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Bingo Page 1

On the next 139 pages are Bingo games for most of the Stairway to Reading
lessons. (There are no games for Lessons 8, 9, 19, and 29.) The last four pages of this
section are blank forms to permit teachers to create special Bingo games for additional
practice where necessary.
The Bingomaster can be either the teacher or the student.

Lesson 1 (first 12 simple code letters) Pages 2-3

2 (words from Lesson 1) 4-6
3 (first 19 simple code letters) 7-8
4 (words from Lesson 2) 9-11
5 (all 26 simple code letters) 12-13
6 (words from Lesson 3) 14-16
7 (doubles) 17-20
10 (adjacent consonants) 21-24
11 (magic e) 25-28
12 (digraphs) 29-32
13 (//) 33-36
14 (/ow/) 37-40
15 (ow) 41-44
16 (/er/) 45-48
17 (//) 49-52
18 (/or/ & /ar/) 53-56
20 (/oo/) 57-60
21 (//) 61-64
22 (silents) 65-68
23 (//) 69-72
24 (/z/) 73-76
25 (//) 77-80
26 (/ng/ & /nk/) 81-84
27 (/air/) 85-88
28 (//) 89-92
30 (//) 93-96
31 (/s/) 97-100
32 (//) 101-104
33 (/j/) 105-108
34 (//) 109-112
35 (/ch/) 113-116
36 (/f/) 117-120
37 (/oy/) 121-124
38 (/k/) 125-128
39 (//) 129-132
40 (/sh/) 133-136
(blank forms) 137-140
Bingo Page 2

Lesson 1 - First 12 Sounds

b p r c t

t o h i p

i g FREE m s

s a g r o

m c a b h
Bingo Page 3

Lesson 1 - First 12 Sounds

s b a o m

o r p h a

c b FREE g i

c i h s g

t p r t m
Bingo Page 4

Lesson 2 - First 12 Sounds

cat got hat pig at

is the mat bat top

it big FREE rat Sam

bit pot hot Tim cop

rag bag pat sat hog

Bingo Page 5

Lesson 2 - First 12 Sounds

on map Bob hit Tom

sip tap cap sit tag

rib rob FREE Tim pit

ham bib mop cab pop

gag bit hog the bog

Bingo Page 6

Lesson 2

got pig big
at hat is
the mat bat
top it bit
rat Sam hot
pot tip cop
rag bag pat
sat hog on
map Bob hit
Tom sip tap
cap sit tag
rib rob Tim
pit ham bib
pop bog mop
gag cab cat
Bingo Page 7

Lesson 3 - First 19 Sounds

u n r c d

j o k l p

i g FREE d n

s a g u l

m j k b h
Bingo Page 8

Lesson 3 - First 19 Sounds

j p r c k

t d h n u

i l FREE m s

j k g l o

m d u b n
Bingo Page 9

Lesson 4 - First 19 Sounds

kid can rub cut jig

not bad fun Dan run

bud but FREE Jan fan

dog hop cub jug man

bug log Kim ran up

Bingo Page 10

Lesson 4 - First 19 Sounds

mad lad jog lot lab

lip dam fog cot mum

tub rug FREE fit did

pal sad sob hug Jag

fan bug up bad kit

Bingo Page 11

Lesson 4

kid can rub
cut jig not
bad fun Dan
run bud but
Jan fan dog
hop cub jug
man bug log
Kim ran up
mad lad jog
lot lab lip
dam fog cot
mum tub rug
fit did pal
sad sob hug
Jag kit
Bingo Page 12

Lesson 5 - All 26 Sounds

a c e h z

b y x u t

f qu FREE d g

m o i w p

n l k v j
Bingo Page 13

Lesson 5 - All 26 Sounds

z f a v p

qu y b c w

l d FREE m x

e o u g s

h i k j n
Bingo Page 14

Lesson 6 - All 26 Sounds

quiz bed fox win pet

Rex get vet wax red

yet quit FREE Vic box

wet van six men Ben

zip yak Max zed Liz

Bingo Page 15

Lesson 6 - All 26 Sounds

but nut set cup yap

wig wed hen Zak fax

nap zap FREE zig zag

vex met wag yes let

fix mix six quit get

Bingo Page 16

Lesson 6

quiz bed fox
win pet Rex
get vet wax
red yet quit
Vic box wet
van six men
Ben zip yak
Max zed Liz
but nut set
cup yap wig
wed hen Zak
fax nap zap
zig zag vex
met wag yes
let fix mix
Bingo Page 17

