School Handbook 2010-11

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Lutheran High School

4020 South 900 East
Salt Lake City, Utah 84124
Phone: 801.266.6676 Fax: 801.266.1953
alumni email:


2010-2011 Revised August 17, 2010

“handbook-school” WORD 2010-11

Lutheran High School


2010 - School Year Theme - 2011

“Fight the Good Fight!”

1 Timothy 6:12
“Fight the good fight of the
faith. Take hold of the eternal
life to which you were called
and about which you made the
good confession in the
presence of many witnesses.”

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Lutheran High School



School Handbook
Honors Courses 12
A Word From The Principal 1 Honors Expectations 12
Incomplete Grades 13
Our Mission 2 International Student’s Transcript Translation 13
Language Arts Guidelines 13
Philosophy 2 Late and Missing Homework 13
Placement Tests 13
Belief Statements 2 Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum 13
Lutheran High School Goals 3 Reduced Tuition Rate for Part-Time Students 14
School-Wide Expected Learner Outcomes 4 Release Time 14
Special Needs Students 14
Lutheran High Personnel 5 Student Planners 14
Faculty and staff 5 Testing 15
Head Coaches and Advisors 5 Transcripts 15
Association Congregations 5 Transfer Students 15
Board of Directors 5 Tuition and Fees 15

Admissions and Enrollment 6 Attendance 15

Admission Requirements 6 Attendance 15
Application Process 6 Absences 15
Conditional Enrollment 6 Absence procedures 15
Disclosure of Information 6 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities 15
Enrollment Contract 6 Student Responsibilities 15
Enrollment of Home School Students 6 School Responsibilities 16
Entrance Exam 6 Absence and Participation in Co-Curriculars 16
Health & Immunization Requirements 6 Appointments 16
International Student Guidelines 7 Excused Absences 16
Non-Discrimination Policy 7 Unexcused Absences 16
Permanent Records 7 Eight (8) Absences 16
Pre-Registration 7 Leaving Campus 16
Recruitment 7 Truancy 16
Re-Enrollment 8 Tardies 17
Registration 8
Withdrawal From School 8 Behavior 17
Covenant Agreement 17
Academics 8 Standards of Behavior 17
Academic Probation 8 Controlled substances 17
Accreditation 8 Aggressive acts 17
Adding or Dropping Classes 8 Cheating/Plagiarism 17
Audit 8 Theft-Stealing 17
Awards 8 Vandalism 17
Awarding of Credit 8 Lying/Improper Language 18
Citizenship Grades 9 Truancy/Cutting Class 18
Class Load 9 Repeated violations 18
Concurrent Enrollment 9 Harassment 18
Courses Offered 10 Alcohol & Other Illegal Substances 18
CUENet/Distance Learning 10 Behavior at School Related Activities 18
Early Graduation Guidelines 10 Fighting 18
Exam Schedule 10 Harassment 18
Extra Credit 10 Personal Conduct 19
Failing a Class 10 Plagiarism 19
Finals Schedule 10 Pregnancy & Abortion 20
Grade Point Average (Grading Scale) 10 Sexual Lifestyle 20
Graduation Guidelines 10 Technology Use 20
Graduation Requirements 11 Vandalism 20
Home-School Credits 11
Homework 11 Communication 20
Honor Roll 12 Between School & Home 20

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Lutheran High School

Between School & Students 21 Dances 33

Conflict Resolution 21 Deliveries 33
Electronic Devices 33
Discipline 21 Facilities 33
Covenant Agreement 21 Faculty/Staff Workspaces 33
Cycle of Discipline 22 Food & Beverages on Campus 33
Discipline Consequences 22 Fund-Raising 33
Detentions 22 Graduation 33
Loss of Privileges 22 Gymnasium 33
School Service 22 Gym Lockers 33
Probation 23 Hallway Lockers 34
Suspension 23 Illness & Injury 34
Expulsion 23 Internet 34
Extreme Behavior 23 Leaving Campus 34
Liability 34
Dress Code 24 Library/Media Center 34
Standards of Dress 24 Library Hours 34
Team/Group Dress 25 Lost & Found 34
Physical Education Dress 25 Lunch 34
Marriage 35
Emergency Procedures 26 Master Schedule 35
Administration of Medication 26 National Honor Society 35
Blood Borne Pathogens 26 Network 36
Closing of School 26 Out-Of-Town Activities 36
Contagious Disease Guidelines 26 Planners 36
Emergency Drills 26 Prohibited Items 36
Emergency Management 26 Schedules 36
Illness During the School Day 26 School Hours 36
Security 36
Emergency Response Plan 26 Student ID 36
Earthquake Emergency 26 Study Hall 36
Emergency – During School Hours 27 Telephones 37
Emergency – Outside of School Hours 27 Testing Program 37
Evacuation Procedure 27 Textbooks & Equipment 37
Fire Emergency 28 To Whom Shall I Go 37
Lock-Down Emergency 28 Vehicles, Parking, Driving 37
Post-Crisis Procedure 28 Visitors 37
Weapons 38
Co-Curricular Invovlement 28
Co-Curricular Eligibility 28 Student Life 38
Academic Review 29 Athletics 38
Transportation to School Activities 29 Class Activities 38
Computer & Internet Resources 38
Financial 30 Counseling 38
Discounts & Credits 30 Covenant Agreement 39
Fines & Replacement Costs 30 Eligibility Requirements 39
Payment of Tuition & Fees 30 Internet 39
Penalties for Non-Payment 30 Library & Media Center 39
Per Pupil Cost 31 Other Co-Curriculars 39
Scholarship Assistance (Financial Aid) 31 Participation of Home School Students 39
Tuition & Fees 31 Special Activities & Events 39

Spiritual Life 31 Volunteer Code of Conduct 39

Chapel 31
Christian Learning Environment 31 Additional Information 40
Devotions 31
Faith Day 31 Attachments 40
Worship 31 School Year Calendar 41
Master Schedule 42
General Information and Guidelines 32 Daily Bell Schedules 43
Age of Emancipation 32 CUENet/Distance Learning 44
Appeals to the Handbook 32 To Whom Shall I Go 45
Asbestos 32 Courses Offered 46
Before & After School 32 Graduation Requirements 47
Bell Schedules 32 Test Dates 48
Calendar 32 Technology And Network Use 49
Campus Boundaries 32 Tuition, Fees, Payments, & Penalties 50
Copiers 32 Covenant Agreement 51

“handbook-school” WORD S: ii 2010-11

Lutheran High School

Welcome to the 27th academic year of Lutheran High School!

Our theme for this school year is:

“Fight the Good Fight!”

It was taken from God’s Word, 1 Timothy 6:12, which reads:

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called
and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

I am very excited about the new school year at Lutheran High School! We have lots of
special events planned again this year and it promises to be fun. This is my sixth year as
principal and I am grateful that God allows me to continue to serve you in this capacity. I am
equally glad that He has led you to be a part of the Lutheran High family this year as well!

Each school year offers a “newness” for those of us in education. Much of this year will be
brand new to our freshmen and new parents. Additionally the other students and teachers new
to our school will experience a lot that is different and “new”. We will even have some “new”
things for our returning students who may be with us for a fourth year.

Sometimes “newness” can be a bit scary. We often are afraid of things we are uncertain about
or unfamiliar with. This is normal. What a wonderful blessing we have however to know that we
have a loving God who is in control of every aspect of our lives! As our school year theme says,
we can take hold of God’s promises! We can find assurance that our Almighty God, Creator of
the entire universe, has a wonderful plan for us this year and we can “fight the good fight of the
faith” as we trust in His unfailing mercy and love. A love so strong that He sent His only Son,
Jesus, to live a perfect life, to die on the cross in our place, to pay the price for our sins, to rise
from the dead and ascend into heaven so that we might have the reward of an eternity with

We want to continue to build on the achievements of the past. We will challenge our students to
be their best in every aspect. We will continue to present Lutheran High as a school that
stresses academic excellence, fosters mutual respect, encourages responsibility, and builds
confidence while providing a Christian environment which proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This School Handbook serves as a guide for us to identify our responsibilities and privileges as
students, parents, and staff of Lutheran High. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY! We pray that
it will help all of us be a blessing to our school, to each other, and to honor and glorify our
Savior, Jesus Christ, in everything that we do and say.

God continues to bless Lutheran High School in many ways. We are so glad that you have
chosen to be a part of this family. We look forward to a great year! If I can be of any help, or
answer any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Together in His service,

Charles Gebhardt
Principal/Executive Director


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Lutheran High School

Lutheran High School is built upon the grace of God in Jesus Christ.
Motivated by God’s merciful Word we are a community that proclaims the Christian faith,
Provides an excellent academic program, and promotes an environment that leads to success.


By the Grace of God…

Lutheran High School’s philosophy of education is based on the Bible as the Word of God and centers in Jesus
Christ. The essential purposes of our school are faith development, academic excellence, and opportunity for success in
student endeavors.

At Lutheran High School students are considered to be children of the Almighty God who created them. Though
they have been alienated because of their sin, they have been redeemed from that sin by the work of the Son of the
Almighty, Jesus Christ, through His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave on Easter morning. Working through
the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Spirit of God kindles faith in the hearts of those who believe and works in the hearts of those
believers to sanctify their lives so that they may experience life according to God’s purpose. Therefore it is imperative that
students at Lutheran High School acknowledge the supreme authority of God and the Holy Scriptures that reveal Him to gain
a thorough knowledge of the scriptures and to apply that knowledge to life

Faith Development
The primary purpose of Lutheran High School is that we witness to Jesus Christ in such a way that students know
Him as their Lord and Savior. It is the goal of Lutheran High School that each student grow in grace through faith, grow in
understanding of God’s creation, and grow in his/her unique role in the world as a redeemed child of God. Since faith
development and spiritual growth are always the result of the working of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God, we believe
that each student must be given opportunities to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

Academic Excellence
In this Lutheran setting we view all knowledge and learning as a potential channel for God’s power and grace. The
curriculum of Lutheran High School is college preparatory and is geared to promote excellence in each academic discipline.
It is the goal of Lutheran High School to develop each student’s intellectual ability to the fullest extent possible. The
development of intellectual capacity should include not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the creative ability to
process and use that knowledge so that each individual becomes a worthwhile member of society.

Opportunity for Success

Lutheran High School provides a unique education environment in which there is opportunity for student success
encouraged through God’s Word and Jesus’ example. Success is sought in academic, physical, social, aesthetic, and
vocational development and activities. It is brought about through strengthening of relationships within and between
students, teachers, administration, and parents. Success is sought in curricular and co-curricular activities. Lutheran High
School endeavors to maintain an educational environment where each student, through the Word and Spirit, may know God
and His seeking and forgiving love in Christ; respond in faith and love; and identify himself/herself as a child of God and a
member of Christ’s body.

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Lutheran High School

1. Equipping Students: We believe that students can be completely equipped and well equipped to function effectively in
God’s kingdom and in society only when they have a thorough working knowledge of the Holy Scriptures of God.
Therefore, each student at Lutheran High School will be given thorough instruction in the Word of God. Each will also be
given opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness of that instruction by intentional and unintentional interactions with
people and with God through worship. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

2. Making the Equipment Effective: We also believe that students cannot be effectively equipped for life in this society
without intentional cooperative effort from the home, the school, and the church. Therefore, Lutheran High School will
work together with the homes and congregations of the students, so that these three agencies function together in a
manner to teach and demonstrate with consistency and repetition the spiritual and moral attitudes to develop social
assets in the lives of students which can assist them in coping with life. (2 Timothy 1:15; 2 Timothy 3:14-15)

3. Service as Christians: We believe that well-equipped Christians express faith in actions. Therefore, students at
Lutheran High School will be given instruction and opportunity for Christian service in several ways through both
intentional programs and informal opportunities. (James 2:14-18)

4. Christian Learning Environment: We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be the framework upon which the
activities at Lutheran High School, both curricular and co-curricular, are built. Therefore, each course in the curriculum
will be Christ-centered, carrying a spiritual dimension emphasizing the work of God the Father as Creator of all things
visible and invisible; God the Son as Redeemer of the sinful human race; and God the Holy Spirit as Sanctifier of the
whole human race. Each co-curricular program, activity, and event will point to the one true God in some positive
manner. Each person at Lutheran High School will be encouraged to have all interactions between people give glory to
God both explicitly and implicitly, as they are heard, seen, and experienced. Education in both the classroom and non-
classroom areas is to be consistently Christian in character. (Ephesians 6:4; Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

5. Academic Excellence: We believe that academic excellence enables students to avail themselves of opportunities for
further education and vocation. Therefore, each student will be challenged with a course of study designed to extend
knowledge, attitudes, and skills, in theology, mathematics, language arts, sciences, social studies, fine arts, practical
arts, physical education, technology, and others. (1 Corinthians 9:24-25; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Timothy 2:15; 1
Thessalonians 5:12-13; Colossians 3:17)

6. Self-worth in the Gospel: We believe that human beings have self-worth only as children of God. Therefore, each
student will be given instruction concerning the natural sinful condition of the human race and the redemption that
comes from the person and work of Jesus Christ. They will be encouraged to see themselves as children of Almighty
God, led by Jesus, the Good Shepherd. (John 10:14; John 15:5)

7. Fostering Mutual Respect: We believe that God’s Holy Scriptures instruct Christians to love and respect one another.
We also believe that the ability to demonstrate genuine respect is a valuable and powerfully effective tool for building
relationships between the people of God. Therefore, each student will be expected and instructed to show respect to
parents, teachers, administrators, and all other adults, as well as fellow students and younger children. (John 15:12; 1
Corinthians 12:12-13)

8. Encouraging Responsibility: We believe that, as children of God, all students should be encouraged to be responsible.
Therefore, each student will be given responsibilities, and each will be expected to meet those responsibilities in a
positive manner. (The Parable of the Talents, Luke 19)

Lutheran High School Goals

Lutheran High School will:

1. Assist students in recognizing their relationship with their Lord and Savior and therefore strengthening their relationship
with others. Giving opportunities to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Holy Scriptures will accomplish this.
2. Model Christ-like behavior.
3. Hold students accountable, teaching them to recognize personal and moral responsibilities, as taught in Holy Scripture
and through God’s grace and forgiveness.
4. Teach and apply knowledge and college preparatory skills leading students to develop their intellectual ability to the
fullest extent possible.
5. Lead students to acquire and expand knowledge, understanding, and skills in the processes of physical and creative
6. Lead students to develop social skills to the extent of one’s developmental ability.
7. Provide students with learning activities designed to facilitate educational and occupational decision-making appropriate
to their stage of development.
8. Teach students to be successful using their varied talents God has given them.

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Lutheran High School

9. Recognize and address the changing needs of students in a changing society.

School-Wide Expected Learner Outcomes
Faith Development

This is a unique area in that we may only plant the seed and the Holy Spirit nurtures it. With this in mind our hope is that
each graduate grows in faith at Lutheran High School and after he/she graduates, with God’s help, be able to…
1. Profess and confess Jesus Christ as their Lord, Savior, and friend.
2. Grow in their faith and knowledge of the Bible.
3. Demonstrate an active love for Christ through servant-hood.
4. Become active participants in their church.
5. Relate responsibly to God’s whole creation while living in the Christian hope.

Intellectual Development

Graduates of Lutheran High School will be able to…

1. Demonstrate a commitment to on-going learning and development of new skills.
2. Use, adapt, and develop established problem-solving practices in a variety of academic disciplines.
3. Exhibit a competence in oral and written communication and literary skills.
4. Be proficient in quantitative thinking.
5. Be proficient in scientific understanding.
6. Understand and apply cultural history and processes.
7. Process, critique, and utilize information through various media.

Creative Development

Graduates of Lutheran High School will be able to…

1. Demonstrate skills necessary for creative thinking.
2. Express creative ability and aesthetic appreciation.
3. Participate in creative leisure time activities.

Physical Development

Graduates of Lutheran High School will be able to…

1. Recognize the body as a temple of God.
2. Achieve and maintain physical well-being through a healthy lifestyle.
3. Demonstrate the skills involved in group and individual games and activities in order to participate in worthwhile and
God-pleasing leisure time activities.

Social Development

Graduates of Lutheran High School will be able to…

1. Exhibit responsible citizenship by making informed choices; understanding consequences; and respecting God, family,
and community.
2. Demonstrate respect for diverse cultures and individuals.
3. Contribute time, energy, and God-given talents to improve quality of life for their school and community.

Vocational Development

Graduates of Lutheran High School will be able to…

1. Understand the social significance of work, occupational exploration, and occupational preparation.
2. Exhibit a positive attitude toward the significance of work as a contribution to society and serving others.
3. Realistically evaluate interest, aptitude and ability as they relate to occupational roles.
4. Demonstrate fundamental aptitude in the use of technology, and written and verbal communication skills that are
necessary in a range of fields.

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Lutheran High School


Faculty – Staff - Administration
Aggie Allgood M.A. - Spanish (part-time)
Kelly Banyard B.B.A. - Personal Finance, Yearbook (part-time)
Melissa Brandenburger B.A./L.T.D. - Math
Shelly Davis M.A. Ed./L.T.D. - Director of Advancement/Guidance Counselor, CUENet
Patti Beekhuizen - Secretary/Administrative Assistant
Tia Donohoe B.B.A. - Business Officer (part-time)
(Vacant) - Library (part-time)
Charles Gebhardt M.A. Ed./L.T.D. - Principal/Executive Director
Dale Lee - Music/Band (part-time)
Jay Marshall M.D. - Science
Darren Morrison M.A. Ed/L.T.D. - Assistant Principal, Activities Director, Technology, Theology
Erinn Mousley M.A. Ed./L.T.D. - Theology, Language Arts
Heather Olsen - Art
Aaron Schrader B.S./L.T.D. - Theology, Social Studies, PE
Dale and Julie Spanton - Evening Custodians

Head Coaches & Advisors

Baseball – Mike York Grade 10 (Class of ‘13) – Aaron Schrader
Basketball, Boys – Aaron Schrader Grade 9 (Class of ’14) – Jay Marshall
Basketball, Girls – Mark Williams Music/Band – Dale Lee
Connecting Lynx – Rev. Kris Erickson, Melissa National Honor Society – Erinn Mousley
Brandenburger, Erinn Mousley, Soccer, Boys – John Hughes
Cross Country – Darren Morrison Soccer, Girls – Karl Lincoln
Drama – Erinn Mousley Student Council – Melissa Brandenburger
Golf – Rev. David Fischer Track & Field – Darren Morrison
Grade 12 (Class of ’11) – Melissa Brandenburger Volleyball – Mark Williams
Grade 11(Class of ’12) – Erinn Mousley Yearbook – Kelly Banyard

Lutheran High School Association of the Greater Salt Lake City Area
Christ Lutheran Church – Murray (801) 262-4354 Rev. Kristian Erickson
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church – Bountiful (801) 295-7677 Rev. Jason Krause
First Lutheran Church – Tooele (435) 882-1172 Rev. Bror Erickson
Grace Lutheran Church – Sandy (801) 572-6375 Rev. Dana Brooks
Redeemer Lutheran Church – Salt Lake City (801) 467-4352 Rev. David Fischer
St. John’s Lutheran Church – Salt Lake City (801) 364-2873 Rev. Bryan Lindemood

LHSAGSLCA Board of Directors – (*Executive Committee)

Mr. Mark Beekhuizen* (Chair) - REDEEMER VACANT
Mrs. Sandra Blank - REDEEMER VACANT
Rev. Bror Erickson - FIRST VACANT
Mr. Greg Gohlinghorst - CROSS OF CHRIST
Mr. Mike Lemmert - CHRIST VACANT* - Treasurer
Mrs. Diana Suddreth - CROSS OF CHRIST Rev. Al Borcher (LOV) - Pastoral Advisor
Mrs. Cheryl Wagner - GRACE Mr. Charles Gebhardt* - Executive Director
Mr. Rusty Walker - GRACE Mrs. Shelly Davis - Dir. of Advancement
VACANT* (Secretary) Mrs. Tia Donohoe - Business Officer

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Lutheran High School


Lutheran High School is a comprehensive high school serving the spiritual and academic needs of the college bound
student. In its desire to serve all students it must be noted, however, that LHS may not be able to provide a successful academic
experience for students who have need of Special Education Programs requiring specially trained teachers and alternative
classroom experiences. Students with learning difficulties requiring remedial services will be admitted only with the
understanding of parents and school as to the limitations of the school program.
Admission is determined on the basis of standardized test scores, a completed enrollment application and a personal
interview. (The personal interview may be waived for students graduating from a SLLHS elementary feeder school). All
applicable tuition and fees must be paid in order for enrollment to be complete.
Admission Requirements
To be eligible for admission into the ninth grade, a student must:
a. give evidence of having graduated from eighth grade.
b. sign the Lutheran High School Covenant Agreement.
c. complete an interview with the principal and/or counselor.
d. have the endorsement of his/her pastor, if applicable.
To be eligible for admission as a transfer student, a student must:
a. be able to demonstrate reasonable academic aptitude and submit the results of standardized testing.
b. provide a transcript of earned credits.
c. sign the Lutheran High School Covenant Agreement.
d. complete an interview with the principal and/or counselor.
e. have the endorsement of his/her pastor, if applicable.
The administration of Lutheran High School will be responsible for the final decision regarding the enrollment of any
Application Process
Enrollment at Lutheran High School is not automatic. The first step toward enrollment involves the completion of an
application packet by the prospective student and at least one parent. This complete application is forwarded to the school
administration, which takes formal action to accept the student for enrollment.
Conditional Enrollment
At the discretion of the school administration, a student may be enrolled conditionally. This will be reflected in a
modified enrollment contract, which will detail special conditions. Academic and behavioral conditions may be specified.
Students enrolled after the school year has begun may be enrolled on a conditional basis.
Disclosure of Information
Lutheran High School expects that parents or guardians will share all necessary information throughout the admissions
and enrollment process. This includes necessary information regarding academic, behavioral, psychological, and other issues
that could affect a student’s successful completion of our program. Failure to disclose such information could result in a student
being released from enrollment.
Enrollment Contract
A student is considered enrolled when an enrollment contract is completed and signed by at least one parent and the
student. When the contract is forwarded to the school administration, along with the appropriate fee, a formal interview will be
held. A formal letter of acceptance will then be sent from LHS. This is considered a formal enrollment of the student.
Enrollment of Home School Students
Lutheran High School will enroll home school students as part-time students under the following conditions: (1) Course
and grade-level placement will be solely at the discretion of the school administration; (2) Such students must provide evidence
of previous course work and tests results, also at the discretion of the school administration; (3) Payment of tuition and fees will
be handled, per school guidelines, with the exception that tuition will be pro-rated to account for part-time status.
Entrance Exam
An entrance exam may be required before final enrollment at Lutheran High School is granted. The standards and
minimum requirements for such examination with be determined and evaluated by the administration and the admissions
department of Lutheran High. Typically, entrance exams will be offered during the second semester and summer months
preceding the first semester enrollment for the following school year.
Health & Immunization Requirements
All students must comply with health and immunization requirements set by the state. This includes up-to-date
immunizations. New students must submit a health form, including a physical examination form within the last year. Failure to
comply with health requirements may result in a student being suspended from school or denied enrollment or re-enrollment
until such compliance is achieved.

