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Members: Jose Moya

Teacher : Vicky Espinosa

Grade : 2 medio A
School bullying has become one of the
most controversial issues of recent times.
The fact that classrooms are becoming
less and less secure is something that
concerns not only parents and teachers,
but the authorities in general, for the
reason that harassment is no longer
confined to purely school territory
Bullying also known as "bullying" bullying
is composed of the word "bully" which
means "maton" or "peleon" plus the
ending "ing" indicating the action or the
result of an action
Bullying can be psychological,
verbal, social or physical.

Psychological :sychological bullying is

one in which the aggressor uses threats to obtain
or achieve things through the manipulation of
the victim,

Social : Social Bullying is based mostly on

the exclusion of the victim in addition to
ignoring it, not including it in activities such as
games, class work, etc.

Physical : Physical Bullying is the most

common, including actions and conflicts such
as fights, thefts, beatings, blows, tripping, or
even small actions that may harm the victim
The characteristics of bullying are bullying or
bullying that occurs when a student or a
group of students repeatedly tries to
physically or psychologically hurt a weaker
or weaker partner.

Harassment can range from teasing, insults,

rumors or provocations to shoving and

Major consequences for victims :

Social phobia
Worst grades
Psychosomatic symptoms
Social isolation
How does bullying affect health
and well-being?

Bullying can cause physical

injuries, social and emotional
problems, and even death.1
Children and adolescents who are
victims of this type of harassment
are at greater risk of developing
mental health problems, including
depression, anxiety, headaches
and adjustment problems at
school.2 Bullying can also have
harmful effects on long-term self-
Research studies funded by the
NICHD also found that, unlike
traditional forms of bullying,
young people who are victims
of cyberbullying-for example,
through a computer or cell
phone-are at greater risk of
suffering depression that
young people who perform

Children or adolescents who

harass and at the same time are
victims of harassment, are those
who suffer the most serious
effects of bullying
This disease is a problem that not
only affects the victim who suffers
but also those around her as she
begins to undergo changes and that
makes the family worry, as do
friends, colleagues and teachers.
This problem becomes a vicious
circle; the abuser attacks a victim,
the victim by not saying anything
protects him and only gets the
abuser to continue.

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