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Teoria relativitatii restranse si cum se manifesta in viata de zi cu zi (dpdv stiintific)

Prezentare pe scurt a teoriei si a postulatelor + referire la incetinirea si dilatarea timpului

Until Einstein came along and turned physics on its head, people had believed that the passage of
time was constant and unchanging. But Einstein said that the speed of light was constant, not time.

Relativity is one of the most famous scientific theories of the 20th century, but how well does it
explain the things we see in our daily lives?
Formulated by Albert Einstein in 1905, the theory of relativity is the notion that the laws of physics
are the same everywhere. The theory explains the behavior of objects in space and time, and it can
be used to predict everything from the existence of black holes, to light bending due to gravity, to
the behavior of the planet Mercury in its orbit.
The theory is deceptively simple. First, there is no "absolute" frame of reference. Every time you
measure an object's velocity, or its momentum, or how it experiences time, it's always in relation to
something else. Second, the speed of light is the same no matter who measures it or how fast the
person measuring it is going. Third, nothing can go faster than light. [Twisted Physics: 7 Mind-Blowing
The implications of Einstein's most famous theory are profound. If the speed of light is always the
same, it means that an astronaut going very fast relative to the Earth will measure the seconds
ticking by slower than an Earthbound observer will time essentially slows down for the astronaut,
a phenomenon called time dilation.
Any object in a big gravity field is accelerating, so it will also experience time dilation. Meanwhile,
the astronaut's spaceship will experience length contraction, which means that if you took a picture
of the spacecraft as it flew by, it would look as though it were "squished" in the direction of motion.
To the astronaut on board, however, all would seem normal. In addition, the mass of the spaceship
would appear to increase from the point of view of people on Earth
But you don't necessarily need a spaceship zooming at near the speed of light to see relativistic
effects. In fact, there are several instances of relativity that we can see in our daily lives, and even
technologies we use today that demonstrate that Einstein was right. Here are some ways we see
relativity in action.
Time dilation - He also described that two objects in motion-relative to each other will experience
passage of time differently. This also occurs if the two objects are in different gravitational fields. So
for instance, clocks on the ground and clocks on planes tick at different rates. And the GPS system
also has to take time dilation into account to compensate for time differences between devices on
the ground and satellites in space (which is a different gravitational field).

1 -> referire la dilatarea timpului => gps ia in calcul dilatarea pt a fi exact

In order for your car's GPS navigation to function as accurately as it does, satellites have to take
relativistic effects into account. This is because even though satellites aren't moving at anything close
to the speed of light, they are still going pretty fast. The satellites are also sending signals to ground
stations on Earth. These stations (and the GPS unit in your car) are all experiencing higher
accelerations due to gravity than the satellites in orbit.
To get that pinpoint accuracy, the satellites use clocks that are accurate to a few billionths of a
second (nanoseconds). Since each satellite is 12,600 miles (20,300 kilometers) above Earth and
moves at about 6,000 miles per hour (10,000 km/h), there's a relativistic time dilation that tacks on
about 4 microseconds each day. Add in the effects of gravity and the figure goes up to about 7
microseconds. That's 7,000 nanoseconds.
The difference is very real: if no relativistic effects were accounted for, a GPS unit that tells you it's a
half mile (0.8 km) to the next gas station would be 5 miles (8 km) off after only one day. [Top 10
Inventions that Changed the World]
Pentru ca dispozitivul nostru GPS (Global Positioning System) s funcioneze n mod eficient, este
nevoie ca sateliii artificiali care orbiteaz n jurul Terrei s fie construii n funcie de principiul
formulat n cadrul Teoriei Relativitii. n mod concret, sateliii funcioneaz pe baza unor ceasuri
extrem de precise, ce raporteaz erori de doar cteva nanosecunde. Din moment ce sateliii se
deplaseaz la altitudini foarte mari fa de Pmnt (n jur de 20.000 de kilometri), cu o vitez de circa
10.000 km/h, se produce o dilatare n timp de circa 4 microsecunde, n fiecare zi. Dac adugm
efectele gravitaiei, durata de timp crete la 7 microsecunde. Prin urmare, dac nu am lua n calcul
conceptul formulat de Einstein, GPS-ul nostru ne-ar arta, de exemplu, c destinaia la care dorim s
ajungem nu se afl la 0,8 km, aa cum eram obinuii, ci la 8 km.

