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GROUP Leisure

1 Wellness
Freedom (licence to do something)
Constraint (licenced in the sense of

Latin root languages:

Otium - Nec-otium
Free time that can be spent as you
see fit
Activities making up your
unstructured free time
Many different possibilities
Not necessarily planned use of time,
but not necessarily wasted time
Bodys chance to rejuvenate itself
Greek Philosophy
Aristotle Mens Sana in Corpore Sano
Sound Mind in Sound Body
Harmony in Sport, Physical Activity Exercise and
Recreation & Tourism
Good Health and Well Being
Holistic Development of Men in
Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional &
Buddhism Philosophy
Body and Mind The body is the servant, the mind is the master.
Health is more than freedom from illness
and disease.
Over 50 years ago, the World Health
Organization defined health as being more
than freedom from illness, disease, and
debilitating conditions.
In recent years, public health experts have
identified wellness as a sense of well-
being and quality of life.
Wellness reflects how one
feels (a sense of well-being)
about life as well as ones
ability to function effectively.

Wellness is the integration of many

different components (mental, social, Wellness, as opposed to
emotional, spiritual, and physical) that illness (a negative), is
expand ones potential to live (quality sometimes described as
of life) and work effectively and to the positive component of
make a significant contribution to good health.
Health Related to Fitness is the
Key for
Reduce Obesity Healthy Life Healthy Life Style
It is a participation in an
activity that you enjoy

e.g., playing sports, watching

An activity that will improve us TV, downloading music, or
or restore us in some way playing video games, cooking
and baking, gardening
- an essential part of human life and finds many different forms
which are shaped naturally by individual interests but also by the
surrounding social construction.
- recreational activities can be communal or solitary, active or
passive, outdoors or indoors, healthy or harmful, and useful for
society or detrimental.
- work, an activity generally performed out of economic necessity
and useful for society and organized within the economic
framework, however can also be pleasurable and may be self-
imposed thus blurring the distinction to recreation.
Health development
Human relations development
Civic development
Historical Development
of Recreation:
Renaissance Period (13501600)
Painting, music, literature, science, and education
Well-educated man could ride, fence, dance, and paint
Great cultural movement in the arts and education

Reformation Period (1500s1600s)

Protestant work ethic introduced to colonial America
Recreation and leisure were earned through daily hard work
Work before play
Ample time for recreation and leisure = lazy and a loafer
Industrial Revolution
Working-class Upper class
No time or energy Enjoyed many forms of
Few leisure opportunities recreation
Visiting the taverns or pubs Bird watching, fishing,
cricket, polo, and hunting
Middle class
Modeled upAper class
Playing the piano, singing,
and drama
Roaring 20s
People began to recognize the need to enjoy
leisure time
Hard work followed by deserved recreation and
Touring in the newly invented automobile
The Charleston in illegal after-hours
Depression Years
Recreation became less formal
People came together
Played their musical instruments
Had picnics at the local beaches
Went swimming
Conducted square dances
Made ice cream were the norm
Big bands and swing music were popular
Attending the movie theatres (with sound)
Modern Era (1950Present)
Fundamental changes in 1950s
+ Middle-class citizens had extra money for fun and leisure
+ Finish work each evening with leisure activities
+ Faster transportation = travel
+ Early retirement and enjoyment
+ Municipal multipurpose recreational facilities
- Technological advancements took over for PA
Although technology can provide hours of recreation, it does not
necessarily promote a healthy and active lifestyle
Recent Developments
Shift in recreation priorities from working long hours
Family recreational activities are on the rise
More family time
Adapted programs and facilities
Parents spend time on childrens recreation
Adult sports leagues, golf, skiing, and fitness memberships
Do we live to work or do we work to live?
1. Leisure Time an activity engaged in during
ones free time
2. Enjoyable the activity engaged in is
satisfying to the participant
3. Voluntary the individual must have chosen
his own volition to engage in this pursuit.
4. Constructive it helps the individual to
become better and well integrated
5. Non-survival it is not for the purpose of life
maintenance or existence.
1. Recreation involves activity. 6. Engagement in recreation is
2. Recreation has no single form. entirely voluntary.
3. Recreation is determined by 7. Recreation is serious and
motivation purposeful.
4. Recreation occurs in an 8. Recreation is flexible.
unobligated time. 9. Recreation has by-products.
5. Recreation is universally 10. Recreation is enjoyable
practiced and sought.
Happiness Freedom
Satisfaction Physical Condition
Balanced Growth Social Condition
Creativeness Aesthetic Appreciation
Competition Fantasy and Escape
Character Nostalgia and Reflection
Mental Capacity
RECREATION: Its Scope of Activities
Recreation as Activities

Results : Emotional Participate in

Development activities
Excitement Their own
In free time
(leisure time)
Recreation as a Process

Select recreation Their own interest

activities as means Free time, leisure time
Social activities
to ends acceptance

Total Development
Physical Result :
Mental Enjoyment
Emotional Excitement
Social Achievement
Recreation as Social Welfare
Central Delivery

Wildlife Beaches

Recreation Program
Municipal Recreation Resource Historical Park
Park Recreation Centre Service

Botanic Garden Sport Stadium
Youth Centre
Recreation will make a positive contribution to physical
development and organic health and to emotional well being

01 Quality of life 03 Total Development

Emotional Wellness : Physical,

02 Development 04 Mental, Social, Emotional
and Spiritual
Sport, Games, Dance and Outdoor Recreation activities
gain neuromuscular skills and generally improve their
strength, fitness, agility and endurance

Recreation offers the

opportunity for
relaxation, a change of
pace and develop
meaningful and
supportive social
relationship with others
Physical Needs Served by
Recreation Activities
Games and Sports, varied forms of dance, and moderate forms of
exercise as walking and gardening have significant effects on
physical health
Control of Obesity
Preserving Cardiovascular Fitness
Fitness Program in Public Recreation
Fitness in Health Club and Industrial Program
Emotional Values of
Recreational Participation
Health Emotional Outcomes
Mental Health
Value of Relaxation
Stress Management
Healthy Balance of Work and Play
Social Values of
Sport and Character Development
Competition and Cooperation
Sport participations can contribute to upward mobility:
(1) Develop Skills
(2) May promote educational achievement by providing
(3) May lead to occupational sponsorship
(4) May lead to the development of attitude and behavior patterns
valued in the larger occupational world
Public space such as parks and beaches are essential venues for many
recreational activities.
Tourism has recognized that many visitors are specifically attracted by recreational
In support of recreational activities government has taken an important role in
their creation, maintenance, and organization, and whole industries have
developed merchandise or services.
Recreation-related business is an important factor in the economy; it has been
estimated that the outdoor recreation sector alone contribute to the upliftment of
economy and generates million jobs.
Setting and Agencies Sponsoring
Recreation Programs:
1. Government 5. Arm forces
2. Industries 6. Home
3. Schools 7. Commercial
4. Hospitals establishments
8. Clubs and Organizations
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