Lesson 7 DOUBLES

moss muff fizz buzz pass

tiff fuss will fill mess

less jazz FREE loss hiss

huff bass fell sell fuzz

hill well bell lass cuff

Bingo Page 18

Lesson 7 DOUBLES

huff less well buzz moss

miss will fuzz mass puff

mess loss FREE jazz fill

fell pass off muss fizz

bell muff bill sell boss

Bingo Page 19

Lesson 7 DOUBLES

riff loss will fuzz mass

gaff mess jazz ruff toss

fill fell FREE fizz buzz

razz bell cuff miss muss

till sell doff pass cuss

Bingo Page 20

Lesson 7

buzz pass tiff
fuss will fill
mess less jazz
loss hiss huff
bass fell sell
fuzz hill well
bell lass cuff
miss mass puff
moss off muss
bill boss riff
gaff ruff toss
razz till doff
cuss fizz muff
Bingo Page 21


Glen tent golf was bets

damp glad and swim spot

trip stop FREE grab twig

frog fret end pond bats

flap plum Brad grip slot

Bingo Page 22


drum ant skid club flag

of drop glob flap sled

snug clam FREE cuts hand

sand trap mask ramp drip

slop grip plum frog bats

Bingo Page 23


wind help bend mats camp

ump amp belt cost best

asp lots FREE lost imp

drum flag club flat ant

clam swim spot and glad

Bingo Page 24
Lesson 10

drum ant bets
damp flag of
drop glob slop
sled snug skid
cuts hand sand
trap mask ramp
wind help bend
mats camp ump
amp belt cost
best asp lots
lost imp Glen
tent golf was
club clam glad
and swim spot
trip stop grab
twig frog fret
end pond bats
flap plum Brad
grip slot drip
Bingo Page 25

Lesson 11 MAGIC E

plan mad bite wine grad

cut cute code win pet

Pete mutt FREE slop mane

pin bit grip slide to

Jan slat was ripe note

Bingo Page 26

Lesson 11 MAGIC E

not mute bit grade gripe

cod Pete rip was tape

tot glad FREE pine cute

glade bite globe wine rod

rode kit slate slope rob

Bingo Page 27

Lesson 11 MAGIC E

tote rate slope slid use

Jane pine win glad rip

met rode FREE mete robe

rod kite slat slop pin

plan cub globe cube plane

Bingo Page 28
Lesson 11

rate slop slope
slid slide rip
ripe met mete
rod rode rob
robe kit kite
slat slate was
tape pin pine
plan plane cub
cube glob globe
cod code mad
made bit bite
grad grade cut
cute win wine
pet Pete mutt
mute man mane
note glade grip
gripe to use
Jan Jane not
glad tot tote
Bingo Page 29

Lesson 12 DIGRAPHS

chat with thin chick bench

then Nick shot shin Trish

Buck shine FREE black lock

this shack chip chop chime

math dash shop Chuck Beth

Bingo Page 30

Lesson 12 DIGRAPHS

clock tick block that dish

clench Rick chap shock back

moth path FREE bath Brock

lunch much chest rash check

this shack chip chop chime

Bingo Page 31

Lesson 12 DIGRAPHS

wish chin pack sick rack

winch tenth of to mash

shed quick FREE thick sixth

much lunch Brock bath path

moth back shock chap Rick

Bingo Page 32
Lesson 12

chat with thin
chick bench then
Nick shot shin
Trish Buck shine
black lock this
shack chip chop
chime math dash
shop Chuck Beth
clock tick block
that dish clench
Rick chap shock
back moth path
bath Brock lunch
much chest rash
check wish chin
pack sick rack
winch tenth to
of mash shed
quick thick sixth
Bingo Page 33

Lesson 13 //

Owen code loaf coast own

row load crow goat sow

bone oak FREE toe toad

robe note goal bowl home

quote joke hold host slow

Bingo Page 34

Lesson 13 //

roll blow his Joe grown

groan froze coast Owen smoke

stove toast FREE roast globe

stroll thrown throne croak stroke

drove cloak scold float blown

Bingo Page 35

Lesson 13 //

old bow grow coat poke

told Rome cold flow floe

zone goat FREE robe grown

cloak note groan loaf goal

froze code bowl coast own

Bingo Page 36
Lesson 13

loaf code own
row load crow
goat sow bone
oak toe toad
old bow grow
coat poke robe
note goal bowl
home quote joke
hold host slow
roll blow his
Joe told Rome
cold flow floe
zone grown groan
froze coast Owen
smoke stove toast
roast globe stroll
throne thrown croak
stroke drove cloak
scold float blown
Bingo Page 37

