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Oil and natural gas are naturally occurring chemicals that are made up of just two elements -- carbon and
hydrogen. The class of chemicals based on carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons.

The simplest hydrocarbon, methane, is made up of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. Other
hydrocarbons like octane and octadecane have more complicated structures. Plastics are made of
molecules called polymers that are very long chains of hydrocarbons.

How Are Oil/Natural Gas Formed?

Stage 1 - All of the oil and gas we use today began as microscopic plants and animals living in the ocean
millions of years ago. As these microscopic plants and animals lived, they absorbed energy from the sun,
which was stored as carbon molecules in their bodies. When they died, they sank to the bottom of the sea.
Over millions of years, layer after layer of sediment and other plants and bacteria were formed.
Stage 2 - As they became buried ever deeper, heat and pressure began to rise. The amount of pressure and
the degree of heat, along with the type of biomass, determined if the material became oil or natural gas.
More heat produced lighter oil. Even higher heat or biomass made predominantly of plant material
produced natural gas.
Stage 3 - After oil and natural gas were formed, they tended to migrate through tiny pores in the
surrounding rock. Some oil and natural gas migrated all the way to the surface and escaped. Other oil and
natural gas deposits migrated until they were caught under impermeable layers of rock or clay where they
were trapped. These trapped deposits are where we find oil and natural gas today.

Where is Petroleum Found?

Oil and natural gas reserves are found in many parts of the world. In the past, demand was low and
reserves were easy to find. In fact, the first users of oil depended on surface seepage for their supplies.
However, as demand has increased, all the easy-to-find oil has been used.

Today, oil exploration takes place in some of the most challenging places on earth. We are now looking
for new oil reserves thousands of feet under the ocean and in areas of climatic extremes. (Youll find
more information on these technologies under "Exploration and Production."

Will We Run Out?

We don't have to worry about running out of oil or natural gas any time soon.
At our current rate of use, we have oil and natural gas reserves to last 60-90 years. And while the total
amount of oil and natural gas isn't increasing, our ability to find and extract oil and natural gas from new
sources expands almost every day!

We now produce natural gas from buried coal seams, oil and natural gas from deep deposits located miles
beneath the surface of the earth, and in the deep ocean, hundreds of miles offshore and in water depths
greater than 10,000 feet. (Youll find more information on these technologies under Exploration and
Finding economical ways to extract oil from coal tars and oil shales could provide supplies for hundreds
of years.
The oil and natural gas industry is also investing in alternative energy such as wind, solar, geothermal and
biomass to make these potential energy resources more reliable and affordable to meet the growing need
for energy. Learn more here.
Exploration and Production
Creating a Drilling Site
Drilling Rigs
Advanced Drilling Techniques
Well Evaluation
Extracting Oil and Natural Gas
Separating Oil, Natural Gas and Water
Protecting Sensitive Environments
Restoration of Land-Based Sites
Restoration of Offshore Sites
Quick Quiz

Exploration is the process of trying to find accumulations of oil and natural gas trapped under the Earths
surface. Production is the process of recovering those hidden resources for processing, marketing and use.

To understand the challenges the oil and natural gas industry faces in exploration and production, it helps
to understand how oil and gas accumulations often called reservoirs develop in the first place:
Oil and natural gas are formed when decaying plants and micro-organisms are trapped in layers of
sediment and over the course of millions of years become buried deep within the earth, where
underground heat and pressure turn them into useful hydrocarbons, such as oil and natural gas.
The layers of rock in which hydrocarbons are formed are called source rocks. High pressures underground
tend to squeeze hydrocarbons out of source rocks into what are called reservoir rocks. These are rocks,
such as sandstone, which feature pores large enough to permit fluids like oil, natural gas, and water to
pass through them. Since oil and natural gas are less dense than water, they will float upward toward the
surface. If nothing stops this migration, the oil and natural gas may reach daylight through what is called a
surface seep.
More often, however, hydrocarbons path upward is blocked by a layer of impermeable rock, such as
shale, or by some other geologic formation. These trap the oil and natural gas, either in an underground
pocket or in a layer of reservoir rock, so that it may be recovered only by drilling a well.
There isn't any way to be absolutely sure where new oil and natural gas reserves are located, so petroleum
engineers need to collect clues as to what lies deep beneath the earth's surface. Advanced technology has
revolutionized the exploration process for oil and natural gas, and helps them pinpoint potential reserves
with greatly improved accuracy. This results in fewer wells, and lowered exploration costs.