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Lutheran High School

International Students Guidelines

The following guidelines are in place for international students who wish to attend Lutheran High School.
• Lutheran High fills out and issues the I-20 form after the payment of the application and registration fees
(non-refundable). Student takes I-20 to embassy.
• Pay full tuition (non-refundable) and fees in one payment or by semester.
• Tuition needs to be paid for a full year, even if the student leaves and then returns to school.
• All I-20 & J-1 students must live with a host family.
• Host family is responsible for transportation to and from school.
• Must be a full-time student while enrolled at Lutheran High School.
• Outside tutor required if not English proficient – to be arranged by the student and host family.
• If the students lacks English proficiency – the student may be able to audit classes until they are proficient
(able to receive credit) – Look at each class individually. Outside tutor required.
• Can receive “Pass” grade for up to 1 semester in each of the following subject areas: English, Math,
Religion, Science, and Social Science.
• Homework, tests, and overall performance will be graded even in audited classes.
• Decision to audit will come from a meeting with teacher and counselor, with input from student and
• Factors to be considered in audit/credit/pass-fail: current grade, ability to understand an oral lesson given
by teacher (evaluated by teacher), and English proficiency in reading.
• Credits from home country can go toward graduation requirements as long as the student takes at least 6
classes required for graduation while enrolled at Lutheran High School.
• Must inform Lutheran High about graduation and post-high school plans.
• Complete an English Language Proficiency exam and have results sent to Lutheran High. The test
choices and websites to gain information are listed below.

1. TOEFL  Test of English as a Foreign Language

2. SLEP  Secondary Level English Proficiency
3. SSAT  Secondary School Admission Test
4. The MICHIGAN TEST (see the Guidance Office)

Academic Requirements: An International Student must complete entry level classes and may possibly have
to take two study halls and/or two or more elective classes before they can move on to upper level core curriculum
classes. When his/her English skills are deemed proficient enough for academic success he/she can be mainstreamed
into core curriculum and required courses. Once mainstreamed, students must fulfill the requirements for graduation
as set in the School Handbook.
Non-Discrimination Policy
The Lutheran High School Association of the Greater Salt Lake City Area admits students of any race, color, national
and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the
school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies,
admissions, policies, scholarship and loans programs, and athletic and other school administered programs.
Permanent Records
Lutheran High School will request the permanent school records from the previous school of any student planning to
enroll. Permanent records usually include a transcript, birth certificate, immunization records, withdrawal grades, test results,
attendance, psychological reports, special education, and other information.
After a student has applied for enrollment, he/she is eligible to pre-register for courses. This primarily involves choosing
appropriate electives. Returning students also pre-register in the spring. A member of the school administration usually assists
students in pre-registration. Course choices are shared with parents. Course selections are subject to final approval by the
Lutheran High School promotes its program of Christian education to a wide variety of individuals and groups in Utah.
Prospective students and their families are invited to consider the merits of our mission and ministry to receive an education that
prepares our young people well for further education and vocation, while at the same time building and nurturing a relationship
with Jesus Christ. Students are never recruited on the basis of their individual merits in regards to athletics or any other co-
curricular programs, and no tuition assistance, scholarships, or grants are ever offered in regards to such merits. Lutheran High
School complies with all UHSAA requirements that prohibit such recruitment and financial assistance.

“handbook-school” WORD S: 8 2010-11

Lutheran High School

Students will go through a re-enrollment process each year, usually beginning no later than March. This process is
necessary to help the school plan for staff, curriculum, and budget. The school administration reserves the right to deny re-
enrollment to any student for factors that include (but may not be limited to) unsatisfactory academic progress or behavior which
is detrimental to the school’s mission and ministry.
Final registration for the school year involves finalizing the student’s schedule, distribution and collection of school and
family information (as requested), registration for co-curricular and other activities and programs, payment of appropriate tuition
and fees, etc. A student may not begin classes until he/she has completed registration, except at the discretion of the Principal.
Withdrawal From School
Parents should notify the school in writing at least two weeks in advance of the date of withdrawal. Before a student is
released, all forms for withdrawal must be completed. All appropriate fines, fees, and tuition must also be paid before a student
is officially released.

Academic Probation
(Academic probation is also explained in the section “Discipline Procedures”.) A student currently enrolled at LHS may
be placed on academic probation for failing more than one course in a quarter and/or for failing to maintain a GPA of at least 2.0
(C) in a given quarter. New students may sometimes be admitted on academic probation if their previous academic
performance raises some concerns about their ability to be able to maintain minimum academic standards in Lutheran High's
college preparatory curriculum.

Students on academic probation follow the following procedure:

1. The student’s performance will be monitored for 2 quarters (meaning the quarter which immediately succeeds the
quarter in which the probation was earned, plus one more quarter).
2. A status report is sent to the parents at the conclusion of each of those quarters.
3. The Guidance Counselor will counsel with the student and emphasize strategies for improved academic performance.
4. During the probationary period the student must raise his/her academic performance at least to the minimum standards
5. The student will be required to have a study hall in their schedule.
6. All previously failed classes must be made-up through acceptable summer school or night school.
7. An academic evaluation will happen after the two quarters. If the student raised his/her grade to the minimum
standards he/she will be restored to regular student status. If he/she has not reached those minimum levels of
performance, the student may be suspended indefinitely and asked to transfer to another school.
8. In cases where there are exceptional circumstances, the principal may, at their discretion, suspend the student from
school sooner, or extend the academic probation beyond two quarters but it may not extend beyond three quarters.
Lutheran High School is an accredited high school by the state of Utah. It is accredited nationally by the National
Lutheran Schools Accreditation, and is accredited regionally by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools. Credits
earned at Lutheran High School are transferable throughout the United States and to U.S. accredited schools overseas. The
student who successfully completes a yearlong course earns one (1) unit of credit toward graduation.
Adding or Dropping Classes
Students who desire to request schedule changes may apply for such changes through the guidance office. In each
case, the student must complete a school form that, among other things, includes the reason for the change; the endorsement
of the teacher of the class being dropped; teacher of the class being added and the approval of the student's parent or guardian.
All schedule changes must be carried out during the first week of each quarter. Withdrawing from a course after 1 week from
the start of the quarter may result in a failing grade for that course and may not even be possible in all circumstances.
st rd
Performance classes, (i.e. music, drama) may NOT be dropped at the end of 1 or 3 quarter.
A student may audit a class by enrolling as a participant. The student will gain information but not receive credit or a
grade for the class. The student will follow all class expectations as they relate to behavior, tardies, and attendance.
For a student to be considered for school awards (i.e. valedictorian, salutatorian, etc.) that student must have earned
grades in at least 14 credits at an accredited school.
Awarding of Credit
All graduates receiving a diploma from Lutheran High School must meet this school’s curriculum and credit standards. To
ensure this, students must take a minimum of 75% of their credits in LHS classes while enrolled at Lutheran High.

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1. A study hall may be taken for no credit. Seniors at the beginning or ending of the school day may receive permission
for release time.
2. Credit may not be earned twice for the same class with the exception of music and P.E. classes.
3. LHS does not recognize on-the-job training programs (student employment); thus credit may not be earned in this area.
4. Parents will receive four report cards per year, one at the end of each quarter (see calendar).
5. Course credit is accumulated quarterly at the rate of 0.25 credit for each quarter successfully completed.
6. Class rank is based on the cumulative Grade Point Average (G.P.A.), using quarter grades, beginning with grade 9.
7. The grading system is based primarily on the four point or A,B,C,D,F system. Exceptions to this standard are
announced in advance to the students.
th th
8. Teacher or Office Aide (T.A.) may be taken for credit. The position of teacher-aide may be taken only in 10 , 11 or
12 grade, and for a maximum of one (1) credit. A T.A. guideline’s form must be signed by student and teacher and
filed in the office. A pass/fail grade will be used. This class will not be used to determine the student’s grade point
9. Credit may be issued for Driver’s Education if the student has received credit from another school and has submitted a
transcript detailing that credit.
Citizenship Grades
Each student is responsible for his/her own conduct during the classroom work period and the school day. The
citizenship grade is based on how well the student demonstrates the Christian-based conduct, which is expected of all LHS
students. Excessive absence or tardiness, poor work ethic, or consistent inappropriate behaviors are the most common causes
of poor citizenship grades. Citizenship will be reported on Academic Review reports.
Citizenship grades will be given a numerical value on a four-point basis. Students who maintain a 3.75 average or
above will be placed on the Citizenship Honor Roll.
Citizenship grades will be reported to parents as follows:
H (Honor) 4.0 - Positive role model and leader
Participates in a meaningful way
Behavior is exemplary
S (Satisfactory) 3.0 - Respectful and cooperative
Prepared and “on task” in class
Meeting behavioral expectations
N (Needs to Improve) 2.0 - Lacks cooperative attitude
Displays poor preparation and/or work habits
Socializes too much, distracts others
U (Unsatisfactory) 0.0 - Disrespectful, uncooperative
Not engaged in the learning process
Disrupts class order, prevents others from learning
Class Load
All students are expected to enroll for seven classes, one of which may be a study hall (required for students on
Academic Probation). It is the student’s responsibility, following consultation with the Guidance Department, to make sure that
he/she meets all requirements for graduation. To be considered a full-time student, a student must take 6 classes or 3 credits
per semester.
Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment offers students an opportunity to broaden their educational base and is available to meet
individual needs of students that cannot be met in the regular high school program.
Student Eligibility - Students should meet the following criteria for concurrent enrollment:
1. Junior or Senior standing
2. Above average ACT or SAT scores
3. 3.0 GPA for seniors or 3.5 GPA for juniors
4. Be currently enrolled in 6 credit-earning classes at Lutheran High School
5. Completion of the application and reporting process
Credit: University and college credit will also count toward high school graduation and will be awarded according to the
following formula:
College Credit High School Credit Equivalent
1 semester credit hour .33 high school credit
2 semester credit hours .67 high school credit
3 semester credit hours 1.00 high school credit

Courses Offered (see Attachments)

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CUENet/Distance Learning (see Attachments)

Early Graduation Guidelines
We believe that we can best serve our students by offering a 4-year high school program. Courses are offered which
have a range that will cover all four high school years, and it is our sincere hope that students will take advantage of as many
courses as possible and not be merely satisfied with the bare minimum required for graduation. We further believe that a 4-year
high school program helps to mold academic, spiritual, and social dimensions of a student’s life better than an accelerated
Because the high school experience is more than completing a required number of courses, we believe that an early
graduation decision by a student must be considered very carefully. As a school, we strongly discourage early graduation.
Students who still believe this is the best for them should be aware of both requirements and restrictions. A student must make
application for early graduation by completing an application no later than 1 semester before the intended completion date.
Applications can be obtained from the counseling office.
Early Graduation Requirements:
• Students must be enrolled and in attendance at Lutheran High for 2 ½ years (5 semesters) prior to applying for
early graduation.
• Parent/Guardian permission must be granted.
• Minimum graduation requirements must be met.
• Student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better at the time of his/her application.
• The student must complete at least 4 semesters of upper level English and math through at least Algebra II.
• The student must have a post high school educational plan.
• The student will not be considered for valedictorian or salutatorian of his/her class.
• There will be no special graduation ceremony at mid year, nor will a diploma be available until the end of the
school year.
• The student may not participate in co-curricular activities during the time not in attendance.
• The student must attend graduation rehearsal to be a part of the graduation commencement ceremony.
Exam Schedule
At the end of each quarter two days will be shortened with only 4 classes meeting each day and an exam or a
culminating activity will be given in each class. At the end of a semester, a more extensive final exam schedule may be in place
which will facilitate a more substantial series of final exams. The schedule will likely encompass multiple days and will be
published prior to the end of the semester.
Extra Credit
Teachers may offer one extra credit assignment per quarter and only in the 2-week time frame before or after
midterms. The extra credit assignment must have meaning and purpose to the content being taught. The extra credit can be
worth no more than 3% of the total grade.
Failing a Class
If a student has no mathematical chance of passing a class, he/she may be removed from that class.
Finals Schedule (see Exam Schedule above)
Grade Point Average (Grading Scale)
Points Letter Rating Percentage Advanced Placement
4.00 A Excellent 100-93 100-91
3.67 A- Excellent 92-90 90-87
3.33 B+ Good 89-87 86-83
3.00 B Good 86-83 82-79
2.67 B- Good 82-80 78-75
2.33 C+ Average 79-77 74-72
2.00 C Average 76-73 71-69
1.67 C- Average 72-70 68-66
1.33 D+ Poor 69-67 65-64
1.00 D Poor 66-63 63-62
0.67 D- Poor 62-60 61-60
0.00 F Failing 59-0 59-0
0.00 NC No Credit (Student receives no credit and is counted as ‘F’ for eligibility.)
Graduation Guidelines
Seniors who have met all requirements or are no more than 1 credit deficient may participate in the commencement
ceremony. The before-mentioned senior may still receive a diploma from Lutheran High School if he/she remediates the
needed credit during the summer following his/her senior year. If, by the first day of school the following year the student has
still not accumulated the necessary credit, he/she will need to transfer to another high school in order to receive his/her high
school diploma.

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In order to insure credit toward graduation from courses taken in summer school, night school, or correspondence
classes, the student must obtain the approval of the guidance department prior to enrolling. The student must supply proof of
credit earned in the form of a report card or transcript from the issuing school. The amount of credit to be awarded for courses
transferred into Lutheran High School shall be determined by the Guidance Counselor and/or the Principal.
Graduation Requirements (see Attachments)
Home-School Credits
A home-schooled student may receive credit for work done while home schooled through “credit by demonstrated
competency” as determined by the Guidance Counselor.
Homework is an important aspect of the educational experience. Homework should be an application or adaptation of
a classroom experience. Reviews of students’, parents’, and teachers’ perceptions reveal that all believe homework helps
students achieve better grades.
We Believe:
• Systematically assigned homework contributes to the academic achievement of all students.
• Most parents expect homework for student success and therefore will help with homework when necessary.
• Homework helps the student develop individual initiative, promotes study habits and responsibility, and aids in
promoting independence and self-discipline.
• Homework reinforces self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment with homework done well and completely.
• Homework enhances communication between school and home helping parents to understand the curriculum.
• Homework assists in improving basic skills, provides practice and repetition needed for mastery learning, strengthens
skills and understandings gained in the classroom, allows students and teachers to cover more content, and provides
the student with a focus for review and preparation for classes.
Types of Homework:
It is recommended that college-bound students receive lengthier, more involved, and higher level thinking homework
than those students not planning on college. There are 3 basic types of homework:
• Practice assignments – These reinforce newly acquired skills or knowledge. This homework is most effective when
carefully evaluated by the teacher, matched to the ability and background of the student, and students are asked to
apply recent learning directly and personally.
• Preparation assignments – These are intended to provide background information for a topic of discussion.
• Extension assignments – These encourage individualized and creative learning by emphasizing student initiative and
research. Often they are long-term, continuing projects that parallel class work, and require students to apply previous
Time Spent Doing Homework:
Homework recommended for high school students is 2-3 hours per night. Therefore, Lutheran High is aiming for 13-17
hours of homework each week. Major tests, final exams, research papers and projects, and required reading may vary the
amount of time suggested. The homework time spent in each curricular area should be similar to the following (noting that AP
and Honors courses will require from 1-3 additional hours of time per week):

Daily: Weekly:
• Math 30 - 45 minutes • Math 3 -3 ½ hours
• Reading 45 - 60 minutes • Language Arts 2 ½ -3 hours
• Science 3 - 4 hours
• Social Science 2 - 2 ½ hours
• Personal Finance 2 hours
• Health 1 ½ - 2 hours
• Foreign Language 1 - 2 hours
• Fine Arts 1 - 2 hours
• Electives Occasional
• Physical Education Occasional
• Theology Occasional
• Technology Occasional

Student’s Responsibility:
• Keep written record of homework, quizzes, and tests and their due dates in their provided student planner
• Focus on the purpose or goal of the homework
• Spend the time needed to meet this purpose or goal and keep track of time spent doing homework
• Complete homework neatly and correctly
• Return the homework to the teacher on or before the due date
• When absent, meet with the teacher to get homework and understand how to do the homework

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• Seek assistance when homework is not understood

• Familiarize yourself with the homework guidelines; including late work, makeup work and all homework procedures and
expectations of each teacher
Parent’s Responsibility:
Many high school students realize the importance of homework and have the skills to be successful doing homework
with little parental assistance. Parental responsibilities for these students may be minimal but support and encouragement are
still important.
• Encouragement – Give your child praise for efforts and for completing assignments
• Support – Talk to your child about difficulties with homework. Talk to teachers and or the counselor about concerns
regarding the amount or type of homework
• Availability – Encourage your child to do the work independently, but be available to provide assistance if necessary
• Involvement – Familiarize yourself with Lutheran High’s homework guidelines
Some high school students struggle with homework – remembering it, doing it, or understanding it. If your child is one
who struggles with homework here are some additional suggestions that might help:
• Scheduling – Establish a set time to do homework each day. Also balance student’s extra-curricular involvement
keeping homework the priority
• Space – Provide a space for homework, stocked with supplies, pen, paper, dictionaries, a computer and reference
• Discipline – Help your child focus on homework by removing distraction, such as radio, TV, phone, and other
• Modeling – Consider doing some of your work, paying bills or writing letters, during your child’s homework time
• Supervision – Discuss homework misunderstandings, check homework list and completed homework, watch for signs
of frustration
• Tutor – Provide outside tutoring if necessary
Teacher’s Responsibility:
Studies generally have found homework to be most helpful if they are carefully planned by the teachers and have direct
meaning to students.
• Assign homework and make the expectations clear and precise
• Provide the necessary explanation and direction required to assure student success on the homework
• Provide the necessary amount of time to accurately complete the homework
• Maintain homework difficulty to grade and class level ability
• Require student note-taking in class
• Evaluate and return homework to the students within 1 week of its due date
• Monitor, assess, and acknowledge homework results for parents and students on a weekly basis
• Study hall teachers should check student planners and assist in keeping students on task during study hall
Honor Roll
Academic recognitions are based on the following levels of achievements:
HIGH HONORS: 3.85-4.00 GPA
HONOR ROLL: 3.50-3.84 GPA
MERIT ROLL: 3.25-3.49 GPA
Honors Courses
Some core curriculum classes offer “Honors” credit. “Honors” is supplemental to the mainstream class and will require
higher level thinking skills. Students taking an “Honors” course will submit an Honors Course Application and must commit to the
“Honors” coursework for each quarter.
Honors Expectations
What students should expect from honors classes at Lutheran High:
• Additional class or individual seminars outside of the regular school day. Possibly summer work requirements.
• Individual conference with teacher at least 2 times per quarter.
• At least 1-3 additional hours of study per week.
• Expectation of working toward taking AP classes or college level classes.
• Higher expectations in terms of quality of work, discussions in class, project or report content and organization.
• Greater intensity and depth in studies.
• Intense class participation.
• Emphasis on analysis rather than summary.
• Student-centered responsibility for learning.
• Mandatory outside readings.
• Extensive mastery of course-specific terms and the ability to apply those terms.
• Willingness to explore the world of discourse outside of the textbook.
• Willingness to work on critical evaluation of one’s work.