Lesson 14 /OW/

there our out loud how

pout bow owl fowl foul

ouch down FREE scout frown

mount brown cloud shout count

drown pound bound mouse crowd

Bingo Page 38

Lesson 14 /OW/

town plow noun gown brow

howl mouth sow our proud

growl trout FREE couch hound

round prowl scowl sound mound

snout house found pouch spouts

Bingo Page 39

Lesson 14 /OW/

clown trout growl proud our

sow spout pouch found about

ground allow FREE around scout

grouch hound there owl plow

slouch down brow brown gown

Bingo Page 40
Lesson 14

out loud how
pout bow owl
fowl foul ouch
down town plow
noun gown brow
howl mouth sow
our proud growl
trout clown scout
frown mount brown
cloud shout count
crown drown pound
bound mouse crowd
couch hound round
prowl scowl sound
mound snout house
found pouch spouts
spout about ground
grouch slouch crouch
around allow there
Bingo Page 41

Lesson 15 OW

grow cow now down crow

blow town low own snow

flow clown FREE throw bowl

crown prowl grown owl gown

bow growl brown tow flown

Bingo Page 42

Lesson 15 OW

frown plow yellow scowl sow

crowd slow flown tow brown

growl bow FREE gown owl

row brow howl slow town

clown cow crow blow low

Bingo Page 43

Lesson 15 OW

clown bowl gown growl low

how blown scow blow mow

slow crowd FREE drown flown

wow tow yellow down row

crown grow brown crow scowl

Bingo Page 44

Lesson 15

now down crow
blow town low
own snow flow
clown throw bowl
crown prowl grown
owl gown bow
growl brown tow
flown slow crowd
sow scowl yellow
plow frown drown
wow row brow
howl how scow
mow grow cow
Bingo Page 45

Lesson 16 /ER/

fire tire fur fir fern

term blur bird jerk urn

tower shirt FREE perch churn

work earn worm word earl

learn heard worth worse pearl

Bingo Page 46

Lesson 16 /ER/

verb burn turn herd Bert

firm dirt girl curb hurt

berth birth FREE third first

collar world yearn doctor motor

dollar search earth actor lizard

Bingo Page 47

Lesson 16 /ER/

stern tire chirp twirl church

burst skirt squirt fire nurse

later term FREE blur bird

jerk learn world fur worm

yearn churn perch urn earn

Bingo Page 48
Lesson 16

fur fir fern
term blur bird
jerk urn verb
burn turn herd
Bert firm dirt
girl curb hurt
tower shirt perch
churn berth birth
third first stern
tire chirp twirl
church burst skirt
squirt fire nurse
later work earn
worm word earl
learn heard worth
worse pearl collar
world yearn doctor
motor dollar search
earth actor lizard
Bingo Page 49

Lesson 17 //

any many bee eat funny

ear wee Pete near penny

seen green FREE peaks peeks

jelly mean meat Billy Sandy

me chief be key ski

Bingo Page 50

Lesson 17 //

tree Dean dear deer weak

week silly year feet beets

lucky dirty FREE clear any

many creek speak streak squeak

she Lisa thief kilo piano

Bingo Page 51

Lesson 17 //

Maria eject turkey field viola

brief beanie valley grief yield

weak hockey FREE jelly any

creek squeak mean she thief

penny ear chief deer near

Bingo Page 52
Lesson 17

bee eat funny
ear wee Pete
near penny tree
Dean dear deer
weak week silly
year feet beets
seen green peaks
peeks jelly mean
meat Billy Sandy
lucky dirty clear
any many creek
speak streak squeak
me chief be
key ski she
Lisa thief kilo
piano Maria eject
turkey field viola
brief beanie valley
grief yield hockey
Bingo Page 53

