Group Project Lps

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| General Instruction
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) will be held on the last day of the event series. The session will require
each group to randomly pick one of the designated cases to finally answer the questions. The
discussion can be run for maximum 1.5 hours. After the FGD, each group will have to do a maximum
of 5 minutes presentation to discuss about the answers and go through a Q&A session for another 5
minutes. The presentation can be done by one or two representatives of the group. Other groups
may question the ideas and give evaluative criticisms to the presenting group. Other presenting
group members can help to encounter the critics as well as to answer the questions. The result of
presentation should be compiled to a journal reported to the committee.

| Themes
The themes for the Focus Group Discussion will be around the issues in which the leaderpreneurs
get the opportunity to visit the institutions having concerns on the issues. The following themes of
issues will be picked randomly by each group before the session starts through some drawing lots:
Waste Management: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Waste Management: Garbage Sorting
Children Education as Refugees
Children and Poverty: Health VS Education

| Purpose

Through the FGD, the leaderpreneurs can practice their situational awareness, teamwork, problem
solving, strategic agility, and analytical thinking while building a mindset leaderpreneurs should have
in the future as well as making sure that their trip in Tokyo is not only a visiting journey but a life
learning journey.

| Methods

The FGD should be done by gathering some relevant data to support the argument, considering
relevant study case in the past and present while looking into future possibilities. The data can be
taken from self-discovery, interviews, news, expert reviews, and etc. Each group may need to show
the data to prove their points. The presentation should be brief and clear, answering the question in
comprehensive way.


Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been serious about its effort to promote 3R Strategy.
The strategy is aimed to reduce final waste disposal as well as to realize a sustainable urban
development. TMG even established the Panel for New 3Rs Strategy which produced a report in
2009. Not only Tokyos, 3R has also been promoted by many environmental organizations all over
the world for it is considered as an effective waste management approach. Even individuals are
enthusiastic as well about the ideas of 3R wherein home industries also grow with 3R approach.
However, the mechanism on 3R somehow is underrated by people. Most of the recycled products
are short living especially ones made from plastics which makes them end up as a more serious
waste. We may have seen bags made from the plastic package of coffee and just after they are
broken, they are no longer the good stuffs we can re-recycle. By then, how important do you think
3R is to be done by people? If you are about to make changes in a recycling society, how can you
make it more feasible for people to involve in 3R activities as creating more quality products from
the daily waste?


While the city may have focused into governing waste management, the involvement of people as
society cannot be dispensable. Waste management usually comprises several key steps: collection,
sorting, reprocessing of recyclable waste or incineration. Collection and sorting can start as early as
people throw garbage into the trash can. Therefore, to have an effective waste management, people
have to be aware of how to do the garbage sorting. As much as it is important, in Japan, the cities
established the so called garbage guide since each city, town, and district may have completely
different system. For example, Niihama city has 11 garbage categories while Kakimatsu town in
Shikoku has 44 different garbage categories. With so many types of garbage, making people aware
of the type difference of a product waste is definitely not an easy job. Therefore in Japan, the law is
strictly enforced for the people to take garbage sorting seriously. Now, imagine if you are the
entrepreneur, how your product can help consumers to individually do the garbage sorting? How
important do you think the role of your company and other involved parties to help the consumer in
waste management?

Many kids have to leave more than a house when they are uprooted from their home and forced to
flee. They have to abandon their school and become the refugees whose access to education is
restricted. Meanwhile, education is perceived as one of the main tools for people to survive and
develop in life. The lack of education means the failure of the entire generation. To support those
refugees, many organizations and countries have done something to help the kids by setting up
emergency classes or educational assistance in the area of refugee camp. The organization like
UNICEF, UNHCR, or CARE even runs actual schools with the very best effort to provide decent
education. However, with limited resources, the condition may not be ideal for the children. As they
usually flee to a different country, they will face at least language barrier, not to mention shorter
session of class in order to fit in all the refugees some schools have to run triple shifts to fit in all
the kids. Moreover, to survive their daily life, some children have to also do some works making it
more difficult for them to focus on their study. How impactful do you think those kinds of efforts for
the refugees kids? How should we leaders see this phenomenon and how important for us to be
such a help for those kids?


Based on UNICEF data, there are 16000 children die every day from preventable diseases. Poor
children, it says, twice as likely to die more than rich children. It does not mean, however, that the
parents do nothing about their children. With the assistance of some organizations, they have the
opportunity to consult on their children health. For those who know how, they put their best effort
to grow their children up. The downside is, when the children yet survive growing up, they are also
far less likely to get the education. The family that is trapped under poverty whose income is less
than $1 per day would struggle real hard just to make sure the basic need of the family to eat is
fulfilled. Education sometimes has to be neglected not because they do not care but they simply
cannot afford. At the same time, education is the most logic way that can help the children finds the
opportunity to break free from their parents poverty and shape their own future. The cycle seems
to go on for the poor children as there is a saying the poor get poorer as the rich get richer. How
do you think of the phenomenon? Which one do you think is more important for them; the
education or the healthcare? How we are as leaderpreneur can help breaking the cycle?
Agenda Description

| General Instruction

Each leaderpreneurs group is required to make 2 kinds of journals containing their learning outputs
from the event two weeks after the event ended at the latest. The first journal will have to discuss
one issue taken from the visit and FGD during the event. There is no minimum page required but the
journal is expected to be insightful yet easy to read by many. The second journal will be more
personal, telling stories on what are the things each group member can highlight from the journey
and what would be done differently and or similarly after learning from whatever observed during
the trip in Tokyo.

| Format
The format of the first journal as all in all The format of the second journal would be:
containing: Abstract
Abstract Our Story
Introduction Acknowledgement
Materials and Methods (Optional)
Results References (If any)
Discussion Appendices (Optional)
Acknowledgement Or the format can be downloaded from
Appendices (Optional)
Or the format can be downloaded from

| Purpose

The Journal will serve as an accountability report of the leaderpreneurs as the recipient of Indonesia
Global Network scholarship. The leaderpreneurs are expected to share what they have acquired and
influence their peers to be more aware of todays challenge and start to practice their leadership
and to train their entrepreneurial skills as early as possible. The journal, therefore, also serves as a
tool for leaderpreneurs to create influence in their communities as to spread out their learning
outputs from their journey in Tokyo.

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