Recommendation Pak Erwinsyah 1

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August 22, 2017

Dear Admission Committee,

It is a pleasure to recommend Mr. Erwinsyah Saria for a PhD programme. I have known
Mr Erwinsyah for the past nine years through his study in my science class on January 2008
and as a supervisor on his Final Project or Thesis titled, The Improvement of the Learning
Process and The Students Learning Achievement on Cognitive Aspect in Natural Science by
Using Inquiry Rational Approach in Grade III of SD Pembangunan Air Tawar UNP Padang
at Primary Education, Graduate Program State University of Padang West Sumatera, Indonesia.
Erwinsyah has done good work in finishing his Thesis paper and completed his Master in
Primary Education program on September 2012. During that time I found Erwinsyah Satria to
be smart, tough, reliable, punctual, have a very good academic capability and very
professional in the manner in which he approached his role.

He had asked good questions and also referred a few Learning Process and The
Students Learning Achievement on Cognitive Aspect in Natural Science by Using Inquiry
Rationaal Approach studies. I was impressed by his preparedness for the observation and
interview and his inquisitiveness to know more on the subject. He often discussed his findings
with me as well as discussed the course of action and possible evaluation techniques for the
project. During that project, Erwinsyah demonstrated the ability to work independently with
creativity and enthusiasm. His communication skills put both the subject as well as the
interviewer at ease thus facilitating an unbiased and effective data collection. Erwinsyah is very
creative, calm and patient with the students.

In general, I would describe Erwinsyah as intelligent and very capable of

adapting to any role that he chose to undertake. Erwinsyah is clearly the best student that
I have worked with in the past few years. I strongly recommend him for a PhD programme.
He would be an asset to any university he joins.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Farida F, M.T., M.Pd.

Science Lecturer of Primary Education

Graduate Program
State University of Padang
Padang West Sumatera

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