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Incomplete Grades
A grade of "incomplete" may be issued only in cases of extreme illness or mishap. Incomplete grades on the report
card must be made up within five days after the end of the date report card documents are issued, unless special arrangements
are made with the administrator. An "I", which is not remediated, will be replaced with an "F". An “I” shall be considered an “F”
until successfully remediated. All grade changes must be completed within 5 school days of issuance of grades for
extracurricular eligibility.
International Student’s Homeland Transcript Translation
Credit and grade will be given for classes taken in the international student’s home country. We must receive an
official Transcript-T with grade and “units”(hours spent per week in each class.) Units will be translated into credits based on the
following scale: (A school year is at least 36 weeks.)
4-5 hours per week all year = 1.00 credit 2 hours = 0.50 credit
3 hours = 0.75 credit 1 hour = 0.25 credit
Language Arts Guidelines
Students are expected to proceed to higher-level language arts classes after ninth grade unless there is a
recommendation from the teachers in the language arts department for an alternative class.
Late and Missing Homework
Routine or daily homework will receive no credit (a zero) after its due date and time. There are a maximum (at the
teacher’s discretion) of 2 “grace assignments” per quarter = 1 day late w/out penalty. Projects and major papers (as determined
by each teacher) will be accepted up to 3 school days late with a 10% grade reduction for each day (a zero after that with no
“grace”). Note: These guidelines do not apply to CUENet. Additionally, theology instructors are able to follow these guidelines or
to establish their own late work guidelines - which will be part of each Theology class’ syllabus.
Placement Tests
Placement tests may be given to new students in math and English to determine the level he/she will be most
successful. Placement tests may also be given for entrance into Advanced Placement (A.P.) classes.
Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum
Reading and writing across the curriculum focuses on general writing skills taught in all academic disciplines to
enhance student learning and reinforce the more specific language skills taught in Language Arts classes. While reading and
writing skills will be specific to the specific curricula, all teachers can focus on more writing and reading throughout the class.
Reading – The reading phase is to supplement class and textbook readings with supplemental reading to further
understand or explore different areas. The goal is for each student to read 2 books/novel per quarter (with the understanding
that due to scheduling there may be more or less). That is about 1 book/novel every 4 weeks. Books can be done as a class
assignment where everyone reads the same book or it can be individualized where each student may choose – that is the
teacher’s decision. There is also no page requirement, so shorter books could be used for those that struggle with reading. The
suggested books/novels in each curriculum is as follows:
Theology – 2 “Faith” books
Language Arts – at least 2 books/novels (this could be as many as 1 book per quarter)
Social Science – 2 books/novels: 1 fiction or non-fiction and 1 biography
Science - 1 book/novel: fiction, non-fiction or biography
Foreign Language – 1 book/novel fiction or non-fiction about the culture
Math – Articles related to application or careers in math
Health - Current health articles – usually 3 per quarter
Writing – The writing phase is to encourage students to write to learn in all curricula and to better prepare them for the
college experience where writing is so important. Teachers are encouraged to use writing in their daily activities through journal
writing, summarizing, paraphrasing, abstract writing and report writing. Writing of specific essays should include revisions until
done correctly by the students; therefore students will become competent writers. Research papers will be written at least in
language arts, science, and social science curriculum. Correct MLA style, Modern Language Association, should be taught and
utilized in these papers. (Upper level science or social science classes may want to use APA style, American Psychological
Association.) The suggested writing assignments in each curriculum is as follows:
Theology – Personal writing throughout the year
Language Arts – At least 1 writing assignment each month focusing on the different types of essays. 9
th th th
and 10 grades will do a research paper whereas 11 and 12 grades will focus on a literary
analysis. The research paper or literary analysis should be done in the first quarter to set the
standards for the paper for other areas of curriculum.
Social Science – 1 research paper, 1 persuasive paper
Science – 1 journal/research paper, 1 analytical paper
Foreign Language – Essays written in the foreign language
Math – Problem solving writing assignment
Health – Report writing on current health articles – usually 3 per quarter

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Timetable for Reading and Writing across the Curriculum

st nd rd th
Curriculum 1 Quarter` 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter
Theology Faith book Faith book
Research Paper Literary Analysis
Language Arts Novel Novel
(LA 9-10) (Upper Level English)
Social Science Persuasive Paper Book/Novel Research Paper Book/Novel
Science Analytical Paper Book/Novel Research Paper
Foreign Language Book/Novel
Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving
writing writing writing writing
Math assignments and assignments and assignments and assignments and
math career math career math career math career
articles articles articles articles
Health articles Health articles
Health Health articles Health articles
Topical Report Topical Report
Personal Finance Writing Project Writing Project
**The above chart is the standard all departments will follow but departments are not limited to these standards. Additional
books, novel, or papers can be added throughout the year and students and parents are encouraged to keep track of all
assignments as listed by the students in their student planners.
Reduced Tuition Rate for Part-Time Students
If under extenuating circumstances the school administration feels it is in a student’s best interest to take a reduced
academic program, tuition for 4 or more classes will remain at 100%, and for 3 or fewer classes the tuition will be reduced to
70% of the normal rate. Under normal circumstances a request for a reduced program should be made prior to the beginning
for the academic year. In any event, one of the classes included in the reduced load must be a Theology course. (Note: The
administrator may amend these guidelines at any time.)
Release Time
st th
Seniors may have release time at the beginning or end of the school day (1 or 7 period). Seniors may have release
time of no more than 2 school hours. Concurrent enrollment or work release may be granted for more than 2 hours for those
eligible and with prior approval. The following criteria must be met.
1. Student has no scheduled class during those periods.
2. Student demonstrates that graduation requirements can be achieved.
3. Parent consent is obtained.
4. Academic warning, academic probation, and/or disciplinary probation are not in force.
5. For late arrival, student must avoid tardies to their next class.
6. For early dismissal, student must leave school promptly and may not loiter in building, parking lot, etc.
7. Student may not leave and return for any afternoon co-curricular activity and/or event scheduled on school
property without permission from the school administration.
These guidelines are administered on a mid-quarter and quarterly basis and may be revoked for any student at any
time. Lutheran High will not intentionally work to make a student’s schedule convenient for this purpose.
Special Needs Students
Lutheran High offers a college prep curriculum and operates under the assumption that all its students can work at this
level. Lutheran High does not offer resource or special learning needs classes or services. However, we also want a Christian
education for all those who wish to receive a Christian education; therefore many special needs can be met through individual
attention with the teacher or the Guidance Counselor. There may be times when a student has a special need that Lutheran
High cannot help. In these cases Lutheran High will consult with the parent to refer the student to an institution that may be of
more service to the student. There are limited resources available to Lutheran High students through Granite School District
special services.
Student Planners
All students will receive a student planner at the beginning of the year and will be expected to carry it with them
throughout the year and to each and every class. It will be used as their hall pass throughout the school day.

The guidance counselor carries out a comprehensive testing program for students enrolled at Lutheran High School
which includes the PSAT, PLAN, ASVAB, and others. Questions about such programs should be directed to the guidance office.
(See also “Test Dates” in the Attachments section of this handbook.)

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No charge is assessed students when requesting the first transcript of grades to be forwarded to a college or business.
Transcripts can be requested from the secretary or administrative assistant.
Transfer Students
If a student transfers into Lutheran High School after his/her ninth grade year has begun, the transcript of credits will be
evaluated and adjustments to the graduation requirements will be made where justified.
Tuition and Fees
No student will be allowed to enroll for a new term until all past tuition and fees have been paid or special
arrangements have been made with the principal. No credit for courses will be granted, nor will transcripts or diplomas be
issued until all fees are paid in full. Please see also Board of Director’s Guidelines: Tuition, Fees, Payments, and Penalties in
the Attachments section of this handbook.

Regular attendance is important to success in school. It is also a requirement of the State of Utah. Research
consistently shows a strong relationship between attendance and achievement in school. Attendance and participation in
classroom and school activities are considered essential to the educational process at Lutheran High School. The office must be
able to locate a student any time during the school day. When a student cooperates with the regulations for attendance, the
school is best able to fulfill its obligations. Therefore, attendance is absolutely required and should never be considered optional.
Any violation of the attendance guidelines will hold the student subject to school disciplinary action. Excessive absences may
lead to a loss of academic credit, as determined by school guidelines. Students may also be released from school due to
excessive absences.
Absences should occur only for legitimate reasons, which include personal illness or injury, family emergency, legal
obligations, death in the family, or school activity. Medical and dental appointments should be scheduled outside of school
hours, if possible. Personal errands, including driving tests, should be scheduled outside of school hours. Family vacations
should be planned to coincide with school holidays and summer vacation and may be considered unexcused if otherwise.
Absence Procedures
Parent/Guardian responsibilities when absence occurs:
1. Notify the school office by 9:00 a.m. by phone (801-266-6676) each day their student is absent. The call must
include the following information: the student's name, the reason for the absence, the date(s) of the absence and
the person making the call.
2. Provide a written excuse at the school’s discretion, signed and dated by a parent, presented by the student to the
school secretary upon his/her return.
3. For four (4) or more consecutive days of absence due to injury or illness, provide a doctor’s note, presented by the
student to the school office upon his/her return.
4. Note: any absence not cleared with the school office will be treated as unexcused; appropriate penalties will be
enforced. If there is no valid, parental excuse on the second day after an absence or tardy to school the absence
or tardy will be unexcused and notice will be given to the teachers to that effect. Homework or tests collected
during that time may be given no credit.
5. Request homework assignments when notifying the school secretary of the absence. Assignments can be picked
up after afternoon classes.
6. Provide a doctor’s note for the student’s file, if he/she has a chronic health problem.
Student responsibilities:
1. If required by the school, deliver a signed note of excuse to the school office on the day following any absence.
2. Note: If an absence has not been excused by the first day back, the student will receive a warning before
proceeding to class. If this happens a second time, the student will be suspended from classes until a parent
contact is made.
3. Excused absences carry the privilege of making-up the work missed for full credit. The student is to obtain
assignments that have been missed from each teacher.
4. Make up academic work within a reasonable amount of time, as determined by the teacher. The maximum time
period within which the makeup work must be done is one day for each day of absence, plus one additional day. If
absent the day makeup work is due then it must be handed in to the teacher the day of return.

School responsibilities:
1. If a student is absent from school but no contact is received from a parent, the school office will make a reasonable
effort to contact the parent.

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2. The school office will monitor attendance, communicate attendance concerns to parents and students, and enforce
appropriate guidelines regarding absences and tardies.
Absences and Participation in Co-curricular Activities
In order to participate in (or attend as a spectator) a co-curricular activity or event, including practices, a student must
not be absent from school for two (2) or more periods during the day. A student who leaves school early due to illness or
injury and does not return to school will not be allowed to participate. Exceptions to these guidelines may only be granted by the
school administration. If a contest requires that students miss periods of the school day, the permitted time of departure must be
arranged through the school office and will be announced via the public address system.
We do not condone the practice of “sleeping in” following a late evening due to participation in a co-curricular activity. If
a student is late for school due to this reason, he/she will be given a warning. If it happens a second time, the student will not be
allowed to participate in the next athletic contest or other co-curricular activity.
Appointments during the school day will need to be excused by the office. A parental excuse note must be presented
to the office before first hour indicating the time and reason the student must leave school. Students must sign out with the
school office when leaving campus, and must sign in with the school office immediately upon their return.
NOTE: Failure to follow these procedures will result in appropriate consequences.
Excused and Acknowledged Absences
Excused absences will be issued for the following reasons: personal illness, medical or dental appointments, family
emergencies, bereavement, pre-planned absences made and excused through the office (i.e. court appearances, college visits,
or teacher sponsored activities…) and any emergency reason acceptable to the administrator. Note: Vacations are NOT
considered excused absences. Acknowledged absences will be issued for other approved absences such as some vacations
and family events. If an absence is planned, assuming it is for legitimate reasons, the school should be informed two (2) weeks
in advance, if possible. IF THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN, the student’s absence may be considered unexcused; a loss of credit
may result for any work assigned or due throughout the absence; both at the discretion of the principal.
The above absences (other than personal illness) require a Pre-planned Absence form (obtained from the office). The
Pre-planned absence form must first be processed through the Principal who will classify the absence into one of the following
a. Excused absence - Full credit may be obtained
b. Acknowledged absence - This means that credit may be obtained on work turned in ahead of time or that is
prearranged with the corresponding teacher(s).
c. Unexcused absence - No credit may be obtained on work assigned or due during the absence.
The form is to be completed by the student and teachers before the first day of the planned absence. Students are
required to submit the Pre-planned Absence form to the school secretary upon completion.
Note: Teachers are not obligated to give credit for late or missing work when this procedure is not followed.
Unexcused Absences
An unexcused absence will be issued when a student is absent without school approval. A student with missing or late
class work due to an unexcused absence under this section will receive an “F” or “0” grade for any participation activity or work
collected or graded that day. Vacations are NOT considered excused absences and may be considered unexcused in
certain situations. That means that even if a parent gives a child permission to be absent from school, his/her absence may still
be treated as “unexcused” if, in the opinion if the school administration, the absence is not for legitimate reasons.
When a student compiles 3 unexcused absences in a quarter, the office will attempt to contact the parent to discuss the
effects of continued absence, which could lead to loss of credit for the course.
Eight (8) Absences
A student who misses eight days in any class period, excused or not, for the quarter may forfeit academic credit in the
given class(es). The student will receive a mark of “NC” (no credit) for the class(es) which computes as a 0.00 (F) in the GPA
and for eligibility. In the case of Study Hall, a student may receive detention time as a consequence for 8 absences. Appeals
must be made to the Principal in writing when unusual/unavoidable circumstances dictate. (Note: the school administration
reserves the right to modify this guideline in the case of extraordinary illness or injury.)
Leaving Campus
Students, including those who drive to school, are not to leave school at any time after they arrive on campus until the
end of the school day without permission from parents and the administration.
Students who through their own actions are absent from scheduled classes without the knowledge of their parents and
the school are truant. Truant students will be subject to disciplinary action by the Administration.

1. Students who enter the classroom after the tardy bell has rung and have no valid pass are considered tardy. The
teacher will indicate to the student that he/she is tardy. Students arriving at school after class has begun or any

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time during the day are tardy and should report to the office to sign in and receive an admit slip. Tardies to school
(1 period) must be excused by parents by the morning of the next school day or will be considered unexcused.
2. Excused reasons for tardiness will be stated on a hall pass from a teacher, staff member, or administrator.
Unexcused reasons for tardiness to school may include: oversleeping, unfinished homework, personal errands, or
the inconsistency or unreliability of transportation arrangements.
3. When a student receives a 3 tardy to a class in a quarter, the teacher will notify the student and/or parents.
4. Students will receive a two (2) hour Saturday detention* on the 6 tardy to any class. Continued accumulation of
tardies to that class will be considered as refusal to attend class as scheduled.
5. The office will monitor cumulative tardy records for all classes with appropriate consequences applied. A student
will receive a two (2) hour Saturday detention* if he/she accumulates 12 tardies in a quarter. Should the student
reach 24 total tardies in a quarter, an additional four (4) hour Saturday detention* will be assigned.
6. A student is considered tardy in the first 5 minutes of class and absent after the first 5 minutes.
*Saturday Detentions - If deemed necessary by school administration, Saturday detention may be assigned in 2 or 4-
hour blocks of time. Saturday detentions are usually scheduled at least once a month depending on need. A 2-hour block
carries a fine of $10.00 per student and a 4-hour block carries a $20.00 fine per student. Saturday detentions will be served at
school and the Principal will determine the type of service. Students may be assigned to clean, paint, or do some other type of
school service and should dress appropriately.

Covenant Agreement (see Attachments)
Standards of Behavior
Students are always expected to conduct themselves in a manner which demonstrates respect for God, others, and
self. This means behaving in a way which seeks to build and maintain positive relationships, always seeking to promote the
welfare of others.
Students are expected to be familiar with and observe school guidelines. Such guidelines may be published in the
school handbook, newsletters, daily bulletins, or other official documents. They may be announced by the administration,
faculty, and staff in homeroom, assembly, etc.
The following areas of behavior will result in strong disciplinary action. This may include suspension and/or
expulsion. School jurisdiction includes the campus; its immediate vicinity; school activities and events, including those off-
campus and outside the regular school day. Note: Even if a student attends a school event as a spectator, he/she is subject to
school jurisdiction.
Controlled Substances This includes the use, possession, distribution, and/or any transactions involving controlled
substances. This also includes being under the influence of a controlled substance, even if use occurred off-campus. This
further includes possession and/or use of drug paraphernalia. Controlled substances include any tobacco product; any alcoholic
beverage; any legal or illegal drug; any substance (such as inhalants) whose use is intended for “getting high”. Using prescribed
medication in a manner not intended by the prescribing authority also falls into this category.
NOTE: Lutheran High has medication guidelines in force, which covers the use and/or possession of over-the-counter
and prescription medications. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in serious disciplinary consequences, including
Aggressive Acts This includes intimidation or threats of physical harm to students, self, faculty, and staff; fighting
and/or other physically aggressive acts; provoking a fight or other physically aggressive act; harassment; possessing or carrying
weapons or other dangerous or potentially dangerous items or materials of any kind. Note: Students are not allowed to have
such items in their vehicles, even if they are locked in a glove compartment or trunk.
We also do not accept “jokes” about potentially violent or other aggressive behavior. If a student makes inappropriate
comments of this nature, even if they are not meant to be taken seriously, he/she will be confronted and serious disciplinary
consequences, including expulsion, may be enforced.
Cheating/Plagiarism This includes copying from or allowing another person to do any assignment, paper, project, quiz,
or test for you or allowing someone to copy from you; using unauthorized help to complete any assignment; using unauthorized
help to answer any question on any quiz or test; copying another person’s words or ideas and giving the impression that they
are your own, including missing and/or misleading documentation of sources. (NOTE: Teachers may withhold full or partial
credit for work involving cheating/plagiarism. This could result in a failing grade for the course.)(See Plagiarism below for further
Theft/Stealing This includes taking or attempting to take without permission school or personal property; illicit use of
school or personal property.
Vandalism This includes damaging, defacing, mutilating, or otherwise destroying school or personal property. This
includes graffiti.

Lying/Improper Language/Insubordination Lying includes forging any type of school document, such as a pass,
teacher’s note, etc. Improper language includes profanity, swearing, vulgar, and offensive language; language that is degrading
and/or disrespectful to other students, faculty, staff, or Lutheran High in general. Insubordination includes willful disregard and/or
disrespect for any faculty or staff member, including threatening, profane, or obscene comments or gestures.

