AIE Corporate Brochure 2

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Re-defining Safe, Reliable

and Responsible Operations

the specialists
AIE provide our services using highly qualified and
experienced personnel who have worked at various
operations around the world, gaining valuable experience
from each location and transferring the knowledge and the
lessons learned to provide a holistic approach to our services.

Our principal engineers cover all key disciplines and

are considered leading industry experts with extensive
experience and qualifications in their relevant fields. We
regularly chair or present at educational conferences and
seminars and we are proud to enhance and develop the
markets we serve.
about us
We deliver comprehensive and high quality services
which bridge the gaps left by our competitors and AIE is a leading provider of asset Integrity We are an independent body with no ties to supply
consistently perform above our clients' expectations. management and engineering services which improve companies or proprietary services and products.
operational reliability, safety and asset protection This independence allows our engineers to make
we are whilst at the same time helping to maximize plant unbiased and forthright decisions to ensure
Independent & Impartial Experts performance and mitigate the constant challenges equipment is designed, maintained, operated and
Dedicated Proactive and hazards facing heavy industry. decommissioned in a responsible manner which
Responsible Innovative complies with industry best practices.
Informed Flexible AIE holds an accredited quality, safety and
Accredited Efficient environmental management system in accordance AIE has a reputation for setting the standard
with ISO and international standards. We operate in operational Integrity and engineering excellence,
a complete technical service from the United Arab and employing our services sends a clear message
Emirates which is supported globally by a range of of responsibility and quality to stakeholders.
specialist personnel.

our mission Our promise

 eading, developing and educating
L  n engineering barrier to protect life,
the market we serve property, business and environment
Delivering quality, safe, reliable, innovative A market leading innovative service which
and efficient services to our clients utilizes latest technology and learning
Impartial, honest and transparent Value to our clients business through enhanced
engineering services reliability and reduced production downtime
Valuing and respecting human rights no A safe and positive work environment with
matter what culture or background development opportunities for all our staff

02 Contact: Contact: 03

Procurement &
Quality Management Materials & Component
Selection Strategies, Procedures,

Specifications & Schemes Review & Audit
Vendor Inspection NDE & NDT Support
Risk Assessment

concept and
detailed engineering
Design Verification Safety Analysis
Safety Critical Identification Consultancy & Technical Support Procedures
& Performance Standards Materials & & Strategies Measurement, Inspection & NDT
Corrosion Engineering Design by Analysis Validation & Verification
Tender Specifications
& Bid Evaluation

Providing 04.
A Complete 06. Operation
Lifecycle decommissioning
AIMS Build & Development Strategies &
Procedures In-Service Integrity & Inspection

Solution Concept Definition & Strategy Development

Preservation & Corrosion Management
Management Risk Based Inspection
Maintenance Builds Chemical & Corrosion
Management Safety Assessment Risk
AIE delivers an established range of services Environmental Assessment Safety Analysis Analysis Hazid, Hazop etc. Fitness for Service
which are market leading, international code Survivability Analysis Risk Assessment Incident Investigation

compliant and offer a complete life-cycle Assessment Hazid, Hazop Integrity Audit
solution for our clients. Training

Our services can be effectively implemented

at any stage of an assets life cycle and
have been proven to drive down inspection,
Life extension
maintenance and repair costs whilst Assessment & Survey Reliability Analysis
improving reliability and safety. Strategies & Procedures Fitness for Service
Evaluation Environmental Assessment &
From providing independent design Re-rating Fatigue & Creep Analysis
verification services to delivering a fully
integrated Integrity management and
inspection service with permanent site based
personnel, AIE can deliver a unique service
tailored to our clients ever-changing needs.

