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Vat Exercises

1. A tax on business is
a. Direct tax c. Property tax
b. Indirect tax d. None of the above
2. One of the following is not a major business internal revenue taxes in the tax code
a. Value added tax c. Income tax
b. Excise tax d. Percentage tax
3. Value added tax is a (an)
a. Indirect tax c. Progressive tax
b. Direct tax d. Regressive tax
4. In value added taxation, this is not a requirement for taxability of service?
a. In the course of business
b. Performed within or outside the Philippines
c. Consideration received actually or constructively
d. Supply of service is not exempt from VAT
5. Charlene is an operator of parking lots. What business tax is due on his income tax from
the business?
a. Brokers tax c. Common carriers tax
b. Caterers tax d. Value added tax
6. Mr. F is a lessor of real property and personal property (cars). The tax that he pays is
a. Excise tax c. Percentage tax
b. Value added tax d. None of the above
7. Mr. S Magler imported cigarettes from the United States for sale in the Philippines. What
business taxes in the Philippines are due?
a. VAT, excise tax, other percentage tax
b. VAT and excise tax
c. Other percentage tax and excise tax
d. VAT and percentage taxWhich of the following is not exempt from VAT
a. Importation in their original state of agricultural and marine food products
b. Importation of passenger or cargo vessel more than 5,000 tons to be used by the
importer himself as operator thereof;
c. Importation of personal and household effect belonging to residents of the Philippines
returning from abroad;
d. Importation of non-food agricultural products in their original state by a primary
8. One of the following transactions by a VAT registered person does not result to output vAT
a. Cash sales c. Sales and leaseback
b. Sales on account d. Export sales

Computation of VAT payable

9. Tsukuba Company, a VAT registered business, had the following data during the quarter;
Export sales 1,815,0
Domestic sales (tax included) 1,232,0
Purchases of goods for export 672,00
Purchases of goods for domestic sales 323,12
Purchases of supplies on domestic sales, 124,85
exclusive of tax 0

Assuming that the input taxes paid on purchases of goods for export are claimed as tax
credit, the VAT payable by Tsukuba Company is
a. 12,895 c. 177,895
b. 10,398 d. 84,895
10.In question no. 14, assuming that the input taxes attributable to export sales are being
claimed as refund, the amount refundable is
a. 72,000 c. 84,895
b. 12,895 d. Zero
11.Joey, a non VAT taxpayer, purchased merchandise worth 11,200, VAT inclusive, from Willie,
a VAT registered seller. The passed on VAT of 1,200 on the purchase is
a. An expense c. A tax credit
b. Part of the cost of purchase d. Ignored
12.Altura sold goods at an invoice value of 123,200 to Beltran on account. Beltran sold the
same goods to Cantoria for 143,000 (exclusive of tax) cash. All of them are VAT registered
taxpayers. The accounting entry to record the sales in the books of Beltran is
a. Cash 160,160
Sales 143,000
Output Tax (143,000 x 12%) 17,160
b. Cash 143,000
Sales 143,000
c. Cash 160,160
Sales 160,160
d. Cash 143,000
Sales 125,840
Output Tax 17,160
13.The journal entry in the purchase books of Beltran in No. 17 is
a. Purchases 110,000
Input Tax (123,200 x 3/28) 13,200
Accounts Payable 123,200
b. Purchases 96,800
Accounts Payable 96,800
c. Purchases 83,600
Input tax 13,200
Accounts Payable 96,800
d. Purchases 110,000
Accounts Payable 110,000
14.In question no. 17, assuming that Cantoria is not subject to VAT. In the sale of the goods by
Beltran to Cantoria-
a. Beltran should record debit Cash 125,840
b. Beltran should record debit Cash of 143,000 in his books.
c. Cantoria should debit purchases of 125,840 and a debit Input tax of 17,160
d. Cantoria should debit Purchases of 143,000

15.Statement 1: in case tax exempt products are sold domestically to a VAT registered
person, the VAT otherwise due on such product shall be considered as Input Tax creditable
against his output tax payable
Statement 2: export sales by a VAT registered person are subject to zero-rating and so he
can claim and enjoy a crdit for the tax invoiced to him on his purchases. If he is not VAT
registered, his export sales are exempt, but he is not entitled to tax credit for inputs.
a. Both statements are true c. Both statements are false
b. False, true d. True, false

Number 21-23 are based on the following info:

Transaction 1- an agricultural food producer sells his products in their original state to a
food processor who also buys packaging materials and containers from a manufacturer/
Transaction 2- the food processor transforms the food products into processed foods and
sells to a wholesaler/ exporter
Transaction 3- the exporter sells the goods to foreign buyers.
Transaction 4- the wholesaler delivers the merchandise to retailers
Transaction 5-the retailers sell the goods to households or ultimate consumers

16.Based on the information above, which transaction is VAT exempt?

a. Transaction 1 c. Transaction 3
b. Transaction 2 d. Transaction 4
17.Which transaction is zero rated?
a. Transaction 1 c. Transaction 3
b. Transaction 2 d. Transaction 4
18.Based on the information above, the Vat are absorbed by
a. Food processor c. Retailer
b. Wholesaler/exporter d. Households/ ultimate consumer
19.Buboy a government employee, ate in one fast food chain in Dipolog City. He was issued
the following receipt;

Greenwich-Dipolog City Branch (0369)

Rizal Ave. Cor Lacaya St., Dipolog City
TIN # 000-333-143-879 VAT
POSO1 SN: 455686
BIR Permit No: 1776-897-67543-455

Serving # 01
10/27/2007 16:23 APP OR # 564567878
1 SOLO SPE ML 83.00

I item (s) 93.00

VATable 83.04
VAT-exempt 0.00
12 % VAT 9.06

CASH 500.00
This serves as your OFFICIAL RECEIPT.

Based on the receipt issued above

a. The amount of 83.04 represents the input tax of the fastfood chain
b. The input tax deductible from the output tax of Buboy is 9.96
c. The total invoice price of 93 is inclusive of the 12% VAT
d. Buboy has been subjected to VAT twice; first on th 93 and second, on the 9.96

Number 25-26 are based on the ff. info;

20.The pastry shop sells cakes and pastry items to well-known hotels around the Metro Manila
area. The hotels are allowed credit based on the track record of the hotels. The total
amounts received or receivable from sales by the Pastry shop in the 2 nd quarter of 2008
were 224,000, including the value added tax. Seventy five percent of the sales are
normally on account. How much is the value added tax on the sales for the 2 nd quarter of
a. 20,000 c. 26,880
b. 24,000 d. 15,000
21.The account title to best reflect the value added tax in the preceding number is
a. Sales tax payable c. Input tax
b. Value added tax payable d. Output tax
22.Cruz, a trader, made the following transactions of goods, exclusive of VAT, during the
second quarter:
Cash Sales 200,0
Open account sales 100,0
Consigned goods April 100,0
delivered: 15 00
May 100,0
15 00
June 100,0
15 00

The output tax for the second quarter is-

a. 40,000 c. 60,000
b. 48,000 d. 36,000

Mongolia Company, a VAT registered business has the following data in its books on July,

Domestic 709,50
Sales 0
Sales returns 26,400
Goods shipped on consignment (net of tax):
Units Unit Price
July 5 25 22,000
June 5 20 22,000
May 5 12 22,000

Goods withdrawn for use by the 38,50

company 0
Goods taken as payment to 26,95
creditor 0
Freight and Insurance of goods 4,675
Raw Materials 484,0
Supplies 61,60
Capital goods 60,50
Salaries of employees 235,0

During the month, one consignee remitted cash net of 20% commission representing the
payment for five units delivered on June 5.

Another consignee remitted cash of 220,000, gross of 20 % commission, representing

payment for 10 units sold in July. Other than the commission, Mongolia Company gave 5 %
discount/rebate to the consignee for selling ten units in a one month period.

23.The output tax in July is

a. 124,450 c. 161,106
b. 121,050 d. 134,255
24.The input tax is
a. 61,078 c. 65,440
b. 73,293 d. none of the above
25.The amount of VAT payable is
a. 87,813 c. 66,525
b. 69,350 d. 78,404.46

26.A creditable input tax allowed on one who becomes subject to VAT for the first time
a. Presumptive input tax c. excess input tax
b. transactional input tax d. total input tax
27.Isaac Company, a newly VAT registered business, has the following data in January (all
amounts are inclusive of tax).

Merchandise inventory 204,0

Actual VAT paid on the 16,00
inventory 0
Sales, total invoice 469,0
amount 00
Purchases 57,40
Fifty percent (50%) of the merchandise inventory on Jnauary 1 were purchased from non-
VAT registered sellers.