Engineers can gather above-ground clues using airplanes and satellites to map the surface, to identify
promising geological formations, and to look for oil and natural gas seeps. Ships can do the same for the
ocean floor.

But engineers often get much more useful information by looking at geological structures and rock
properties below the surface. They use a number of strategies including:

Seismic Surveys
Seismic surveys are done by sending high-energy sound waves into the ground and measuring how long
they take to reflect back to the surface. Since sound travels at different speeds as it passes through
different materials, computers can use seismic data to create a 3-D map of what lies below the surface.

Geologists and geophysicists known as "explorationists" use these 3-D seismic images to look for
accumulations of oil and natural gas. Engineers then use the data to plan the safest, most cost-effective
well path to the reservoir.
Once a reservoir has been located and put into production, a series of 3-D seismic surveys can be taken
over time to see if all of the oil and natural gas reserves are being efficiently drained. If not, additional
wells can be drilled to produce these bypassed pockets of reserves.

While seismic data are extremely useful to geologists, these surveys are also very expensive.

Exploration Wells
When the data indicate a likely site for oil and natural gas reserves, an exploration well is often drilled.
Rock samples from the well are brought to the surface and analyzed. Well logs measure the electrical,
magnetic and radioactive properties of the rocks.

By examining this information, a geologist can learn a great deal about the sub-surface structures and
whether or not the site is likely to produce oil and natural gas in economic or "paying" quantities.

Gravity and Geomagnetic Surveys

These relatively inexpensive techniques can identify potential oil and natural gas bearing sedimentary
basins and structures. High-resolution aero-magnetic surveys done by special aircraft can also show fault
traces and differentiate between different rock types near the surface.

Creating a Drill Site

Drilling for oil and natural gas is a complex process, but advanced technology has made the job more
efficient and productive while providing less impact on the environment. Want to see how the oil and gas
industry does it? Click each numbered component in the drawing to learn more.

1. Some people believe that oil and natural gas companies can explore for oil wherever they want. This is
not true. Companies must secure permission from the owner of the mineral rights, whether the owner is a
private citizen or the government. Many mineral owners and the government allow oil and natural gas
companies to compete to drill on their land. The companies assume all the costs and risks of drilling and,
in return, pay the mineral owners a portion of what they find and a signing bonus to secure the drilling
rights. The share of the production paid by the company to the mineral owner is called a royalty payment.
2. The drilling derrick is used to position and support the drill string. Modern drilling equipment comes in
a wide range of sizes. Many wells can be drilled with equipment that requires far less space than in the
3. Drill rigs now run on electricity to supply the power to turn the bit and raise and lower the drill pipe and
casing. Since most drilling occurs in remote areas, the electricity is supplied by electric power generators
that run on diesel fuel. These generators make drilling rigs much quieter than in the past.
4. The drill bit uses three conical shaped cutting surfaces to grind rock into rice-sized particles. The newest
bits drill 150 percent to 200 percent faster than similar bits just a few years ago! The drill string consists
of lengths of pipe fastened to each other and to the drill bit. The drill string transmits power from the top
drive to the drill bit.
5. As the drill cuts into the rock, drilling mud is added to the hole. This helps cool the drill bit, and the mud
is circulated to bring cuttings to the surface. The weight of the drilling mud keeps the hole open. It also
helps counteract the pressure of any gas or fluids encountered along the way, in this way preventing a
well from loss of control or "blow out.
6. Protecting the aquifer from contamination is a major concern of the oil and natural gas
industry. Casing made of steel or high-tech alloys is lowered into the hole and cemented into place to
protect fresh water aquifers. The casing also keeps the hole open so that oil and natural gas can be brought
to the surface.
7. To reduce waste, the drilling mud is passed through a sieve where the ground rock particles or cuttings
can be removed. Then the mud is recycled back into the hole.
8. Dirt and rock cuttings are removed from the hole and temporarily stored nearby. Holding areas are
carefully sited, lined and often times covered with nets to protect local wildlife.
9. All aspects of the drilling operations are closely monitored to ensure efficient drilling and safety.
Electronic sensors measure drilling rates, vibration, pressure, rock type, mud properties and many other
drilling parameters. Computers monitor operations and collect data from inside the well. With advanced
communications technology, drilling personnel can share and review this data with engineers and
geologists located thousands of miles away. If a problem is detected, the rig can be safely and quickly
shut down.
Drilling Rigs
There are many different types of drilling rigs. Which rig selected depends on the specific requirements of
each drill site. Roll your mouse over each picture to see what kind of rig it is.