04 Contact: Contact: 05

Our Proven & Established An
Operational Integrity independent &
impartial service
Management System which is not influenced
AIE specializes in setting up a complete Integrity management system for both new and aged
assets. The system we develop is tailored to our clients' operations and is established based on by operational or
our wealth of experience and compliance with industry best engineering standards and practice. commercial

the context
Client integrity standard

integrity management philosophy

well marine pipeline structural pressure corrosion

In-service Integrity and

integrity integrity integrity integrity systems management
strategy strategy strategy strategy integrity strategy

Inspection Management
planning & data
acquisition Having Integrity and inspection management Our operational Integrity teams possess a variety of
integrity planning
services provided by an independent third party is skills and knowledge which are combined to provide
a widely used strategy in the western world and a comprehensive and educated third party service
demonstrates responsible operations, has a positive for our clients' operations.
integrity work packs effect on service quality and helps to reduce facility
insurance premiums. Our API qualified inspection engineers and
monitor technicians are highly trained and follow our in-
and audit AIE provides multidisciplinary teams to manage service inspection and testing procedures with work
data gathering and implement Integrity and inspection services flow performed in accordance with our established
on behalf of our clients. We cover all operational Integrity management framework.
requirements from corrosion and CP management
through to in-service inspection, fitness for service Our clients can rest assured that the Integrity of
ANALYSIS & evaluation, KPI reporting, external audits and their facilities is managed by an independent team of
ASSESSMENT failure/incident investigations. specialists who bring failure knowledge, experience
integrity risk assessment
and technology from other operating facilities in
the region and who are not biased by operational or
commercial pressures.
risk treatment

anomaly management fabric maintenance repair order management


assessing integrity &

measuring performance
integrity reporting

06 Contact: Contact: 07

Independent Technical Support
Employing a full-time team of specialists
to analyse and address the variety of
AIE provides independent technical,
consultancy and auditing services
We integrate our services with our
clients operations and are responsive
our competitors,
complex issues typically faced in heavy to support our clients day-to-day in our service delivery which covers we are flexible and not
industries such as Oil and Gas, Power
Generation and Nuclear is a sizeable
operations. We have a wide range of
highly experienced operations personnel
all operational requirements including
technical authority provision, integrity tied to a single RBI
undertaking. This requirement is often not
achievable in most business units due to
who are up-to-date with the latest
technology, codes and standards within
assessment, auditing, tender preparation
and bid evaluation. In addition,
financial pressures and lack of available the Oil and Gas, Power Generation and AIE provides HSE and compliance
competent personnel in the market. Nuclear industries. assessment services to meet corporate
or regulatory requirements.

External Audit and Integrity Assessment

AIE trains and educates heavy industry of Integrity performance which is determined Integrity plan to regularly
on minimum Integrity standards to benchmarked against similar assets. measure Integrity performance or as
ensure major accident hazards are a one-off exercise. This is particularly
prevented. Our independence and in- Our external audit and asset Integrity useful in defining Integrity gaps,
depth knowledge allows us to deliver a assessment service is performed either supporting legal claims or as part of a
comprehensive and objective evaluation in accordance with an ongoing pre- due diligence exercise.

Element ID Element Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Risk Based Inspection
01 Accountability
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) is a proven method used AIEs materials, inspection and engineering
02 Competence to optimize inspection activities based on risk analysis. expertise allows us to deliver an RBI that really
03 Hazard Evaluation and Risk Assessment RBI defines the risk of operating process equipment does encompass all the benefits that risk based
04 Facilities and Process Integrity as the combination of two separate elements: the inspection methodologies can offer.
consequence and the likelihood of failure.
05 Protective System
We implement RBI analysis for:
06 Practices and Procedures The technique adheres to international codes and Static Equipment
07 Management of Change standards, replacing time based inspection with a Piping
number of significant advantages: Pressure Safety Valves
08 Emergency Response
Reduced operational risk Pipelines
09 Incident Investigation and Learning Increased plant availability and reduced Structures
10 Performance Management and Learning unplanned outages Static Marine Equipment
Reduced inspection and maintenance costs
without compromising safety or reliability Our independent approach means that, unlike our
Flexible techniques able to continuously improve competitors, we are not tied to a single RBI software
the Importance of im elements
and adapt to changing risk environment and as such are able to implement the appropriate
Inspection techniques and methods clearly solution to meet our clients needs.
100 defined based on thorough understanding of
80 potential failure modes
percent of 60
40 time based
20 inspection

ty nc
e ies ns
ion es MOC atio
n ce
ili te z ard ilit po ct t ic an
nt Ha c s ot
e c i g r m
mpe Fa Re Pr Pra st o
c ou Co n cy I n ve P erf risk based
Ac ge nt inspection
er ide
Em In c
inspection / maintenance cost

08 Contact: Contact: 09

Corrosion & Chemical
AIE provides a range of corrosion and chemical
management services that comply with Safety,
Health and Environmental policies which

Management help to increase plant availability and reduce

leakages and unplanned maintenance.

