Exercise: Caller, Cigarette, Preschool, Mislead, Fairness, Exwife

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REG.NO : 165204001


1. Identify each morpheme represented in the following words.

caller, cigarette, preschool, mislead, fairness, exwife

2. Write down the meaning of each morpheme you identify.

3. What is the syntactic category of the form which the morpheme attaches to and what is
the category of the resulting word?


1. Identify:

a. Caller : Call (Free Morpheme) + Er (Bound Morpheme)

b. Cigarette : Cigar (Free Morpheme) + Ette (Bound Morpheme)
c. Preschool : Pre (Bound Morpheme) + School (Free Morpheme)
d. Mislead : Mis (Bound Morpheme) + Lead (Free Morpheme)
e. Fairness : Fair (Free Morpheme) + Ness (Bound Morpheme)
f. Exwife : Ex (Bound Morpheme) + Wife (Free Morpheme)

2. Meaning:

a. Caller : Call + Er
: Memanggil + Membendakan kata kerja (Suffix)
Call : Telephone conversation
Cry out to (someone) in order to summon them or attract their
Er : Denoting a person or thing that performs a specified action or
b. Cigarette : Cigar + Ette
: Cerutu + Suffix
Cigar : Roll of dried tobacco leaves that people smoke
Ette : (Forming nouns) Denoting relatives small size, an imitation or

c. Preschool : Pre + School

: Sebelum (Prefix) + Sekolah
Pre : Before (in time, place, order, degree, or importance)
School : Place where people go to learn a particular skill or place
where children go to be educated

d. Mislead : Mis + Lead

: Prefix + Memimpin
Mis : (Added to verbs and their derivatives) wrongly, badly, unsuitably
Lead : To control a group of people, a country, or a situation

e. Fairness : Fair + Ness

: Adil + (Kurang) Suffix
Fair : Treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination
Ness : Forming nouns chiefly from adjectives; denoting an instance of a
state or condition; something in a certain state

f. Exwife : Ex + Wife
: Bekas (Prefix) + Istri
Ex : Forming nouns which denote a former status
Wife : A married woman consider in relation to her husband or woman
that a man is married to
3. Category:
a. Caller : Call + Er
Verbs to Nouns
Call : Verb : Free Morpheme
Er : Suffix : Bound Morpheme
Caller : Noun
The morphemes which is suffix -er attaches to call (verb) and the resulting word is caller

b. Cigarette : Cigar + Ette

Nouns to Nouns
Cigar : Noun : Free Morpheme
Ette : Suffix : Bound Morpheme
Cigarette : Noun
The morpheme which is suffix -ette attaches to cigar (noun) and the resulting word is
cigarette (noun).

c. Preschool : Pre + School

Nouns to Adjectives
Pre : Prefix : Bound Morpheme
School : Noun : Free Morpheme
Preschool : Adjective
The morpheme which is prefix pre- attaches to school (noun) and the resulting word is
preschool (adjective)
d. Mislead : Mis + Lead
Verbs to Verbs
Mis : Prefix : Bound Morpheme
Lead : Verb : Free Morpheme
Mislead : Verb
The morpheme which is prefix mis- attaches to lead (verb) and the resulting word is
mislead (verb).

e. Fairness : Fair + Ness

Adjectives to Nouns
Fair : Adjective : Free Morpheme
Ness : Suffix : Bound Morpheme
Fairness : Noun
The morpheme which is suffix -ness attaches to fair (adjective) and the resulting word is
fairness (noun)

f. Exwife : Ex + Wife
Nouns to Nouns
Ex : Prefix : Bound Morpheme
Wife : Noun : Free Morpheme
Ex-Wife : Noun
The morpheme which is prefix ex- attaches to wife (noun) and the resulting word is
exwife (noun).

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