Lesson 18 /OR/ & /AR/

for who oar your horn

wore war soar sore cord

horse hoarse FREE torch north

art arm storm court car

are swore porch far star

Bingo Page 54

Lesson 18 /OR/ & /AR/

worn warn four fore bore

boar core tore sort pour

ward board FREE bored sport

Carl part war soar cart

storm barn torch porch card

Bingo Page 55

Lesson 18 /OR/ & /AR/

hard spark have short apart

farm score yarn thorn warn

worn art FREE ward horse

core are storm bored wore

order adore yard dark charts

Bingo Page 56
Lesson 18

/OR/ & /AR/

for who oar
your horn wore
war soar sore
cord worn warn
four fore bore
boar core tore
sort pour horse
hoarse torch north
storm court swore
porch ward board
bored sport have
short score thorn
art arm car
are far star
Carl part cart
barn card hard
spark apart farm
yarn order adore
dark yard charts
Bingo Page 57

Lesson 20 /OO/

new June judo boo flute

soup too igloo do Sue

booth suit FREE coo screw

tutu dew loose has due

proof you blew roost fruit

Bingo Page 58

Lesson 20 /OO/

blue bloom show zoo spoon

ruby chew threw move room

brute group FREE roof drool

super flew Lewis undo flue

boo flute soup too igloo

Bingo Page 59

Lesson 20 /OO/

Inuit shrew prove toot broom

ruin root moose duty drew

scoop tunic FREE glue sewer

due proof you blew roost

fruit blue bloom shoe zoo

Bingo Page 60
Lesson 20

Inuit new boo
too Sue coo
dew due blew
blue zoo chew
room roof flew
flue toot root
drew glue June
flute igloo booth
screw loose proof
roost bloom spoon
threw brute drool
Lewis shrew broom
moose scoop sewer
judo soup do
suit tutu has
you fruit shoe
ruby move group
super undo prove
ruin duty tunic
Bingo Page 61

Lesson 21 -//

cook cookie put good bushy

could soot rookie bull book

wood foot FREE bully pulley

would hood what hook full

took bookie should shook pull

Bingo Page 62

Lesson 21 -//

bookie put good bushy could

soot bull book wood puss

brook push FREE cookie shook

pulley look pusher push wool

full hook cushion bully cook

Bingo Page 63

Lesson 21 -//

bully rookie puss brook push

crook wool pull cook could

soot bull FREE book full

took shook woolen hook wood

wooden hood should bush put

Bingo Page 64

Lesson 21

cook put good
bush could soot
bull book wood
foot would hood
look hook full
took should shook
pull wool crook
push brook puss
cookie pusher cushion
bushy rookie woolen
bully pulley bookie
wooden what
Bingo Page 65

Lesson 22 Silents

which who wreck knot gnash

know when what while gnats

knee knit FREE wrap white

whether whisk knack knead known

wrecker kneel wrote wren wheel

Bingo Page 66

Lesson 22 Silents

wrote wren wheel knoll gnarl

write whale whine knock knife

wrist whiz FREE while whole

whip knob white wrap whisper

wrench what gone gnome whisker

Bingo Page 67

Lesson 22 Silents

while wheeze knit wrap white

knob wriggle whole gone whiz

wrist whistle FREE knock known

knife whale wreck knee whip

wreath wrench knead gnarl wrote

Bingo Page 68

Lesson 22

which who wreck
knot gnash know
when what while
gnats knee knit
wrap white knob
whip whole whistle
whiz wrist knife
knock whine whale
write gnarl knoll
wheel wren wrote
whether wrecker whisper
wreath gnome whisk
knack knead known
kneel whisker gone
wheeze wrench wriggle
Bingo Page 69

Lesson 23 //

mine cry behind might vine

nylon time Ryan remind sly

night knights FREE wild pretty

divide kind fright apply fire

kite right slight why try

Bingo Page 70

Lesson 23 //

tie rite binder kite right

slight why try bride my

dry notify FREE find tire

smile hi blind reply high

bright blight pie grind stripe

Bingo Page 71

Lesson 23 //

Irene rewind tight whine invite

lie child sighted wind wire

glider mild FREE fly sign

grind stripe mind cry behind

might vine nylon wild pretty

Bingo Page 72
Lesson 23

tie rite binder
kite right slight
why try bride
my dry notify
find tire smile
hi blind reply
high bright blight
pie grind stripe
mine cry behind
might vine nylon
time Ryan remind
sly night knights
wild pretty divide
kind fright apply
fire Irene rewind
tight whine invite
lie child sighted
wind wire glider
mild fly sign
Bingo Page 73

