The Complex Form: 1. by Utilising The Euler Formula: e

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The Complex Form 23.6 

In this Section we show
how a Fourier series can be expressed more concisely if we introduce
the complex number i = 1. By utilising the Euler formula:

ei = cos + i sin

we can replace the trigonometric functions by complex exponential functions. By also combining
the Fourier coecients an and bn into a complex coecient cn through
cn = (an ibn )
we nd that, for a given periodic signal, both sets of constants can be found in one operation.
We also obtain Parsevals Theorem which has important applications in electrical engineering.
The complex formulation of a Fourier series is an important pre-cursor of the Fourier transform
which attempts to Fourier analyse non-periodic functions.

' $
know how to obtain a Fourier series

be familiar with the complex numbers

be familiar with the relation between the
Before starting this Section you should . . .
exponential function and the trigonometric
& %

express a periodic function in terms of its

Learning Outcomes Fourier series in complex form
After completing this Section you should be understand Parsevals theorem
able to . . .
1. Complex Exponential Form of a Fourier Series
So far we have discussed the trigonometric form of a Fourier Series i.e. we have represented
functions of period T in the terms of sinusoids, and possibly a constant term, using
a0  2nt 2nt
f (t) = + an cos + bn sin .
2 n=1

If we use the angular frequency

0 =
We obtain the more concise form


f (t) = + (an cos n0 t + bn sin n0 t).
2 n=1

We have seen that the Fourier coecients are calculated using the following integrals:
an = T2 2T f (t) cos n0 t dt n = 0, 1, 2, . . . (1)

bn = T T2
f (t) sin n0 t dt n = 1, 2, . . . (2)

An alternative, more concise form, of a Fourier Series is available using complex quantities. This
form is quite widely used by Engineers, for example in Circuit Theory and Control Theory, and,
in this course, will lead naturally into a later Section on the Fourier Transform.

2. Revision of the exponential form of a complex number

Recall that a complex number in Cartesian form

z = a + ib,

where a and b are real numbers and i2 = 1, can be written in polar form

z = r(cos + i sin )

where r = |z| = a2 + b2 and , the argument or phase of z, is such that

a = r cos b = r sin .

A more concise version of the polar form of z can be obtained by dening a complex expo-
nential quantity ei by
ei = cos + i sin
(This is sometimes known as Eulers relation.) The polar angle is normally expressed in
Replacing i by i we obtain
ei = cos i sin

HELM (VERSION 1: March 19, 2004): Workbook Level 2 2

23.6: The Complex Form
Write down in cosine, sine form (i) ei/6 (ii) ei/6 . Then write each in
Cartesian form.

Your solution

6 6 2 2 6 6 2 2
i sin = i ei/6 = cos + i sin = ei/6 = cos
    3 1     3 1

We have, by denition,

Write down (i) cos 6
(ii) sin 6
in terms of ei/6 and ei/6 .

Your solution

(Dont forget the factor i in this latter case)

6 2i 6
= ei/6 ei/6 sin or ei/6 ei/6 = 2i sin

Similarly, subtracting the two results,
6 2 6
= ei/6 + ei/6 cos or ei/6 + ei/6 = 2 cos
We have, adding the two results from the previous guided exercise

Clearly similar calculations could be carried out for any angle and the results are summarised
in the following Key Point.

3 HELM (VERSION 1: March 19, 2004): Workbook Level 2

23.6: The Complex Form
Key Point

1  i  1  i 
cos = e + ei sin = e ei
2 2i

Using these results we can redraft an expression of the form

an cos n + bn sin n

in terms of complex exponentials.

(This expression, with = 0 t, is of course the nth harmonic of a trigonometric Fourier Series.)

Using the results from the last Key Point (with n instead of ) rewrite

an cos n + bn sin n

in complex exponential form.