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Truancy/Cutting Class This includes being absent from school and/or individual classes (including study halls and
lunch period) without legitimate and proper excuse.
Repeated Violations of School Policies & Guidelines This includes all policies and guidelines publicized in handbooks,
newsletters, daily bulletins, or other announcements.
Harassment Lutheran High strives to maintain an environment where all individuals are treated with respect and
dignity. LHS does not condone harassment of any kind, but specifically has guidelines that define sexual harassment and
explains the consequences and due process which accompany this issue (see below). We do recognize that differences in
perception and judgment may cloud harassment issues, and will use care and caution in handling such cases.
Alcohol & Other Illegal Substances
Alcohol, tobacco, and other illegal substances are prohibited on school grounds and at school events. Lutheran High
does not condone the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other illegal substances by its students. If a student is found to be engaged in
drinking, the use of tobacco, or other illegal substances, the school feels a responsibility to confront such behavior, the student's
parents will be contacted and disciplinary action will be initiated. Such behavior by a student can result in a variety of additional
consequences. Extra-curricular consequences are outlined in the Activities Handbook and in the coaches’ handbook for
individual activities. Refer to the Activities Handbook for the State’s “Chemical Use Policy” regarding additional extra-curricular
consequences. Other additional consequences include consultation with the student and parents or guardians. A student’s
continued enrollment at LHS may be jeopardized by such behavior.
If a student is found under the influence of or using alcohol, drugs or narcotic devices while on school property or while
attending school functions, the student will immediately be referred to the school administration for disciplinary action. Both the
parents and the police will be contacted. The student will face suspension and possible expulsion. Although the school must
take appropriate disciplinary action, it is committed to participate in an appropriate manner to help a student who has problems
with alcohol or other chemical misuse. The school will provide information about resources and counseling to the student and
Behavior at School Related Activities
Students, parents, and supporters are expected to represent Lutheran High School positively through appropriate dress
and Christian behavior when they attend and participate in school-related activities. The school reserves the right to discipline
students and/or remove spectators who bring the school into ill repute at such events.
Students who fight with or cause physical harm to another person or property could face serious disciplinary
consequences including detention, suspension, and possible expulsion.
Lutheran High defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, repeated
derogatory sexist remarks, and other verbal, visual, and/or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed toward an individual or
group under the following conditions.
1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s education.
2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting
the individual.
3. Such conduct has the purpose and/or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic or teaching
performance and/or creating an intimidating, hostile, and/or offensive educational environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include (but may not be limited to) the following.
1. Verbal: Sexually demeaning comments, sexually explicit statements, questions, slurs, jokes, anecdotes, epithets,
2. Written: Suggestive or obscene letters, notes, invitations, or any other correspondence.
3. Physical: Sexual assault, touching, impeding or blocking movements.
4. Visual: Leering, gestures, display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons, posters, etc.
5. Continuing to express sexual interest after being informed that this interest is unwelcome and/or inappropriate.
6. Reprisals or threats of reprisal following a negative response to sexual advances or following a sexual harassment
Note: A single incident of sufficient severity may constitute sexual harassment. The circumstances of each complaint will be
carefully considered when determining whether a specific act or pattern of behavior violates these guidelines.
Harassment may occur from employee to student; student to employee; or student to student. Harassment involving
employees should never occur. Amorous relationships between employees and students are strictly prohibited. Flirting or
inappropriate affection between employees and students should be absolutely discouraged and refused in either direction.
Harassment between students is prohibited when it is related to any school activity or attendance, and when it occurs
at any time including (but not limited) to any of the following:

1. While on school grounds.

2. While going to or returning from school.

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3. During or while going to or returning from any school sponsored activity or event, including those activities and
events that are not held on LHS school grounds.
Any student who feels that he/she is being sexually harassed should first confront the harasser and inform him/her that
the conduct in question is unwelcome and must stop immediately. If the student does not feel comfortable doing this or is unable
to do so, he/she shall direct the complaint to the Principal, Assistant Principal, or Guidance Counselor, who will inform the
alleged harasser that the behavior in question must stop immediately. More serious consequences will be imposed, if
appropriate. Should the situation not be resolved with this first step, continued steps will be taken as per guidelines of the Board
of Directors of the Lutheran High School Association of the Greater Salt Lake City Area.
Personal Conduct
Public displays of affection, such as embracing, kissing, etc., are not appropriate for our school campus. Rowdy or anti-
social behavior is also not appropriate. Harassing behavior is never appropriate. Appropriate consequences for these types of
behavior will be enforced and could include suspension and/or expulsion.
Sometimes students are confused as to what plagiarism is exactly. To help clarify, the following is a definition that is
fairly easy to understand. Within each classroom though, the teacher will give detailed explanations if necessary, as to what the
definition of plagiarism is.
“Main Entry: pla·gia·rize Pronunciation: 'plA-j&-"rIz also -jE-&- Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -rized; -riz·ing. Etymology: plagiary.
Transitive verb: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use (another's production) without
crediting the source
Intransitive verb : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing
source” (Miriam-Webster Online Dictionary. “Plagiarize.” Online: 29 July 2006. http://www.m- Miriam-Webster Inc., 2006.)

Regardless of which definition is used; plagiarism is a serious federal offense, which may result in failing a class,
expulsion, fines, and/or lawsuits.
Proper Documentation and Citation of Sources. (Guidelines and School-Wide Format: however, each teacher will
provide students with specific details on research paper formats and requirements in each individual class).
1. When to Cite:
Whether writing a research, analytic, historic or scientific paper, all ideas that are not ones own must be
properly documented and cited. When an idea comes from any source that is not ones own (such as a book, the
Internet, a magazine, another person (interview), etc), credit must be given, even if the idea is in ones own words
(called paraphrasing).
2. How to Cite:
In-text documentation: This is referred to as parenthetical documentation or citation. Parenthetical
documentation must be made directly after every direct quote or paraphrase from a source. The most common
format used is called the MLA (Modern Language Association) format. This particular format requires that the
author’s last name and page number, in parenthesis, be included after each quote or paraphrase taken from the
source being documented. The other type of format used is called the APA (American Psychological
Association) and this format requires the author’s last name and the date of publication, in parenthesis, included
after each quote or paraphrase taken from the source being documented.
IE: (MLA): “Plagiarism is a federal offence" (Smith 65).
IE: (APA): “Plagiarism is a federal offence” (Smith 2004).
3. Citing sources at the end of the paper:
For MLA papers, this page is called the Works Cited Page, and for the APA format it is called the
References Page. This is not to be confused with a bibliography as a bibliography is a page that tells the reader
each and every sources one has looked at (whether used in the paper or not) while constructing the paper.
Again, the teacher will instruct the student on further details and requirements with each assignment. Below is a
basic guideline:
a. All sources must be listed alphabetically by the authors’ last names.
b. In general, sources must contain the following information in the following order: author’s last name,
author’s first name. Title of the book. Where published: Publisher, date.
c. Sources such as magazines, interviews and the Internet require more or different information.
Helpful Websites:
MLA Formatting and Style Guide - The OWL at Purdue
Comprehensive guide from Purdue University on MLA and APA (go to the link on the right entitled “Research and
Citation” then go to APA) papers, and citing.

The Official MLA website:

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The official APA website:
Consequences of Plagiarized Work:
1. If a teacher finds that a student has plagiarized, the student will be asked to hold a conference with the principal and
the teacher to discuss the circumstances of the assignment. The student will be given a zero and parents will be
notified of the situation. Teachers may or may not allow make-up work. This is considered a first offense.
2. If a student is caught plagiarizing a second time (in any class or any combination of classes), a conference between
the teacher, student, and principal will be held, the student will be given a zero for the assignment, parents will be
notified of the situation, and further consequences will occur which may include in-school suspension, Saturday
detention, or the like. This will be considered a second offense.
3. If any student exceeds two offenses of plagiarism during the time enrolled at Lutheran High School, that student may
be expelled. Situations will be handled on a “case-by-case” basis.
Pregnancy & Abortion
Lutheran High School values the sanctity of human life. It also expects that students of LHS will respect and obey the
Commandments, and specifically that the students would refrain from premarital sex. If a pregnancy occurs, it is the desire of
LHS to provide ministry of love, forgiveness, reassurance and support to the student(s) involved and the family. It must be
acknowledged, however, that a pregnancy has the potential to negatively affect or even disrupt the educational activities and/or
the standards of Lutheran High School.
If a student becomes pregnant, she should inform the principal immediately, so that proper counseling and guidance
can take place. Trying to hide a pregnancy from the school administration will only complicate the situation and make it more
difficult for the school to provide appropriate care and counsel. When the principal becomes aware of a pregnancy, a
consultation with the student and parents or guardians will be held immediately. The school will make every effort to
accommodate the student’s continued enrollment at Lutheran High, but each case will be handled on its own merits. The
student’s continued enrollment will be determined at the discretion of the principal and will be subject to periodic review by the
principal, and/or reevaluation in light of the standards and rules of LHS. Failure to inform the administration, failure to follow the
recommendations of the principal, or the creation of disruptions of the standards or educational activities of the school may
jeopardize the continued enrollment of the student. (The same factors will be used for any male student who is responsible for a
Lutheran High strongly supports a pro-life position as clearly taught by scripture and endorsed by the Lutheran Church-
Missouri Synod. Any student considering an abortion should immediately seek the counsel of the principal or guidance
counselor. When the principal becomes aware that an abortion is being considered or has already taken place, the same
procedures will be followed as outlined above.
Sexual Lifestyle
Lutheran High School does not condone premarital sex, sexual promiscuity, or the practice of “living together” without
benefit of marriage. If a student is found to be engaging in premarital sex or sexual promiscuity or living with his/her
boyfriend/girlfriend, a consultation will immediately be held with the student and parents or guardians. Consequences may
include expulsion from school.
Lutheran High also condemns a homosexual lifestyle as being clearly prohibited by scripture. If a student is found to be
practicing a homosexual lifestyle, the same procedures will be followed as outlined above.
Technology Use (see Attachments)
Any student proven to be involved and guilty of vandalism to property of LHS, faculty, staff, or other students will be
subject to school discipline up to and including expulsion from school and will be required to make restitution for the damage.

Between School & Home
We believe that positive and effective communication between school and home will have a positive effect on the
education of students. Lutheran High School will make every effort to keep parents informed about school guidelines, programs,
activities, events, and other news. We expect parents to read FastDirect announcements, school newsletters, bulletins,
flyers, and letters from the office. We encourage parents to contact us anytime there is a question or concern.
We also expect parents to keep us informed of family information that could affect the successful education of their
children. Such information will always be treated with confidentiality by Lutheran High School personnel.
Between School & Students
Effective education is also dependent on effective communication between school and students. Students are
responsible for the information they receive from faculty and staff, including announcements, bulletins, flyers, letters, etc. We
expect our students to forward such information to their parents.

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Conflict Resolution
Even in a Christian learning environment, conflicts often arise. When conflicts arise, we expect that members of the
Lutheran High School “family” will seek to resolve differences in a spirit of Christian love, following the process established by
Jesus in Matthew 18, and characterized by the following: (1) Attempting to gather as much information as possible before
rushing to judgment; (2) Confronting the person(s) directly with whom a conflict may be experienced in a respectful way
demonstrating Christian love; (3) Looking for solutions that are in the best interest of all parties involved; (4) Should resolution
not be possible at this personal level, the issue should be taken to the principal. (The principal will mediate the conflict and work
toward resolution.)
Should further action be necessary, the Board of Directors has adopted guidelines regarding grievances and handling
complaints. These guidelines reinforce the standards as explained above. A copy of these guidelines will be made available to
families upon request. Decisions by the Board are final.

At Lutheran High School we operate under the premise that it is a privilege to teach and train the children of God,
entrusted to our care, and that it is equally a privilege for these students to attend Lutheran High and benefit from this teaching
and training. Therefore, in order for this educational experience to be most effective, it is essential for faculty and staff to provide
instruction and discipline in a positive, fair, caring and loving environment. It is equally important for students to receive that
instruction and discipline in a willing and cooperative manner. An important part of this educational experience is learning the
skills necessary to live in a community. Among these skills are self-discipline, positive interaction with others (young people and
adults), appropriate behavior, willingness to cooperate, and personal sacrifice for the good of the whole community.
We realize that we live in an imperfect world and that our Lutheran High community is no different. However, we also
realize that we live under the forgiveness and love of Jesus Christ, and it is through our relationship with Him that our instruction,
learning, discipline, and respect for one another is established, nurtured, and strengthened.
Discipline is a part of our “disciple”-ing ministry, whereby we use God’s tools of instruction and correction to help
provide growth and maturity as disciples. The faculty and staff of LHS strive to make that happen by clearly and effectively
communicating with students, so that they have an understanding of acceptable behavior, their underlying purposes, resulting
consequences (both good and bad), and God’s ongoing process (sanctification) to change our lives for the better. We also strive
to shepherd our students by providing a consistent learning environment, which includes constant and consistent reinforcement
of behavior guidelines and procedures. Finally, we seek to provide discipline and guidance through fair consequences and
effective follow-up.
Students represent their Lord, their families, and their school in all their activities. Therefore, Lutheran High School
expects its students to conduct themselves as Christian young people wherever they may be. Remember, school jurisdiction
includes the campus and its immediate vicinity, as well as all school activities and events, including those off-campus and
outside of the regular school day.
Lutheran High School has adopted the following presumptions about education and discipline:
1. Students come to LHS to receive an education.
2. Students have the right to receive their education unhindered by disruptive students.
3. Teachers are in charge of the immediate education of students in loco parentis.
Discipline becomes necessary when a member of the Lutheran High community behaves in a way that is contrary to
God’s will and/or disruptive to the learning environment. The purpose of discipline is to help an individual recognize the error of
his/her behavior, show proper contrition, recognize the love and forgiveness of Jesus, recognize also the consequences that will
occur regardless of that forgiveness, and learn from the experience. God tells us in Proverbs 29:19, “A servant cannot be
disciplined by mere words; though he understands, he will not respond.” Therefore, consequences will often go beyond verbal
reprimands. The purpose of such consequences is to help the individual learn from his/her mistake and grow from the
We recognize and appreciate our partnership with parents and guardians in our educational and discipling ministry, and
we expect them to cooperate with us in the areas of instruction and discipline. We also expect and appreciate their active
involvement in solving problems that may arise involving their children’s behavior. This may include a willingness to meet with
appropriate faculty, staff, and administrators; reinforcing and supporting consequences imposed by the school; and encouraging
their children to do their best to develop skills and attitudes which allow them to contribute positively to Lutheran High School
and our community at large.
Covenant Agreement
The covenant agreement that each student signs upon enrollment, extends the discipline code of Lutheran High School
to all matters; both on and off campus. Students who willfully take part in school and non-school activities that reflect negatively
upon the school, its administration, teachers, or members of the student body, will be dealt with according to the discipline
guidelines of Lutheran High School. (See also Covenant Agreement in the Attachments section of this handbook.)

Cycle of Discipline
The school administration, faculty, and staff deal with school discipline in all aspects of both the school program and its
relationship with the community. The majority of school discipline relates to the classroom, and that is where the cycle of
discipline usually begins. Although the faculty and staff strive to be consistent in the disciplinary process, we recognize that

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situations and circumstances may arise which dictate special consideration and handling. Please note, however, that serious
incidents will immediately move the process toward later steps in the cycle, which can result in suspension and/or expulsion.
1. At the point when a student is unable or unwilling to apply appropriate self-discipline, the teacher works with the
student in an attempt to resolve the issue. Teachers may verbally reprimand the student, choose to assign a
personal detention, or offer some other appropriate consequences as part of the process. The teacher will
document incidents of student misconduct.
2. If the problem persists, the teacher will often contact the student’s parents/guardians to inform them of the
inappropriate behavior and enlist their support. This communication may include a phone contact, note sent home
with the student, personal visit, email, etc.
3. If the problem still continues, the student may be referred to the Administration by means of a disciplinary referral
or “pink slip.” This referral is meant to indicate the level of seriousness of the behavior and serve as additional
documentation concerning the student’s behavior. The Administration will meet with the student (and teacher or
staff member, if necessary), assign appropriate consequences, communicate this information to parents/guardians
via the “pink slip”, which will be sent home for a parent/guardian’s signature.
4. If the problem remains uncorrected, the Administration will consider and apply consequences which may include
more severe consequences; conferences with the student and/or parents/guardians; disciplinary probation;
5. If the student apparently refuses to accept the ministry offered by the school, and if he/she consistently
demonstrates an unwillingness or inability to cooperate with the school, the student may be disqualified from
continued enrollment at Lutheran High School. If this becomes necessary, LHS will continue to seek opportunities
to do ministry with the student through other means, such as contacting a student’s pastor, recommending special
services, etc. When a student expresses a desire to return to Lutheran High School and work within its standards
of behavior, the school administration will review the option of re-enrollment.
Consequences for inappropriate behavior may take a variety of forms, including detention, loss of certain privileges at
school, school service, probation, suspension, and expulsion.
In the event that the student refuses to accept the ministry offered concerning his/her Christian life at Lutheran High
School, the student by virtue of his/her own attitude and behavior, disqualifies himself/herself from continued enrollment at LHS.
Classroom Detentions - Faculty may use classroom detentions as discipline for infractions of student conduct,
classroom rules, and other behavioral problems. The faculty member assigning the detention will determine the time, length and
activity and will be responsible for supervision. Missing an assigned classroom detention may require attendance at a Saturday
detention. Accumulated detentions may be referred to the Principal for further discipline.
Saturday Detentions - If deemed necessary by school administration, a Saturday detention may be assigned in 2 or 4-
hour blocks of time. A 2-hour block carries a fine of $10.00 per student and a 4-hour block carries a $20.00 fine per
student. Saturday detentions will be served at school and the Administration will determine the type of service. Often the
service will involve a specific amount of time performing cleaning and/or maintenance duties, such as washing windows, picking
up trash, cleaning desks and tables, stuffing school mailings, etc.
Serving Detentions - Students serving a detention must:
1. be on time;
2. bring appropriate fine for Saturday detention;
3. bring no food or drink;
4. be in appropriate dress code (often work clothes for Saturday detentions which may include painting);
5. have sufficient study/reading materials along to occupy the time for the entire period.
Loss of Privileges
Examples include (but may not be limited to) suspension from attendance and/or participation in school activities and
events; loss of parking privileges; restriction from class activities; restriction from field trips; restriction from dances; etc.
School Service*
May be substituted for or added to any consequences at the discretion of the school administration. This involves a
specific amount of time performing cleaning and/or maintenance duties, such as washing windows, picking up trash, cleaning
desks and tables, etc. School service is assigned and coordinated through the administration. It may be necessary to complete
this service outside of the regular school day.
* If a student fails to serve these consequences, an in-school suspension may be assigned as a substitute.

Students at Lutheran High School may be placed on probationary status by the administration for either behavioral or
academic reasons. Probation may include a written contract involving the student, his/her parents/guardians, and LHS,

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explaining the conditions under which the student may enroll, continue his/her enrollment, or be eligible for re-enrollment at
Lutheran High. (Conditions may vary according to specific situations and circumstances.)
Behavior Probation - Serious or chronic behavior/discipline offenses may result in behavior probation for a student.
That student will be given individual conditions for his/her continued enrollment at LHS. Some students may be accepted to
LHS on behavior probation.
Academic Probation - A student currently enrolled at LHS may be placed on academic probation for failing more than
one course in a quarter and/or for failing to maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 (C) in a given quarter. New students may sometimes
be admitted on academic probation if their previous academic performance raises some concerns about their ability to be able to
maintain minimum academic standards in LHS' college preparatory curriculum.
Students on academic probation follow the following procedures:
1. The student’s performance will be monitored for 2 quarters (meaning the quarter which immediately succeeds the
quarter in which the probation was earned, plus one more quarter).
2. A status report is sent to the parents at the conclusion of each of those quarters.
3. The Guidance Counselor will counsel with the student and emphasize strategies for improved academic
4. During the probationary period the student must raise his/her academic performance to at least the minimum
standards mentioned and enroll in a mandatory study hall while on probation.
5. All previously failed classes must be made-up through acceptable summer school or night school.
6. An academic evaluation will happen after the two quarters have been completed. If the student raised his/her
grade to the minimum standards he/she will be restored to regular student status. If he/she has not reached those
minimum levels of performance, the student may be suspended indefinitely and asked to transfer to another
7. In cases where there are exceptional circumstances, the principal may, at their discretion, suspend the student
from school sooner, or extend the academic probation beyond two quarters, but it may not extend beyond three
Only the Principal (or designee in the Principal’s absence) may suspend a student from Lutheran High School. The
Principal assesses suspensions to students for relatively serious first time offenses, missing other types of assigned discipline
(such as detentions or school service), or for chronic attendance or behavioral offenses.
Suspension includes both in-school and out-of-school suspensions. This is a very serious consequence that includes
temporary exclusion from all classes and school activities, both on and off campus. Absence from class due to any suspension
is considered unexcused, and the student will lose credit for any schoolwork due and/or completed during his/her suspension. A
student may, however, get assignments given during his/her suspension. Credit may be earned if special arrangements have
been made with the administration. The student is not allowed to attend nor participate in any co-curricular activity,
including practices, contests, events, dances, etc., on any day of his/her suspension.
Suspensions may be assigned for a number of class periods or a number of school days. Generally the first
suspension for a chronic problem is a one-day suspension. The next suspension is for three days, followed by a five-day
suspension. If the student continues to display the unacceptable behavior after the five-day suspension, he/she will be asked to
leave the school. Additionally, repeated suspensions for other behaviors indicate that expulsion is probably necessary. All of
these steps are accompanied by contact with the parents and counseling with the student.
Suspensions for serious offenses may vary in length at the discretion of the principal, for periods of up to five days.
Expulsion is a loss of enrollment at Lutheran High School; exclusion from all school activities and events; and possible
loss of academic credits. Expulsion will take place after all other ministry opportunities and disciplinary options have taken place
(except in extreme situations). In the case of an expulsion, a student will not be considered for re-enrollment until at least the
following semester and only with the approval of the Board of Directors. This decision will be based on recommendations of the
school of attendance, meetings with the Principal, student and parents, and an evaluation of whether or not the child and school
will benefit from re-enrollment.
Only the Principal may recommend expulsion of a student from Lutheran High School to the Executive Committee of
the Board of Directors. The following steps shall precede formal expulsion. (1) The Principal will notify the student and parent(s)
of his/her intention to release the student. (2) The Student will be placed on indefinite out-of-school suspension, pending action
by the Executive Committee. (3) Parent(s) shall be notified of the right to due process and appeal to the entire board. (4) Action
by the Executive Committee shall take place at its next meeting, following the suspension of the student.
Parents may appeal the decision for expulsion in writing to the Board of Directors. This written appeal must be given to
the Principal who will then present it to the Board of Directors in a timely manner.
Extreme Behavior
If a student’s conduct is dangerous to others or threatens to seriously disrupt school, suspension may be immediate,
and a conference will be held as soon as possible to determine the student’s continued enrollment at Lutheran High School.
There are several behaviors whose consequences will be suspension and/or expulsion. The following is a partial but by
no means complete list of such behaviors.