In order for your car's GPS navigation to work as precisely as it does, satellites in earths orbit have to
take some relativistic effects into account even though satellites aren't moving at anything near to
the speed of light, they are still going pretty fast. The satellites are also transferring signals to ground
stations on Earths surface. These ground stations (and the GPS component fixed in your car) are all
undergoing higher accelerations due to gravity than the satellites in orbit
To get that pinpoint precision, the satellites use clocks that are precise to a few billionths of a
second. As each satellite is 12,600 miles (almost 20,300 kilometers) above Earth and travels at about
6,000 miles per hour (10,000 km/h), there's an awesome relativistic time dilation that tacks on
almost 4 microseconds every day. After adding in the effects of gravity and the number goes up to
nearly 7 microseconds. That's about 7,000 nanoseconds.

The variance is very real: if no relativistic effects were occurred, a GPS unit that tells you it's a half
mile (0.8 km) to the next destination would be about 5 miles (8 km) off after simply one day.

2. -> efectul fotoelectric extern, plank si teoriile lui Einstein + explicarea legilor efectului
Ecuatia lui einstei, referire la dispozitivul cu anod si catod
Einsteins theory of special relativity
describes the speed of light as the only constant in the universe, while also saying that the laws of
motion are always the same, regardless of how fast an object is traveling. But if light stands alone
as an immutable champion, then everything else in the universe must be flexible, including
distances between things (space) or even time. Thats been proven experimentally and leads to
some wacky trends in our existence.

Special relativity becomes relevant if objects move with speeds close to the speed of light. We
dont see this happening to large objects, but particles can easily do this. For example, electrons,
said Robbert Dijkgraaf, who heads the Institute for Advanced Study where Einstein served as a
professor from 1933 until his death in 1955.
Old-fashioned TVs use cathode rays tubes to shoot electron beams at a screen. The screen is
internally coated with compounds called phosphors, which glow as energy passes in the beams
cause the phosphors to glow, creating color and an image, but to do so, the electrons must be
moving fast. Real fast.

In an old-fashioned TV set, electrons can be easily accelerated to 20-30 percent of the speed of
light, Dijkgraaf said. At these speeds, things become really crazy.

Thats because of special relativity. The super-speeds cause the electrons to grow in mass in
relationship to the rest of the TV set.

From the perspective of the electron, the TV has shrunken, Dijkgraaf said.

Magnets inside the TV guide the electrons to different parts of the screen to produce a picture, but
Dijkgraaf said that the design of the magnets has to take account of special relativity. Otherwise
everything would be out of focus by as much as millimeters.

Dijkgraaf said a much more spectacular example of this phenomenon happens inside particle
accelerators, where fast speeds cause the internal time of particles slows down by a remarkable
degree, through a process known as time dilation. As a result, these particles live much longer than

These principles dont apply to LCD or plasma TVs because those devices dont rely on electron
Just a few years ago most televisions and monitors had cathode ray tube screens. A cathode ray tube
works by firing electrons at a phosphor surface with a big magnet. Each electron makes a lighted
pixel when it hits the back of the screen. The electrons fired out to make the picture move at up to
30 percent the speed of light. Relativistic effects are noticeable, and when manufacturers shaped the
magnets, they had to take those effects into account.

Old televisions might be dying out, however the equipment inside them is still in common use today.
Old TVs, before the invention of plasma screens, were kitted out with an instrument called a cathode
ray tube. This device accelerates electrons and fires them behind a screen that has a coating that
gives out light when hit by electrons. The result is that you could sit and enjoy a television broadcast.
However, it isn't just as simple as firing a couple of electrons at a screen. The negatively-charged
electrons are directed to the correct point on the screen using the positive charge of magnets so that
viewers could watch a perfect image.

These electrons are moving at roughly a third of the speed of light. This means that engineers had to
account for length contraction when designing the magnets that directed the electrons to form an
image on the screen. Without accounting for these effects, the electron beam's aim would be off and
create unintelligible images.

So, forget reality TV, there's just as much entertainment in relativity TV! (Relatelevision?)

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