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Coyote Enrichment

By: Lily, Levi, Jordy

Coyotes are active animals,
however, they seem to be confined
in a small area; limiting mobility.

We aim to provide the coyotes with

Define the a feeling of a wider space, and a
sense of self reliance.
Coyotes can reach speeds up to 40
mph and are born hunters.
The design must be safe for the
Research / animal (no sharp edges, danger
points, etc.) and must provide
Design enrichment for said animal.
In order to provide enrichment, the
Specifications device must fit with the
characteristics of the wild life.
Coyote Wheel
The wheel will allow the coyote
to run at its max speed, whilst
Project following a fictional prey, that
will be revolved as the coyotes
runs on the wheel, imitating
Description hunting.
The wheel provides the required
enrichment. The product will be
inspected for any parts that may
cause a problem.
The keepers may rest easy
knowing the device is easy to
operate. Simply put food in the
center cylinder.
Its over all circumference is 5.5
What would be needed to install
Include Isometric view of project
Include an assembly drawing (or
more than one) with annotations to
highlight the features (balloon
Project drawing)
Include dimension drawing of
Diagrams overall project
Include dimension drawings of parts
that the Zoo Keepers might need to
use or that you want help on.
Project Model This a Isometric view of our model, it
was made on Fusion 360. The
diameter of the circle is 11 feet, and
the length of the pole is 3 feet.
Wooden Planks
PvC pipe
Animal toy that holds
Materials food
A nut and bolt will
also be included
Anything else you
need from the
Questions for engineers.

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