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endnwen\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Exam. Oriented Series-16 ee AC Wy Peal a Extremely Useful for Union and RA SaaS) ae and Other Competitive Exams. Magazines ORCHIBEARERS Price 2 70 = Price ¢ 70). por @ ib nese SITs Pratiyogita Darpan (Hind Byoranaybos ese: 1180 ByropneredPod 55: (620 prtpepes Ope era ByorneyPea eso: 178 Dyregawed Pod Bao i rae one erst Pet wocmyree aces me Byron Pet Ga Test vo a nish mown” Same Merl Inds, 1 mage for Central andStat Ci Service, SSC, gy lf RegiedPom sa 70 Watnaya Defence M4, CGCINET. Bank Pan contre (nate a sd oqeraoncouipenv csmtnains, a HINDI MONTHLY ‘Avery popular and uprising magazine for SSC, Banks, Railway, B.Ed. sand such oth ‘competitive examinations, Price & 35) ZINTA. See Bia Nag AGLA282 002 Mh. 2 4083355, 2530766, 2531101; Fa (056) 4053330 rl: exo pcepin $0, START READING sia t= Tees ‘eon TOMORROWIMAY, sea Se mma peerm AOU EE Staaten rar Raut Daya Gi 10.002 Phe 12325184466 mle (Near Suni Pa nent S00 O88 (AP) ediey, Lawrie 3 Bee olen i DARPAN CCONTENTS) Ezitorial 6 Rajput Age : From 750 A.D. to 1200.D. 5 Origin of Rajputs and Prominent Rajput 7 Dynasties Rashtrakut Dynasty Gurjar Praiharas Pala Dynasty Trpartte Struggle Other Prominent Rajput Staves Politcal Condition of the Rajputs Politcal Views and Institutions ‘Trade and Commerce Agriculture and Land System ‘An, Religion and Philosophy Religion and Philosophy Education, Literature and Artof Rejput Period ‘Shankaracharya The Chola Empire The Chola Rulers as Builders end Patrons ofAn The Chola Administration Indo-Arab Relations Invasion of Mahmud Ghaznavi of India Alberuni’s Descristion of Inca Invasion of Mohammed Ghori of India ‘Memorable Facts Objective Questions Medieval Period : From 1200 to 1707 Historians of Medieval India and their Historical Texts Foundation of Delhi Sutanate in North India Circumstances and Causes for the Estab- lishmont of Muslim Rule ‘Musiim Impact on Inctan Society Khali Empire ‘Tughlag Dynasty 108 123 125 127 148. 161 167 ‘The concurrence of the views ofthe Editor isnot necessary for any matter or figure published in ratiyogla Darpan. Medieval India /3 Ghiyasuddin Tughlag Mohammad:Bin-Tughlaq Now Poitical Policies and Adminstrative Principles of State under Mohammad Tughiag Firaz Shah Tughlag Feroz Shah Tughlaq's—Religious Policy ‘and Public Works Indian Kingship and the Etfect of the Disintagration of Suttanate Nature of State : Poitical Thought and Institutions Impactot Islam on Indian Culture Economy of Thirteenth and Foureenth Contury ‘Casta System and Slavery During Sutan- ‘ate Period ‘Chango in Technology Architacture of Early Sultanate Period Imponant Facts to Remember Vijaynagar Empire Bahamani State Religious Movements of 15th and 16th Centuries Sufism of Mysticism Bhakti Movernent—Nature and Relevance Of the Saints of the Bhakti Movernent ole of the Vaishnava Revivalists and Thalr Work Emergence of Regional States in Fifteenth ‘and Early Sixteenth Century Foundation of Mughal Empire in North India Jahangir Shahjahan Aurangzeb ‘The Maratha Empire Memorable Points Objective Questions ~Eitor Gurcans ee verry Best Books for English Improvement una ode 18 aa oa. a Correct; = “Tr. tm = | ENGLIsH Ly Granmar CORRECT YOUR COMMON fi ‘ ERRORS rng es UPKAR | 274, Satoshi tna Nogar agree 002 Pn 4053333, 253066, 25107; Fax (562) 4055350 @ErnaloxeQuntarn «Website: wo lern PRAKASHAN | « wow on zssisaee «riyerut 07558 «Pata 5730 Kan 7551519 #Lstnow 410500 We seldom realise that our thoughts affect not only those with whom we come into contact, but also the nature outside. Though vibrations have immense potential of creating bad or good outside environment, thoughts do deeply affect our nervous system. Our evil thoughts will cause harm to us first, somebody else later. In order to have a healthy life, we should nurture good thoughts. We ‘must at ail cost stop thought pollution which does no good to anybody, but hams one and ail. All of us like to live in an atmosphere free of the negative thoughts like jealousy, cunningness, fraud, deceit, treachery, malice, distrust and fear. Let us inculcate healthy and positive thoughts so as to make the environment livable to all. ‘These daye environmental pollu- tion is a subject of universal concem ‘among the thinkers. Various maga- zines. and journals are full of materfal conceming the subject. The main idea behing it is that the danger posed by environmental pollution is more damaging than that of tho atomie blasts Out of the discussions the idea comes up that the human life pollutes the environment. The trees putily the environment. The environ- mental pollution affocts advorsoly both human ife and reos While talking of environmental pollution we centralise our thoughts ‘on the physical ife and the things which create pollution. Subtle ward ‘or suttio causes of pollution aro often ignored. We miss the point that ur thoughts atlect environment on a wider scale We often read such con- clusions of research that the milch ‘animals yiold more milk and trees go better in an atmosphere replete with ‘music and troes also give more fruits. Even then we remain inditferent to- wards thought pollution. Thought motivates all actions and also determines the outline of all activities. (Our personaltty is formed accord- Ing to our thought so much so that cur physical body is deeply affected by our thought power. Thoughts oreate vibrations in the atmosphere which aifect other per ‘sons. How the thought forms aifect Medieval India / $ tho other side can be understood with the help of the example given here bolow. Once a king went in a garden to lake resi. Without introducing himself he asked the gardener to give him some water to crink—The gardener plucked a pomegranate and prosonied its juico in a tumbler to tho king. The king was surprised © see that the juice of a pomegranate had filled the whole tumbler. The king made up his mind that he would levy ‘suitable tax on this garden as these alts must be a source of a groat ‘After some time the king called tho garcenor and said, “give me ono ‘more tumbler of juice.” The gardener was surprised to see that this time the [ulce of the fait couls fl only halt the tumbler. He immediately ques- tioned, “Are you a king and have an evil eye on my gaiden ?° The king hhad to say yes. Tho king silently wont trom there, Do we ever think that our pollu- ted thoughis may be behind the whirlwind, storms, accidents and other dsturbances of nature. Our evil thoughts take us to the evil actions. And for our evil actions they create desired atmosphere also. Jealousy. malice, hatrod, clesssimuggio oto. have created the painful atmosphere of plunder, murder, terror, nsecurty etc. The government full of goodwill and without economic inequalities is ‘called the weliare stato. Tho welfare stato ie considered to bo tho gitt of the best cultural and politcal thought of the modem age. The Indian thinkers have visualised the welfare state as Ram-Pajya, which has been boautifuly described by Tulsidas in Rarncharimmanas. The effect of good thoughts is rot limited to human life tut also it alfects the outer almasphere and the bohavour of nature. We want to solve these pro- biems on political and social levels, While they are concemed with moral aspect or formation of ideas. Evil thoughts induce evil behaviour. On examining the hearts of cunning people we wil find a sea of fraud, teks and cumingress. The psycho- ogists after examining minutely the human behaviour have came to tho conclusion that