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Quantum confinement effect on the effective mass in two-dimensional

electron gas of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
A. M. Kurakin,1 S. A. Vitusevich,1,a S. V. Danylyuk,1 H. Hardtdegen,1 N. Klein,1
Z. Bougrioua,2 A. V. Naumov,3 and A. E. Belyaev3
Institut fr Bio- und Nanosysteme and Center of Nanoelectronic Systems for Information Technology
(CNI), Forschungszentrum Jlich, Jlich D-52425, Germany
Centre de Recherche sur lHtropitaxie et ses Applications, CNRS, rue Bernard Gregory,
F-06560 Valbonne, France
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NASU, Pr. Nauki 45, 03028 Kiev, Ukraine
Received 5 January 2009; accepted 16 February 2009; published online 1 April 2009
We report the results of direct measurements and a theoretical investigation of the in-plane effective
mass in the two-dimensional electron gas of nominally undoped AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with
a different degree of quantum confinement. It is shown that in most cases the conduction band
nonparabolicity effect is overestimated and the electron wave-function penetration into the barrier
layer should be taken into account. The contribution of the wave-function hybridization is
determined to play the dominant role. The band edge effective mass value is deduced to be
0.2 0.01m0. 2009 American Institute of Physics. DOI: 10.1063/1.3100206

I. INTRODUCTION mass enhancement and a large scatter of the data1330 Fig.

1. In general, the observed scatter of the 2DEG effective
During the past decade practically every paper dedicated mass in AlGaN/GaN structures is not surprising because it
to the study of nitride-based semiconductors begins by em- reflects the variation in the band structure caused by hetero-
phasizing their importance for modern electronics and opto- structure design and intrinsic effects of piezoelectric and
electronics. Indeed, prominent physical properties of these spontaneous polarization at the interface, remote impurities
materials such as wide bandgap energy, high electron mobil- in the barrier, residual impurities in the well, alloy disorder,
ity, high saturation drift velocity, high breakdown voltage, interface roughness, etc. Obviously, these parameters can be
and good thermal conductivity open good perspectives in quite different for various AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
their usage for numerous high-temperature, high-frequency, grown by different methods using different growth condi-
and high-power applications. To this end, the knowledge of tions. Nevertheless, the observed enhancement of the effec-
fundamental parameters determining the electronic transport tive mass of 2D electrons the summary of available data
in III-nitrides is of great importance.1 One of such param- published in the literature are shown in Fig. 1 by closed
eters is the effective electron mass that is the fundamental circles is beyond the question and the mechanism respon-
value in the description of semiconductor properties. sible for the effect should be found.
The first report on the electron effective mass measure- The effective mass enhancement can be understood if
ment in GaN epitaxial films appeared in 1973 Ref. 2 and a the effective mass used for the description of the 2DEG
value of m = 0.2 0.02m0 m0 is a free electron mass was properties is approximated by the corresponding value used
confirmed by theoretical calculations3 and by a series of ex- for the bulk material. However, this assumption becomes less
periments performed by different methods on bulk4 and valid with increasing Fermi energy for increased 2DEG den-
epitaxial58 wurtzite GaN. The largest value of 0.236m0 was sity at the AlGaN/GaN interface. It is known from cyclotron
obtained from the measurement of the transition energy of
shallow donors by the authors of Ref. 9. The smallest value
of 0.15m0 was obtained by empirical pseudopotential band-
structure calculations.10 Apart from that, the value of 0.20m0
is recommended in the review11 and entered in most
textbooks12 as a common-used parameter for the effective
mass of electrons in bulklike GaN films.
In the case of a two-dimensional electron gas 2DEG
formed at the interface of a AlGaN/GaN heterostructure or in
AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN quantum wells the situation dramati-
cally changes. Even in high-quality AlGaN/GaN heterostruc-
tures, the in-plane effective mass of 2D electrons measured
by various direct and indirect techniques has shown effective
FIG. 1. Experimental values of effective electron mass in AlGaN/GaN as a
Electronic mail: On leave from Institute of function of the 2DEG sheet density. The closed circles are data from Refs.
Semiconductor Physics, NASU, 03028 Kiev, Ukraine. 1329, and the stars correspond to our data.