Corrosion Risk Chemical Lab Testing Corrosion Monitoring Materials

Assessments Testing & & Coupon Control & and Measuring Engineering
& Planning Fitness for Removal/ Consultancy Performance (KPIS/ Service
Service Analysis Reporting)

AIE provides quantitative AIE has extensive AIE works alongside Our specialist engineers AIE establishes KPIs for AIE can cover the
Structural Integrity
and qualitative corrosion
risk assessments which
address all modes of
capabilities in
performing fitness for
service evaluations
our approved partners
in delivering laboratory
analysis and coupon
are highly qualified
and have extensive
theoretical and practical
each essential corrosion
control activity to provide
a means of recognizing
entire spectrum of
materials engineering
services, such as
degradation found in according to field / probe management industry experience. AIE and understanding quality control, testing, AIE provides a range of structural Integrity clients. We also develop strategies, performance
heavy industry. conditions of both services. On behalf of provides expert witness whether performance quality assurance services for both onshore and offshore assets. We standards, Integrity assessments, tender
corrosion inhibitor our clients we manage services to support legal goals established by the and infrastructure recognize the criticality of these structures which specifications and perform bid evaluations.
Our specialists assign and flow assurance the entire service and insurance claims and duty holder, government, assessments. typically ensure continued production, house
numerical values to chemicals. We have independently analyze we regularly consult on regulatory body etc. are multiple personnel, hazardous equipment, and Our inspection teams prepare and deliver topsides
perceived threats working relationships and report results. a variety of corrosion & being achieved. These Our engineers perform maintain protection to the local environment. and subsea risk-based inspection workscopes
in accordance with with some of the worlds This strengthens the material related issues. KPIs allow continuous failure analysis in order that follow our Integrity framework and inspection
risk matrix tables leading laboratories overall corrosion monitoring and review to determine where Our services cover both green-field and procedures which are compliant with API
and individual failure and our corrosion / management service of the system as well product improvements brown-field installations to ensure assets are recommended practice.
probabilities are defined. chemical experts are by ensuring quality and as allowing corrective are needed and to designed, constructed, maintained, operated and
Consequence modeling regarded as some of the independence of data actions which would identify the root cause decommissioned in a safe and responsible manner. Our engineering team completes our capabilities
is performed to calculate most experienced in the being gathered. strengthen safety of component failure. by offering a variety of detailed analysis
a derived risk for each industry. barriers and reduce Solutions can then be AIE provides third party design verification, techniques using market leading software
threat and barriers / incident risks. engineered to avoid technical authority provision, management of solutions to support daily operations, analyse
mitigation actions are similar failures in the change assessment and external audits for our defects or to demonstrate structural Integrity.
then aligned. future.

10 Contact: Contact: 11

1. habitual observance of truth
in speech or statement
2. conformity to truth or fact
1. honesty, integrity, credibility

Veracity Pipeline software provides

operators a user friendly and systematic overview
approach to pipeline Integrity management.
It geographically presents the pipeline and
the risks associated with it whilst securely Cross platform
managing key integrity data and aligning and role-based
mitigation actions to real time risk values. accessibility

Veracity Pipeline forms an integral part of

the operators pipeline Integrity management
system and its structure and design is fully
compliant to industry codes and best practice Data
engineering standards. The software is a multi- management
and event
platform product and web based, therefore logging
easily accessible from anywhere at any time.

Veracity Pipeline follows a Plan and analysis
DoCheckAct methodology options
which creates control and promotes
continuous improvement.


AIE provides full life cycle management of pipelines from We offer risk based techniques to prevent failures THREAT geographical
appraisal through to design, construction, operation and
decommissioning. AIEs methodology for operational pipeline
occurring and align mitigation actions to real time threats.
In the event that a failure does occur we offer a complete
09. 02.