Land Based Drilling Rigs - The land-based drilling rig is the most common type used for exploration.
This site is using a conventional, land-based drilling rig that is smaller and more efficient than those used
in the past.
Slim Hole Drilling Rig - A conventional drill bore might be 18 inches in diameter; a slimhole bore can
be as little as 6 inches. A slimhole well drilled to 14,760 feet may produce one-third the amount of rock
cuttings generated by a standard well. The size of the drill site can be as much as 75 percent smaller, since
slimhole equipment requires less space than conventional equipment. However, slimhole drilling is not
technically feasible in all environments.
Coiled Tubing Drill Rig - Conventional wells are drilled using sections of rigid pipe to form the drill
string. In some cases, coiled tubing technology can replace the typical drill string with a continuous length
of pipe stored on a large spool. This approach has many benefits, including reduced drilling waste and
minimized equipment footprints, so it is especially useful in environmentally sensitive areas. This
technology is best suited to re-entering existing wells, and when multiple casing wells are unnecessary.
Jackup Drill Rigs These rigs may be used in relatively shallow water -- less than 300 feet deep. A
jackup rig is a floating barge containing the drilling structure that is outfitted with long support legs that
can be raised or lowered independently of each other. The jackup, as it is known informally, is towed onto
location with its legs up and the barge section floating on the water. Once at the drilling location, the legs
are jacked down onto the seafloor, and then all three legs are jacked further down. Since the legs will not
penetrate the seafloor, continued jacking down of the legs raises the jacking mechanism attached to the
barge and drilling package, and slowly lifts the entire barge and drilling structure to a predetermined
height above the water. These rigs are extremely strong, since they have to withstand ocean storms and
high waves. These rigs are moved by simply by moving the legs up and down, which makes them cost-
effective and easily shifted out of harm's way during storms.
Semi-Submersible Rigs Drilling in water deeper than 300 feet demands some kind of floating platform
to hold the rig. Semi-submersible rigs are floating vessels supported on large pontoon-like structures that
are submerged below the sea surface. As with jackup rigs, the operating decks are elevated as much as
100 or more feet above the pontoons on large steel columns. This design has the advantage of submerging
most of the area of components in contact with the sea and minimizing loading from waves and wind.
Semisubmersibles can operate in a wide range of water depths, including deep water. Semi-submersibles
can either be attached to the ocean bottom using strong chains and wire cables or may utilize dynamic
positioning to remain stationary during drilling without anchors.
Drill Ship - For exploration targets farther offshore, specially designed rigs mounted on ships can drill a
well in water depths up to 10,000 feet. These rigs float and can be attached to the ocean bottom using
traditional mooring and anchoring systems, or utilize dynamic positioning to remain stationary during
drilling without anchors.
Advanced Drilling Techniques
il and natural gas wells have traditionally been drilled vertically, at depths ranging from a few thousand
feet to as deep as five miles. Today, advances in drilling technology allow oil and natural gas companies
to reach more reserves while reducing environmental impact by:
reducing the surface footprint of drilling operations,
drilling smaller holes and generating less waste
creating less noise,
avoiding sensitive ecosystems, and
completing operations more quickly.
Here are some technologies used:
Horizontal Drilling - Horizontal drilling starts with a vertical well that turns horizontal within the
reservoir rock in order to expose more open hole to the oil. These horizontal legs can be over a mile
long; the longer the exposure length, the more oil and natural gas is drained and the faster it can flow.
More oil and natural gas can be produced with fewer wells and less surface disturbance. However, the
technology only can be employed in certain locations.
Multilateral Drilling - Sometimes oil and natural gas reserves are located in separate layers
underground. Multilateral drilling allows producers to branch out from the main well to tap reserves at
different depths. This dramatically increases production from a single well and reduces the number of
wells drilled on the surface
Extended Reach Drilling - Extended Reach Drilling - Extended reach drills allow producers to reach
deposits that are great distances away from the drilling rig. This can help producers tap oil and natural gas
deposits under surface areas where a vertical well cannot be drilled, such as under developed or
environmentally sensitive areas. Wells can now reach out over 5 miles from the surface location.
Offshore, the use of extended reach drilling allows producers to reach accumulations far from offshore
platforms, minimizing the number of platforms needed to produce all the oil and gas. Onshore, dozens of
wells can be drilled from a single location, reducing surface impacts.
Complex Path Drilling - Complex well paths can have multiple twists and turns to try to hit multiple
accumulations from a single well location. Using this technology can be more cost effective and produce
less waste and surface impacts than drilling multiple wells.
Well Evaluation
Rock and fluid properties will determine how much oil and natural gas can be recovered from a reservoir.
After an exploratory well has been drilled, it is evaluated to determine if there is enough oil and natural
gas in the reservoir to make it economically feasible to initiate recovery operations.