the thoughts greatly aifect the behaviour ard health of the person. We know it 100 well that anger makes the man lose himseif and oven makes him mad. Jealousy ‘makes aman very narrow-minded. it is caid that thoughts of Jealousy and anger even adversely affect the flow of blood and emotions of malice and hatred make the man intolerant and bad longued. Hundreds of years ago tho Upanishads doclared that tho negative thoughts destroy the power ‘and potential of the person. The Australian thinker Bishop Lead-Beater in his book, Thought orms’, has deait with thought forms allength in the book. Persons coming into our contact leavo some offoct without uttering a word. But why ? it is due to the thought forms created by them Evil thoughts create bad effect and healthy thoughts create healthy eifect. Our young men wil do well to realize tho powor of thought forms which are our life and blood ard they will always try to have healthy thoughts. This would make therm lovable and dear to all those who ‘come into thoir contac. ooo RAJPUT AGE (From 750 AD. te 1200 ADD), Origin of Rajputs and Prominent Rajput Dynasties ‘The mid of the 7th century AD., present a changing scenario and carves out certain amaging facts. The suzerainty of Harsha Vardhan over the entire North Tndia was a land mark in Indian history. The way he brought under his sway, different sales (0 establish one organised state was remarkable feast but in the absence of able and worthy sueces- sors, the entire north India was divi ded into small estates and it remained divided till 12th century. Inthe ‘meantime, many small estates sprang up in wesieen India, All of these estates were called “Rajput estates and the main region where the Rajput dynasties ruled was. in course of time, designated as Rajasthan. The Rajputs were brave, fearless and self- rospecting people. It is difficult to trace as ¢o who were the Rajputs and how did they rise to power. The historians have propounded a number of theories regarding their origin Main principle theories of their origin which can be relied on ares under — 1. Foreign Origin “There as occasional reference to the “Gurjaras’ in the record of the early period Which enable us to tice their existence as from the latter part of the sixth century A.D, According to Cunningham they were the des- cenden’s of the Kushans or Gushans AMT Jackson propounds another theory about their origin. He points cout tha a tribe known as the Khazars lived in South Armenia and Media in the fourth contury A.D. The Arab writers believed that the Khazars were Gev-regions. A Georgian ta- tion relates thet the Georgian king Vakhtang (469AD-S00AD) led an amy to India, About this time the white Huns also invaded India, Tt scems that the Khazars along with the Hun poured into India and settled Medieval India / 6 ‘There in the carly years of the sixth century A.D. These Khazars were known to the Indians as “Gurjaras.” 2. Theory of Descent from Kshatriya Heroes Some Indian scholars donot agree to the theory of forcizn origin fof Rajpors. They assert thatthe ceigin of Rajputs came from Suryavanshi and Chandravanshi Khashtciyas. The main protagonist of this theory are Vaidya and Ojha ete. They assert that Anthropology, Totems and other factors emphasize upon the fact that the origin of Rajpats has been from the indigenous heroes and not from foreign races. They have supported their Views as under— () Many traditions of the Rajputs resemble the Aryan traditions, Gi) The physical constitution of Rajputs is like Aryans. Gi) The rulers of Mewar, Jaipur and Bikaner cte. feel proud on their ‘Aryan ancestry. They consider them- selves as Suryavanshi or the descen- dant of Ram. Gv) The fire worship among the Rajputs came from the Aryans and not from the foreign races. The Indian literature refers to fire worship among the Aryans before the rise of Buddhism. Tt was not a tradition exclusively among the foreigners (9 Likewise the traditions of Sacrifice and Yajana existed among the Aryans 3. Theory of Descent from Original Inhabitants of India Some scholars hold that the castes of Rajputs who mainly lived near Vindhyachal mountain, have originated from the original inhabi- tants of India, Thistheory is supported by the fact that Chandel Rajputs of Bundelkhand originated from the Gonds. The famous queen Durgawati belonged w this Gond wide, The modem historians do not give any importance 10 this theory although there are many supporting proofs 4, Origin from Fire (Agni- kund) This theory was propouncled by ‘Chandbardai in his book ‘Prithviraj aso’, According to this thecry some Rajput clans believe that their fore fathers were bom from the holy Dburnt on the Abu Mountains. Accord- ing to it when Parshuram killed all Kshatriyas and there remained no Kshatriya on the carth to protect the Brahmins, the Brahmins burnt holy fire on mount Abu and performed Yajna for forty days. They prayed to God to grant them for their security a heroic race. Ulimately their prayer yielded results and four heroes were bom of the Agni Kund (lire place), ‘These four hetoes founded four line- age of Chauhans, Chalukyas, Parmars and Pratihars. Some historians do not ‘agree to it. They assert the possibility of a big Yajna performed on mount ‘Abu for converting the foreign races to Hinduism, No proofs have been available to support this view. And so the origin of Rajputs is still a contro- versy 5. Most Plausible Theory of ‘Mixed Origin Though all the above mentioned theories have some iruth, still no single theory completely satisties the historians, Historians like VA. Smith conclude that, “Rajput is a mixed face.” Some Rajput castes were the descendants of foreign aggressors like Saka, Kushans and Huns and some were the descends of ancient Kshatniya clans who could wield sword efficiently and fought in the battle fild with extraocdinary cour age, began to be called as Rajputs transformed into a social group were the Rajputs. Tn the words of V.A. Smith, “the term Rajput is used for such a social human group who had no reference to caste and blood relations, They are known only as a war loving race who possess sovereignty and the Brahmins designate them as Kshatriyas.” According to V.A.Smith, the Rajputs were bom of various races and castes, RASHTRAKUT DYNASTY ‘The southem neighbours of the ‘Traikutakas were the Rabtrakutas who rose into prominence during the last quarter of the 4th century AD, ‘Their original home was Lattalura, modem Latur in the Osmanabad dis” trict of Maharashtra. The founder of the dynasty is stid to he Nannaraja whose rule extended from 630 AD to 650 AD. He selected the eagle as the insignia of the family, which was accepted by his successors. Nanaraja was succeeded by Dantivarman, who ruled from 668 AD to 700 AD. Dantivarman ws succeeded by his son and grandson, His grandson was succeeded by his son Karkkaraja from 700 AD to 715 AD. He was staunch Vaishavite, Indra, the son of Dantivarman was highly amitious though he remained feudatory of comtempory Chalukya emperor, he ‘extended his principality north wards, which included the majority of the Marathi speaking districts of Madhya Pradesh. he forcibly married a Chalukya Princess, named Bhava- naga Dantidurga Son of Indra, Dantidurga began his carrier as a feudatory of Chalu- yas. He was very strong and laid the foundation of lasting empire. He was given the tile of Prathvivallabha. He destroyed the Gurjara Kingdom of Nandipuri, He led an expedition into Malwa, He brought eastern Madhya Pradesh under bis control, Ultimately he became the master