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Post-Observation Lesson Reflection Blog Supervisor Observation

Learning Claims:

1. Directly after my lesson Professor Flores, provides me feedback from my lesson. I want

you to listen to how many times you repeat phrases or words. After watching my video,

I noticed that during my instruction I repeat a lot of words and phrases as I am teaching.

In my video at 9:11 I repeat the word brain several times. At 9:23 I deviated from my

PowerPoint to the shark book, that we have already been working with this week. Instead

of grabbing this book and explaining more about headings and examples. I should have

done a turn and talk discussion. This would have cut out teacher instruction and

incorporated more student discussion.

2. What are three things that went well and three things you would change?

1. I would have done a turn and talk instead of grabbing the Big Book of Mentor

Texts, The Great White Shark.

2. When a student raised his hand, and made a comment about the previous slide and

its heading spinal cord, I should have not gone back in my slides. I should have

acknowledged his recognition of a heading and awarded him with a JSR buck

(PBIS) instead of stopping my instruction on labels. Which caused future

confusion and questioning about labels and captions. Video time 10:15

3. When I am teaching about captions and how the example on the board is a picture

of a side view of a brain. I should have done a turn and talk and asked the students

to talk about why they think this is a caption. I could listen to their responses and

be able to better gage their learning process. This happens in the video at 11:35
4. I really like that I went to another student to help a student answer the question.

Video time 12:35

5. I like that I model the expectations that are expected of the students for their

summative assessment of a picture walk and worksheet checklist. Video time


6. At 22:06 in the lesson I dismissed the students from the carpet to their desk, I like

how I handle the classroom management system.

3. The students during the summative assessment kept asking, What a caption was? I

think this occurred because I stopped instruction on captions to address the students

thoughts on heading (Spinal Cord). When I am explaining a concept to the class and I

want to make sure students are learning and retaining the information that is given to

them. When I decided to go back in my lesson I feel like I basically stopped the process

of learning and I lost engagement in my students at that point. I did get their attention

back, but in return I lost their concept of learning about captions at that point.


2b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management


In the lesson at 22:06 I dismissed the class from the carpet to the rug implementing their

classroom procedures for transition from the carpet to their desk. Also at 23:31 I reinforced

Mr.MAC classroom management system in order to control the volume from the students.

5b. Examines and uses data-informed research to improve instruction and student

In the lesson at 23:06 my collaborating teacher and I passed out books to each student.

The students had their own books assigned to them based on their DRA level. I also

considered their seating chart to make sure that within each group not one person had the

same book. I wanted to know if my students could obtain the learning objective for this

lesson; which most them did. Please see picture below for evidence.
5c. Uses a variety of data, independently, and in collaboration with colleagues, to

evaluate learning outcomes, adjust planning and continuously improve the effectiveness

of the lessons.

This lesson was modified October 31, 2017 the day before this lesson was supposed to be

taught. I did a formative assessment on October 31, 2017 to see where my students

understandings and learning was at. I did this with a formative game assessment. I took

anecdotal notes and from those notes decided to put a review on todays lesson to improve

the effectiveness of the lesson. Please see picture for formative assessment game notes for


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