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Sped up footage of people walking Since 2010, homelessness has
on a busy street risen by 32% and the rate of
absolute poverty has remained
unchanged throughout the past
Footage of children playing on an Despite the UK being the fifth
estate largest economy in the world,
Footage of homelessness in the our rates of homelessness are
city almost on par with the likes of
Uganda and Zimbabwe, which are
known for being hugely politically
disparaged and unequal.
Students in a studying Reports say that councils across
environment the country are finding it
particularly hard to house
homeless young people and that
they expect these difficulties to get
worse in the next three years.
Students walking around college On top of this, an array of
government cuts to student
maintenance and opportunities,
has left the bulk of current
students facing appalling cost of
living and debt challenges.
Archival footage for poor family All of this means many students
living conditions will apply for university or work
without knowing what their living
conditions will look like until its
too late.
On screen presenter walking on In this film, we ask the question of
college campus whether young people should be
educated on such matters to allow
them to make informed decisions
about their futures; To educate
them on the complex reasons why
poverty and homelessness occur,
so that coming generations can
achieve the change in our society
that is so desperately needed.
Montage//opening credits
On screen presenter Here at Solihull Sixth Form
College, hundreds of students will
soon begin the process of applying
for university. Theyll take into
consideration their degree course,
location and night life. But will
finance be at the top of their

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