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Interaction-Free All-Optical Switching via Quantum-Zeno Effect

Yu-Ping Huang, Joseph B. Altepeter, and Prem Kumar

Center for Photonic Communication and Computing, EECS Department
Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3118
(Dated: August 17, 2010)
We propose a novel interaction-free scheme for all-optical switching which does not rely on the
physical coupling between signal and control waves. The interaction-free nature of the scheme
allows it to overcome the fundamental photon-loss limit imposed by the signal-pump coupling. The
same phenomenon protects photonic-signal states from decoherence, making devices based on this
scheme suitable for quantum applications. Focusing on χ(2) waveguides, we provide device designs
for traveling-wave and Fabry-Perot switches. In both designs, the performance is optimal when the
arXiv:1008.2408v1 [quant-ph] 14 Aug 2010

signal switching is induced by coherent dynamical evolution. In contrast, when the switching is
induced by a rapid dissipation channel, it is less efficient.

PACS numbers: 42.65.Wi, 42.50.Nn, 42.79.Ta, 03.67.-a

I. INTRODUCTION [20]. Physically, the decoherence can be induced via ei-

ther incoherent and irreversible coupling to many un-
All-optical networks hold the promise of fast trans- known quantum modes (e.g., spontaneous emission into a
mission speed and ultra-high data capacity owing to the large number of electromagnetic modes [21]), or coherent
non-interacting nature and large bandwidth of photonic and reversible coupling to a known quantum mode (e.g.,
signals. A necessary resource for such networks is all- polarization decoherence via a polarization-dependent
optical switching, in which the state of a signal wave is time delay [22]). In the context of quantum measure-
switched in the presence of a control wave (pump). This ment, these two processes are mathematically identical.
is routinely achieved using direct coupling between the In the context of interaction-free switching, however, we
two waves in nonlinear materials, such as semiconduc- will show that the “incoherent quantum Zeno” (IQZ) ef-
tors [1], χ(3) fibers [2–5], and cascaded χ(2) waveguides fect and the “coherent quantum Zeno” (CQZ) effect can
[6–10]. A fundamental limit in these devices is due to the lead to very different switching performances.
photon loss resulting from signal-pump coupling. When An IQZ-based interaction-free switch was recently pro-
extended to the quantum domain, this photon loss ad- posed by Jacobs and Franson (hereafter referred to as the
ditionally causes the quantum states of photonic signals “JF switch”), which is composed of a microring embed-
to collapse (i.e., decohere). To overcome this difficulty, ded in an atomic vapor [23]. We have recently designed
we propose “interaction-free” switching that eliminates another type of CQZ-based, interaction-free switch which
direct signal-pump coupling. is based on the coherent dynamical effect of Autler-
The concept of “interaction-free” phenomenon was Townes splitting [24]. The latter switch is composed of a
first proposed as “measurement without touching” [11, χ(2) microdisk coupled to two fibers (or waveguides). A
12] and has recently been extended to quantum logic third kind of switch has been demonstrated which re-
gates [13–16] and counterfactual quantum computation lies on the absorption or scattering of pump photons
[17]. In our application to all-optical switching, we as- to change the optical properties of resonators [25–31].
sume the signal wave is initially in state, say, |0i. If Although implemented without direct signal-pump cou-
un-disrupted, it will coherently evolve into an orthogo- pling, switches of this kind are not lossless and involve
nal output state |1i, for example, after passing through significant pump dissipation. They are thus not consid-
a nonlinear waveguide. To induce switching, we apply ered to be “interaction-free”.
a pump wave which couples |1i to an ancillary state In our switch design, both the |0i and |1i states are
|2i. This coupling provides a source of disruption to the assumed to be lossless (a necessary condition for high-
|0i ↔ |1i evolution, resulting in the signal being frozen fidelity switching). The ancillary state |2i, on the other
in state |0i. Thus the signal output will be switched be- hand, can be lossy. Depending on its lifetime, the
tween |0i and |1i depending on the presence or absence of interaction-free disruption will be induced by either the
the pump. Note that the signal and pump do not directly coherent or incoherent quantum Zeno effects. First, if
interact during operation of the device, as (ideally) the |2i is short lived, then the |1i → |2i coupling effectively
signal remains in |0i when the pump is on. Therefore, in opens a dissipation channel for |1i. The inhibition of the
the ideal case, any photon loss from signal-pump coupling |0i ↔ |1i transition is therefore a consequence of the IQZ
is eliminated. Moreover, the quantum states of both the effect. In the second case, that of a long-lived |2i sate,
signal and the pump are protected from decoherence. there is no dissipation involved. Instead, the |0i ↔ |1i
Each of the above schemes exploits the quantum Zeno transition is suppressed by an Autler-Townes–based CQZ
effect [18, 19], whereby unitary evolution is suppressed effect [32], similar to the electromagnetic-induced trans-
via quantum decoherence (i.e., quantum measurement) parency [33]. The former IQZ effect corresponds to broad-