Lesson 24 - /z/

zip Rosa buzzard fuzz hoes

snooze is hose cheese his

tubes desert FREE zoo knees

dessert as cubes zodiac has

close please zee those Peters

Bingo Page 74

Lesson 24 - /z/

zed cries zigzag was chose

were its bushes sneeze dogs

prize choose FREE lose goes

Prozac zinc boxes bruise Sams

fuzz is his zoo as

Bingo Page 75

Lesson 24 - /z/

these rewinds pose ours frozen

bees ooze cools Susan hazard

razor hers FREE Lisas present

Rosa hoes hose tubes knees

cubes close those cries chose

Bingo Page 76
Lesson 24

zip Rosa buzzard
fuzz hoes snooze
is hose cheese
his tubes desert
zoo knees dessert
as cubes zodiac
has close please
zee those Peters
zed cries zigzag
was chose were
its bushes sneeze
dogs prize choose
lose goes Prozac
hers boxes bruise
zinc present Lisas
Sams these rewinds
pose ours frozen
bees ooze cools
Susan hazard razor
Bingo Page 77

Lesson 25 - //

mate table obey aim saved

vein acorn gate eight day

bray they FREE wade radio

veil same Spain break Gail

brave weigh able today grey

Bingo Page 78

Lesson 25 - //

mail waist sleigh male waste

great tail cable steak tape

says prey FREE play train

weight way skates rein Kate

table saved gate bray radio

Bingo Page 79

Lesson 25 - //

painted reign pail rainy pale

later convey may babys skein

clay babies FREE eighth cake

obey vein eight they veil

break weigh grey sleigh great

Bingo Page 80
Lesson 25

mate aim acorn
day wade same
Gail able mail
male tail tape
play way Kate
pail pale may
clay cake table
saved gate bray
radio Spain brave
today waist waste
cable says train
skates painted rainy
later babys babies
obey vein eight
they veil break
weigh grey sleigh
great steak prey
weight rein reign
convey skein eighth
Bingo Page 81

Lesson 26 - /NG/ & /NK/

sing sting string sink minks

shrink wing longer singing long

chunk strong FREE sunk bring

spring bang swing along song

wrong shrunk pink thing bunker

Bingo Page 82

Lesson 26 - /NG/ & /NK/

rink prank hungry sung finger

tangle tank think Bing angle

wishing junk FREE singer single

gong swung belong honk thank

sing sink wing long sunk

Bingo Page 83

Lesson 26 - /NG/ & /NK/

bunkie lung blink rang one

king blank bank Frank bunk

stung sank FREE drink ring

sting minks longer chunk bring

swing wrong thing prank finger

Bingo Page 84
Lesson 26

/NG/ & /NK/

sing sink wing
long sunk bang
song pink rink
sung tank Bing
junk gong honk
lung rang king
bank bunk sank
ring sting minks
longer chunk bring
sing wrong thing
prank finger think
angle singer swung
thank blink one
blank Frank stung
drink string shrink
singing strong spring
along shrunk bunker
hungry tangle wishing
single belong bunkie
Bingo Page 85

Lesson 27 - /AIR/

bare spare where bear scare

stereo air area cherish care

Clare parish FREE very fairy

perish vary ferry charity dare

glare harass fair hairy fare

Bingo Page 86

Lesson 27 - /AIR/

Harry Sharon hair blare terrible

hares arrow careful Mary repair

inherit marry FREE swear peril

merry carrot pear theyre pair

bare bear air care very

Bingo Page 87

Lesson 27 - /AIR/

caring despair pare square Terry

merit Eric Marios rare dairy

tear Sarah FREE chair their

spare scare area Clare fairy

ferry glare hairy Harry blare

Bingo Page 88
Lesson 27

bare bear air
care very vary
dare fair fare
hair hares Mary
marry merry pear
pair pare Terry
Eric rare tear
chair spare scare
area Clare fairy
ferry glare hairy
Harry blare arrow
repair swear carrot
theyre caring square
merit Marios dairy
Sarah their where
stereo cherish parish
perish charity harass
Sharon terrible careful
inherit peril despair
Bingo Page 89