of central and southern Gujarat, whole of Madhya Pradesh and Berar, By defeating the Chalukya ruler Kinti- varman II became the master of whole of Maharashtra, Krishna I He ruled frem 758 to 773 AD. He defeted the reorganised forces of Medieval India /7 Kirtivarman [I and thus brought the end of Chalukya empire. Encouraged by this, he defeated the Gangas who were ruling in Mysore. Southern Konkan was also conquered. Great conqueror, Krishna was equally great fas builder. He got a magnificent emple of Shiva consttucted a Ello ‘The temple is considered to be a marvel of architecture. Govinda II Worthy son of Krishna 1, Govinda II was a fun loving king and he practically left the whole empire to the care of his younger brother Dhrwa, Dhruva Dhnva, served his elder broeher Govinda Tl faithfully as a governor of Nasik and Khandesh. But his ambi- tion compelled him 10 seize the throne for himself. He ruled from 780 AD 10 793 AD. He wanted to rule over the entire Northern India, He defeated Vatsaraja, the Pratihara ruler. He also defeated Dharmap: of the Pala dynasty. The ruler of Vengi was humbled. He brought the Rashirakuia power to its zenith, Govinda IIL Like Diruva, he was also an ambitious ruler like Dhruva. He defeated Nagabluta Io put his own nominee on the throne. Govinda IIL aulvanced as far as the Himalayas, He was unrivalled in courage gencral- Ship, sttemanship and marital exp- Ios. Amoghayarsha Govinda II] was succeeded by his som Amoghavarsha who ruled from 814 AD to 878 AD. There were dissensiors in the royal family and consequently there was. Tot of wou ble. But he won a decisive victory over the Eastern Chalukyas in a battle of vengavalli, He then tumed his attention to the Gangas and cnished them, His reign was long but Jacked vigour and brilliance of his father and grandfather. In his lacer Tife he was attracted towards Jainism He was devotes of Mahalaxani Krishna IL He succeeded his father Amogh- varsha and ruled for 32 years from 878 AD to 914 AD. His important wars were against the Pratiharas and Easter Chalukyas, He wanted to put his grandson on the Chota thron but all in vain, Indra I Grandson of Krishna TE he ruled from 940 AD to 968 AD. He un- successfully attacked Cholas in 943 AD but the attempt was foiled, But he defeated them in the battle of Takkolam and marched upio ‘Rameshwaram. He also marched into Bundelkhand. He led an expedition to Malwa. He usimped a large part of Chola Kingdom. Kotting During his reign, Parmara king Singaka reached Malked, in Rashtra ‘Kuta capital. he imperial capital was completely ransacked Karakka IL ‘Taila 11, who was as feudatory of the Rashirakutas revolted in 973 AD and defeated Karakka Il In 975 AD. Ik was under these circumstances that the Rashtrakutas disappeared from the history ADMINISTRATION Central ‘The head of all the administra tive affair was the king, Tl was hereditary and the crown usually passed to the eledest and sometimes to the ablest one. A group of mini ters, consists of Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Revenue Minister, ‘Treasures, Chief Justice, Commander n Chief and Purohita, helped the king in the performance of his administrative duties, Provincial ‘The Rasherakuta empire was divided into several Provinces or Rashtras, which were further divided into. Vishyas or districts, whieh in ‘tum were divided in bbuktis. The bhuktis were further divided into small groups of 10 to 20 villages. ‘The provinces were headed by Rashtrapati, He was also an incharge ‘of revenue administration and were responsible for the tax collection Vishyas were headed by Vishya- pati and Bhogapati at Tehsil level, ‘They performed their duties of revenue collection Village administration was cwr- Nagbhatta I was dhe first sign ‘The Arabian author writes about ied on by the village headman and cant ruler who started this dynasty. Bhoj that, “This king keeps a big the village accountant. The headman He defended the western India from army. Noking had such a best cavalry was responsible for maintaining law the onslaught of the Arab invaders. ashis. No otherstate in Tada was safe and order. The headman had a local He captured the Gurjar state of and secure trom the dacoits as his rmilicia at his disposal Nandipur. He gave t his successor a Military mighty empire in which Malwa, afer him. his son Mabendrapal I Rajpuiana and Gujarat were included. Mer uasus ou Nae ‘The Rashtrakutas were very ruled from 885 to le con- After Nagbhatta 1, Kakkuk and guered a large portion of Bilt and ambitious and no wonder they did all Deyraj ascended the throne but they Bengal, It soems that he suffered a that they could to make their military were no very influential raters. The Herat at the hende of the kine of machine powerful and etfiet. The Yowafpavepnaied Vasa became gat tmaintained big and powerful armies 5 ’ycot ties ted be cose the filial their aspirations tone mn OTE AID. He included After Mahendrapal, his som Revenue Malwa and Rajputana in his empire, "med Bho) IT ascended the throne, Yatsura) seised the Kingdom of the but his step brther Mahipal deposed Tn Rashirakuta empire. there Yauag pees Chick see hans hm, Mahipal riled from 912 {0 944 were many sources of event. ee en dicatenedige A-D. During his tenure, tndra TI Teucatresconibvted hot share ino in Kanna, He dfeated toe oo ee a The Pla us the form of tutes, Besides, Iand ux THeect Bengal mimed took the advantage and extended, brough in a huge amount of money. ‘Taking advantage of the time, their kingdom on the cast bank of Te was me-fourth of the praduee. ,, Taking advantage of the time, on Yat Mahipal again estab- “axes on fats, vegetables 2 tere er deena hin fe Theis stenghold over his empire was forced to take refuge in the After Mahipal’s death, Rajyapal Religion(s) Desert. Nothing is known about successfully ruled his kingdom since ‘The worship of Siva and Vishnu Vatsaraj after he was defeated by 948 A.D. He was the last famous king was popular Besides, many Brahma- Dhruva, Possibly, his empire #o- of Pratihara dynasty. When the army ical sacrifices were performed Mained centralized in Rajputana, ‘of Mahmud Ghazni entered the cit during this period, Temples were The son of Vatsaraj, Nagbhatt 11 of Kannauj he fled away out of fear. constructed to instal images. The ruled from 805 «0 833 A.D. He tied Ghazni not only plundered the city only important temple of this period to reinstate the lost glory of the bul also destroyed beauitul buildings ig Shiva temple at Ellora. Jainism —Pratihar dynasty. He was defeated by and temples. This act of cowardice was putronised by Amoghavarsha I, the Rashitrakut ruler Govind If, offended the Rajputs who killed him but Buddhism had witnessed a steep Nagbhatt 11 defeated Chakrayudh of andenthroned his son Trilochanapala fall during this period Kannauj. He captured the hill ortsof He too was defeated by Mahmud ‘Art the kings of Aavert, Mala, Kirat, Ghazni. Yashopal was perhaps, the rt ‘Vatsa, Matsya and Tumshka. It is said last ruler of this dynasty. The Pratihar The Rashtrakutas made a that Nagbhatt IL went in hybernation Kingdom was divided among the splendid contribution w0 the Indian due to fear of Govind If The Pala Chalukyas of Anbilwara, Chandels aut, The rock-out shrines at Elland rulers got an opportunity to extend Of Jaijakbhukti, Chedi of Kalenurt, Elephanta belong 1 this period, The their empire. Ramohadra, the son of Parmars of Malwa, Gubils of eastern temple of Kailisa at Ellora is the Naghhatt T ascended the thtone after Rajputana and Chauhans of Shakam most extensive and