ening of the |1i state, whereas the latter CQZ effect cor- pump waves. In the absence of the pump, the signal
responds to shifting of the same state. The two processes wave, say, applied from the left, is resonantly coupled
are equally effective for suppressing the |0i ↔ |1i transi- with the cavity mode. Eventually, it exits from the right
tion, but lead to very different pump-power requirements end after a time delay. To induce switching, we apply a
for similar switching setups. To see why, we consider the pump wave to the cavity, also through the left-end layer.
toy “Λ” model described above with Rabi frequencies of In the cavity, the signal and pump waves undergo SFG
Ωs and Ωp for the |0i ↔ |1i and |1i ↔ |2i transitions, (or DFG). The SFG dynamics shifts the cavity out of
respectively. The system evolution time t is set to be resonance, resulting in the signal being reflected from
π/Ωs , such that the signal evolves to |1i with pump off. the cavity. Note here that the SFG only “potentially”
The |2i state is assumed to decay at rate γ. Note that happens, as ideally the signal would never enter the cav-
a necessary condition is |Ωp | ≫ |Ωs |. In the IQZ regime ity. Moreover, by applying the pump pulse slightly ahead
with γ ≫ Ωp , one finds via adiabatic elimination that of the signal pulse, the pump will pass through the cav-
the output power fraction of the signal in |1i with pump ity unaffected (as there is ideally no signal field in the
on is γt|Ωs |2 /|Ωp |2 . In contrast, in the CQZ regime with cavity). Compared to the traveling-wave design, in this
γ ≪ Ωp , the power fraction in |1i is ≤ |Ωs |2 /|Ωp |2 . As case the quasi-linear cavity-coupling process would over-
γt ≫ |Ωp |t ≫ π, the fraction of the signal evolving into come pulse distortion, provided that the cavity passband
|1i, even with the pump on, is much higher in the IQZ is wider than the Fourier spectrum of the pulses. Again,
regime than in the CQZ regime. This strongly suggests in this design, better switching performance is obtained
that the CQZ effect is more efficient in suppressing the in the CQZ regime than in the IQZ regime. We note
|0i ↔ |1i transition, which will lead to better switching that, in the IQZ regime, our cavity design is physically
performance in the CQZ regime. Physically, this is be- equivalent to the JF switch [23]. Both are implemented
cause in the presence of a strong dissipation for |2i, the via avoided two-photon absorption. Physically, the JF
|1i ↔ |2i coupling is adversely suppressed by the IQZ device is composed of a microring evanescently coupled
effect. As a result, for a given pump, the |0i → |1i tran- to an atomic vapor. In contrast, our device utilizes an all
sition is in fact less disrupted in the IQZ regime. solid-state design. In the CQZ regime, the present Fabry-
In order to perform a systematic study of the Perot switch can be mapped onto our recently proposed
interaction-free switching, in this paper we consider sys- microdisk switch [24]. The goal of this paper is to system-
tems composed of χ(2) waveguides. Two designs are pro- atically study the IQZ and CQZ effects in interaction-free
vided. The first is a traveling-wave design composed of a switching by varying the system dissipation. We present
single-pass waveguide. With no pump, the signal under- the traveling-wave and Fabry-Perot designs in sections II
goes a coherent second-harmonic generation (SHG) pro- and III, respectively, before presenting a brief conclusion
cess in the waveguide, resulting in frequency doubling or in section IV.
π-phase shifting. In this design, the fundamental (signal
input) and the second-harmonic (SH) wave correspond
to |0i and |1i, respectively, in the above prototypical II. TRAVELING-WAVE SWITCH
model. To induce switching, a pump wave suppresses
the SHG by coupling the SH state to an ancillary state In this section we present the traveling-wave design for
(|2i). This coupling can be either sum-frequency gener- interaction-free all-optical switching. In section II A we
ation (SFG) or difference-frequency generation (DFG), describe the schematic setups for three types of devices.
but for concreteness, in this traveling-wave design we fo- In section II B, we analytically solve the system dynamics
cus on DFG. Using both the IQZ and CQZ effects, we in the CQZ and IQZ regimes. Using these results, in
are able to construct frequency, polarization, and spatial- section II C we analyze the switching performance for
mode switches. To achieve similar performances, a much both continuous-wave and pulsed inputs.
stronger pump is required in the IQZ regime than in the
CQZ regime. All switches turn out to work well for
continuous-wave inputs. For the realistic case of non- A. Setup
flat pulses, however, only the frequency switch is poten-
tially practical. This is because both the polarization The schematic setups for our frequency, polarization,
and spatial-mode switches are subject to significant pulse and spatial-mode switching devices are shown in Figs. 1
distortion, which fundamentally arises from the nonlin- (a), (b), and (c), respectively. The frequency switch
ear nature of the SHG process. Such distortion would transforms a signal wave originally at angular frequency
severely limit the cascadability of this type of switches, ωs into an identical signal at angular frequency ωs or
making them not very useful for potential practical ap- 2ωs , depending on the presence or absence of the control
plications. wave. To achieve this, the waveguide is designed to be
To overcome pulse distortion, our second design uti- phase-matching (PM) or quasi-phase-matching (QPM)
lizes a Fabry-Perot cavity, specifically, a χ(2) waveguide for SHG of the signal wave. Phase-matching can be
coated with reflective layers on the two end faces. The achieved in some birefringent crystals by angle tuning
cavity is designed to be resonant for both the signal and [34] or temperature tuning [35], whereas quasi-phase-

!s |+i ≡ √12 (|Hi + i|V i) to an output signal with polariza-

s s s
WG-I WG-I tion state |−i ≡ √12 (|Hi−i|V i). When the pump wave is
applied, the SHG process is suppressed, leaving the input
(a) signal’s polarization state |+i unchanged. To implement
this switch in isotropic crystals, the waveguide must be
|H!+i|V! _H!-i_V! |H!+i_V! |H!+i|V!
designed such that both polarizations experience an iden-
tical π-phase shift in the absence of the pump beam. An
|V! |V!
(b) input signal |+i will transform to the state −|+i, i.e., un-
changed except for a global π phase shift. The switching
p p operation is induced by a vertically-polarized pump of
q q
appropriate intensity which suppresses the SHG process
for vertically-polarized inputs, thus eliminating the SHG-
induced π phase shift. This type of operation is feasible
q q in type-I χ(2) crystals because the diagonal nonlinear co-
WG-II WG-II efficient d33 is usually much larger than the off-diagonal
ones. For a control wave of a particular intensity, one
(c) can strongly disturb the |V i-polarized harmonic wave
Signal wave Pump wave 50/50 Beamsplitter (up-converted from the |V i-polarized signal wave), while
leaving the |Hi-polarized harmonic wave nearly undis-
WG-I PM/QPM waveguide WG-II PNM waveguide
turbed. (An analogous design is also possible for biaxial
FIG. 1: (Color online) Schematic setups for frequency switch- By applying the same type of π-phase suppression to
ing (a), polarization switching (b), and spatial-mode switch- an input signal in a waveguide inside one arm of an in-
ing (c). terferometer, we can realize an analogous spatial-mode
switching device. The schematic setup in Fig. 1(c) shows
a Mach-Zehnder interferometer containing a waveguide
matching is more flexibly realized in periodically-poled in the lower arm. This waveguide is designed such that
materials whose crystal-axis orientation is periodically the SHG process induces a π phase shift at the signal
inverted along the wave-propagation direction [36, 37]. wavelength. In the absence of a control wave, the rel-
In the absence of the control wave, the signal wave un- ative phase between the two arms of the interferometer
dergoes a complete SHG cycle as it travels through the can be adjusted such that a signal wave entering the “q”
waveguide, where its power is monotonically transferred input port of the interferometer will exit from the “q”
to the harmonic wave (at angular frequency 2ωs ). In output port of the interferometer. In the presence of the
the presence of the control wave the SHG process is sup- control wave, the SHG process is suppressed along with
pressed, resulting in the majority of the signal power re- the associated phase shift. As a result, the signal wave
maining at angular frequency ωs . In effect, the presence will exit from the “p” output port of the interferometer.
of the control wave switches the output signal frequency This setup can be modified to incorporate two symmetric
from 2ωs to ωs . waveguides with opposite-sign phase-mismatching coeffi-
Analogously, the polarization switch (see Fig. 1(b)) cients, one in each arm of the interferometer, such that—
performs a polarization rotation (while leaving the sig- in the absence of the control wave—phase shifts of π/2
nal frequency unchanged) that is conditional on the pres- and −π/2 will be applied to the signal wave in each arm.
ence or absence of the pump wave. This type of switch Fundamentally, the switches described here rely on
employs phase-mismatched (PNM) waveguides to avoid second-order nonlinearities to enable the optical control.
monotonous transfer of power from the signal to the More specifically, they rely on the suppression of cer-
second-harmonic wave. Using a uniaxial crystal, the tain second-order nonlinear optical processes in the pres-
waveguide is designed such that one of the two orthogonal ence of a pump wave. There are two ways to achieve
signal polarizations experiences a π phase shift during the this: sum-frequency generation (SFG) and difference-
SHG process. This can be achieved, for example, by us- frequency generation (DFG). When using SFG, the har-
ing a periodically-poled (PP) uniaxial waveguide in which monic wave (with angular frequency ωh = 2ωs ) is cou-
the ordinary-polarized light is close to QPM, whereas the pled to the pump wave (with angular frequency ωp ) and
extraordinary-polarized light is far from phase matching. up-converted into a sum-frequency (SF) wave of angular
As above, the presence of the control wave suppresses the frequency ωℓ = ωh + ωp . When using DFG, the har-
SHG process and the π phase shift associated with it. monic and pump waves generate a difference-frequency
As an example, consider a waveguide designed such that (DF) wave of angular frequency ωd = ωh − ωp (or equiv-
the polarization state |V i gains an SHG-induced π phase alently, ωd = ωp − ωh ), as shown in Fig. 2. In both cases,
shift, while the orthogonal polarization state |Hi experi- the harmonic level (following atomic-physics terminol-
ences no SHG and hence no phase shift. This waveguide ogy) will be disturbed and, provided that the coupling
will rotate an input signal whose polarization state is is sufficiently strong, the SHG process will be suppressed