0021-8979/2009/1057/073703/6/$25.00 105, 073703-1 2009 American Institute of Physics

073703-2 Kurakin et al. J. Appl. Phys. 105, 073703 2009

resonance1416 and magnetotransport1719 results that the in-

plane effective mass can exceed the bulk values considerably
due to the increasing effect of conduction band nonparabo-
licity at higher Fermi energy. At the same time, even taking
into account this effect, a large scatter of the data is not well
understood and uncertainty of the effective mass in 2DEG
with different carrier density and spatial confinement is
large.30 It has been pointed out that this discrepancy can be
attributed to the effect of the wave-function penetration into
the barrier layer i.e., wave-function hybridization. How-
ever, there was no clear demonstration of the penetration
effect for AlGaN/GaN heterostructures.
In this work, we report the results of direct measure-
FIG. 2. Magnetoresistance of the 2DEG in AlGaN/GaN sample B at T
ments and a theoretical investigation of the in-plane effective = 0.35 K.
mass of the 2DEG in nominally undoped AlGaN/GaN het-
erostructures with a different degree of quantum confinement
aimed to show the contribution of the wave-function hybrid- with increasing magnetic field is registered. With increasing
ization into effective mass enhancement. magnetic field the periodic Shubnikovde Haas SdH oscil-
lations in magnetoresistance are clearly resolved starting
II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS with magnetic field of 5 T. The amplitude of the SdH oscil-
lations decreased with increasing temperature. Similar be-
Samples under study were fabricated from high-quality havior of the magnetoresistance was recorded for samples B
structures grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition and C.
on 0001 c-plane sapphire substrates. Three types of AlGaN/ The sheet concentration of the 2DEG was determined
GaN heterostructures designed for high electron mobility using the SdH oscillation period. From the temperature de-
transistor HEMT application were investigated. The struc- pendence of the amplitude of the SdH oscillations, the effec-
tures have the following sequence of layers: tive mass was calculated. The quantum lifetime was deduced
sample A: undoped GaN buffer, 1.1 m; undoped from the SdH data using the oscillatory part of the magne-
Al0.33Ga0.67N barrier, 23 nm; Si3N4 passivation layer, toresistance, and the transport lifetime was derived from the
320 nm; zero-field Hall mobility measurements.
sample B: undoped GaN buffer, 3.0 m; undoped The determined characteristics of the 2DEG in the
Al0.30Ga0.70N barrier, 30 nm; GaN cap layer, 4 nm; AlGaN/GaN heterostructures are summarized in Table I,
sample C: GaN nucleation layer, 28 nm; GaN insulat- where EF is the Fermi energy measured starting from the
ing buffer, 7.5 m; undoped AlN interlayer, 1 nm; quantization energy E0, nS is the sheet carrier density of
undoped Al0.25Ga0.75N barrier, 25 nm; GaN cap layer, 2DEG, mE is the effective electron mass at the Fermi en-
1.3 nm. ergy, tr is the transport lifetime, q is the quantum lifetime,
and is the carrier mobility measured at temperatures 0.35
In the unintentionally doped structures under study, the con- and 300 K.
centration of uncontrollable background impurities was 1 It should be noted that the high electron density of the
1017 cm3. The Hall bar mesas 140 700 m2 were 2DEG, nS 1.1 1013 cm2, is obtained in AlGaN/GaN het-
fabricated with Ohmic contacts processed using Ti/Al/Ni/Au erostructures without modulation doping, due to the strong
metallization. The dielectric thin film SiN coating or GaN spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization at the AlGaN/
capping was deposited for surface passivation for details, GaN heterointerface. The carrier concentration measured at
see Refs. 3133 low Hall effect and high SdH oscillations magnetic fields
I-V and C-V characteristics of samples at room tempera- was the same order of magnitude for the investigated
tures were measured using the Keithley 4200 parameter ana- samples. Additionally there was no registered beating in the
lyzer and the HP4284 LRC meter. Magnetotransport charac- plot of magnetoresistance. These facts indicate that 2D elec-
teristics were studied in the range of temperatures T trons occupy only the lowest subband in the quantum well.
= 0.3 300 K and magnetic fields B = 0 10 T using a stan- The increase in electron mobility with decreasing tem-
dard lock-in technique. The samples were measured at a low
frequency 17 Hz to minimize the out-of-phase signal TABLE I. The determined characteristics of the 2DEG in the AlGaN/GaN
and at a low current 100 nA modulation to ensure the heterostructures under study.
linear response and to prevent heating effects.