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1. Possession or use of alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances, illegal drugs, etc.

2. Immoral sexual conduct.
3. Threat or use of physical violence.
4. Harassment.
5. Possession or use of fireworks, explosives, weapons, ammunition, incendiary devices, etc.
6. Reprehensible conduct tending to seriously discredit the mission and ministry of Lutheran High School.
7. Serious, willful destruction of property.
8. Stealing.
9. Gang-related activities.
10. Repeated classroom or other school disruptions.
11. Repeated insubordination and/or serious disrespect toward faculty, staff, or other students.

DRESS CODE - School dress should support the educational program and Christian witness of Lutheran High School. LHS
emphasizes attire and manner of dress which follow principles of safety, neatness, appropriateness, cleanliness, modesty,
professionalism, and positive Christian witness. It is our strong conviction that the better the student’s standard of dress, the
better the overall attitude and performance the student will have in school.
In general, clothing should be neat, clean, and free of stains, holes, tears, frays, patches, and other areas appearing
“distressed”. It should fit appropriately; that is it should not be overly tight or loose, too long or too short. It should not have
inappropriate graphics, words or logos (in general, logos should be smaller than that a closed fist). Lutheran High “spirit wear” or
team gear on game days and school-approved “Americana”/Christian apparel is allowed provided it meets other dress code
Boys are encouraged to wear modest and attractive dress or sport shirts, polo shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, casual
pants, or jeans. T-shirts and shorts are allowed with conditions (see below). Hair should be clean and neatly groomed. Extreme
hairstyles and colors are not allowed. Facial hair is also prohibited. Sideburns should be reasonable in length.
Girls are encouraged to wear modest and attractive dress or sport shirts, polo shirts, dresses, skirts or split skirts (if
they are of modest length - at the knee), sweaters, sweatshirts, casual pants, or jeans. T-shirts and shorts are allowed with
conditions (see below). Hair should be clean and neatly styled. Extreme hairstyles and colors are not allowed.
Footwear must be worn in school at all times. It should also be neat, clean, comfortable, and fit appropriately. Sandals
are permitted but must be dressy in nature. Flip-flops, athletic slides, or slippers of any style are not allowed. Stiletto and other
high-heeled shoes may be inappropriate for school.
T-Shirts are permitted as long as they conform to other dress code rules (i.e. clean; neat; appropriate size; devoid of
inappropriate graphics, words or logos; holes…) and are not “undershirts” worn as outerwear. Shorts are permitted, if they are
of modest length (at the knee), not overly casual, and also conform to other dress code standards. Acceptable styles include
dress shorts, jean shorts, and khakis. Athletic and mesh shorts are considered too casual and are not permitted as classroom
wear. Boxer shorts are not permitted to be worn as outerwear.
We expect and appreciate dress that promotes a positive learning environment and gives a positive witness to others.
Extremes in attire and manner of dress, including that which is meant primarily to shock or draw attention to itself, can be
distracting, disruptive, and offensive. Dress which calls undue attention to itself is to be avoided. (Headgear such as caps, hats,
or sunglasses) is not to be worn in the building at any time. Wind pants, warm-ups, sweat pants, athletic shorts, etc., are not
allowed except in gym class. Jackets and coats are not to be worn in the school, although light jackets or sweatshirts are
permitted. Students are encouraged to keep an approved sweater/sweatshirt in their lockers to put on in case they are too cold
in their classrooms.
We recognize that it is unlikely to be able to anticipate all possible dress code violations. If a student’s attire or manner
of dress is in question, he/she will be referred to the school office for administrative action. In many cases, a conflict may be
avoided if a student checks with the office or principal in advance of wearing an article of clothing that may be
considered questionable.
We expect students to comply with the dress code while they are on campus, at school sponsored events, or otherwise
under the supervision of the school.
Consequences: If a student is in violation of the dress code, an immediate correction is expected. If an immediate
correction is not possible or if the student resists, he/she will be referred to the school office. The student may be suspended
from classes until a correction is made. Such absence from class will be considered unexcused. Habitual violations may result in
a disciplinary referral and the inappropriate attire may be confiscated. Repeated offenses may result in detention, suspension,
and/or expulsion.
Examples of INAPPROPRIATE DRESS include (but are not limited to):

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1. Soiled, stained, torn, tattered, frayed or otherwise overly “distressed” clothing.

2. Garments which are too tight, too baggy, too long, or too short.
3. See-through, sheer, or mesh fabric.
4. Bare midriffs, provocative holes. (Shirts should be able to be tucked in.)
5. Low-cut or otherwise revealing tops. (No cleavage.)
6. Low-backed dresses, sundresses, or spaghetti straps.
7. Slip dresses, camisole tops, mini-skirts, or high-slit skirts.
8. Immodest shorts and skirts. (No shorter than two inches above the knee.)
9. Sleeveless clothing. (Shoulders should be covered. No tank tops.)
10. Pants riding below the hips. (No exposed underwear.)
11. Clothing with graphics, logos, or wording other than that approved above.
We expect that all attire will be devoid of offensive wording, pictures, graphics, etc. Absolutely
prohibited items include (but are not limited to): anything of a sexual nature; vulgar, profane, or
otherwise offensive language; depiction or promotion of any alcohol, drug, or tobacco product;
depiction or promotion of any musical performer or group (except for school-approved Christian
performers/groups); any disrespectful, sacrilegious, crude, or violent wording, pictures, or other
12. Clothes, hair, or accessories that bring inappropriate attention to an individual. [These include but are
not limited to: extreme hair color or style, excessive/extreme ear piercing or body jewelry, body
piercing (other than appropriate ear piercing), or visible tattoos.]
13. Pajama tops or bottoms, blankets.
14. Wind pants, warm-ups, sweat pants, athletic shorts, mesh shorts, swimwear, stretch pants, spandex
clothes, etc., except those allowed in gym class.
15. Headgear, hats, caps, headbands, sunglasses, etc.
16. Hanging or dangling straps, chains, pins, or other items that can snag or cut.
17. Gang-related colors and styles.
18. Coats, heavy jackets or other outerwear such as gloves worn in the school.
19. Garments that are considered “underwear.”
20. Flip-flops, athletic slides, slippers, or going without appropriate footwear.
These prohibitions carry over into all school related activities and events.
The principal may grant exceptions on pre-approved “Spirit Days” or in other circumstances.
Team/Group Dress Days: From time to time, school-sponsored athletic teams or groups may wish to dress similarly
on days that they have contests or other activities. In general, the administration will allow these teams or groups to dress
“outside” of the Dress Code under the following conditions:
1. The team/group dress is in “good taste,” as determined by the principal and coach.
2. The team/group dress follows the “spirit” and major points of the school dress code. For instance, neat, clean,
no midriffs, appropriate footwear, no headgear…
3. All members of the team/group participate in the specified team/group dress.
4. There are no “variations” on dress. For instance, if warm-up tops are to be worn by the team, then all
members wear tops only. No individual member wears top and bottom or takes the warm-up top off during the
school day in favor of a team T-shirt.
(The principal may amend the School Dress Code during the course of the school year as necessary.)
Physical Education Dress
The following guidelines are in effect for Physical Education classes. Questions or concerns should be addressed to
the Physical Education teacher.
1. Students in P.E. class will wear the P.E. uniform (i.e. shorts and T-shirt) as determined by the P.E. teacher.
2. Footwear – Clean inside tennis shoes to be worn for gym activities. Outside tennis shoes for outside activities.
Shoes must be worn for all activities. No street shoes, sandals, open toe/heels may be worn.
3. Athletic socks must be worn with tennis shoes.
4. Students should have their own antiperspirant, deodorant, towel
5. Students may have a combination lock (for use on locker room locker)
6. No dangling or chain jewelry - post earrings only.
7. No gum or food - water/water bottles are OK
8. NO TEAM UNIFORMS MAY BE WORN DURING P.E. This includes but is not limited to practice jerseys, practice
shorts, uniform jerseys or shorts, and warm-up pants or shirts. Uniforms are issued for use during interscholastic
activities and are the property of Lutheran High School.
Note: Students must dress properly to earn ALL participation points


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Administration of Medication
The school staff shall not give or administer any prescription or non-prescription medication to students without written
parental permission. If it is necessary for any student to take any type of prescription or non-prescription medication while at
school, please have the student bring it to the office so parent or doctor instructions can be monitored. Students are prohibited
from sharing medication with other students.
Blood Borne Pathogens
Students are to use extreme caution and prevention involving all blood and other potentially infectious bodily fluids. In
other words, all blood and bodily fluids should be treated as if they are infected.
Any blood or other bodily fluids that are exposed on floors, tables, desks, clothing, etc., should be reported to school
personnel immediately. Students should use extreme caution in handling such blood or other bodily fluids. Exposed skin and
hands should be thoroughly washed as soon as possible after exposure. Cuts, abrasions, puncture wounds, etc., should be
disinfected and bandaged as soon as possible. Clothing which has become contaminated must be disposed of in a manner
where others won’t come into contact with it.
Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in disciplinary consequences.
Closing of School
If school is cancelled due to bad weather or for any other reason, appropriate notification will be provided to Salt Lake
City radio and television stations as early as possible. (Radio stations KSL 1160AM and KALL Radio 910 and TV stations
Channel 2 and 5) Parents may call the school office, if they are unclear as to whether school will be in session.
If a late start or early dismissal is necessary, due to bad weather or for any other reason, notification will be provided to
Salt Lake City radio and television stations as early as possible. In the case of an early dismissal, students will also be
encouraged or required to contact parents by phone.
Contagious Disease Guidelines
The objectives of these guidelines are to restrict exposure and/or transmission of serious contagious diseases at LHS.
(No attempt is made to define what is a serious contagious disease; instead, deference is made to the use of common sense.)
Students, teachers, and other persons at LHS who are aware that they have been diagnosed as having a serious
contagious disease should report that fact to the school Administrator. The Administrator will meet with the affected person and
his/her parents (if a student) to appraise the affected person’s current health status, and the risk of infection posed to others at
the school. The parties may agree to consult with the affected person’s medical physician and/or others who may contribute to
a meaningful analysis of the situation including the CDC/other school districts. The parties will also be sensitive to and discuss
the need for confidentiality. It is understood that a person with a serious contagious disease may be required, as a condition of
participation in their capacity at the school, to agree to reasonable precautions based upon the consultation referred to above.
Emergency Drills
Periodic fire, earthquake and other emergency drills will be held. Procedures and exit diagrams will be posted in each
room and other appropriate areas, and students will receive instruction in such procedures. Students are always expected to
handle such drills in a serious and cooperative manner.
Emergency Management
Lutheran High maintains an emergency management plan, which would be in force in a variety of school emergencies
(natural disaster; serious illness, injury, or death; gas or chemical leaks; etc.). We pray that these plans never need to be in
force, but Lutheran High faculty and staff are familiar with them and prepared to use them.
We also recognize that no manner of careful foresight and planning can possibly anticipate all crises. School personnel
will always use their best professional discretion in handling such matters.
Illness During the School Day
Students who become ill during the day should go to the office where the secretary will provide opportunity to call
parents for arrangements to go home. Students who are too ill to be in class must go home since Lutheran High School has no
facilities for students who are sick. Parents should consider what they will do if this situation arises.


All Emergencies
Information will be released through the Information Officer (usually the principal) and FastDirect announcements.
Earthquake Emergency
Earthquake drills will be announced to each classroom. Please observe the following during an earthquake drill:
1. Five short bursts on the bell system signals an earthquake emergency (or appropriate announcement).
2. Students and staff are to take cover momentarily (such as under a desk, table or other furniture). Everyone should
stay away from windows or other glass.
3. When the trembling stops, follow the evacuation procedure.
Emergency – During School Hours
1. Office personnel will sound the appropriate alarm, according to the emergency at hand.

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i. 1 long burst – fire emergency

ii. 5 short bursts (or appropriate announcement) – earthquake emergency
iii. “Teachers go to Lockdown” – lock down emergency
2. Implement lockdown or evacuation as needed to protect students from harm.
3. Parents will be notified and informed as to what to do via the Parent Group Phone Tree started by the Principal.
4. Students will not be released to anyone unknown.
5. Only the Principal will give information to the media and only after the situation is under control and all students are
safe. No one else should talk to the media.
Emergency – Outside of School Hours
1. Follow above procedures for any students in the building.
2. If the emergency is before school hours the Principal will start the Phone Tree and the office personnel will stand in
the parking lot to inform and instruct parents and students as to the emergency.
Evacuation Procedure
1. Teachers should instruct students to exit the building in an orderly manner at the classroom’s assigned exit
2. Teachers should instruct students to meet at the predetermined classroom site at least 50 feet from the building.
3. If your classroom exit is blocked or involved in the emergency, use the next closest exit (stay together as a class).
4. Students should walk rapidly, single file and not run; leaving all books and personal items in the classroom.
5. Students should stay with their class at all times.
6. Any student not in his/her class at the time of the evacuation should exit the closest door and report to the nearest
teacher or staff.
7. Make sure lights are off and doors and windows are closed.
8. Teachers should be the last to leave the room and take their attendance roster with them to account for all
9. Any students not accounted for need to be reported to a member of the office personnel (principal, counselor or
10. Office personnel will come to each class’ designated area to check for students or teachers missing or in need of
medical or other assistance (as per list below).
11. The office personnel will give the all-clear signal; when it is given return to classrooms. Teachers again account
for all students.
12. If it is unsafe to return to the building the Student Phone Tree will be started for parents to pick up their children.
13. Evacuate according to the following table:

Accountable Office
Rooms Evacuation Door Meeting Place
Offices East office door East parking lot

101, 102, 103, 104, 105 East main hallway door East parking lot

Athletic Office East main hallway door East parking lot

North door out of the Admin. Assist.

100 South parking lot
Admin. Assist.
106 South door by classroom South parking lot

Athletic Dir.
Gym and weight room West gym doors West parking lot

Athletic Dir.
201, 202, 203, 204 North door by cafeteria hall North parking lot

Cafeteria and
East door by courtyard North parking lot Athletic Dir.
Downstairs Bathrooms
Athletic Dir.
Upstairs Bathroom East main hallway door Find class

*The counselor will stand in as back up for any office personnel absent.

Fire Emergency

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State law requires periodic fire drills. Sheets are posted in each room giving the evacuation procedure to follow in an
emergency. Please observe the following points during a fire drill:
1. One long burst on the bell system signals a fire emergency.
2. Follow the evacuation procedure.
Lock-Down Emergency
A crisis procedure will be followed when there is a danger to one or all of the students or staff present; for example,
unknown, suspicious or dangerous intruders; weapons; or anyone threatening harm to others or him/herself.
1. The phrase “Teachers go to Lockdown” will be announced on the P.A. by office personnel.
2. Teachers must close and lock their door and move students away from doors and windows.
3. Students and teachers should be as quiet as possible during the lockdown.
4. Students in the office should go to the counselor’s office or the teacher workroom and close and lock the door.
5. Teachers will not open their door for anyone - students, teachers, police, etc - to protect the students in the
6. Students are instructed that in an emergency lockdown, that if they are not in their classroom, they need to stay
where they are and hide.
7. The office personnel accountable for each class (listed in the table above) will call or ask at the door of each room
to acquire information of students missing or the status of students in the classroom.
8. Office personnel will then meet either in the office or outside in front of the office doors to make an emergency plan
to identify, locate and medically treat all victims.
9. If evacuation is necessary, one long burst of the bell system will signal to start evacuation procedure.
10. When all is safe, the announcement of the pre-determined phrase will give the sign.
Post-Crisis Procedure
After a crisis situation it is assumed the students and faculty/staff will suffer some emotional distress, therefore a crisis
counseling team will be called to the school.
1. A special chapel will be assembled to give the students any information to help them. It will be a time to call on
God, our Lord and Savior, for comfort, peace, and hope. Prayer will be the focus of that chapel.
2. A counseling team comprised of area Pastors and Shepherd’s Staff Christian Counseling Center will be available
for individual or group counseling.

Lutheran High School competes and performs at the school and state level in activities of the arts and sports. We feel
extra-curricular activities are important and are proud to say that most of our students have an opportunity to be involved in an
extra-curricular activity. (Please also refer to the Activities Handbook.)
Lutheran High School faculty and staff want to model good stewardship of our time and talents and wish to teach this
stewardship to our students. Everyone must realize that competition or performance at the high school level requires a high
level of commitment. Currently, LHS offers these activities in the following seasons: Fall season – fall drama production, cross
country, baseball and volleyball; Winter season – girls’ and boys’ basketball; and Spring season – spring dramatic event, track,
soccer and golf.
We are aware that many of our students have multiple and diverse talents and interests and wish to glorify God by
using these talents. Students who wish to be involved in more than one activity must receive a group consensus from
advisors/coaches involved, the Guidance Counselor, and the student’s parents/guardians.
A meeting may be held with the people above and the student to consider expectations of each activity, altering the
student’s practice schedules, and the academic challenges of someone involved in multiple activities.
Students are responsible for making up all homework missed due to games or traveling. Assignment sheets are
available through the Athletic Director and School Office.
Co-Curricular Eligibility
Co-Curricular Activities Include: Athletics, Drama, and Co-Curricular Musical Activities
State Eligibility - All athletes must be considered a full-time student at the school in which he/she is enrolled, or
otherwise comply with all Utah State Board of Education dual enrollment requirements.
A student must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in order to be eligible for extra-curricular participation. Quarter
grades at the end of each academic quarter are used to calculate the GPA. If a student receives less than a 2.0 or C average
for a quarter, the student is ineligible to participate in extra-curricular activities in the succeeding quarter (Lutheran High includes
practicing as a form of “participation”). There is NO probationary period.
Any student receiving two or more failing (F) marks on a quarterly report card is ineligible for the following quarter.
Incomplete grades are calculated as “F” grades until the incomplete grade is removed. “NC” grades are calculated as “F”s.
To remain eligible a student has 5 school days from when grades are “posted” to replace an incomplete grade or the
incomplete will be counted as an F and he/she will become ineligible for the following quarter.
LHS Eligibility - Each athlete must have a physical examination on file with the school office (once every 3 years).
Form A - Physical Exam (once every 3 years) and Form B - Parent Consent (every year).