such, the quantity |Aj |2 gives the average number of pho-

tons inside the volume V . Further, we introduce the ef-
fective Rabi-frequencies in the space domain as
Ω1 = 4deff , (2)
n s n h ǫ 0 c2 V
2~ωh ωp ωd
Ω2 = 2deff , (3)
FIG. 2: (Color online) The level scheme for DFG-based n p n d n h ǫ 0 c2 V
switching, showing the cases for pump on (a) and pump off
(b). where deff is the effective second-order nonlinear coeffi-
In this paper, we assume a matched group velocity vg
due to either the IQZ or the CQZ effect. If the signal for all the waves and neglect any group-velocity disper-
wave is in a single-mode of the waveguide, the SF wave sion. For switching, we consider a phase-matched DFG
will be well guided; such may not be the case for the DF process. These two conditions lead to optimal switching
wave, however. For example, when using a 1565-nm sig- performance. Furthermore, for simplicity we assume all
nal wave and a 1535-nm pump wave, the resulting DF waves to be lossless except for the DF wave. The coupled-
wave will be in the terahertz (THz) regime. For typical wave equations in the moving frame z → z − t/vg are
waveguides, such as annealed proton-exchanged waveg-
uides in PPLN with a small circumference (∼ 100 µm), ∂As
such a THz wave will be strongly diffracted, leading to = −Ω1 e−i∆kz Ah A∗s , (4)
energy dissipation from the system. This provides a nat- ∂Ah Ω1 i∆kz 2
ural dissipation channel for the IQZ effect via the purely = e As + Ω2 Ap Ad , (5)
∂z 2
geometrical effect of diffraction. (If desired, this diffrac- ∂Ap
tion could be overcome by applying reflective coatings = −Ω2 A∗d Ah , (6)
to the waveguide side surfaces.) In contrast, for the SF ∂z
wave the potential dissipation must rely solely on mate- = −Ω2 A∗p Ah − γAd . (7)
rial absorption. For concreteness, in the following we will ∂z
focus on the DFG scheme as shown in Fig. 2. Extending
Here, ∆k = 2ks − kh is the phase-mismatch per unit
to the SFG case is straightforward.
length and 2γ is the decay rate of the DF wave.
In all of the optical switches described above, the pump
wave does not directly interact with the signal wave. This
is because the signal’s second-harmonic level—the level
coupled to the pump wave—never gets populated when 1. Case I: Pump off
under the suppressive influence of the pump. Again, this
interaction-free feature eliminates photon loss and pro- In the absence of the pump wave, i.e., Ap (0) = 0,
tects against decoherence. the equations of motion are reduced to the well-known
SHG equations [36, 38]. For our purposes, there are
three dynamical regimes of interest: a) Perfect phase-
B. Wave Dynamics matching with ∆k = 0; b) small PNM with ∆k ≪ Ω1 |As |
(∆k 6= 0); and c) large PNM with ∆k ≫ Ω1 |As |. Defin-
To model the system dynamics, we denote the positive- ing the field amplitude and phase as Aj = µj eiφj , for
frequency electric fields for the signal, harmonic, pump, ∆k = 0, the SHG dynamics have an analytical solution
and DF waves as Es , Eh , Ep , and Ed , respectively. We [38]:
assume all waves travel in the ẑ direction and are lin-
µ0s Ω1 z
early x̂-polarized. Note whereas only the type-I dynam-
µs (z) = µ0s sech √ , (8)
ics are considered here, generalization to the type-II case 2
is straightforward. µ0

µ0s Ω1 z

To proceed, we define the following dimensionless vari- µh (z) = √s tanh √ , (9)
ables, 2 2
s φs (z) = φs (0), (10)
ǫ 0 V nj φh (z) = 2φs (0). (11)
Aj = i Ej eiβj z−iωj t , (1)
where µ0s ≡ µs (0). Thus the system undergoes a
with j = s, h, p, d. Here, V is the quantization volume, monotonous up-conversion process, transferring all power
ǫ0 is the permittivity of free space, kj is the wave-vector from ωs to 2ωs . An example of this PM dynamics is
magnitude, and nj is the refractive index. Defined as shown in Fig. 3.

1 1
pump off pump off
0.8 0.8
pump on pump on
A 0.6
s 0.6 µ
0.4 s 0.4

0.2 (a) 0.2 (a)

0 0
(b) (b)
0.6 pump off
A pump on 2
0.4 φ
pump off
0.2 pump on

0 0 5 10 15 20
0 1 2 3 4 5
z (mm) z (mm)

FIG. 3: (Color online) Wave dynamics in a PM waveguide FIG. 4: (Color online) Wave dynamics for small PNM with
with the pump off and on, for (a) the signal wave and (b) the pump off and on. In (a) we plot the amplitude and in
the harmonic wave. Parameters are chosen as follows: Ωeff = (b) the phase of the signal wave. Parameters are: Ωeff =
10 mm−1 , Ω1 = 1 mm−1 , As (0) = 1, ∆k = 0 mm−1 and 10 mm−1 , Ω1 = 1 mm−1 , As (0) = 1, ∆k = 0.01 mm−1 and
κ = 0 mm−1 . γ = 0.

For a PNM waveguide with ∆k 6= 0, a general analyt- levels. As an example, in Figs. 4(a) and 5(a) we plot
ical solution was also derived [36], where the amplitudes the amplitude dynamics of the fundamental wave for the
are given by cases of small and large PNM, respectively.
s  0  The phase dynamics, on the other hand, yield a com-
1 χµs Ω1 z 1 plicated and nonintuitive expression. Nonetheless, for
µs (z) = µs 1 − 2 JacobiSN2
√ , 4 , (12)
χ 2 χ ∆k . 0.01Ω1 µ0s , the periods for the fundamental wave
 0  to restore its power while gaining a phase shift of π/2
1 χµs Ω1 z 1
µh (z) = µ0s √ JacobiSN √ , 4 , (13) and π are approximately z0 and 2z0 , respectively. In the
2χ 2 χ large PNM limit (∆k ≫ Ω1 µ0s ), the phase shift increases
with linearly with z, giving
√ s
Ω21 µ2s (0)
2 ∆k ∆k 2 φs (z) = z. (18)
χ= + 1 + . (14) 2∆k
4Ω1 µ0s 8Ω21 µ2s (0)
This result also shows a linear dependence of the phase
The solutions (12) and (13) are oscillatory functions with shift on the intensity of the signal wave. As we will show
a period later, this intensity-dependence constitutes a major ob-
√   stacle to applying the present traveling-wave switching
2 2 1 scheme to time-varying pulses. The phase dynamics in
z0 = 0
EllipticK . (15)
χµs Ω1 χ4 the small and large PNM regimes are shown in Figs. 4(b)
and 5(b), respectively.
In the small PNM regime with ∆k < Ω1 µ0s , the signal
and pump waves undergo a complete power-conversion
process, whereas in the opposite regime of ∆k > Ω1 µ0s , 2. Case II: Pump on
the majority of power is trapped in the signal wave. In
the limit ∆k ≫ Ω1 µ0s , we have
In the presence of the pump wave, the system dynam-
Ω2 (µ0 )3