The VAT payable by Isaac Company is

a. 30,100 c. 3,960
b. 28,100 d. 4,950
28.An owner of heavy equipment is engaged in equipment rental. It used to be VAT exempt
because its annual receipts never exceeded 1,500,000. On January 2, 2008 it decided to
register under the VAT system. The following data were from the first quarter ending
March 31, 2008.

Rental from heavy equipment of 12% 336,0

VAT 00
Purchases of supplies (February) gross 112,0
of VAT 00
Inventory of supplies:
Subject to VAT Jan 1, 2008 50,40
Not subject to VAT 60,00
VAT paid on the inventory of supplies, 5,400
Jan 1, 2008

The VAT payable for the quarter ending March 2008 is-
a. 12,171 c. 18,600
b. 33,792 d. 22,992
29.Statement 1: Transport of passengers and cargo by domestic air or sea vessels from the
Philippines to a foreign country is subject to VAT at a rate of 0 %.
Statement 2: transport of passengers and cargo by domestic air or sea vessels from
Mindanao to Luzon and Visayas, vice versa, is subject to VAT at a rate of 12%.
a. true, false c. false, false
b. false, true d. true, true
30.Beth had the following receipts during the month (exclusive of tax):
passen Cargo
Jeepney 1 20,000
Jeepney 2 30,000
Bus 15,000 8,500
Sea vessel 1,500,0 800,0
00 00
Cessna plane for 800,00 560,0
hire 0 00
The output tax during the period is
a. 164,220 c. 283,800
b. 441,000 d. 440,220
31.Inside Job Security Agency is engaged in the selling of security services to various clients.
During the month of December, it billed on of its clients of the following
Monthly salary 6,00
13 th month 6,00
pay 0
Agency fee at 1,80
15 % 0
SSS/Philhealth 300
Leave with pay 450
Total 14,5

Based on the following data, how much is the Output VAT payable of Inside Job Security
a. 1,746.00 c. 1,440.00
b. 1,558.93 d. 1,478.57
32.Bonnevie is a real estate dealer. During the month of November 2008, he sold three (3)
lots under the following terms:
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Selling price 250,0 200,0 300,0
00 00 00
Cost 150,0 130,0 175,0
00 00 00
Gain/loss 100,0 70,00 125,0
00 0 00
Downpayment, 25,00 50,00 40,00
Nov 5 0 0 0
Dec 5 25,00 20,00 20,00
0 0 0
Jan to Dec 2009 200,0 130,0 240,0
00 00 00

All amounts indicated above do not include the tax.

The VAT in November is
a. 26,500 c. 34,800
b. 31,800 d. 90,000
33.Based on the information given in no. 37, the VAT for the month of December is
a. 5,400 c. 10,000
b. 4,500 d. None
34.Dimagiba Construction Company entered into a contract with the government to construct
an edifice for a total contract price of 25,000,000. During the month, the government paid
10,000,000 of which it withheld 5 % final withholding tax. How much is the VAT payable by
the company on the government contract?
a. 150,000 c. 0
b. 850,000 d. 1,000,000
35.Which of the following statements is not correct?
a. transitional input tax is 2% of the value of the inventory or the actual VAT paid,
whichever is higher
b. amounts received from services performed by an individual pursuant to an employee-
employer relationship are exempt from VAT
c. export sales by VAT registered persons are not subject to VAT
d. Export sales by persons who are not VAT registered are VAT exempt
36.Transaction by a VAT registered taxpayer which is not subject to VAT:
a. Foreign currency denominated sale
b. export sale
c. transaction deemed sale
d. sale of service rendered in foreign countries.
37.Statement 1: There is a VAT in an importation by an importer-merchant even if he does not
intend to sell the imported article.
Statement 2: a person who is exempt from VAT may register under the VAT system

a. false, false
b. false, true
c. true, false
d. true, true
38.-- VAT is imposed on goods brought into the Philippines, whether for use in business or not
-- In the case of goods imported into the Philippines by a VAT exempt person which are
subsequently sold to taxable persons, the latter shall be considered the importer thereof
and shall be liable for VAT due on such importation

