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The Laboratory of Local and Regional Development (LORED) at University of Piraeus and the Elabuga Federal Institute of Kazan Russia
co-organize an educational training workshop with the following topic:

New Technologies in Teaching and Learning of the Russian Language

Date and Location of the Workshop: 10/07/2017 until 11/07 /2017, Karaoli & Dimitriou 80, Piraeus, Greece.

Organizational committee:

Assoc. Professor Sotiris Karkalakos (Director of Laboratory)

Leonidou Eleni: (ember)
Catherine L. Kudryavtseva (Instructor): Author of technological topics Children of the World, professor of the Russian language as a foreign
language 21 years of experience and author of forty books, included of the series of "Skazkoteka" bilingual educational stuff for "The Children of
the World," PMC "Dialogue", in RCT "Exact Russian" (1-2)

Content of workshop:
1) Which is the school play and how is organized for students and adults.
2) Interdisciplinary exercises and activities in Russian.
3) Teaching Activities: teaching foreign languages with new technologies; online and offline.
4) Creative activities (based on the common technologies Domino, Lego, and other related technologies).
5) Self-assessment process.

Participants will receive a verification of attendance- Please email your application (expression of interest):

Laboratory of Local and Regional Development (LORED) Contact Telephone Number:+30 2104142025

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