First do direct substitution

Your solution

2 2i
ein + ein + e ein an cos n + bn sin n =
a   bn  in 
2i 2
e ein bn sin n = e + ein an cos n =
bn  in  an  in 
We have

Now collect the terms in ein and in ein

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23.6: The Complex Form
Your solution

2 2
(an ibn )ein + (an + ibn )ein .
1 1
i i
= 2 = i or, since
1 i
i 2 i 2
ein an ein + an +
bn 1 bn 1
    We get

We can now write this expression in more concise form by dening

cn = (an ibn )
which has complex conjugate
cn = (an + ibn ).
Hence, we have nally,
Your solution

an cos n + bn sin n = cn ein + cn ein

Clearly, we can now rewrite the trigonometric Fourier Series


+ (an cos n0 t + bn sin n0 t)
2 n=1
a0   in0 t

+ cn e + cn ein0 t (3)
2 n=1

A neater, and particularly concise, form of this expression can be obtained as follows:
Firstly write a20 = c0 (which is consistent with the general denition of cn since b0 = 0)
The second term in the summation

cn ein0 t = c1 ei0 t + c2 e2i0 t + . . .

can be written, if we dene cn = cn = 12 (an + ibn ), as

i0 t 2i0 t 3i0 t
c1 e + c2 e + c3 e + ... = cn ein0 t

5 HELM (VERSION 1: March 19, 2004): Workbook Level 2

23.6: The Complex Form
Hence (3) can be written

in0 t
c0 + cn e + cn ein0 t
n=1 n=1

or, nally, in the extremely concise form

cn ein0 t .

The complex Fourier coecients cn can be readily obtained as follows using (1) and (2) for
an , b n .
a0 1 2
c0 = = f (t)dt (4)
2 T T2
For n = 1, 2, 3, . . . we have
1 1 2
cn = (an ibn ) = f (t)(cos n0 t i sin n0 t)dt
2 T T2

i.e. cn = 1
T T2
f (t)ein0 t dt (5)

Also for n = 1, 2, 3, . . . we have

1 1 2
cn = cn = (an + ibn ) = f (t)ein0 t dt
2 T T2

This last expression is equivalent to stating that for n = 1, 2, 3, . . .

cn = T1 2T f (t)ein0 t dt (6)

The 3 equations (4), (5), (6) can thus all be contained in the one expression
1 2
cn = f (t)ein0 t dt for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .
T T2
The results of this discussion are summarised in the following Key Point.

Key Point
Fourier Series in Complex Form
A function f (t) of period T has a complex Fourier series

1 2
f (t) = cn e in0 t
where cn = f (t)ein0 t dt
T T2

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23.6: The Complex Form
For the special case T = 2 so that 0 = 1 these formulae become particularly simple

f (t) = cn eint
cn = f (t)eint dt.

Note the extremely concise form of these results.

3. Properties of the complex Fourier coefficients

Using properties of the trigonometric Fourier coecients an , bn we can readily deduce the
following results for the cn s:
1. c0 = 2
is always real
2. Suppose the periodic function f (t) is even so that all bn are zero. Then since, in the
complex form, the bn arise as the imaginary part of cn , it follows that for f (t) even the
coecients cn (n = 1, 2, . . .) are wholly real.

If f (t) is odd, what can you deduce about the Fourier coecients cn ?

Your solution

of cn ) are zero, then in this case the complex coecients cn are wholly imaginary.
Since, for an odd periodic function the Fourier coecients an (which constitute the real part

Further important points about complex Fourier coefficients

1. Since T
1 2
cn = f (t)ein0 t dt
T T2

then if f (t) is even, so cn will be real, we have two possible methods for evaluating cn :
(a) evaluate the integral above as it stands i.e. over the full range T2 , T2 : note
carefully that the second term in the integrand is neither an even nor an odd function
so the integrand itself is
(even function) (neither even nor odd function) = neither even nor odd function.
Thus we cannot write T /2
cn = f (t)ein0 t dt
T 0

7 HELM (VERSION 1: March 19, 2004): Workbook Level 2

23.6: The Complex Form
(b) Put ein0 t = cos n0 t i sin n0 t so

f (t)ein0 t = f (t) cos n0 t if (t) sin n0 t

= (even)(even) i(even)(odd)

= (even) i(odd).

