The 4th Danube Participation Day: Veröffentlicht Am Veröffentlicht Am - Forrás

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The 4th Danube Participation Day

Verffentlicht am Verffentlicht am 26. Oktober 2017 | Forrs:

Daniela Stojkovic

Digital Communication Manager at Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions

11 Artikel

The 4th Danube Participation Day was held one day before the 6th Annual Forum of
the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. This years topic of the EUSDR Participation Day
was Science meets participation, innovation and sustainability The agenda for participation
in EU macro-regional strategies.

The Participation Agenda for the Civil Society and Local Actors in the MRS developed and
implemented together by Priority Area 10 of the EU Strategy for the Danube region and its
partner, the Danube Civil Society Forum, is certainly an important step in the right direction,
and I congratulate you for the realization of the 4th Danube Participation Day in Budapest on
the 17th and 18th of the October 2017. Monika Vana, Greens/EFA Group in the European

This year's DPD was held in an unusual interest, both by representatives of civil society and
representatives of various organizations and institutions of national and local character. The
dense and intense agenda provided an active participation to all participants, especially
through a lively debate that has evolved into 5 comparative working groups, namely:

Working Group I: Participation Partnership A research perspective

The Partnership aims to explore and working on theories and good practices in research that
promote participatory governance in order to enhance capacities for multi-level governance in
the macro-regions and to develop potential measures and actions that can be applied in the
macro-regional strategies. Chair: Blaz Barboric, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia

Working Group II: Participation Partnership - Building Macro-regional Strategies on

local and multi-level governance

The Partnership aims at developing concrete measures for the implementation of Participation
at the local level, based on the new guidelines for Participation developed by the Council of
Europe. Chair: Stefan August Ltgenau, Danube Civil Society Forum/Foster Europe

Working Group III: Participation Partnership - A key factor concerning social

innovation and sustainable development

The Partnership should identify innovative, co-creative and trans-sectoral approaches in order
to sustain long-term top-down (thinking) and bottom-up (acting) processes (developments).
Chair: Stefan Barth, Agapedia Foundation

Working Group IV: Participation Partnership - Designing 2020+ with Local Actors in
the Macro-regional Strategies

The Partnership aims at looking at existing participatory instruments in EU-institutions,

funding programmes and decision-making processes in the macro-regions and explores
possibilities to strengthen the participation of civil society and local actors in shaping regional
development post-2020. Chair: Claudia Singer, Priority Area 10 Institutional Capacity &
Cooperation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region

Working Group V: Participation Partnership - Empowering Roma

The Partnership deals with participatory approaches to empower Roma communities in the
macro-regions in order to enable their participation in the shaping of their social and political
capital. Chair: Barbara Willsberger, Priority Area 9 People & Skills of the EU Strategy for the
Danube Region

Civil society organization are inherently part of each such regional strategies, and especially
here in the Danube region as social challenges, including migration and environmental are but
two of the issues inhabitants of this region share. The success of such strategies very much
rests on concrete initiatives that must start with civil society and be implemented jointly with
civil society. After the first years of "enthusiasm" following the launch of the Strategy, we
cannot lose the political momentum at all levels: national, regional and local. Corina
Creu, Member of the European Commission Regional Policy.

The special "treat" of this year's event is reflected in the final presentation by the famous
writer Gyorgy Konrad (!), who spoke with his extraordinary language about the past of the
region as well as to look at the challenges in the immediate future as well as the tasks of civil
society globally.

In the first years after the fall of the old regime, beginning in 1989, Konrd took an active part
in public life in Hungary and was one of the thinkers who paved the way for the transition to
democracy. He was a founding member of the Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ), and one
of the founders and spokespeople for the Democratic Charter.

The number of presents and active participants at this year's Danube participation Day is 174.

You can see photos from the event in our web gallery:



Szemlyes ismeretsg rvn, Daniela Stojkovic-tl kaptam a fenti, angol-nyelv tjkoztatst,

a Duna-stratgia, budapesti, 6. ves Fruma Civil Fruma 2017.10.17-i rendezvnyrl,
amellyel kapcsolatban, a Duna-stratgia hivatalos magyar honlapjn semmi nem tallhat! Mi
ennek az oka? s mindez trtnik, tbbszri szbeli s rsbeli krsnkre adott sorozatos
kormnybiztosi s miniszteri biztosi gretek ellenre!

Az EUDRS 6. ves Frum angol nyelv sszefoglalja:

Az EUDRS 6. ves Frum Civil Frum rendezvnyrl kszlt fnykpek:

Konrd Gyrgy eladsa az Andrssy Gyula nmet nyelv Egyetemen, Budapesten:

Barabs Mikls eladsa nem tallhat!

Budapest, 2017. november 5.

Pteri Lszl


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