6 1st Selections

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Mill of the Gods Estrella Alfon message: consider others when you decide

Espeleta, Martha, Pio, Engracia dont be narrow-minded, because our selfish

decisions affect and make the ones around us
Martha (12 yrs. old)- tall, lagging in class, dull suffer.
1st scar
reckless fight between Pio and Engracia (Ms parents) due to a cheating father
Martha wasnt the child that entered who went out of that room fight made a great impact
Martha (18 yrs. old)- became pretty, demure
fell in love with thoughts of marriage but got brokenhearted
she hated her father and despised her mother
felt she has to pay for her fathers mistake
Martha (after heartbreak) graduated with honors for nursing, wise, wary
had a relationship with a doctor who has a wife
found his dad dead on patients bed with boyfriend as doctor (gunshot by husband of affair)
felt no sadness with fathers death but instead satisfied feeling prevailed because she no
longer has to pay for her fathers crime
Pagkat Lalaki Ka- Michael Coroza
Learn how to cry for it will cleanse the impurities and microbes in your mind, heart and whole
being (crying isnt just for girls, this shows our normal standard for guys masculinity)
Learn how to be remorseful, own up to your mistake. Let them judge you, shun their
opinions, this way youll find your personality. (accept criticism and improve oneself because
men find it hard to admit their mistake because they are full of pride)
Men inherited privilege; theyre perceived to be more superior than women. Men play an
active role such as hero while girls are damsels in distress (due to the hunting of man for
Men also inherited negative connotation to them being violent. (Chinese abort more female
than male due to one child policy)
Females are undervalued and taken for granted. Represented by soil and earth. (know
importance of women, because men got their help to build a civilization. Womens worth are
measured by experience- like blood on marital sheets represent virginity and is praised)
Womens role is crucial and important but easily forgotten. Mothers get no reward.
Recommend improvement and remove false consciousness about women. Cultivate new
To the Man I Married- Angela Manalang Gloria
You are my earth, gravity, air, land, food, shelter, earth (person you can go
home to and brighten your day)
As much as the tree needs to be deeply rooted it also yearns for the sun (she
values personal growth and needs time for herself but it doesnt mean she
loves him any less)
love for him cant outcompare the boundless sea because its unrealistic
instead she can love him with finite wave that dies and blue of everlasting skies.
(Her love is realistic, aware of her limitations and needs. She loves him for

Having no forever and mortality

makes the finite days here on
Earth more valuable and precious.
Tungkung Langit and Alunsina Panay-Visayan folktale F. Landa Jocano
setting: shapeless and formless space mixed with confusion
characters: 2 Gods- Tungkung Langit (Pillar of the Sky),Alunsina(The unmarried one)
fell in love and got married to one another
TL- industrious, loving, kind, Alunsina- lazy(combs hair all day), jealous(sent spy
despite having no Gods other than them 2, selfish
TL got mad at the spy incident and drove Alunsina away, so she disappeared and
never came back til today.
TL was sorrowful and tries to find her so he made the Earth, sea, trees, flowers
then As necklace became star, comb the moon and crown the sun. TLs tears are
rain while the thunder is him sobbing, calling for his beloved.
paradox of missing people when they
already left us. dont be like alunsina
if you want to be married.
Ang Babaing Nangarap nang Gising- Virgilio Almario
Hugging utensil for cooking while daydreaming about being a princess (lower
class wide, not rich)
flashback during teen years that shell overcome her poverty and move from
the farm and province to the city (because city have more opportunities and an
advanced and updated education)
Shes like a lost chick, tired and drained. She got the news that her gala husband
will arrive home so she dressed well and cleaned up the house. ( naive in new
city, unfamiliar with surroundings, been taken advantage of. Shes tired because
she wasnt able to achieve desperation of escaping poverty and she isnt
contented with life given to her by her husband)
As husband went home, she daydreamed once more after seeing her husband
(man was someone she settled for just to be with someone)
Plan through if you want to achieve something, work for it. Dont settle for
less and have realistic dreams with a path you can visualize
Woman with Horns- Cecilia Manguerra- Brainard
Gerald(pub health director, ambassador of us, made vaccine for smallpox,
cholera), Jaime Laurel(asst. doctor), Agustina, Blanche, Ubec (gossipers)
Gerald met Agustina during break time in the hospital and learned that she
was a widow with 1 daughter. After, she met her again at the park, enthusiastic
and being gossiped about. (People expect widows to be depressed but A is
Gossip was Agustina is a product of her mom having a relation with a
seminarian. She was born with horns and her mom made someone chop it.
Went to governors house and met Agustina where he was confessed to and
was invited to visit As house; he declined.
Gerald overthinked, he once was suicidal bec he cheated on sick Blanche. He
blames himself. A part of his soul went with B.
Funeral of mayors mom is dead so he went to funeral but then a gunshot was
heard and man on white horse kissed corpse on lips (for his own closure).
Gerald went to the river and met Agustina where he reciprocated her love.
Life is for the living.
To move on properly, the must be a closure
and no unfinished business.
We think we have plenty of time but we
cant predict life; live life to the fullest while
you still can.
You become gossiped about if you do away
with the norms

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