 ics will be disturbed. For switching purposes, the dy-
µs (z) = µ0s − 1 s2 sin2 , (16) namical regime of interest is where the SHG process is
∆k 2
strongly suppressed by either the IQZ or the CQZ ef-
(µ0s (0))2 Ω1
∆kz fect. In either case, a strong pump wave will be required
µh (z) = sin . (17)
∆k 2 such that Ω2 Ap ≫ Ω1 As , as we will show later. For suc-
cessful operation, the harmonic wave must remain un-
2µ2 (0)Ω2
In this case, only a small fraction ( s∆k2 1 ≪ 1) of the pumped while the pump wave remains undepleted (the
signal power oscillates between the fundamental and SH “interaction-free” regime). Under the undepleted-pump

dressed levels detuned from the original SHG resonance

by ±Ωeff . Given that Ωeff ≫ Ω1 |As |, the SHG dynamics
are shifted off-resonance and are thus suppressed by the
0.98 CQZ effect. In this picture, our system is similar to an
EIT system.
µs 0.96 pump off To obtain analytical solutions to Eqs. (24) and (25),
0.94 pump on
we follow the standard method of separating the fastest
0.92 (a) ”time” scales in order to obtain the adiabatic-elimination
0.9 results [39],
(b) −iΩ1 A2s (z)
A± (z) ≈ , (26)
4(∆k ± Ωeff )
φ 2
1 pump off which are valid in the limit of |∆k±Ωeff | ≫ Ω1 µ0s . Insert-
pump on ing this result into Eq. (24), one arrives at an effective
equation of motion for As , where
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
z (mm) ∂As iΩ21
= SCQZ |As |2 As (27)
∂z 2∆k
FIG. 5: (Color online) Wave dynamics for large PNM with
the pump off and on. In (a) and (b) we show the amplitude with the phase-suppression coefficient
and phase of the signal wave, respectively. Parameters are:
Ωeff = 100 mm−1 , Ω1 = 1 mm−1 , As (0) = 1, ∆k = 10 mm−1 ∆k 2
SCQZ = . (28)
and γ = 0. ∆k 2 + Ω2eff

Solving the above equation to first order gives

approximation, for which Ap (z) = Ap (0), Eqs. (4)–(7)  2 0 2 
are simplified to iΩ1 (µs ) z
As (z) = exp SCQZ µ0s . (29)
= −Ω1 e−i∆kz Ah A∗s , (19)
∂z This result exhibits a pure phase evolution. In the limit of
∂Ah Ω1 i∆kz 2 Ωeff ≪ ∆k, the underlying phase-shift dynamic recovers
≈ e As + Ωeff Ad , (20)
∂z 2 the result of Eq. (18) since SCQZ → 1. Thus there is no
∂Ad suppression effect. In the opposite limit of Ωeff ≫ ∆k,
= −Ωeff Ah − γAd , (21) in contrast, the phase shift is suppressed by a factor of
SCQZ ≈ (∆k/Ωeff )2 ≪ 1 smaller than in the pump-off
where we have introduced case. The 1/Ω2eff scaling in SCQZ clearly suggests a high-
Ωeff = Ω2 Ap (0), (22) efficiency method for controlling the phase shift of the
signal wave.
and, without loss of generality, assumed Ap (0) to be real. In Eq. (29), the amplitude of As (z) is a constant
There are two characteristic dynamical regimes gov- of motion, resulting from the first-order approximation
erned by Eqs. (19)-(21). In the first regime, γ ≪ Ωeff , that was used to keep only the slowest-varying term in
i.e., the loss rate for the DF-wave is much smaller than Eq. (26) for A± . The fast-varying part of A± can be
the DFG rate. In this case, the SHG process will be obtained iteratively by using the result in Eq. (29). By
suppressed by the CQZ effect. To obtain an analytic inserting the resulting expression for A± into Eq. (24), we
solution, we introduce the following dressed-state waves can get an effective equation of motion for As , which is a
that are decoupled in the Hilbert space defined by the second-order result. In the parameter regime of interest
DFG hamiltonian: (Ωeff ≫ ∆k), the amplitude dynamics are governed by
1 −i∆kz
A± = e (Ah ± iAd ). (23) ∂µs Ω2 sin(Ωeff z) 3
2 ≈− 1 µs , (30)
∂z 2Ωeff
The wave equations (19)–(21) can then be rewritten as
such that
= −Ω1 (A+ + A− )A∗s , (24) −1/2
∂z 2Ω21 µ2s (0)

2 Ωeff z
∂A± Ω1 2 µs (z) = µ0s 1+ sin ( ) . (31)
= A − i(∆k ± Ωeff )A± . (25) Ω2eff 2
∂z 4 s
Here, the amplitude of the fundamental wave  rapidly os-
These equations clearly show that the effect of a strong Ω2 µ2 (0)

pump coupling is to split the harmonic level into two cillates between its initial value µ0s and µ0s 1 − 1Ω2s .