Lesson 28 - //

cue human calculate cube sinew

menu accuse musical few pewter

hue museum FREE mew Huron

use puberty continue mule rescue

value January occupy pure curfew

Bingo Page 90

Lesson 28 - //

cute mutilate sure fuse secure

puny dispute volume fuel refuse

Hugo formula FREE cure purify

Cuba perfume confuse muse annual

menu museum accuse hew human

Bingo Page 91

Lesson 28 - //

fury rebuke united visual sugar

fumes futile useless amuse figure

Yule butane FREE casual Cupid

sinew accuse volume Cuba refuse

curfew formula purify pewter use

Bingo Page 92
Lesson 28

cue cube menu
few hue Cupid
mew use mule
pure cute puny
Hugo Cuba fuse
fuel cure muse
fury fumes Yule
human sinew accuse
pewter museum Huron
occupy dispute rescue
curfew secure refuse
purify annual rebuke
futile butane visual
amuse casual calculate
musical continue puberty
January formula perfume
sure volume confuse
united useless figure
value mutilate sugar
Bingo Page 93

Lesson 30 - //

dog dawn people law wand

wallets pod walked jaw claw

walnut August FREE all ball

walk flaunt two raw pawns

Paul launch seesaw rob calm

Bingo Page 94

Lesson 30 - //

bawl walrus Wanda call saw

taught daughter shawl audit talk

water naughty FREE doll almost

fought fall straw squad ought

dawn wand walked claw ball

Bingo Page 95

Lesson 30 - //

caught halter shop flock waltz

draw squaw bottle hall chalk

autumn haul FREE stock gauze

walnut pawns water ought flaunt

auk jaw launch calm bawl

Bingo Page 96
Lesson 30/

dog law pod
jaw all walk
raw auk rob
call saw daughter
talk doll fall
ought shop draw
hall haul dawn
wand walked claw
ball bawl Paul
pawns calm Wanda
taught shawl water
almost straw caught
flock squaw chalk
stock people wallets
walnut August brought
flaunt two launch
seesaw walrus audit
naughty fought squad
halter waltz bottle
Bingo Page 97

Lesson 31 - /S/

sent accent center cents fancy

scent success concern face circus

scare recipes FREE sign pencil

sell concert process cell absent

city grassy ceiling race seller

Bingo Page 98

Lesson 31 - /S/

less cellar France rice Betsy

scar faucet cyclone nice nicest

spy mussel FREE acid cancer

case muscle descend sold cereal

city recipes concert race pencil

Bingo Page 99

Lesson 31 - /S/

space hassle central ulcer sense

mouse receive scenery recess since

dance science FREE circle celery

scare faucet France fancy scent

center muscle mussel accent nice

Bingo Page 100
Lesson 31

sent cents scent
face sign sell
cell city race
less rice scar
nice spy acid
case sold space
mouse since dance
fancy accent circus
scare pencil absent
grassy seller cellar
Betsy nicest cancer
cereal hassle ulcer
sense recess circle
celery center success
concern recipes concert
process ceiling France
faucet cyclone muscle
mussel descend central
receive scenery science
Bingo Page 101

Lesson 32 - //

cut touch brother won above

one double comfort sum crumb

some shovel FREE come front

son hungry trouble sun color

ton brunch because covey bonus

Bingo Page 102

Lesson 32 - //

mom nothing wonder from honey

done famous nervous oven hover

jump mother FREE dove cousin

plus govern autumn monk month

come touch shovel won front

Bingo Page 103

Lesson 32 - //

other young country stuck glove

tucked plum trust cover Doug

dug money FREE among shove

crumb monk once above color

dove bonus does month one

Bingo Page 104
Lesson 32

cut won one
sum some come
son sun ton
mom from done
oven jump dove
plus monk other
stuck glove plum
trust cover Doug
dug money among
shove touch above
crumb front because
brunch nothing color
bonus famous mother
cousin govern does
month young tucked
brother double comfort
shovel hungry trouble
once wonder nervous
autumn country honey
Bingo Page 105

Lesson 33 - /J/

jump barge George gin lodge

edge stage gradual jaw edgy

huge gentle FREE rage gorge

gem plunger engine gel forged

jell Jacks Angela urge badge

Bingo Page 106

Lesson 33 - /J/

germ Jerry during judge Gerry

jails Jell-o orange merge ridge

large hedge FREE gist wedge

juice strange budget page giant

huge gorge engine jaw lodge

Bingo Page 107

Lesson 33 - /J/

adjust jingle garbage jeans angel

juicy genius sponge ginger genie

page gadget FREE range cages

badge Jell-o orange huge gorge

rage stage plunger jingle jaw

Bingo Page 108
Lesson 33

jump barge George
gin lodge edge
stage gradual jaw
edgy huge gentle
rage gorge gem
plunger engine gel
forged jell Jacks
Angela urge badge
germ Jerry during
judge Gerry jails
Jell-o orange merge
ridge large hedge
gist wedge juice
strange budget page
giant adjust jingle
garbage jeans angel
juicy genius sponge
ginger genie rage
gadget range cages
Bingo Page 109

