Ed / - Ing Adjectives

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Adjectives ed/-ing

1. When you were at school what made you feel interest___ in class?

2. Which is more terrif___ to meet late at night; a spider or a mouse?

3. When you were young who made you feel encourage___?

4. Can you name three really excit___ and fairly bor___ jobs?

5. When was the last time you were really relax___? What happened?

6. Which is more excit___; a skiing trip in Switzerland or a beach holiday in Jamaica? Can you

give reasons for your answer?

7. What is the most mov___ and captivat___ film you've ever seen?

8. Do you feel annoy___ or excit___ when you hear loud music? Why?

9. What makes you feel energ___?

10. Who is the least entertain___ celebrity you know?

11. What is the most frustrate___ aspect of travel?

12. What do you do to make yourself feel relax___?

13. When was the last time you felt flatter___? What happened?

14. What are two foods you find absolutely disgust___?

15. What is the most confus___ thing when travelling to a foreign country?

Presentation: Create a short presentation on 5 moments in your life; a time when you were shocked,

frustrated, excited, moved and relaxed.

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