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NAME: __________________ DATE:__________________

1) Write correctly the names of the places in the neighborhood.

a) KANB __ __ __ __ d) RAPK __ __ __ __

b) SUMEMU __ __ __ __ __ __ e) ROSTOBOKE __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

c) TOSP ICEFOF __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ f) NARIT ONITAST __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

2) Match each sentence with a picture

Dont take a taxi Drive Dont walk Take the bus

3) Look at the map and write directions.

a) You are at the chemists. Give directions to get to the bank.


b) You are at the greengrocers. Give directions to get to the library.

4) Listening. Complete the conversation with the missing words.

1) 3)
A) Excuse me. ____________ the bank? A: Wheres ________ ___________?
B) The bank? Its ________ ________ ________ B: _______ ________ Center Street.
__________. A: Thanks.
B: ________ ___________.
A: Wheres ________ __________ ? 4)
B: _________ _________ the street. A: _________ do you go ________ __________?
B: __________ ___________.

5) Look at the map. Answer True or False.

1) The pharmacy is on the right. ______________

2) The newsstand is down the street. _________
3) The restaurant is on the left. ______________
4) The bookstore is on the right. _____________
5) The bank is around the corner. ____________

6) Listen to four people talking about their families. Complete the chart with the name and age. Use words
from the box.

brother daughter husband sister.


Example: Tom brother 26

7) Look at the picture. Complete the sentences.

Example: Margaret is Henrys ___wife____.

1) Diana is Margarets _________________.
2) Robert is Dianas ___________________.
3) Henry is Allison and Marks __________________.
4) Robert and Diana are Allison and Marks _________________.
5) Mark is Roberts ___________________.

8) Look at the pictures. Circle the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

Example: She is (cute / tall / old).

1) The children are (old / handsome / good-looking).

2) Mr. and Mrs. Harris are (young / old / tall).

3) Their daughter is (tall / handsome / short).

9) Complete each question with How old is or How old are.

1) ____________________ your children?
2) ____________________ Miss Green?
3) ____________________ his grandparents?
4) ___________________ your cousins?
5) ___________________ your brother?
6) ___________________ their daughter?

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