2Ω2 |A (0)|2
In effect, only a fraction of the input power ( 1 Ω2s ≪
1) undergoes frequency conversion, while most remains in γ=0
the fundamental wave. We note that during this dynam- γ=1
ics no dissipation of any kind is involved; rather, the SHG 0.8
is suppressed by the coherent CQZ effect. In principle, γ=10
all the input power can be restored to the fundamental µs 0.6
wave (the desired signal output), thus implementing a
lossless switch. In practice, however, it may be notice- 0.4
ably difficult to achieve this, as the frequency-conversion
oscillation has a very short period (∼ 1/Ωeff ). 0.2
In Figs. 3, 4, and 5 we compare the wave dynamics with pump off
the pump off and on in the regimes of PM (Fig. 3), small 0
phase-mismatching (Fig. 4), and large PNM (Fig. 5), re- 0 4 8 12 16 20
spectively. In all the dynamical regimes, the amplitude z (mm)
and phase dynamics are strongly suppressed by the CQZ FIG. 6: (Color online) Amplitude dynamics of the signal wave
effect. with the pump off (solid line) and pump on (dashed lines).
Finally, we note that by replacing Ωeff with ∆k, the The chosen parameters are: Ωeff = 10 mm−1 , Ω1 = 1 mm−1 ,
leading-order term in the Taylor series of Eq. (31) is the As (0) = 1, ∆k = 0.01 mm−1 . The DF dissipation rates γ
same as Eq. (16). This result clearly shows that the effect marked in the figure are in units of mm−1 .
of strong DFG coupling is to shift the SHG off resonance
(i.e., off phase-matching).
In the first dynamical regime considered above, the with a phase suppression coefficient
CQZ effect dominates (γ ≪ Ωeff ). In contrast, in the
second, opposite, dynamical regime of interest with γ ≫ ∆k 2 γ 2
Ωeff , the wave dynamics are dominated by the IQZ effect. SIQZ = . (36)
To analytically solve for the dynamics in this regime, we
adiabatically eliminate the DF wave in Eqs. (19)–(21), Here, both the amplitude loss and the phase shift of the
obtaining signal wave increase with γ. Thus a better switching per-
∂As formance is achieved with a weaker loss of the DF wave;
= −Ω1 e−i∆kz Ah A∗s , (32) in fact, the switch is optimal for γ = 0 corresponding
to the CQZ regime. To show this, in Fig. 6 we plot the
∂Ah Ω1 i∆kz 2
≈ e As − κeff Ah (33) SHG dynamics for various values of γ. As shown, the
∂z 2 SHG dynamics is most efficiently suppressed with γ = 0,
with the effective decay rate for the SH level given by i.e., in the CQZ regime. As γ increases, the suppression
effect becomes weaker. Eventually, for γ → ∞, the SHG
Ω2eff dynamics approach the pump-off result.
κeff = . (34)
γ Of course, the fact that the SHG-suppression is weaker
Here, the effect of coupling to a lossy DF wave is to open with a large γ does not imply that the IQZ effect is inap-
a decay channel for the SH level. Interestingly, the effec- plicable to all-optical switching. Our conclusion is that
tive decay rate κeff is inversely proportional to the DF for a given pump intensity, the SHG-suppression effect,
loss rate γ. This is a consequence of the IQZ-suppression and thus the switching efficiency, is highest when the sys-
effect on the DFG dynamics (not SHG). More specifi- tem is operated in the CQZ regime. In other words, to
cally, in the presence of a strong dissipation for the DF achieve a certain switching performance, a much weaker
wave, the DFG dynamics are suppressed by the IQZ ef- pump would be required when the switch is operated in
Ω2 the CQZ regime than in the IQZ regime. In terms of pho-
fect, leading to Ad ≈ γeff 2 Ah ≪ Ah . Thus the DF wave
ton loss, a switching operation in the CQZ regime yields a
remains nearly unpumped. As a result, the effective dis- fraction of ≤ 2Ω21 µ2s (0)/Ω2eff compared to Ω21 µ2s (0)γz/Ω2eff
sipation rate for the SH level is γAd /Ah , giving Eq. (34). in the IQZ regime. For the same pump intensity, the lat-
In the IQZ regime, a necessary condition for successful ter is a factor of γz ≫ 1 greater than the former. (Here,
switching is κeff ≫ Ω1 µs in the case of PM SHG or small- γz ≫ 1 is from γ ≫ Ω1 µ0s and Ω1 µ0s z > 1.) In terms
PNM SHG, or κeff ≫ Ω21 µ2s /∆k in the case of large-PNM of the SHG suppression, which determines the switching
SHG. Given that, the wave dynamics can be solved by contrast, for the same pump intensity we obtain
adiabatically eliminating the SH wave and we obtain
−1/2 SCQZ Ω2
Ω21 µ2s (0) = eff

≪ 1, (37)
As = As (0) 1 + z (35) SIQZ γ2
κeff + i∆k
Ω2 µ2 (0)γ
   2 2 
Ω µ (0) showing a much stronger suppression effect in the CQZ
≈ As (0) exp − 1 s 2 z exp i 1 s SIQZ z
2Ωeff 2∆k regime.

C. Switching Performance 1. Frequency switching

In the previous section, we have solved for the wave For CW operation, the flipped-state contrast is
dynamics of light propagation in a χ(2) waveguide, where  0 
2 µs Ω 1 L
analytical results are obtained for the three dynamical FSCW = tanh2 √ , (40)
regimes of interests. In this section we use these results to L 2
characterize the switching performance. We focus on the
which increases monotonically with the waveguide length
CQZ regime with γ = 0, as it leads to the strongest SHG-
L. This behavior arises from the fact that the SHG
suppression effect. We consider nearly degenerate signal
is a one-way process (assuming no spontaneous down-
and pump waves and use the approximation nd ≈ np .
conversion). It approaches 2/L when L ≫ µ0s Ω1 . The
We consider super-Gaussian input signal and pump unflipped contrast, on the other hand, is given by
waves in the form  0 
µs Ω 1 L
UFCW = (1 − L)cosh2 √ , (41)
t2m 2
µs,p (t) ∝ exp − 2m , (38)
2σ which monotonically approaches infinity as L → ∞ and
all the power is transferred to the SH level.
where m = 0, 1, 2 . . . is the order-number for the super- In the case of pulsed operation with the pump off,
Gaussian waves. m = 0 corresponds to a flat continuous the pulse center up-converts more quickly than the pulse
wave (CW), m = 1 corresponds to a Gaussian pulse, tails, due to the nonlinear nature of the SHG process. Af-
and m > 1 corresponds to super-Gaussian pulses with ter the switching, the SH pulse-width is reduced by half
increasingly flatter top. In the following, we assume the compared to the signal. With the pump on, the SHG-
pulse shapes to be the same for the signal and pump dynamic is equally suppressed across the whole pulse
waves. area. Therefore, the switching contrasts with pump off
To characterize the switching performance, two impor- or on are about the same as for CW inputs.
tant metrics are normally used: the photon loss during
switching and the switching contrast. The switching loss
2. Polarization and Spatial-Mode Switching
is the fraction of energy missing from the two outputs.
In all of our switches, the mean energy loss for CW op-
eration is The polarization and spatial-mode switches operate on
a similar principle; in fact, they yield an identical math-
Is ematical formulism. Therefore, here we only analyze the
L= , (39) spatial-mode switch, noting that all results can be ex-
actly applied to the polarization-mode switch.
In the case of CW inputs and small PNM (with ∆k ≪
with an upper-bound of 2 IIps . Here, Is (Ip ) is the input Ω1 µ0s ), we set L = 2z0 to necessarily acquire a π phase
intensity of the signal (pump) wave. The universality shift as the signal passes through the waveguide. We
of L over all dynamical regimes has been discussed in note that z0 is insensitive to ∆k, but is proportional to
section II B. For pulsed operation, where the signal and 1/µ0s ; thus this switch can only function appropriately for
the pump have similar shapes, L matches the CW re- signal waves of a certain known intensity. Therefore, it
sult (39). Thus, for all switches, a pump wave of power can not be applied to non-flat pulses. The flipped-state
over 100 times greater than the signal wave is required contrast in this case is given by
to achieve below 1% loss. In practice, this would funda-
16∆k 2 Ip2
mentally limit the present switch from being applied in FSCW = > . (42)
a fan-in/fan-out all-optical network. This difficulty can π 2 Ω41 µ4s (0)L2 SCQZ
2 Is2
be overcome with a Fabry-Perot design, which we will
present later. This results in a high switching efficiency. The unflipped-
state contrast, on the other hand, is infinity in the ideal
The switching contrast, on the other hand, is defined as case, as no wave exits from the “p” output port with the
the power ratio with pump on and off in a certain output pump off.
channel. As there are two outputs in our switches, we de- In the case of large PNM with ∆k ≫ Ω21 µ2s (0), the
fine the “flipped” (“unflipped”) contrast as the power ra- waveguide length is set to be
tio in the flipped (unflipped) output state. In Figs. 1 (a),
(b), and (c), the flipped state respectively corresponds to 2π∆k
the frequency state 2ωs , the polarization state |Hi−i|V i, L= ≫ 2z0 , (43)
Ω21 µ2s (0)
and the output state in the “q” port. In each case, the
unflipped state then corresponds to the complementary to achieve a π phase shift for the signal wave. Thus for
output. a given pump, a much longer waveguide is needed in the