sumptuous. The him ‘ha Sculptured panels of Dasavatara, “The con of Rambhadea named Bhairava, Ravana shaking. The yginirgnc) riled fom 836 4D. wo mount Keilasa, dancing Shiva, §¥S AD. During the reign of King Vishnu and Laxmi listening (0 msie Biyja, the Pratihara dynasty was at Its significant thatthe Palas do ae super. the zonith ofits glory. Within a few not trace their descent from any years he strengthened the empire and ancient hero. We merely leam from ‘established his suzerainty upto the an inscription discovered at Khalum- Tee Tek Nag, ebm Himslays Later Rethowedt pur thatthe Pala dynasty, socalled he Pratihats, to which Nag- of taking revenge with Devpala but Pura re nene ef all ee menais bhatta 1 belonged, appears to have his pride was shattered amay by esi ecmmaions Pela amen been of foreign extacion. Indeedthe Devpala. Then, Bhoja changed the dl the (eunination— Pals. sprang Phrase “Curjara—Pratiharanvayah” direction of his expeditions towatds vitavinsa, i.e, Parihara clan of Gurjaras occur- South, He subjugated the regions of 8S Vapyata, Probably this shows ing in the line tout of the Rajore Narmada Ta 867 A.D. te wax defea- that the family rose from humble stone inscription indicates that they _tedby the Rashtrakue ruler,Dhruvall, beginnings, and had no iMlustious were a branch of the famous Mibicbtoj had to wage war upon ancesty. Tater on, however, attempts Gurjaras. One of these central Asian Krishna land the struggle continued were made to connect it with sea or tribes poured into Indi. fora long time, the Sun. Medieval India /8 ‘The foundation of Pala dynasty about the middle of the 8th century A.D. marks a new epoch in the hisiory of Bengal. Afier the death of Shashank about a century, there was lack of a centtal authority in Bengal for Political instability continued, Due to political uncertainty there prevailed anarchy in entite Bengal. Tt was urgently felt in Bengal that 2 central authority was required. The people selected Gopal through a ‘abhs* (Great meeting) and en- ironed him as king. Gopal removed all anarchy and successfully ruled over Bengal from 750 A.D. to 770 AD. He became the founder of Pal dynasty in Bengal. He was a Kshatriya. His empire was extended in eastem Bengal. The historian Lama Taranath writes that Gopal built the famous monastery or Vilar’ of Odantpur. Dharampal who succeeded Gopal was a brave and illustious king of Pala dynasty. He ruled from 710 to 810 A.D, He had to his credit many achievements, He sent military expe- ditions to some foreign countries, During his time, the Rashirakuta and Pratihar rulers were busy in consoli dating their strength and expanding their kingdom. It was quite obvious that both of them had to clash with Dharampal. Dharampal invaded Kannauj and defeated Indrayudh. He hhad enthroned Chakeayudh on the throne of Kannauj. His suzcrainity was acknowledged by Bhoj, Matsya, Bhadra, Kuru, Yadu, Yavan, Avanti ‘and Gandhar states, Dharampal estab. lished his power in north India, He is called ‘Swami’ of north. Yet he could not rule peacefully. The Pratihar king Vatsaraj defeated him in the Doab of Ganga and Yamuna and Vatsaraj took away the royal insignia—Rajehhatra Vaisaraj was defeated by the Rashtrakut ruler Dhruva, He had to run away to the Desert for taking refuge. Afterwards Dhruva defeated Dharampal IT. However, he could not do much harm to Dharampal. When Dhruva retumed to south, Dharampal again established his power in north India. “After some years, Dharampal had to face the Praiihar ruler Nagbhatia who conquered Kannauj. Near Moongher, a fierce battle was fought between Dharampal and Nagbhatta. Medieval India /9 In this battle, Dharampal was defeat- ed. Nagbhatta, after some time, was defeated by Gevind ITT,So Diarampal did not bear a heavy loss. In Swayambhoo Puran, it is referred that Dharampal conquered Nepal and adopted the title of *Parmeshwar, Param Bhattutak’ and “Maha dhiraj’. Dharampal founded the Vikramshila University and built the Sompur Vihar. He established the Odantpur Buddhist Vinar which ‘eared great reputation ‘After Dharampal, his son Devpal ruled from 810 to 850 A.D. He extended his empire and established his power in north India. He con- quered Pragiyotishpur and defeated the Gurjar and Dravida ralers, His brother Taipal_and other family members were his main supporters, Rambhadra, the son of Nagblaaita TE and Amoghvarsh, his grandson were defeated by Devpal. He was a great patron of Buddhism, He provided shelter to the Buddhist monks. He donated five villages foe the mai nance of Vihar constructed by Balputradeva, Devpal built a number oof Vihars and temples of Buddha. ‘After Devpal, Vigeahpal ascend- ‘ed the throne, He abducted the throne after three or four years and became & Sanyasi, After him, Narayanpal be~ came the king and ruled about fifty years. The kingdom faced many ups land downs and ata time his kingdom shrunk to the region of Bengal only. In his later yeuts, he reconquered the lost territories. In 908 A.D., just be fore his death he established his power in Bihar and Bengal After Narayanpal, three kings ruled upto 988 A.D. They were Rajpal, Gopal I and Vigrahpal IL Mahipal I, the son of Vigrahpal ruled from 988 to 1038 A.D. In his kingdom, the states of Divajpar, Muzzaffarpur. Patna. Gaya and ‘Tibwera were included, He conquered north Bengal, In Sarnath inscription, it is referred that Mahipal built Ihkuli, Duting bis rule Rajendra Chola invaded north India between 1021 and 1025 A.D. He defeated Goviol Chandra and Mahipal. In last days of his rule, the Kalchuri ruler weydev invaded upon him and defeated him. Afier Mahipal, Nayapal ruled from 1038 to 1055 A.D. He defeated the Kalchuri ruler Karnadey. But the Professor of Vikramshila Deepankar Shri Gyan gave shelter to Karna, The ruler of Kosala, Mahasiv Gupta also hhad to face Nepal's invasion, During the time of Vigrahpal 111, clashes between the Pals and the Kalehuris became the order of the day. Karnadey again invaded the Pal ruler but he himself was defeated. He married his daughter, Yovanshree to Vigrahpal [II In 1068 A.D. the Chalukya ruler Vikramaditya VL defeated Vigrahpal IT who died in 1070 A.D. After him throe rulers— ‘Mahipal 11, Sukhpal and Rampal became kings, but Sukhpal ruled only for two years and Rampal was the last successful ruler af this dynasty. He had defeated the leader of Kaivert named Bhim, He had also invaded upon Kamrup and Kalinga. Yadav ‘Verma tried to secure his protection. Rampal jumped into Ganges und died, Kumarpal succeeded Rampal His minister Vidyadeva suppressed the rebellionwhichocurred in Kamrup ‘and then established his independent Kingdom there. All rulers were in- capable and weak after Rampal. The rise of feudal lords into independent sulers and the emergence of Vijay Sen limited the Pala dynasty. The last of the Pala rulers was Govindpal whose reference has been found in an inscription of 1175 A.D. TRIPARTITI STRU In the early decades of 8th century, Kannauj was ruled by Ayudh rulers. They were too weak in ‘comparison to their contemporaries Tike Gurjar Pratihars, Palas and the Rashtrakuts and they were bound 10 ‘bow before them, All of them had a tempting cye on Kannayj. It led to regular conflict between the three powers. The conflict has been desig- nated by the historians as Tripartite struggle. This struggle continued for ‘about a century in an uncommon and interesting manner. Kanna) was sometimes under one authority and sometimes under the other. After about a struggle of hundred years, ultimately the Gurjar Pratihars