Data Privacy Act - Sample Contract

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The Data Protection Act of 2012 (DPA) sets out principles that must be followed when processing personal information of
any kind. In compliance with the requirements of the DPA, all officers and staff of GPDSI are required to give their
express consent on the use and retention of their personal and sensitive personal information. For the clients of GPDSI,
all officers and staff are mandated to use and retain the personal and sensitive personal information of the officers and
employees of its clients strictly for GPDSI official purposes and to maintain confidentiality of sensitive and proprietary
information of GPDSI and clients. Please be guided accordingly by the following provisions:

1. Authorization to access, use, and retain personal and sensitive personal information

This is to authorize GPDSI, its officers, administrators, and such other responsible employees, to use, access, and retain
my personal information and sensitive personal information, for any legal purpose as may be allowed by law or by
judicial process, such as but not limited to government mandated requirements, BIR, DOLE, SSS, Phil-Health, and Pag-ibig
Fund. The retention of your personal and sensitive personal information shall be ___ years from the date of your
separation, retirement or resignation.

2. Authorization to share and release personal and sensitive personal information

I hereby authorize GPDSI, to share or release my personal and sensitive personal information to such third-party
providers, business partners, banks, accreditation agencies, Insurance providers, government agencies, and such other
entities, for purposes of preparation and proper computation of my wage and other emoluments, benefits, and overtime
pay; facilitating and crediting of my salary; preparation and printing of my pay-slip; or any such legal purpose as may be
required by law in connection to my engagement as an employee of GPDSI.

3. Lastly, undertaking to maintain confidentiality of sensitive or proprietary information of GPDSI/ Clients and
Employees personal and sensitive personal information.

I hereby undertake under pain of administrative sanctions and pertinent penalties under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, or
under any such existing and applicable laws, to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive and proprietary information
about the GPDSI and its clients, as well as, all personal information or sensitive personal information, of every data
subject that may come into my possession or knowledge. I hereby undertake never to reveal, divulge, or share any such
information to any entity or person, except for purposes mandated by law, or upon a valid order of a judicial or quasi-
judicial body or officer, and in such other cases where the consent of the data subjects were obtained.

_________________________________ ________________________

Signature and Printed Name of Employee Date

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