New Forms Syllabus

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New Forms

Grades 11,12: 1 Credit

Instructor: Jocelyn Bocchino

What it says in the Course Book:

Prerequisite: B or better in Art I
Students will research the work of contemporary artists employing studio
processes such as collaboration, digital technology, installation, inter-arts,
mixed-media, performance and site specific works. The search for personal
meaning and student artists' intention provides a thematic center
for making works of art based upon themes of celebration and community, both
globally and locally.

What this will mean for us (OBJECTIVES):

Quarter One: Students will learn how to think visually, from gathering and generating
ideas to working with non-traditional materials. We will learn purposeful ways to present
ideas through simple building processes and installation set-ups.
Quarter Two: Students will explore the heart of digital technology by using web-based
and image-based programs to express personal ideas.
Quarter Three: Students will integrate technological and material based studio practices
through the response to thematic based ideas. Students will respond through mixed-media,
performance and site-specific work.
Quarter Four: Students will use the ideas and materials explored throughout the year in
order to define their personal intention for making works of art.

New Forms is a unique class that offers you and I the opportunity to experiment with a
variety of materials and themes. This class requires an open mind and a desire to take risks.
The nature of risk taking means that things will go wrong. This is OK, even expected. Here
is what I am expecting of you (AKA how you will pass with flying colors):
1. Document your process (through material attempts, notes, and journals)
2. Keep an open dialogue with classmates and instructor. In the case of an art
emergency, all extensions must be discussed with instructor at least 3 days prior to
the due date. Provide documentation (see expectation 1) and your plan for a second
3. Remain willing to retry, restart, or overhaul an idea.
4. Do not show up to a critique empty handed! LAST MINUTE, HALF HEARTED
5. Strive for careful craftsmanship. You will be working with many materials for the first
time. Take the time in and out of class to experiment and research the most
purposeful way to work with the material WELL IN ADVANCE OF A DUE DATE.
This gives all of us the opportunity to work through difficulties together.
6. Effort and risk taking is rewarded. Though strong craftsmanship should always be
attempted, don’t be afraid to take risks, experiment, and have fun!

Homework: Homework will be given on a daily, weekly, and quarterly basis. Each student
will complete a minimum of 10 entries per quarter in an altered book. These entries will be
a platform for idea generation and material experimentation. Students should also be
prepared to research contemporary artists, provide written responses to contemporary
themes, and expand knowledge through chosen readings. Student’s personal experiences
and reactions will also be called upon as a way to generate ideas.

What you should already know:

Behavior Policy: All school wide rules and policies are in effect, in addition:

- No food or drink on any occasion, even if it is a holiday, your birthday or any other day
you might consider special, is permitted in the studio, this is for your safety as well as
the safety of the work of others.
- Experimentation is part of learning; however, do not disturb the work of others or use
materials in an unsafe manner.
- Be responsible; remember that others are depending on us and us on them to keep the
equipment in working order. You must clean up after yourself. You are responsible for
your assigned materials, please keep them safe and clean. Do not waste supplies!!! If
your materials have been misused or damaged in any way you will be held accountable.

- For some people, conversation helps them to make art; for others, quiet, focused
thought is best. In this class, talking quietly while you work is okay – as long as your
conversation is not adversely affecting your work, or the work of those around you. I will
be the judge of how much is too much!

- Any spills or accidents with materials must be promptly cleaned up. (All students who
share space at a table are responsible for that table and are expected to help clean up
any messes, even if they are not personally responsible.)

- Critiques are an opportunity to gain feedback and provide helpful commentary for
your fellow artists. Treat others with respect by thoughtfully reflecting on their artwork.
Intolerant, immature, and/or purposefully mean comments will not be tolerated.
- Due to the nature of this class, students may be in different areas doing different things
at one time; therefore you must behave in a mature and responsible manner. Immature
behavior can include but not be limited to: misuse of equipment, damage of equipment,
horse play (running, pushing, hitting, wrestling, fighting) dangerous use of materials
(splashing, throwing, consuming), abusing other students’ work. If you fail to do so, you
will receive the following consequences:
1st Offense: Teacher/Student Conference
2nd Offense: Lunch Detention
3rd Offense: Parent Contact (written or oral) and after school detention
4th Offense: Administrative referral that could result in more serious consequences
such as Saturday school, In School Suspension, or Suspension.
**Severity of behavior may result in multiple or more severe consequences

Required Materials:
-You are required to have a useable #2 pencil, with an eraser, EVERYDAY!!!
-Sketchbook: Students must have a holding place for notes and brainstorming material.
The notebook will be used for class notes, image collection, sketches for idea development,
journaling and critiques. The notebook will be graded. This can be a spiral bound notebook
or a binder/folder to use with computer paper. As an artist, I highly recommend
using a spiral bound sketchbook (9x12 inches). However, it is not required.
Sketchbooks can be found at local arts or office supply stores such as Michael's, Office
Depot, Staples, JoAnn's, etc.
-You may also want to bring in an art smock or an old oversized shirt to protect your

Attendance: Good attendance is essential for passing this course. You are responsible for
all class-work. If you miss a class for any reason, you will be expected to make up the studio
time. Missing nine or more days may result in denial of credit for this course. In order to
make up work, an excused absence note must be received within 2 days of returning to
Lateness: Always be on time. If you are late, you must have a pass.
1st Offense: Teacher/Student Conference
2nd Offense: Lunch Detention
3rd Offense: Parent Contact (written or oral) and after school detention
4th Offense: Administrative referral that could result in more serious consequences such as
Saturday school, In School Suspension, or Suspension.

Grading Policies and Procedures:

Portfolio: Each student will compile a portfolio that consists of work completed in class or
at home, sketchbook/altered book, reflections and exams. Each work in the portfolio will be
graded according to the following criteria:
Objectives - Meeting the criteria or objectives for the specific assignment. Ex. An
assignment may include specific preparation/brainstorming.
Studio Skills – Proper handling of equipment, responsible use of time, respect for others
and their work, clean up, and class participation.
Craftsmanship / Presentation – Neatness and respect for your work should be evident
in the appearance of a completed assignment.
Design – Thoughtfulness to the composition and its relationship to your personal ideas.

Late Work: For each day late you submit a homework assignment after the deadline, you
will be deducted one letter grade, (or 10%) off of your grade. For each day late you submit
an in-class assignment after the deadline, you will be deducted half a letter grade, (or 5%)
off of your grade.

Absence: If you are legally absent, you may make up missed work. You are permitted a one
day extension for every day you are absent. You are responsible for asking the
instructor for missed work. The nature of the assignment may require that you do the
work at school rather than at home. It is up to the instructor to decide on what day and at
what time this would occur.

1. Grades will be based on a points earned/total points system. The grade is determined by
dividing points earned by points possible. Letter grades will assigned on a 100 point
percentage scale: 89.5%+=A, 79.5%+=B, 69.5%+=C, 59.5%+=D, 59.5% or less = E
Quarterly Grades:
Class Assignments = 50%
Homework = 25%
Participation = 25% Participation includes daily behavior and engagement in class. You
can receive a maximum of 4 participation points per day, every day. Points will be deducted
for lateness, (2 pts. per lateness) wasting class time, negative behavior, etc.

National Art Honor Society (NAHS) NAHS is a nationally accredited honor society in
which students participate in a variety of events and activities. We take special field trips,
we host RHS’s annual CoffeeHouse, we do art projects with younger students, we have
crazy contests and festivals, and we make lots of fun things! In general we relax and have a
good time once a week after school.

Art Shows and Exhibitions: On our website, you can access lots of information
regarding scholarship opportunities,contests, and county programs that you can apply for.

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