Sample meV cm2 m0 tr / q cm2 / V s
Figure 2 shows the evolution of the longitudinal magne-
A 130 1.1 0.22 0.01 4.3 2300/1380
toresistance of the 2DEG in the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure B 131 1.02 0.20 0.01 7.7 5100/1260
sample B measured in a perpendicular magnetic field up to C 129 1.01 0.19 0.01 13.7 11500/1850
10 T at 0.35 K. At low field a decrease in magnetoresistance
073703-3 Kurakin et al. J. Appl. Phys. 105, 073703 2009

perature from 300 to 0.35 K 1.7 times in sample A, 4 times m P = mE1 + /8F, , 2
in sample B, and 6 times in sample C demonstrates the
reduced scattering of 2DEG carriers. Besides, the increasing where parameters = qTF / q0 and = b / q0 determine the
ratio between the transport and quantum lifetimes, tr / q, strength of the screening and quantum confinement effects,
from 4.3 in sample A to 13.7 in sample C, provides informa- respectively, q0 = 2mbLO / 21/2 is the LO-phonon wave
tion about the dominant mechanism of short- and long-range number LO = 90 meV Ref. 11, qTF = mEe2 / 2 is the
scattering of 2D electrons at the heterointerface. ThomasFermi screening wave number, e is the electron dis-
Actually the data prove that a high-quality 2DEG chan- charge, is the reduced Plank constant, is the dielectric
nel is formed at the interface in each structure. However, the constant, and b is the variational parameter of Ando et al.34
obtained values of the effective mass listed in Table I reveal For AlGaN/GaN samples under study, the factor F ,
the inconsistency between the considerable increase in the 0.3, and our estimations using Eq. 2 give m P / mE
effective mass from 0.19m0 in sample C to 0.22m0 in sample 1.05. This value is of the order of experimental error.
A and the minor changes in the 2DEG density. This fact Therefore, the contribution of the polaron effect is small and
cannot be explained only by the mentioned effect of nonpa- can be neglected.
rabolicity of the electron conduction band. To find the origin
of the effective mass enhancement observed in our experi- C. The effect of magnetic field
ments as well as the large scatter of data observed in the The cyclotron-resonance and the SdH oscillations are the
literature, we will analyze below different physical sources two experimental techniques most widely used for the deter-
that can result in this phenomenon. mination of the 2DEG effective mass. In the cyclotron-
resonance experiment, the separation of the adjacent Landau
A. The conduction band nonparabolicity effect levels, c, measured as a function of the magnetic field B,
The effect of the conduction band nonparabolicity in the allows to estimate the effective mass mE* from the fit using
triangular quantum well formed at the AlGaN/GaN hetero- the relation mE = eB / c. Due to the conduction band nonpa-
interface can be evaluated according to the two-band ap- rabolicity, the spacing between Landau levels becomes ir-
proximation of Ando et al.:34 regular and, as a consequence, the measured effective mass
manifests a dependence on the magnetic field. In the case of
mE/m0 = 1 + 4EK + EF/Eg1/2 , 1 the SdH measurements, the situation is quite different. The
where m0 is the effective mass at the band edge, Eg is the SdH oscillations occur because the conductivity, xx, and
bandgap energy 3.51 eV for GaN Ref. 11, EF hence magnetoresistivity, xx, depend on the density of states
= 2nS / mE is the Fermi energy, and EK is the average at the Fermi energy, gEF, both through the number of car-
kinetic energy of the confined 2DEG. The EK in the trian- riers and through the scattering rate. In 2DEG systems where
gular well can be estimated as E0 / 3, and the quantization only a single subband is occupied, the oscillatory part of the
energy E0 can be calculated from the simple Hartree magnetoresistivity can be expressed as37
approximation.35 Actually, all theoretical models use an ide- xx = 0XT/sin hXTexp /cq, 3
alized picture of the band structure. In reality, the depth and
curvature of the quantum well in AlGaN/GaN depend on where 0 = mE / nSe2tr is the zero-field resistivity, XT
several factors including the charge polarization at the inter- = 22kBT / c is the temperature-damping factor, tr
face, alloy disorder in the barrier, residual impurities, and = m / e is the transport lifetime derived from the electron
structural defects and could be quite different even for Hall mobility , and q is the quantum lifetime characteriz-
samples with the same 2DEG density. Our estimations were ing the disorder, which can be expressed in terms of the
performed for the investigated AlGaN/GaN samples using Dingle temperature TD = / 2kBq, where kB is the Boltz-
Eq. 1 with ns = 1 1013 cm2 and m0 = 0.20m0 give mann constant. Then, the effective mass mE can be derived
mE / m0 1.10, i.e., only 10% effective mass enhancement from the temperature dependence of the SdH oscillation am-
caused by the conduction band nonparabolicity. Even using plitude at the fixed magnetic field using the simplified fitting
the more accurate FangHoward variational model34 for EK function:34
the calculation does not considerably change the result. lnA/T = C 22kBTmE/eB, 4
where A is the amplitude of SdH oscillations and C is the
B. The polaron effect
temperature independent constant. However, it should be
Taking into account the strong coupling between elec- noted that the approximation 4 is not necessarily valid in
trons and the longitudinal optical LO phonon in polar GaN the whole temperature range where the SdH oscillations are
with a large Frhlich coupling constant = 0.49,5 one could observed.
expect the influence of the polaron on the effective mass of The results of the fitting performed for sample B using
2D electrons confined in the AlGaN/GaN quantum well. Eqs. 3 and 4 of the measured data are shown in Fig. 3. It
However, the screening of the electron-LO-phonon interac- is clearly seen that the extrapolation according to Eq. 4
tion as well as the quantum confinement of the electron wave dashed lines in Fig. 3 in the low-temperature limit brings
function strongly suppress the polaron effect. According to the explicitly overestimated values 0.22 0.25m0 and re-
the Das Sarma result,36 the polaron contribution to the effec- veals the dependence on the magnetic field, whereas Eq. 3
tive mass enhancement can be expressed as solid curves in Fig. 3 gives the value 0.2m0 for all three
073703-4 Kurakin et al. J. Appl. Phys. 105, 073703 2009

