Newspaper Nov 6

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winner is whoever you most agree with, or
whoever had the strongest convictions, or
maybe it was just the underdog. It's your choice
We look back on what has been a remarkable
and that's OK, the biggest success of last weeks
campaign. But in spite of outstanding arguments
debate was that it was informative and exciting
from each side the question still lingers; who
and we hope it has inspired you to go out and
cast your ballot on election day.
First things first, each candidate was not afraid
to make their personal views extremely clear
and every team took a different approach, James
was cerebral and reserved, Mclovin focused on THE DEBATE CRASHERS:
the facts, and Lando never failed to take the
strongest conservative stance.
The RLS made an explosive appearance
Interviews with the students after the debate
at the debate last Friday. Kylie Hale was the
(some of which are seen throughout today's ringleader of the group shouting protests.
issue) reveal a general positive reception of MURDERER! she screams as Justin
Mclovin, despite having unpopular views and a McLovins team states their candidates
notable controversy regarding a few comments pro-choice stance on assisted suicide. Much of
made by Landos group. And between these the audience became ecstatic and there was the
two, James Jamison seems to have carved out uproar in the wake of Hales commentary
his place as a considerate not-too-overbearing McLovin.
but also not-too-committed candidate. The group never missed a hot topic
during the debate. Lando Frees statement on
So who won? Every campaign has raised more transgender military service marked a
money than ever before and will campaign their particularly memorable example. After Austin
hardest today, but ultimately it's up to you. The Jennings stated their candidates opinion on


transgenderism ie, that it was a mental illness, Movement in a less-than-supportive manner.

there was a profound negative reaction coming Each time the audience started with jeering and
from the audience spearheaded by the RLS. boos but slowly clapping came from others in
James Jamison received a mixed reaction from spite.. With so much disagreement on nearly
the audience as well when they answered the every issue, who really won?
question about the Black Lives Matter

Pre-Debate Interviews
Jessie Jergens

Ashlyn Paulson (Bottom left) is in the
9th grade. Heard about all the candidates and she
Post-Debate Interview doesnt like politics. She says politics have too
much drama. She hasnt thought about siding
with anyone as of this morning.
Jessie Jergens
Preston Murray (Bottom Center) is in
the 11th grade. He was excited about the debate
Maggie Wiebersch is in the 11th grade. She today and was looking forward to shots being
would side with James Jamison views. I was fired He wants Justin McLovin to show them
going with Lando free but I know more about up. He is going to vote for the one who fired
them so not so much anymore. She would not shots. He read the newspaper once.
vote for Lando Free because his viewpoints are Massina Mandelkow (Bottom Right) is
not the same as hers. in the 10th grade shared the same viewpoints
Amaya Morisch is in the 11th grade. She is with Lando Free. She has not read the
going to remember the jingle from Lando Free. newspaper prior to the debate. Massina wasnt
She says James Jamison didnt finish all their really into the campaign activities.
thoughts so she isnt voting for them. Would
side with Lando Frees viewpoints.
Patrick Bauer is in the 11th grade. He shared the
same viewpoints as James Jamison. After the
debate his thoughts stayed the same. He would
vote against McLovin because they werent well
put together. What he is going to remember from
the debate is when Kiley bursted out about not
killing people.


Sophomore Thoughts
Adam Wicks

What stood out to you from the debate?

Lando Free had a lot of strong opinions. I
didnt necessarily add up to all of their
opinions but I enjoyed their readiness to
answer. I do agree with their transgender
statement though.

Josh Myers

Preston Gigstad - McLovin,

more people cheered for him,
and I agreed with some of his views.

What do you remember the most from

the debate?
I remember the transgender statement that
was made. I also kind of agree with the
statement Lando Free made.

What part of the debate are you looking

forward to when you take government
Ben Frostestad - Lando Free because they next year?
seemed more professional and answered the Expressing my views and hopefully
questions well. persuading some people.

Winter Sports Preview

Junior Thoughts Jayden Gilge
I Interviewed Spirit Lake Parks wrestling coach
Erin Hashman Andrew Lundgren about this upcoming season.
He said, I feel like we have a lot of potential
and experience. We have some big goals as
Caleb Winebrinner
individuals and as a team this year. It isnt just
going to happen, we have to work for it. Coach
also said, We have twelve returning varsity


letterwinners from last season, so that shows

how much experience we have in our lineup. I
asked him what he thinks the goals for the How do you think the election will
season are, he responded saying, We want to
compete. We want to compete well in the turn out on Tuesday based on the
conference. Compete at sectionals and districts. Debate?
We are really shooting for team state duals and I
think we can do that if we all are 100% working
at it. Ben Newman: I think it will be very close

between all three candidates.

Mr. Cunningham: I think there will be riots in

the halls. I think one candidate will be very
Fun and Games happy and the other two will be very sad.

Grace Peterson: James Jamison is going to

win. He showed how he was going to change
things and did not just give people the
answers they want to hear.

Shekinah McCarthy: I think it will be close

between the two Republican candidates. I
feel like more people agreed with the views
of the Republican candidates.

Carter Tift: Oh, Lando Free.

Preston Murray: I think Lando Free is

going to win. He had a stronger debate.

Word Search and Find Lando by Lillian Black


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