Drill Cuttings and Core Samples - As the drilling mud is brought to the surface, it is run through a sieve
to removed the drill cuttings (pulverized rock) before the mud is recycled down into the well. Small
pieces of rock are selected for microscopic analysis to determine the type of rock being drilled, how
porous it is, and whether oil is present. The drilling mud also is analyzed with sensors to see if trace
amounts of oil or natural gas are present an indication of a possible accumulation at depth. In the past,
rock cuttings were the principal source of well information.
Well Logging - A special bit can be used to cut a cylindrical piece of rock that can be brought to the
surface for analysis. The core is sent to a laboratory where the exact porosity and permeability can be
determined. This gives a good indication of how well oil or natural gas would flow through the rock.
Fluid samples can be taken and analyzed to determine the amount and type of hydrocarbon present in the
Wells are completed for production if the value of the recoverable oil and/or natural gas is greater than the
cost of drilling and producing them and delivering them to market. If not, the well is plugged In
accordance with industry standards and federal or state requirements (depending on the location) and the
site is restored.
Preparing a well for production is a complex process. Press the Play button to see each step in the process.

Step 1 - A pipe, called the casing, is lowered down the drilled hole. Sections of casing fit together just
like the drill pipe. Cement is then pumped through the bottom of the casing so that it fills the area
between the casing and side of the well. The casing prevents oil, gas and deep brines (underground salt
water) from entering and contaminating aquifers (underground fresh water).
Step 2 - Because the casing and the liner must remain in a well for a long time and their repair or
replacement would be costly, another string of pipe is placed in the well through which oil or gas is
usually produced. This string of pipe is called "tubing". This is like a double-hulled tanker in that it
provides an extra layer of protection for groundwater supplies. Tubing is pulled out of the hole on
occasion and inspected to see if it needs to be repaired. (Casing is cemented in and can be repaired, but
not as easily as the tubing).
Step 3 - Operators do not want anything but oil and natural gas to enter the well. To allow underground
fluids to enter the pipe and flow to the surface, the tubing and casing must be perforated. Explosive
charges are lowered to the precise depth of the oil reservoir. Detonating the charges forces holes in the
casing. Fluids can then flow into the casing and up the tubing toward the surface.
Step 4 - A "Christmas Tree" is a device that is placed on the well at the surface. It regulates the flow from
the well into the pipelines that take the oil and natural gas to facilities for processing and sale. It consists
of a series of valves that are opened and closed to regulate flow for optimum field production or to shut
down a producing well if a problem is detected. Some Christmas Trees have computer systems that allow
them to be monitored, opened and closed remotely.
Extracting Oil and Natural Gas
Extracting oil and natural gas from deposits deep underground isnt as simple as just drilling and
completing a well. Any number of factors in the underground environment including the porosity of the
rock and the viscosity of the deposit -- can impede the free flow of product into the well. In the past, it
was common to recover as little as 10 percent of the available oil in a reservoir, leaving the rest
underground because the technology did not exist to bring the rest to the surface. Today, advanced
technology allows production of about 60 percent of the available resources from a formation.

