so I can learn from those situations and used them as customs or avoid them
to not make them happen again. Next, learning history makes me being patriot since I
have known that thousands and thousands of my descendants needed to sacrifice their life
to protect our country and use their intelligent to develop country. These make me realize
that I need to satisfy with what I have and where I live. Lastly, I can use my knowledge to
teach other people such as foreigners to know our significant and valuable history ,and
even our people in next generation to proud of their ancestors.
To relate to the schools ESLOs, I am an strategic learner who used a variety of
resources to learn. Because I am an historical student, I need to study from many
resources and evidences. For example, in the dynasty project, I used many reliable
sources to conduct the research such as books and authorial websites to make sure that
the information I got really correct. Also, I am an articulate communicator who used
technology and media to communicate effectively because while I was doing my project,
I needed to talk an discuss with my friends a lot and we decided to use internet to
communicate with others.

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