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Questions: Local Community Response: Local Ministry Setting Response:

1. A. What are the local The community in which I live is very This belief system has influenced my
assumptions both in my heavily influenced by the Southern Baptist church to some degree. The pastors
community and in my local doctrines on the Scriptures. That doctrine is preach out of the New King James
ministry setting concerning of the inerrancy of Scripture and is Version as a compromise, some of the
what Scripture is and how interpreted by some as inerrant in the form King James only group are tolerant of
Scripture should be used? of the King James Version, though this is that version, but our pew Bibles are King
not the stated belief of the Southern Baptist James. Even so, most of the members of
Convention. There are churches in my area the church do hold to the belief of the
that label themselves as Bible believing plenary inspiration of the Scriptures. The
whose doctrines coincide with the King verse that I have most heard in our
James Only belief system. church in relation to the use of Scripture
is found in 2 Timothy, All Scripture is
God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness (3:16, NIV)
B. Are there varied assumptions The consensus in the community is that the Our church members and most of our
within my local ministry Holy Bible is the Word of God. You will congregants are in agreement. The ones
setting or is there general find very few that do not agree with that. who do not agree with the plenary
agreement? The disagreements come when the inspiration do not let it be known that
C. Are there varied assumptions discussion moves to specifics, like which they do not. There was a man who came
within my community or is version of the Bible or the question of to our church on Wednesday night some
there general agreement? inerrancy. It gets even more sticky when years ago and sat in my Fathers class
the conversation moves into the level of who did not agree. As a matter of fact, he
translation at which the Word can be was one of the King James Only
considered inerrant. believers and took dad and then the
senior pastor to task for not believing in
nor teaching King James Only. There
were other issues that do not fit with our
discussion here, but he finally declared
our church as apostate and left, dusting
the souls of his shoes off on the way out.
2. What language (words, phrases, The Bible is the Word of God is the phrase that is most often used when speaking of
metaphors, etc.) is used both in my the Scriptures. Even people that do not go to church or live a life for Christ will say
community and in my local ministry that phrase while taking Scripture out of context, most of the time it is egregiously out
setting to describe the Bible, and of context.
what does that language seem to say
about both my communitys and my
local ministry settings
understanding of the Bible?
3. A. Within my local ministry The heroes that seem to stand out are David and Moses. There is preaching about other
setting and in my community, heroes of the Bible, but most seem to identify with David because of his great
what biblical characters or victory with Goliath and his great defeat with Bathsheba. Moses is seen as a hero that
groups seem to be the heroes is beyond reproach and is the promise that we will be delivered from our struggles by
or heroines? our own, personal, Moses.
If you speak of Jesus as a hero in the There is a sense that Jesus is a very
community there seems to be a tendency to looked up to hero. In the church, the
look at him as the only perfect one and emphasis is on being more like him by
one that no one can be like. living a holy life. We love to sing the
song, I Want to Be Like Jesus, and
sing it with gusto, I have one deep,
supreme desire, that I may be like
B. What biblical characters or The biggest villain in both the church and community is Satan, Lucifer, the devil, or
groups seem to be the whatever label is currently attached to him. I hear it in everyday language, the devil
enemies or villains? made me do it, or the devil is in the details. Both of those statements are talking
about the enemy of all, especially those who are Christians. Of course, you cannot talk
about the devil without mentioning his fallen angels, or demons.
The church, specifically, likes to look at
the Sadducees and Pharisees as enemies
because of the trouble that they gave
Jesus while he was here on earth. Not to
mention, that it was some of that group
that were instrumental in influencing the
Romans to kill Jesus.
C. What do the biblical The community seems to like to use the Being able to identify with David and the
heroes/heroines and biblical devil and inability to be like Jesus as an search for a personal Moses gives the
enemies/villains seem to tell excuse for their sin and wrongdoing. church hope. We have hope that, no
me about both my Having this villain and unreachable hero matter what we have done, God will take
community and my local allows them to lighten their load and us in and, if we are faithful to him, guide
ministry setting? shift the blame somewhere else. us to the success that he has for us. We
also have a hope that we will be
delivered from this life at some point.
We look to Jesus as the reason for us to
live the holy life and the devil as the
adversary to avoid and even flee.
4. A. Emerging from their Both the community and the church define success as making it into Heaven.
understanding and The community tends to not know how to The believer in my local setting, sees
interpretation of Scripture get to Heaven even if they think they do. success as having as many go with us to
itself and the full story that The community tends to see success as Heaven as possible.
stretches across the Bible, making it through the day and being alive The Believer sees a successful day as one
how would the collective at that point. where someone was helped and that the
conscious of my community holy life was lived.
and of my local ministry
setting define success?
B. How would both settings Going to Hell would be ultimate failure for both the community and the church.
define failure? Failure for the community would be to not The Believer will see a person close to
be able to take care of the family. them dying without Jesus as a failure,
this is what drives them to reach out to
the community.
5. A. Emerging from their The hope that their favorite team may win or that they would have enough money in
understanding and the next check to cover the bills and take care of the family.
interpretation of Scripture Hope may be defined as a lottery ticket or The Believer has an eternal hope in Jesus
itself and the full story that contest winning (easy money). Christ and of his heaven.
stretches across the Bible,
how would my community
and my local ministry setting
define hope (what in the Bible
would they refer to)?

B. How would my community Fear is the book of Revelation or any Fear for the Believer is in loved ones
and my local ministry setting prophesy from the Bible. Fear can also be dying without Christ. While there is
define fear (what in the Bible defined as losing loved ones or dying some fear about them dying in general,
would they refer to)? themselves. the Believer knows that those who die in
Jesus will be waiting for them in Heaven.
6. In what ways have persons in my The churches in the community will have a couple of combined services during the
community and in my local ministry year where, with few exceptions, we all come together to worship and share talent. We
setting shared Scripture together in also read and share Scripture together.
real life? Outside of that combined service, I hear the testimonies of the church sharing Scripture
with the community in various ways. From a high school principle who would speak at
FCS (Fellowship of Christian Students) meetings to a mailman that would share his
most recently read proverb to those on his route, the church shares the Scripture with
the community.

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