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Homer, a business owner in Bedford is in urgent need of fumigation.

His offices have been

overrun by Insects. On 4th October 2016 he searches the Internet, and finds a company called
Pest Patrol, who offers a range of cleaning products and services, including fumigation.
Homer calls Pest Patrol, and speaks to their representative Christine. Homer states that he has
an insect problem, and that his offices in Bedford are infested with insects and that he needs
the building fumigated. Christine responds that Pest Patrol will be happy to do the fumigating
work at a cost of 400. When Homer says that he is happy to accept on that basis, Christine
says that for evidence purposes, all contracts must be concluded by filling In and signing a
document which will be posted to him.
On 5th October, a form arrives from Pest Patrol, offering to complete the work Specified for
400 inclusive of the chemical used and the fumigation service. Homer duly signs the forms,
and posts them the 5th Oct. at 12:00, however, Homer does not hear back from Christine, and
when he tries to call the office on the 10th Oct,there is no response. Annoyed, Homer then
contacts a second company on the 11''' of October. Terminator, and discusses his infested
offices. I really need a way of getting rid of the Insects. Homer says. Louis responds saying
'We have all the chemicals needed to kill any type of Insect and the equipment for the
fumigation. It will cost you 350 to hire including the cost of chemicals. Homer responds.
'Fantastic, when can we do this'?
Louis says. 'We'll bring everything around tomorrow morning'. After hanging up, Homer
write a second letter to Pest Patrol, criticising the speed of their response end saying he
revokes his offer.
The next morning, Louis comes to the Bedford office with the fumigation equipment and
material asks Homer where he wants them. Homer responds by saying 'What do you mean?
You're supposed to fumigate the building, Louis denies this and says. 'We only rent the
equipment we dont use it. Homer refuses to accept the equipment and says that ho won't be
paying Louis any money. Infuriated, Homer calls a third company, Insects Gone, Who sends
someone to kill the Insects, which is done with precision and little contractual difficulty.
However, on the 20 Oct, Christina arrives saying that she is there to fumigate the building
and apologizes for the delay, saying she went on holiday. At same time. Homer receives
a letter from Louis demanding that he either takes the chemicals and equipments or is sued
for breach of contract.

Plead on behalf of plaintiff and defendant

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