large density of the 2DEG, the spatial redistribution of the

confined electron z is a few nanometers. The most notice-
able difference in the behavior of the electron wave function
is observed for samples A and C. As is seen, the AlN inter-
layer between GaN and AlGaN in sample C reduces the
wave-function penetration into the barrier for a fixed well
width. On the opposite, in sample A with the single AlGaN/
GaN interface, the wave function extends deeper into the
barrier due to the 2D electrons in the first subband, which are
close to the interface, resulting in a larger effective mass as
compared to sample C. These results are in good agreement
with the experimental data in Table I.
FIG. 3. Amplitudes of SdH oscillations in AlGaN/GaN heterostructure The effective mass of 2D electrons in the ith subband of
sample B as a function of temperature for magnetic fields B = 8 T
squares, 9 T circles, and 10 T triangles. The solid and dashed lines are the conduction band, mi, can be defined Ref. 39, p.162 as

fits using Eqs. 3 and 4, respectively.
1 1
= dz2i z , 5
mi mz
different magnetic fields. As already mentioned above, the
peak of the SdH oscillations occurs when the sequential Lan- where i is the electron wave function of the ith subband,
dau level crosses the Fermi level. Thus, the amplitude of mz is the position-dependent effective mass of the 2DEG,
each SdH oscillation corresponds to the effective mass mE and z is the coordinate normal to the heterointerface x-y
at the Fermi energy, and there is no reason to expect any plane. In the case of the flatband the right part of the Eq. 5
magnetic field dependence of the effective mass, at least for can be solved analytically Ref. 39, p.78 as
Landau levels with high indices.
1 1 1
= 1 PbEi + PbEi, 6
D. The effect of wave-function hybridization
mi mw mb

