Email Cesar Lazcano Yoshioka 6 4 2009

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Julio Cesar Lazcano Lara To

06/04/2009 10:43 AM
Subject Re: Punta Flamenco project

Hi Beverly, I think your observations on the project's progress are very accurate. I just have a few

1) Trees are being propagated at the Fundacion and at Hacienda Parafso, one of PRLF's farms.

2) to 8) ok

9) We are trying to avoid cement for the pond lining. We used a small soil compactor but it was not as
effective as we hopped it will be. Before using cement we would like to try a bigger machine with a
vibratory system.

10) & 11) ok

Victor will revise the project's timeline and we will let you know if we need an extension.

Regarding the boulder forest area that was cleared along the property line, we will let trees to resprout
and I think that in a year or year and a half period habitat quality will be restored.

I will send you a short report on the project's progress soon.

Best regards,


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