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What to pray on Laylat al-Qadr

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Laylat al qadr is the most excellent night of the whole year, it is better then a thousand
months, one nights worship is equivalent to the worship of a life time. The night occurs during
one of the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, most likely to be on the 27th

The Most Beloved of ALLAH, Huzur Nabi Salla ALLAHu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam said
”People who won’t be able to benefit on this blessed night are listed as follows, unless these
people ask for forgiveness for their sins : Muslim enemies, people who don’t give zakaat and
encourage people not to either, people who break relationships, laugh at the facts of the grave,
people who back bite, being lazy to pray salaat, not talking to a muslim brother for more than
three days, including haram, shirk, kufar, nazayess.”

On this blessed night pray the follwoing: the Qur’an al kareem, nafil salaat, tasbih, du’as,
astagfar, kalma-e tamjid, Surah ikhlas and plenty of darood shareef as often as you can.
Whoever prays by heart “Laa elaahaa el-lal laahu Muham-madur rasulul-laah” by praying
first time you will be clean of sins, praying second time you will be clear of hell, and praying
third time you will be accepted in Paradise. It is quoted in the Hadith sharif that whoever
prays from the heart and with intention, will be forgiven for all their sins.

Huzur Nabi-e-paak Salla ALLAHu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam said on the night of Laylat aI qadr
you must pray this du’a as much as possible:


(0 ALLAH, you are the one who grants pardon for sins, you love to pardon so pardon us)




(I seek forgiveness from ALLAH, the Almighty, there is no god but He,
He is the Self-existent, the eternal and I turn to Him)

Whoever on this night recites :

”Innaa anzalnaahu fee lailatil qadr. Wa maa adraaka maalailatul qadr.

LailatuI qadri khairum min alfi shahr. Tanazalul malaa ikatu varroohu fee
haa bi-izni rabbihim min kulli amr. Salaamun heeyaa hattaa matlaeel fajr.”

If they recite ”Innaa anzalnaahu” (above) 700, or 70, or 7 times at least, ALLAH Subhanahu
wa Ta’ala will forgive that person’s sins, save them from all their troubles and ghosts, also
70,000 angels will pray for that person to go to Jannat (Paradise).

Nafil Salaat :

* Pray four rakats nafil salaat, in every rakat after SURAH FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI)
recite SURAH QADR (INNA ANZALNAHU) three times, and SURAH IKHLAS seven times,
this will decrease the pains and agonies of death, and will protect you from the torments of the

* Pray four rakats nafil salaat, in every rakat after SURAH FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI)
recite SURAH QADR (INNA ANZALNAHU) once and SURAH IKHLAS 27 times,
ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will forgive your sins.

* Pray two rakats nafil salaat, in every rakat after SURAH FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI)
recite Surah Qadr (Inna Anzalnahu) seven times SURAH IKHLAS seven times, then recite
Astagfar and Darood shareef, ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will forgive you and your

* Pray four rakats nafil salaat, in every rakat after SURAH FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI)
recite SURAH QADR (INNA ANZALNAHU) three times SURAH IKHLAS five times, and after
salaat recite Kalma-e tamjid 41 times, ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will accept all your

* Pray 20 rakats nafil salaat with intervals after every two rakats, in every rakat after SURAH
FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI) recite SURAH IKHLAS 21 times, you will be clean of all your
sins, as if you were just born.

* Pray 20 rakats nafil salaat with intervals after every two rakats, in every rakat after SURAH
times, after salaat recite KALMA-E TAMJID 100 times, you will get Haj-e makbul’s thawaab.

* Pray 10 rakats nafil salaat with intervals after every two rakats, in every rakat after SURAH
FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI) recite SURAH IKHLAS 3 times, after namaz recite Darood
shareef 11 times and Du’a, you will get lots of thawaab.

* Pray 10 rakats nafil salaat with intervals after every two rakats, in every rakat after SURAH
FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI) recite any surah, then make your du’as, Insha-ALLAH they
will be accepted.

* Pray 12 rakats nafil salaat with intervals after every two rakats, in every rakat after SURAH
FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI) recite SURAH IKHLAS five times, you will get lots of

* Pray 2 rakats nafil salaat, in every rakat after SURAH FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI),
recite SURAH IKHLAS seven times, after salaat recite darood shareef 100 times and Astagfar
100 times, you will get lots of thawaab.

* Pray four rakats nafil salaat, in every rakat after SURAH FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI)
recite ALHA KUMUT-TAKAASUR once and SURAH IKHLAS three times, this will avoid
problems, and will protect you from the torments of the grave.

* Pray 2 rakats nafil salaat, In every rakat after SURAH FATEHA (ALHAMDU LILLAHI),
recite SURAH IKHLAS seven times, after salaat recite astagfar 70 times, before you get up
from your reciteer mat ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will forgive your sins and your parents
sins and ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will say to the angels to make sweet (meva) trees in
Jannat as well as make you a palace. Until you will not see this in your dream you will not die.

Subhaana rabbika rabbil ezzati ammaa yasifun va salaamun al-l mursalin,

val hamdu lil-laahi rabbil aalamin

Please do remember me, my family and my eldest son Mohammed Baseer Ahsan Junaid
particular in your prayers. Junaid passed away on 23rd Ramadan 1429, corresponding to 24th
September 2008, at the age of 22 Years, 3 Months and 6 Days (d.o.b: 17th June 1986).

Mohammed Zaheer Ahsan Shakeel,

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