1 1 input, m=1
input, m=1
Signal Amplitude 0.8 output, m=1 output, m=1
input, m=2 0.8 input, m=2

Signal Amplitude
0.6 output, m=2 output, m=2
0 0.4
3 output, m=1
Signal Phase

output, m=2

1 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
t (ns)
−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
t (ns) FIG. 8: (Color online) Amplitude profile of the signal wave
at the output port I for Gaussian (m=1) and super-Gaussian
inputs (m=2) with pump off in the case of large PNM, com-
FIG. 7: (Color online) Amplitude and phase profiles of the pared to the input. Relevant parameters are the same as in
output signal wave passing through a waveguide in the case Fig. 5.
of small PNM and pump off, shown for Gaussian (m=1) and
super-Gaussian (m=2) pulses. Here σ = 0.2 ns and all other
relevant parameters are the same as in Fig. 4. geneously. For an mth-order Gaussian input, the result-
ing phase shift is
large PNM regime than that in the small PNM regime. t
φs = π exp − 2m . (45)
The flipped-state contrast in this case is given by σ

4 4Ω4eff This arises from the linear proportionality of the phase to

FS′CW = 2 ≈ , (44) the intensity, as seen in Eq. (18). As a result, the output
π 2 SCQZ π 2 ∆k14
pulse in the “p” channel in Fig. 1(c) is
which shows a moderate switching efficiency. For exam-   2m 

ple, for Ip = 100Is and a typical ∆k = 10Ω1 µ0s , we have As ∝ exp iπ exp − 2m − 1 exp − 2m . (46)
σ 2σ
FS′CW = 40. The unflipped-state switching contrast here
is infinity, for the same reason as in the small PNM case. Here, the first exponential term gives rise to pulse dis-
When non-flat pulses are used, the system behavior tortion. As an example, we plot the signal output in
is similar to the CW case with the pump on. This is Fig. 8 for Gaussian (m=1) and super-Gaussian (m=2)
because the SHG-suppression effect is determined by the input pulses. Comparatively, the distortion is signifi-
ratio of the signal and pump intensities, and not by their cantly mitigated for super-Gaussian pulses. Lastly, for
absolute values. Thus the flipped-state contrast is about the parameters used in Fig. 5, we numerically find the
the same as in the CW case. On the other hand, with unflipped-state contrast to be 8 for m = 1, and near-
the pump off—due to the nonlinear nature of SHG—the linearly increasing to 54 for m = 10.
output signal pulse will be significantly distorted. This
gives rise to a low unflipped-state contrast.
First, for small PNM, the pulse distortion arises from III. WAVEGUIDE FABRY-PEROT DESIGN
the linear dependence of the SHG period on the signal
amplitude µs . This is a fundamental difficulty inherent The fundamental difficulty with the traveling-wave de-
to SHG; to overcome this pulse distortion one would re- sign is pulse distortion. To overcome this difficulty, in
quire nearly-flat-top super-Gaussian pulses. In Fig. 7 we this section we present a Fabry-Perot design. The or-
show the amplitude and phase profiles of the output sig- ganization is as follows: In section III A, we describe
nal in the fundamental level with the pump off. For a the switch setup and present the dynamical model. In
Gaussian pulse, the amplitude is very distorted and the section III B, we use semi-static analysis to characterize
phase is highly inhomogeneous. By using m = 2 super- the switching performance. Finally, in section III C, we
Gaussian pulses, the distortion is somewhat mitigated. present numerical simulations for pulsed inputs.
A direct consequence of the pulse distortion is a low
unflipped-state switching contrast. For the parameters
used in Fig. 7, we numerically find the contrast to be 10 A. The Model
for m = 1; and the contrast near-linearly increases to 90
for m = 10. The schematic setup of our Fabry-Perot switch is
For large PNM, the signal pulse largely maintains its shown in Fig. 9. It is composed of a χ(2) waveguide de-
shape with the pump off, while its phase evolves inhomo- signed to support PM or QPM SFG for the signal and

introduce an effective Rabi-frequency similar to Eqs. (2)

and (3),
2~ωs ωp ωf
Ω = 2deff . (48)
n s n p n f ǫ 0 c2 V
At phase matching, the SFG dynamics in the cavity
are governed by
= −ΩA∗p Af , (49)
= −ΩA∗s Af , (50)
FIG. 9: (Color online) Schematic setup of the noninteracting
all-optical switch configured using a χ(2) waveguide. Here (a) = ΩAs Ap − γAf . (51)
and (b) illustrate the ideal light paths with the pump off and ∂z
on, respectively. The above equations of motion have analytical solutions
under the undepleted-pump approximation, in which
Ap (z) = A0p eiφp (z) . In the IQZ regime, corresponding
pump waves. The two waveguide ends are coated with to γ ≫ Ω|Ap |, we have
highly-reflective layers. The waveguide length is chosen
As (z) ≈ exp −Ω2eff z/γ As (0),
such that both the signal and pump waves are in cavity (52)
resonance. With the pump off, as shown in Fig. 9(a), the where we have introduced Ωeff = ΩA0p . In the opposite
signal wave resonantly couples to the cavity, say, from CQZ regime, we have
the left, which then eventually exits from the right. For
switching, we apply a pump pulse to change the cavity As (z) = As (0) cos(Ωeff z) − Af (0)e−iφp sin(Ωeff z), (53)
resonance condition via SFG, as shown in Fig. 9(b). As a Af (z) = Af (0) cos(Ωeff z) + As (0)eiφp sin(Ωeff z). (54)
result the signal will be reflected (which is the switching
operation). For optimal performance, the pump pulse is
applied slightly ahead of the signal pulse to allow a suffi- B. Quasi-Static Analysis
cient pump field to built up in the cavity by the time the
signal pulse arrives. This is necessary to reflect the front We now use quasi-static analysis to characterize the
of the signal pulse. By excluding the signal wave from the switching performance. With the pump off, the signal
cavity, the pump pulse is able to pass through the cavity wave is resonant with the cavity, as shown in Fig. 9(a).
unaffected. Note that while Fig. 9 shows a planar Fabry- Assuming a π/2 phase shift on the reflected light by the
Perot cavity, in practice a spherical cavity will be more coating, a straightforward self-consistent analysis reveals
robust against mirror divergence or misalignment. Of
course, one can also replace the reflective coatings with AIs T eiks L
ATs = , (55)
two mirrors. It is straightforward to extend our analysis 1 + Re2iks L
to these types of setups. √
For simplicity, in the following we consider identical, AR
s = i RAIs 1 + , (56)
R + e−2iks L
lossless coatings on the two end faces. The coating reflec-
tivity is R (thus the transmissivity is T = 1 − R), which where kj = nj ωj /c, and ATs and AR s are the transmit-
is assumed to be the same for both the signal and pump ted and reflected signal fields, respectively. The cavity
waves. For the SF field, it is taken as R′ and in general transmittance and reflectance spectra are then given by
R′ 6= R. For further simplicity, we neglect the waveguide (1 − R)2
loss for both the signal and pump waves. This approx- Toff (ks ) = , (57)
|1 + Rei2ks L |2
imation is valid given that the single-round-trip loss is
expected to be much smaller than the coating transmis- (1 − R)2
Roff (ks ) = 1 − . (58)
sivity. The loss rate for the SF wave, which determines |1 + Rei2ks L |2
whether the switch is in the IQZ or CQZ regime, is de- An example of a typical cavity spectrum with the pump
noted by 2γ. off is shown in Fig. 10.
To model the SFG process, we define the following di- When the pump is on, the cavity spectrum is altered
mensionless variables in a similar fashion as in Eq. (1): by the SFG process. In the IQZ regime with γ ≫ Ωeff ,
s we find
ǫ 0 V nj 2
Aj = i Ej , (47) AIs T eiks L e−Ωeff L/γ
2~ωj ATs = 2 , (59)
1 + Re2iks L e−2Ωeff L/γ