Primary recovery first relies on underground pressure to drive fluids to the surface. When the pressure
falls, artificial lift technologies, such as pumps, are used help bring more fluids to the surface. In some
situations, natural gas is pumped back down the well underneath the oil. The gas expands, pushing the oil
to the surface. Gas lift technology is often used in offshore facilities. Primary recovery often taps only 10
percent of the oil in a deposit.
Secondary recovery is the most widely applied enhanced recovery technique. Water that is produced and
separated from the oil in the initial phase of drilling is injected back into the oil-bearing formation to
bring more oil to the surface. In addition to boosting oil recovery, it also disposes of the wastewater,
putting it back where it came from. This can bring an additional 20 percent of the oil in place to the
Enhanced recovery techniques are used to mobilize the remaining oil. There are three common
approaches: thermal recovery, gas injection or chemical flooding.
Thermal recovery entails injecting steam into the formation. The heat from the steam makes the oil flow
more easily, and the increased pressure forces it to the surface.
Gas injection uses either miscible or immiscible gases. Miscible gasses dissolve CO2, propane, methane
or other gasses in the oil to lower its viscosity and increase flow. Immiscible gasses do not mix with the
oil, but increase pressure in the gas cap in a reservoir to drive additional oil to the well bore.
Chemical flooding involves mixing dense, water-soluble polymers with water and injecting the mixture
into the field. The water pushes the oil out of the formation and into the well bore.
Enhanced recovery techniques are employed to bring as much as 60 percent of the reserve to the surface.

Separating Oil, Natural Gas and Water

Oil generally comes out of the well mixed with water and, often, small amounts of natural gas. Similarly,
natural gas often comes out of the ground mixed with water vapor and other gases. These various
components must be separated before "pipeline quality" oil and/or natural gas can be sent to market.
To remove water and natural gas from oil, the mixture is passed through a device that removes the gas
and sends it into a separate line. The remaining oil, gas and water mixture goes into a heater/treater unit.
Heating helps to break up the mixture so that oil separates from water, which is more dense. Any
remaining natural gas, which is less dense than oil, rises to the top. The gas is removed for either
processing or burning; water is removed and stored for further treatment. Click here to learn more about
natural gas processing.
Additional separation of oil from wastewater is accomplished using hydrocyclones. Hydrocyclones spin
the oil/water mixture, and use acceleration to separate oil from water. Water is forced to the outside of the
hydrocyclone, where it is removed. Because most wastewater is very salty, it cannot be used as a water
resource. Instead, it is injected back deep into the subsurface, usually into the same formation where the
oil and water came from, helping force more oil out of the reservoir.

In some areas of the western United States, the produced water extracted with natural gas from coal beds
may be suitable for agricultural, livestock, and wildlife use. This water is usually much less saline than
produced water from deeper gas-bearing formations.

One promising new separation technology is the freeze-thaw/evaporation (FTE) process. Using a freeze
crystallization process in the winter and natural evaporation in the summer, wastewater is separated into
fresh water, concentrated brine, and solids. The fresh water can be used for agriculture or livestock, and
the volume of waste requiring disposal is greatly reduced. This approach is useful only in areas with hot
summers and cold winters -- like the Rocky Mountains.

Offshore, the salty water is tested to make sure that it does not contain any oil or other impurities that
could hurt sea life, and is then put into the ocean. This practice has been studied extensively and is closely
monitored to ensure that it does not harm marine life. The fact that most offshore platforms are rich in
marine life attests to the safety of this approach.