a. true, true
b. false, false
c. false, true
d. true,false
39.Celebrado, VAT registered taxpayer, has the following data on importation in 2008:
For Own
sale use
Invoice cost (Exchange rate $1:Php 46) $ $ 850
Custom duties 12% 10%
Freight 20,00 4,000
Insurance 28,00 4,250
Other charges before release from custom 7,000 2,500
Facilitation fee 10,00 5,000
Freight from custom house to warehouse 12,00 1,200
(net of VAT) 0
Assuming the custom duties are determined on the basis of the quantity of volume of the
goods, the VAT on the importation is
a. 31,260 c. 47,981.76
b. 37,285 d. 44,742
40.In no. 44, how much is the VAT payable if the imported goods for sale were sold for
665,000 (inclusive of tax) 10 days after its delivery to the warehouse-
a. 28,279.44 c. 17,540
b. 32,298 d. 25,068
a. 25,000
P., imported a car from the USA for his personal
d. use.
cost is Phpis for
b. 30,000(about $5,000) including custom duties of Php
use.VAT payable is
c. 10,000

42.Lavadena Construction Corporation, is a VAT registered general construction company. Its

data for the quarter are revealed below:
Contract Residential house
Contract Price 1,200,000
Collection during the 616,000
month Php
Contract Warehouse
Contract Price 1,000,000
Percentage of 70%
Collection during the 220,080

Importation of construction equipments from Japan:

Invoice cost, Japan (1$: $7,500
Php 44)
Value per Bureau of Php
customs 340,000
Customs duties 35,000
Freight and insurance 17,000

Purchases of materials:
From VAT registered 226,2
persons 40
From non-VAT registered 126,5
persons 00

Revenue from rent of equipment to another contractor: 17,920.

Assuming the custom duties were based on the quantity of the goods imported, the VAT
due on the importation is-
a. 46,860
b. 52,260
c. 45,840
d. 46,050

43.The VAT payable by Lavadena Company during the quarter is

a. 21,420
b. 19,200
c. 6,450
d. 20,400

44.Bata, a VAT registered person had the following data:

Price actually paid for the period
Price actually paid for the goods bought from Japan P
Related insurance premiums and freight from Japan 100,00
Custom duties amount to 40% of dutiable amount
Other import charges and expenses amount to 120% of
custom duties

The VAT on importation is

a. 82,560
b. 145,920
c. 135,360
d. 157,920

45.Patogrok Company contracted with Sapotize Construction Corporation to Construct the

formers building where only the labor will be supplied by the latter. The data on the
construction (inclusive of tax) during the month are as follows:

Progress billings by Sapotize Company P600,000

Payment to Sapotize Company 504,000
Purchase of materials by Patogrok Co. 442,400

Which of he following is false?

a. construction in progress is not depreciated until the asset is placed in service.
b. for purposes of claiming input tax, as a purchase of service, the value of which shall be
determined based on the progress billings.
c. the input tax credit on the labor contracted shall be recognized on the month the
payment was made based on the progress billings
d. once the input tax has already been claimed while the construction is still in progress,
no additional input tax can be claimed upon completion of the asset when it has been
reclassified as a depreciable capital asset and depreciated.

46.Aileen, a Japanese residing in the Philippines bought garments from Cua Corporation, a
domestic corporation, and exported the same to Japan. Total value of export is 100,000.
VAT (output tax) due on the transaction is
a. 10,000
b. 5,000
c. none, because 0% applies
d. none, because the sale is exempt from VAT

47.Offspring Corporation is a VAT registered dealer of appliances. The following data are for
the month of October:

Sales, total invoice value P5,800,0

Purchases, net of input taxes 2,820,00
Sales return 200,000
Purchases return, net of input tax 300,000
Deferred input taxes (carried over from 9,500
third quarter

The VAT payable for the month of Oct by company is

a. 320,000 c. 80,000
b. 285,500 d. 288,100
48.The following are the data of City Appliances Marketing Company for October, 2008:

Sales upto Oct 15, total invoice P266,0

value 00
Purchases upto Oct 15, net of 215,00
input taxes 0

Additional info:
On October 16, 2008, City Appliances company retired from its business and the inventory
valued at 190,000, net of input taxes, was taken and transferred to New City Appliances
Company. There is deferred input taxes from the third quarter of P3,500. How much is the
total value added taxes due and payable by City Appliances Marketing Company in its
operations in October and its retirement from business?

a. 22,500 c. 6,350
b. 22,000 d. 25,350


Gabriel Panga Auto Repair Shop, VAT registered, had the following data in its books during
the period:

