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Name : Lina fauziyyah A.

Class : 2012- D

NIM : 12188203122

Topic : The Best Age for motherhood

Tittle : woman twenty five years old, new marriage? No problem!

Marriage is a sacred thing of marriage, and it will create a new family, but now
there are many woman do a wedding at a fairly young age. According to research from
the National Center for Health Statistic 59% of woman performed marriage under
twenty five years old. In common way the effective age for having a billion carrier is
twenty years old. Unfortunately many teenagers prefer having married to carrier
nowadays. Married at young age really does not break the rules, if only the person who
is married has been prepared in terms of financial, mental and physical. Twenty five
years old is actually the effective age to get married, since at that age womens
reproductive system has matured, as well as psychologcally have grown.

As we know in this modern era / the fact that today many women are getting
married at a young age due to any association or still adhered to the traditions of the
ancestors that 'when she married over 16 years he was considered a spinster'. In fact,
women who married at age below 20 years, could endanger his own physical condition,
because the reproductive system is not perfect when compared with women aged 20
years and over. Because women at the age of 20 years and above in saying he was
already mature, so that women in this age have little risk of miscarriage, because the
egg and reproductive organs have matured and prepared perfectly. Based on the blog
( states that a woman at the age of 25 years and over experiencing
fertility. And Public Relations of the Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional
(BKKBN) said "Based on reproductive health, women become better mothers at ages
ranging from 20 years". So for women who have a marriage at the age of 25 is fine
besides the reproductive system of mature age are grouped by age fertile. According to
( at ages under 20 years in medicine have reproductive organs that are not
ready, and there will be high blood pressure. Many of the risks posed by pregnancy in
young women (under 20 years) because at this age the reproductive system is not
perfect, and sel telur is also not yet fully developed. So the possibility of young mothers
have high blood pressure. And there are many cases with the more serious injuries to
woman pregnant in young age.

In women who do marriage and ready to become a mother at the age of 25 years.
Not only viewed from the maturity of the reproductive system, are also ready physically
and mentally. Besides, growth and psychological readiness is needed, including
readiness in terms of financial, emotional and social. A woman at this age feel ready to
get married because it is supported by having full-time jobs. So it is not dependent on
their parents, and can manage their finances carefully and precisely who lived in the
household. In addition, we also think about the cost of long-term life, with the presence
of children in the midst of a small family built. Children are an investment in the future
for a couple who had been re- established household, so that the role of a mother in
preparing health and good education for their children should be completely cooked, so
it does not affect the mother's career. Like as written by farah vera bararah on blogs
'detikhealth' that "Children are the future investments and should women who want to
have children should be ready financially. Must be considered also whether it can give
the child love fully, good health and education as well as whether the child will affect
the careers and ambitions mother ". In contrast to a woman who became a mother at a
young age, in financial terms he was not ready. In general, young mothers like this are
still dependent on their parents and shop for the performance still dominate. So to invest
in the future is still less attention. And felt there was an obstacle in the career and
ambition. In the case of a woman's emotional age 25 in the household are confronted
more boldly addressing the positive and calm way of thinking, so that the risk of
divorce a little. Compared to the marriage at a young age. Additionally susceptible to
miscarriage, in general, the young mother suffered a miscarriage due to the stress is not
ready to be a mom. In condition like this can cause side effects in young mothers womb.
Another risk is child born with premature condition, the experiences of young mothers
about nutrition is still less so that her unborn child in the developmental period will be
reduced anyway.

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