Integrity management consists of proactive and reactive emergency preparedness system to help minimize the
intervention DEFINED
approaches to the management of pipeline assets. resulting consequence.
Risk analysis
and assessment
Our Pipeline Services include 08. 03.
Third Party Design Verification  uantitative & Qualitative
Q Operational Planning
External Corrosion & CP Assessment Risk Assessment Pipeline Environmental Impact Analysis Management
Pipeline Integrity Assessment
Span Assessment
Finite Element Modeling
Pipeline Integrity Management Systems
 A/QC, Inspection &
Construction Services
system Planning
and Inspection
Risk Assessment Models  AZOP, HAZID & Other Safety
H  orrosion Strategies &
C management
Dropped Object Studies Related Assessments Management Systems 07. 04.
Fitness for Purpose Studies  perating Guidance, Procedures
O  efect Assessment (B31G,DNV RPF
Anomaly Management & Performance Standards 101,R Streng Amongst Others) INSPECT & calculated
Internal Corrosion Assessment  nalysis of Acoustic Diver &
A NDT Consultancy TEST
Integrity Management Strategy Intelligent Pigging Inspections  ork Scopes for Pipeline
W Multiple
Design Life Studies & Extensions Emergency Preparedness Studies Inspection & Repair 06. 05. reporting
 ecommissioning &
D Pipeline Design & Consultancy Audit & Review INTEGRITY mitigation features
Mothballing Studies Material Selection Failure Investigation PLANNING action
Pigging Assessment Studies Software Provision  ipeline Integrity Management
P defined
& Operational Training

12 Contact: Contact: 13

Complete engineering
& Integrity solutions
for marine, fixed and
floating assets

Wells and Subsurface

Integrity Services
The management of well Integrity is a combination of technical, operational and organizational processes to
assure well Integrity during the complete operating life.
Marine Integrity
AIEs well and subsurface Integrity management services cover a number of elements which combined
ensure the safe and continued operation of these hazardous systems.
Marine equipment typically operates SPM Integrity Management
Integrity Management Systems Life Extension Surveys  ngineering Consultancy
E for long periods of time in severe and Marine Hose Assessment & Testing
Strategies & Procedures Annular Pressure Management & Troubleshooting arduous environmental conditions. Maintenance & Integrity Strategies
Barrier Assessment Inspection & NDT Safety Critical Assessments In addition, when failures do occur, Strength & Fatigue Assessments
Well Monitoring & Surveillance Compliance Audit & Reviews & Performance Standards serious safety, business and Environmental Assessment
Annual Integrity Assessment Data Collection, Analysis & Fitness for Service Evaluation environmental incidents can result. Risk Analysis
Materials Selection Integrity Reporting Safety Analysis & Risk Life Extension Surveys
Corrosion & Chemical Management Integrity Failure Assessment Assessment AIE provides Integrity services Fitness for Service Assessment
to ensure fixed steel jacket and RBI & RCM Assessments
floating marine systems are Quality Management
operated and maintained in a safe Design Verification
and reliable condition. Third Party Surveys, Audits
& Inspections
Tender Specifications
& Bid Evaluation

14 Contact: Contact: 15

& FFS performed
ANALYSIS & DESIGN by industry leading
AIE offers independent design verification, finite Design Verification
element analysis, remaining life assessment, re- Overlooked or incorrect design and fabrication can
rating and adverse mechanical design options for result in serious safety consequences in operation
the majority of heavy equipment. or become extremely expensive to revert once
equipment enters its operational life.
We provide workable solutions to our clients, allowing
them to avoid or delay costly repairs whilst at the Our third party design verification service ensures
same time ensuring equipment is operated safely. compliance with project requirements and
international codes/standards whilst also providing
Our independent engineering solutions and a barrier to eliminate error and establish the
expertise provide support over all phases of the Integrity management system for the equipment.
equipment life cycle from appraisal through to
decommissioning. Fitness for Service
Our fitness for service and finite element analysis team
Mechanical Design assess all primary modes of failure including cracking,
A robust mechanical design is the primary fatigue, corrosion, creep, erosion and fracture.
barrier in preventing in-service damage
mechanisms from occurring. The assessments we provide are practical, clearly
communicated, cost effective and to the highest
Our engineering team specializes in providing expert standards. The output of our service allows our
design options where adverse operating conditions clients to make appropriate decisions on running as
or problematic scenarios require an innovative, is, retiring, re-rating or altering equipment prior to
defensive or unique design concept. We specialize in operation. We dont just provide quantitative analysis
design by analysis techniques which are engineered but assist in defining the risk and consequence of all
to fully withstand the operating environment possible scenarios, allowing the most appropriate
whilst at the same time ensuring compliance with options to be understood and followed.
international design codes.

