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Institute Of Secretaries

Wilson House, West Street, London

Telephone 020 8987 2432
Fax 020 8987 2556

12 May 2014

Miss Ong Lee Fong

15 Windsor Road
Manchester M2 9GJ

Dear Ms. Fong


As a valued, member of the Institute of Secretaries, i have the pleasure in inviting you to atted our special
conference to be held at the Clifton Hotel, London on Tuesday/ Wednesday, 7/8 October 2014.

This intensive, practical conference for professional aims to:

.Increace your managerial and office productivity
. Improve your communication skills
. Bring you up-to-date with the latest technology and techniques
. Enable networking with other secretaries
The seminar is power-packed with a distinguish panel of professional speakers who will give expert advide on
many useful topies. A programme is enclose giving full details of this seminar which i know you will not want to

If you would like to join us please complete the enclosed registration from and return it to me before 30 june
with you fee of 50 person.

I look forward to seeing you again at this conference.

Yours sincerely

16. which of the following statement is about Miss Fong?

A. she works for the institute.
B. she likes to join the conference.
C. she is studying at the institute.
D. she is professional secretary.
E. she is a secretary in the institute.

17. what is the aim of holding the seminar?

A. to convey many useful topics.
B. to meet the institutes requisrements.
C. to widen the participants perspective.
D. to have communications with the participants.
E. to exchange opinions with the participars.

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