Because of the spatial extension, the tail of the wave where mw is the effective mass in the quantum well, mb is the
function of 2D electrons occupying the lowest subband can effective mass in the barrier layer, PbEi is the probability of
penetrate into the layers confining the triangular quantum finding 2D electrons in the barrier at the level with energy Ei,
well at the AlGaN/GaN interface. The electron wave- and mi corresponds to value of experimentally obtained me.
function penetration into the barrier then causes the effective We determined the probabilities of the 2DEG wave-
electron mass increase toward the barrier bulk mass value function penetration into the barrier by self-consistent calcu-
0.27m0 for AlGaN Ref. 11. In other words, the penetra- lation for our AlGaN/GaN samples and for HEMT GaN-
tion leads to the enhancement of the 2DEG effective mass. based heterostructures reported in the literature1517,2123,28,29
To analyze this effect, we calculated the energy band containing all necessary information for the detailed simula-
structure, density of states, and the envelope wave functions tion.
of 2D electrons in the conduction band for our AlGaN/GaN To find the integral probability of the wave-function pen-
samples, using a self-consistent solution of the Schrdinger etration into the barrier by the variational method, we used
and Poisson equations. The model employs a tight-binding the trial wave functions in the following form:12
real-time Greens function approach based on the effective bz = C1 expkbz, z 0, 7
mass approximation and electron-electron interaction within
a Hartree-self-consistent potential for details, see Ref. 38. wz = C2z + z0 exp bz/2, z 0, 8
The results of calculations are shown in Fig. 4. It con-
firms the experimental findings that only one level with the where b is the electron wave function in the barrier; w is
energy E1 below the Fermi level EF is occupied. Due to the the electron wave function in the quantum well; C1, C2, and
z0 are constants; kb = 2mbVb / 2 is the parameter of the
wave-function decay in the barrier; Vb is the effective con-
duction band offset at the heterojunction measured from the
first electron level E1; mb and mw are the effective masses in
the barrier and quantum well, respectively. For mw and nS,
we used the actual values of the effective mass and the sheet
density of the 2DEG derived from experimental data. The
variational parameter b was determined using the relation of
Ando et al.34 as b = 3 24mwnSe2 / 2.
Taking into account the boundary conditions requiring
the continuity of the electron flux at the interface
FIG. 4. Self-consistently calculated conduction band potential profile, Fermi b0 = w0, b0 = w0 9
level, and electron wave-function distribution for the investigated AlGaN/
GaN heterostructures samples AC. Interface is at z = 0. and the normalization rule for the electron wave function:
073703-5 Kurakin et al. J. Appl. Phys. 105, 073703 2009

TABLE II. Calculated parameters of 2DEG in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. penetration into the barrier of the studied AlGaN/GaN het-
erostructures. The vertical bars correspond to the estimated
measurement errors. Figure 5 shows that we reach a much
A B C more coherent picture for the 2DEG effective mass than we
have in Fig. 1. For the totally nontransparent AlGaN barrier
mi m0 0.220 0.200 0.190
Pb 0 the value of the AlGaN/GaN 2DEG effective mass
mb m0 0.266 0.260 0.400
E1 meV 200 170 195
approaches the value for bulk GaN m 0.20m0. This re-
Vb meV 635 582 1935 sult additionally supports the revealed finding that the origin
Pb % 3.58 3.45 0.398 of the 2DEG effective mass enhancement is the result of
wave-function hybridization and proves the dominant role of
the electron wave-function penetration in the AlGaN barrier

0 + layer. Thus, the hybridization of the wave function describes
dzb2 + dzw2 = 1, 10 very well the effective mass enhancement in the case of each
0 specific band structure in AlGaN/GaN with different electron
density and different spatial confinement.
we have determined values of constants z0, C2, and C1:

z0 = 1/kb + b/2, C2 = 1/z02/2k b+2/b3 + 2z0/b2 + z02/b, IV. CONCLUSIONS

and C 1 = z 0C 2 , In summary, we investigated the dependence of the in-

plane effective mass of the 2DEG formed in nominally un-
necessary for the probability calculation of finding 2D elec- doped AlGaN/GaN HEMT-like structures at the AlGaNGaN
trons in the barrier and quantum well using Eqs. 7 and 8: heterojunction as a function of the quantum confinement.

P b b =
dzb2, P w w = +

The factors affecting the 2DEG effective mass enhancement,
the sheet carrier density, conduction band nonparabolocity,
polaron effect, magnetic field effect, and the electron wave-
P b b function hybridization, were analyzed and evaluated. It is
and Pb = . 11 found that in most cases the conduction band nonparabolicity
P b b + P w w
effect is overestimated, and the wave-function penetration
The results of probability calculations of the 2DEG into the AlGaN barrier should be taken into account. The
wave-function penetration into the barrier for given AlGaN/ hybridization of the wave function is determined to play the
GaN samples are summarized in Table II and are used in Eq. dominant role. The band edge effective mass of the AlGaN/
6 for the calculation of the effective mass. Evidently, they GaN 2DEG is deduced to be 0.2 0.01m0.
are in good agreement with experimental data of Table I.
Really, the probability of finding 2D electrons in the barrier ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
can be specifically small in the case of the AlN interlayer
sample C but normally it increases with increasing 2DEG This work was supported in part by the National Acad-
confinement in the single-heterojunction AlGaN/GaN emy of Sciences of Ukraine, by the Ukrainian Ministry of
samples A and B. Education and Science, by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
The summary of the data for the 2DEG effective mass in shaft Contract No. KL1342, and by the Office of Naval
the investigated AlGaN/GaN heterostructures is shown in Research Grant No. N00014-01-0828.
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