Hence T
2 2 an
cn = f (t) cos n0 t dt = .
T 0 2

2. If f (t + T2 ) = f (t) then of course only odd harmonic coecients cn (n = 1, 3, 5, . . .)

will arise in the complex Fourier Series just as with trigonometric series.

Example Find the complex Fourier Series of the sawtooth wave shown:
f (t)

T T 2T t

We have
f (t) = 0<t<T
f (t + T ) = f (t)
The period is T in this case so
0 =
Looking at the graph of f (t) we can say immediately

i. the Fourier Series will contain a constant term c0

ii. if we imagine shifting the horizontal axis up to A2 the signal can be written

f (t) = + g(t),

where g(t) is an odd function with complex Fourier coecients that are purely imaginary.

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23.6: The Complex Form
Solution (contd.)
Hence we expect the required complex Fourier series of f (t) to contain a constant term A2
and complex exponential terms with purely imaginary coecients. We have, from the general
theory, and using 0 < t < T as the basic period for integrating.

1 T At in0 t A T in0 t
cn = e dt = 2 te dt
T 0 T T 0
We can evaluate the integral using parts:

in0 t tein0 t 1 T
te dt = + ein0 t dt
0 (in0 ) 0 in0 0

T ein0 T 1 in0 t T
= e 0
(in0 ) (in0 )2
But 0 = T

ein0 T = ein2 = cos 2n i sin 2n

= 1 i0 = 1

Hence the integral becomes

T 1  in0 T 
e 1
in0 (in0 )2

A T iA
cn = 2 = n = 1, 2, . . .
T in0 2n
Note that
iA iA
cn = = = cn as it must
2(n) 2n
T At A
Also c0 = T 0 T
dt = 2
as expected.
Hence the required complex Fourier Series is

A iA  ein0 t

f (t) = +
2 2 n= n

which could be written, showing only the constant and the rst two harmonics as
A ei20 t i0 t ei20 t
f (t) = ... i ie + + iei0 t
+i + ... .
2 2 2

The corresponding trigonometric Fourier Series for the function can be readily obtained from
this complex series by combining the terms in n, n = 1, 2, 3, . . .

9 HELM (VERSION 1: March 19, 2004): Workbook Level 2

23.6: The Complex Form
For example this rst harmonic is
iei0 t + iei0 t
= {i(cos 0 t i sin 0 t) + i(cos 0 t + i sin 0 t)}
= (2 sin 0 t) = sin 0 t
Performing similar calculations on the other harmonics we obtain the trigonometric form of the
Fourier series
A A  sin n0 t

f (t) = .
2 n=1 n

Find the complex Fourier Series of the 2periodic function

f (t) = et <t<

f (t + 2) = f (t)
f (t)

3 t

Firstly write down an integral expression for the Fourier coecients cn :

Your solution

et eint dt cn =


=1 0 We have, since T = 2 so

Now combine the real exponential and the complex exponential as one term and carry out the
Your solution

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23.6: The Complex Form
23.6: The Complex Form
HELM (VERSION 1: March 19, 2004): Workbook Level 2 11
interpretation particularly in electrical engineering.
This is essentially a mathematical theorem but has, as we shall see, an important engineering
4. Parsevals Theorem
e(1in) = e ein = e (cos n i sin n) = e cos n
e(1in) = e ein = e cos n
1 1 sinh (1 + in)
cn = (e e ) cos n = cos n
2 (1 in) (1 + n2 )
Note that the coecients cn n = 1, 2, . . . have both real and imaginary parts in this case as
the function being expanded is neither even nor odd.
sinh (1 in) sinh (1 in)
cn = cos(n) = cos n = cn as required.
(1 + (n)2 ) (1 + n2 )
This includes the constant term c0 =
. Hence the required Fourier Series is

sinh  (1 + in) int
f (t) = (1)n e since cos n = (1)n .
n= (1 + n2 )
Your solution
Now simplify this as far as possible and write out the Fourier Series:
We have

