Mixed Media Self-Portrait Rubric PDF

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Mixed Media Self-Portrait Rubric

Rating Scale:
Name:__________________________________________________________ A = 18 - 20 points D = 12 - 13 points

Period:__________ B = 16 - 17 points F = 11 points or below

C = 14 - 15 points

4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points 0 points

Category Advanced [A] Proficient [B] Average [C] Below Average [D] Failing [F]
Effort / Participation Participated in all Participated in most Participated in some Barely participated No class participation / did
classes / worked efficiently classes / worked fairly well classes / worked with some in any classes / barely no work during class time
during all classes during class distraction or disruption worked during class and/or was disruptive

Craftsmanship Completed artwork is Completed artwork is very Completed artwork is neat, Completed is more messy Artwork is incomplete
exceptionally neat neat with some parts less neat than neat or extremely messy

Mediums / Creativity Project uses all three Project uses all three Project uses only two Project only uses one Project only uses one
mediums effectively / is mediums effectively / is mediums effectively / is medium / shows some medium / has no interesting
exceptionally unique and/or unique and interesting / takes somewhat interesting or developing ideas / doesn't or unique aspect to it/ takes
is interesting / takes many some creative risks / unique / shows an average have a true sense of no risks / uses no original
risks / explores options explores some options sense of developing ideas originality ideas

Color Shows an advanced Shows an above average Shows an average Shows little knowledge of Shows no knowledge of
awareness of color / color awareness of color/ color awareness of color / color color / color relationships / color / color relationships /
relationships / color relationships / color relationships / color color schemes color schemes
schemes schemes schemes

Completion Project is finished / turned Project is finished / turned Project is finished / turned in Project is finished / turned in Project is finished / turned in
in on time in 1-2 days late 3-5 days late 6-8 days late 9+ days late

Project is turned in on time / Project is turned in on time / Project is turned in on time / Project is turned in on time /
is almost finished is halfway finished little was done on project little was done on project

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