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VOL 1 ISSUE 1 11/2/2017




South Korea was formed after the U.S. helped freed Korea from Japanese rule in 1945. The Soviet
Union and the United States both occupied Korea, and could not form negations to keep a Korea
whole. Korea was the split along the 38th parallel, with the Soviet Union supporting the Democratic
Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) and The United States supporting the Republic of Korea
(South Korea). The first President of South Korea, Syngman Rhee was elected August 15, 1948 and
he created the First Republic.


This branch consists mainly of the Cabinet
of South Korea. It consists of 15-30
members including the chairperson, the
Prime Minister, the vice Prime Minister,
and the ministers of the 17 ministries in
the nation. Their main responsibility is to
discuss and deliberate on important
policies in South Korea.

The legislative branch consists of The
First established on July 17, 1948, it is the most National Assembly, one of the most
important documents in South Korea. It guarantees important groups in the South Korean
South Korean citizens their freedom, rights, and equal
government. It is composed of 300
opportunity. It also states that while people have their
members, 253 are chosen through
freedom, they are obligated to pay taxes, educate their
children, work, and protect the nation. It also proclaims plurality votes and the other 47 are
that South Korea will strive for international peace and elected through proportional
that international treaties are to be accepted by South representation. The National Assembly is
Korean citizens. split into 17 different committees. They
deliberate and help pass laws, create
budgets, and completing administrative
tasks. Most importantly, the National
Assembly can impeach or recommend the
VOL 1 ISSUE 1 11/2/17

removal of higher officials such as the

Prime Minster or even the President.

The Judiciary branch is made up of three
tiers of courts: District Courts, High
Courts, and The Supreme Court. Most
criminal and civil cases begin at the
district level, and work their way up the
courts through appeals. The supreme
court serves as the final verdict on all

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