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Omrane Sup Secondary School

Mrs Djobbi- 3rd Formers

Activity in focus: -Idiomatic expressions

get in my hair = (slang) make me angry/upset
Speaking: Taking part in a radio/TV
= bother me.
program as a listener, TV or radio
b-for heavens sake= please
c-Jump down ones throat= (informal)scold
/criticize someone.
d- peace and quiet =
Use of appropriate
Tranquillity and freedom from disturbance. ( as
conversation strategies for:
in All I want is a little peace
Opening/ closing conversations
and quiet)
Holding the floor
e- no piece of cake = not easy
Taking turn
Switching topic.
-Read the following
Pronunciation note (father and son):
introduction then do the task
Accentuated beats of the music fall on
words that carry a strong stress. below.
Content words carry a strong stress Introduction: Just like Oprah Winfrey Dr. Phil is a
famous American TV presenter. They both help
but grammatical words carry a weak
bewildered (= confused) parents to get through hard
stress times with their children.

1/ Clara is one of those people who think that Dr. Phil could help her. She phoned Dr. Phil to talk about how
overburdened she is. Dr. Phil and two other guests took part in their conversation. Read their conversation on
the next page and insert the missing idioms/ expressions from the box below.

Expressing dissatisfaction/ Complaining

* I dont like

*2I dont know why

*3Im really *4I feel like
Interrupting a conversation:
* 5Could I stop you here for a moment please?...
*6 Could I butt in here?
*7 Before you go on let me
Expressing agreement /disagreement:
*8. I see what you mean, but
*9 .What you say is interesting, but.
* 10. Well! That might be true, but
Expressing opinion:
*11. I believe / I think that
*12. To my mind
* 13. I sort of think that
* 14. I have a hunch that
* 15. it seems to me that
Conversation strategies are the techniques that help the speaker and listener keep a conversation going to its natural and
desired conclusion. Idioms are a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the
individual words (e.g. over the moon, see the light )
Omrane Sup Secondary School
Mrs Djobbi- 3rd Formers

Clara: Im really exhausted. Im going mad in this house; my children are noisy and messy.
They are like wild animals at times, throwing toys everywhere and screaming and messing
around. They 1________________________. I am beginning to dread every day with them. My
husband is also too demanding too. Whenever I complain he 2 _________________ I just wish
they could help a bit in such things as getting dressed, having a wash, picking things up and
tidying their rooms at least. Why should I be the only one who cares?
Dr. Phil: 3 ( _______________________ ) ask you how many children do you have? Clara:
I have three children but I feel like having a dozen.
Listener 1: I happened to hear Clara's problem and I'd like to make a comment .
(_____________) Clara has a point but it 5________________that she has a lot to learn about
parenting. Motherhood is a huge responsibility involving daily house chores and stressful duties.
She seems to forget that young children certainly need to play jump and run. It's a part of their
learning process.
Clara: I'm a working mother you see .... My job is very stressful .So, when I go home all I
want is 6_____________________ .1 ...
Listener 1: 7(______________________ ) madam? Who is to blame in your case? to my
mind you are more concerned about cleanliness ,decorum and manners than about the well- being
of your Children .Your expectations are just too high for your children.
Dr. Phil: 8(______________________ ) Clara: how old are your children ?
Clara: Mary is nine Mark is three and Bob is two.
Listener 1: It's ridiculous! You don't expect a 2 or 3-year-old child to pick up his toys or tidy
his room! Loosing temper and beginning to yell at them, scold or spank them can't help either.9 (
_______________ )madam you've got to know that if you'd like to win your children ,you've got
to learn to ignore their misconduct and praise them more often .Instead of having negative
responses which make them defy your rule. Redirect their attention to positive interesting
activities that you can share with them. Get involved in their world. You will see after all that it
is fun and useful; "a family which play together stay together".
Listener 2: I heard Clara and as a mom myself I understand her problem and I sympathize with
her.10 (__________________) male authority is what Clara's children need. Its a pity that fathers
don't seem to bother themselves too much about children's problems and leave all the
responsibility to moms. No wander they end up losing control.
Dr. Phil : well! ...11(________________________) It's true that most of our female audience
admit having a hard time disciplining their children. However, experts insist that yelling and
punishing children become ineffective if they are overused .Besides, they do nothing but damage
children's psychological development .Ladies and gentlemen, views differ but one thing we all
agree on parenting a child is 12_____________________.

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