16 Contact: Contact: 17

Criticality Analysis,
Maintenance Build SCE Identification &
Performance Standards
A complete maintenance and Integrity Our CMMS development software
facilitates criticality analysis which
management solution under one umbrella is performed by our experienced
maintenance and safety engineers.
This analysis is then used to define
the maintenance requirements for the
equipment and its criticality for Integrity
and maintainability.

Safety &

Production Critical

Redundancy & Control

Non Critical

Following our well trodden approach

to SCE identification, which we present
to external delegates, our engineers
define SCE and generate associated
performance standards to ensure that
the maintenance build is linked to the
Integrity management system and
covers key essential requirements.

Maintenance Strategy
Developing asset wide maintenance
strategies to cover all maintainable
equipment is a sizeable undertaking.

AIE consults and offers training

on reliability centered maintenance
and our established generic maintenance
strategies are developed based on
industry wide RCM failure data. They
offer an efficient approach to building
an asset wide maintenance system
Integrity services in isolation are largely systems together under one umbrella so that both Asset Database Build which can then be tailored to meet
ineffective if not underpinned by a targeted are driven by the asset's CMMS. This provides a We are flexible and fully understand the challenges the demands of specialized or high
and proactive maintenance system. It is now number of tangible benefits for the business unit. that most clients face when it comes to defining criticality equipment.
widely recognized in industry that Integrity and their assets and documenting the specifications
maintenance systems are inter-connected as We utilize our CMMS development software to for them. We have experience in building asset CMMS Software
they work hand-in-hand in ensuring that assets efficiently develop maintenance systems for databases for both new and aged facilities where Our CMMS development software and
are operated in safe and reliable condition. our clients following a proven and established little data exists and a site based verification work flow procedures are flexible and
process. Our software aids in the manipulation strategy is required. can be amended to accommodate all
AIE is able to provide our clients with a of data and provides an efficient and quality our clients' requirements. As such we
complete service solution which links Integrity controlled platform for the development of the In completing this work we typically identify are able to implement maintenance
management and maintenance management maintenance system. various errors with drawings and technical builds which are fully compatible with
information. Our drafting team ensures that any most propriety maintenance software
inaccuracies are communicated clearly to ensure providers typically found in the industry
that modifications can be made. such as Maximo and SAP.

18 Contact: Contact: 19

Established and four Integrated
interactive training
courses tailored to Management Systems
client requirements


