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Time to the Minute

Name: Caitlin Field Time Allotted: 45 mins
Grade Level: 3 Grade Subject(s): Math
Intentional Room Set Up: Desks are set up so that the students can see the board. There are two
stations set up in the room.
Materials Required:
Pencils one per student
Dry erase marker one per student
Kleenex one per student
Tape one or two rolls
Paper plate clock one per student and teacher
o Clock Template
Clear plastic sleeve one per student
Writing Time Worksheet one per student
Writing Time Key - one
Writing Time Data Collection one
Matching Cards two per student
Matching Time Assessment worksheet one per student
Matching Time Assessment Key - one
Matching eggs
o Five eggs, one half of egg analog and one half of egg digital, in each bag
o One bag per student
Writing Time Assessment worksheet one per student
Writing Time Assessment Key - one

Michigan Content Expectations: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.MD.A.1 Tell and write time to

the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving
addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a
number line diagram.


Objective 1: The student will tell time to the nearest minute by earning 4 out of 5 on the
matching time assessment, or a 4 out of 5 on the matching egg time assessment during
independent work at the end of the lesson.
Objective 2: The student will write time to the nearest minute by earning 5 out of 6 on the
Writing Time Assessment during independent work at the end of the lesson.


Objective 1 Informal Formative Assessment: This is occurring during guided practice.
The teacher will gage the students understanding by asking if the students understand
how to tell time. The teacher will ask for thumbs up, thumbs down, response from
students. The teacher will also ask if the students have any questions. This will show if
the students still are struggling and what they feel they are struggling with.

Objective 1 Formal Formative Assessment: This is occurring during guided practice,

when the students are looking at a clock and writing down the time in digital form. This
shows if the student can tell the time when looking at an analog clock. Then when the
other student checks to see if the other student answered correctly it is assessing if they
can match the digital to the analog clock. If they can read the digital clock they will know
if the answer is correct or not. The teacher can know how the students did by looking to
see if the students answered correctly, and if their partner graded them correctly.
o Data & Intervention Plan: This formal formative assessment for objective 1 shows
how well the student is learning how to tell time to the nearest minute. If the
teacher notices that the students are getting a lot of them wrong the teacher could
stop the progression of the lesson and go over how to tell time again. The teacher
would show the entire class the paper plate clock and go over how to find what
the digital time would be. These steps are to find the hour and then to find the
minute, either by counting all the dashes from twelve to the arrow, to counting by
five and then the last few dashes between the number and the arrow. The teacher
would also go over changing a digital clock to an analog clock. The teacher would
do this by showing a number on a digital clock and then moving the clock so it
says the time.
o If the students did well on the formal formative assessment for objective 1 then
the teacher would progress through the lesson like normal. This is because the
teacher knows that the students have enough knowledge to do well on the next
part of the assessment. They use their data to determine that the students will pass
the assessment.

Objective 1 Formal Interim/Summative Assessment: This is occurring during

independent practice. The students have two options to choose from. The first assessment
is in the form of a worksheet. It is called Matching Time Assessment. The students draw
a line from the analog clock to the digital clock if they represent the same time. The
second option is to complete a type of activity. The students choose a bag of five sets of
Easter eggs with the digital clock on one side and the analog clock on the other side. The
students put the eggs together that represent the same time. Then the students put the
eggs, while still connected, back in the bag so the teacher can grade them. They also
identify whose bag is whose by writing their name on the paper attached to the bag. The

teacher will know if the students learned the objective if they matched 4 out of 5
o Data & Intervention Plan: This formal summative assessment for objective 1
shows if the student has mastered telling time. If the students did not meet the
proficiency level, then I would have students practice telling time. I would first
look too see if there was a common correlation between the times that they got
wrong If there was I would focus on teaching students those certain times and
similar times. One activity that I would have students complete would be to have
a digital clock on one side and an analog clock on the other and then cut the piece
of paper in have. Then you have students connect the puzzle pieces.
o If students did pass the formal summative assessment you can move on to
teaching how to add and subtract time to the minute intervals. You can also begin
to teach students time word problems. The reason for this is because they can
build on their knowledge of telling time and use it in more complex problems.

Objective 2 Informal Formative Assessment: This is occurring during guided practice.

The teacher asks the students if they understand what they are learning. The teacher will
ask the students to give thumbs up if they understand everything they have learned this
far, or thumbs down if they are still confused. Then the teacher will ask if the students
have any questions. Both of these methods will gage the students knowledge and
determine if changes to the lesson need to be made.