suc- ‘ceeded in conquering Kannau}. Yet, only the ascendaney of Kannauj was not the reason of this long siruggle. In fact the ambitions of tie three great powers clashed with each other and all of them were desirous of being known Master of north India, So they used to quarrel mutually During Harsha’s occupied an important reputation in north India. In Gupta age, the impor tance of Patliputra was supreme and the same status was occupied by Kannauj in his era, Ti was the symbol of prosperity and culture. It was situ- ated besides the Ganga and from the river-trade point, it was very impor. pay tant place in between north and India, Tt was very fertile due ion in the midst of Ganga and Yamuna, So the Gurjar Pratihars and Palas were restless to occupy it Rashtrakuts, keen to unfurl their conquest flag in north India, used to fight with these two powers. It there- fore assumed the shape of a tripartite struggle, I is notable that by partici- pating in these wars, Rashtrakuts became the first southern power to interfere in the politics of north India ‘and the first southern power to attack north India. They played the same role as later was played by the Maarathas in 18th century, To establish their ascendancy upon Kannauj, the Gurjar Pratihars were very keen and restless, The Rashirakuts had become all powerful and were hammering regulary on the Gurjar Pratihars, So they decided to ie, Kannauj from them. For this, they could not find a better and safer place than Kannauj. They were impatient to ‘occupy this prosperous region. It may bbe remembered that Malwa was under the Gurjar Pratihars The southern limits of Malwa state touched the Rashitrakuta kingdom. The Rash- trakuts were already interfering in the polities of north India, They had be come very powerful. This also gave the reason to Gurjar Pratihars 10 occupy Kannan ‘The tripartite struggle started with the defeat of Indrayudh and Kannauj at the hands of Vatsaraj. The ruler, Dharampal was also desirous to extend his suzerainity t0 north Tndia. This led 10 the compu- Ision of a struggle between Dharam pal and Vatsaraj, In the meat the Rashtrakut king Dhruva also invaded north India, He first defeated the Gurjar Pratinar and drove raj to Rajpuca defeated Dhararypal Doab, situated in the midst of Ganga and Yamuna. For the ascendancy of Kannau}, a long struggle thus started. ‘The interference of the Rash- trakuts in the polities of north Tia, proved of Dharampal because after the defeat Afierwards he the plains of mediate benefit 10 ‘of Gurjar Pratihars at the hands of Rastirakuts had led to a fall in their prestige and power. When the Rashorakut ruler Dhruva veturned 1@ south Thdia after his conquest of north, Dhiarampal snatched the oppor tunity to invade Kannauj, He defeated establish themselves at a distance Indrayudhand enthroned Chakrayudh ‘ripartite Rulers Pala Rulers Pratihara Rulers Rashtrakuta Rulers 1. Dhararnpala Vatsaaj Dhewva (780-815 AD) OAD) (7-PIAD) 2. Devapala Nagabhatta Govinda tt (15855 AD) @ISAD) (PBSIZA.D) 3. Vighrapala Rembhadea Amoghavarsa (855.860 AD.) (814-877 A.D) 4, Nayenpala Bhoja Krishna I (800915 AD) (636885 AD) (877-914 A.D) ‘Mahendrspata (885.910 AD) Medieval India / 10 in his place. The ascendancy of Kannauj went to Pal rulers. ‘The Gurjar Pratihars could not bear it. They defeated Chakrayudh under the leadership of Nagbhat, the son of Vatsaraj and occupied Kannauj. It was a great challenge for Dharampal and he aceepted it. He made preparations and fought with the Gurjar Pratihars near Moongber. Dharampal was badly defeated. How- ‘ever the success of Nagbhatt was short lived, Hardly the Pratihar king could celebrate his victory, the Rashtrakut ruler Govind TIT aitacked and badly defeated him breaking their dream of occupying the ascendancy of Kannauj. An inscription of Rashtrakuts tells that Dharampal and Chakrayudh invited the Rashtrakut ‘king Govind TT against their enemy Nagbhatt Il, After this conquest of Govind IIT against Gurjar Pratihars, Dharampal and Chakrayudh both surrendered to the Rashtrakut king {just to win his sympathy. Gobind IIL ‘attained this vietory about 809 and SIOAD. After the defeat of Nagbhatt II, the Pratihar power degenerated for some time, When Govind III went ‘back to south, Dhiarampal and his son Devpal seized the opportunity 10 recapture the north India. After the death of Dharampal, Nagbhatt I ‘again cultivated the desire to conquer Kannauj. After capturing it, he made Kannauj as the new kingdom of the Pratihar empire. The changed cit- cumstances favoured him, The Rashtrakuts were facing internal ‘trouble due to mutual conflict in their state and extemal dangers. Amogh- varsh, their king was not a good ‘commander and conqueror Tike his father, He was a peace loving ruler. ‘The Gurjar Pratihars had occupied Kannauj and had become the supreme power in north India due to the exit of Rashtrakuts from this struggle and due (0 the Pal ruter's adopting Buddhism. However, their ‘enemity did not end and the struggle continued. As a result of this strug gle, Pratihars ultimately assumed power in the north India Chandelas of Jijakbhukti ‘There is no definite view accep- ted by mall the historians regarding heir origin. Different theories pro- pounded about their origin are as follows 1 Inseriptional evidence describe them as the Kshatriyas of Chandra- vansi. According (0 Chandbardai, they were bom out of a Brahmin gitl Hemavati and Moon. According to V. A. Smith they were mixture of Gonds, Bhars and Gabadvals. 2. The original home of the Chandellas were Khajuraho, Chhat- tarpur, Mahoba Kalinjar, Rajgaehetc Nannuka was the first ruler of this dynasty, The other important rulers of this dynasty includes Vakapati, Jaya sakti, Yasovarman, Ganda, Vidhya- har, Vijaipal ete. Parmardi was the last important euler of the Chandellas who was defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan. 3. Chandella dynasty immensely contributed in the field of Art and chitecwte. Taganika’s composition of “Alaha-Udal’ is a famous book written during the reign of Parmardi ‘The Chandellas are chiefly known for the temples of Khajuraho. Fort of Kalinjar, palace of Mahoba etc ‘The Paramaras In the beginning, the Pratihars possessed Malwa but alter their downfall, the Parmar dynasty cap- tured it, Vakpati TT and Bhoja were two prominent kings of Parmar dynasty. Vakpati TI ruled from 973 to 996 A.D. During his period. the military strength of Malwa increased much and lot of development took ace in cultural field, The bound aries of his empire spread f wide. After Vakpati II, Sindhuraj ruled for some years. After Sindhura) Bhoj became the king who was the most powerful king of this dynasty. He ruled from 1010 to 1055 AD. ie., about 45 years, During his time. he fought many wars and con- quered Chedi, Kamad, Laat, Turushk etc. Bhoja fought throughout his life. Medieval India / 11/2 Other Prominent Rajput States Besides being a great ruler and conqueror, Bhoja was a great poet, scholar and a lover of art and liter ature. He has been described as Kavirai, His wife Arunclhati was also f great scholar. He accorded patron age (0 scholars like Dharampala, Solhara and poetess Sita. After Bhoja many rulers succeeded him but all were weak and incapable. In 1135 A.D. Malwa was captured by the Chalukya ruler, Tai Singh Siddhraj Till 1155 A.D. Malwa remained under Chalukyss. But Vinchya Verman of the Parmar clan defeated the Chalukya king Moolraj I and Captured again the region of Malwa, At the time of the invasion of Muhammed Gaori, Vindhys Varman ruled over