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Any athlete who transfers to Lutheran High School must complete and submit a formal transfer application before
eligibility will be granted. The UHSAA will issue a letter stating whether eligibility has been granted or not.
Non-participation becomes effective the school day following the posting of the list of ineligible students. Non-
participation includes practices, games, meets, rehearsals and performances of any extra-curricular activity.
LHS Attendance Eligibility - Students who are absent from school for two or more periods may not participate or
practice in any extra-curricular activity on the day of the absence. A student absent for reasons other than illness must have a
verified excused absence recognized by the school administration in order to participate.
LHS Discipline Eligibility - All students involved in school discipline, such as suspensions, shall be suspended from all
contests, performances, and practices during the time of their suspension or violation of probation. The student may also be
removed from the team or out of the activity as decided by the administration and/or the coach or director.
Academic Review
All students will have their academic and behavioral progress evaluated 4 times a quarter or approximately every 11
school days. Teachers will evaluate their classroom performance. Students will be placed on Academic Review for the
following reasons:
1. Grades that are failing.
2. Poor citizenship with behavior or attitude as documented by teacher or staff including being removed from class.
3. Missing 1/3 or more assignments.
A student on academic review in any class will have approximately 2 weeks to correct the problem. Two or more
consecutive times on academic review will jeopardize participation in extra-curricular activities. Consequences will be as
1. Placed on academic review - eligible, but on warning; given until the next evaluation to clear the mark.
2. Placed on 2 consecutive academic reviews - ineligible for games, performances, and representing the school**
until the next evaluation, but may still practice and attend club meetings.
3. Placed on 3 or more consecutive academic reviews - ineligible for games, performances, representing the
school**, practices, and club meetings until the next evaluation.
Checks in 3 or more classes in any one academic review evaluation period will be referred to the principal.
**Representing the school refers to games, performances (not required by a class), dances, fieldtrips, club
trips/activities and any event where a student is a representative of the school.
Dates for these evaluations will be at Quarter report card, midterm report card, and mid-way through these reports.
The specific dates are:

Quarter 1 Quarter 3
Friday, September 10, 2010 Thursday, February 10, 2011
Mid-term – Thursday, September 23, 2010 Mid-term – Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Friday, October 15, 2010 Friday, March 11, 2011
Quarter - Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Quarter -Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Quarter 2 Quarter 4
Thursday, November 18, 2010 Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Mid-term –Tuesday, December 7, 2010 Mid-term – Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Quarter – Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Quarter – Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Appeals: Any appeals on the application of the Eligibility or Academic Review guidelines because of special
circumstances or exceptional situations may be presented to the faculty through the Principal.
Transportation to School Activities
For Participants - LHS may make arrangements for and/or approve of transportation for students who are scheduled to
participate in school activities away from the school, especially for those events that occur out of town. If no approved
transportation is provided, it is the responsibility of the parents/student to make independent arrangements to get to
the activity. (See Activities Handbook also)
Arrangements can be made with student or parent/guardian drivers depending on the time and location of the event.
The faculty, advisor or coach will inform the parent of the date, time, and location of the event and the means and drivers of
transportation. The parent will give permission as to whom their student can ride with and whom their student can transport.
Conditions that will dictate who approved drivers will be are as follows:

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1. Events that take place in the Salt Lake Valley (North Salt Lake to “The Point of the Mountain” and the “East Bench”
to the Oquirrh Mountains) and travel beginning during the school day are approved for student and/or parent
2. Events out of the Salt Lake Valley are approved for parent/guardian drivers only.
3. Events anywhere with travel beginning outside of the school day (i.e. a 7:00 p.m. basketball game or a Sunday
worship choir performance) are approved for the parent arranging for the transportation of the student with the
knowledge and consent of the faculty advisor. The faculty advisor may deem it necessary for these events to
leave from school.
• All transportation arrangements must be made through the faculty advisor and permission must be given by
the parent/guardian of each student for all transportation needs.
• A written permission slip and release from the participant’s parent or guardian will be required.
The administration may excuse a participant from official travel in extraordinary circumstances upon advance written
request. An extraordinary circumstance will usually refer to a need of the student or his/her parents.
Proof of adequate insurance may be required. Each driver of an approved vehicle understands the responsibility being
undertaken, and (among other things) agrees to:
• act responsibly for the safety of the student participant(s),
• obey all traffic (and other) laws,
• be prudent in the exercise of judgment and
• serve as an example of proper behavior for the students.
For Non-Participants - LHS acknowledges that, occasionally, non-participants may desire to travel to events away from
the school, to be spectators or otherwise support the school and its participants. Generally, the school does not provide
sanctioned or approved transportation for non-participants. In the event that their child plans to go to such an event, parents are
strongly encouraged to be aware of and approve in advance their child’s plans. Parents ought to be familiar with the form of
transportation by which the child intends to travel, the persons involved, the surrounding conditions and circumstances, etc. The
administration of LHS encourages parents to exercise good judgment regarding the student’s participation in any such
transportation and the risks assumed. In the event that non-participants are provided with an opportunity to go to a school
activity in sanctioned transportation, written permission slips and releases may be required for each traveler, to be signed and
dated by the parent and the student.

Discounts & Credits
Members of association churches receive a $1000 discount on their tuition. (This discount is paid for them by their
congregation.) Discounts are provided for two or more students enrolled from the same family. Credits are provided for families
who pay tuition annually. Other discounts and credits may be available; further information is available from the school office.
Fines & Replacement Costs
Students may be assessed fines and/or replacement costs for damaged or missing textbooks or other curricular
materials; damaged or missing computer hardware or software; damaged or missing library-media center materials; parking and
driving violations; other damaged school equipment and property, etc. Report cards may be withheld until such fines and/or
replacement costs are paid.
Payment of Tuition & Fees
Just as families are responsible to pay their bills on a timely basis, so Lutheran High School is responsible to pay its
bills. Our responsibilities include not only those companies with whom we do business but also the faculty and staff who provide
the ministry of Christian education for our students. We expect our families to pay their tuition and fees in a timely manner, as
determined by the Board of Directors through the administration of the school.
All fees are ordinarily expected to be paid by the beginning of the school term. Families who pay tuition annually or by
semester may pay their tuition directly to the school office. Families who pay monthly are required to enroll in a tuition
management company (if available), as determined by the school, and make their payments via direct withdrawal from a bank
Please see also Board of Director’s Guidelines: Tuition, Fees, Payments, and Penalties in the Attachments section of
this handbook.
Penalties for Non-Payment
Lutheran High School reserves the right to enforce penalties for late and/or non-payment of tuition and fees. Ultimately,
a student can be released from school for non-payment.
If a financial need arises in a family, which makes timely payment of tuition difficult, we encourage the family to contact
the principal as soon as possible so that a solution can be discussed.
Please see also Board of Director’s Guidelines: Tuition, Fees, Payments, and Penalties in the Attachments.

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Per Pupil Cost

The actual cost to educate a student at LHS is substantially higher than the cost of tuition and fees. In effect, every
student enrolled at LHS is automatically receiving a form of tuition subsidy. Fund-raising activities and events make it possible
for us to charge tuition and fees which are less than the actual cost per pupil.
Scholarship Assistance (Financial Aid)
Financial aid in the form of tuition assistance will be available to families who qualify. Families who desire tuition
assistance will be expected to complete a financial aid form and forward it to the appropriate agency with any necessary
documentation. A Financial Aid Committee will review financial aid requests and award tuition assistance in amounts approved
by the Board of Directors. All financial information collected from families will be treated with the utmost standards of
Tuition & Fees
The Board of Directors of Lutheran High School will set tuition and fees for the next school year as soon as possible
after January 1. Tuition and fees will be published via special brochures, flyers, letters, and/or other school publications.
We are committed to operating our school on a sound financial basis. The base tuition is planned to be the projected
cost per pupil. Unlike parish schools, which typically receive a large subsidy from the church, Lutheran High School is sponsored
by an association of churches and must be as self-supporting as possible.

Students participate in chapel worship each week. Typical chapel services include readings from Holy Scripture, a
message, prayers, and song. Students may be given the opportunity to assist with elements of the worship. A voluntary
collection is taken at chapel, and money is donated to a charity chosen by student council. A chapel schedule will be published,
and guests are always invited to attend. (NHS members will assist in the “take down” following chapel.)
Christian Learning Environment
Lutheran High School provides a learning environment where students regularly hear the Good News of God’s love
through His Son, Jesus Christ. They learn about His plan for holy living, and they are given the opportunity to grow in their
relationship with Him. They are also given the opportunity to grow in their God-pleasing relationships with others.
Lutheran High School is an educational ministry of the Lutheran High School Association of the Greater Salt Lake City
Area. Theology courses are Bible-based and taught from a Lutheran understanding of the scriptures. We emphasize both
content and application of that content. Worship and devotional activities are also Lutheran in nature.
All students participate in theology courses, worship, and devotional activities. We expect all students to participate
respectfully and reverently, regardless of their personal beliefs. If any problems of conscience should occur, we expect that the
student and/or his/her parent will contact the appropriate teacher or administrator to help resolve the issue.
Daily devotions may be held during any class period. This devotion usually includes a scripture reading, brief message,
and prayer. Students may be asked to assist with devotions. From time to time, devotions may be read to all students via the
intercom. Students are always expected to be seated and remain quiet during devotions.
Faith Day
Each Tuesday of the month, there will be special opportunities for the students of Lutheran High to grow in their faith.
These opportunities will be somewhat less formal than those experienced on Thursday chapel services. There will be a variety
of events which will include praise worship, guest speakers, small group discussions, and others. More detailed information will
be made available throughout the course of the school year.
Lutheran High School is built on a spiritual foundation based on belief in Jesus Christ. Lutheran High School's
environment will enable each student to know God, the forgiving love of Christ, and to become a mature Christian person. Our
school community celebrates the joy of God's love in a variety of worship experiences.
In order to achieve this, each student and his/her family should seek to strengthen their spiritual life in the following
1. Families are encouraged to attend church together weekly.
2. All students will be expected to attend and actively participate in daily devotions, special worship events, faith-
building opportunities, and weekly chapel services at Lutheran High.
3. Families are encouraged to conduct their own family devotions, Bible study, prayers, etc., on a routine basis in
their homes.
The Principal is the spiritual leader of Lutheran High School and will counsel, organize, and lead in spiritual aspects of
the school. Lutheran High School can provide families with information about area churches.
"That you may with one mind and one mouth glorify God." Romans 15:6

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Age of Emancipation
Students who reach the legal age of emancipation in the State of Utah, while attending Lutheran High School, are still
subject to all rules that apply to all students if they wish to continue their education at Lutheran High. (This includes parental
permission for field trips or transportation.) Likewise, students not living with one or both parents, a court appointed guardian, or
a consent guardian may be denied admission to or continued enrollment in Lutheran High School.
Appeals to the Handbook
If a student/parent wants an exception to an item in the handbook the procedure is as follows: (1) Go to the
Principal/Executive Director with the appeal; (2) The Principal will discuss the matter with the appropriate faculty/staff members
(i.e. teacher, department head, coach, athletic director and/or counselor); (3) The Principal then will take the appeal to the
faculty for their input; (4) With all the applicable information, the Principal will make the final decision on the appeal.
Lutheran High maintains an asbestos-free facility. Asbestos management documentation is kept on file and is available
for public examination. The Principal serves as the “Designated Person” for asbestos management.
Before & After School
Before School: Doors are usually open by 7:15 a.m. The commons area will be open for students until it is time for
class. Students may study, read, or visit quietly. They are not allowed to be rowdy, roam the building, or leave and return to
campus once they arrive. Being in the hallway, adjacent to lockers, will be allowed, if student behavior is appropriate. Students
are not allowed to be in the locker rooms, gymnasium, or any classrooms without faculty or staff supervision.
After School: Lutheran High School cannot be responsible for supervising students after school, unless they are (1)
involved in a co-curricular or other school-sponsored activity or event held on campus; or (2) getting help from a faculty or staff
member. Otherwise, we expect students to be off campus within 20 minutes after school dismisses. If transportation
arrangements make this difficult to accomplish, we ask parents to contact the school office. Note: Students are not allowed to
use the gymnasium, library, computer lab, or be in any other classroom without proper supervision.
Bell Schedules
A copy of the bell schedules is provided in the Attachments section of this handbook. Bell schedules are also posted
throughout the building. Please be familiar with the various schedules.
The regular bell schedule occurs every day. Faith Day time (Tuesdays) and Chapel time (Thursdays) are during the
scheduled Seminar/Homeroom time.
Tardy bells: There are three minute passing periods between classes. A tardy bell rings three minutes after the ending
of a period. Students who enter class after this bell are considered tardy.
A pep rally/assembly schedule has been added to account for pep rallies and assemblies at the end of some school
A late-start schedule begins with Period 1 starting at 10:00 a.m., with all remaining classes meeting on an abbreviated
schedule. This schedule will be announced on radio stations as early as possible on mornings when circumstances make a late
start necessary.
Other special schedules may be in force for special events, such as orientation, other assemblies, field trips, etc.
Please see also Daily Bell Schedules in the Attachments section of this handbook.
A school calendar is provided to parents and students at registration. Updated calendars are published as needed and
forwarded to parents and students. Parents and students are responsible for noting special events, activities, deadlines, etc., on
all calendars, flyers, etc.
Please see also School Year Calendar in the Attachments section of this handbook.
Campus Boundaries
The Lutheran High School campus is the school property, located at 4020 South 900 East in Salt Lake City. The
immediate campus is the educational building, the courtyard, and the parking lot which wraps around the building.
A photocopier is available for faculty & staff use in the faculty workroom. Please be courteous in your use of this
machine, particularly when there are others waiting to use it and be good stewards in the use of paper and duplicating services.
All must observe correct practices in respect to the use of copyrighted material. Any problems with the machine should be
reported to the office staff immediately.
Teachers are allowed to have students duplicate for them, provided that these students have:
1. A pass from the appropriate teacher or staff member OR direct supervision by such.
2. Permission from the school secretary, administrative assistant, or principal.
3. “Clearance” by the school secretary, administrative assistant, or principal, for use of the machines (appropriate
training has taken place).

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Students are not automatically allowed to use photocopiers for personal copies. Permission for students to make such
copies may be granted by the office staff and a fee may be applied.
Dances are open to all Salt Lake Lutheran High students and their guest. Each student may bring one guest who is not
a student at LHS. Guests must be registered with the school office at least 24 hours prior to the event. Sponsors and other
faculty will supervise dances. Once a student who has attended a dance leaves that dance, he/she will not be permitted to
return. To arrange for a dance, a sponsor/sponsoring group must submit a dance authorization form, available from the office,
to the principal for approval at least two weeks in advance, before any dance may be held.
We do not allow flowers, balloons or any other gift items to be delivered directly to students at school. All such
deliveries must come to the office. Students will be notified, as appropriate, and may pick up such items at the end of the school
Electronic Devices
Personal electronic devices (cell phones, i-pods...) are not generally accepted in the classrooms and are not to be a
disruption. If allowed, the teacher must approve the specific use by the student. Cell phones or pagers are not to be visible nor
audible during the school day. PDAs are to be used for appropriate school related activity. Toys and games associated with
these devices are not allowed during the school day. Faculty and staff may confiscate such items at their discretion and turn
them in to the administration. The school may hold items until a parent picks them up. Multiple infractions may result in a
disciplinary referral. Note: Students using their devices for games will have them confiscated and the games may be erased.
Lutheran High moved into its current facility many years ago. As we look to relocate the campus and build a new
facility, we want to maintain our current facility as best we can. We are especially conscious of the appearance of our facility,
and we expect our students to treat school property with the utmost care and respect. In general, members of the Lutheran High
community should not make a mess, should pick up after themselves, and should not damage school property. Various
guidelines and procedures are in force to help ensure that this happens.
Faculty/Staff Workspaces
Students should not be present in the staff kitchen, workroom, or staff office areas unless they are under the
supervision of a staff member. The teacher workroom is for use by the faculty and staff. Student use of the telephone in that
area is prohibited without permission from the office staff. Trained Teacher Aids may be assigned to do copying in the
workroom. Everyone should help to keep these areas neat in appearance.
Food & Beverages on Campus
Students are not allowed to eat or drink in any area of the building except the cafeteria area before school, during
lunchtime, and after school. Gum-chewing is not allowed at any time in the building. Food, snacks, beverages, etc., are to be
kept in student lockers other than at lunchtime. Students are not permitted to carry such items around with them, nor are they
permitted to snack between classes. Although teachers may occasionally allow students to have “snacks” in class, food and
beverages of any kind are never allowed in the computer or science labs nor the library-media center. Anyone who consumes
food or beverages in any location of the building assumes responsibility for its proper cleanup.
No student or organization may engage in fund-raising of any kind on campus without permission from the Principal. All
auxiliaries, athletic teams, other co-curricular organizations, individual classes, and any other school-affiliated groups or
individuals are also required to have permission from the Principal before engaging in fund-raising of any kind on campus and/or
on behalf of Lutheran High.
Guidelines and procedures governing all aspects of graduation have been developed by the Board of Directors. These
guidelines and procedures are administered by the faculty and staff. All eligible seniors are required to participate in the
graduation rehearsal, ceremony, and all other related events. Participation in commencement may be revoked according to the
guidelines in force. See also Graduation Requirements in the Attachments section of this handbook.
Street shoes may not be worn on the gym floor as they mar the finish. Any other shoes that leave marks on or are
harmful to the gym floor are also unacceptable in that area. Hanging on the baskets is prohibited. The gym may only be used
by students if they are under the supervision of a Lutheran High staff member.
Gym Lockers
Students may use the lockers in the locker rooms as needed. Ordinarily, only students who are participating in P.E.
classes or athletics will be assigned a gym locker, and then only when class is in session or during the appropriate season.
These lockers remain the property of the school, and students will use them at the discretion and under the guidelines of the

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Locker rooms are to be kept locked and remain off limits to students except for P.E. classes and athletic practices and
contests. Students should assume that they will not be allowed in the locker rooms during the day. In spite of this, it is
impossible to secure the locker rooms all of the time. Students are encouraged to use their own personal locks on their gym
locker. The combination and/or spare key for such locks should be given to the Activities Director.
Hallway Lockers
Each student is assigned a hallway locker. (In some cases two students may need to share one locker). These lockers
remain the property of the school, and students will use them at the discretion and under the guidelines of the school. Lockers
are subject to search by the administration at any time for any reason. Students are never allowed to place their own locks on a
hallway locker.
Students are responsible for any damages done to their lockers. Pictures, magnets, etc., are allowed inside lockers if
(1) they can be affixed and removed without damage; and (2) they are not offensive in word, picture, representation, etc.
Each student will receive a combination lock for his/her locker. Even though this is a Christian school, temptation
exists, and thefts happen. Students are encouraged to keep their lockers secure with this lock. This lock also remains the
property of the school, and students will use them at the discretion and under the guidelines of the school. Students will be
responsible for lost or damaged locks. This lock is never to be stored on the back of the locker door.
Illness & Injury
Students who experience illness or injury while at school should report their condition to the school office or an
appropriate teacher or staff member. School personnel will make a decision as to whether the student will remain in class, return
to class, or be sent home.
If it is decided that a student should be sent home, a parent will be contacted. We will expect that the student will be
picked up as soon as possible. Before allowing a student to drive himself/herself home, we will obtain parental consent.
Internet (See Technology and Network Use in the Attachments section of this handbook.)
Leaving Campus
Lutheran High School operates a closed campus. Students are never allowed to leave and return to campus during the
school day without permission. If a student needs to leave campus for a medical or other appointment, a parent is expected to
call the school office and notify us in advance. Students are not allowed to leave campus to retrieve assignments, school
materials, etc., without permission from the principal. (Parental permission may also be required.) Students are not allowed to
leave the building during the school day without permission.
Students responsible for damage to school property, grounds, or equipment, including textbooks, will be assessed the
cost of repairs or replacement. Failure to assume this responsibility in a timely manner may result in disciplinary action.
Lutheran High School assumes no liability for the personal property of any student and will not be held responsible for
damaged or stolen property.
Library/Media Center
The Library/Media Center serves the students and teachers with resources that enhance the school curriculum. The
LMC staff also provides instruction in basic research skills. In order for everyone to have maximum access to LMC materials,
the following basic guidelines will be followed. All LMC materials must be properly checked out at the circulation desk.
Reference materials (encyclopedias, almanacs, etc.) may not be removed from the LMC. Under no circumstances are LMC
magazines and newspapers to be cut-up or altered in any way. If a classroom assignment requires the text of an article, copies
may be obtained for the posted price. Loan periods are for 2 weeks. Fine is $0.10 a day but books are renewable. If lost, the
full replacement value of the book will be charged. From time to time teachers may have books on “special reserve”. These are
available to be checked out overnight and are fined $1.00 per day if not returned promptly in the morning. Please also refer to
the Technology and Network Use guidelines located in this handbook.
Library Hours*
Before school approximately 7:15 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
After school 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Friday
* Please Note: These times are often covered by parent volunteers and may be unavailable from time to time.
Lost & Found
The school office will maintain a lost & found. Students will be given opportunity in a reasonable manner to check the
contents of lost & found, if they are missing any personal property, articles of clothing, etc. Unclaimed items will be sold, donated
to charity, or otherwise given away after a reasonable amount of time has been provided. We believe that high school students
should be responsible enough to take care of their items, and LHS will not be responsible when it disposes of items that are left
behind by students.
Lunch is held between Periods 4 & 5. Microwaves are available. Refrigerators are available. The facilities, dishes,
utensils, etc., in the faculty kitchenette are not available. Limited vending is available. Limited catering services (such as pizza,
salads, sandwiches, soup, etc.) may also be available.