Objective 2 Formal Formative Assessment: This is occurring during guided practice,

when the teacher is saying different times out loud and the students are practicing writing
the times. They are writing the times on the analog clock, as well as the digital clock. The
teacher is recording their observations on the writing time data collection paper. The
teacher will put a plus sign in the box that the students wrote correctly, and a minus sign
when the students wrote the time incorrectly. The teacher can use this to know if the
students are having trouble with the hour or minutes, and how many they answered
o Data & Intervention Plan: This formal formative assessment shows that the
students are able to write time to the nearest minute. The teacher knows how the
students are doing by recording the data in their observation sheet. The teacher
would know what exactly the students still need work on, like hours or minutes. If
the students did not pass this assessment then the teacher would know to go over
more about writing time. The teacher would look at if they had difficulty writing
the time on the analog clock or the digital clock. The teacher would show
examples of which ever one the students had trouble with. The teacher would
explain about the long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the hour

o If the students did well and passed this objective then the teacher would progress
throughout the lesson like expected. The student doing well would show that the
student is able to write time well. This shows that the student is ready to be

Objective 2 Formal Interim/Summative Assessment: This is occurring during

independent practice, when the students are working on their Writing Time Assessment
worksheet. The students are to work at their desks and raw the hour and minute hand on
the clocks that tell the time digitally. The students write the digital time for the times that
tell the time on the analog clock. The teacher will know that the students have met the
objective by the students answering 5 out of 6 questions on the worksheet.
o Data & Intervention Plan: This formal summative assessment would show that the
students are proficient with writing time. The students are able to write time on
both an analog clock, and a digital clock. If the students were unable to meet the
proficiency level the teacher would revisit the objective. The teacher would have
the students work in partners, one person reading the time and the other person
writing the time. While this is going on the teacher can be walking around the
room and helping with students that are not finding the correct answers. This
would help the students practice in a different way than they had done already. It
would also help the teacher be able to work more one on one with the students to
help with their individual needs.
o If the students were able to earn the proficiency level the teacher could introduce
doing addition and subtraction problems with time, and reading word problems
that talked about time. The students would move on to this because they know the
basics of telling and writing time before they took more complicated problems.

Instructional Procedure:

Anticipatory Set: (Allotted Time__3 mins__)

a. Tell the students that today is the first lesson of our new unit. Our unit will last for
3 weeks and it is all about how time affects our lives.
b. Ask students if they see any clocks around the classroom. Have them point out as
many clocks they can find. This can be analog clocks, digital clocks, watches, the
time on the computer screen, and so on.
c. Then hold up the paper plate clock with the time 1:00. Ask the students what time
they think it is. When the students answer correctly ask them how they know that
it is that time. The students could respond with that they know the hour hand is
shorter and it is pointing at the 1 and the long hand is the minute hand and it is
pointing at the 12 which means zero minutes.
d. Move the clock so that it says 3:25. Ask the students what time it is now.
e. Ask the students what they think the dashes in-between the numbers mean, you
are looking for the answer minute.

f. Tell them that in first grade they learned how to tell and write time in hours and
half hours, and in second grade they learned how to tell and write time to the
nearest five minutes.
g. State behavior expectations:
i. Raise your hand if you have a question.
ii. Be respectful when other people are talking.

Differentiation: The teacher will use the visual of the analog to help students understand it
better. The teacher will also say the times and then writes it on the board. This allows the
students to get the information multiple times in different ways.

State Purpose and Objective of Lesson: (Allotted Time__1min___)

a. Tell the students that today they are going to learn how to tell and write time to
the nearest minute.
b. Tell them it is important to learn this so they can read a clock and know what time
it is.
c. Tell the students the objectives are
i. I CAN tell time to the nearest minute by earning 4 out of 5 on the
matching time assessment, or 4 out of 5 on the matching egg time
ii. I CAN write time to the nearest minute by earning 5 out of 6 on the
Writing Time Assessment.

a. Direct Instruction & Modeling: (Allotted Time__10 mins_)
i. Review what the hour hand is and the minute hand is by asking the
ii. Ask the students how they would count by fives from one number to the
iii. Tell the students that when we tell and write time to the nearest minute we
first start by finding the hour, just like we learned to do before.
iv. Hold up the clock with the time 6:23 on it. Ask the students what hour it
v. Write 6 on the board. Then ask if any student remembers what goes
between the hour and minute. Look for the answers colon, two dots over
top each other, or two vertical dots.
vi. Then ask the students how they would find the minute. Some students
might say count all the dashes from 12 to where the arrow is pointing.
Another way is to count by fives from zero to the number right before the
arrow and then count by one until you get to the dash that the arrow is
pointing at.
1. When one student gives an answer ask the other students if they
used a different way or found a different answer.
2. Allow them time to explain.
vii. Move the clock so that it says 12:42, and ask the students what time it is.
viii. Write this on the board as well.