Malwa, He died in 1193 A.D. In the thirteenth century, Malwa came under Muslim rule, Chalukyas of Anhilwara ‘The Chalukyas are also called as Solankis dynasty. This state of Chalukyss hal mich significance be- cause the foreigners (Muslims) ruled over the north-western regions of this stale. The bravest and ablest ruler of this dynasty was Jai Singh Siddha} who nuled from 1094 t 1142 A.D, He successfully tried to extend the frontiers of his empire, After him in 1143 A.D., Kumarpal became the king of Chalukyas. He defeated the king of Konkan named Mallikarjuna, He also conquered the ruler of Ajmer named Amoryj. He captured Saurashtra, After him Ajaypal ruled from 1173 to 1176 over this region, His son Moolraj IT, succeeded him as ruler of Anbilwara. During his time Mahmud Ghori attacked on India. Moolraj defeated him in a war. After his death Bhim II succeeded him. He bravely faced the invasion af Qutubuddin Aibak and forced him to go back Senas ‘The Senas, who gave the death blow to the Pala power in Bengal were probably of Southern origin, ‘The founder of the dynasty. Saman- tasena, is described as descendent of Virasena, Senas. as they arc termed ‘as Brahma-Kshatriyas which signi fies that the Senas were at first Brahmans, but subsequently adopted the military profession and became Kshatriyas. Vijayasena—Grandson of Sa- manta sena, brought the family into prominence during his long reign of over sixty two years. Vijayasen drove out the Palas trom Northern Bengal. He extended his authority over Easiem Bengal also. He defea- ted a number of his contemporaries, the chief among them being Nanya- deva of Tithut and the kings of Kamarupa and Kalinga, Vallalsena—He succeeded his son, Vallalasena, whose mother was vilasadevi, a princes of the sura line of western Bengal. Traditions affirm that he introduced Kulirism and re- ‘organised the caste-system in West Bengal Lakshmanasena—Lakshmana- sena or Rai Lakhmaniya was the last important member of the dynasty. He is credited with extensive conguests But if the Moslem historians deserve any credence, he must have been ‘extremely cavern hearted man, for he fled, as has been told, from the back oor without offering any resistance, ‘at the approach of Mohammad iba Bakhtyar Khilji. After his death, the Senas continued to exercise authority in eastem Bengal, for almost anocher half @ century when it ultimately passed into the hands of the Mosliims In fact the Senas were generous ‘and devout Shaiva. They took many tusks for the welfare of the common being. They excavated an artificial Take, and built 2 splendid temple of Pradyumnesvara Siva at Deopara, Besides, vallalsena was also Shaiva and he is said 10 have compiled to well known works, the *Danasagar’ and the Abhutasagara. Under the guidance of his preceptor. On the top of everything, Laxman encouraged the cultivation of literary hands, Among the literary omaments of his court, Dhokiya, who wrote the Pavan-luta and Jaidey, the celebrated ‘author of the Gita Govinda deserve spec wn. Laxmanasen himself was something of a poct, because he is credited to have com: pleted the Adbhute-Sagara, begun by his father. Gurjar Pratiharas rulers and some facts about them 2 12. 10. nL ‘Nagbhte Kakkuk evra} Votsara Nagbhate Raj Bade Miizbhoj Mahendra Pal Sho) 11 Mahipal Rajyapal ‘Teilochangal He was the founder of the Gurjar Pratiar state. During his time, the Arabs invaded upon India. ‘The Gwalir inscription ells that he defeated the Arabs, He was nephew and successor of Nagbhat He was younger brother of Kakkuk snd a follower of Vaishnav Cult He extended the empire and conquered Rojputene and Kannauj. He conquered Dhamamapal. He was defeated by the Rashtrakut ruler, Dhruva. He changed the capital from Ujjain to Kennauj. He subjugated Andhra, Sindh, Vidarbh, Kaling.| Malwa, Turusp and Vatsa, He was defeated by Gobind II] in 802. He defeated Dharampal in Moongiteyr He was the weak successor of Nagbhett I and many kingdoms declared their freedom, He wes son of Rembhadra end he succeeded him. He adopted the title of Adi Varch and Prabhas. He defeated Bundelkhand, Guhil and Kalchuris. He conquered southen Rajputam and Seurashtra, Gunambedhideva was feudal lord of Mihicbho}. He was son end successor of Mihitbhoj, He defeated Pals and captured Bengal. He conquered the Rashtakutas, He gave patronage tothe poet Raj Shekhar. He riled from 910 19912 AD. [No important event occured and after him no worthy raler occupied the throne. During his time, Malmo Gazi invaded Kannauj. He ran away and was killed by Chandela ruler \Vishya Dhar. He was appointed the king under Vidya Dhar. He hed to face the invasion of Moheramed Ghor ‘Sindh—n 8th century the Arabs north it spread upio Peshawar and most powerful ruler of this dynasty cconqucredSindh. Afterthcm Mahmud Sialkot. In 1186 Mohammad Ghori was Govind Chandra who defeated Ghamni occupied it. Later, the Sumra invaded upon the capital of Punjab the Turk aggressors. His great grand- rulers of the Shia scct captured it. ¢.Labore and occupied it. The local son was Jai Chandra, who was the Muitan—In north of Sindh, Multan is situated in western Punjab, In 12th century, the Karmathian [Theories of Rajput Origi Muslims established their kingdom in Multan. They were also Shias. When nfer Malik Khusrau was imprisoned ruler of Kannauj when Mohammad and be died in 1192 Ghori invaded India contemporary historians have described him as a powerful king of narth India. He was Foreign Origin the last ruler of Kannauj. He was defeated by Mohammad Ghori in the 1 Mhammad Ghori invaded India,they | 2 Kshays Ongin pattie of Chandawer, were ruling over Multan. 3. Indian Origin: ° Chedi—Kalchuris ruled over Prominent Dynasties and their] | + Ast#ku! Origin (Chedi and their capital was Tripuri Founders 5._ Accepted view of Mixed Ongin | Jt founder was Vamrajdey. Gangey- a dev and Lakshmi Karna are con: }Parmar dynasty © — Vakpati Muaj Nepal—In the early Ilthcentury, dered 10 be powerful rulers of this Gchadwal dynasty ~ ChandkaDey | the feudal tords had become very GO 10 Oe well Mire Af Pala dynasty — Gpal Peekoraas lok ecradin Pua Proved his administration but ex- sendymany — ViaySen | nd Bhat villages and Kathmands, fended the fromtcrs of his sate. He Saahidynesty — — Kellar Butinthe lastdecade of 11th century. {CPyened Ovicar Accotling to Reva Kaki dynasty — VamRajdeo | the ruler of Tirhut, Nanyadev occw- inscription, with the blood of ele lied Nepal. After his death the rulers anon Maltdyaisty — — Arimall Deo | Pied Nep is S Phants Killed by the soldiers of cof Nepal ruled under the suzerainity Ganeeydey, the whole region of sea peter dsesty ~ Stagrom al | of Tisat, After some years; the Mall ogre tamed into mud. This state. Kaskotdynsty Dua Varman] dynasty ruled over Nepal. Th was (oot (oT itica to the: crachty ot [Urpale dynasty — Avanti Verman | founded by Arimalldev. Gangeydev. He died in 1041 AD. Gurjer Pear — Nah Kannauj—The Gahadwal Raj- After him, Lakshmi Kama became (Uijani branch) puts ruled over Kannauj. In the the ruler who ruled upto 1072 AD. Punjab—Mahmed Ghazni oceu- Banaras, Awadh, Allahabad and of his father and beginning their state extended upto Lakshmi Karna follovied the policies ered man pied Punjab and since then it was an Delhi. Therulersof Gahadwaldynasty states. He was even more powerful integral part of his empire. The were brave and powerful, They con- than his father. Many other Kalchari boundaries of Punjab were vast. In quered a number of states and ex- kings ruled after him. During the ‘he north-east it spread upto