From Auto repair 85,6
From washing and greasing 45,4
Reimbursement by customer on payments made to VAT machine shops 4,35
Payments received for lubricants, oils and fluid provided by the shop to cars 5,78
undergoing repair 0

Electric bill 3,55
Water bill 2,38
Salaries of employees 15,0
Payments made to machine shops, non VAT 4,35
Purchase of lubricants, oils and fluids 3,00
Purchase of capital goods (life-10 years) 24,0

49.The output tax amount to-

a. 16,419 c. 14,660
b. 16,941 d. 15,126

50.The VAT payable is

a. 9,404 c. 9,459
b. 12,753 d. 6,979

51.Taxpayers who became VAT registered persons upon exceeding the minimum turn-over of
1.5million in any 12-month period, or who voluntarily register even if their turnover does
not exceed 1.5 million shall be entitled to a transitional input tax on the inventory on hand
as of the effectivity of their VAT registration on the following, except:
a. Supplies for use in the course of taxpayers trade or business
b. Goods which have been manufactured by the taxpayer
c. Goods in process for sale
d. Capital goods being used in the operation of the business

57 to 60

Sumilco, a manufacturer of refined sugar, became subject to VAT effective December 1, 2008.
During the month, the following are its data:

Refined sugar withdrawn from refinery, 924,0

inclusive of VAT 00
Purchases of-
Supplies from VAT registered suppliers 38,50
Packaging materials, VAT inclusive 27,06
Sugar cane from planters 350,0
Water bill 12,00
Salaries of officials and employees 150,0
Inventory per balance sheet, Dec 1, 2008
Packaging materials 17,87
Supplies purchased from VAT registered 14,85
persons 0
Supplies purchased from non VAT 4,750
registered suppliers
52.The presumptive input tax is-
a. 35,000 c. 13,860
b. 5,250 d. 14,000
53.The transitional input tax is
a. 3,506.25 c. 654.50
b. 2,975 d. 2,998.00
54.The total creditable input taxes is
a. 24,530.54 c. 92,935.00
b. 13,828.00 d. 22,935.00
55.The VAT payable is
a. 61,065.00 c. 74,469.46
b. 70,172.00 d. 69,815.00
56.An importer wishes to withdraw its importation from the Bureau of Customs. The imported
goods were subjected to a 10% customs duty in the amount of 12,500 and to other
charges in the amount of 9,500. The value added tax due is
a. 12,500 c. 13,364
b. 17,640 d. 14,700
57.Kaka is a contractor. She entered into a contract o March 1, 2008 which was completed on
March 31, 2008. She received the total value of the contract amounting to 550,000 on
March 31, 2007. Kaka spent for the materials used in the contract which she acquired from
the VAT registered suppliers costing 150,000. All amounts are exclusive of VAT.

The VAT payable by KAKA for the month of March is

a. 15,000 c. 48,000
b. 40,000 d. 59,500
58.Archie, a newly VAT registered taxpayer is a lessor of poles to telephone and cable
companies. During the month of January 2008, Archie had the following receipts from

Security deposit from customer C 110,0

Ret income in January from various 88,00
customers 0
Prepaid rentals received from customer C 132,0
(feb to June) 00
Loan to Archie from customer B 82,50

During the month, a portion of the security deposit for the faithful compliance by customer
C of its obligations to the lessor was applied to rental for January in the amount of 11,000.

At the beginning of the year, Archie had 252,000 worth of inventory of supplies and
materials for use in the business. VAT paid on the beginning inventory is 3,500.

The output tax of Archie in January is

a. 24,750 c. 28,500
b. 21,000 d. 39,500
59.In no. 63, the input tax on Archie is
a. 5,040
b. None
c. 21,000
d. 4,160

60.Marinda is a VAT registered grocery owner and sugar dealer. She submitted lists of
inventory as of December 31, 2007 to the Revenue District Officer as follows:

Grocery items, total value 325,000

Raw cane sugar, total value 255,000

In January 2008, she had the following sales and purchases

Sales Purchas
Grocery (total invoice 1,042,5 650,100
value) 25
Sugar (excluding VAT) 480,00 420,000

The VAT due for January, 2008 is

a. 35,675.00
b. 42,045.54
c. 41,675.31
d. 6,675.26


Goodbooks Educational supply, VAT registered, is engaged in the business of selling books,
school supplies and gift items. The following are the record of its purchases and sales
during the month of October (inclusive of tax):