Protecting Sensitive Environments

Many of the U.S. untapped oil and natural gas resources lie beneath sensitive environments ranging from
the Arctic tundra to the southern wetlands to offshore sites. Over the past four decades, the oil and natural
gas industry has developed innovative approaches for operating in these sensitive areas, improving both
environmental and economic performance.
Protecting the Ocean - From the Gulf of Mexico to the North Sea, the oil and natural gas industry is
using advanced technology to search for new energy resources in deeper water while improving
environmental and safety precautions.
Advanced 3-D seismic surveys enable operators to pinpoint potential reserves more accurately, which
translates into fewer wells drilled and faster, more efficient resource recovery.
Side-scan sonar is used to identify safe sites for production platforms, avoiding sensitive habitats and
unstable areas.
Extended reach and horizontal wells reduce the number of wells and production platforms needed to
develop the field.
Safety and Environmental Management Programs have practically eliminated oil spills from offshore
platforms. Subsea blowout preventers, along with steady advancements in well engineering and
equipment and procedures to manage subsurface pressures or "kicks" are used to maintain well control
even in very deep water.
Protecting Wetlands - Today, almost everyone realizes the important role wetlands play in the
environment. Where there are potential oil and natural gas reserves located under wetlands, the oil and
natural gas industry takes care to minimize risks.
Arctic Challenges - The Arctic presents some real obstacles to producing energy, including extremely
low winter temperatures and very remote locations. Advanced technology has allowed the oil and gas
industry to expand the areas that can be explored, while protecting the sensitive Arctic environment.
To avoid damaging the tundra, exploration is only conducted during the winter. This allows the use of
roads, bridges, drilling pads, and airstrips constructed of ice, which melt away each spring. For sites that
are too remote for ice roads, alternate means of transportation are used. Large all-terrain vehicles with
huge balloon tires carry equipment across the frozen tundra leaving no tracks, or helicopters are used to
move equipment and materials.
Advanced horizontal and multilateral drilling is employed to allow the industry to develop large
reservoirs with far fewer surface locations and wells. Over 40,000 acres of subsurface reservoir rock can
now be drained from a site that takes up less than 10 acres on the surface.
Restoration of Land-Based Sites
After 15-30 years of production, most oil or natural gas wells reach their economic limit and need to be
shut down. Dry holes wells that do not produce as expected must also be addressed. Today, oil and
natural gas companies consider site restoration a critical operations activity. Teams of environmental and
engineering professionals, and skilled equipment operators handle restoration to bring sites back to
original or better condition.
The restoration of land-based wells is discussed below. Restoration of offshore sites will be discussed
About 17,000 land-based sites are closed and restored every year. This involves filling the casing with
cement and removing the wellheads, pump jacks, tanks, pipes, facilities and equipment. Then the
wellbore is plugged to prevent underground fluids from getting into groundwater. Waste-handling pits, if
present, are properly closed, and the location is restored to near-original condition.

Bioremediation - At some sites, the soil can become contaminated with hydrocarbon molecules. In the
past, these sites were often addressed by digging up the soil and moving it to a special landfill. Today,
many sites are restored using bioremediation--the stimulation or placement of oil-eating microorganisms
in the soils to digest hydrocarbons. This is a very effective and natural approach that causes minimal
disturbance to the land while reducing landfill requirements.
Recycling - Advanced technology isn't always the best answer. Sometimes a creative, low-tech approach
is the right answer. In Pennsylvania, sediment that collects at the bottom of oil storage tanks is used as a
component in paving mix on local roads. This saves costs for the producers and reduces landfill
requirements. Drill cuttings from drilling operations can be mixed with cement to produce bricks The
cuttings produced from just one well can make up to 700,000 new bricks!
Restoration of Offshore Sites

Almost 100 offshore platforms are taken out of service each year. For smaller structures in shallow
waters, companies dismantle the platform, which is then brought to shore for refurbishment or reuse.

In water deeper than 100 feet, and at more remote locations, a rigs-to-reefs approach can be used.

In this approach, all waste materials and useful equipment are removed from the production platform. The
platform is then toppled on site or cut and moved to a new site and allowed to come to rest on the sea

Within a year, the platform will be covered with marine life. The hard surfaces attract invertebrates such
as barnacles, corals, sponges and clams. These, in turn, attract resident reef fish like snapper and grouper,
and can also provide breeding and rearing habitat for juvenile fish of a number of other species.

A sunken platform can actually attract and s upport 20-50 times more fish than the ocean's naturally flat,
soft bottom.