Jammu. tended their frontiers far and wide. invasion of Mohammad Ghoti, In south and south-west the frontiers. They were counted as the most Vijaysingh Kalchuri ruled over often increased and decreased. In the powerful kings of north India. The Chedi, Medieval India / 12 Mewar—Till 1151 A.D. the Gubil Rajputs ruled over Mewar. The Chalukya ruler Kumarpal invaded and conquered the Gubil state. The Chauhan ruler of Natful named Kirtipal, defeated Maharawal Samant Singh and Captured Mewar. Butsoon, the younger brother of Samant Singh named Kumar Singh reconquered Mewar. Delhi—Till 11 century, Delhi was ruled by Tomar rulers. In 1041, Mahipal Tomar conquered Nagarkot, ‘Thaneshwar and Hansi, He ted 1 ‘congure Lahore then under Ghazni ralers buthe failed. After his dynasty, the Chauhan Rajputs raled over Delhi Its founder was Vigrahraj IV. At the time of Mohammad Ghori"s invasion, Delhi was ruled by Prithviraj Chauhan who defeated him in the first battle of Tarain. In the second batile of Tarain Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by Ghori ‘After Harsh, the entire India was divided into small states and there vwas no political unity. There was hardly any measure adopted by any king for the security of the country from foreign aggression. The states ‘were enemical 10 each other and they reduced their power in matual wars. Because of this mentality, they could not protect India against the Muslims, Pala Rulers and significant facts about them Kbalimpur inscription tells that Gopal the founder of Pal dynasty; was the son of Bapyar. His grand father was Daita- vvishnu. In the ‘Ashtsahastrika Pragya- Parimita’ of Haribhadra a com- mentary of Buddhist books; Dharampal has been called as “Rajbhattadivansh Pati’. In the Gwalior edict. the enemy ‘of Nagbhatt II has been called as Bangpati In the Moongher Copper plate, It is mentioned that Gopal con- queried the coastal region. He ruled from 750 to 770 A.D. Dharampal ruled from 770 to SIDAD. Dharampal’s siooge onthe throne of Kannauj Indrayudh ‘was defeated by Gurjar Pratihar Medieval India /13 ruler Vatsaraj who had invaded Kannau). Dharampal fought with ‘Vatsaraj in support of Tnxrayucth but he was also defeated. Rachanpur inscription tells that Vatsaraj conquered two white “Chiatra’ of Gand estate Rashtrakut king, Dhruva first de- feated Vatsaraj and then defeated Dharampal. Kholimpur inscription tells that ‘Dharampal defeated a number of rulers. After 800 im the invasions of Raxhirakutas and Pratihars, the position of Dharampal was ‘weakened In 802 A.D. the Rashtrakut raler Govind III defeated Nagbhatt and invaded Kannauj. Dharam- pal was also defeated by him. ‘The Gwalior inscription con firms that after the retum to south, Govind IIT and Nagbhatt TI defeated Chakrayadh and ‘oceupied Kannauj. Chakrayudh went t9 Dharampal to seek his help. Nagthatt fought Dharam- pal and defeated him. Deypal the son of Dharampal, ruled from 810 to 850 A.D, Devpal’s mother was named as Rannadevi “The Moongher inscriptions, des «tide the conquests of Devpal Devpal defeated the ruler of ‘Utakal named Shivkardev. Devpal and Mihirdho} fought with each other. From 850 to 988 AD., Vigrah- pal, Narayanpal,Rajyapal, Gopal UL, Vigrahpal If etc. ruled over Bengal, All of them were weak and incapable. ‘The son of Vigrahpal 1 named as Mahipal I ruled from 988 0 1038 A.D. He tried to regain the lest glory of Pal rulers ‘Afier Mahipal, the Pal strength became gradually weak Significant Facts about Gahadwals ‘According to Hornley, Gahad ‘wals were branch of Pal rulers. ‘Yashovigrah was the frst known person of Gahadwals. @ The first independent ruler of Gahadwals was Chandradlev © Chandradey occupied Kashi, Ayodhya and Kannan, He made Kannauj his capital for some time. © Madanpal ruled from 1104 to 1114 A.D. The Mustims impris- coned him and his. son Govind ‘Chandra released him. © Govind Chandra les from 1114 to 1154. AD. © According to Rahan Charity records Gobind Chandra forced the Mustim commander, Hammir to leave enemity after defeating him in many conflicts by his bravery and valour. © The Rahan Charity records tell that Gobind Chandra broke the teeth of the elephants of the Pal ruler Rampal. © Gobind Chandra occupied the title of ‘Navrajyagaj’ inbetween II A.D. to TI4 A. D. © Nayan_ | Chandra’s “Rambha Manjari’ ‘tells that Govind Chandra conquered the entire caster Mala including Darsan. © Govind Chandra defeated the ‘Chandels and the Kalchuris. © Lakshmidhar the author of “KrityaKalpatarw’ was patro- nised by Govind Chandra. © Jaichandra ruled from 1170 10 1194 A.D. He was the last powerful ruler of Gahadwal dynasty. © In the battle of Chandawar in 1194, Jaichandra was defeated by Mohammad Ghori. The ‘Belarwara edict tells that in the last Harish Chandra ruled as a Gahadwal ruler. Significant facts about Chan- delas @ Nonnuk was the first ruler of Chandel dynasty who rule from $31 10 844 A.D. © Harsh ruled from 915 to 930 AD. and tried to establish Chandel glory by conducting ‘matrimonial alliances with Kalchuris and Chauhans. @ Yashovarman conquered the (Cheai state and Kalinjar. ‘Yashovarman built the Khaju- raho temples Yashovarman’s successor was Dhang. ‘Mau inscription tells that Dhang Gefeated many kings including ‘the king of Kannan}. Khajuraho inscription tells that the kingsof Kosal, Singhal and Kuntal used to bow before him and listened to his orders. The queens of the kings of Kanchi, Andhra, Rath and Ang were ying in his prisons, Vidyathar (1018-1029) defeated the Pratihar ruler, Rjyapal and hhis noble, named Agni killed Rajyapal ‘Mahmud Ghazni defeated him in ‘a battle fought in between 1019 1020. Significant facts about Chah- mans ‘Vasudeva was a ruler of Chah- ‘man dynasty. Amnoraj ruled from 1130 to 1150 AD, Amoraj defeated the Parmar ruler Nar Verman, He defeated the Chalukya kings Jai Singh, Siddhraj and Kumar- pal. ‘Bijolia inscription tells that Vig- rahraj IV conquered the Tomar kings of Delhi ‘Vigrahraj was a Shaivite Prithviraj II led from 1178 to 1192 AD. Rani Karpuri Devi acted as the Guardian of Prithviraj. Kadam. ‘vas and Bhuvenakmal were the Minister of Prithviraj. In 1180 A.D. Prithviraj became ‘adult to take the reins of admi- nistration in his own hands. Prithviraj crushed the rebellion ‘of Nagarjuna in 1180. Prithviraj fought with — the Chandellas and defeated them. ‘From the Chanda! side Atha and Usal fought against him in this In the first battle of Tarain in 1191, Prithviraj defeated Moha- ‘mmad Ghori but in 1192 in the Medieval India / 14 second battle of Tarain, he was defeated by Ghori. After Prithviraj, his brother ‘Harizaj ruled over Ajmer. But he ‘was killed in a battle with the Turks, Significant facts about the ehtrakuts ‘The capital of Nandraj was ‘Achalpur. ‘Nandraj is called the founder of ‘Manyakhet Rashtrakut dynasty His royal insignia was eagle. Indra nul from715 to 735 AD. He was possibly a feudal Jord of Chalukya ruler Vijaya- ditya. He defeated Chalukya ruler at a place known as Kais and captured his daughter. ‘Bhamag and he forcibly married ter ‘The son of Indra 1 named Dantidurga became ruler after him from 735 to 755 AD. “The reference of the conquests of Dantidurga is avaiable in ‘Charity records and in the insci- ptions of Dashavatar of Ellora In the Samdang, he is called Maharajachira When the Arabs invaded in 736- 37, Dantidurg helped the Chalu- ikyans ruler Palkesin odefeat the Arabs. Palkesin won in the war and then he conferred the title of ‘Prithvi Vallabh’ upon Danti- durga Dantidurg conquered Nandipuri and Navsari he give their