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M1-L2 To talk about how you I prefer to

feel about things I really enjoy

I am good at
I am worried about
I often
I want to get better at
I think its a good idea to
M1-L5 Talking about hopes I hope to
and plans I plan to
I would like to + (infinitive)
I want to
Im going to

M2L1 Asking about a job What do you do?

Whats your job title?
Who do you work for?
How many people work in your team/ company?
Do you like your job
What do you like about your job?
What dont you like about your job?
M2L2 Job Descriptions and I ask / help/ show/ tell people
understanding jobs I serve food
I design/ build
I keep records
Wear uniform
Reply to mails
Spend time working/ walking/ using
Working hours
Work at night
Good with numbers
M2 L3 My skills Focus on details
Keep accurate records
Manage my time
Communicate ideas
Be creative
Would you like/ prefer to + infinitive..?
Do you like/ prefer + ing?
M2 L4 Discussing daily Catch /take the bus/ train
routines Arrive at work
Get to work but get home
Have lunch
Leave home / work
Have meetings
Meet manager/ boss/ customers/ colleagues
Check mail
Check phone/ social media for messages
M2L4 Making suggestions Shall we +verb?
Lets +verb
Why dont we +verb?
M3 L1 Free time activities Listen to music
Watch a film at the cinema
Play cricket
Do the gardening
Go to the part
Go for a swim
Go jogging
Meet my friends
Read books
Take photographs

Asking about free time What do you do in your free time?

activities Where do you do it?
When do you do it?
Who do you do it with?
How much does it cost?

Making arrangements Would you like to go to the cinema?

What are you going to see?
I am going to see
When are you going?
I am going (tonight/ tomorrow/ Saturday) to (name of
Ok. Lets meet outside 15 minutes before it starts
Talking about free time I play/ do this with
activity For this activity you need ..
The rules for this are
In the future I plan to
M3L4 Talking about family My name is. And I am going to talk about my family
I have a big/ small/ medium-sized family
I have brothers and sisters
I am the only /middle child
My (elder/ younger) brother / sister is . Years old
My brother / sister / lives
My brother / sister is (job)
My father/ mother/ is (job)
My parents/ grandparents live in (place)
I am married/ single/
I have a son/ daughter / sons/ daughters
M3 L5 Talking about likes and I liked using the XXX because
dislikes I didnt like using XXX because
I thought it was difficult to use the XXX because..
It was easy to use the XXX because
M4 L1 Describing an How big is the company?
advertised job How many employees does it(do they) have?
How old is the company?
Where is the head office?
Where do they operate?
What are they looking for?
Whats the salary?
M4 L2 Skills needed for Whats the job?
different jobs What sort of persons are they looking for?
Using spreadsheets
Time management
Keyboard skills
Give instructions
Solve problems

Personal qualities
Smart appearance
Friendly and supportive
M4 L3 Asking about specific What qualifications / skills/ experience do they want?
skills What qualifications/ skills/ experience do you have?
What do I need to be good at?
Have a certificate in
Have a diploma in
Experience / qualifications preferred / an advantage
M4 L4 Talking about the job Vocabulary
you want National company/ international company
A charity
Additional responsibilities
A permanent job
A temporary job
Fixed hours
M4 L4 Talking about what you I want to.
want / dont want in a I would like to
job I dont want to
I dont like to
I dont want to work in another country, because
Work for +company name
Work in + location or department
Work with + colleagues
M4 L5 Talking about your soft I am creative
skills I am organized
I can solve problems/ work under pressure
Soft Skills are: I am good at dealing with complaints
computer skills I am good at making decisions
+ I am good at managing time
people skills I am good at meeting deadlines
+ I have good imagination
writing skills

M5 L1 Talking about what Its useful to be good at + ing

skills are useful or
needed You need to be able to +verb

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