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Ultimate SAP Workflow Tutorial for ABAPers

1. The Workflow Business Process Introduction

a) BOR: Where ABAP meets WF (where we write the ABAP Code)
b) Explore the Workflow Designer. Walk through an existing workflow log and introduce different
workflow objects
c) Events (LPOR (Local Persistent Object Reference) method, Event Triggers, Containers, Binding
Technique, Agents, Roles, Rules, Expressions etc.
d) Explain with example, how data is transferred from workflow template global container to work
item (container) and vise versa.
e) Common standard tables used for Workflow reporting
f) Common t-codes used in SAP Workflow for configuration, development, testing, debugging,
support, monitoring, admin.

2. Create a simple Workflow which when triggered would just send email.
Write a custom program. From this program trigger the workflow and send the email. Email
address and content would be provided as input in the program selection screen.

3. Create One New Simple Workflow.

a) Create a custom table (Z_MAT_SUPPLIER). It would have matnr, werks, username, status field.
b) Create another custom table Z_WF_OWNER. It would have table name, role, user id, first name
and email id.

c) When an entry in the custom table (Z_MAT_SUPPLIER) is saved, trigger a custom workflow
which would find the owner of the table saved in another custom table (Z_WF_OWNER) and ask
him for approval (task) and also email him that task which is on his queue for approval.

d) Approver should be able to hit Approve button from his outlook/gmail email. Or from the task in
his inbox.

e) Once the approver approvers the task, change the field name STATUS of the custom table (to 'A'
(Approved) and complete the workflow.

f) If the Z_WF_OWNER has no entry for the table saved, it should fail the workflow and send
notification to the workflow starter.

g) If the workflow for same material and plant is still active (waiting for approval or errored out) or the
status of that line of the table is not A approved, then new workflow should not send notification
to approver. It should send email to creator of this new line and complete the workflow and in the
email say another workflow already exists.

4) Create a simple Workflow Report. It would have date as select-option field. For the given input date,
pull all workflow and task which was triggered and give the status with date and time. Also provide the
creator of the workflow and approver of the workflow. Provide explanation of each step.

5) Trace, Track and Troubleshoot Workflow post go live. How to monitor and support workflow? Useful t-
codes and tricks which ABAPers should know. How to re-start the errored workflow. How to delete tasks
from someone elses inbox.
How to check if the event is triggered. How to check why workflow did not trigger. Debugging workflow at

6) Develop a new PO Release Strategy Workflow from scratch. Whenever the release strategy of the PO
is changed, trigger the workflow.
Show the PO Release Strategy class and configuration steps.
Create custom table to save user name, dollar value, release level, approver id
If user id ABC has approval level dollar value till 10,000 than he can approve and complete the workflow.
That means, if ABC creates a PO of value 4000, then the PO Auto-approves and PO Release strategy
changes to complete.

If user id ABC creates PO with value 15000, than he cannot approve it since it is above 10000 (his limit).
It should go to someone who has level upto 15000. So the workflow would go to next release strategy till
the superior approves it. If his manager has level till 14000 and then it should go to his manager. Who in
turn send to his manager who has level more than 15000.

If there is no approver maintained throw and error. Once the approver is maintained, the workflow should
re-start automatically.

The approver can either approve or reject the work item.

Workflow notifications must be sent to the assigned approver and/or buyer at each stage of the
i. Assigned approvers should be emailed an approval request that includes the following
1) Purchase Order XXXXXXXXX is awaiting your approval in SAP.
2) PO: [PO number]
3) Plant: [code] [plant name]
4) PO Description: [short text of first open line]
5) Total Amount: [Net Amount]
6) Previous Total Amount: [previous approved amount, if new PO this will be 0.00]
7) Vendor: [vendor ID] [vendor name 1]
8) PO Creator: [PO creator email]
9) Additional Information: [PO Header Notes]
10) Include an attachment that will open the workflow item in SAP.
ii. Assigned approvers should be emailed an approval request REMINDER after 48 hours that
includes the following information:
1) REMINDER: Purchase Order XXXXXXXXX has been awaiting your approval in SAP for
48 hours.
2) PO: [PO number]
3) Plant: [code] [plant name]
4) PO Description: [short text of first open line]
5) Total Amount: [Net Amount]
6) Previous Total Amount: [previous approved amount, if new PO this will be 0.00]
7) Vendor: [vendor ID] [vendor name 1]
8) PO Creator: [PO creator email]
9) Additional Information: [PO Header Notes]
10) Include an attachment that will open the workflow item in SAP.
iii. An approval confirmation should be emailed to the PO creator once the workflow ends and
PO release strategy status changes to Complete. The notification should include the
following information:
1) Purchase Order XXXXXXXX has been APPROVED for purchase.
2) PO: [PO number]
3) Plant: [code] [plant name]
4) PO Description: [short text of first open line]
5) Total Amount: [Net Amount]
6) Vendor: [vendor ID] [vendor name 1]
iv. A rejection notice should be emailed to the PO creator once an approver rejects the
workflow approval request. The notification should include the following information:
1) Purchase Order XXXXXXXX has been REJECTED in workflow by [rejecting approver
2) PO: [PO number]
3) Plant: [code] [plant name]
4) PO Description: [short text of first open line]
5) Total Amount: [Net Amount]
6) Vendor: [vendor ID] [vendor name 1]
7) Rejection Reason: [rejection note from approver]
v. A routing error notice should be emailed to the error_monitor email id maintained in the
table.. The notification should include the following information:
1) An error occurred when routing Purchase Order XXXXXXXX for approval.
2) PO: [PO number]
3) Plant: [code] [plant name]
4) PO Description: [short text of first open line]
5) Total Amount: [Net Amount]
6) Vendor: [vendor ID] [vendor name 1]

7. Create a Report to track all the PO Release Strategy Workflow. Selection screen should have PO
number (optional), Date select option. The output of the report should be status of work items, and
workflow and then the agents.

8. Anything you want to write for Workflow Tutorial which would help the readers and show your
command/authority on SAP Workflow.

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