Sale of school supplies 560,0

Sale of books 200,0
Sale of gift items 336,0
Purchases of school supplies and gift items 406,0
Purchases of books 176,0
Purchase of computer used in taxable and exempt 21,11
transactions 2

61.The creditable input tax on the purchase of computer is

a. 2,400.20 c. 26,400.65
b. 1,920.50 d. 1,809.60
62.The VAT payable is
a. 50,690.40 c. 36,500.00
b. 34,100.50 d. 43,280.25
63.Tala company had the following data for the 1 st quarter of 2008 (VAT exclusive)

Taxable sales 600,0

Exempted sales 300,0
Zero rated sales 100,0
Input tax which cannot be directly attributed to any of 50,00
the above sales 0

The VAT payable for the quarter is

a. 42,000 c. 32,000
b. 37,000 d. 22,000
64.Combined Company operates a VAT business and a non VAT business during the month, its
books revealed the following record of sales and purchases

Sales (VAT business) 600,0

Sales (non-VAT business) 200,0
Purchases (VAT business) 401,5
Purchases (non VAT business) 80,00
Purchases (VAT and non VAT 64,00
businesses 0

The VAT payable by Company is

a. 7,660 c. 13,500
b. 6,060 d. 18,060
65.Excel company operates two lines of business. Business A is subject to VAT, while Business
B is not. Data for the month are as follows:

VAT business, VAT included 560,0
Non-VAT business 100,0
Merchandise, VAT business, VAT included 154,0
Merchandise, non VAT business, VAT included 67,10
Capital goods, VAT business, VAT included 34,77
Capital goods, non VAT business, VAT included 27,50
Capital goods, for use in both business, VAT 56,00
included 0
Rent of store, VAT business, VAT included 14,56
Rent of warehouse, VAT & non-VAT business, 6,200
VAT excluded
Freight of goods, (VAT and non VAT business), 2,576
VAT included
Telephone bills, VAT and non-VAT, VAT included 1,624

The input tax on Business A is-

a. 27,281 c. 23,267
b. 23,747 d. 18,875
66.In no. 71, the VAT payable by Excel company is-
a. 19,035 c. 20,253
b. 20,733 d. 32,219


Mildred enterprises, a VAT registered trader had the following data during the last quarter
of the year:

Purchas Sales
October 627,20 392,0
0 00
Novemb 599,20 862,4
er 0 00
Decemb 959,61 789,6
er 6 00

All of the amounts indicated above are VAT inclusive.

67.The amount of VAT payable by Mildred for the month of October is

a. 25,200 c. 2,000
b. 16,500 d. None

68.The VAT payable for the month of November is

a. 203,500 c. 3,000
b. 28,200 d. None

69.The VAT payable/(excess) tax for the last quarter is

a. (18,216) c. 60,900
b. 18,216 d. none

The books of accounts of Franklin Corporation, VAT registered , revealed the following data
in 2007:

Deferred input taxes, 6,200

June 2007
July 620,0
August 430,0
September 540,0
July 508,0
August 432,0
September 314,5

70.VAT payable for July is

a. 13,440 c. 11,200
b. 7,240 d. 5,000

71.The VAT payable for August is

a. (6,440) c. None
b. (240) d. 7,000

72.The VAT payable for September is

a. 26,580 c. 20,860
b. 27,060 d. 34,090

73.Felicisima had the following data:

Case 1 Case 2
Sales, net of VAT 1,900,0 1,800,0
00 00
Purchases of goods for sale, 1,260,0 1,600,0
exclusive of VAT 00 00
Purchases of machines (VAT not 1,440,0 900,00
included) 00 0
Machine life 6 years 3 years

The amounts of VAT payable/excess tax are as follows:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Case 54,00 73,92 73,9 Non
1 0 0 20 e
Case (84,00 (84,00 20,0 non
2 0) 0) 00 e

74.Lavinia had the following data in July:

Sales of goods (excluding VAT) 2,540,0

Purchases of goods (net of VAT) 1,450,0
Purchases of capital goods (invoice
Machine 1 (useful life of 6 years) 974,40
Machine 2 (useful life of 3 years) 67,200
The VAT payable in July is
a. 120,860 c. 33,600
b. 19,200 d. (40,800)
81 to 82

The following data (net of tax) of Christine company are as follows:

1st quarter
Sales 700,00
Purchases 500,00
Purchase of machinery (Feb) 1,500,0
Unutilized input tax as of end of 40,000
1st quarter
2nd quarter
Sales 1,500,0
purchases 200,00

75.For the first quarter, Angel Company will result to a/an-

a. VAT payable of 72,000 c. Excess tax of 196,000
b. Excess tax of 22,000 d. VAT payabe of 22,000

76.The VAT payable for the 2nd quarter is-

a. 156,000 c. 125,000
b. 134,000 d. None

77.The data during the second quarter:

Output Tax 35,0
Input Tax 19,0
VAT paid:
April 3,00
May 4,50
Excess input tax, 1 2,40
quarter 0

The VAT payable (or excess tax to be carried over) is

a. 6,100 c. 8,500
b. 16,000 d. None

78.A new businessman consulted you relative to the filing of tax return and payment of his
business tax. The business is VAT registered although he is expecting to earn an annual
gross receipts ranging from 900,000 to 1,200,000 only. These are his questions:

1. what business tax should be paid by him?

2. when is the deadline for filing the tax return for the month of May?
3. when is the deadline for the payment of the business tax for the month of June (or
second quarter)?

Which of the following choices would be the correct advice?

1 2 3
a VAT June July
. 20 25
b VAT June July
. 25 25
c Non June July
. VAT 20 25
d Non June July
. VAT 20 20
The City Government of Inga has the following purchases for the month of August 2009
from VAT suppliers of goods and/or services:

Purchase of goods from Sina store an merchandise (inclusive of VAT) 11,200

Purchase of services from Daman Services, Inc 56,000

79.The amount payable to Sina after withholding taxes of VAT and income tax is
a. 11,200 c. 9,400
b. 10,600 d. 10,500

80.The amount payable to Daman Services Inc. after withholding taxes of VAT and income tax
a. 56,000 c. 52,500
b. 50,000 d. 53,500

VAT Exercises

True or false
1. A VAT registered person who issues a VAT invoice for a VAT exempt sale but fails to
display on the invoice the term VAT Exempt shall be subject to VAT on that sale.
2. The input tax of a VAT purchaser is the output tax of the VAT seller
3. Services rendered to persons engaged in International shipping or air transport
operations are subject to 12% VAT.
4. The excess of output VAT over the input VAT is a current asset of the taxpayer
5. The input VAT on purchase of capital goods valued at 2,000,000 shall be spread over 60
months ,or the life of the asset, whichever is shorter, subject to 70% cap.
6. Persons engaged in sale of services may also be allowed to claim tax credit on
presumptive input tax.
7. Gross receipts on services rendered by all franchise grantees are subject to franchise
8. .
9. .
10.A physician is not subject to VAT because in exercising his professional services he is
not engaging himself in business.
11.There is no creditable input tax on sales to government or any of its political
subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies, including government-owned or controlled
12.If the invoice price is inclusive of VAT, the amount given is multiplied by 3/28 to get the
VAT component thereon.
13.A taxpayer who operates a VAT and a non-VAT business cannot claim input tax credit on
purchases of goods to be used in his VAT business.
14.Any input tax attributable to zero-rated sales by a VAT registered person may at his
option be refunded or applied for a tax credit certificate which may be used in the
payment of internal revenue taxes.
15.Banks and other banking institutions are subject to VAT.
16.Importation of goods are subject to VAT even if the intention of the importer is to use
the imported goods for personal purposes.
17.The gross receipts derived from exercise of a profession and from other lines of vatable
business shall be combined for purposes of determining the threshold of 1,500,000
18.The account Output Tax must appear in the current liability section of the balance
19. Lease of copyright on taxation books are subject to VAT.
20.Input tax, being a tax, is an expense on the part of purchaser and is deductible from
gross income for purposes of computing the net income.
21.VAT is a regressive tax.
22.System loss on electricity that are being charged by electric cooperatives to consumers
are subject to 12% VAT.
23.Printing of invoices and receipts (including delivery receipts) requires the approval of
24.Purchases and sales are recorded in the books of non-VAT taxpayer at an amount
which is net of input/output taxes
25.A sale of power or fuel which is generated from solid waste is subject to 0% VAT.
1. true
2. true
11. true
12. true
13. true
14. true
16. true
17. true
19. true
22. true
23. true
25. true

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