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System Administration

All the security and access controls shall be maintained in this module. Application
access shall be provided to the users by creating users with authorized privileges.
System should detect the unsuccessful logins also. Password Expiry, Session Timeout,
User Activation when locked by the unsuccessful logins and user forgets the

2. Item Master

Item code is global for all the units of Aurobindo USA plants and distribution
warehouses and could be created and approved through an electronic signature
process. Item default status as Quarantine and UOM (Unit of Measurement) controls
shall be defined globally at the time of item creation only. Item Categories, Item
Catalog shall be updated for each item for reporting purpose. If there is any updation
requirement to the existing item, then the same shall be updated and approved by
the E-Signature Process. Duplicate item code could not be registered. A registered
item code was available for querying and modification of selected data. The modified
particulars were then available for further transactions after approval through the
electronic signature approval process. Item shall be in-activated if the item should
not be used for further transactions.

3. Approved Supplier List

There are two types of Approved Supplier list available in the system.
Direct: Manufacturer and Supplier is same
Distributor: Manufacturer and Supplier is not same
Approved Suppliers List shall be listed in the application by defining the various
status controls like Approved, Debarred and New.
Approved Status Supplier is available to procure the materials forever
New Status Supplier is available to procure the material for one time only
Debarred Supplier is not available to procure the materials forever
Approved supplier list reports to be generated accurately to the parameters
provided for the same.

4. Procurement

Purchase Requisition (PR) Creation and Approval by Pre-defined hierarchy through

the notification to procure materials from vendors other than Aurobindo USA
There are two types of Purchase Orders available in the application
Direct: Purchase Order (PO) creation without Purchase Requisition (PR)
Auto-Create: PO shall be created with approved PR
Purchase Order (PO) creation and approval by pre-defined hierarchy through
notification. System will check and move forward to Approver only when Approved
Supplier is available for the item.
5. Inventory

Receipt shall be completed against the Approved PO and Approved RSO. Lots shall
be created at the time of receipts with E-Signature Process. Lot particulars shall be
updated with E-Signature Process. Notification shall go to Quality persons for
sampling. Approved Materials shall be issued against the production batches and
Approved Move Orders. Other than approved lot status materials are restricted by
the system for issuance. Materials shall be transferred from one locator to another
locator through Sub Inventory Transfer. Rejected materials shall be Return to Vendor
(RTV) in the system. Miscellaneous Receipt transactions shall be performed to create
the inventory in the system. Miscellaneous Issue transactions shall be performed to
deduct the inventory in the system.

6. Quality

Notification shall be forwarded to the identified Quality Person for sampling after
completion of the receipt. Quality person shall open the notification and complete
sampling with E-Signature Process. Quality Control person shall enter the results for
sampled materials. Then Quality manager shall change the disposition of the sample
to either approved or rejected. Approved and rejected labels shall be produced from
the system based on the disposition of the sample. The procedure is same for the
produced materials after declaration of the output.

7. Production

Recipe is the combination of the formula and routing. Approved Formula and routing
shall be attached to the recipe. Routing is optional for the recipe creation. Formula
shall be created and approved by the E-Signature process. Recipe shall be created
and approved by E-Signature process by the authorized persons. Approved Recipes
are available for batch creation for regular production batches. Create batch and
pre-approved move order for all the ingredients by pick material transaction. Pre-
approved move order is available for the materials issuance. Inventory operator shall
issue the materials against this pre-approved move order. Approved Materials are
only available at the time of material issuance as system control. Consume the
materials and declare output as batch operations. Whenever Product Output is
declared, then system prompts for E-Signature process. Status of the output
declared for produced material is in Quarantine (Not available for issuance and
shipping). Notification will send to the Quality Person for Sampling and analysis.
Sampling and analysis transactions shall be carried out in Quality module.

8. Order Management

Create and approve the sales orders by pre-defined authorized persons. Then
release Sales Order. Following System controls are available while releasing the sales
Sales Order Item lot should be in approved Status
Sales Order Item should have quantity in the respective Warehouse

Released Sales Orders are available to allocate the lots for sales order. Then ship the
allocated materials to the customer.

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