acmi- nistration to his cousin named Govind Dantidarg conquered Malwa too but did not annex it in his king dom. Dantidurg conquered Kaling after capturing Kosala, Dantidurg defeated the Chalukya ruler, named Kirtivarman, Dantidurg was the follower of ‘Brahmanism and he performed charity and yajna Krishna I ruled from 756 t0 772 AD. He defeated the Gang raler Shri Purush and sent his son Govind to defeat the Chalukya ruler of Vengi named Vishnu vardhan. Krishna 1 built the Kailash temple by cutting the Fllora Govind TE ruled from 773 10 780 AD. He adopted the title of “Pratapavalok", ‘Vikramavalok™ and ‘Prabhutvarsh’ at the time of his accession Dhruva ruled from 780 to 793 AD. He deposed his brother ‘Gobind and ascended the throne. Dhrova is called Kalivallabh. Dhruva defeated and imprisoned the Gang prince Sivmar and sub- Jugated Mysore. ‘The Radhanpur Copper plate tells that Dhruva terrorized the Pallav ruler and took elephants from him. Dhruva played an important role in the tripartite struggle. Bardo inscription thus describes his conquest. “Yashmurti Dhruva conquered Ganga and Yamuna beauified by their currents from his enemies and obtained the suzerainty which was actually Govind IIE (793-814) was declared Prince Regent during Dhruva’s time. Stambh was made the king of Gangwari (Mysore) The war of succession became inevitable. Govind IM had to face alotof difficulties. ‘Sanjan copper plate reveals that Govind had captured the reputa- tion of Nogbhatt. Coming along. sie the banks of Narmada, he conquered Malwa, Kosal, Ang, ‘Vengi.DDahal and Odrak. ‘The rulers of Pallav, Keral, Pandya and Gang made an alli ance against Govind Ill in south India. Govind IM defeated this alliance in 802-803 A.D. Govind Ill subjugated Sri Lanka. Amoghvarsh ruled from 814 10 878 AD. His real name was ‘Serv and Kakkra was his patron, In Amoghvarsh’s time Gangwari declared independence. Amogh- varsh married his daughter to the prince of Gangwari (Mysore) sand again befriended him. © Vikramaditya, the ruler of Vengi defeated Amoghvarsh and he hhad to flee leaving his kingdom. © 1n821 Amoghvarsh reconquered his lost kingdom. He took revenge upon Vengi in 860 A.D. © Sirur inscription tells that he defeated the rulers of Ang, Bang, ‘Magadh and Malwa, © Amoghvarsh made the city oF Manyaklat as his capita, © Amoghvarsh was a Jain follower. © Krishna It (880-914) was the sue-cessor of Amoghvarsh. Bhoj de feated Krishna Il © Krishna Tt was a follower of Jainism. © ‘Th Grandson of Krishna IL ‘named Indira II became the raler and ruled from 914 {0 928 A.D. He adopted the title of ‘Nitya- vvarsh’. He is also called ‘Ratt andarp’ © Amoghvarsh IIT became the king after Krishna I. He could not bear the loss of his father and ied within a year. © During the mule of Govind Iv (830-936), rule, the Pratihars ccp-tured Kannayj © The Chalukya noble Arikesarin defeated Govind 1V. © Amoghvarsh III (936-939) was known as Bardeg. The adminis- tration was run by his son Krishna with help of his brother Jaguung. @ The sister of Krishna was married to the prince Butug of Gang dynasty. © Krishna deposed and murdered the Gang ruler, Raj Mahal and cen-throned Butug as king in 937 AD. © Krish Ill conquered Cholas, Pandyas and the rulers of Vengi and ruled from 939 0 967 A.D, @ The Rashtrakut ruler Khottig ‘wo raled ftom 967 to 972 A.D. was defeated by the Parmar raler Siyak in 972. Due to this humiliation Khotig died Medieval India / 15 © Kork 1 was the last Rashtrakut ruler who was defeated in 973, AD. by Tailap 11. The Rashtra uta dynasty came to end with his death POLITICAL CONDITION OF THE RAJPUTS After the death of Harsh, the political scenario was completely changed. Some sporadic signs of Rajput supremacy were visible on the political horizon of India. Myraids of Rajput dynasties ruled over India. They carved ont niche to give new dimensions to Indian politics. Their administrative specialities ean be studied under the following heads— 1 Feudal System—L ike Furope, the political structure of the Rajputs was based on the feudal system. In this system, the king granted land 10 big Zamindars who paid him annual grants, tax and military help when needed. He reccived king’s grant of land for this service and the land was called his Jagir. The feudal lord was called the Zamindar. Inthe beginning, the feudal system was adopted for decentralization so that the local problems of the people could be solved easily. But the feudal lords become pleasure loving and did not psy any heed to the problems of people. They taxed them with labour free of cost and heavily put painful taxes of different kinds. The main duty of the feudal lord was to obey the king and be present before the king in times of war with his entire army. Dve to feudalism, the country was divided and no efficient army was available. They did not enlist an army which was regularly trained. Whenever there was a war. they used to enlistand recruit the army. It was the reason for the weak military strength. The king had to be depen dent upon the Zamindars. When 2 forcign power invaded. the king had to seek the help from them. Often the Zamindars befriended the enemies and rebelled against their masters. ‘The king had to face rebellion in place of help. Whenever the king was ‘weak or the war of succession was continuing, such events occured. If the king became weak, the feudal lords declared their independence as they had enough time to strengthen their power. It was the general system in Rajput political history. It was a rude shock to the Rajputs and it led to their downfall 2. Small states—Due to the lack of political unity among the Rajputs the entire north India was divided into small states in which different Rajput dynastiesruled. The prominent among them were—Chauhan, Rathore, Chandel, Solanki etc. There existed mutual enemity among them. ‘As a result they fought among themselves, This was the reason that even in face of forcign aggressions, they did not jointly face them and ould not sav¢ the nation from defeat. 3. Warring Tendencies—The Rajputs possessed a quarrelsom trait ‘and tendency. They considered the wars as game. War was life and deah for them. Their love of war never allowed them to sit in peace. It led 10 ‘mutual wars and the enemity always increased among them even on small 4. Lack of Political Farsight— ‘They were courageous. brave, zealous and patriotic but they lacked political farsightedness. ‘There were certain rules for them in times of war. They did notattack upon the flecing cnemy. ‘They did not attack upon the enemy who had no arms to protect him. The forcign aggressors took full advantage ‘of these customs. They exploited this ‘moral mentality of the Rajputs and used their own diplomatic skill 10 ‘conquer them. S. Rajput Army—The Rajput amy consisted of Infantry, Cavalry ‘and Elephantry. The clephants often proved harmful to their own side. In ‘many wars the elephants trampled their own army. As a result the Rajputs vere defeated at atime when ‘they had upper hand. 6. Rajput Administration— ‘Their’ administration was praise- worthy. The common people were happy under them as they had hardly any burden of taxes. They felt secure under hercic rulers. The king. was hhonoured and respected by the king. Though the feudal system prevailed ‘on the lower level bat the ultimate supreme power was in the hands of ‘the king. He used to assume the titles of ‘Parambhatiarak’, “Parmeshwar" and ‘Maharajadhiraja’. The king’s ‘task was to keep secure their subjects

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