02 04
fabric temporary
maintenance repair
management 03 management

Veracity Anomaly management software is a powerful tool which provides

training services operators with a user-friendly and systematic approach for assessing
and managing their anomalies, using the latest technology and risk-based
methodologies. It is used to ensure safe and cost effective operation by
AIEs talented and experienced trainers wide best engineering practices. Prior to the foundations of asset Integrity given the chance to implement aspects linking the anomaly management system with the subsequent maintenance
deliver comprehensive training courses to the course we provide our literature management and aims to deliver of the training with guidance from our and repair cycle.
to inspection, maintenance, engineering to reinforce subjects covered during the a thorough understanding for our expert trainers.
and operations teams servicing all course, and all delegates are issued a delegates. It focuses on modern risk Our anomaly management software tracks anomalies for both onshore
sectors of heavy industry. certificate of achievement on successful based methodologies to manage asset Major Incident Review & Rca and offshore facilities over a variety of components and assets including
completion of the course. Integrity in both newly constructed Integrity Elements & Structure pipelines, piping, static equipment, structures and marine equipment.
Our courses are typically delivered on and aged facilities. It explains and then Equipment Integrity Lifecycle Veracity Anomaly management software offers continuous risk
site at our clients premises to ensure AIEs established courses include: addresses key threats facing heavy Integrity Barriers management with complete traceability of integrity actions.
the best results. The training is tailored 1. Asset Integrity Management industry and provides both established Safety Critical Elements & Equipment
to the actual operating environment 2. CORROSION MANAGEMENT and innovative practices to safely Risk Based Inspection Veracity Anomaly consists of four interrelated management systems which
and requirements of the client. We do 3. Pipeline Integrity Management mitigate them. Pipeline Integrity Management are engineered to address the needs of a live operational plant with different
however hold public courses where 4. API 579 - Fitness for Service Integrity Mitigation Techniques departments and discipline personnel:
delegates are given the chance to Evaluation The course is delivered in 10 intensive Asset Integrity Review Team Anomaly for defect analysis and management,
interact and network with other modules which are interrelated and Degradation Mechanisms & Damage Fabric Maintenance for preventive maintenance management such as
professionals from the industry. Our Asset Integrity Management written to create a structured and Emergency Preparedness coating and insulation works,
Training course at a glance comprehensive learning environment. Measurement of Integrity Performance Repairs for assessment and management of replacement activities,
Our literature and course content is code The established course covers both Each module is followed by a practical Temporary Repair for management of temporary repairs such as
compliant and follows the latest industry theoretical and practical exposure case study where delegates are composites and box clamps.

20 Contact: Contact: 21

DNO, OMAN BLOCK 8 AIE revolutionized Integrity and maintenance
AIE established and delivered a complete Integrity and maintenance solution to ensure the safe
and continued operation of DNOs offshore facilities in Oman, Block 8
management in DNO Block 8 and haS efficiently created
a step change in the way we operate our assets. They
provide a comprehensive range of services that are
consistently delivered to the highest quality
Jeff Thompson, Asset Manager, DNO, OMAN BLOCK 8

01 02
Third Party Services AIMS
Design Verification Technical Integrity Management System
Authority Support Quality Assurance Strategies Procedures
& Quality Control Construction & Accountabilities Roles & Responsibilities
Commissioning Support KPIs External Audit

03 04
Pressure Systems Pipeline Integrity Management
Integrity Management
Pipeline Integrity Strategy Veracity
Pressure System Integrity Strategy Pipeline Software FFS Evaluation
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) API Inspection Emergency Preparedness Study
& NDT Fitness for Service Evaluation Dropped Object Analysis Span Analysis
Anomaly Management Integrity Assessment Cathodic Protection Maintenance
Integrity Assessment

05 06
Corrosion Management Structural Integrity Management
Corrosion Management Strategy Structural Integrity Strategy
Quarterly KPI Reporting Lab analysis Structural modeling & assessment using
Coupon Management Chemical Selection SESAM Software Offshore Surveys: Topsides
and Fitness for Service Evaluation & Subsea INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT
CP Maintenance

07 08
Marine Well Integrity Management
SPM Integrity Strategy Well Integrity Strategy Production
SPM Integrity Assessment Monitoring and Analysis Inspection Surveys
FFS EVALUATIONS Integrity Assessment

09 10
Safety Assessment Maintenance System
Major accident hazard Study Bow Asset Register Build Criticality Analysis
Tie Analysis Safety Critical Element Maintenance Strategy CMMS Upload &
Identification Performance Standards Setup Repair Orders & Fabric Maintenance
HAZID & HAZOP Studies Quantitative &
Qualitative Risk Analysis

22 Contact: Contact: 23

AIE operates from our headquarters
in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Our geographically central location,

situated just 20 minutes from Dubai,
allows us to promptly serve our core
service regions of the Middle East,
Africa and Asia.

Asset Integrity Engineering

Sharjah Airport International Freezone
Block A2 - 105
PO Box 8693
Sharjah, UAE

Tel: +971 6 574 1933


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