where Ej (j = s, p, f ) is the slowly-varying electric field T
s = i RAIs 1 + , (60)
of the signal, pump, and SF waves, respectively. We also R+e −2ik 2
s L e2Ωeff L/γ

which lead to the following transmission and reflection 0.009 (a)

Pump Off
spectra in the IQZ regime:

Transmission Spectrum

−2Ω2eff L/γ
(1 − R)2 e 0.006
TIQZ (ks ) = 2 , (61)
|1 + Rei2ks L e−2Ωeff L/γ |2
1 + e−2iks L e2Ω2eff L/γ 2

RIQZ (ks ) = R2
. (62)

R + e−2iks L e2Ω2eff L/γ

On the signal resonance with ks L = (n + 1/2)π (n is an 0.000

integer), they become
(1 − R)2 e−2Ωeff L/γ

Reflection Spectrum
TIQZ = 2 , (63)
|1 − Re−2Ωeff L/γ |2
!2 0.90

0 2 1 − e2Ωeff L/γ
RIQZ = R 2 . (64)
R − e2Ωeff L/γ 0.85 Pump Off

Equation (64) shows that the cavity reflectance RIQZ de- CQZ
creases with γ, indicating that the switching is in fact -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10

less efficient in the presence of a strong loss for the SF (nm)

In the CQZ regime with γ ≪ Ωeff , a similar quasi-static FIG. 10: (Color online) Cavity transmission (a) and reflection
analysis can be performed. The cavity transmittance and (b) spectra, for the cases of pump off (solid), pump on in
reflectance at the signal resonance are approximately the IQZ regime (dash-dotted), and pump on in CQZ regime
(dashed). The various parameters are chosen to be: L = 1
0 T 2 (η 2 + R′2 ζ 2 ) mm, R = 0.99, R′ = 0.90, and Ωeff = 0.5 mm−1 . The IQZ
TCQZ = √ √ √ √ 2 , (65) and CQZ regimes correspond to γ = 5 mm−1 and γ = 0,
1 − Rη 2 − i R′ ζ[(i R + R′ )η + Rζ]


0 (R + R′ )ζ 2 ( RR′ η + ζ)2
RCQZ = √ √ √ √ 2 , (66)
1 − Rη 2 − i R′ ζ[(i R + R′ )η + Rζ] dramatically from 99% to 80% when γ increases from 0

to 6, as seen in Fig. 11(b). This behavior shows that the
with η = cos(Ωeff L) and ζ = sin(Ωeff L). cavity is highly reflective only in the CQZ regime. In
To show the switching performance, in Fig. 10 we plot the IQZ regime, on the other hand, a significant portion
the cavity spectra in three cases: pump off, pump on in of the signal is lost owing to the presence of the SF-
the IQZ regime, and pump on in the CQZ regime. The dissipation channel. It is, therefore, optimal to operate
system parameters are chosen to be L = 1 mm, R = 0.99, the switch in the CQZ regime.
R′ = 0.90, and Ωeff = 0.5 mm−1 . In the IQZ and CQZ We now give a physical explanation as to why all-
regimes, the dissipation of the SF wave is taken to be γ = optical switching is more efficient in the CQZ regime than
5 mm−1 and γ = 0, respectively. As shown in Fig. 10(a), in the IQZ regime. It is well known that light transmis-
the transmission window is significantly altered in both sion through a cavity relies on the destructive interfer-
regimes. The cavity transmittance is lowered to < 1% (< ence of the reflected light and the light leaking from the
0.05%) in the IQZ (CQZ) regime, while the corresponding cavity through the input coupler (the left-end coating in
reflectance is raised to > 81% (> 98%) [see Fig. 10(b)]. our design). Cavity reflectivity is then achieved by elim-
Here the fact that the transmittance and reflectance do inating this destructive interference. There are two ways
not sum to 1 is indicative of signal losses. Comparatively, to accomplish this: (a) by diminishing the amplitude of
for similar parameters, the switch is more efficient in the the leaking light or (b) by modulating its phase. The
CQZ regime than in the IQZ regime. JF proposal is based on the principle in (a), where the
To further compare the IQZ and CQZ effects, in Fig. 11 signal field in the resonator is eliminated via two-photon
we plot the cavity transmittance and reflectance at the absorption [23]. In this case, the cavity resonance is de-
signal resonance as a function of γ. Unlike in Fig. 10 stroyed. The switches in Ref. [25–31], for example, are
where we applied a static self-consistent analysis, here based on the principle in (b), where the cavity resonance
we obtain the results via an asymptotical analysis using is shifted by modifying the refractive index of the intra-
a dynamical model. As shown in Fig. 11(a), the cav- cavity material. Comparatively, the latter design allows a
ity transmittance increases slowly with γ, indicating that higher reflectance and weaker photon loss for similar pa-
both the IQZ and CQZ mechanisms are effective in mak- rameters. This is because unlike in the JF switch, here a
ing the cavity opaque. In contrast, the reflectance drops portion of the light entering the cavity is “recycled” as it

0.012 (a) 0.99

Cavity Transmittance
The fundamental limit

of IQZ-based switches

Cavity Reflectance

IQZ regime

0.008 0.93

CQZ regime 0.992

0.006 0.90

0.90 0.95 1.00

1.00 0.87

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0.95 R'
Cavity Reflectance

0.90 FIG. 12: (Color online) Solid line: Cavity reflectance as a

function of R′ , where γ = 0 and all other parameters are the
CQZ regime

IQZ regime same as in Fig. 11. Dashed line: Fundamental limit for an
IQZ-based switch. For the JF switch and the present Fabry-
Perot switch in the (effective) IQZ regime, this limit is ob-
tained when the (effective) two-photon absorption is 100%.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(mm )