1 1 e(1in)t 1 1  
cn = e(1in)t dt = = e(1in) e(1in)
2 2 (1 in) 2 (1 in)
Parsevals Theorem states that if f (t) is a periodic function with period T and if cn (n =
0, 1, 2, . . .) denote the complex Fourier coecients of f (t) then

1 2
f (t)dt = |cn |2 .
T T2 n=

In words the theorem states that the mean square value of the signal f (t) over one period equals
the sum of the squared magnitudes of all the complex Fourier coecients.

Proof of Parsevals Theorem.

Assume f (t) has a complex Fourier Series of the usual form:

in0 t 2
f (t) = cn e 0 =

where T
1 2
cn = f (t)ein0 t dt
T T2

f 2 (t) = f (t)f (t) = f (t) cn ein0 t = cn f (t)ein0 t dt


1 2
2 1 2
f (t)dt = cn f (t)ein0 t dt
T T2 T T2

= cn f (t)ein0 t dt
T T2

= cn cn

= |cn |2

which completes the proof.

Parsevals Theorem can also be written in terms of the Fourier coecients an , bn of the trigono-
metric Fourier Series.
Recall that

an ibn an + ibn
c0 = a0
cn = n = 1, 2, 3, . . . cn = n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
2 2
a2n + b2n
|cn | =
n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
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23.6: The Complex Form

a2n + b2n
|cn | =
4 n=1
and hence Parsevals Theorem becomes
a20 1  2

1 2
f (t)dt = + (a + b2n ) . . . ()
T T2 4 2 n=1 n

The engineering interpretation of this theorem is as follows:

suppose f (t) denotes an electrical signal (current or voltage): then from elementary circuit
theory f 2 (t) is the instantaneous power (in a 1 ohm resistor) so that
1 2
f 2 (t)dt
T T2

is the energy dissipated in the resistor during one period.

Now a sinusoid wave of the form

A cos t (or A sin t)

2 2
has a mean square value A2 so a purely sinusoidal signal would dissipate a power A2 in a 1 ohm
Hence Parsevals Theorem in the form () states that the average power dissipated over 1 period
equals the sum of the powers of the constant (or d.c.) components and of all the sinusoidal (or
alternating) components.

The triangular signal shown

f (t)

has trigonometric Fourier Series (see Section 29.3, p10)

4  cos nt

f (t) = .
2 n=1 n2
(odd n)

1 4
Use Parsevals Theorem to show that = .
n4 96
(n odd)

13 HELM (VERSION 1: March 19, 2004): Workbook Level 2

23.6: The Complex Form
Firstly, identify a0 , an and bn for this situation and write down the denition of f (t) for this

Your solution

f (t + 2) = f (t)
<t< f (t) = |t|
n = 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . bn = 0
n = 2, 4, 6, . . . 0

an =
n = 1, 3, 5, . . . n42
= 2
We have

Now evaluate the integral on the left hand side of Parsevals Theorem and hence complete the

Your solution

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23.6: The Complex Form
23.6: The Complex Form
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1. i eint (sum from to excluding n = 0).
2. + i eint (sum from to excluding n = 0).
sinh  (1 + in) int
3. (1)n e (sum from to ).
(1 + n2 )
t 3. f (t) = et
0 t 2 2. f (t) = t
t 1. f (t) = t
Obtain the complex Fourier series for each of the following functions of period 2
We have f 2 (t) = t2 so


1 1 1 t3 2
f 2 (t)dt = t2 dt = =
T T2 2 2 3 3
The right hand side of Parsevals Theorem is

a02  2 2 1  16
+ an = +
4 n=1
4 2 n=1 n4 2
(n odd)

2 2 8  1 8  1 2 1 4
= + 2 = = .
3 4 n=1 n4 2 n=1 n4 12 n4
(n odd) (n odd) (n odd)

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