Lesson 34 - //

jet healthy portrait head bargain

said leather sweater bred edgy

tell instead FREE deaf breast

again gentle express lead threat

gel thread heaven read wealth

Bingo Page 110

Lesson 34 - //

led spread central success red

death excess meant pester heavy

press certain FREE curtain health

scent feather weather wallet guest

deaf gentle leather edgy said

Bingo Page 111

Lesson 34 - //

ready friend mountain sweat agent

dress weapon chieftain gel ledge

recent against FREE recess jest

badge Jell-o orange huge gorge

rage stage plunger jingle jaw

Bingo Page 112
Lesson 34

jet healthy portrait
head bargain said
leather sweater bred
edgy tell instead
deaf breast again
gentle express lead
threat gel thread
heaven read wealth
led spread central
success red death
excess meant pester
heavy dress certain
curtain health scent
feather weather wallet
guest ready friend
mountain sweat agent
press weapon chieftain
gel ledge recent
against recess jest
Bingo Page 113

Lesson 35 - /ch/

chin ketchup itch archer hatch

arch virtual attach catch fortune

such nature FREE Dutch picture

chose patched pitcher which witch

rich costume gesture future watch

Bingo Page 114

Lesson 35 - /ch/

virtue achieve century through stitch

actual though posture lecture Butch

statue teacher FREE detach ritual

check butcher mixture vulture richer

witch fortune ketchup future arch

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Lesson 35 - /ch/

chunk patch wretch birch inch

feature torture wrench march etch

fetch mature FREE touch pitch

achieve lecture century Butch arch

richer mixture posture virtue such

Bingo Page 116
Lesson 35

chin ketchup itch
archer birch arch
virtual attach catch
fortune such nature
Dutch picture chose
patched pitcher which
witch rich costume
gesture future watch
virtue achieve century
through stitch actual
though posture lecture
Butch statue teacher
detach ritual check
butcher mixture vulture
richer chunk patch
wretch hatch inch
feature torture wrench
march etch fetch
mature touch pitch
Bingo Page 117

Lesson 36 - /f/

fancy fawn faucet awful future

phlox pamphlet fracture phase photo

flocks phrase FREE flock office

laugh giraffe often foot cough

rough orphan nephew puff tough

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Lesson 36 - /f/

fat phonics phone rough fox

cough trough phobia friend fridge

photo falter FREE famous tough

laugh hyphen feature giraffe phony

deaf officer elephant fancy Phil

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Lesson 36 - /f/

fill chieftain digraph finger graph

Ralph enough dolphin puff fudge

orphan alphabet FREE foot after

fling nephew prophet face gruff

hyphen friend ruff cough fox

Bingo Page 120
Lesson 36

phrase fawn faucet
awful future phlox
pamphlet fracture phase
ruff office flocks
flock often fat
phonics phone rough
fox cough trough
phobia friend fridge
photo falter famous
tough laugh hyphen
feature giraffe phony
deaf officer elephant
fancy Phil fill
chieftain digraph finger
graph Ralph enough
dolphin puff fudge
orphan alphabet foot
after fling nephew
prophet face gruff
Bingo Page 121

Lesson 37 - /oy/

toy avoid oil employ coin

voice boil boy voyage toil

Roy exploit FREE oyster coils

soy tabloid sirloin destroy join

joy boycott convoy choice Troy

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Lesson 37 - /oy/

void thyroid poison alloy soil

oink appoint annoy enjoy foil

spoil floor FREE Conroy joint

decoy oily rejoice point royal

coin voyage sirloin oyster loin

Bingo Page 123

Lesson 37 - /oy/

moist door deploy broil loyal

Joyce buoy boing hoist groin

loin appoint FREE enjoy spoil

avoid poison annoy voice boil

joint choice voyage oyster join

Bingo Page 124

Lesson 37

toy avoid oil
deploy coin voice
boil boy voyage
toil Roy exploit
oyster coils soy
tabloid sirloin destroy
join joy boycott
convoy choice Troy
void thyroid poison
alloy soil oink
appoint annoy enjoy
foil spoil floor
Conroy joint decoy
oily rejoice point
royal moist door
employ broil loyal
Joyce buoy boing
hoist groin loin
Bingo Page 125