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After Period 4, a class meal prayer may be held and classes dismiss, students are to get their lunches and eat in the
cafeteria or courtyard. They may not eat in any other areas of the building without administrative or faculty approval. Students
are always expected to pick up after themselves and dispose of their trash in an appropriate manner. (Students should not
dispose of their lunch trash in the classroom trash containers.)
We expect all students to eat lunch on campus. We do not allow students to “order out” for lunch. Any lunches (other
than school lunches) that are delivered for students are to be delivered by a parent or other family member. We also do not
allow students to have their parents excuse them for lunch, since this circumvents our closed campus guidelines.
Any student considering marriage while still enrolled at Lutheran High should share those plans with the principal. A
consultation with the student and parents or guardians will be held immediately. If a marriage does occur, continued enrollment
will be at the discretion of the principal and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any married student considering
enrollment at Lutheran High must share that information with the principal. The same procedures will be followed as outlined
Master Schedule (see Attachments)
National Honor Society (NHS)
NHS is more than just an honor roll. The Honor Society chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon
a student's outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These criteria for selection
form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built.
Requirements for eligibility to NHS include:
1. Scholarship: Students who have a cumulative grade point average of 85 percent, B, 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or
equivalent standard of excellence, or a higher cumulative average set by the local school's Faculty Council, meet
the scholarship requirement for membership. These students are then eligible for consideration on the basis of
service, leadership, and character.
2. Service: This quality is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community,
done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit. Approximately 10 hours of
service per quarter is recommended.
3. Leadership: Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities,
idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences
can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others. Leadership certainly exists
outside elected positions, however, a leadership role in at least two organizations in or outside of school per year
is recommended.
4. Character: The student of good character upholds principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates
high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and generally maintains
a good and clean lifestyle. Specifically, a person of good character consistently demonstrates trustworthiness,
respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.
(Please see NHS Eligible Student Information Packet or the National Honor Society advisor
for a more complete list of service, leadership and character criteria.)
Specific standards for these criteria may vary from one school to the next. For example, Lutheran High uses sources
from the Bible to illustrate standards for Leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-10), Character (Galatians 5:22-23), and Service (James
2:14-26). Such variations are acceptable as long as they do not fall below the national standards set by the National Council of
the NHS. Any student transferring from another school with membership in an active NHS chapter may automatically transfer
their membership into the Lynx chapter. The NHS advisor maintains comprehensive copies of our local procedures and has
them available upon request. In summary:
Selection Process: Once a student is academically eligible for membership into NHS, the NHS advisor will make
Student Activity Information forms available to eligible students. Students are strongly encouraged to complete and submit this
form to the NHS advisor. A completed Student Activity Information form is not a requirement for election to NHS; however, this
form will be a primary means of evaluating whether a student has achieved NHS standards. To this end, the NHS advisor will
supervise time before the selection committee meets to assist students in completing this form. The student and a parent are
both required to sign the Student Activity Information form. Therefore, to be further considered for selection to NHS, the
student must return the form, completed or not, to the advisor by its due date. The advisor collects the Student Activity
Information forms and shares them with the selection committee (five members of the Faculty who represent the spectrum of
academic disciplines as appointed by the school principal) for deliberation. Further, every member of the school faculty will
submit an evaluation form regarding their professional reflections on each candidate’s service activities, leadership and
character. Finally, the selection committee members carefully review the Student Activity Information forms, teacher evaluations,
and student disciplinary records. A majority vote of the selection committee is necessary for selection. If further evaluation is
necessary, a candidate may be asked to interview with the selection committee. The candidates selected for membership into
NHS will then be approved by the school principal. All NHS candidates will be notified in writing of selection or non-selection. If a
candidate is not selected, specific reasons for non-selection will be communicated. Those students will be eligible for selection
the following year if they maintain NHS standards.

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Non-selection appeals: Any appeal to the selection process must be made to the principal in writing within 10 days
of receiving written notification of non-selection. The letter must be specific in why the chapter should consider reviewing the
selection of the candidate. Questions regarding this process can be directed to the National Honor Society advisor.
Probation/Dismissal: Members must understand fully that they are liable for dismissal if they do not maintain the
selection standards of scholarship, service, leadership, or character. Students may receive a warning and /or probation if they
are in jeopardy of being dismissed from the NHS due to their falling below these standards (i.e. a cumulative GPA falling below
3.0), but they may be dismissed immediately for flagrant violation of school rules or civil laws. Please note, once a student
resigns or is dismissed from the NHS, they may never again become an Honor Society member.
Network (See Technology and Network Use in the Attachments section of this handbook.)
Out-of-Town School Activities
School spirit and support of our teams and groups engaged in school activities is encouraged. However, students who
are not members of the participating team or group may not check out of school to attend the activities without advance
permission from their parents and may or may not be considered excused.
Each student will be provided with a school planner at the beginning of the school year. Students will receive
orientation in how to use their planners, which include schedules, “to do” lists, assignment pages, pages on which to record
grades, etc. These planners are also used for passes to and from the offices, restrooms, and other classrooms and areas of the
building during the school day. Cost of the planner is incorporated into tuition and fees, but if a student loses his/her planner,
replacement cost will be the student’s responsibility. (See also Student Planners p. 14)
Prohibited Items
Students are discouraged from bringing the following items on campus: personal listening devices, pagers, cell
phones, walkie-talkies, electronic games (including those games found on other electronic devices), bikes, skateboards, roller
blades, or any other items that are potentially distracting or disruptive. Faculty and staff may confiscate such items at their
discretion, and a disciplinary referral may result. The school may hold such items until a parent picks them up. Note: Students
who use electronic devices for games will have them confiscated and such games may be erased!
• Gum-chewing is not allowed on campus. This includes lunch and study halls.
• Games of chance are not allowed on campus. This includes lunch and study halls.
• Offensive reading materials or graphics/photos are not allowed on campus.
• Offensive music recordings are not allowed on campus.
• Picture phones and/or other photographic devices may not be used on campus without permission from the school
A disciplinary referral may result for any of the above infractions.
Potentially dangerous and/or illegal items are absolutely prohibited from campus! These include (but may not be
limited to) weapons and ammunition; items intended to be used as weapons and ammunition; matches, lighters, or other
incendiary devices; noxious substances and devices; alcohol; tobacco; and other illegal drugs. Possession of such items will
lead to strong disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion. Note: These items are also not permitted to be stored
in vehicles, even if locked in a glove compartment or trunk.
Schedules (see Attachments)
School Hours
School normally begins at 8:15 a.m., when Period 1 starts, and dismisses at 3:00 p.m., when Period 7 ends, except on
Fridays when school is dismissed at 11:45 following period 4. There is also an elective period after school which dismisses at
3:45 p.m. Hours may be adjusted occasionally for special assemblies, meetings, pep rallies, and late starts. NOTE: All lab
classes meet during zero (“0”) period on specified days depending on which class the student is enrolled.
Although Lutheran High School provides a Christian learning environment, temptation is always present and thefts can
occur. Students can help by: (1) keeping lockers locked, if possible; (2) placing names in their books, clothing, and other
valuables; (3) leaving large sums of money at home; (4) leaving other personal property, such as CDs, iPods, etc., at home; (5)
keeping personal property such as cell phones, PDAs, watches, calculators, jewelry, etc., on their person instead of unattended;
(6) refraining from giving out their locker combination.
Lutheran High will not be responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen, or damaged.
Student ID
Each student may be issued a picture identification card. The school will issue guidelines for the possession and use of
this card, and students will be expected to abide by those guidelines. For example, students may be required to display their
student ID in order to gain admittance to school activities and athletic events.
Study Hall
Study hall (SH) is mandatory for students on academic probation and can be taken by any student who needs more
study time in school. SH is a class where students learn and practice the concept of independent, quiet study. In a SH setting,
students are given the opportunity to conduct themselves with a proper level of maturity and trust. SH should be used wisely for

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such purposes as reviewing for quizzes and tests, completing homework assignments, completing make-up work, and quiet
reading. The primary purpose of SH is to focus on school work. It is not intended to be a place for socializing, nor is it a place for
students to catch up on their sleep or listen to Ipods or use other electronic devices.
Students enrolled in the Elective Hour study hall (3:03 – 3:45 p.m.) MUST report to study hall (it is not optional)
Teachers will take attendance and issue tardies and absences just like “regular” classes. Excessive tardies/absences
will result in disciplinary action including Saturday detentions. Students should always report to study hall first and
ask permission to go elsewhere in the school if necessary. Elective Hour study hall will be held in the supervising
teacher's classroom.
Lutheran High School considers telephone usage to be a matter of privilege, not a right. We believe that telephone
usage can distract from and disrupt the educational program of our school. Therefore, use of the office telephone is monitored
and restricted as deemed appropriate by the faculty and staff.
Office/Faculty Workroom Phones: Students are not allowed to use any school phones without permission. They should
not expect to use the office phone unless it is to call home in the case of illness, injury, or other emergency. Using the phone to
arrange for transportation or lunch is not considered an emergency; since these should be made before school. Also, students
who need to make a long distance, non-emergency call are expected to use a long distance phone card.
Messages at School: The school will only be responsible for delivering messages from parents or guardians. Such
messages will be delivered in a timely and appropriate manner, as determined by the school office. Parents should indicate if a
message involves an emergency. Emergency messages will always be handled as expediently as possible.
Cellular Phones, pagers: If a student must carry a cell phone or pager due to parent or guardian request, he/she must
keep it out of sight. It is absolutely required that these items be set so that they do not “go off” during school. Cellular phones are
not to be used during the school day for any reason unless a member of the administration or school staff grants permission.
(See also Electronic Devices)
Testing Program (see ACADEMICS)
Textbooks & Equipment
Textbooks, lockers, and other school equipment issued to students for their use remain the property of Lutheran High
School. Students are expected to treat this property with care and respect. If a student loses such property, he/she will be
assessed the replacement cost(s). If a student damages such property, he/she will be assessed an appropriate fine at the
discretion of the school administration. Report cards may be withheld until such fines and/or replacement costs are paid.
To Whom Shall I Go (see Attachments)
Vehicles, Parking, and Driving
Students who drive to school are required to register their vehicles with the school office. Failure to comply with this
guideline may result in appropriate consequences, including loss of privilege to drive and park on campus.
Parking on campus. Students are allowed to park in designated spaces, within the lines, in the paved parking lot
immediately east of the school building. They should not park in the handicap spaces or those spaces directly next to the school
building. These are reserved for our visitors. Students should also refrain from parking along the fence to the south of the
school. These spaces are reserved for faculty and visitors. Students are not allowed to return to, move, or use their vehicles
during school hours without permission from the school administration.
Driving on campus: Students are always expected to drive their vehicles with the utmost safety and responsibility. We
expect that students will exercise good judgment and safe-driving practices at all times, especially when pavements are slick.
Reckless driving, which includes excessive speed, will not be tolerated on campus.
Rides: Those who provide rides for our students are also expected to comply with our guidelines for driving and
parking on campus. We reserve the right to restrict and/or take away on-campus driving-parking privileges for those “guests”
who abuse our guidelines.
Driving off campus: When careless or otherwise inappropriate driving is reported or otherwise observed off campus,
we will report this behavior to the student’s parents. Besides the obvious danger to both people and property, poor driving off
campus creates a poor image for LHS and its ministry. Note: Reckless driving may be reported to law enforcement!
Consequences: Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in appropriate consequences, including fines,
restriction and/or loss of privileges to drive and/or park on campus.
A student may be allowed to bring a guest for one school day under the following conditions:
1. Permission is only at the discretion of the Principal, who is to be informed at least one week in advance and who
may deny this request for any reason he/she deems appropriate;
2. Teachers must be informed at least one day in advance. Teachers may choose not to allow a guest to be present
in class.
3. Guests are not allowed on public school holidays or during finals;
4. Guests are not allowed to visit on the day before a school break;
5. Guests are responsible for abiding by all school policies and guidelines.

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6. Lunch exception: Students must request permission for guests to join them for lunch. Administrative discretion will
be applied, and LHS reserves the right to limit or exclude some or all guests from eating lunch with our students at
Any instrument that may be used or perceived by others as weapons are not permitted on school property at any time.
Violation of this rule could result in the weapon being confiscated, the police contacted, and/or the student subjected to
detention, suspension, and possible expulsion.

Lutheran High School is a member of the Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) and abides by all policies of
the UHSAA in regards to athletics and all other relevant co-curricular activities and programs.
Anticipated interscholastic athletic opportunities for this year:
• Baseball
• Volleyball
• Cross country
• Boys & Girls’ Basketball
• Golf
• Boys & Girls’ Soccer
• Track & Field
In order to participate in Lutheran High team sports, students must (1) have a current physical on file before
participating in a sport; (2) have a current parental consent form on file before participating in a sport; (3) abide by Lutheran High
eligibility requirements (see Extra-Curricular Involvement).
In order to participate in co-op sports with Salt Lake City Public Schools, students must comply with all requirements
currently in force by Salt Lake City Public Schools. This may include signing their activity policy, abiding by their eligibility
requirements, and paying an activity fee. Note: We do not anticipate any co-op sports to be in place between LHS and any
other school this year.
Class Activities
Students will participate in special activities planned and coordinated for and by each class (freshmen, sophomore,
etc.). Classes will also select their own officers, plus representatives to student government, as provided by school guidelines.
Regardless of where such school -sponsored events are held, all school policies and guidelines will be in effect at the discretion
of the Principal.
Computer & Internet Resources
Computer lab: This lab, located in Room 106, is used for specific classes but is also available for some independent
use by students. A set of guidelines is in force, and all students are expected to know and comply with these guidelines. Failure
to abide by these guidelines will result in school disciplinary consequences, which may include restriction and/or loss of
privileges to use this lab.
Classroom computers: Some computers are available for student use in some classrooms. Guidelines, which may
vary by individual classrooms and teachers, are in force, and failure to abide by these guidelines will result in school disciplinary
consequences, which may include restriction and/or loss of privileges to use these computers.
Internet use: Guidelines are in place to govern student use of the Internet. We realize that the Internet provides an
unlimited wealth of resources, but we also realize the inherent danger and questionable morality of many Internet sites. Students
are expected to abide by these guidelines, and failure to abide by these guidelines will result in school disciplinary
consequences, which may include restriction and/or loss of privileges to use the Internet. (See Technology and Network Use in
the Attachments section of this handbook.)
FastDirect/Internet account: Students receive an FastDirect/Internet account, following registration. Failure to abide by
school guidelines regarding the use of this account will result in restriction or loss of the use of this account and may result in
further school disciplinary consequences.
Counseling provides a direct service to students and a supportive service to faculty and staff. Our ministry at Lutheran
High School focuses on the student’s personal, academic, and spiritual growth and development. All student achievement,
attitudes, and behaviors are of interest to those in counseling roles.
Lutheran High strives to maintain at least a part-time guidance counselor. Counseling will also often be done by
administrators/faculty members in regards to individual student needs. Group “counseling” may take place when administrators
and teachers work with students to address issues such as orientation, school policies, guidelines and programs, behavior, etc.
We do not have personnel who are trained to provide “therapeutic” counseling for special needs. If a situation requires
such counseling, we will work with the student and family to provide a referral to appropriate professional counseling services.
The Academic section of this handbook describes our academic testing program, which provides guidance regarding
academic achievement, placement in classes, college entrance, etc.

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Covenant Agreement (see Attachments)

Eligibility Requirements (see Extra-Curricular Involvement)
Internet (See Technology And Network Use in the Attachments section of this handbook.)
Library & Media Center
A library-media center exists at Lutheran High. A set of guidelines as to book check-out and procedure is in force, and
all students are expected to know and comply with these guidelines. Failure to abide by these guidelines will result in school
disciplinary consequences, which may include restriction and/or loss of privileges to use this center. See also Library/Media
Center in the General Information section of this handbook.
Other Co-Curriculars
Lutheran High School is planning to sponsor the following co-curricular programs this year. Such programs are always
subject to factors including enrollment, staffing, and finances. Students who participate in co-curriculars must abide by Lutheran
High’s eligibility requirements.
• Drama
• LuArts
• Speech/Debate
• Student Government
• Music Competitions
• National Honor Society
Participation of Home School Students in Co-Curricular Activities
Home school students who are enrolled at Lutheran High as part-time students may participate fully in co-curricular
activities and programs of the school (under the guidelines and with the approval of the principal), except that participation in
Utah High School Activities Association activities and programs shall further be governed by policies of the UHSAA.
Special Activities & Events
Lutheran High School typically sponsors the following activities and events. Regardless of where such school -
sponsored activities and events are held, all school policies and guidelines will be in effect at the discretion of the Principal.
• “Lynx to Christ” Back-to-School Retreat • Activity days
• George and Maurine Gohlinghorst Memorial • Service events and other related activities
Golf Tournament • Homecoming and other spirit days/weeks
• Madrigal Feaste • Dances & other social events
• Concerts • Awards Night
• Drama events • Prom
• Field trips • Senior class even
• Annual Auction
Policies, guidelines, and procedures have been developed by the Board of Directors to govern special events. The
faculty and staff of Lutheran High School administer these policies and procedures, and all LHS students and their applicable
guests are expected to abide by them at all times.


These guidelines are intended for those volunteers who have direct contact with students in the classroom or
extracurricular environment. As a volunteer in the classroom or other activity students, parents and others will perceive the
volunteering person as part of the school team. Therefore the school has adopted the following code of conduct:
1. Dress and appearance will be professional and consistent with a Christian environment and philosophy that the
school is instilling in its student body.
2. Speech, mannerisms and attitude will be positive and reflect the Christian philosophy of Salt Lake Lutheran High
3. As a volunteer if you have any questions regarding school policies, guidelines, or procedures please contact the
appropriate staff person that you are working with.
4. If you have access to a student’s grades, records, learning disorders or other personal information confidentiality is
5. As a volunteer person you will support the position of the staff person you are assisting.
The ethical service of a Professional Volunteer is a greatly valued asset that benefits our students, faculty, staff and the
reputation of our school.

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Lutheran High School

The following Lutheran Elementary Schools are also located in the area:
Christ Lutheran School Principal: Mr. Corey Brandenburger 801-266-8714
240 East 5600 South
Murray, UT 84107
Grace Lutheran School Principal: Mr. William Busacker 801-572-3793
1815 East 9800 South
Sandy, UT 84092
Redeemer Lutheran School Principal: Mrs. Linda Tatomer 801-487-6283
1955 E Stratford Ave
Salt Lake City, UT 84106

The following Lutheran Early Childhood Centers are also located in the area:
St. John’s Community Child Development Center 801-364-4874
475 Herbert Avenue Director: Miss Lori Pickerell
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Trinity Lutheran Preschool (801) 544-5770
385 West Golden Avenue Director: Mrs. Donna Herring
Layton, UT 84041

St. Paul’s Lutheran Preschool (801) 392-2912

3329 Harrison Blvd Director: Mrs. Jill Thompson
Ogden, UT 84403

Local Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Contacts (Thrivent matches donations to Lutheran High School for its members.)

Travis Breitling – Financial Representative

Andy Schrank – Financial Representative
Ron Sheltra – Financial Representative

(801) 485-5900 or (888) 577-1010


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Lutheran High School


(SUBJECT TO CHANGE – please call the school if there is an inconsistency.)
August 2010 7 All-School Yard Sale 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
14 School Pride Work Day 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. 1-4 p.m.
23 New Student Orientation 9:00 - 11:15 a.m.
24 1st Day of School 8:15 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
26-27 “LYNX to Christ” All-School Retreat Overnight
29 OPENING WORSHIP @ Christ, Murray 10:45 a.m.
September 2 “Back To School” Night 6:30 p.m.
6 Labor Day NO SCHOOL
12 George and Maurine Gohlinghorst Memorial Golf Tournament
17 School Pictures 8:00 a.m.
23 Mid-Term Reports Due 8:30 a.m.
October 4 Parent/Teacher Conf. (1:00-8:00 p.m.) NO SCHOOL
5 Parent /Teacher Conf. (7:00-11:00 a.m.) NO SCHOOL
6-8 RMD Church Workers Conference NO SCHOOL
20 School Picture Retakes
28-29 1 Quarter Exams 8:00 a.m.-12:25 p.m.
29 End of 1st Quarter – (44 days)
November 5-7 LHS Drama Production 7:00 p.m. / 4 p.m.
12 Elementary Visitation (ELVIS) Day NO SCHOOL
24 Early Dismissal - Thanksgiving Break HALF-DAY w/ Chapel
25-26 Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL
December 3-4 Lynx Tournament
7 Mid-Term Reports Due 8:30 a.m.
10-12 Living Nativity @ LHS
13 Christmas Concert 7:00 p.m.
20-31 Christmas Vacation NO SCHOOL
January 2011 3 School Resumes
17 Martin Luther King Jr. Day NO SCHOOL
20-21 2 Quarter Exams 8:00 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.
21 End of 2nd Quarter – (90 days)
February 4 Career Day (w/ 8 Graders)
21 President’s Day NO SCHOOL
23 Mid-Term Reports Due 8:30 a.m.
27 LHS Open House 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
March 6-12 National Lutheran Schools Week
10 Lutheran Schools Music Festival @ LHS 6:00 p.m.
11 Lutheran Schools Carnival @ LHS 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
18 “Nurturing the Faith” Workshop NO SCHOOL
18 Annual Dinner/Auction 6:00 p.m.
24-25 3 Quarter Exams 8:00 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.
25 End of 3rd Quarter – (133 days)
April 22-29 Easter Vacation NO SCHOOL
May 2 School Resumes
5 Mid-Term Reports Due 8:30 a.m.
12 Spring Music Concert 7:00 p.m.
19 Awards Night 6:00 p.m.
27 ULS Field Day (Cottonwood Park) 9:00 a.m. – 2 p.m.
30 Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
June 8-9 4 Quarter Exams 8:00 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.
9 End of 4th Qtr - (180 days)
10 GRADUATION 7:00 p.m.
13-16 Faculty Workshops 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

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2010 – 2011
1st 2nd Seminar 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

7:25 - 9:45 – 10:18 - 11:03 -

Times 8:07
8:15 - 8:57 9:00 - 9:42
10:15 11:00 11:45
12:18 - 1:10 1:13 - 2:05 2:08 - 3:00

Mrs. Allgood 203 Spanish I Spanish II

Comp. Sci/
Personal Personal
Mrs. Banyard 103 Yearbook
Finance - 1 Finance - 2

Mrs. Brandenburger 104 Geometry Calculus 12

Calculus II Pre-Calculus Algebra II

Mrs. Davis 103 (105)
Health - 1

Mr. Lee 100 Band

Dr. Marshall 202 Anatomy Chemistry 9

Biology Algebra I Chemistry Physics

Theology Theology
Mr. Morrison 106 9-10

Creative Creative
Writing – 1 American World Theology 11- Writing – 1
Mrs. Mousley 102 Contemp. Literature
Literature 12 Contemp.
Comp. &
Am. Lit. - 2 Am. Lit. - 2

Intro. To
Mrs. Olsen 204 Art
Adv. Art

Theology Lifetime U.S.

