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Thinking Skills

Acquisition of knowledge
Approaches Research Skills
Formulating questions
I find new facts, vocabulary, and
ideas. to Learning I ask interesting and important

Comprehension Observing
I understand the new things I have I can use my senses to understand
learned. things.

Application Planning
I use the information I found out I think about what I need to do
to make or do something. and how I am going to do it

Analysis Collecting data

I look for the themes, patterns, or I can find useful information from
big ideas in the information I found. different sources.

Synthesis Recording data

I can combine new ideas and I record information by writing or
information to answer questions. drawing new information Ive
I can make decisions about my Organizing data
work, behavior, attitudes, I can present information so that
knowledge, or action. Self-Management others can understand it.

Dialectical thought Skills Interpreting data

I think about and understand I think, make conclusions, and ask
different points of view. Gross motor skills questions about new information.

Metacognition I can complete tasks that use my Presenting research findings

I understand how I learn best. I large muscles. I choose the best ways to present
know that other people might learn my research and findings to my
in a different way. Fine motor skills audience.
I can control little movements
Communication Skills (cutting out, neat handwriting, tying
Social Skills
Listening shoe laces)
I listen to directions, instructions, and Accepting responsibility
information. Spatial awareness I think before I do something and
I am aware of my own and others I accept the consequences of
I talk clearly and respectfully to space and environment. things that I say or do.
other people. I can express my ideas
and feelings. Organization Respecting others
I know where my things are and I accept that everyone has their
Reading own ideas and beliefs. I listen to
keep my things neat and easy to
I enjoy reading different texts. I find them carefully and try to
different sources for information. I find.
reflect and can make conclusions
about what Ive read. Time management Cooperating
I can complete my work on time
Writing I work well in groups. I am kind,
I write or stories. I record
and get things done. polite, take turns, and share with
information and my new learning in my others
journals. Safety
I act in a safe manner for myself Resolving conflict
Viewing and others. I listen to others. I try to find a
I am able to understand the ways
solution while acting calm and
images/media and language work
together to communicate meaning. Healthy lifestyle appropriate.
I take care of myself to be
Presenting balanced. Group decision-making
I can construct visuals and multimedia I listen to others. I discuss ideas,
that successfully communicate my and ask questions for a group
Codes of behavior
ideas and information. agreement.
I act appropriately at all times by
Non-verbal communication following the expectations.
I use appropriate body language, Adopting a variety of group
facial expressions, and actions to roles
Informed choices I listen to others. I discuss ideas,
communicate with others. I I can reflect and make good
understand others, too. I know and ask questions for a group
choices based on facts and opinions.
these things can mean different agreement.
things in different countries.
Key Concepts
Learner Profile Attributes Form: What is it like?
What is...? What are...? What kind of...?
Inquirers: I ask questions and actively enjoy learning. What is like? What patterns do you
see? How do we describe? Can you
Knowledgeable: I explore different concepts, ideas and elaborate on the reason __ is like it
issues. I have learned and understand many things.
Function: How does it work?
Thinkers: I think about things. I solve problems and make How important is...? How do they
decisions. work together? What do we use __
for? Why do we...? How do we use...?
How/Why does it...? What do you
Communicators: I talk about my ideas and listen to the ideas notice about how __ works? Can you
of others. I work well with others. elaborate on the reason __ works?

Principled: I am honest and fair. I take responsibility for my Causation: Why is it the way it is?
How did this begin? How did __ lead to
own actions and the consequences of those actions. __? How did __ affect __? What
influenced...? What can you conclude
Open-minded: I try to understand the perspectives and about why __ occurred? How is __
values of others. related to __?

Caring: I am caring and respectful towards the needs and Change: How is it changing?
How has __ changed? Can you change
feelings of others. I act to make a positive difference in the a __ into a __? In which way has it
world around me. been changed? Can it change back?
What facts would you use to
Risk-takers: I approach new roles, ideas and strategies with support how __ is changing?
courage. I am brave and defend my beliefs. Connection: How is it connected to
Balanced: I work hard and I play. I rest when I need to rest. other things?
How is __ connected/related to __?
I try to stay healthy and happy. What are similarities and differences
between __ and __? How does __ help
Reflective: I think about my actions. I see mistakes as a way us to understand __? How does __
to learn and think of ways I can do better. enable us to connect to __? What
information would you select to
show how __ is connected to other
PYP Attitudes Perspective: What are the points
of view?
Appreciation: I am thankful for what others do and the Does anyone have a different way of
world around me. explaining/doing __? Does __ look the
same if __? How do people in other
Commitment: I finish what I start and do not give up. I am cultures __? What are the different
responsible. ways we can look at __? How does
knowledge of __ allow us to
Confident: I take risks in learning and in life. understand __? How is __ different
than __?
Cooperation: I work with others, leading or following as the Responsibility: What is our
need arises. responsibility?
Why is it important to...? Why should
Creativity: I come up with my own ideas and use my we respect...? What might be the
imagination in all sorts of situations. consequences of...? Does everyone
have the right to...? How does __
Curiosity: I ask lots of questions and wonder why. influence our view of __? What can
you conclude about what your
Empathy: I understand the feelings of others. responsibility is?

Enthusiasm: I am excited about learning and living. Reflection: How do we know?

How can the study of __ contribute
Independence: I think and do things for myself. to our knowledge of __? What does
this tell us about __? How did you
Integrity: I am fair and honest. reach your conclusion? What
evidence do you have to support __?
Respectful: I care about myself, others and our beautiful What source of information was
world. most valuable? How does __ help us
to understand __? What could you do
Tolerance: I try really hard to understand others differences. differently? How will what have you
learned affect __?
Created by J. Stading

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