Lesson 38 - /k/

kite stomach sick scholar echo

kitten picture caught antique crack

ache package FREE cruise click

aching shaking tractor conquer duke

crank chlorine knocker rebuke Chris

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Lesson 38 - /k/

break aching chemistry kinky fluke

circus technique bareback school panic

coral corduroy FREE Conroy coin

decoy turquoise boutique choral cough

cruise stomach carriage crack echo

Bingo Page 127

Lesson 38 - /k/

orchid Christmas picnicker anchor toque

key chemical mosquito unique kilo

cook etiquette FREE mosque ark

fluke technique tractor caught Chris

ache antique aching school duke

Bingo Page 128
Lesson 38

kite stomach sick
scholar echo kitten
picture caught antique
crack ache package
cruise click aching
shaking tractor conquer
duke crank chlorine
knocker rebuke Chris
break carriage chemistry
kinky fluke circus
technique bareback school
panic coral corduroy
Conroy coin decoy
turquoise boutique choral
cough orchid Christmas
picnicker anchor toque
key chemical mosquito
unique kilo cook
etiquette mosque ark
Bingo Page 129

Lesson 39 - //

sit lizard give physics gym

Jim oxygen continue rhythm knit

myth Plymouth FREE wriggle live

gyp fidget physical cubicle Jip

hymn clarity sympathy cryptic him

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Lesson 39 - //

crypt engine bicycle strip gypsy

cymbal symbol hypnotize visitor Lynda

Linda chrysalis FREE syllable mystic

prince cigar beautiful cygnet nymph

gyp rhythm Plymouth knit myth

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Lesson 39 - //

abyss physique cylinder mystery system

tourist dyslexia accident typical crystal

cynic synonym FREE cinch orchid

gypsy hypnotize bicycle cigar hymn

live cryptic oxygen cygnet knit

Bingo Page 132
Lesson 39 - //

sit lizard give
physics gym Jim
oxygen continue rhythm
knit myth Plymouth
wriggle live gyp
fidget physical cubicle
Jip hymn clarity
sympathy cryptic him
crypt engine bicycle
strip gypsy cymbal
symbol hypnotize visitor
Lynda Linda chrysalis
syllable mystic prince
cigar beautiful cygnet
nymph abyss physique
cylinder mystery system
tourist dyslexia cinch
typical crystal cynic
synonym accident orchid
Bingo Page 133

Lesson 40 - /sh/

show station technician motion chef

Cher vacation promotion ancient share

facial weird FREE auction seize

shoot Charlene fraction tension shift

shawl gracious leisure charade shock

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Lesson 40 - /sh/

option moustache addition marsh crche

nation physician election shrank caution

racial delicious FREE height special

push chandelier mission shovel mach

shoot vacation ancient Cher auction

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Lesson 40 - /sh/

shark conscious Russian machine Alicia

shook Patricia invention machete bush

gush Chicago FREE chiffon show

marsh election weird tension racial

seize addition fraction auction facial

Bingo Page 136
Lesson 40 - /sh/

show station technician
motion chef Cher
vacation promotion ancient
share facial weird
auction seize shoot
Charlene fraction tension
shift shawl gracious
leisure charade shock
option moustache addition
marsh crche nation
physician election shrank
caution racial delicious
height special push
chandelier mission shovel
mach shark conscious
Russian machine Alicia
shook Patricia invention
machete bush gush
Chicago chiffon show
Bingo Page 137


bend bell and sac shape

tug lip rust ump pit

cup Bess FREE rush dip

sheet fast act fit shred

shop squish buzz shake mast

Bingo Page 138


shrimp bit tend cap rust

shelf fuss cat buzz shut

desk ruff FREE send pill

sheet fast shift shame big

cob golf bug shave top

Bingo Page 139


fit dip rush shape rat

wish tilt bulb gut fog

mess rash FREE dot lamp

limp ships silk end top

rap golf cob well shame

Bingo Page 140

bug bell and

sac shape tug
lip rust ump
pit cup Bess
rush dip bend
fast act fit
shred shop tent
buzz shake ruff
shrimp bit wish
cap shelf fuss
mast shut desk
pill send squish
sheep pot shift
shame well cob
golf shave top
end silk ships
limp lamp dot
rash mess fog
gut bulb tilt

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