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General Objective

To translate a Teaching Methodology article More than Baby talk and a

community based tourism article Developing community-based tourism in
South Africa: Addressing the missing link from English into the Spanish using
different methods and procedures of translation and reliable sources for
giving the readers an understandable article.

Specific Objectives

*To determine the type of text and audience of both articles by skimming

*To analyse selected articles in a detailed way using the appropriate

translation methods and procedures.

*To consult trustworthy dictionaries.

*To explain translation methods and procedures in a theoretical way.

*To keep the original format of the article.

*To make a glossary of new words related to the topic.

*To write the Spanish final version of both articles.


Translation is a wonderful process of transferring a text written in a language

to a different language, which maintains an original essence and for
developing this process a series of techniques and methods must be used,
that is why they are reflected in the translation of this work and Focusing on
Tarija and particularly, the Language Career of Juan Misael Saracho
University, translation is really important because all the Languages Career
students have to elaborate a final work which consists of translating a text by
applying the most adequate methods and techniques aiming to provide
professionals, specialists, students and society in general with updated
bibliography about different topics.

The present final work is an investigation that aims to introduce the

techniques and methods of learning a second language, for that reason we
are translating a methodology article; More than Baby talk and a community
based tourism article Developing community-based tourism in South Africa:
Addressing the missing link from English into the Spanish.

For developing this work we have divided it in the following chapters:

Chapter I presents the research approach, the problems, the objectives, the
rationale, the scope and limitation of it, as well as the theorical framework, the
relevance of the research, the methodological aspects are also addressed.

Chapter II deals with the theorical aspects related to the translation, translator
profile, types of texts and examples from the translated articles.

Chapter III contains the original and translated articles in both areas;
methodology and tourism.

Finally we have the conclusions, recommendations, bibliography, webgraphy

and a glossary plenty of new words.
1. Andy Cheung (2013) A History of Twentieth Century Translation Theory
and Its Application for Bible Translation.
2. Kirsten Malmkjr, Online Publication Date: Sep 2012. Subject: Linguistics,
Translation and Interpretation, Semantics.
3. Charles Lee, April 27, 2011. I Know the Difference Between a Translator
and an Interpreter
4. Newmark, P. (1988a). A Textbook of Translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice
5. Newmark, P. (1988b). Approaches to Translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice
6. Newmark, P. (1991). About Translation: Multilingual Matters. Clevedon,
Philadelphia, Adelaide: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
7. Mathieu, 08/09/2015 Different Types of Translation Services

The conclusion of this work would not have been possible without the help
and collaboration of our APF 504 subject tutor, which is why we express our
deep gratitude. During the culmination of this work, we can say that we have
satisfactorily achieved the objectives set at the beginning of the work at the
same time we could know and enrich our knowledge regarding methodology
and tourism issues. While collecting information about these subjects we
could realize the great importance that they have. In the area of methodology,
we can see 10 important steps to promote skills in the language of babies,
and on the other hand; in the tourism aspect we can strengthen our
knowledge regarding the current situation of tourism in South Africa. In doing
this work we realized that it is necessary to continue doing this type of work
that is helpful for readers, which is the impetus to continue developing this
type of translation.


After doing this work, we feel able to express some recommendations to help
the students of possible disturbances that can have on their work and we took
into account are as follows:

We suggest them to look for different sources with its corresponding

references and bibliography beforehand.

We recommend them to do all the work as the teacher indicate,

bearing in mind the prudent time to fulfill the specific points for that the
teacher asks, thereby the students will be able to do the final work in a
simplest and effective way.
Think that the regulation should include other fields apart of the one
that they are already mentioned there for the draft of the interpretive
report, for example: the psychology, the modern science, and others.

We should ask for the opinion of the specialists about the subject
chosen in order to have a better comprehension of this hackneyed.

We know this work has a great theoretical importance and that is why it is
based on a theoretical support that develops essential concepts and theories
from the field of translation, it includes a deep study of this area, which helped
us to guide in the elaboration of this work. Our document also has a
methodological relevance because it has a methodological support containing
all the steps we followed for doing the translation of two articles. In the final
part of it we have the original and translated version of two articles; one
related to methodology and the second one related to tourism field. Finally
the conclusions and recommendations.

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