Mr. Schrader 201 Geography
Govt. - 2 Govt. - 1
Fitness History
U.S. History

Periods 5, 6, and 7 are “dropped” on Fridays. (11:45 a.m. dismissal)

Note: A choice of electives will be offered Mon. - Thurs. (3:03 - 3:45 p.m.)

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Regular Class Schedule (M - Th) . Regular Friday Schedule .
Period Time Period Time
0 7:25 - 8:07 (42 min.) 0 7:25 - 8:07 (42 min.)
1 8:15 - 8:57 (42 min.) 1 8:15 - 8:57 (42 min.)
2 9:00 - 9:42 (42 min.) 2 9:00 - 9:42 (42 min.)
Seminar/Homeroom* 9:45 - 10:15 (30 min.) Seminar/Homeroom 9:45 - 10:15 (30 min.)
3 10:18 - 11:00 (42 min.) 3 10:18 - 11:00 (42 min.)
4 11:03 - 11:45 (42 min.) 4 11:03 - 11:45 (42 min.)
Lunch 11:45 - 12:15 (30 min.)
5 12:18 - 1:10 (52 min.)
6 1:13 - 2:05 (52 min.)
7 2:08 - 3:00 (52 min.)
Elective 3:03 - 3:45 (42 min.) Late Start Schedule .
Period Time
0 (Does Not Meet)
*Tuesday: Faith Day Time during Seminar 1 10:00 - 10:31 (31 min.)
2 10:34 - 11:04 (31min.)
*Thursday: Chapel Time during Seminar Seminar/Homeroom 11:07 - 11:37 (30 min.)
3 11:40 - 12:11 (31 min.)
Lunch 12:11 - 12:44 (33 min.)
4 12:47 - 1:18 (31 min.)
Pep Rally/Assembly Schedule . 5 1:21 - 1:52 (31 min.)
Period Time 6 1:55 - 2:26 (31 min.)
0 7:25 - 8:07 (42 min.) 7 2:29 - 3:00 (31 min.)
1 8:15 - 8:57 (42 min.) Elective 3:03 - 3:45 (42 min.)
2 9:00 - 9:42 (42 min.)
Seminar/Homeroom 9:45 - 10:15 (30 min.)
3 10:18 - 11:00 (42 min.)
4 11:03 - 11:45 (42 min.)
Lunch 11:45 - 12:15 (30 min.)
5 12:18 - 1:00 (42 min.) Final Exams Schedule .
6 1:03 - 1:45 (42 min.) (T/Th) (W/F)
7 1:48 - 2:30 (42 min.) Period Time Period
Pep Rally/Assembly 2:30 - 3:00 (30 min.) 1 8:00 - 9:00 4
Elective 3:03 - 3:45 (42 min.) 3 9:05 - 10:05 2
(Snack Break – NHS)
5 10:20 - 11:20 6
THESE SCHEDULES 7 11:25 - 12:25 Elective
A 8:00 - 10:00
B 10:15 - 12:15

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Lutheran High School

CUENet – Concordia University Education Network




• Earn High School and College Credit at the Same Time!

(1 credit) (3 credits)

• Cheaper than even Community College!

$350 per semester (3 college credits), plus books
= Lab fees will apply for Environmental Science

• No Travel. All Classes Here at Lutheran High!

• They Offer Some Courses We Do Not or Cannot!
All classes are College Freshmen Level

• Get College-Class Experience in High School!

Great preparation for future College/University experience!

• Can Earn 1 Full Semester of College Credit in 2 Years!

Before leaving High School!
Take CUENet class each semester of Junior/Senior years

• Save on Future College Tuition!


FALL 2010 SCI 112 – Environmental Science

SPRING 2011 PSY 201 – Principles of Psychology
FALL 2011 ENG 121 – English Composition
SPRING 2012 SOC 212 – Principles of Sociology

QUESTIONS? Call Shelly Davis or Charles Gebhardt @ (801) 266-6676

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Lutheran High School
With several areas of activities, the following division of responsibility guidelines has been established. The faculty, staff,
parents, and students should use these guidelines when a specific issue is in question.

1. Go to the Principal/Executive Director if you have questions regarding:

a. The Board of Directors
b. Contact with association churches
c. Theological and spiritual concerns
d. Student recruitment and public relations
e. School policies and guidelines
f. Making donations to the school
g. Overall operation of the school

2. Go to the Guidance Counselor if you have questions regarding:

a. Standardized testing
b. Special programs
c. College/career information
d. Schedule changes
e. Scholarships
f. Awards Ceremony
g. Graduation requirements
h. Counseling concerns
h. Problems with another student
i. Present and future course offerings for the department

3. Go to the Athletic Director – Assistant Principal if you have questions regarding:

a. The athletic program
b. Scheduling of games
c. Coaches
d. Use of the facility
e. Gym and athletic equipment use
i. The detention program
j. Discipline of students
f. Coordinating the activities calendar

4. Go to the Administrative Assistant/School Secretary if you have questions regarding:

a. Lost and found
b. Copy of transcripts
c. Health problems
d. Arriving after the opening bell
e. Vending machines
f. Announcements
g. School calendar
h. Record of attendance

5. Go to the Business Officer if you have questions about:

a. Tuition
b. Fees
c. Payment plans

6. Go to the Teachers if you have questions about:

a. Course Content
b. Activities/events conducted by the department
c. Specific classroom issues or concerns
d. Grades
e. Assignments

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Lutheran High School

All courses are yearlong courses unless otherwise indicated. Any classes taken beyond core
graduation requirements will be counted toward electives.
(Please Note: Some courses may not be offered due to staffing or student interest.)

Theology Physical Education

Christian Doctrine Health and First Aid
Christian Living Physical Education
Church History Strength and Conditioning
Comparative Religion
Business Anatomy/Physiology
Economics (Pre-requisite - Biology)
Personal Finances Biology
Biology, A.P. **
Fine Arts (Pre-requisite – Biology & Chemistry)
Art, Intro to Chemistry
Art, Advanced (Pre-requisite - Biology & enrolled/completed Alg. II)
Bell Choir College Environmental Science** (CUENet)
Drama (0.5 credit) Physics
Instrumental Music (Pre-requisite - Biology & completed Algebra II)
Vocal Music
Social Studies
Foreign Language Psychology* (0.5 credit)
Spanish I College Intro to Psychology** (CUENet)
Spanish II Sociology* (0.5 credit)
College Intro to Sociology** (CUENet)
Language Arts
U.S. History
American Literature
U.S. History, A.P. **
British Literature
U.S. Government
Creative Writing (0.5 credit)
World Geography
English Composition (0.5 credit)
College English Composition** (CUENet) World History
Journalism* Technology
Language Arts 9 Computer Science / Yearbook
Language Arts 10 ComputerTechnology
Novels (0.5 credit)
Shakespeare (0.5 credit) Electives
Speech/Debate* (0.5 credit) Study Skills
World Literature Film Studies
Others (Such as: Cooking, Guitar 1&2, Piano 1&2, Outdoor Ed.,
Mathematics Improvisation, Film-making, and as scheduled)
(Pre-requisite - previous math class)
Algebra I Aides
Geometry Chemistry Aide*
Algebra II/Trigonometry Office Aide*
Pre-Calculus Teacher Aide*
Calculus Technology Aide*
Calculus 2
* Elective Class - Does not fulfill course requirement.
** College Credit available

Honors Courses

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Lutheran High School

Some core curriculum classes will offer “Honors” credit. “Honors” will be supplemental to the mainstream class and
will require higher level thinking skills. Students taking an “Honors” course will submit an Honors Course Application and
must commit to the “Honors” coursework for each quarter.
To graduate, a four-year LHS student must have earned thirty (30) units of credit, including Theology, as outlined below:
(Note: Transfer student requirements may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis.)
30 TOTAL CREDITS- 28 credits earned in the regular school day with additional credit earned using the
following options:
• 0.25 credit each year for seminar
• 0.25 lab credit for biology and chemistry
• 0.5 additional credit for AP classes (meet additional hours each week)
• College/University concurrent enrollment gives additional credit
• Several elective classes offered during the elective hour
Theology - 1 credit per year of attendance
Fine Arts - 1.5 credits from the following electives:
Intro to Art
Advanced Art
Vocal Music
Handbell Choir
Instrumental Music
Foreign Language - 2 credits of consecutive levels of the same language
Health and First Aid - 0.5 credit
Language Arts - 4 credits (4 credits from the following)
Language Arts 9
Language Arts 10
American Literature
World Literature
British Literature
College English Composition (CUENet - Distance Learning)
Creative Writing (0.5 credit)
Novels (0.5 credit)
Shakespeare (0.5 credit)
Mathematics - 3 credits (at least Algebra 1 and Geometry or any advanced math courses in sequence
beyond Algebra 1 and Geometry but not below Algebra 1)
Personal Finance - 0.5 credit
Physical Education - 1.5 credits – Participation in co-curricular athletics will be acceptable for PE credit up to
1 credit (at a total of .25 credits earned for each sport played – not season)
0.5 credits must come from PE which will include more lifetime fitness topics.
Science - 3.5 credits (Generally, freshmen will take biology and sophomores will take chemistry.
Students must take at least 0.25 credit of biology lab and 0.25 credit of
chemistry lab. These students will have a lab period one day per week.)(All
labs meet zero “0” period.)
Seminar - 1 credit (.25 per year enrolled 9, 10, 11, 12)
Social Studies – 3.5 credits
1 credit of World Geography
0.5 credit of World History
1 credit of U. S. History or Advanced Placement U.S. History
0.5 credit of U.S. Government
0.5 credit of a Social Studies elective: Psychology
World History
Intro to Psychology(CUENet)
Intro to Sociology (CUENet)

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Technology - 1 credit
Electives - 4.5 credits

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TEST DATES 2010-2011
School Code 450-392

PSAT 11 grade October 13, 2010 Lutheran High
(open to 10 grade 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. School
with a $13.00 fee)

PLAN 10 grade November 10, 2010 Lutheran High
(open to 9 grade 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. School
with a $13.00 fee)

ASVAB 11 grade January 12, 2011 Lutheran High
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. School

February 10, 2011

Interpretation 12:20 p.m. - 1:20 p.m.

th th
ACT 11 & 12 grades August 6, 2010 September 11, 2010 ACT test centers
September 17, 2010 October 23, 2010
(Register at November 5, 2010 December 11, 2010 (see registration January 7, 2011 February 12, 2011 materials for
March 4, 2011 April 9, 2011 locations)
May 6, 2011 June 11, 2011

th th
SAT 11 & 12 grades September 10, 2010 October 9, 2010 SAT test centers
October 8, 2010 November 6, 2010
(Register at November 5, 2010 December 4, 2010 (see registration December 23, 2010 January 22, 2011 materials for
February 11, 2011 March 12, 2011 locations)
April 8, 2011 May 7, 2011
May 6, 2011 June 4, 2011

AP COURSES AP students TBD Lutheran High


Post High School Tour at Judge High School for Seniors:

October 13, 2010 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

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Lutheran High School


The school recognizes the need for guidelines governing the use of the electronic information resources by
students. Responsibility for implementing the established guidelines is delegated to the immediate supervisor.
The Technology and Network Use guidelines shall be administered and implemented according to the terms and
conditions outlined as follows:
At LHS, these resources include, but are not limited to, computers, electronic mail, the Internet, and other network
files or accounts provided to students. Student use of electronic information resources must be in support of education and
research and must be consistent with the educational objectives of LHS. While access to all materials on a worldwide
network cannot be controlled, Internet access at LHS is monitored on an ongoing basis. (Note: Students may not be able to
store information on a school computer and are encouraged to save information on a personal USB storage device.)
Terms and Conditions
1. Acceptable Use
a. Students will use technology, the Internet, and other electronic information resources in an
appropriate manner, abiding by the rules and regulations described in these guidelines.
b. Students who formally publish school-related information on the Internet must have proper approvals.
c. Students are expected to abide by generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These rules include,
but are not limited to, being polite, never sending or encouraging others to send abusive/inappropriate
messages or content, nor using inappropriate language.
2. Unacceptable Use
a. Students may not intentionally transmit or receive material in violation of law or school guidelines. This
includes, but is not limited to, pornographic, indecent or sexually suggestive materials, weapons,
controlled substances or alcohol, or incendiary devices. Users are prohibited from posting or sending
content that contains threats or is hatefully or racially, ethically or otherwise objectionable.
b. Students my not participate in or promote any illegal or inappropriate activities, disruptive use of the
network, or activities of any kind that do not conform to the rules, regulations and guidelines of LHS.
c. Student may not use the network for product advertisement nor political lobbying.
d. Students may not reveal personal information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers,
passwords, credit card numbers or social security numbers. Releasing personal information of others
or that of organizations associated with the school is prohibited.
e. Students may not intentionally harm or destroy school data, the network, or network performance.
This includes, but is not limited to, creation and introduction of computer viruses, unauthorized access
to restricted systems or programs, or using the school network to illegally access other systems.
f. Students may not “tamper” with any aspect of the network including but not limited to display/audio
settings, passwords, monitor/projector settings, tampering meant to be a nuisance to others, etc.
3. Expectation of Privacy
a. Student files, disks, documents, etc, which have been used or created with school electronic
information resources are not considered private.
b. Electronic mail transmissions are not private.
4. Discussion/Submission
a. Students will participate in a discussion with a parent or legal guardian regarding the Network
Acceptable Use guidelines, which includes proper behavior and use of the network.
b. Students agree to follow these guidelines for their tenure at LHS by signing the Covenant Agreement.
5. Disciplinary Action
a. The combined signatures indicate that the student and parent/legal guardian has carefully read,
understands and agrees to abide by these terms and conditions regarding proper behavior and use of
the network. The signatures on the Student Signature of Agreement Form are legally binding.
b. Students who violate the terms and conditions of these guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action,
including the possibility of suspension or expulsion from school and appropriate legal action. Access
to electronic information may be limited, suspended or revoked.
Service Disclaimer
LHS makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, for the electronic information
resources it is providing. The school will not be responsible for any damages a student suffers while using
these resources. These damages may include, but are not limited to: loss of data as a result of delays,
student errors or omissions, non-deliveries or service interruptions caused by a network system. Use of
information obtained by the network system is at the student's own risk. LHS specifically denies any
responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through the electronic information resources.

“handbook-school” WORD S: 50 2010-11

Lutheran High School

Board of Directors Guideline:

Tuition, Fees, Payments, and Penalties (9/12/05, 2/27/06)
The Board of Directors will be responsible for approving tuition, fees, discounts, payment plans, and
penalties for late- or non-payment of tuition and fees and/or failures to adhere to payment plans.
Families who choose to pay tuition on a monthly payment plan will be required to subscribe to a tuition
management service (if available), as specified by the Board of Directors. Families who choose this method will
be responsible for any service charges assigned to this service.
It will be the responsibility of the principal/executive director and bookkeeper to supervise tuition
accounts and be prepared to make timely reports to the Board of Directors.
All fees are expected to be paid by final registration. Tuition is to be paid according to the payment
method adopted by the Board and subscribed to by the family.
For families subscribing to the tuition management service (if available), all charges incurred from late-
or non-payment of tuition shall be the responsibility of the family.
The following procedures and penalties will be enforced.

1. For late/non-payment of fees:

a. A student will not be allowed to make final registration for school until all applicable fees have been
b. For fees added after the beginning of the school year: the student will not be allowed to participate in
any related activity until the applicable fee(s) has been paid.
c. Any fee may be modified or waived on the recommendation of the principal/executive director and
approval by the Board of Directors.

2. For late/non-payment of tuition:

a. A student will not be allowed to make final registration for school until the first tuition payment is made.
b. For tuition paid on a semester basis: if the second semester payment is not made on time (August 1
and January 1), a late payment fee of $50 will be applied (on August 15 and January 15) and the family
will be notified that they have (30) days to make their payment, or they will be enrolled at their expense
in the tuition management service (if available) to pay tuition on a monthly basis.
c. When a first monthly payment is missed (the 15 of each month starting in July) a late payment fee of
$25 will be applied and: (1) the principal/executive director will contact the family by letter.
d. When a second consecutive monthly payment is missed (the 15 of each month starting in July) a late
payment fee of $25 will be applied and: (1) the principal/executive director will meet with the family (in
person and/or via phone call).
e. When a third consecutive monthly payment is missed (the 15 of each month starting in July) a late
payment fee of $25 will be applied and: (1) the principal/executive director will meet with the family (in
person and/or via phone call); (2) the Board of Directors will be informed.
f. When a fourth consecutive monthly payment is missed (the 15 of each month starting in July) a late
payment fee of $25 will be applied and: (1) the student will be suspended from classes (beginning the
first day of the next grading period), pending payment of tuition; (2) the Board of Directors will be
g. If a family is delinquent with any tuition payments, as of the last regular class day of the first semester:
the student will have his/her report card withheld, pending payment of tuition; and the student will not be
allowed to begin second semester classes, pending payment of tuition.
h. If a family is delinquent with any tuition payments, as of the last regular class day of the second
semester, the student: (1) will have his/her report card withheld; (2) any school awards will be withheld;
(3) in the case of a graduate, his/her diploma will be withheld; (4) in the case of an underclassman, re-
enrollment for the next school year will be withheld.
i. If a student is withdrawn or released from school with any tuition payments being delinquent, the school
will only be obligated to supply records that are specified by the State Department of Education.
j. Any tuition payment(s) may be modified or waived on the recommendation of the principal/executive
director and approval by the Board of Directors.

“handbook-school” WORD S: 51 2010-11

Lutheran High School


Lutheran High School is a Christian community with all its strengths and weaknesses. Growing and
maturing together in God’s grace is the privilege of the student body and faculty alike. Lutheran High
School wants its students to place Jesus Christ in the very center of their lives and to learn the joy that
comes from doing so. The High School desires that its students develop a values system based on
God’s divine Law and Gospel.

A student enrolled at Lutheran High School has a God-given responsibility to become the best student
possible and to develop the talents God has given. A good student will give serious effort to preparing
class assignments, participating in class discussions, improving work and study habits, and will be
governed in matters of discipline by Matthew 18. All Lutheran High School students are expected to
pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and Savior and to understand that
Jesus forgives sins and wants him/her to become His disciple. Students will do this through the study
of God’s Word and through participation in worship experiences.

Understanding all of these things, I promise, with God’s help:

• to gladly hear and learn God’s Word, not only in the classroom but also during worship
• to honor, obey, respect, esteem, and pray for those in authority.
• to protect and respect my property, body, and reputation as well as that of other students,
teachers, and the school - not only during the school day, but at all times in my life.
• to be an example of purity in my thoughts, words, and actions.
• to support school policies and guidelines.
• to be responsible for prompt and regular attendance.

From this Covenant relationship I expect to receive:

• the dignity and respect due to a child of God.
• Christian concern for my physical, intellectual, emotional, and most importantly, spiritual well-
being from all members of the school family.
• fair treatment under the rules, policies, and guidelines of the school.

By signing this Covenant Agreement, I am accepting these principles as my own.

___________________________________ ____ _____________________

Student signature Date

By signing the Covenant Agreement, I am affirming the school’s responsibility in

implementing the principles stated above.

Charles Gebhardt _____________________

Principal signature Date

“handbook-school” WORD S: 52 2010-11

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