FIG. 11: Cavity transmittance (a) and reflectance (b) plot-

ted as a function of γ at the signal resonance. The system
parameters are the same as in Fig. 10.

is higher than in the IQZ regime above by an amount

of (1 − R)/2. This improvement can be very useful for
leaks backwards from the cavity and eventually recom- cavity-based all-optical switching, especially when short
bines with the reflected beam. pulses are used [40]. Working on phase-modulation, this
In our design, both the amplitude and phase modu- switch is similar to the designs in Refs. [25–31]. How-
lation effects exist. In the IQZ regime, the dominant ever, there is an important difference. In the cited de-
processes are a combination of the two and subsequent signs, the pump photons are destroyed, for example, to
loss of the signal and the pump fields from the cavity. create free carriers, leading to physical energy dissipa-
In this case, the switch operates on amplitude modula- tion. This feature also prevents their potential operation
tion, or more precisely, amplitude dissipation. This is in the quantum domain due to an increased number of
exactly analogous to the mechanism in the JF switch, as noise channels that are coupled in. Our scheme, however,
both are based on two-photon absorption. The ultimate does not involve dissipation of any kind. In fact, it is the
cavity reflectance is R, which is achieved when the two- potential for the SFG process that changes the cavity from
photon absorption is 100%. In the CQZ regime, on the transmissive to reflective. In this sense, our switch is very
other hand, the cavity fields undergo a coherent dynam- “clean” and, therefore, suitable for quantum applications
ics. Depending on the value of R′ (the reflectivity of the (as we recently showed for an equivalent microdisk model
coatings for the SF light), the switch can be operated on [24]).
either principle. In the first case, for R′ ≪ 1, the SF field
is mostly lost through the coatings, resulting in a strong
loss of the signal field from the cavity after each cavity To graphically present these arguments, in Fig. 12 we
cycle. The switch is then effectively a IQZ-based switch, plot the cavity reflectance as a function of R′ . As shown,
working on amplitude modulation. Note, however, that the cavity reflectance increases monotonically with R′ .
in this case the depletion of the signal field in single pass At R′ = 0, for which the cavity is effectively in the IQZ
through the cavity is efficient, as it is not suppressed by regime, the reflectance is only 86.3%. [Note that by in-
the Zeno effect. In contrast, in the JF switch (as well creasing the pump power or the cavity length, this re-
as in our switch in the IQZ regime), the two-photon ab- flectance can eventually approach the limit of 99%(= R)
sorption is Zeno-suppressed by the fast decay of their for an IQZ-based switch.] At R′ = 1, the reflectance
atomic level 3 (of the SF wave in our design) [23]. In the increases to 99.5%; a result which agrees with our pre-
second case, for R′ ≈ 1, the scattered SF light is mostly diction above. From the inset in Fig. 12, one sees that for
stored in the cavity. The signal field then undergoes a co- R′ > 0.93 the reflectance exceeds the fundamental limit
herent, oscillatory dynamical evolution, incurring a π/2 (99%) of IQZ-based switches, e.g., the JF switch and our
phase shift. As a result, the destructive interference at switch in the (effective) IQZ-regime. We note that the
the input coupler is destroyed, leading to reflectance from crossing will occur at a smaller R′ as one increases the
the cavity. The ultimate reflectance is (1 + R)/2, which pump power.

C. Pulse Dynamics 1.0

(a): Pump Off Input


0.8 Reflected

In the last subsection we characterized the Fabry-Perot

switch using a continuous-wave model. In this section we 0.6

examine the switching performance for pulsed operation,

focusing on the optimal CQZ regime with R′ = 1. We

Scaled Power
note first that for any cavity-based switch, the spectral 0.2

width of the cavity must be much wider than the band-

width of the incident pulse in order to avoid distortion of 0.0
the switched output pulse [40]. In our design, the spec- (b): Pump On Input

tral width of the cavity is 0.8 Reflected

vc (1 − R)
∆cavity = , (67)
L 0.4

where vc is the speed of light in cavity. For typical vc = 0.2

1011 mm/s and L = 1 mm, one would then require R < 0.0
0.99 in order to switch a GHz-bandwidth pulse. 0 2 4 6 8 10

Time (ns)
In order to reflect the entire signal pulse, a sufficient
pump field must build up in the cavity by the time the
signal pulse arrives. Therefore, when using signal and FIG. 13: (Color online) Transmitted and reflected signal-pulse
pump pulses of similar lengths, one must arrange to have profiles with the pump off (a) and pump on (b).
the pump pulse arrive ahead of the signal pulse by a
time interval τd . Logically, τd should be chosen 1/2 of 1.0
the cavity lifetime, i.e., Transmitted
Scaled Power

1 0.6
τd = . (68)

Note that for similar light intensities the roles of the sig- 0.2

nal and the pump are completely interchangeable; in fact,

in the opposite case where the signal pulse arrives prior to 2 4 6 8 10
the pump, the pump pulse will be reflected, while trans- Time (ns)
mitting the signal pulse. This behavior is due to the
bistability of such switches [23]. FIG. 14: (Color online) (Color online) Pump-pulse profiles
As an example, we consider L = 1 mm, R = 0.95, for the switching example plotted in Fig. 13.
and vc = 1011 mm/s. The signal and pump pulses
are assumed to be identical, with a e−1 half-width of
2 ns. The peak intensity is chosen such that it gives IV. CONCLUSION
Ωeff = 0.5 mm−1 . For these parameters, in Fig. 13 we
show the temporal profiles of the transmitted and re- In this paper, we have systematically studied a new,
flected signal pulses. As shown in Fig. 13(a), with the loss-free, scheme for all-optical switching that does not
pump off, the signal pulse is mostly transmitted, with require direct interaction between the signal and pump
a peak-to-peak time delay of 0.51 ns and a transmitted waves, i.e, “interaction-free” switching. The distinct
power fraction of 98.1%. When the pump is applied, features of such switching devices include: a) photon
the signal pulse is mostly reflected (as high as 99.4%) as dissipation via signal-pump coupling is eliminated; b)
shown in Fig. 13(b). These results are indicative of the the photonic quantum states (both for the signal and
high switching efficiency achievable with our Fabry-Perot the pump) are maximally protected from decoherence
switch design. [24]. We have presented a traveling-wave design and a
In Fig. 14 we plot the profiles of the input, transmitted, Fabry-Perot design, both of which use χ(2) waveguides
and reflected pump pulses. As shown, the pump is mostly for nonlinear interaction. After a thorough study of the
transmitted through the cavity with a well-maintained switching parameter space, we conclude that the opti-
profile. The transmission and reflection fractions are mal switching performance is obtained in all cases in the
96.5% and 3.2%, respectively, for the parameters used. coherent-quantum-Zeno (CQZ) regime. No photon dissi-
The total pump-power loss is only 0.3%, indicating that pation occurs in this regime and the switching is achieved
this switch is indeed “interaction-free”. via the level splitting caused by the CQZ effect. The IQZ

effect, which occurs when there is a strong dissipation Opto-Electronics program (grant W31P4Q-09-1-0014).
channel, significantly degrades the switching efficiency, as
well as increases the photon loss. These results are gener-
ally applicable to most interaction-free switching designs
for optical applications.


This research was supported in part by the Defense Ad-

vanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Zeno-based

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