ix. Then hand out the writing time worksheet in the clear slips, along with one
dry erase marker and Kleenex for each student.
x. Tell the students that there are two different types of clocks on their paper.
The one on the top is called an analog clock, and the one on the bottom is
called a digital clock.

b. Guided Practice: (Allotted Time__13 mins__)

i. Tell the students that you are going to say different times and they will
need to write the digital time, just like the teacher did on the board for the
first examples. Then draw a minute and hour hand on the analog clock.
ii. Tell the students that if they want to use a paper plate clock instead of
drawing the hour and minute they can. Pass out the paper plate clocks to
the students who would like to use one.
iii. Then tell the students to write the time 9:38. Walk around and record if the
students wrote the correct or incorrect information, on the writing time
data collection sheet. Formal Formative Assessment for objective 2 is
occurring at this time.
iv. Continue to record the data as you say the times 4:07, 3:47, 1:22, and 9:16.
At the end of this ask students to give thumbs up if they understand
everything so far. Ask the students if they have any questions. Informal
Formative Assessment for objective 2 is occurring at this time.
v. Tell the students to put their materials in the middle of the table.

Differentiation: The students can choose to draw the hour and minute hand or they can use the
paper plate clock.

vi. Now tell the students that they will be splitting into partners, if there is an
uneven number there can be a group of three.
vii. Hand out the matching cards, each person gets two sets with both the
analog time and the digital time. Tell the students to switch their analog
viii. The person holding the digital time has the answer.
ix. Tell the students that each one will be trying to figure out what the time
says on the analog clock. When both students in the group have written
down a digital time have the students switch the analog clocks back.
x. Now have the students put a smiley face, or star, on the papers the students
answered correctly. The students will be using the digital clocks, which
they were given, to make sure the other students answers are correct.
Formal Formative Assessment for objective 1 is occurring at this time.
xi. Pick up all the papers.
xii. Ask the students if they understand how to tell time. Ask the students if
they have any questions. Informal Formative Assessment for objective 1 is
occurring at this time.

Differentiation: If a student finishes before their partner they can draw a clock on the back of
their paper and make their own time.

c. Independent Practice: (Allotted Time__15 mins_)

Tell the students that they are going to choose one of the two stations
The first station is a matching time worksheet. The students draw a line
from the digital clock to the analog clock to show which ones match.
The second station is a matching egg activity. Each bag contains five sets
of eggs. The student is to write their name on the piece of paper attached
to the bag.
They then connect the egg with the same times, both digital and analog
clocks. Show an example with the example egg. Tell the students that they
are not matching the colors of the eggs. Formal Summative Assessment
for objective 1 is occurring at this time.
When the students are done with one of the stations tell them that they are
to go back to their seats and complete the writing time worksheet.
Tell the students that they are to draw the minute and hour hand when it
tells the digital time, and they have to write the digital time when it tells
the analog time. Formal Summative Assessment for objective 2 is
occurring at this time.
Tell them to raise their hands if they have any questions.
When the students are finished with their assessments collect them.

Differentiated: The students can choose to complete a worksheet or complete the same activity
but in a kinesthetic way, by matching the eggs. Students who finish early with the first
assessment can move right on to the next assessment. If students finish early with both
assessments they can move the hands on the paper plate clocks and make a list of the times they

Closure: (Allotted Time__1min__)

d. When everyone is finished with their assessments have the class come back
e. Tell the students the objectives are
i. I CAN tell time to the nearest minute by earning 4 out of 5 on the
matching time assessment, or 4 out of 5 on the matching egg time
ii. I CAN write time to the nearest minute by earning 5 out of 6 on the
Writing Time Assessment.
f. Ask the students if they feel like they have accomplished the objectives by giving
thumbs up or thumbs down.
g. Have the students share with their groups one thing they learned from todays
h. Then have two people from each group share with the class.
i. Tell students that in the next lesson tomorrow they will be learning about weather
for certain seasons and how to graph the data. Today we learned about telling

time to the minute, but tomorrow we will focus on telling time by the month, or
group of months making the seasons.


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