Nataural gas processing

Natural Gas Processing
Natural Gas Liquids

Although natural gas and crude oil often can be found in the same location, they take completely different
routes from the wellhead to you, the consumer. While crude oil and refined products can travel through a
chain of pipelines, tanker ships, trucks and the like, 99 percent of natural gas makes the journey entirely
through pipelines made of durable carbon steel. This makes it important to bring recovered natural gas
into line with market specifications before it enters the main interstate pipeline system.
The natural gas used to cook our food and/or heat and cool our homes is 90 percent clean-burning
methane, the simplest form of hydrocarbon. But that's not the case for natural gas as it comes out of the
ground. Depending on the location of the well and the geologic conditions that created the gas in the first
place, contaminants such as water, sulfur and natural gas liquids (including ethane, propane and butane)
may be present. So-called gathering pipelines collect natural gas from wells in a given region and
deliver it to local processing plants. The processed gas then enters the interstate pipeline distribution
Natural gas often comes out of the ground mixed with water vapor. This "wet gas" can be separated using
two primary methods:

Glycol dehydration Wet gas moves through an inlet pipe into a tank called a "contactor." A rounded
cap over the inlet pipe forces the gas to flow down into a pool of glycol solution at the bottom of the tank.
Glycol has a strong affinity for water, so the water molecules from the wet gas bond to the glycol
molecules in the solution. The vapor-free natural gas is collected from the top of the contactor.
Because water boils at 212F and glycol doesn't boil until 400F, simple heating is all that is required to
vaporize the captured water so the glycol solution can be reused.

Solid-desiccant dehydration - This method is typically more effective than glycol dehydration, but
requires higher volumes of natural gas moving under high pressure. The wet gas is pumped downward
through a tower filled with a solid desiccant (drying agent). The desiccant attracts and binds the water
molecules so that only dry gas flows out the bottom of the tower.
When the desiccant has captured all the water it can, operators flush the tower with heated gas that re-
vaporizes the water molecules, thereby "reactivating" the desiccant.

Natural gas that contains sulfur is called sour gas because sulfur has a strong rotten-eggs odor. The
process of removing sulfur from natural gas is therefore called sweetening.

Sulfur in natural gas occurs as hydrogen sulfide, which must be removed because it is toxic when inhaled
and is highly corrosive to pipeline walls. Also, if recovered in sufficient quantities, hydrogen sulfide can
be neutralized to yield pure, marketable sulfur.

The most common sweetening process is similar to glycol dehydration. In this instance, the absorbent
liquid is a solution of sulfur-attracting amines. The cap over the inlet pipe forces gas to pass through the
amine liquid, which captures the sulfur molecules while the natural gas bubbles out of the liquid to be
collected from above.
Natural Gas Liquids
The natural gas we use in our homes is mostly methane, the simplest form of hydrocarbon. But natural
gas at the well may include other hydrocarbons, such as ethane, propane, butane and pentane. Each of
these so-called "natural gas liquids" - or NGLs - has its own unique properties that make it suited to a
specific use: For example, butane is used in lighters, while propane is used in backyard grills and home
heating systems. Processing facilities remove NGLs so they can be recovered and used separately.

Most NGLs can be removed using an absorption process that passes the mixed gases through a pool of
gas-absorbing oil that catches the heavier hydrocarbons but allows the methane to move through.
However, light hydrocarbons such as ethane are tougher to recover. Small amounts of these light
hydrocarbons can be left in natural gas with no ill effects. If larger quantities are present, however, they
can be removed using a process called cryogenic expansion.

A "cryogenic" process is one that takes place at very low temperatures. In cryogenic expansion, a
powerful fan blows cooled gas from a narrow pipe into an expansion chamber. This reduces the vapor
pressure of the gas, which has the effect of further reducing the gas temperature to approximately -120F.
At this temperature, methane remains a gas while other hydrocarbons become liquid and can be removed.
The collected NGLs are then separated from one another using another temperature-based process. As
discussed in the "Refining", each type of hydrocarbon has a unique boiling point - the temperature at
which it converts from liquid to vapor. Recovered NGLs pass through a series of progressively warmer
chambers, each heated to a temperature that will vaporize a specific hydrocarbon from the remaining

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