Cultural Sensitivity

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Luis R.


Professor Stacia Helfand

FNES 104

September 27, 2017

Cultural Sensitivity

My Hispanic heritage gave me a variety of traditions that are considered common health
practices specially in El Salvador. Being part of the American and Hispanic culture at the same
time, help me to understand other cultures. In El Salvador Aloe vera plant is very popular
because is utilized in numerous health practices and we can even make a list. For example
healing of burns and wounds, head ache, hair loss, reduce dandruff, wrinkles on the skin, reduce
varicose veins, cholesterol control, sinusitis, ulcer and hernia. Aloe vera is considered a multi
purpose plant because it provides numerous health benefits and all the listed uses are common
and well accepted in the Salvadorian population . Aloe vera grows in wild tropical climates and
is cultivated for medical and agricultural purposes. But a lot of people in El Salvador cultivate
aloe vera plants in home gardens because they know that it can be used in a numerous health
practices. In the United States aloe vera is not cultivated in houses because the weather does not
allow it. However I have seen that some people have small aloes in containers but is utilized only
for decorative purposes.

Cultural competence is a concept and a tool that allow us to interact efficiently with people of
different cultures. In the health care field cultural competence means to be responsive and
respectful to different health beliefs and different health practices of different populations.
Cultural competence goes beyond ethnicity and race because this concept also refers to
characteristics of gender, age, sexual orientation, income level, disability geographical location
and region. For me cultural competence means to make sure to respect and understand all the
members of different communities and cultures. Also I believe that in the health care branch
cultural competence means to provide high quality services to each patient regardless of cultural
background or race. A example of this is the case of aloe vera, because a cultural competent
professional will respect the belief of the Salvadorian community but at the same time will
educate the client with scientific facts related to the use of this plant.
I Believe that there are many reasons to think that its essential to speak to clients how I like to
be spoken to. Considering this, I can mention that in general when we speak to others how we
would like to be spoken to, we can foster an environment of equality between both. Also, when
we follow this behavior we are stimulating empathy, which can help to detect what others feel
and understand that when an individual is in emotional states, the ability to think critically can be
affected. In addition to this, it will be important to consider that when we treat others how we
like to be treated we have the opportunity to show others our integrity and professionalism.
Consequently, this behavior will help us to be more cultural competent.

The connection between cultural sensitivity and health literacy provides different benefits to
patients. Cultural sensitivity is a group of skills that help us as health care providers to make a
better connection with patients, because when we are culture sensitive we can understand more
about our similarities, differences and we are aware of the value of different cultures. On the
other hand health literacy is a concept that defines the degree to which individuals understand
basic health information and the process to maintain a healthy life style. Individuals with low
health literacy usually are in low level of education, older adults, racial and ethnic minorities and
people with low income level. Given these points, a health care provider has the responsibility
for improving health literacy, building a good connection between health care consumer and
professional. For these reason is very important to be cultural sensitive, because when we
understand and respect the differences and similarities between our beliefs and all the cultures,
we are cultural competent and cultural sensitive, which are tools to reduce low health literacy. As
an illustration of this I can relate to this, the example of aloe vera. Surely a patient with strong
roots to his or her culture will feel better if a health professional shows respect and interest to
hear about the different benefits of aloe vera and this can even be an opportunity to learn and
research more about this tropical plant. As we can see there is always opportunity to learn more,
specially when we combine the set of skills that build the concepts of cultural competence, health
literacy and cultural sensitivity.

Health Literacy - Fact Sheet: Health Literacy Basics,

Cultural Sensitivity in the Workplace. Penn State Extension,

Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association,

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